The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jul 13, 2024 -
Jul 19, 2024

Attacks 31
Killed 155
Injured 227
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 16

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
June, 2024

Attacks 134
Killed 847
Injured 863
Suicide Blasts 5
Countries 24
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

      This Day in History      

On This Day...
Jul 27, 2014: Kano, Nigeria
Religion of Peace activists throw a
bomb into a Catholic church: 5 Killed


Rashida Tlaib Holds Up 'War Criminal' Sign on House Floor…
Body of Teacher and Mother-of-Four Recovered from Hamas…
Prosecutors: Rushdie's New Jersey Attacker was Honoring Fatwa…
Anne Frank's Image Draped in Keffiyeh…
Woman Flogged for Adultery in 'Rule of Islam' Afghanistan'…
White House Admits that Iran is Funding Protests in US…
Congo: 20 Farmers Butchered by Religion of Peace Advocates
Kamala Lectures Netanyahu on 'Human Rights'…
Muslim Extremists Machine-Gun 18 Sleeping Christians…
Kidnapper States that Hindu Victim is His "Possession"…
Lawyer in Manchester's 'Racism' Claim Known for False Allegations
Indonesian Mob Stops Worship at Church…
Turkey Refuses to Allow Building of Church…
Allah-Loving Mob Gathers Outside Rochdale Police Station…
UK Police Arrest 4 Charged with Attack on First Responders…
Iranian Hackers Threaten Israeli Athletes at Olympics…
DC 'Protesters Burns American Flag, Vandalize Statues…
50 Congressional Staffers Walkout: Join Flag-Burning 'Protesters'…
IDF Recovers Bodies of Five Hostages…
Anti-Semites Release Maggots and Crickets at Netanyahu's DC Hotel
New Low in Finland as Gang Rapists Walk Free…
London Hate Preacher Inspired the Murders of 11 Brits…
(Germany) Students Enforce Strict Sharia on Teacher, Other Students
Taliban Govt. Praises Hamas War on Israel…
Femicide Rates in Iran Up 60% over 2 Years…
Netanyahu: Protesters are "Iran's Useful Idiots"…
Paris Police Keep Anti-Semitic Mob at Bay During Olympic Match
Allah-Loving Migrant Douses Candles at French Church…
America's "Jihad Capital" Laments US Support for Israel…
Women Abducted During Hajj…
Taliban's Afghan Passport Deemed World's Most Worthless…
Germany Mistakenly Bans Fashion Brand Instead of Islamic Center…
MB Leader: It was "Our Muslims" Who "Mobilized" Western Students
Spain: Group Plans Celebration of October 7…
Hamburg Islamic Center Found to Have Ties with Extremism…
Pro-Migration Journalist Punched in Head by 'Migrant'…
PA Makes More Terrorists Eligible for Payments…
Australia: Woman Forced Daughter into Murderous Marriage…
Enrichment: "You are an Unbeliever. I Will Cut Your Throat..."
Two Illinois Muslims Charged with Hate Crime…
Islamists Kill 3 More Christians in the Congo…
Hamas Member Arrested for Murder of Dog Handler…
Taliban Convert Private Schools into Seminaries…
Syrian "Refugees" back on German Streets After Teacher's Stabbing…
Pakistan: 72-Year-Old Tries to 'Marry' 12-Year-Old…
Father Sells Baby for $350…
Actress 'Shamed' by Trolls for Vacation Outfits…
"Imam Islam" Sexually Abuses a Child…
Bangladesh: Death Toll in Civil Protests Soars to 180…
UK Hate Preacher Convicted of Directing Terror Group…
Canadian Imam Rails Against "Filthy, Zionist Jews"…
Leftist MP Tells French to 'Mobilize' Against Israeli Athletes
NHS Forced to Reinstall Pro-Terror, Anti-Semitic Islamist GP…
Taliban Set Fire to 45 More Musical Instruments…
Saudi News: Houthis Killed Half-Million Yemenis, One Israeli…
Palestinian Terrorist Disguised Self as Paramedic…
Hostage Confirmed Killed in Hamas Captivity…
Germany Narrowly Foils ISIS Attack on Fans Watching Soccer Match…
Arab Tourist Mistaken for Jew: Severely Beaten in Greece…
New York Mosque Slams Christians, Gays and Jews…
Religion of Peace? France Builds Largest Military Encampment Since WWII…
Arab World Cheers Biden's 'Withdrawal'…
Bangladesh Authorizes 'Shoot-on-Sight' Against Civil Protesters…
Hamas Continues Trying to Seize Aid…
Terrorist Who Tried to Stab Israelis is Canadian Citizen…
Ninth Anniversary of Brutal Suicide Bombing in Istanbul…
More Women's Rights Activists Arrested in Iran…
Russian Imam Instructs on Proper Way to Beat Wives…
Hamas Kept Lists of Suspected LGBT…
Biden's Pier Cost the Lives of Two Israelis…
UK Group Praises Hamas for Its "Peaceful Initiatives"…
WaPo Slammed for Post Critical of Hostage's Parents…
Israeli Athletes Taunted with Death Threats: Munich Repeat…
Turkey Declares: "Hijab is Not a Personal Choice"…
Violent Mob Demands Handover of 'Blasphemy' Suspect…
Greek Border Guard Shot from Turkish Side…
BBC: Muslims Used Abuse and Intimidation During Elections…
Woman: "We are Treated Worse than Animals" Under 'Rule of Islam'
Taliban Ramp Up Persecution of Hazara Minority…
CAIR: "We Must Build Muslim Power to Enforce Our Agenda"…
CAIR Calls to Ban Israel from Paris Olympics…
Michigan Imam Praises Hezbollah, Says Israel Harvests Organs…
Muslim Woman Throws Rocks at Church in Britain…
(UK) "Do Not Walk Your Dog Here. This is an Islamic Area Now!"…
Cyprus Marks 50 Years of Turkish Occupation…
UK's Labour Restores UNRWA Funding After Big Win…
Journalist Sentenced to 40 Lashes in Iran…
Dubai Princess Turns Triple Talaq on Her Cheating Husband…
Terror in Germany as Teacher Stabbed in Neck…
Girl Attempts Suicide After Rape by Cleric…
Demographic Jihad in India's Northeast: From 12 to 40%...
Stones Thrown into Hindu Wedding Party…
Penn State Student Admits to ISIS Ties…
Michigan Imam Calls for "Demise" of Israel Supporters…
Imam Demands Female Activist Be Stripped and Paraded…
Marvel Bows to Threats: Strips Cartoon Hero of Israeli Identity
French Taxi Driver Pro-Hamas Stabbing Attack…
China Tries to Bring Hamas and Fatah Together in Reconciliation
Adidas Chooses Anti-Israel Model for 1972 Olympic Tribute…
10 Million Displaced by War in Sudan…
Tel Aviv: 1 Dead in Drone Attack…
Belgium Looks to Expel Terror-Tied Islamic Cleric…
UK: Heavily Muslim District of Leeds Erupts in Riot…
Palestinians Praise Hamas Leaders Death in Secret Recordings…
Shiites Whip Themselves into a Bloody Frenzy for Ashura…
German: 'Lazy' Asylum Seekers Eschew Work…
Oman Mosque Shooting by Three 'Radicalized' Brothers…
Iran: "We Need Trump Alive" (for Trial)…
Macron Condemns Israel to Arab Leaders…
Green Flag of Islam Raised Atop London Station…
Trial over 'Allah Socks Ends with Two Guilty Pleas and Fines…
Mother Who Tried to Protect Terrorist Works as UK Scientist…
Sharia Supremacists March in Dearborn…
France: Statue of Virgin Mary Found with Knife Stuck in Throat…
Islamic State Claims Brutal Attack on Shiite Mosque…
Catholic Man Murdered in Front of Wife and Children…
Victims Speak of Sexual Assault by Hijab Fundamentalists…
Qatar Hotel "Honored" to Host Hamas's Sinwar…
Iran Pushes Anti-Semitic Propaganda on Spanish TV…
Pro-Allah Vandals Tag French Church with "Bastard Jesus"…
Vivid Evidence Shows Mosque Built on Historic Christian Church…
Iran Sends 6 More Women's Rights Activists to Prison…
Two Children, Two Women Among Those Killed in Clinic Attack…
Australian Senator Slammed for Hamas-Style Headband…
'Online Librarian' Jailed for Promoting Violence on TikTok…
'Radicalized' Migrant Tortures Vienna Woman…
Egyptian 'Researcher': Blacks in America are "Savage Cannibals"…
NYC Cab Driver Caught Beheading and Spitting on Statue of Jesus…
Ohio Sermon: Teach Children to Die as Martyrs…
Argentina Accused of 'Phobia' by Country that Orchestrated Bombing
LGBT Attacked in Malmo…
New York 'Activists' Wave Hezbollah Flag, Call for Intifada…
Cleric Blames Disease on Medication…
Anti-Terror Soldier Stabbed in France Ahead of Olympics…
Corbyn Drops by Mosque to Thank "the Brothers" for Reelection…
Saudi Fitness Instructor Sentenced to 11 Years…
White House Hosted Linda Sarsour for Eid…
PA Promotes October 7 Denial…
Islamic Violence Displaces 10% of Burkina Faso Population…
Two Women Honor-Killed for Seeking Divorce…
Gambia Upholds Ban on Female Genital Mutilation…
Paris: Unable to Hold Public Memorial for Athletes Murdered at Munich Olympics…
Islamists Bomb Euro-Watching Venue in Somalia…
YouTuber's Viral Song Condemns Girls' Education: "Prostitutes"…
"Pro-Palestinians" Set Fire to School in Berlin…
Taliban Leaders Filmed Dancing to Music - Despite Ban…
Anti-Semites Harass Synagogue Worshippers in Sydney…
Fundamentalists Use Phone to Record Destruction of Phones…
Nigeria: 50,000 Christians Murdered Since 2009…
Woman Who Served Prior Afghan Government Tortured in Prison…
Moroccan Students Threatened over Visit to Israel…
Muslim MP: 'No Difference Between ISIS and Israel'…
London "Charity" Has Children Making Pro-Intifada Badges…
NY College Student Promotes Allah and Violence…
Pro-Hamas Mob Targets Orthodox Church in Greece…
NYT: Hamas Lures IDF Troops Using Children…
France Arrests 5 Teens Planning Terror Attack…
Iran's New "Reformer" Accused of Violent Hijab Enforcement…
MP Defeated by 'Muslim Vote' Details Abuse During Campaign…
Biden Announces Another $100 Million for Palestinians…
No Consequences for Muslim Who Lied about 'Death Threat'…
Israel Has Endured 3 Billion Cyberattacks Since October 7…
Spear-Throwing "Migrants" Kill EU Border Guard…
Harvard Welcomes Back Pro-Hamas Students…
UN: al-Qaeda Back and Thriving in Afghanistan…
PA to Pay Family of Terrorist Who Murdered Two at Mall…
Apple Removes Hamas App…
US State Dept: 3 Americans Held by the Taliban…
London 'Anti-Zionist' Has Close Ties to ISIS…
Religion of Peace Sermon: "Oh Allah… Kill Them One by One"…
'Asylum Seeker' Chases Woman He "Wants" with Knife…
Alabama Imam: Muslims Must Prepare to Rule the World…
US Sermon: Pray for 'Annihilation' of Israel's Supporters (ie. the US)

Religion of Peace
Atrocity of the Week

Atrocity of the Week
Drone Attack on Tel Aviv

Other Recent "Misunderstandings
 of Islam"

2024.07.25 (DRC)
Seventeen farmers working their fields are beheaded by ADF Islamists.

2024.07.21 (Mali)
Jihadists murder over two dozen farmers in their fields.

2024.07.20 (Afghanistan)
A civilian is tortured to death by the Taliban.

2024.07.19 (Nigeria)
Eighteen sleeping villagers are machine-gunned by Muslim extremists.

2024.07.19 (Israel)
A Houthi drone explodes over an urban center, sending down shrapnel that kills one resident.

2024.07.18 (Iran)
Two worshippers are cut down in a sectarian attack on a Sufi mosque.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple  sources.  The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

Islamic Propaganda

Myths of Muhammad

Myths of Muhammad

Games Muslims Play

Discover the Truth?

Myths of Islam

Myths of Islam

Snopes and Muhammad

of the Month
Keir Starmer
June, 2024

Robert Malley
May, 2024

Queers for Palestine
April, 2024

Legacy West Midlands
March, 2024

Bataclan Concert Chanters
February, 2024

Judith Butler
January, 2024

Edward Beck
December, 2023

Francesca Albanese
November, 2023

Infidel from Hell
Michael Sturzenberger
June, 2024

Feyza Altun
May, 2024

Michelle Froome
April, 2024

Feyza Altun
March, 2024

Katharine Birbalsingh
February, 2024

Colby Cohen
January, 2024

Giorgia Meloni
December, 2023

Charlie Kirk
November, 2023

About CAIR

CAIR's Me Too Problem

CAIR's Propaganda Guide for Journalists

CAIR's Agenda: Islamization, Not Civil Rights

CAIR's 9/11 Spin

CAIR is Hamas

CAIR: The Investigative Project Report

Questions CAIR Refuses to Answer

Anti-CAIR Site

"Copy that."

Put the Numbers
in Perspective

Islamic Terrorists...

...killed more people in one month (5000+ in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of Inquisition (3000-5000).

...murder more people every day than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).

...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).

...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in 44 years from 1976 and 2019 (1511).

...killed more Americans on American soil than did the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.

...slaughter almost twice as many people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (20).

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
 holidays overlapped for 10 days.
 Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
 in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
 during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

Pajamas Media
Hamas Lovers Hit New Low in D.C. Protest

Why Hamas Carried Out the October 7 Massacre

Rest of World
Social Media - the New Hunting Ground for Religious Minorities in Indonesia

Giulio Meotti
Sectarian Islamic Politics - the Future of the Western World?

David Wood Video
This Week in Jihad with Robert Spencer (July 26)

FrontPage Magazine
One More Christian Murdered in Pakistan

How Wahabi Islam Razed Ancient Structures in Mecca and Medina Like the Taliban Destroyed Buddhas

Iran International
Iran's Weaponization of Sexual Violence

Jerusalem Post
Brazil's Hezbollah Threat

Religion of Peace Threatens Bloodbath at 2024 Olympics

The JC
Britain: Imagine If It Had Been the 'Jewish Vote' Instead of the 'Muslim Vote'

Before the War: Life Under Hamas

No, the Jihad Conquest of Palestine Was Not a 'Liberation'

Giulio Meotti
How Many French Synagogues and Cathedrals Can Burn Due to 'Incidents'?

Australia Has a Problem with Islamic Sectarianism

Jerusalem Post
Framing Hezbollah Hate as 'Palestinian Solidarity'

Jewish Journal
The Reality of Sharia

Daily Mail
Riots in Britain: A Chilling Warning of the Dangers of an Increasingly Fractured Society

Palestinian Leaders Prefer Murderers and Rapists Over Reforms

Daniel Greenfield
Taliban Blame Afghanistan’s Problems on Global Warming: The New Pitch for Western Money

The World's Big October 7 Lies

Iran Showed Its True Colors in the Buenos Aires Bombing 30 Years Ago

David Wood Video
This Week in Islam with Robert Spencer (July 18)

The Epic Failure of 'Boycott Israel' Campus Protests

Jerusalem Post
The Religion that Puts the World at Risk

Robert Spencer
Celebrate Diversity: Muslim Cab Driver Beheads Jesus Statue Outside NYC Church

War on the Rocks

The Jews are Indigenous to Israel, the Arabs are the Colonists

Raymond Ibrahim
Islam in Vienna: The Fate of Those Who Reject History

"Best of"
Articles Archive

Why Islam Will Likely Win Its Forever War Against the West

Hamas Doesn't Represent Palestinians?

Now We Can Stop Pretending This is About Israel

Its Islam, Stupid

Saudis Massacre Hundreds of African Refugees

A Word to Rioting Muslims (in Europe)

Islamic Subversion in America

Wokeness and Fear of Criticizing Islam Threaten Muslim Progress

When Western Intellectuals Praised the Ayatollah

Sweden and the Suicide of a Nation

Why is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Massacres?

A Month in Southern France

Finding Pretexts to Terrorize Religious Minorities

As Goes Brussels, So Goes Europe

Islamophobia and Islamoignorance

What Will a Global Caliphate Look Like?

On 'Palestinian Privilege'

Ilhan Omar and Ethnic Cleansing in Africa

Islam's Crisis of Apostasy

Islamists are Gaslighting Us

Rape and Devastation: When Islam Came to Constantinople

The Muslim Genocide of 2.5 Million Christians

Jews Should Demand Compensation for Centuries of Abuse under Islam

ISIS: What Crime? We're Just Applying Allah's Sharia

Migration from the Islamist Perspective

The Multculturalism Umbrella: Made in Islam Wool

The Privileged Palestinian "Refugees"

Terrorism is Motivated by Religion - Not Retribution

'Allah Akbar' is the Motive for Islamic Terror

Do Muslim Terrorists Really Get 450% More Coverage?

The Shia vs. Sunni Schism

The Ugly Truth about Muslim 'Grievances'

Critiquing Islam Makes You an "Anti-Muslim Bigot?"

Islamic Terrorists Not Motivated by Hate

How Islamists are Slowly Desensitizing Europe and America

Political Correctness Kills

Four Stages of Islamic Conquest

Islam's Protestant Reformation

The Islamic Scam

Right-Wing Terror vs. Islamic Terror

A Word to Offended Muslims (Video)

Islam and the Rule of Numbers

Is the Quran a Literary Miracle?

Upset about the Iraq War? Blame Iraqis

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

Why I Left Islam

Pat Condell: Appeasing Islam

The Muslim Case for Killing Non-Muslims

Violence in the Bible - Same as the Quran?

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

A Picture of Life in Gaza


CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment

6th Column: The Religion Barrier

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