The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Mogadishu, October 14

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2097 Islamic attacks in 62 countries, in which 16811 people were killed and 14591 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2017.12.31 Afghanistan Jalalabad 18 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, sending eighteen mourners straight to Allah.
2017.12.31 Cameroon Bia 1 30 A suicide bomber blows herself up in a café, killing a patron.
2017.12.31 India Pulwama 5 3 Jaish-e-Mohammed members stage a suicide assault on a security camp that leaves five personnel dead.
2017.12.31 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two people are blown to bits by an al-Shabaab bomb.
2017.12.31 Afghanistan Ghondai 5 0 Five local cops are turned to paste by a Taliban bomb.
2017.12.31 Philippines Maguindanao 1 7 Two bombs planted by Bangsamoro Islamists produce one body.
2017.12.31 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 2 16 A rickshaw driver and passenger succumb to Islamist shrapnel.
2017.12.31 Syria Bahra 20 50 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims twenty lives.
2017.12.31 Germany Berlin 0 1 A Syrian 'refugee' tries to randomly stabs people he identifies as 'infidels.'
2017.12.30 Nigeria Bakin Muna 25 0 Over two dozen loggers are ambushed and slain by Boko Haram.
2017.12.30 Nigeria Kanama 5 5 Five security personnel are shot dead by Boko Haram.
2017.12.29 Afghanistan Bati Kot 2 0 A university lecturer and a student are kidnapped and executed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2017.12.29 Iraq Eshaqi 3 4 Hardline gunmen enter a home and murder three members.
2017.12.29 Egypt Helwan 2 0 A targeted shooting attack on a Coptic neighborhood leaves two dead.
2017.12.29 Syria Idlib 1 0 A TV cameraman is murdered by al-Nusra.
2017.12.29 Egypt Cairo 9 9 Gunmen open fire on a Coptic church, killing worshippers and two guards. Three women were among the dead.
2017.12.28 Cameroon Mayo-Moskota 1 0 Suicide bombers kill a bystander.
2017.12.28 Egypt el-Arish 2 0 Two people at a bank are murdered by Jihadists.
2017.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 41 84 A holy warrior with a suicide vest clears out a rival mosque, taking out over forty worshippers.
2017.12.28 Egypt North Sinai 6 2 A bomb planted by an al-Qaeda linked group leaves six dead.
2017.12.28 Nigeria Amarwa 6 17 A female suicide bomber sends a half-dozen townspeople to Allah.
2017.12.28 Kenya Gamba 2 0 Two drivers transporting fish are sprayed with bullets by Islamists.
2017.12.28 Mali Mopti 3 0 Three local security personnel are laid out by Jihadi bombers.
2017.12.28 Iraq Sinjar 80 0 The bodies of eighty women are found in a mass grave, many executed by ISIS because they were elderly or disabled.
2017.12.28 Philippines Datu Unsay 1 1 A farmer is laid out by a Bangsamoro Islamist bomb blast.
2017.12.27 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 14 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.12.27 Afghanistan Deh Naw 1 0 The Taliban drag an old man out of a mosque, beat and then shoot him to death.
2017.12.27 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 6 0 Six young children are obliterated by shrapnel from a Taliban bomb.
2017.12.27 Russia Saint Petersburg 0 13 Terrorists set off a bomb at a supermarket.
2017.12.26 Iraq Kasr Mihrab 17 0 Seventeen Yazidis are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.12.26 Philippines Datu Saudi 1 0 A villager elder is gunned down by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2017.12.26 Somalia Afgoye 2 0 A woman is among two civilians left dead after an al-Shabaab attack.
2017.12.26 Yemen Khawkhah 1 0 A civilian is blown to bits by an Ansar Allah bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2017.12.25 Yemen Sanaa 10 0 Ansar Allah fires a missile into a house, killing ten occupants.
2017.12.25 Afghanistan Kabul 6 3 Six residents at a quiet neighborhood are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.12.25 Iraq Yaarabiya 4 0 Four Iraqis are murdered by a Jihadist group.
2017.12.25 Nigeria Molai 4 0 Three people are burned alive in their own homes by Boko Haram. A fourth person is shot.
2017.12.25 Nigeria Utonkon 6 5 Six people celebrating Christmas are machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2017.12.25 Afghanistan Arzo 5 0 Five passengers in a vehicle are stopped, pulled out, and shot to death in cold blood by fundamentalists.
2017.12.24 Iraq Kirkuk 7 0 A man and his young son are among seven shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.24 Nigeria Mailafiya 6 3 A shooting attack on a Christian community leaves six dead, including a young child.
2017.12.24 Iraq Hawijah 2 0 Militants gun down a man and his wife.
2017.12.24 Pakistan Algad 3 0 An IED outside a health unit claims three souls.
2017.12.24 Afghanistan Helmand 7 3 Women and children are among seven slain by fundamentalist bombers.
2017.12.24 Afghanistan Logar 3 7 A suspected Taliban mortar round ends the lives of three civilians.
2017.12.24 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A video shows a kneeling 'enemy of Allah' shot in the back of the head.
2017.12.23 Cameroon Kerawa-Mafa 1 0 Religious extremists invade a small town and gun down a civilian.
2017.12.22 USA Harrisburg 0 1 A former immigrant from Egypt opens fire on police officers in two attacks.
2017.12.22 Nigeria Nindem 4 10 Suspected Fulani open fire on a church group singing Christmas carols, killing four.
2017.12.22 Cameroon Zeneme 2 0 Two villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.12.22 Afghanistan Maiwand 6 9 A half-dozen victims are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a police station.
2017.12.22 Pakistan Shunkrai 3 0 Three border guards are viciously murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2017.12.22 Pakistan Mach 2 2 Two Shiite coal miners are gunned down in a targeted attack by orthodox Sunnis.
2017.12.22 Uganda Bumogolo 2 1 A man hacks his Christian wife and her twin babies to death after she refuses to convert to Islam.
2017.12.21 Mali Niono 1 0 Jihadists murder a local soldier.
2017.12.21 Afghanistan Herat 4 6 Islamists plant a bomb in a Shiite area that claims the lives of four innocents.
2017.12.21 Australia Melbourne 1 18 An Afghan refugee runs down nineteen innocents, including a child, over a complaint that Muslims were not being treated fairly. An 83-year-old victim later dies from injuries.
2017.12.20 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 2 A bomb near a market leaves one dead.
2017.12.20 Somalia Bosaso 2 0 The lives of two security officials are snuffed out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2017.12.20 Iraq Khanazeer 2 4 A bomb placed outside a school entrance claims two civilians.
2017.12.19 India Bata Murran 1 0 A woman is killed in a shooting attack by Jaish-e-Mohammad.
2017.12.19 Saudi Arabia Awwamia 1 0 The body of a judge kidnapped, tortured and murdered on order of a Shiite cleric is discovered.
2017.12.19 Syria Damascus 3 8 Sunni militants send mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing three.
2017.12.19 Pakistan Thaneel Fatohi 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her conservative brother for leaving her abusive husband.
2017.12.18 Pakistan Laiti 1 0 A young woman is honor-strangled by her two uncles to keep her from eloping.
2017.12.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 29 A suicide bomber exterminates two bystanders.
2017.12.18 Mali Kidal 1 0 A UN peacekeeper dies following a terror attack by Jihadists.
2017.12.18 Afghanistan Rodat 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by suspected rivals.
2017.12.18 Egypt Arish 1 2 Jihadis lob a shell into an airport, killing one.
2017.12.17 Iraq Maytah 3 0 Two physicians and an engineer are kidnapped and executed by Islamic extremists.
2017.12.17 Pakistan Quetta 11 57 Two women are among eleven massacred by two suicide bombers at a Methodist church during a nativity service.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 11 5 Eleven local cops are murdered during a vicious attack by the Taliban.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 A women is disassembled by a suicide car bomber.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 2 2 Two local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by members of a fundamentalist group.
2017.12.17 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 2 Terrorists fix a bomb to a civilian vehicle, killing one of the occupants.
2017.12.17 DRC Buloma 1 0 An attack by an Islamist group on a security patrol leaves one dead.
2017.12.17 DRC Buloma 1 0 A civilian's throat is cut by the ADF.
2017.12.16 Iraq Shingal 90 0 A mass grave is discovered in a former ISIS stronghold containing women and children executed by gunshots to "different parts of their bodies."
2017.12.16 Nigeria Gamboru 4 0 Jihadists ambush an aid convoy carrying food to refugees, killing four civilians.
2017.12.16 Gabon Libreville 0 2 Two National Geographic reporters are stabbed by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.12.16 Afghanistan Tabar 18 0 Women and children are among eighteen civilians killed when the Taliban target fleeing civilians.
2017.12.16 Yemen Taiz 4 0 Shiite radicals plant a bomb that claims the lives of four government soldiers.
2017.12.15 Somalia Mahaday 1 0 At least one person at a livestock market is laid out by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2017.12.15 Iraq Howeish 2 6 Two Iraqis are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.12.14 Afghanistan Raig 18 6 Eighteen police are massacred by the Taliban in two separate attacks.
2017.12.14 Pakistan Aman 2 1 An attack by religious militants leaves two dead civilians.
2017.12.14 Somalia Mogadishu 18 15 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a police training camp, killing eighteen recruits.
2017.12.13 Iraq Mosul 50 0 Fifty Yazidi victims of Islamic State are found in a mass grave.
2017.12.12 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 1 0 A villager is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.12.12 Iraq Mukhisa 1 0 A woman working in an orchard is brutally shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.12 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 2 20 Jihadis fire mortars into a school, killing two people.
2017.12.12 Somalia Puntland 1 0 An expert is killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 A roadside bomb takes the lives of two 21-year-old men.
2017.12.11 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 1 0 A truck driver is murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 A Boko Haram landmine planted on a highway claims two lives.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Damboa 4 12 Muslim terrorists attack a security convoy and kill four members.
2017.12.11 Mali Goundam 6 0 Six locals are murdered by al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb.
2017.12.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Suspected al-Shabaab plant a car bomb in a journalist's car.
2017.12.11 USA New York, NY 0 3 A man from Bangladesh tries to blow himself up at a bus terminal.
2017.12.11 Cameroon Kerawa 2 0 Two worshippers are killed when a suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2017.12.11 India Kellar 2 1 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on a bank van, killing two security guards.
2017.12.11 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 0 A Mukhtar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.11 Afghanistan Nani 3 5 A group fighting for Sharia attacks a checkpoint and murders three soldiers.
2017.12.11 India Handwara 1 0 A woman is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on police.
2017.12.11 Nigeria Gwoza 4 7 A female suicide bomber detonates in a residential area, killing four bystanders.
2017.12.10 Nigeria Agabifo 10 0 Ten members of a peaceful farming community are machine-gunned by Fulanis.
2017.12.10 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 A security guard at a bus station is brutally stabbed by a Palestinian.
2017.12.10 Yemen Khawkhah 2 4 Three Ansar Allah rockets are sent into a residential area, killing three.
2017.12.09 Pakistan Kot Lakhput 1 0 A 29-year-old religious minority dies during police torture.
2017.12.09 Afghanistan Shirzad 2 0 Two civilians are executed by a Sharia court.
2017.12.09 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 13 Suspected Shiite radicals lob mortars into a Turkman town, killing a child.
2017.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Mujahid take out two civilians with a pair of bomb blasts.
2017.12.09 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 2 A Taliban attack on a checkpoint leaves three dead.
2017.12.09 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.12.09 Sweden Gothenburg 0 1 Three Muslims firebomb a synagogue with 20-30 people.
2017.12.08 Iraq Asagra 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered by ISIS.
2017.12.08 Iraq Athba 4 0 A car with four occupants is vaporized by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.12.08 Afghanistan Wama 3 0 Three police are cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2017.12.08 Afghanistan Sultankhel 1 8 An imam is blown up inside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.07 DRC Semuliki 14 53 ADF Islamists attack a UN base, killing fourteen.
2017.12.06 Pakistan Daggar 1 0 A peace committee member is murdered by a fundamentalist group.
2017.12.06 Iraq Makhmour 5 8 Five refugees at a camp are sectionalized by a Sunni rocket.
2017.12.05 Nigeria Sasawa 15 0 Boko Haram roll into a village and machine-gun fifteen souls.
2017.12.05 Myanmar Maungdaw 1 0 A headsman is shot to death in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2017.12.05 Yemen Mansura 1 0 A mosque preacher is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.12.05 Syria Homs 8 16 The Islamic State bombs a bus carrying university students, killing eight.
2017.12.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 6 8 A half-dozen civilians at a bazaar are obliterated by Jihadi shrapnel.
2017.12.05 Iraq Khuzeifi 5 4 Five civilians are shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.12.05 Iraq Makawi 6 0 A Mujahideen bomb makes quick work of a man, his wife and their four children.
2017.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 Yemen's former president is shot to death by Shiite militia praising Allah.
2017.12.04 India Qazigund 1 2 Lashkar-e-Taiba open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2017.12.04 Syria East Ghouta 2 7 Sunni radicals fire missiles into a populated area, killing two civilians.
2017.12.04 Iraq Shura 70 0 Seventy victims of Islamic State execution - mostly women and children - are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.12.04 Nigeria Numan 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill a Christian family of three, including a pregnant woman - who was raped.
2017.12.04 Sudan Rashad 1 0 A farmer is murdered by PDF militia.
2017.12.03 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 1 Mujahideen bombers take down three bystanders.
2017.12.03 Iraq Shajarah 3 0 Three farmers are flattened by an Islamic State bomb planted on their tractor.
2017.12.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 6 13 A suicide bomber strikes outside a soccer stadium, claiming six lives.
2017.12.03 Iraq Qara Tapa 3 0 Three Iraqis are kidnapped, murdered and dumped by a Jihadi group.
2017.12.03 Philippines Shariff Aguak 2 7 Bangsamoro Islamists murder a older man and his 13-year-old grandson.
2017.12.02 Afghanistan Olai Shah 1 0 An elderly man bleeds to death after being hit by a Taliban IED.
2017.12.02 Iraq Jazira 80 0 Eighty religious minorities are found in a mass grave - victims of ISIS execution.
2017.12.02 Iraq Kabusi 60 0 Forty children and twenty women are found murdered by the Islamic State.
2017.12.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 10 Two people are killed during an Islamic State attack on a TV station.
2017.12.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 15 53 Two suicide bombers clear out fifteen patrons at a market.
2017.12.02 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 Ansar Allah storm a TV station and kill an employee.
2017.12.01 Iraq Rawa 25 33 Two dozen people are reportedly killed in their own homes by ISIS booby-traps.
2017.12.01 Somalia Hees 2 0 A brutal Islamist ambush leaves two dead.
2017.12.01 Iraq Madaen 1 7 Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills one.
2017.12.01 Afghanistan Khorasan 1 0 Two child members of the Islamic State chop off a man's arms before beheading him.
2017.12.01 Pakistan Chaman 1 2 Terrorists kill a child at the gate of a Christian community.
2017.12.01 Pakistan Peshawar 9 37 The Taliban storm a university campus disguised in burkas and gun down nine innocents.
2017.12.01 Syria Deir Ezzor 10 0 Video surfaces of ten religious minorities beheaded by the Islamic State, which afterwards tossed their head 'from a high place.'
2017.11.30 Israel Arad 1 0 A soldier is stabbed in the throat outside a mall by Palestinians.
2017.11.30 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 Muslim extremists open fire on a police vehicle, killing four occupants.
2017.11.30 Pakistan Spinkai 5 1 A teacher is among a group of five people purged by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.30 India Nautan 2 0 A Muslim family murders their 14-year-old daughter for having an affair with a Hindu boy - as well as the boy.
2017.11.30 Pakistan Kot Digi 3 9 Deobandi followers fire on a rally for a rival theological group, killing three members.
2017.11.30 Nigeria Kwaya Kusar 2 2 Two children are hacked to death at their school by a man thought to be with a Islamic group opposed to Western education.
2017.11.30 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Terrorists gun down an oil company executive.
2017.11.30 Yemen Sanaa 3 3 Three people are left dead after an Ansar Allah attack on a family home.
2017.11.29 Somalia Nyongoro 2 3 Two guards are killed during an al-Shabaab ambush on a passenger bus.
2017.11.29 Iraq Baaj 340 0 The remains of three-hundred and forty religious minorities are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.11.29 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen civilians are found murdered by ISIS.
2017.11.29 Nigeria Wuna 5 0 A group fighting for 'Allah's law' rampages through a village, burning homes and killing at least five residents.
2017.11.29 Yemen Aden 5 12 An ISIS suicide car bomber kills five people outside a finance institution.
2017.11.29 Pakistan Islamabad 2 4 Gunmen spray bullets into a Shiite mosque, killing two worshippers.
2017.11.29 Iraq Hit 40 0 Forty victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave.
2017.11.29 Syria Tal Dakweh 1 0 A pilot is chained to the ground and set on fire by the caliphate.
2017.11.29 Mozambique Mitumbate 2 0 Religion of Peace proponents behead one person and burn another alive.
2017.11.28 Kenya Nyongoro 2 3 al-Shabaab ambush a pick-up truck and shoot two passengers to death.
2017.11.28 Iraq Tarimiya 2 6 Mujahideen bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2017.11.28 Afghanistan Maroof 8 0 Three women and a child are among eight civilians blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2017.11.27 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot in the head by caliphate members after being forced to dig their own graves.
2017.11.27 Afghanistan Manar 12 0 Twelve local soldiers are murdered by the Taliban during an assault on their post.
2017.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 11 31 Multiple suicide bombers storm a market and take down eleven civilians.
2017.11.27 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 0 A mosque official is assassinated at the helm by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.11.27 Iraq Butaya 1 2 An ISIS bomb takes down a woman and injures her husband and daughter.
2017.11.27 India West Champaran 2 0 A Muslim girl is murdered by her family for falling in love with a Hindu boy - who is also killed.
2017.11.26 Iraq Rawa 3 0 Jihadis set off a bomb inside a hospital, killing three.
2017.11.26 Iraq Baaj 98 0 Ninety-eight 'devil worshippers' are discovered in a mass grave following ISIS execution.
2017.11.26 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists shoot a transgender person to death.
2017.11.25 Pakistan Quetta 6 17 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes six others with him.
2017.11.25 India Shopian 1 0 An off-duty soldier is abducted and brutally shot to death by religious extremists.
2017.11.25 Nigeria Magumeri 4 6 A 5-year-old boy is among four who lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack.
2017.11.24 Somalia Afgoye 3 3 Three people bleed to death following a hand grenade attack near a restaurant.
2017.11.24 Pakistan Peshawar 3 6 A suicide car bomber takes three other persons with him.
2017.11.24 Syria Daraa 8 4 A young girl is among eight innocents cut down when terrorists open fire on a mini-bus.
2017.11.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two Iraqis lose their lives to a Jihad bomb blast at a market.
2017.11.24 Mali Douentza 1 A UN peacekeeper is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.11.24 Pakistan Islamabad 1 9 A policeman is killed by hardliners protesting 'blasphemy'.
2017.11.24 Mali Menaka 4 21 Three UN peacekeepers and a local soldier are killed by Jihadists.
2017.11.24 Egypt Rawda 311 128 A hardline group detonates a bomb at a Sufi mosque and then opens fire on fleeing worshippers, mowing down over three-hundred, including twenty-seven children.
2017.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Mujahideen plant a bomb at a market that kills a bystander.
2017.11.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 8 15 Children are among the casualties when a suicide bomber strikes a crowd.
2017.11.23 Syria Damascus 2 10 A Sunni group sends mortars into a neighborhood, killing two unfortunate residents.
2017.11.23 Nigeria Sabon Gari 7 0 Islamists stage a middle-of-the-night raid, pull seven farmers out of their beds and shoot them point-blank.
2017.11.22 Georgia Tbilisi 1 0 Suspected Islamic State members kill a local soldier at an apartment building.
2017.11.22 Iraq Rambousi 73 0 A mass grave is found containing seventy-three Yazidi victims of ISIS execution.
2017.11.22 India Keran 1 2 Islamic militants murder a border guard.
2017.11.21 Nigeria Mubi 58 29 A young suicide bomber at a mosque sends fifty-eight worshippers straight to Allah.
2017.11.21 Iraq Tuz Khormato 32 80 A suicide truck bomber plows into a market and obliterates at least thirty-two lives.
2017.11.21 Iraq Abbasi 3 0 Three family members are murdered in their home by Islamic State members.
2017.11.21 Iraq Zurhama 1 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba members open fire on a security patrol, killing one.
2017.11.21 Thailand Bannang Sata 1 1 Muslim bombers target a group of teachers, killing a guard.
2017.11.20 Syria Damascus 8 0 A child is among eight civilians cut to ribbons by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.11.20 Syria Homs 6 44 Jihadis fire rockets into a farming village, killing six.
2017.11.20 Cameroon Kolofata 3 3 Three children are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.11.19 Nigeria Lawanti 6 0 Boko Haram gun down five farmers and behead another.
2017.11.18 Afghanistan Sawakai 1 0 An official for a secular court is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2017.11.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 4 Four suicide bombers manage to kill just two other persons - one a baby.
2017.11.18 Syria Idlib 1 15 A Jihadi car bomb leaves one dead.
2017.11.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 A Mujahideen bomb blast claims two lives.
2017.11.18 Afghanistan Farah 6 8 Gunmen fighting for an Islamic state riddle six local cops with bullets.
2017.11.17 India Zakura 1 1 A police officer is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2017.11.17 Syria Deir Ezzor 26 61 A dozen children are among two dozen displaced persons purged by a suicide car bomber.
2017.11.17 Iraq Jahouni 2 1 A father and son are murdered in their own home by Islamic State gunmen.
2017.11.17 Kenya Nairobi 0 3 Three children are injured when Islamists fire into a Christian home.
2017.11.16 Yemen Usaylan 1 0 At least one person is murdered by Ansar Allah.
2017.11.16 Iraq Shirqat 20 0 Religious extremists execute twenty captives.
2017.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 14 18 A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a political rally, bringing down fourteen activists.
2017.11.16 Syria Damascus 6 45 Terrorists stage a series of attacks that claim the lives of six civilians.
2017.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two civilians are scattered by Mujahid bombers.
2017.11.15 Iraq Eraij 3 0 A child is among three people shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2017.11.15 Iraq al-Bab 3 0 Three children are disassembled by an Islamic State landmine.
2017.11.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 14 29 Four suicide bombers obliterate fourteen souls at a quiet suburb, including a pregnant woman and an 8-year-old.
2017.11.15 Syria Nubbul 2 16 Jihadists target Shiite homes with rockets, killing two.
2017.11.15 Nigeria Azaya Kura 45 0 Forty-five are reported dead after a Boko Haram assault on a peaceful farming community.
2017.11.14 Syria Damascus 1 5 A civilian is killed by Sunni terrorists.
2017.11.14 Yemen Aden 6 17 At least six souls are sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2017.11.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 23 16 Two dozen Afghan security personnel are murdered by heavily-armed terrorists.
2017.11.14 Afghanistan Charikar 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists murder a secular education director.
2017.11.13 Afghanistan Bajour 2 4 Two border guards are picked off by Islamic hardliners.
2017.11.13 Nigeria Wereng 2 0 Two Christians are murdered and then mutilated with machetes by Fulani militants.
2017.11.13 Afghanistan Farah 18 1 Eighteen local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists in night-vision goggles.
2017.11.12 CAR Bangui 4 20 Four are left dead after suspected Muslim militants throw grenades into a concert for peace.
2017.11.12 Iraq Houd 5 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber wipes out five Iraqis.
2017.11.12 USA Bloomington, MN 0 2 An immigrant from Somalia goes on a stabbing spree at a mall, later calling it an answer to the call for Jihad.
2017.11.11 Yemen al-Habj 4 0 Four others killed in a wave of attacks by Ansar Allah.
2017.11.11 Nigeria Maikadiri 2 4 Islamists fire on sleeping villagers, killing two.
2017.11.11 Iraq Hawija 400 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the bodies of 400 victims of Islamic State execution.
2017.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A civilian is blown to bits by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.11.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Caliphate bombers take down an engineer and a construction worker.
2017.11.10 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 8 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.11.10 Philippines Sumisip 6 4 Six security personnel are ambushed and murdered by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.11.10 Afghanistan Shahbaz 5 2 A Taliban attack leaves five others dead.
2017.11.10 Libya Benghazi 3 9 Three people are killed when terrorists send mortars into a government building.
2017.11.09 Pakistan Quetta 4 5 A Tehrik-e-Taliban suicide bomber takes four souls with him.
2017.11.09 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a businessman accused of immoral activities.
2017.11.09 Egypt Nakhl 10 0 Ten souls are extinguished by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis
2017.11.08 Iraq Jeel 1 2 A woman is killed in her house by the Islamic State.
2017.11.08 Kenya Dhabacity 12 6 A group fighting for an Islamic caliphate ambushes a convoy and kills a dozen guards.
2017.11.08 Nigeria Gulak 2 0 A Boko Haram attack leaves two dead.
2017.11.07 Nigeria Riyom 9 3 Nine Church of Christ members are ambushed and murdered by Muslim terrorists as they are returning from a market.
2017.11.07 Iraq Tammuz 5 0 Three children are among a family of five snared by an ISIS booby-trap.
2017.11.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 5 Four female suicide bombers rush a field and blow up a farmer.
2017.11.07 Afghanistan Kabul 2 24 A fundamentalist group storms a TV station, killing at two employees.
2017.11.06 Mali Lellehoye 4 3 Four civilians are obliterated by a Jihadi landmine.
2017.11.06 Nigeria Gulak 2 0 Two women lose their lives during a Boko Haram attack.
2017.11.06 Somalia Bu’ale 4 0 al-Shabaab extremists execute four locals in front of women and children.
2017.11.06 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Muslim terrorists roll up on a police checkpoint and machine-gun two officers.
2017.11.06 Syria Damascus 3 13 Terrorists kill three civilians in two attacks.
2017.11.06 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A 52-year-old consulate employee is gunned down outside his home by terrorists.
2017.11.05 Cameroon Mahoula 3 0 Three innocent people are brutally slain by Boko Haram.
2017.11.05 Syria Deir Ezzor 75 140 Children are among seventy-five displaced persons slaughtered by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2017.11.05 Iraq Kirkuk 5 20 Two suicide bombers target a Shiite mosque, killing five worshippers.
2017.11.05 Yemen Aden 46 47 A suicide bomber kicks off an assault on a government building that leaves forty-six dead, including children.
2017.11.05 Ingushetia Yandare 1 2 A young police officer is gunned down by Islamic 'insurgents.'
2017.11.05 Iraq Shalalat 1 6 An Islamic State bomb targeting a family kills a child.
2017.11.05 Iraq Tal al-Samn 1 0 A boy is pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.11.05 Afghanistan Jalgaldi 1 6 One passerby is sectionalized by a Taliban bomb.
2017.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 A bomb in a shopping center claims two lives.
2017.11.05 Pakistan South Waziristan 1 2 A Taliban landmine disintegrates a child.
2017.11.05 Nigeria Zanwra 1 0 A Christian family man is murdered in a targeted by Muslim gunmen.
2017.11.04 Iraq Qubba 3 0 Three children playing in a garden are cleared out by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2017.11.04 India Rajpora 1 2 Two attacks by Muslim militants leave one dead.
2017.11.04 Syria Damascus 2 10 Two residents are disassembled when Sunnis fire a mortar round into a neighborhood.
2017.11.03 Iraq Udhaim 3 3 Three police officers lose their lives to a brutal Islamic attack.
2017.11.03 Nigeria Jaddannam 6 6 Boko Haram murder six villagers, steal livestock and burn homes.
2017.11.03 Afghanistan Garamsir 1 0 The Taliban cut off an 85-year-old woman's hands before killing her.
2017.11.03 Syria Quneitra 9 23 An al-Jabhat Nusra suicide bomber exterminates nine residents of a quiet neighborhood.
2017.11.02 India Samboora 2 1 Muslim terrorists open fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2017.11.02 India Kiloora 1 0 A political activist is kidnapped, tortured and dies after having his throat slit by Islamic militants.
2017.11.02 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 A militant shouting 'Allah Akbar' stabs a guard in the neck outside the parliament.
2017.11.02 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three people bleed to death following a roadside bombing.
2017.11.02 Nigeria Gaambe-tiv 3 5 Muslims target and kill three Christians.
2017.11.02 Yemen Taiz 5 3 Five children are eliminated by Ansar Allah mortars.
2017.11.01 Uganda Mukono 2 0 Two Christians become victims of a ritualistic killing by Muslim extremists.
2017.11.01 Afghanistan Parwan 8 27 A sticky bomb triggers a fire that incinerates eight innocents.
2017.11.01 Iraq Sukkar 2 0 A mother and child are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2017.11.01 Pakistan Satto Katla 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her brother over suspected 'immoral' activity.
2017.11.01 Pakistan Charsadda 2 1 Suspected fundamentalists kill two police guarding a vaccination drive.
2017.11.01 Afghanistan Balkh 1 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.11.01 Iraq Rutba 3 0 Three people are killed in their own home by an ISIS bomb blast.
2017.11.01 Iraq Mosul 6 0 A family of six is obliterated by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.10.31 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A woman and two children are disassembled by an Islamic State booby-trap.
2017.10.31 Cameroon Zamga 5 2 Islamists strap a bomb to a young girl and send her into a group of children, killing five.
2017.10.31 Mali Mopti 6 0 Six people are killed when Jihadists attack a convoy transporting a secular judge.
2017.10.31 Afghanistan Kabul 7 23 A woman is among five killed by a boy in a suicide vest inside a diplomatic zone.
2017.10.31 Iraq Sulaimaniya 2 2 Religious extremists gun down two civilians.
2017.10.31 USA New York 8 12 A 'radicalized' Muslim migrant runs down eight innocent people on a bike path while praising Allah.
2017.10.30 Nigeria Ajiri Yala 5 3 Five are left dead when a Shahid suicide bomber clears out a mosque.
2017.10.30 Nigeria Banki 4 0 A woman and her two children are among four vaporized by a Boko Haram landmine.
2017.10.29 Cameroon Gouderi 11 0 Eleven villagers are eliminated by Boko Haram terrorists.
2017.10.29 Iraq Daquq 1 0 A Kurdish journalist is stabbed to death in his home by Hashd al-Shaabi.
2017.10.29 Afghanistan Khan Abad 13 1 The Taliban ambush and murder thirteen Afghans at a checkpoint.
2017.10.29 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two young cops are cut down by an Islamist ambush.
2017.10.28 Iraq Mashahada 3 12 Three others are laid out when a suicide bomber detonates at a funeral.
2017.10.28 Niger Gueskérou 1 0 A school teacher's throat is slit by a group opposed to Western education.
2017.10.28 Yemen Aden 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack.
2017.10.28 Somalia Mogadishu 29 30 A suicide bomber explodes outside a hotel, setting off a rampage that takes two-dozen lives - including three children and a beheaded woman.
2017.10.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 9 2 Nine police manning two checkpoints are brutally machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2017.10.28 Iraq Taji 1 9 Jihadis leave a bomb outside a row of stores that claims one life.
2017.10.27 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 A man and his wife are among four murdered by Islamic State proponents.
2017.10.27 Mali Kidal 3 2 Three UN workers are killed by radical Muslims.
2017.10.27 Bahrain Manama 1 8 Terrorists bomb a bus, killing one passenger.
2017.10.26 Pakistan Choharpura 1 0 A teen girl is honor killed by her father for eloping without his permission,
2017.10.26 Somalia Sakow 1 0 A mother of eight is stoned to death for adultery by a Sharia court.
2017.10.26 DRC Masiani 6 0 At least six others are left dead after a raid by the Muslim Defense International.
2017.10.25 Libya Ajdabiya 1 0 Islamic militants attack a lonely checkpoint, killing a guard.
2017.10.25 Somalia Afgoye 10 16 An al-Shabaab landmine and machine-gun attack obliterate ten civilians on a bus.
2017.10.25 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A father and son are sent to the hereafter by an ISIS bomb blast at their home.
2017.10.25 Mali Soumpi 2 1 Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen members murder two border guards.
2017.10.25 Libya Ajdabiya 2 3 The Islamic State claims an attack that leaves two dead.
2017.10.25 Iraq Mosul 5 0 ISIS members gun down five local cops.
2017.10.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A woman is shot to death by a group advocating "strict Sharia."
2017.10.24 Afghanistan Chaqma-Choqor 15 0 ISIS members disguised in burqa reportedly kill fifteen Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.10.24 Nigeria Sasawa 16 0 Sixteen others are killed during a Jihadist raid on a village and outpost.
2017.10.24 Afghanistan Farah 9 4 Nine Afghanis lose their lives to an attack by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.10.24 Afghanistan Kushki Kuhna 2 5 Taliban bullets claim two lives.
2017.10.24 Iraq Tal Skuf 0 4 Children are among the casualties when Hashd al-Shaabi radicals shell a small town.
2017.10.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 15 A bomb blast in a commercial area leaves one dead.
2017.10.24 Iraq Mosul 170 0 A mass grave is discovered containing one-hundred and seventy victims of ISIS executions.
2017.10.23 Iraq Mosul 2 5 Two Iraqis are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.10.23 Yemen Mudia 4 10 Five al-Qaeda suicide bombers go out in a blaze of glory, taking four others with them.
2017.10.23 Nigeria Jol 3 0 A mother and two children are slaughtered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.22 India Hajin 1 0 A man is beheaded by Muslim radicals and thrown into a river.
2017.10.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 13 18 Suicide bombers detonate at a displaced persons camp, taking thirteen souls with them.
2017.10.22 India Anantnag 1 0 A street vendor is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.22 Afghanistan Waghiz 4 2 A horrible attack on a group of police by the Taliban leaves four dead.
2017.10.22 Afghanistan Taluqan 2 8 Two people at a hotel are exterminated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.22 India Tral 1 1 Brave Jaish-e-Mohammad shoot an 18-year-old woman to death in her home.
2017.10.22 Thailand Cho Airong 1 0 A 27-year-old man is gunned down outside his mothers home by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.22 Somalia Daniga 7 3 Seven women farmers are reduced to a bloody mess by an Islamist bomb attack on their minibus.
2017.10.21 Iraq Sinjar 2 0 Islamic militants booby-trap a home, killing two residents.
2017.10.21 Afghanistan Kabul 15 4 A suicide bomber on foot targets a bus, killing fifteen passengers.
2017.10.21 Niger Ayorou 13 5 Islamists fire RPGs and heavy machine-guns into a group of police, killing thirteen.
2017.10.21 Thailand Thung Yang Daeng 1 0 A 51-year-old village official is shot in the head by Muslim militants.
2017.10.21 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 3 0 A woman and her two son are slaughtered in their home by the Islamic State.
2017.10.21 Syria Qaryatain 128 0 One-hundred and twenty-eight residents of a Christian town are found stabbed or shot to death by the Islamic State.
2017.10.20 Egypt Wahat 16 13 At least sixteen local cops lose their lives to an Islamist ambush.
2017.10.20 Afghanistan Kabul 56 55 A suicide bomber massacres fifty-six worshippers at a Shiite mosque.
2017.10.20 Afghanistan Ghor 33 10 A suicide bomber massacres thirty-three worshippers at a Sunni mosque.
2017.10.20 Somalia Makraz 1 0 One other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.10.19 Iraq Basra 2 0 An Islamic State landmine claims two children.
2017.10.18 Afghanistan Khashrod 5 3 Islamists exterminate five lives in a roadside attack.
2017.10.18 India Gutroo 1 0 An off-duty cop is murdered at his home by Islamic militants.
2017.10.18 Iraq Daquq 1 3 Fundamentalists murder a religious minority.
2017.10.18 Iraq Hamud 4 1 Islamist plant a bomb under a police car, killing four occupants.
2017.10.18 Afghanistan Maiwand 43 9 Two suicide bombers exterminate nearly every Afghan soldier at a local base.
2017.10.18 Afghanistan Farah 9 0 Nine local cops are ambushed and murdered by the Taliban
2017.10.18 Afghanistan Balkh 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans lose their lives to Holy Warriors.
2017.10.18 Nigeria Mora 1 2 A young villager is shot to death by Jihadis.
2017.10.18 Nigeria Damboa 3 5 Religious radicals fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2017.10.18 India Wathoo 1 0 A middle school teacher's throat is slit by Hizb ul Mujahideen.
2017.10.18 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Lashkar-e Jhangvi gunmen take down a man on his way to work.
2017.10.18 Pakistan Quetta 7 22 Seven Pakistanis are blown apart by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers.
2017.10.18 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two people are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.18 DRC Kiusha 1 0 An attack by an Islamist group on a security patrol kills one member.
2017.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An airport worker is murdered by his family after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2017.10.17 Afghanistan Kaubl 1 3 The Taliban throw a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
2017.10.17 Afghanistan Gardez 52 158 Suicide car bombers slaughter over fifty in an attack on a police training facility.
2017.10.17 Afghanistan Ghazni 20 43 A suicide bomb attack on a governor's compound leaves twenty dead.
2017.10.16 Afghanistan Shibkho 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2017.10.16 Nigeria Marte 1 9 Boko Haram Jihadists kill one person during a raid.
2017.10.16 India Imam Sahib 1 0 Islamic militants gun down a village chief.
2017.10.16 Egypt al-Arish 7 15 Islamists attack a church and a bank, killing seven.
2017.10.16 Thailand Tak Bai 1 0 A bystander is killed during an attack by Muslim 'separatists.'
2017.10.16 Nigeria Nkiedonwhro 29 3 Mostly women and children are among the twenty-nine Christians massacred by Fulani terrorists while trying to take shelter at a school.
2017.10.16 Syria Raqqa 533 0 Over five-hundred victims of caliphate execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.10.15 Pakistan Kurram 4 3 A Tehrik-e-Taliban landmine lays out four members of a rescue team.
2017.10.15 Syria Bab Touma 4 5 Sunnis send mortars into a Christian neighborhood, clearing out four residents.
2017.10.15 Afghanistan Khash 1 2 A woman bleeds to death following a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.10.15 Afghanistan Maruf 4 0 The Taliban murder four local cops manning checkpoints.
2017.10.15 Iraq Mosul 3 1 Terrorists kill two Iraqis with a bomb and gun down a health department official.
2017.10.15 Iraq Yusufiya 1 10 One patrol is left dead after Jihadis set off a bomb at a market.
2017.10.15 Egypt Sinai 6 37 Six local police are machine-gunned by Islamic State members.
2017.10.14 Nigeria Taagbe 6 0 Fulani militia murder a half-dozen villagers.
2017.10.14 Afghanistan Shebarghan 2 0 A young couple is shot to death for having 'illicit relations'.
2017.10.14 Iraq Tuz-Khurmato 2 3 A bomb left outside a Shiite mosque claims two lives.
2017.10.14 India DamhalHanjipora 1 2 Islamic militants open fire on a passing police vehicle.
2017.10.14 Somalia Mogadishu 587 316 Religious radicals detonate two suicide truck bombs in commercial districts, devastating over five hundred lives.
2017.10.14 Syria Daraa 3 4 Terrorists lob shells into a neighborhood, killing three residents.
2017.10.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local official is assassinated at a mosque by a suspected 'insurgent.'
2017.10.14 Nigeria Taegbe 6 5 A Muslim raid on a Christian village leaves six dead.
2017.10.14 Nigeria Arichaka 1 0 One person is murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.13 Nigeria Hukke 2 0 Two Christians are murdered by Fulanis.
2017.10.13 Nigeria Kpachudu 1 0 One villager is slain by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.13 Nigeria Nzhweruvo 2 0 A Muslim raid leaves two dead.
2017.10.13 Nigeria Tafigana 1 0 One villager is cut down by Muslim extremists.
2017.10.13 Iraq Bashiqa 1 0 ISIS bombers take out a shepherd.
2017.10.13 Pakistan Swat 1 0 Suspected Taliban gun down a TV journalist outside his home.
2017.10.13 Afghanistan Laglori Khwor 3 0 Three brothers riding in a pickup truck are disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.10.12 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 1 1 One person is killed when the Taliban fire on the head of a TV station.
2017.10.12 Nigeria Belbelu 5 2 A woman is among five disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.10.12 Egypt Cairo 1 1 A Coptic priest is hacked to death on the street.
2017.10.12 Syria Abu Fas 50 0 Three suicide bombers target a group of refugees, killing at least fifty.
2017.10.12 Egypt al-Arish 6 4 A fundamentalist attack on a police checkpoint leaves six dead.
2017.10.12 Iraq Hit 11 20 Eleven patrons at a café are vaporized by a suicide bomber.
2017.10.11 Syria Damascus 2 6 A pair of suicide bombers kill a pair of bystanders.
2017.10.11 Somalia Balad 6 0 A group fighting for Sharia attacks and kills six local security personnel.
2017.10.11 Nigeria Aribakwa 4 0 A 2-year-old is among four Christians murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.10.11 Nigeria Plateau 3 0 Three people are killed in a Fulani raid on two villages.
2017.10.10 Nigeria Kpachudu 1 0 A young man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.10 Nigeria Chuvorivireh 1 0 One villager is hacked to death by Fulanis
2017.10.10 Nigeria Yamteke 1 0 Boko Haram shoot another person to death.
2017.10.10 Kenya Ukunda 2 3 Islamists spray a car carrying university employees with bullets, killing two women.
2017.10.10 Iraq Saridiya 2 6 Children are among the casualties when Islamic State members hurl grenades into a family home.
2017.10.10 India Hajin 2 3 A Lashkar-e-Toiba attack leaves two dead.
2017.10.09 Iraq Shirqat 1 1 Islamic State militants murder a woman.
2017.10.09 Pakistan Quetta 5 0 A targeted shooting attack on Hazara religious minorities leaves five dead, including a passerby.
2017.10.09 Somalia Bosaso 7 13 Seven are killed when Islamists attack a checkpoint and then first responders.
2017.10.09 Pakistan Dosali 3 7 Pro-Sharia hardliners fire on a government vehicle, killing three.
2017.10.09 DRC Beni 1 12 ADF Islamists attack UN peacekeepers, killing one.
2017.10.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' kill one person with a planted bomb.
2017.10.09 Philippines Marawi 1 0 A soldier is picked off by an Abu Sayyaf sniper while trying to rescue children.
2017.10.09 DRC Beni 26 0 Islamists tie up twenty-six people and break their necks.
2017.10.09 Pakistan Jhabran 1 0 A Christian boy is beaten to death after refusing to convert to Islam.
2017.10.09 India Drang 1 0 Terrorists murder a border guard.
2017.10.08 Nigeria Nkie Dongwro 1 1 A Christian is killed by Muslim gunmen.
2017.10.08 Iraq Tal Afar 60 0 The remains of sixty civilians victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.10.08 Iraq Wahda 3 1 Three civilians are disassembled by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2017.10.08 Iraq Haditha 1 0 Terrorists gun down a university professor.
2017.10.07 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 2 3 Two guards outside a palace lay down their lives to foil a suicide attack.
2017.10.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 A bomb at a market leaves two dead.
2017.10.07 Afghanistan Dand-e Ghori 2 1 Sunni fundamentalists fire automatic weapons into a checkpoint, mowing down two police.
2017.10.07 Iraq Jalawa 2 0 Two civilians are ambushed by an ISIS member feigning blindness.
2017.10.07 DRC Beni 11 0 Eleven people are ambushed and murdered by the Muslim Defense International.
2017.10.06 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two Russians are executed for refusing to renounce Christianity.
2017.10.06 Saudi Arabia al Ardah 1 0 A laborer is killed on the job by Shiite militia.
2017.10.06 Yemen Abyan 4 7 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills four security personnel.
2017.10.06 Pakistan Khushab 3 2 Three innocent people are killed in a suspected Lashkar-i-Jhangvi firing.
2017.10.06 Sudan Kabkabiya 1 0 Islamic militia fire on a market, killing a guard.
2017.10.06 India Tral 1 0 Islamic separatists open fire on a soft target, killing a civilian.
2017.10.06 Mozambique Mocimboa de Praia 3 0 Islamic radicals kill a community leader and two police.
2017.10.05 Somalia Bosaso 1 2 A businessman is shot to death at a coffee shop by Islamic extremists.
2017.10.05 Sudan Mellit 1 0 An ambulance driver is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.10.05 Syria Qusour 15 0 Three children are among fifteen civilians torn to shreds by an ISIS rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2017.10.05 Pakistan Jhal Magsi 24 25 A suicide bomber goes off at a Sufi shrine, killing two dozen, including five children.
2017.10.04 Niger Tillabéri 9 2 Four Americans are among nine members of a security patrol killed during an ambush by Islamic militants.
2017.10.04 Iraq Hussayneyah 2 4 Two Iraqis are blown to bits by Mujahid car bombers.
2017.10.04 Libya Misrata 4 40 An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates at a court complex, killing four.
2017.10.04 Israel Kfar Qassem 1 0 A Jewish man is beaten to death at his factory by Palestinians.
2017.10.04 Yemen Taiz 9 3 Nine people bleed to death following an Ansar Allah mortar attack.
2017.10.03 Pakistan Yazman 1 0 A young women is honor killed with an axe for marrying against her family's wishes.
2017.10.03 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 A woman is among three residents killed in their own homes by ISIS bombs.
2017.10.03 India Srinagar 1 2 Fedayeen stage a suicide attack near an airport, killing a guard.
2017.10.02 Iraq Qaim 2 0 Two young people are executed for 'apostasy' by the caliphate.
2017.10.02 India Padgampora 1 0 Religious extremists barge into a house a shoot a man to death in cold blood.
2017.10.02 Pakistan Malam Jabba 1 2 A bomb planted by religious radicals claims the life of a villager.
2017.10.02 Syria Damscus 17 20 Two Shahid suicide bombers slaughter seventeen.
2017.10.01 Russia Tetkino 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a border guard.
2017.10.01 Sudan Zalingei 1 9 Islamic militia fire into a displaced persons camp, killing at least one refugee.
2017.10.01 France Marseille 2 0 A man shouting praises to Allah slits the throat of one women and stabs another to death.
2017.09.30 England Birmingham 0 1 A 14-year-old Shiite is stabbed in a targeted attack by Sunni radicals.
2017.09.30 Sudan Tawila 1 3 Janjaweed militia shoot a local herdsman to death.
2017.09.30 Canada Edmonton, AB 0 4 A man with an ISIS flag stabs a cop and runs over four pedestrians.
2017.09.30 Nigeria Bama 1 0 One person is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2017.09.30 Afghanistan Herat 2 2 Two Taliban bombs take care of two Afghans.
2017.09.29 Russia Belogorsk 2 2 An observant Muslim soldier turns his automatic weapon on non-Muslim peers, killing two.
2017.09.29 Afghanistan Kabul 5 29 At least five innocents are massacred outside a Shiite mosque by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2017.09.29 Somalia Barire 10 11 A suicide bomber attacks a local army base, killing ten.
2017.09.29 Afghanistan Kansak 9 3 A brutal attack by Islamic radicals leaves nine dead.
2017.09.28 Iraq Hawija 10 0 Ten civilians are lined up and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.09.28 Iraq Ramadi 1 3 A Shahid suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2017.09.28 Afghanistan Maroof 12 4 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a government building, taking out a dozen Afghans.
2017.09.28 Afghanistan Kabul 4 16 A least four people are killed by fundamentalist bombers outside a mosque.
2017.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 7 10 Mujahid bombers destroy seven patrons at busy market.
2017.09.28 Burkina Faso Kahoel 1 0 One person is gunned down by Ansaroul Islam.
2017.09.27 Burkina Faso Touronata 3 0 A cleric is among three people assassinated in their own homes by Islamic radicals.
2017.09.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 11 A woman is killed when the Taliban send rockets toward an airport.
2017.09.27 Nigeria Guzamala 3 0 Islamists kill three villagers and burn over 100 homes.
2017.09.27 Nigeria Dikwa 2 0 At least two people along a highway die from a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2017.09.27 India Hajin 1 4 Muslim militants shoot a policeman to death in his own home in front of his family.
2017.09.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Terrorists set off a car bomb at a busy intersection, killing two locals.
2017.09.27 Iraq Qaim 5 0 Five people are executed for "communicating with apostates."
2017.09.27 Iraq Saef Saad 1 0 A tribal elder is abducted and beheaded by the caliphate.
2017.09.27 Yemen Muzaa 8 3 An attempt by Ansar Allah to infiltrate a local military base leaves eight dead.
2017.09.26 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A filmmaker and female photojournalist are brutally cut down in a hail of Islamist bullets.
2017.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Fundamentalists murder an alcohol dealer with a planted bomb.
2017.09.26 Israel Har Adar 3 1 A Palestinian gunman opens fire on a security gate, killing three people.
2017.09.26 Pakistan Raiwind 2 0 A young couple is honor killed by the girl's parents.
2017.09.26 Afghanistan Herat 2 3 Two security personnel die from a Taliban roadside bombing.
2017.09.26 Afghanistan Farah 3 0 Fundamentalist bombers blow three local cops to bits.
2017.09.26 Nigeria Dikwa 5 3 A female suicide bomber storms a rival mosque and sends five souls to Allah.
2017.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 2 10 Two bombs take care of two Iraqis.
2017.09.26 Burkina Faso Tongomayel 2 0 Two people are killed by Ansaroul Islam.
2017.09.25 Myanmar Kha Maung Seik 17 0 Seventeen more Hindu victims of Muslim execution are discovered.
2017.09.25 Syria Salamiyeh 4 3 Two children are among four residents torn apart by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.09.25 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 1 The Taliban pick off a civilian with a roadside bomb.
2017.09.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Fundamentalists set off a bomb near a hospital, killing two passersby.
2017.09.24 Somalia Galgala 3 5 A woman is among three people killed by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.24 Afghanistan Wach Karez 1 7 Women and children are among the casualties of a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.09.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two government employees are assassinated on their way home from a mosque.
2017.09.24 Mali Anefis 3 5 Three UN peacekeepers are blown to bits by 'The Group to Support Islam and Muslims'.
2017.09.24 Myanmar Ye Baw Kya 28 0 Twenty Hindu women and eight children are found in a mass grave after their execution by Muslim militants.
2017.09.24 Iraq Qaim 3 0 Three young people are dragged from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.24 Iraq Babil 5 1 Sectarian Jihadis open fire on a city street, dropping five people at random.
2017.09.23 Pakistan Rajgal 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2017.09.23 Afghanistan Bagh-i-Attar 5 8 Muslim extremists suddenly spray a police checkpoint with automatic weapons fire, killing five.
2017.09.23 Afghanistan Nad-e-Ali 1 0 The Taliban ambush and kill a local police chief.
2017.09.22 Iraq Rashidiya 1 0 A legal professional loses his life after Islamic State loyalists plant a bomb under his car.
2017.09.22 Iraq Sinjar 3 0 Three civilians are murdered in their own home by the Islamic State.
2017.09.22 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A law student is shot to death by suspected terrorists.
2017.09.22 Thailand Sai Buri 4 7 Muslim terrorists ambush and murder four members of a local security patrol.
2017.09.22 Afghanistan Daikund 1 1 The Taliban murder a man inside his home.
2017.09.21 India Tral 3 30 Three people, including a teenage girl, are killed when Islamic militants hurl a grenade into a bus stop.
2017.09.21 Afghanistan Shajoy 5 2 The Taliban attack a local security checkpoint, killing five members.
2017.09.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A Mujahideen bomb blast claims one civilian.
2017.09.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Religious conservatives murder a liquor store vendor with a bomb.
2017.09.20 Nigeria Daima 9 24 At least nine innocents are slaughtered when Boko Haram attack a peaceful farming community.
2017.09.20 Syria Hasakah 4 0 A landmine planted by the Islamic State transforms four children into pulp.
2017.09.20 Iraq Tal Afar 20 0 Twenty civilian victims of ISIS are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.09.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamists put a bomb under a car that claims the life of the driver.
2017.09.20 Pakistan Achar Kali 2 0 A 10-year-old is among two sisters honor killed by their father for leaving the house without permission.
2017.09.19 Iraq Tal Qasr 40 0 Forty victims of ISIS torture are found in a mass grave.
2017.09.19 Iraq Saladin 3 34 Two suicide bombers walk into a restaurant and detonates, taking out three diners in mid-bite.
2017.09.19 Iraq Hawija 13 0 Twelve tuberculosis patients and their doctor are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.19 Pakistan Sukkur 5 8 A bomb planted by suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi leaves five dead, including two factory workers.
2017.09.19 Iraq Ali Saray 1 0 A farmer is laid out by Jihadi shrapnel.
2017.09.18 Syria Qamishli 1 6 A bomb planted on a motorbike kills a passing child.
2017.09.18 Pakistan Chaman 1 17 A civilian is blown to smithereens by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.09.18 Nigeria Mashalari 15 43 Two female suicide bombers attack an aid distribution station, slaughtering over fifteen needy people.
2017.09.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A local official is gunned down by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 A half dozen civilians are destroyed by a Taliban bomb.
2017.09.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 A bomb attached to a taxi produces one corpse.
2017.09.18 Afghanistan Islam Qalah 3 0 Fundamentalists execute three kidnapped workers.
2017.09.18 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his wife are beheaded by sectarian radicals.
2017.09.17 Nigeria Kurmiri 5 0 Five villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.09.17 Afghanistan Khost 4 14 Jihadi bombers hit a mobile phone market, bringing down four attendees.
2017.09.17 Pakistan Khar 6 0 The Tehreek e-Taliban blow six persons into bits with a planted bomb.
2017.09.17 Afghanistan Deh Yak 8 0 Eight others are killed when the Taliban attack a local checkpoint.
2017.09.17 Somalia Kalabayr 4 3 A group fighting for an Islamic State murders four security personnel.
2017.09.17 Iraq Mosul 15 23 A bomb left at a school kills fifteen.
2017.09.17 DRC Beni 1 0 A UN peacekeeper is murdered by the ADF.
2017.09.16 Iraq Saddiyah 5 0 Five local cops are turned to ash by Islamic terrorists.
2017.09.16 Iraq Kirkuk 3 9 Bombers target a shop selling alcohol, taking three lives.
2017.09.16 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 7 A suicide bomber detonates outside a shop, killing two innocents.
2017.09.16 Pakistan Achar Kalay 2 0 A conservative father honor kills his two daughters with a gun after discovering they were having affairs.
2017.09.16 Pakistan Jangalkhel 1 1 Terrorists fire on a social worker, killing his bodyguard.
2017.09.16 Afghanistan Lamen 6 2 A half-dozen police at a checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by militants fighting to establish Sharia.
2017.09.15 Burkina Faso Dowoule 2 0 A monk is among two people exterminated by Jihad warriors.
2017.09.15 France Bourgogne-Franche-Comté 0 2 A man shouting 'Allah Akbar' attacks two women with a hammer, severely injuring both.
2017.09.15 England London 0 29 A 'cell of several Jihadis' set off an incendiary bomb on a passenger train.
2017.09.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A suicide car bomber plows into security patrol, killing one member.
2017.09.15 Iraq Dora 1 3 A planted bomb explodes at a market, killing a patron.
2017.09.15 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 1 ISIS lob a mortar shell into a neighborhood, killing one resident.
2017.09.15 Iraq Hawija 5 0 Two children are among a family of five exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.09.15 Afghanistan Kandalan 5 5 Religious radicals spray a group of police with gunfire, purging five.
2017.09.15 Nigeria Jos 1 20 A Muslim mob attacks Christians, killing one and seriously injuring others.
2017.09.15 Yemen Taiz 4 10 Four civilians are taken apart by Ansar Allah shrapnel.
2017.09.14 Burkina Faso Wendpoli 1 0 A village chief is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic militants.
2017.09.14 Pakistan Shah Alam Baba 3 0 Muslim terrorists shoot three people in a passing vehicle to death.
2017.09.14 Iraq Nasiriyah 84 93 Over eighty are massacred when suicide bombers fire into a restaurant before blowing themselves up.
2017.09.14 Thailand Yala 2 26 Muslim 'insurgents' stop a police patrol with a bomb, then open fire on members.
2017.09.14 Syria Harfa 1 4 Terrorists kill a civilian.
2017.09.14 Afghanistan Jaghatoo 1 0 A fundamentalist group plants an IED that claims one life.
2017.09.14 France Toulouse 0 7 A man shouting praises to Allah violently assaults strangers on the street.
2017.09.14 Iraq Qaim 3 0 Three civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.13 Iraq Nahrawan 1 6 Mujahideen plant a bomb near a brick kiln that takes a life.
2017.09.13 Iraq Mussayab 1 10 A suicide bomber claims one other life.
2017.09.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 5 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a cricket tournament, killing three innocents.
2017.09.13 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two Egyptians are taken down by a suicide bomber.
2017.09.13 Cameroon Sandawadjiri 5 1 A child with a suicide vest is blown up in front of a mosque, taking five others with her.
2017.09.12 Iraq Mashtal 1 1 A Jihadi car bomb claims one life.
2017.09.12 Afghanistan Manogi 2 0 Two civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.09.12 Germany Berlin 0 1 Two Muslim refugees beat and stab another for wearing a Christian cross.
2017.09.11 Iraq Qaim 5 0 Five young people are beheaded in front of their family by caliphate supporters.
2017.09.11 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 A Spanish doctor working as a humanitarian worker is brutally slain by a suspected radical.
2017.09.11 Egypt Sinai 18 7 Eighteen policemen are massacred by Islamic State loyalists in a suicide car bombing.
2017.09.11 Somalia Beled-Hawo 16 24 Sixteen others are left dead after a suicide assault by Fedayeen on a small town.
2017.09.11 Somalia Bal'ad 3 0 Three security personnel are shot at close range by al-Shabaab.
2017.09.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists plant a car bomb outside a hotel that claims one life.
2017.09.10 Kenya Mararani 1 6 A Kenyan is vaporized by al-Shabaab shrapnel.
2017.09.10 Iraq Nahrawan 2 0 Two women are tortured and killed by suspected ISIS.
2017.09.10 Somalia Beledweyne 4 15 A suicide bomber detonates at a café, laying out four patrons.
2017.09.10 Myanmar Fakirabazar 86 0 Eighty-six Hindus are reportedly slain by Muslim 'rebels.'
2017.09.10 Somalia Jillib 3 0 Three Kenyans are publicly beheaded by Islamists.
2017.09.10 Pakistan Kuchlak 5 3 A boy and two women are among five dead when Sunnis fire point-blank on Hazara religious minorities.
2017.09.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Jihadis set off a bomb at a market that claims three lives.
2017.09.09 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 0 A cleric and his body guard are assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.09.09 India Anantnag 1 2 Islamic radicals fire on a passing police party, killing one member.
2017.09.08 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 4 0 Four policemen are shot to death in their car by fundamentalists.
2017.09.08 Somalia Baidoa 3 4 Three restaurant patrons are taken out in mid-bite by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.09.08 Nigeria Mallan 2 0 Two farmers are gunned down by Islamists.
2017.09.08 Iraq Baghdad 1 8 A Mujahid blast claims an innocent life.
2017.09.08 Nigeria Ancha 19 5 Six women and six children are among nineteen Christian villagers butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.09.08 Iraq Ayadia 50 0 Fifty civilians are discovered tortured and shot in the head by Islamic State proponents.
2017.09.08 Nigeria Ngala 7 3 Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a displaced person camp, picking apart seven refugees.
2017.09.08 Nigeria Muna Garage 2 5 Two refugees are blown to bits in the camp by a Boko Haram suicide blast.
2017.09.08 Afghanistan Paraw 5 0 A radicalized policeman shoots four comrades and one civilian to death.
2017.09.07 India Srinagar 1 14 A civilian bleeds to death after terrorists toss a grenade into a market.
2017.09.07 Iraq Youssefiya 1 4 Jihadis place a bomb outside a row of shops that claims one life.
2017.09.07 Afghanistan Pashmaki 5 2 Five Afghans are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.09.07 Iraq Kirkuk 12 0 A dozen civilians are forced to their knees and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2017.09.07 Yemen Khor 1 3 A displaced woman succumbs to injuries after a Shiite militia bomb a residential area.
2017.09.06 Nigeria Mallan 3 0 Three young people are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.09.06 Nigeria Kesa Kura 3 0 Advocates for a Sharia state murder three villagers.
2017.09.06 Bangladesh Dhaka 4 0 Two women and two children are incinerated by a suicide blast during a raid on Jamayetul Mujahideen.
2017.09.06 Myanmar Rakhine 6 0 Six Hindus are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.09.05 Iraq Najaf 3 1 A grenade attack on a rival cleric leaves three dead.
2017.09.05 Iraq Khan Dhari 1 4 A bomb planted by Mujahideen at a market kills one patron.
2017.09.05 Kenya Lamu 5 0 Five Christians are targeted and beheaded by al-Shabaab…
2017.09.05 Nigeria Bulamari 4 0 Boko Haram murder four farmers in a drive-by shooting.
2017.09.05 Mali Kidal 2 2 Two peacekeepers bleed out following a landmine attack by suspected Islamists.
2017.09.05 Afghanistan Haska Mina 3 0 Two brothers and their uncle are abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.09.05 Yemen Barkanah 2 2 Two local security personnel are left dead following an Ansar Allah ambush.
2017.09.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Ansar ul Sharia members open fire on police, killing one.
2017.09.04 Somalia Elasha Biyaha 2 4 A remote-controlled bomb takes down two passersby.
2017.09.04 Myanmar Maungtaw 1 0 Another Hindu villager is reported killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.09.04 Iraq Ramadi 7 0 Terrorists break into a home and shoot all seven members of a family to death.
2017.09.04 India Kuppam 1 1 A Hindu man is hacked to death for being in a relationship with a Muslim woman.
2017.09.03 Kenya Ukunda 2 2 Suspected al-Shabaab members open fire on a church during service, killing two guards.
2017.09.03 Somalia Kismayo 11 10 At least eleven others are killed when a suicide bomber strikes a local security base.
2017.09.03 Iraq Anbar 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed in cold blood by caliphate members.
2017.09.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A child is among two people killed by Ansar ul Sharia gunmen.
2017.09.02 Iraq Samarra 7 12 Suicide bombers take out seven employees at a power plant.
2017.09.01 Pakistan Shati Meena 3 2 A father and son are among three people dismantled by Islamic bombers.
2017.09.01 Somalia Af-Urur 13 10 A group fighting for an Islamic State plants a bomb that claims thirteen lives.
2017.09.01 India Panta Chowk 1 7 One person is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba members attack a bus.
2017.09.01 Nigeria Orlu 1 0 A catholic priest is dragged from his car and murdered in the bush.
2017.08.31 Sweden Stockholm 0 1 A police officer is stabbed in the neck by a Muslim migrant.
2017.08.31 Iraq Tal Afar 3 7 A female suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2017.08.31 Burkina Faso Djibasso 1 0 Religious radicals shoot a border guard to death.
2017.08.31 Algeria Tiaret 2 0 A suicide bomber detonates at a police station, killing two, including an officer who sacrificed himself.
2017.08.31 Kenya Tanu 2 3 Two people are killed when al-Shabaab members plant landmines in the road and then machine-gun survivors.
2017.08.31 Libya Nofaliya 2 2 An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates at a checkpoint, killing two guards.
2017.08.31 Nigeria Tudun Wada 2 4 Extremists murder a Christian father and son, then kidnap three women and a baby.
2017.08.31 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two young lovers are tied to a bed and electrocuted in an honor killing ordered by the village elders.
2017.08.30 Afghanistan Phusht Koh 3 0 Three police are vaporized by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2017.08.30 Kenya Nyongoro 1 0 A truck driver is shot to death by Islamists.
2017.08.30 Nigeria Banki 18 0 Islamists butcher eighteen young people with knives.
2017.08.30 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 At least two people are killed during a suicide attack on a lawmaker's house.
2017.08.29 Nigeria Konduga 1 4 Boko Haram kill a farmer and kidnap four others.
2017.08.29 Philippines Talipao 3 0 Abu Sayyaf gunmen shoot three people to death.
2017.08.29 Syria Mhardeh 1 6 A child is pulled into pieces by a Sunni rocket.
2017.08.29 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Jihadis plant a bomb at a sheep market that takes out two patrons.
2017.08.29 Iraq Tal Afar 2 5 A female suicide bomber infiltrates a displaced persons camp and kills a woman and a child.
2017.08.29 Afghanistan Kabul 5 9 Five people at a bank are obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.08.28 Iraq Abu Dshir 3 6 Three people are disassembled by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2017.08.28 India Mehandi Kadal 1 0 A cop is brutally gunned down by Islamic militants.
2017.08.28 Myanmar Maungtaw 7 5 Four women are among seven non-Muslim villagers hacked to death by a large group of Muslim terrorists.
2017.08.28 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 0 Two police officers are killed when Islamic radicals open fire on them.
2017.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 Jihadis bomb a wholesale market, killing ten patrons.
2017.08.28 Dagestan Kaspiisk 1 1 Terrorists stab a police officer to death.
2017.08.28 Syria al-Dour 2 3 Women are among the casualties of a Sunni terror attack.
2017.08.28 Kenya Lafey 2 3 al-Shabaab members murder two border guards.
2017.08.28 Pakistan Barmal 2 3 Advocates for a Sharia state plant a landmine that kills two security personnel.
2017.08.27 Pakistan Vehari 1 0 A Christian boy is beaten to death by a group of Muslims.
2017.08.27 Afghanistan Nawa 13 19 Thirteen Afghans are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber outside a market.
2017.08.27 Afghanistan Dilaram 2 0 Islamists open fire on a car carrying police, taking out two in cold blood.
2017.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 A Jihadi car bomb sends three souls to Allah.
2017.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two bystanders are laid out by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.08.27 Yemen Bir Basha 4 7 Ansar Allah claim a mortar attack on a neighborhood that kills four residents.
2017.08.26 Iraq Tal Afar 18 0 Eighteen Iraqis are found summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2017.08.26 Myanmar Rakhine 53 0 Fifty-three Hindu civilians are brutally executed after refusing to convert to Islam.
2017.08.26 India Pulwama 8 8 An early morning Jaish-e-Mohammad attack leaves eight dead.
2017.08.25 Myanmar Rakhine 12 0 Muslim 'insurgents' stage pre-dawn raids on security posts, killing twelve members.
2017.08.25 Afghanistan Kabul 28 52 At least twenty-eight innocents are slaughtered during a Sunni suicide attack on a Shiite mosque during prayers. At least twenty were women and children.
2017.08.25 Belgium Brussels 0 2 A Somali asylum seeker attacks police with a machete while shouting praises to Allah and carrying a Quran.
2017.08.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 7 The Taliban attack a local security post, killing four members.
2017.08.25 Cameroon Gakara 15 8 A Sunni Jihadist group murders fifteen villagers and burns thirty-five homes.
2017.08.25 England London 0 3 A man shouting 'Allah Akbar' drives his car into a group of police and slashes at them with a sword.
2017.08.25 Nigeria Odigbo 1 2 A farmer is murdered and mutilated by Fulanis and two women are raped, including a 72-year-old.
2017.08.25 Myanmar Rakhine 1 0 A young Hindu man is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2017.08.24 Iraq Bakriya 1 3 Terrorists kill a civilian outside a shop.
2017.08.24 Iraq Hawija 8 0 Caliphate members douse eight civilians with tar and then set them on fire. The victims include a baby.
2017.08.24 Syria Zahraa 2 3 Two girls are reduced to pulp by a Sunni rocket.
2017.08.24 Afghanistan Pota 4 0 Four Afghans are eliminated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.08.24 Nigeria Kijimatari 7 6 Boko Haram open fire on sleeping villagers, killing seven.
2017.08.24 Nigeria Mallam Moduri 5 5 Five civilians are cut down in cold blood by Boko Haram.
2017.08.23 Pakistan Chiniot 2 0 Two radicals murder a local preacher and his companion over a religious disagreement.
2017.08.23 Nigeria Nganzi 15 12 Islamic terrorists rampage through four villagers, killing fifteen people and burning their homes.
2017.08.23 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 38 Women and children are among seven lives extinguished by a suicide bomber at a parking lot.
2017.08.23 Libya Jufra 14 0 Fourteen people are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.08.23 Nigeria Muna Garage 5 11 A Shahid suicide bomber kills five other people.
2017.08.22 Nigeria Kijimatari 6 0 Boko Haram slit the throats of six villagers.
2017.08.22 Nigeria Amchide 4 0 A child suicide bomber murders four persons.
2017.08.22 Iran Pishin 2 0 Sunni extremists fire on a government building, killing two guards.
2017.08.21 Iraq Taji 1 2 Terrorists take down a civilian with a planted bomb.
2017.08.21 Philippines Tubigan 9 16 Abu Sayyaf members rampage through a village, burning homes and killing nine.
2017.08.21 Sudan Muzbat 1 0 A woman is shot to death by an Islamic militia member.
2017.08.20 Egypt Arish 1 0 An Islamist sniper picks off a cop at a checkpoint.
2017.08.20 Egypt Rafah 1 5 Fundamentalists plant a bomb that leaves one person dead.
2017.08.20 Afghanistan Helmand 12 15 A dozen Afghans are cut down by religious extremists.
2017.08.20 Lebanon Ain el-Hilweh 1 3 Members of a Sunni Islamist group fire on a security building at a refugee camp, killing one.
2017.08.20 Nigeria Damaturu 2 3 Boko Haram gunmen murder two highway travelers.
2017.08.20 Lebanon Jurud Arsal 3 1 Three Lebanese border guards are blown to bits by Islamic State bombers.
2017.08.20 India Shopian 1 0 The owner of a cable network is assassinated by Islamic 'separatists.'
2017.08.20 Iraq Alam 1 1 A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.08.20 Syria Damascus 6 10 A suspected Tahrir al-Sham rocket lays out six patrons at a trade fair.
2017.08.20 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three men are brutally executed by Ansar-ul-Sharia.
2017.08.19 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis gun down a rival outside a mosque.
2017.08.19 Russia Surgut 0 8 An Islamic extremist stabs eight people outside a row of shops.
2017.08.19 Syria Latakia 2 0 Terrorists kill two passersby with a car bomb.
2017.08.19 Afghanistan Sarkano 2 8 Two girls are killed when the Taliban fire rockets into a residential area.
2017.08.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 A university professor is among two people taken out by Mujahideen bombers.
2017.08.18 Afghanistan Nawa 5 6 Fundamentalists attack a police checkpoint and murder five officers.
2017.08.18 Finland Turku 2 6 A Muslim terrorist stabs two women to death along a city street.
2017.08.18 Iraq Debis 7 0 Seven members of a family are brutally murdered in their own home by caliphate loyalists.
2017.08.18 Kenya Maleli 4 0 Three Christian villagers are beheaded by Islamists after refusing to recite to convert. A mentally challenged man is also murdered.
2017.08.18 Syria Raqqa 15 0 Fifteen people are reportedly killed in a suicide bombing near a mosque.
2017.08.17 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 2 Two people are laid out by a bomb blast.
2017.08.17 Spain Barcelona 1 0 A man is stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist.
2017.08.17 Burkina Faso Djibo 3 2 A bomb planted by suspected Islamic militants leaves three dead.
2017.08.17 Iraq Qaim 3 0 Three brothers are forced to their knees and shot in the head for refusing to join the caliphate.
2017.08.17 Afghanistan Zabul 3 0 Three children are disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.08.17 Afghanistan Greshk 3 0 Three civilians are cut to shreds by a suicide bomber.
2017.08.17 Spain Barcelona 14 130 A Muslim driver mows down over a hundred pedestrians along a venue, killing fourteen, including a 3-year-old and his mother.
2017.08.17 Spain Cambrils 1 6 Five Jihadis drive their car into a crowd of people, then stab a woman to death.
2017.08.17 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a border guard
2017.08.16 Thailand Nathawee 1 0 Muslim militants raid a car dealership and kill an employee.
2017.08.16 Spain Alcanar 1 6 A woman is killed in a house blown up accidently by an Islamic cleric making a bomb.
2017.08.16 Iraq Baiji 10 7 Ten Iraqis are taken out by suicide bombers.
2017.08.15 Egypt Arish 2 0 Two policemen are killed in separate attacks by religious fanatics.
2017.08.15 Iraq Qurret Tabbah 5 0 Three children are among a family of five exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2017.08.15 Kenya Alijize 5 1 Five local cops are ambushed and murdered by al-Shabaab.
2017.08.15 Afghanistan Chardara 4 20 Four Afghans are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2017.08.15 Nigeria Mandarari 27 83 Suicide bombers attack a market and a refugee camp, slaughtering over two dozen.
2017.08.15 Pakistan Yazman 1 0 A 24-year-old woman is chopped up with an axe by her family for marrying against their will.
2017.08.15 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 al-Shabaab spray a family vehicle with gunfire, changing the lives of three young siblings.
2017.08.14 Pakistan Mauladad 2 0 Two teenagers are tortured and murdered for having 'dishonored' their families via a love affair.
2017.08.14 Syria Damascus 1 0 An accused gay man is thrown from a rooftop by caliphate members.
2017.08.14 Afghanistan Firuzkoh 3 0 Three Catholic Relief aid workers are brutally gunned down.
2017.08.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab bomb blast near a hotel kills a taxi driver.
2017.08.14 Yemen Qatabah 17 7 The lives of seventeen civilians are cut short by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2017.08.14 Mali Timbuktu 8 7 Muslim terrorists open fire on a UN headquarters, killing eight people.
2017.08.14 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A woman is shot in the head for having married a Christian man.
2017.08.13 Syria Damascus 1 0 A man is shot in the head for 'abandoning Islam.'
2017.08.13 Egypt al-Arish 2 6 Fundamentalists attack a police vehicle, killing two officers.
2017.08.13 Burkina Faso Ouagadougou 18 8 Jihadis open fire on a restaurant, slaughtering eighteen innocents point-blank.
2017.08.13 Iraq Nada 4 0 Four policemen are ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.08.13 India Srinagar 1 0 Angry Muslims hurl a petrol bomb at a checkpoint, burning alive an innocent civilian.
2017.08.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Terrorists shoot three people to death near a popular picnic area.
2017.08.13 Afghanistan Herat 2 0 Two people are shot to death by the Taliban.
2017.08.13 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 38-year-old man is tortured to death in prison after refusing to renounce his Christian faith.
2017.08.13 Pakistan Chak 3 0 A woman is shot to death along with her husband and baby for marrying against her family's permission.
2017.08.13 Turkey Istanbul 1 1 A Jihadi stabs two officers at a police station.
2017.08.13 Yemen Usaylan 3 9 Ansar Allah gunmen take three targets.
2017.08.12 Syria Sarmin 7 0 Ahrar al-Sham militants are suspected of shooting seven rescue workers in the head.
2017.08.12 Nigeria Wanori 4 6 Boko Haram attack a village, killing four residents and burning homes.
2017.08.12 Pakistan Quetta 15 32 An Islamic State suicide bomber at a market claims fifteen souls.
2017.08.12 Iraq Hawija 4 8 ISIS bombers pick off four fleeing refugees.
2017.08.12 India Zainapora 4 3 Terrorists open fire on a group of local security personnel, killing two members and two civilians.
2017.08.12 Iraq Hawija 5 0 A judge and four others are executed and hung from light poles by the caliphate.
2017.08.11 Afghanistan Dawolat Abad 12 0 Women and children are among a dozen civilians reduced to pulp by an 'insurgent' rocket.
2017.08.11 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 A mentally-disabled man is shot to death by radicals for 'blasphemy'.
2017.08.11 Iraq Khouser 2 0 Two brothers are shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2017.08.11 Nigeria Jere 2 0 Islamists murder two tractor operators working on a farm.
2017.08.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A suicide bomber kills at least one other person.
2017.08.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Ansar-ul-Sharia gunmen assassinate a local official and his driver.
2017.08.11 Pakistan Naawagai 3 26 Islamic bombers target a truck carrying civilian laborers, killing three.
2017.08.11 Yemen Mizlak 7 4 Seven souls are claimed by Ansar Allah terrorists.
2017.08.10 Iraq Mosul 2 3 Islamic State snipers pick off two family members crossing a bridge.
2017.08.10 Iraq Islah 1 0 A shepherd is kidnapped and murdered by sectarian militants.
2017.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 1 7 A planted bomb takes down a passerby.
2017.08.10 Yemen Dhamar 1 0 Shiite radicals are suspected of assassinating a politician at a Sunni mosque.
2017.08.10 Nigeria Ghumbili 1 0 At least one person is reported dead after Boko Haram storm a village and set fire to dozens of homes.
2017.08.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes down at least one other person.
2017.08.09 Pakistan Sherotkai 4 0 Two suicide bombers kill at least four.
2017.08.09 Egypt Arish 4 0 Islamic State loyalists open fire on a police car, killing four occupants.
2017.08.09 Pakistan Dunai Karora 2 0 A young couple is shot to death for being in an extramarital relationship.
2017.08.09 Iraq Hawija 27 0 Over two dozen civilians are forced to their knees and shot in the head by Islamic State members.
2017.08.09 Afghanistan Bagram 3 1 Three women are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2017.08.09 France Paris 0 6 A Muslim living illegally in France deliberately plows his car into a group of soldiers.
2017.08.09 Yemen Salif 1 0 A fisherman is captured and tortured to death by a Shiite militia.
2017.08.08 Pakistan Multan 2 2 A woman and her husband are killed by her brother for marrying by choice.
2017.08.08 Egypt Qowaysna 2 1 Suspected radicals open fire on a police patrol, killing two members.
2017.08.08 Yemen Juhayn 4 8 Four others are killed by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber.
2017.08.07 Iraq Mosul 4 7 Two women are among four people killed by terrorists.
2017.08.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An accomplished athlete is murdered by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.08.07 Iraq Tanf 68 85 Sixty-eight 'apostates' are said to be killed in a targeted suicide attack on Iraqi troops in a Shiite town.
2017.08.07 Pakistan Lahore 2 35 A bomb planted on a fruit truck produces thirty-seven casualties.
2017.08.07 Philippines Maguindanao 2 0 Two people are killed allegedly by Islamic State bombers.
2017.08.07 Iraq Diyala 1 0 A farmer in an orchard is murdered by terrorists.
2017.08.06 Pakistan Manga Mandi 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her husband for not obeying him and leaving her job.
2017.08.06 Afghanistan Mirza Olang 52 0 At least 50 people, including children, women and the elderly are massacred by a Sunni attack on a Shiite village.
2017.08.06 Pakistan Madina 3 0 Three women are tortured and stabbed to death in a gruesome honor killing.
2017.08.05 Iraq Mosul 30 0 Thirty victims of ISIS torture and execution are discovered in a mass grave at a market. Some had their hands cut off.
2017.08.05 Iraq Hadba 4 0 Sectarian Jihadis torture four civilians to death.
2017.08.05 Nigeria Duguri 14 0 Fourteen people are massacred by Boko Haram.
2017.08.05 Nigeria Dabar Wanzam 17 0 Seventeen fishermen are slaughtered by an Islamic group.
2017.08.05 Iraq Ramadi 3 3 Jihadis bomb a funeral, killing three mourners.
2017.08.05 Cameroon Amchide 8 4 At least eight innocents are slain by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.08.04 Syria Dana 10 30 Children are among ten killed by a suicide car bomber at a market.
2017.08.04 Nigeria Maiduguri 0 2 Three suicide bombers detonate at a hospital.
2017.08.04 Iraq Aghawat 3 0 A suicide bomber kills three Iraqis.
2017.08.04 Iraq Tash 40 0 A mass grave is discovered, containing forty victims of ISIS execution.
2017.08.04 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by religious extremists.
2017.08.04 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 A suicide bomber takes out three pedestrians near a hotel.
2017.08.04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two brothers are gunned down by Islamic State loyalists.
2017.08.04 Iraq Mosul 7 4 Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.08.04 Iraq Tal Afar 4 0 A man and his three sons are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.08.04 India Kanelwan 1 0 A civilian is killed during crossfire after terrorists attack a security patrol.
2017.08.04 Egypt Esna 2 3 Two people are cut down when Islamic extremists open fire with automatic weapons.
2017.08.04 Kenya Shakako-Moa 3 0 Three fishermen are abducted and beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2017.08.03 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 1 A civilian succumbs to injuries following a terror attack on displaced families.
2017.08.03 Afghanistan Qarabagh 3 12 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three locals.
2017.08.03 Kenya Lafey 1 0 A group fighting for Sharia launches RPGs at two vehicles, killing one occupant.
2017.08.03 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Two children are among three civilians disassembled by Islamic bombers.
2017.08.03 Myanmar Maungdaw 6 0 Three woman are among six Buddhists hacked to death by Muslim 'insurgents'
2017.08.03 India Shopian 2 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of security personnel, killing two.
2017.08.03 Afghanistan Alwazi 5 0 A family of five is exterminated by the Taliban.
2017.08.03 Syria Idlib 2 10 Two bomb blasts leave two civilians dead.
2017.08.03 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 20 A suspected suicide bomber kills at least five near a foreign exchange market.
2017.08.02 Iraq Mosul 3 4 Women and children among the casualties of an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.08.02 Iraq Mosul 2 1 Jihadis booby-trap a house, picking off two family members.
2017.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 4 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber in a burqa two Americans and one German.
2017.08.02 Kenya Kipini 3 5 Islamists fire on a bus along the highway, killing three passengers.
2017.08.02 Nigeria Miltho 7 10 Boko Haram storm a village, shooting and beheading seven innocents.
2017.08.02 Israel Yevne 0 1 A supermarket employee is stabbed by a radicalized Palestinian.
2017.08.02 Yemen Redhoom 6 3 An al-Qaeda suicide bombing leaves six others dead.
2017.08.01 Afghanistan Nawa 6 3 A half-dozen local cops are cut to pieces by Taliban extremists.
2017.08.01 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Muslim bombers target a group of teachers, killing two guards.
2017.08.01 Iraq Zanjili 8 0 A woman and child are among a family of eight, obliterated in their own home by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.08.01 Afghanistan Herat 32 66 A suicide bomber detonates at a Shiite mosque, sending thirty-two worshippers straight to Allah.
2017.07.31 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Jihadis bomb a market, killing at least three bystanders.
2017.07.31 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Two employees are killed during a suicide attack on an embassy.
2017.07.30 Libya Derna 5 4 An al-Qaeda-linked group purges five Libyans.
2017.07.30 Somalia Golweyn 12 7 A dozen AU peacekeepers are ambushed and murdered by al-Shabaab.
2017.07.30 Somalia Mogadishu 6 20 At least six others are killed when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates along a busy street.
2017.07.30 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 6 Radical Shiites attack a police patrol, killing one member.
2017.07.30 Syria Aleppo 4 0 Four people are slain by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.07.30 Afghanistan Khogyani 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists blow up a secular leader with a roadside blast.
2017.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two religious minorities are murdered by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.07.30 Iraq Annah 2 0 Two Iraqis are leveled by a suicide bomb blast.
2017.07.29 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A young woman is strangled by her father for marrying by choice.
2017.07.29 Iraq Kasr 3 7 Three civilians are taken down by Mujahid bombers.
2017.07.29 Philippines Lantawan 7 0 A father and son are among seven villagers kidnapped and beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.07.29 Yemen Taiz 13 5 A surprise attack by Ansar Allah leaves thirteen dead.
2017.07.28 Pakistan Shani Khel 3 0 Suspected Islamists shoot a father, mother and son to death in their home.
2017.07.28 Afghanistan Nawa 10 2 Then local cops are reportedly murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.07.28 Nigeria Dikwa 14 24 A suicide bomber targeting displaced persons manages to kill fourteen.
2017.07.28 Nigeria Meme 1 0 Four suicide bombers manage to kill one other person.
2017.07.28 Iraq Baghdadi 6 0 A suicide bomber exterminates two parents and their four children.
2017.07.28 Germany Hamburg 1 4 A man on a mission to kill Christians rushes into a supermarket and stabs five people, one of whom dies.
2017.07.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Sunni is tortured to death by Shiites.
2017.07.27 Burkina Faso Takeo 3 0 Three family members are gunned down by Jihadists.
2017.07.27 Iraq Amiriyat al-Somoud 1 1 One other person is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.07.27 Iraq Binikani 2 3 Two women are obliterated by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.07.26 Iraq Kakai Kurds 4 4 Two woman are among four family members murdered in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2017.07.26 Iraq Thahab 11 0 Women and children are among a family of eleven executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.07.26 Cameroon Sagme 2 3 A Boko Haram attack on a town leaves two dead.
2017.07.26 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A Yazidi is killed by an ISIS bomb planted in his home.
2017.07.26 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 0 A religious scholar is shot dead by Islamic rivals outside a mosque.
2017.07.26 India Yaripora 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2017.07.25 Mali Doro 2 0 A Jihadi bomb blast claims two lives.
2017.07.25 Iraq Mosul 37 0 Thirty-seven bodies, mostly women and children, are found executed by ISIS.
2017.07.25 Afghanistan Karzali 26 13 Armed fundamentalists overrun a local military base, killing at least two dozen Afghans.
2017.07.25 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Islamic State members attack a market, killing four guards.
2017.07.25 Mali Menaka 4 0 A child and three others, some elderly, are slaughtered by Jihadists.
2017.07.25 Nigeria Barno Yasu 69 10 Islamists ambush an oil exploration team, killing nearly fifty guards, drivers and civilians.
2017.07.25 Afghanistan Ganda 1 0 A man is beheaded for sorcery by religious radicals.
2017.07.25 Iraq Tal Afar 10 0 Ten people are burned alive for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.07.25 Yemen Khab 3 3 Three civilians are exterminated by Ansar Allah bombers.
2017.07.25 Morocco Beni Ansar 0 1 A Spanish border guard is attacked by a knife-wielding man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.07.24 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A doctor is dragged from his home and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.07.24 Burkina Faso Sibe 5 0 Ansarul Islam members murder five innocents in three villages.
2017.07.24 Iraq al-Midan 60 0 Sixty victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2017.07.24 Iraq Mosul 4 3 Jihadis set off a car bomb at a market, killing four patrons.
2017.07.24 Afghanistan Kabul 35 40 Thirty-five lives are snuffed out by a massive suicide blast along a street in a Shiite area.
2017.07.24 Nigeria Dalori 8 17 Fedayeen suicide bombers claim eights souls at two displaced persons camp.
2017.07.24 Pakistan Lahore 26 58 A suicide blast outside a business park kills over two dozen.
2017.07.24 Iraq Ma'alef 1 2 A woman bleeds to death following a Mujahid bomb blast at a market.
2017.07.23 Nigeria Kano 1 3 Boko Haram gunmen open fire on police, killing one.
2017.07.23 Thailand Sai Buri 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on a tea shop, killing a patron.
2017.07.23 Somalia Baidoa 4 2 An al-Shabaab bomb blast lays out four Somalis.
2017.07.23 Iraq al-Hadid 5 9 Five people are obliterated by Jihadi shrapnel.
2017.07.23 Egypt Cairo 2 3 Hasm fundamentalists riddle two traffic cops with bullets.
2017.07.23 Iraq Fallujah 2 1 Terrorists kill two people with a car bomb.
2017.07.23 Afghanistan Ghor 8 12 Eight local cops are killed during a Taliban assault on their headquarters.
2017.07.23 Thailand Yarang 1 1 A mattress vendor is shot to death in his truck next to his wife by militant Muslims.
2017.07.22 Lebanon Jurud Arsal 1 0 al-Nusra extremists murder a negotiator.
2017.07.22 Pakistan Orangi 4 1 Ansarul Sharia members machine-gun a 10-year-old boy and three others.
2017.07.22 Nigeria Dagu 4 0 Four hunters are ambushed and murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.07.21 Syria Hasaka 1 0 A Christian professor is kidnapped and then shot in the head.
2017.07.21 England Norfolk 0 2 A guard and prisoner have their throats slashed by a Muslim yelling 'This is for Allah'…
2017.07.21 India Khailam 0 24 A Muslim mob pelts a passing group of Hindu pilgrims with bricks.
2017.07.21 Cameroon Dabanga 2 4 A Boko Haram suicide bomber kills two and maims four.
2017.07.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 63 Seven villagers are kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.
2017.07.21 Syria Salamiya 6 18 Terrorists send shells into a residential area, killing a half-dozen civilians.
2017.07.21 Philippines Marawi 9 49 An Islamist car bombing and hand grenade attack leaves nine dead.
2017.07.20 Kenya Kiunga 2 0 Two innocents are shot at close range by al-Shabaab members.
2017.07.20 Thailand Bacho 1 1 Militant Muslims hurl pipe bombs at police, killing one.
2017.07.20 Afghanistan Shah Walikot 16 7 A Taliban attack leaves sixteen others dead.
2017.07.20 Iraq Baaj 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2017.07.20 Afghanistan Gereshk 6 5 A wave of suicide bombers take out a half-dozen cops.
2017.07.20 Afghanistan Khogiani 4 2 Four people in a vehicle are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2017.07.20 Iraq al-Murra al-Kobra 3 5 Islamic bombers pick off a woman and two children.
2017.07.20 Iraq Imam Gharbi 2 0 Two journalists are found executed by ISIS militants.
2017.07.20 Israel Halamish 3 1 A 70-year-old man and his son and daughter are butchered in their own home by a knife-wielding Palestinian angry over mosque security.
2017.07.20 Egypt al-Arish 7 0 Two babies and two women are among seven civilians cut down by suicide bombers.
2017.07.19 Afghanistan Chaparhar 0 1 A 10-year-old girl loses both her legs to a Taliban IED.
2017.07.19 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslim soldiers beat a peer to death on account of his Coptic faith.
2017.07.19 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A Christian laborer is beaten to death by an angry Muslim.
2017.07.19 Pakistan Mastung 5 1 A woman is among four Hazara minorities gunned down along with their driver in a targeted attack.
2017.07.19 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three Iraqis are killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.07.19 Egypt Sinai 8 4 Eight civilians are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2017.07.19 Iraq Mosul 8 5 Islamists booby-trap two houses, netting eight residents.
2017.07.18 Afghanistan Zabul 8 7 Sunni hardliners attack a checkpoint and murder eight officers.
2017.07.18 Iraq Chragh 5 0 A rival cleric is among a group of civilians shot to death in their village by Islamic State members.
2017.07.18 Syria Hasakeh 4 0 Four Kurds are brought down by a suicide bomber.
2017.07.17 Iraq Jalawa 1 2 Islamists kill a woman and kidnap her two sons.
2017.07.17 Italy Milan 0 1 A migrant stabs a police officer while yelling about being a martyr for Allah.
2017.07.17 Yemen Shabwa 8 3 A suicide bomber lays out eight locals.
2017.07.17 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 4 A suicide bomber kills two local security personnel.
2017.07.17 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 13 A female suicide bomber rushes into a crowd of worshippers at a rival mosque and detonates, killing eight.
2017.07.17 Egypt al-Arish 5 11 Jihadists kill five security personnel in two terror attacks.
2017.07.17 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 5 Two others are killed by two suicide bombers.
2017.07.17 Afghanistan Ahmad Abad 3 0 Three border guards are shot in cold blood by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.07.16 Yemen Shabwa 5 3 Five local soldiers guarding a pipeline are raked with automatic weapons fire by al-Qaeda.
2017.07.16 Egypt Alexandria 0 1 An attempted stabbing spree at a church is thwarted by a guard, who is injured in the process.
2017.07.16 Iraq Hawija 1 0 A female doctor is stabbed to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.07.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 7 Mujahideen take out a civilian with a car bomb.
2017.07.16 Ethiopia Hirna 0 1 A young man is attacked by Muslims with machetes for evangelizing on behalf of his church.
2017.07.15 Thailand Pattani 0 7 Three women and a 4-year-old boy are among the casualties of a targeted shooting attack against Buddhists.
2017.07.15 Nigeria Muna Delti 1 1 A 12-year-old boy is killed after Boko Haram straps a bomb to him.
2017.07.15 Syria Dara'a 1 0 A man is shot in the head for 'blasphemy'.
2017.07.15 Afghanistan Qalat 4 1 Sunni hardliners open fire on a group of policemen, killing four.
2017.07.14 Egypt Hurghada 3 3 Two German women and a Czech woman are stabbed to death at their hotel in a targeted attack by a suspected fundamentalist.
2017.07.14 Israel Jerusalem 2 1 Two police officers are gunned down in cold blood by three terrorists near a Jewish holy site.
2017.07.14 Egypt Giza 5 0 Five police sitting in their car are machine-gunned point-blank by religious radicals.
2017.07.14 Kenya Lamu 3 0 Three young men are murdered after being kidnapped by al-Shabaab.
2017.07.13 Iraq Garma 17 9 A suicide bomber takes out seventeen bystanders at a security headquarters.
2017.07.13 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 1 A border guard is slain by Shiite radicals.
2017.07.13 Afghanistan Shahjoi 2 2 Two children are disassembled in their home by a Taliban rocket.
2017.07.13 Philippines Barangay 1 0 Another Vietnamese sailor is found shot to death by Abu Sayyaf captors.
2017.07.13 Cameroon Waza 15 42 A baby is among fifteen villagers slaughtered by two female suicide bombers.
2017.07.13 Pakistan Quetta 4 0 A Taliban faction sprays four local cops with automatic weapons fire.
2017.07.13 Kenya Milihoi 3 2 al-Shabaab shoot three people dead.
2017.07.13 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four Iraqis are sent to Allah by five suicide bombers.
2017.07.13 Syria Azaz 4 7 Four people succumb following a car bombing outside a school.
2017.07.13 Somalia Milihoi 4 2 Several women are among those killed in a raid by al-Shabaab.
2017.07.12 Syria Idlib 12 12 A suicide bombing at a textile factory claims a dozen lives.
2017.07.12 Philippines Marawi 6 0 Six more victims of Islamist execution are discovered.
2017.07.12 Somalia Mogadishu 5 8 Women and children are among the casualties of a suicide truck bombing.
2017.07.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 12 4 Suicide bombers slaughter a dozen others.
2017.07.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 7 19 A suicide bomber murders seven civilians gathered to mourn the victims of an earlier bombing.
2017.07.11 Iraq Khalis 1 1 A civilian is taken out by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2017.07.11 Afghanistan Farah 7 9 Militant Sunnis force seven passengers off a bus and shoot them point-blank.
2017.07.11 Nigeria Lake Chad 8 0 Eight villagers are forced to the ground and executed for defying Sharia.
2017.07.11 Yemen Lahij 2 2 Ansar Allah gunmen open point-blank on a checkpoint, killing two members.
2017.07.10 Iraq Tal Afar 7 0 Seven children are executed and hung from lamp posts by the Islamic State.
2017.07.10 Pakistan Chaman 3 11 Three people bleed to death following a suicide bomb blast.
2017.07.10 Pakistan Haji Soomro 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is honor killed by her father for marrying by choice.
2017.07.10 India Anantnag 8 19 Eight Hindu pilgrims, including six women, are massacred by heavily-armed Muslim terrorists.
2017.07.10 Iraq Hawija 3 3 Islamic bombers target fleeing families, killing three members of one.
2017.07.10 Afghanistan Ali Shing 2 7 Women and children are among the casualties of a Taliban attack.
2017.07.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A former teacher is shot to death by suspected 'insurgents'.
2017.07.10 Pakistan Tegha 3 4 A bomb planted by the Tehreek-e-Taliban kills three security personnel.
2017.07.09 Iraq Hawija 32 4 Thirty-two civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.07.09 Iraq Marir 3 7 Three civilians are obliterated by an ISIS projectile.
2017.07.09 Somalia Halgan 2 3 Islamists overrun a village and kill two guards.
2017.07.09 Syria Qantarah 1 4 One resident is killed when Jihadis fire a rocket into a neighborhood.
2017.07.09 Mali Menaka 8 0 Eight local soldiers are captured and then killed in captivity by Jihadists.
2017.07.08 Kenya Poromoko 13 0 Thirteen Christians are beheaded after being unable to recite Islamic dogma.
2017.07.08 Egypt Sinai 2 9 Two Egyptians are purged by Islamic bombers.
2017.07.08 Pakistan Pekha 1 4 A pro-Sharia group is thought responsible for a blast that kills a tribal elder.
2017.07.08 Yemen Taiz 2 0 Ansar Allah snipers take down two civilians.
2017.07.07 Yemen Makhdarah 4 5 An Ansar Allah mortar attack claims four lives.
2017.07.07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 The Islamic State trap and kill two TV journalists.
2017.07.07 Iraq Hawija 1 0 A man is burned alive by the Islamic State.
2017.07.07 Egypt Qalyoubiya 1 0 The Hasm militant group shoots a man on his way to a mosque.
2017.07.07 Egypt el-Barth 23 33 Islamic militants stage a brutal assault on a checkpoint that beings with a suicide blast and leaves two dozen dead.
2017.07.06 Syria Hama 3 9 Three people at a bus stop are sent to their final destination by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.07.06 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 6 Shiite extremists kill a local cop with an explosive device.
2017.07.06 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 An Islamist group is thought responsible for a car bomb blast that kills a businessman.
2017.07.06 India Basirhat 1 0 A 65-year-old Hindu is stabbed to death during a Muslim riot over an 'offensive' Facebook post.
2017.07.06 Thailand La Nga 1 0 A young man is gunned down at a market by terrorists.
2017.07.06 Thailand Mayo 2 0 Two villagers are shot to death by militant Muslims.
2017.07.05 Afghanistan Haji Abad 3 9 Religious extremists attack a rival mosque and murder three people.
2017.07.05 Niger Midal 5 0 Jihadists ambush and kill five local soldiers.
2017.07.05 Philippines Sumisip 2 0 An Abu Sayyaf-linked group beheads two Vietnamese hostages.
2017.07.05 Kenya Pandanguo 3 0 al-Shabaab members raid a town and kill three guards.
2017.07.05 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 A well-placed Taliban rocket exterminates a woman and child.
2017.07.04 Iraq Tal Afar 200 0 Women and children are among 200 ethnic minorities summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2017.07.04 Egypt al-Arish 3 10 Fundamentalists kill three local police with a planted bomb.
2017.07.04 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 3 Shiite radicals are suspected in the murder of a local cop.
2017.07.04 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two guards are killed when al-Shabaab lob mortars at a government residence.
2017.07.04 India Karnataka 1 0 A Hindu activist is stabbed to death by angry Muslims.
2017.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A male model is stabbed and tortured to death after ignoring warnings to dress more conservatively.
2017.07.03 Iraq Hawija 3 2 Three members of a family trying to flee the caliphate are blown to bits by ISIS bombers.
2017.07.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Sunni extremists are suspected in a bomb attack that leaves one dead.
2017.07.03 Iraq Mosul 1 3 Two female suicide bombers manage to take out one other person.
2017.07.03 Iraq Hawija 12 0 A family of four is among a dozen people forced into cages and burned alive by the Islamic State.
2017.07.03 Afghanistan Khakrez 4 1 Two women are among four civilians torn apart by a Taliban explosive.
2017.07.03 Cameroon Homaka 4 10 Four people are ripped to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.07.03 Iraq Zanjili 74 0 The bodies of 74 men, women and children, shot to death by the Islamic State, are discovered in the street.
2017.07.02 Iraq Mosul 3 9 A 12-year-old girl is strapped with a suicide bomb and sent to kill three others.
2017.07.02 Niger Ngalewa 9 30 Islamists swoop in on camels and massacre nine villagers.
2017.07.02 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 2 0 A man shoots his teen daughter and her friend for eloping, then joins the Taliban.
2017.07.02 Afghanistan Chemtal 13 0 Fundamentalists storm a rival mosque and shoot thirteen worshippers to death.
2017.07.02 Syria Damascus 18 20 A Sunday morning suicide car bomber sends eighteen souls to Allah.
2017.07.02 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A man is burned alive by the Islamic State for mourning another person's death.
2017.07.02 Iraq Vefa 16 20 Sixteen women and children at a refugee camp are massacred by a Shahid suicide bomber hiding beneath a burka.
2017.07.02 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 4 Two civilians are aerated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.07.02 Egypt Tala 1 0 Jihadis slit the throat of a Christian doctor at his clinic.
2017.07.02 Egypt Heliopolis 1 0 A 55-year-old Coptic jeweler is shot to death in his home by religious extremists.
2017.07.01 Somalia Elasha 2 6 A woman is among two taken down by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2017.07.01 India Dailgam 2 0 A woman is among two civilians killed when terrorists use them as a human shields.
2017.07.01 Cameroon Mora 1 2 Four females suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.07.01 Pakistan Aka Chel 4 0 Four people are blown to bits by Islamic militants.
2017.07.01 Syria Hadar 1 2 Jabhat al-Nusra members kill a civilian.
2017.07.01 Syria Adra 1 19 A woman is killed when Sunni terrorists fire on a prison.
2017.07.01 Syria Daraa 2 12 An Islamic group sends shells into a residential neighborhood, killing two civilians.
2017.07.01 Iraq Mosul 28 0 Thirteen children are among two dozen civilians cut down by gunfire for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.07.01 Pakistan Tirah Valley 3 0 Three security personnel are ambushed and killed by radical Sunnis.
2017.07.01 Pakistan Kalu Khan 1 0 Terrorists gun down a polio immunization worker.
2017.06.30 Somalia Galkayo 2 0 Islamists are suspected of shooting two security officials to death.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Sheb Koh 6 0 Religious fundamentalists murder six local cops.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Achin 7 5 Two woman and two children are among seven civilians picked off by Islamic State bombers.
2017.06.30 Iraq al-Walid 10 40 An ISIS attack on a group of border guards leaves ten dead.
2017.06.30 Afghanistan Aqbalaq 10 0 Ten 'heretics' are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.06.30 Indonesia Jakarta 0 2 Two police officers are stabbed outside a mosque in a religiously-motivated attack.
2017.06.30 Cameroon Kerawa 1 0 Two female suicide bombers detonate at a rival mosque, killing a worshipper.
2017.06.30 Syria Arsal 1 7 A young girl bleeds out from injuries caused by a Fedayeen suicide bomb attack on a refugee camp.
2017.06.30 Austria Linz 2 0 A 'radicalized' Muslim slits the throats of an elderly couple in their home.
2017.06.30 Yemen Kelaba 1 0 A civilian is brought down by an Ansar Allah sniper.
2017.06.29 Nigeria Kangarwa 4 0 Boko Haram kill four Nigerians with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.29 Niger Kabalewa 2 11 Two young refugees are killed in their own camp by Shahid suicide bombers.
2017.06.28 Iraq Mosul 5 0 An ISIS car bomb lays out five Iraqis.
2017.06.28 Yemen Qatn 3 0 Three local security personnel are murdered by al-Qaeda.
2017.06.28 Philippines Marawi 17 0 Seventeen more villagers are found murdered by Islamic militants, including five who were beheaded.
2017.06.28 Iraq Dolab 2 0 Two children are strapped with bombs and sent into a wedding.
2017.06.28 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 0 Two sisters are brutally shot to death by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2017.06.27 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two police officers are ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
2017.06.27 Kenya Lamu 8 17 Four children are among eight people laid out by an al-Shabaab IED.
2017.06.27 Pakistan Kaday 1 0 A 12-year-old girl is honor killed by her family - as her village is put on notice and stands by.
2017.06.26 Afghanistan Alisher Tirazai 1 0 Fundamentalists are suspected of gunning down a tribal elder at a mosque.
2017.06.26 Yemen Taiz 1 1 A well-placed Ansar Allah shell claims a civilian.
2017.06.25 Iraq Alam 14 0 Fourteen women and children are found gunned down by caliphate members for trying to flee.
2017.06.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 One other person is killed when a Shahid suicide bomber explodes at a university.
2017.06.25 Nigeria Zannari 8 13 Four female suicide bombers lay out eight innocents.
2017.06.25 Indonesia Medan 1 1 A policemen on a rest break is stabbed to death by religious extremists yelling praises to Allah.
2017.06.25 Syria al-Dana 10 30 Terrorists set off a car bomb at a market, bringing down ten patrons.
2017.06.25 Pakistan Speenmark 6 2 Six young children are killed, and two others badly maimed, by a 'toy' bomb.
2017.06.25 Iraq Hawija 7 0 Seven civilians are slaughtered by the Islamic State and then cut into small pieces.
2017.06.24 Afghanistan Salma Dam 10 4 Ten guards at a dam are machine-gunned point-blank during a surprise Taliban attack.
2017.06.24 Saudi Arabia Mecca 0 11 A suicide bomber targets the Grand Mosque.
2017.06.24 India Srinagar 1 1 A Lashkar-e-Toiba attack leaves one dead.
2017.06.24 Iraq Himreen 10 6 Ten women and children are disassembled by a targeted Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.06.24 Iraq Mosul 3 9 Shoppers at an arcade are blown to bits by two suicide bombers.
2017.06.24 Iraq Qaratapa 2 0 ISIS shrapnel claims the lives of two women.
2017.06.24 Egypt Minya 1 0 A Christian artist is beheaded by Religion of Peace advocates.
2017.06.23 Syria Aleppo 4 12 Sunni militants send rockets into a residential area, pulverizing four civilians.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 4 9 Suicide bombers attack a mosque, killing four.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 10 40 Ten people are reportedly killed when an ISIS rocket hits a rocket.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Karachi 4 1 Terrorists gun down four off-duty cops at a restaurant.
2017.06.23 Kenya Elwak 3 3 Three people at a bank are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.23 Iraq al-Baghdadi 6 4 Four women and a child are among six civilians blown away by four suicide bombers.
2017.06.23 Syria al-Dana 2 0 Two people are wasted by a Sunni explosive.
2017.06.23 Thailand Narathiwat 0 14 A 4-year-old girl is among the casualties of a Muslim cylinder bomb.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Quetta 12 16 A dozen people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.23 Iraq Mosul 13 20 A suicide bomber detonates amidst a group of families fleeing the caliphate, killing at least a dozen.
2017.06.23 Pakistan Tal Adda 72 261 A vicious double-bombing in a Shiite shopping district by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi claims over seventy shoppers and first responders.
2017.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Caliphate car bombers take down two Iraqis.
2017.06.22 India Krishna Ghati 2 0 Two border guards are killed during an infiltration attempt by Muslim terrorists.
2017.06.22 Afghanistan Lashkargah 29 60 A suicide car bomb outside a bank lays out thirty customers.
2017.06.22 Somalia Mogadishu 8 4 Eight bystanders are reduced to pulp when a Shahid suicide car bomber rams a police station.
2017.06.22 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A religious cleric is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2017.06.22 Iraq Mosul 5 0 A bomb targeting displaced persons kills five.
2017.06.21 Pakistan Nawabshah 1 1 A young woman is gunned down by her conservative family over suspicion of sex.
2017.06.21 Afghanistan Baraki 2 2 Islamic militants open fire inside a mosque, killing two officials.
2017.06.21 Cameroon Kolofata 8 6 Eight civilians are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.21 Nigeria Abari-Dalwa 2 6 A truck driver is among two people shot to death by Boko Haram.
2017.06.21 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 8 Two civilians succumb to ISIS shrapnel.
2017.06.21 Nigeria Madagali 2 0 Islamists strap bombs to two teenage girls.
2017.06.21 USA Flint, MI 0 1 A police officer at an airport is stabbed in the neck by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2017.06.20 Somalia Mogadishu 15 20 A Shahid suicide car bomber posing as a milk delivery man claims fifteen lives.
2017.06.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 Terrorists kill a judge with a magnetic bomb.
2017.06.20 Belgium Brussels 0 0 A suicide nail bomber attempts to aerate passengers at a train station.
2017.06.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 54-year-old teacher is gunned down by radicals for supporting the peace process.
2017.06.19 Afghanistan Bagram 8 0 The Taliban ambush and murder eight guards on their way home.
2017.06.19 France Paris 0 0 A suicide bomber targets police along the Champs-Elysees.
2017.06.18 Iraq Kirkuk 34 0 Women and children are among thirty-four civilians executed in cold blood for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.06.18 Mali Bamako 5 8 Gunmen yelling praises to Allah invade a resort and murder five.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 16 11 Over a dozen people are disassembled by five female suicide bombers.
2017.06.18 Afghanistan Gardez 6 29 A suicide blast kicks off an assault on a police station that leaves six dead.
2017.06.18 Egypt Cairo 1 4 An ISIS-inspired group is thought responsible for a bomb that leaves one person dead.
2017.06.18 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense militia are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.06.18 France Lot-et-Garonne 0 1 A young Jihadi nearly stabs a French farmer to death while yelling praises to Allah.
2017.06.18 Yemen Taiz 1 0 A civilian is taken out by an Ansar Allah sniper.
2017.06.17 Somalia Towfiq 1 0 Three Islamists are identified as being behind the assassination of a rival cleric.
2017.06.17 Iraq Tal Afar 5 0 A family of five is exterminated by a Shiite militia.
2017.06.17 Afghanistan Alingar 4 0 Four construction workers are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2017.06.17 Mali Bintagoungou 5 8 Jihadists attack a local security post, killing five members.
2017.06.17 Somalia Lahelay 5 12 Radicals fighting for a Sharia state attack a military base and murder five local troops.
2017.06.17 India Pinglana 1 0 A civilian is cut down outside his home by Muslim militants.
2017.06.17 Thailand Pattani 6 4 A brutal roadside bomb attack by Muslim 'insurgents' kills six local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Wajirko 3 0 Muslim radicals ambush and murder three local soldiers.
2017.06.17 Nigeria Gumsuri 5 0 Five villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.06.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are captured and strung up by the Islamic State.
2017.06.16 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 Terrorists carve up a female border guard with knives.
2017.06.16 India Achabal 6 0 Islamic radicals ambush and murder six local cops, then mutilate the bodies.
2017.06.16 Kenya Mandera 4 11 A bomb planted by al-Shabaab claims four lives.
2017.06.15 Cameroon Limani 2 7 A 3-year-old child and one other civilians are reduced to pulp by a female suicide bomber.
2017.06.15 Thailand Yarang 1 0 A 52-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2017.06.15 India Bogund 1 0 A police officer is gunned down outside his home by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Kabul 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a Shiite mosque, killing four members.
2017.06.15 India Hyderpora 1 1 Muslim terrorists attack a police patrol in a drive-by, killing one member.
2017.06.15 Afghanistan Shaikhabad 3 1 Three children are wiped out during a firefight following a Taliban attack on a checkpoint.
2017.06.15 Somalia Balcad 3 7 al-Shabaab extremists kill three members of a local security patrol with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.15 Pakistan Chamkani 3 1 Islamic radicals machine-gun three passing cops point-blank.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Balkh 1 0 A female schoolteacher is murdered by suspected Taliban.
2017.06.14 Somalia Mogadishu 31 27 Five girls are among dozens slaughtered at a restaurant during a attack that began with a suicide bombing, followed by Islamists hunting down victims at an adjacent hotel.
2017.06.14 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Four Iraqis are killed during a massive suicide assault by ISIS.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Jani Khail 2 7 Motorcycle suicide bombers kill two others.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 3 A bomb planted by the Taliban takes out a bystander.
2017.06.14 Afghanistan Gereshk 4 5 A suicide bomber targets Religion of Peace rivals, killing four.
2017.06.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.06.12 Yemen Baddah 2 0 Two local soldiers are purged by al-Qaeda suicide bombers.
2017.06.12 Egypt Sherbin 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a police detective.
2017.06.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2017.06.12 Thailand Pattani 2 1 Two men are gunned down in separate attacks by suspected terrorists.
2017.06.11 Thailand Yaring 2 1 Muslim militants kill two people in separate attacks.
2017.06.11 Iraq Diyala 2 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes two other souls with him.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Haripu 1 0 A journalist who advocated on behalf of religious minorities is assassinated by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.06.11 Saudi Arabia Masoura 1 2 Suspected Shiite radicals kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.11 Burkina Faso Soum 2 0 A farmer is among two shot to death by Jihadists.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Komdi 3 12 Islamists fire into a village, killing at least three innocents.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Tuyan 2 6 Two villagers are killed by Boko Haram and six women are captured.
2017.06.11 Nigeria Kayamla 8 0 Eight members of a civilian defense force are ambushed and killed outside their village by Boko Haram.
2017.06.11 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members roll up on a police checkpoint and machine-gun three officers.
2017.06.11 DRC Kangwayi 11 0 A raid on a prison by the ADF leaves eleven dead.
2017.06.10 DRC Kinshasha 1 4 Radicalized Muslims fire on a prosecutor's office, killing a guard.
2017.06.10 Iraq Shirqat 19 40 About nineteen civilians lose their lives when ISIS members attack their town.
2017.06.10 Iraq Habda 8 8 Eight Iraqis are flattened by a Jihadi car bomb.
2017.06.10 Afghanistan Gardez 3 9 Three people at a mosque are shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.06.10 Nigeria Yale 2 0 Two village guards are picked off by Boko Haram snipers.
2017.06.10 Thailand Yarang 1 1 Suspected terrorists open fire on two men riding a motorcycle, killing one.
2017.06.10 Cameroon Mayo-Sava 4 2 One other person dies after Boko Haram members strap bombs to three little girls.
2017.06.10 Syria Kobane 2 3 An ISIS landmine eliminates two children, ages 4 and 13.
2017.06.10 Iraq Zanjili 8 5 Eight civilians are killed when the Islamic State sends mortar rounds into a residential area.
2017.06.09 Tunisia Mount Ouergha 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a local with a roadside blast.
2017.06.09 Nigeria Adamawa 2 3 Two children are disassembled by a suspected Boko Haram bomb blast.
2017.06.09 Cameroon Hambagda 4 6 Islamists slit the throats of four villagers.
2017.06.09 Iraq Musayab 3 15 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three bystanders at a bus station.
2017.06.09 Iraq Karbala 31 34 A female suicide bomber detonates in a Shiite market, slaughtering over thirty innocents crowded around her.
2017.06.08 Iraq Zanjali 13 0 The Islamic State takes out thirteen women and children with chlorine gas.
2017.06.08 Iraq Qurret Tabah 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death in front of his family.
2017.06.08 Iraq Abu Saida 2 2 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two bystanders.
2017.06.08 Somalia Af Urur 59 38 Beheaded women are among fifty-nine killed when al-Shabaab overrun a small town.
2017.06.08 India Nawgam 1 2 Pakistani-backed terrorists kill an Indian border guard.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Mastung 2 0 A Chinese man and woman are slaughtered in captivity by the Islamic State for 'preaching Christianity'.
2017.06.08 Mali Kidal 3 8 An al-Qaeda attack on a group of peacekeepers leaves three dead.
2017.06.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 14 24 Islamists rock a small town with suicide bombers and heavy guns, killing about fourteen residents.
2017.06.08 Pakistan Gujrat 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her brother after being raped.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 12 32 At least twelve others are killed when a suicide bomber detonates at a parliament building.
2017.06.07 Iran Tehran 2 10 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a Shiite shrine, killing two patrons.
2017.06.07 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 8 Two children are among three refugees wiped out by suspected ISI.
2017.06.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Five women and a child are exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.06.07 England London 0 1 A unveiled woman is slashed with a knife by three women chanting about Allah and quoting from the Quran.
2017.06.06 Iraq al-Farouq 15 0 Fifteen women are cut down by ISIS machine-gun fire.
2017.06.06 Iraq Hit 7 3 A Shahid suicide bomber blows up seven innocents at a market.
2017.06.06 Afghanistan Herat 7 15 A bomb left outside a rival mosque claims the lives of seven innocents.
2017.06.06 France Paris 0 1 A radicalized Muslim attacks a cop with a hammer outside the Notre Dame cathedral.
2017.06.06 Kenya Mandera 1 1 Islamists are suspected of firing on a van and killing a woman.
2017.06.06 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two cops are hunted and killed by Religion of Peace loyalists.
2017.06.06 Kenya Garissa 4 0 Religious extremists take out four aid workers with a landmine.
2017.06.05 Somalia Kismayo 3 20 An al-Shabaab bomb takes the lives of three people.
2017.06.05 Australia Melbourne 1 4 An ISIS-inspired migrant from Somalia kills a man and takes a prostitute hostage.
2017.06.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 A 10-year-old boy is disassembled by an 'insurgent' mortar fired into his family home.
2017.06.04 Iraq Zanjili 32 24 A wave of suicide bombers produces thirty-two dead Iraqis.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Talibul Moula 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is shot to death by her father for 'having an affair.'
2017.06.04 Pakistan Spini 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down for their faith.
2017.06.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 1 Two religious men join the police and then gun down six colleagues in cold blood.
2017.06.04 Pakistan Quaidabad 1 0 A barber is shot to death in his shop by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.06.03 India Bijapur 1 1 A pregnant woman is burnt alive by her family for marrying a Hindu man.
2017.06.03 Canada Scarborough, ON 0 1 A woman pledges to ISIS and then attacks a store employee with a knife.
2017.06.03 Iraq Shifa 41 0 Forty-one civilians are reported murdered by ISIS as they attempt to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.03 Algeria Ferkane 2 4 Fundamentalists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2017.06.03 Burkina Faso Soum 5 0 A family of three is among five wiped out by Muslim terrorists.
2017.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 20 87 Three suicide bombers detonate at a funeral, killing twenty mourners.
2017.06.03 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 Two people are murdered over alleged adultery by the woman's brother-in-law.
2017.06.03 Iraq Halabsah 1 3 Four suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.06.03 Philippines Marawi 1 0 A 70-year-old is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2017.06.03 India Lower Munda 2 4 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members ambush and killed two local security personnel.
2017.06.03 England London 8 48 Three former migrants to Europe shout "this is for Allah" as they plow into pedestrians on London Bridge and then proceed to a market, where they stab anyone within reach. Eight others are left dead.
2017.06.02 Tunisia Sidi Bouzid 1 0 A young shepherd is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2017.06.02 Cameroon Kolofata 11 30 Eleven are left dead when Islamists strap two girls with bombs and send them into a refugee camp.
2017.06.01 Iraq Zanjili 7 23 Seven civilians are murdered for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.06.01 Niger Abala 6 0 Armed Jihadists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun a half-dozen border guards.
2017.06.01 Germany Oldenburg 1 0 A father of two is stabbed to death by two Muslims for smoking during Ramadan and refusing to fast.
2017.06.01 Afghanistan Behsud 1 4 A security guard outside an airport is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.06.01 Yemen al-Hazm 6 15 Terrorists set off a bomb at a marketplace that takes six lives.
2017.06.01 Iraq Mosul 163 0 One-hundred and sixty-three civilians are massacred by the Islamic State as they attempt to flee the caliphate - including children.
2017.05.31 Nigeria Kaya 14 0 Islamists cut fourteen innocents to shreds with automatic weapons.
2017.05.31 Iraq Mosul 34 0 Women and children are among thirty-four civilians executed point-blank for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.31 Iraq Hit 3 7 Three Iraqis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.31 Iraq Bab el-Beid 5 0 A child is among three civilians killed in a targeted attack by three suicide bombers.
2017.05.31 Kenya Fafi 1 2 Islamists shoot a Christian teacher to death at a school and abduct two others.
2017.05.31 Kenya Mangai 8 0 Eight Kenyans are taken down by al-Qaeda linked bombers.
2017.05.31 Afghanistan Kabul 150 460 The Haqqani network detonates a massive suicide truck bomb during rush that kills over ninety, including many women and children.
2017.05.31 Iraq Sinjar 2 2 An ISIS booby-trap kills two people in their own home.
2017.05.30 Iraq Shifa 60 0 Twenty-three women are found along with elderly men in grave containing the bodies of sixty Islamic State torture victims.
2017.05.30 Iraq Bay Hassan 3 6 Three guards are killed during an ISIS attack at an oil facility.
2017.05.30 Iraq Hit 8 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baqubah 7 6 A bomb blast at a rival mosque is one of two attacks that leave seven dead.
2017.05.30 Iraq Karrada 17 32 A Sunni suicide bomber targets an ice cream shop in a Shiite area, killing sixteen mostly women and children.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 14 37 Islamic State terrorists detonate a car bomb on a bridge during rush hour that claims that life of fourteen commuters.
2017.05.30 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A man is shot to death at a mosque by suspected terrorists.
2017.05.30 Pakistan Mattani 4 0 Four members of a peace committed are machine-gunned by Islam advocates.
2017.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Seven lives are claimed by four Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2017.05.30 Syria al-Joura 17 40 Three children are among seventeen lives lost when ISIS militants send mortars into a residential area.
2017.05.29 Iraq Shirqat 1 3 A child is disassembled by Islamic shrapnel at a market.
2017.05.29 Libya Ghat 1 4 Suspected terrorists fire on a family, killing one member.
2017.05.29 Nigeria Nguro 5 0 Five displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.05.28 Nigeria Gumsri 7 0 Seven villagers are machine-gunned in the middle of the night by Boko Haram.
2017.05.28 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 Three children are obliterated along with their parents by an ISIS rocket attack on their home.
2017.05.28 Iraq Mosul 40 0 Islamic State members turn their weapons on women and children fleeing the city, mowing down at least forty.
2017.05.28 Philippines Marawi 8 0 Eight employees at a rice mill are murdered by Jihadists for 'having betrayed their faith'.
2017.05.28 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Caliphate members set fire to a hospital and execute a dozen young people inside.
2017.05.28 Somalia Ramo Adey 1 0 A 44-year-old man is buried up to his neck and stoned to death for adultery.
2017.05.28 Iraq Baqubah 3 16 Three people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a court.
2017.05.28 Afghanistan Shakhil Abad 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in their home by suspected fundamentalists.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Qadis 14 17 Mostly civilians are killed during a Taliban attack.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Charchino 11 0 A group fighting for Islamic law attacks checkpoints, killing at least eleven.
2017.05.27 Philippines Marawi 19 0 Three women and a child are among nineteen civilians found slain by Islamic extremists near a university.
2017.05.27 Pakistan Kacha Khuh 1 0 An 18-year-old is hacked to death with an axe by her brother for marrying by choice.
2017.05.27 Afghanistan Khost 18 6 A Shahid suicide car bomber slaughters eighteen at a public bus station.
2017.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Jihadis bomb a market, killing a patron.
2017.05.26 Egypt Minya 29 23 Christians on their way to a monastery make easy pickings for Islamic gunmen, who massacre twenty-eight - including ten children.
2017.05.26 Nigeria Jiwa 1 0 A mob lynches a religious minority for urinating near a mosque.
2017.05.26 Iraq Mosul 27 0 Five children are among twenty-seven civilians gunned down for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.26 Yemen Taiz 2 2 Two journalists are killed when Ansar Allah manage to hit their building with a rocket.
2017.05.25 Cameroon Makary 1 0 Islamists murder an off-duty soldier while he is playing soccer.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 15 5 Fifteen Afghans are mowed down during a Taliban attack.
2017.05.25 Kenya Liboi 5 4 al-Shabaab claims five more lives with an IED.
2017.05.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Religious radicals fire into a vehicle and kill a father in front of his family.
2017.05.25 Egypt Rafah 3 0 An Islamist bomb claims three lives.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Washir 6 2 A suicide bomber snuffs out six innocent lives.
2017.05.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 9 A religious militant fires a shell outside a school that kills one student.
2017.05.25 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Three children and sixteen women are executed for refusing sex to Jihadis.
2017.05.24 Pakistan Ghourgushti 1 0 A man is stoned to death.
2017.05.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Islamists strap bombs to three women.
2017.05.24 Indonesia Jakarta 3 10 Two suicide bombers detonate outside a bus terminal, killing three guards.
2017.05.24 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A polio vaccination supervisor is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2017.05.24 Iraq Mosul 23 0 An ISIS booby-trap takes out a family of twenty-three taking shelter. The victims include pregnant women and children.
2017.05.24 Kenya Mandera 5 2 Five Kenyans are brought down by Islamic bombers.
2017.05.24 Philippines Marawi 9 0 Nine Christians are captured by Islamic militants and shot to death.
2017.05.24 Afghanistan Maiwand 13 8 The Taliban attack a local military base, killing thirteen.
2017.05.24 Philippines Malabang 1 0 A local police chief is beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2017.05.24 Kenya Garissa 3 8 The Red Cross reports three dead from an al-Shabaab landmine.
2017.05.24 Somalia Bari 5 12 Five people are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.24 Niger Tillaberi 3 0 Jihadists gun down three innocents.
2017.05.24 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Jihadis slit the throat of a Coptic construction worker.
2017.05.23 Iraq Sarjkhana 13 0 Thirteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.23 Mali Aguelhok 2 1 Two UN Peacekeepers are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2017.05.23 Philippines Marawi 3 12 Three security personnel are killed during a violent rampage by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.05.23 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' open fire on a police patrol, killing two members.
2017.05.23 Syria Homs 4 30 Four people are killed when suicide bombers detonate a truck bomb near an airport.
2017.05.23 Afghanistan Maiwand 3 4 Civilians riding a tractor are pulverized by a Taliban bomb blast.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 13 Four civilians are cut to shreds by Taliban bullets.
2017.05.22 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 20 Two children are among seven lives claimed by Islamic State rockets.
2017.05.22 Iraq Hawija 18 0 Eighteen civilians are executed by the Islamic State, some by beheading.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 11 9 A attack by religious hardliners leaves eleven dead.
2017.05.22 England Manchester 22 119 Children are among twenty-two young people blown up at a concert by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.05.22 Pakistan Tirah Valley 5 3 Five members of a peace committed are modularized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Kohistanat 5 0 Five people on their way to a funeral are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.05.22 Afghanistan Puli Alam 1 0 The Taliban pick off a man on his way to a rival mosque.
2017.05.22 Iraq Diyala 4 4 Five Islamic State suicide bombers kill four security personnel.
2017.05.22 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 A father of six is stabbed to death over his preaching of Christianity.
2017.05.21 Iraq Mosul 6 4 A half-dozen Iraqis are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.21 Iraq Najjar 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out three others.
2017.05.21 Syria Tal Touqan 14 24 An ISIS suicide bomber blows up fourteen rival Islamists at a meeting place.
2017.05.21 Syria Deir Ezzor 15 63 Children are among fifteen civilians picked apart by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.05.21 Afghanistan Shah Joi 20 10 At least twenty local cops lose their lives to a series of Taliban ambushes.
2017.05.21 Iraq Mosul 8 9 Two separate ISIS suicide blasts leave eight others dead.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Islamists storm a humanitarian group's guest house, behead the guard and murder a German woman.
2017.05.20 Nigeria Mussa 7 40 Islamic terrorists open fire on villagers, killing at least seven.
2017.05.20 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four civilians are brutally executed by caliphate members.
2017.05.20 India Nowgam 2 0 Two border guards are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2017.05.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two locals are shot to death by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2017.05.20 Syria Jazrat al-Boushams 19 0 Two children and two woman are among nineteen Shiites executed in their village by the Islamic State.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Gardez 3 31 Five suicide bombers storm a bank, killing three inside.
2017.05.20 Afghanistan Kohat 4 0 Four police officers are machine-gunned point-blank in their vehicle by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar.
2017.05.20 Nigeria Dalori 4 2 Four displaced persons are beheaded by Boko Haram Islamists.
2017.05.20 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A young couple is hacked to death on suspicion of sexual activity.
2017.05.19 Syria Maskanah 1 0 A man is tortured and beheaded for being an 'infidel'.
2017.05.19 Syria Zuwyinah 22 0 A suicide bomber plows into a formerly liberated town, massacring twenty-two others.
2017.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 19 25 Two suicide blasts leave nineteen Iraqis dead.
2017.05.19 Iraq Sadra 30 32 Thirty pilgrims on a bus are pulled into parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.19 USA Tampa, FL 2 0 A recent convert shoots two people to death for disrespecting Islam.
2017.05.19 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 11 3 Five children and five women are among a family of eleven blown into shreds by Sunni bombers while traveling to a wedding.
2017.05.19 Libya Suluq 6 11 Six people are blown up by Muslim terrorists while leaving a rival mosque.
2017.05.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 0 4 Three male suicide bombers attack a female hostel.
2017.05.19 Iraq Rumaila 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at an oil field, killing three guards.
2017.05.18 Italy Milan 0 3 A militant Muslim stabs three people at a train station.
2017.05.18 Afghanistan Herat 1 2 Islamists fire on a bus, killing one occupant.
2017.05.18 India Gadoora 1 0 Islamic militants murder a 45-year-old man.
2017.05.18 Iraq Marir 5 8 A wave of Islamic State suicide bombers take out five Iraqis.
2017.05.18 Iraq Tuz Khormato 9 11 Nine people at a market are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.18 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons.
2017.05.18 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Suspected ISIS bomb a store, killing one passerby.
2017.05.18 Afghanistan Marko Bazar 5 0 A religious extremist in uniform poisons and then shoots five colleagues…
2017.05.18 Syria Salamiyeh 52 0 A horrible assault by the Islamic State on several Shiite towns leaves over fifty dead, including women and children who were de-limbed and beheaded.
2017.05.18 Iraq Kirkuk 2 15 An ISIS attack on Kurds leaves two dead.
2017.05.18 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 3 Three residents are pulled into pieces by ISIS shrapnel
2017.05.17 Iraq Rawa 4 0 Four civilians are brutally shot to death by Islamic State members.
2017.05.17 Iraq Mosul 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.05.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 An ISIS bomb planted in a family home disintegrates two occupants.
2017.05.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 6 16 Five employees and a guard are murdered during a suicide assault on a TV station by Religion of Peace proponents.
2017.05.17 Somalia Wadajir 3 0 An Islamist car bomb takes out three sappers.
2017.05.17 Yemen Haijah 15 70 Fifteen members of a peacekeeping force lose their lives to a brutal attack by Ansar Allah.
2017.05.17 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Extremists gun down a rival cleric.
2017.05.16 Iraq Madaen 1 2 A bomb blast at a grocery store leaves one dead.
2017.05.16 Iraq Rutba 2 3 Islamic militants open fire on a group of border guards, killing two.
2017.05.16 Nigeria Konduga 2 6 Three female suicide bombers kill two sleeping brothers at a refugee camp.
2017.05.16 Kenya Liboi 4 0 Four are left dead after a family vehicle hits an al-Shabaab IED.
2017.05.16 Saudi Arabia al-Masoura 1 5 Suspected Shiite radicals take out a local cop with an RPG.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Asad Abad 2 0 The Taliban fire a rocket into a market, killing two patrons.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Laghman 2 3 Two woman are killed and three children wounded by Sunni shrapnel aerating their home.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Dar-e-Tapa 2 2 Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban IED.
2017.05.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 10 Fundamentalists kill one civilian with a planted bomb.
2017.05.15 Nigeria Taraba 12 0 At least a dozen people are massacred by Muslim terrorists in attacks on five communities.
2017.05.15 Somalia Qasahdhere 0 7 Islamists detonate a bomb at a restaurant.
2017.05.15 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 14 One person is killed by a well-placed ISIS shell into a neighborhood.
2017.05.15 Iraq Haditha 2 4 Two innocents are blown up in their own home by suicide bombers.
2017.05.15 Iran Ahvaz 2 4 Sunni 'separatists' murder two local cops.
2017.05.15 Syria Rukban 6 12 At least six refugees are blown apart by two bombs planted at their camp,
2017.05.15 Syria Daraa 2 0 Two Syrians are beheaded by Jaish Khalid ibn al-Walid
2017.05.15 Kenya Omar Jillo 1 0 Islamists burst into a family home and kill the father.
2017.05.15 Mexico Mexico City 1 0 A priest is stabbed to death during Mass by a Muslim convert with mental issues.
2017.05.14 Iraq Maliya 7 0 Seven civilians are vaporized by a Sunni rocket.
2017.05.14 Afghanistan Zazi Aryub 4 2 Two civilians and two border guards are leveled by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2017.05.14 Mali Aguelhok 2 0 A young couple is put in the ground and stoned for having unmarried sex.
2017.05.14 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 8 Three Egyptians are killed in two attacks by Islamic militants.
2017.05.14 Afghanistan Mehtralam 6 0 Six children between the ages of 6 and 12 are disassembled by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.05.14 Syria Mayadin 2 0 A man and woman are stoned to death for adultery.
2017.05.14 Iraq Shaanoun 8 0 Eight victims of a suspected ISIS execution are found in a mass grave, including five women.
2017.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Two Mujahideen blasts claim four lives.
2017.05.14 Pakistan Walicheena 2 0 A politician and his driver are riddled with bullets by Islamic extremists.
2017.05.14 Yemen Aden 1 0 A prominent secular law student is assassinated at an Internet café by Muslim gunmen.
2017.05.13 Nigeria Amarwa 11 0 At least eleven villagers are shot and hacked to death by Islamists.
2017.05.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 1 Three suicide bombers detonate at a university, killing a security guard.
2017.05.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Suspected Taliban murder two women and a small child with a sticky bomb.
2017.05.13 Syria Bokamal 2 0 A child is among two people executed by the Islamic State.
2017.05.13 Iraq Mosul 9 3 Suicide bombers murder nine Iraqis.
2017.05.12 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 2 0 A 2-year-old child is among two innocents cut down by Shiite gunmen.
2017.05.12 Pakistan Mastung 27 37 A massive suicide bomb blast snares over two dozen souls.
2017.05.12 Kenya Nyeri 2 0 Two Christian quarry workers are murdered in cold blood by al-Shabaab.
2017.05.12 Chad Kaiga 9 0 At least nine others are killed during a surprise Boko Haram attack.
2017.05.11 Afghanistan Adraskan 7 0 Two women and three children are among a family of seven exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2017.05.11 Iraq Salahuddin 3 0 A young family of three is obliterated in their own home by Islamic shrapnel.
2017.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Jihadi bombers vaporize two civilians.
2017.05.11 Iraq Sallamiya 64 0 Sixty-four bodies wash up on the shore after snipers open fire on families crossing a river to escape the caliphate.
2017.05.11 England Leeds 1 0 A young mother is honor killed by her Muslim family after 'reverting' to Western-style clothing.
2017.05.10 Yemen Duaan 1 6 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills one other person at a checkpoint.
2017.05.10 India Kulgaon 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen kidnap a 22-year-old man from a wedding and brutally execute him.
2017.05.10 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 3 A bomb planted by Sharia activists leaves two dead.
2017.05.10 Egypt Rafah 13 2 Islamic extremists machine-gun thirteen tribesmen point-blank.
2017.05.10 Bangladesh Benipur 1 1 A firefighter is killed by a suicide bomber.
2017.05.10 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 0 A civilian is dismantled by Mujahid shrapnel.
2017.05.10 Nigeria Buruku 4 0 Militant Muslims slaughter four more villagers.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A cleric is cut down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Arghandab 1 0 A civilian succumbs to Taliban shrapnel.
2017.05.09 Iraq Hawija 40 0 Forty people are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.05.09 Afghanistan Parwan 9 0 At least eight children and a teacher are sent straight to Allah by a bomb planted in their seminary classroom.
2017.05.09 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Russian captive is beheaded by Islamic State members.
2017.05.09 Thailand Pattani 1 62 Children are among the casualties of two Muslim bomb blasts at a shopping center.
2017.05.09 Iraq Mosul 5 8 Five people are killed in a series of ISIS attacks.
2017.05.09 Somalia Goofgaduud 17 0 An al-Shabaab attack leaves at least seventeen dead.
2017.05.08 Bangladesh Mymensingh 1 0 An Ahmadi imam is hacked to death in his own mosque by three seminary students.
2017.05.08 Egypt Nasr City 3 0 Suspected fundamentalists open fire on police in a drive-by, killing three.
2017.05.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A girl is murdered by her father and brother for unIslamic activity.
2017.05.08 Somalia Mogadishu 8 25 Islamists stage a suicide bombing and a shooting attack on an Italian coffee café, killing eight patrons.
2017.05.07 Iraq Mosul 4 9 Four innocents are blown to bits when ISIS members fire a rocket into a grocery store.
2017.05.07 Iraq Wadi Akkab 9 0 Nine Iraqis are laid out by four Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2017.05.07 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 Two Iraqis are cut down by an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2017.05.07 Mali Almoustrat 7 7 At least seven others are killed in a suicide bombing and rocket attack.
2017.05.07 Nigeria Logo 15 6 Fifteen villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2017.05.06 Egypt Rafah 3 0 A father and two sons are found beheaded a few days after being kidnapped by the Islamic State.
2017.05.06 Afghanistan Qala-e Zal 4 0 At least four others are left dead after a massive Taliban attack.
2017.05.06 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 3 A Mujahideen bomb blast cuts down two civilians.
2017.05.06 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A Coptic minority is shot to death by radical Muslims at a barber shop.
2017.05.06 India Kulgam 4 0 Three civilians and a cop are laid out by an Islamist drive-by.
2017.05.05 Chad Kaiga 9 28 Nine border guards are slain by Boko Haram.
2017.05.05 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A teenage girl is shot to death by her family for turning down a marriage proposal.
2017.05.05 Iraq Haditha 5 8 Eight Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.05.05 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 Authorities learn of a 17-year-old pushed off a 9th floor balcony by an uncle for being gay.
2017.05.04 Nigeria Konduga 5 6 Two Shahid suicide bombers murder five others, including a young girl.
2017.05.04 Pakistan Hub 1 0 A 10-year-old boy is killed when a mob attempts to lynch a Hindu man for blasphemy.
2017.05.04 India Kellora 1 2 A civilian succumbs to Islamist gunfire.
2017.05.04 Israel Lakiya 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her conservative family.
2017.05.04 Germany Aschaffenburg 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is honor-killed by her Syrian father over her dress and behavior.
2017.05.03 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Boko Haram strap bombs onto three teenage girls.
2017.05.03 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 0 A 63-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is brutally gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2017.05.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 2 A teacher at a secular school is murdered by ISIS.
2017.05.03 Mali Timbuktu 1 9 One person is killed when "The Group to Support Islam and Muslims" send a rocket into a UN camp.
2017.05.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An al-Qaeda linked group shoots a politician to death in his car.
2017.05.03 Syria Azaz 4 4 A car bomb outside a rival mosque leaves four dead.
2017.05.03 Afghanistan Kabul 8 25 Eight civilians are torn limb from limb by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.05.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 1 Two suicide bombers take out a young child.
2017.05.03 Iraq Mosul 1 12 Islamic terrorists fire a missile into a high school, killing one student.
2017.05.02 Egypt Yamit 1 3 A woman is murdered during a home invasion by Islamic State members.
2017.05.02 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A child is vaporized by an Islamic State projectile.
2017.05.02 Syria Rajim Salibi 46 34 A 3-month-old baby is among forty-six refugees proudly massacred by Islamic State suicide bombers.
2017.05.02 Iraq Mosul 9 0 A suspected Shiite suicide bomber blows up nine Sunni militants.
2017.05.02 Pakistan Nishtar 2 0 A married couple is shot to death by conservative Muslims in the name of 'honor'.
2017.05.02 Iraq Anbar 10 6 Islamists with machine-guns slaughter ten Iraqis point-blank.
2017.05.02 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 An oil company executive and his driver are assassinated by sharia advocates.
2017.05.02 Mali Nampala 9 4 A Jihadist attack leaves nine others dead.
2017.05.02 Iraq Samarra 2 3 Two Shiites are blown up by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2017.05.01 India Kulgam 7 0 Hizbul Mujahideen slaughter five police and two bank employees.
2017.05.01 India Poonch 2 0 Pakistani terrorists kill and mutilate two border guards.
2017.05.01 Afghanistan Ghormach 5 4 Five local cops are murdered by fundamentalists.
2017.05.01 Afghanistan Chaparhar 3 0 A 9-year-old girl is among three civilians who lose their lives during an ISIS attack.
2017.05.01 Egypt Cairo 3 5 Islamic extremists open fire on a group of police, killing three.
2017.05.01 Iraq Rifai 5 0 Islamic militants open fire on five young children searching for food, bringing down all five.
2017.05.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A family of four is exterminated by an ISIS rocket.
2017.04.30 India Khanyar 1 5 Terrorist throw a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
2017.04.30 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 2 5 Taliban bombers pick off a family on their way to a wedding.
2017.04.30 Syria Daraa 1 0 An alleged 'sorcerer' is beheaded by caliphate members.
2017.04.30 Iraq Mosul 46 0 Forty-six civilians are executed by the Islamic State and hung from telephone poles.
2017.04.29 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 1 10 One other person is killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a market.
2017.04.29 Germany Prien am Chiemsee 1 0 A woman is stabbed to death in front of her two children over her decision to leave Islam for Christianity.
2017.04.29 Iraq Bab al-Toub 14 20 Fourteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.04.29 Yemen Lahij 1 8 An al-Qaeda attack leaves one dead.
2017.04.29 Iraq Rifai 5 0 Four women and a child are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.04.29 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Three humanitarian workers are blown to bits by an ISIS rocket while distributing food.
2017.04.28 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 0 A 33-year-old man is kidnapped from a café and executed by suspected Shiite radicals.
2017.04.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A suicide bomber detonates in a police station, killing three bystanders.
2017.04.28 Nigeria Manguzum 5 40 Five Nigerians are taken out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2017.04.27 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A man is gunned down in front of his home by al-Shabaab.
2017.04.27 France Reunion 0 2 An Islamic radical shoots two police officers.
2017.04.27 Iraq Mosul 3 5 A suicide bomber kills three policemen tricked into trying to help him.
2017.04.27 Thailand Narathiwat 6 0 Muslim 'insurgents' murder six security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2017.04.27 Pakistan Faqirabad 2 0 Two people are gunned down at a rival mosque, one of whom was a cleric.
2017.04.27 India Kupwara 3 0 Three security personnel lose their lives to an attack by Jaish-e-Mohammad.
2017.04.27 Yemen Sirwah 8 20 Eight people are taken apart by Ansar Allah shrapnel.
2017.04.26 Yemen Taiz 1 0 An Ansar Allah shell completely dismantles a civilian.
2017.04.26 Iraq Sakkar 2 5 An ISIS ambush of off-duty border guards leaves two dead.
2017.04.26 Pakistan Arbab Tapu 1 0 A teenage girl is honor killed by her religious brother and thrown into a well.
2017.04.26 Iran Mirjaveh 10 0 Ten border guards are ambushed and murdered by Jaish al-Adl.
2017.04.26 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 11 Four suicide bombers manage to take down one transit worker at a bus station.
2017.04.26 Nigeria Tse-Wuaswem 6 3 Militant Muslims hack a half-dozen farmers to pieces.
2017.04.25 Iraq Mahwala 4 3 Three children and an elderly man are exterminated by a Jihadi bombers.
2017.04.25 Iraq Rawah 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death at a market by members of the Islamic State.
2017.04.25 Pakistan Kontara 14 13 Four children and five women are among fourteen people pulled into pieces by a Jamaatul Ahrar bomb blast.
2017.04.25 Egypt Rafah 4 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber plows into a group of local tribesmen, killing four.
2017.04.25 Iraq Mosul 15 0 ISIS militants dress as soldiers and shoot civilians who are tricked into welcoming them.
2017.04.24 Nigeria Kanuri 3 2 A Shahid suicide bomber kills three bystanders.
2017.04.24 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic terrorists are suspected in the assassination of a secular party official.
2017.04.24 Iraq Hawija 25 0 Two dozen civilians are captured and executed for trying to flee the 'land of the caliphate'.
2017.04.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A child is found tortured to death by the Islamic State.
2017.04.24 Afghanistan Darqad 8 3 Sunni fundamentalists overrun a police checkpoint and murder eight officers.
2017.04.24 India Pinglan 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a local politician.
2017.04.24 Afghanistan Khost 4 8 Four security guards are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.04.23 Israel Tel Aviv 0 4 A Palestinian terrorist stabs four people.
2017.04.23 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 3 0 Suicide bombers detonate outside a refugee camp, killing three police.
2017.04.23 Somalia Galgala 8 3 An al-Qaeda linked group murders eight people with a roadside bomb.
2017.04.23 Syria Hudaidat 12 0 Two ISIS suicide bombers lay out a dozen others.
2017.04.23 Iraq Rutba 10 20 At least ten others are killed by Islamic State terrorists.
2017.04.23 Maldives Male 1 0 A liberal blogger is stabbed to death after expressing "unIslamic views."
2017.04.22 Iraq Mosul 27 0 The Islamic State executes twenty-seven Iraqis.
2017.04.22 Iraq Mosul 7 5 Four women are among seven innocents dismantled by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.04.22 Philippines Patikul 1 0 A captive is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.04.21 Pakistan Shinkoot 1 2 A child is killed when Jihadis bomb a rival mosque.
2017.04.21 Russia Khabarovsk 2 1 An Islamic State gunman storms a government building and kills two people, including a visitor.
2017.04.21 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 163 74 Suicide bombers infiltrate a local army base and slaughter over one-hundred and sixty during Friday prayers.
2017.04.21 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Fifteen civilians are executed for refusing to cooperate with the Islamic State.
2017.04.21 Iraq Mosul 4 8 Four Iraqis are blown to bits by Jihadi car bombers.
2017.04.20 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Two children are disassembled by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.04.20 India Gopalpura 1 1 A Hindu is stabbed by Muslim radicals for criticizing the Islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers.
2017.04.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 A bomb targeting Shia pilgrims takes catches one.
2017.04.20 Afghanistan Badakhshan 3 0 Religious extremists kill three locals with a roadside bomb.
2017.04.20 Egypt el-Arish 1 1 One person is left dead after a bombing by Islamic extremists.
2017.04.20 France Paris 1 2 An Islamic extremist sprays a police car with bullets along the Champs-Elysees, killing one officer.
2017.04.20 Pakistan Qazi Kilay 1 1 Islamic State gunmen kill a cleric at a rival mosque.
2017.04.19 Pakistan Shamshato 1 0 A cleric is shot to death at a refugee camp by Islamic rivals.
2017.04.19 Cameroon Kokofata 4 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
2017.04.19 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 A string of bomb and shooting attacks by Muslim militants leaves two dead.
2017.04.19 Afghanistan Qades 4 3 Four local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2017.04.19 Pakistan Nangal Mirza 1 0 Three sisters praise Allah as they shoot a 'blasphemer' to death.
2017.04.19 Nigeria Borno 3 2 A second Boko Haram attack in as many days leaves three others dead.
2017.04.19 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A 6-year-old is recruited to help behead two captives on video in the name of Allah.
2017.04.18 USA Fresno, CA 3 0 Three men are gunned down near a Catholic charity by a convert to Islam yelling praises to Allah.
2017.04.18 Iraq Thawra 16 0 Women and children are among sixteen innocents cleared out by ISIS bombers.
2017.04.18 Iraq al-Baghdadi 1 2 A Shahid suicide bomber takes one Iraqis with him.
2017.04.18 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A female Ahmadi professor is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals in her home.
2017.04.18 Mali Gourma-Rharous 4 1 A Jihadist attack leaves four others dead.
2017.04.18 Egypt Sinai 1 4 Radicals fire on a historic Christian monastery, killing a guard.
2017.04.18 Somalia Mogadishu 5 7 Islamists fire a shell into a school, killing a teacher and four students.
2017.04.18 Afghanistan Shenkai 2 4 Two policemen are murdered by a Sunni radical group.
2017.04.18 Nigeria Borno 5 5 A Boko Haram attack leaves five dead.
2017.04.17 Pakistan Karak 3 2 A woman is among three family members cut down by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
2017.04.17 Philippines Bohol 2 0 An elderly couple is slain by suspected Abu Sayyaf.
2017.04.17 Serbia Mitrovica 0 1 A young Serb is badly beaten with a wooden bats by Allah praisers.
2017.04.16 Somalia Hosingo 5 4 Five Kenyans are laid out by al-Shabaab bombers.
2017.04.16 India Bandipora 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Islamic militants.
2017.04.16 India Pinjoora 1 0 Terrorists shoot a lawyer to death in his home.
2017.04.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 al-Shabaab members fire mortars at an airport, killing two civilians.
2017.04.16 Syria Harabesh 3 11 Women are among the dead when Sunni radicals send rockets into a neighborhood.
2017.04.15 India Qasbayarof 1 0 Suspected Sunni militants gun down a civilian.
2017.04.15 Nigeria Asso 12 5 Fulani gunmen invade a village and mow down a dozen residents in an attack targeting Catholics.
2017.04.15 Syria Aleppo 126 55 A suicide bomber plows into bus convoy carrying refugees, killing over one-hundred and twenty-five, including sixty-eight children.
2017.04.14 Afghanistan Nawa 11 14 Fundamentalists plant a landmine on a road that takes down eleven civilians.
2017.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two bystanders.
2017.04.14 Israel Jerusalem 1 0 A Palestinian terrorist stabs a 20-year-old female tourist from Britain to death on a train during Passover.
2017.04.14 Pakistan Yakatoot 1 0 A cleric is gunned down on his way to mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.04.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A doctor is assassinated outside his clinic by suspected sectarian Jihadis.
2017.04.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Mujahideen bomb blasts at a fish market leave two dead.
2017.04.13 Pakistan Tibbi Goriyan 4 0 Three women and a man are gunned down by conservative Muslims in an 'honor'-related attack.
2017.04.13 Nigeria Dalori 1 1 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.04.13 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 A university student is lynched by a Muslim mob over alleged 'blasphemy'. Two others are badly beaten.
2017.04.13 Egypt Qai 1 0 Radicalized Muslims slit the throat of a 16-year-old Christian during Holy Week.
2017.04.12 Iraq Ramadi 8 0 Women and children are among eight victims of a Mujahideen car bomb blast.
2017.04.12 Afghanistan Kabul 5 5 A suicide bomber on foot blows away five bystanders.
2017.04.12 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians die when al-Shabaab send a mortar round into an apartment building.
2017.04.11 Iraq Mosul 7 5 Seven cleaners are blown to bits by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.04.11 Iraq Mosul 38 7 A massive bombardment of Islamic State rockets on a residential area buries five families.
2017.04.11 Philippines Bohol 4 0 At least four others are killed when Abu Sayyaf open fire on police.
2017.04.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 The two children of an imam are shot dead at a mosque for his refusal to help the caliphate.
2017.04.11 Iraq Hadba 7 13 Three well-placed Islamic State shells claim the lives of seven civilians.
2017.04.11 Nigeria Inundugh 5 0 Five villagers are slaughtered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.04.10 Philippines Basilan 3 11 An Abu Sayyaf ambush leave three others dead.
2017.04.10 Somalia Mogadishu 9 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out nine people.
2017.04.10 Somalia Somalia 1 0 A man dies from injuries after Islamists plant a bomb under his car.
2017.04.10 Iraq Mosul 4 6 Women and children are among four killed by an ISIS chlorine gas attack.
2017.04.10 Iraq Sawra 2 0 A pregnant woman and her husband are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.04.10 Syria Idlib 4 0 Four civilians are reported killed by the Turkistan Islamist Party.
2017.04.09 Syria Tanf 2 18 A double suicide attack on a border crossing leaves four others dead.
2017.04.09 Iraq Rukban 2 0 Two people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a refugee camp.
2017.04.09 Iraq Hawija 12 0 A dozen civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.04.09 Somalia Mogadishu 17 0 A Shahid suicide bomber plows into a minibus, killing seventeen civilians.
2017.04.09 Afghanistan Darzab 4 0 Four local security personnel are ambushed and slain by militants fighting for a Sharia state.
2017.04.09 Egypt Tanta 29 78 A suicide bomber blows up in the middle of a Palm Sunday service, taking out over two dozen Christians.
2017.04.09 Egypt Alexandria 18 48 A Fedayeen suicide bomber is stopped trying to enter a church. At least seventeen innocents are laid out in the blast.
2017.04.08 Iraq Mosul 50 0 Fifty civilians are captured and executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.04.08 Mali Gargando 5 0 Jihadis kill five Tuareg, including a village chief.
2017.04.08 Iraq Sidiya 7 0 Four women and three children are reduced to pulp in their own home by Islamic State bombers.
2017.04.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 0 5 Two suicide bombers blow themselves up at a rival mosque.
2017.04.08 Russia Malgobek 2 0 Islamic militants step in front of a police car and spray two officers with machine-gun fire.
2017.04.08 Cameroon Kolofata 1 12 One person is killed by a suicide bomber at a rival mosque.
2017.04.08 Syria Homs 1 25 A bomb on a bus carrying factory workers leaves one woman dead.
2017.04.08 Afghanistan Chamtal 9 5 The Taliban murder nine policemen with a roadside bomb.
2017.04.07 Iraq Baqubah 3 9 An ISIS bomb blast leaves three dead.
2017.04.07 Sweden Stockholm 5 14 A 'radicalized' Muslim steals a truck and mows down five pedestrians, including an 11-year-old girl.
2017.04.07 Iraq Samah 4 0 A woman and three children are disassembled by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.04.07 Australia Queanbeyan 1 3 A gas station worker is stabbed to death by two 'radicalized' teens.
2017.04.07 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 68-year-old Ahmadi religious minority is gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.04.07 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 An al-Qaeda linked group sends mortar rounds into family homes, killing three women.
2017.04.07 Syria Shaddadi 2 3 An ISIS explosive device claims a woman and child.
2017.04.07 Iraq Mosul 6 0 An elderly woman is among a family of six, slaughtered for trying to escape the caliphate.
2017.04.07 Iraq Qara Tabah 1 0 A hostage is executed by the Islamic State.
2017.04.06 Somalia Golweyn 19 3 Islamists are blamed for a roadside bomb that takes out nineteen civilians on a bus.
2017.04.06 Iraq Hajjaj 1 0 A child is obliterated by a suicide bomber.
2017.04.06 Iraq Mosul 8 4 Eight students are left dead when Islamic fundamentalists bomb a university.
2017.04.06 Syria Deir Ezzor 33 0 The Islamic State slaughters thirty-three young people with "sharp tools."
2017.04.06 Israel Ofra 1 1 A Palestinian rams his car into an Israeli checkpoint, killing one.
2017.04.05 Mali Hombari 1 0 A French peacekeeper is killed by an Islamist landmine.
2017.04.05 Iraq Tikrit 22 20 Ten people lose their lives to ISIS shrapnel.
2017.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 A Mujahid roadside blast takes out three civilians.
2017.04.05 Pakistan Lahore 6 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber targets a team of census takers, killing six members.
2017.04.05 Somalia Mogadishu 7 10 Seven patrons at a café are taken out in mid-bite by a suicide car bomber.
2017.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 A bomb blast targeting construction workers kills four.
2017.04.05 Nigeria Abbati 7 0 Islamists murder seven members of a peaceful farming community in cold blood.
2017.04.05 Sudan Omdurman 1 0 A Muslim mob invades a Christian school and stabs an elder to death.
2017.04.04 Iraq Kirkuk 31 42 Thirty-one are massacred when suicide bombers blow themselves up inside homes.
2017.04.04 Russia Astrakhan 2 0 Islamic State gunmen take out a pair of traffic cops.
2017.04.04 Iraq Ba'aj 1 0 A civilian is burned alive in a marketplace by the Islamic State.
2017.04.04 Iraq Mosul 44 0 Forty-four more Iraqis are executed point-blank by the Islamic State.
2017.04.04 Iraq Rajm al-Hadid 6 29 Women and children are among a half-dozen civilians killed by ISIS in a suspected chemical attack.
2017.04.04 France Paris 1 0 A young Muslim man throws a 66-year-old Jewish woman to her death from a balcony while praising Allah.
2017.04.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim radicals for accepting water from US soldiers.
2017.04.04 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Christian man is beaten to death by angry Muslims.
2017.04.03 Sudan Omdurman 1 5 Several members of a church are stabbed and beaten by a mob. An elder later dies of injuries.
2017.04.03 Iraq Fallujah 3 4 A Shahid suicide bombing claims three lives.
2017.04.03 Iraq Mosul 32 0 Thirty-two innocents, including women and children are picked apart by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.04.03 India Pantha Chowk 1 5 A child is among the casualties of a Lashkar-e-Toiba shooting.
2017.04.03 Israel Jerusalem 0 3 A Palestinian stabs two Torah scholars and a guard.
2017.04.03 Russia St. Petersburg 15 49 A Fedayeen subway bomber sends ball bearing and bolts through a subway car, aerating fifteen commuters.
2017.04.03 Nigeria Nzaav 8 0 Eight villagers are left dead after a brutal assault by Muslim militants.
2017.04.03 Iraq Qayyarah 20 0 The bodies of twenty women and children are found in a mass grave of ISIS execution victims.
2017.04.03 Iraq Iskandariya 1 0 A suicide bomber kills a guard who stopped him from entering a funeral.
2017.04.02 Iraq Mosul 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed and dumped in a mass grave.
2017.04.02 India Nowhatta 1 15 Terrorists throw a grenade into the street, killing one and injuring fifteen.
2017.04.02 Nigeria Ikyoawen 4 0 Four people are killed by Fulani terrorists.
2017.04.02 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A woman is reduced to parts by a ISIS bomb blast.
2017.04.02 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 1 Four Afghans are blown to bits by Taliban bombers.
2017.04.02 Nigeria Makurdi 2 0 A 65-year-old man is among two villagers murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.04.02 Iraq Tamouz 13 0 Thirteen civilians are machine-gunned for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.04.01 Iraq Mosul 14 26 ISIS send rockets into a neighborhood, killing fourteen residents.
2017.04.01 Egypt Tanta 1 15 Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a training center.
2017.04.01 Iraq Mosul 17 1 Seventeen family members are lured outside their home and killed with a bomb. The victims include a 3-year-old boy and a disabled girl.
2017.04.01 India Sarai Tehsil 1 0 A 14-year-old girl is strangled by her family for unIslamic behavior.
2017.03.31 Pakistan Parachinar 24 90 Over two-dozen lives at a market and rival mosque are snuffed out by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2017.03.31 Afghanistan Takhar 5 0 Four children and a parent are disassembled by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.03.31 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahuddin 3 0 Two women are among three family members murdered in their home by the Taliban.
2017.03.31 Iraq Rutba 1 4 A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person.
2017.03.31 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 Two people are gunned down by followers of a militant preacher.
2017.03.30 Nigeria Dumba 1 0 Islamists kill a herdsman for refusing to pay protection money.
2017.03.30 Nigeria Wumyeduga 12 23 A dozen villagers are left dead following a Boko Haram raid.
2017.03.30 Nigeria Damboa 5 5 A female suicide bomber blows herself up at a funeral, taking five others with her.
2017.03.30 Nigeria Kubuwa 3 3 Three people are killed when Boko Haram ambush a food truck.
2017.03.30 Iraq Zanjili 23 0 Twenty-three people are executed for refusing to abandon their homes to caliphate members.
2017.03.30 Iraq Deka Barka 2 0 A man and his wife are torn to ribbons by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.03.30 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A baby is slaughtered by the Islamic State after its father tries to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.30 Pakistan Nankana 1 0 A prominent Ahmadi Muslim is gunned down outside his home by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2017.03.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Muslim 'separatists' fire into a police station, killing one officer.
2017.03.30 Iraq Saadiya 6 0 Six Kurds are murdered by an Islamic State member.
2017.03.29 Thailand Yala 1 0 An off-duty security member is riddled with bullets by Muslim terrorists.
2017.03.29 Iraq Jazair 3 5 Three children are pulled into pieces by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.03.29 Mali Boulikessi 3 0 The "Group to Support Islam and Muslims" machine-gun two officers and a civilian at a checkpoint.
2017.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 17 60 A Shahid suicide truck bomber detonates in the middle of a crowded street, claiming at least seventeen lives.
2017.03.29 Iraq Mosul 7 11 An ISIS mortar attack on a neighborhood, leaves seven dead residents.
2017.03.29 Bangladesh Nasirpur 4 0 Four children are killed by Neo-Jama'atul Mujahideen suicide bombers.
2017.03.29 Iraq Mosul 7 4 Bombers pick off women and children trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.29 Yemen Jahmaliah 3 6 Ansar Allah send send shells into houses, killing three occupants.
2017.03.28 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Islamic militants behead two Sufis for witchcraft.
2017.03.28 Afghanistan Khakrez 4 5 Sunni fundamentalists attack local security personnel in the middle of the night and kill four.
2017.03.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gay man is stoned to death for 'violating the limits of Allah and Islam.'
2017.03.27 Iraq Okaidat 1 0 An imam is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.03.27 Yemen Huta 10 4 An Ansar al-Sharia suicide bomber sends ten other souls to Allah.
2017.03.27 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Three tribesmen are kidnapped and murdered by the Islamic State.
2017.03.27 Thailand Rangae 1 5 Militant Muslims open indiscriminate fire on a police parade, killing one member.
2017.03.27 Nigeria Emuhu 3 6 Three villagers lose their lives to a brutal raid by Fulani terrorists.
2017.03.26 Afghanistan Darzab 3 0 Three 'ordinary civilians' are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.03.26 Iraq Sham 30 0 Women and children are among thirty civilians executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.26 Iraq Mosul 16 43 Two children are among sixteen civilians exterminated by ISIS shrapnel at a marketplace.
2017.03.26 Nigeria Mkomon 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a Christian in the head as he is on a swimming trip.
2017.03.25 Iraq Mosul 4 6 Four civilians are taken out by a Mujahideen car bomb.
2017.03.25 Mali Ouélessbougou 3 0 At least three others are killed by Jihadis in two attacks targeting transport buses.
2017.03.25 Bangladesh Sylhet 6 50 A half-dozen people at an apartment building are laid out by Jamayetul Mujahideen bombers.
2017.03.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 An Islamic sniper picks off a policeman at a checkpoint.
2017.03.25 Egypt al-Arish 3 6 Three security personnel lose their lives to an Islamic State roadside bomb.
2017.03.25 Mali Almoustarat 3 4 Suspected Muslim radicals machine-gun three people.
2017.03.24 Chechnya Naurskaya 6 3 Islamic State militants stage a suicide attack on a Russian base, killing six defenders.
2017.03.24 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 An Islamist car bomb outside a hotel leaves one dead.
2017.03.24 Iraq Yarmouk 20 0 Nine women are among twenty civilians executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.24 Iraq Mosul 12 6 The Islamic State fires shells into a neighborhood, killing a dozen residents.
2017.03.23 Iraq Wadi Akab 3 0 Three women are burned alive by the Islamic State for refusing to executed fellow civilians.
2017.03.23 Egypt Sinai 10 7 Islamic roadside blasts take out ten security personnel.
2017.03.23 Yemen Abyan 1 3 A boy is killed when al-Qaeda target a family vehicle with an RPG.
2017.03.23 Somalia Barawe 17 22 al-Shabaab claims an attack that left seventeen others dead.
2017.03.22 England London 5 29 A Muslim man mows down pedestrians on a bridge, killing a teacher, tourist and an elderly man, before stabbing a police officer to death. A fifth victim succumbs weeks later.
2017.03.22 Afghanistan Spinzar 9 0 Nine local cops are assassinated by Taliban gunmen.
2017.03.22 Syria Tasil 1 0 A man is tied up and shot to death for 'cursing Allah'.
2017.03.22 Iraq Mosul 13 35 Thirteen residents are crushed beneath a barrage of ISIS mortars.
2017.03.22 Nigeria Muna 13 20 Four suicide bombers attack a refugee camp, killing thirteen people.
2017.03.21 India Muzaffarnagar 1 0 A conservative Muslims slits his 15-year-old daughter's throat after catching her with a boy.
2017.03.21 Iraq Hamrin 5 4 A bomb targeting families fleeing the caliphate picks off five members.
2017.03.21 Somalia Mogadishu 10 15 At least ten innocents are claimed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2017.03.21 Egypt Sinai 3 2 Three civilians are imploded in their own car by an Islamist bomb blast.
2017.03.21 Afghanistan Greshk 14 6 A suicide bomber rams a checkpoint, taking fourteen lives.
2017.03.21 Italy Foggia 0 1 A Muslim 'migrant' attempts to rams his car into police, then attacks officers with a knife.
2017.03.20 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A young Christian is shot to death by Muslim extremists after refusing to work on Sunday.
2017.03.20 Nigeria Zaki Biam 20 0 Suspected Fulani terrorists massacre at least twenty villagers.
2017.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 23 45 Two dozen innocents are blown to bits by an ISIS car bomb attack in a Shiite neighborhood.
2017.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two bombs, one at a market, produce two dead Iraqis.
2017.03.20 Sudan Abassiya Tegeli 2 5 Two children are killed, and five women injured, by PDF militia.
2017.03.19 Afghanistan Tiran Kot 3 4 Three local security personnel are brutally machine-gunned by Taliban fundamentalists.
2017.03.19 Nigeria Oshugu 2 0 Muslims attack a church and kill two worshippers.
2017.03.18 France Paris 0 1 A man 'here to die for Allah' is gunned down by airport security as he tries to snatch a weapon.
2017.03.18 Iraq Dainiya 2 3 Terrorists claim two lives with an IED.
2017.03.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 8 A mother and her two children are among four wiped out by three Religion of Peace suicide bombers.
2017.03.18 Iraq Mosul 24 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the remains of two dozen Islamic State victims, including children.
2017.03.18 Cameroon Soueram 2 0 A Boko Haram attack leaves two dead.
2017.03.17 Pakistan Landikotal 2 4 A group advocating Sharia fires on border guards, killing two.
2017.03.17 Afghanistan Srkh Rod 1 0 A suicide bomber kills his own brother.
2017.03.17 Yemen Marib 34 0 Shiite rebels fire two rockets into a Sunni mosque, killing thirty-four during Friday prayers.
2017.03.17 Pakistan Charsadda 1 2 Two Shahid suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.03.17 Afghanistan Khost 1 3 One person is laid out by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2017.03.17 France Paris 2 0 A father and son's throats are slit by a family member yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
2017.03.17 Uganda Kampala 3 0 Muslim radicals open fire on a police station, killing three occupants.
2017.03.16 Iraq Yarmouk 14 13 ISIS member send rockets into a residential neighborhood reclaimed by security forces.
2017.03.16 Bangladesh Sitakunda 1 0 A young child is blown to bits by a female suicide bomber.
2017.03.16 Nigeria Magumeri 1 0 A local cop is killed when Boko Haram attack a small town.
2017.03.16 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on a pair of elderly siblings, killing the brother and injuring his sister.
2017.03.16 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 8 Terrorists pound an apartment building with rockets, killing a woman.
2017.03.16 India Coimbatore 1 0 An atheist is hacked to death by an angry Muslim over Facebook posts attacking religion.
2017.03.16 Iraq Riyadh 9 0 Nine civilians are executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.16 Nigeria Ayati 5 0 A pregnant woman is among five civilians gunned down in cold blood by Fulani terrorists.
2017.03.16 Sudan Abbasiya 2 0 Two children die from injuries after an attack by a group allied with the National Islamic Front.
2017.03.15 Syria Hamadaniyeh 1 3 A woman and three children are among the casualties of a Sunni rocket attack.
2017.03.15 Syria Rabweh 8 28 Eight people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.03.15 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Boko Haram members recite from the Quran as they slit the throats of three hostages.
2017.03.15 Iraq Tikrit 11 41 Religion of Peace advocates set off a car bomb along a street packed with medical clinics.
2017.03.15 India Hyhama 1 1 A minor girl is killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba members open fire on a security patrol.
2017.03.15 Iraq Wadi Hajar 17 0 Seventeen civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.03.15 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A suicide bomber in a bulldozer plows through a barricade and takes out four.
2017.03.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 16 Four female suicide bombers kill two people in a residential area.
2017.03.15 Syria Damascus 31 102 Thirty-one innocents at a courthouse are reduced to bloody pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.03.14 Iraq Hawija 9 0 Children are among nine Iraqis burned alive for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.03.14 Afghanistan Kamarkulagh 1 0 An imam is gunned down in his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.03.14 Syria Homs 1 2 Terrorists bomb a bus, killing one passenger.
2017.03.13 Thailand Raman 1 0 Two Muslim terrorists walk into a grocery and shoot the 47-year-old owner to death.
2017.03.13 Iraq Mosul 8 5 Children are among the casualties of an ISIS bomb blast.
2017.03.13 Bangladesh Dinajpur 2 0 A Sufi leader and his teen daughter are hacked to death by Sunni fundamentalists.
2017.03.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 One other person is left dead after a suicide bomb blast.
2017.03.13 Somalia Mogadishu 13 14 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates in front of a hotel, claiming thirteen innocents.
2017.03.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 19 A woman loses her life when Taliban bombers target a bus carrying telecom workers.
2017.03.13 India Pulwama 1 0 A villager is abducted and killed by Islamic extremists.
2017.03.13 Mali Fafa 4 2 A Jihadist attack leaves four dead, including civilians.
2017.03.12 Tunisia Kebili 1 3 An imam is among four radicals who ambush a police car, killing one member.
2017.03.12 Syria Daraa 1 3 Jabhat al-Nusra members murder a civilian.
2017.03.11 Afghanistan Nawshar 8 0 A religious extremist poisons, then shoots eight local cops.
2017.03.11 Nigeria Mkgovur 10 3 Fulani terrorists raid a village, hacking and shooting innocent people.
2017.03.11 Syria Damascus 74 120 A suicide bombing is one of two blasts targeting and killing over seventy Shiites.
2017.03.11 Yemen Mukha 5 0 Ansar Allah send a rocket into a passing vehicle, killing five occupants.
2017.03.10 Yemen Taiz 2 0 Two crew members are killed when a ship hits a mine left by Ansar Allah.
2017.03.10 Iraq Wadi Hajar 18 43 ISIS unleashes a vicious rocket bombardment on a residential neighborhood, taking out over eighteen civilians.
2017.03.09 Iraq Tajiyat 1 3 A civilian is disassembled by Jihadi bombers.
2017.03.09 Thailand Muang 1 0 A man on a motorcycle is ambushed and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2017.03.08 Iraq Hajjaj 30 26 Dozens of people at a wedding party are shredded by two suicide bombers.
2017.03.08 Pakistan Baba Kot 1 0 A Hindu woman is hacked to death with an axe.
2017.03.08 Egypt al-Arish 2 4 A fundamentalist bomb blast at a checkpoint claims the life of two policemen.
2017.03.08 Afghanistan Kabul 50 63 Following a suicide blast, fifty people at a hospital are massacred by Islamic gunmen disguised as doctors.
2017.03.08 Kenya Lamu 1 5 Islamists kill a Kenyan border guard with an IED.
2017.03.07 Saudi Arabia Qatif 1 0 A security officer is killed by sectarian extremists.
2017.03.07 India Madhya Pradesh 0 10 ISIS members set off a bomb at a train station.
2017.03.07 Syria Deir Ezzor 14 0 At least fourteen Syrians are killed during an ISIS attack on a cemetery.
2017.03.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A magnetic bomb placed on a civilian car kills one.
2017.03.06 Iraq Yarmouk 50 0 A mass grave containing fifty victims of ISIS execution is discovered.
2017.03.06 Iraq Mosul 4 29 Four civilians choke to death during an ISIS gas attack.
2017.03.06 Iraq Kirkuk 8 0 Eight civilians are executed for helping families flee the caliphate.
2017.03.06 Afghanistan Achin 4 5 Islamic supremacists massacre four local cops.
2017.03.06 India Roorkee 1 0 A 23-year-old woman is strangled by her own mother and sisters on suspicion of sexual activity.
2017.03.05 Iraq Daquq 20 0 The bodies of twenty Kurdish victims of the Islamic State are found in a mass grave.
2017.03.05 Pakistan Mohmand 5 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban members attack several checkpoints, killing five security members.
2017.03.05 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 0 Six Afghan security personnel are machine-gunned by Sunni hardliners.
2017.03.05 Syria Aleppo 15 32 At least fifteen people are killed by two suicide bombers.
2017.03.05 Mali Boulekessi 11 5 Jihadists ambush a local security convoy and massacre fifteen soldiers.
2017.03.05 Yemen Sinjibar 6 0 al-Qaeda members open fire along a city street, taking down six people.
2017.03.05 Niger Wanzarbe 4 0 Jihadists murder four police officer.
2017.03.05 Pakistan Kohat 2 0 Two men are honor killed by their respective in-laws for 'bringing shame' to the family.
2017.03.05 Iraq Mosul 43 0 Forty-three people are executed for violating rules in the Islamic State.
2017.03.04 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Fundamentalists gun down six at a brothel, including four women.
2017.03.04 Afghanistan Faryab 1 1 One local cop is killed by Taliban bombers.
2017.03.04 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 0 Sharia activists assassinate a secular lawyer.
2017.03.04 Syria Safsafia 3 2 Three children are disassembled by a Jabhat al-Nusra rocket.
2017.03.03 Afghanistan Achin 2 0 Two men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.03.03 Thailand Muang 1 0 A local man is shot to death in front of his house by suspected Muslim 'insurgents.'
2017.03.03 Pakistan Talib Chandio 1 0 A 21-year-old mother is honor killed over suspected 'illicit relations'.
2017.03.03 India Muran 1 6 A civilian is killed when Islamic extremists toss a grenade into the street.
2017.03.03 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two girls, used by a suicide bomber for cover, are blown apart in the blast.
2017.03.03 Burkina Faso Kourfayl 2 0 Two people are killed when Ansar Islam members fire into a school for not teaching the Quran.
2017.03.02 Iraq Anbar 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by ISIS.
2017.03.02 Syria Damascus 1 0 A refugee is forced to his knees and shot in front of a crowd by the Islamic State.
2017.03.02 Thailand Rueso 4 2 Two women and an 8-year-old are among four Buddhists killed when Muslim 'insurgents' fire into a family vehicle.
2017.03.02 Somalia Mahaday 3 2 Three security personnel on patrol are killed by al-Shabaab bombers.
2017.03.01 Nigeria Mbahimin 3 0 Fulani terrorists butcher and pull the eyes out of three Christians.
2017.03.01 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two marketplace bombings produce two dead civilians.
2017.03.01 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2 0 Police beat two cross-dressers to death with sticks.
2017.03.01 Afghanistan Kabul 22 120 Two suicide attacks leave twenty-two Afghans in pieces.
2017.03.01 Nigeria Lagos 4 0 Muslim radicals are suspected in the murder of a woman and three children at a church.
2017.03.01 Iraq Badush 123 0 A mass grave is discovered containing over one-hundred victims of Islamic State execution.
2017.02.28 Yemen Maton 8 0 Eight local security personnel are killed during two attacks by Ansar Allah.
2017.02.28 Iraq Shuhada 1 4 Jihadis bomb a soccer field, killing one of the onlookers.
2017.02.28 Iraq Tayaran 31 0 Thirty-one people from three families are destroyed by a barrage of ISIS mortars.
2017.02.28 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A 60-year-old woman is taken out by an ISIS IED.
2017.02.28 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 12 0 A dozen police officers are assassinated at their checkpoint by Taliban armed with silenced weapons.
2017.02.28 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 A border guard is cut down by the Taliban.
2017.02.28 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Shabaab militants assassinate a local official by planting a bomb under his car.
2017.02.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 A husband and wife are among three Iraqis wiped out by Mujahid bombers.
2017.02.27 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A youth is burned alive after having his eyes gouged out by Islamic fundamentalists.
2017.02.27 Somalia Buq-Aqable 2 0 Two men are brutally executed for 'waging war on Allah'.
2017.02.26 Iraq Khalaf 2 0 Jihadi bombers pick off a mother and daughter trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.02.26 Thailand Nong Chik 1 0 Suspected Muslim terrorists shoot a civilian on his way home.
2017.02.26 Philippines Sulu 1 0 A 70-year-old German hostage is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2017.02.26 Syria Damascus 1 17 A woman bleeds to death after being opened up by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.02.26 Iraq Sahaji 12 38 At least a dozen civilians are felled by ISIS landmines as they try to flee the caliphate.
2017.02.26 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 0 Three Shiites are gunned down by sectarian extremists.
2017.02.25 Iraq Mazraa 4 0 A family of four is exterminated by an Islamic State member.
2017.02.25 Iraq Baiji 1 0 A civilian is blown up after a suicide bomber runs up and hugs him.
2017.02.25 Syria Homs 42 24 Two Religion of Peace suicide blasts leave at least forty-two mangled and charred corpses.
2017.02.25 Afghanistan Faryab 1 16 A Taliban bomb blast at a market leaves one dead.
2017.02.25 Afghanistan Zawzjan 11 0 A woman and ten police officers are machine-gunned outside a mosque by Sharia hardliners.
2017.02.25 Iraq Bani Saad 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by terrorists.
2017.02.25 Iraq Mosul 1 1 An ISIS IED takes out a female journalist.
2017.02.24 Iraq Khalis 4 9 Suicide bombers take out four civilians.
2017.02.24 Syria al-Bab 8 0 A planted car bomb kills eight.
2017.02.24 Afghanistan Girishk 2 3 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out two Afghans.
2017.02.24 Iraq Trebil 15 0 Fifteen border guards are massacred by an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2017.02.24 Syria Sousian 60 42 At least sixty people are blown apart by a Shahid suicide bomber as they are lining up for housing permits.
2017.02.24 Israel Rahat 1 0 A young woman is burned alive inside her home by brothers looking to restore family honor.
2017.02.24 Yemen Marib 5 4 Five civilians are eliminated by a well-placed Ansar Allah mortar round.
2017.02.23 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Jihadis bomb a fish market, killing one patron.
2017.02.23 Cameroon Wouro Dole 1 2 At least one other person is killed by an 11-year-old suicide bomber.
2017.02.23 India Hajin 4 2 A woman is among four killed by Islamic gunfire.
2017.02.23 Niger Interzawane 15 19 Islamic extremists ambush and kill fifteen local soldiers.
2017.02.23 Iraq Mosul 4 3 Four people lose their lives when ISIS launches a mortar round into an airport.
2017.02.23 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Jihadists murder a Coptic man and set his home on fire.
2017.02.23 Malaysia Kuantan 1 0 A transgender florist is hacked to death by religious conservatives.
2017.02.23 Bangladesh Mymensingh 1 0 Jama'atul Mujahideen gun down a guard transporting jailed Islamists.
2017.02.22 Nigeria Gajiram 7 0 At least seven members of a security patrol are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2017.02.22 Iraq al-Root 2 5 Two women are reduced to pulp by caliphate bombers.
2017.02.22 Pakistan Pandyali 1 1 Islamists plant a bomb outside a man's home which kills him and leaves his wife gravely injured.
2017.02.22 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are killed by the effects of explosives dropped from ISIS drones.
2017.02.22 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 A Christian man is shot to death and his son burned alive by Islam proponents.
2017.02.22 Afghanistan Janikhel 3 19 A woman is among three civilians killed when the Taliban bomb a market.
2017.02.22 Afghanistan Alasay 4 0 A Taliban rocket wipes out four people in their own home.
2017.02.22 Yemen Mukba 6 25 Ansar Allah terrorists send mortar rounds into a local military base, killing six.
2017.02.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A captive is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2017.02.21 Pakistan Charsadda 7 21 Fedayeen suicide bombers storm a sessions court, killing at least seven.
2017.02.21 Philippines Baguan Island 1 7 Abu Sayyaf pirates attack a commercial ship, killing one crew member and abducting seven more.
2017.02.21 Iraq Baghdad 7 12 Seven people are aerated by Mujahideen shrapnel in a shopping district.
2017.02.21 Iraq Karbala 2 0 Two Shiites are beheaded by a Sunni extremist group.
2017.02.20 Iraq Mosul 2 5 A child is among two killed when ISIS operatives drop a grenade from a drone.
2017.02.20 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 4 A person standing in a market is thoroughly eliminated by a Jihadi nail-packed bomb.
2017.02.20 Nigeria Ashim 14 0 Muslim militants murder fourteen civilians.
2017.02.19 Afghanistan Laghman 11 3 Eleven members of a family are cut down when suspected Taliban throw a grenade into their home.
2017.02.19 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 2 4 Jihadis plant a bomb at a livestock market, killing two participants.
2017.02.19 Nigeria Bakin Kogi 7 0 Seven villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2017.02.19 Somalia Mogadishu 39 50 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates himself at a packed market, taking thirty-nine souls with him.
2017.02.19 Iraq Iraq 3 0 An ISIS landmine snuffs out the lives of three children.
2017.02.19 Nigeria Yaza-Kumaza 3 9 Boko Haram attack a village and murder three residents.
2017.02.19 Somalia Tihsile 2 0 Two local soldiers die during an al-Shabaab attack on a town.
2017.02.19 Iraq Mosul 3 12 Two suicide bomber rack up three Iraqis.
2017.02.18 Iraq Mosul 5 21 An Islamic State rocket fired into a school kills three students and two teachers.
2017.02.18 Afghanistan Paktika 12 4 Eight children are blown to bits along with four others when the Taliban detonate a bomb under their vehicle.
2017.02.18 Somalia El Wak 2 3 An Islamist attack leaves two others dead.
2017.02.18 Iraq Hayy al-Intsar 3 10 Three women are pulled into disparate pieces by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.02.18 Iraq Jazair 4 9 Islamic State members hit a neighborhood with rockets, killing four civilians.
2017.02.17 Pakistan Balakot 1 0 A woman is stabbed to death for marrying by choice.
2017.02.17 Iraq Mosul 4 12 ISIS members send a rocket into a market, killing four patrons.
2017.02.17 Egypt Hasna 3 4 Islamic State advocates ambush and kill three security personnel.
2017.02.17 Afghanistan Kunar 5 1 Five security personnel die in a hail of Taliban bullets.
2017.02.17 Thailand Yaring 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of gunning down a village official.
2017.02.16 Iraq Baghdad 59 66 A devastating car bomb attack claims sixty lives near a row of car dealerships.
2017.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 Two children are among three who bleed to death from the effects of an al-Shabaab mortar.
2017.02.16 Pakistan Kharmato 2 0 A pair of young lovers is quickly honor killed after being discovered by the girl's conservative father.
2017.02.16 Iraq Baghdad 8 30 A series of Mujahideen attacks leaves eight dead.
2017.02.16 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 4 1 Terrorists machine-gun four local cops.
2017.02.16 Afghanistan Deh Bala 18 0 A surprise ISIS attack on a remote border post claims eighteen.
2017.02.16 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Two girls are disassembled in their own school by an Islamic State rocket.
2017.02.16 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A Coptic teacher is gunned down by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis on his way to school.
2017.02.16 Pakistan Sehwan 88 250 A massive suicide blast at a Sufi shrine leaves over eighty worshippers in pieces, including thirty children.
2017.02.15 Iraq Hawija 8 0 Eight Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.02.15 Iraq Mosul 3 4 Three grocers die at the hands of ISIS bombers.
2017.02.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people standing outside a market are vaporized by Sunni shrapnel.
2017.02.15 Pakistan Muzaffarabad 0 2 A Shiite cleric and his wife are shot by Sunni extremists.
2017.02.15 Iraq Mosul 13 0 Thirteen citizens are slowly drowned by caliphate members.
2017.02.15 Pakistan Hyatabad 2 18 A suicide bomber targeting judges takes out their driver and a passerby.
2017.02.15 Pakistan Ghalanai 5 3 Five people are laid out by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2017.02.15 Afghanistan Shirin Tagab 5 0 Five guards are killed when the Taliban attack a small village.
2017.02.15 Iraq Sadr City 18 50 A suicide bomber targeting "a gathering of Shias" massacres at least eighteen.
2017.02.15 Iraq Ishaqi 100 0 Children and women executed by Shiite militia are among over a hundred discovered in a mass grave.
2017.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Jihadi car bombers pick off three passersby in an industrial area.
2017.02.14 India Bandipora 4 8 Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen open fire on a security patrol, killing four members.
2017.02.14 China Pishan 5 5 Muslim separatists stab ten people in a melee attack.
2017.02.14 Yemen Radaa 3 8 A child is among three killed when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates outside a Shia school.
2017.02.13 Nigeria Mifa 1 1 Boko Haram militants kill a scholar and break a young boy's hand.
2017.02.13 Pakistan Orangi Town 2 1 Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi open fire outside a hotel, killing two people.
2017.02.13 Pakistan Zar Melan 3 3 The Taliban murder three security personnel with a nail-bomb.
2017.02.13 Syria Sere Kaniye 1 2 An older man is killed by an ISIS landmine that badly injures his son and grandson.
2017.02.13 Iraq Mosul 4 24 An ISIS mortar sent into a school claims the live of three students and a teacher.
2017.02.13 Pakistan Lahore 16 90 At least sixteen participants are exterminated by a Jamaat-ul-Ahrar suicide bomber at a demonstration.
2017.02.13 Afghanistan Baba Pul 1 1 Islamic militants fire on two brothers, killing one.
2017.02.13 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A young man is thrown from a rooftop for homosexuality hours after his father is executed.
2017.02.12 Afghanistan Wama 2 0 A young couple is beaten and lynched by a mob over an adulterous relationship.
2017.02.12 Somalia Tihsile 2 0 An al-Shabaab attack claims the lives of two security personnel.
2017.02.12 India Kashmir 4 3 Islamic extremists open fire on police officers, killing two, along with two bystanders.
2017.02.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The Taliban set up an ambush on a news crew, killing an assistant cameraman.
2017.02.12 Egypt Arish 1 0 A family man is dragged from his business, forced to his knees and shot after refusing to renounce Christianity for Islam.
2017.02.11 Iraq Tawakol 1 3 Islamists plant a bomb in a field that kills a farmer.
2017.02.11 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Four women are among eight people murdered by ISIS bombers at two funerals.
2017.02.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two girls are murdered with silencer-equipped pistols for not wearing the niqab.
2017.02.11 Iraq Shajarah 15 0 Children are among fifteen family members burned alive for attempting to flee the caliphate.
2017.02.11 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 12 22 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends a dozen souls to Allah.
2017.02.11 Kenya Embu 1 0 A cleric is murdered by followers of a rival cleric.
2017.02.10 India Pandavapura 1 0 A young man is stabbed by 'friends' for not joining a radical Islamic group.
2017.02.10 Iraq Rutba 25 0 Twenty-five victims of ISIS execution are found in a two mass graves.
2017.02.10 Nigeria Borno 7 23 Seven Nigerian security personnel are massacred by Boko Haram.
2017.02.10 Iraq Mosul 4 15 A suicide bomber at a restaurant claims four patrons in mid-bite.
2017.02.10 Iraq Baghdad 9 32 ISIS car bombs take out nine Iraqis in a commercial district.
2017.02.10 Iraq Mosul 1 4 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a checkpoint, killing a police officer.
2017.02.10 Pakistan Arang Tehsil 1 4 A child bleeds to death after Jihadis detonate an IED under a family vehicle.
2017.02.10 Egypt Sinai 5 0 Five Egyptians are forced to lie face down and then shot in the back of the head by hardcore fundamentalists.
2017.02.10 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 Three children are caught by a roadside bomb blast - only two survive.
2017.02.10 Somalia Afgoi 2 1 Islamists shoot a woman and her 11-year-old son in their home for converting to Christianity.
2017.02.09 Syria Homs 3 3 Three civilians are blasted into the hereafter by Jihadi car bombers.
2017.02.09 Somalia Beledweyne 4 4 Four people are blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2017.02.09 Iraq Fallujah 2 2 Two Iraqis are terminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.02.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An ISIS rocket scatters a child's body into parts.
2017.02.09 Israel Petah Tikva 0 4 A terrorist opens fire on a market and stabs a patron with a screwdriver.
2017.02.09 Syria Aleppo 3 7 Three die when a Sunni terror group sends a mortar round into a humanitarian relief center.
2017.02.08 CAR Bangui 3 26 A church burning spree by Muslim militia leaves three dead.
2017.02.08 Syria Daraa 4 3 Four civilians are crushed by a Sunni rocket shell.
2017.02.08 Syria Sweida 2 0 Terrorists shoot two passing civilians to death.
2017.02.08 Somalia Bosasso 4 0 Four guards lose their lives preventing the massacre of hotel guests by Islamic gunmen.
2017.02.08 Afghanistan Jowzjan 6 2 At least six Red Cross workers are murdered by suspected Islamic State enthusiasts.
2017.02.08 Afghanistan Paktia 2 1 Two civilians are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.02.08 Iraq Wadi Hajar 20 7 ISIS reportedly burns twenty civilians alive and flogs another seven.
2017.02.08 Iraq Jazair 1 19 Terrorists use a drone to drop a bomb on a neighborhood, killing one resident.
2017.02.07 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A government official is assassinated by Taliban bombers.
2017.02.07 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Fifteen civilians are summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2017.02.07 Afghanistan Kabul 21 48 Women and children are among the victims, as a suicide bomber detonates outside a courtroom.
2017.02.07 Syria Aleppo 5 0 Five children die from splinter injuries suffered during the detonation of an explosive device planted by Islamists.
2017.02.07 Syria Hamdaniyeh 2 14 Terrorists deliberately target a neighborhood with rockets, killing two residents.
2017.02.07 CAR Bangui 2 0 A man and woman are killed by Muslim militia automatic weapons fire.
2017.02.07 CAR Bangui 1 0 A pastor is stabbed to death in his church by Muslim radicals.
2017.02.06 Pakistan Sahiwal 1 0 A Shiite doctor is shot to death at his clinic by Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat radicals.
2017.02.06 Somalia Jamame 4 0 Four men are beheaded by Islamists.
2017.02.06 Iraq Baghdad 1 4 One person is killed by a Jihadi bomb placed at a popular market.
2017.02.06 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A civilian is shot for refusing to pay the caliphate tax.
2017.02.06 Afghanistan Maidani 3 4 Two women and a child are torn open by a Taliban rocket fired into their home.
2017.02.05 Iraq Majisa 3 10 Three Iraqis are blown to bits by two Shahid car bombers.
2017.02.05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two men are crucified for smoking in the Islamic State.
2017.02.05 Iraq Rashidiya 4 5 Four civilians are killed by an ISIS drone attack on a humanitarian food line.
2017.02.05 Nigeria Sasawa 2 0 At least two people are killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2017.02.05 Iraq Sumer 12 12 Five women and three children are among a dozen people aerated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.02.04 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five civilians are executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2017.02.04 Iraq Nergal 13 0 Children are among thirteen bodies found in a mass grave near an ISIS prison.
2017.02.04 Mali Ménaka 4 8 Four security personnel are murdered by Ansar Dine.
2017.02.04 Somalia Kismayo 3 3 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves three dead.
2017.02.03 Kenya Mandera 1 0 A 15-year-old boy succumbs to al-Shabaab gunshot wounds.
2017.02.03 France Paris 0 0 A man wielding a machete charges guests at the Louvre while shouting 'Allah Akbar!'
2017.02.03 Iraq Madean 1 5 Jihadis set of a bomb at a fish market, killing a bystander.
2017.02.03 Syria Aleppo 3 4 Three children are disassembled by a Sunni bomb blast.
2017.02.03 Iraq Mosul 7 24 The Islamic State sends rockets into a residential neighborhood, killing seven civilians.
2017.02.03 Pakistan Astarzai 1 0 A woman is gunned down by a conservative relative for working outside the home.
2017.02.02 Yemen Amsurrah 6 0 Six people are laid out by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2017.02.02 Pakistan Lower Mall 1 2 A mother of three is gunned down by her conservative brother for having an affair.
2017.02.02 Afghanistan Almar 8 0 Eight police officers from one family are drugged and shot to death in their sleep by a terrorist in uniform.
2017.02.02 Afghanistan Yusof Khail 2 0 A cleric and his wife are gunned down in their own home by Religion of Peace rivals.
2017.02.02 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Shabaab is suspected of a car bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2017.02.02 Iraq Qa'emshahr 1 0 A girl is stabbed to death by her conservative father for sneaking out to a party.
2017.02.01 Somalia Bosaso 2 6 An al-Shabaab attack on a remote checkpoint leaves two dead.
2017.02.01 Iraq Hawija 5 0 Five Iraqis are forced to their knees and shot as an ISIS video camera rolls.
2017.02.01 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 A pair of Mujahideen bomb blasts claim two lives.
2017.02.01 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 2 A child is disintegrated by a Taliban rocket.
2017.01.31 Nigeria Dalori 1 0 A university student is killed by a child suicide bomber at a mosque.
2017.01.31 Cameroon Double 1 7 Three suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2017.01.31 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three children are successfully picked off by an ISIS booby-trap.
2017.01.31 Iraq Zolo 2 0 Two construction workers are kidnapped and pumped full of holes by Islamic militants.
2017.01.31 Iraq Mosul 14 22 ISIS members send rockets into a residential neighborhood, killing fourteen innocents.
2017.01.31 USA Denver, CO 1 0 A pastor working as a security guard is shot to death at a transit office by a 'radicalized' Muslim.
2017.01.31 Cameroon Kontcha 5 3 An aid worker is among five people murdered by Boko Haram.
2017.01.31 Afghanistan Yumgan 1 0 A woman accused of a sexual affair is shot and killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2017.01.31 Nigeria Kubwa 1 3 A Boko Haram ambush leaves one dead and three injured.
2017.01.30 Yemen Hodeida 2 3 Two crew members are killed when a Saudi frigate is attacked by suicide bombers in boats.
2017.01.30 Chechnya Chali 2 2 Islamic extremists attack a police station, killing two members.
2017.01.29 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 A 72-year-old Sufi woman's throat is slit by hardliners over her religious views.
2017.01.29 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three 'youths' are brutally executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.29 Nigeria Bulabulin 15 9 Islamists machine-gun fifteen motorists along a highway.
2017.01.29 Bahrain Bilad al-Qadeem 1 0 Shia militants gun down an off-duty cop.
2017.01.29 Philippines al-Barka 2 3 Two children, ages 2 and 5, are obliterated by an Abu Sayyaf bomb blast.
2017.01.29 Iraq Rashidiyah 27 0 Twenty-seven men, women and children are discovered in an ISIS mass grave.
2017.01.29 Iraq Farouq 1 2 An ISIS drone drops a bomb on a 4-year-old, killing him and wounding his parents.
2017.01.28 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 0 A Sunni civilian is murdered by Hashd al-Shaabi Shiite radicals.
2017.01.28 Iraq Mosul 20 0 Three professors and a doctor are among a group of twenty Iraqis executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2017.01.28 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two prisoners are dragged to an ancient Roman amphitheater and executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 Two Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2017.01.28 Iraq Hawija 4 8 A bomb targeting refugees fleeing the caliphate brings down four.
2017.01.28 Syria Hasakah 3 0 Three women are detained and executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2017.01.28 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 The life of a promising student is cut short by Boko Haram.
2017.01.28 Iraq Rashidiyah 2 2 ISIS lobs a mortar into a family home, killing both parents and injuring their children.
2017.01.28 Somalia Qandala 3 0 Three hostages are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2017.01.27 Iraq Hand 1 0 A man's throat is slit on charges of apostasy.
2017.01.27 Somalia Kulbiyow 57 0 Armed Islamists attack a peacekeeping base and kill at least forty people.
2017.01.26 Trinidad Arima 1 1 A Muslim teen is shot dead for having a Christian boyfriend, who is badly injured.
2017.01.26 Iraq Mosul 23 0 Two dozen returning refugees are reported killed by ISIS booby-traps.
2017.01.26 Afghanistan Kulah Sabz 1 2 Sharia activists kill a rickshaw driver with a planted bomb.
2017.01.26 Syria Homs 3 0 Two children, ages 3 and 7, are leveled by an ISIS bomb blast along with their mother.
2017.01.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Jihadis pick off a shopper at a popular market.
2017.01.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 2 A man is killed in his home in the middle of the night by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.01.25 Somalia Mogadishu 28 43 Religion of Peace activists stage a suicide assault on a hotel, killing at least twenty-eight others.
2017.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Three people at a car dealership are vaporized by Jihadi bombers.
2017.01.25 Iraq Sawas 23 0 ISIS executes twenty-three prisoners.
2017.01.25 Nigeria Kaleri 1 2 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a rival mosque, killing a guard.
2017.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 10 A woman is among two Iraqis terminated by Mujahideen bombers.
2017.01.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite man is gunned down by Sunni assassins.
2017.01.24 Iraq Mosul 14 13 Islamists blast residential areas with rockets, dismembering fourteen and maiming a dozen others.
2017.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 10 Two people are sectionalized by a car bomb blast at a garage.
2017.01.24 Somalia Afgoye 7 0 Seven local cops are laid out by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2017.01.24 Somalia Afgoye 1 4 A women dies trying to defend her farm against an Islamist attack.
2017.01.23 Iraq Sharqat 3 6 Three children are reduced to parts by an Islamic State mortar round.
2017.01.23 Kenya Mandera 1 0 al-Shabaab members throw explosives at a bank and food kiosk, killing a guard.
2017.01.23 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two men are beheaded for "opposing Allah's Sharia."
2017.01.23 Nigeria Dzaku 8 7 Boko Haram slaughters eight villagers and kidnaps seven women.
2017.01.23 Myanmar Padakar 3 0 Three villagers are executed by Muslim terrorists for refusing to help.
2017.01.22 Egypt Sinai 5 0 Five people sitting in a taxi are machine-gunned point blank by Islamic extremists.
2017.01.22 Egypt Rafah 8 0 Eight family members are blown to bits in their own home by an Islamist shell.
2017.01.22 Iraq Taji 1 4 An ISIS bomb planted in a neighborhood kills one person.
2017.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 A bomb left outside a garage claims one civilian.
2017.01.22 Syria Alkhafsa 1 0 A man is forced to his knees and shot in the head for 'cursing Allah'.
2017.01.22 Iraq Kirkuk 7 0 Seven Iraqi civilians are lined up and run over with a backhoe…
2017.01.22 Iraq Mosul 7 3 Seven civilians are dismantled by an ISIS shrapnel.
2017.01.22 Nigeria Gidan Waya 5 0 Five college students are ambushed and brutally murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2017.01.21 Afghanistan Dashti Archi 4 0 Four people are left dead following a suicide attack.
2017.01.21 Iraq Rashidiya 13 0 Thirteen civilians are executed by the Islamic State after being used as human shields.
2017.01.21 Pakistan Parachinar 25 87 Two children are among twenty-five innocents reduced to pulp at a market by bombers striving for a Sharia state.
2017.01.21 Syria Rukban 4 3 Radicals set off a car bomb at a camp for displaced persons, killing four.
2017.01.21 Niger Geskerou 2 7 Boko Haram stage a cross-border raid that leaves two guards dead.
2017.01.20 Libya Benghazi 0 17 Sectarian activists set off a bomb outside a rival mosque.
2017.01.20 Afghanistan Buzkashi 2 5 Two people at a sporting event are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2017.01.20 Pakistan Orakzai 2 6 Islamists are suspected of opening fire on tribal elders on their way to a council.
2017.01.20 Iraq Bab al-Toub 2 0 An elderly man and his son are killed by a bomb dropped by an Islamic State drone.
2017.01.19 Iraq Kirkuk 7 8 Seven civilians are disintegrated by Islamic State shrapnel.
2017.01.19 Syria Palmyra 12 0 Teachers are among a dozen people whose throats are slit in front of children at an archaeological site.
2017.01.19 Afghanistan Maiwand 43 5 At least forty-three people are killed in a very bloody ambush by religious extremists.
2017.01.19 Iraq Kirkuk 12 0 A dozen Iraqis are gruesomely executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.18 Iraq Rashidiya 36 0 Members of seven families, including women and children, are executed for trying to flee the caliphate.
2017.01.18 Iraq Mosul 23 0 Two dozen returning civilians are surprised by ISIS booby-traps in their homes.
2017.01.18 Iraq Salahudin 15 13 ISIS attacks produce fifteen dead Iraqis.
2017.01.18 Yemen Monoura 9 14 Shiite terrorists fire a rocket into a house and then a second one when others rush to help.
2017.01.18 Iraq Mosul 7 0 A 12-year-old boy is among seven fleeing civilians picked off by ISIS snipers.
2017.01.18 Israel Umm al-Hiran 1 1 A member of the Islamic Movement rams his car into a group of police, killing one.
2017.01.18 Mali Gao 77 120 A Fedayeen suicide bomber massacres at least seventy people.
2017.01.17 Iraq Mosul 12 5 Two car bombs target civilians trying to escape the caliphate, killing a dozen.
2017.01.17 Nigeria Samarun Kataf 3 0 Militant Muslim attack a market, killing three vendors.
2017.01.17 Somalia Janale 1 0 Islamists execute a kidnapped peacekeeper on video.
2017.01.17 Yemen Taiz 10 5 Ten civilians are killed when Shiite radicals fire a rocket into their house.
2017.01.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 Sunnis hit a Shiite neighborhood, killing seven bystanders.
2017.01.17 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A mother and child are murdered along with an elderly man by the Islamic State.
2017.01.17 Yemen al-Jin 6 23 Shiite radicals send a ballistic missile into a local military camp, killing six.
2017.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three Iraqis bleed out following two blasts.
2017.01.16 Iraq Tel Yabis 14 13 Suicide bombers take out fourteen civilians.
2017.01.16 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a man on his way to work.
2017.01.16 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 20 A professor and four students are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.01.16 Iraq Bakriya 1 3 One person is killed by a Mujahid bomb blast outside a row of shops.
2017.01.16 Egypt Naqb 8 3 Fundamentalists pour automatic weapons fire into a checkpoint, killing eight officers.
2017.01.16 Yemen Loder 4 3 An al-Qaeda attack leaves four others dead.
2017.01.15 Iraq Khalis 2 5 A suicide bomber claims two other lives.
2017.01.15 Afghanistan Pachiragam 6 2 A woman and child are among six civilians exterminated by a Taliban IED.
2017.01.15 Niger Bosso 9 4 At least nine villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2017.01.15 Iraq Halis 9 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends nine Iraqis to Allah.
2017.01.15 Syria Jub al-Barazi 12 30 A dozen lives are claimed by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2017.01.15 Iraq Baghdad 12 26 Twelve people are laid out by two Fedayeen suicide blasts, one at a restaurant.
2017.01.15 Iraq Mosul 18 2 A suicide bomber targets fleeing civilians, killing eighteen.
2017.01.15 Uganda Katira 0 23 Angered by conversion efforts, a Muslim mob enters a church, beats parishioners and rapes fifteen women.
2017.01.14 Cameroon Gham-Gham 17 0 Five women are among seventeen locals beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.01.14 Syria Deir Ezzor 12 40 At least a dozen others are wiped out by a wave of ISIS suicide attacks.
2017.01.14 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Radicals take out a half-dozen innocents at a nightclub with a car bomb.
2017.01.14 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 An al-Shabaab landmine takes two souls.
2017.01.13 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 A woman and her four children are set on fire for wanting to leave the caliphate.
2017.01.13 Nigeria Kangarwa 3 27 Islamists with Qurans stage an armed attack on a group of security personnel, killing three.
2017.01.13 Egypt Asyut 1 0 Radicals slit the throat of a Coptic doctor in his home.
2017.01.13 Syria Hasakah 2 0 Two men are crucified by the Islamic State.
2017.01.13 Syria Ma'an 2 5 A Shahid suicide bomber kills two targets.
2017.01.13 Nigeria Madagali 9 15 Four female suicide bombers - one with a baby strapped to her back - take down nine people.
2017.01.12 Syria Damascus 7 0 At least seven lives are claimed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2017.01.12 Iraq M'alef 1 4 A Jihadi bomb blast outside a row of shops take out a bystander.
2017.01.12 Iraq Mosul 19 4 The Islamic State sends rockets into a residential neighborhood, taking out nineteen innocents.
2017.01.12 Iraq Hadbaa 3 1 An 8-year-old child is among the casualties when two suicide bombers murder three refugees.
2017.01.12 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 Two Nigerians succumb to Boko Haram shrapnel.
2017.01.11 Mali Diafarabe 5 3 Five people are exterminated by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2017.01.11 Germany Oberhausen 0 1 A man yelling praises to Allah stabs a customer at a store parking lot.
2017.01.11 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Islamists throw a suspected homosexual to his death.
2017.01.11 Egypt Arish 4 0 Ansar Bait al-Maqdis members enter a police station and gun down four officers.
2017.01.11 Yemen Loder 1 1 An al-Qaeda car bomb claims one life.
2017.01.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 16 Two people are disintegrated by ISIS bombers.
2017.01.10 Iraq Rashad 2 0 A teenager is among two executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Arghandab 7 7 An attack by Sunni extremists leaves seven dead Afghans.
2017.01.10 Somalia Buale 2 0 A man and teenager are publicly executed by a Sharia court for 'gay sex'.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 9 A suicide bomber detonates inside a house, killing seven residents.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Kabul 46 70 A Shahid suicide attack on afternoon commuters leaves over forty dead.
2017.01.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 11 18 Five humanitarian workers are among eleven innocents reduced to pulp by Taliban bombers.
2017.01.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An Islamic State sniper picks off a baby and injures the mother.
2017.01.10 Iraq Shajara 6 0 Six villagers are forced to their knees and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2017.01.09 Iraq Tikrit 15 0 Seven children are four women are torn limb from limb by ISIS bombers.
2017.01.09 Egypt Matafi 9 12 Nine others are killed when suicide bombers storm a checkpoint.
2017.01.09 India Akhnoor 3 0 Three civilian laborers are slain by Islamic terrorists.
2017.01.09 Egypt al-Arish 10 22 Shahid suicide bombers ram a truck packed with explosives into a checkpoint, killing ten.
2017.01.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Two female suicide bombers detonate in tandem, killing two bystanders.
2017.01.08 Nigeria Muna 2 0 Three male suicide bombers manage to kill two other people.
2017.01.08 Syria Beit Jinn 5 15 Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham suicide bombers blow five people to bits.
2017.01.08 Iraq Haditha 4 3 An Islamic State attack leaves four dead Iraqis.
2017.01.08 Iraq Madain 1 4 ISIS loyalists leave a bomb at a soccer field that claims one life.
2017.01.08 Syria Raqqa 12 0 Twelve citizens are beheaded by the Islamic State for having satellite dishes.
2017.01.08 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three Islamic State prisoners are beheaded by children at an amusement park.
2017.01.08 Israel Jerusalem 4 15 Three women are among four deliberately mowed down by Palestinian truck driver.
2017.01.08 Iraq Jamila 11 25 A suicide car bomber plows into a Shiite market and detonates, sending eleven souls to Allah.
2017.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 A Fedayeen with a suicide vest runs into a Shiite market and levels seven innocent people.
2017.01.07 Iraq Shula 3 4 Religion of Peace car bombers murder three people at a market.
2017.01.07 Nigeria Buni Yadi 5 0 A doctor is among five people eliminated by a Boko Haram ambush.
2017.01.07 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A Shiite man is slain by sectarian Jihadis.
2017.01.07 Syria Azaz 48 105 At least forty-eight people are incinerated by a tanker rigged with explosives by the Islamic State.
2017.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 5 13 Five innocents at a tea shop are taken out in mid-sip by twin bomb blasts.
2017.01.07 Egypt Sinai 1 4 A local soldier is ambushed and shot to death by Islamic hardliners.
2017.01.07 Nigeria Kwayine 10 0 Ten people are killed when Fulani militants storm a Christian village.
2017.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 A Mujahid bomb blast at a market kills one patron.
2017.01.07 Yemen Abyan 6 20 A suicide bomber takes down a half-dozen people clustered around a checkpoint.
2017.01.06 Egypt Tukh el-Dalkah 2 0 Muslims slit the throats of a Coptic couple in their own bed.
2017.01.06 Jordan Maan 1 0 ISIS gunmen pick off a man gathering wood with his family.
2017.01.06 USA Fort Lauderdale, FL 5 6 A mentally-disturbed convert to Islam guns down five innocents in the baggage claim area of an airport.
2017.01.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A 'magician' is beheaded by a Sharia court.
2017.01.06 Iraq Dour 8 8 Two ISIS suicide bombers clear out eight Iraqis.
2017.01.06 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 2 A rickshaw driver is shot to death after unwittingly blocking the path of a group of Islamists.
2017.01.06 Iraq Suwaib 1 6 The Islamic State sets off a bomb at a cattle market, killing one patron.
2017.01.06 Afghanistan Anar Dara 9 4 Nine Shiite mine workers are singled out and executed by Sunni hardliners.
2017.01.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 4 Five Hazara minorities are shot in their car by mainstream fundamentalists.
2017.01.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 Taliban shrapnel brings down a civilian.
2017.01.05 Iraq Obeidi 6 15 A bomb targeting Shiite 'apostates' takes down six.
2017.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 10 24 A series of Mujahid bomb blasts claim ten lives.
2017.01.05 Syria Yarmouk 1 0 A man is executed by terrorists for 'insulting Allah'.
2017.01.05 Nigeria Okende 1 0 At least one villager is killed during a terror attack on his homestead.
2017.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 11 22 A Shahid suicide bomber targets a row of food shops, killing eleven innocents.
2017.01.05 Syria Jablah 16 30 Sunni car bombers take care of sixteen passersby in a Shiite district.
2017.01.05 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man bound and slowly drowned in a fish tank by caliphate members.
2017.01.05 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is slowly drowned in dishwashing liquid by the Islamic State.
2017.01.05 Iraq Mosul 17 13 Seventeen civilians are exterminated by ISIS shrapnel.
2017.01.05 Sudan Geneina 7 16 Islamic militia storm a market and massacre seven vendors.
2017.01.05 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 4 3 A suspected sectarian machete attack leaves four Myanmar laborers dead.
2017.01.04 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by religious extremists.
2017.01.04 Afghanistan Nawa 1 0 A woman is hunted down and murdered by the Taliban.
2017.01.04 Thailand Muang 1 0 A grocer is shot in the head in his store by a Muslim terrorist.
2017.01.04 Philippines Kidapawan 1 1 Muslim 'rebels' storm a jail and kill a guard.
2017.01.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 1 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him.
2017.01.03 Iraq Mosul 11 39 A well-placed ISIS rocket takes out eleven souls.
2017.01.03 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A Christian businessman's throat is slashed for selling alcohol.
2017.01.03 Israel Haifa 1 1 An Arab shooting spree produces a dead civilian and an injured rabbi.
2017.01.03 Iraq Samarrah 4 0 At least four Iraqis are eliminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.01.03 Afghanistan Bolan 8 3 Islamic hardliners spray machine-gun fire into a check post, cutting down eight.
2017.01.03 Yemen Abyan 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen ambush and murder two local soldiers.
2017.01.03 Iraq Falah 11 13 Women and children are among eleven civilians blown to bits by two ISIS car bombs.
2017.01.02 Afghanistan Badakhshan 7 0 Seven local police are reportedly wiped out by a Taliban ambush.
2017.01.02 Iraq Sharqat 2 0 Two children are exterminated by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2017.01.02 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims machine-gun a man riding by on a motorcycle.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Two bomb blasts near a hospital leave two dead.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 5 6 A bomb targeting a Sunni cleric kills five outside his mosque.
2017.01.02 Iraq Zaafraniya 2 7 Two people are laid out be a Mujahid bomb blast.
2017.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 35 61 A massive suicide blast targeting laborers in a Shiite district claims at least thirty-five.
2017.01.02 Somalia Mogadishu 7 17 Back-to-back suicide blasts at an airport leave seven dead.
2017.01.01 Sudan Nertiti 11 60 Eight women, including a 13-year-old girl, are machine-gunned in their home by Islamic Republic militia.
2017.01.01 Afghanistan Logar 1 6 Talibanis pick off one person with a nail bomb.
2017.01.01 Afghanistan Herat 1 6 A bomb takes out the leader of a rival mosque and injures six worshippers.
2017.01.01 Syria Tartous 2 0 Two security guards are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2017.01.01 Iraq Najaf 9 22 Nine lives are claimed by two suicide bombers near a Shiite shrine.
2017.01.01 Turkey Istanbul 39 69 A man screaming praises to Allah guns down thirty-nine celebrants at a New Year's Eve party at a nightclub.
2017.01.01 Bahrain Jaw 1 0 Terrorists attack a prison and kill a guard.
2017.01.01 Bangladesh Gaibandha 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by religious extremists.
2017.01.01 Iraq Karama 2 10 A suicide bomber targets refugees, taking out two.
2017.01.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four young men are executed by the Islamic State.
2017.01.01 Algeria Blida 1 7 A child is exterminated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2017.01.01 Nigeria Kareto 15 0 Fifteen insect hunters are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2017.01.01 Somalia Jilib 1 0 An 80-year-old man is executed by an al-Shabaab firing squad.
2017.01.01 DRC Irumu 14 0 Fourteen villager are stabbed to death in two separate attacks.
2017.01.01 Yemen Taiz 3 3 Three civilians are sent to the hereafter by Ansar Allah.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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