The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Feb 01, 2025 -
Feb 07, 2025

Attacks 47
Killed 301
Injured 363
Suicide Blasts 0
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
January, 2025

Attacks 110
Killed 711
Injured 536
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 21
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Hezbollah Strike on Israel

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 1748 Islamic attacks in 52 countries, in which 9523 people were killed and 8446 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2024.12.31 Sudan Habila 8 0 Janjaweed murder eight members of the same family.
2024.12.31 Pakistan Daraban Kalan 2 1 Islamic radicals murder two local security personnel.
2024.12.31 Somalia Dharjaale 4 3 At least four others are blown to bits by a suicide car bomber.
2024.12.31 Pakistan Wana 2 16 A child is among two killed by a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2024.12.31 DRC Lubero 12 20 A dozen Christian villagers are stabbed to death by ADF Islamists.
2024.12.31 Italy Rimini 0 5 An Egyptian, armed with a knife and a Quran, stabs five locals.
2024.12.30 Pal. Auth Jenin 1 0 A 21-year-old bystander is killed in the cross-fire between the PA and Islamic Jihad.
2024.12.30 DRC Kanzoka 22 50 Twenty two villagers in a Christian village are beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2024.12.30 DRC Oicha 1 0 A civilian is machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2024.12.30 DRC Eringite 1 0 Another Christian is beheaded by Muslim activists.
2024.12.30 Syria Aleppo 3 0 Violent Islamists kill three Kurds.
2024.12.30 Syria Rojava 1 0 A grenade attack is one of two ISIS actions that leave one victim dead.
2024.12.30 Sudan al-Jazirah 0 14 Islamists attack a church service.
2024.12.29 Pakistan Salarzai 2 0 Islamic militants kill two local security personnel.
2024.12.29 Pakistan Tank 0 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber goes off along a quiet city street.
2024.12.29 Iran Bandar Lengeh 2 0 A Ansar al-Furqan suicide bomber gets a car to stop, then kills both occupants.
2024.12.29 DRC Ofaye Otto Maber 1 0 A Christian is beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2024.12.29 Iraq Hamrin 1 0 At least one Iraqi is killed when Islamic State members open fire on a security patrol.
2024.12.29 DRC Oicha 1 5 A villager is murdered by ADF Islamists.
2024.12.29 DRC Ituri 5 0 Islamists machine-gun five villagers and burn down their homes.
2024.12.29 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 1 A targeted attack on Christians leaves one dead and his brother injured.
2024.12.28 DRC Ofaye Otto Maber 17 0 Seventeen non-Muslims are captured by Islamists and killed.
2024.12.28 Sudan Abu Shouk 1 1 At least one person is killed when Janjaweed shell a refugee camp.
2024.12.28 Iraq Haditha 1 3 An ISIS landmine claims the life of a woman and badly injures her family.
2024.12.28 Afghanistan Khost 1 7 Taliban gunmen fire across the border, killing a Pakistani guard.
2024.12.28 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 Terrorists kill a tribal elder with a grenade.
2024.12.27 Sudan Qoz Benna 19 16 Janjaweed use a drone to drop four bombs on a school, killing nineteen.
2024.12.27 Syria Homs 1 5 At least one Shiite protester is shot dead by HTS.
2024.12.27 Israel Herzliya 1 0 An 83-year-old Jewish woman is stabbed to death by a Palestinian radical.
2024.12.27 Syria Sad Teshrin 1 0 A guard at an agricultural plant is shot dead by ISIS.
2024.12.27 Syria Homs 2 0 Two young men are cut down by HTS gunmen.
2024.12.26 Syria al-Shahil 1 0 ISIS members dispatch an opponent.
2024.12.26 Nigeria Anambra 1 0 A priest is shot dead by Muslim radicals.
2024.12.26 Uganda Kaliro 3 0 A married couple and their son are burned alive for leaving Islam and embracing Christianity.
2024.12.26 Thailand Thanto 1 0 Muslim terrorists ambush a police car with gunfire and a bomb, killing one.
2024.12.25 Syria Homs 3 0 Three members of the previous regime are executed by ISIS.
2024.12.25 Pakistan Lahore 0 3 Radicals open fire on a Christmas gathering outside a pastor's home.
2024.12.25 Bangladesh Narail Sadar 1 0 A Hindu woman dies after being raped and poisoned by a Muslim gang.
2024.12.25 Nigeria Dalori 2 3 A Boko Haram suicide bomber takes out two mourners at a funeral.
2024.12.25 Nigeria Kwande 33 7 A Muslim attack on villagers celebrating Christmas leaves dozens dead and seven children abducted.
2024.12.25 DRC Makele 3 0 A Christmas day attack by ADF Islamists leaves three others dead.
2024.12.25 Mozambique Litapata 3 0 Muslim extremists claim the lives of three villagers.
2024.12.25 Kenya Garissa 1 3 Islamic extremists attack Christian missionaries, killing one and injuring three.
2024.12.24 Syria al-Rabe'a 3 0 Sunnis assassinate three Shiite judges.
2024.12.24 Syria Kaziya 9 0 Nine former officials are found executed by ISIS.
2024.12.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 An Islamic group kills a bodyguard in an assassination attempt on Indian Consulate employees.
2024.12.23 Israel Tel Aviv 0 1 An older woman is critically injured by a Houthi missile.
2024.12.23 Syria Lattakia 1 0 Sectarian extremists field-execute a co-religionist.
2024.12.23 Syria Aleppo 1 0 HTS gunmen shoot a former official inside his home.
2024.12.23 Philippines Lamitan City 3 0 Three intelligence agents are ambushed and slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2024.12.22 DRC Kodjo 12 0 Islamic extremists massacre a dozen villagers.
2024.12.22 Iraq Makhmour 1 0 An ISIS explosive takes the life of a 10-year-old shepherd.
2024.12.22 Nigeria Irigwe 14 0 A toddler and her mother are among fourteen butchered by Muslim militants after a church service.
2024.12.22 Nigeria Chibok 2 0 Two non-Muslim are picked off in separate Muslim attacks.
2024.12.21 Israel Tel Aviv 0 16 Ansar Allah send a missile into Tel Aviv.
2024.12.21 Pakistan Makeen 16 5 Tehreek-e-Taliban raid a local security post and kill at least sixteen.
2024.12.21 DRC Robinet 6 0 A half-dozen innocents are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2024.12.20 Sudan Yabus 3 0 Suspected Janjaweed attack a UN food office and kill three staffers.
2024.12.20 Mali Bandiagara 20 0 At least twenty villagers are slaughtered by Jihadists.
2024.12.19 Syria al-Dahwa 1 0 A civilian commuter is picked off by ISIS gunmen.
2024.12.19 Nigeria Bassa 1 4 A Boko Haram bomb blast lays out a farmer.
2024.12.18 Pakistan Zarkani 3 2 TTP hardliners plant an IED that claims three lives.
2024.12.18 Bangladesh Gazipur 4 26 Four are killed when two Muslim groups clash over control of a religious unity site.
2024.12.17 Pakistan Draban 3 3 Three more people lose their lives when extremists attack a polio vaccination team.
2024.12.17 Syria Mohaimaida 1 0 The Islamic State assassinate an opponent.
2024.12.17 Syria Homs 1 0 At least one person is shot to death by ISIS.
2024.12.16 India Lucknow 1 1 A Muslim rapes and murders a child because he is Hindu.
2024.12.16 Uganda Kagumu 1 0 A father of three is murdered for leaving Islam and embracing Christianity.
2024.12.16 Pakistan Shakarhkhel 1 1 Islamic terrorists fire on a medical team, killing a guard.
2024.12.16 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 Two polio vaccination workers are shot to death by Jihadists.
2024.12.16 Pakistan Ganagar 2 3 Islamic radicals throw grenades at a police post, killing two officers.
2024.12.16 India Faridabad 1 0 Islamic radicals abduct, mutilate and behead a Hindu man.
2024.12.15 Afghanistan Degargand 1 0 A 14-year-old Ismaili minority is shot dead by the Taliban.
2024.12.15 Mali Segue 7 0 Extremists kill a rival cleric and six others.
2024.12.14 Syria al-Mazir'a 15 0 Fifteen people are killed in a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2024.12.14 Syria Lattakia 1 0 A prominent Shiite is executed by Sunnis.
2024.12.14 Syria Hama 2 0 Two civilians are shot dead by suspected al-Sham.
2024.12.14 Niger Kokorou 18 0 Children are among eighteen brought down by terrorists.
2024.12.14 Niger Libiri 21 0 Jihadists obliterate twenty-one civilians.
2024.12.14 Syria Palmyra 6 0 Islamic State members murder six shepherds and steal their livestock.
2024.12.14 Syria Jabal Al-Omour 2 0 Two individuals are executed by the Islamic State.
2024.12.14 Syria al-Azizyiya 1 0 A fisherman is captured by religious radicals and executed.
2024.12.14 Sudan El-Fashar 38 20 A Janjaweed drone attack snares forty civilians.
2024.12.13 Pakistan Naukot 1 0 Gunmen on motorcycles take out an Ahmadi minority.
2024.12.13 Sudan El-Fashar 9 20 Janjaweed militia send missiles into a hospital, killing nine patients.
2024.12.13 Syria Jamasliyye 2 0 Two Orthodox Christians are murdered in their own home by radicals - one by beheading.
2024.12.12 Philippines Maguindanao del Sur 3 0 A woman and her baby are among three killed by suspected Bangsamoro Islamists.
2024.12.12 Nigeria Powishi 1 0 A district head is murdered by Muslim militants.
2024.12.12 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 Hardliners assassinate a station house officer.
2024.12.12 Sudan al-Adnab 8 4 Eight civlians are killed by Janjaweed.
2024.12.12 Sudan al-Hafaer Hamad 10 8 Janjaweed snuff out the lives of ten locals.
2024.12.12 Sudan al-Jazeera 6 6 A half-dozen souls are claimed by Janjaweed loyalists.
2024.12.11 Israel al-Khader 1 3 A Palestinian gunman fires into a bus, killing a 12-year-old.
2024.12.11 Niger Chatoumane 10 7 Ten local soldiers lose their lives to Islamic extremists.
2024.12.11 Syria Zakiyah 2 0 Religious radicals gun down two brothers.
2024.12.11 Sudan Zamzam 15 76 Women and children are among nine refugees aerated by Janjaweed shrapnel.
2024.12.11 Syria Homs 3 0 Three shepherds are murdered by a pro-Sharia organization.
2024.12.11 Syria Aleppo 1 0 An elderly woman is machine-gunned in her car by HTS.
2024.12.11 Syria Nawa 2 0 Two women are shot to death by Sunni proponents.
2024.12.11 Syria Damascus 2 0 A teenager is among two picked off by HTS gunmen.
2024.12.11 Afghanistan Kabul 6 3 A government official is assassinated by a Fedayeen sucide bomber, along with five bystanders.
2024.12.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Suspected Boko Haram bomb a residential area, killing two.
2024.12.11 Mozambique Miangelewa 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by local Islamists.
2024.12.11 Nigeria Dalwa 2 0 Two locals are obliterated by Boko Haram bombers.
2024.12.10 Sudan Omdurman 65 300 Sixty-five civilians are reported dead following intense shelling by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.12.10 Syria Kaziya 54 0 At least fifty-four Syrians are executed by the Islamic State.
2024.12.10 Niger Tera 93 0 Ninety-three locals are slaughtered by the Islamic State of the Great Sahara.
2024.12.10 Syria Homs 3 0 Three civilians are killed by a Sunni group.
2024.12.10 Syria al-Rabia 2 0 At least two unarmed men are forced to their knees and executed by al-Sharaa.
2024.12.09 Syria Ras Shamra 2 0 HTS execute two civilians.
2024.12.09 Syria Deir Ezzor 6 0 Six oil field employees are murdered by ISIS.
2024.12.09 Syria Rif Dimashq 1 0 Islamists behead a local official.
2024.12.09 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Terrorists ambush and shoot dead a policeman on his way to work.
2024.12.09 Sudan Ombada 2 0 Two female doctors are disassembled by Janjaweed shrapnel.
2024.12.09 Iraq Falluja 2 0 Two police are killed when fired on by ISIS members.
2024.12.08 Kenya Lafey 1 0 al-Shabaab members murder a local detective.
2024.12.08 Niger Diffa 14 0 Fourteen fisherman are brutally slain by Boko Haram.
2024.12.08 Syria Damascus 1 0 HTS shoot a young man to death in his car.
2024.12.08 Syria Palmyra 3 0 Terrorists kill three members of a family by planting a bomb in their home.
2024.12.07 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A government official is executed by the Islamic State.
2024.12.07 Afghanistan Jawdana 1 0 A man is set on fire by the Taliban.
2024.12.07 Pakistan Bagam 7 6 Muslim terrorists pump gunfire into a checkpoint, killing seven personnel.
2024.12.07 Sudan Omdurman 1 14 Janjaweed shell a medical center, killing a child.
2024.12.07 Niger Bassa 1 0 A farmer is vaporized by a Jihadist landmine.
2024.12.07 Pakistan Thall 6 3 Militants fighting for an Islamic state attack a local security base, killing sex.
2024.12.07 Syria Khuwaibara 4 0 At least four lose their lives to an ISIS attack on a passing vehicle.
2024.12.07 Nigeria Fakkos 2 0 Two locals are murdered by Muslim radicals.
2024.12.06 Afghanistan Qarai 3 5 An ISIS attack leaves three others dead.
2024.12.06 Syria Shaddadi-Merkeydaye 1 2 One person is shot dead by Islamic State loyalists.
2024.12.06 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 An Ahmadi trader is axed to death in his shop over his minority faith.
2024.12.06 Nigeria Jalingo 2 0 Muslim radicals break into two homes, killing a pastor in one and a female student in the other.
2024.12.05 Niger Tillaberi 21 0 Twenty-one civilians are cut down in cold blood by armed Jihadists.
2024.12.05 Bangladesh Khagrachuri 1 0 A Hindu woman is tortured and murdered in her own home.
2024.12.05 DRC Kivu 2 0 An 8-month old baby and 14-year-old girl are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2024.12.05 Sudan El Fashar 7 3 Seven patrons at a market are obliterated by a Janjaweed shell.
2024.12.05 Nigeria Mom Tangur 4 0 Four villagers are cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2024.12.04 Nigeria Maru 8 3 Lakurawa Islamists plant a bomb under a bridge, which kills eight commuters passing over.
2024.12.03 Syria Aleppo 2 1 A father and son are killed when a family of fleeing Kurds are targeted by Sunni gunmen.
2024.12.03 Sudan ZamZam 24 36 Four children are among two dozen killed when Arab milita send shells into a refugee camp.
2024.12.03 Pakistan Qasimpur 1 0 A middle-aged woman is shot dead by her brother in an honor-killing.
2024.12.02 Sudan Abu Zeriga 20 20 Janjaweed massacre twenty Sudanese civilians.
2024.12.02 Somalia Hiliwa 1 1 al-Shabaab is suspected in an assassination attempt that kills a bystander.
2024.12.02 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 The death of an American hostage at the hands of Hamas is confirmed.
2024.12.01 DRC Batangi-Mbau 10 0 Islamic extremists massacre ten villagers.
2024.12.01 Sudan Zamzam 2 12 Two refugees are killed when Janjaweed send rockets into their camp.
2024.12.01 Pakistan Dera Isamail Khan 1 0 Islamic radicals assassinate the relative of a government official.
2024.12.01 Pakistan Paharpur 1 2 Religious militants fire on a police vehicle, killing one occupant.
2024.12.01 Nigeria Akwanga 2 1 Muslim radicals murder two villagers and kidnap a pastor.
2024.12.01 Nigeria Dansadau 1 0 Lakurawa Islamists blow up a bus, killing the driver.
2024.12.01 Nigeria Logo 18 0 Women and children are among eighteen killed when Muslim militants attack a group on their way to church.
2024.12.01 Mozambique Ancuabe 6 0 Islamic extremists murder six Christians.
2024.12.01 Nigeria Du'ang 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a Christian in a targeted attack.
2024.11.30 Sudan El-Obeid 0 1 A Catholic bishop is severely beaten by Janjaweed and left for dead.
2024.11.30 Syria Aleppo 44 0 An Islamist group kills dozens of civilians in a sustained attack.
2024.11.30 Nigeria Mera 15 12 Lakurawa Islamists assault a small town and kill fifteen residents.
2024.11.30 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 3 0 A father and son are among three brought down by terrorist gunmen.
2024.11.30 Iran Sistan 4 0 Terrorists fire on an ambulance, killing two victims and two medical workers.
2024.11.30 India Prayagraj 1 0 A Hindu teen is murdered over his relationship with a Muslim girl by her family.
2024.11.29 Syria Tel Rifaat 1 1 HTS gunmen fire on a Yazidi couple, killing the man and severely wounding his wife.
2024.11.29 Pakistan Kurram 12 17 Sunni-Shia violence produces a dozen more bodies.
2024.11.29 Syria Kafr Nouran 1 0 Terrorists use a landmine to kill a teenager.
2024.11.29 Israel Ariel 0 9 An Arab terrorist opens fire on passengers at a bus stop.
2024.11.28 Syria Aleppo 4 2 Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham send rockets into a university dorm, killing four students.
2024.11.27 Nigeria Oke-Oha 1 0 Muslim radicals drag a 49-year-old farmer into the bush and slaughter him.
2024.11.26 Sudan Saada Al-Kawahla 9 25 At least nine are killed in a direct attack by RSF/Janjaweed.
2024.11.26 Sudan Artimeili 3 24 Three are left dead after Janjaweed pump shells into a village.
2024.11.26 Pakistan Kurram 10 21 Sunni-Shia violence claims another ten lives.
2024.11.26 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A young man dies from injuries suffered during the October 7 Palestinian massacre.
2024.11.26 Nigeria Maikatako 1 0 A 56-year-old Christian is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2024.11.25 Nigeria Maidatako 1 0 One local is slain by militant Muslims.
2024.11.25 Nigeria Kukawa 3 0 Three local soldiers are killed by Boko Haram.
2024.11.25 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 43 56 Another forty-three are killed in Sunni-Shia sectarian violence.
2024.11.25 Nigeria Azege 8 0 Eight innocents are murdered by militant Muslims.
2024.11.25 Syria Hasakah 2 1 ISIS members attack a convoy of trucks and kill two drivers.
2024.11.24 Syria Rusafah 1 0 A Syrian is murdered by the Islamic State.
2024.11.24 Nigeria Katsina-Ala 10 0 Ten are reported dead following a Muslim attack on a farming community.
2024.11.24 UAE Abu Dhabi 1 0 A young Rabbi is abducted and murdered in an attack orchestrated by Iran.
2024.11.24 Nigeria Azege 13 37 Terrorists attack a non-Muslim settlement and gun down thirteen.
2024.11.24 Syria Ghariba al Sharqiya 2 1 An ISIS landmine claims two passersby.
2024.11.24 Pakistan Zoi Saidgi 2 0 Two civilians are executed by religious radicals.
2024.11.24 Jordan Amman 0 3 A radical opens fire outside the Israeli embassy.
2024.11.24 Nigeria Ebor 1 0 Muslim terrorist murder another farmer.
2024.11.23 Nigeria Mgbuji 3 0 Three farmers are cut down by Muslim militia.
2024.11.23 Syria Deir Ezzor 0 1 A civilian is shot for refusing to pay zakat.
2024.11.23 Sudan al-Fasher 15 20 Janjaweed send artillery shells into a market, killing at least fifteen.
2024.11.23 Nigeria Logo 20 30 Twenty villagers are slaughtered by militant Muslims.
2024.11.23 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 37 100 Thirty-seven more lose their lives to a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia groups.
2024.11.23 Pakistan Menakhor 1 0 Fundamentalists throw a bomb into a police station, killing an officer.
2024.11.23 Pakistan Loi Mamond 1 0 One person is aerated by a TTP bomb blast.
2024.11.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A female hostage dies in Hamas captivity.
2024.11.22 Afghanistan Nahrin 11 1 Sunni hardliners pump machine-gun fire into a Sufi gathering, killing eleven worshippers.
2024.11.22 Nigeria Mgbuji 3 3 A brutal Muslim attack on a farming community leaves three dead.
2024.11.22 Pakistan Sarai Gambela 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by radicals.
2024.11.22 Syria al-Bushri 2 0 Two people lose their lives to an Islamic State shooting attack.
2024.11.22 Syria Ibtaa 1 0 Sunni militia gun down a young man.
2024.11.22 Mozambique Magaia 1 8 Islamic extremists kill one person and capture a family of eight.
2024.11.21 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 0 The body of an ARSA abductee is discovered.
2024.11.21 Pakistan Kurram 44 29 Sunni gunmen open fire on vehicles carrying Shiites, massacring over forty, including women.
2024.11.21 Mali Bamako 7 0 al-Qaeda claims an attack that leaves seven dead.
2024.11.21 DRC Ituri 4 0 Four villagers are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2024.11.20 Sudan Wad Oshaib 40 25 At least forty people are shot to death by Janjaweed.
2024.11.19 Nigeria Dogon Dutse 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill a number of farmers, including one who was shot and burned to death.
2024.11.19 Pakistan Jani Khel 4 2 Four are killed when Muslim terrorists attack a passing vehicle.
2024.11.19 Pakistan Mali Khel 10 7 A Shahid suicide bomber sends ten others to Allah.
2024.11.18 Pakistan Tirah 8 9 Tehreek-e- Taliban members shoot eight people to death.
2024.11.18 Israel Shfaram 1 10 A Hezbollah rocket takes out an elderly woman in her home.
2024.11.18 Pakistan Khyber 2 7 Two security personnel are slain by Islamic radicals.
2024.11.18 Pakistan Wazir Dhand 2 0 Two brothers are murdered by fundamentalists.
2024.11.18 Nigeria Gubio 5 4 Five are left dead following an ISWAP attack.
2024.11.18 Nigeria Farin-Kasa 7 0 Seven are left dead after Boko Haram attack a group of civil monitors.
2024.11.18 Mozambique Ancuabe 1 0 A civilian is murdered by the Islamic State.
2024.11.18 Nigeria Shiroro 4 2 Boko Haram ambush a security patrol and kill four members.
2024.11.18 Nigeria Gyetel 2 0 Two non-Muslims are cut down by terrorists.
2024.11.18 Nigeria Matelem 1 0 An 85-year-old non-Muslim is abducted and murdered.
2024.11.17 Sudan Omdurman 5 5 Children are among the casualties when Janjaweed send a shell into a rival mosque.
2024.11.17 Tajikistan Dashti-Jum 1 0 A Chinese civilian is killed by suspected terrorists.
2024.11.17 Pakistan Tirah 1 0 Lashkar-i-Islam members stage an attack that leaves one dead.
2024.11.17 Iraq Khurmatu 3 0 The Islamic State kills three members of a security patrol.
2024.11.17 Pakistan Azam Warsak 1 5 Sunni bombers kill one person outside a market.
2024.11.16 Nigeria Kareto 20 10 At least twenty others are killed during ISWAP raid on a local military base.
2024.11.16 Afghanistan Qara-e Kotel 1 0 An official is assassinated by militants.
2024.11.16 Nigeria Kuvoh 1 3 Muslim radicals storm a church, killing one member and taking three others hostage.
2024.11.15 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 The Islamic State assassinate an "apostate" politician.
2024.11.15 Pal. Auth. Gaza 20 0 At least twenty Palestinians are executed by Hamas for 'stealing aid.'
2024.11.15 Niger Gaya 2 2 Two road maintenance workers are shot dead by al-Qaeda.
2024.11.15 DRC Mabisio 13 11 Women are among thirteen villagers slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2024.11.14 Mozambique Mucojo 2 0 Two Rwandans are killed by ISIS-linked terrorists.
2024.11.14 Iran Sistan 3 0 Jaish al-Adl claims an attack that leaves three others dead.
2024.11.14 Philippines Mindanao 1 0 A female water employee is murdered by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2024.11.14 Syria Sa-alow 1 0 Shiite snipers pick off a child.
2024.11.14 Pakistan Mir Ali 5 16 Two children and three women are aerated when a Taliban car bomb goes off early.
2024.11.14 Syria Aleppo 2 0 The Islamic state kill two people driving an oil tanker.
2024.11.13 Uganda Mugona 3 0 Three people are shot dead in a targeted attack on Christians.
2024.11.13 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three Somalis are taken out by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2024.11.13 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Terrorists gun down a cop outside his home.
2024.11.12 Syria Mahja 3 0 Mujahid bombers blow three people to bits.
2024.11.12 Syria Hasakah 2 0 Two utility workers are sent to Allah by sectarian radicals.
2024.11.12 Israel Nahariya 2 0 Two workers are killed when Hezbollah sends a rocket into a commercial building.
2024.11.12 India Srinagar 1 0 A woman succumbs to injuries following a grenade attack by Muslim radicals.
2024.11.12 Somalia Sarkuus 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2024.11.11 Nigeria Cross Kawu 1 0 Islamic hardliners murder a captive fisherman.
2024.11.11 Syria Hasaka 3 0 Suspected ISIS plant a bomb near a water facility that leaves three dead.
2024.11.11 Sudan al-Hodur 11 18 Janjaweed massacre eleven residents.
2024.11.11 Pakistan Bara 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a Christian auto worker in a targeted attack.
2024.11.11 Mozambique Muidumbe 1 0 A non-Muslim civilian is captured by Islamists and quickly killed.
2024.11.11 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman is found tortured and killed by the Islamic State.
2024.11.10 Syria Adra 1 0 A security officer is eliminated by terrorists on motorbikes.
2024.11.10 India Kishtwar 1 3 Muslim 'separatists' fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2024.11.10 Iran Sistan 5 0 Jaish ul-Adl kill five Shiite opponents.
2024.11.10 Yemen Seiyun 2 0 A 'lone wolf' terrorist liquidates two Saudis.
2024.11.10 Bangladesh Kishorganj 1 0 A young Hindu hairdresser is murdered over his faith.
2024.11.10 Nigeria Malamyawri 2 12 Two fishermen are murdered by Boko Haram.
2024.11.10 Syria Rabid 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her family.
2024.11.10 Nigeria Mera 7 0 Seven innocents are claimed by Lakurawa Islamists.
2024.11.09 Pakistan Quetta 27 62 A Majeed Brigade suicide bomber blows himself up at the ticket counter of a train station, taking at least two dozen with him.
2024.11.09 Nigeria Ayilomo 6 0 Six more villagers are laid out by Muslim gunmen.
2024.11.09 Chad Lake Chad 17 0 At least seventeen local soldiers lose their lives to a Boko Haram attack.
2024.11.09 Pakistan Liaqatabad 1 1 One person is killed during a Sunni assassination attempt of a Shia leader.
2024.11.09 Nigeria Gidan Waya 20 0 Twenty villagers are massacred by Muslim radicals.
2024.11.09 Mozambique Nanoa 2 0 At least two people are murdered by religious radicals.
2024.11.09 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 1 0 Islamic radicals capture and execute a Christian resident.
2024.11.08 Netherlands Amsterdam 0 10 Muslim mobs hunt down and beat Jewish soccer fans.
2024.11.08 Iran Firoozabad 5 3 Sunni militants kill five local soldiers and injure three civilians.
2024.11.08 Nigeria Mera 15 20 Lakurawa Islamists raid a village and murder at least fifteen.
2024.11.07 Chad Zagazola Makam 6 10 At least six Chadians lose their lives to a Boko Haram ambush.
2024.11.07 India Kishtwar 2 0 Two civilian guards are kidnapped and murdered by religious radicals.
2024.11.07 Pakistan South Waziristan 4 0 Muslim extremists eliminate four Pakistani soldiers.
2024.11.07 Mozambique Muidumbe 1 0 Islamists machine-gun a civilian.
2024.11.07 Mozambique Nacuale 12 0 ISIS members take down a dozen local defense volunteers.
2024.11.06 Pakistan Karama 4 5 Four security personnel are killed when fired on by Muslim extremists.
2024.11.06 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Two schoolchildren are disassembled by a well-placed Taliban mortar round.
2024.11.06 Israel Galilee 1 0 Hezbollah sends 120 rockets into Israel, killing an 18-year-old agricultural worker.
2024.11.06 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 3 2 Three Christians are murdered by Muslim radicals in brutal fashion.
2024.11.05 Pakistan Sarvakai 4 5 Islamic extremists attack a local security check post and kill four Pakistanis.
2024.11.05 Pakistan Kurram 2 1 A woman is among the casualties of a terror attack on a passenger transport.
2024.11.05 Pakistan Saggu 2 4 Two locals are taken down by Islamic hardliners.
2024.11.05 Syria Saqarja 1 0 Hezbollah loyalists gun down a man in his home.
2024.11.05 Somalia Wayaanta 11 20 al-Shabaab gunmen take down eleven Somalis.
2024.11.05 Egypt Ashrouba 0 3 Three residents are casualties of a targeted attack on Copts.
2024.11.05 Pakistan Sago 1 3 Jihadists attack a passing vehicle, killing a passenger.
2024.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic 'separatists' fire on off-duty police officers, killing one.
2024.11.04 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two AU peacekeepers are killed during an al-Shabaab rocket attack on an airport.
2024.11.04 Sudan Barorab 10 10 Arab militia storm a village and kill ten.
2024.11.04 Pakistan Daza Ghundai 3 0 Terrorists shoot three people to death along a city street.
2024.11.03 Nigeria Daika 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a 30-year-old non-Muslim riding a motorcycle.
2024.11.03 Mozambique Muidumbe 2 0 Islamists slit the throats of two Christians.
2024.11.03 Afghanistan Darqad 1 0 A 65-year-old woman is killed resisting the Taliban's attempt to grab her land.
2024.11.03 Pakistan Sra Ghara 1 0 Sunni radicals take down a member of a peace committee.
2024.11.03 Sudan al-Jazira 13 0 Janjaweed roll into a town and summarily execute thirteen at random.
2024.11.03 India Srinagar 0 13 Lashkar-e-Taiba throw a grenade into a reception center.
2024.11.03 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A mother of 5 is brutally slain by family members in an effort to preserve honor.
2024.11.02 Nigeria Ayilomo 6 0 Muslim terrorists burn homes and kill a half-dozen in two attacks.
2024.11.01 Syria Rasafah 2 0 Two more die from injuries suffered in an Islamic attack.
2024.11.01 Pakistan Mastung 9 27 Six children are among nine blown to bits by suspected Taliban targeting a polio team.
2024.11.01 Sudan al-Jazirah 4 12 Four are left dead following a Janjaweed attack on a village.
2024.11.01 India Budgam 0 2 Islamic gunmen shoot two migrant workers.
2024.11.01 Syria al-Hol 1 0 Female ISIS members torture and kill a detractor.
2024.10.31 Sudan al-Faj 8 6 Eight innocents are cut down by Arab militia.
2024.10.31 Chad Lake Chad 5 0 Five more local soldiers are killed by Jihadists.
2024.10.31 Pakistan Khyber 2 0 Islamic extremists throw a grenade into a police checkpoint, killing two.
2024.10.31 Nigeria Ayilamo 18 0 Eighteen more people are massacred by Muslim terrorists.
2024.10.31 Syria Dael 2 0 Islamist landmines claim two brothers.
2024.10.31 Israel Metula 5 0 A farmer and four foreign workers are obliterated by a Hezbollah rocket.
2024.10.31 Israel Haifa 2 3 A Hezbollah rocket kills a mother and her son.
2024.10.30 Nigeria Anyiin 23 6 Muslim militants massacre two dozen villagers over the course of three hours.
2024.10.30 Thailand Yala 1 0 A retired police officer is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2024.10.30 Syria Rasafah 8 3 A bloody ISIS attack on commuters leaves eight dead.
2024.10.30 Syria Shenan 1 0 A Syrian is brought down by ISIS gunfire.
2024.10.30 Sudan Wad al-Fadl 6 0 Janjaweed loot a village and kill six residents.
2024.10.30 Uganda Kaliro 1 0 A Christian father and evangelist is slain by Muslim radicals.
2024.10.30 Mozambique Muidumbe 2 0 Two more beheadings are conducted by ISIS members.
2024.10.29 Iran Maragheh 1 0 An Azeri activist is captured and tortured to death.
2024.10.29 Israel Ma'a lot 1 0 Hezbollah sends a rocket into a home, killing a 22-year-old man.
2024.10.29 Afghanistan Kabul 5 0 Five civilians are executed by the Taliban.
2024.10.29 Syria Homs 1 0 An underage bystander is killed during a clash between Sunni groups.
2024.10.29 Pakistan Dabori 2 0 Two people are killed when Islamic militants attack a polio team.
2024.10.28 Pakistan Jannata 2 2 Two members of a bomb-disposal unit are shot dead by terrorists.
2024.10.28 Pakistan Char Khel 2 0 Two highway guards are cut down by TTP gunmen.
2024.10.28 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Terrorists on motorcycles pick off a traffic cop.
2024.10.28 Pakistan Tank 1 0 Islamic extremists murder a local constable at a hospital.
2024.10.28 Syria Tel Salmah 1 2 An ISIS landmine claims one life.
2024.10.28 Syria Homs 2 0 An Islamic State attack on a gas field leaves two dead.
2024.10.28 Chad Ngouboua 40 0 About forty are left dead following a Boko Haram attack on a military barracks.
2024.10.28 Syria Rasafa 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by the Islamic State.
2024.10.28 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four businessmen are shot dead by al-Shabaab.
2024.10.27 Nigeria Hwollaza 2 0 A targeted attack on a Christian family leaves a mother and son dead.
2024.10.27 Syria Malajah 1 0 Ansar al-Tawhid snipers pick off a Shiite.
2024.10.27 Israel Tel Aviv 1 32 A terrorist drives a truck into a bus stop packed with elderly victims, killing a 72-year-old.
2024.10.27 Pakistan Mera Khel 1 0 A police constable on his way home is gunned down by religious extremists.
2024.10.27 Sudan Rijil Zagawa 9 0 A child is among nine villagers slaughtered by RSF/Janjaweed.
2024.10.26 Syria Nawa 1 0 A civilian is captured and executed by Sunni extremists.
2024.10.26 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 0 6 The Taliban open fire on protesters.
2024.10.26 Iran Goharkuh 10 0 At least ten border guards are killed by suspected Jaish al-Adl.
2024.10.26 Pakistan Mir Ali 8 16 Eight people at a check point are blown to bits by Shahid suicide bombers.
2024.10.26 Niger Seno 1 0 JNIM terrorists kill a guard outside the country's capital.
2024.10.26 USA Chicago, IL 0 1 A 'migrant' from Morocco shoots a Jewish man on the street while yelling "Allah Akbar."
2024.10.26 Mozambique Homba 1 0 Islamists kill a farmer in his field.
2024.10.26 Mozambique Nagulue 3 0 The death of three people is claimed by ISIS.
2024.10.25 Mozambique Mandela 1 0 A local man is beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.25 Syria Idlib 2 0 Terrorist shoot a man and wife to death.
2024.10.25 Sudan al-Sireha 124 100 RSF/Janjaweed brutally sweep through farming communities, massacring over one-hundred innocents.
2024.10.25 Israel Majd al-Krum 2 7 A younger man and woman are killed when Hezbollah sends a rocket into their gym.
2024.10.25 Bosnia Bosanska Krupa 1 1 A 'radicalized' teen breaks into a police station and stabs an officer to death.
2024.10.25 Syria Homs 2 0 Two Syrians are cut down by Islamic State gunmen.
2024.10.25 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 3 0 Three are left dead after a targeted attack by TTP gunmen.
2024.10.25 Pakistan Draban 10 3 Heavily-armed Islamic militants attack a security post, killing ten officers.
2024.10.25 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 3 An attack on a vehicle by TTP terrorists leaves two dead.
2024.10.25 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Islamists open fire on a rival mosque, killing a worshipper.
2024.10.24 Pakistan Mamikhel 1 0 One person is shot to death by Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2024.10.24 Syria Baghouz 1 0 A pharmacist is executed by militants with four shots to the head.
2024.10.24 Syria Salamiyah 6 8 An ISIS landmine claims six lives.
2024.10.24 India Botpathri 4 4 Civilians are among four ambushed and killed by Jaish-e-Mohammad.
2024.10.24 Mozambique Mamu 1 1 A villager is brought down by Muslim gunmen.
2024.10.24 Pakistan Rachna 2 0 Two religious minorities are shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2024.10.23 Mozambique Awasse 3 0 A woman is among three shot dead by Islamic extremists.
2024.10.23 Afghanistan Chah-Ab 1 0 A 17-year-old newlywed is honor-killed by her husband, who accused her of not being a virgin.
2024.10.23 Afghanistan Kabul 1 11 A child is killed by an attacker carrying a bomb in a bag at a market.
2024.10.22 Pakistan Naurang 1 0 An off-duty cop is shot dead in his home by Muslim radicals.
2024.10.21 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Conservatives stab two transgender persons to death in their home.
2024.10.21 Somalia Galgadud 3 0 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves at least three dead.
2024.10.21 Bangladesh Ukhiya 3 0 ARSA is suspected in the murder of three family members, including a woman.
2024.10.21 Sudan Rufaa 3 6 At least three civilians are killed by RSF/Janjaweed.
2024.10.21 Syria Asafeer 2 0 Two child siblings are disassembled by a terrorist bomb blast.
2024.10.21 Uganda Basita 1 0 A former Muslim teacher is beaten to death by his family for converting to Christianity.
2024.10.20 Sudan Tamboul 7 12 Seven people are killed by RSF/Janjaweed.
2024.10.20 India Gandarbal 7 5 A doctor and six laborers are killed when Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen fire on a construction site.
2024.10.20 Nigeria Ngoshe 4 0 A woman and a Christian are among four villagers beheaded on video by Boko Haram.
2024.10.19 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A young civilian is shot dead by the Taliban.
2024.10.19 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Muslim militants shoot an off-duty policeman to death.
2024.10.18 India Shopian 1 0 A Hindu migrant worker is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.17 Somalia Mogadishu 7 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out seven patrons at a café.
2024.10.16 Pakistan Gariyum 2 4 An IED planted by Islamists claims two lives.
2024.10.15 Syria al-Rai 1 0 One man dies from injuries following an ISIS shooting.
2024.10.15 Israel Ashdod 1 4 A Palestinian gunmen opens fire along a highway, killing an Israeli.
2024.10.15 Mozambique Limala 1 0 A local soldier is ambushed by Islamists and killed.
2024.10.14 Israel Binyamina 4 58 A Hezbollah drone claims four lives.
2024.10.14 Russia Ingushetia 3 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate three officials in a drive-by.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Bannu 4 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban storm a police station in a suicide attack and kill three officers and a civilian.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Baka Khel 1 0 One person is shot dead by religious extremists.
2024.10.14 Nigeria Mafa 2 0 Boko Haram murder a man and his girlfriend.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Tank 1 2 An off-duty police officer is gunned down while visiting family.
2024.10.14 Syria Deir-Ezzor 1 0 An ISIS shooting attack leaves one dead.
2024.10.13 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A man dies from injuries suffered during an earlier ISIS attack.
2024.10.13 Uganda Kibale 4 0 A pastor, his wife and two young daughters are burned alive in their home by angry Muslims.
2024.10.13 Israel Binyamina 0 67 Hezbollah sends a wave of rockets into Israel on Yom Kippur.
2024.10.13 India Bahraich 1 0 Muslims attack a Hindu procession, and brutally torture, then kill a participant.
2024.10.13 Uganda Mugona 2 0 Two Christians are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.12 Afghanistan Qariodal 13 6 Thirteen Hazera minorities are executed by ISIS-K.
2024.10.12 Pakistan Kurram 16 8 Zainabiyoun Brigade is involved in a sectarian clash that leaves sixteen dead, including women and children.
2024.10.12 Bangladesh Mymensingh 1 0 A Hindu journalist is hacked to death in front of his home.
2024.10.12 Syria Kabajib Desert 4 0 Four Syrians are cut down by ISIS members.
2024.10.12 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A young army officer is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2024.10.12 Algeria Djanet 1 0 The throat of a female Swiss tourist is cut at a café by two men shouting praises to Allah.
2024.10.12 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 3 0 Three officials are gunned down by ISIS-K.
2024.10.11 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a member of the previous government.
2024.10.11 Nigeria Ikpelle 2 0 Muslim radicals liquidate two villagers.
2024.10.11 Pakistan North Waziristan 6 0 A half-dozen Pakistani soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamists.
2024.10.11 Israel Kiryat Shamona 1 0 A Hezbollah rocket claims the life of a 27-year-old Thai laborer.
2024.10.11 Pakistan Mamund 1 0 The Islamic State target a pair of brother, killing one.
2024.10.10 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is executed in cold blood by ISIS outside an airport.
2024.10.10 Pakistan Pathankot 2 2 Radicals attack police vehicle and kill two occupants.
2024.10.10 Nigeria Butura 4 5 Muslim radicals murder four mine workers.
2024.10.10 Bangladesh Teknaf 1 0 Suspected ARSA take out a local man.
2024.10.09 Uganda Nankoma 0 1 A 27-year-old mother of three is doused with acid by her family for accepting Christianity.
2024.10.09 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 A Shia tribal elder is brought down by Sunni radicals.
2024.10.09 Pakistan Zhob 1 13 A Shahid suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2024.10.09 Israel Kiryat Shmona 2 5 A couple in their 40's are eliminated in their home by a Hezbollah rocket.
2024.10.09 Israel Hadera 1 5 A 35-year-old man dies from injures following a Palestinian stabbing spree.
2024.10.09 Nigeria Ayilamo 2 6 A student is among two non-Muslims slain by Muslim terrorists.
2024.10.09 Thailand Barahom 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a local police officer in the head.
2024.10.08 Nigeria Gwoza 3 10 Three locals lose their lives to Boko Haram gunmen.
2024.10.08 Iran Nikshahar 6 0 Six are killed in two attacks by suspected Jaish al-Adl.
2024.10.08 Sudan Al-Dammokia 20 3 Children and the elderly are among twenty massacred by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.10.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 10 A Majeed Brigade suicide bomber goes off at the airport, killing two Chinese engineers.
2024.10.07 Israel Haifa 0 9 A child is among the casualties of a Hezbollah rocket attack on a restaurant.
2024.10.07 Nigeria Marte 5 5 A Boko Haram ambush leaves five dead, including a village leader.
2024.10.07 Iraq Erbil 4 6 The IRGC sends a ballistic missile into a home, killing five family members.
2024.10.06 Burkina Faso Manni 10 50 Jihadists sweep through a local market, killing at least ten.
2024.10.06 DRC Bandolo 5 0 Five Christians are killed in a targeted attack by the ADF.
2024.10.06 DRC Medidi 3 0 Islamists murder three non-Muslims.
2024.10.06 DRC Ituri 1 0 The Islamic State in Central Africa Province groups executes a captured civilian.
2024.10.06 Iraq Maqdadiyah 2 0 Two Shiites are picked off in their vehicle by ISIS.
2024.10.06 Israel Be'er Sheva 1 13 A woman is killed when a Muslim terrorist opens fire at a bus station.
2024.10.06 Nigeria Ngoshe 8 6 Eight farmers are brutally slain in their fields by Boko Haram.
2024.10.06 Burkina Faso Manni 150 0 Over one-hundred and fifty villagers are massacred by Islamic terrorists over a three-day period.
2024.10.05 Israel Petah Tikva 1 0 Another Israeli civilian is found to have been killed a year earlier.
2024.10.05 Syria al-Shaddadi 1 12 Shia militia use a missile to kill a Sunni opponent.
2024.10.05 Burkina Faso Manni 17 0 Islamists ambush a local security patrol and kill seventeen members.
2024.10.05 Pakistan Spinwam 6 21 Tehreek-e-Taliban members attack a security convoy, killing a half-dozen.
2024.10.04 Pakistan Kurram 2 0 Two more people lose their lives to the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2024.10.03 Syria Shiran 1 0 A civilian dies from injuries suffered during an Islamist attack.
2024.10.03 Nigeria Tse Wende 2 0 Muslim militia take out two innocent persons.
2024.10.02 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is honor-killed by her father and brothers for seeking a divorce.
2024.10.02 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman is murdered by ISIS.
2024.10.02 Syria al-Roj 1 0 A woman is killed by ISIS at a refugee camp.
2024.10.02 Bangladesh Palongkhali Union 1 5 A youth is killed during an ARSA shooting attack.
2024.10.02 Burkina Faso Fanworgou 19 12 Nineteen security guards a civilians are killed by Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam.
2024.10.02 Pakistan Tank 1 1 A child is killed during a shooting attack by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.02 Iraq Kirkuk 4 3 Islamic State gunmen bring down four Iraqis.
2024.10.01 Nigeria Egwuma 7 15 Seven are left dead after Muslim militants attack a village.
2024.10.01 Syria Suwaydaa 2 0 Two young men are shot dead by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.01 Pakistan Mangiowala 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Muslim radicals.
2024.10.01 Israel Jaffa 8 7 Three women and a teen girl are among eight shot dead at point-blank range at a train station.
2024.10.01 Israel Nu’eima 1 4 A Palestinian laborer is killed by an Iranian rocket.
2024.09.30 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 The Taliban shoot a taxi driver to death.
2024.09.30 Iran Hirmand 1 2 Jaish al-Adl gunmen murder a border guard.
2024.09.30 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A young Christian is murdered and dismembered by a Muslim gang.
2024.09.30 Syria Jabab Hamad 8 0 Eight are reported dead following an ISIS bomb blast.
2024.09.30 Syria Homs 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Hezbollah for celebrating Nasrallah's death.
2024.09.30 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A widow is kidnapped, raped and murdered for rejecting marriage to an Islamic fundamentalist.
2024.09.29 Egypt Cario 1 0 A Copt is hacked to pieces and then dumped into a canal.
2024.09.29 Nigeria Bakin Kogi 2 0 Two Christian brothers are shot to death by militant Muslims while checking on their crops.
2024.09.29 Iran Khash 1 0 A Jaish al-Adl attack leaves one dead.
2024.09.29 Nigeria Gwashi 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a security patrol, killing member.
2024.09.29 Pakistan Tirah 4 9 Four are left dead after Islamic extremists attack a security post.
2024.09.29 Germany Essen 0 31 A Syrian migrant with a Palestinian flag goes on a stabbing and arson rampage.
2024.09.29 Pakistan Abdulkhel 1 0 Terrorists murder the son of a police officer.
2024.09.28 Pakistan Kurram 7 37 Seven more are killed in a clash between Sunni and Shia.
2024.09.28 Iran Suran 1 0 A local cop is killed by Jaish al-Adl.
2024.09.28 India Kathua 1 1 Muslim terrorists open fire on police, killing one.
2024.09.28 Somalia Jowhar 1 3 Islamists plant a bomb at a livestock market that takes out a patron.
2024.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 An al-Shabaab car bomb ends five lives, including two women.
2024.09.28 Syria Hatlah 1 2 A mine planted by ISIS claims the life of a civilian.
2024.09.27 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A female aid worker is murdered by Hamas gunmen.
2024.09.27 Sudan el-Fasher 18 95 Eighteen people are killed when Janjaweed/RSF send shells into a local market.
2024.09.27 Syria Shaddadi 3 0 A violent ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2024.09.27 Pakistan Kurram 6 22 Six Shiites are killed in a targeted attack by Sunni extremists.
2024.09.26 Afghanistan Aftabchi 1 0 A shopkeeper is tortured to death in Taliban custody.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Khar 1 2 Religious radicals gun down a cop.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Ladha 1 0 A targeted shooting attack claims the life of a local soldier.
2024.09.26 Nigeria Hwrra 1 0 A Christian farmer is hacked to death with machetes by Muslim extremists.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Swabi 2 23 Tehreek-e-Taliban claim an explosion in which two are killed, including a child.
2024.09.26 Mozambique Manguna 1 0 Islamists behead a local man.
2024.09.25 Pakistan Kurram 10 15 Ten more are killed during a clash between Sunni and Shia groups.
2024.09.25 Israel Eliat 0 2 An Islamic group in Iraq sends a drone into a warehouse port.
2024.09.24 Pakistan Tank 1 0 Islamists murder the nephew of a police officer.
2024.09.24 Sudan Omdurman 15 61 Janjaweed send artillery shells into a packed market, killing fifteen.
2024.09.24 Nigeria Nasarawa Eggon 1 0 A Catholic teacher is shot to death in his home by Muslim radicals.
2024.09.23 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A math teacher is murdered by the Taliban's education minister.
2024.09.23 India Ramban 1 0 The remains of a victim are found a month after being killed by terrorists.
2024.09.22 Syria al-Hawaiyj 2 0 Two locals are shot dead at point blank range by ISIS members.
2024.09.22 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A Syrian is killed by former caliphate members.
2024.09.22 Israel Haifa 1 7 A teenager is killed during the chaos of a Hezbollah rocket attack.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Jehanabad 1 3 Religious radicals fire on a diplomatic convoy, killing a guard.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Shahi Kot 1 0 A border guard is picked off by the TTP.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate a former government employee.
2024.09.22 Iran Rasht 2 0 Two people are honor-killed with a knife by a family member.
2024.09.22 Nigeria Hukke-Renwienku 1 0 A hunter is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2024.09.21 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 1 Shiite militia kill two Sunnis.
2024.09.21 Pakistan Kurram 15 66 Fifteen are killed in a sectarian clash between Sunnis and Shia.
2024.09.20 Uganda Busia 0 1 Muslims severely beat and break the hand of a non-Muslim evangelist.
2024.09.20 Sudan al-Fasher 11 17 Three children are among eleven more killed by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.09.20 Pakistan Nandron 1 1 Terrorists fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2024.09.20 Pakistan Mishta 6 11 Tereek-e-Taliban attack local security forces, killing six.
2024.09.19 Syria Tabaka 1 0 A young woman is honor-strangled by her conservative brother.
2024.09.19 Israel Ya'ara 2 9 Two border guards are killed by Hezbollah rockets.
2024.09.19 Pakistan Taran 2 0 Two young lovers lose their lives to a double honor killing.
2024.09.19 Pakistan Mirpur Khas 1 0 A doctor accused of blasphemy is murdered by the police.
2024.09.19 Netherlands Rotterdam 1 1 A man yelling "Allah Akbar" goes on a fatal stabbing spree.
2024.09.19 Syria Ithriya 5 0 Five rivals are killed by the Islamic State.
2024.09.19 Bangladesh Chittagong 3 0 At least three are killed during a Muslim pogrom on religious minorities.
2024.09.19 Nigeria Kachia 2 1 Two Christian farmers are shot dead by Muslims.
2024.09.19 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A student is kidnapped, tortured for three days and then executed by the Taliban.
2024.09.19 Nigeria Kurmin-Kare 2 0 Two non-Muslims are targeted and eliminated by gunmen.
2024.09.18 Afghanistan Baharak 6 0 The Taliban execute six people at a market and leave their bodies on display.
2024.09.18 Ethiopia Werder 6 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the murder of six at a mosque.
2024.09.18 Syria Idlib 1 0 Al-Fath Al-Mubin snipers bring down a Syrian soldier.
2024.09.18 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 2 Islamists open fire on a passing vehicle, killing a bank manager.
2024.09.18 Pakistan Karak 1 0 An off-duty cop is murdered at his home by Muslim terrorists.
2024.09.18 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Jihadi gunmen take down a security officer.
2024.09.17 Mali Bamako 77 255 A Jihadist attack in the capital city leaves at least seventy dead.
2024.09.17 Syria Eithrayiah 1 0 A man succumbs to injury following an ISIS attack.
2024.09.17 Mozambique Mbau 1 0 At least one person is murdered by Islamic State militants.
2024.09.17 Afghanistan Sarjoy 1 0 A former police officer is murdered by the Taliban.
2024.09.17 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 A teacher is murdered by the Taliban.
2024.09.17 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A refugee is murdered by ISIS.
2024.09.16 Algeria Beni Snouss 2 3 Jihadists murder two shepherds, then rig their body with explosives to injure responders.
2024.09.16 Niger Diffa 5 0 Boko Haram uses IED to kill five border guards.
2024.09.16 Bangladesh Kutupalong Lal 1 0 A rival imam is assassinated on his way to mosque by suspected ARSA.
2024.09.16 Algeria Beni Snouss 2 3 al-Qaeda gunmen murder two shepherds, then rig their bodies with explosives.
2024.09.16 Yemen Dhale 3 5 Shiite militia ambush and kill three Yemen soldiers.
2024.09.15 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A suspected terrorist victim is found riddled with bullets.
2024.09.15 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 The TTP shoot a traffic cop to death.
2024.09.15 Sudan Gouz al-Naqa 40 0 Over forty villagers are slaughtered by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.09.15 Israel Modi'in 0 5 Houthis send a missile into central Israel.
2024.09.15 Nigeria Bakinpah-Maro 3 30 Islamic militia attack two churches, killing three worshippers and abducting thirty more.
2024.09.15 Niger Tillaberi 5 25 Jihadists kill five with small arms fire.
2024.09.15 Nigeria Kajuru 3 31 Muslim terrorists shoot the way into a church, killing three Catholics and abducting thirty others.
2024.09.15 Nigeria Mbar 6 0 A half-dozen non-Muslim villagers are laid out by Muslim militants.
2024.09.15 Nigeria Kwatas Bargesh 2 0 Two innocent people are murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2024.09.15 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A student is murdered by the Taliban.
2024.09.14 Pakistan Mardan 5 0 ISIS-K claims the killing of five Shiites in their home.
2024.09.14 Pakistan Kuchlak 2 1 Islamic State bombers send two local cops to Allah.
2024.09.14 Yemen Lahj 2 5 An Ansar Allah attack leaves two dead.
2024.09.14 Somalia Mogadishu 18 10 A series of al-Shabaab bomb attacks targeting young civilians and first responders leaves eighteen dead.
2024.09.13 Syria Daraa 1 0 ISIS gunmen assassinate an agriculture official.
2024.09.13 Iraq Dibis 3 2 Islamic State gunmen dispatch three Iraqis.
2024.09.13 India Kishtwar 2 2 Muslim terrorists fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2024.09.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 The director of transportation for the previous government is assassinated by the Taliban.
2024.09.13 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 ISIS members kill a local man passing through the area.
2024.09.12 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 A policeman sitting outside a tea shop is shot to death by pro-Sharia activists.
2024.09.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A man arrested for blasphemy is murdered by a police officer at the station.
2024.09.12 Iran Mirjaveh 3 1 Three border guards are murdered by Jaish al-Adl extremists.
2024.09.12 Afghanistan Daikundi 15 6 A targeted sectarian shooting attack on Shiites by ISIS leaves fifteen dead.
2024.09.12 Pakistan Lahore 0 1 A non-Muslim girl is abducted at gunpoint by three Muslims, "converted" and then raped.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Radicals gun down a guard for a polio vaccination team at a refugee camp.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 Islamic militants open fire on a polio vaccination team, killing two members.
2024.09.11 Israel Binyamin 1 0 A 24-year-old Israeli is killed in a car ramming by a Palestinian terrorist.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Mamond 1 4 Terrorists open fire on a passing security vehicle, killing one occupant.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Sra Khawra 3 11 Islamic extremists open fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Zayooba 3 0 Two laborers are among three murdered by Islamist gunmen.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Domail 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by religious radicals.
2024.09.11 Iraq Kirkuk 0 2 A Shahid suicide bomber punches his ticket.
2024.09.11 Pakistan Chanef 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor-killed by her cousin with two shots to the head. The moral crime was fleeing a forced marriage.
2024.09.11 Afghanistan Faryob 1 0 The Taliban murder a local for unspecified reasons.
2024.09.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A civilian is picked off by Taliban snipers behind the wheel of his car.
2024.09.10 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Terrorists kill two with a bomb hidden in a delivery box.
2024.09.09 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 0 9 Terrorists bomb vehicles carrying an anti-polio team.
2024.09.09 Iran Rasht 1 0 A young woman dies from injury after being shot while demonstrating against the hijab.
2024.09.09 Afghanistan Mandol 1 0 A young man's life is cut short by the Taliban.
2024.09.08 Sudan Sennar 31 100 Arab militia kill thirty-one in an attack on their town.
2024.09.08 Israel Allenby Bridge 3 0 Palestinian gunmen murder three security guards.
2024.09.08 Pakistan Wana 1 3 Extremists set off a bomb at a bazaar, killing the son of a tribal elder.
2024.09.08 Nigeria Kallah Afogo 5 24 At least five are dead after Muslim extremists attack a Christian community.
2024.09.08 South Sudan Gorom 0 1 A woman is stabbed in the head by her husband for converting to Christianity.
2024.09.07 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by ISIS.
2024.09.07 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 2 0 Two brothers are shot dead by terrorists.
2024.09.07 Iran Rasht 1 0 A woman dies from injuries after being shot for protesting the hijab.
2024.09.07 Chad Fende 1 2 A health worker is killed, and two more abducted, by radicals.
2024.09.07 Afghanistan Shahristan 2 0 A couple is murdered by Taliban members.
2024.09.06 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 The Taliban shoot a man to death.
2024.09.06 Yemen Marib 2 0 Suspected Houthis ambush a military patrol and kill two members.
2024.09.06 Pakistan Masti Khel 1 0 Four suicide bombers and one gunman manage to take down just one other person.
2024.09.05 Syria Daraa 3 0 An ISIS attack on a vehicle near a bridge leaves three dead.
2024.09.05 Iraq Raqqa 1 2 A shepherd is shot dead by ISIS gunmen.
2024.09.05 Nigeria Yobe 19 0 Nineteen more victims from an Islamist attack are discovered in the bush.
2024.09.05 Syria CQ 1 0 A 24-year-old woman is honor-killed by her father.
2024.09.05 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 The Taliban murder a former police officer.
2024.09.04 Iraq Kirkuk 2 4 Former caliphate members blow up a vehicle crossing a bridge, killing two.
2024.09.04 Pakistan Nawarkhel 1 0 Islamic gunmen dispatch an off-duty cop outside his home.
2024.09.04 Afghanistan Takhar 1 0 A former soldier turned farmer is assassinated by the Taliban.
2024.09.04 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by religious radicals.
2024.09.04 Bangladesh Sonadonga 0 1 A Hindu teen is badly beaten by a mob over alleged 'blasphemy'.
2024.09.03 Syria Hama 3 0 ISIS members shoot three Syrians to death.
2024.09.03 Afghanistan Babaji 1 0 A former police officer is shot dead by the Taliban.
2024.09.03 Nigeria Daffo 6 1 Muslim militants shoot six non-Muslims to death.
2024.09.03 Nigeria Kwatas 4 0 Muslim milita murder four non-believers.
2024.09.03 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 A 19-year-old and her husband are honor-killed for marrying against family wishes.
2024.09.02 Afghanistan Rashidan 1 0 A man is found murdered by the Taliban.
2024.09.02 India Bahraich 1 0 A man beheads his 17-year-old daughter in the name of honor.
2024.09.02 Afghanistan Qala Bakhtiar 6 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows up six nearby civilians.
2024.09.02 India Sunjwan 1 0 An attack by Islamic militants leaves one dead.
2024.09.02 Pakistan Dasu 3 1 Local Taliban bomb a bus carrying workers, killing three.
2024.09.01 Iraq Baaj 4 3 A bomb left by ISIS kills four children.
2024.09.01 Israel Tarqumiyah 3 0 A female police officer is among three shot dead by Palestinian terrorists.
2024.09.01 Pakistan Bajaur 1 2 Radicals set off a bomb at a bazaar, killing one bystander.
2024.09.01 Israel Gaza 6 0 Six more hostages are executed by Hamas ahead of their rescue. Victims include an American and two women.
2024.09.01 Nigeria Mafa 87 12 Over eighty residents are massacred by Boko Haram as they return from work.
2024.09.01 Afghanistan Ghor 3 0 Three people are murdered by the Taliban.
2024.09.01 Burkina Faso Kounla 26 0 Islamists surround a church, order out the women and children, then tie up and execute the men.
2024.08.31 Mozambique Mocímboa da Praia 1 0 Islamic extremists kill a girl with a shot to the stomach.
2024.08.31 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Muslim extremists murder two men and dump their bodies.
2024.08.31 Mozambique Mocímboa da Praia 2 3 A 15-year-old girl and a soldier are killed in a shooting attack by Islamic extremists.
2024.08.31 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A 14-year-old shepherd and his brother are viciously cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2024.08.31 Iraq Baiji 2 1 An Islamic State bomb claims two civilians.
2024.08.31 Iraq Haditha 2 0 Sunni bombers flatten two passing farmers.
2024.08.30 Israel Judea 0 3 Fatah claims two suicide bombings targeting civilians.
2024.08.30 Nigeria Geidam 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen attack a school for Shiite students, killing three.
2024.08.30 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A Shiite is brutally executed by Sunnis.
2024.08.29 Syria Mashrafa 1 0 The Islamic State shoot a local soldier to death.
2024.08.29 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A police officer dies from injuries suffered during a Religion of Peace grenade attack.
2024.08.29 Nigeria Div 3 0 Three farmers are shot dead in their fields by Muslim militants.
2024.08.28 Iran Majin 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor-killed with a shotgun by her father over a relationship.
2024.08.28 Syria Rayyan 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her family.
2024.08.28 Iraq Baiji 3 0 A father and two sons are dragged out of their home, tortured and executed by Islamic State loyalists.
2024.08.28 Iran Ilam 1 0 A young woman is stabbed to death in her sleep by her father for leaving a forced marriage.
2024.08.28 Germany Berlin 1 0 A 36-year-old woman is stabbed to death by the husband she is trying to leave, who states that it is an honor killing.
2024.08.26 Pakistan Razmak 4 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends four market patrons to Allah.
2024.08.26 Syria Palmyra 9 0 Nine Syrian soldiers are captured and summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2024.08.25 Sudan Al Fasher 25 30 Janjaweed/RSF send artillery shells into a market, killing at least two dozen.
2024.08.25 Nigeria Marte 69 0 ISWAP execute sixty-nine rivals and civilians being held captive.
2024.08.25 Nigeria Abuja 2 3 An Islamic Movement of Nigeria bombing and machete attack leaves two dead.
2024.08.25 Burkina Faso Kounla 26 0 Two dozen Christians are slaughtered in their church by Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin.
2024.08.25 Pakistan Hasilpur 0 1 Muslims abduct and gang-rape a Christian teen.
2024.08.24 France La Grande-Motte 0 1 A Palestinian supporter firebombs a synagogue, injuring a guard.
2024.08.24 Burkina Faso Barsalogho 600 300 An al-Qaeda attack on a small town leaves about six-hundred dead.
2024.08.24 Syria Mazirib 1 0 Sharia enforcers execute a drug dealer.
2024.08.23 Syria Homs 1 0 An ISIS ambush leaves one dead.
2024.08.23 Germany Solingen 3 4 A Syrian "refugee" murders two elderly men and a woman by stabbing them in the neck at a Diversity festival. ISIS stated that the intent was to kill Christians.
2024.08.23 Nigeria Iwari 1 3 One person is laid out by militant Muslims.
2024.08.23 Nigeria Olegagbane 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder five villagers.
2024.08.23 Russia Volgograd 4 12 Islamists stage a prison uprising that involves slitting the throats of four employees.
2024.08.22 Afghanistan Kondak 6 5 Five children are among a half-dozen passengers blown up by an ISIS landmine
2024.08.22 Nigeria Kerawa 4 0 Four farmers working their fields are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2024.08.22 Pakistan Machankhel 1 1 Muslim radicals dispatch a local cop.
2024.08.22 Thailand Yala 2 0 Suspected 'separatists' murder two vendors at a market.
2024.08.21 Nigeria Anguwan Mai-Giro 13 1 At least thirteen villagers are killed by terrorists connected to Boko Haram.
2024.08.21 Syria Raqqa 1 2 Former caliphate members ambush and kill a local soldier.
2024.08.20 Israel Kahn Younis 6 0 The recovered bodies of six hostages shows that they were executed by Hamas.
2024.08.19 Israel Ya'ara 1 0 A cross-border Hezbollah drone attack kills a border guard.
2024.08.19 India Udhampur 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' attack a security patrol, killing a member.
2024.08.19 Pakistan Mamund 3 4 Islamic extremists fire on a group of local soldiers, resulting in three deaths.
2024.08.19 Sudan Jalagani 24 0 Two dozen more victims are found following a Janjaweed attack.
2024.08.19 Uganda Nyanza 1 0 Muslim extremists murder a Christian over his evangelism.
2024.08.18 Israel Tel Aviv 0 1 A Hamas suicide bomber goes off too early.
2024.08.18 Yemen Mudiyah 3 0 Three are cut down in an al-Qaeda attack.
2024.08.18 Israel Kedumim 1 0 An Israeli is bludgeoned to death with a hammer by a Palestinian.
2024.08.18 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A Syrian is cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2024.08.18 Pakistan Maddi 2 3 Religious extremists attack police vehicles, killing two occupants.
2024.08.18 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A business man is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2024.08.18 Pakistan Khar 1 0 ISIS members gun down a traffic cop.
2024.08.18 South Sudan Gorom 0 1 A woman surives a stabbing by her husband over her conversion to Christianity.
2024.08.17 Afghanistan Faryab 0 3 Three women are brutally flogged by the Taliban for moral crimes.
2024.08.17 Pakistan Dalbandin 5 0 Five former members of the Afghan government are hunted down and hanged from poles.
2024.08.17 Pakistan Bannu 1 5 A civilian is brought down by terrorist gunfire.
2024.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 18 10 Islamists plant IEDS at a tea shop, which kill eighteen patrons.
2024.08.17 Somalia Afgoye 4 30 al-Shabaab members throw two bombs into a khat market, killing four.
2024.08.17 Syria Homs 3 0 Three locals are cut down by ISIS near an oil field.
2024.08.16 DRC Ituri 16 20 At least sixteen residents are slaughtered by Religion of Peace activists across four villages.
2024.08.16 Sudan al-Jazirah 8 0 At least eight are killed by Janjaweed.
2024.08.16 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two local cops are brought down by terrorists in a hail of bullets.
2024.08.16 Yemen Wadi Omran 16 24 An al-Qaeda suicide car bomb snuffs out sixteen souls.
2024.08.15 Sudan Jalagani 85 150 Janjaweed/RSF storm a village and massacre eighty-five innocents, including women and children.
2024.08.15 Bangladesh Ukhiya Upazila 1 0 ARSA gunmen assassinate a refugee.
2024.08.15 Pakistan Mayar 1 1 Fitna Al Khawarij throw a grenade into a check post, killing one.
2024.08.15 Mali Diallassagou 15 10 Fifteen local soldiers are ambushed by al-Qaeda and killed.
2024.08.15 Ireland Galway 0 1 An army chaplain is stabbed by a 'radicalized' teen.
2024.08.15 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 An elderly man is declared murdered by Hamas in captivity.
2024.08.14 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0 A terrorist on motorbike shoots a police officer.
2024.08.14 DRC Mapali 4 1 Muslim extremists gun down four villagers.
2024.08.14 Pakistan Mami Khel 4 0 Four local soldiers are killed by the TTP.
2024.08.13 Pakistan Baramng 1 1 Terrorists kill a tribal elder with a planted bomb.
2024.08.13 Pakistan Samar Bagh 1 0 Islamists throw a grenade into a police station, killing one.
2024.08.13 Nigeria Ifira Akoko 1 0 A teenaged farmer is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2024.08.13 DRC Kawame 3 0 Three are murdered by gunmen chanting Islamic prayers.
2024.08.13 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A woman and child are murdered by the Islamic State.
2024.08.12 Pakistan Kurram 1 0 Religious extremists murder a civilian.
2024.08.12 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 2 An Hamas operative executes a hostage and injures two other female captives.
2024.08.12 Pakistan Kurrama Pul 1 0 A man his murdered by radicals while visiting his family.
2024.08.12 Kenya Elle Dimtu 7 2 Islamic extremists are suspected in an attack on a truck that leaves seven dead.
2024.08.12 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 2 Hamas members murder a hostage.
2024.08.11 Syria Suwaydan Jazeera 1 0 A young man is shot dead in his own home by ISIS.
2024.08.11 Pakistan Razmak 1 0 Islamic militants ambush and kill a local soldier.
2024.08.11 DRC Beni 8 17 Eight more villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2024.08.11 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A civilian is captured by Muslim extremists and executed.
2024.08.11 Israel Mehola 1 1 Palestinian gunmen open fire on Israeli commuters, killing one.
2024.08.11 India Anantnag 1 0 A civilian succumbs to injuries suffered in a shooting by Islamic separatists.
2024.08.11 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Barchi 1 11 A bomb planted by ISIS claims the life of a Shiite.
2024.08.11 Pakistan Tiarza 2 0 Terrorists ambush and murder two security personnel.
2024.08.10 Nigeria Ukum 20 0 Twenty more victims are discovered two days after a Muslim attack on several villages.
2024.08.10 India Kokernag 2 3 Muslim terrorists open fire on a search party, killing two members.
2024.08.10 DRC Mukonia 10 3 Women are among ten murdered by ADF Islamists in attacks on two villages.
2024.08.10 Sudan El Fasher 28 46 Arab militia fire into the homes of black Africans, killing over two dozen.
2024.08.10 Kenya Kamor 1 0 A local official is shot dead by al-Shabaab.
2024.08.09 Nigeria Uba Oka 1 0 A 36-year-old is tragically cut down by Muslim militants.
2024.08.09 Iraq Sulaymaniyah 2 0 Two security personnel are killed by the Islamic State.
2024.08.09 DRC Tshopo 5 0 ISIS claims an attack that leaves five dead.
2024.08.09 Pakistan Naushahro Feroze 2 0 A young couple is shot dead in an honor-killing.
2024.08.09 Syria Deir ez-Zor 11 0 Six children are among eleven murdered by the Shia militant group, Dif Watani.
2024.08.09 Pakistan Tirah Valley 7 11 Local Taliban attack a security post and kill seven personnel.
2024.08.09 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 Religious radicals plant a bomb that claims the life of a vegetable vendor.
2024.08.09 Mozambique Muidumbe 1 1 Islamic extremists plant a bomb that takes the life of a male driver.
2024.08.09 Thailand Mueang 0 10 Muslim 'separatists' set off three bombs targeting a fishing port.
2024.08.08 Nigeria Ayati 30 0 Muslim militants slaughter at least thirty villagers in an overnight attack.
2024.08.08 Bangladesh Habiganj 1 0 Video emerges of a Muslim mob surrounding a murdered Hindu.
2024.08.08 Nigeria Mafa 2 0 Boko Haram murder two highway commuters.
2024.08.07 Mali Kidal 1 3 Islamic extremists attack a UN convoy with small-arms fire, killing a peacekeeper.
2024.08.07 Nigeria Anka 11 3 Muslim terrorists kill eleven during an attack on a mining site.
2024.08.07 India Meerut 1 0 A 16-year-old is honor-strangled by her family for choosing to love a Hindu.
2024.08.07 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 1 0 A female driver is blown up by an Islamist IED.
2024.08.06 Syria Deir Ezzor 3 15 Shia militia attack several town, killing at least three civilians.
2024.08.06 Israel Golan 0 18 Hezbollah sends a stream of UAVs into Israeli neighborhoods.
2024.08.06 Bangladesh Sirajganj 1 0 A Hindu political operative is murdered by fanatics.
2024.08.06 Bangladesh Khulna 1 0 A Hindu cop is lynched by a Muslim mob.
2024.08.06 Pakistan Birmal 1 1 Terrorists fire into a check post, killing one and injuring another.
2024.08.05 Pakistan Birmal 2 0 Terrorists kill two people, including a teacher.
2024.08.05 Iraq Mosul 24 0 A mass graves is discovered, containing two dozen victims of the Islamic State.
2024.08.05 Syria Homs 1 2 An ISIS attack claims one life.
2024.08.05 Iran Narmak 1 0 A woman is honor-stabbed to death in the street for leaving her husband.
2024.08.04 Israel Holon 2 2 A Palestinian terrorist stabs an 80-year-old man and 66-year-old woman to death.
2024.08.04 Sudan al-Fasher 23 60 Two dozen are blown apart when Janjaweed/RSF send artillery into a city center.
2024.08.04 Thailand Raman 1 6 Muslim terrorists plant a bomb that claims one life.
2024.08.04 Bangladesh Rangpur 2 0 A Hindu councilor and his nephew are lynched by a Muslim mob.
2024.08.04 Bangladesh Sirajganj 1 0 A Hindu journalist is stabbed to death by Islamists.
2024.08.04 Bangladesh Rangpur 1 0 A prominent Hindu minority is murdered in a targeted attack.
2024.08.03 Yemen Lahj 1 3 Ansar Allah blows up a family's vehicle, killing the driver.
2024.08.03 Somalia Mogadishu 37 212 Thirty-seven innocents are murdered at a popular beach by a Shahid suicide bomber and al-Shabaab gunmen.
2024.08.03 India Shedhakhai 1 0 A Hindu is stabbed and beaten to death by his wife's Muslim family over interfaith marriage.
2024.08.03 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Shite is taken out by the Islamic State.
2024.08.03 Pakistan Fazilwala 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her family for marrying for love.
2024.08.02 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 2 Islamists attack a group of judges on their way home, killing two guards.
2024.08.01 Nigeria Kawori 16 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber goes off at a tea shop, scattering the body parts of sixteen patrons.
2024.08.01 Pakistan Mandra Khel 1 0 A traffic cop is assassinated on his way to work.
2024.07.31 Iran Khorasan Razavi 2 0 Two sisters are honor killed by their family via blunt force trauma.
2024.07.31 Sudan Gebeit 5 0 A Janjaweed/RSF assassination attempt with a drone leaves five dead at a graduation ceremony.
2024.07.31 Pakistan Mir Ali Bazar 3 0 An older man and a child are among three exterminated by terrorists.
2024.07.31 Israel Kiryat Arba 0 1 A 50-year-old Jewish man is subject to a vicious shooting and stabbing attack.
2024.07.31 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 1 0 A man honor kills his 19-year-old bride by setting her on fire.
2024.07.30 Afghanistan Parachinar 44 200 Forty-four are killed when pro-Taliban Sunnis storm a Shiite community.
2024.07.30 Pakistan Landikotal 2 1 A bystander is among those killed when terrorists fire on a police station.
2024.07.30 Israel Hagoshrim 1 0 Hezbollah sends a rocket into a kibbutz, killing a 28-year-old resident.
2024.07.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 The bodies of two children killed by ISIS are discovered.
2024.07.29 Nigeria Damboa 1 3 Boko Haram place a bomb that takes one person's life and another's legs.
2024.07.29 England Southport 3 7 Three young girls at a dance workshop are stabbed to death by a terrorist inspired by al-Qaeda.
2024.07.28 Thailand Panareh 1 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder a man in front of his wife shortly after he dropped off his children.
2024.07.28 Nigeria Konduga 2 0 A woman is among two murdered by Boko Haram.
2024.07.28 Pakistan Mingora 2 0 Two people lose their lives to a terrorist drive-by.
2024.07.28 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 Terrorists gun down a local cop.
2024.07.27 Afghanistan Bamiyan 1 0 A 19-year-old dies after kidnapping and rape by the Taliban.
2024.07.27 Afghanistan Samkani 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a former police officer.
2024.07.27 Pakistan Alipur 1 0 An Ahmadi minority is shot dead in a targeted sectarian attack at a dental clinic.
2024.07.27 Pakistan Central Kurram 1 0 A police officer dies from injuries suffered during a terror attack.
2024.07.27 Israel Majdal Shams 12 34 A Hezbollah rocket attack on a soccer field claims a dozen teens and young adults.
2024.07.27 Sudan al-Fashir 22 36 RSF/Janjaweed send artillery shells into a city center, killing dozens.
2024.07.27 India Kamakari 1 4 Mujahideen shoot an Indian border guard to death.
2024.07.27 Azerbaijan Salmas 1 0 A young mother of two is honor killed via suffocation by her father.
2024.07.27 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man honor kills his teen daughter by setting her on fire with gasoline.
2024.07.26 Syria Homs 1 0 A 50-year-old man is slain by terrorists near an oil refinery.
2024.07.26 Nigeria Yobe 0 1 A child is the only casualty of a suspected Boko Haram blast at a marketplace.
2024.07.25 Syria Gharanij 1 0 A young electrical worker is murdered by the Islamic State.
2024.07.25 Israel Nir Tzvi 1 0 A 24-year-old man succumbs to injuries from a Palestinian car ramming.
2024.07.25 DRC North Kivu 17 0 Seventeen farmers working their fields are beheaded by ADF Islamists.
2024.07.25 Pal. Auth. Khan Younis 2 4 A Hamas rocket falls into a humanitarian zone, killing two civilians.
2024.07.24 Pal. Auth. Gaza 5 0 The bodies of five kidnapped by Hamas are recovered.
2024.07.24 India Lolab 1 0 A local soldier dies from injuries inflicted by terrorists.
2024.07.24 Pakistan Ghiljo 1 0 Islamic militants fire on a checkpoint, killing a cop.
2024.07.24 Syria Sabhah 1 0 An ISIS shooting attack claims one life.
2024.07.24 Syria Jabrin 1 0 Islamists fire into a town, killing a 12-year-old girl.
2024.07.24 Benin Mekrou River 12 0 Five conservation workers are among a dozen murdered by Jihadists.
2024.07.23 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 A young woman is stoned for alleged sex crimes.
2024.07.23 Iraq Nineveh 14 0 Fourteen victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2024.07.23 Israel Nir Oz 1 0 The IDF recover the body of a 56-year-old mother of four who was killed in Hamas captivity.
2024.07.23 India Battal 1 0 A border guard is cut down by Muslim extremists.
2024.07.23 Syria Idlib 2 6 An Ansar al-Tauhid mortar attack leaves two dead.
2024.07.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 76-year-old hostage taken by Hamas is confirmed killed.
2024.07.22 Niger Foneyko 15 19 Islamic radicals ambush a security patrol, killing fifteen members.
2024.07.22 Syria Malajah 2 6 Two lives are claimed by an Ansar Al-Tawheid mortar attack.
2024.07.21 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 35-year-old hostage is confirmed killed in Hamas captivity.
2024.07.21 Togo Kpékankandi 12 0 JNIM members ambush and murder a dozen local soldiers.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Machan Khel 1 0 A teacher is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Ziga Kalay 1 0 A retiree is shot dead by terrorists.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Umar 1 0 Muslim snipers take out a traffic cop.
2024.07.21 Mali Dembo 26 0 Jihadists murder over two dozen farmers in their fields.
2024.07.21 Afghanistan Khost 3 0 Three former soldiers are arrested, tortured and executed by the Taliban.
2024.07.21 Nigeria Ukum 3 0 A 6-year-old is among three killed in a targeted attack on a Christian community.
2024.07.20 Philippines Maguindanao 1 0 Dawlah Islamiya gunmen riddle a local soldier with bullets.
2024.07.20 Syria al-Mayadeen 1 0 A warehouse worker is executed in front of his family by the Islamic State.
2024.07.20 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by the Taliban.
2024.07.19 Israel Tel Aviv 1 10 A Houthi drone explodes over an urban center, sending down shrapnel that kills one resident.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 Terrorists open fire on a security post near a heritage site, killing one.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Hardliners assassinate a police officer outside his home.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Wana 4 12 A bomb placed outside a hospital obliterates four souls.
2024.07.19 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pol 0 7 A grenade is thrown into a Shia minority ceremony.
2024.07.19 Nigeria Mbacher 18 0 Eighteen sleeping villagers are machine-gunned by Muslim extremists.
2024.07.18 Nigeria Jebbu-Bassa 1 0 Muslim radicals assassinate a man providing security for non-Muslims.
2024.07.18 Iran Saqqez 2 0 Two worshippers are cut down in a sectarian attack on a Sufi mosque.
2024.07.18 Syria Hajnah 1 0 An oil contractor is machine-gunned by ISIS.
2024.07.17 Niger Dosso Kouregou 7 0 Muslim extremists murder seven villagers and steal their cattle.
2024.07.16 Cameroon Sandawadjiri 4 4 Boko Haram open fire on sleeping villagers, killing four.
2024.07.16 Oman Wadi al-Kabir 6 30 Sunnis open fire on a Shiite mosque, bringing down six worshippers.
2024.07.16 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 7 10 Two women and two children are shot dead when terrorists attack a rural health clinic.
2024.07.16 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 3 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2024.07.16 France Le Mans 0 1 A 'radicalized' man tries to slash a cab driver's throat.
2024.07.16 DRC Mamove 3 0 ADF Islamists raid a Christian village, killing three and kidnapping others.
2024.07.16 Afghanistan Jabril 1 0 A youth is shot dead by the Taliban for celebrating a Shiite festival.
2024.07.15 India Doda 4 1 Islamic 'separatists' open fire on Indian troops, killing four.
2024.07.15 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two children are disassembled by a Religion of Peace landmine.
2024.07.15 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 0 An official from the previous government is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2024.07.15 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 Islamic bombers target fans watching soccer at a packed café, killing nine.
2024.07.15 Afghanistan Maimana 1 0 Taliban murder a former opponent.
2024.07.15 Mali Tillaberi 14 35 Jihadists ambush and kill fourteen local soldiers.
2024.07.15 Pakistan Bannu 8 54 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers lead a Hafiz Gul Bahadur attack that leaves eight others dead.
2024.07.15 Uganda Mbale 0 1 A young woman is burned with a flat iron by her family as punishment for converting to Christianity.
2024.07.14 Pakistan Akbarpura 1 0 Radicals assassinate a local journalist in a market.
2024.07.14 Nigeria Egwuma 12 5 Militant Muslims hack a dozen villagers to death.
2024.07.14 Nigeria Gwer West 1 5 At least one person is killed when Muslim terrorists attack a group of farmers.
2024.07.14 Somalia Mogadishu 8 21 Eight people lose their lives during a prison uprising by Islamic hardliners.
2024.07.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 An ISIS IED eliminates three souls in the former caliphate capital.
2024.07.14 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her family via poisoning.
2024.07.13 Sudan Fanquqa 23 0 About two dozen innocent people are massacred point-blank by RSF/Janjaweed gunmen.
2024.07.13 Iraq Diyala 4 3 ISIS members open fire on Iraqi police, killing four.
2024.07.13 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two are left dead following an Islamic State attack.
2024.07.13 Pakistan Hathala 1 0 Another security person on leave is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2024.07.13 Nigeria Gidan Dawa 4 4 Children are among those left dead after terrorists storm a small village.
2024.07.12 Syria al-Masrab Desert 2 0 An ISIS attack targeting a checkpoint leaves two dead.
2024.07.12 Pakistan Rustam 2 0 Radicals shoot two people to death in a drive-by.
2024.07.12 Pakistan Sararogha 1 0 The body of a man is discovered months after his kidnapping by terrorists.
2024.07.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 Two women are among three victims of a suspected honor-killing.
2024.07.12 Kenya Mandera 4 8 Four Kenyan border guards are laid out by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2024.07.11 Israel Kabri 1 0 One person is killed when Hezbollah send an explosive-laden drone into a kibbutz.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Janikhel 2 0 Two off-duty cops on vacation are mowed down by Jihadi gunmen.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Bara 1 0 The Islamic State assassinate an off-duty cop outside his home.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Krri Haider 2 0 The bodies of two terror victims are discovered in a field.
2024.07.11 Afghanistan Jabrael 1 0 A young Shiite man is murdered by the Taliban.
2024.07.11 Syria al-Sanmin 1 0 Fundamentalists hang a woman for 'sorcery.'
2024.07.10 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Catholic man who objected to the harassment of Christians is murdered in front of his wife and children.
2024.07.10 Nigeria Agatu 13 0 Attacks by militant Muslims on two villages leave thirteen dead.
2024.07.10 Israel Golan Heights 2 0 A married couple are fatally injured by a Hezbollah rocket strike on their car.
2024.07.10 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 1 0 A former opponent of the Taliban is arrested, tortured and executed.
2024.07.10 Mozambique Mbau 1 0 A civilian is captured and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2024.07.09 Pakistan Khamrang 3 5 Hardliners open fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2024.07.09 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two are left dead following an ISIS attack.
2024.07.09 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 3 1 Terrorists ambush a vehicle, killing a man and two children.
2024.07.08 Iraq Zarga Lake 2 0 A father and son fishermen are murdered by ISIS gunmen.
2024.07.08 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 0 A refugee is brought down by ARSA terrorists.
2024.07.08 India Kathua 5 6 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Muslim 'separatists.'
2024.07.08 Israel Givon Hahadasha 1 0 A dog handler is murdered in his own home by a Hamas terrorist.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Karimabad 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a government employee.
2024.07.07 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 2 A well-placed ARSA mortar shell takes out a fisherman.
2024.07.07 Somalia Lower Shabelle 1 6 An al-Shabaab bombing leaves one dead.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Salarzai 1 3 TTP militants bomb a vehicle, killing at least one inside.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Arifwala 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed with an axe by her uncle for getting divorced.
2024.07.07 Nigeria Maiyanga 3 0 Three Christians are murdered by Muslim militants.
2024.07.06 Iran Bojnord 1 0 A woman is honor-killed for seeking a divorce.
2024.07.06 Mozambique Nguri 1 0 The Islamic State use an IED to blow up a passerby.
2024.07.06 Syria Tel Sheheb 1 0 A man is killed in the countryside by ISIS.
2024.07.06 Nigeria Ikpele 3 0 An elderly couple are among three picked off by Muslim terrorists.
2024.07.06 India Kulgam 1 0 One person is killed by Muslim terrorists.
2024.07.06 India Mudargam 1 0 A soldier dies from injuries suffered after Mujahideen open fire.
2024.07.06 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Muslim extremists gun down a cop.
2024.07.06 Pakistan Tank 1 1 A security person loses their life to terrorists in the former Islamist stronghold.
2024.07.05 Pal. Auth. Rafah 3 0 At least three civilians are tortured and executed by Hamas.
2024.07.05 Syria Bohemid 1 0 Islamic State members shoot a rival to death.
2024.07.05 Pakistan Mardan 3 8 Jihadis set off a bomb at a bridge, killing three civilians in a passing rickshaw.
2024.07.04 Afghanistan Punjab 1 0 A girl kills herself during a Taliban kidnapping.
2024.07.04 Syria Raqqah 8 0 Six members of a search party and two kidnapped shepherds are murdered by ISIS.