The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Westgate Shopping Mall

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2834 Islamic attacks in 48 countries, in which 16799 people were killed and 29596 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2013.12.31 Iraq Baghdad 7 7 Seven residents of a Shiite neighborhood are dismantled by al-Qaeda bombs.
2013.12.31 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 'Insurgents' fire mortars into a housing project, killing four innocents.
2013.12.31 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Sunnis turn two Shiites into pulp with a bomb mounted on a truck.
2013.12.31 Philippines Basilan 6 6 An Abu Sayyaf group is thought responsible for a vicious attack on a New Year's Eve party that leaves a half-dozen dead.
2013.12.31 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Islamic terrorists storm a home and shoot a married couple to death.
2013.12.31 Nigeria Maikatako 3 16 Fulani gunmen fire into a church during a New Years Eve service, killing three worshippers, including a 14-year-old girl.
2013.12.31 Egypt Ain Shams 1 0 Muslim Brotherhood members shoot a young Christian in the head outside a church.
2013.12.31 Yemen Aden 4 3 Fedayeen suicide car bombers strike a police station, killing at least four.
2013.12.31 Pakistan Peshawar 3 4 Children are among the casualties of a bomb blast in a residential area.
2013.12.30 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 5 An Islamist IED takes the lives of two passersby.
2013.12.30 Iraq Baiji 2 9 A man and his son are murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.30 Iraq Mosul 4 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out four bystanders.
2013.12.30 Pakistan Pashtunabad 0 2 A woman and child are hurt when terrorists throw a hand grenade at a polio team.
2013.12.30 Pakistan Charsadda 3 1 Suspected Islamists plant a bomb inside a home which kills a woman and her two children.
2013.12.30 Russia Volgograd 16 35 A bus is blown up by a suicide bomber, leaving at least sixteen dead commuters.
2013.12.30 Pakistan Rawalpindi 2 1 Two guards outside a Shia mosque are taken down by Sunni rivals.
2013.12.29 Nigeria Kwajffa 4 0 Boko Haram shoot four people to death at a Christian village.
2013.12.29 Iraq Garma 4 10 Islamic militants kill four Iraqis in a shooting attack.
2013.12.29 Pakistan Karachi 5 2 Five Shia are shot to death in two separate attacks by dedicated Sunnis.
2013.12.29 Russia Volgograd 18 51 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates at a train station, killing at least eighteen.
2013.12.29 Iraq Mosul 8 13 A suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis.
2013.12.29 Iraq Mosul 5 3 A child is among five people who bleed to death following two Mujahideen bombings.
2013.12.29 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 6 al-Qaeda shooting and bombing attacks leave six dead.
2013.12.28 Afghanistan Nawagai 1 1 The Taliban fire a rocket into a village, killing a local.
2013.12.28 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Fundamentalists shoot a polio worker to death at a clinic where children are being immunized.
2013.12.28 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sunni radicals fire on a rival religious scholar, killing two of his guards.
2013.12.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 5-year-old girl in the head.
2013.12.28 Pakistan Nowshera 2 0 An 18-year-old girl and 22-year-old man are shot to death by her conservative family for an 'illicit' relationship.
2013.12.28 Nigeria Tashan Alede 8 3 Pro-Sharia advocates storm a bachelor party and randomly shoot guests.
2013.12.28 France Avignon 1 0 A man honor kills his sister's boyfriend for being 'French and non-Muslim'
2013.12.27 Russia Pyatigorsk 3 0 Islamic militants detonate a car bomb that takes three lives.
2013.12.27 Afghanistan Kabul 3 7 A suicide bomber attacks a NATO convoy, killing three.
2013.12.27 Lebanon Beirut 7 70 Hezbollah assassinates a former minister and six others with a car bomb.
2013.12.27 Somalia Mogadishu 11 7 Islamists plant a bomb in a restaurant that kills seven patrons.
2013.12.26 Yemen Hadramawt 3 0 Three local soldiers are machine-gunned point-blank by al-Qaeda.
2013.12.26 Iraq Diyala 4 0 Four Iraqis are kidnapped from their homes and murdered by terrorists.
2013.12.26 Iraq Mosul 2 1 'Insurgents' invade a home and riddle a family with bullets.
2013.12.26 Egypt Cairo 1 3 Suspected Islamists kill one person with a bomb attack on a bus.
2013.12.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 50 Three Iranian dissidents were killed during a targeted Shia attack.
2013.12.25 Dagestan Mutsalaul 1 2 A family is attacked for selling alcohol. Fundamentalists manage to kill an 11-year-old girl.
2013.12.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadi bombers murder four people at a soccer field.
2013.12.25 Iraq Balad 8 13 A bomb near a playground leaves eight dead.
2013.12.25 Iraq Tal Afar 1 17 Bombs targeting Shia pilgrims leave at least one dead.
2013.12.25 Iraq Baghdad 11 21 Holy Warriors target a market in a Christian area, killing at least eleven patrons in two blasts.
2013.12.25 Iraq Baghdad 26 38 Over two dozen innocents outside a Catholic church are massacred by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.12.25 Afghanistan Logar 6 13 Six people are killed when Islamic extremists detonate a bicycle bomb outside a humanitarian aid office.
2013.12.25 Thailand Yala 1 3 A 58-year-old civilian is shot to death outside a mosque by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2013.12.25 Pakistan Karachi 4 23 Two teens are among four persons killed in separate bomb blasts.
2013.12.24 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two brothers are gunned down by Mujahid.
2013.12.24 Iraq Bartala 2 17 Two Shia pilgrims are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.12.24 Iraq Tikrit 5 18 A suicide bombing is one of several that leave five dead Iraqis.
2013.12.24 Israel Nachal Oz 1 0 A civilian is picked off across the border by a Palestinian sniper.
2013.12.23 Iraq Tikrit 5 5 Five journalists are killed during an al-Qaeda suicide assault on their office.
2013.12.23 Iraq Tikrit 4 0 Four college students are murdered by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.12.23 Iraq Baqubah 3 6 Three commuters are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.12.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three Shiites are blown to bits by Sunni bombers at a market.
2013.12.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Islamic militants open fire on a bus, killing three passengers.
2013.12.23 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Islamists are suspected in the torture and murder of three kidnapped members of a secular-leaning party.
2013.12.23 Dagestan Tsuntinsky 4 0 Four people, including a border guard, are taken out by pro-Caliphate gunmen.
2013.12.23 Egypt Cairo 16 134 A suicide bomber detonates at a police station, ending over a dozen lives in horrible fashion.
2013.12.23 Thailand Yala 1 3 A 12-year-old is among the casualties of a terrorist shooting.
2013.12.22 Iraq Baghdad 13 34 A university student is among thirteen people shot to death by Mujahideen.
2013.12.22 Thailand Songkhla 0 27 Muslim 'insurgents' detonate a car bomb outside a hotel.
2013.12.22 Nigeria Chanchu 2 4 A 4-year-old is among two villagers shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2013.12.22 Libya Aguiria 13 3 Thirteen people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.12.22 Syria Homs 7 0 Terrorists snag five schoolchildren and two others with a car bomb.
2013.12.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim assassins shoot a man in the back of the head as he is eating lunch.
2013.12.21 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 A polio worker is machine-gunned in his clinic by Muslim radicals.
2013.12.21 Iraq Rutba 18 32 Eighteen Iraqis soldiers are killed during an al-Qaeda ambush.
2013.12.21 Syria Aleppo 5 8 Women and children are killed by an Islamist mortar attack on a residential neighborhood.
2013.12.21 Syria Daraa 12 10 Twelve people are reported killed when Islamists shell a church distributing aid to the needy.
2013.12.21 Iraq Shirqat 6 5 Mujahideen kill six Iraqis with two bombs.
2013.12.21 Iraq Hawija 5 6 Five people, including an old woman, are dismantled by a Sunni bomb blast at their home.
2013.12.21 Iraq Latifiya 3 6 Three Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by terrorists.
2013.12.20 Nigeria Bama 20 12 Twenty people, including women and children, are killed during a raid by a pro-Caliphate group.
2013.12.20 Pakistan Mauripur 2 24 The Taliban is thought responsible for a bombing that leaves two dead.
2013.12.20 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six young men are pulled out of their homes and executed by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.12.20 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 4 5 A sectarian bombing at a cemetery leaves four dead.
2013.12.20 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 12 31 A vicious double-bombing at a livestock market shreds a dozen patrons.
2013.12.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 25 Two people lose their lives to a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.19 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 1 A Shia leader is gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.12.19 Iraq Abu Ghraib 5 0 A family of five, including three children are exterminated in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.12.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 61-year-old man is murdered by Muslim 'separatists' yards away from his family.
2013.12.19 Nigeria Mubi 22 24 Nearly two dozen people are killed when Boko Haram militants storm a market.
2013.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 17 35 Seventeen Shia pilgrims on foot are blown to bits by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.12.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old Buddhist woman is cut down outside her home by Muslim gunmen.
2013.12.19 Iraq Yusifiyah 8 32 A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a tent holding Shia pilgrims, taking out at least eight.
2013.12.19 Iraq Latifiya 9 23 Nine Shiite pilgrims on foot are sent straight to Allah by the Sunni brothers.
2013.12.19 Libya Benghazi 2 0 Ansar al-Sharia is suspected in the beheading of one local and the shooting of another.
2013.12.19 Yemen Kitaf 9 6 Nine people are killed when religious Sunni and Shia clash.
2013.12.18 Kenya Diani 1 0 Islamists gun down a rival cleric.
2013.12.18 Iraq Khalis 6 15 A suicide bomber attacks a Shia procession, killing six pilgrims.
2013.12.18 Iraq Hamdiya 2 5 Two Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.18 Iraq Samarrah 1 1 A Shia child is machine-gunned by Sunni terrorists.
2013.12.18 Pakistan Miranshah 5 34 At least five are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car-bomber.
2013.12.18 Iran Saravan 3 0 Jaish al-Adl take out three Shiites with a roadside bomb.
2013.12.18 Iraq Samarrah 3 12 Three Shia pilgrims are sent to the great beyond by their Sunni co-religionists.
2013.12.18 Afghanistan Landikotal 6 8 Six local soldiers are machine-gunned at a terminal by Islamic extremists.
2013.12.18 Pakistan Karachi 0 2 A female suicide bomber detonates too early while trying to enter a rival mosque.
2013.12.18 Somalia Afgoye 6 1 Six fully-trained doctors are pulled out of their vehicle and summarily executed.
2013.12.18 Afghanistan Torkahm 1 5 One Afghani is killed during a Taliban attack.
2013.12.17 Pakistan Kurram 3 2 Sectarian Jihadis take the lives of three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.12.17 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 3 A group of Islamists open fire on police, killing one along with a civilian bystander.
2013.12.17 Pakistan Rawalpindi 4 13 A suicide bomber detonates at a rival mosque, sending four 'apostates' to Allah.
2013.12.17 Nigeria Gwol 6 4 Four very young children are among a family of Christians massacred in their own home by Fulani militants.
2013.12.17 Iraq Mahmoudiya 6 16 A half-dozen Shia pilgrims are exterminated by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Four Shiite pilgrims are laid out by Sunni car bombers.
2013.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 A Sunni hurls a grenade at a group of Shia pilgrims, killing three.
2013.12.17 Pakistan Miranshah 0 29 A series of Religion of Peace blasts leave twenty-nine in agony.
2013.12.17 Kenya Malindi 1 0 A man is kidnapped and beheaded by religious radicals.
2013.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Terrorists take out four shoppers at an outdoor market.
2013.12.16 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist bread vendor is murdered by suspected 'insurgents'.
2013.12.16 Pakistan Peshawar 4 1 Terrorists remotely detonate a bomb while it is being examined. Four disposal experts are killed in the blast.
2013.12.16 China Kashgar 2 0 Two policemen are reportedly beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
2013.12.16 Iraq Mosul 12 8 al-Qaeda gunmen board a bus and summarily execute a dozen Shiite pilgrims.
2013.12.16 Iraq Rashid 23 55 Two dozen pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a brutal Sunni double car-bombing.
2013.12.16 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Another healthcare professional is murdered by suspected Islamists.
2013.12.16 Iraq Beiji 8 5 Four Fedayeen suicide bombers kill eight local policemen.
2013.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 An al-Qaeda car bomb at a parking lot produces six dead Iraqis.
2013.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Five people in a residential neighborhood are reduced to pulp by Islamic bombers.
2013.12.16 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslim Brotherhood supporters slit the throat of a cab driver.
2013.12.16 Iraq Tikrit 2 7 Two civilians are blown to bits by three Shahid suicide bombers.
2013.12.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 14 A bloody bomb attack on a bus station by Islamists leaves four dead.
2013.12.15 Bangladesh Nilphamari 5 50 Islami Chhatra Shibir kill five rivals.
2013.12.15 Israel Rosh Hanikra 1 0 A Hezbollah sniper shoots an IDF soldier across the border.
2013.12.15 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A man dies an agonizing death in the aftermath of an Ansar al-Sharia car bombing.
2013.12.15 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist couple in their 60's are shot to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.12.15 Afghanistan Kunar 4 1 Four civilians are pulled into pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.15 Somalia Elbur 1 0 Pro-Sharia activists kidnap and murder a tribal elder.
2013.12.15 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a female TV host to death.
2013.12.15 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 7 Taliban bombers take down four Afghans.
2013.12.15 Iraq Khanaqin 5 0 Three Shia children and their parents are exterminated by Sunni bombers.
2013.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 9 27 Sunnis take out nine Shiites with two bombs.
2013.12.15 Libya Sidon 1 3 A suicide bomber steps out of a car and kills a Lebanese soldier at a checkpoint.
2013.12.15 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A prominent Shia cleric is assassinated by Sunni rivals.
2013.12.14 Nigeria Arboko 4 0 Islamists attack a Christian village, slaughtering four inhabitants and burning on-hundred homes.
2013.12.14 Kenya Nairobi 6 24 Islamic militants toss a grenade at a mini-bus, killing six passengers.
2013.12.14 Mali Kidal 2 5 Two UN troops guarding a bank are wiped out by a suicide bomber.
2013.12.14 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Five shoppers at a market are sectionalized by Jihadi car bombers.
2013.12.14 Iraq Husseiniyah 2 7 Two patrons at a restaurant are disassembled in mid-bite by a Sunni bomb blast.
2013.12.14 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Seven Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by their Sunni brothers.
2013.12.14 DRC North Kivu 21 3 ADF-Nalu terrorists massacre twenty-one villagers, including children.
2013.12.14 Syria Atmeh 3 0 Three secular Sunnis are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic Front.
2013.12.13 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A 35-year-old single woman is beaten to death on suspicion of having sexual relations.
2013.12.13 Iraq Bahgdad 5 14 Jihadi car bombers aerate five Iraqis.
2013.12.13 Iraq Madaen 6 18 A half-dozen people lose their lives to a Mujahid car bomb.
2013.12.13 Iraq Ramadi 5 7 A suicide bomber sends five other souls to Allah.
2013.12.13 Bangladesh Satkhira 2 0 Jamaat-e-Islami militants hack a man to death and gun down a kindergarten student.
2013.12.13 Syria Adra 80 0 At least eighty ordinary Shiites are executed by Sunni radicals over a two-day spree.
2013.12.13 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 Four gunmen murder two guards providing security for polio workers.
2013.12.13 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 A medical worker is shot to death by religious fundamentalists.
2013.12.13 Iraq Imam Wais 18 6 Eighteen oil workers are massacred by Islamic militants at a pipeline.
2013.12.12 Iraq Tarmiya 5 13 Five Iraqis are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.12.12 Bangladesh Satkhira 2 0 Islami Chhatra Shibi radicals stab two men to death.
2013.12.12 Pakistan Spinwam 4 0 Ansar-ul-Mujahideen murder four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.12.12 Syria Gevere 4 0 Islamists butcher four villagers who came to negotiate with them, cutting off ears and noses.
2013.12.12 Pakistan Miranshah 2 7 Islamic militants murder two security personnel.
2013.12.12 Egypt Ismailiya 1 35 A bomb planted by religious radicals leaves one dead.
2013.12.12 Thailand Pattani 1 8 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a villager and set off a bomb at a school.
2013.12.12 Somalia Baidoa 10 9 Gunmen 'chanting religious slogans' shoot up a small town.
2013.12.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Quran teacher is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2013.12.11 Iraq Madaen 17 11 A father and son murdered by al-Qaeda are among seventeen Iraqis taken out in various attacks.
2013.12.11 Nigeria Borno 9 3 Pro-Sharia activists attack random cars on the highway, slitting the throats of nine travelers.
2013.12.11 Thailand Yala 1 0 Suspected Muslim 'insurgents' murder a man on his way to work.
2013.12.11 Thailand Pattai 4 17 Four local cops are taken out by a roadside bomb.
2013.12.11 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A mob murders a man for wrapping fruit in pages from the Quran.
2013.12.11 India Srinagar 1 1 Two local soldiers guarding a highway are machine-gunned by Muslim militants.
2013.12.10 Iraq Diyala 6 0 Six family members are torn to pieces by Mujahid bombers while preparing for a funeral.
2013.12.10 Iraq Abara 7 0 Seven Sunni construction workers are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2013.12.10 Kenya Garissa 8 0 Eight Kenyans are killed when al-Shabaab militants spray a car with automatic weapons.
2013.12.10 Iraq Baqubah 11 19 Eleven worshippers at a Shiite mosque are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.10 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 Seven Shia shepherds are murdered in cold blood by Sunni extremists.
2013.12.10 Bangladesh Gazipur 2 0 A young woman and her 7-year-old daughter are burned to a crisp when Islami Chhatra Shibir radicals set fire to their lorry.
2013.12.10 Russia Chegem 2 1 Suspected Islamists open fire on a group of prison personnel, killing one.
2013.12.09 Afghanistan Badghis 6 3 A half dozen family members are crushed to death in their home by a Taliban rocket.
2013.12.09 Iraq Buhriz 12 24 A brutal bomb blast at a cafe kills a dozen patrons.
2013.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken out by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Three patrons at a Shia market are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2013.12.09 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Jamaat-e-Islami gun down a 55-year-old man.
2013.12.09 Bangladesh Bogra 1 0 A college professor is stabbed to death by Jamaat-e-Islami students.
2013.12.09 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 A security official is picked off by suspected Hizb Ut-Tahrir.
2013.12.09 Afghanistan Saripul 3 1 A Taliban bomb produces three dead children.
2013.12.09 Syria Idlib 1 0 An oil vendor is executed by Islamists for 'blasphemy'.
2013.12.08 Somalia Elbur 1 0 A tribal elder is kidnapped and murdered by al-Shabaab militants.
2013.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 Jihadis detonate a car bomb along a commercial district, killing seven.
2013.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 6 19 Six shoppers at a Shia market are disintegrated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 6 22 Six Iraqis are dismantled by Islamic bombers at a tax office.
2013.12.08 Iraq Husseiniyah 3 13 A bombing near a restaurant kills three innocents.
2013.12.08 Iraq Jamila 3 16 Mujahideen wipe out three shoppers at a market.
2013.12.08 Iraq Baghdad 13 112 A series of smaller terror attacks leave thirteen dead.
2013.12.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 42-year-old Shiite is gunned down by angry Sunnis.
2013.12.08 Yemen Sanaa 2 0 al-Qaeda is suspected in the assassination of two army officers.
2013.12.08 Pakistan Haider Shah 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her conservative brother for having an affair.
2013.12.07 Syria Homs 7 0 The bodies of seven Christians are found brutally tortured and beheaded by Islamist 'rebels'.
2013.12.07 Iraq Baghdad 9 6 Islamic fundamentalists murder nine patrons at alcohol shops.
2013.12.07 Iraq Mosul 3 14 Three people at a market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace blast.
2013.12.07 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is beheaded with a heavy machine-gun to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2013.12.06 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two Sunni brothers are gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba for being too friendly with Shiites.
2013.12.06 Philippines Marawi 1 1 Moro Islamists murder a civilian.
2013.12.06 Iraq Tikrit 3 8 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.06 Iraq Dor 5 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five other souls to Allah.
2013.12.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Two Mujahideen blasts leave five dead.
2013.12.06 Syria Qamishli 6 10 A Shahid suicide car bombing rocks a neighborhood and snuffs out the lives of six residents.
2013.12.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A lawmaker is taken out by a suspected al-Shabaab bomb.
2013.12.06 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three Sunnis are picked off at an eatery by Shia gunmen.
2013.12.05 Bangladesh Satkhira 1 2 Islami Chhatra Shibir gunmen shoot secular activist to death outside his home.
2013.12.05 Yemen Sanaa 52 167 Six doctors are among fifty innocents slaughtered in a massive suicide attack on a hospital.
2013.12.05 Iraq Mosul 7 0 al-Qaeda shootings and bombings leave seven dead.
2013.12.05 Iraq Kirkuk 6 79 Fedayeen suicide bombers attack a shopping mall, exterminating six innocents.
2013.12.05 Libya Benghazi 2 0 Two young soldiers are shot in the head by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2013.12.05 Iran Khuzestan 4 0 Four Sunni activists are executed for 'being enemies of Allah'.
2013.12.05 Somalia Bosasso 7 37 Pro-Sharia activists detonate a car bomb that leaves seven dead.
2013.12.05 Libya Benghazi 1 0 An American teacher is murdered by gunmen while jogging.
2013.12.05 CAR Bangui 3 0 Three pastors, including a father of eleven, are murdered in a Muslim rampage.
2013.12.05 CAR Bangui 1 0 A Bible translator is shot and killed by Christian-seeking Muslims.
2013.12.04 India Ambedkar Nagar 1 0 Muslim activists gun down a Hindu.
2013.12.04 Afghanistan Panjwayi 4 0 A man, his wife and two children are exterminated by a Taliban bomb.
2013.12.04 Syria Idlib 1 0 A cameraman is kidnapped and executed by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2013.12.03 Iraq Tarmiyah 9 17 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers slaughter nine people who gathered at the scene of an earlier bombing.
2013.12.03 Syria Damascus 4 17 Four locals are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.12.03 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas is accused of beating a man in front of his wife, kidnapping him and then torturing him to death.
2013.12.03 Afghanistan Zabul 3 4 Three local cops are take out by a Taliban bomb.
2013.12.03 Afghanistan Gareshk 4 2 Four civilians lose their lives to fundamentalist bombers.
2013.12.03 Afghanistan Marjah 2 10 Religious radicals bomb a market, wiping out two patrons.
2013.12.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A prayer leader is among two Shiites assassinated by Sunni gunmen.
2013.12.03 Pakistan Matta 1 0 A peace committee member is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2013.12.03 Pakistan Karachi 3 2 Shia militia are suspected of firing into a group of Sunnis, killing three.
2013.12.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 49-year-old villager is killed by suspected Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.12.03 Lebanon Hadath 1 0 The Free Sunnis of Baalbek Battalion assassinate a Shia leader outside his house.
2013.12.03 Iraq Baghada 6 13 A Sunni car bomb rips through a Shia district, leaving six dead.
2013.12.03 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 Jihads murder two patrons at a vegetable market.
2013.12.03 Iraq Tikrit 22 30 Twenty-two people are a welfare office are ripped into pieces by four Holy Warriors with suicide belts.
2013.12.02 Pakistan Mansehra 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is 'honor killed' by her brother on suspicion of an affair.
2013.12.02 Iraq al-Nibaie 6 0 Children are among a family of six massacred in their home by Islamists.
2013.12.02 Tunisia Mount Chaambi 1 0 An engineer is taken out by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.12.02 Afghanistan Kabul 4 17 A suicide truck bomber incinerates at least four other people.
2013.12.02 Iraq Mosul 2 6 A bomb targeting oil workers leaves two dead.
2013.12.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Terrorists chanting 'Allah Akbar' hack two brothers to death in their home.
2013.12.01 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 A man is kidnapped from his home and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2013.12.01 Lebanon Tripoli 3 1 A sniper picks off three men in a truck for having the wrong religion.
2013.12.01 Libya Benghazi 1 1 A father is shot to death in front of his own son by suspected Sharia advocates.
2013.12.01 Lebanon Sidon 2 1 Two people are murdered by Jund al-Sham militants.
2013.12.01 Iraq Muqdadya 12 25 A Shahid suicide bomber sends twelve mourners at a funeral straight to Allah.
2013.12.01 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Two women and two children are among a family of five murdered in their own home by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.12.01 Iraq Sadiya 6 5 Mujahid bombers end the lives of a half-dozen people at a cafe.
2013.12.01 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite brothers are gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists.
2013.11.30 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' are suspected of the cold blooded murder of a father in front of two young children.
2013.11.30 Egypt Minya 0 14 Muslims rampage through a Christian village, burning homes and throwing children from roofs.
2013.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 20 28 Twenty Iraqis are taken out by a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.11.30 Nigeria Baga 7 15 Seven fisherman are ambushed and slain by Boko Haram.
2013.11.30 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on an polio team, killing a guard.
2013.11.30 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 7 Mujahideen blow up a bus stop along with four commuters.
2013.11.30 Pakistan Mohmand 3 2 Tehreek-e-Taliban kill three local police officers.
2013.11.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 A child is blown to bits by a Holy Warrior with a suicide belt.
2013.11.29 Syria Damascus 4 26 Terrorists reportedly fire a rocket at a mosque, killing four worshippers.
2013.11.29 Libya Benghazi 2 0 Two more security personnel are murdered by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2013.11.29 Iraq Salaheddin 7 0 Islamists kidnap seven laborers and maintenance staff from a soccer stadium and cut their throats.
2013.11.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Fundamentalists storm a brothel and murder six women and one man.
2013.11.29 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Jihadis kill five spectators by detonating a bomb at a soccer field.
2013.11.29 Afghanistan Helmand 1 4 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2013.11.29 Iraq Tarmiyah 18 0 Eighteen civilians are rounded up and brutally shot in the head by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.11.28 Libya Benghazi 4 0 Four soldiers are killed by Ansar al-Sharia for 'imposing something that is not part of the religion."
2013.11.28 Iraq Hillah 9 31 Car bombs targeting Shia shoppers leaves nine dead.
2013.11.28 Iraq Najaf 7 12 Sunni bombers take out seven Iraqis.
2013.11.28 Iraq Suwayrah 5 14 Five civilians in a commercial area are reduced to pulp by Mujahid bombers.
2013.11.28 Iraq Samarrah 3 9 Three people are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.28 Iraq Tikrit 7 7 Seven people are aerated by a Religion of Peace shrapnel bomb.
2013.11.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A man posing as a religious advisor is beheaded by angry fundamentalists.
2013.11.28 Afghanistan Nangarhar 6 10 Two Taliban bombs kill six civilians, including five rushing to help the first victim.
2013.11.28 Iraq Tikrit 1 3 A suicide bomber manages to take out one other person.
2013.11.28 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 Arabs crush an Israeli baby's skull with rocks.
2013.11.28 Nigeria Damboa 17 6 Seventeen villagers are slaughtered by machete-wielders shouting praises to Allah.
2013.11.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A convert to Shiism is beheaded by Sunni radicals, who then hang his head from a bridge.
2013.11.27 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen shoot a man and wife to death in their home.
2013.11.27 Iraq Doura 2 3 Terrorists bomb a vegetable market, killing two patrons.
2013.11.27 Iraq Jbara 1 9 A security guard is taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.11.27 Iraq Hadhar 3 0 A cab driver and two teachers are murdered by suspected Mujahideen.
2013.11.27 Syria Idlib 7 0 ISIL Islamists execute seven members of a more moderate Islamist group on video.
2013.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Fourteen victims of sectarian militia are found bound and shot.
2013.11.27 Iraq Ramadi 4 11 Two suicide bombings leave four dead Iraqis.
2013.11.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Five members of a family are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants.
2013.11.27 Afghanistan Pashtun Kot 6 1 Six members of a humanitarian team are dragged from their car and executed by Islamic extremists.
2013.11.27 Iraq Abu Ghraib 12 32 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, putting a dozen mourners out of their misery.
2013.11.26 Iraq Taji 4 9 A suicide bomber murders four policemen.
2013.11.26 Bangladesh Satkhira 2 0 Jamaat-e-Islami beat and hack two men to death.
2013.11.26 Pakistan Hyderabad 5 3 Five people are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2013.11.26 Afghanistan Oruzgan 3 0 Three aid workers are pulled into pieces by a Religion of Peace shrapnel blast.
2013.11.26 Yemen Sanaa 1 1 A non-Muslim is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.11.26 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 37 12 Thirty-seven Christians in four villages are slaughtered by Muslim raiders. The dead included children and pregnant women shot at close range.
2013.11.26 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 22 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills seven people at a local army base.
2013.11.26 Syria Somariyeh 15 30 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates a bus stop, taking fifteen souls with him.
2013.11.26 Syria Damascus 11 0 Terrorists reportedly ambush two ambulances and massacre eleven medical personnel.
2013.11.26 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 0 A Shiite is picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.11.25 Iraq Mosul 4 30 Terrorists wipe out four locals with a bomb placed in a busy street.
2013.11.25 Iraq Mosul 2 4 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out two locals.
2013.11.25 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered merely for being Shia.
2013.11.25 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 1 Islamists are suspected of spraying machine-gun fire into a vehicle.
2013.11.25 Pakistan Parachinar 3 1 Three young Shia are disassembled by two bombs planted by religious radicals.
2013.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 23 32 A vicious double-bombing at a cafe snuffs out the lives of twenty-three patrons and first responders.
2013.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 Three Iraqis are dispatched by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2013.11.25 Libya Benghazi 5 23 An Ansar-al-Sharia attack leaves five dead.
2013.11.24 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 'Sectarian hatred' is blamed for a Sunni on Shia murder.
2013.11.24 Nigeria Kuka 5 30 Five residents of a Christian village are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.11.24 Yemen Seyoun 3 2 Religious extremists ambush and murder three local cops.
2013.11.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian journalist is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2013.11.24 Nigeria Borno 8 0 A Boko Haram spree leaves at least eight farmers dead.
2013.11.24 Pakistan Karimkot 2 5 A shrapnel bomb ends the lives of two security personnel.
2013.11.24 Afghanistan Takhar 1 3 A local official is murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2013.11.23 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 10 45 A suicide attack on a Shia mosque leaves ten worshippers dead.
2013.11.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Sectarian rivals shoot at three seminary students, killing one.
2013.11.23 Pakistan Baghlan 2 0 Conservative locals shoot a young couple to death for eloping without permission.
2013.11.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 37-year-old Buddhist villager is machine-gunned by suspected Muslim militants.
2013.11.22 Pakistan Malakand 2 0 Two young lovers are shot to death by conservative family members.
2013.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 17 Eight patrons at a soda shop are sent to the great beyond by Muslim bombers.
2013.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Bombs at two Sunni mosques send four worshippers to Allah in mid-prayer.
2013.11.22 Iraq Khalis 2 0 An imam and his relative are shot to death in front of their mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.11.22 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down at a grocery store in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.11.22 Pakistan Mohmand 3 4 Religion of Peace bombers murder three people riding in a car.
2013.11.22 Pakistan Karachi 7 48 A child is among seven killed in a bomb blast by Tehreek-e-Taliban suicide bombers at a shopping area.
2013.11.22 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 A man is gunned down by sectarian rivals outside a mosque.
2013.11.21 Iraq Baghdad 11 22 Islamic terrorists murder eleven Iraqis in a series of attacks.
2013.11.21 Iraq Taji 6 12 A half-dozen Iraqis are ripped to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.21 Iraq Salahuddin 1 2 al-Qaeda gunmen shoot a child to death in his own home.
2013.11.21 Pakistan Torkham 0 26 Dozens are injured when a suicide bomber detonates at a customs office.
2013.11.21 Pakistan Khanewal 0 1 An 18-year-old girl is tied to a tree and set on fire by her brothers on suspicion of sex.
2013.11.21 Egypt Qulubiya 1 0 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis gunmen murder a local cop.
2013.11.21 Iraq Saadiyah 48 50 Mujahideen blow up an outdoor vegetable market with a truck bomb, taking out nearly fifty patrons, including children.
2013.11.21 Nigeria Sandiya 12 12 Gunmen shoot up a small village while shouting praises to Allah, killing a dozen.
2013.11.21 Nigeria Adamawa 6 3 Boko Haram Islamists move from house to house, shooting six residents to death.
2013.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Sunni bombers murder seven people preparing food for a Shia observance.
2013.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Terrorists bomb a bakery, killing five people in line for bread.
2013.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 Fundamentalists bomb a bar, killing five patrons.
2013.11.20 Iraq Bayaa 15 22 A Shahid suicide bomber wades into an Internet cafe and detonates, sending fifteen souls to Allah.
2013.11.20 Iraq Hurriya 4 9 'Insurgents' set off a bomb near a school which leaves four dead.
2013.11.20 Iraq Shaab 4 11 Four people are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2013.11.20 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Sunnis fire on a group of Shia civilians outside their home, killing one.
2013.11.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 22 Three people bleed to death following a Fedayeen suicide attack.
2013.11.20 Egypt al-Arish 11 35 Islamic militants detonate a car bomb that leaves eleven Egyptians dead.
2013.11.20 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 8 Shahid suicide bombers take the lives of three other people.
2013.11.20 Pakistan Miranshah 7 1 Seven people are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams their car.
2013.11.20 Yemen Hadramawt 3 0 al-Qaeda members open fire on a group of police officer, killing three.
2013.11.20 Iraq Najaf 2 9 Two commuters are killed when al-Qaeda bombers target their bus.
2013.11.20 Afghanistan Helmand 1 1 An early morning Taliban attack leaves one dead.
2013.11.20 Syria Qalamoun 7 5 Two suicide bombers take out seven Syrians.
2013.11.19 Pakistan Gujrat 2 0 A Shiite university professor and his driver are assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.11.19 Somalia Beledweyne 20 12 Twenty people are disassembled by Religion of Peace suicide bombers.
2013.11.19 Nigeria Gombe 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.11.19 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Shiite dies from gunshot injuries suffered from Sipah-e-Sahabah terrorists.
2013.11.19 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim 'separatists' are suspected of shooting a man and his two sisters in front of their house.
2013.11.19 Lebanon Beirut 26 150 An Abdullah Azzam Brigades suicide blast at the Iranian embassy leaves two dozen people dead.
2013.11.19 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Two cops are brutally gunned down by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.11.18 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 3 An old woman bleeds to death following a Mujahid bomb attack on her home.
2013.11.18 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 A man and his son are murdered by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.11.18 Pakistan Kohat 2 0 Two people are killed in a Sunni-Shia sectarian clash.
2013.11.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Tehreek-i-Taliban members gun down two local cops.
2013.11.18 Pakistan Rawalpindi 69 45 An additional sixty-seven people are reported killed in sectarian strife between Sunni and Shia.
2013.11.18 Yemen Belhaf 8 0 Eight local cops are ambushed and riddled with bullets by al-Qaeda members.
2013.11.18 Pakistan Naseerabad 1 0 A truck driver is murdered by the Taliban.
2013.11.18 Afghanistan Zabul 2 2 Two children are pulled into pieces by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.11.18 Afghanistan Paktika 7 3 Holy Warriors take out seven children playing in the road.
2013.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 A bomb set in a car showroom leaves four dead.
2013.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three Iraqis at a liquor store a commercial area are pulled into pieces by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.11.17 Iraq Tuz Khormato 21 40 Twenty-one innocent people are sent to Allah by suicide bombers at a popular market.
2013.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 al-Qaeda bombers take down three patrons at a vegetable market.
2013.11.17 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 Islamic militants slay two policemen at a checkpoint.
2013.11.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Six Afghan contractors are kidnapped and beheaded by Sharia advocates.
2013.11.17 Afghanistan Balkh 1 4 A civilian is taken out be a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.11.17 Myanmar Paut Taw 1 0 A 6-year-old girl is raped an murdered in what appears to be a targeted attack on Buddhists.
2013.11.17 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a man to death outside his home.
2013.11.17 Syria Damascus 31 0 At least 31 people are killed in a blast by Direh al-Aasmeh shouting praises to Allah.
2013.11.16 China Serik Buya 2 2 A group of Muslims armed with axes and knives attack a local police station and hack two people to death.
2013.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Terrorists kill seven Iraqis in a series of attacks.
2013.11.16 Pakistan Bannu 1 11 One person is killed in a roadside bombing by Islamic militants.
2013.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 12 22 At least a dozen people are torn shredded by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.15 Pakistan Rawalpindi 8 65 Sunnis open fire on a Shia religious procession, killing eight pilgrims.
2013.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Three local cops are blown to bits by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.11.15 Libya Tripoli 14 62 Fourteen people are killed when an 'Islamist Brigade' opens fire on civilians.
2013.11.15 Malaysia Borneo 1 1 al-Qaeda members kill a middle-aged Taiwanese tourist and kill his wife.
2013.11.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A Muslim cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.11.15 Pakistan Rawalpindi 3 15 Three Sunni seminary students are beaten to death by Shia pilgrims.
2013.11.15 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A conservative Muslim punishes his daughter for 'amoral' behavior by killing her.
2013.11.14 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 Muslim extremists open fire on police officers, killing two.
2013.11.14 Bangladesh Gaibandha 1 0 Jamaat-e-Islami members hack a man to death inside a saloon.
2013.11.14 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 The imam at a mosque is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2013.11.14 Nigeria Yazza 26 41 Islamists spray automatic weapons fire into a village, taking out two dozen innocents.
2013.11.14 Iraq Kut 9 28 Three bombs at a Shiite procession leave eight dead.
2013.11.14 Iraq Baqubah 48 107 Two barbaric suicide bombings take the lives of fifty Shia worshippers in separate attacks.
2013.11.13 Syria Aleppo 1 0 An al-Qaeda video is released showing members beheading a rival.
2013.11.13 Israel Afula 1 0 A 19-year-old soldier sleeping in a bus is brutally stabbed to death by a 16-year-old Muslim.
2013.11.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 26-year-old Buddhist on a motorcycle is machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2013.11.13 Syria Damascus 2 7 Terrorists send a shell into a Christian neighborhood, killing two residents.
2013.11.13 Afghanistan Farah 2 3 Two schoolboys are dismantled by a fundamentalist bomb.
2013.11.13 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 0 The Taliban detonate a teenage boy returning home on a bicycle.
2013.11.13 Iraq Baqubah 8 35 Eight Shiite pilgrims - including two children - are sent straight to Allah by Sunni co-religionists in three separate bombings.
2013.11.13 Iraq Salahudin 10 2 A suicide truck bomber turns ten Iraqis into bloody pulp.
2013.11.13 Iraq Garma 4 24 Islamic militants bomb several homes, killing four people.
2013.11.13 Afghanistan Chaman 2 0 Two local cops are ambushed and murdered by the Taliban.
2013.11.13 Cameroon Ashigashia 1 0 Islamic extremists murder a Protestant missionary and set several churches ablaze.
2013.11.12 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 A local cop is murdered in his home by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.11.12 Lebanon Tripoli 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated by suspected Shiites.
2013.11.11 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 1 Sipah-e-Sahaba members gun down a Shiite inside a shop.
2013.11.11 Syria Damascus 9 27 Nine children are reportedly crushed to death when an Islamist mortar round hits a Christian school.
2013.11.11 Nigeria Lokoja 4 0 Four innocent people lose their lives to a suspected Boko Haram attack.
2013.11.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 63-year-old Buddhist is taken out in a Muslim drive-by.
2013.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 7 50 A Fedayeen suicide bombing is among a string of terror attacks that leave seven dead.
2013.11.10 Syria Damascus 1 0 A 50-year-old MP kidnapped by al-Nusra Islamists is executed in captivity.
2013.11.09 Yemen Damaj 2 12 A sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia leaves two dead.
2013.11.09 Syria Ashrafieh 6 6 Six children are killed when Islamic 'rebels' fire a rocket into a Christian neighborhood.
2013.11.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Three teens are fired on by Muslim 'insurgents' outside a farm.
2013.11.09 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 0 An imam is cut down by rivals in the middle of a recitation.
2013.11.09 Pakistan Mominpur 2 0 Terrorists fire into a rival mosque, killing two worshippers.
2013.11.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' murder a man on a motorcycle.
2013.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Four worshippers bleed to death when rivals set off a bomb outside their mosque.
2013.11.08 Iraq Mosul 12 58 Mujahid bombers cause a horrific scene with a shrapnel bomb along a shopping district.
2013.11.08 Somalia Mogadishu 11 15 A Shahid car bomber exterminates eleven people at a hotel.
2013.11.08 Israel Tekoa 0 2 A Jewish mother and daughter are burned by a Palestinian firebomb attack.
2013.11.08 Afghanistan Qalat 8 3 Five women, two children and an elderly man are disassembled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.11.08 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 2 Ansaru ash-Sharia murder an employee at a liqor store during a bombing and shooting attack.
2013.11.07 Iraq Tarmiya 22 45 Suicide bombers slaughter two dozen Iraqis in a coordinated attack.
2013.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 12 Five Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.11.07 Iraq Anbar 3 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of three other people.
2013.11.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'insurgents' gun down a 48-year-old outside a furniture store.
2013.11.07 Syria Sadad 6 0 The bodies of six more Christians are found. The victims were of the same family and included teens and two elderly members.
2013.11.07 Iraq Tikrit 6 0 Six family members are slain in their sleep by Islamic terrorists.
2013.11.07 Afghanistan Khost 3 6 A child is among the casualties of a Taliban bomb blast.
2013.11.06 Iran Zabol 1 0 Jaish al Adl extremists assassinate a local official.
2013.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 7 A bomb planted by Muslim terrorists leaves one dead.
2013.11.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite.
2013.11.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuwayed 1 0 A Jihadi shoots a local soldier in the head at a training camp.
2013.11.06 Syria Damascus 8 50 Sunni terrorists set off a car bomb at a city square, killing eight innocents.
2013.11.06 Iraq al-Salam 7 14 A suicide bomber murders seven local cops.
2013.11.06 Syria Sweida 8 41 Eight locals are shredded by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.05 Tanzania Gilgal 1 2 Religion of Peace proponents hack a young man to death at a church service.
2013.11.05 Iraq Tikrit 4 0 Four Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.11.05 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 Two people are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.11.05 Iraq Baiji 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.11.05 Ethiopia Benishangul 4 10 Four passengers are killed by a bomb blast on a bus following threats from al-Shabaab.
2013.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.11.05 Syria Sadad 30 0 The bodies of thirty Christian civilians are found in a mass grave from a 10-21-2013 massacre by Islamists.
2013.11.05 Afghanistan Kamparack 1 0 A British soldier is killed by a suicide bomber.
2013.11.05 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young seminary student is murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.11.05 Pakistan Karachi 6 0 Six religious Sunnis are gunned down in three targeted attacks by Shiites.
2013.11.05 Nigeria Rantis 4 2 Two young boys, ages 2 and 4, are among a family of Christians massacred in their home by militant Muslims.
2013.11.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shia doctors are gunned down in separate targeted sectarian attacks.
2013.11.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old woman is shot to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.11.04 Syria Thabitiyeh 6 37 Three children are among six Shiites disassembled by a Sunni car bomb blast.
2013.11.04 Iraq Tikrit 12 23 A dozen people at a market are torn to shreds by Muslim terrorists.
2013.11.04 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 The assassination of a judge is thought to be the work of Islamic militants.
2013.11.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 3 Two Shiites are shot to death by Sunnis at a tailor shop.
2013.11.04 Yemen Damaj 4 0 Four people are killed when Shia extremists send rockets into a Sunni town.
2013.11.04 Iraq Mosul 11 4 Eleven Iraqis are shot dead by Muslim terrorists in three attacks.
2013.11.04 Syria Sabtiyeh 6 40 Three children and a woman are among six villagers exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.11.04 Iraq Baqubah 12 20 A dozen Iraqis are taken out by Mujahideen.
2013.11.04 Iraq Kirkuk 4 7 A pair of Shahid suicide bombers manage to murder four other people.
2013.11.04 Pakistan Peshawar 1 6 A child is pulled into pieces by a militant bomb.
2013.11.03 Yemen Saada 3 12 Three more people are killed when Sunnis and Shia clash.
2013.11.03 Egypt Ismaila 2 1 Islamists fire automatic weapons into a police checkpoint, killing two officers.
2013.11.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim 'insurgents' while having tea.
2013.11.03 Iraq Tal Afar 6 9 A suicide bombing is among two terror attacks that leave six dead.
2013.11.02 Pakistan Charsadda 2 0 Two young lovers are 'honor killed' by the girl's conservative Muslim family.
2013.11.02 Nigeria Borno 30 0 Islamists ambush a wedding party and execute thirty members, including the groom.
2013.11.02 Iraq Tikrit 7 36 Two women are among seven people dismembered by a Mujahid car bomb.
2013.11.02 Iraq Samarrah 2 4 Two Iraqis are machine-gunned point-blank by al-Qaeda.
2013.11.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 51-year-old man is slain by Muslim gunmen outside his rubber plantation.
2013.11.02 Mali Kidal 2 0 Two French journalists are abducted and slain by al-Qaeda.
2013.11.02 Yemen Damaj 27 147 Another forty-five people are reported killed in clashes between Sunni and Shia radicals.
2013.11.02 Nigeria T-Junction 13 0 Thirteen villagers are cut down by Boko Haram.
2013.11.01 Yemen Saada 18 50 Eighteen people are killed when Shiite extremists attack Sunnis.
2013.11.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 4 An Ahmadi is shot to death in a sectarian attack as he is returning from prayers.
2013.11.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four local cops are machine-gunned at point-blank range by activists fighting for an Islamic state.
2013.11.01 Pakistan Mach 6 1 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi members murder six mine workers who belonged to the minority Hazara community.
2013.10.31 Yemen Abyan 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder three people at a police checkpoint.
2013.10.31 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 6 42 Three family members are among six residents obliterated by a Mujahid car bomb in their neighborhood.
2013.10.31 Iraq Baqubah 5 11 Five people at a car dealership are blown to bits by sectarian bombers.
2013.10.31 Iraq Muqdadiya 4 6 Mujahideen bombers take down four Iraqis.
2013.10.31 Iraq Mosul 12 15 Three bombs leave a dozen dead.
2013.10.31 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 4 0 At least four people are murdered by a suicide bomber as they gather at the scene of an earlier blast.
2013.10.31 Iraq Baiji 2 1 al-Qaeda gunmen brutally murder two Iraqis.
2013.10.31 Nigeria Bama 27 12 Islamists roll into a village and massacre over two dozen residents.
2013.10.30 Yemen Saada 10 3 Shiites fire a rocket into a Sunni mosque, killing ten worshippers.
2013.10.30 Pakistan Waziristan 10 18 Terrorists kill ten locals with two bombs.
2013.10.30 Thailand Pattani 1 1 An older farmer is slain by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.10.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 41-year-old city official in the head.
2013.10.30 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 15 Two people are killed and fifteen more hospitalized when fundamentalists bomb a liquor store.
2013.10.30 Iraq Mosul 8 25 Eight Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.30 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 7 Terrorists bomb a market, killing three patrons.
2013.10.30 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 Islamists are suspected in the murder of a private school teacher.
2013.10.29 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian woman is shot to death in her own home by Muslim extremists.
2013.10.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his wife are gunned down by Mujahideen.
2013.10.29 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 A suicide bomber walks into a house and slaughters two dozen people around the dinner table.
2013.10.29 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba shoot two innocent people to death because one is Shiite.
2013.10.28 Syria Haffar 13 40 At least thirteen innocents are slain when Islamists assault two Christian villages.
2013.10.28 China Beijing 2 38 A suicide car bombing at Tiananmen Square kills two tourists.
2013.10.28 Nigeria Kaduna 3 0 Boko Haram gunmen kill three policemen.
2013.10.28 Thailand Narathiwat 3 1 A Muslim roadside bomb kills three members of a bomb disposal unit.
2013.10.28 Egypt Mansura 3 0 Three guards at a secular university are gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2013.10.28 Turkey Sanliurfa 1 0 An al-Nusra bomb leaves one dead.
2013.10.28 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 5 Two people at a medical clinic are taken down by terrorist bombers.
2013.10.28 Iraq Baghdad 6 14 A half-dozen people at a cafe are murdered by Sunni bombers.
2013.10.28 England Essex 1 0 A prostitute is killed by a devout Muslim for working too close to his mosque.
2013.10.27 Nigeria Banki 4 0 Four local cops are murdered by pro-Sharia militants.
2013.10.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A young girl is killed when Muslim fundamentalists set off a bomb in the street.
2013.10.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 18 5 Woman and children are among eighteen civilians slaughtered by a roadside bomb.
2013.10.27 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 Two Shiites are shot to death by Sunni rivals.
2013.10.27 Iraq Dour 3 0 Three family members, including a father and son, are killed in their own home by al-Qaeda.
2013.10.27 Iraq Shaab 8 18 A Shiite neighborhood is hit with a bomb blast that leaves eight dead.
2013.10.27 Iraq Mosul 14 55 A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide vest amid a crowd of people, snuffing out the lives of fourteen.
2013.10.27 Iraq Mosul 9 10 Nine people, including a woman and two construction workers are murdered in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.10.27 Iraq Tarmiya 4 11 Religion of Peace bombers purge four innocents at a market.
2013.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Two Mujahid car bomb blasts send seven souls to Allah.
2013.10.27 Iraq Hurriya 5 12 Five people at a market are sectionalized by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 6 14 Sunni bombers take out six innocents at a market frequented by Shia.
2013.10.27 Bangladesh Jhenidah 2 0 At least two opposition party officials are stabbed to death by Islamic loyalists.
2013.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Sunni 'insurgents' take out five Iraqi civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.10.27 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 6 18 Six patrons at a market are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Four Iraqis are taken out by an al-Qaeda car bomb.
2013.10.27 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 7 Three civilians are killed when religious hardliners open up on a passing security patrol.
2013.10.26 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 A family of seven is exterminated in their home by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.10.26 Lebanon Tripoli 13 56 Clashes between Sunni and Shia leave thirteen dead.
2013.10.26 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A journalist dies from gunshot injuries suffered during an attack blamed on al-Shabaab.
2013.10.26 Pakistan Mastung 2 3 A bomb targeting Shia pilgrims leaves two dead.
2013.10.26 Pakistan Malam Jabba 1 0 A member of a peace committee is shot in his car by Muslim militants.
2013.10.25 Iran Sistan 14 7 A Sunni group, Jaish-ul Adl, claims an attack that left fourteen dead.
2013.10.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite near a college.
2013.10.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Four people at a cafe are taken out in mid-bite by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.10.25 Iraq Baqubah 7 8 A series of bomb attacks leave seven Iraqis dead inside their homes.
2013.10.25 Iraq Mosul 3 7 A woman is among three people cut down by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.25 Iraq Yusufiya 5 15 Islamic bombers pull five people at a market into separate pieces.
2013.10.25 Syria Suq Wadi Barada 40 36 Terrorists set off a massive car bomb outside a rival mosque, killing at least forty worshippers including children.
2013.10.25 Iraq Buhriz 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.10.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 3 Islamic terrorists are suspected in an IED attack that leaves an 8-year-old boy dead and three others injured.
2013.10.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Muslim terrorists open fire on a restaurant, killing four patrons.
2013.10.24 Iraq Madain 2 7 Cafe bombers take out two Iraqis.
2013.10.24 Iraq Yusifiyah 4 11 A bombing at a market leaves four dead.
2013.10.24 Iraq Mosul 3 30 A series of suicide bombings take the lives of three other people.
2013.10.24 Afghanistan Herat 6 0 Fundamentalists murder six people with a roadside bomb.
2013.10.24 Iraq Anbar 1 1 A woman is killed and her child injured by a suspected al-Qaeda bomb planted at her home.
2013.10.24 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 The life of a local policeman is cut short by religious radicals.
2013.10.24 Afghanistan Bla Murghab 4 3 A Taliban assault on a police post leaves four local officers dead.
2013.10.24 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A man dies from injuries suffered in a brutal bombing by those fighting for an Islamic state.
2013.10.24 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down a man outside his home.
2013.10.24 Nigeria Damaturu 35 0 At least thirty-five others are killed when Boko Haram Islamists assault a town.
2013.10.24 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A civilian is killed when Islamic militants fire rockets into a police station.
2013.10.23 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two policemen are cut down by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.10.23 Tunisia Sidi Bouzidi 8 4 Islamic extremists inside a house open up on security forces coming to arrest them, killing eight.
2013.10.23 Iraq Ramadi 14 0 Mujahideen kidnap fourteen local cops, then slit their throats.
2013.10.23 Iraq Mosul 7 12 al-Qaeda militants set off a bomb at a shopping mall that leaves five women and two children dead.
2013.10.23 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 8 A Mujahid bomb blast at a market sends two shoppers to Allah.
2013.10.23 Iraq Musayyab 4 2 Four local cops are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.23 Egypt Tamada 1 0 Islamists shoot a local soldier through the head.
2013.10.23 Mali Tessalit 3 0 Three people are killed during a suicide assault by Jihadists.
2013.10.23 Syria Deir al-Zor 1 0 Video surfaces of a man being beheaded in front of children to cries of 'Allah Akbar'.
2013.10.23 Iraq Ghazaliyah 3 11 Roadside bombers take out three Iraqis.
2013.10.23 Iraq Madain 4 9 A Religion of Peace bomb blast at a market leaves four dead.
2013.10.23 Iraq Mosul 8 0 al-Qaeda gunmen kill six people, then kidnap and kill two others in captivity.
2013.10.23 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 A government tax employee is shot to death.
2013.10.22 Iraq Hit 3 4 al-Qaeda members shoot a mortar into a house, killing three family members including a child.
2013.10.22 Iraq Mosul 2 1 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2013.10.22 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 7 9 A young girl is among seven murdered in a series of Jihad attack, including a suicide bombing.
2013.10.22 Iraq Rutba 10 6 Ten Iraqis are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.22 Iraq Ramadi 7 43 Mujahideen spray machine-gun fire into vehicles along a highway, killing at least seven.
2013.10.22 Egypt Sinai 2 5 Two Egyptians are incinerated by Islamic bombers.
2013.10.21 Iraq Fallujah 7 20 Two suicide bombers take out seven Iraqi policemen.
2013.10.21 Nigeria Borno 10 0 Pro-Sharia militants burn down houses and shoot dead ten villagers.
2013.10.21 Russia Volgograd 6 37 A Muslim woman detonates an explosives-laden suicide vest on a bus, killing six strangers.
2013.10.21 Pakistan Rawalpindi 5 16 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls on a train straight to Allah.
2013.10.21 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 A young couple is pulled out of their home and beheaded for living in sin.
2013.10.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a man to death in front of his house.
2013.10.20 Syria Hama 43 36 Over forty motorists are obliterated by a Shahid suicide truck bomber at an agricultural exchange.
2013.10.20 Kenya Kilifi 1 0 Muslims pull a Pentecostal church cleric into the bushes and strangle him.
2013.10.20 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot a Christian pastor in the head as he is preparing a Bible study.
2013.10.20 Nigeria Logumani 19 0 Boko Haram members block traffic along a highway, then shoot and hack nineteen motorists to death.
2013.10.20 Iraq Samarrah 6 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a family of six.
2013.10.20 Iraq Narathiwat 5 13 A series of bombings and shootings by Muslim 'insurgents' leaves five dead villagers.
2013.10.20 Egypt Warraq 4 18 Muslim radicals open fire at church, murdering the pastor, one woman and two young girls.
2013.10.20 Pakistan Peshawar 4 0 Sunni hardliners roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun four local cops at point-blank range.
2013.10.20 Iraq Abu Disher 1 0 An imam is gunned down at his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.10.20 Iraq Rawa 8 28 Eight suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person apiece, including a child.
2013.10.20 Iraq Baaj 8 5 Women are among eight Iraqis taken out by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 54 70 Over fifty innocents lose their lives when one suicide bomber detonates at a packed cafe and another catches others rushing to help.
2013.10.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists murder a father of five young children for spreading his Christian faith.
2013.10.19 Syria Jaramana 16 12 At least sixteen people are killed by a suicide bomber at a checkpoint.
2013.10.19 Somalia Beledweyne 16 40 Sixteen people at a restaurant are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Sunni bombers hit a Shia mosque with a blast that rips three worshippers into pieces.
2013.10.18 Iraq Baghdad 12 23 Children are heavily represented among the dozen Iraqis blown up outside an ice cream shop.
2013.10.18 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 A policeman is shot to death by an Islamic extremist.
2013.10.18 Yemen Ahwar 12 6 Twelve local soldiers are sent to Allah by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber.
2013.10.18 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a man seventeen times outside his home.
2013.10.18 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Four children are among a family of six exterminated by pro-Sharia bombers.
2013.10.18 Iraq Mashtal 3 12 Three Iraqis are taken down by Islamic terrorists.
2013.10.18 Iraq Baqubah 4 5 Two members of the same family are among four people killed by al-Qaeda.
2013.10.18 Iraq Sinjar 4 0 A mother and her three sons are shot to death by Sunni fundamentalists over their status as religious minorities.
2013.10.18 Syria Deir Ezzor 10 0 Ten captured soldiers are executed by al-Nusra.
2013.10.18 Russia Dugulubgei 2 0 Two people are killed during the attempted bombing of a mosque.
2013.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 11 22 Eleven innocents are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers in a Shia suburb.
2013.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 8 15 Islamists set off a bomb in a Christian neighborhood, killing at least eight residents.
2013.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 14 Seven patrons at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2013.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 11 54 A Shahid suicide blast is one of several bombings that leave eight dead and dozens more in agony.
2013.10.17 Tunisia Beja 2 1 Two police officers are killed by religious radicals.
2013.10.17 Iraq al-Muwaffaqiyah 15 60 Fifteen members of a religious minority community are dismantled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.17 Iraq Mosul 1 3 A child is murdered in a targeted Sunni terror attack on a minority religious family.
2013.10.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 4 27 Four people are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast.
2013.10.16 Iraq Abu Saida 2 3 Jihadi bombers pick off two members of the same family.
2013.10.16 Iraq Abu Ghraib 5 16 A 4-year-old is among five children who bleed to death after terrorists set off a blast in front of a playground.
2013.10.16 Syria Daraa 21 12 Four children and six women are among twenty-one people exterminated by a Sunni car bomb blast on Eid.
2013.10.16 Pakistan Kulachi 9 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out nine people at a small village.
2013.10.16 Pakistan Swat 3 10 Three people are killed in two attacks by Islamist militants.
2013.10.15 Iraq Mosul 2 0 'Insurgents' murder two brothers on their way to a rival mosque.
2013.10.15 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by al-Qaeda.
2013.10.15 Iraq Kirkuk 12 24 Radical bombers murder a dozen worshippers at a rival mosque.
2013.10.15 Afghanistan Logar 2 18 Fundamentalists kill an official at a mosque with a bomb hidden in the microphone.
2013.10.15 Yemen Lahj 2 4 Two guards at a checkpoint are cut down by an al-Qaeda drive-by.
2013.10.14 Iraq Yathrib 3 6 Three Iraqis bleed out following an attack by Jihadi bombers.
2013.10.14 Ethiopia Addis Ababa 0 0 Two suicide bombers kill only themselves outside a stadium hosting a World Cup qualifier.
2013.10.13 Afghanistan Nuristan 7 9 Fundamentalists fire a rocket into a bazaar, killing seven civilians.
2013.10.13 Afghanistan Kunar 2 0 Two children, ages 8 and 10, are executed by the Taliban on charges of "spying".
2013.10.13 Iraq Hillah 8 27 Eight shoppers at a market bleed out following a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2013.10.13 Iraq Kut 4 31 Muslim terrorists set off a shrapnel bomb in a bus station, killing at least four commuters.
2013.10.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A child is among two members of a religious minority shot by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.10.13 Iraq Baghdad 14 17 Three al-Qaeda bomb blasts, one at a soccer field, leave fourteen dead.
2013.10.13 Iraq Samarrah 9 22 A car bomb at a funeral takes out five mourners.
2013.10.13 Iraq Samarrah 4 10 Four Iraqis are blown to bits a Shiite shrine by Sunni suicide bombers.
2013.10.13 Iraq Diwaniya 9 56 Bombs at an ice cream shop and a bakery leave nine dead.
2013.10.13 Syria Darkush 39 27 Islamists detonate a car bomb near a market, killing nearly forty.
2013.10.12 Iraq Tuz Khormato 4 7 A brutal IED attack on a market leaves four shoppers dead.
2013.10.12 Pakistan Wana 2 2 A suicide car bomber takes out two Pakistanis.
2013.10.12 Iraq Samarrah 24 32 Women and several young children are among two dozen shoppers disassembled by Islamic bombers along a crowded sidewalk.
2013.10.12 Afghanistan Jalalabad 4 8 Four people are incinerated by a suicide bomber.
2013.10.12 Scotland Stirling 1 0 A Muslim burns his 'too Westernized' wife to death after asserting that Islam teaches a man's superiority over women.
2013.10.12 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 4 7 Suspected Islamists target a wedding party, killing four members.
2013.10.11 Yemen Lahj 1 4 A suicide bomber at a market and a separate shooting leave at least one dead victim.
2013.10.11 Pakistan Machi Goth 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is shot to death by her conservative family over a suspected sexual affair.
2013.10.11 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A car mechanic is taken out by Muslim gunmen.
2013.10.10 Syria Jaramana 11 23 Eleven people are killed when Sunni terrorists fire mortars into a Christian neighborhood.
2013.10.10 Egypt al-Reesa 4 3 Four people are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.10 Pakistan Lahore 1 13 Jihadis bomb a bustling food market, killing at least one.
2013.10.10 Yemen Mukalla 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate a local official.
2013.10.10 Syria al-Qusayr 6 0 Video surfaces of Hezbollah militants executing seriously wounded prisoners while praising Allah.
2013.10.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Muslim terrorists take out three people with a bomb in a commercial district.
2013.10.10 Israel Mshadmot Mehola 1 1 An Israeli couple is attacked in a residential area. The husband is bludgeoned to death.
2013.10.09 Afghanistan Helmand 3 4 Three Afghans are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.09 Iraq Baiji 4 6 al-Qaeda gunmen roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun four local cops.
2013.10.09 Iraq Kut 8 7 Eight poultry workers on a truck are torn to shreds by Mujahid bombers.
2013.10.09 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 55-year-old female teacher is killed during an ambush by Muslim militants.
2013.10.09 Thailand Yala 7 22 Thirty-one bombs planted next to ATMs leave seven people dead.
2013.10.09 Syria Aleppo 10 6 At least ten Syrians are blown up by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.08 Iraq Zafaraniyah 9 16 Nine people are killed in a series of attacks including a car bomb at a restaurant in a Shiite neighborhood.
2013.10.08 CAR Gaga 40 50 Forty civilians are reported killed by Seleka rebels.
2013.10.08 Russia Kabardino-Balkaria 2 0 Suspected Islamists shoot a judge and a businessman to death.
2013.10.07 Pakistan Mardan 4 0 Two children are among a family of four brutally 'honor killed' in their own home.
2013.10.07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians on a motorcycle are shot in the head by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.10.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 54-year-old Shia doctor and father of four is brutally cut down in his clinic by Sunni gunmen.
2013.10.07 Pakistan Peshawar 6 12 Religious radicals target a polio team with a bomb, killing six.
2013.10.07 Egypt Ismailiya 5 0 Five local cops are machine-gunned by drive-by Islamists.
2013.10.07 Egypt al-Tour 5 48 Salafis set off a car bomb near an apartment complex that leaves at least five dead.
2013.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 al-Qaeda bombers set off a blast in a neighborhood that wipes out four residents.
2013.10.07 Iraq Husseiniya 7 21 Seven people at a market are taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.10.07 Iraq Zafaraniyah 6 21 Two car bombs in a Shiite neighborhood leave six dead.
2013.10.07 Iraq Obeidi 5 8 Five people lose their lives to al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three patrons at a coffee shop are dismantled by Sunni bombers.
2013.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 8 22 al-Qaeda bombers murder eight Iraqis with two bombs in a commercial district.
2013.10.07 Iraq Dora 4 8 Four shoppers are taken out by Muslim terrorists.
2013.10.07 Iraq Sadiyah 3 10 al-Qaeda hit a shopping district with a bomb that takes the lives of three innocents.
2013.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 A half-dozen Iraqis are murdered by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.10.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 A German man is gunned down by al-Qaeda at a grocery store.
2013.10.06 Iraq Tal Afar 15 90 Fourteen children (ages 6 - 12) are disassembled along with their principal by a Shahid suicide bomber at a playground.
2013.10.06 Iraq Baghdad 14 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber exterminates over a dozen Shiite pilgrims on foot.
2013.10.06 Nigeria Gwoza 2 0 Islamists shout praises to Allah as they shoot a nurse to death and slit a guard's throat.
2013.10.06 Pakistan Bannu 3 8 Three people are blown up by Islamic extremists.
2013.10.05 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiite electrical employees are gunned down by Sunnis on their way home from work.
2013.10.05 Iraq Baghdad 51 109 Scores of Shiite pilgrims are reduced to a bloody pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber along a bridge.
2013.10.05 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 A Mujahideen bomb at a cafe leaves three dead.
2013.10.05 Iraq Yusufiya 3 5 al-Qaeda bombers take down three Iraqis.
2013.10.05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two local journalists are murdered by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.10.05 Iraq Balad 16 32 Over a dozen innocents at a cafe in a Shiite town are incinerated by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.10.05 Nigeria Damboa 5 0 Five people are slain by Boko Haram rivals as they are leaving a mosque.
2013.10.05 CAR Bangassou 9 0 Nine Christians protesting violence by Muslim 'rebels' are killed when their demonstration is attacked.
2013.10.05 Pakistan Charbagh 2 0 Two members of a peace committee are gunned down in cold blood by Religion of Peace radicals.
2013.10.05 Israel Pesagot 0 1 A Palestinian sniper hits a 9-year-old Jewish girl in the neck outside her house.
2013.10.05 India Andhra Pradesh 1 0 A jeweler is killed during a robbery to 'fund Jihad operations.'
2013.10.04 Pakistan Islamabad 0 3 Two Christian teens and their uncle are badly beaten in their own home for refusing to embrace Islam.
2013.10.04 Kenya Mombasa 5 0 Five people are shot to death on orders of an Islamic terrorist.
2013.10.04 Afghanistan Qaisar 2 9 Taliban bombers kill two locals.
2013.10.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A targeted sectarian attack leaves a Shia cloth trader dead and his son wounded.
2013.10.04 Egypt Ismailiya 2 1 Islamists shoot two local cops to death.
2013.10.04 Iraq Anbar 3 5 Three Iraqis are taken down by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.10.04 Iraq Salaheddin 3 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three other people.
2013.10.04 Lebanon Tripoli 27 358 Sectarian bombers target a rival mosque, killing over two dozen worshippers.
2013.10.03 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 Two civilians are killed in their own home by Sunni bombers.
2013.10.03 Pakistan Spin Tall 17 22 A Tehrik-i-Taliban suicide bomber murders seventeen people, including a woman and child.
2013.10.03 Iraq Madain 5 13 Five teens at a soccer field are exterminated by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.10.03 Afghanistan Nawa 4 2 Four local soldiers are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2013.10.02 Pakistan Parachinar 1 2 A Shiite father is shot to death in his own home by Sunni gunmen.
2013.10.02 Thailand Yala 2 5 Muslim terrorists attack a group of soldiers guarding teachers and kill two.
2013.10.02 Yemen Hadramout 5 0 Five local cops are murdered by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.10.02 Afghanistan Chaman 8 16 A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide vest at a border crossing, sending eight innocents to the hereafter.
2013.10.02 Thailand Yala 4 3 Children are among the casualties of a Muslim 'separatist' bomb blast.
2013.10.02 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 Bombs near an ice cream shop leave four dead.
2013.10.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Sunnis bomb a Shia vegetable market, killing two vendors.
2013.10.01 Pakistan Rawalpindi 4 0 A Shiite doctor, his wife and two young children are brutally executed in their own home by sectarian killers.
2013.10.01 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 0 Two off-duty cops are gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2013.10.01 Iraq Tikrit 5 0 Five Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.10.01 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen take down a local Shiite.
2013.10.01 Yemen Aden 2 4 A suicide bomber purges two civilians outside a theater.
2013.09.30 Iraq Sadr City 7 16 Jihadis set off a bomb at a packed Shiite vegetable market, killing at least seven patrons.
2013.09.30 Iraq Kadhimiya 9 25 Two Religion of Peace car bombs go off at a town square, leaving at least nine dead.
2013.09.30 Iraq Shaab 5 30 al-Qaeda bombers murder five Iraqis with three blasts.
2013.09.30 Iraq Mosul 3 3 Three people are ripped apart by a Sunni bomb blast at a Shia market.
2013.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 24 78 Two dozen Iraqis are brought down by al-Qaeda bombers in a series of attacks around the city.
2013.09.30 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2013.09.30 Afghanistan Takhar 2 0 Two people are killed when the Taliban spray a car with bullets.
2013.09.30 Egypt Ismailia 4 0 Two people eating breakfast are among four locals machine-gunned by Islamic hardliners.
2013.09.30 Yemen Mukalla 2 0 A suicide attack leaves at least two dead.
2013.09.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sunni gunmen murder an official at a Shia mosque.
2013.09.30 Pakistan Gilgit 1 0 A Shia cab driver is kidnapped and tortured to death by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.09.29 Yemen Taez 1 0 A local is shot to death in his car by al-Qaeda.
2013.09.29 Iraq Hussainya 5 14 'Insurgent' bombers snuff out five lives at a vegetable market.
2013.09.29 Iraq Shurqat 4 6 Four residents are killed when terrorists blow up a house.
2013.09.29 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0 A teacher at a secular school is assassinated by suspected Islamists.
2013.09.29 Iraq Mussayab 40 50 Forty people at a Shiite funeral join their beloved courtesy of a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.09.29 Nigeria Gujba 64 16 Sixty-four college students are slaughtered in the middle of the night by Boko Haram gunmen at their dorm.
2013.09.29 Pakistan Peshawar 42 107 Forty innocents at a packed market are torn to shreds by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2013.09.29 Iraq Irbil 6 40 An al-Qaeda suicide bombing leaves six others dead.
2013.09.29 Afghanistan Herat 5 0 Three farmers are among five people gunned down by the Taliban.
2013.09.28 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 Two civilians are left dead after a fundamentalist bomb attack.
2013.09.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 8 Women and children are among the casualties of a bombing by religious hardliners.
2013.09.28 Mali Timbuktu 2 6 Two civilians on a horse-cart are sent to Allah by Shahid suicide bombers.
2013.09.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 15 al-Qaeda militants blow up four houses, killing people sleeping inside.
2013.09.28 Nigeria Zangang 15 12 Muslim militia attack a Christian village, hacking to death fifteen residents and burning down their homes.
2013.09.27 Pakistan Peshawar 19 46 Hardliners fighting for an Islamic state blow up nineteen passengers on a bus.
2013.09.27 Syria Rankus 37 100 Thirty-seven people are reportedly killed by a terrorist car bomb at a mosque.
2013.09.27 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamists shoot a cop to death outside a hotel.
2013.09.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is killed during an ambush by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.09.27 Iraq Mosul 2 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2013.09.27 Iraq Baghdad 9 33 Jihadis bomb two rival mosques, killing at least nine worshippers.
2013.09.27 Nigeria Saminaka 3 0 Three guards are killed when Boko Haram cadres attack a bank.
2013.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 19 50 Holy Warriors bomb two marketplaces in Shia areas, killing nineteen.
2013.09.26 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rescue worker is slain by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.09.26 India Kashmir 10 4 Muslim terrorists go on a 6-hour rampage, eventually killing ten other people.
2013.09.26 Kenya Mandera 2 3 al-Shabaab militants ambush and kill two innocents.
2013.09.26 Nigeria Dorawa 3 0 A Pastor and his son are among three people machine-gunned by Religion of Peace enthusiasts.
2013.09.26 Iraq Tikrit 4 0 An al-Qaeda bomb blast leaves four dead.
2013.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 20 71 A Shahid suicide bomber murders twenty other people at a packed Shia marketplace.
2013.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 8 14 Eight people including women and children are pulled into pieces by Jihadi bombers at a Sunni commercial center.
2013.09.26 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 2 0 A young couple is shot to death for getting married without the father's permission.
2013.09.26 Nigeria Gamboru 27 0 Twenty-seven villagers are massacred by terrorists fighting for an Islamic state.
2013.09.26 Yemen Huta 1 0 A homosexual is executed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.09.25 Libya Derna 2 0 Two Christians are invited to embrace Islam, then tied up and shot when they refuse.
2013.09.25 Yemen Ataq 1 0 A Religion of Peace suicide bomber manages to kill one other person.
2013.09.25 Iraq Hawijah 10 22 Ten Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Three small children and their parents are among six family members brutally murdered in their home by Islamic terrorists.
2013.09.25 Iraq Balad 5 3 Jihadis kill five locals with a car bomb.
2013.09.25 Pakistan Mohmand 3 7 Muslim militants attack a dam, killing three construction workers.
2013.09.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 0 A judge and his son are shot to death in their car by suspected Islamists.
2013.09.25 Kenya Wajir 1 3 al-Shabaab claims credit for a grenade attack near a Catholic church.
2013.09.24 Iraq Haditha 9 0 al-Qaeda launch a suicide attack on local police, killing at least nine.
2013.09.24 Syria Damascus 7 15 Seven people are killed when Sunni terrorists set off a car bomb in a residential neighborhood.
2013.09.23 Iraq Sadr City 2 10 Terrorists bomb a cafe in a Shiite area, killing two patrons.
2013.09.23 Iraq Ramadi 3 4 Three Iraqis are taken down by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.09.23 Iraq Yusufiya 3 2 A Shiite married couple and their child are murdered in their home by Sunni gunmen.
2013.09.23 Pakistan Pishin 5 5 Two civilians and three police are blown to bits by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers.
2013.09.23 Pakistan Gilgit 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite outside his house.
2013.09.23 Afghanistan Chardara 1 0 A man is shot to death on his way to work by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.09.23 Egypt Ismailiya 1 0 Islamists gun down a cop.
2013.09.23 India Srinagar 1 1 Islamic militants murder a man shopping at a market.
2013.09.23 Iraq Adhamiyah 16 34 Sixteen mourners are killed when yet another funeral is targeted by sectarian bombers.
2013.09.23 Dagestan Tabasaransky 2 16 Two others are killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber at a police station.
2013.09.23 Philippines North Cotabato 8 15 Eight people lose their lives when Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters storm a town a take hostages.
2013.09.23 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Jihadis bomb an ambulance carrying a pregnant woman.
2013.09.23 Syria al-Thawra 1 0 A Christian is killed in a targeted attack by Islamists.
2013.09.23 DRC Watalinga 3 30 Islamist rebels kill three people and abduct thirty others.
2013.09.22 Afghanistan Shorabak 11 0 Eleven local cops are sprayed with Taliban machine-gun fire.
2013.09.22 Iraq Kirkuk 0 51 A car bomb targeting educators leaves over fifty injured.
2013.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Six Iraqis are shot to death by Mujahideen, including four young people at a refreshment shop.
2013.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 35 A sectarian suicide bomber hits a funeral, killing at least a dozen mourners.
2013.09.22 Israel Hebron 1 0 An Israeli soldier is killed by a Palestinian sniper.
2013.09.22 Pakistan Peshawar 105 150 Two Jundullah suicide bombers obliterate over one-hundred worshippers at a church service, including many women and children.
2013.09.22 Yemen Maarib 4 2 Four tribesmen lose their lives to an al-Qaeda ambush.
2013.09.21 Syria Aleppo 40 0 Forty FSA rebels are reportedly beheaded by the al-Qaeda group, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
2013.09.21 Iraq Azamiyah 4 0 Fundamentalist gunmen kill four people at a store selling alcohol.
2013.09.21 Iraq Ur 9 14 Jihadi car bombers strike a commercial district, taking out nine Iraqis.
2013.09.21 Kenya Nairobi 68 175 Nearly seventy shoppers are murdered by Islamic activists in a targeted attack on non-Muslims at a shopping mall. The victims include children and pregnant women.
2013.09.21 Somalia Bakaro 2 6 Two businessmen are killed when Muslim militants toss a grenade into a building.
2013.09.21 Iraq Sadr City 72 120 Women and children are amply represented among over seventy people massacred by a Shahid suicide bomber at a funeral.
2013.09.21 Iraq Beiji 7 21 Seven Iraqis are taken out by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber.
2013.09.21 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 Three NATO soldiers are shot in the back by a Taliban in police uniform.
2013.09.21 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 33-year-old woman is strangled by her family after having being accused of 'violating Allah's law'.
2013.09.21 Nigeria Chibok 2 0 Two abducted woman are shot to death for refusing to be suicide bombers.
2013.09.20 Israel Qalqiliya 1 0 A Israeli soldier is kidnapped and murdered by Fatah.
2013.09.20 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 A woman is murdered by her brother on suspicion of sex outside of marriage.
2013.09.20 Philippines Zamboanga 3 1 Muslim 'rebels' set off a bomb on a bus that leaves three dead.
2013.09.20 Iraq Samarra 18 21 Terrorists detonate two bombs at a rival mosque, which snuff out the lives of eighteen worshippers.
2013.09.20 Yemen Shabwa 65 38 Three suicide bombings claim the lives of at least sixty-five local soldiers and guards.
2013.09.19 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten Iraqis are rounded up by al-Qaeda and shot in the head.
2013.09.19 Iraq Haswa 9 30 Islamic 'insurgents' blow up nine innocent people.
2013.09.19 Iraq Ishaqi 6 18 Terrorists gun down a shop owner and leave a bomb that takes five other lives.
2013.09.19 Pakistan Peshawar 3 20 Islamic militants murder three people near a mosque.
2013.09.19 Bangladesh Sirajganj 1 1 Jamaat-e-Islami kill an innocent person.
2013.09.19 Pakistan Landhi 1 9 Sectarian Jihadis hurl a hand grenade into a mosque, killing one person.
2013.09.19 Pakistan Karachi 3 18 Religion of Peace rivals storm a mosque and murder at least three worshippers.
2013.09.19 Afghanistan Badakhshan 10 16 At least ten local cops lose their lives during a massive Taliban ambush.
2013.09.19 Syria Jbourin 19 4 Sunni terrorists are suspected of a bus bombing that leaves nineteen dead.
2013.09.19 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shiites are shot to death along a city street by Lashkar-e-Jhagvi.
2013.09.18 Afghanistan Badakhshan 18 13 Eighteen local police officers are slaughtered by Sunni radicals.
2013.09.18 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 Sunni hardliners shoot a man to death on his way in to work.
2013.09.18 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shiites are shot to death by Sunni militants.
2013.09.18 Bangladesh Noakhali 1 0 A rickshaw driver is stoned to death by Jamaat-e-Islami supporters.
2013.09.18 Nigeria Benisheik 161 0 Boko Haram Islamists massacre over one-hundred and sixty villagers.
2013.09.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 59-year-old construction worker to death.
2013.09.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A middle-aged Buddhist couple are murdered by militant Muslims.
2013.09.17 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Islamists murder two local soldiers in a street attack.
2013.09.17 Iraq Sadr City 6 18 Two al-Qaeda car bombs leave six dead.
2013.09.17 Iraq Madaen 5 0 Three children, ages 2 to 9, are butchered along with their parents during an al-Qaeda home invasion.
2013.09.17 Iraq Husseiniya 8 20 Islamists set off a blast in a commercial district that takes the lives of eight innocents.
2013.09.17 Iraq Fallujah 8 12 Three suicide bombers kill eight Iraqis.
2013.09.17 Iraq Baghdad 17 85 Seventeen people are blown to bits in a series of Mujahideen bombings.
2013.09.17 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four activists of a secular-leaning political party are machine-gunned at a shop by suspected Islamists.
2013.09.16 Iraq Mosul 1 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2013.09.16 Iraq Tarmiya 2 5 Two civilians are taken out by Mujahid bombers.
2013.09.16 Chechnya Sernovodsk 3 6 Suicide bombers take out three policemen at their station.
2013.09.16 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A prominent policewoman dies days after being shot in the neck in a targeted assassination.
2013.09.16 Egypt Arish 1 8 A civilian loses their life to an Islamist rocket.
2013.09.16 Ingushetia Nesterovskaya 1 1 A suicide car bomber kills one other person.
2013.09.15 Pakistan Jawaki 3 0 Three women are 'honor' killed on orders of a jirga because one left her husband and the other two helped.
2013.09.15 Pakistan Upper Dir 3 0 Taliban bombers murder three local military officers.
2013.09.15 Iraq Hillah 15 29 Two car bombs at an outdoor market leave fifteen patrons dead.
2013.09.15 Iraq Iskandariyah 4 9 An al-Qaeda car bomb at a parking lot kills four people.
2013.09.15 Iraq Karbalah 5 25 Sunni bombers take out five Shiites at an industrial area.
2013.09.15 Iraq Kut 9 45 Nine Iraqis die in a series of Jihad attacks.
2013.09.15 Iraq Abu Sayda 3 0 Terrorists shoot three farmers to death in their own home.
2013.09.15 Iraq Basra 8 26 al-Qaeda bombers take down eight Shiites.
2013.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Three terrorist bombings leave a dozen dead.
2013.09.15 Iraq Rashid 4 0 Two children and their parents are brutally slain in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.09.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sunni drive-by shooters.
2013.09.15 Dagestan Kizlyar 1 0 A moderate activist is murdered outside his home by suspected pro-Sharia radicals.
2013.09.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian's throat is slit on the street after being branded an 'infidel' and blasphemer.
2013.09.14 Iraq Mosul 3 1 A Shiite mother, father and child are slain in their home by Sunni gunmen.
2013.09.14 Iraq Dujail 5 0 An 11-year-old boy and a married couple are among five Iraqis murdered in separate attacks by Mujahideen.
2013.09.14 Thailand Pattani 2 4 Two local soldiers are killed by Muslim roadside bombers.
2013.09.14 Yemen al-Qatn 2 8 Two local soldiers are killed in an al-Qaeda ambush.
2013.09.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 3 Three civilians are disassembled by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.09.14 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite.
2013.09.14 Iraq Mosul 27 36 Over two-dozen people at a Shia funeral are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.09.14 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 5 Three Iraqis are taken out by Mujahid bombers.
2013.09.14 Iraq Ramadi 2 3 A woman is among two people shot to death in their car by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.09.14 Pakistan Darra 2 4 Two people on an archaeological dig are disassembled by Islamist bombers.
2013.09.13 Syria Damascus 2 5 A child is among two killed in a Sunni attack on a Shia shrine.
2013.09.13 Tanzania Zanzibar 0 1 Muslims throw acid on a priest, badly burning him.
2013.09.13 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Four children and their parents are slaughtered in their home by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.09.13 Iraq Baqubah 32 43 Thirty worshippers at a Sunni mosque are massacred by two bombs set by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.09.13 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three Shiite pilgrims are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.09.13 Israel Yata 1 0 A 15-year-old girl is hanged by her mother for getting pregnant.
2013.09.13 Afghanistan Herat 3 17 Three Afghan guards are killed during a Taliban attack on the U.S. consulate.
2013.09.13 Philippines Zamboanga 16 28 An additional sixteen people are reported killed during a Moro Islamist siege.
2013.09.12 Philippines Basilan 1 4 Islamists gun down a local man.
2013.09.12 Iraq Kirkuk 3 31 A Shahid suicide bomber sends three Iraqis to the hereafter.
2013.09.12 Iraq Basra 4 0 Four Muslims are taken out in two bomb attacks by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.09.12 Indonesia Jember 1 0 An Islamic mob, angered by the vandalism of a mosque beat a fisherman to death.
2013.09.12 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Militant Muslims fire on soldiers helping villagers repair houses, killing three.
2013.09.12 Egypt Sahel Selim 2 0 Two Copts are shot to death for refusing to pay Jizya to Muslims.
2013.09.11 Egypt Rafah 11 17 A Fedayeen suicide car bombing leaves eleven dead.
2013.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 31 57 At least thirty Shia worshippers are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber at the entrance of their mosque.
2013.09.11 Thailand Pattani 5 0 Muslim 'insurgents' spray a police car with machine-gun fire, killing five passengers.
2013.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 15 8 At least one child is among fifteen Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.09.11 Nigeria Adamawa 2 1 Two officers are killed during a Boko Haram assault on a police station.
2013.09.11 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A Shia scholar is brought down outside his home by Sunni assassins.
2013.09.11 Syria Deir al-Zour 35 0 An 'Australian' suicide bomber kills three dozen soldiers guarding an airport.
2013.09.10 Syria Maksar al-Hesan 30 0 Women and children are among thirty villagers massacred by al-Nusra over their status as religious minorities at the urging of a cleric.
2013.09.10 Iraq Yusufiyah 6 0 Terrorists invade a home and murder six family members preparing for a funeral.
2013.09.10 Iraq Latifiya 4 14 Islamists plant a bomb inside a coffee shop that leaves four dead.
2013.09.10 Iraq Baqubah 10 34 Ten people at an outdoor market are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.09.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Sunni Mujahideen take down three Shiites at a soccer field.
2013.09.10 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Sectarian Jihadis kill four people, including a Shia scholar.
2013.09.10 Thailand Yala 2 2 Two people are purged when Muslim 'rebels' set off a bomb at a school.
2013.09.10 Yemen Amran 42 0 Over three dozen people are killed during an armed clash between Sunni Islah and Shiite Huthi .
2013.09.10 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 17 Three children are among seven civilians blown to bits by the Taliban.
2013.09.10 Afghanistan Musa Qala 5 0 Five civilians are taken down by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.09.10 Egypt Dalga 1 0 A 60-year-old Copt is killed while defending his home from a Muslim mob.
2013.09.09 Pakistan Landi Kotal 3 4 Religious extremists behead three members of a peace committee.
2013.09.09 Philippines Zamboanga 6 24 Moro Islamists invade a coastal village, killing six people and taking hostages.
2013.09.08 Syria Maaloula 3 6 Three Christians are murdered in their home, and six others taken hostage by Islamists.
2013.09.08 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.09.08 Iraq Basra 6 0 Four women are among six family members slain in their home by Muslim terrorists.
2013.09.08 Pakistan Khyber 5 2 Islamic militants kill five villagers.
2013.09.08 Iraq Jalula 3 10 Two suicide bombers murder three Iraqis.
2013.09.08 Nigeria Benisheik 12 18 A dozen defenders are killed during a Boko Haram assault on a village.
2013.09.08 Afghanistan Wardak 4 120 Four employees are killed during a sustained Taliban suicide assault on a government building.
2013.09.07 Egypt Sheikh Zuwayed 2 0 Two local soldiers die when Islamists detonate a shrapnel bomb.
2013.09.07 Syria Maaloula 3 0 At least three Christians are shot to death after declining an offer to embrace Islam.
2013.09.07 Iraq Taji 2 5 Two Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.09.07 Iraq Tikrit 3 5 Terrorists kill three local cops with a series of IED's.
2013.09.07 Dagestan Derbent 1 0 One person is left dead following an Islamist car bombing.
2013.09.07 India Muzaffarnagar 3 0 Three Hindus are waylaid, murdered and dumped in a river by Muslims in an attack that provoked reprisals.
2013.09.07 Somalia Hamarweyne 18 31 Eighteen people are pulled into pieces by a suicide bomber outside a restaurant.
2013.09.06 Pakistan Peshawar 6 1 Six people including a child are shot to death in a drive-by attack by Muslim militants.
2013.09.06 Pakistan Orangi Town 1 0 A car dealer is murdered by Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.09.06 Egypt Minya 1 3 A Muslim Brotherhood attempt to violently breach a police station leaves a 6-year-old child dead.
2013.09.06 Pakistan Gujrat 7 2 Two children are among a family of seven Shiites exterminated in their home by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.09.05 Syria Damascus 4 6 Sunni terrorists detonate a car bomb in a Shia neighborhood that leaves four dead.
2013.09.05 Egypt al-Arish 2 8 Two local soldiers are killed in a terror attack by Islamists.
2013.09.05 Iraq Kirkuk 2 25 al-Qaeda car bombs leave two dead.
2013.09.05 Iraq Haswa 3 2 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.09.05 Nigeria Gajiram 15 12 Sharia proponents torch a village and shoot fifteen locals to death.
2013.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 0 3 Terrorists spray automatic weapons fire into a Shiite mosque.
2013.09.05 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A female writer is brutally gunned down by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.09.05 Egypt Nasr City 2 10 A suicide bomber praises Allah and then kills two bystanders.
2013.09.05 Pakistan Jamrud 0 16 A dozen girls are injured when the Taliban set off a bomb near their school.
2013.09.04 Iraq Baji 3 4 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned at point-blank range by al-Qaeda.
2013.09.04 Iraq Mosul 5 11 A suicide bomber eliminates five innocents.
2013.09.04 Afghanistan Shindand 4 0 The Taliban murder four local policemen at a checkpoint.
2013.09.04 Afghanistan Paktiya 1 0 A tribal leader is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2013.09.04 Syria Maaloula 8 27 At least eight defenders are killed when Islamists storm a Christian village and shell a church.
2013.09.04 Iraq Latifiyah 18 9 Eighteen Shiite family members are shot to death in their homes, including six children.
2013.09.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 A man and his two sons are shot to death in their own home by Islamic hardliners.
2013.09.04 Syria Maalula 1 0 Islamists slit the throat of a Christian for refusing to deny his faith, then taunt his fiancee.
2013.09.03 Nigeria Gura Dabwam 3 1 Muslims gun down a devout Christian villager and his two teenage sons.
2013.09.03 Nigeria Kunte-Kuru 6 0 A brutal assault by Muslim militia on the home of a Christian family leaves six members dead, including a 7-year-old child.
2013.09.03 Nigeria Jos 3 1 A father and his two children are murdered by suspected Muslim extremists.
2013.09.03 Iraq Tarmiya 12 39 Two Mujahid bombings leave a dozen dead.
2013.09.03 Iraq Arab Jubour 5 0 Three children and their parents are brutally slain in their own home by Muslim terrorists.
2013.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 29 180 Twenty-nine Iraqis are killed in a series of al-Qaeda attacks in Shiite areas.
2013.09.03 Afghanistan Khairabad 4 1 The Taliban murder four local security guards.
2013.09.03 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 0 Three police officers are killed by suspected Islamic militia.
2013.09.03 Iraq Husseiniyah 9 32 Sunnis bomb a restaurant popular with Shiites, leaving at least nine dead.
2013.09.03 Iraq Talibiyah 7 28 Seven innocents are cut to pieces by al-Qaeda bombers in a shopping district.
2013.09.03 Iraq Sadr City 3 8 Sunni terrorists detonate a bomb in a Shia neighborhood, killing three.
2013.09.03 Iraq Sadiyah 6 15 Back to back bombings take the lives of six Iraqis.
2013.09.03 Iraq Karradah 6 14 al-Qaeda bombers murder six people at an ice cream shop.
2013.09.03 Iraq Maamil 3 41 A Mujahideen car bomb rips through an outdoor market, leaving three dead.
2013.09.03 Nigeria Kaduna 10 0 Two children and their parents are among ten family members butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2013.09.03 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 30-year-old Shiite is shot to death in his shop by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.09.03 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A local mosque official is among three people gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2013.09.03 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A judge is assassinated by pro-Sharia radicals.
2013.09.03 Iraq Jabla 5 6 Five patrons are blown apart by Mujahid bombers at a restaurant.
2013.09.03 Syria Talkalakh 24 0 al-Nusra terrorists reportedly stop a train and behead twenty-four passengers, including a baby.
2013.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 8 14 Two suicide bombers take out eight Iraqis at a house.
2013.09.02 Iraq Baqubah 4 12 A Shahid suicide bomber rams a checkpoint, killing at least four other people.
2013.09.01 Nigeria Adu 9 3 Nine Christian villagers, including two children, are machine-gunned in their own homes by Muslim terrorists.
2013.09.01 Afghanistan Andar 7 0 The Taliban kidnap seven Afghans from their family homes, chain them together and then brutally execute them.
2013.09.01 Pakistan Miranshah 9 21 The Taliban murder nine local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2013.09.01 Pakistan Matta 1 0 Islamists gun down a man at a market.
2013.09.01 Somalia Beledweyne 1 1 A Christian woman is murdered in front of her child, in a targeted attack by Islamic radicals.
2013.09.01 Iraq Camp Ashraf 52 0 Shia militia enter a refugee camp, sort out fifty-two unarmed dissidents and summarily execute them.
2013.08.31 Pakistan Karachi 4 6 Four members of a secular-leaning political party are shot to death at a medical clinic.
2013.08.31 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.08.31 Yemen Lahj 1 0 An off-duty officer is gunned down by al-Qaeda assassins.
2013.08.31 Iraq Baghdad 5 4 Five worshippers at a mosque are machine-gunned by sectarian rivals.
2013.08.31 Iraq Ramadi 12 20 Women are among a dozen Iraqis torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.08.31 Iraq Dijail 3 3 Mujahideen use an IED to kill three little girls.
2013.08.31 Nigeria Borno 14 0 Fourteen nomadic herders are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2013.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 6 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders six innocents outside a bank.
2013.08.31 Afghanistan Sangin 12 0 A dozen Afghans are bombed and then machine-gunned to death by Religion of Peace hardliners.
2013.08.30 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 6 0 Five men and a pregnant woman are raked by Boko Haram automatic weapons fire.
2013.08.30 Afghanistan Dashi Archi 8 16 A Shahid suicide bomber slips into a funeral and murders eight mourners.
2013.08.30 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 13 18 Children make up the bulk of a dozen victims pulled into pieces by Islamist bombers.
2013.08.30 Nigeria Monguno 24 0 Two dozen village defense volunteers are ambushed and massacred by Boko Haram.
2013.08.29 Nigeria Jos 5 0 Five Christians are ordered off a bus and summarily executed by Religion of Peace activists.
2013.08.29 Afghanistan Wardak 11 0 The Taliban murder eleven local guards.
2013.08.29 Pakistan Punjab 1 1 A Shia is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba inside a medical clinic.
2013.08.29 Somalia El-Barde 2 7 At least two residents are slain during an al-Shabaab attack on a town.
2013.08.29 Iraq Samarrah 18 32 Eighteen Iraqis are blown to bits by Jihadi car bombers at a vegetable market.
2013.08.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' are suspected of shooting a 29-year-old villager in the neck and head.
2013.08.29 Yemen Huta 1 0 A gay man is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists at a market.
2013.08.29 Iraq Abu Grhaib 5 8 An al-Qaeda car bomb leaves five dead.
2013.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 7 23 A Sunni bomb blast in a Shiite neighborhood leaves seven dead.
2013.08.28 Iraq Sadr City 19 24 Two al-Qaeda car bombs send at least nineteen innocents to Allah.
2013.08.28 Iraq Mahmoudiya 5 15 A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide vest inside a restaurant, snuffing out the lives of at least five others.
2013.08.28 Iraq Kazimiyah 10 27 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters ten onlookers at the scene of an earlier bombing.
2013.08.28 Iraq Shaab 9 9 Nine Iraqis are killed when Mujahideen bomb a packed commercial area.
2013.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 133 A dozen Iraqis are taken out in a series of small-scale bombings and shootings by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
2013.08.28 Iraq Latifiya 12 0 al-Qaeda militants storm two homes and shoot a dozen family members to death, including four children as young as 4.
2013.08.28 Iraq Kadhimiya 5 30 Five Iraqis are blown to bits by Islamist bombers.
2013.08.28 Afghanistan Laskar Gah 4 15 Four civilians are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.08.28 Iraq Madaen 4 5 Four Iraqi soldiers are slain by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.08.28 Afghanistan Farah 6 10 Six Afghans are burned alive by Taliban militants.
2013.08.28 Afghanistan Helmand 3 4 Three Afghans bleed to death following a Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2013.08.28 Afghanistan Ghanzi 7 62 A Taliban attack leaves seven people dead, including police and civilians.
2013.08.28 Afghanistan Farah 15 10 Fifteen local cops are ambushed and murdered by the Taliban.
2013.08.28 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 The Taliban kidnap and kill a 9-year-old girl.
2013.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Muslim terrorists bomb the home of a tribal leader, killing five people.
2013.08.27 Pakistan Multan 1 0 A devout Muslim kills a woman who refused to marry him over his religious views.
2013.08.27 Pakistan Madaripur 0 30 Islamic fundamentalists attack a brothel and beat thirty up prostitutes.
2013.08.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a 55-year-old Shia civilian.
2013.08.27 Ingushetia Nizhnie Achaluki 2 0 Two men are shot to death in their car by Islamic militia.
2013.08.27 Afghanistan Herat 6 0 Four engineers are among six contractors found shot in the head by Sunni fundamentalists.
2013.08.27 Afghanistan Paktia 6 0 The Taliban execute six civilians.
2013.08.26 Pakistan Sakwar 2 0 Terrorists murder two sectarian rivals.
2013.08.26 Nigeria Damasak 6 6 Islamists pump machine-gun fire into a village a night, killing six sleeping residents.
2013.08.26 India Shopian 2 1 Two guards are shot to death by Islamic 'separatists'.
2013.08.26 Syria Latakia 1 0 Sunnis kidnap and murder a Shia cleric.
2013.08.26 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 10 A local soldier is killed during a Fedayeen suicide assault by a group of Taliban.
2013.08.26 Iraq Tarmiyah 6 0 Sunnis kidnap six Shiites from their homes and execute them.
2013.08.25 Iraq Madaen 7 30 Jihadis set off a bomb at a soccer field, killing seven people.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baqubah 13 36 al-Qaeda bomb a popular market, sending thirteen shoppers home in body bags.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baqubah 2 11 A child is among two members of a Shiite family killed when Sunnis bomb their home.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baqubah 5 8 A Shiite wedding is bombed by al-Qaeda, leaving five dead guests.
2013.08.25 Iraq Balad 5 21 Five Iraqis are exterminated by a terrorist bomb blast.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baghdad 10 25 Religion of Peace bombers take out ten patrons at an outdoor cafe.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baghdad 13 69 Thirteen Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen bombings.
2013.08.25 Nigeria Bama 14 9 Twenty-three youth are lured into a deadly ambush by Boko Haram Islamists.
2013.08.25 Yemen Sanaa 12 11 al-Qaeda plant a bomb on a bus that leaves a dozen air force cadets dead.
2013.08.25 Iraq Ramadi 3 0 Video surfaces of three Syrian truck drivers executed after failing a quiz on Sunni prayer by gunmen yelling 'Allah Akbar'.
2013.08.25 Iraq Nineveh 2 0 Two religious minorities are gunned down by Sunnis.
2013.08.25 Iraq Baqubah 4 21 Religion of Peace bombers take out a child and three nurses.
2013.08.25 Syria Hama 2 8 al-Nusra terrorists murder a local official and a civilian with a car bomb.
2013.08.25 Iraq Qaiyara 5 0 Five local soldiers are murdered and then burned by al-Qaeda.
2013.08.25 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 The Sunni Tehreek is suspected of murdering three members of secular-leaning political parties.
2013.08.25 Nigeria Nasarawa 0 7 Thirty Muslims attack a church armed with knives and clubs.
2013.08.25 Pakistan Khairpur 2 0 Two people lose their lives in an honor killing over free-will marriage.
2013.08.24 Thailand Yala 3 1 Muslim 'insurgents' machine-gun four elderly men sitting outside a tea shop.
2013.08.23 Pakistan Bhakkar 9 7 At least nine are killed when Ahle Sunnat Waljamaat and Shiites open fire on each other.
2013.08.23 Pakistan Islamabad 2 1 Two people are slain outside a seminary by sectarian rivals on a motorcycle.
2013.08.23 Iraq Adhamiyah 4 0 Four people are shot dead by Mujahideen.
2013.08.23 Iraq Mosul 2 12 A suicide truck bomber takes down two Iraqis.
2013.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 28 58 A barbaric suicide bombing at a park leaves over two dozen dead, mostly women and children.
2013.08.23 Yemen Shibam 2 6 Two people are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.08.23 Iraq Dujail 3 0 Jihadis break into a home and murder a man, his wife and elderly mother.
2013.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 18 Three worshippers at a mosque are sent directly to Allah by their Muslim brothers.
2013.08.23 Lebanon Tripoli 50 358 Fifty worshippers at two mosques are blown to bits in a sectarian bloodbath by rival bombers.
2013.08.22 Iraq Ramadi 14 10 Fourteen Iraqis die at the hands of a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.08.22 Pakistan Wana 5 0 Tehreeke-e-Taliban kill a former member and four others.
2013.08.22 Afghanistan Farah 1 15 A child is disassembled by Religion of Peace hardline bombers.
2013.08.22 Iraq Dujail 9 27 A Sunni wades into a Shia wedding party and detonates a suicide vest, slaughtering at least nine.
2013.08.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 9 Two people are incinerated when Tehreek-e-Taliban terrorists set off a bomb along a city street.
2013.08.22 Syria Aleppo 6 19 A suicide bomber targets a group of youth celebrating a graduation at a restaurant, killing six.
2013.08.21 Algeria Tlemcen 3 0 A father and son are among a group of hunters decapitated by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.08.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A 46-year-old Ahmadi is shot dead outside his home along with a neighbor by Sunni purists.
2013.08.21 Pakistan Multan 1 0 A cleric hacks his wife to death for "challenging Allah's orders" by refusing to wear a veil.
2013.08.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 An Islamic religion teacher is gunned down by Muslim extremists.
2013.08.21 Libya Tripoli 3 0 Sunnis are suspected in a sectarian shooting incident that leaves two Shiites and a passerby dead.
2013.08.21 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists murder a Shia doctor.
2013.08.21 Nigeria Gamboru Ngala 4 0 Islamic radicals lure four people out of their homes and then machine-gun them.
2013.08.21 Iraq Baghdad 16 36 Sixteen Iraqis are killed in various Mujahideen attacks.
2013.08.21 Yemen Aden 2 0 A father and son are cut down by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.08.20 Syria Damascus 1 0 A Shiite journalist is gunned down by al-Nusra.
2013.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Five people at a cafe are exterminated in mid-bite by an al-Qaeda bomb.
2013.08.20 Iraq Nasariya 3 21 Sunni hardliners set off a bomb at a power plant that leaves three dead.
2013.08.20 Iraq Hillah 6 15 A half-dozen innocents are slain by a brutal double-bombing.
2013.08.20 Iraq Amara 4 42 Holy Warriors bomb a commercial district, killing four Iraqis.
2013.08.20 Iraq Iskanadariyah 3 18 Terrorists plant bombs in a parking lot that take the lives of three innocents.
2013.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three people at a livestock market are sent to Allah by Islamist bombers.
2013.08.20 Nigeria Gwoza 2 0 Boko haram militants open fire on a group of police, killing two.
2013.08.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A young Buddhist teacher is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2013.08.20 Afghanistan Gulistan 11 17 The Taliban murder eleven local security personnel in two attacks.
2013.08.20 Afghanistan Logar 3 8 Three Afghans are taken apart by Islamist bombers.
2013.08.20 Nigeria Dumba 44 12 Forty-four villagers are mercilessly butchered by Islamists, who slit throats and even gouged out eyes.
2013.08.19 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis shoot a man and his nephew to death.
2013.08.19 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Three carpenters are among six Iraqis murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.08.19 Egypt Rafah 24 3 Islamic fundamentalists pull two dozen police officers off a bus and shoot them execution style.
2013.08.18 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Jihadi bombers target a supermarket and bus stop, killing four people.
2013.08.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A government employee is kidnapped, tortured and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2013.08.18 Iraq Muqdadiyah 1 0 A teacher is laid out by an 'insurgent' bomb.
2013.08.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 3 The Taliban murder two local cops with a roadside bomb.
2013.08.18 Egypt Sharquiya 1 10 Members of the al-Jihad Islamic group open fire on police officers, killing one.
2013.08.18 Egypt Minya 2 0 Islamists butcher two security guards on a boat owned by Christians.
2013.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A journalist is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.08.17 Syria al-Hasn 15 24 Fifteen Christian villagers are reportedly massacred by Sunni terrorists.
2013.08.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia civilian dies of injuries days after being assaulted by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.08.17 Egypt Minya 0 1 A Copt survives a brutal stabbing by Muslims while trying to put out a fire at a church.
2013.08.17 Egypt Sohag 1 0 A civilian is killed while trying to defend a church from the Muslim Brotherhood.
2013.08.17 Afghanistan Marjah 5 0 Three children and a woman are among a family of five pulled into pieces by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2013.08.17 Afghanistan Farah 2 3 A suicide bomber detonates inside a hospital, taking two civilians with him.
2013.08.17 Kenya Garissa 4 0 Four policemen are shot dead by al-Shabaab.
2013.08.17 Syria Ras al-Ain 2 0 Two ambulance drivers are shot to death by al-Nusra.
2013.08.17 Syria Homs 6 0 Six Christians are murdered by Sunni terrorists.
2013.08.16 China Turpan 1 0 A pro-government imam, age 74, is stabbed to death by Muslim extremists.
2013.08.16 Afghanistan Herat 10 0 Ten construction workers are machine-gunned in their tents by Islamic radicals.
2013.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 14 A bomb blast in a Shiite neighborhood leaves four dead.
2013.08.16 Iraq Muqdadiyah 1 0 al-Qaeda militants enter a home and shoot a father to death in front of his family.
2013.08.16 Iraq Buhruz 2 7 Mujahideen kill two people with a bomb hidden on a minibus.
2013.08.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 16 Women are among the casualties of a Shahid suicide bombing.
2013.08.16 Afghanistan Sangin 3 0 Three women are dismantled by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.08.16 Pakistan Swabi 2 4 Taliban militants ambush a police van and shoot two officers to death.
2013.08.16 Thailand Narathiwat 4 0 A vicious bombing and shooting attack in front of a nursery school leaves four guards dead.
2013.08.16 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Fundamentalists enter a female politician's home and shoot her in the head.
2013.08.16 Pakistan Shujabad 1 0 A 12-year-old girl is chopped into pieces after disobeying her father's order to marry a man of his choice.
2013.08.16 Egypt Alexandria 1 0 Muslim radicals pull a Christian taxi driver out of his cab and decapitate him.
2013.08.16 Indonesia Tangerang 1 0 A police officer is fatally shot by members of the Islamic Defenders Front.
2013.08.15 Nigeria Damboa 11 0 Eleven villagers are slaughtered by Boko Haram Islamists.
2013.08.15 Egypt al-Arish 7 0 Seven local police officers are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Sinai Islamists.
2013.08.15 Lebanon Beirut 27 336 Twenty-five people in a Shiite neighborhood are incinerated by a Brigades of Aisha suicide bomber.
2013.08.15 Iraq Kadhimiya 8 18 An al-Qaeda car bomb explodes near a bus station in a Shiite area, killing eight.
2013.08.15 Iraq Baladiyat 7 15 Terrorists take down seven Iraqis in a sustained attack.
2013.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 6 13 Six day laborers are ripped to pieces by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 A Sunni car bomb blast in a Shiite area leaves five dead.
2013.08.15 Iraq Dujail 2 4 A bomb attack on a family vehicle leaves a mother and son dead, and four other members injured.
2013.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 8 43 A series of Mujahideen attacks leave at least eight more dead Iraqis.
2013.08.15 Egypt Minya 2 48 Two Copts are killed and dozens more injured when Muslim Brotherhood supporters go on a church-burning rampage.
2013.08.14 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Italian priest is kidnapped and murdered by Islamists.
2013.08.14 Iraq Baqubah 14 26 al-Qaeda militants detonate two bombs, one at a cafe and the other at an ice cream shop, which leave fourteen dead.
2013.08.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 0 Eight civilians are pulled off a bus by Sunni fundamentalists and summarily executed.
2013.08.14 Pakistan Jaranwala 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by the girl's conservative family for marrying by choice.
2013.08.14 Syria Aleppo 2 0 Video surfaces of two children being executed to cries of 'Allah Akbar'.
2013.08.14 Egypt Kerdasa 15 0 Fifteen cops are killed and mutilated when Brotherhood supporters storm a police station.
2013.08.13 Iraq Nineveh 2 0 Terrorists gun down two Iraqis.
2013.08.13 Israel Jerusalem 1 0 A 17-year-old woman is burned alive by her conservative Muslim father for having 'Facebook' relationships.
2013.08.13 Iraq Mosul 24 27 A suicide bombing is among a series of Jihad attacks that produce about two dozen dead Iraqis.
2013.08.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 15 A policeman is killed by Muslim bombers.
2013.08.13 Pakistan Karachi 2 28 Religious radicals toss a hand grenade into a group of Ismaili religious minorities, killing a mother and 4-year-old boy.
2013.08.13 Iraq Madain 5 13 Five Shiites are sent straight to Allah outside their mosque by Sunni bombers.
2013.08.12 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 24 Children are among the casualties of a Religion of Peace bomb blast at a playground and soccer field.
2013.08.12 Iraq Baqubah 4 20 Mujahideen bomb a marketplace, killing four patrons.
2013.08.12 Iraq Balad 24 18 Two dozen people at a crowded cafe are torn to shreds apart by a Holy Warrior with a suicide vest.
2013.08.12 Syria Qusayr 1 0 A young Christian girl is reportedly raped, torture and murdered by Jihadis.
2013.08.11 Afghanistan Uruzgan 5 2 Three women and a child are among five civilians exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2013.08.11 Pakistan Karachi 3 1 A 12-year-old girl is among three Shiites shot to death on the basis of their sectarian status.
2013.08.11 Nigeria Konduga 44 26 Forty-four people praying at a mosque are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace hardliners.
2013.08.11 Nigeria Ngom 12 0 At least a dozen villagers are massacred by Boko Haram Islamists.
2013.08.11 Yemen Balhaf 5 0 Five guards at a gas plant are shot point-blank by al-Qaeda members.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 al-Qaeda bombers kill seven people at an outdoor market.
2013.08.10 Iraq Hussainiya 7 15 Seven people are brought down by an al-Qaeda shrapnel bomb at a restaurant in a Shia neighborhood.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 Religion of Peace bombers murder six Iraqis.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 Three innocents lose their lives to an al-Qaeda bomb at a parking lot.
2013.08.10 Iraq Doura 5 15 Militant Islamists kill five Iraqis simply walking down the street.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Sunnis bomb a car market, killing five patrons.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 12 64 A series of small bombs around the capital leave at least a dozen dead.
2013.08.10 Iraq Nasariya 4 67 Three Mujahideen bombings leave four dead.
2013.08.10 Iraq Karbala 5 11 Sunni car bombers murder five people at a cafe in a Shiite city.
2013.08.10 Iraq Dhi Qar 4 18 Four people bleed to death following a Religion of Peace car bombing.
2013.08.10 Iraq Madaen 1 3 Fundamentalists detonate a bomb at a video arcade, killing an 8-year-old boy.
2013.08.10 Iraq Fallujah 2 4 A Shahid suicide bomber sends two others to Allah.
2013.08.10 Pakistan Jarwar 2 0 A conservative family executes a member and her alleged lover on suspicion of adultery.
2013.08.10 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 10 45 Ten people are ripped apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.08.10 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 4 0 Four local cops are blown to bits in their car by Taliban bombers.
2013.08.10 Iraq Baghdad 4 16 Two children are among four innocents shredded by a Mujahid shrapnel bomb.
2013.08.09 Afghanistan Kabul 3 2 Three Chinese prostitutes are murdered in a targeted attack by fundamentalists.
2013.08.09 Pakistan Islamabad 1 3 A suicide bomber kills a guard outside a rival mosque.
2013.08.09 Iraq Baji 2 2 Two people are cut down by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.08.08 Iraq Ramaid 1 1 Muslim terrorists plant a bomb that kills a woman and severely injures her husband.
2013.08.08 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 Islamists shoot a police officer to death in his car.
2013.08.08 Afghanistan Nangarhar 14 4 Fourteen women and children are pulled into pieces by Taliban bombers during a visit to a cemetery.
2013.08.08 Pakistan Quetta 38 60 Forty people at a funeral are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.08.07 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 A devout Muslim gathers others to his own brother's house where they murder him.
2013.08.07 Dagestan Makhachkala 0 16 Fundamentalists set off bombs and attack stores selling alcohol during Ramadan.
2013.08.07 Iraq Tikrit 13 30 'Freedom Fighters' storm a police officer's home and massacre his entire family, including children.
2013.08.07 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Two women are exterminated by a Mujahid bomb outside their home.
2013.08.07 Iraq Mosul 5 8 A young girl is among five Iraqis murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2013.08.07 Tanzania Zanzibar 0 2 Two teenage charity workers from Britain have acid thrown on them.
2013.08.07 Pakistan Karachi 11 24 A pro-Sharia group is thought responsible for a brutal bomb attack at a soccer field that kills mostly children.
2013.08.07 Indonesia Ciputat 1 0 A policeman is shot in the back of the head by an Abu Roban Jihadist.
2013.08.07 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamists assassinate a local politician.
2013.08.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 1 Religious hardliners attack a female senator, killing her young daughter and bodyguard.
2013.08.07 Pakistan Mastung 3 11 Muslim terrorists are suspected of a blast in a shopping district that leaves two children and a woman dead.
2013.08.06 Egypt Ain Shams 1 0 A 10-year-old Christian girl is shot through the heart in front of her church by pro-Muslim Brotherhood activists.
2013.08.06 USA Richmond, CA 1 0 A Muslim convert "on a mission from Allah" stabs a store clerk to death.
2013.08.06 Egypt Souhag 1 3 Muslims attack a store owned by a Coptic family, shooting three members and kidnapping a fourth.
2013.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 21 Jihadis set off a bomb at a public square that leaves five dead.
2013.08.06 Iraq Nahrawan 8 21 Eight people bleed to death when Islamic terrorists bomb a popular Shiite market.
2013.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 9 30 Two al-Qaeda car bombs snuff out the lives of nine innocents.
2013.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 Five people at an ice cream shop are taken out by Holy Warriors.
2013.08.06 Iraq Anbakiya 10 15 Ten villagers are ripped apart by an al-Qaeda shrapnel bomb.
2013.08.06 Pakistan Kashmore 3 1 Two children are among three people tragically cut down by an Islamist bomb.
2013.08.06 Pakistan Diamer 3 0 Junudul Hafsa terrorists murder three people investigating an earlier attack on a group of mountain climbers.
2013.08.06 Algeria Azeffoun 3 0 Islamists shoot three policemen to death outside a hospital.
2013.08.06 India Poonch 5 1 Five Indian soldiers are ambushed and shot to death by Pakistani terrorists.
2013.08.06 Syria Tal Abyad 3 0 Video emerges of al-Nusra members burning three people alive.
2013.08.06 Syria Jaramana 18 56 Islamists set off a powerful car bomb in a Christian suburb. At least eighteen people are slain.
2013.08.05 Syria Latakia 32 10 A suicide car bombing by Sunni Islamists reportedly kills nearly three dozen local soldiers.
2013.08.05 Pakistan Punjab 1 14 A bomb planted by suspected Taliban goes off on a train, killing a toddler.
2013.08.05 Iraq Tal Afar 4 19 A Mujahideen car bomb takes out four Iraqis.
2013.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 21 Four people lining up outside a Shia bakery are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2013.08.05 Nigeria Gamboru Ngala 20 0 Twenty people are reported killed during a Boko Haram assault on a village.
2013.08.05 Iraq Mosul 10 8 A series of al-Qaeda attacks leaves ten dead.
2013.08.05 Iraq Hawija 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen kill two men.
2013.08.05 Iraq Maqdadiyah 2 0 Two family members are gunned down by al-Qaeda.
2013.08.05 Thailand Narathiwat 11 0 Eleven people are reported killed by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.08.05 Philippines Cotabato 8 27 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters detonate a bomb in a busy commercial district, killing at least eight innocents.
2013.08.05 Egypt al-Arish 1 2 Islamists murder a local cop.
2013.08.05 Indonesia Jakarta 0 3 Muslim radicals bomb a Buddhist monastery.
2013.08.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 10 Religious radicals hide a bomb in a donkey cart that takes the lives of four civilians.
2013.08.05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A pro-peace imam is gunned down at a local market by suspected Barisan Revolusi Nasional.
2013.08.04 Tunisia Mount Chaambi 1 7 Fundamentalists kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2013.08.04 Germany Brandenburg 1 2 Islamists beat an unmarried couple, causing the woman to lose her baby.
2013.08.04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 16 The Haqqani network is suspected of a bomb blast along a city street.
2013.08.04 Syria Damascus 5 1 Sunni terrorists enter a home and murder five family member, including three children.
2013.08.04 Iraq Baghdad 19 28 Nineteen Iraqis are killed in various Mujahideen attacks.
2013.08.04 Nigeria Malumfatori 19 2 At least nineteen policemen are killed in two Boko Haram attacks.
2013.08.04 Afghanistan Logar 2 2 Religious extremists kill two civilians with a remote-controlled bomb.
2013.08.04 Syria Latakia 56 0 Fifty-six villagers are summarily executed by Sunni hardliners for belonging to the Alawite sect.
2013.08.04 Syria Barouda 18 0 Eight women and two children are among eighteen family members slaughtered by Islamists.
2013.08.04 Syria Nbeiteh 25 0 Twenty-five residents, including women and children, are murdered by al-Nusra.
2013.08.04 Syria al-Hamboushieh 18 0 Eighteen innocent civilians are shot or stabbed to death for being Alawite.
2013.08.04 Syria Sleibeh 28 0 al-Nusra terrorists slit the throats of twenty-eight people.
2013.08.04 Syria Blouta 12 0 A dozen people, mostly members of the same family are shot in their own homes by devout Sunnis.
2013.08.04 Syria Abu Makkeh 4 1 Four members of a family are massacred by gunmen screaming praises to Allah.
2013.08.04 Syria Aramo 6 1 Dedicated Sunnis slit the throats of six Shia family members, including four children.
2013.08.04 Syria Bremseh 15 1 Fifteen members of the same Alawite family are machine-gunned by al-Nusra.
2013.08.04 Syria Latakia 8 1 Two babies are shot in the stomach by al-Nusra, who also murder four other children and their parents.
2013.08.03 Iraq Baqubah 9 11 Sunni bombers take down nine Iraqis.
2013.08.03 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 A mosque official is taken out by a car bomb planted by co-religionists.
2013.08.03 India Kupwara 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a local soldier to death.
2013.08.03 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers pick off a 30-year-old Shiite.
2013.08.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 9 24 Children are among nine killed by three Fedayeen suicide bombers outside the Indian consulate.
2013.08.03 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 A woman and her two daughters are brutally murdered in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.08.03 Iraq Baqubah 4 5 Mujahideen kill four people in separate attacks, including two brothers.
2013.08.03 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 An 11-year-old boy and his father are reduced to pulp by an Islamist bomb.
2013.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Sunni extremists set off a bomb outside a market that kills three shoppers.
2013.08.03 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Islamists gun down a rival cleric as he is getting out of his car.
2013.08.03 CAR Bozoum 15 24 A baby is among at least fifteen Christian refugees massacred by the Seleka Islamic militia.
2013.08.02 Pakistan Bahawalpur 2 0 A cleric and his teen son are murdered by Sunni gunmen simply because they are Shia.
2013.08.02 Afghanistan Sherzad 22 12 The lives of twenty-two local cops are lost to a Taliban attack.
2013.08.02 Iraq Shora 4 0 An al-Qaeda bomb produces four dead Iraqis.
2013.08.02 Syria Tal Abyad 450 0 Over one-hundred children are among four-hundred and fifty Kurdish civilians massacred over a four-day stretch by the Jabhat al-Nusra Front.
2013.08.01 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Deobandi terrorists decapitate a Shiite on video.
2013.08.01 Afghanistan Badghis 1 2 Taliban militants spray a police checkpoint with bullets, killing at least one person.
2013.08.01 Syria Homs 40 120 A series of rocket attacks by the al-Haq Brigade on residential neighborhoods leave over forty dead.
2013.08.01 Nigeria Biu 8 0 A college lecturer is among eight people slaughtered by pro-Sharia advocates.
2013.08.01 Thailand Yala 2 5 Muslim militants kill two local policemen providing security for teachers.
2013.08.01 Pakistan Benazirabad 1 0 Radicals shoot a cleric to death for preaching sectarian peace and tolerance.
2013.08.01 Pakistan Karachi 3 1 Three activists of a secular political party are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2013.08.01 Iraq Mosul 21 30 Twenty-one Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen shootings and suicide bombings.
2013.08.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two people are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2013.08.01 Afghanistan Maiwand 7 3 Religion of Peace bombers take down seven members of the same family.
2013.07.31 Iraq Ur 5 9 Sunni gunmen drive through a Shiite district and spray pedestrians with bullets.
2013.07.31 Iraq Mosul 5 4 Five Iraqi policemen are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.31 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three civilians are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.31 Iraq Nahrawan 2 3 Two farmers are shot to death in the back of their truck by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.07.31 Iraq Tuz Khormato 4 4 Dedicated Sunnis bomb a Shiite mosque, killing four worshippers.
2013.07.31 Iraq Mosul 2 25 A suicide bombing is one of several Mujahid attacks that leave two others dead.
2013.07.31 Afghanistan Almar 3 2 Three Afghans are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.31 Syria Damascus 6 19 Six civilians bleed to death following a suspected al-Nusra rocket attack.
2013.07.30 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A man shoots his own brother to death for leaving Sunni Islam.
2013.07.30 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gun down two Shia civilians.
2013.07.30 Syria Qamishli 1 0 The Islamic State of Iraq is blamed for the car bomb assassination of a politician in Syria.
2013.07.30 Pakistan Pishin 2 0 Islamic fundamentalists murder two people guarding a team of polio workers.
2013.07.30 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 2 4 Taliban attack a local checkpoint, killing two defense personnel.
2013.07.30 Iraq Baqubah 8 20 al-Qaeda bombers murder eight young people at a popular shop.
2013.07.30 Iraq Tuz Khormato 4 14 Four people near at a mosque are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Seven Iraqis are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.07.30 Iraq Tikrit 3 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber and a separate small arms attack leave three Iraqis dead.
2013.07.30 Syria Homs 11 26 A child is among those killed when Sunni terrorists send rockets into a Shia neighborhood.
2013.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 Seven worshippers are sent to Allah in their own mosque by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.07.29 Egypt al-Arish 5 0 Five security personnel are killed by Hamas-backed terrorists in a span of 36 hours.
2013.07.29 Libya Benghazi 1 3 Suspected Ansar al-Sharia set off a car bomb that leaves one dead.
2013.07.29 Iraq Khamsa Mile 4 14 al-Qaeda bombers take out four people at a commercial district.
2013.07.29 Iraq Madaen 3 9 A Sunni landmine along a road traveled by Shiites leaves three dead.
2013.07.29 Iraq Tikrit 7 7 A series of Mujahideen attacks produce six dead Iraqis.
2013.07.29 Iraq Kut 10 40 Islamists bomb a market and construction site, sending at least ten innocents to their deaths.
2013.07.29 Iraq Samawa 6 19 A half-dozen people at a Shia market are laid out by a Sunni shrapnel bomb.
2013.07.29 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 A mother and her two children are exterminated by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2013.07.29 Iraq Sadr City 9 33 Two separate bomb attacks on a Shia neighborhood leave nine dead.
2013.07.29 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 14 30 Fedayeen shouting 'Allah Akbar' attack a prison, killing guards and beheading Shiite prisoners.
2013.07.29 Iraq Baghdad 32 129 Fifteen al-Qaeda bombs planted in Shia districts leave over thirty dead.
2013.07.29 Nigeria Kano 45 15 Forty-five people lose their lives to Islamist bombers targeting Christian districts and churches.
2013.07.29 Tunisia Jebel Chaambi 8 0 Eight local soldiers are ambushed, captured and beheaded by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.29 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Italian priest is kidnapped and reportedly shot 14 times by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2013.07.28 Afghanistan Shahjoy 9 15 Nine locals, mostly women and children, are ripped apart by a Taliban bomb blast.
2013.07.28 India Sopore 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gunmen assassinate a local cop.
2013.07.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three commuters are dismantled by a Mujahid minibus bomb.
2013.07.28 Syria Homs 3 3 Woman and children are among the victims of a Sunni car bomb.
2013.07.28 Pakistan Kurram 2 2 Two civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban landmine.
2013.07.28 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 8 9 Eight Kurds are taken out by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2013.07.27 Iraq Baaj 1 0 A Muslim extremist stabs a woman to death inside her home.
2013.07.27 Iraq Diyala 2 0 A farmer and a doctor are murdered in separate Muslim terror attacks.
2013.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 Religion of Peace bombers target a cafe filled with young people, killing at least three.
2013.07.27 Somalia Mogadishu 3 9 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber rams into a building housing hospital workers, killing three civilians.
2013.07.27 Pakistan Mattani 1 4 A rocket fired during a Mujahideen attack lands on a house, killing a 15-year-old boy.
2013.07.27 Nigeria Dawashe 20 12 Boko Haram Islamists open fire on a village, killing twenty fishermen and traders.
2013.07.27 Pakistan Okara 1 0 A Christian is beaten and executed in front of his children by Islamic gunmen.
2013.07.26 Philippines Cagayan de Oro 8 47 Khilafa Islamiyah Mindanao terrorists stage a brutal shrapnel bombing at a medical convention which leaves eight dead, including doctors.
2013.07.26 Afghanistan Qarabagh 7 7 Seven people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.26 Afghanistan Farah 5 0 Five truck drivers are reportedly killed by Sunni militants.
2013.07.26 Nigeria Mainok 1 1 A teen dies after being shot in the chest by Boko Haram.
2013.07.26 Yemen Aden 1 0 al-Qaeda gun down a man outside his home.
2013.07.26 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 An elderly faith healer is murdered by suspected fundamentalists.
2013.07.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban shoot a political activist to death.
2013.07.26 Pakistan Parachinar 2 6 A landmine planted by religious radicals leaves two dead and six others with lost limbs.
2013.07.26 Pakistan Parachinar 57 167 A barbaric double suicide bombing at a Shiite market by assailants shouting praises to Allah leaves fifty-seven dead.
2013.07.26 Thailand Yala 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by suspected 'insurgents'.
2013.07.25 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 An Islamist riddles a critic's body with bullets in front of his wife and children.
2013.07.25 Syria Damascus 17 70 An al-Qaeda linked organization claims credit for a car bombing in a Shia neighborhood that leaves seventeen residents dead.
2013.07.25 Israel Jerusalem 0 15 A baby is among fifteen Jewish civilians injured by Arab rock throwers at an overpass.
2013.07.25 Afghanistan Jowzjan 2 10 A bomb planted by Muslim fundamentalists leaves two dead.
2013.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Two street cleaners are among four people shot to death by Muslim terrorists in random attacks.
2013.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 Women and children are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bomb blast at a wedding.
2013.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people at an Internet cafe are slain by fundamentalist bombers .
2013.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 16 20 Sixteen diners at a restaurant are ripped to shreds by an Islamist bomb blast.
2013.07.25 Egypt Sinai 2 4 Hamas-backed gunmen exterminate two Egyptian security guards.
2013.07.25 Pakistan Upper Dir 2 0 A young couple is honor killed by her conservative Muslim family for marrying without permission.
2013.07.25 Iraq Muqdadiya 14 8 Fourteen people at a busy outdoor market are pulled into pieces by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.07.25 Iraq Madaen 8 18 al-Qaeda bombers dismantle eight patrons at a popular coffee shop.
2013.07.25 Iraq Samarrah 2 2 Two Iraqis are murdered by al-Qaeda militants.
2013.07.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Islamists attack a rival mosque, killing a guard.
2013.07.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 4 A Taliban shrapnel bomb takes the lives of three Afghans.
2013.07.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 22-year-old Shiite is shot to death by Lashkar-e-Jhagvi.
2013.07.24 Dagestan Derbent 0 1 A rabbi is shot at close range by dedicated Islamists.
2013.07.24 Thailand Narathiwat 3 2 'Islamo-Socialists' detonate a bomb outside a hospital as a group of teachers pass by, killing two women and one man.
2013.07.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 7 A civilian bleeds to death following an al-Shabaab car bombing.
2013.07.24 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed in separate shootings by Hamas-backed militants.
2013.07.24 Iraq Shura 9 2 Nine Iraqi policemen are brutally machine-gunned at their post by Sunni Islamists.
2013.07.24 Pakistan Sukkur 4 40 Five suicide car bombers manage to kill four other persons outside a government building.
2013.07.24 Iraq Sulaiman Pek 14 0 Fourteen Shiite truck drivers are summarily executed by Sunnis who first verified their religious status.
2013.07.24 Egypt Mansura 1 28 Brotherhood supporters bomb a police station, killing one person.
2013.07.24 Iraq Tuz Khormato 15 41 Fifteen people are massacred by al-Qaeda bombers at a market.
2013.07.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Mujahid bombers strike at a food fair, killing four patrons.
2013.07.24 Iraq Tikrit 4 4 Religious radicals fire into a van carrying off-duty soldiers, killing four.
2013.07.23 Iraq Nineveh 4 0 Four local cops are kidnapped and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.23 Iraq Kirkuk 4 1 al-Qaeda terrorists kill four Iraqis in separate shooting attacks.
2013.07.23 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three civilians are gunned down at a sheep market by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.07.23 Iraq Kut 2 9 Two people at a mosque are brought down by rival bombers.
2013.07.23 Iraq Kirkuk 7 41 Seven worshippers at a mosque are sent to Allah by sectarian bombers.
2013.07.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Hardline bombers target a rival mosque with a bomb that leaves three dead.
2013.07.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 28 A half-dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Islamic bombers.
2013.07.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 1 Two people are machine-gunned at a coffee shop by suspected Muslim 'rebels'.
2013.07.23 Syria Homs 1 19 A woman is killed when Ahrar al-Sham rocket a group of cars.
2013.07.23 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A shop owner is gunned down in the middle of the night by suspected Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.07.23 Afghanistan Wardak 8 5 A suicide bomber on a donkey kills eight other people.
2013.07.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist couple is shot to death by Muslim 'separatists' in front of their 4-year-old son.
2013.07.23 Philippines Maguindanao 1 1 A child dies from splinter injuries after Moro Islamists toss a grenade into the street.
2013.07.23 Algeria Bouira 2 0 Fundamentalists kill two forest rangers with a planted bomb.
2013.07.22 Nigeria Darazo 2 2 A child is among two people murdered by Boko Haram gunmen.
2013.07.22 Afghanistan Zabul 4 1 Four Afghans are sent to paradise by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.07.22 Iraq Madain 2 0 A bomb placed along a city street leaves two dead.
2013.07.22 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 Suspected Sunni terrorists gun down three people.
2013.07.22 Iraq Mosul 25 29 Thirteen people are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2013.07.22 Pakistan Chaman 2 8 Two people are killed when a mosque is bombed by rival Muslims.
2013.07.22 Iraq Abu Ghraib 41 65 Forty-one guards and inmates at a prison are killed during a sustained Sunni assault that involved suicide car bombers.
2013.07.22 Iraq Taji 16 13 al-Qaeda militants attack government building, shooting at least sixteen guards to death.
2013.07.22 Iraq Fallujah 3 1 Three people are killed when 'freedom fighters' blow up a policeman's home.
2013.07.22 Syria Khan al-Assal 51 0 Fifty captured soldiers are executed in cold blood by al-Nusra.
2013.07.22 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shiite teenagers are shot to death in a taxi by Lashkar-e-Jhangvi.
2013.07.21 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamists shoot and kill a 32-year-old man driving a car.
2013.07.21 Egypt Sinai 5 11 Five people are killed during a series of terror attacks by Hamas-backed militants.
2013.07.21 Afghanistan Khost 6 0 The Taliban attack a house, killing six residents.
2013.07.21 Iraq Basmaiya 2 4 Islamic terrorists blow up a family home, killing two.
2013.07.21 Iraq Kirkuk 7 0 Seven policemen are machine-gunned by Islamists at two checkpoints.
2013.07.21 Iraq Hillah 1 0 An imam is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.21 Pakistan Karachi 2 6 A Tehreek-e-Taliban bomb outside a secular-leaning political office leaves two dead.
2013.07.21 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist married couple on their way to sell vegetables are ordered off their motorbike by Muslim 'insurgents' and summarily shot in the head.
2013.07.21 Egypt al-Arish 3 2 Three security personnel are killed in separate attacks by Muslim militants.
2013.07.21 Pakistan Karachi 4 7 Two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombs leave four dead.
2013.07.21 Iraq Taji 4 15 Four people at a fish market are cut to shreds by a Religion of Peace shrapnel bomb.
2013.07.20 Iraq Mosul 8 35 A suicide bombing and several Mujahid shootings leave eight dead.
2013.07.20 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 9 17 Jihadis double-bomb a busy shopping district, killing at least nine patrons.
2013.07.20 Iraq Tobchi 8 29 Eight people in a Shiite neighborhood are exterminated by Sunni bombers.
2013.07.20 Iraq Zafaraniyah 6 15 al-Qaeda bombers send six Iraqis to Allah.
2013.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Three people at a bakery are torn to pieces by Sunni bombers.
2013.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 4 12 Four Shiites are blown to bits by a Sunni bomb.
2013.07.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 3 A young child is trampled during a reported attack by Boko Haram at a mosque.
2013.07.20 Iraq Garma 1 2 A mother and child are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2013.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 25 71 A series of al-Qaeda bombs, late in the evening, leave an additional twenty-five Iraqis dead.
2013.07.20 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three people are killed by a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bomb hidden in fruit.
2013.07.19 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2013.07.19 Afghanistan Marjah 4 11 Taliban use an IED to kill four people, including children.
2013.07.19 Afghanistan Helmand 2 2 Two people are taken apart by Taliban bombers.
2013.07.19 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A local doctor is shot to death by al-Shabaab cadres.
2013.07.19 Iraq Samarrah 1 11 A child is killed when Holy Warriors bomb a soccer field.
2013.07.19 Yemen Mudia 1 0 A man is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.19 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A man traveling to a funeral is abducted and murdered by suspected Islamists.
2013.07.19 Egypt al-Arish 2 1 Islamic fanatics send a rocket into a family home, blowing the heads off two residents.
2013.07.19 Pakistan Bara 2 0 Two local soldiers pitching a tent are blown up by Sunni hardliners.
2013.07.19 Iraq Mosul 2 2 'Insurgents' kill two women when they fire a mortar into a residential neighborhood.
2013.07.19 Iraq Hillah 1 5 A suicide bombing at a mosque leaves one other dead.
2013.07.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi is thought to be behind the murder of a man in front of his 14-year-old son.
2013.07.19 Syria Damascus 1 0 Sunnis target a Shia mosque with a series of rockets that take out the custodian.
2013.07.19 Yemen Huta 0 1 A gay man survives a targeted shooting by fundamentalists with injuries.
2013.07.19 Iraq Diyala 26 69 Islamists blow up a rival mosque during midday prayers, exterminating at least two dozen worshippers.
2013.07.19 India Salem 1 0 A Hindu policeman is hacked to death by Muslim radicals.
2013.07.18 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two cops are gunned down outside a furniture mart by suspected Islamists.
2013.07.18 India Dharam 0 43 Angry Muslims riot over an alleged desecration of the Quran.
2013.07.18 Pakistan Bajaur 2 4 Two local soldiers are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda linked militants.
2013.07.18 Iraq Mosul 7 21 A child is among seven people who lose their lives to a Religion of Peace shrapnel bomb at a teahouse.
2013.07.18 Afghanistan Logar 8 0 Eight civilians are stopped by religious extremists on their way to work, forced to kneel and then summarily shot in the head.
2013.07.18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 2 A local policeman bleeds to death after Islamic militants fire into a station.
2013.07.18 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A man is gunned down outside his home by Islamists.
2013.07.18 India Pampore 2 1 Two people are killed when Islamic militants target a heart surgeon.
2013.07.18 Iraq Dujail 2 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a man and his wife on their way to work.
2013.07.18 Iraq Balad 1 4 A farmer is picked off by Religion of Peace snipers.
2013.07.18 Iraq Wajihiyah 3 0 Three young men are tragically cut down by Islamist bombers.
2013.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two Iraqis are incinerated by a bomb blast.
2013.07.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Holy warriors enter a home and shoot a woman to death.
2013.07.18 Pakistan Mamond 2 3 Two security personnel are shot to death in their vehicle by Muslim terrorists.
2013.07.18 Pakistan Badan 3 2 Islamic hardliners blow up a van carrying local tribesmen, killing at least three.
2013.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Fundamentalists break into a home and shoot three women to death on suspected immorality.
2013.07.18 Sudan Garsila 1 1 Islamic militia murder a school guard.
2013.07.18 Yemen Saada 2 4 Two Shiites are shot to death by Sunnis over a dispute concerning a mosque.
2013.07.18 Indonesia Kendal 1 3 An FPI (Islam Defenders Front) member in a car intentionally rams a group of people outside a brothel, killing one.
2013.07.17 India Srinagar 1 5 One person is killed when a Muslim terrorist throws a grenade into the street.
2013.07.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Shabaab activists murder a female government official.
2013.07.17 Somalia Kismayo 2 3 An al-Shabaab bomb leaves two people dead.
2013.07.17 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A security guard is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2013.07.17 Iraq Muqdadiyah 4 0 Small children out swimming are among four Iraqis bagged by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.07.17 Lebanon Sarafand 1 0 A prominent leader is murdered by sectarian opponents.
2013.07.17 Syria Kanaker 7 6 Seven people, mostly women and children, are disassembled by a Sunni car bomb.
2013.07.17 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a man outside a public bath.
2013.07.16 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 A cleric and his brother are among three people assassinated by sectarian rivals while sitting at a kiosk.
2013.07.16 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 17 A half-dozen worshippers at a mosque are sent directly to paradise by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.16 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 An Orthodox Jew is stabbed by two Palestinians.
2013.07.16 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban gun down two supporters of a secular party.
2013.07.16 Bangladesh Dinajpur 1 0 A 60-year-old bus driver is stoned to death by Jamaat-e-Islam.
2013.07.16 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 3 Two civilians bleed to death after a Taliban bomb planted on a bicycle detonates.
2013.07.16 Yemen Huj 1 0 An accused homosexual is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rubber tapper is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2013.07.16 Algeria Tipaza 4 3 Four local soldiers are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.07.15 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists kidnap and torture to death a former Sunni who converted to Shia.
2013.07.15 Pakistan Quetta 3 4 Three people are killed when a sectarian Jihadi on a motorcycle fires into a shop.
2013.07.15 Iraq Mosul 2 6 Two other people are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.07.15 Bangladesh Satkhira 1 0 Jamaat-e-Islam cadres beat a local man to death.
2013.07.15 Egypt al-Arish 3 17 Three cement factory workers die when Islamic militants fire rockets at a bus.
2013.07.15 Iraq Samarrah 4 11 A 4-year-old boy is among four people blown to bits by Mujahid mortars as they are preparing to swim.
2013.07.15 Iraq Kirkuk 3 11 A Fedayeen suicide attack is one of two bombings that leave three Iraqis dead.
2013.07.15 Syria Damascus 13 7 Over a dozen people are killed by a suspected al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.07.15 Pakistan Quetta 4 2 Four Shia civilians in a car are sprayed with bullets by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.07.14 Iraq Basra 8 15 At least eight people bleed out following a Mujahid car bombing.
2013.07.14 Iraq Kut 11 68 al-Qaeda bombers take out eleven Iraqis in a car bombing at a shopping district.
2013.07.14 Iraq Karbala 9 22 Nine people are killed by a Sunni bomb in a Shia city.
2013.07.14 Iraq Nasiriyah 5 22 Five people are torn limb from limb by al-Qaeda bombers at a market.
2013.07.14 Iraq Musayyib 6 21 A half-dozen worshippers at a Shia mosque are sent straight to Allah by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 16 Muslim terrorists target a commercial district, killing four innocents.
2013.07.14 Dagestan Burshi 4 0 Islamists four cops sitting in their car.
2013.07.13 Iraq Madaen 2 7 Fundamentalists murder two young people for playing a game during Ramadan.
2013.07.13 Iraq Muqdadiyah 2 9 Sunnis plant a bomb in a Shia area that leaves two dead.
2013.07.13 Iraq Baqubah 4 10 A Shahid suicide bomber targets a funeral, killing four people.
2013.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Seven people are laid out by sectarian bombers at a Sunni worship center.
2013.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 16 31 Sixteen people are mosque are disassembled by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.07.13 Philippines Guindulungan 2 0 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Movement militants ambush a truck carrying soldiers, killing two.
2013.07.12 Somalia Mogadishu 2 10 al-Shabaab members toss a grenade into a hotel lobby, killing two people.
2013.07.12 Algeria Khenchla 2 2 A journalist is among two people who bleed to death following a fundamentalist bombing attack on a group of friends.
2013.07.12 Egypt Dabaaya 4 32 A Muslim mob attacks a Christian village, burning dozens of homes and killing four Copts.
2013.07.12 Egypt Sinai 1 1 Islamic militants fire a rocket into a checkpoint, killing a policeman.
2013.07.12 Somalia Mogadishu 7 15 Seven civilians lose their lives to a suicide car bomber.
2013.07.12 Iraq Mosul 4 2 A suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2013.07.12 Iraq Kirkuk 41 35 Over forty people at a cafe are torn to pieces when a Holy Warrior yells 'Allah Akbar' and detonates a suicide vest.
2013.07.11 Syria Latakia 1 0 al-Qaeda linked rebels kill a senior member of the FSA rebels in cold blood.
2013.07.11 Iraq Fallujah 7 17 Seven Iraqis are killed during an attack by Mujahideen.
2013.07.11 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 10 21 Jihad car bombers take out ten people in a residential district.
2013.07.11 Iraq Yathrib 10 18 Mujahideen set off bombs near a coffee shop, sending ten patrons to Allah.
2013.07.11 Afghanistan Helmand 5 1 A vicious double bombing leaves five people dead.
2013.07.11 Pakistan Kohat 2 7 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb outside a mosque, killing two innocents.
2013.07.11 Pakistan Chaman 7 10 A suicide bomber detonates at a "friendship" gate, sending seven others to Allah.
2013.07.11 Egypt Zweid 1 0 A Christian is found beheaded several days after being kidnapped by Muslim extremists.
2013.07.11 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five local cops are murdered by two suicide bombers.
2013.07.11 Iraq Muqdadiyah 13 24 A Sunni suicide bomber rips apart thirteen mourners at a Shia funeral.
2013.07.11 Iraq Barwana 14 4 Fourteen guards at an oil pipeline are shot to death by Islamic radicals as they are sitting down to dinner.
2013.07.11 Iraq Dujail 11 25 Sunnis set off a bomb outside a Shia mosque, killing eleven worshippers outright.
2013.07.11 Pakistan Dera Ghazi Khan 1 0 A young mother is stoned to death on the orders of a jirga for possessing a cell phone.
2013.07.11 Thailand Songkhla 3 3 Extremists bomb a karaoke shop, killing three.
2013.07.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen are suspected of breaking into a home and shooting three women to death.
2013.07.10 Egypt Zuwayed 1 0 A young girl is killed when Islamists open fire on a car.
2013.07.10 Pakistan Karachi 3 12 Three other people are killed when a suicide bomber walks up to a car and detonates.
2013.07.09 Iraq al-Tarmiyah 1 0 A Christian 'infidel' is kidnapped and executed by Muslim terrorists.
2013.07.09 Philippines Cotabato 1 4 Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters are suspected in a rocket attack on a restaurant.
2013.07.09 Afghanistan Herat 17 0 Four children and a dozen women are turned into bloody pulp by Religion of Peace bombers.
2013.07.09 Afghanistan Helmand 3 2 Sunni militants bomb a taxi stand, killing three civilians.
2013.07.09 Egypt North Sinai 2 6 Islamic extremists fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing two locals.
2013.07.09 Lebanon Beirut 0 38 Nearly forty people are injured when Sunnis car-bomb a Shia district.
2013.07.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 One person is killed when an al-Shabaab militants set off a bomb in a crowded marketplace.
2013.07.09 Pakistan Karachi 5 1 Five members of a secular political party are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2013.07.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 6 A Slovakian soldiers is killed by a Taliban terrorist in Afghan uniform.
2013.07.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists gun down a Shiite civilian.
2013.07.08 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 Two bomb disposal team members are killed trying to defuse a bomb terrorists planted at a middle school.
2013.07.08 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 al-Qaeda gun down an army officer on his way in to work.
2013.07.08 Iraq Mosul 6 8 Three children are among six Iraqis torn to pieces by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.07.08 India Sawjian 1 3 Pakistani-backed Mujahideen kill one person with an IED.
2013.07.08 Thailand Pattani 0 8 Militant Muslims bomb a group of teachers and guards, injuring eight.
2013.07.08 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.08 Pakistan Hangu 8 10 Eight people are blown apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.07.08 Iraq Madain 6 3 Mujahideen bomb a youth center, killing six civilians.
2013.07.08 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Iraqis are shot to death by terrorists in separate attacks.
2013.07.08 Iraq Mosul 1 5 A car bomb in a commercial district leaves one dead.
2013.07.07 Iraq Musayyib 6 1 al-Qaeda gunmen exterminate an entire family, including two children and two elderly parents.
2013.07.07 Bahrain Sitra 1 5 Shiite terrorists detonate a bomb that kills a police officer.
2013.07.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist plantation worker is shot to death on the job by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.07.07 Egypt Cairo 10 24 Bearded Islamists light into a crowd of 'infidels' with weapons following incitement by a cleric.
2013.07.07 India Bodh Gaya 0 5 Two monks are injured when militant Muslims set off nine bombs at a Buddhist temple.
2013.07.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 4 Taliban militants kill a civilian with a bomb.
2013.07.06 Philippines Datu Piang 3 0 The Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters set off a roadside bomb that leaves three locals soldiers dead.
2013.07.06 Philippines Pikit 2 7 Islamists fire into a group of local soldiers, killing at least two.
2013.07.06 Iraq Rashad 4 0 Two woman are among four civilians cut down by Mujahid bombers.
2013.07.06 Iraq Tikrit 4 1 Four Iraqis are killed when Sunni bombers target a judge.
2013.07.06 Iraq Tikrit 5 9 Five civilians are wiped out by an al-Qaeda bomb blast near a hospital.
2013.07.06 Yemen Sanaa 3 1 al-Qaeda is suspected of planting a bomb that leaves three dead.
2013.07.06 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a Coptic priest.
2013.07.06 Nigeria Potsikum 42 6 Islamists massacre over forty students and teachers at a school, in some cases burning children alive.
2013.07.06 Pakistan Lahore 5 40 Five people, including a child, are blown to bits by Muslim bombers along a busy food street.
2013.07.06 Dagestan Kizilyurt 1 1 Islamic militia fire automatic weapons at a group of policemen, killing one.
2013.07.05 Afghanistan Bab-e-Dosti 4 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders four other people.
2013.07.05 Iraq Samarrah 7 10 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates near a rival mosque, incinerating four worshippers.
2013.07.05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 12 5 A dozen souls in a dining hall are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.05 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists attack a local church, shooting one person to death.
2013.07.05 Egypt al-Arish 5 0 Five guards at an airport are gunned down by Islamists.
2013.07.05 Iraq Kut 1 20 Muslim radicals plant a bomb at a rival mosque that leaves one dead.
2013.07.05 Egypt Nagaa Hassan 4 4 Four Christians are brutally hacked to death by Muslim Brotherhood supporters.
2013.07.05 Egypt Alexandria 1 2 Muslim Brotherhood supporters throw a teenager from a rooftop.
2013.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 15 32 A Sunni suicide bomber manages to take out over fifteen Shia worshippers at their mosque.
2013.07.04 Pakistan Bowia 5 3 Five local soldiers at a check post lose their lives to a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.07.04 Iraq Zafaraniyah 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' gun down a female doctor and a school guard.
2013.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Terrorists bomb a teahouse, murdering at least three patrons.
2013.07.04 Iraq Tuz Khormato 2 19 Two people are killed when Sunnis bomb a soccer field.
2013.07.04 Afghanistan Helmand 4 0 Four young girls, ages 7 to 12, are disassembled by a Taliban bomb.
2013.07.04 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on two men driving a car, killing one.
2013.07.04 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 1 A senior policewoman is gunned down by suspected fundamentalists.
2013.07.04 Afghanistan Pashtun Kot 5 2 Four women are among five civilians pulled into pieces by a Sunni bomb.
2013.07.04 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 A female health worker and her young sister are shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2013.07.04 Afghanistan Sarawza 2 0 Two boys, ages 10 and 12, are torn to shreds by Islamic bombers.
2013.07.03 Iraq Mosul 4 12 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
2013.07.03 Iraq Mosul 1 12 al-Qaeda bombers target a wedding, killing the groom.
2013.07.03 Iraq Mushahda 2 5 Two Iraqis are taken out by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.07.02 Afghanistan Kabul 7 5 Suicide truck bombers take out seven people.
2013.07.02 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A Pentecostal pastor is gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 9 24 al-Qaeda car bombers take down nine people in a Shia commercial district.
2013.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 12 38 A dozen patrons at an open-air market are blown to bits by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.07.02 Iraq Kamaliya 5 16 Five innocents lose their live to Sunni bombers at a Shia market.
2013.07.02 Iraq Dora 4 15 Four residents in a neighborhood are shredded by a Sunni bomb.
2013.07.02 Iraq Amiriyah 2 12 Terrorists take out two Iraqis with a car bomb.
2013.07.02 Iraq Hurriyah 3 13 Three people bleed to death following an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.07.02 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 6 Three Iraqis are obliterated by a car bomb.
2013.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists gun down a barber.
2013.07.02 Iraq Baqubah 4 17 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a funeral, killing four mourners.
2013.07.02 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Terrorists machine-gun four patrons at a cafe.
2013.07.01 Egypt Muqattam 8 0 Eight anti-Brotherhood protesters are shot to death by Hamas members.
2013.07.01 Syria Qamishli 1 3 Muslim terrorists kill a young girl with an explosive device.
2013.07.01 Pakistan Pishtakhara 2 0 Two police officers are machine-gunned at point-blank range by Sharia proponents.
2013.07.01 Iraq Muqdadiyah 23 27 A Sunni suicide bomber self-detonates inside a Shiite mosque, sending two dozen worshippers straight to Allah.
2013.07.01 Iraq Baqubah 10 22 Ten Iraqis sitting in a cafe are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.07.01 India Pulwama 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a group of police officers, killing one.
2013.07.01 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Shia is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.07.01 Iraq Mishahada 8 0 Eight men are pulled out of their homes and executed by al-Qaeda.
2013.07.01 Afghanistan Nahrin 4 0 Four people lose their lives to Taliban bombers.
2013.07.01 Pakistan Madurai 1 0 A Hindu leader is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2013.06.30 Iraq Dawr 1 0 A 17-year-old girl's life is snuffed out by Mujahid bombers.
2013.06.30 Iraq Baghdad 12 25 A dozen young boys at a soccer field are ripped apart by an al-Qaeda bomb blast.
2013.06.30 Pakistan Peshawar 17 47 A Religion of Peace car bomb leaves seventeen people dead.
2013.06.30 Pakistan Quetta 30 60 Nine women and five children are among thirty innocents slain outside a Shia mosque by a Lashkar-i-Jhangvi suicide bomber.
2013.06.30 Pakistan Dera Islmail Khan 4 15 Four people are killed when Islamic militants send rockets into a residential neighborhood.
2013.06.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 24-year-old civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2013.06.30 Pakistan Miranshah 7 16 The Taliban murder seven Pakistanis with an IED.
2013.06.30 Iraq Hillah 2 2 Mujahideen kill two bus passengers with a planted bomb.
2013.06.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A secular political activist is murdered by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.06.30 China Atush 1 0 A Muslim extremist stabs a policeman.
2013.06.29 Iraq Qayara 3 5 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.29 Afghanistan Zabul 3 2 Religious extremists kill three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.06.29 Nigeria Borno 15 10 Islamists sack several small villages, killing about fifteen people.
2013.06.29 Nigeria Potiskum 1 3 Boko Haram terrorists murder a local soldier.
2013.06.29 Chechnya Shatoi 1 14 Islamic militia kill a local police officer and injure fourteen others.
2013.06.29 Egypt Sinai 1 0 Islamists shoot a local cop six times in the head.
2013.06.29 Nigeria Mugunu 10 0 Ten traders on a business trip are massacred by Sharia proponents.
2013.06.29 Thailand Yala 8 4 A massive roadside bomb set off by Muslim 'rebels' leaves eight local soldiers dead.
2013.06.29 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 12 Sunnis set off a bomb at a marketplace, killing three patrons.
2013.06.29 Iraq Garma 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.06.28 Thailand Songkhla 2 7 Muslim terrorists kill two people with a bomb outside a tea shop.
2013.06.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 50-year-old man to death inside a mosque.
2013.06.28 Afghanistan Laghman 5 1 Five villagers are shredded by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.28 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' fire on a mother and her two young sons, killing her and injuring the 2-year-old.
2013.06.28 Iraq Zangoura 11 19 al-Qaeda bombers take out eleven Iraqis.
2013.06.28 Iraq Dujail 4 12 A suicide bomber at a funeral sends four more souls to Allah.
2013.06.28 Iraq Madain 4 15 Religious extremists set off a bomb at a soccer field that leave four dead.
2013.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Mujahideen bomb a bakery, laying out at least three innocents.
2013.06.28 Afghanistan Farah 2 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of two civilians.
2013.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 8 40 Eight soccer fans are either blown up or shot to death by religious extremists.
2013.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists shoot a barber to death.
2013.06.27 Iraq Meseib 6 12 Religion of Peace bombers target an auto show, taking out seven patrons.
2013.06.27 Iraq Madaen 1 6 A 3-year-old girl is disassembled by an al-Qaeda bomb planted at her home.
2013.06.27 Iraq Baqubah 10 35 A coffee shop packed with soccer fans is the target of an al-Qaeda bomb blast that leaves at least ten dead.
2013.06.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A man is murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.06.27 Syria Idlib 2 0 Two Christians, including a priest, are reportedly kidnapped, bound and beheaded on video by Islamists.
2013.06.27 Syria Damascus 4 8 A suicide bomber detonates outside a church, killing four innocents.
2013.06.27 Syria Qatana 1 0 A Greek Orthodox priest is kidnapped and tortured to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2013.06.26 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 Three family members, including two women are sent to Allah by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.06.26 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Two brothers are shot by al-Qaeda.
2013.06.26 Iraq Mosul 4 3 Fundamentalists bomb a liquor store, killing four patrons.
2013.06.26 Iraq Baghdad 10 16 Religious radicals bomb a coffee shop showing a soccer game, taking out ten fans.
2013.06.26 India Sopore 1 0 A local politician is assassinated by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2013.06.26 Nigeria Langtang 33 0 Thirty-three students and elderly villagers are massacred in a coordinated attack by Muslim militia.
2013.06.26 Pakistan Karachi 12 14 Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers target a judge, killing a dozen people in the street.
2013.06.26 Lebanon Beirut 0 20 Twenty people on a bus are stabbed in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.06.26 Libya Benghazi 1 0 Suspected Islamists kill one person with a car bomb in a residential neighborhood.
2013.06.26 Thailand Pattani 1 5 Children are among the casualties of a roadside bombing by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.06.26 Pakistan Janaikhel 3 0 Three family members are obliterated by an Islamist bomb.
2013.06.26 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 4 Islamic extremists murder a man at a market.
2013.06.26 Afghanistan Herat 5 0 Five local cops are exterminated by Sunni radicals.
2013.06.26 China Lukqun 24 21 At least two-dozen people are stabbed or beaten to death by rioting Muslim extremists.
2013.06.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sunnis fire on a Shia funeral, killing one mourner.
2013.06.25 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 27 80 Twenty-seven demonstrators calling for better security are massacred by two Religion of Peace suicide bombers.
2013.06.25 Iraq Iskandariya 5 13 Five Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.06.25 Iraq Baqubah 8 18 Eight young people are tragically killed when Islamists set off a bomb near a soccer field.
2013.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Four minibus riders are torn to pieces by an al-Qaeda shrapnel bomb.
2013.06.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A bomb planted at a mosque kill a villager.
2013.06.25 Lebanon Sirte 6 0 Six local soldiers are killed in an ambush by Islamic militia.
2013.06.25 Afghanistan Kabul 3 4 A suicide attack on a government building leaves three guards dead.
2013.06.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 3 Two children and eight women are shredded by a bomb planted by Sunni fundamentalists.
2013.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 0 2 Two guards are wounded when Muslims open fire on a Catholic church.
2013.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Islamists set off a bomb near a church, killing two people.
2013.06.24 Afghanistan Deh-Sabz 7 3 Seven civilians are shot to death at a market by suspected Taliban.
2013.06.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Jihadis bomb a Christian-owned store, killing a father of three.
2013.06.24 Iraq Husseiniya 10 30 Two bombs placed at a Shiite market send eight patrons to Allah.
2013.06.24 Iraq Jihad 9 21 al-Qaeda bombers take out nine residents of a Shia neighborhood.
2013.06.24 Iraq Baghdad 5 16 Jihadis bomb a supermarket, killing at leave five Iraqis.
2013.06.24 Iraq Nahrawan 4 15 Four people are ripped apart by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.06.24 Iraq Baghdad 11 37 Eleven Iraqis are torn to shreds by five al-Qaeda car bomb blasts.
2013.06.24 Iraq Mosul 2 7 Two people are obliterated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.24 Iraq Tikrit 3 5 Students are among the casualties when a Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a university parking garage.
2013.06.24 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two people are brutally murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.06.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sunnis kidnap and brutally torture a Shiite to death.
2013.06.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite shopkeeper is picked off by Sipah-e-Sahaba snipers.
2013.06.24 India Srinagar 8 11 Hizbul-Mujahideen ambush a group of local soldiers, killing eight.
2013.06.24 Pakistan Madurai 1 0 A milk vendor is murdered in cold blood by Religion of Peace emissaries.
2013.06.23 Pakistan Gilgit 3 0 Two girls and their mother are honor killed by conservative family members over a video of them enjoying rain.
2013.06.23 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A lawyer and his son are shot to death in their car by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.06.23 Egypt Zawiyat 4 0 Sunni hardliners throw petrol bombs into a house with Shia residents, burning and then stabbing and beating at least four to death.
2013.06.23 Lebanon Sidon 6 0 Six local soldiers are murdered 'in cold blood' on orders of a Sunni cleric.
2013.06.23 Syria Idlib 1 0 A Catholic monk is beheaded Islamists for defending nuns.
2013.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Three civilians are killed when terrorists send a rocket shell into a hotel.
2013.06.23 Pakistan Nanga Parbat 11 0 Religious extremists shoot ten foreign tourists and one guard to death at a mountain climbing camp.
2013.06.23 Iraq Riyadh 3 14 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.23 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 19 31 Car bombs targeting Shiites in a residential neighborhood leave at least nineteen dead.
2013.06.23 Syria Damascus 3 10 Three people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.23 Dagestan Kohabrosso 0 3 Islamic militants try to kill a moderate imam in his home, wounding him, his wife and son.
2013.06.22 Iraq Tikrit 4 4 al-Qaeda militants incinerate four truck drivers with thermal grenades.
2013.06.22 Iraq Anbar 5 0 Five local cops are massacred by a coordinated car bomb and rocket attack.
2013.06.22 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 At least two police officers are murdered in separate Taliban attacks.
2013.06.22 Pakistan Toba Tek Singh 5 0 Three small children are among a family of five Shiites, tied up in their home and butchered by Sunnis with knives.
2013.06.22 Pakistan Chamarkand 2 0 Two tribal elders are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2013.06.22 Thailand Pattani 2 2 Muslim terrorists take out two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2013.06.22 India Srinagar 2 0 Two traffic cops are gunned down by Islamic militants.
2013.06.22 Iraq Sab al-Bor 14 32 A Shahid suicide bomber walks into a Shia mosque and sends fourteen worshippers straight to Allah.
2013.06.22 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 3 1 al-Qaeda gunmen open up on a group of Iraqis at point-blank range, taking down three.
2013.06.22 Iraq Mosul 4 15 Four people are ripped apart by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2013.06.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Two patrons are killed when a Sunni bomb rips through a market.
2013.06.21 Pakistan Peshawar 15 28 A dedicated Sunni wades into a packed Shia mosque and detonates a suicide vest, while his friends fire automatic weapons into the crowd.
2013.06.20 Iraq Ramadi 7 7 A suicide bomber dressed as a policeman walks into a vote counting center and slaughters seven people.
2013.06.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen shoot two civilians to death.
2013.06.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder a father and son in cold blood.
2013.06.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia school bus driver is murdered by Sunnis.
2013.06.19 Yemen Saada 2 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two civilians.
2013.06.19 Pakistan Green Town 1 0 An Ahmadi father of two is gunned down in a targeted attack based on his religion.
2013.06.19 Somalia Mogadishu 22 20 Suicide bombers storm a UN compound and massacre twenty-two innocents.
2013.06.19 Iraq Ninevah 5 6 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside the guesthouse of a local politician, killing him and four family members.
2013.06.18 Nigeria Alau Dam 13 0 Thirteen fishermen and tea vendor's are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2013.06.18 Iraq Baghdad 37 57 A double suicide bombing at a Shia mosque leaves over thirty worshippers dead.
2013.06.18 Pakistan Mardan 35 61 A Holy Warrior self-detonates at a funeral, killing three dozen mourners.
2013.06.18 Afghanistan Kabul 3 24 Religious extremists set off a bomb that leaves three civilians dead.
2013.06.18 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two local soldiers are machine-gunned at a checkpost by Islamic terrorists.
2013.06.18 Egypt Assiut 2 16 Fundamentalists are suspected of lobbing a shell at a group of local soldiers.
2013.06.18 Nigeria Bakin Rijiya 1 0 At least one resident is killed when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village and burn four churches.
2013.06.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A cop praying inside a mosque is shot to death by a Muslim terrorist.
2013.06.17 Iraq Jabla 3 1 al-Qaeda gunmen walk into a restaurant and gun down three patrons.
2013.06.17 Syria Damascus 60 10 Sixty security force members are reportedly killed by an al-Qaeda car bomb.
2013.06.17 Afghanistan Kabul 3 2 Three innocent truck drivers are torn to pieces by a Taliban rocket.
2013.06.17 Pakistan Killa Saifullah 3 0 Islamists walk up to a checkpoint and calmly shoot three local cops to death.
2013.06.17 Iraq Taji 2 11 A bomb placed inside a minibus leaves two dead.
2013.06.17 Iraq Fallujah 3 21 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates three Iraqis.
2013.06.17 Iraq Taji 7 25 Two women and a 12-year-old child are among seven patron obliterated by Mujahid restaurant bombing.
2013.06.16 Iraq Basra 6 9 A half-dozen Shiites are dismantled by Sunni bombers.
2013.06.16 Iraq Mosul 6 5 Six guards at an oil pipeline are shot to death by suspected al-Qaeda.
2013.06.16 Iraq Baghdad 11 25 Eleven people at a packed cafe catering to Shiites are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.16 Iraq Madaen 5 10 Mujahideen car bombers send five Iraqis to Allah.
2013.06.16 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three members of a secular-leaning political party are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by suspected Taliban.
2013.06.16 Lebanon Wadi Refeq 4 0 Four Shiites are machine-gunned by Sunnis .
2013.06.16 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 Two anti-polio workers are shot to death by Muslim fundamentalists.
2013.06.16 Nigeria Damaturu 9 4 Seven students and two teachers are killed during an assault on their school by Boko Haram.
2013.06.16 Iraq Kut 6 15 Hardline bombers send shrapnel through an industrial area, taking down six innocents.
2013.06.16 Iraq Kut 5 12 Five construction workers are ripped to shreds by Sunni bombers.
2013.06.16 Iraq Nasiriyah 2 35 al-Qaeda bombers take down two Iraqis.
2013.06.16 Iraq Najaf 8 28 Sunni bombers strike a watermelon market in a Shia area, sending at least eight patrons to Allah.
2013.06.15 Nigeria Hwaa 1 0 A pastor's throat is slit by Islamists upon refusal to convert.
2013.06.15 Libya Benghazi 6 11 Six local soldiers are stabbed and shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2013.06.15 Iraq al-Ashraf 2 40 Mortars are sent into a camp of Sunni dissidents, leaving two dead.
2013.06.15 Pakistan Quetta 25 19 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi blow up a bus carrying female students, then force their way into a hospital and shoot more to death.
2013.06.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A local politician is assassinated by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.06.14 Afghanistan Khost 8 0 Eight civilians are blown to bits by a Taliban bomb.
2013.06.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.06.13 Afghanistan Sar-i-pul 1 0 A doctor is dragged out of his clinic and stoned by a mob angry that he saw a female patient without an escort.
2013.06.13 Afghanistan Jaghato 2 2 Two small children are disassembled by a Religion of Peace rocket attack.
2013.06.13 Afghanistan Helmand 6 0 A Taliban recruit helps the terrorists murder six fellow cops.
2013.06.12 Afghanistan Sangin 2 15 Sunni radicals take out two people with a bomb planted near a market.
2013.06.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims machine-gun a 49-year-old man resting in his living room.
2013.06.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 30-year-old Buddhist is slain in front of his house by Muslim militants.
2013.06.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A working class man is gunned down by Muslim 'separatists' on his way to the job site.
2013.06.11 Pakistan Peshawar 2 1 A doctor is among two Shiites shot to death by Lashkar-e-Jhagvi.
2013.06.11 Afghanistan Kabul 17 39 A devout Muslim blows himself up outside a courthouse, taking seventeen other souls with him.
2013.06.11 Iraq Diyala 3 0 Three local truck drivers are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni extremists.
2013.06.11 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six Iraqis are murdered by Mujahideen bombers.
2013.06.11 Syria Damascus 14 31 Fourteen people at a public square are ripped apart by Shahid suicide bombers.
2013.06.11 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 A targeted shooting attack on three Ahmadi minorities at a bazaar leaves one dead.
2013.06.11 Syria Hatla 30 0 At least two dozen Shia civilians are slaughtered in their homes by Sunni extremists praising Allah.
2013.06.11 Dagestan Novolak 2 2 Two local cops are gunned down by Islamic militants.
2013.06.11 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A Christian teen is tortured and killed on (false) suspicion of relations with a Muslim girl.
2013.06.10 Iraq Tuz Khromato 3 38 Two al-Qaeda bomb blasts take out three Iraqis.
2013.06.10 Lebanon Hermel 1 0 Hezbollah is accused of murdering a truck driver.
2013.06.10 Iraq Mosul 24 114 Five coordinated al-Qaeda bomb blasts leave two dozen people dead and over a hundred more in agony.
2013.06.10 Iraq Sadr City 4 12 Sunnis bomb a cafe popular with Shiites, killing at least four.
2013.06.10 Iraq Madaen 3 10 Three people are torn apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.06.10 Iraq Kirkuk 1 14 An Iraqi loses his life to a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.10 Iraq Kirkuk 3 12 al-Qaeda bombers snuff out three lives.
2013.06.10 Iraq Taji 7 25 An al-Qaeda bomb at a fish market leaves seven dead.
2013.06.10 Iraq Jidaidat al-Shatt 15 46 At least fifteen people are exterminated by Mujahideen bomb blasts at a fruit and vegetable market.
2013.06.10 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba murder a former Sunni for becoming Shia.
2013.06.10 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Sunni extremists murder two Shiites on their way to prayers.
2013.06.10 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 Sunnis kidnap and execute seven Shia civilians.
2013.06.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 58-year-old man at a tea shop is shot to death in mid-sip by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.06.10 Pakistan Jamrud 6 0 Jaishi Asama murder six truck drivers.
2013.06.10 Afghanistan Qalat 2 18 Two civilians are killed during a coordinated attack by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2013.06.09 Pakistan Lyari 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis take out an 8-year-old girl and her father with a grenade at a park.
2013.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 7 22 A Fedayeen suicide bomber strikes a Shia neighborhood during rush hour, killing seven.
2013.06.09 Pakistan Razmak 3 4 Taliban militants kill three local soldiers with roadside bomb.
2013.06.09 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Islamic terrorists gun down an Egyptian cop.
2013.06.09 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Islamists execute a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents for the crime of disbelieving in God.
2013.06.09 Kenya Mombasa 0 17 Islamists throw a grenade into a church during Sunday service, nearly killing a baby.
2013.06.09 Lebanon Beirut 1 0 Hezbollah is blamed for the murder of a young demonstrator.
2013.06.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two children are beheaded by the Taliban.
2013.06.08 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A conservative man shoots his 18-year-old sister to death for having an illicit affair.
2013.06.08 Nigeria Maiduguri 13 5 Islamic extremists massacre thirteen civilians with guns hidden in a coffin.
2013.06.08 Syria Homs 8 10 A child and three woman are among eight civilians killed by an al-Nusra car bomb in a Shia neighborhood.
2013.06.08 Afghanistan Paktika 3 0 A civilian is among three Americans killed by a Taliban in NATO uniform.
2013.06.08 Iraq Baghdad 5 20 Sunni bombers target Shia commercial districts, killing at least five.
2013.06.08 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 An al-Shabaab bomb blast leaves two people dead.
2013.06.07 Pakistan Badhaber 1 0 A female polio worker loses her life in a hospital a few days after a shooting attack by fundamentalists.
2013.06.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Wahhabi militants murder a 30-year-old Shiite outside his shrine.
2013.06.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 38-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim 'separatists' while on his way to pick up his child.
2013.06.07 Iraq Ramadi 8 8 Suicide bombers take out at least eight Iraqis at an intersection.
2013.06.07 Iraq Muqdadiyah 12 45 A dozen Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.06.07 Pakistan Bahawal 0 1 A 70-year-old shepherd is severely beaten after a mob accuses him of tearing a page of the Quran.
2013.06.07 Somalia Jamaame 1 0 Islamists identify a Christian convert and publicly execute him.
2013.06.06 Iraq Taji 7 12 Seven Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.06.06 Tunisia Mount Chaambi 2 2 Jihadists kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2013.06.06 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two women are killed when Taliban suicide bombers blow themselves up.
2013.06.06 Afghanistan Sar-e Pol 1 15 A civilian bleeds to death following a bomb blast at a hotel.
2013.06.06 Iraq Nahrawan 4 22 Four people at a livestock market are obliterated by a Mujahideen bombing.
2013.06.06 Iraq Bayaa 3 11 Three Iraqis are ripped to shreds by Jihad bombers.
2013.06.06 Pakistan Peshawar 3 1 Taliban bombers murder three local cops.
2013.06.06 Afghanistan Nawzad 7 9 Seven NATO soldiers are killed when a suicide truck bomber detonates inside their base.
2013.06.06 Bangladesh Bolakipur 0 5 Muslim 'extremists' break in to a Catholic seminary and beat the rector and students 'with violence and brutality'.
2013.06.05 Malaysia Kuala Lumpur 4 2 A man slashed to death at a car wash are among four Buddhists killed in targeted attacks by Muslims.
2013.06.05 Iraq Nukhaib 14 0 Fourteen innocent Shiites are stopped and summarily executed by Sunni gunmen.
2013.06.04 Algeria Djelfa 5 0 A conservative Muslim cleanses his family honor by shooting five members of his niece's lover to death.
2013.06.04 Afghanistan Helmand 3 3 The Taliban murder three local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2013.06.04 Iraq Hillah 1 0 Jihadis place a bomb in the car of an elementary school teacher, killing him instantly.
2013.06.04 Pakistan Khairpur 1 0 Islamic radicals are suspected of pulling a university employee off a bus and executing him.
2013.06.04 Afghanistan Farah 4 1 Three children and their father are exterminated by Holy Warriors.
2013.06.04 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is tortured to death by her conservative father for an 'honor' violation.
2013.06.03 Kenya Liboi 2 0 al-Shabaab militia murder two Kenyans in their cars.
2013.06.03 Pakistan Garhi Habib Ullah 1 0 A woman is forced to recite Quran and then hacked to death with an axe after leaving the house without her husband's permission.
2013.06.03 Afghanistan Laghman 7 0 Four children and two women are among a family of seven exterminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.03 Pakistan Tank 1 1 Islamic militants gun down a man at a market.
2013.06.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 53-year-old villager is murdered by Muslim 'separatists' as he is driving home.
2013.06.03 Afghanistan Samkani 12 15 Ten schoolchildren are disassembled by a Holy Warrior suicide bomber at a market
2013.06.03 Lebanon Tripoli 4 21 A woman is among four killed during a clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.06.02 Syria Damascus 9 0 Nine people are reportedly murdered by al-Nusra.
2013.06.02 Syria Jouber 3 3 A Jabhat al-Nusra car bomb leaves three dead.
2013.06.02 Pakistan Sanghar 1 0 A Muslim woman is honor-killed by her step brother on suspicion of illicit relations.
2013.06.02 Pakistan Sukkor 1 0 Members of a conservative family pitch in to shoot a daughter to death who married without the father's permission.
2013.06.02 Iraq al-Rutba 3 0 Sunni terrorists murder three Syrian truck drivers.
2013.06.02 Afghanistan Kamdesh 4 4 Four local cops are murdered by a Taliban attack.
2013.06.02 Yemen Shabwa 9 5 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber sends nine people to paradise.
2013.06.02 Tanzania Geita 0 1 Religion of Peace activists enter the home of a Christian pastor and nearly hack him to death.
2013.06.01 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 0 A child is among four civilians exterminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.06.01 Pakistan Pastawana 1 0 Religious extremists gun down a public high school principal in cold blood at his home.
2013.06.01 Afghanistan Barkhol 3 11 The Taliban take out three members of a wedding party with a roadside blast.
2013.06.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba murder a 30-year-old Shiite.
2013.06.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A villager is shot to death by suspected 'separatists.'
2013.06.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 6 Muslim 'separatists' spray a group of local soldiers with bullets, killing at least one.
2013.06.01 Yemen Hadramawt 1 0 An al-Qaeda gunmen praises Allah as he shoots a local air force officer to death at a traffic light.
2013.06.01 Afghanistan Khost 3 3 Taliban bombers take out three local cops.
2013.06.01 Niger Niamey 4 10 Mujao Islamists storm a prison and shoot dead three guards and a visitor.
2013.05.31 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Shia professor and his driver are murdered by Wahhabi rivals.
2013.05.31 Pakistan Nazimabad 3 0 A 14-year-old child is among three Shiites killed during a Sipah-e-Sahaba attack.
2013.05.31 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Taliban militants murder a peace committee member outside his home.
2013.05.31 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Sectarian bombers target worshippers leaving a mosque, taking down four.
2013.05.31 Myanmar Selayang 2 0 Two Buddhists are beheaded in separate attacks.
2013.05.31 Nigeria Benue 17 12 Fulani 'mercenaries' storm a village market and slaughter seventeen civilians in an attack with sectarian overtones.
2013.05.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 Muslim 'insurgent' attacks against a school headmaster and four others leave one dead.
2013.05.30 Pakistan Turbat 1 0 A prayer leader is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.30 Iraq Binouk 5 20 A pair of al-Qaeda car bombs leaves five dead.
2013.05.30 Iraq Shaab 6 17 Mujahideen bomb a Shiite commercial district, killing at least six innocents.
2013.05.30 Iraq Azamiyah 4 14 Four people are taken down by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.05.30 Iraq Karrada 3 16 Three Iraqis are sent to Allah by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.30 Iraq Tal Afar 4 8 Four people are taken out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Terrorists plant a bomb on a minibus that kills three passengers.
2013.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Three people at a car parts market are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.30 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
2013.05.29 Afghanistan Panjshir 1 0 Six suicide bombers manage to kill one guard in an attack on a governor's office.
2013.05.29 Libya Benghazi 3 3 Islamists are suspected of tossing a grenade at a checkpoint, killing three soldiers.
2013.05.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 A suicide bomber attacks a Red Cross office, killing a guard.
2013.05.29 Iraq Baqubah 7 11 Seven Iraqis are dismantled by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2013.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 16 42 Sectarian bombers blow up a wedding party, killing sixteen outright and leaving another forty in agony.
2013.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 9 15 Terrorists hit commercial districts with two bombs that leave nine dead.
2013.05.29 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two men are shot to death in front of their children, apparently for belonging to a secular-leaning political party.
2013.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 12 31 al-Qaeda bombers send a dozen Iraqis to Allah.
2013.05.28 Afghanistan Arghistan 7 1 Taliban militants shoot seven local officers in the back after the police invite them in for dinner.
2013.05.28 Afghanistan Baghlan 5 0 Five family members are laid out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.28 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends four Iraqis to Allah.
2013.05.28 Iraq Sadr City 5 26 Sunnis detonate a shrapnel bomb at a Shia bus stop, taking down at least five civilians.
2013.05.28 Libya Benghazi 1 3 A local soldier is gunned down by radical Islamists.
2013.05.28 Iraq Tikrit 3 2 Three Iraqis are shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2013.05.28 Iraq Mosul 11 2 A suicide bombing is among a series of Mujahid attacks that leave a dozen dead.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Peshawar 2 17 Two people are killed when Sunnis set off a bomb at a Shia mosque.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi murder a man for being a Shiite.
2013.05.28 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two local soldiers are cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' walk up to a plantation worker and shoot him three times in the chest.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A man and his two sons, ages 12 and 15, are brutally shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Badbher 1 1 Religious extremists fire on a team of polio workers, killing a woman.
2013.05.28 Pakistan Swat 1 5 A teenage boy is killed by a remote-controlled blast set off by Islamic militants.
2013.05.28 Bahrain Bani Jamra 0 7 Seven police are injured in a brutal shrapnel bomb attack by al-Ashtar Brigades.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Shangla 5 0 A powerful bomb planted by radical Sunnis completely dismantles five local cops.
2013.05.27 Iraq Madain 3 9 Jihadi car bombers kill three and injure nine.
2013.05.27 Iraq Tikrit 2 3 al-Qaeda bomber take down two Iraqis.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sadr City 13 35 Thirteen shoppers are blown to bits by an al-Qaeda bomb at a shopping district.
2013.05.27 Iraq al-Maalif 6 12 Sunni bombers strike a Shiite open air market, killing at least a half dozen patrons.
2013.05.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 14 Five civilians bleed to death following an al-Qaeda blast in a commercial area.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sabi al-Boor 8 26 al-Qaeda bombers take out eight Iraqis with a bomb planted in a Shia neighborhood.
2013.05.27 Iraq Kazimiyah 4 11 Four Shia waiting for a bus are sent to paradise by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Shaab 4 9 An al-Qaeda blast leaves four Shia dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Hurriyah 5 14 Five are killed A Shia neighborhood is bombed by Sunni extremists.
2013.05.27 Iraq Bayaa 6 16 An al-Qaeda bomb planted in a Shia neighborhood leaves six dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Sadria 3 11 Three Iraqis are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Jisr Diyala 5 12 Five Shiites are obliterated by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.27 Iraq Baladiyat 4 11 A Sunni bomb blast in a Shia neighborhood leaves four dead.
2013.05.27 Iraq Khalis 1 2 Terrorists gun down a teacher.
2013.05.27 Lebanon Hermel 3 1 A 17-year-old girl is among three civilians killed in a rocket attack blamed on religious extremists.
2013.05.27 Thailand Pattani 1 3 One person is killed by a Muslim bomb blast near a school.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary student is kidnapped and murdered by sectarian rivals.
2013.05.27 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists gun down a Shia activist.
2013.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Mujahideen assassinate a promising soccer player.
2013.05.26 Kenya Abdisugow 6 2 A teacher and a teenage boy are among six people murdered by Islamic militants.
2013.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Three civilians are shot to death by Jihadi gunmen.
2013.05.26 Afghanistan Zherook 2 0 A 4-year-old child and her mother bleed to death following a Taliban rocket attack on their home.
2013.05.26 Pakistan Bannu 6 6 Terrorists kill six security personnel in two attacks.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old woman several times in the chest.
2013.05.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old coconut farmer is gunned down by suspected Muslim militants.
2013.05.26 Iraq Mosul 5 21 Islamic terrorists take out five Iraqis in various attacks.
2013.05.26 Syria Damascus 6 15 A mother and child are among six killed by an al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.05.26 Turkey Ankara 0 1 At least one person is stabbed when Islamists shouting 'Allah Akbar' attack a couple kissing on the subway.
2013.05.26 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslims abduct and kill a 6-year-old Coptic boy.
2013.05.25 Somalia Baidoa 1 14 At least one person is killed by an al-Shabaab blast at a market.
2013.05.25 Iraq Samarrah 7 21 Seven Shia pilgrims on a bus are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.25 France Paris 0 1 A soldier is wounded when a Muslim stabs him in the neck in a Paris shopping district.
2013.05.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 44-year-old civilian is shot to death in his pickup truck by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.05.25 Pakistan Orangi 0 2 Two children are hurt when suspected Taliban throw a bomb into a school yard.
2013.05.25 Yemen Hadramawt 2 2 A civilian and a cop bleed to death after al-Qaeda militants throw a grenade at them.
2013.05.25 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 14 Children are among the casualties when a female suicide bomber detonates in a public square.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Andar 4 0 Four civilians at a mosque are killed when explosives carried by bombers detonate prematurely after the stop off for pre-blast prayer.
2013.05.24 India Tral 3 0 Three Indian troops are killed in an ambush by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2013.05.24 Thailand Pattani 5 1 Muslim 'separatists' murder five security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Peshawar 2 3 Two other people are killed when a suicide bomber targets a rival cleric.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Mattani 6 4 Religious radicals take out six local cops with RPGs.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 1 Religious extremists murder a truck driver.
2013.05.24 Yemen al-Thalib 2 0 An al-Qaeda attack on a local security post leaves two soldiers dead.
2013.05.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Fedayeen attack a humanitarian aid office, killing a 6-year-old child and three others.
2013.05.24 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Fundamentalists lob a hand grenade into a shop selling Western music, killing the owner.
2013.05.24 Saudi Arabia Taif 1 0 An al-Qaeda prisoner kills a guard trying to save him from a fire.
2013.05.24 Nigeria Gwoza 2 0 A pastor and a church member are brutally slain by Islamist gunmen.
2013.05.24 Nigeria Borno 1 0 Members of Boko Haram murder an elderly Christian woman in her home.
2013.05.23 Dagestan Karabudakhkent 2 0 At least two innocent people are killed during a shooting and grenade attack by Islamic militants.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Sibi 5 2 Fundamentalists are suspected of storming a brothel and killing five people.
2013.05.23 Somalia Beledweyne 3 0 al-Shabaab terrorists attack a nomad community that refused to supply them with "payment".
2013.05.23 Egypt Luxor 3 0 A woman and her two daughters are strangled and thrown into a river by seven male relatives concerned about unIslamic behavior.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Hindu is shot to death by a Muslim gang.
2013.05.23 Iraq Taji 4 5 al-Qaeda gunmen murder four local soldiers at a checkpoint.
2013.05.23 Niger Agadez 20 16 Suicide bombers detonate in a local army barracks, killing about twenty others.
2013.05.23 Niger Arlit 1 13 At least one civilians dies following a Mujao suicide car bombing at a uranium mine.
2013.05.23 Pakistan Quetta 13 16 The Tehreek-i-Taliban "proudly claim" a brutal bombing that leaves over a dozen dead.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down by two men in a targeted attack.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Sheikh Nala 1 3 A woman is killed when Islamic militants attack and burn four houses.
2013.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Seven woman and five men are executed at a brothel by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.05.22 England London 1 0 An off-duty soldier is hacked to death in the name of Allah by two Muslims.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Moqur 4 14 A suicide bomber detonates at a busy market, wiping out four bystanders.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A motorcyclist is taken out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A grocery store owner is executed in his shop by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.05.22 Kenya Garissa 2 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the cold-blooded killing of two civilians.
2013.05.22 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 A Shia newspaper vendor is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat.
2013.05.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 5 Taliban bombers take out an Afghan civilian
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 5 Sunni fundamentalists claim credit for killing two local cops.
2013.05.21 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 1 A police officer is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 2 7 Muslim bombers take out two guards at a power station.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Pirabad 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death by her family for marrying of their own free will.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni police officer deliberately kills a fellow officer for being a Shiite.
2013.05.21 Iraq Abu Ghraib 11 21 Eleven people at a mosque bleed out following a bombing by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.21 Lebanon Tripoli 11 70 A cleric is among eleven people killed in a sectarian clash between Shia and Sunni.
2013.05.21 Pakistan Dargai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his mosque by suspected terrorists.
2013.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 7 A suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 18 Six people bleed to death when Mujahideen set off a bomb outside a cafe.
2013.05.21 Iraq Kirkuk 5 46 Holy warriors send razor-sharp shrapnel into patrons of a cattle market, taking out at least five.
2013.05.21 Afghanistan Herat 7 0 Seven Afghans are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A peace committee activist is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 14 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders fourteen people.
2013.05.20 Iraq Anbar 13 0 Thirteen innocent kidnap victims are brutally executed by religious militants.
2013.05.20 Pakistan Bajour 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on a polio team, killing a guard.
2013.05.20 Iraq Samarrah 8 15 Eight Shia pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by Sunni car bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen Shiites are torn to shreds by sectarian bombers at a market.
2013.05.20 Dagestan Makhachkala 4 44 Four people are killed when Jihadists set off a bomb in front of a courthouse.
2013.05.20 Iraq Hillah 9 26 Nine people are cut down by Religion of Peace rivals while leaving a mosque.
2013.05.20 Iraq Basra 13 40 Over a dozen people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Balad 14 13 Fourteen Shia pilgrims are disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2013.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 2 1 A married couple is laid out when terrorists bomb their car.
2013.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 126 Over thirty people are murdered in a series of al-Qaeda bombings in Shiite areas.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baqubah 2 0 Terrorists kill and man and his wife in their home.
2013.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Religious radicals open fire on a group of men playing checkers, killing two.
2013.05.19 Iraq Haditha 8 0 Al-Qaeda attack a police station and kill eight occupants.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Khushpur 1 3 Angry Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing a teenage student.
2013.05.19 Lebanon Tripoli 2 6 A boy is among two people killed during a sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia.
2013.05.19 Tunisia Tunis 0 11 Eleven policemen are injured when Salafists throw petrol bombs at them.
2013.05.19 Afghanistan Moqor 6 4 Six Afghans lose their lives to a Taliban ambush.
2013.05.19 Iraq Rawa 3 2 Islamic 'insurgents' gun down three local cops in cold blood.
2013.05.19 Pakistan Basya Khel 1 5 A bomb targeting children leaves one dead.
2013.05.19 Egypt Cairo 3 0 Three guards at a university are machine-gunned by religious extremists.
2013.05.18 Syria Damascus 3 5 Terrorists detonate a car bomb near a school, killing three people.
2013.05.18 India Kupwara 1 0 Muslim militants from Pakistan shoot an Indian border guard to death.
2013.05.18 Iraq Latifiya 5 10 Jihad car bombers take out ten Iraqis.
2013.05.18 Afghanistan Bakwa 4 0 Taliban militants murder four Afghan soldiers with a bomb.
2013.05.18 Afghanistan Khak-e-Safid 1 0 A local policeman is gunned down in his driveway by Sunni hardliners.
2013.05.18 Iraq Garma 4 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down four Iraqis.
2013.05.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 One person bleeds to death after Muslim 'separatists' bomb a hotel.
2013.05.18 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Mujahideen enter a home and slaughter five family members, including two children ages 8 and 10.
2013.05.18 Iraq Basra 1 0 A Shia cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.17 Pakistan Mianwali 2 0 A faith healer and his wife are brutally murdered in their home by suspected fundamentalists.
2013.05.17 Yemen Mukalla 1 0 A security officer is assassinated by al-Qaeda gunmen on a motorcycle.
2013.05.17 Egypt Alexandria 1 3 A Copt is killed during an assault by a Muslim bomb on a church.
2013.05.17 Iraq Fallujah 2 8 Terrorists bomb a coffee shop, killing two patrons.
2013.05.17 Iraq Madain 8 25 Eight mourners at a funeral are disassembled by sectarian bombers.
2013.05.17 Iraq Baqubah 43 57 A double bomb attack on a Sunni mosque leaves over forty worshippers dead.
2013.05.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 9 70 Islamic hardliners bomb a family restaurant, killing nine innocents.
2013.05.17 Pakistan Baz Darrah 21 120 Twenty-one worshippers at two mosques are sent straight to Allah by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.17 Iraq Baghdad 22 57 al-Qaeda bombers take down two dozen Iraqis with three bombs.
2013.05.16 Pakistan Matani 5 6 Religious extremists open fire a convoy of local combat engineers, killing five.
2013.05.16 Pakistan Mingora 2 1 A child activist and a peace committee member are shot by the Taliban in targeted attacks.
2013.05.16 Iraq Kirkuk 12 18 A dozen people are torn to shreds when a suicide bomber self-detonates at a Shia mosque.
2013.05.16 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two truck drivers are shot to death by Muslim extremists.
2013.05.16 Iraq Kamaliya 3 14 Three civilians are laid out by a Mujahideen car bomb at a taxi stand.
2013.05.16 Afghanistan Kabul 15 40 A dedicated Sunni blows himself up in a city street, exterminating fifteen souls, including two children
2013.05.16 Iraq Sadr City 9 16 A 7-year-old child is among nine killed when Sunnis bomb a bus stop in a Shia neighborhood.
2013.05.16 Somalia Gof Gadud 5 10 An al-Shabaab ambush leaves five dead.
2013.05.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Religion of Peace activists shoot a pastor to death in his home in front of his daughter.
2013.05.15 Iraq Kirkuk 12 23 Two Jihad car bombings leave a dozen Iraqis dead.
2013.05.15 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A suicide bomber kills two Iraqis.
2013.05.15 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 0 Two brothers are taken from their home and slain execution style by al-Qaeda.
2013.05.15 Iraq Kadhimiya 2 9 Two people are taken out by Jihad car bombers.
2013.05.15 Iraq Sadr City 7 33 Sunnis set off three car bombs in Shia neighborhoods, leaving seven dead.
2013.05.15 Iraq Baghdad 14 68 At least five al-Qaeda bombs targeting Shiites leave a dozen dead and many more in agony.
2013.05.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 50-year-old villager to death.
2013.05.14 Afghanistan Garmsir 3 7 Children are among the casualties when Sunni radicals set off a motorcycle bomb at a market.
2013.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Fundamentalists execute a dozen people at a series of shops selling alcohol.
2013.05.14 Iraq Mosul 1 14 A child is taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.05.14 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 al-Qaeda militants shoot two brothers to death.
2013.05.14 Syria Deir al-Zor 11 0 al-Nusra Islamists summarily execute eleven captives on video while praising Allah.
2013.05.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Video surfaces of the cold-blooded execution of three captives by al-Nusra Islamists.
2013.05.13 Iraq Ramadi 3 7 A Holy Warrior detonates a suicide vest, killing three Iraqis.
2013.05.13 Afghanistan Paktika 5 7 Sunni hardliners bomb a van full of police recruits, killing five.
2013.05.13 Afghanistan Arghistan 10 12 Women and children are among ten civilians ripped to shreds by a bomb planted by religious radicals.
2013.05.13 Libya Benghazi 15 41 Islamists are thought responsible for a car bomb blast at a hospital that leaves over a dozen dead, including two children.
2013.05.13 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three Georgian soldiers are killed when a suicide truck bomber plows into their base.
2013.05.13 Pakistan Bara 1 8 Taliban militants take out a child with a rocket.
2013.05.12 Iraq Mishahada 3 0 Mujahideen murder three men walking by the side of the road.
2013.05.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Terrorists shoot four women to death in their own home.
2013.05.12 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five suspected al-Qaeda victims are handcuffed and shot in the back of the head.
2013.05.12 Pakistan Quetta 8 97 A child is among eight people blown to bits by a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide car bomber.
2013.05.12 Iraq Basra 1 0 Religion of Peace rivals gun down a cleric outside his mosque.
2013.05.12 Pakistan Muslim Colony 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is strangled by her conservative family for getting pregnant.
2013.05.11 Kenya Mandera 2 4 Islamists throw a grenade at a group of Kenyans and then shoot them in the head.
2013.05.11 Afghanistan Nuristan 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by the Taliban.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Manghopir 2 3 A suicide bomber sends two souls to Allah.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Karachi 11 40 Children are among the casualties when Islamists set off a bomb blast targeting voters.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 10 A bomb outside a polling station leaves one dead.
2013.05.11 Iraq Nineveh 3 21 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two women and a child.
2013.05.11 Iraq Shurqat 3 19 Three people are incinerated by a suicide truck bomber.
2013.05.11 Pakistan Panj Khata 1 35 A 10-year-old boy is taken out by a bomb planted by Sunni hardliners.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi kidnap and murder a Shiite civilian.
2013.05.10 Iraq al-Dhera 1 5 A 2-year-old child is pulled into pieces by Mujahid bombers.
2013.05.10 India Rajpora 1 0 A farmer is murdered inside his home by Muslim militants.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Kurram 3 0 The Taliban gun down three security personnel.
2013.05.10 Iraq Mahaweel 3 7 Religion of Peace rivals bomb a mosque, killing three worshippers.
2013.05.10 India Pulwama 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gun down a police officer.
2013.05.10 India Lassipora 1 0 An imam is shot to death outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.05.10 Pakistan Miranshah 4 21 Religious fanatics take out four locals with a bomb blast at a market.
2013.05.09 Iraq Hawija 1 11 al-Qaeda bombers take out an Iraqi child.
2013.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Terrorists kill three university students with a bomb placed on a bus.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Torghar 6 10 A half-dozen people are disassembled by Islamic bombers.
2013.05.09 Egypt Cairo 0 1 An American professor is stabbed five times by a well-educated terrorist.
2013.05.09 Yemen Lahij 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down a local traffic cop.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Multan 1 8 Fundamentalists are suspected of opening fire on a political rally, killing one.
2013.05.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder a 35-year-old Shiite.
2013.05.08 Pakistan Hangu 2 18 Women and children are among the casualties when Islamic militants set off a bomb at a market.
2013.05.08 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 45-year-old woman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2013.05.08 Iraq Mosul 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a civilian.
2013.05.08 Iraq Fallujah 3 2 al-Qaeda gunmen open fire on police officers at a checkpoint, killing two.
2013.05.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 At least three drivers are killed by Taliban gunmen at a protest.
2013.05.08 Yemen Lahij 3 0 Three men in a car are wasted by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.05.08 Pakistan Bannu 2 23 A woman is among two people blown away by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.05.08 Iraq Salaheddin 1 1 A suicide bomber manages to kill one other person.
2013.05.08 Iraq Kirkuk 2 49 Two suicide bombers take down two Iraqis and injure about fifty others.
2013.05.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 3 Religion of Peace rivals set off an IED at a mosque that leaves two dead, including the imam.
2013.05.07 Algeria Keddara 2 0 Two guards at a quarry are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Lower Dir 5 0 Five people are killed in a Taliban attack on a secular party official.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Upper Dir 1 3 Suspected Taliban bombers take out a young boy.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bama 14 0 Boko Haram attack a prison housing Islamist prisoners, killing fourteen guards.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bama 26 0 Twenty-six people, including three children, are burnt alive as Islamists set fire to a police barracks.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Korangi 2 0 Two activists of a secular-leaning party are assassinated by religious fundamentalists.
2013.05.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 1 Taliban bombers send four Afghan cops to Allah.
2013.05.07 France Roussillon 0 1 A Muslim who had recently returned from the Haj shouts 'Allah Akbar' and stabs a police officer at random.
2013.05.07 Pakistan Hangu 12 35 At least a dozen people are obliterate when a Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at an election rally.
2013.05.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a clerk to death at a restaurant.
2013.05.07 Nigeria Bale 1 0 Boko Haram murder a man in front of his wives and children.
2013.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 6 13 Mujahideen roll grenades into a rival mosque, sending at least six worshippers straight to Allah.
2013.05.06 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Two bombings, one by a Shahid, leave five Iraqis dead.
2013.05.06 Bangladesh Kanchpur 4 0 Four security officials are beaten to death by anti-blasphemy activists.
2013.05.06 Bangladesh Motijheel 1 0 A policeman is hacked to death by Islamists chanting 'death to those who insult Allah'.
2013.05.06 Philippines Basilan 2 0 An Abu Sayyaf ambush leaves two dead.
2013.05.06 Pakistan Peshawar 25 64 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at an election rally, slaughtering over two dozen innocents.
2013.05.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a 62-year-old man on his way home from work.
2013.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 7 26 Jihadi car bombers take out seven Iraqis near a restaurant.
2013.05.06 Syria al-Quasair 20 0 Hezbollah is accused of butchering twenty people, mostly women and children, with knives.
2013.05.05 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 Four fundamentalists shoot a bartender to death for serving alcohol.
2013.05.05 Afghanistan Korghan 4 5 Sunni hardliners dismantle four civilians with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 4 24 At least four civilians are killed by a Hefajat-e-Islam 'siege'.
2013.05.05 Somalia Buulo Sheekh 2 0 A 95-year-old man and his grandson are murdered in their home by al-Shabaab activists.
2013.05.05 Pakistan Orangi 5 0 A 9-year-old girl and three women are among five shot to death during an honor killing at a brothel.
2013.05.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 3 Two Thais are killed by a Muslim 'separatist' bomb.
2013.05.05 Iraq Jamiyah 3 13 Three patrons are killed by a Fundamentalist bomb at an Internet cafe.
2013.05.05 Somalia Mogadishu 11 20 Eleven people are ripped to pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.05.05 Tanzania Arusha 3 57 A 9-year-old child, a teenager and a woman bleed to death when a Muslim convert tosses a bomb into a church.
2013.05.05 Nigeria Njilan 10 0 Islamic extremists stage a Sunday morning attack on a church and a nearby cattle market, killing at least ten.
2013.05.05 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 0 Mujahideen invade a home and shoot a man and his son to death.
2013.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 6 Muslims set off a bomb at a rival mosque, killing a passerby.
2013.05.05 Pakistan Sibi 4 7 The Tehrik-i-Taliban is suspected of attacking the convoy of a secular political candidate, killing four.
2013.05.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a 50-year-old civilian twice in the head.
2013.05.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 59-year-old truck driver is murdered by Muslim militants.
2013.05.04 Nigeria Ngamdu 4 0 Religion of Peace activists tie up four villagers and cut their throats.
2013.05.04 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two American trainers are murdered by a Taliban in uniform.
2013.05.04 Pakistan Karachi 3 40 Children are among the casualties when Religion of Peace activists blow up a secular-leaning party office.
2013.05.04 Mali Gao 2 4 Two local soldiers are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.05.03 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 The prosecutor investigating a prominent assassination by terrorists is himself gunned down on his way home.
2013.05.03 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 Sectarian Jihadis detonate a bomb at a rival mosque, killing seven worshippers.
2013.05.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A 3-year-old boy and his father are brutally gunned down by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.05.03 Syria Banias 145 0 Thirty-four children and forty women are among one-hundred forty-five victims of a sectarian massacre.
2013.05.02 Syria Bayda 51 0 Fifty-one villagers are slaughtered because of their sectarian status according to a human rights group.
2013.05.02 Egypt Qattawiya 1 0 A Facebook user is shot to death by the Muslim Brotherhood after criticizing the group.
2013.05.02 Iraq Albu Faraj 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2013.05.02 Afghanistan Pula-i- Alam 8 0 Sunni hardliners murder eight local cops with a roadside bomb.
2013.05.02 Thailand Pattani 6 0 Muslim 'insurgents' murder a 3-year-old boy and five others when they fire into a Buddhist convenience store.
2013.05.02 Pakistan Manghopir 2 2 Two watchmen are shot dead during an attack by the Taliban on a Belgian missionary school.
2013.05.02 Afghanistan Barg-e-Matal 1 0 An Afghan policeman is picked off by a Taliban sniper.
2013.05.01 Syria Damascus 1 15 Sunni terrorists are blamed for a car bomb that kills at least one.
2013.05.01 Iraq Hussainya 4 12 A brutal Sunni car bomb in a Shia suburb leaves four residents dead.
2013.05.01 Iraq Garma 6 15 A suicide bomber detonates in a crowd, slaughtering at least a half-dozen.
2013.05.01 Iraq Baji 5 0 Five police officers are taken down by an al-Qaeda blast.
2013.05.01 Iraq Ramadi 2 10 Two Iraqis bleed to death following a shrapnel bombing by 'insurgents'
2013.05.01 Iraq Baquba 3 11 Mujahideen bomb a restaurant and murder a rival cleric in separate attacks.
2013.05.01 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are assassinated by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists.
2013.05.01 Afghanistan Gereshk 3 4 The Taliban murder a peace envoy and two guards.
2013.05.01 Nigeria Gashua 7 0 Five civilians are among seven shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2013.05.01 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 2 Two teens are killed by a bomb planted by Jihadis outside a store that refused to pay zakat.
2013.04.30 Jordan Amman 1 0 A young woman is stabbed 20 times and beheaded by her brother after 'dishonoring' the family.
2013.04.30 Syria Marjeh 14 103 Terrorists bomb a commercial district, killing over a dozen.
2013.04.30 Israel Tapuah 1 0 A Palestinian stabs a 31-year-old Jewish father of five to death in an unprovoked attack at a bus stop.
2013.04.30 Iraq Baghdad 4 20 Religion of Peace rivals bomb a Sunni mosque, killing four worshippers.
2013.04.30 Iraq Sulaiman Beg 2 5 A Shahid suicide bomber takes two Iraqis with him.
2013.04.30 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Muslim extremists shoot two liberal party workers to death.
2013.04.30 Tunisia Mount Chaambi 0 6 A half-dozen local soldiers and police are injured when Islamists set off land mines.
2013.04.30 Dagestan Buynaksk 2 3 Islamists spray a vehicle with machine-gun fire, killing two occupants.
2013.04.29 Pakistan Adamkot 3 0 Religious radicals kidnap and execute three local security personnel.
2013.04.29 Syria Damascus 6 0 Six bystanders are laid out by a suspected al-Nusra car bomb.
2013.04.29 Iraq Amarah 18 42 Eighteen Shiites standing in a market are ripped to pieces by Sunni bombers.
2013.04.29 Iraq Diwaniyah 9 23 Nine Iraqis at a restaurant are exterminated by al-Qaeda car bombers.
2013.04.29 Iraq Karbala 3 14 Three Shia pilgrims are brought down by and al-Qaeda bomb.
2013.04.29 Iraq Mahmoudiya 6 14 Sunni radicals detonate a car bomb in a Shia neighborhood, sending a half dozen resident to Allah.
2013.04.29 Pakistan Peshawar 9 60 Sunni hardliners plant a bomb on a motorcycle that kills at least nine people waiting for a bus.
2013.04.29 Syria Nubbol 20 0 Twenty Shiite adults are reportedly abducted and beheaded by Sunni militia.
2013.04.29 Pakistan Charsadda 1 15 Children are among the casualties of a suspected Islamist bombing.
2013.04.29 Nigeria Ringim 5 0 Sharia proponents send rocket-propelled grenades into a bank and police station, killing five.
2013.04.28 Philippines Ubit 2 0 Abu Sayyaf militants murder two local soldiers.
2013.04.28 Pakistan Swabi 2 16 A 7-year-old girl is among two people disassembled by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers.
2013.04.28 Bangladesh Umarpur 3 50 Jamaat-e-Islami attack participants at a meeting of a secular-leaning political party, killing three.
2013.04.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 2 Three local policemen are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2013.04.28 Pakistan Kohat 6 10 Fundamentalists bomb the headquarters of a left-leaning political party, killing six.
2013.04.28 Pakistan Peshawar 3 12 Three secular activists bleed to death from a bombing attack by religious radicals.
2013.04.28 Pakistan Parachinar 1 3 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists set off a bomb outside a sports stadium in a Shiite area, killing one.
2013.04.28 Algeria Tipaza 3 0 Armed Islamists mow down three police volunteers by the side of the road.
2013.04.28 Bangladesh Bakhrabaj 1 0 Islami Chatra Shibir terrorists cut the throat of a secular youth leader.
2013.04.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 10 Islamic fundamentalists car bomb a secular party office ahead of an election.
2013.04.27 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a man to death on his way to work.
2013.04.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 Sectarian Jihadis gun down a Shiite.
2013.04.27 Yemen Radda 6 0 Six Yemenis are killed during an al-Qaeda attack.
2013.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 8 36 Bombs planted by sectarian rivals outside mosques kill eight worshippers.
2013.04.26 India Haigam 4 0 Four policemen are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic terrorists.
2013.04.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 45 10 The Taliban bomb a tanker which is then run into by a bus, killing forty-five passengers.
2013.04.26 Pakistan Karachi 11 45 Children are among the casualties when fundamentalists detonate a bomb at the office of a moderate political party.
2013.04.26 Syria Damascus 4 12 al-Nusra Islamists send mortars into a residential area, killing four.
2013.04.26 Iraq Tikrit 5 0 Five volunteers manning a checkpoint are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Jihadis bomb a shopping center killing seven patrons.
2013.04.26 Iraq Sadr City 5 19 Five people are disassembled by a Mujahid bomb at a motorcycle shop.
2013.04.26 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 4 Three Iraqis are take out by an IED.
2013.04.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 0 Six local cops are drugged and shot to death by the Taliban.
2013.04.25 Bangladesh Satkania 1 12 A young girl is killed during a clash between two Islamic student groups.
2013.04.25 Iraq Najaf 4 22 Muslim bombers kill four people at a bus stop.
2013.04.25 Pakistan Safora Goth 1 0 A secular political worker is murdered by Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2013.04.25 Nigeria Gashua 11 17 Eleven people are killed in two Boko Haram attacks.
2013.04.25 Pakistan Karachi 6 13 The Taliban bomb the offices of a secular-leaning political party, killing at six.
2013.04.25 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 The Tehreek-e-Taliban is suspected of a grenade attack that leaves one person dead.
2013.04.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A chief prosecutor is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.04.24 Afghanistan Karak 2 0 Two local police officers are killed during a Taliban assault on a station.
2013.04.24 Iraq Baghdad 8 23 Eight Shiites at a bus stop are obliterated by Sunni bombers.
2013.04.23 Dagestan Buinaksk 3 1 Islamic snipers pick off three local cops.
2013.04.23 Iraq Baghdad 7 17 Muslims bomb a rival mosque, killing seven worshippers.
2013.04.23 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 A bomb, planted by terrorists on a bridge, ultimately takes the lives of three security personnel.
2013.04.23 France Paris 0 2 An Iranian national attacks a Jewish father and son along a city street.
2013.04.23 Iraq Muqdadiya 9 25 Nine people bleed to death as Shiites send mortars into a Sunni mosque.
2013.04.23 Pakistan Karachi 3 30 At least three people lose their lives to Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bombers at an election rally.
2013.04.23 Pakistan Quetta 6 47 A suicide car bomber detonates in a Shiite neighborhood, taking six innocents with him.
2013.04.23 Iraq Tikrit 6 11 al-Qaeda gunmen storm a police station and shoot six people to death.
2013.04.23 China Xinjiang 15 11 Six policemen and nine civilians are hacked and burned to death by an enraged gang of Muslim terrorists.
2013.04.22 Thailand Pattani 0 2 Two Buddhist sisters are shot by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.04.22 Iraq Fallujah 9 24 Nine people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2013.04.22 Afghanistan Aabkamari 1 0 A woman is executed by her father in front of 300 others after dishonoring her family by leaving her husband.
2013.04.22 Turkey Hatay 3 0 Three priests are beheaded by Muslim terrorists.
2013.04.21 Iraq Karrada 3 13 A suicide bomber blows three people in a commercial district to the great beyond.
2013.04.21 Pakistan Kharadar 0 12 Children are among the casualties when Sunnis hurl homemade bombs into a Shia bakery.
2013.04.21 Yemen Maareb 2 1 An al-Qaeda attack leaves two dead.
2013.04.21 Pakistan Haider Khel 4 6 Islamic militants murder four local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2013.04.21 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 1 Six Afghans are shot in their sleep by fundamentalists.
2013.04.21 Afghanistan Paktika 3 5 Three civilians at a shopping mall are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.04.21 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 49-year-old Buddhist woman is gunned down in a targeted attack by Muslim militants.
2013.04.20 Pakistan Karachi 2 1 Two secular party workers are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2013.04.20 Pakistan Khar 4 4 A female Fedayeen blows herself up outside a hospital, taking four innocents with her.
2013.04.19 Nigeria Gbajimba 9 0 Nine passengers are feared dead following an ambush on a passenger bush by Fulani militia.
2013.04.19 Nigeria Bui 3 0 Boko Haram extremists pull three men out of a vehicle and execute them on the spot.
2013.04.19 Iraq Khalis 7 14 A Mujahideen mortar attack on a rival mosque leaves seven dead.
2013.04.19 Afghanistan Andar 13 0 Thirteen policemen are machine-gunned in their sleep by Sunni hardliners.
2013.04.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a resident to death as he is walking home.
2013.04.19 Iraq Kirkuk 2 14 Sunni bombers target Shia worshippers as they leave a mosque, killing two.
2013.04.19 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3 0 Terrorists kill a woman and two girls with a bomb disguised as a toy.
2013.04.19 Pakistan Wana 4 8 Taliban extremists send rockets into an election rally, killing four people.
2013.04.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death in his car by militant Muslims outside a rubber plantation.
2013.04.19 USA Boston, MA 1 1 Jihadists gun down a university police officer sitting in his car.
2013.04.18 Iraq Mosul 3 5 An al-Qaeda car bomb takes out three Iraqis.
2013.04.18 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by religious radicals.
2013.04.18 Kenya Garissa 9 3 al-Shabaab gunmen burst into a hotel and mow down nine people having dinner.
2013.04.18 Iraq Baghdad 32 65 Children are among nearly three dozen people at a coffee shop obliterated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.04.18 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man working his vegetable garden is shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.04.18 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 A grocery trader is taken out by an Islamist ambush.
2013.04.17 India Bangalore 0 16 The Indian Mujahideen detonate a bomb outside a Hindu party office.
2013.04.17 Afghanistan Shindad 7 4 Seven women and children are dismantled by a Mujahid shrapnel bomb.
2013.04.17 Afghanistan Qarabagh 5 0 Five Afghans are murdered by the Taliban.
2013.04.17 Afghanistan Laghman 4 0 Four local cops are shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2013.04.17 Afghanistan Jowzjan 6 0 Six Afghans are kidnapped an beheaded by terrorists fighting for an Islamic state.
2013.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 Three people are killed by Mujahid bombers.
2013.04.16 Afghanistan Jawzjan 2 1 Two health care workers are brutally gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2013.04.16 Pakistan Jamaldinwali 2 0 Two women are 'honor killed' by their families for moral crime.
2013.04.16 Pakistan Peshawar 16 35 Two children are among sixteen innocents torn to shreds by a Holy Warrior suicide bomber.
2013.04.16 Pakistan Syed Gai 9 8 A Shahid suicide bomber at a checkpoint sends other nine souls to Allah.
2013.04.16 Afghanistan Mali Zai 8 0 Religion of Peace bombers take down eight members of the same family.
2013.04.16 Pakistan Khuzdar 3 0 Islamists are thought responsible for the cold-blooded murder of a politician's family.
2013.04.16 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Muslim terrorists kill a local soldier with a bomb.
2013.04.16 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Islamists gun down two police officers on their way home from work.
2013.04.15 Iraq Khalis 1 8 Mujahideen bombers murder a child.
2013.04.15 Iraq Kamaliya 4 13 An al-Qaeda bombing near an elementary school leaves four dead.
2013.04.15 Iraq Habibiya 10 12 At least ten Iraqis at an auto mall are taken out by Mujahid car bombers.
2013.04.15 Iraq Umm al-Maalif 4 15 Islamic bombers destroy a market, along with four patrons.
2013.04.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 29 Two Mujahid bombings leave four dead at a commercial district.
2013.04.15 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 6 67 Six people are torn to shreds by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.04.15 Iraq Kirkuk 9 79 Six car bombs leave at least nine Iraqis dead.
2013.04.15 Iraq Nasiriyah 2 14 Two civilians are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.04.15 Iraq Fallujah 2 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two innocents along a city street.
2013.04.15 Iraq Mussayab 2 13 Religious extremists car bomb an open air market, killing at least two.
2013.04.15 Afghanistan Mali Zai 7 4 Seven civilians are pulled into pieces by Taliban bombers.
2013.04.15 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 3 Sunni militants murder two election workers.
2013.04.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi murder a man for being a Shiite.
2013.04.15 Pakistan Banjot 1 0 A secular-leaning politician is blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2013.04.15 USA Boston, MA 3 264 Foreign-born Muslims describing themselves as 'very religious' detonate two bombs packed with ball bearings at the Boston Marathon, killing three people and causing several more to lose limbs.
2013.04.15 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 3 Fundamentalists set off a bomb near a school, killing a guard.
2013.04.14 Pakistan Manglawar 1 0 Taliban bombers take out a peace committee member.
2013.04.14 Iraq Baji 1 0 A secular politician is assassinated by suspected Islamists.
2013.04.14 Iraq Shura 6 14 Five policemen are killed when Islamic militants booby-trap the body of another murdered policeman.
2013.04.14 Iraq Diyala 4 0 A moderate and three family members are blown to bits by radical Sunnis.
2013.04.14 Somalia Mogadishu 29 58 Twenty-nine civilians are sent to Allah when six suicide bombers storm a courthouse.
2013.04.14 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Aid workers are among those killed by Islamists bombers.
2013.04.14 Afghanistan Darzab 2 6 Two Afghan policemen are shot to death by Taliban fundamentalists.
2013.04.14 Jordan Amman 1 0 A pregnant woman's throat is slit in an honor killing, after which her body is burned.
2013.04.14 Pakistan Gulshan-i-Iqbal 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis murder a father and son at a mobile phone shop.
2013.04.13 Pakistan Matani 9 19 Women are among nine killed when Mujahideen bomb a passenger bus.
2013.04.13 Yemen Hadramout 1 0 Two al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate a government official.
2013.04.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A secular political activist is found tortured to death following Taliban threats.
2013.04.13 Nigeria Monguno 3 0 Sharia advocates ambush students from a local university, tie them up and slit their throats.
2013.04.13 Somalia Buulodbarde 1 0 Islamists murder a Christian mother of five only four months after doing the same to her husband. Both were killed for leaving Islam.
2013.04.13 CAR Bangui 1 0 A pastor is shot to death by Islamic militants at a funeral.
2013.04.12 Pakistan Mach 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen take out a Shia civilian.
2013.04.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia religious scholar is murdered by Sunni rivals from the Ahl-e-Sunnat wal Jamaat terror group.
2013.04.12 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 3 One person is killed when Islamists set off a bomb near a school.
2013.04.12 Mali Kidal 3 0 At least three people are killed by a suicide bomber.
2013.04.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants machine-gun a 46-year man on his way home.
2013.04.12 Afghanistan Shiberghan 1 0 A man beheads his wife over 'moral crime'.
2013.04.12 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three security personnel are kidnapped and executed by al-Qaeda.
2013.04.12 Iraq Kanaan 12 30 Mujahideen detonate two bombs at a Sunni mosque, leaving a dozen worshippers dead.
2013.04.12 Afghanistan Nari 13 0 More than 100 Sunni fundamentalists pump rockets and grenades into a remote outpost, killing thirteen Afghan defenders.
2013.04.11 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban assassinate a secular politician.
2013.04.11 Bangladesh Kazirhat 3 100 Jamaat-e-Islami radicals bludgeon three people with sticks and knives.
2013.04.11 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 Taliban militants murder three local cops.
2013.04.11 Afghanistan Marjah 1 2 One civilian is killed by Sunni bombers.
2013.04.11 Nigeria Babangida 4 2 Islamic extremists enter a police station and gun down four officers in cold blood.
2013.04.11 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Mujahid snipers pick off two civilians, including a young boy.
2013.04.11 Syria Homs 20 0 Six children, including a baby, are among twenty people executed by Hezbollah.
2013.04.11 Egypt Khusus 1 0 A 26-year-old Christian is doused with gasoline and set ablaze.
2013.04.10 India Srinigar 0 9 Two children and five women are among nine Christians attacked in their home by a mob whipped into a frenzy by an imam.
2013.04.10 Thailand Pattani 2 6 Muslim 'insurgents' bomb a community center, killing two people.
2013.04.10 Pakistan Mardan 1 1 A guard for a polio vaccination team is shot to death on the job by fundamentalists.
2013.04.10 Pakistan Shahkas 1 0 Terrorists gun down a 28-year-old man at a cricket match.
2013.04.10 Nigeria Dikwa 4 0 Islamists brutally murder three education officials and their driver, including one in charge of a program to feed poor students.
2013.04.10 Nigeria Bama 4 0 Two teachers and the wife and 12-year-old child one are slaughtered and burned by Sharia advocates.
2013.04.09 Nigeria Gwoza 3 0 Islamists shoot three people in the head while they are playing cards, including a pastor's son.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Marjah 5 4 A bomb planted by Sunni extremists leaves five dead civilians along a city street.
2013.04.09 Pakistan Hayatabad 0 23 Two dozen people are injured when Islamic militants send mortars into a residential neighborhood.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Char Borjak 4 2 Sunni extremists kill four local cops with a roadside bomb.
2013.04.09 Philippines Ungkaya Pukan 1 0 A local soldier is murdered by Abu Sayyaf.
2013.04.09 India Pulwama 1 0 Islamic militants gun down a 45-year-old man in his own home.
2013.04.09 Afghanistan Paron 2 0 A Taliban attack leaves two local cops dead.
2013.04.08 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 4 Two bombings kill four local cops.
2013.04.08 Bangladesh Chittagong 0 20 Twenty people are hurt when Hifazat-e-Islam riot over a decision not to impose a blasphemy law.
2013.04.08 Afghanistan Wardak 9 22 Religion of Peace hardliners detonate a bomb under a bus, killing nine passengers.
2013.04.08 Syria Damascus 15 53 A Fedayeen suicide car bomb rips through a crowded street, leaving at least fifteen dead.
2013.04.08 Somalia Hiran 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is executed by Islamic militia.
2013.04.08 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A guard at a market is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Mathra 1 0 The body of a man kidnapped and tortured to death by the Taliban is found along a roadside.
2013.04.07 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two local soldiers are knocked off their motorcycle by Muslim militants, who proceed to execute them at point-blank range.
2013.04.07 Egypt Cairo 2 89 Muslim radicals attack a group of mourners leaving a church, killing one on the spot and another in subsequent clashes.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Taunsa 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is gunned down in a mosque by Sipah-e-Sahaba because he is Shia.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Sunnis fire on a Shia mosque, killing the custodian.
2013.04.07 Iraq Mosul 4 7 al-Qaeda bombers take out four Iraqis.
2013.04.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim militants behead a plantation worker.
2013.04.07 Nigeria Midlu Shalmi 14 5 Muslim radicals shoot, hack and slit the throats of fourteen Christians.
2013.04.07 Pakistan Jaffar Tayyar 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi gunmen murder a Shiite near a cricket field.
2013.04.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia schoolteacher loses his life to sectarian Jihadis.
2013.04.06 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 Militants associated with a Sunni seminary gun down a Shiite.
2013.04.06 Egypt Khusus 7 17 Angry Muslims torch a church and kill seven Christians over alleged desecration.
2013.04.06 Afghanistan Qalat 6 3 American civilians and a doctor are among six killed by a Shahid suicide bomber as they are delivering books to a school.
2013.04.06 Iraq Baqubah 22 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two dozen souls to Allah.
2013.04.06 Iraq Samarrah 3 5 A teenage boy is among the casualties of a Mujahideen bombing.
2013.04.06 Afghanistan Asadabad 2 0 Two children are obliterated by a Taliban rocket.
2013.04.05 Pakistan Syedabad 1 0 A Shia schoolteacher is murdered in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.04.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Hifazat-e-Islam murder a fruit vendor.
2013.04.05 Afghanistan Alingar 1 3 Terrorists kill a cop with a bomb attached to a donkey.
2013.04.05 Thailand Yala 2 1 Muslim bombers kill two people and put another into a coma.
2013.04.05 Indonesia Medan 8 6 Eight Buddhists are beaten to death by Muslims in an attack at a detention center.
2013.04.05 Iraq Hillah 5 15 Mujahideen murder five people in a series of attacks, including a bombing at vegetable market.
2013.04.05 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 5 A young boy is killed when Islamic terrorists shell a town.
2013.04.04 Afghanistan Batikot 3 2 Three schoolchildren are dismantled by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.04.04 Somalia Marka 1 0 An elderly man is gunned down by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.04.04 Kenya Garissa 3 24 al-Shabaab Islamists toss a hand grenade into a packed restaurant, killing three patrons.
2013.04.04 Pakistan Manga Mandi 1 0 A 20-year-old Christian is shot in the head by Muslims calling their religion 'supreme'.
2013.04.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen enter a home and shoot a woman and her two sons to death.
2013.04.03 Tanzania Tunduma 2 3 Two Christians are murdered by Muslim extremists for selling non-halal meat.
2013.04.03 Afghanistan Farah 53 91 Over fifty people are slaughtered when nine religious radicals storm a court and self-detonate.
2013.04.03 Pakistan Gujranwala 0 18 Eighteen Christians are injured by a Muslim mob whipped into a frenzy by a cleric.
2013.04.03 Thailand Yala 1 19 Muslim bombers take out a bus passenger.
2013.04.03 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 Four security personnel die when Islamic militants throw a grenade at their vehicle.
2013.04.03 Syria Tel Goran 1 0 Jihadists kidnap and kill a Christian.
2013.04.02 Iraq Anbar 2 2 Two civilians are murdered by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.04.02 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 2 al-Qaeda bombers take out two Iraqis.
2013.04.02 Ingushetia Sunzhensky 1 5 Islamic 'insurgents' set off two bombs that leave one person dead.
2013.04.02 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three guards at an Internet cafe are shot to death at point blank range by Islamists.
2013.04.02 Pakistan Peshawar 7 4 Sunni extremists attack a power station, killing two on the spot and then executing five people taken as hostages.
2013.04.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims abduct a local soldier from his home, blindfold and execute him behind a mosque.
2013.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2013.04.02 Pakistan Malir 1 0 Sunnis shoot a Shia shop owner to death.
2013.04.01 Yemen Ghail Bawazir 1 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gunmen murder a man on his way home.
2013.04.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A boy is gunned down by al-Shabaab fundamentalists.
2013.04.01 Iraq Akkas 3 2 al-Qaeda attack an oil field, killing several engineers.
2013.04.01 Iraq Tikrit 11 59 A Fedayeen suicide bomber massacres eleven Iraqis.
2013.04.01 Nigeria Pulka 1 0 Religion of Peace radicals shoot a man to death in front of his wife and children.
2013.04.01 Pakistan Jani Khel 2 7 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder two tribal elders with a planted bomb.
2013.03.31 Iraq Fallujah 3 1 An imam is shot to death along with two others by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 0 A 30-year-old Shiite is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.03.31 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 11 Two other people are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.31 Bangladesh Rajshahi 0 50 Jamaat-e-Islami radicals injure 50 people with bombs and bricks, including an innocent who had both hands blown off.
2013.03.31 Mali Asongo 2 0 Two people are dismantled by an Islamist landmine.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Wali Noor 2 6 Two members of a 'secular-leaning' party are blown to bits by religious radicals.
2013.03.31 Pakistan Darsamand 3 0 Islamic militants kidnap and murder three villagers.
2013.03.31 Nigeria Ataka 19 12 Muslim 'nomads' attack a Christian village, butchering nineteen people, including women and children.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Mardan 1 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out one other person.
2013.03.30 Thailand Pattani 2 4 A Religion of Peace motorcycle bomb leaves two dead.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 8 Terrorists throw a grenade at a middle school, killing the principal.
2013.03.30 Israel Samaria 0 1 A young woman suffers a head injury when young Arabs hurl rocks at her car.
2013.03.30 Pakistan Tirah Valley 2 1 An 18-year-old is among two women killed in their home by a mortar fired by an Islamist group.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Risalpur 1 0 A cleric is shot to death in his own mosque during prayers after trying to stop sectarian Jihadis from pasting hateful posters.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Muslims shoot a Hindu man to death.
2013.03.29 Iraq Kut 2 0 Two primary school teachers are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2013.03.29 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic 'separatists' murder a 75-year-old plantation worker and severely injure his son.
2013.03.29 Syria Aleppo 1 0 Muslim rebels behead a rival cleric and parade his body.
2013.03.29 Pakistan Saddar 12 16 A dozen people are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber at a parking lot, including women and children.
2013.03.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 14 Muslim 'separatists' kill one Thai with a planted bomb.
2013.03.29 Nigeria Ratas 9 0 Fulani 'militias' murder nine villagers.
2013.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 al-Qaeda car bombers murder seven worshipper as at a Shiite mosque.
2013.03.29 Iraq Qahira 4 20 Four Shiites are taken down by Islamic Army of Iraq bombers.
2013.03.29 Iraq Zafaraniyah 3 15 Sunni bombers slay three Shiites outside their mosque.
2013.03.29 Iraq Binook 5 14 Five Shiites are blown to bits by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.03.29 Iraq Kirkuk 3 70 A suicide car bomber targets Shiites leaving a mosque, killing at least three.
2013.03.28 Pakistan Damadola 2 0 Taliban bombers take down two local soldiers on patrol.
2013.03.28 Syria Damascus 15 30 Sunni terrorists deliberately send mortars into a university, massacring at least fifteen innocents.
2013.03.28 Thailand Narathiwat 3 5 Muslim bombers kill three local soldiers.
2013.03.28 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 9 3 Nine Christians are machine-gunned during a Muslim raid on their village.
2013.03.27 Afghanistan Shinwar 1 0 An American soldier playing with children is stabbed in the neck by an Islamic militant.
2013.03.27 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 1 Sectarian Jihadis kill a Shia man and severely injure his son.
2013.03.27 Lebanon Hasbaya 1 0 A Druze cleric is shot to death in a suspected sectarian attack.
2013.03.27 Iraq Baghdad 4 26 Terrorists kill four Iraqis in separate attacks.
2013.03.26 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 4 Fedayeen bombers attack a local police station, killing at least five officers.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 A Shiite factory owner is killed when Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen open up on him.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Shakas 1 0 Religious militants shoot a female teacher to death near a girls' school.
2013.03.26 Pakistan Kasur 0 5 Muslim clerics enter the home of an Ahmadi family and severely beat them into unconsciousness.
2013.03.26 Syria Damascus 3 3 A Shahid suicide bomber wipes out three locals.
2013.03.26 Nigeria Riyom 36 12 Fulani 'militia' attack two Christian villages, hacking and shooting three dozen to death.
2013.03.26 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 Three family members are machine-gunned in their home by Mujahideen.
2013.03.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist woman is murdered by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.03.25 Pakistan Shamsabad 0 5 A Sunni mob attacks an Ahmadi home and beats the family.
2013.03.24 USA Ashtabula, OH 1 0 A Muslim convert walks into a church service with a Quran and guns down his Christian father while praising Allah.
2013.03.24 Iraq Mosul 12 20 A dozen Iraqis are taken out by Mujahideen.
2013.03.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A female journalist is shot to death in an attack blamed on Islamists.
2013.03.24 Mali Gao 3 0 Two civilians and a local soldier are killed during an Islamist assault on a town.
2013.03.24 India Sopore 1 1 An elderly man dies from injuries after being shot by in the neck by Muslim terrorists at a market.
2013.03.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is killed and his wife injured when Islamic 'separatists' fire on them as they are working their farm.
2013.03.23 Nigeria Dakata 1 0 One person is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2013.03.23 Pakistan Miranshah 22 35 A suicide bomber obliterates two dozen Pakistanis.
2013.03.23 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim gunmen on motorcycles murder a 46-year-old official on his way to work.
2013.03.23 Somalia Haraale 2 3 Two children are killed when a bomb is brought into a Quran school.
2013.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A woman working for a human rights agency is assassinated by suspected al-Shabaab.
2013.03.23 Yemen Sanaa 3 0 Three Shiites are gunned down in the street by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.03.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 2 Four children are killed by a bomb left by religious fundamentalists.
2013.03.23 Egypt Cairo 0 1 Muslim Brotherhood cadres abduct a Christian and take him to a mosque for a brutal round of torture.
2013.03.23 Somalia Bulo Marer 0 1 A Christian convert is jailed and tortured for leaving Islam.
2013.03.22 Iraq Algehlah 4 0 al-Qaeda militants shoot a man and his two sons to death in front of their wife, then kill the woman.
2013.03.22 Pakistan Wazir Dandh 1 2 Muslim radicals fire on a truck, killing the driver.
2013.03.22 Nigeria Ganye 25 65 Islamic extremists storm a small town and murdered twenty-five people.
2013.03.22 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Muslim 'separatist' walks up to a villager at a bird-singing event and shoots him in the head.
2013.03.22 Iraq Salaheddin 5 0 Five Iraqis are killed in targeted al-Qaeda attacks.
2013.03.21 Lebanon Tripoli 2 18 Shooting between Sunnis and Shia leave two dead.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Musa Qala 5 21 At least five people are killed during a rampage by a mob protesting the burning of a Quran.
2013.03.21 Pakistan Jalozai 17 28 Sunni extremists car bomb a refugee camp, killing over a dozen people lining up for food.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Takhar 3 0 A fundamentalist group claims responsibility for a bomb that leaves three locals dead.
2013.03.21 Thailand Pattani 1 10 An 8-year-old boy standing outside an ice cream shop is exterminated by Muslim bombers.
2013.03.21 Afghanistan Marja 5 6 Five people are killed when a suicide vest explodes inside a religious school.
2013.03.21 India Srinagar 1 2 Islamic terrorists machine-gun a police patrol, killing at least one cop.
2013.03.21 Syria Damascus 49 84 Four dozen people at a mosque are reduced to body parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.21 Bangladesh Jessore 1 12 At least one person is killed when mosque preachers incite a mob to attack police officers.
2013.03.20 Iraq Balad 1 4 Children are among the casualties of a bomb placed in a family car.
2013.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 7 34 A series of Mujahideen bomb blasts leave seven dead.
2013.03.20 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four Shiites are shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2013.03.20 Myanmar Meikhtila 1 0 A Buddhist monk is pulled off a motorcycle and burned alive by a Muslim mob.
2013.03.20 Mali Timbuktu 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a local soldier.
2013.03.20 Lebanon Tripoli 1 20 A sectarian clash between Sunni and Shia leaves one dead.
2013.03.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A tea vendor is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2013.03.20 Mali Hombori 1 0 al-Qaeda behead a French geologist after holding him captive for over a year.
2013.03.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a 56-year-old father to death as he is riding to visit his daughter.
2013.03.19 India Sopore 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants shoot an 18-year-old to death in a mosque.
2013.03.19 Yemen Aden 1 0 A woman is tracked down and killed by her conservative brothers for marrying without their permission.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 An al-Qaeda bomb at a restaurant leaves four dead.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 12 Four day laborers are shredded by an al-Qaeda bomb attack.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 7 21 An al-Qaeda bombing of a government building kills seven Iraqis.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 6 15 A half-dozen people are killed when Islamic State of Iraq bombers blow up a restaurant.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 18 At least four people are killed when Islamists bomb a rival shrine.
2013.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 24 92 Coordinated terror attacks on Shia neighborhoods by the Islamic State of Iraq leave over two dozen dead.
2013.03.19 Iraq Sadr City 14 22 Fourteen Shiites are sent to Allah by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.03.19 Iraq Iskandariya 5 12 Mujahideen bombers take down five people waiting for a bus.
2013.03.19 Iraq Iskandariya 3 8 An al-Qaeda blast in a commercial district snuffs out three lives.
2013.03.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 8 17 A suicide bombing is among two that leave eight Iraqis dead.
2013.03.19 Iraq Musayab 2 12 Two people are killed when al-Qaeda set off a car bomb at a market.
2013.03.19 Pakistan Tirah 46 12 A Lashkar-e-Islam suicide bomber takes out forty-six Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.19 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 An accomplished Sunni doctor and his guard are gunned down by Shia terrorists.
2013.03.19 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 2 A Boko Haram blast at a bank leaves six dead.
2013.03.18 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 3 Islamists attack a school, killing four teachers and two others.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Peshawar 4 40 At least four people are killed by two Shahid suicide bombers at a courtroom.
2013.03.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two middle-aged villagers are slain by Muslim gunmen in separate attacks.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Kalaswala 0 1 A Christian missionary is severely beaten by Muslim extremists.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Shiite student is cut down by Sunni gunmen.
2013.03.18 Somalia Mogadishu 13 15 A suicide car bomber slaughters thirteen people.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Terrorists take out a poet.
2013.03.18 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A university professor and a lawyer are killed in separate targeted Sipah-e-Sahaba shooting attacks.
2013.03.18 Iraq Balad Ruz 5 16 Five people at a market are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.03.18 Iraq Abu Ghraib 3 3 Mujahideen murder three people by planting a bomb under their bus.
2013.03.18 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' tie a 42-year-old's hands behind him and shoot him several times in the head.
2013.03.18 Nigeria Kano 41 44 Over 40 Christians are blown to bits by Shahid suicide car bombers in a brutal attack.
2013.03.18 Somalia Hudur 1 0 A 75-year-old imam is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.03.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his daughter are brutally murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.03.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 64-year-old Buddhist is shot in the head by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.03.17 Nigeria Torok 2 3 A Muslim fires on a Christian family, killing a baby and a 5-year-old and injuring three women.
2013.03.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' shoot a 37-year-old twice in the head.
2013.03.16 Iraq Garmat Ali 10 16 Jihadi car bombers take down ten Iraqis waiting at a bus station in a Shia area.
2013.03.16 Pakistan Landhi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba shoot a handicapped Shiite to death at a market.
2013.03.16 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Religion of Peace community activists fire on two suspected prostitutes, killing one.
2013.03.15 Somalia Barawe 1 0 An 18-year-old is buried in the ground and stoned to death for being gay.
2013.03.15 Iraq Bani-Sa'ad 1 2 A woman is blown up by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.03.15 Iraq Baiji 9 2 Nine Iraqis are massacred at point blank range by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.03.15 Pakistan Karachi 3 5 The Tehrik-e-Taliban is suspected to be behind the bombing of a TV station in which three are killed.
2013.03.15 Thailand Narathiwat 4 0 Four local cops die from a bomb planted by Muslim 'separatists'.
2013.03.15 Israel Ariel 0 5 Two brutal rock attacks by Arabs leave a baby severely injured. Other victims include her two sisters, ages 6 and 4.
2013.03.15 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 al-Qaeda gunmen invade a home, tie a man and his three sons up and execute them in cold blood.
2013.03.14 Pakistan Gulistan 1 0 Ahl-e-Sunnat Wal-Jamaat gunmen take down a 25-year-old Shiite.
2013.03.14 Nigeria Gwoza 1 0 A civilian is killed during a raid on a prison by 'Allah Akbar' shouting gunmen, shortly after they prayed at a mosque.
2013.03.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 45-year-old villager to death.
2013.03.14 Pakistan Tirah 18 14 Eighteen people are killed during a clash between two hardline Islamic groups.
2013.03.14 Iraq Baghdad 30 57 A coordinated Fedayeen attack on a government building by the 'Islamic State of Iraq' leaves thirty dead.
2013.03.14 USA Vancouver, WA 0 2 Two people suffer knife injuries when a Muslim convert attempts to stab a non-Muslim to death over religious views outside a coffee shop.
2013.03.13 Pakistan Kharadar 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis kidnap and torture a rival to death.
2013.03.13 Afghanistan Zhranda 1 1 At least one cop is killed during a Taliban assault on a checkpoint.
2013.03.13 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 10 A Fedayeen bomber self-detonates at a polo game, killing at least ten spectators.
2013.03.13 Pakistan Orangi Town 1 0 A female social worker is murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2013.03.13 Nigeria Borno 2 0 A woman is among two people murdered in their own homes by Boko Haram.
2013.03.13 India Srinagar 5 7 Islamic terrorists throw grenades into an Indian camp, killing five security personnel.
2013.03.13 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 A man and wife are shot to death in their own home by al-Qaeda.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Bannu 4 16 A father and son on their way home are taken out by a remote-controlled bomb. Two of the injured later die in the hospital.
2013.03.12 Nigeria Kano 0 4 Four teachers at a primary school are shot by Boko Haram.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Pabbi 0 6 Children are among the casualties of a bombing outside the house of an anti-Taliban politician.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Saddar 3 18 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out five people.
2013.03.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia business man is murdered by Sunni gunmen on his way to work.
2013.03.11 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Mujahideen murder three people including a man and wife in their home.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shiite shop owner is cut down by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Masuzai 3 2 Islamists take down three local soldiers on patrol with an IED.
2013.03.11 Iraq Dibis 5 165 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a girl's school, killing at least five.
2013.03.11 Pakistan Landhi 2 4 A bomb placed outside a Shia-owned shop leaves a father and son dead.
2013.03.11 Israel Jerusalem 0 9 Nine Israelis are injured when Muslims hurl firebombs at them on the Temple Mount.
2013.03.10 Dagestan Buinaksk 1 0 A healer is shot several times in his own home by militant Islamists.
2013.03.10 Nigeria Dakata 5 3 Five Christians are shot to death by Islamic extremists while returning home from church.
2013.03.10 Syria Harasta 1 9 Terrorists fire on a bus carrying kindergarteners, killing at least one child.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old man driving a BMW is machine-gunned on the road by Muslim terrorists.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 52-year-old woman is shot in the head by Islamic 'insurgents' while returning from a trip to the market.
2013.03.10 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 50-year-old villager is gunned down by Muslim terrorists outside a mosque.
2013.03.10 Bangladesh Khulna 3 3 Three more policemen are reported dead from Jamaat-e-Islami violence.
2013.03.10 Pakistan Landi Kotal 1 3 A 4-year-old girl bleeds out after radicals detonate a bomb outside a rival mosque.
2013.03.10 Nigeria Jama'are 7 0 Ansaru Islamists summarily execute seven 'Christian' hostages.
2013.03.10 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 0 Two local cops are murdered by religious extremists.
2013.03.10 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A Christian arrested by Islamists for 'proselytizing' dies from 'natural causes' while being tortured.
2013.03.09 Afghanistan Kabul 9 13 A suicide bomber on a bicycle pedals to paradise, taking nine others with him.
2013.03.09 Afghanistan Khost 9 2 Eight children are among nine innocents shredded by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.03.09 Pakistan Peshawar 6 28 Six worshippers are ripped apart by a bomb placed inside a Barelvi (Sufi) mosque.
2013.03.09 Dagestan Izberbash 1 0 Islamic separatists shoot a Russian judge to death.
2013.03.09 Pakistan Lahore 0 35 A Muslim mob rampages through a Christian neighborhood, burning more than 100 homes and injuring three dozen.
2013.03.08 Thailand Narathiwat 0 1 At least one child is hit when Muslim 'insurgents' spray a playground with gunfire.
2013.03.08 Iraq Samarrah 5 4 al-Qaeda gunmen murder five Iraqis on the street.
2013.03.08 Iraq Tikrit 5 2 A family of five is slaughtered in their home by Sunni 'insurgents'.
2013.03.08 India Tangmarg 1 0 A man is abducted from his home and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2013.03.07 China Korla 5 7 At least one Muslim goes on a stabbing spree, killing five people in a suspected sectarian attack on Han.
2013.03.06 Pakistan Abbas Town 2 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder two Shia returning from a funeral
2013.03.06 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two people are picked off by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.03.06 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 At least five Iraqis are taken out by the Mujahideen.
2013.03.06 Afghanistan Badakhshan 17 0 Islamic extremists execute seventeen captured Afghan soldiers in cold blood.
2013.03.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen pick off a 42-year-old man in front of his home.
2013.03.06 Bangladesh Tangail 1 0 A 65-year-old citizen is murdered by Jamaat-e-Islami.
2013.03.06 Pakistan Tandlianwala 2 0 An 18-year-old girl and her lover are 'honor' killed by her uncle on suspicion of sex.
2013.03.06 Kenya Garissa 1 0 An Islamist shoots a refugee camp guard at close range.
2013.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A man dies in an al-Qaeda drive-by.
2013.03.05 Pakistan Jamrud 0 1 A polio clinic narrowly escapes disaster as a bomb detonates at the wrong time, injuring only a nurse.
2013.03.05 Iraq Taji 3 0 al-Qaeda gunmen murder three people.
2013.03.05 Iraq Baqubah 3 17 Mujahideen bomb a soccer field, killing three spectators.
2013.03.05 Iraq Kirkuk 7 18 Islamic State of Iraq terrorists kill seven Iraqis in two attacks.
2013.03.05 Bangladesh Rangpur 2 0 A policeman and one other die of injuries suffered during a Jamaat-e-Islami rampage.
2013.03.04 Pakistan Khaisuri 1 0 A man is kidnapped and executed by Shaheen Bhittani.
2013.03.04 Nigeria Gwoza 10 0 Eight civilians are among ten killed during a Boko Haram attack on police station and bank.
2013.03.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen knock a 37-year-old off his motorcycle and then shoot him in the head.
2013.03.04 Iraq Ratba 57 0 al-Nusra terrorists from Syria shoot fifty-seven surrendered soldiers and Iraqi guards in cold blood.
2013.03.04 Yemen Loder 12 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends a dozen souls to Allah.
2013.03.04 Iraq Mosul 5 8 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out five Iraqis.
2013.03.03 Iraq Mosul 1 1 al-Qaeda gunmen shoot a man to death in his own home.
2013.03.03 Bangladesh Dhaka 23 200 About two dozen innocent people, including women, children and police are thought killed during violent rioting by Jamaat-e-Islami.
2013.03.03 Nigeria Monguno 1 0 At least one villager is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2013.03.03 Pakistan Safar 1 0 Sunni terrorists shoot an innocent Shia to death.
2013.03.03 Dagestan Gubden 1 0 A moderate cleric is murdered in his home by Islamic extremists.
2013.03.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Bomb blasts in two Shia neighborhoods leave four dead.
2013.03.03 Iraq Karbalah 0 10 A suicide bomber detonates outside a Shia shrine.
2013.03.03 Pakistan Karachi 48 180 Four dozen worshippers are massacred when Lashkar-e-Jhangvi set off a massive suicide car bomb outside a Shia shrine.
2013.03.02 Afghanistan Warduj 3 3 Sunni fundamentalists ambush and kill three Afghans.
2013.03.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists.
2013.03.02 India Kupwara 2 0 Mujahideen shoot two guards to death at a bus stop.
2013.03.02 Thailand Yala 2 12 Muslim 'insurgents' kill two people with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2013.03.02 Egypt Cairo 3 0 Three Christian brothers are machine-gunned in their home by Islamists angered over a church-building rumor.
2013.03.02 Tanzania Dar Es Salaam 0 1 An Islamist attempt to hack a church bishop to death is thwarted by a guard who suffers horrific injuries.
2013.03.02 Libya Benghazi 0 11 A priest and ten parishioners are beaten and humiliated in their own church by Muslim activists.
2013.03.01 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Sunnis shoot a trader to death at a market for no reason other than being Shia.
2013.03.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A seminary student is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2013.03.01 Egypt Kom Ombo 0 23 Muslims firebomb a church on a false rumor of a conversion.
2013.03.01 Thailand Narathiwat 0 6 Five schoolchildren are among the casualties of a 'separatist' motorcycle bomb.
2013.03.01 Iraq Diwaniyah 5 45 Five people at a sheep market are sent to Allah by 'insurgent' bombers.
2013.03.01 Afghanistan Kunar 9 1 Hardliner fundamentalists murder nine locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.03.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Two suicide bombers manage to take out one civilian at a beachfront restaurant.
2013.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 11 32 Sunnis set off a car bomb at a packed Shiite restaurant, leaving eleven dead and three dozen more in agony.
2013.02.28 Syria Homs 1 30 A Sunni car bomb in a residential area leaves one dead.
2013.02.28 Bangladesh Gaibandha 4 0 A mob of religious fanatics beat four policemen to death with sticks.
2013.02.28 Somalia Hirran 1 0 An al-Shabaab victim is found butchered and discarded.
2013.02.28 Iraq Aziziyah 3 8 Jihadis car bomb a crowded livestock market, killing at least three.
2013.02.28 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 6 Three Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Mujahideen bomb.
2013.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 23 60 Two dozen innocents at a soccer field are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 0 10 A suicide bomber detonates next to a bus.
2013.02.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Sunni and Shia are killed in separate sectarian shooting attacks.
2013.02.27 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 A journalist is shot to death shortly after publishing stories that promoted anti-polio drives.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 17 0 Seventeen Afghan policemen are drugged by the Taliban and summarily executed.
2013.02.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 A religious extremist shoots three local cops to death.
2013.02.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 4 Three people lost their lives to Boko Haram bombers.
2013.02.27 Mali Kidal 7 3 At least seven people are killed by a suicide bomber.
2013.02.26 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Islamic radicals gun down a cop in cold blood.
2013.02.26 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a guard for a polio vaccination team.
2013.02.26 Syria Damascus 5 0 A suicide bomber kills five people.
2013.02.26 Iraq Madain 2 0 A teacher and his son are dragged out of their home and shot in the street by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.25 Iraq Mosul 3 0 An 8-year-old is among three people torn to pieces by an 'insurgent' bomb.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Shikarpur 2 10 Sunnis bomb a Sufi shrine, killing two worshippers.
2013.02.25 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Two civilians are murdered by al-Qaeda terrorists in separate attacks.
2013.02.25 Iraq Bani Saad 4 15 Mujahideen blow up four Iraqis with a marketplace car bomb.
2013.02.25 Nigeria Ngelzarma 7 3 Seven people at a motor park are massacred by Boko Haram gunmen.
2013.02.25 Somalia Gedo 2 0 Sharia advocates walk into a restaurant and gun down two officials having lunch.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Kunwari 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists shoot a 50-year-old Shia businessman in the head.
2013.02.25 Pakistan Marjah 4 4 Children are among the casualties of an Islamic landmine attack.
2013.02.24 Nigeria Fika 5 3 Islamists rampage through a Christian village, killing five people in attacks that included a church.
2013.02.24 Nigeria Gulak 1 0 Boko Haram slit a man's throat in front of his wife and children.
2013.02.24 Israel Negev 1 0 A Muslim man throws his 16-year-old daughter down a well over unauthorized relations with a boy.
2013.02.24 Pakistan Toheedabad 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a counter-terror constable.
2013.02.24 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends two souls to Allah.
2013.02.24 Afghanistan Logar 1 2 At least one innocent person is taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.02.24 Yemen Baida 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen take down a local cop.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Bhittai 1 0 A cleric is gunned down outside his mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.23 Iraq Baqubah 2 6 A suicide bomber detonates outside a house, obliterating two bystanders.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Gombe 5 3 Fundamentalists drive by a card game and shoot five people to death.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Rashakai 1 2 Islamic militants ambush a police van, killing one occupant.
2013.02.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young Shia student is gunned down near a college by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Ngalda 6 12 Fundamentalists storm a small town late at night and indiscriminately murder six people at a bar.
2013.02.23 Egypt Alexandria 5 0 Islamists murder four Christians and a guard outside a church.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Abuja 17 1 Fundamentalists storm a factory, separate Christian from Muslim workers and then murder seventeen of the former in cold blood.
2013.02.23 Nigeria Aduwan 5 11 A baby and a 13-year-old are among five innocents slain when Muslim extremists rake churches with machine-gun fire.
2013.02.22 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.22 Iraq Halaiwat 7 1 Seven volunteers at a checkpoint are executed in cold blood by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2013.02.22 Mali Khalil 3 3 Three other people are killed by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2013.02.22 Nigeria Kogom 10 2 Fulani Muslims hack ten Christian family members to death including five small children.
2013.02.21 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out three other lives.
2013.02.21 Afghanistan Kohistanat 2 6 Two local cops are gunned down by the Taliban.
2013.02.21 Afghanistan Kandhar 1 2 Fundamentalists kill one local with a grenade.
2013.02.21 Iraq Baqubah 1 7 A teacher is killed in a Mujahideen Islamist shooting attack and seven female university students injured in a separate bombing.
2013.02.21 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 2 0 Terrorists storm a home and murder a construction worker and his wife.
2013.02.21 Mali Kidal 2 0 An Islamist car bomb leaves two dead.
2013.02.21 Pakistan Peshawar 2 18 Two people are killed when fundamentalists set off a bomb at a shopping mall.
2013.02.21 Kenya Dadaab 7 0 Two women are among seven people machine-gunned outside a mosque.
2013.02.21 Syria Damascus 90 200 Sunnis set off four car bombs in Shia neighborhoods, killing at least ninety, including children.
2013.02.21 India Hyderabad 17 119 A series of Indian Mujahideen bomb blasts at a bus stop and outside a cinema leave seventeen dead.
2013.02.21 Iraq Dhuluiyah 9 27 Nine Iraqis are blown to bits by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.02.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out three people.
2013.02.20 Pakistan Jacobabad 1 4 Rivals set off a bomb at a religious rally organized by a peaceful cleric, killing his grandson.
2013.02.19 Iraq Madaen 3 0 A boy is among three people shot to death in their home by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.19 Iraq Mosul 7 0 At least two women are among seven civilians gunned down in their own homes in two al-Qaeda attacks.
2013.02.19 Iraq Tikrit 2 6 Islamic State of Iraq bombers murder two people.
2013.02.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 24-year-old Shiite is shot to death by Sunnis on his way from a rally protesting Sunni violence.
2013.02.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic 'separatists' shoot a 44-year-old several times in the head.
2013.02.19 Bangladesh Naliakhali 1 20 A young boy is burned alive during a rampage by a Muslim mob through a Hindu village.
2013.02.19 Nigeria Naibawa 6 6 Muslim terrorists fire into a restaurant, killing six patrons.
2013.02.19 Cameroon Lake Chad 2 1 Two Christian converts are lined up and shot to death for leaving Islam.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Darzaab 1 1 A civilian is killed during a Taliban attack.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Landi Kotal 2 0 Taliban shoot two civilians to death.
2013.02.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 16 Mujahideen plant a bomb on a child's tricycle that leaves one dead.
2013.02.18 Somalia Alanley 1 0 A 42-year-old Christian teacher and father of four is brutally executed by al-Shabaab outside his home.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Peshawar 6 7 Suicide bombers detonate at a government office, killing six.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 A Shia doctor and his 11-year-old son are brutally gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Three people are murdered in a sectarian drive-by.
2013.02.18 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a cop at close range.
2013.02.18 Thailand Pattani 0 1 A Buddhist teacher survives a targeted Muslim shooting with injuries.
2013.02.17 Tanzania Zanzibar 1 0 A priest is murdered by Muslim extremists on his way to church.
2013.02.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.17 Iraq Baghdad 37 100 At least thirty-seven people are pulled into pieces at a market by Islamic State of Iraq bombers.
2013.02.17 Thailand Pattani 3 9 Three civilians are killed when Muslim militants detonate a bomb in a commercial district.
2013.02.17 Pakistan Mattani 1 0 A teenage boy sent by the Taliban assassinates a man at a market.
2013.02.17 Tunisia Sfax 0 1 A young man is stabbed in the head during a Salafist assault on a labor union office.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 45-year-old Christian is murdered in cold blood by a Muslim arguing religion.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi gunmen on motorcycles take out a Shiite.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sunni terrorists shoot two Shia to death.
2013.02.16 Nigeria Bauchi 1 7 A guard is killed and seven construction workers kidnapped by Ansuru Islamists.
2013.02.16 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A suicide blast leaves three others dead.
2013.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 al-Shabaab bombers kill one person at a restaurant.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Quetta 91 180 Women and children are amply represented in the carnage as a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bomb rips through a Shiite marketplace, leaving over ninety dead.
2013.02.16 Pakistan Bannu 3 0 Three people are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2013.02.15 Iraq al-Mahmoudiyyah 1 3 An innocent person is machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2013.02.15 Somalia Janalle 1 0 A captured Kenyan soldier is executed by al-Shabaab.
2013.02.15 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 1 Two civilians are killed by a Taliban bomb placed outside a mosque.
2013.02.15 Somalia Garowe 1 2 A cleric is murdered between prayers in his mosque by Islamist rivals.
2013.02.15 Bangladesh Pallabi 1 0 A 30-year-old blogger who opposed Islamic fundamentalists is stabbed to death outside his home.
2013.02.15 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 2 Four Iraqis are taken out by a terrorist landmine.
2013.02.15 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunnis.
2013.02.14 Pakistan Hassanzai Dara 4 0 Militants kill four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.02.14 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two brothers are among four Iraqis murdered by Mujahideen.
2013.02.14 Dagestan Khasavyurt 4 6 Four local cops are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2013.02.14 Bahrain Manama 1 0 Shiite terrorists kill a security official with a firebomb.
2013.02.14 Pakistan Hangu 11 11 Two women are among eleven people torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Hassanzo 9 23 Two roadside bombings leave nine people dead.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Shunglai 1 0 A young woman is honor killed by her family and dumped near a mosque.
2013.02.13 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shias are murdered by devoted Sunnis, including one who died during torture.
2013.02.12 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 1 A child is among the casualties of two Boko Haram home invasions that leave four dead.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Pasban 1 0 A 45-year-old Shiite is assassinated by Sipah-e-Sabada.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Tirah 19 7 A day of back and forth attacks by Ansarul Islam and the Taliban leave nineteen dead.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 Sunnis shoot a banker to death because he is Shiite.
2013.02.12 Pakistan Gulbahar 2 3 Sectarian Jihadis gun down two people at a hardware store.
2013.02.11 Iraq Rawah 3 2 Mujahideen take out three people with a bomb at a parking lot.
2013.02.11 Somalia Galkayo 4 6 A suicide blast by a religious fanatic leaves four others dead.
2013.02.11 Turkey Cilvegozu 7 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates at a border crossing.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A Quran teacher is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Tirah 10 10 Ten more people die during a clash between radical Islamist groups.
2013.02.11 Syria al-Shadada 14 12 Two al-Nusra suicide bombings reduce fourteen people to body parts.
2013.02.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A doctor is gunned down outside his clinic by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.11 Iraq Mosul 8 8 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis, including a 7-year-old boy.
2013.02.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot a city councilor to death at his residence.
2013.02.11 Tanzania Buseresere 1 0 A pastor is beheaded by a group of Muslim youth.
2013.02.10 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Mujahideen shoot murder four Iraqis in separate attacks.
2013.02.10 Iraq Samarrah 1 7 al-Qaeda bomb a family home, killing one member.
2013.02.10 Pakistan Orangi 2 0 A Shia father and son are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen.
2013.02.10 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A teacher is among two Shiites shot to death in separate attacks - one in his home.
2013.02.10 Thailand Yala 5 1 Islamic militants overturn a truck with a bomb, then shoot five survivors to death.
2013.02.09 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim 'separatists' ambush two locals.
2013.02.09 Iraq Baghdad 6 40 Terrorists send mortars into a camp housing Iranian dissidents, killing six.
2013.02.09 Nigeria Potiskum 3 0 Three Korean doctors are hacked to death by Islamic radicals.
2013.02.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 56-year-old villager is shot in the head at his home by suspected Muslim 'separatists'
2013.02.09 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A seminary student and a Shiite are murdered by sectarian Jihadis in separate attacks.
2013.02.08 Pakistan Kalaya 16 27 Muslim fundamentalists bomb marketplace selling videos and CD's, killing at least sixteen.
2013.02.08 Nigeria Kano 10 5 Islamists gun down one male and nine female polio vaccination workers in two attacks after clerics accuse the program of being a conspiracy against Muslim children.
2013.02.08 Iraq Karbala 5 16 At least five Shiites are taken out by Sunni bombers.
2013.02.08 Iraq Baghdad 17 44 Holy Warriors detonate two car bombs at an animal market popular with Shias, slaughtering at least seventeen.
2013.02.08 Iraq Shomali 14 26 Fourteen Iraqis at a bus stop are dismantled by Islamic State of Iraq bombers.
2013.02.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shiite professional is picked off by Sunni gunmen shortly after dropping his kids off at school.
2013.02.08 Syria Aleppo 9 0 Nine people, including women, children and a cleric are reportedly killed by a Sunni rocket attack on a Shiite mosque.
2013.02.08 Afghanistan Nad Ali 6 0 Two women are among six member of a family torn to shreds by an Islamic bomb.
2013.02.08 Pakistan Pattoki 0 3 Three Christian women are beaten and tortured by a Muslim mob in their own home.
2013.02.08 Lebanon al-Ouazzani 1 0 A teenager seven months pregnant is stabbed to death by her brother in a Muslim honor killing. (The girl was reportedly impregnated by her killer).
2013.02.07 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 9 al-Qaeda bombers murder six Iraqis.
2013.02.07 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda while sitting in their car.
2013.02.07 Afghanistan Kishindih 4 3 The Taliban take out four locals with a roadside bomb.
2013.02.07 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite dies in the hospital from injuries suffered during a Sipah-e- Sahaba shooting attack.
2013.02.07 Pakistan Orangi 1 5 A Taliban bombing leaves one dead.
2013.02.07 Dagestan Kahdzhalmakhi 1 0 Islamic militants shoot a local cop to death.
2013.02.07 Kenya Garissa 1 1 Islamists shoot two Christian pastors, killing one.
2013.02.07 USA Buena Vista, NJ 2 0 A Muslim targets and beheads two Christian Coptic immigrants.
2013.02.07 Mexico Pakal Kin 2 0 A man embraces Islam, then slaughters his two infidel parents because the Quran 'told' him too.
2013.02.06 Syria Hama 54 2 A brutal bombing of a bus by an Islamist faction leaves over fifty dead, including women.
2013.02.06 Russia Nalchik 1 1 A local cop is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2013.02.06 Iraq Mussayib 4 4 Four Iraqis die after being sprayed with al-Qaeda gunfire.
2013.02.06 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Religious rivals murder a Sunni.
2013.02.06 Tunisia Tunis 1 0 A leading critic of Islamism is shot in the head by Salafis at his home.
2013.02.06 Syria Palmyra 35 30 An al-Nusra suicide bomber and a separate car bombing send over thirty souls to Allah.
2013.02.05 Bangladesh Dhaka 3 43 At least three people are killed during a rampage by Jamaat-e-Islam
2013.02.05 Nigeria Sambisa Reserve 6 0 At least six park rangers are brutally murdered by Sharia advocates.
2013.02.05 Thailand Yala 4 0 Four Buddhist fruit traders, including a 17-year-old, are tied up and slaughtered by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2013.02.05 Iraq Taji 6 12 A suicide car bomber murder six Iraqis.
2013.02.05 Afghanistan Faryab 5 7 Mujahideen set off a bomb at a restaurant that leaves five dead.
2013.02.05 Denmark Copenhagen 0 0 A Danish cartoonist narrowly escapes an assassination attempt on his front stoop from a man who fires from a yard away.
2013.02.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis pick off a 35-year-old Sunni at a market.
2013.02.04 Kenya Garissa 1 0 Islamists shoot a local cop to death.
2013.02.04 Yemen Kutaf 6 7 Six people are killed during an armed clash between Sunnis and Shias.
2013.02.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic extremists kill an African Union soldier.
2013.02.04 Pakistan Chaman 1 0 A Christian dies after being shot five times by Muslims angry that he would not embrace Islam.
2013.02.04 Iraq Taji 23 44 A Holy Warrior self-detonates in a thick crowd of Iraqis, leaving about two dozen dead.
2013.02.03 Afghanistan Khakriz 1 6 Women are among the casualties of a Taliban roadside attack.
2013.02.03 Iraq Kirkuk 33 90 Three dozen innocents are slaughtered by a suicide bombing followed by a grenade and shooting assault along a city street.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Agra Taj 1 0 Lashkar-e-Jhagvi brutally murder a Shiite.
2013.02.02 Afghanistan Miyanishin 5 0 Two young children are among a family of five exterminated by a roadside bomb.
2013.02.02 Afghanistan Musa Qala 2 0 Two local cops are incinerated by a Taliban bomb.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Sarai Nawrang 26 15 Women and children are among the casualties of a brutal Fedayeen attack that included a suicide bombing in a family home.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Ghunda Mela 2 3 Taliban militants murder two local soldiers.
2013.02.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two human rights activists are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.02.02 Philippines Zamboanga 0 5 Islamic terrorists throw a bomb into a Catholic church during a service.
2013.02.01 Nigeria Zaria 3 0 A Muslim cleric is murdered along with his wife and baby after criticizing Boko Haram.
2013.02.01 Thailand Pattani 3 10 Three are killed when Islamic 'separatists' spray a group of farmers with machine-gun fire.
2013.02.01 Egypt Alexandria 0 1 A Christian woman is stabbed on the street by Muslim hardliners.
2013.02.01 Lebanon Beqaa 2 0 Islamists shoot two Lebanese policemen to death.
2013.02.01 Syria Damascus 53 90 al-Nusra suicide bombers massacre over fifty people in a single attack.
2013.02.01 Pakistan Hangu 30 56 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters over two dozen worshippers outside a Shia mosque.
2013.02.01 Afghanistan Takhar 2 0 A Sunni hardliner suddenly shoots two police officers to death.
2013.02.01 Pakistan Lakai Sar 11 6 Lashkar-e-Islam terrorists assault a village and kill eleven defenders.
2013.02.01 Nigeria Samunaka 15 1 Islamists attack and burn three churches, killing at least fifteen innocents, including two children.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shia barber is cut down by Sunnis firing into his shop.
2013.01.31 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old villager is cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Tirah 2 6 At least two bystanders are killed when Islamist groups clash.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Malikhel 2 0 Religion of Peace bombers murder two polio workers who were on their way to vaccinate children.
2013.01.31 Afghanistan Greshk 1 8 A 13-year-old boy is killed when fundamentalists bomb a gambling event.
2013.01.31 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 Two Sunni clerics are among three killed in a Shia drive-by.
2013.01.31 Nigeria Gombe 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.01.31 Mali Douentza 2 0 Islamists murder two local soldiers.
2013.01.31 Syria Damascus 3 0 Hardliners kill three people on a bus, including a woman.
2013.01.30 Pakistan Ghani Gul 6 0 Six members of a family are killed when a mortar hits their home amidst fighting between two Islamist groups.
2013.01.30 Yemen Raida 0 1 A Jewish man is badly injured in an anti-Semitic Muslim attack.
2013.01.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Militant Muslims blow up a security guard for teachers.
2013.01.30 Afghanistan Sabari 2 4 Two small children are pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb planted at a market.
2013.01.30 Pakistan Golimar 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a 32-year-old Shiite.
2013.01.30 Iraq Abu Ghraib 18 0 A mass grave containing eighteen al-Qaeda execution victims is discovered.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shia are shot to death by Sunni radicals during 'Unity Week'.
2013.01.29 Somalia Mogadishu 6 12 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out six locals.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Terrorists from a religious outfit attack a police station and murder an officer.
2013.01.29 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A Buddhist married couple, who worked as school janitors, are brutally shot to death by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2013.01.29 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A cleric is taken out by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.29 Pakistan Kala 1 0 A guard for a polio vaccination team is gunned down by Islamists.
2013.01.28 Pakistan Karachi 5 1 Four Sunni activists are murdered by sectarian rivals. A 2-year-old later dies of injuries.
2013.01.28 Russia Kabardino-Balkaria 1 0 An off-duty police officer is assassinated by suspected Islamic 'separatists'.
2013.01.28 Yemen Rida 11 17 An al-Qaeda car bomb leaves eleven dead.
2013.01.28 Yemen al-Bayda 8 12 Eight locals are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.28 Bangladesh Motijheel 0 50 At least fifty people are injured in rioting by Islamic extremists standing up for war criminals.
2013.01.28 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 An al-Qaeda rocket attack leaves two dead Iraqis.
2013.01.28 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A 4-year-old girl is among two civilians taken out by Mujahid gunmen.
2013.01.27 Algeria Djebahia 2 5 Two gas pipeline guards are shot to death by Muslim militants.
2013.01.27 Nigeria Mangu 5 0 Five people are beheaded by Sharia advocates.
2013.01.27 Pakistan Tirah 61 40 Sixty-one people are killed in clashes between Tahrik-e-Taliban and Ansarul Islam.
2013.01.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 6 Islamic fundamentalists kill ten Afghans with a roadside bomb.
2013.01.27 Nigeria Borno 8 0 Eight people are abducted and murdered by Boko Haram.
2013.01.26 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A woman is murdered in her own home by the Islamic Army of Iraq.
2013.01.26 Iraq Fallujah 2 3 Mujahideen shoot two local soldiers to death.
2013.01.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 20 Ten Afghans are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a busy market.
2013.01.26 Afghanistan Qale Sabaz 2 13 A suicide bomber takes out two people.
2013.01.25 Nigeria Ngwa 1 0 An ex-official is assassinated by Boko Haram.
2013.01.25 Afghanistan Kapisa 5 10 Five civilians are dismantled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.25 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 Wahhabi terrorists gun down a Shiite.
2013.01.24 India Hyderabad 1 2 A passerby is killed when religious hardliners start shooting at each others.
2013.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three Iraqis are brought down by al-Qaeda with silencers.
2013.01.24 Syria Saasa 8 5 al-Nusra Islamists murder eight people with a car bomb.
2013.01.24 Pakistan Landhi 4 12 Terrorists murder four police officers with two bombs.
2013.01.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is murdered in his own bed by Muslim terrorists.
2013.01.24 Pakistan Gilgit 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shia water department employee.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A prayer leader dies after being shot by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 Two clerics are gunned down at their own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Orakzai 5 3 A Sunni bomb blast rips five people apart.
2013.01.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents' in front of dozens of children.
2013.01.23 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A school principal is among three Iraqis gunned down by Mujahideen.
2013.01.23 Yemen al-Bayda 1 3 One person is killed by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.01.23 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 42 75 A Shahid self-detonates inside a packed mosque, sending at least forty-two souls to Allah.
2013.01.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 0 Religion of Peace proponents behead five people in their homes.
2013.01.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 0 Boko Haram Islamists burn down a school and shoot four people to death.
2013.01.23 Pakistan Gulbara 4 0 Four rival Islamists are murdered by Lashkar e-Islam.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A prominent doctor is among two Shias gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia eye specialist is cut down outside his clinic by Sunni gunmen.
2013.01.22 Iraq Mahmoudiya 5 15 al-Qaeda set off a car bomb along a city street that leaves five dead.
2013.01.22 Iraq Taji 7 26 Seven people are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2013.01.22 Iraq Shula 5 15 Sunni car bombers slaughter five Shiites in their own neighborhood.
2013.01.22 Nigeria Damboa 18 0 Fundamentalists massacre eighteen villagers at a market selling meat forbidden to Muslims.
2013.01.22 Iraq Mahmoudiyyah 4 0 Four young children ages 6 to 12 are disassembled by a Mujahideen bomb outside their home.
2013.01.22 Nigeria Kano 5 2 Five people playing an outdoor board game are shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.01.22 Pakistan Kari Haider Khel 2 0 Two tribesmen are taken out by a Tehreek-e-Taliban drive-by.
2013.01.21 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 At least three innocents are killed during a Fedayeen suicide assault on a traffic police headquarters.
2013.01.21 Syria Salmiyeh 30 50 Shahid suicide car bombers destroy thirty lives in a commercial district.
2013.01.21 Pakistan Gakhar Mandi 1 0 The throat of a 45-year-old woman is cut by her conservative brother after she elopes by choice.
2013.01.21 Pakistan Dawizai 2 9 A Taliban bomb leaves two dead.
2013.01.21 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 12-year-old Buddhist boy is brought down by Runda Kumpulan Kecil Islamists.
2013.01.20 Nigeria Kaduna 2 2 A 6-year-old girl is killed by suspected Boko Haram.
2013.01.20 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Terrorists kill a civilian with a bomb near her home.
2013.01.19 Somalia Afmadow 7 0 At least seven civilians are slain during an al-Shabaab attack.
2013.01.19 Cameroon Kousseri 1 0 Islamists shoot a man execution style.
2013.01.19 Nigeria Kano 5 0 At least five people are killed in an attempted Boko Haram assassination of a popular emir.
2013.01.19 Nigeria Okene 2 5 Islamists ambush a luxury bus and murder two riders.
2013.01.19 Algeria Tigantourine 48 0 Twenty three hostages are killed by their Islamic captors during a rescue attempt. Twenty-five more are found summarily executed
2013.01.18 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Two police officers are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2013.01.18 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamic gunmen fire into a pickup truck, killing the driver.
2013.01.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A journalist is picked off by alleged al-Shabaab gunmen.
2013.01.18 Pakistan Sur Kas 2 1 Laskhar-e-Islam mortar a family home, killing the mother and father and severely injuring their girl.
2013.01.18 Pakistan Khuzdar 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists at a market.
2013.01.18 Syria Daraa 5 12 Suicide car bombers attack a rival mosque, killing at least five.
2013.01.18 Nigeria Kaduna 1 1 A 7-month-old baby is shot during an Islamic terror attack.
2013.01.18 Lebanon Roumieh 1 0 An inmate at a prison is murdered by hardcore Fatah al-Islam fundamentalists.
2013.01.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 28-year-old villager is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2013.01.17 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia civilian is murdered by Sunni gunmen at a market.
2013.01.17 Kenya Garissa 5 4 Religious extremists burst into a restaurant and gun down five patrons.
2013.01.17 Iraq Dujail 11 60 Eleven Shia pilgrims are sent to Allah by dedicated Sunni car bombers.
2013.01.17 Iraq Hilla 7 17 al-Qaeda detonate a car bomb outside a soccer stadium in a Shia neighborhood, killing at least seven.
2013.01.17 Iraq Karbala 4 12 Four lives are lost when a bus carrying Shia pilgrims is targeted by al-Qaeda bombers.
2013.01.17 Iraq Qassim 5 20 Five Shia pilgrims on foot are torn to shreds following an Islamic Army of Iraq bomb at a bus stop.
2013.01.17 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 A prominent anti-Taliban politician and three body guards are murdered by Jihadis.
2013.01.17 Thailand Pattani 0 3 Islamic militants shoot three sanitation workers, one in the head.
2013.01.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 78-year-old farmer is shot to death in a bath tub by Muslim terrorists.
2013.01.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic 'insurgents' murder a school truck driver in front of seven children.
2013.01.16 Afghanistan Kabul 3 30 Three civilians are murdered by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2013.01.16 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 3 37 Holy Warriors take out three locals.
2013.01.16 Iraq Kirkuk 21 170 Two-dozen shoppers are massacred by suicide truck bombers in a commercial district.
2013.01.16 Iraq Baji 7 0 Seven Iraqis are killed in a handful of Mujahideen attacks.
2013.01.16 Algeria Tigantourine 2 6 Armed Islamists attack an oil field, killing two people they identified as Christians and kidnapping over a hundred workers.
2013.01.16 Nigeria Jos 4 2 Four Christians are the victims of a Muslim drive-by.
2013.01.16 Yemen Dhammar 1 0 A security official is assassinated by al-Qaeda.
2013.01.16 Syria Idlib 22 30 al-Nusra suicide bombers massacre two dozen Syrians in an urban area.
2013.01.16 Bangladesh Dhaka 0 1 An atheist blogger is stabbed by three Islamic fundamentalists.
2013.01.16 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 58-year-old Shiite is murdered by Wahhabi gunmen.
2013.01.15 Libya Misrata 1 5 An child loses an eye and an imam loses his life when rivals throw a grenade at him.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Shalobar 6 28 Attacks by Lashkar-e-Islam on local security posts leave six innocents dead.
2013.01.15 Iraq Fallujah 7 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out seven Iraqis.
2013.01.15 Nigeria Kano 4 0 Four policemen are massacred by Boko Haram Islamists.
2013.01.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Suspected Islamists assassinate a judge.
2013.01.15 Philippines Midsayap 2 0 Moro Islamists are blamed for a shooting that leaves two dead.
2013.01.15 Pakistan Surjani 1 0 A 30-year-old Shia is gunned down by sectarian Jihadis.
2013.01.15 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 Suspected Islamic 'separatists' assassinate a prominent judge.
2013.01.15 Syria Haswiya 106 0 Shiite militia and Sunni Islamists are blamed by the other for the massacre of over one hundred civilians, mostly family members.
2013.01.14 Pakistan Kohikhel 3 0 Islamic extremists behead three captured tribesmen.
2013.01.14 Pakistan Khar Kallay 1 8 A bombing attack on a van full of Shia leaves one dead.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 3 A 12-year-old boy is disassembled by a Mujahid bomb.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot a police officer in the head.
2013.01.13 Yemen Rada 1 3 One civilian is killed during an al-Qaeda ambush.
2013.01.13 Iraq Fallujah 1 3 A 7-year-old boy is pulled apart by an 'insurgent' bomb.
2013.01.13 India Pulwama 1 0 A 40-year-old civilian is kidnapped and executed by Islamic militants.
2013.01.13 Afghanistan Sayed Abad 7 2 Seven civilians are killed by a suspected Taliban bomb at a mosque.
2013.01.13 Pakistan Miranshah 14 25 Fourteen local soldiers are exterminated by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2013.01.13 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Sunni militants machine-gun three Iraqis at a checkpoint.
2013.01.13 Afghanistan Chak 2 0 A girl is among two civilians executed in cold blood by religious extremists.
2013.01.13 Nigeria Kano 2 2 Two locals are killed by Boko Haram gunmen.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 A female nurse is slain execution style by suspected Taliban.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Rahim Bux Banglani 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is "honor killed" by her brother for having sex.
2013.01.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A child is killed in a bomb attack targeting Shias at an Internet cafe.
2013.01.12 Somalia Bulomarer 1 0 Islamists execute a French hostage following a rescue attempt.
2013.01.12 Iraq Kirkuk 2 4 Islamic terrorists kill two soccer players with a bomb outside their stadium.
2013.01.12 Somalia Jilib 2 0 Two civilians are pulled off of a bus and shot in the back of the head by fundamentalists.
2013.01.11 Iraq Mosul 2 2 al-Qaeda gunmen enter a family home and shoot a 7-year-old boy and his father to death.
2013.01.11 Afghanistan Badghis 5 5 Five Afghans lose their lives to Taliban attacks.
2013.01.11 Thailand Pattani 2 2 A Muslim bomb aimed at teachers leaves two guards dead.
2013.01.11 Pakistan Quetta 2 5 Tehreek-e-Taliban kill two people with a rocket.
2013.01.11 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot two local cops to death.
2013.01.11 India Sopore 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Islamic militants.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A court worker is shot four times by religious extremists.
2013.01.10 Iraq Diyala 2 4 Two people are killed when Mujahid bombers target a university chancellor.
2013.01.10 Yemen Abyan 1 2 al-Qaeda assassins shoot a mediator to death.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Mingora 30 70 Thirty people are ripped to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a rival preaching center.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Quetta 105 200 Over one-hundred people are massacred by two Lashkar-e-Jhangvi suicide blasts at a billiards hall in a Shiite area.
2013.01.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Sunni bombers strike a bus stop in a Shia neighborhood, sending five residents to Allah.
2013.01.10 Iraq Diyala 6 6 Mujahideen murder six Iraqis in a series of attacks.
2013.01.10 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A female police officer is murdered by Boko Haram.
2013.01.10 Pakistan Quetta 4 0 Four Shias are summarily executed by Sunnis
2013.01.09 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An influential Shia doctor is murdered outside his clinic by devoted Sunnis.
2013.01.09 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Sunni cleric is brought down in a targeted attack by Shia.
2013.01.09 Pakistan Bahawalpur 1 0 Muslim stab a 19-year-old Christian to death for seeing a Muslim girl.
2013.01.09 Mali Konna 7 0 Seven captives, five of whom were severely wounded, are executed by militants shouting praises to Allah.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite father is shot to death in front of his child by Sunnis.
2013.01.08 Iraq Mosul 1 12 A car bomb at a supermarket in a Christian area kills a medical student.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Choura 1 0 A Sikh businessman is kidnapped and beheaded by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2013.01.08 Pakistan Bokhar 1 1 Islamic bombers take down a member of a peace committee.
2013.01.07 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 An acting imam shoots a British soldier in the back after leading prayers.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Quetta 1 3 Sunnis fire into a taxi carrying Shias, killing just one.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis take down a father and daughter.
2013.01.07 Nigeria Baban Layi 3 2 Islamists murder three traders at a market.
2013.01.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female Christian teacher's throat is cut by dedicated Muslims.
2013.01.07 Nigeria Kano 3 1 Boko Haram gunmen fire into a group of civilians leaving a rival mosque, killing three.
2013.01.07 Iraq Mosul 3 4 al-Qaeda gunmen roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun local cops point-blank.
2013.01.07 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A 26-year-old bank employee is murdered for belonging to the wrong mosque.
2013.01.06 Pakistan Jamrud 5 1 Five tribesmen are machine-gunned by militant Muslims.
2013.01.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist woman dies after being shot in the neck and body by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2013.01.06 Pakistan Chiniot 1 0 A Shiite child dies of injuries one week after being shot by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2013.01.06 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4 15 Two suicide bombers murder four other people at a community meeting.
2013.01.05 Iraq Diyala 5 10 Mujahideen take down five Iraqis in various attacks.
2013.01.05 Iraq Hillah 3 23 Terrorists blow up three civilians.
2013.01.05 Iraq Karbalah 1 11 A Shiite girl on a minibus is taken out by Sunni Holy Warriors.
2013.01.05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 1 Taliban extremists murder four commuters with a roadside bomb.
2013.01.05 Libya Sidi Faraj 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2013.01.05 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A girl is stabbed to death by her conservative brother for having an affair.
2013.01.05 Pakistan Utmanzai 2 0 Two charity workers involved in an education project are murdered by Religion of Peace radicals.
2013.01.05 Syria Deir az-Zour 3 0 Three captured Syrians are executed by al-Nusra proclaiming their Muslim faith.
2013.01.04 Syria Damascus 11 4 Two children are among eleven civilians dismantled by a Sunni bomb in a residential neighborhood.
2013.01.04 Pakistan Peshawar 2 1 A Taliban bomb snuffs the lives of two civilians.
2013.01.04 Syria Idlib 1 0 A cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2013.01.04 Kenya Garissa 2 7 Two refugees bleed to death after al-Shabaab cadres toss a grenade into their camp.
2013.01.04 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Islamic militants ambush and kill a local soldier.
2013.01.04 Pakistan Mach 1 0 Sipah-e-Yazeed gunmen assassinate a Shiite at close range.
2013.01.03 Nigeria Song 4 0 Four people are burned to death by Religion of Peace radicals, including a child.
2013.01.03 Iraq Musayyib 28 49 Twenty-eight Shiite pilgrims are blown apart by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2013.01.03 Afghanistan Nawa-i-Barakzayi 1 0 A cleric is gunned down in his own mosque by religious hardliners.
2013.01.03 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A prayer leader is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2013.01.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Sunnis target a minibus carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to kill just four.
2013.01.03 Syria Damascus 2 0 Video surfaces of members of a Shia militia stoning and stabbing two Sunnis.
2013.01.03 Somalia Boo 1 3 al-Shabaab gunmen open fire on women at a wedding party, killing at least one.
2013.01.02 Iraq Tarmiyah 3 0 Three Iraqis are machine-gunned point-blank by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2013.01.02 Iraq Karbalah 2 8 Two Shia pilgrims on foot are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2013.01.02 Nigeria Marte 2 0 Boko Haram militants ambush and kill two security personnel.
2013.01.02 Pakistan Miranshah 3 3 A woman and child are killed when Islamic militants fire a rocket into their home.
2013.01.01 Italy Venice 0 1 Fifteen Arab youth set upon a Jewish-American tourist with sharp objects, beating him into unconsciousness.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Swabi 7 1 Six women are among seven humanitarian workers brutally machine-gunned by Mujahideen.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Karachi 6 40 Tehreek-e-Taliban set off a bomb at a political rally, taking out at least six participants.
2013.01.01 Iraq Tuz-Khormato 5 2 Mujahid bombers take out five Iraqis.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Bolan 1 0 A religious minority is murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2013.01.01 Pakistan Akkakhel 2 5 Two girls are killed when suspected Taliban shell their school.
2013.01.01 Iraq Bahrka 1 0 A 23-year-old mother of two is murdered by her family for unIslamic behavior.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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