The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Afghanistan, November 6

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 3106 Islamic attacks in 45 countries, in which 20581 people were killed and 27339 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2007.12.31 Thailand Yala 1 27 Islamists kill one person in a series of bomb attacks on restaurants and entertainment venues.
2007.12.31 Iraq Maysan 3 0 Three teachers are gunned down by sectarian fundamentalists.
2007.12.31 Iraq Tarmiya 12 7 Five schoolchildren are among a dozen Iraqis blown apart by a suicide bomber.
2007.12.31 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Two police officers are killed in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2007.12.31 Dagestan Derbent 1 0 A man is killed in a car bombing planted by suspected Islamists.
2007.12.31 Pakistan Kurram 11 15 Eleven more people are killed in clashes between Sunni and Shia.
2007.12.30 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 26-year-old man is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2007.12.30 Iraq Baquba 3 0 The bodies of three people are found near an al-Qaeda torture chamber.
2007.12.30 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 0 Four local soldiers are murdered by a Taliban bombing.
2007.12.30 Somalia Mogadishu 6 1 A pregnant mother and her five young children are killed by a mortar round during an attack on Ethiopians by Islamic militias.
2007.12.30 Somalia Mogadishu 10 9 Islamic extremists attack a group of local soldiers, killing ten.
2007.12.29 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A 17-year-old Islamic militant plants a bomb that kills a former mayor's deputy.
2007.12.29 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Sectarian fundamentalists gun down a teacher.
2007.12.29 Iraq Mosul 4 11 Freedom fighters kill four Iraqi policemen.
2007.12.29 Afghanistan Wardak 8 0 Eight Afghans are murdered in a Taliban ambush.
2007.12.29 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Religious extremists kill two civilians in a roadside blast.
2007.12.29 Pakistan Parachinar 13 9 Thirteen people are killed in fighting between Sunni and Shia.
2007.12.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 16 0 Sixteen Afghan police are murdered in an attack by religious extremists.
2007.12.28 Iraq Baghdad 14 64 Jihadis murder fourteen Iraqis with a car bomb.
2007.12.28 India Poonch 1 0 A civilian is abducted from his home and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.12.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by religious extremists.
2007.12.28 Pakistan Manglore 4 4 Four people are blown to bits by an Islamist bombing.
2007.12.28 Somalia Siinka Dheer 2 0 Two local soldiers are shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.12.28 Israel Hebron 2 1 Two young Israeli hikers are gunned down by Palestinian terrorists.
2007.12.27 Pakistan Kurram 27 42 Sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia leaves another two dozen dead.
2007.12.27 Mauritania El Ghallawiya 3 0 Three local soldiers are killed by suspected Islamic militants in an ambush.
2007.12.27 Somalia Bakara 1 4 Islamic militias kill one civilian in a grenade attack.
2007.12.27 Pakistan Rawalpindi 23 50 A suicide attack kills former prime minister Benazir Bhutto and at least twenty supporters along a city street.
2007.12.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 12 Jihadis blast a minibus with a roadside bomb, killing two civilians.
2007.12.26 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Islamic terrorists use children in a school as human shields to ambush a group of local soldiers, killing three.
2007.12.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 49-year-old man is shot to death in a drive-by shooting by Muslim militants.
2007.12.26 Pakistan Sadda 25 26 Another two dozen people are killed, as the Taliban sets fire to villagers in a sectarian dispute.
2007.12.26 Iraq Diyala 17 0 Seventeen al-Qaeda victims are found shot in the back of the head.
2007.12.26 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Jihadis plant a bomb in a garbage pile, killing three children.
2007.12.26 Pakistan Kurrum 32 40 Thirty-two people are killed in clashes between Sunni and Shia rivals.
2007.12.25 Iraq Baqubah 10 21 A suspected al-Qaeda suicide bomber attacks a funeral, killing ten mourners.
2007.12.25 Iraq Baiji 29 80 Nearly thirty Iraqis are blown apart by a suicidal Sunni along a city street.
2007.12.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 4 Taliban extremists detonate explosives, killing one civilian.
2007.12.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 58-year-old villager is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2007.12.24 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two Buddhists are murdered in a drive-by attack by Islamic radicals.
2007.12.24 Iraq Samarra 2 4 Two civilians are killed in a roadside Jihad bombing.
2007.12.24 Pakistan Parachinar 3 24 Three people are killed in a second day of sectarian violence.
2007.12.24 Somalia Baidoa 3 7 Two children are among three killed in an Islamist grenade attack on a family vehicle.
2007.12.24 Mauritania Nouakchott 4 1 Four French tourists (family members) are shot in cold blood by three members of a regional al-Qaeda network.
2007.12.23 Pakistan Mingora 14 30 Fourteen people are murdered by a suicide car bomber.
2007.12.23 Pakistan Kurrum 3 0 Sunni-Shia sectarian violence leaves three dead.
2007.12.23 Iraq Mahmudiya 6 0 An al-Qaeda car bomb kills six Sunnis.
2007.12.23 Chechnya Grozny 1 4 Mujahideen gunmen kill a police officer.
2007.12.23 India Kayamkulam 1 0 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by a gang of radical Muslims.
2007.12.22 Somalia Mogadishu 5 8 Islamic militias kill five Somalis with a rocket and small-arms fire attack.
2007.12.22 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 Two members of an Islamic militia assassinate a local judge.
2007.12.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber ends the lives of four Iraqis.
2007.12.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 47-year-old man is shot dead outside a mosque by Muslim radicals.
2007.12.21 Pakistan Kanaan 56 100 A Fedayeen, carrying a bomb packed with nails and bomb bearings, detonates in a mosque, killing at least fifty.
2007.12.21 Iraq Yusufiya 5 8 A suicidal Sunni takes out five Iraqis in a bombing.
2007.12.21 Iraq al-Salam 1 2 Jihadis manage to kill one child with a mortar attack on a residential neighborhood.
2007.12.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 Religious extremists decapitate an Afghan, then plant a bomb on the body, killing two others.
2007.12.20 Iraq Kanaan 12 28 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a dozen people at a Sunni council meeting.
2007.12.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 27 Fundamentalists bomb a liquor store, killing three passersby.
2007.12.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 42-year-old man is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2007.12.19 Thailand Narathiwat 3 1 Islamic gunmen on motorcycles brutally assault a car carrying bank employees, killing three.
2007.12.18 Iraq Muqdadiyah 26 0 A Sunni 'torture house' is discovered, with 26 bodies buried in a mass grave.
2007.12.18 Afghanistan Farah 15 9 Fifteen Afghans guarding a fuel tanker are murdered in cold blood by a Taliban ambush.
2007.12.18 Thailand Yala 4 0 Four local guards are shot to death by Muslim radicals, who then behead one of the bodies.
2007.12.18 Iraq Baghdad 7 12 Jihadis take out seven Iraqis in multiple attacks, including a university professor.
2007.12.18 Iraq Baquba 2 15 Children are among the casualties as a suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2007.12.18 Iraq Mosul 10 2 Yazidi tribesman are the target of radical Sunnis, who manage to kill ten.
2007.12.18 Iraq Abbara 16 28 Sixteen people sitting in a cafe are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.12.18 Philippines Basilan 2 5 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two Filipino troops in an ambush.
2007.12.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A migrant worker is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.12.17 Somalia Mogadishu 12 24 Three children in their mother are among a dozen civilians killed when suspected Islamists shell a marketplace.
2007.12.17 Pakistan Banda 2 6 Two children are killed during a rocket attack by Islamic militants.
2007.12.17 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by religious extremists.
2007.12.17 Pakistan Kohat 12 5 A teenage suicide bomber kills twelve off-duty soldiers returning from a soccer game.
2007.12.17 Somalia Mogadishu 4 4 Islamic militants are suspected of firing a mortar shell into a market, killing four civilians.
2007.12.17 Afghanistan Uruzgan 5 0 A bicycle bomber murders a family of five, including three children.
2007.12.17 Iraq Balad Ruz 7 24 Children are among seven killed by a suicide bicycle bomber at a marketplace.
2007.12.16 Pakistan Bajaur 1 3 A local soldier is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2007.12.16 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Two teenage boys are shot off their motorcycle by Muslim gunmen, one dies.
2007.12.16 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A woman is among four people murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.12.16 Pakistan Khar 1 0 Religious extremists abduct and behead a local soldier.
2007.12.16 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two civilians are blasted to Allah by Muslim militants.
2007.12.16 Turkey Barakli 0 1 A 65-year-old priest is stabbed during mass by a young Muslim angered over Christian "proselytizing."
2007.12.15 Afghanistan Kabul 5 2 Five civilians are killed by a Taliban car bombing along a city street.
2007.12.15 Pakistan Naushehra 5 11 Three civilians are among five murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on a bicycle.
2007.12.15 Somalia Mogadishu 2 12 Two civilians are killed by Islamic militias, one in a gun battle and the other execution-style.
2007.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 6 23 Two bombings and a shooting, at least one by al-Qaeda, leave six Iraqis dead.
2007.12.14 Algeria Oum El Drou 5 0 Five civil servants are killed by a bomb planted by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.12.14 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 30 A suspected Hamas operative tosses a grenade into a funeral, killing three mourners.
2007.12.14 Afghanistan Balkh 3 0 Three local soldiers are pulled from their vehicle and machine-gunned to death by Taliban militants.
2007.12.13 Somalia Mogadishu 11 40 Islamic militias send mortar rounds into a marketplace, killing nearly a dozen civilians.
2007.12.13 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 6 6 Religious extremists plant a landmine in the road that kills six civilians.
2007.12.13 Pakistan Quetta 8 18 At least eight people are killed by suicide bombers in two attacks.
2007.12.13 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 A 60-year-old woman is beheaded by the Taliban along with her grandson.
2007.12.13 Iraq Muqdadiyah 16 0 Sixteen beheaded victims of Sunni terrorists are found in a mass grave.
2007.12.13 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 A father and son are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2007.12.13 Iraq Hit 2 14 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out two Iraqis.
2007.12.13 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a female hairdresser in her home.
2007.12.12 Iraq Khanaquin 4 10 Jihadis bomb a gas station, killing four civilians.
2007.12.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 6 20 Religious extremists attack a local military convoy, killing six Pakistanis.
2007.12.12 Lebanon Baabda 2 10 Muslims militants assassinate a military general with a bomb blast in a Christian neighborhood.
2007.12.12 Iraq Amarah 28 135 Twenty-eight people are blown to bits by three coordinated Jihad car bombs.
2007.12.12 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Five people are killed when Islamic terrorists booby-trap a car with a bomb.
2007.12.12 Iraq Saidiya 2 0 Sectarian Jihadis enter a school and shoot two teachers to death.
2007.12.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is gunned down in a drive-by shooting by Islamic radicals.
2007.12.11 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 The head of a hospital is among seven people murdered by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2007.12.11 Somalia Hodan 1 0 A local soldier is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.12.11 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a teacher to death in his own home.
2007.12.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 Five Afghan guards are killed when their convoy is ambushed by religious extremists.
2007.12.11 Afghanistan Panjwayi 2 0 A child is among two people murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.12.11 Algeria Algiers 37 100 At least thirty-seven people are blown to bits by two separate al-Qaeda car bombings on a UN building and a courthouse.
2007.12.11 Iraq Basra 2 0 Islamic radicals kill a Christian brother and sister, then dump their bodies at a garbage site.
2007.12.10 Canada Toronto 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is strangled to death by her father for refusing to wear the hijab.
2007.12.10 Pakistan Swat 0 5 A suicide bomber targets a busload of children, injuring five.
2007.12.10 Iraq Baghdad 12 48 Two Jihad mortar attacks leave a dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.12.10 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two more civilians are killed when Islamic militants hurl grenades at a passing patrol.
2007.12.09 Russia Nevinnomysk 2 4 Islamic terrorists bomb a passenger bus, killing two Russians.
2007.12.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A civilian is killed when Islamists attack Ethiopian troops near a marketplace.
2007.12.09 India Ramban 1 0 A Hindu police officer is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.12.09 Pakistan Swat 9 8 Children are among nine killed when a suicide car bomber rams a police checkpoint.
2007.12.09 Iraq Hilla 6 0 Muslim bomber take out six Iraqis with a roadside attack.
2007.12.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian girl is shot to death at a marketplace by Islamists.
2007.12.08 Iraq Baiji 7 15 A female suicide bomber kills seven Iraqis.
2007.12.08 Iraq Mahmudiya 1 2 Jihadis kill one child in a mortar attack.
2007.12.08 Iraq Wasit 4 0 Radical Sunnis are suspected in a rocket attack on a Shia house in which a family of four is killed.
2007.12.08 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 The Taliban hang a 12-year-old boy from a tree.
2007.12.08 Afghanistan Farah 8 6 Eight local police are killed in two separate ambushes by religious militants.
2007.12.07 Iraq Diyala 24 25 Suicide bombers take out two dozen Iraqis in three attacks.
2007.12.07 Pakistan Charsadda 1 3 Muslim militants kill a local policeman in an ambush on a security post.
2007.12.06 Iraq Kut 1 0 Suspected fundamentalists shoot a woman to death.
2007.12.06 Iraq Diyala 9 7 al-Qaeda gunmen massacre nine Iraqi cops at point-blank range at a checkpoint.
2007.12.05 Afghanistan Kabul 12 14 A Fedayeen bomber boards a minibus and detonates, killing a dozen Afghans, including four children.
2007.12.05 Somalia Hiran 2 3 Two local soldiers are ambushed and murdered by Islamic militants.
2007.12.05 Iraq Baqubah 5 20 Islamic terrorists kill five Iraqis with a car bomb along a city street.
2007.12.05 Iraq Baghdad 15 33 Sunni radicals massacre fifteen Shiites with a bomb placed outside their mosque.
2007.12.05 Russia Stary Cherek 1 0 A police officer is gunned down by Muslim militants.
2007.12.04 Thailand Narathiwat 4 20 Four people are killed when Islamists bomb a restaurant, two at the scene and the four others in the hospital.
2007.12.04 Iraq Baghdad 23 0 Two dozen people are killed by sectarian rivals and thrown into a lake.
2007.12.04 Iraq Jalawla 8 30 A suicide bomber sends eight innocent souls to Allah.
2007.12.03 India Anantnag 1 0 A 25-year-old civilian is abducted and shot to death by the Harkat-ul-Mujahideen.
2007.12.03 Iraq Ramadi 3 1 Three local police are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.12.03 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Two people are brutally killed and burned by al-Qaeda terrorists.
2007.12.03 Iraq Basra 15 9 Three teachers are among fifteen people targeted and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.12.03 Afghanistan Nimruz 4 7 Four Afghans are blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2007.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 A father and son are among five people killed by Islamists in three separate attacks.
2007.12.03 Pakistan Qila Saifullah 6 6 The Taliban is suspected in the bombing of a school that leaves six teenaged boys dead.
2007.12.02 Iraq Baqubah 4 4 A suicide bomber blows apart four Iraqis.
2007.12.02 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death in their pickup truck by Muslim radicals.
2007.12.02 India Sopore 1 0 Muslim militants abduct a 22-year-old seminary student and slit his throat.
2007.12.02 Pakistan Charsadda 3 5 Religious extremists open fire on a cockfight, killing three civilians.
2007.12.02 Iraq Iskandariya 4 2 Four civilians are killed at their own mosque by sectarian rivals.
2007.12.02 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six civilians are murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
2007.12.02 Iraq Garma 20 0 The bodies of three children are among twenty found at a house previously occupied by Islamic terrorists.
2007.12.02 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are shot in the head by Islamic militia members.
2007.12.02 Somalia Medina 2 5 Islamists kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2007.12.01 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamists toss a grenade into a market, killing two civilians.
2007.12.01 Iraq Dwelah 13 14 al-Qaeda gunmen storm a village, killing over a dozen innocents.
2007.12.01 Iraq Madaen 1 6 A suicide bomber kills an Iraqi at a traffic checkpoint.
2007.12.01 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 0 Three civilians are killed by a roadside bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.12.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a man to death outside a mosque.
2007.11.30 Philippines Sulu 8 0 Eight local soldiers are killed in an ambush by Muslim extremists.
2007.11.30 Somalia Borbhere 1 0 A man is shot to death in a mosque by three Islamic radicals.
2007.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 17 34 Seventeen Iraqis are killed in various attacks by Islamic terrorists around the country.
2007.11.29 India Baramulla 1 0 A 60-year-old civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.11.29 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 1 The Taliban shoot a local police officer to death.
2007.11.29 Pakistan North Waziristan 5 4 Religious militants bomb a convoy, killing five local soldiers.
2007.11.29 Iraq al-Salaam 12 25 A Jihad rocket attack leaves a dozen villagers dead.
2007.11.29 Somalia Mogadishu 15 23 Islamic militants open fire on a security team hunting for munitions in a residential area. Some fifteen civilians are killed.
2007.11.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old orchard worker is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.11.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot, stab, then nail a man to a wooden cross and leave on the road to die.
2007.11.28 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist fishermen are abducted and brutally beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.28 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A father chops his daughter to death with an axe over her affair with a boy.
2007.11.28 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2007.11.28 Iraq Haditha 5 30 Jihadis lob mortars into a residential area, killing five civilians.
2007.11.27 Afghanistan Kabul 2 7 A suicide bomber kills two civilians walking along a road.
2007.11.27 Iraq Baqubah 9 15 A suicide bomber disguised as a shepherd manages to kill nine Iraqis, including three women.
2007.11.27 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamic militias gun down a vendor at a market.
2007.11.26 Somalia Mataban 6 0 Six civilians are killed when Islamic militias attack Ethiopian troops in a populated area.
2007.11.26 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 Four civilians are killed by a bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.11.26 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 54-year-old man is murdered by Muslim terrorists on his way to work.
2007.11.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a civilian off his motorcycle, then walk over and put a bullet in his head.
2007.11.26 Iraq Mosul 4 2 Jihadis murder four people. A woman is also gunned down in Basra.
2007.11.26 Afghanistan Paktia 4 2 Religious extremists kill four Afghans with a roadside bomb.
2007.11.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A disabled woman is shot to death as she leaves her plantation.
2007.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 11 36 Eleven civilians are killed in two separate car bombings.
2007.11.25 Iraq al-Zab 1 5 A suicide bomber kills one Iraqi and injures five more.
2007.11.25 Iraq Shab 11 0 Seven children are among eleven family members slaughtered by sectarian rivals in their home.
2007.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Nine Iraqi cops are taken hostage, force to kneel, and shot in the back of the head by their Muslim brothers.
2007.11.24 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two people are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.24 Thailand Yala 1 0 A middle-aged man is shot to death by Islamists while sitting in a tea shop.
2007.11.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 An older Buddhist couple is murdered by Islamic gunmen in a drive-by attack.
2007.11.24 Afghanistan Kabul 7 9 Three children are among seven people murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.11.24 Pakistan Rawalpindi 30 55 Suicide bombers kill thirty Pakistanis in two separate attacks, one on a bus.
2007.11.23 Pakistan Parachinar 50 0 Renewed violence between Shia and Sunni reportedly leaves about fifty dead.
2007.11.23 Iraq Jalawla 2 0 A husband and wife are beheaded in front of their children by religious extremists.
2007.11.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 6 Religious extremists behead seven Afghan police officers.
2007.11.23 India Uttar Pradesh 14 80 Harkat-ul-Jehadi Islamia terrorists bomb three separate Indian cities, killing at least fourteen Hindu.
2007.11.23 Iraq Mosul 21 21 Islamic terrorists massacre twenty-one Iraqis with twin bombings.
2007.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 15 55 Fifteen innocent people are slaughtered by Jihadi bombers at a pet market.
2007.11.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 45-year-old man is killed outside his home by Islamic militants.
2007.11.22 Iraq Howr Rajab 22 8 al-Qaeda terrorists attack two Iraqi villages, killing over twenty innocent people.
2007.11.22 Iraq Mosul 3 22 Jihadis kill two people with a car bomb and behead a university professor in a separate incident.
2007.11.22 Philippines Kidapawan 1 7 A gang linked to Islamic militants plants a bomb at a shopping mall, killing one person.
2007.11.22 Pakistan FATA 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death in separate attacks by sectarian rivals.
2007.11.22 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by Muslim militants as they are riding a motorcycle.
2007.11.22 Russia Bratsk 5 13 A young girl is among five people are killed when Islamic radicals bomb a passenger bus.
2007.11.22 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 Three civilians are killed in an ambush by Islamic militants.
2007.11.22 Pakistan Lower Kurram 3 0 Three people are killed in sectarian attacks.
2007.11.21 India Rajouri 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen, who also torch his house.
2007.11.21 Thailand Pattani 4 6 Islamists shoot four Buddhists to death at point-blank range, then plant a bomb that injures six others.
2007.11.21 Pakistan Swat 4 0 Four members of the same family are killed in a mortar attack by Muslim militants.
2007.11.21 Iraq Ramadi 6 22 Sunni radicals bomb a courthouse, killing six people.
2007.11.21 Iraq Muwaili 40 0 An al-Qaeda mass grave is found containing forty bodies, including that of children.
2007.11.20 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 4 Islamic extremists attack a road construction crew, killing two people.
2007.11.20 Pakistan Parachinar 28 27 Twenty-eight more people are killed in clashes between Sunni and Shia.
2007.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 37 25 Thirty-seven people are killed in various attacks by Islamic terrorists around the country.
2007.11.20 India Baramulla 2 0 The Mujahideen shoot two people to death in separate attacks.
2007.11.20 Pakistan Parachinar 6 4 A fourth day of Sunni-Shia violence yields six more bodies.
2007.11.20 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 3 A civilian is killed in an Islamist rocket attack.
2007.11.20 India Kulgam 1 0 A baker is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.11.20 Australia Hampton Park 1 0 A woman is strangled to death with her own veil by her husband in an honor killing after threatening to leave him.
2007.11.19 Pakistan Darra Adamkhel 3 0 Three truck drivers are kidnapped and beheaded by the Taliban.
2007.11.19 Pal. Auth. Kedumim 1 0 A 29-year-old Israeli father is shot to death by Palestinian terrorists.
2007.11.19 Afghanistan Nimroz 7 14 Seven people are blown to bits by a suicide bomber.
2007.11.19 Iraq Tikrit 8 0 Five policemen are found murdered as the bodies of three civilians, including a 3-year-old boy, are discovered elsewhere.
2007.11.19 Iraq Basra 6 2 Jihadis kill five children and their mother with a Katusha rocket.
2007.11.19 Russia Nalchik 1 2 A Russian policeman is killed in a shooting attack by Mujahideen.
2007.11.19 Pakistan Kurram 8 18 Sectarian extremists lob a mortar into a market, killing eight people.
2007.11.19 Pakistan Parachinar 12 50 A dozen more people are killed in Sunni-Shia mob violence.
2007.11.18 Afghanistan Uruzgan 5 0 Five local policemen are kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by religious extremists, who hang the mutilated bodies on display.
2007.11.18 Iraq Mosul 3 16 Three civilians are killed by a car bomb detonated by Sunni radicals.
2007.11.18 Iraq Baghdad 10 21 Islamic terrorists detonate a car bomb along a city street, killing ten Iraqis.
2007.11.18 Afghanistan Badakshan 2 0 Islamists kill a teacher and her driver in a highway ambush.
2007.11.18 Afghanistan Girishk 2 3 Two local policemen are killed in a Taliban ambush.
2007.11.18 Iraq Baqubah 6 7 A suicide bomber wades into a group of children receiving candy from US soldiers and detonates. At least six are killed.
2007.11.18 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 Muslim militants kill a railway worker with a bomb.
2007.11.17 Thailand Yala 2 0 Islamists shoot a middle-aged married couple to death in their home.
2007.11.17 Afghanistan Sangisar 3 0 A Taliban road mine kills two Canadians and their Afghan interpreter.
2007.11.17 Somalia Mogadishu 2 6 Two civilians on a minibus are killed in a roadside bomber attack by Islamists.
2007.11.17 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten people are gunned down or found dead at the hands of Sunni terrorists.
2007.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty Shia bodies, many of them children, are discovered in a house in a predominantly Sunni area.
2007.11.17 Pakistan Parachinar 46 80 Another forty-six people are killed in sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shia.
2007.11.17 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A woman is killed by an al-Qaeda bomb planted outside her home.
2007.11.17 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 An Afghan civilian is killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 13 0 Religious extremists kill thirteen local police in two ambushes in eastern provinces.
2007.11.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 Taliban kill two newly-married women with a rocket assault on their vehicle.
2007.11.16 Iraq Sadiyah 2 0 Two brothers are kidnapped and murdered by sectarian rivals.
2007.11.16 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A 'street boy' is killed when Islamic terrorists attack a group of Ugandan peacekeepers.
2007.11.16 Pakistan Parachinar 45 100 At least forty people, including two doctors, are killed in a bitter street clash between Sunni and Shia.
2007.11.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 42-year-old hospital worker is murdered by Islamic gunmen on his way to work.
2007.11.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four local policemen are blown to bits by a bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.11.15 Iraq Kirkuk 6 24 Children walking to school account for the bulk of casualties as a suicide car bomber detonates in front of them. Six are killed.
2007.11.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A woman is shot and killed by Muslim terrorists while riding home with her daughter.
2007.11.15 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 A teacher, killed for teaching English, is among three people shot to death by the Taliban.
2007.11.15 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 3 Two local soldiers are killed in separate terror bombings by Taliban militants.
2007.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A female school principal is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.15 Iraq Mahaweel 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is tortured to death by militant Muslims.
2007.11.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic terrorists open fire on an off-duty policeman sitting in his truck, killing him.
2007.11.15 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 33-year-old divorced woman is beaten and strangled by her brother, who was concerned about her "reputation."
2007.11.14 India Srinagar 1 0 Islamists assassinate a political leader outside a mosque.
2007.11.14 Iraq Iskandariya 2 6 A suicide bomber kills two Iraqis at a tribal chiefs meeting.
2007.11.14 Iraq Hilla 2 10 Two people are killed by a Fedayeen suicide attack on a home.
2007.11.14 Tajikistan Dushanbe 1 0 A street-sweeper is killed by a bomb planted outside a government building.
2007.11.14 Pakistan Saidu Sharif 4 4 Two civilians are among four killed when Islamic militants fire rockets into an airport.
2007.11.14 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 A police officer is assassinated by Muslim separatists as he leaves his home.
2007.11.13 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill a 12-year-old boy inside an Internet cafe with a planted bomb.
2007.11.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 A woman and child are among five people killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.13 Philippines Manila 4 9 A lawmaker, his driver and two staffers are blown apart by a bomb planted by Muslim militants.
2007.11.13 Iraq Kirkuk 2 1 A policeman is killed in his car along with his 13-year-old son. The boy's mother is injured in the Sunni attack.
2007.11.13 Iraq Qadir Kam 5 0 al-Qaeda is suspected to be behind the brutal slaying of a family of five in their home.
2007.11.12 Pakistan Miranshah 1 9 Talibanis bomb a convoy of vehicles, killing a local soldier.
2007.11.12 Pal. Auth. Gaza 7 50 Hamas gunmen open fire on an Arafat rally, killing seven participants.
2007.11.12 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a university professor.
2007.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 A suicide bomber takes out three Afghan civilians.
2007.11.11 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when Talibanis use them as human shields.
2007.11.11 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Sunni gunmen attack a university, killing one student.
2007.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 8 9 A 12-year-old girl is among eight innocents killed by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
2007.11.11 India Sopore 1 0 Islamic militants ambush a road-opening ceremony, killing a security guard.
2007.11.11 India Kishtwar 1 0 A political activist is kidnapped and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.11.11 Afghanistan Herat 6 1 Six tribal elders are brutally ambushed and shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.11 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two local guards are gunned down at a market by Islamic militia.
2007.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 16 30 Sixteen people are killed in various attacks by Islamic terrorists around the country.
2007.11.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 3 A civilian is killed in an attack by a Fedayeen bomber.
2007.11.10 India Baramulla 1 6 Mujahideen kill one police officer in an attack on a hotel.
2007.11.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim radicals while talking out on their front yard.
2007.11.09 India Pattan 4 3 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants gun down four local soldiers.
2007.11.09 Thailand Yala 2 0 A woman and her son are murdered by Islamic gunmen while walking home.
2007.11.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two male gynecologists are killed by Islamic fundamentalists determined that men should not see the private parts of women.
2007.11.09 Afghanistan Zabul 4 2 Religious extremists murder four local cops by firing point-blank into their vehicle.
2007.11.09 Pakistan Peshawar 4 3 Four people are killed when a suicide bomber on foot darts into their home.
2007.11.09 Iraq Baqubah 1 6 Islamic terrorists kill a child in a bomb attack on a family.
2007.11.09 Iraq Albu Ajeel 3 3 Three villagers are killed in an assault by Muslim gunmen.
2007.11.09 Iraq Khalis 7 4 Seven Iraqis are murdered in a suicide bombing.
2007.11.09 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 5 Three children are killed in a Jihad mortar attack.
2007.11.08 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 The Mujahideen shoot a man to death inside his home.
2007.11.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 59-year-old civilian is gunned down outside his home by Islamic militants.
2007.11.08 Afghanistan Zabul 7 0 Seven local cops are brutally ambushed and murdered by religious extremists.
2007.11.08 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2007.11.08 Iraq Garma 6 4 Radical Sunnis kill six local cops with a roadside bomb.
2007.11.08 Iraq Tal Asquf 1 5 One woman is killed, and five others injured, when a Fedayeen bomber detonates at a campaign office.
2007.11.08 Iraq Mandali 12 0 Twelve Iraqis are killed over a 24-hour period by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local businessman is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.07 Pakistan Razmak 3 1 Three local soldiers are abducted and killed for 'resisting Islam.'
2007.11.07 Thailand Yala 1 5 Islamists attack a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.11.07 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Three policemen are killed by a powerful Muslim bomb that throws them into a canal.
2007.11.07 Iraq Hashimiyat 17 0 Seventeen kidnap victims are found bound and executed.
2007.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 A female teacher is among eight people gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.07 Iraq Diwaniyah 2 3 Jihadis manage to kill two children in a mortar attack on their village.
2007.11.07 Iraq Wassit 2 0 Two children are killed by a roadside bomb planted by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.07 Pal. Auth. Nablus 1 2 Terrorists kill a fellow Palestinian in a roadside attack. The victim was a laborer.
2007.11.06 Somalia Baladweyn 1 0 A businessman is shot twice in the head by two suspected Islamic assassins.
2007.11.06 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six local policemen are shot to death by Jihadis, who then burn the bodies.
2007.11.06 Iraq Latifiya 4 0 Two people are tortured to death by Islamic terrorists. Two others are beheaded in Dhuluiya.
2007.11.06 Afghanistan Baghlan 75 96 Sixty schoolchildren are among more than seventy innocents blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a sugar factory.
2007.11.06 Thailand Yala 0 27 Muslim bombers injure twenty-seven people at a fresh food market. Several victims lose limbs.
2007.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist teachers are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.11.06 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A government official is murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2007.11.05 Pakistan Kharqamar 1 1 A local soldier is killed in a roadside bombing attack by Taliban militants.
2007.11.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two imams are shot to death by religious extremists.
2007.11.05 Ingushetia Magas 3 1 Radical Muslims enter a brick factory and shoot three workers to death.
2007.11.05 Somalia Suq Bacad 1 0 An Ethiopian security guard at a market is assassinated by Islamic gunmen.
2007.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 20 11 Twenty Iraqis are killed in various Jihad attacks in the capital and in Mosul.
2007.11.05 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2007.11.05 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Muslim radicals shoot three people to death as they are riding in a vehicle.
2007.11.04 Russia Kabardino-Bal. 9 0 Islamic militants capture, bind, and shoot nine civilian hunters to death in a heavily wooded area.
2007.11.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 2 Religious extremists kill four local cops in a roadside attack.
2007.11.04 Iraq Samarra 5 15 Five Iraqis are killed by a car bomb set by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.04 Iraq Tikrit 6 13 A child is among six people killed in two separate Sunni attacks.
2007.11.04 Iraq Baqubah 2 1 A woman and girl are killed when Jihadis bomb their home.
2007.11.04 Iraq Baghdad 9 7 Two female school principles are among nine people killed is separate attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.11.04 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 Security forces discover the remains of forty civilians kidnapped, tortured and executed by al-Qaeda.
2007.11.04 Thailand Yala 2 0 A 12-year-old boy and his father are murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.11.03 Iraq Khalis 7 10 A roadside bombing and separate shooting attacks leave seven people dead.
2007.11.03 Afghanistan Rashidan 2 0 The Taliban kidnap and behead a man and woman.
2007.11.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 28-year-old plantation worker is murdered by Islamic radicals while walking home.
2007.11.02 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 1 Sunni extremists gun down a university student.
2007.11.02 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Five Ethiopians are killed in an ambush by Islamists, who then drag the bodies through the streets.
2007.11.02 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 58-year-old man is shot to death by Islamists while returning home from market.
2007.11.02 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A man is beheaded for the crime of 'sorcery' and for desecrating the Qur'an.
2007.11.01 Iraq Baghdad 11 25 Two bombs (the second in Saadiya) leave eleven Iraqis dead.
2007.11.01 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 Jihadis manage to kill one child with a bomb and injure two others.
2007.11.01 Thailand Narathiwat 3 10 Islamic radicals kill three men in separate shooting and bombing attacks.
2007.11.01 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 Two people are killed when Taliban militants shell their house.
2007.11.01 Pakistan Sargodha 8 40 A suicide bomber rams a bus, killing eight local security personnel.
2007.11.01 Afghanistan Nad Ali 5 3 Religious extremists attack a police checkpoint, killing five officers.
2007.10.31 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militias are thought responsible for the brazen murder of a gentle businessman.
2007.10.31 Thailand Yala 2 7 Islamic radicals bomb a karaoke bar, killing one patron, then shoot a 37-year-old man in a separate attack.
2007.10.31 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Sectarian terrorist kidnap and murder nine people, burning the bodies afterwards.
2007.10.31 Russia Togliatti 8 50 A bomb set on the floor of a commuter bus by suspected Islamic militants kills eight.
2007.10.30 Pakistan Bannu 4 4 Four local soldiers are killed by a remote-controlled bomb set by pro-Taliban militants.
2007.10.30 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while sitting in a tea shop.
2007.10.30 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Radicals shoot a religious teacher to death.
2007.10.30 Pakistan Rawalpindi 7 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a public park, killing seven people.
2007.10.30 Thailand Yala 1 3 A 13-year-old Buddhist girl is murdered by Islamic gunmen, who also injure her mother.
2007.10.30 Iraq Baghdad 8 16 Jihadis pick off eight ordinary Iraqis in various bombing and shooting attacks.
2007.10.30 Iraq Samarrah 4 8 Four local cops are murdered by a Sunni car bomb.
2007.10.30 Iraq al-Shahimiya 1 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and murder an elderly farmer.
2007.10.29 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are murdered in a drive-by shooting by Islamists.
2007.10.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 35-year-old teacher is killed by Muslim gunmen.
2007.10.29 Thailand Yala 2 0 A young couple in their 20's are murdered by Islamists while standing outside their home.
2007.10.29 Afghanistan Lashkar Gar 5 10 A teenage suicide bomber kills three Afghans civilians and two police.
2007.10.29 Somalia al-Baraka 1 0 A woman is killed by a bomb set by Islamic militias.
2007.10.29 Iraq Baiji 8 13 Jihadi car bombers target a pair of homes, killing at least eight people.
2007.10.29 Iraq Baquba 30 25 A suicide bomber on a bicycle murders thirty Iraqi police officers.
2007.10.29 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Four women are among eight killed by Islamic gunmen, who catch half their victims after storming a house.
2007.10.28 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Two people are killed in a Jihad bombing.
2007.10.28 Iraq Kirkuk 8 28 A suicidal Sunni bomber targets innocent Shia at a bus terminal, killing at least eight.
2007.10.28 Iraq Kut 2 0 A woman is among two people gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2007.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 34 27 Freedom Fighters kill thirty-four innocent Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.10.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two local police are killed in an ambush by religious extremists.
2007.10.27 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim radicals gun down a 68-year-old man riding home from a tea shop.
2007.10.27 Pakistan Swat 9 0 Islamic militants behead two policemen and seven civilians.
2007.10.27 Afghanistan Paktika 5 5 A civilian and four local soldiers are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Islamic militias kill three civilians in an RPG attack.
2007.10.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 14 Muslim radical bomb a restaurant, killing at least one female patron.
2007.10.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old plantation worker is beheaded by Islamic militants.
2007.10.26 Pakistan Mingora 4 0 Religious extremists publicly cut the heads off of four security personnel taken hostage.
2007.10.26 India Baramulla 1 0 A 25-year-old man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.10.26 Iraq Muqdadiyah 1 3 A woman is killed by a suicide bomber along a sidewalk.
2007.10.26 Iraq Adhaim 6 5 Sunni radicals murder six innocent truck drivers.
2007.10.25 Iraq Diyala 4 0 Holy Warriors kill four children with mortars.
2007.10.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 7 Islamic militants bomb a livestock market, killing four participants.
2007.10.25 Thailand Narathiwat 0 3 A man and his two sons are shot by Muslim gunmen in a drive-by shooting as they are on their way home from a wedding.
2007.10.25 Pakistan Mangora 24 33 At least two dozen local soldiers are blown apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.10.25 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 A Sunni school teacher is among six innocents killed by sectarian Jihadis.
2007.10.25 Iraq Baquba 19 26 Four children are among nineteen people murdered by Islamic terrorists in separate attacks.
2007.10.25 Iraq Khalis 4 0 Two woman and two children are killed when Holy Warriors lob mortars into a residential neighborhood.
2007.10.25 Thailand Pattani 2 1 A married couple are murdered in their own home by Islamists, who then torch the house.
2007.10.25 Dagestan Adil-Otar 1 1 Islamic militants shoot a police officer to death.
2007.10.24 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two young men are gunned down by Muslim radicals as they are walking along a street.
2007.10.24 Macedonia Tanusevci 1 2 Muslim terrorists kill a police officer and injure two others in a shooting attack.
2007.10.24 Afghanistan Khost 1 4 A suicide bomber takes down an Afghan official.
2007.10.24 Somalia Mogadishu 5 16 Islamic militias use a roadside bomb to kill five passengers on a minibus.
2007.10.24 Iraq Baqubah 3 24 Jihadis lob mortars into a village, killing three residents.
2007.10.24 Iraq Zaghanya 3 0 A man and his two sons are shot to death in their home by sectarian terrorists.
2007.10.24 Iraq Iskandariya 1 0 Muslim gunmen kill an Iraqi girl.
2007.10.24 Iraq Baghdad 9 25 Sunni radical bomb a Shia mosque, killing nine innocents.
2007.10.24 Pakistan Miranshah 2 2 Two local soldiers are killed when their vehicle crosses a landmine planted by Islamic militants.
2007.10.23 Thailand Narathiwat 5 3 Five local civilians are gunned down by militant Muslims in a sudden drive-by attack.
2007.10.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two women are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.10.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 4 Two infant children (ages 10 and 12 months) are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2007.10.23 Iraq Fallujah 15 0 Police discover fifteen people bound and shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
2007.10.23 Iraq Baquba 5 10 A bombing attack and a separate drive-by shooting leave five civilians dead.
2007.10.23 Iraq Basra 1 3 Jihadis mortar a home, killing a mother and injuring her three children.
2007.10.23 Dagestan Kazbek 1 8 A grenade blast rips through a minibus, killing own woman and injuring seven other passengers.
2007.10.23 England Leeds 1 0 A 19-year-old Catholic girl is stabbed to death by a Muslim who said she was too 'sexually provocative.'
2007.10.22 Belgium Mons 1 0 A Pakistani family murders their daughter for moving in with a non-Muslim Belgian.
2007.10.22 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed in separate attacks by pro-Taliban militants.
2007.10.22 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three children playing in a street are killed by Islamists using a roadside bomb.
2007.10.22 Iraq Mosul 6 4 A female lawyer is among six people murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.10.22 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Three men are kidnapped and tortured to death by al-Qaeda.
2007.10.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 21 A dozen Iraqis are cut down by Jihadis in various bombing and shooting attacks.
2007.10.21 Iraq Fallujah 2 4 A suicide car bomber kills two Iraqis at a checkpoint.
2007.10.21 Nigeria Sokoto 3 5 Shia militants kill three innocent people in at least two separate attacks.
2007.10.21 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 Seven civilians are killed during an ambush by Islamic militias.
2007.10.20 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 17 Hamas clashes with a rival group, leaving a 50-year-old woman dead.
2007.10.20 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2007.10.20 Afghanistan Paktia 3 4 Three Afghans are killed by religious extremists in a bomb attack on their vehicle.
2007.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 10 14 Ten civilians are killed in various attacks by Jihadis.
2007.10.20 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 Two tribal elders are shot to death by Taliban militants.
2007.10.19 Philippines Indanan 2 0 Two members of a rival group are shot to death by Abu Sayyaf.
2007.10.19 Iraq Mussayab 4 0 Jihadis kill three women with mortars and execute a kidnapped university professor in a separate incident.
2007.10.19 Ingushetia Chermen 2 1 Islamists are suspected in the machine-gunning of local youth at a street corner.
2007.10.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder a civilian sitting in the back of a tea shop.
2007.10.19 Pakistan Dowayzai 12 2 The Taliban brutally executes a dozen villagers, slitting the throats of at least six.
2007.10.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 52-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.10.19 Thailand Yala 2 0 An 81-year-old Buddhist man is murdered along with his wife by Islamists in their fruit orchard.
2007.10.18 Pakistan Karachi 138 550 Suicide bombers slaughter over one-hundred and thirty people along a parade route with a double blast.
2007.10.18 Iraq Hawija 3 11 Sunni radicals kill three Iraqis with a car bomb.
2007.10.18 Iraq Basra 1 7 Freedom Fighters toss a grenade into a school playground, killing one child and injuring seven others.
2007.10.18 Somalia Mogadishu 3 2 Three Somalis are gunned down by Islamic militias.
2007.10.18 Afghanistan Khost 4 3 Religious extremists kill four local police with a roadside bomb.
2007.10.18 Ingushetia Magas 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down when Islamic terrorists open fire on their vehicle.
2007.10.18 Pakistan Khyber 1 2 A self-proclaimed prophet is quickly shot to death by Islamists, who also injure his family members.
2007.10.17 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 A Somali man is gunned down by a Muslim militant.
2007.10.17 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 A woman is among three civilians killed by Islamic militias in separate attacks.
2007.10.17 Somalia Mogadishu 9 30 Eight civilians are among nine killed when Islamic militants attack a police station with rockets and machine-guns.
2007.10.17 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Jihadis kill a government official and two bodyguards with a roadside bomb.
2007.10.17 Iraq Diwaniya 7 0 Seven local cops are blown to bits by a Jihadi roadside bomb.
2007.10.16 Iraq Baghdad 14 48 Jihadis rack up fourteen Iraqi civilians over a 24-hour period in various shootings and bombings.
2007.10.16 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 A father and son are among four people killed by sectarian rivals.
2007.10.16 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three members of the same family are killed by suspected al-Qaeda.
2007.10.16 Iraq Mosul 16 80 Sixteen innocents are blasted to death by a suicide truck bomber.
2007.10.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 6 Three residents of a home are killed when Islamic militias hit it with a mortar.
2007.10.15 Somalia Beledwyne 3 0 Three children under the age of 12 are killed when a mortar fired by suspected Islamic militias hits their house.
2007.10.15 Iraq Balad 6 8 Six Iraqis are killed by a suicide car bomber.
2007.10.15 Iraq Heit 5 8 Five members of the same family are blasted to a pulp by a suicide bomber.
2007.10.15 Iraq Diwaniya 5 28 Jihadis kill at least five civilians in a mortar and machine-gun attack.
2007.10.15 Iraq Baghdad 4 25 Women and children are the casualties of a suicide bombing at a park that leaves at least four people dead.
2007.10.15 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 2 Four members of a family are killed trying to stop a suicide bomber.
2007.10.15 India Chandigam 1 2 Muslim radicals kill a policeman inside his home. An elderly woman and 10-year-old girl are shot in a separate attack.
2007.10.14 Iraq Ramadi 4 8 A suicide car bomber takes down four Iraqis.
2007.10.14 Iraq Baquba 12 0 A dozen people are kidnapped and killed by sectarian rivals.
2007.10.14 Iraq Riyadh 3 2 Three Iraqis are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2007.10.14 Iraq Baghdad 9 13 Women and children are among those blown apart by the Sunni car bombing of a Shiite mosque.
2007.10.14 Ingushetia Karabulak 3 1 An ethnic Russian family is attacked by Muslim gunmen. Three are murdered.
2007.10.14 India Ludhiana 7 30 A 10-year-old child is among seven people killed when Islamic fundamentalists bomb a movie theater.
2007.10.13 Iraq Samarrah 18 27 al-Qaeda suicide truck bombers take out eighteen innocent Iraqis in a horrific blast.
2007.10.13 Nigeria Gamji Gate 2 0 Two young Christians are murdered by Muslim radicals in separate attacks. One is beaten to death and the other hacked with a sword.
2007.10.13 Pakistan Swat 4 1 Four civilians are killed when Islamic militants bomb their vehicle.
2007.10.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 47-year-old Buddhist is killed, and his brother injured, in a Muslim terror attack.
2007.10.13 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 8 29 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams into a crowded bazaar, killing at least eight innocents.
2007.10.13 Nigeria Bauchi 10 0 Ten Christians are killed by a Muslim mob rampaging through a village. Three churches are burned down as well.
2007.10.12 Iraq Tuz Khormato 4 21 A suicide bomber hides explosives amid candy in order to kill three Kurdish kids and one adult at a playground.
2007.10.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 Jihads manage to kill four Iraqis with a car bomb in a commercial district.
2007.10.12 Thailand Yala 4 0 Four civilians from the same family are cut apart by automatic weapons as they leave their car.
2007.10.12 Afghanistan Helmand 4 7 Religious extremists murder four local policemen in a bomb attack.
2007.10.12 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 1 0 A police officer is murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.10.11 India Baramulla 2 0 Two local soldiers are brutally murdered in an ambush by the Mujahideen on their vehicle.
2007.10.11 Pakistan Mohmand 6 0 Six civilians are executed by Taliban extremists for 'anti-social' behavior.
2007.10.11 Iraq Kirkuk 8 52 Eight Iraqis waiting at a petrol pump are killed by an Islamic car bombing.
2007.10.11 Iraq Baghdad 8 25 A suicide bomber ends the lives of eight people at a cafe.
2007.10.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Jihadis kill a father and son with mortar fire on their residence.
2007.10.11 Iraq Baquba 5 6 A husband and wife are among five people gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2007.10.11 Iraq Zubaidiya 4 0 Two women are among four people killed in separate attacks.
2007.10.11 India Pattan 7 8 The Hizbul-Mujahideen bombs a canteen at an army base, killing five local soldiers and two civilians.
2007.10.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist man and his wife on their way back from a monastery are shot by Muslim radicals.
2007.10.11 India Ajmer 3 17 Three people are killed in a suspected sectarian bombing of a Sufi shrine.
2007.10.10 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2007.10.10 Iraq Tikrit 6 10 A Jihad bombing leaves six Iraqis dead.
2007.10.10 Iraq Mosul 7 20 A suicide bomber takes out seven innocents in a blast on a political office.
2007.10.10 Somalia Baidoa 3 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills three soldiers in an attack on their base.
2007.10.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 43-year-old man is shot to death in front of his children by Muslim radicals.
2007.10.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Islamic gunmen murder a Buddhist man and severely injure his wife and another relative.
2007.10.10 Austria Wimpassing 1 0 In an 'honor attack' a Muslim shoots a man, then cuts off his penis.
2007.10.10 Somalia Baidoa 3 0 A suicide bomber kills three Ethiopians.
2007.10.10 Afghanistan Wardak 3 10 The Taliban shoot two people to death at a mosque and one other in a separate attack.
2007.10.10 Somalia Kismayo 2 10 Two civilians are killed when Islamic militias detonate a roadside bomb.
2007.10.09 Pakistan Peshawar 0 25 Fundamentalists bomb an 'un-Islamic' music shop. Over two dozen are injured.
2007.10.09 Pakistan North Waziristan 4 4 Four local soldiers are killed in two attacks by Islamic militants.
2007.10.09 India Bandipora 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 27 86 Islamic terrorists manage to kill over two dozen innocents in a string of bombings.
2007.10.09 Iraq Hawija 2 0 One man is beheaded and another shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2007.10.09 Iraq Baiji 22 30 al-Qaeda suicide bombers kill twenty-two Sunni villagers.
2007.10.09 Sudan Muhajiriya 48 80 The Islamic Republic raids another village, executing as many as fifty civilians in cold blood.
2007.10.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death by the Islamic militias.
2007.10.09 India Baramulla 1 1 An 8-year-old girl is shot to death inside her home by the Mujahideen.
2007.10.09 India Rajouri 1 0 The Mujahideen force their way into a civilian's home and murder him.
2007.10.08 Iraq Diljah 13 22 Thirteen civilians are murdered when a suicidal Sunni detonates a car bomb along a street.
2007.10.08 Iraq Tikrit 3 10 A Fedayeen bomber takes out three innocent people.
2007.10.08 Iraq Baghdad 6 36 Islamists car bomb two targets, including a university where women and children are most of the casualties.
2007.10.08 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two brothers are brutally slain by religious extremists over charges of working for infidels.
2007.10.08 India Warpora-Sopore 1 1 A 6-year-old girl is killed when Muslim gunmen fire into a home.
2007.10.08 Somalia Shiidleey 1 2 A gunman fires into a crowd of people waiting for food, killing an elderly woman.
2007.10.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a barber.
2007.10.07 Pakistan NWFP 2 0 Two civilians are abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen in separate incidents. One is beheaded.
2007.10.07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A Christian bookseller is abducted and stabbed to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 17 18 Various Jihad bombings leave nearly twenty Iraqis dead.
2007.10.07 Chechnya Vedeno 4 10 Holy Warriors attack a police convoy with bombs, killing four local officers.
2007.10.07 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 The Taliban attack a road construction crew, killing three guards.
2007.10.07 Ghana Ashanti 1 0 A father beats his daughter to death for immoral behavior and missing a Ramadan curfew.
2007.10.06 Afghanistan Khost 4 2 Two bombings by religious extremists leaves four local police dead.
2007.10.06 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Two elderly women and one other person are shot to death on the street by Islamic militias.
2007.10.06 Iraq Mussayab 2 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a child to death and behead a college student.
2007.10.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists shoot a security officer to death and injure four civilians.
2007.10.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A village leader is cut down on the street in a hail of bullets from Islamic radicals.
2007.10.06 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 0 A policeman is shot to death at point-blank range by a Muslim terrorist.
2007.10.06 Pakistan Ahmad Khel 1 19 The Mujahideen detonate a bomb near a convoy, killing one local soldier.
2007.10.06 Afghanistan Kabul 6 12 A suicide bomber takes out five Afghan civilians and one US soldier guarding a road.
2007.10.06 Sudan Haskanita 86 0 Eighty-six villagers are thought to have been massacred in an attack by forces of the Islamic Republic.
2007.10.05 Algeria Tebessa 6 0 Six Algerian soldiers are killed in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.10.05 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 Two children are killed in a suicide bombing by a Holy Warrior.
2007.10.05 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two off-duty military men are brutally murdered in their car by Islamists.
2007.10.05 Philippines Kidapawan 2 26 Islamists bomb a department store and a market in separate attacks, killing an 8-year-old girl and a 12-year-old girl.
2007.10.05 Somalia Mogadishu 5 2 Islamic militias kill five civilians by hurling hand grenades at them around a main market.
2007.10.05 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 90-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.10.05 Iraq Basra 2 0 Two clerics are gunned down in targeted sectarian assassinations.
2007.10.04 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a man to death as he is having dinner in his home.
2007.10.04 Iraq Baghdad 20 35 Muslim terrorists kill twenty civilians in various bombings, including one on a minibus and another on a gas station.
2007.10.04 Iraq Iskandariya 5 1 Islamists assassinate the mayor of the town in a bomb attack that kills four others.
2007.10.04 Iraq Tal Afar 3 57 A suicide bomber detonates in a marketplace, sending at least three innocents to Allah.
2007.10.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An Italian, taken hostage by the Taliban, dies from injuries suffered during the rescue.
2007.10.04 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 0 Three local soldiers are abducted and murdered in captivity by the Mujahideen. Their heads and hands are chopped off.
2007.10.04 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 An elderly man is among three people shot to death by militant Muslims in separate attacks.
2007.10.04 Somalia Mogadishu 4 8 Four civilians are murdered by Islamic militias in two grenade attacks.
2007.10.04 Pakistan Bulandkhel 14 5 Religious extremists bomb a passenger bus, killing fourteen civilians.
2007.10.04 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists (ages 41 and 65) are separately murdered in cold blood by Muslim militants.
2007.10.04 Algeria Boumeredes 1 2 Islamic fundamentalists shoot a man to death.
2007.10.03 Iraq Baghdad 13 30 Islamic terrorists manage to kill thirteen unsuspecting Iraqis with a car bomb at an intersection.
2007.10.03 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two government employees are gunned down by the Taliban.
2007.10.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local soldier is shot to death in an Islamist drive-by attack.
2007.10.03 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two civilians are murdered in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2007.10.03 Pakistan Spin Wam 2 3 Religious extremists attack a checkpoint, killing two local soldiers.
2007.10.03 Pakistan Swat 1 2 A civilian is killed by a bomb planted by pro-Taliban militants.
2007.10.02 Pakistan Hangu 3 2 Three members of a security patrol are gunned down at point-blank range by Islamic radicals.
2007.10.02 Dagestan Ogni 2 0 An Islamists jogs up next to two policemen on patrol and calmly guns them down.
2007.10.02 Thailand Pattani 4 0 A high school principal is among four civilians shot to death in separate drive-by attacks by Islamic radicals.
2007.10.02 Iraq Baghdad 29 33 Thirty people are killed in various suicide bombings and shootings by Holy Warriors around the country.
2007.10.02 Afghanistan Kabul 12 15 Children are among a dozen innocents massacred by a suicide bomber on a bus.
2007.10.02 Iran Khash 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down by Sunni militants.
2007.10.02 Iraq Dyala 3 0 Muslim gunmen shoot a family of three to death in their car, including a little girl and her two parents.
2007.10.01 Pakistan Kurram 2 10 Pro-Taliban extremists kill 2 tribesman in a landmine attack on their vehicle.
2007.10.01 India Doda 1 2 A cop is killed in a Mujahideen attack.
2007.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 19 6 At least one child is among the casualties of several Jihad attacks around the country.
2007.10.01 Iraq Mosul 1 7 A Shahid kills a university professor in a suicide attack.
2007.10.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 14 Buddhist monks are among the casualties of a string of bombings that leave at least one dead.
2007.10.01 Pakistan Bannu 16 20 A Shahid disguised with a burka 'martyrs' himself at an outdoor market, taking over a dozen innocents down with him.
2007.09.30 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is hanged by the Taliban for having US dollars in his pocket, which are then stuffed into his mouth.
2007.09.30 Iraq Mosul 22 4 Twenty-two innocent people are shot or blasted to death by Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.09.30 Iraq al-Haswa 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and tortured to death by rivals within the Religion of Peace.
2007.09.30 Pakistan FATA 1 0 A young woman is beheaded for 'immoral activities'.
2007.09.30 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by militant Muslims while riding a motorcycle.
2007.09.30 Afghanistan Ghazni 8 0 Eight local police are massacred in an ambush by Sunni radicals.
2007.09.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 3 Two police officers are killed trying to defuse a bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.09.30 India Kishtwar 1 0 Harkat-ul-Jehad Islami militants shoot a man to death.
2007.09.29 Dagestan Gonada 9 0 Islamic gunmen shoot nine people to death, including a cleric who opposed Wahhabism.
2007.09.29 Nigeria Kano 10 61 Ten Christians, including a Catholic priest, are murdered over a two day period by a Muslim mob, angered over a cartoon written by one of their own. Churches are burned as well.
2007.09.29 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 Three civilians are killed in a Taliban ambush.
2007.09.29 Afghanistan Sangin 1 0 A farmer is shot to death by the Taliban for seeking seed assistance from a humanitarian program.
2007.09.29 Iraq Hamdaniya 4 16 Jihadis kill four Iraqis with a car bomb.
2007.09.29 Iraq Mosul 10 21 A suicide bombing and various shootings leaves ten people dead.
2007.09.29 Iraq al-Mazra 6 17 Six civilians are blown to pieces by Islamic terrorists.
2007.09.29 India Mangam 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a police officer from a home and brutally execute him.
2007.09.29 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 42-year-old female garbage collector is among two people gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2007.09.29 Maldives Male 0 12 Twelve Western tourists are injured when Islamists bomb a resort.
2007.09.29 Afghanistan Kabul 30 30 A Ramadan suicide bomber murders thirty Afghans aboard a bus.
2007.09.28 Iraq Saidiya 4 9 Gunmen attack a cafe, killing four civilians.
2007.09.28 Iraq Qaraqush 1 0 A Christian college student is shot nine times by Islamic terrorists.
2007.09.28 Pakistan Tank 1 12 Talibanis kill a Pakistani soldier with a remote-controlled bomb.
2007.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 4 4 Four local soldiers are murdered in an RPG attack by radicals screaming 'Allah Akbar.'
2007.09.28 Thailand Pattani 3 5 Three policemen assigned to protect teachers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2007.09.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 40-year-old Buddhist is murdered by an Islamic radical posing as a hitchhiker.
2007.09.28 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A cleric is gunned down on suspicion of informing authorities of Jihadi activities.
2007.09.28 Algeria Boumerdes 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed when Islamic fundamentalists attack a supply truck.
2007.09.28 Algeria Ain Ben Soltane 1 2 A local soldier is killed in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.09.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are brutally murdered in separate attacks by suspected Islamic militia.
2007.09.27 India Pulwama 1 1 The Mujahideen abduct and torture two civilians. One is then shot to death and the other released.
2007.09.27 Iraq Baghdad 14 9 At least two women are among fourteen Iraqis murdered by Freedom Fighters.
2007.09.27 Iraq Riyadh 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.09.27 Algeria Kabylie 3 0 Three Algerian security guards are machine-gunned to death by fundamentalists at a fake road block.
2007.09.26 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 Islamists kill a religious cleric in front of his child.
2007.09.26 Pakistan Orakzai 23 0 Sunnis and Shiites clash over ownership of a holy shrine. Some two dozen are killed in the violence.
2007.09.26 Algeria Boumerdes 2 5 Islamic fundamentalists bomb a police vehicle, killing two officers.
2007.09.26 Pakistan Miranshah 2 0 Two villagers are kidnapped and beheaded by Taliban extremists.
2007.09.26 Iraq Shurqat 7 5 Seven Iraqis are killed by two Jihad car bombs.
2007.09.26 Iraq Sinjar 10 9 al-Qaeda bombers kill ten villagers who opposed them by blowing up their home.
2007.09.26 Iraq Baghdad 32 28 Thirty-two Shiites are massacred by Sunni radicals in a double bombing on their neighborhood.
2007.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 15 31 Two car bombings and various other Jihad attacks leave fifteen Iraqis dead.
2007.09.25 Iraq Basra 3 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three Iraqis.
2007.09.25 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two people are killed when Islamic militias stage a terror attack against a police patrol.
2007.09.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 4 Five local cops are killed when a suicide bomber drives up next to them and detonates.
2007.09.25 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Islamists ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.09.25 Thailand Yala 1 2 A man is gunned down inside his home by radical Muslims.
2007.09.25 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two cop and a security guard are murdered in separate drive-by attacks by Islamic radicals.
2007.09.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 22-year-old construction worker is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.09.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 Teenage Jihadis shoot a 59-year-old Buddhist teacher to death at a bus stop.
2007.09.25 Algeria Jijel 3 0 Three security guards are murdered when Islamic fundamentalists open up with automatic weapons at point-blank range.
2007.09.25 Algeria Boumerdes 1 0 An off-duty prison guard is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.09.24 Algeria Ma-Labiod 1 5 Islamic fundamentalists kill a local soldier with a homemade bomb.
2007.09.24 Afghanistan Baghlan 4 0 Sunni terrorists kill four people with a roadside bomb.
2007.09.24 Afghanistan Farah 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill two Spanish soldiers and an Afghan interpreter in a bomb attack.
2007.09.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two local officials are assassinated by Islamic militias.
2007.09.24 Iraq Abu Maria 6 17 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a half-dozen innocents at an intersection.
2007.09.24 Iraq Baghdad 16 3 Two children and a woman are among fifteen Iraqis gunned down by Freedom Fighters.
2007.09.24 Iraq Baqubah 26 30 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber detonates inside a mosque, killing over two dozen people gathering for a reconciliation meeting.
2007.09.24 Iraq al-Abara 20 0 A mass grave is discovered containing twenty students abducted and murdered by Sunni radicals.
2007.09.23 Afghanistan Badakhshan 12 1 The Taliban claim responsibility for the brutal ambush of a minibus, in which a dozen are massacred.
2007.09.23 Afghanistan Farah 3 10 Three local guards are killed when religious extremists attack a civilian convoy.
2007.09.23 Pakistan Degan 2 0 Two local villagers are kidnapped and beheaded by the Taliban in separate incidents.
2007.09.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 24-year-old female teacher is shot to death by Islamic radicals in her home.
2007.09.23 Pakistan Malakdin Khel 3 3 A woman and her two children are killed in a clash between rival Islamic groups.
2007.09.23 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A young married couple are killed inside their home by Muslim gunmen.
2007.09.23 Iraq Muqdadiyah 20 5 Twenty bodies, blindfolded and executed, are found in three locations.
2007.09.23 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and beheaded by the Taliban.
2007.09.22 Thailand Yala 0 9 Nine children in a teashop are severely injured in a Muslim bombing.
2007.09.22 Pakistan Bajaur 3 8 Two women are among three killed in Taliban shelling.
2007.09.22 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 4 Two local police are murdered by religious extremists.
2007.09.22 Pakistan Swat 1 2 Islamic militants kill a policeman and capture two others in an assault on a checkpoint.
2007.09.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 53-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 9 13 Nine people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.09.22 Iraq Baqubah 5 0 Five Iraqi officers are captured by al-Qaeda and beheaded in video to shouts of 'Allah Akbar!'
2007.09.22 Pakistan Sorandara Musakhel 2 0 At least two people are killed when a Muslim mob attacks a series of houses following a jirga ruling.
2007.09.21 Thailand Yala 2 0 A woman and man are murdered by militant Muslims in separate shooting attacks.
2007.09.21 Iraq Yusufiya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and tortured to death by sectarian rival within the Religion of Peace.
2007.09.21 Iraq Basra 3 0 Three women are killed by suspected fundamentalists over 'immoral activity.'
2007.09.21 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A woman is killed with an axe by her brother-in-law for suspected adultery.
2007.09.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 8 A civilian and a French soldier are blown to death by suicide bomber.
2007.09.21 Pakistan Swat 2 4 Pro-Taliban gunmen attempt to assassinate a former official, killing two others instead.
2007.09.20 India Pulwama 1 2 The Mujahideen kidnap three villagers, beating two and strangling the third.
2007.09.20 Afghanistan Gereshk 6 0 Six civilians, including women and children, are killed when Taliban 'fighters' use them as human shields.
2007.09.20 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 23-year-old civilian is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.09.20 Pakistan Swat 1 4 Muslim militants kill a local policeman with a bomb.
2007.09.20 Iraq Baghdad 13 20 Thirteen Iraqis are murdered by sectarian Jihadis in at least two attacks.
2007.09.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A woman and her daughter are among three people killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.09.20 Nepal Kapilvastu 12 24 Twelve more Hindu victims of Muslim mob violence are counted.
2007.09.20 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A tribesman is kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
2007.09.19 Afghanistan Badghis 4 4 Four local police are killed when the Taliban assault a remote police station.
2007.09.19 Lebanon Beirut 9 30 Muslim bombers assassinate an anti-Syrian political leader and eight others in a Christian neighborhood.
2007.09.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic militants gun down a 45-year-old woman working on a rubber plantation.
2007.09.19 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 A government official and a civilian are murdered by Islamic militias in separate attacks.
2007.09.19 Ingushetia Nazran 4 2 Suspected Islamic militants ambush a police vehicle with automatic weapons, killing two occupants. Two other cops are killed in a separate bombing.
2007.09.19 Iraq Muqdadiya 9 5 A suicide bomber and random Jihad attacks leave nine Iraqis dead.
2007.09.19 India Srinagar 3 20 Three Indian troops are killed in a brutal ambush on their bus convoy by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2007.09.18 India Kosadi 1 3 A team of Hindu inspectors are pelted with stones by a Muslim mob. On member is killed.
2007.09.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamic militias assault a barracks.
2007.09.18 Pakistan Shawal 1 4 Islamic militants open up on a security patrol with automatic weapons, killing at least one member.
2007.09.18 Iraq Baghdad 17 7 Various sectarian attacks leave at least seventeen dead.
2007.09.18 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 A double car bombing near a morgue sends seven Iraqis to Allah.
2007.09.18 Iraq Baghdad 8 15 Jihadis bomb a residential neighborhood, killing eight innocents.
2007.09.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is murdered by Muslim gunmen while escorting teachers to school.
2007.09.18 Thailand Yala 1 0 A school administrator is shot to death by Holy Warriors.
2007.09.18 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A Buddhist is among two civilians killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.09.17 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A tribesman is murdered by Muslim militants.
2007.09.17 Somalia Mogadishu 3 2 Two people are killed in a grenade attack and a man is shot to death in a separate shooting by Islamic militias.
2007.09.17 Afghanistan Helmand 8 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight Afghans.
2007.09.17 Iraq Baghdad 21 32 Ramadan violence, including a car bombing at a mosque, leaves twenty-one dead.
2007.09.17 Pakistan Waziristan 15 1 Taliban terrorists attack local troops, killing at least fifteen.
2007.09.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.09.17 Ingushetia Gazi-Yurt 1 1 Mujahideen snipers kill a border guard.
2007.09.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men driving in a vehicle are shot to death in a brutal ambush by Islamic radicals.
2007.09.16 Nepal Kapilvastu 2 0 A Hindu taxi driver is among two people beaten to death by a Muslim mob, which also torches hundreds of Hindu houses.
2007.09.16 Iraq Baghdad 19 13 Various terror attacks leave nineteen Iraqis dead in sectarian violence.
2007.09.16 Iraq Hilla 6 7 A child and a pharmacist are among six people killed in separate attacks by Islamic militants.
2007.09.16 Iraq Tuz Khormato 8 22 A Fedayeen bomber murders eight patrons at a cafe.
2007.09.16 Iraq Muqdadiya 14 10 al-Qaeda militants shoot fourteen villagers to death in a brutal attack.
2007.09.15 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two men are murdered in a drive-by shooting by Muslim radicals.
2007.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 11 18 Two children are among eleven killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a bakery.
2007.09.15 Thailand Pattani 1 3 One local soldier is killed when Thai Islamists detonate a bomb.
2007.09.15 Afghanistan Kunar 3 0 Religious extremists kill two children with rockets and behead an adult male.
2007.09.15 Iraq Abu Saida 2 0 al-Qaeda terrorists kill two Sunni sheikhs.
2007.09.15 Iraq Baghdad 13 2 Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirteen dead rivals in various attacks.
2007.09.14 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two civilians are killed in a grenade attack by Islamic militias.
2007.09.14 Algeria Zemmouri 3 5 Three people are killed, and two suffer amputation when Islamic fundamentalists place a bomb in a small town.
2007.09.14 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians are murdered in their home by the Mujahideen.
2007.09.14 Pakistan Bajaur 2 5 Two children are killed when Islamic terrorists plant a bomb near their home.
2007.09.14 Pakistan Tarbela 17 36 A suicide bomber kill seventeen Pakistani soldiers in an attack near a dam.
2007.09.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim gunmen murder a 29-year-old woman.
2007.09.14 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Three farmer and three beheading victims are among nine people killed in sectarian attacks.
2007.09.14 Iraq Hawija 1 1 Radical Sunnis gun down a woman and injure her daughter.
2007.09.14 Iraq Baiji 11 16 A suicide bomber detonates his truck next to a restaurant, killing sixteen innocents.
2007.09.14 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A pro-peace cleric is assassinated by Islamic radicals.
2007.09.13 Pakistan Karachi 7 5 Seven people are killed when Islamic fundamentalists toss grenades into a minibus carrying sectarian rivals.
2007.09.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A cop is gunned down by Islamists.
2007.09.13 Somalia Huriwa 6 0 Two civilians and four local policemen are killed in a brutal ambush by Islamic militants.
2007.09.13 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Three men, including a 28-year-old Buddhist, are shot to death in separate attacks by radical Muslims.
2007.09.13 Afghanistan Badakshan 1 0 An aid worker is shot to death in a suspected Taliban attack.
2007.09.13 Iraq Ramadi 4 0 al-Qaeda bombers take down a pro-government Sunni leader and three others.
2007.09.13 Iraq Baghdad 17 13 A car bombing is one of several Jihad attacks that leaves seventeen civilians dead.
2007.09.13 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A bakery worker is among two people shot to death by Sunni snipers.
2007.09.12 Iraq Baghdad 28 22 Jihadis manage to take down twenty-eight ordinary Iraqis in at least four attacks around the country.
2007.09.12 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 A civilian and two policemen are killed in two separate Taliban bombings.
2007.09.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militias assassinate a money changer at a market.
2007.09.11 Iraq Baghdad 13 12 Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirteen bodies in a 24-hour period.
2007.09.11 Israel Zikim 0 69 Gaza militants fire a rocket into Israel, injuring nearly seventy people.
2007.09.11 Afghanistan Helmand 2 7 Two Afghan truck drivers are murdered by a suicide bomber.
2007.09.11 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 17 16 Seventeen people are killed when a 15-year-old suicide bomber detonates on a minibus.
2007.09.11 Ingushetia Ordzhonikidzov. 3 0 Two young men and their father are brutally murdered in their home by suspected Islamic militants.
2007.09.11 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A middle-aged Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while riding his motorbike.
2007.09.11 Thailand Yala 1 0 A young Buddhist man is shot to death by Islamists.
2007.09.10 Pakistan Makeen 2 0 A rocket believed to have been fired by Taliban militants hits a house, killing two, including a woman.
2007.09.10 India Kupwara 1 5 A local soldier is killed in a Lashkar-e-Toiba attack.
2007.09.10 Afghanistan Gereshk 29 57 Over two-dozen Afghans are massacred by Taliban suicide bombers in a small town.
2007.09.10 Thailand Pattani 1 5 A Muslim gunman boards a bus and then shoots a passenger to death.
2007.09.10 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Three children and their mother are taken out by Jihadi mortars.
2007.09.10 Iraq Baghdad 14 19 A Jihad car bombing at a hospital is one of several attacks that leave a dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.09.10 Iraq Saqlawiyah 4 2 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis at a police checkpoint.
2007.09.10 Iraq Tal Marag 10 78 Ten innocents are blown apart by a religious fanatic driving a truck bomb.
2007.09.10 Sudan Haskanita 25 0 Twenty-five villagers are massacred in an aerial and ground assault by government forces.
2007.09.09 Pakistan Larkana 1 2 A woman is killed for leaving her husband's house without permission by her brother-in-law.
2007.09.09 Ingushetia Malgobek 1 2 The Mujahideen ambush local soldiers with grenades, killing one.
2007.09.09 Iraq Baiji 7 2 Sunni radicals assault a police station, killing seven officers.
2007.09.09 Iraq Balad 4 15 A suicide bomber in a fuel tanker kills four local soldiers.
2007.09.09 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two civilians.
2007.09.09 Iraq Mosul 4 8 Three woman and a man are murdered in their home by Islamic terrorists.
2007.09.09 Iraq Basra 2 0 Two headless bodies, including that of a woman, are found.
2007.09.09 India Kolkata 1 0 A Muslim is murdered for his intention to convert to Hinduism.
2007.09.08 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 A man disguised in a burqa massacres seven local soldiers in a brutal grenade attack.
2007.09.08 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A plantation worker is shot to death in front of his wife by militant Muslims.
2007.09.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 Terrorists murder a 30-year-old Buddhist woman.
2007.09.08 Algeria Dellys 37 47 Thirty-seven innocent people are blown to bits by a teenaged al-Qaeda truck bomber.
2007.09.08 Iraq Kufa 5 8 Five people are blown apart in a marketplace bombing by Sunni radicals.
2007.09.08 Iraq Baghdad 15 45 Jihadis slaughter fifteen people with a car bomb along a city street.
2007.09.08 Iraq Diwaniya 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a woman in front of her home.
2007.09.08 Afghanistan Nimroz 2 8 The Taliban attack a food relief convoy, killing two guards.
2007.09.08 Afghanistan Helmand 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2007.09.08 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamists murder two electronics vendors at an open-air market.
2007.09.08 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A 16-year-old boy is shot three times in the head by suspected Muslim radicals.
2007.09.08 Pakistan Kohistan 4 26 Religious radicals open up on a group of soldiers at point blank range, killing four. Elsewhere a bomb injures twenty-four civilians.
2007.09.07 Ingushetia Nazran 1 0 An elderly woman is cut down by Islamic terrorists with automatic weapons at point-blank range.
2007.09.07 Uzbekistan Tashkent 1 0 A prominent 55-year-old Jewish man is stabbed to death in a heinous attack. He was said to have 'misinterpreted the Qur'an'.
2007.09.07 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 An armed attack by Muslim terrorists on a mosque leaves three people dead.
2007.09.07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Radical Sunnis kidnap and murder four policemen.
2007.09.06 Thailand Yala 1 2 Muslim extremists kill a police officer with a bomb.
2007.09.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A rubber tapper is killed when Islamic radicals set off a bomb on his plantation.
2007.09.06 Iraq Baghdad 19 5 Nineteen victims of sectarian violence are killed here and in Mosul.
2007.09.06 Iraq Tikrit 3 17 Jihadis bomb a petrol station, killing three innocents.
2007.09.06 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic terrorists attack a police station, killing two officers.
2007.09.06 Algeria Batna 22 107 An al-Qaeda linked suicide bomber massacres twenty-two people waiting to see the country's president.
2007.09.06 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 Islamic fundamentalists behead two prostitutes.
2007.09.06 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 An elderly man and a woman are killed in a violent grenade attack by Islamic militants.
2007.09.05 Thailand Yala 1 4 Islamists bomb a grocery store, killing a man and injuring four, including two children.
2007.09.05 Iraq Mosul 1 28 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2007.09.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A 68-year-old man is shot off his motorbike by Muslim terrorists. Another civilian is killed in a separate drive-by attack.
2007.09.05 Somalia Medina 1 0 A local soldier guarding a market is shot to death by Islamic militias.
2007.09.05 Afghanistan Helmand 2 3 Two Afghan police are killed when religious extremists bomb their vehicle.
2007.09.04 Pakistan Kohat 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2007.09.04 Chechnya Gukhoi 1 4 One person is killed when Islamic gunmen attack a school and a house.
2007.09.04 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 4 Two Afghan cops are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.09.04 Pakistan Rawalpindi 24 74 At least two dozen people are murdered when Islamic bombers attack a bus and a bazaar in separate attacks.
2007.09.04 Afghanistan Paktika 2 2 A suicide bomber attempts an assassination, killing two bodyguards instead.
2007.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 8 0 Eight electrical workers are kidnapped and murdered by Freedom Fighters.
2007.09.03 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 55-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death while riding to work with his wife.
2007.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 18 8 Eighteen people are killed by sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.09.03 Iraq Ramadi 2 13 A suicide bomber blasts two innocent souls to Allah.
2007.09.02 Somalia Suuqa Xoolaha 3 3 Islamist terrorists ambush and kill three Somali soldiers.
2007.09.02 Pakistan Wana 4 10 Islamists bomb a pharmacy, killing four civilians.
2007.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 22 16 A Jihad car bombing and various shootings leave about two dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.09.02 Iraq Taji 2 8 Two Iraqis are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.09.02 Afghanistan Kunar 7 0 Seven Afghan security personnel are killed in roadside bombings by religious extremists.
2007.09.02 Pakistan Khyber 1 1 An Afghan refugee is shot to death by Sunni militants.
2007.09.02 India Kathua 2 0 Two children are killed in a Mujahideen bombing.
2007.09.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Thai soldier is killed in a Muslim terror attack.
2007.09.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 22-year-old Buddhist student is shot to death by Muslims while sitting on his motorcycle.
2007.09.01 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic gunmen kill two civilians at point-blank range at a market.
2007.09.01 Pakistan Bajur 5 9 A suicide bomber kills five Pakistanis at a police checkpoint.
2007.09.01 Iraq Baghdad 24 3 Sectarian Jihadis shoot, blast and stab two dozen to death in various attacks.
2007.09.01 Iraq Mosul 6 9 A child is among six people killed by Islamic terrorists in two attacks.
2007.09.01 Iraq Basra 1 0 A Shiite cleric is shot to death by Muslim rivals outside a mosque.
2007.08.31 Ingushetia Nazran 4 0 A car bomb takes out four people.
2007.08.31 Ingushetia Karabulak 3 0 Islamic terrorists murder a female teacher's husband and her two sons, one of whom was disabled, in her home.
2007.08.31 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A railroad worker is murdered by Muslim terrorists on the job.
2007.08.31 Afghanistan Kunar 10 5 At least ten Afghan women and children are killed by a Taliban mortar attack on their neighborhood.
2007.08.31 Iraq al-Jallam 4 7 A suicide car bomber kills four Iraqi police.
2007.08.31 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Religious fundamentalists gun down a barber.
2007.08.31 Pakistan Mingora 3 8 Three people are killed in a bombing by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.31 India Baramulla 1 0 A retired policeman is brutally murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.31 Pakistan Khairpur 1 0 A woman is gunned down by her uncle in the presence of her husband on suspicion of adultery.
2007.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A suicide bomber pulls his car up next to a crowd of people at an airport and detonates.
2007.08.30 India Behak 1 0 A civilian is abducted and executed by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.30 Pakistan Swat 7 3 A brutal attack by Islamic militants on a security patrol leaves seven dead.
2007.08.29 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Militant Muslims gun down a village head.
2007.08.29 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Islamic militias.
2007.08.29 Iraq Muqdadiyah 8 0 Eight Iraqi policemen are killed in a bombing by Sunni radicals.
2007.08.29 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six people are brutally killed by Islamic terrorists. Two are beheaded and one is burned.
2007.08.29 Iraq al-Bu Ajeel 6 0 A woman and her five children are murdered when Jihadis storm their home.
2007.08.29 Afghanistan Bharmal 6 12 An Islamic suicide bomber detonates in a market, killing six innocents.
2007.08.29 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 A Christian pastor had his wife are brutally murdered in their home by Muslim gunmen.
2007.08.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist woman is brutally killed by militant Islamists.
2007.08.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim radicals kill a 67-year-old Buddhist construction worker and then set his body on fire.
2007.08.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 40-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Muslim militants as she arrives for work at a rubber plantation.
2007.08.28 Somalia Mogadishu 4 6 Four civilians are pumped full of bullets as Somali Islamists vow to keep 'fighting.'
2007.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 22 27 Sectarian attacks leave two dozen dead.
2007.08.28 Iraq Karbala 3 1 A small boy is among three Shia pilgrims cut down by Sunni snipers.
2007.08.28 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 Muslims murder an ice cream vendor on the side of the road.
2007.08.28 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are killed by militant Muslims in drive-by shootings.
2007.08.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A guard for the Thai queen is cut down in an ambush by Islamic radicals.
2007.08.28 India Pulwama 1 0 A schoolteacher is abducted and murdered by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2007.08.28 Afghanistan Paktia 3 6 A religious extremist murders three NATO soldiers helping to build a bridge.
2007.08.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A second school teacher is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2007.08.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A female teacher is murdered by Muslim radicals in front of her pupils.
2007.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 15 9 Shia pilgrims are shot dead by Sunni snipers, adding to the sectarian violence.
2007.08.27 Iraq Fallujah 10 11 A suicidal Sunni blows himself up near a rival mosque, taking ten innocents out with him.
2007.08.26 Iraq Mahmudiyah 1 2 Sunni terrorists take out a child in a mortar attack.
2007.08.26 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A 40-year-old civilian is shot to death by Taliban extremists.
2007.08.26 Pakistan Swat 4 2 A suicide bomber takes out four Pakistanis at a checkpoint.
2007.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 2 9 Two people are killed in separate grenade attacks by Islamic extremists.
2007.08.26 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two rubber tappers are murdered by Islamic radicals while on their way to work.
2007.08.26 Somalia Mogadishu 3 5 Two young boys and an adult are killed by a bomb planted in a school yard.
2007.08.26 Iraq Baghdad 12 9 A female pilgrim and several children are among Shias targeted by radical Sunnis, as a dozen people are killed.
2007.08.25 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 8 7 Eight people are kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by al-Qaeda militants.
2007.08.25 India Hyderabad 42 70 At least forty-two people, including children, are blown to bits by bombs placed at a food stall and an amusement park.
2007.08.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 5 Religious extremists kill ten Afghans in two bombings.
2007.08.25 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A barber is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2007.08.25 Thailand Pattani 1 12 A Buddhist woman is cut down by an Islamic bomb attack in front of a grocery.
2007.08.25 Iraq Baghdad 17 30 A car bomb attack near a shrine is one of several sectarian attacks that leave at least seventeen people dead.
2007.08.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old schoolmaster is forced off the road by Muslim radicals, who shoot him and then set fire to his body.
2007.08.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A 22-year-old man is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.08.24 Iraq Diwaniya 2 0 Sunni gunmen shoot two construction workers to death.
2007.08.24 Iraq Hawija 1 0 Religious fundamentalists murder a barber.
2007.08.24 Iraq Samarra 3 9 An 11-year-old girl is among three people killed in an al-Qaeda attack on their village.
2007.08.24 Pakistan Miranshah 5 10 Five Pakistanis are killed by a suicide bomber at a check post.
2007.08.24 Somalia El Ilan 1 1 Muslim gunmen open fire on a minibus, killing a journalist.
2007.08.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 71-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists as he is riding to a teashop.
2007.08.23 India Handwara 1 0 Islamic militants shoot an innocent man to death inside his home.
2007.08.23 India Poonch 1 0 A policeman is abducted and beheaded by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.23 Afghanistan Zabul 10 0 Ten Afghan security guards are massacred in an ambush by Sunni extremists.
2007.08.23 Iraq Ibrahim Yehyia 25 20 al-Qaeda militants attack two Sunni villages with mortars and machine guns, killing twenty-five villagers.
2007.08.23 Iraq Mosul 9 12 Nine people are killed in various attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 16 17 A child is among sixteen people murdered by Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.08.23 Afghanistan Helmand 3 13 Three Afghan civilians are murdered in a Taliban suicide attack.
2007.08.22 Pakistan Quetta 0 16 A barbershop is one of two sites attacked by fundamentalists with grenades.
2007.08.22 Iraq Tikrit 2 12 Jihadis kill two civilians with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.22 Iraq Tal Afar 2 5 Radical Sunnis take out two pipe layers with a bomb blast.
2007.08.22 Iraq Muqdadiyah 6 50 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six Iraqis.
2007.08.22 Iraq Beiji 45 80 A suicidal Sunni drives a truck bomb into a police station, incinerating twenty-five police and twenty civilians.
2007.08.22 Iraq Kufa 1 0 A female university professor is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.08.22 Ingushetia Nazran 1 5 Islamic terrorists attack a security convoy, killing at least one member.
2007.08.22 India Doda 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.22 Afghanistan Nuristan 2 11 Two Afghan soldiers are killed when religious extremists stage an attack on a base.
2007.08.22 Afghanistan Khost 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills four Afghans on a highway.
2007.08.22 Afghanistan Paktia 2 4 Two engineers are shot to death by the Taliban.
2007.08.22 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militias are suspected in the murder of a civilian at a market.
2007.08.22 Somalia Suqa Holaha 2 5 Two people are killed when Islamists hurl a grenade into the street.
2007.08.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while sitting in a tea shop.
2007.08.21 Pakistan Bannu 4 0 Pro-Taliban militants attack a checkpoint with rockets, leaving three Pakistani soldiers and a woman dead.
2007.08.21 Afghanistan Zabul 6 0 Religious extremists ambush and kill six Afghan cops.
2007.08.21 Pakistan Mohallah 1 4 A woman is killed when fundamentalists toss a grenade into a brothel.
2007.08.21 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist official is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2007.08.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist security guard is murdered by Muslim extremists, who then attempt to cut the head from the body.
2007.08.21 Somalia Mogadishu 1 5 An Islamist walks into a restaurant and shoot a civilian to death.
2007.08.21 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims kill a man elected to replace another official who was slaughtered along with his family.
2007.08.21 Iraq Baghdad 17 14 Two passengers on a minibus are among fourteen Iraqis murdered by Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.08.21 Iraq Latifiya 9 2 Nine members of a family, including a baby, are murdered by Shiite radicals inside their home.
2007.08.21 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 Fatah al-Islam gunmen kill two Lebanese soldiers.
2007.08.21 Philippines Zamboanga 0 14 Abu Sayyaf sympathizers place a bomb at a city plaza, injuring fourteen people.
2007.08.20 Sri Lanka Trincomalee 2 0 Two men (ages 29 and 54) are killed by Jihadi gunmen.
2007.08.20 Iraq al-Rumeitha 4 2 Shiite militants assassinate a provincial governor.
2007.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 20 36 Two Jihad bombings and random shootings leave over twenty people dead.
2007.08.20 India Shopian 1 0 A farmer is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.20 Pakistan Hangu 4 18 A woman passerby is among four killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams into a military vehicle.
2007.08.19 Iraq Baghdad 31 51 A Jihad mortar attack and various shootings leave more than thirty people dead, including children.
2007.08.18 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Taliban militants shoot a man to death in his home.
2007.08.18 India Doda 1 0 The body of a 26-year-old woman is found murdered days after she was taken by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.18 Iraq Khalis 7 35 A baby is among seven people killed when Holy Warriors pump mortars and rockets into a residential neighborhood.
2007.08.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 2 Religious extremists kill two Afghan cops with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 A Taliban suicide bomber targets a road construction crew, killing four guards.
2007.08.18 Pakistan Bannu 1 5 A cop is killed in a hand grenade attack by Islamic militants.
2007.08.18 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 al-Qaeda militants kidnap and behead a teacher.
2007.08.18 India Rajouri 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap a civilian and kill him in captivity.
2007.08.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 An elderly man and a woman are killed in separate attacks by Islamic militias.
2007.08.18 India Kandi 1 0 The Mujahideen chop out a 70-year-old man's eyes and behead him.
2007.08.18 Pakistan Miran Shah 1 2 A suicide bomber detonates at an army checkpoint, killing at least one Pakistani.
2007.08.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 15 26 Fifteen Afghans, mostly civilians, are blown to bits by a suicidal Sunni along a highway.
2007.08.18 Pakistan Lakhi Ghulam Shah 2 0 A woman and her suspected lover are shot to death by her brother-in-law.
2007.08.17 India Pulwama 5 3 Mujahideen use an IED to kill five Indian soldiers traveling along a road.
2007.08.17 India Baramulla 2 0 A policeman and his elderly father are brutally murdered inside their home by Islamic militants.
2007.08.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamic militias rocket a house, killing a woman.
2007.08.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 2 Three young children under the age of 10 are slaughtered along with their father by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.08.17 India Rajouri 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and killed in captivity by radical Muslims.
2007.08.17 Pakistan Khyber 7 0 Seven people are killed in clashes between radical Islamist groups.
2007.08.17 Iraq Kirkuk 3 42 Two separate bombings by Sunni radicals kill three civilians and injure over forty.
2007.08.17 Iraq Haditha 3 0 Three people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.08.16 Pakistan Bajaur 2 2 A tribal elder and his guard are killed in a bombing by Islamists.
2007.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Nineteen victims of sectarian Jihadis are discovered by police.
2007.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 10 20 Ten Iraqis are blown apart when Islamic terrorists detonate a car bomb on a public square.
2007.08.16 Pakistan Spinwara 2 4 Two soldiers are killed in an al-Qaeda IED attack.
2007.08.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two Somalis are killed in a mine attack by Islamic militias.
2007.08.16 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic gunmen shoot two civilians to death at a market.
2007.08.15 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 A teacher and student are killed when Islamists bomb a house.
2007.08.15 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A policeman is killed in a drive-by attack from militant Muslims.
2007.08.15 Chechnya Avturi 1 0 A government official is killed when the Mujahideen attack his vehicle with grenades.
2007.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 22 4 Jihad attacks leave twenty-two Iraqis dead.
2007.08.15 Iraq Kirkuk 5 30 Islamic terrorists car bomb a marketplace, killing five people.
2007.08.15 Iraq Hilla 5 12 A suicide bomber kills five people inside a judge's home.
2007.08.15 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Religious extremists kill three German police officers with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.15 Somalia Mogadishu 6 1 Islamists kill six Somalis in two separate attacks.
2007.08.15 Somalia Afgoye 2 12 Militant Muslims throw a grenade into a market, killing two people.
2007.08.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A 26-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.08.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals stab a 56-year-old man to death at his rubber plantation.
2007.08.14 Iraq Khalis 15 0 Fifteen Iraqi men are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2007.08.14 Iraq Ghraiya 4 0 Jihadis kill three women and a man, who are sleeping on the roof of their home.
2007.08.14 Iraq Suwayra 3 0 Sunni extremists invade the home of a policeman and shoot his pregnant wife, son and brother to death.
2007.08.14 Iraq Sinjar 796 1500 Five separate suicide bombings by al-Qaeda militants targeted at a religious minority group kill nearly eight hundred innocents.
2007.08.14 Afghanistan Zhari 7 0 Six Afghan civilians and their guard are killed in an al-Qaeda rocket attack on their minibus.
2007.08.14 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 Islamic radicals kidnap and behead a Pakistani soldier.
2007.08.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 38-year-old trader is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.08.13 Somalia Mogadishu 3 12 Three civilians are killed when Islamic militants bomb a passenger bus.
2007.08.13 Iraq Khanaqin 5 4 Radical Shiites kill five policemen with a bomb.
2007.08.13 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three civilians are shot and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A man sitting in a tea shop is assassinated by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 A young boy is killed when Islamic militias assault a police station.
2007.08.13 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 1 0 A Fatah al-Islam sniper murders a Lebanese soldier.
2007.08.13 Pakistan Swat 4 6 Four people are killed when Islamic terrorists detonate a roadside bomb against a passing vehicle.
2007.08.13 Russia Novgorod 0 60 A militant Islamic group derails a commuter train with a bomb, injuring sixty people.
2007.08.13 India Bandipore 4 11 Four civilians are killed when Mujahideen militants hurl a grenade into a crowded street.
2007.08.13 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 5 3 Religious extremists kill five Afghan police with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.12 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Sunni is gunned down by Shia radicals.
2007.08.12 Iraq Baghdad 20 22 Sectarian Jihadis rack up twenty Iraqi scalps.
2007.08.12 Iraq Hilla 3 0 Two women are among three people killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.12 Pakistan Miranshah 1 0 Two Afghan civilians are kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim radicals in separate incidents.
2007.08.12 India Doda 1 0 The Mujahideen shoot a policeman to death as he is walking home.
2007.08.12 Algeria Amdjoudh 3 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill three members of a security patrol with a bomb.
2007.08.11 Iraq Baghdad 14 17 Fourteen people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.08.11 Iraq Qadisiya 6 0 Jihadis kill six Iraqis with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.11 Iraq Ishaqi 4 0 Islamic extremists kill and dismember four people.
2007.08.11 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 A journalist is killed by Islamic militias as he is returning from the funeral of a colleague murdered dies earlier.
2007.08.11 Pakistan Hangu 3 2 Three police are murdered by Islamic militants.
2007.08.10 Iraq Ein Zala 4 14 Four Kurds are killed in a suicide bomb by Sunni fanatics.
2007.08.10 Iraq Kirkuk 8 45 Islamic terrorists bomb a market, killing eight patrons.
2007.08.10 Afghanistan Badghis 7 0 Seven Afghans are killed when Taliban extremists ambush a security patrol.
2007.08.10 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three government officials are assassinated by Muslim militants as they are walking home.
2007.08.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Two men are shot by Muslim radicals. Only one survives.
2007.08.10 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Islamic militias attack with mortars and heavy machine guns.
2007.08.09 Thailand Narathiwat 5 0 Five people are gunned down by Islamic radicals in separate drive-by attacks.
2007.08.09 Iraq Baghdad 22 8 A man and his wife are among two dozen people killed by sectarian Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.08.09 Philippines Maimbung 21 2 Abu Sayyaf terrorists ambush a security patrol, killing nine members. A dozen more are cut down in the ensuing firefight.
2007.08.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A woman dies from shrapnel injuries following a Religion of Peace grenade attack in a commercial district.
2007.08.09 Turkey Kars 2 0 A 19-year-old boy beats his sister and divorced mother to death at the request of his father to 'clean the honor of his family."
2007.08.09 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 0 Two tribesman are murdered by Taliban loyalists.
2007.08.08 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslims decapitate two elderly Buddhists, then set fire to their houses.
2007.08.08 Pakistan Chargano 5 10 The Taliban lay siege to a village, killing five and wounding ten.
2007.08.08 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four people are shot to death by Islamic militias in separate attacks.
2007.08.08 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 66-year-old man is brutally shot to death by Islamists as he is walking in his orchard.
2007.08.08 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Muslim gunmen storm a medical clinic and murder two Buddhist workers.
2007.08.08 Iraq Baghdad 15 19 A little girl is among those killed by Freedom Fighters in various attacks on civilians.
2007.08.08 Iraq Hawija 2 6 An infant and one other person are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2007.08.08 Iraq Samarra 8 2 Jihadis kill eight Iraqis with mortars.
2007.08.08 Iraq Baqubah 5 10 A fundamentalist bomber detonates himself in a barbershop, killing five innocents.
2007.08.08 Iraq Baqubah 4 4 Four members of a family are murdered inside their home by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.07 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 5 Two Gaza children, ages 6 and 8, are killed by a rocket fired at Israel by a Palestinian Islamic group.
2007.08.07 Iraq Baghdad 21 9 Sectarian Jihadis rack up twenty-one dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.08.07 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 1 Muslim gunmen open fire on children, killing one.
2007.08.07 Iraq Samarra 5 2 Three women and two children are killed in a Jihad mortar attack.
2007.08.07 Pakistan Banda 1 0 A security patrol member is blown apart by Islamists while fetching water from a stream.
2007.08.07 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Two Russians are shot to death in a Mujahideen ambush.
2007.08.07 Iraq Salah al Khalaf 7 8 Seven civilians are killed in a Mujahideen car bombing at a market.
2007.08.07 Somalia Banadir 2 4 A mother and her 11-year-old daughter are killed when Islamists detonate a roadside bomb.
2007.08.07 Thailand Pattani 2 2 A roadside bombing by Muslim radicals leaves two Thai soldiers dead.
2007.08.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is murdered and his body burned by Islamic separatists.
2007.08.06 India Pulwama 1 0 A civilian is abducted four days earlier and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.08.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a 61-year-old civilian on his way home.
2007.08.06 Iraq Baghdad 34 32 Thirty-four people are killed in various Religion of Peace attacks around the city.
2007.08.06 Iraq Karbala 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot the chairwoman for a humanitarian organization two times in the head.
2007.08.06 Iraq Qabak 33 54 A suicidal Sunni manages to kill thirty-four innocents in a Shiite neighborhood, which include seventeen children and ten women.
2007.08.06 Iraq al-Aameryia 36 0 Thirty-six Iraqi heads are liberated from their bodies by Islamic Freedom Fighters.
2007.08.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a man to death in his home.
2007.08.05 India Doda 1 9 The Mujahideen gun down a cop and throw a grenade into a market, injuring nine civilians.
2007.08.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Taliban extremists kill two civilians with a roadside blast.
2007.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 32 14 Sectarian Jihadis rack up over thirty Muslim rivals in various attacks.
2007.08.05 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 5 A suicide bomber slays two innocents at an auto repair shop.
2007.08.05 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Two children are among six people kidnapped, tortured and executed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.05 Afghanistan Kunar 5 6 Five Afghan police are murdered in two terror attacks by religious extremists.
2007.08.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Thai soldiers on motorcycles are shot and killed by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.05 Chechnya Tsa-Vedeno 3 0 Three people, including a child, are burned to death in their car by Holy Warriors.
2007.08.04 Afghanistan Kabul 3 2 A religious extremist kills three civilians in a suicide blast.
2007.08.04 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three civilians in a pick-up truck are ambushed and murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.08.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 45-year-old guard is shot to death at point-blank range by Muslim radicals.
2007.08.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamists recruit a teenager to throw a grenade into a funeral procession, killing one.
2007.08.04 Iraq Baghdad 26 13 A doctor is among over two dozen people killed by sectarian Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.08.04 Pakistan Parachinar 8 43 At least eight people, including two young children, are killed when a suicide bomber attacks a car showroom and taxi stand.
2007.08.04 Pakistan Miranshah 4 6 Four Pakistanis are killed when Taliban militants attack a check-point.
2007.08.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two civilians are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.08.04 Dagestan Sergokala 1 2 A police officer is gunned down by Islamic militants.
2007.08.04 Afghanistan Logar 4 3 Four Afghan police are killed when Sunni terrorists rocket their vehicle.
2007.08.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four civilians are blown to bits when Holy Warriors target their vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2007.08.04 Somalia Suuq Baad 2 6 Two people are killed when Islamic militants hurl grenades into a crowded market.
2007.08.04 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2 2 Two maids are beaten to death by seven family members who accuse them of practicing 'black magic.'
2007.08.03 India Banihal 0 24 Two dozen people are injured when Islamic terrorists toss a grenade into a crowded marketplace.
2007.08.03 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Thirteen victims of sectarian violence are found scattered throughout the city.
2007.08.03 Iraq Diyala 4 9 Muslim gunmen murder two children and two adults in a brutal attack on a home.
2007.08.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists force their way into a home to shoot a government official to death.
2007.08.03 Afghanistan Kunar 3 5 The Taliban kill three Afghan police with a bomb attack on their vehicle.
2007.08.03 Pakistan Swat 2 6 A suicide bomber kills two people and injures six from the same family.
2007.08.03 Philippines Koronadal 1 12 A Christian pastor is killed in a bus bombing by a group linked to the Moro Islamic terror group.
2007.08.03 Iraq Muhbabiya 17 0 Seventeen women, children and elderly Iraqis are found in a mass grave following an al-Qaeda massacre.
2007.08.02 Somalia Balad 1 4 An grenade attack on Ethiopians leaves one dead.
2007.08.02 Thailand Pattani 2 8 Two Thai soldiers are killed in separate bombing and shooting attacks.
2007.08.02 Iraq Baghdad 30 8 Sectarian Jihadis shoot or blast thirty Iraqis to death in various attacks.
2007.08.02 Iraq Balad 1 6 A young girl is killed in a mortar barrage by Muslim terrorists.
2007.08.02 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five brothers who worked as day laborers are kidnapped and executed by Muslim terrorists.
2007.08.02 Iraq Hibhib 15 17 Fifteen people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2007.08.02 Pakistan Sargodha 1 1 A Fedayeen fires at police, killing one in a suicide bid.
2007.08.02 Somalia Mogadishu 8 20 A mother and her two daughters are among eight killed when Islamic militias rain down mortars on a neighborhood.
2007.08.01 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Talibanis murder a Pakistani soldier taken hostage.
2007.08.01 Iraq Hibhib 14 0 Fourteen villagers are kidnapped and executed by Sunni militants.
2007.08.01 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 4 0 Four Lebanese soldiers are killed by Fatah al-Islam snipers and bombers.
2007.08.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan truck driver.
2007.08.01 Somalia Mogadishu 3 6 A young boy is killed when Islamists throw a grenade into a market. Two other bodies are found nearby.
2007.08.01 Thailand Yala 2 1 Islamists ambush a group guarding a train station, killing two members.
2007.08.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 11 A Buddhist woman is blown to bits when Muslim radicals bomb a shopping district.
2007.08.01 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 1 0 A Fatah al-Islam sniper kills a Lebanese soldier.
2007.08.01 Iraq Baqubah 25 40 Islamic terrorists bomb a marketplace, killing twenty-five patrons.
2007.08.01 Iraq Baghdad 12 20 A dozen civilians are killed in various Religion of Peace attacks around the city.
2007.08.01 Iraq Baghdad 15 25 At least fifteen people are blown to bits when a suicide bomber detonates in a city square.
2007.08.01 Iraq Baghdad 50 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a petrol station, killing at least fifty innocents.
2007.08.01 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old man is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.08.01 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A father and son are murdered by Islamic terrorists at their home.
2007.07.31 Ingushetia Magas 1 3 Muslim gunmen attack a bus carrying police officers, killing one.
2007.07.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban murder a 29-year-old Christian man taken hostage.
2007.07.31 Somalia Mogadishu 3 4 A 4-year-old child is among three people killed in a brutal rocket attack by Islamists shouting 'Allah Akbar.'
2007.07.31 Iraq Baghdad 12 12 A teacher and an engineer are among a dozen people shot and killed in various Jihad attacks around the country.
2007.07.31 Somalia Mogadishu 5 3 Islamic terrorists blow up a minibus, killing five civilian passengers that included a woman.
2007.07.31 Pakistan Bannu 1 4 Religious extremists ambush a group of soldiers, killing one.
2007.07.30 India Pulwama 2 6 Two children (ages 12 and 14) are killed when Islamists throw grenades at a tourist vehicle.
2007.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 12 47 At least a dozen Iraqis are killed in three bomb attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.07.30 Iraq Balad 4 6 A suicide bomber kills six people with a loaded fuel truck.
2007.07.30 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 A woman is among four people shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.07.30 India Kishtwar 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.07.30 India Ramban 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members kidnap and behead a government teacher.
2007.07.30 Pakistan Miranshah 7 1 Four civilians are among seven killed by Taliban militants in two separate attacks.
2007.07.30 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Christian man is shot to death by two Muslims.
2007.07.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 13 8 Taliban extremists attack a private aid convoy, killing thirteen guards.
2007.07.29 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two guards at a market are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2007.07.29 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men, one a work-placement employee, are shot to death by Muslim radicals in separate attacks.
2007.07.29 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two civilians are killed when Islamic radicals throw grenades into the electronics area of a market.
2007.07.29 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 25 Islamic terrorists kill three people with multiple bombs at a market.
2007.07.29 Iraq Tuz Khormato 7 6 Sunnis gun down six soccer fans celebrating the country's recent win.
2007.07.29 Iraq Balad 6 1 Jihadis lob mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing six people.
2007.07.29 India Srinagar 7 19 Seven people, including two young girls, are killed when Islamic radicals bomb a bus.
2007.07.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 38-year-old mother of three succumbs to her injuries three days after a Religion of Peace bomb attack.
2007.07.28 Pal. Auth. Al Bureij 1 0 A young woman is stabbed to death over 'immoral behavior.'
2007.07.28 Pakistan Islamabad 14 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least fourteen in an attack on a hotel.
2007.07.28 Iraq Baghdad 5 22 Sunnis set off a car bomb in a commercial district, killing five people.
2007.07.28 Pakistan Maidan 3 0 Three policemen are brutally murdered by Islamic militants in an ambush.
2007.07.27 Ingushetia Magas 1 0 Muslim separatists stage a deadly rocket attack on a government building.
2007.07.27 Dagestan Makhachkala 2 1 Islamic terrorists kill an anti-terror cleric and his brother by bombing their car.
2007.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 10 2 An engineer and his wife are among ten people murdered by Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.07.27 Iraq Samarrah 7 0 Seven Iraqi policemen are killed in a Sunni bombing.
2007.07.27 Thailand Yala 1 1 A man is shot twice in the head by militant Muslims.
2007.07.26 India Ramban 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped from his home and murdered in captivity by the Mujahideen.
2007.07.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists attack two groups of teachers with roadside bombs and shoot a 44-year-old man to death.
2007.07.26 Iraq Tal Abta 6 13 A suicide bomber detonates outside a police station, killing six others.
2007.07.26 Iraq Baghdad 61 94 Jihadis murder at least sixty Iraqis with a parked car bomb at a busy market.
2007.07.26 Iraq Kirkuk 25 85 Sunni terrorists explode a massive bomb next to a kabob shop, killing over two-dozen innocent people.
2007.07.26 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A local official is gunned down by Islamic militants while walking home.
2007.07.26 Somalia Mogadishu 4 3 Islamists hurl a grenade into a coffee shop, killing four civilians.
2007.07.26 Pakistan Tiarza 1 2 A Pakistani soldier is killed when Taliban militants fire a rocket into a base.
2007.07.26 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two civilians are killed by a landmine planted by Islamic militias.
2007.07.26 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Muslim woman is shot in the head by her son, who suspected her of 'illicit relations.'
2007.07.25 Somalia Mogadishu 5 9 At least three civilians are killed when Islamists bomb an intersection.
2007.07.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban shoot a Christian man to death.
2007.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 23 14 Various Jihad bombing and shooting attacks leave about two dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.07.25 Iraq Diyala 9 0 Nine young men are kidnapped and beheaded by Sunni terrorists.
2007.07.25 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two farmers are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.07.25 Iraq Baghdad 58 125 Islamic terrorists stage two massive car bombings that slaughter over fifty Iraqis celebrating their country's soccer win in the street.
2007.07.25 India Doda 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.07.24 Pakistan Dattakhel 4 0 Islamic militants attack a security post, killing four members.
2007.07.24 Pakistan Bannu 10 40 Muslim terrorists fire rockets into a village, killing ten civilians.
2007.07.24 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 A pregnant woman is among three civilians killed when Islamists toss a grenade into a market.
2007.07.24 Iraq Hillah 32 68 A suicide bomber detonates in a marketplace across from the maternity ward of a hospital, killing over thirty innocents.
2007.07.23 Pakistan Kagai 2 0 Two men are abducted by al-Qaeda militants and executed by having their throats slit.
2007.07.23 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 46-year-old construction worker is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.07.23 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 A woman is among seven victims of an Islamic grenade attack in a commercial district.
2007.07.23 Iraq Baghdad 26 6 Violence in the name of Allah leaves over two dozen dead in various attacks.
2007.07.23 Iraq Baghdad 17 49 Three separate car bombings by Muslim terrorists end the lives of seventeen Iraqi civilians.
2007.07.23 Iraq Ramadi 7 0 A female suicide bomber murders seven Iraqi policemen.
2007.07.23 Iraq Khanqeen 5 3 Five truck drivers are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.07.23 Iraq Muqdadiyah 2 1 Muslim gunmen take down two electrical workers.
2007.07.23 Algeria Boumerdes 1 8 An Algerian security personnel is killed in a bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.07.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 35-year-old is shot to death while fishing in a pond.
2007.07.23 India Anantnag 1 1 Islamic militants ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.07.23 India Kishtwar 1 0 The Mujahideen kidnap and execute a 22-year-old man who was collecting firewood.
2007.07.22 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A civilian is killed when Muslim militants throw a grenade in a marketplace.
2007.07.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Three sisters are brutally tortured and stabbed to death over suspicion of 'immoral' activities. Two are teenagers.
2007.07.22 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban kill a German hostage, abducted four days earlier.
2007.07.22 India Ramban 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kidnap and kill a former member who wanted out.
2007.07.22 Lebanon Tanbourit 1 4 Shiites shoot Christian villagers who complained of harassment.
2007.07.22 Iraq Baghdad 22 20 A bombing and several shooting attacks leave twenty-two Iraqis dead at the hands of Freedom Fighters.
2007.07.22 Iraq Khanqeen-Buhriz 6 0 Six delivery truck drivers are murdered by the Religion of Peace.
2007.07.22 Iraq Jurf al-Milih 5 12 A Fedayeen truck bomber takes out five Sunni leaders for talking peace with Shiites.
2007.07.21 Algeria Crete 1 2 Islamic fundamentalists attack a group of soldiers, killing one.
2007.07.21 Thailand Pattani 0 6 A 10-year-old boy and 13-year-old girl are among the casualties when Islamic radicals bomb a rice shop.
2007.07.21 Ingushetia Karabulak 1 0 Muslim gunmen assassinate a government official in charge of 'ethnic relations'.
2007.07.21 Iraq Baghdad 28 31 Islamic 'insurgents' rack up twenty-eight dead Iraqis in several bombing and shooting attacks.
2007.07.21 Iraq Mosul 26 6 A cafe showing a soccer match is one site among several Jihad targets as twenty-six people are killed.
2007.07.21 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two civilians are murdered when a terrorist throws a grenade into a marketplace.
2007.07.20 Nigeria Sokoto 5 0 A man is burned to death in his home is among five killed in sectarian clashes between Sunni and Shia.
2007.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 16 0 Sixteen victims of sectarian violence are found scattered around the city.
2007.07.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 A ruthless attack by Mujahideen leaves two Australian civilians dead.
2007.07.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists gun down a drug store owner in his shop.
2007.07.20 India Rajouri 1 15 A civilian is shot to death outside his home and Islamic terrorists throw a grenade at Hindu pilgrims in a separate attack.
2007.07.20 Afghanistan Helmand 2 2 Two civilians are killed by a car bomb.
2007.07.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 Taliban militants murder three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2007.07.20 Pakistan Miran Shah 4 6 Four innocents are killed by a suicide car bomber.
2007.07.19 Somalia Mogadishu 6 3 Children playing soccer are hit by mortars fired by Islamists. Six are killed and three injured.
2007.07.19 Pakistan Kohat 18 19 Fedayeen suicide bombers hit a mosque inside an army base, blasting eighteen people to death.
2007.07.19 Somalia Baruha 1 0 Islamists shoot a civilian in the head as he is holding a child.
2007.07.19 Afghanistan Helmand 6 2 Religious extremists ambush a police car, killing a dozen Afghans at point-blank range.
2007.07.19 Pakistan Hangu 8 22 At least eight are killed when suicide bombers ram their vehicle into a police training facility.
2007.07.19 Pakistan Hub 30 28 Thirty people are slaughtered when Sunni bombers target Chinese engineers along a road.
2007.07.19 Afghanistan Fayzabad 1 25 Women and children are among the casualties of a suicide bombing.
2007.07.19 Chechnya Assinovskaya 2 3 Two policemen are killed when Mujahideen attack their post.
2007.07.19 Iraq Khalis 5 4 Islamic gunmen attack a village, killing five residents.
2007.07.19 Nigeria Sokoto 1 0 A Sunni mob beats a Shia to death.
2007.07.19 Iraq Baghdad 20 4 A man killed in front of his wife and children is among twenty victims of Jihad sectarian violence around the city.
2007.07.18 Nigeria Sokoto 1 0 A Sunni cleric is assassinated by a rival Shiite militia.
2007.07.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Two people are killed when radical Muslims shell a market.
2007.07.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Taliban extremists murder two police officers riding bikes.
2007.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 4 4 Four electrical workers are killed when Jihadis target their minibus with a truck bomb.
2007.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 22 12 Random sectarian attacks leave twenty-two Iraqis dead.
2007.07.18 Iraq Baghdad 17 18 A series of Sunni bomb attacks kills at least seventeen innocents.
2007.07.18 Iraq Khalis 7 0 Seven bus passengers are brutally shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.07.18 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 Islamists kidnap and behead a civilian.
2007.07.18 Pakistan Miranshah 16 14 al-Qaeda backed militants ambush an army convoy with rockets, killing sixteen Pakistanis.
2007.07.18 Afghanistan Zabul 7 4 Seven Afghan police officers are murdered in a brutal ambush by religious extremists.
2007.07.18 Afghanistan Khost 3 0 A suicide bomber blasts three Afghans to Allah.
2007.07.18 Russia Kizilyurt 4 3 Islamic separatists are suspected in the bombing of a school playground that kills four policemen.
2007.07.18 Philippines Lamitan 1 0 A Sunni missionary is dismembered by Abu Sayyaf militants on suspicion of spying.
2007.07.17 Pakistan Mir Ali 5 0 A suicide bomber murders five people at a checkpoint.
2007.07.17 India Baltal 1 17 Islamists toss a grenade into a crowd of Hindu pilgrims, killing one.
2007.07.17 India Poonch 2 8 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists attack a security patrol, killing two members.
2007.07.17 Pakistan Khar Banda 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by the Taliban.
2007.07.17 Iraq Dulayiya 29 4 Nearly thirty men, women and children gathered for a soccer game are hacked and shot to death by radical Sunnis.
2007.07.17 Thailand Yala 1 31 A double bomb attack by Islamic radicals at a railway station leaves at least one person dead and thirty-one injured.
2007.07.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 At least one person is killed when Islamic militants throw a grenade into a market.
2007.07.17 Iraq Baghdad 31 10 Jihadis ring up over thirty dead Iraqis in various shooting and bombing attacks.
2007.07.17 Iraq Samarra 1 3 A hospital director is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2007.07.17 Iraq Baghdad 20 20 Sunnis send a suicide bomber into a Shia residential neighborhood to blast twenty innocents to death.
2007.07.17 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 4 0 Fatah al-Islam snipers pick off four Lebanese soldiers.
2007.07.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals shoot a soldier to death by the side of a road.
2007.07.17 Pakistan Islamabad 13 45 A suicide bomber detonates in a crowd a political rally. Thirteen innocents are killed.
2007.07.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A man is shot to death outside a school by militant Muslims.
2007.07.17 Iraq Muqdadiya 14 0 Twelve members of one family are massacred by Islamic terrorists in their home. Two women are gunned down elsewhere in the city.
2007.07.17 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 4 0 Four Lebanese troops are killed by Fatah al-Islam snipers.
2007.07.16 Ingushetia Ordzhonikidzevskaya 3 7 A Christian woman and her two children are murdered in their home by Islamic gunmen. Seven mourners are injured when their funeral is bombed two days later.
2007.07.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 4 Two civilians are among three killed by Islamic militants in two attacks.
2007.07.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A Taliban attack leaves one Afghan dead.
2007.07.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas militants kidnap and suffocate a 45-year-old man.
2007.07.16 Iraq Samarrah 5 0 Armed Jihadis shoot five people in the head.
2007.07.16 Iraq Baghdad 39 45 Muslim terrorists rack up forty dead Iraqis in various sectarian attacks.
2007.07.16 Iraq Kirkuk 85 180 Sunni suicide truck bombers massacre eighty-five Iraqi civilians near a Kurdish political office.
2007.07.16 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Two sisters are killed when they are taken hostage by Muslim terrorists and forced into a explosives-laden car.
2007.07.16 Afghanistan Helmand 3 2 Five Afghans are killed in a roadside bombing by Taliban extremists.
2007.07.16 Philippines Tugas 2 1 Abu Sayyaf militants ambush a security patrol, killing two members.
2007.07.15 Afghanistan Paktika 1 3 One person is killed when Islamists fire a rocket into his home.
2007.07.15 Afghanistan Paktika 5 2 Religious extremists kill five highway construction workers with a bomb.
2007.07.15 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Two civilians and a government official are killed when an Islamist hurls a grenade into a municipal office.
2007.07.15 Thailand Yala 1 1 A Muslim who 'switched sides' is shot to death at a market. His wife is seriously injured.
2007.07.15 Pakistan Swat 17 47 Civilians are among seventeen people blasted to death by a suicide bomber on a highway.
2007.07.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 52-year-old railway worker is shot to death by Islamists on his way to work.
2007.07.15 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 25 61 Twenty-five innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber on foot.
2007.07.15 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 Twenty-two victims of sectarian violence are found, including several women.
2007.07.15 Iraq Baghdad 10 25 Sunnis kill ten with a car bombing along a city square.
2007.07.15 Iraq Aziziya 2 0 A woman and her 8-year-old son are brutally gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2007.07.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamists kill a woman and injure her 8-month-old baby in a grenade attack.
2007.07.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a 66-year-old farmer to death.
2007.07.14 Thailand Songkhla 2 0 Two civilians are ambushed and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 28 12 Jihadis manage to kill twenty-eight Iraqis in various shooting and bombing attacks.
2007.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Sunnis bomb a gas station, killing at least seven people lining up for fuel.
2007.07.14 Iraq Suwayra 6 0 Six people are murdered by Islamic radicals and thrown into a river.
2007.07.14 Iraq Hillah 9 3 Jihadis barge into a house and murder nine members of a family, including women and children.
2007.07.14 Pakistan North Waziristan 23 27 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends twenty-three Pakistani soldiers to Allah.
2007.07.14 Pakistan Essa 1 0 A Pakistani soldier is shot to death by an Islamic militant at a checkpoint.
2007.07.14 Afghanistan Paktia 2 0 Two men are gunned down by religious extremists.
2007.07.13 Somalia Huriwa 2 0 Two men are shot to death by suspected Islamic militias.
2007.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Jihadis gun down five policemen in an attack on their checkpoint.
2007.07.13 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Sunnis kill two Shia civilians with a car bomb.
2007.07.13 India Reasi 1 0 Police recover the body of a man abducted from his home by militants a month earlier.
2007.07.13 Iraq Muqdadiyah 12 0 Sunni gunmen massacre a family of twelve Shia in their home.
2007.07.13 Pakistan Miranshah 3 0 Three tribal leaders are shot to death at a market by Islamic militants.
2007.07.13 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 11 50 Fatah al-Islam terrorists kill eleven Lebanese soldiers with rockets and sniper fire.
2007.07.12 Pakistan Spin Wam 1 0 al-Qaeda backed militants cut the head off of a civilian.
2007.07.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists slash the throat of a 29-year-old man and throw him into a river.
2007.07.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a man, then set him on fire under a bridge.
2007.07.12 Iraq Tal Afar 7 4 A suicide bomber attacks a wedding, killing seven guest who try and stop him.
2007.07.12 Afghanistan Khost 6 0 Six Afghans are slaughtered when religious extremists attack their patrol.
2007.07.12 Somalia Mogadishu 3 9 Three Somali civilians, including two construction workers are killed in separate attacks by Islamic grenade throwers.
2007.07.12 Pakistan Swat 5 3 Five Pakistanis are killed in a suicide attack on a police vehicle.
2007.07.12 Pakistan Miranshah 3 3 A Religion of Peace suicide bomber strolls into an office and kills three workers.
2007.07.12 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslims shoot an elderly Buddhist couple to death as they are riding to a market.
2007.07.12 Iraq Baghdad 28 0 Twenty-eight victims of sectarian violence between Shia and Sunni are found executed.
2007.07.12 Iraq Mosul 5 15 Jihadis car bomb and shoot five Iraqis to death.
2007.07.12 Iraq Karbala 4 2 Islamic terrorists attack a family car, killing four members.
2007.07.12 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 4 9 Islamic militants kill four Lebanese soldiers.
2007.07.11 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two people are killed by an Islamist mortar attack.
2007.07.11 Thailand Patani 1 0 A 58-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals as he tends his garden.
2007.07.11 Somalia Mogadishu 7 4 Islamists kill civilians and police by throwing grenades into a market.
2007.07.11 Algeria Lakhdria 10 35 At least ten people are killed when a teenage suicide bomber detonates near a sports venue.
2007.07.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists murder a rubber worker on his plantation.
2007.07.11 Afghanistan Paktia 4 0 Religious extremists ambush and kill four Afghans.
2007.07.11 Iraq Baghdad 32 17 Thirty victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
2007.07.11 Iraq Garma 21 50 Two al-Qaeda suicide bombers attack a reconciliation meeting at a residence, then two others kill emergency responders.
2007.07.11 Algeria Tigzirt 1 1 Fundamentalists kill a security guard with a bomb.
2007.07.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist civilian is murdered in a drive-by shooting attack by Muslim radicals.
2007.07.11 Philippines Al-Barka 1 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists murder a civilian.
2007.07.10 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas militants strangle a 31-year-old man.
2007.07.10 Philippines Basilan 14 9 Abu Sayyaf militants kill 14 members of a search party looking for a kidnapped priest. At least ten are beheaded.
2007.07.10 Pakistan Kohat 1 11 Islamic militants kill one soldier at a checkpoint.
2007.07.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village chief is ambushed and killed on the road by Muslim terrorists, as he is driving home football players.
2007.07.10 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death in his car by Muslim radicals.
2007.07.10 Iraq Baghdad 26 15 Twenty-six people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.07.10 Iraq Nasariyah 3 1 Three children die in separate Jihad attacks.
2007.07.10 Iraq Tikrit 12 0 A dozen people are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.07.10 Iraq Sherween 18 40 Eighteen villagers are killed when al-Qaeda militants stage an assault.
2007.07.10 Afghanistan Deh Rawud 17 30 A suicide bomber detonates at a market, killing seventeen innocents, including children.
2007.07.10 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two civilians are killed when a grenade is thrown into a busy marketplace.
2007.07.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 8 At least three civilians are killed when Islamists lob grenades into a market.
2007.07.09 Iraq Ghazaliya 4 0 Four members of a family are kidnapped and strangled by Islamic terrorists.
2007.07.09 Afghanistan Herat 4 12 A religious extremist opens fire inside an Afghan army camp, killing four people.
2007.07.09 Iraq Balad 9 20 A roadside bombing leaves nine Iraqis dead.
2007.07.09 Iraq Mada'en 12 0 A dozen workers at a Pepsi plant are abducted and slaughtered by Shia terrorists.
2007.07.09 Iraq Baghdad 31 24 Various bombing and shooting attacks by Jihadis leave over thirty people dead.
2007.07.09 Pakistan Peshawar 3 1 Three Chinese motorcycle workers are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.07.09 Chechnya Vedeno 3 5 Mujahideen stop a Russian vehicle with a landmine, then shoot the occupants.
2007.07.09 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 Muslim gunmen kill a Doctors Without Borders physician.
2007.07.08 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic gunmen shoot a policeman three times in the head.
2007.07.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two civilians are beheaded by the Taliban.
2007.07.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 The bodies of a husband and wife, kidnapped by al-Qaeda, surface with slit throats.
2007.07.08 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine bodies are found, victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace.
2007.07.08 Iraq Baghdad 15 33 Three Jihad car bombings leave fifteen civilians dead.
2007.07.08 Iraq Haswa 23 27 Two dozen young Iraqi police recruits are killed when Fedayeen suicide bombers ram into their truck.
2007.07.08 Iraq Samawa 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when Islamic terrorists lob a mortar into their home.
2007.07.08 Pakistan Bannu 1 3 Islamic militants attack a security patrol with grenades.
2007.07.08 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A Pakistani solider is killed by an Islamist sniper outside a mosque.
2007.07.08 Pakistan Bajur 1 7 Islamic militants detonate a bomb under a police vehicle, killing one officer.
2007.07.07 Chechnya Grozny 2 1 A police officer and an engineer are killed in separate attacks by Jihadis.
2007.07.07 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu. 156 255 Sunnis launch a very successful attack against Shia civilians, blasting to death over one-hundred and fifty at an open-air market.
2007.07.07 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 0 Religious extremists kidnap a man from his home and then shoot him to death.
2007.07.07 Iraq Mashahidah 8 0 Eight Iraqi soldiers are killed in a brutal and senseless attack on their checkpoint.
2007.07.07 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen in two separate attacks.
2007.07.07 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Nineteen people are kidnapped and executed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.07.07 Iraq Khanaqeen 22 15 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two dozen innocents at a funeral.
2007.07.07 Afghanistan Kunar 1 8 A 10-year-old boy is killed when Islamic terrorists fire a rocket into his home.
2007.07.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Six Afghan police are ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
2007.07.06 Somalia Huriwa 4 6 Islamists kill four more children with a roadside bomb.
2007.07.06 Pakistan Dir 4 1 A suicide bomber on a bicycle kills four Pakistani soldiers.
2007.07.06 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Islamists in her store.
2007.07.06 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 Five children are killed when a landmine planted by Islamic militias explodes.
2007.07.06 Somalia Afgoi 1 0 A bus station guard is shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.07.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 An elderly rubber worker is murdered by Muslim extremists.
2007.07.06 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 4 An attack by radical Islamists leaves at least two tribesmen dead.
2007.07.06 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 Two students are executed by mosque radicals over their plans to surrender to police.
2007.07.06 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 0 Two people are tortured to death by the Mujahideen. A child is killed in a separate attack in Umm Hilayil
2007.07.06 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A Kurdish married couple is shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
2007.07.06 Iraq Tikrit 7 9 Sunni gunmen attack the home of a peaceful Sheikh, killing seven members of his family.
2007.07.06 Iraq Ahmad Maref, 26 33 Islamic terrorists send a suicide bomber into a market, killing over two dozen shoppers.
2007.07.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A government official is assassinated by members of an Islamic militia.
2007.07.06 England Stoke 1 0 A father of seven is stabbed to death by his Muslim neighbors, apparently over his anti-immigration views.
2007.07.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 32-year-old rubber worker is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2007.07.05 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 8 11 A suicidal Sunni rams an Afghan convoy with an explosives-laden car, killing eight.
2007.07.05 Afghanistan Zherai 2 0 Religious extremists hang two men 'before the public.'
2007.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 24 4 Sectarian Jihadis kidnap and execute two dozen dead Iraqis.
2007.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 18 30 Eighteen people at a wedding party are blown to bits by Sunni car bombers.
2007.07.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2007.07.05 Somalia Bossaso 1 0 A government employee is gunned down at a restaurant.
2007.07.05 Iran Takestan 1 0 Authorities stone a man to death for adultery.
2007.07.05 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 1 0 An Algerian soldier is killed by a remote-controlled bomb planted by fundamentalists.
2007.07.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Six Canadians and one Afghan are killed by a roadside bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.07.04 Pakistan Swat 4 2 Four civilians are killed when a Muslim terrorist tosses a grenade onto a city street.
2007.07.04 Pakistan Charbagh 1 0 al-Qaeda militants gun down a policeman on his way to work.
2007.07.04 India Kupwara 1 0 A man is killed in a Mujahideen landmine attack.
2007.07.04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Islamists abduct and murder two members of a religious minority sect.
2007.07.04 Pakistan Bannu 11 6 Two children are among eleven people killed when a suicide car bomber rams into a group of vehicles.
2007.07.04 Pakistan Swat 1 4 Pro-Taliban militants fire a rocket into a police station, killing one officer.
2007.07.04 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A civilian is killed in a shootout between two Islamist groups.
2007.07.04 Iraq Baiji 7 18 Sunnis bomb a restaurant, killing seven people.
2007.07.04 Iraq Ramadi 14 17 Fourteen innocents are blown to bits by Jihadi car bombers.
2007.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 23 9 A woman and her daughter, and two journalists, are among two dozen people murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
2007.07.04 England Sheffield 1 0 A Muslim gang beats a man to death for adultery.
2007.07.03 India Rajouri 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists attack a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 24 4 Three sewer workers and two gardeners are among two dozen people killed in random Jihad attacks.
2007.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 18 40 Sunni bombers send eighteen market-goers straight to Allah, while leaving another forty in agony.
2007.07.03 Pakistan Islamabad 3 0 A Pakistani soldier, businessman and a cameraman are shot to death by student radicals at a madrassah.
2007.07.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by Muslims as she is picking up food for her mother.
2007.07.02 Afghanistan Khost 1 1 An education director is gunned down by religious extremists.
2007.07.02 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 1 al-Qaeda backed militants kill a Pakistani who resists kidnapping.
2007.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 26 18 Sectarian terror attacks between Sunnis and Shias leave over two dozen dead.
2007.07.02 Iraq Baghdad 9 33 Sunni radicals car bomb a Shia neighborhood, sending at least nine innocents to Allah.
2007.07.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Seven Afghan cops are blown to bits by a Taliban roadside bombing.
2007.07.02 Yemen Marib 10 8 Eight Spanish tourists and their two drivers are murdered by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber, who rams into their convoy.
2007.07.02 Somalia Horuwa 1 0 Two militant Muslims corner and gun down a government official.
2007.07.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 28-year-old villager is shot to death by Islamists.
2007.07.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a 47-year-old rubber tapper on his way to work.
2007.07.01 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A woman is killed, and two other people injured when Islamic gunmen fire into a Buddhist tea shop.
2007.07.01 Thailand Pattani 1 2 Muslim terrorists fire on a group of young students, killing a 58-year-old teacher and injuring two boys, ages 9 and 11.
2007.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 18 12 A suicide bombing and other Jihad attacks account for fifteen dead Iraqis.
2007.07.01 Iraq Mosul 19 0 At least nineteen bodies surface around the country of civilians kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
2007.07.01 Iraq Ramadi 7 20 Seven Iraqi police are killed in separate suicide attacks by Fedayeen.
2007.07.01 Afghanistan Helmand 1 4 A British soldier is killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.07.01 Chechnya Grozny 2 2 A landmine attack kills two Russians.
2007.06.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic militias assassinate a government official.
2007.06.30 India Pulwama 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.06.30 Scotland Glasgow 0 5 Hoping for mass casualties, Islamic radicals ram a car filled with gas canisters into the main entrance of an airport.
2007.06.30 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamic militants murder a 53-year-old man.
2007.06.30 Iraq Baghdad 16 8 Sixteen Iraqis are murdered in various sectarian attacks.
2007.06.30 Iraq Ferris 40 0 Children are beheaded as al-Qaeda massacres an entire village of Iraqis.
2007.06.30 Iraq Muqdadiyah 25 22 A suicidal Sunni sends over two-dozen innocent people to the grave with a market blast.
2007.06.30 Iraq Fallujah 4 0 Four people are beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.30 Iraq Asiriya 2 12 Two children are killed, and a dozen more injured, when Jihadis mortar a soccer field.
2007.06.30 Chechnya Vedeno 1 2 Holy Warriors ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.06.29 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 Religious extremists kidnap and behead a language interpreter.
2007.06.29 Pakistan Tirah 1 0 Lashkar-i-Islam militants stone a man to death.
2007.06.29 Pakistan Larkana 2 0 A man shoots his wife and sister-in-law to death in an 'honor killing.'
2007.06.29 Iraq Mishada 8 5 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight Iraqis.
2007.06.29 Iraq Baghdad 15 11 At least three women are among fifteen people shot to death or blown up by Muslim terrorists.
2007.06.29 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.06.29 Iraq Kut 11 1 A university professor is shot several time in the head and neck. Ten others are also murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2007.06.29 Pakistan FATA Region 1 0 An Afghan civilian is kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic militants.
2007.06.28 Afghanistan Kabul 3 8 Two American civilians and an Afghan woman are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.06.28 India Pulwama 1 16 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants attack a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.06.28 India Ramban 1 0 A civilian is abducted and beheaded by the Religion of Peace.
2007.06.28 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two teenagers are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2007.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 30 34 Several mortar attacks and shootings leave thirty Iraqis dead at the hands of Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 25 50 Sunni radicals blow twenty-five innocent people to Allah at a bus stop.
2007.06.28 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A 51-year-old village guard is shot to death by Jihadis as he is returning home.
2007.06.28 Afghanistan Paktika 1 8 An 18-year-old Afghan civilian is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.06.28 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamic terrorists target a security convoy along a busy road, killing two members.
2007.06.27 Somalia El-Berde 2 0 Two humanitarian workers, one a doctor, are brutally gunned down.
2007.06.27 Somalia Bardhere 1 1 The driver of a vehicle is killed in a bombing attack by Muslim militants.
2007.06.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Two civilians are killed when Muslim terrorists toss a grenade into a market.
2007.06.27 Iraq Samarrah 11 6 Eleven Iraqis are killed in at least two separate Jihad attack, here and in Kirkuk.
2007.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 10 24 Islamic terrorists set off two car bombs, killing ten people.
2007.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 21 0 Twenty-one victims of sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia are found bound and executed.
2007.06.27 Iraq Al Khalis 19 28 Islamic terrorists barrage a residential area with mortars, killing at least nineteen innocents.
2007.06.27 Thailand Yala 3 17 Muslims kill three people at a market, by hiding a bomb in a basket.
2007.06.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Christians are murdered by Sunni radicals.
2007.06.26 Bangladesh Nilphamari 0 10 Ten Christian converts from Islam are savagely beaten by a Muslim mob.
2007.06.26 India Pulwama 1 0 Militant Islamists abduct a constable from his home and behead him.
2007.06.26 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A Muslim radical calmly fires into a Buddhist tea shop, killing at least one patron.
2007.06.26 Iraq Basra 1 0 A religious cleric is gunned down by Muslim rivals.
2007.06.26 Somalia Mogadishu 6 9 Five cleaning women are among six killed by an Islamic bomb.
2007.06.26 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamists detonate a roadside bomb, killing one bystander.
2007.06.25 Somalia Hurwa 2 2 A woman and a man are killed when Islamic militias slam a rocket into their house.
2007.06.25 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two middle-aged men are gunned down in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
2007.06.25 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 A soldier and a civilian are killed by a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
2007.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 16 3 Jihadis rack up sixteen dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.06.25 Iraq Mosul 3 42 Three civilians are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a residential area.
2007.06.25 Iraq Baiji 27 62 Suicide bombers ram an explosives-laden truck into a gate, killing over two dozen innocents in the blast.
2007.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 12 21 A Fedayeen bomber blasts a dozen people at a peace and reconciliation conference to death.
2007.06.25 India Doda 2 14 The Mujahideen toss a grenade into a bus stand, killing two people.
2007.06.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Thai rangers are shot by Islamic terrorists while riding motorcycles.
2007.06.24 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two elderly Buddhist brothers are murdered by radical Muslims, who then burn their bodies.
2007.06.24 Iraq Baghdad 14 6 The head of a children's hospital is among fourteen people murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.24 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two women, including a female journalist, are gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2007.06.24 Iraq Balad 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate a feminist.
2007.06.24 Lebanon Dardara 6 2 Militant Islamists kill six UN Peacekeepers with a powerful suicide bomb.
2007.06.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 A man and a woman are shot to death by a suspected Muslim militant.
2007.06.24 Iraq Khalis 3 3 Islamic terrorists kill three girls and injure their mother and father in a bomb attack on the family vehicle.
2007.06.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 Religious extremists attack a police station, killing three Afghans.
2007.06.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 42-year-old Buddhist laborer is brutally killed and then set on fire by Muslim terrorists.
2007.06.23 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A off-duty cop is gunned down by an Islamist.
2007.06.23 Pakistan Karam Kot 4 1 Four Pakistani troops are killed when terrorists bomb their vehicle.
2007.06.23 Iraq Baghdad 18 2 Sectarian Jihadis rack up eighteen dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.06.23 Iraq Hillah 2 18 Two people are killed in an Islamic terrorist car bombing.
2007.06.23 Iraq Kufa 2 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a married couple to death.
2007.06.23 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 3 0 Three Lebanese troops are killed by a Fatah al-Islam bomb.
2007.06.23 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 Two Estonian mine-sweepers are killed in a Taliban rocket strike.
2007.06.22 Iraq Fallujah 5 57 A store bombing and a suicide attack on a telecom company net five dead Iraqis for freedom-fighting terrorists.
2007.06.22 Pakistan Khar 1 0 Islamic extremists behead a man, then attach a note to the body.
2007.06.22 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 16-year-old Buddhist girl is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.06.22 Thailand Yala 3 10 Three young boys are shot full of holes in the name of Allah at a tea shop.
2007.06.22 Pakistan Bannu 1 30 Radical Muslims attempt to attack a religious festival with small-arms fire and a grenade. One guard is killed.
2007.06.22 Thailand Yala 2 5 Muslim bombers target a Buddhist-owned teashop, killing three innocents.
2007.06.22 Algeria Bouira 2 1 Two security guards are killed by two homemade bombs.
2007.06.22 India Doda 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct and kill a civilian.
2007.06.21 Iraq Bahraz 3 15 Sunnis kill three villagers in a sustained attack on a Shia town.
2007.06.21 Iraq Soliman Bek 15 66 Suicidal Sunnis drive a truck full of explosives into a building, murdering at least fifteen people.
2007.06.21 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 An Islamic militant tosses a grenade into a market, killing five people on the spot.
2007.06.21 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 1 Three Afghan cops are gunned down in a Taliban attack.
2007.06.21 Pakistan Khapianga 3 0 A roadside blast kills three farmers.
2007.06.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 54-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.06.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim shoot a 29-year-old, then attempt to behead him. The man bleeds to death.
2007.06.21 Pal. Auth. Nablus 1 0 A 32-year-old civilian is killed by Islamic gunmen.
2007.06.20 India Baramulla 1 2 A Harkat-ul-Mujahideen militant kills a homeowner with a grenade. The man's daughter and son are injured.
2007.06.20 Afghanistan Zabul 2 1 Religious extremists fire on a UN relief convoy, killing two Afghans.
2007.06.20 Afghanistan Khost 3 4 Talibanis enter a mosque and shoot three Afghan civilians to death.
2007.06.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim gunmen shoot an off-duty Buddhist policeman to death in front of his wife.
2007.06.20 Iraq Baghdad 34 9 Sectarian Jihadis rack up thirty-four more dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.06.20 Iraq Mosul 5 8 Two children and three women are killed in a mortar attack by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 Three Canadian peacekeepers are killed in a roadside attack by Islamic extremists.
2007.06.20 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias fire RPGs into a government building, killing at least two people.
2007.06.19 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamists shoot a 27-year-old student to death in a drive-by attack.
2007.06.19 Iraq Baghdad 23 19 Jihadis kill two dozen Iraqis in various shooting and mortar attacks.
2007.06.19 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female college student is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.06.19 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 A woman and a child are killed in a mortar attack by Sunni radicals.
2007.06.19 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Thai Muslims kill three occupants of a vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2007.06.19 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 Fatah al-Islam radicals kill two more Lebanese troops.
2007.06.19 Afghanistan Uruzgan 14 110 Islamic militants attack a village, murdering ten civilians and four Afghan police.
2007.06.19 Iraq Baghdad 87 224 Sunnis bomb an area outside a Shia mosque, sending eighty-seven souls to Allah and injuring over two-hundred others.
2007.06.18 Pakistan Jundo 1 0 A man kills his daughter for marrying the 'wrong' man.
2007.06.18 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 23-year-old soldier is killed in an ambush by Muslim militants.
2007.06.18 Thailand Yala 0 14 Muslims bomb a Buddhist-owned teashop, injuring fourteen patrons.
2007.06.18 Somalia Bakara 1 1 A civilian is assassinated at a local market is a suspected Islamic militia attack.
2007.06.18 Lebanon Narh al-Bared 3 0 Three more Lebanese soldiers are killed by Fatah al-Islam militants.
2007.06.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Islamists manage to kill two children with one bomb, hidden in a garbage pile.
2007.06.18 Pal. Auth. Erez 1 3 Hamas gunmen open fire on Palestinians huddled in a tunnel, killing at least one.
2007.06.18 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian violence are found in different locations.
2007.06.18 Iraq Falluja 5 25 Two Jihad bombings leave at least five civilians dead.
2007.06.18 Iraq Baghdad 9 25 Islamic terrorists bomb a gas station, killing nine patrons.
2007.06.17 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 The Taliban shoot a suspected narcotics dealer to death.
2007.06.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Three soldiers and an interpreter are murdered in a Taliban roadside attack.
2007.06.17 Afghanistan Herat 2 0 The Taliban attack a remote police post, killing two officers.
2007.06.17 Somalia Baidoa 1 3 A child is killed when Islamists toss a grenade into a bank.
2007.06.17 Afghanistan Kabul 35 35 Three dozen Afghans are blown to Allah by Islamic bombers in an attack on a transportation hub.
2007.06.17 Iraq Kirkuk 3 4 Sunni bombers kill three Kurds.
2007.06.17 Iraq Jizani al-Emam 17 0 Seventeen villagers are killed during an attack by the Islamic Army of Iraq.
2007.06.17 Iraq Fallujah 8 16 A pregnant woman and her husband are among eight innocents killed in two attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims shoot a middle-aged civilian four times in the chest.
2007.06.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An 82-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2007.06.16 Afghanistan Kabul 4 6 A suicide bomber sends four Afghan civilians to Allah.
2007.06.15 Ingushetia Nazran 3 2 Two civilians and a police officer are killed in an attack by suspected Islamic extremists.
2007.06.15 India Sopore 2 7 Two Indian soldiers are killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
2007.06.15 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 4 6 Four Lebanese troops are killed when Fatah al-Islam terrorists blow up a building.
2007.06.15 Somalia Mogadishu 4 10 A suicide bomber on a motorcycle slaughters four innocent people.
2007.06.15 Thailand Yala 7 1 Islamists stage a brutal ambush on a Thai security patrol, killing seven members.
2007.06.15 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Radical Muslims stop a group of villagers on the road and then open up on them with automatic weapons fire, killing three.
2007.06.15 Somalia Baidoa 4 6 Fundamentalists throw grenades into a movie theater showing a foreign film, killing four innocents.
2007.06.15 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 7 A suicide bomber kills five children about 12-years of age and four adults.
2007.06.15 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A young Buddhist man is among two civilians murdered by Islamists in separate drive-by attacks.
2007.06.15 Iraq Baghdad 25 7 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found, bound and executed.
2007.06.15 Iraq Ramadi 13 0 The bodies of thirteen members of an athletic team are found shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.06.15 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A young boy is among four people killed by Jihadis.
2007.06.15 Philippines Davao 10 18 Moro Islamic Liberation Front terrorists leave a bomb on a bus, blasting ten passengers to death.
2007.06.15 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 After gouging out his left eye, Hamas operatives shoot a 19-year-old man to death.
2007.06.14 Pal. Auth. Khan Younis 1 0 Hamas members shoot a captured man to death, then stab and stomp on his body.
2007.06.14 Pal. Auth. Gaza City 2 0 Two unarmed peace activists are shot to death by Hamas gunmen at a rally.
2007.06.14 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 Two employees of the UN refugee relief agency are murdered by Hamas terrorists.
2007.06.14 India Kupwara 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by the Mujahideen.
2007.06.14 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Hamas gunmen walk into a hospital and murder an injured patient as well as two women visiting him.
2007.06.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 The Young Mujahideen Movement kill at least one civilian in an automatic weapons attack.
2007.06.14 Somalia Shibis 1 0 A man is shot to death by a suspected Islamic militia.
2007.06.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 54-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim radicals as he is riding a motorcycle.
2007.06.14 Pal. Auth. Rafah 7 0 Hamas round up seven Palestinian men and shoots them to death in front of their families. The gunmen then kneel in prayer.
2007.06.14 Iraq Balad 2 3 Islamic terrorists shoot two farmers to death.
2007.06.14 Iraq Baghdad 14 0 Fourteen Iraqi policemen and soldiers are executed on video by terrorists shouting 'God is Great'.
2007.06.13 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 30 Two separate ambushes by Hamas ("Islamic Resistance") leaves close to twenty victims dead.
2007.06.13 Thailand Pattani 2 8 Islamists bomb two groups of school guards, killing one in each party.
2007.06.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist salesman is beheaded by Islamic radicals, who then leave the body and head in separate bags.
2007.06.13 Lebanon Beirut 10 11 A prominent anti-Syrian lawmaker and his son are among ten killed in a car bombing.
2007.06.13 Afghanistan Mizan 1 0 The Taliban send an RPG into a house, killing a 7-year-old girl.
2007.06.13 Iraq Baghdad 29 10 Jihads slaughter twenty-nine Iraqis in various attacks, including kidnapping, torture and executions.
2007.06.13 Iraq Ramadi 4 11 Four Iraqis are killed by a suicide bomber at a police checkpoint.
2007.06.13 Iraq Mandali 5 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
2007.06.13 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a 44-year-old man and set fire to thirteen schools.
2007.06.12 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 60-year-old teacher is shot in the back by Muslim radicals.
2007.06.12 Pal. Auth. Gaza 4 0 Hamas militants attack a home with rockets, killing three women and a 14-year-old boy.
2007.06.12 Lebanon Nahr Al-Bared 8 20 Eight Lebanese soldiers are killed over the course of two days by Fatah al-Islam militants.
2007.06.12 Iraq Baghdad 33 20 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace accounts for thirty-three bodies in multiple attacks.
2007.06.12 Iraq Khalis 4 4 Jihad gunmen take down four Iraq civilians, including two on a minibus.
2007.06.12 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A religious extremists blows himself up on a bicycle, killing a nearby police officer.
2007.06.12 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhists are brutally murdered by angry Muslims.
2007.06.12 Afghanistan Logar 2 4 A female teacher and a 13-year-old girl student are savagely murdered by religious fundamentalists.
2007.06.12 Iraq Razaliyah 1 0 A Christian father of two young children is kidnapped and killed when he refuses to accept Islam.
2007.06.11 India Pulwama 1 0 The Mujahideen capture a soldier and slit his throat.
2007.06.11 India Ramban 2 1 A civilian and a cop are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.06.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 56-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Islamists while riding a motorcycle.
2007.06.11 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two female Buddhists teachers are shot to death by Muslim radicals who invade the school with assault weapons.
2007.06.11 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 1 Two Red Cross workers are killed by Fatah al-Islam militants.
2007.06.11 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Islamic gunmen storm a home and murder four women and a man.
2007.06.10 Iraq Baghdad 20 26 A "coffin bomb" adds to the misery as Islamic terrorists kill twenty Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.06.10 Iraq Tikrit 14 42 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends fourteen souls to Allah.
2007.06.10 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 Hamas ("Islamic Resistance") operatives throw a man to his death from a tower.
2007.06.09 Iraq Camp Bucca 6 50 Six Iraqi prisoners are killed in a rocket attack on a prison by "insurgents."
2007.06.09 India Bejbehara 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a cop.
2007.06.09 India Pulwama 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death by Islamic militants.
2007.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 30 15 Two car bombings and various other Jihad attacks leave thirty people dead.
2007.06.09 Iraq Hilla 14 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends fourteen Iraqis to Allah.
2007.06.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim radicals gun down two villagers riding a motorcycle.
2007.06.09 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Two Somalis are killed by a bombing attributed to the Islamic militias.
2007.06.09 Iraq Kanaan 5 0 Five family members are stopped on a highway and brutally executed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.09 Afghanistan Murghab 2 0 The Taliban ambush an Afghan security party, killing two policemen.
2007.06.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Religious extremists kill a man as he leaves a barbershop.
2007.06.09 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 A woman's family stones her to death on suspicion of adultery.
2007.06.08 Sudan Mutu 2 0 Janjaweed militias rack up two more dead African villagers in a raid.
2007.06.08 Pakistan Alikhel 1 0 The Taliban videotape the torture and execution of a local tribesman.
2007.06.08 Iraq Qurna 12 33 Holy warriors bomb a bus station, killing a dozen civilians.
2007.06.08 Iraq Daqquq 24 30 Two dozen people are killed when radical Sunnis bomb Shiite mosques.
2007.06.08 Iraq Baqubah 14 3 Fourteen people are killed when al-Qaeda gunmen invade a policeman's home, including his wife and children.
2007.06.08 Pakistan Hub 3 7 A bus bombing leaves at least three people dead.
2007.06.08 Thailand Yala 1 22 Islamists bomb a tea house, killing a woman and injuring two dozen others.
2007.06.08 Afghanistan Laghman 1 3 At least one Afghan is killed in a Taliban bombing.
2007.06.08 Indonesia Pekanbaru 1 0 A Christian schoolteacher is shot to death in front of his 9-year-old son by Muslim extremists.
2007.06.07 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 5 A Fatah cadre is killed in a home by Hamas gunmen.
2007.06.07 Algeria Beni-Ksila 3 7 al-Qaeda-backed fundamentalists bomb an army patrol, killing three Algerians.
2007.06.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A policeman is shot in front of his wife 14 times at point-blank range by Muslim terrorists at a crowded market.
2007.06.07 Lebanon Beirut 1 0 Muslim bombers take out one Christian civilian and injure four others.
2007.06.07 Iraq Baghdad 37 15 A Jihad bombing and various shooting attacks leave thirty-seven Iraqis dead.
2007.06.07 Iraq Mosul 5 0 A female journalist is brutally gunned down in her home by Sunni terrorists. Four others are killed elsewhere.
2007.06.07 Iraq Rabea 10 35 A Fedayeen bomber sends ten innocent Iraqis to Allah. Thirty-five others are maimed.
2007.06.07 Afghanistan Zabul 1 0 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing one Afghan.
2007.06.07 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 40-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals in a drive-by.
2007.06.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist rubber tapper is shot to death in his home by Islamists.
2007.06.07 India Doda 1 0 Islamic terrorists abduct and murder a civilian.
2007.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 39 35 Nearly forty Iraqis lose their lives to sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace in various attacks.
2007.06.06 Algeria Tizi Ozo 1 8 Salafists bomb a courthouse, killing at least one Algerian.
2007.06.06 Iraq Balad 2 1 Two small girls are killed in a roadside attack by Islamic terrorists.
2007.06.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 21-year-old man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while returning home on a motorbike.
2007.06.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.06.06 India Doda 1 0 A teenage boy is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.06.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A traveling vendor is shot three times in the torso by Islamic gunmen.
2007.06.05 Iraq Basra 9 0 Nine barbers are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in three separate attacks over three days.
2007.06.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Sunni extremists capture and behead an Afghan doctor.
2007.06.05 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three people are killed in sectarian violence between Religion of Peace factions.
2007.06.05 Iraq Fallujah 19 25 Nineteen attendees at a market are blown to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2007.06.05 Afghanistan Parwan 1 0 The female head of a girls' school is shot to death by religious fundamentalists in front of her 8-year-old.
2007.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 5 8 Jihadis bomb a residential neighborhood and shoot two brothers to death in a separate attack.
2007.06.04 Somalia Bakara 2 0 Two policemen are shot to death by an Islamic militant.
2007.06.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A security guard escorting teachers to school dies in an Islamic bombing.
2007.06.04 India Poonch 1 2 A civilian is killed when Muslim militants lob a grenade in his direction.
2007.06.04 Lebanon Nahr al-Bared 2 0 Two Lebanese soldiers are killed by Fatah-al-Islam radicals.
2007.06.04 Pakistan Gudar 4 0 Four people are shot to death by a Muslim court for the crime of adultery.
2007.06.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists hiding their faces murder a visiting mayor.
2007.06.04 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A government official is shot to death outside his home in a sectarian attack.
2007.06.03 Algeria Kabylia 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill a security guard.
2007.06.03 Thailand Narathiwat 0 17 Seventeen men waiting to play soccer are injured by a Muslim bomb.
2007.06.03 Afghanistan Paktia 1 0 The Taliban execute an Afghan government official after keeping him hostage for two days.
2007.06.03 Pakistan Tehsil Salarzai 5 0 Five people are killed in a roadside blast believed to be linked to the Taliban's anti-humanitarian drive.
2007.06.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.06.03 Iraq Baghdad 31 5 Thirty-one victims of sectarian hatred within Islam are found scattered through the city.
2007.06.03 Iraq Baladruz 9 25 Jihadis blow nine Iraqis to Allah with a car bomb.
2007.06.03 Iraq Baqouba 10 7 Ten people are killed in two separate attacks, including the brutal machine-gunning of minibus passengers.
2007.06.03 Iraq Qaraqosh 4 0 Islamists shoot a Catholic priest and three other Christians to death as they are leaving a church.
2007.06.03 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 Seven Somalis are murdered by a suicide bomber, including a student.
2007.06.02 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 1 10 An Algerian soldier is killed in a bomb attack by armed fundamentalists.
2007.06.02 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 0 Religious extremists attack a man's home, killing his wife, two sons and two other children.
2007.06.02 Iraq Baghdad 26 23 Random Jihad attacks leave at least two dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.06.02 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes out five Iraqis.
2007.06.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists gun down a government official.
2007.06.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A female journalist is murdered inside her home by religious fanatics.
2007.06.01 Afghanistan Kunar 2 5 The Taliban kill two women in a rocket attack on a series of homes.
2007.06.01 India Baramulla 1 5 A policeman is killed in an attack by Lashkar-e-Toiba on a training school.
2007.06.01 India Nihama 2 3 Mujahideen militants hurl a grenade at a group of Indian police, killing two.
2007.06.01 Iraq Uweidla 5 25 A suicide truck bomber sends five Iraqis to Allah.
2007.06.01 Iraq Baghdad 25 30 Jihadis rain down mortars on an Iraqi neighborhood, killing at least ten civilians. Fifteen others are killed elsewhere.
2007.06.01 Saudi Arabia Tabuk 1 0 A man is beaten to death by Saudi religious police for inviting an unrelated woman into his car.
2007.05.31 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 1 0 A solider is killed by a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
2007.05.31 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found bound and executed.
2007.05.31 Thailand Yala 12 0 Muslim militants bomb a truck full of Thai soldiers, killing all twelve.
2007.05.31 Thailand Songkhla 7 0 Seven people are gunned down by radicals in front of a mosque.
2007.05.31 Iraq Ramadi 5 15 A suicide bomber kills five other human beings.
2007.05.31 Iraq Fallujah 25 50 Twenty-five Iraqis are blown to bits by a suspected al-Qaeda suicide bomber.
2007.05.31 Iraq Khalis 4 0 Four farmers are gunned down in their orchard by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.31 Pakistan Guman 13 2 Pro-Taliban militants invade a home, killing thirteen occupants that included two women and many from the same family.
2007.05.31 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A police officer is shot at point blank range by a Muslim radical pretending to be a customer at a market.
2007.05.30 India Doda 1 0 A police chief is assassinated by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.30 Pakistan Quetta 1 8 A grenade attack on a barbershop leaves at least one patron dead.
2007.05.30 Iraq Fallujah 8 36 Eight people are killed in Jihad mortar attacks here and in Mahmudiya.
2007.05.30 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims the lives of two dozen civilians.
2007.05.30 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 1 Taliban extremists kill four highway guards with a bomb.
2007.05.30 Afghanistan Helmand 2 1 Fundamentalists kill two Afghan guards at a private security firm with a bomb.
2007.05.30 Somalia Huriwa 1 0 A government official is shot to death by two Islamist gunmen.
2007.05.29 Pakistan Peshawar 1 8 Militants bomb a non-Sharia court building, killing at least one.
2007.05.29 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias kill two civilians in an overnight grenade attack.
2007.05.29 Lebanon Nahr el-Bared 1 0 A Lebanese soldier dies from injuries suffered at the hands of a Fatah al-Islam sniper.
2007.05.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists gun down a 50-year-old man driving his wife to work.
2007.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty victims of sectarian hatred are found bound and executed by the police.
2007.05.29 Iraq Baqubah 21 0 Twenty-one victims of sectarian hatred are found bound and executed.
2007.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 20 85 Twenty patrons of a car parts market are blown to bits by the Religion of Peace.
2007.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 38 53 Jihadis bomb a bus, killing thirty-eight passengers and passersby.
2007.05.29 Thailand Songkhla 1 12 A victim of a series of bombings from two days earlier dies from injuries - the first fatality.
2007.05.28 Iraq Amiriyat al-Falluja 3 0 Gunmen enter a reporter's home and drag him and his father and brother out to an orchard, where they are shot to death.
2007.05.28 Ethiopia Jijiga 6 40 al-Ittihad Al-Islami is thought responsible for a hand grenade attack on a crowd.
2007.05.28 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 1 Two civilians are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.05.28 Pakistan Tank 1 1 Islamic militants open fire on a security checkpoint, killing one officer.
2007.05.28 Thailand Songkhla 4 23 Two children are among four killed when radical Muslims bomb a marketplace.
2007.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 29 81 A female university student killed by a sniper is among thirty people who lose their life to various Islamic attacks.
2007.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 24 90 Two dozen people are blown apart by a Jihad truck bombing.
2007.05.28 Iraq Uwaireeg 12 0 A dozen Iraqis are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2007.05.28 Pakistan Tank 2 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams into a truck carrying Pakistani soldiers, killing two.
2007.05.28 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A young Islamist shoots a local judge twice in the head.
2007.05.27 Israel Sderot 1 1 Another Israeli civilian is killed in his car by a Palestinian rocket attack.
2007.05.27 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found dumped.
2007.05.27 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A noted calligrapher, two farmers and a Kurdish singer are shot to death by radical Islamists in separate attacks.
2007.05.27 Iraq Ramadi 7 12 Jihadis car bomb a marketplace, killing seven civilians.
2007.05.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Religious extremists bomb a police vehicle, then open fire on the survivors.
2007.05.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 3 Two Afghans are killed in a Taliban attack on their vehicle.
2007.05.26 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Five young children are killed by a bomb planted by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.05.26 Pakistan Tank 3 7 Three soldiers are killed in a roadside attack by al-Qaeda militants.
2007.05.26 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 A teenage shoe-shiner is killed when Islamists detonate a bomb along a street.
2007.05.26 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 77-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Islamic terrorists, who also kill a 23-year-old in a separate attack.
2007.05.26 Iraq Baghdad 29 42 The Religion of Peace car bombs, mortars or shoots to death nearly thirty Iraqi civilians.
2007.05.25 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals assassinate a village head.
2007.05.25 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims shoot a 40-year-old man in the head and torso. He succumbs to injuries a day later.
2007.05.25 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Islamic terrorists kill two dozen Iraqis in various sectarian attacks.
2007.05.25 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two teenagers are savagely gunned down on the side of the road by Muslim radicals.
2007.05.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 The bullet-riddled body of a 38-year-old man is found a day after being killed by Muslim militants.
2007.05.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 5 Two civilians are killed by a bomb planted by suspected Islamists.
2007.05.24 Afghanistan Paktika 7 0 Seven Afghans are blown apart by Islamic fanatics.
2007.05.24 Iraq Sulaiman Bek 6 6 Militant Islamists bomb a police vehicle, killing six Iraqis.
2007.05.24 Iraq Nahr al-Bustan 6 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on villagers, killing six.
2007.05.24 Iraq Hdad 13 4 Sunnis stop a bus carrying Shias and machine-gun eleven to death. They then place a bomb among the bodies that kills two additional civilians.
2007.05.24 Iraq Baghdad 24 15 Two dozen people are murdered in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.05.24 Iraq Fallujah 35 36 Holy Warriors set off a car bomb at a funeral, massacring three dozen mourners.
2007.05.23 Ingushetia Nazran 7 0 Seven people are killed by a suspected suicide bomber.
2007.05.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist is murdered by Islamists on his way to work.
2007.05.23 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamic radicals kill a 40-year-old Buddhist in a drive-by shooting.
2007.05.23 Afghanistan Maymana 2 4 Two people are killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.05.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two people near a road construction site.
2007.05.23 Iraq Baghdad 34 3 Jihadis kill three children in a mortar attack and gun down thirty others execution style.
2007.05.23 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 The Taliban kidnap a civilian and cut off his head.
2007.05.23 Iraq Mandali 22 13 A suicide bomber kills twenty-two people at a cafe in a horrific massacre.
2007.05.23 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five Iraqis are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.23 Iraq Albo Obaid 17 0 A 17-year-old suicide bomber murders men, women and children inside a family home.
2007.05.23 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Saudi religious police handcuff a man and then beat him to death for selling alcohol.
2007.05.22 Iraq Jalawla 6 0 Six young men gathered in front of a home are brutally murdered by Sunni gunmen.
2007.05.22 India Reasi 1 0 The body of a murdered civilian surfaces. He had been kidnapped by Muslim militants.
2007.05.22 Thailand Yala 1 4 Muslims murder a Buddhist man and burn his body.
2007.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 25 60 Freedom Fighters bomb an open-air market, slaughtering two-dozen shoppers, including women and children.
2007.05.22 Iraq Baghdad 12 30 Twelve university students are killed in two separate attacks by Islamic radicals on their campus and bus.
2007.05.22 Iraq Baqubah 6 0 Islamic gunmen spray the inside of a family car with gunfire, killing six members, included four children.
2007.05.22 Thailand Yala 4 0 A family of four, including two children, are slaughtered in their home by Muslim militants who then set fire to it.
2007.05.22 Sudan Liba 2 18 Government militias attack a village, killing at least two residents.
2007.05.21 Lebanon al-Qalamoun 3 3 Three Lebanese soldiers are killed in an attack by Fatah al-Islam.
2007.05.21 Iraq Baghdad 26 12 Random sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead.
2007.05.21 Iraq Hibhib 7 4 Women and children are among the casualties when Islamic gunmen fire on a minibus and then set it ablaze.
2007.05.21 Israel Sderot 1 1 Palestinians kill a 35-year-old Israeli woman with a rocket.
2007.05.21 Pakistan Johar 2 0 In an honor killing, a man kills his sister and her lover over their relationship.
2007.05.21 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 7 Religious extremists kill three Afghans with a remote-controlled bomb.
2007.05.21 Yemen Sanaa 1 1 A bomb hidden in a box kills a young child.
2007.05.20 Lebanon Beirut 1 10 A 63-year-old woman is killed in a bomb attack on a Christian neighborhood.
2007.05.20 Afghanistan Gardez 14 31 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a market, slaughtering over a dozen others.
2007.05.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.20 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist construction worker is killed by Muslim radicals, who then burn his body.
2007.05.20 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslims open fire on a Buddhist woman and her son, killing the teenage boy.
2007.05.20 Iraq Baghdad 26 10 Jihadis kill over two-dozen Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.05.20 Iraq Ramadi 11 52 Eleven people are killed when Sunni terrorists detonate a chlorine bomb on a city street.
2007.05.20 Iraq Tikrit 14 0 Fourteen victims of sectarian violence are found here and in Kut.
2007.05.20 Afghanistan Helmand 11 0 Eleven Afghan policemen are brutally slain in a Taliban ambush.
2007.05.20 Somalia Mogadishu 2 2 Islamic militias kill two civilians in a roadside attack.
2007.05.20 Lebanon al-Qalamoun 17 45 al-Qaeda linked militants calling themselves 'Fatah al-Islam' kill thirteen Lebanese soldiers and four civilians.
2007.05.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists gun down a villager in a drive-by attack.
2007.05.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist motorcycle mechanic is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.05.19 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 33-year-old Buddhist is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while working his rubber plantation.
2007.05.19 Iraq Baghdad 31 20 A market is car-bombed, adding to the toll from random Jihad attacks that leave thirty-one Iraqis dead.
2007.05.19 Iraq Mandali 15 0 Fifteen Kurdish villagers are shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
2007.05.19 Iraq Basra 15 0 Seven janitors are among fifteen innocents kidnapped and tortured by suspected Shia radicals.
2007.05.19 India Baramulla 1 1 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen opens fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.05.19 Afghanistan Kunduz 9 14 Six civilians are among nine killed by a suicide bomber along a crowded city street.
2007.05.19 Afghanistan Shinwar 2 3 Two Afghans are killed in a Taliban terror bombing.
2007.05.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim radicals gun down a cop.
2007.05.18 India Hyderabad 11 35 A pipe-bombing in the washing area of a mosque leaves eleven worshippers dead.
2007.05.18 Iraq Baghdad 31 10 Two ABC journalists are among thirty-one Iraqis cut down in various Jihad attacks.
2007.05.18 Iraq Kirkuk 3 0 A 7-year-old boy is among three people dragged from a car and shot to death by Freedom Fighters.
2007.05.18 Iraq Kut 5 0 A 12-year-old child is among five people executed by sectarian Jihadis.
2007.05.18 Iraq Baqoubah 9 0 Nine people are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2007.05.18 Philippines Cotabato 3 20 An Islamic terror group is suspected in a bombing at a bus terminal that kills a 5-year-old boy and two others.
2007.05.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 4 The Taliban kill seven Afghans with separate blasts, including those who rushed to the aid of victims from the first.
2007.05.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 A suicide attack by religious extremists leaves two civilians dead.
2007.05.17 Iraq Kirkuk 8 0 Eight innocents are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.05.17 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Thirteen people are kidnapped and tortured to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.16 Iraq Abu Saida 45 60 Freedom fighters detonate a chlorine gas bomb in a town, killing at least forty-five Iraqis.
2007.05.16 Iraq Fallujah 7 0 Seven tribesman are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.05.16 Iraq Kirkuk 3 2 Jihadis stop a truck hauling concrete and shoot three occupants to death.
2007.05.16 Algeria Constantine 1 2 A police officer is killed in a bombing attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.05.16 Somalia Shabelle 8 6 At least two journalists are among eight killed when Islamic militias riddle their vehicle with automatic weapons.
2007.05.16 Pakistan Tank 5 12 Five civilians waiting for a bus are cut down in a rocket attack by religious extremists.
2007.05.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 6 0 Hamas militants storm a home, line up six men against a wall and shoot them to death.
2007.05.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 8 0 Hamas gunmen fire on a vehicle carrying prisoners, killing seven persons.
2007.05.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A nurse traveling in an ambulance is shot in the head by unknown Muslim gunmen.
2007.05.16 Somalia Mogadishu 5 5 Five Ugandan peacekeepers are murdered in a roadside bombing attack.
2007.05.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village chief is shot to death by Islamic radicals while sitting in his car.
2007.05.15 Iraq Baghdad 28 23 Muslim terrorists rack up nearly thirty dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.05.15 Iraq Abu Saida 12 22 A suicidal Sunni blows a dozen innocents to Allah.
2007.05.15 Pakistan Peshawar 25 46 A suicide bomber massacres over two dozen people, mostly Afghan refugees, at a hotel. These include women and children.
2007.05.15 Pal. Auth. Karni 8 0 Eight Palestinian police are killed in cold blood by Hamas terrorists.
2007.05.15 Somalia Bardere 5 15 Islamic fundamentalists toss a grenade into a packed theatre, killing two children and three adults watching a movie.
2007.05.14 India Kupwara 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.14 Pakistan Tank 1 2 A government soldier is killed when terrorists toss a grenade at his vehicle.
2007.05.14 Afghanistan Panjwaii 1 1 The Taliban kill an Afghan interpreter in a rocket attack.
2007.05.14 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two plantation laborers are shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.05.14 Thailand Pattani 2 1 A Buddhist married couple are killed, with the father beheaded in front of their 3-year-old daughter by the Religion of Peace.
2007.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 14 18 Jihadis net fourteen civilian deaths in two bombing attacks.
2007.05.14 Iraq Mosul 26 7 Two dozen victims of sectarian violence within Islam are found here and in the capital.
2007.05.13 Algeria Skikda 3 3 Three Algerians are killed when fundamentalists bomb their vehicle.
2007.05.13 Somalia Bakara 1 0 Islamic militias are suspected in the assassination of a government official at a market.
2007.05.13 Thailand Yala 2 0 A husband and wife working at a rubber plantation are shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.05.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 An Afghan is killed in a roadside bomb attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.05.13 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 2 0 Two Palestinians are killed when Hamas gunmen open fire on their car.
2007.05.13 Iraq Mahmur 32 115 A suicide truck bomber murders dozens of Iraqis in an attack on a Kurdish government building.
2007.05.13 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 Twenty-two victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered.
2007.05.13 Iraq Baghdad 17 46 Sunni terrorists bomb a restaurant, killing seventeen.
2007.05.13 Iraq Eweiraj 5 4 Islamic gunmen murder five workers at a flour mill.
2007.05.13 Iraq Baqubah 16 9 A spasm of religious violence leaves a trail of dead women and headless bodies in multiple attacks.
2007.05.12 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot a man to death at a wedding party.
2007.05.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims gun down a Buddhist civilian in a drive-by attack.
2007.05.12 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three rubber-tappers are brutally shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 8 0 Eight policemen are murdered in a Taliban ambush.
2007.05.12 Iraq Baghdad 19 1 Nineteen people are killed by Islamic terrorists in sectarian violence.
2007.05.12 Somalia Mogadishu 4 3 Four people are killed when Islamic militias bomb a vehicle.
2007.05.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An elderly villager is gunned down by militant Muslims in front of a food shop.
2007.05.11 India Kupwara 3 0 Three soldiers succumb to injuries suffered in an earlier attack by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.11 Egypt Behma 0 10 Ten Christians are injured as a Muslim mob rampages through their neighborhood, enraged over the construction of a church.
2007.05.11 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamists murder two police officers, then set fire to the bodies.
2007.05.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A Buddhist villager is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.05.11 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three captured Iraqi soldiers are forced to kneel and call on others to join the terrorists, before being brutally executed to shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'
2007.05.11 Iraq Baghdad 23 57 Freedom Fighters bomb two bridges, killing two dozen Iraqi commuters and guards.
2007.05.11 Iraq Balad 3 2 Muslim gunmen shoot three women to death, as they are riding in a car.
2007.05.11 Iraq Fallujah 24 0 Two dozen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in two locations.
2007.05.11 Algeria Jijel 1 2 Fundamentalists bomb a police checkpoint, killing one Algerian.
2007.05.10 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamists detonate a roadside bomb.
2007.05.10 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 The 'Islamic Army in Iraq' captures nine Iraqi policemen, forces them to kneel, then shoots each in the back of the head while yelling 'Allah Akbar.'
2007.05.10 Iraq Baghdad 23 0 Twenty-three victims of sectarian hatred are found, including several women from the same family.
2007.05.10 Afghanistan Paktika 3 7 Three Afghan civilians are killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.05.09 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A woman is killed when Islamic militants hurl a grenade into a market.
2007.05.09 Iraq al-Jeblah 13 0 Ten women, two children, and one bus driver are massacred by Freedom Fighters up close and personal.
2007.05.09 Iraq Irbil 19 80 A suicidal Sunni takes out nineteen innocent people at an oil ministry building in the name of Allah.
2007.05.09 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four Iraqi journalists are dragged from their car and brutally tortured to death by holy warriors.
2007.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 32 0 Four beheaded bodies are among over thirty victims of sectarian hatred found around the country.
2007.05.09 India Sopore 1 0 A 30-year-old shopkeeper is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.09 Thailand Narathiwat 7 0 Seven Thai soldiers are ambushed with a roadside bomb. Islamists then shoot the wounded in the head.
2007.05.09 Thailand Yala 1 1 A father is murdered, and his 12-year-old son injured, by Muslim radicals.
2007.05.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A hospital worker is killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 59 0 Police recover the bodies of fifty-nine victims tortured and shot by Religion of Peace proponents.
2007.05.08 Iraq Karradah 4 0 Four employees at a higher education office are kidnapped and murdered.
2007.05.08 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Five Iraqis are kidnapped, tortured and murdered.
2007.05.08 India Kupwara 1 2 An Indian security force member is shot to death by infiltrating terrorists.
2007.05.08 Iraq Kufa 45 80 Up to forty-five Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an open-air market near a school.
2007.05.08 Iraq Diyala 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by Islamic terrorists at the school where they work.
2007.05.08 Iraq Baghdad 28 9 Twenty-eight Iraqis are liberated by Freedom Fighters in various attacks.
2007.05.08 Iraq Khanaqin 9 23 A suicide bomber kills two people, as seven more Jihad victims are found elsewhere.
2007.05.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A 38-year-old Afghan is murdered by Islamic extremists on his way to work.
2007.05.08 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 0 A man shoots his 35-year-old sister in the head to preserve 'family honor.'
2007.05.08 Philippines Tacurong 8 23 Jemaah Islamiyah bombers suspected in blast at a crowded market. Eight are killed instantly or succumb to wounds.
2007.05.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslims as he is on his way to work.
2007.05.07 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist plantation worker is shot and set on fire by militant Muslims.
2007.05.07 Iraq Ramadi 25 40 Two suicide car bombers massacre over two dozen Iraqis, including those who came to help victims of the first blast.
2007.05.07 Iraq Baghdad 36 4 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace accounts for three dozen deaths in at least three attacks.
2007.05.07 Iraq Mandili 4 2 Terrorists open up on a bus with automatic weapons, killing four civilians.
2007.05.07 Iraq Khalis 4 0 A woodcarver and his three sons are brutally slain inside their shop by Islamic terrorists.
2007.05.07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Two children die and seven people are wounded when Islamic militias detonate a bomb in the street.
2007.05.07 Thailand Yala 2 1 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is among two rubber tappers murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.05.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A young boy is among the causalities when Islamic extremists fire a rocket into a public building.
2007.05.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Jihadis kill a university professor and injure another.
2007.05.07 Iraq Iskandariyah 2 10 Jihadists fire a mortar round into a home, killing two occupants.
2007.05.07 Iraq Zubayr 1 0 A political leader is assassinated by religious extremists.
2007.05.07 Iraq Khalis 6 0 Six Iraqis are bound together and shot to death by Mujahideen.
2007.05.07 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three local cops are captured and tortured to death.
2007.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 'Rebels' shoot a man to death in his home.
2007.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 A suicide bomber sends four civilians to Allah.
2007.05.06 Chechnya Vedeno 4 3 Four policemen are killed by Jihad militants.
2007.05.06 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two American prison guards are killed by a militant in an Afghan army uniform.
2007.05.06 Iraq Karma 28 12 A brutal attack on a wedding party in which twenty-eight people are kidnapped and either beheaded or burned to death.
2007.05.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 2 Religious extremists target a road construction crew with a roadside bomb, killing five members.
2007.05.06 Pal. Auth. Rafah 1 4 Islamic fundamentalists attack a school that "mixes" girls and boys in class, killing at least one person.
2007.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 42 70 Sunnis car bomb a crowded market, slaughtering over forty Iraqis.
2007.05.06 Iraq Baghdad 28 11 Jihadis rack up twenty-eight dead Iraqis in various attacks.
2007.05.06 Iraq Samarra 12 11 A suicide bomber blows a dozen souls to Allah.
2007.05.06 Pakistan Punjab 2 1 Sunnis shoot two Shia clerics to death inside a home.
2007.05.05 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A civilian is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2007.05.05 Iraq Kannan 4 0 Four members of one family are shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Terrorists mortar a soccer field, killing three children.
2007.05.05 Afghanistan Helmand 2 0 A suicide bomber rams into a police vehicle, killing two Afghans.
2007.05.05 Thailand Yala 3 0 A 2-year-old girl is among three people killed by an Islamic bombing.
2007.05.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is gunned down by Muslim extremists in a drive-by shooting.
2007.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 16 21 A suicide bomber targets young police recruits, murdering at least sixteen.
2007.05.05 Afghanistan Farah 8 2 Taliban fighters attack a small town, killing at least eight Afghans defending it.
2007.05.05 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists bomb a public school, killing a guard.
2007.05.04 Iraq Hilla 5 35 Sunnis bomb a Shia mosque, killing at least five.
2007.05.04 Iraq Fallujah 9 0 Nine people, including four brothers, are kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.04 Iraq Suwayra 8 0 Eight people are kidnapped and executed by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.04 Iraq Baghdad 22 2 Two guards at a rival mosque are among twenty-two people killed by sectarian terrorists.
2007.05.04 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is hacked to death by Islamists in public view at a market.
2007.05.04 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim radicals shoot a man to death and throw his body in a river.
2007.05.04 Thailand Yala 3 0 A 7-year-old boy and an 11-year-old girl are shot to death along with their father by Islamic 'rebels.'
2007.05.04 Pakistan Miran Shah 1 0 Islamists open fire on a car, killing the driver.
2007.05.03 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A British soldier is shot to death by Taliban terrorists while manning a checkpoint.
2007.05.03 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 In a brutal attack, Muslim gunmen storm a home and slaughter a family of nine.
2007.05.03 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Four Filipinos are among twenty-nine people killed by Muslim terrorists in separate attacks.
2007.05.03 Iraq Baiji 6 0 Sunnis kidnap and murder six Iraqi policemen.
2007.05.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist succumbs to injuries suffered from a bomb attack days earlier.
2007.05.03 Afghanistan Oruzgan 1 0 A suicide bomber kills at least one Afghan national.
2007.05.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims gun down a policeman guarding a school.
2007.05.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A villager is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.05.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 29 Religious extremists hide a bomb in a fruit cart, killing at least one innocent at a market.
2007.05.02 Iraq Baghdad 4 35 A suicidal Sunni takes out four Shia civilians in a blast.
2007.05.02 Iraq Mahmoudiya 11 1 Jihadis kill eleven people near a minibus with an explosive.
2007.05.02 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty bodies are found dumped following their execution at the hands of sectarian terrorists.
2007.05.02 India Handwara 1 0 A cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2007.05.02 Afghanistan Paktia 5 2 Five Afghan troops are killed when Taliban ambush a Czech diplomat's vehicle.
2007.05.02 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Islamic militants set off a remote-controlled bomb, killing two policemen.
2007.05.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A lawmaker is shot to death outside his home.
2007.05.02 Pakistan Goorwak 1 0 al-Qaeda-backed militants kidnap a man, then cut off his head.
2007.05.01 Iraq Iskandariyah 14 8 Sunni gunmen fire on Shia vehicles from a highway overpass, killing at least fourteen innocents, including women and children.
2007.05.01 Thailand Pattani 1 26 Four children are among the injured when Muslim bombers detonate explosives outside a market.
2007.05.01 Thailand Yala 1 4 A man is gunned down by Muslim militants at a gas station. His wife and young daughter are injured in the attack.
2007.05.01 Iraq Baghdad 19 6 Nineteen Iraqis are killed in sectarian attacks.
2007.05.01 Iraq Baqubah 10 0 Ten victims of Islamic terrorists are found shot to death.
2007.04.30 Iraq Ramadi 6 10 Freedom fighters murder six Iraqis with a chlorine bomb.
2007.04.30 Iraq Khalis 32 52 A suicidal Sunni takes out thirty-two mourners at a Shia funeral with an explosives vest.
2007.04.30 Iraq Baghdad 37 50 Nearly forty people are killed in various sectarian attacks within the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.30 Pakistan Jandola 2 0 al-Qaeda militants abduct and behead two civilians.
2007.04.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan citizen in a highway attack.
2007.04.30 Ethiopia Jijiga 2 3 Two Christians are killed when Muslims bomb a tent gathering.
2007.04.29 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhists, including a 14-year-old boy, are murdered by militant Muslims. One is beheaded and both bodies are burned.
2007.04.29 India Kulgam 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.04.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 60-year-old cattleman is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.04.29 Afghanistan Herat 2 1 A Taliban roadside attack kills two Afghan soldiers.
2007.04.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gunmen take out a 3-year-old boy riding in a truck.
2007.04.29 Iraq Baghdad 17 8 Three street sweepers are among seventeen people murdered by Islamic radicals in separate attacks.
2007.04.29 Iraq Kut 1 9 A 9-year-old boy is killed when Jihadis bomb a house.
2007.04.29 Iraq Baqubah 12 5 A disembodied head and a shooting ambush on a minibus carrying female university students are part of a dozen deaths at the hands of Muslim terrorists.
2007.04.29 Pakistan Naray Dhoke 1 0 A militant attack on a security post leaves one officer dead.
2007.04.29 India Srinagar 1 25 A Mujahideen grenade attack on a bus stand leaves a woman dead.
2007.04.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 1 Freedom fighters massacre four Iraqi humanitarian workers.
2007.04.28 Iraq Baghdad 22 22 Twenty-two people are killed in Muslim sectarian attacks.
2007.04.28 Iraq Baqubah 27 0 Twenty-seven victims of Islamic terrorism are discovered in two locations, handcuffed and tortured.
2007.04.28 Iraq Karbala 60 170 Freedom fighters car-bomb a Shia shrine, killing sixty innocent people.
2007.04.28 Pakistan Peshawar 28 35 A suicidal religious extremist blows twenty-eight souls to Allah in an assassination attempt on a government minister.
2007.04.28 Iraq Zafaraniyah 4 3 Four Iraqi humanitarian workers are taken down by Islamic gunmen.
2007.04.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 45-year-old man is killed by Muslim gunmen in a drive-by.
2007.04.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 37-year-old civilian is ambushed and killed by radical Muslims.
2007.04.28 Iraq Mosul 17 0 Seventeen bodies are found of kidnapped and murdered victims of the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.27 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot off of his motorcycle by Islamic 'rebels.'
2007.04.27 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A human rights activist is successfully assassinated by the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.27 Iraq Hit 10 20 A suicide truck bomber takes out ten Iraqis.
2007.04.27 Pakistan North Waziristan 4 0 Four people are killed when explosives level a house in the middle of the night.
2007.04.27 Chechnya Shatoi 17 0 Islamic fundamentalists shoot down a Russian helicopter, killing all seventeen aboard.
2007.04.27 Sudan Gnaya 4 5 Four Christians, including a boy, are shot to death by radical Muslims after showing a 'Jesus' film in a village.
2007.04.26 Lebanon Sidon 2 0 A 12-year-old is among two people kidnapped and murdered in ugly fashion by sectarian rivals.
2007.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 35 19 Jihadis bomb a university, killing eight people, and murder twenty-seven others in sectarian attacks.
2007.04.26 Iraq Mosul 3 59 Islamic militants set off several bombs, killing at least three civilians.
2007.04.26 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Islamic militants at an Internet cafe.
2007.04.26 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 The Taliban murder two government officials.
2007.04.26 Afghanistan Mihtarlam 1 0 A civilian is killed in a Taliban bombing.
2007.04.26 Afghanistan Barmal 1 1 A rocket attack by religious extremists leaves at least one civilian dead.
2007.04.26 Afghanistan Barmal 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by suspected Islamic militants.
2007.04.25 Afghanistan Paktika 7 1 Seven Afghan soldiers are killed when the Taliban use a roadside bomb against their vehicle.
2007.04.25 Iraq Baghdad 24 10 A Jihad bombing and several sectarian attacks leave two dozen dead.
2007.04.25 Iraq Balad Ruz 9 16 Nine Iraqis are murdered by a suicide bomber.
2007.04.25 Iraq Mosul 2 2 Fundamentalists attack a bakery, killing the owner and an assistant.
2007.04.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 0 Two Shia brothers are among three killed in a vicious attack by Sunnis.
2007.04.25 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 Somali Islamists set off a car bomb near a hotel, killing seven innocents.
2007.04.25 Afghanistan Paktia 2 0 A census taker and his driver are murdered by religious extremists.
2007.04.24 Iraq Ramadi 25 44 A suicide truck bomber punches his own ticket to Allah - and that of twenty-five others.
2007.04.24 Iraq Baqubah 8 17 Eight people are killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.04.24 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Nineteen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found throughout the city.
2007.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 4 2 Four Afghans are killed when religious extremists ambush their vehicle.
2007.04.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot and attempt to behead a 40-year-old Buddhist man.
2007.04.23 Iraq Diyala 9 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber attacks an American convoy, killing nine soldiers.
2007.04.23 Iraq Baghdad 23 14 A suicidal Sunni attacks a restaurant, blasting eight civilians to death. Fifteen victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
2007.04.23 Iraq Ramadi 19 30 Coordinated car bombs take out nineteen innocent lives in the name of Allah.
2007.04.23 Iraq Baqubah 10 23 A suicide bomber kills ten Iraqi policemen and injures two dozen more.
2007.04.23 Iraq Mosul 10 20 A suicide bomber rams his car into the offices of a political party, slaughtering ten civilians.
2007.04.23 Somalia Mogadishu 4 1 A woman is among the dead, and a baby among the wounded, as Somali Islamists continue to pour on the misery.
2007.04.22 Iraq Baghdad 13 95 Fedayeen suicide bombers kill 13 people, mostly civilians.
2007.04.22 Iraq Saidiya 7 42 Jihadis blast seven Iraqi civilians to Allah with a car bomb.
2007.04.22 Iraq Bashika 23 0 Twenty-three members of a minority religious sect are kidnapped on a bus, taken to a wall and shot to death by the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 An Afghan intelligence officer is invited into a home, then kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2007.04.22 Afghanistan Zabul 2 5 Religious extremists bomb a vehicle, killing two Afghan police.
2007.04.22 India Doda 3 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants attack and kill three Hizb-ul-Mujahideen who were planning to surrender.
2007.04.22 Pakistan Mastung 3 0 Three children, ages 2, 5 and 12, are killed when Muslim terrorists throw explosives into a home.
2007.04.22 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Radical Muslims gun down a husband and injure his wife.
2007.04.22 Afghanistan Khost 10 40 Ten civilians are murdered by a suicide bomber at a market.
2007.04.22 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 A young girl is among two targets taken out by Islamic gunmen.
2007.04.21 Iraq Baghdad 13 5 A bomb on a bus is among at least two Mujahideen attacks that leave thirteen civilians dead.
2007.04.21 Iraq Khalis 8 0 Eight tortured bodies are found, four of who are beheaded in the Islamic tradition.
2007.04.21 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Holy Warriors storm a family home and murder two children and their parents.
2007.04.21 Thailand Pattani 3 1 Three Thai soldiers are killed when local religious extremists set off a bomb.
2007.04.20 Iraq Baghdad 25 27 Two children are among two dozen Iraqis killed by sectarian Jihadis in various attacks.
2007.04.20 India Rajouri 2 0 Islamic terrorists kidnap and behead two Hindu civilians collecting firewood.
2007.04.19 Philippines Parang 7 0 Seven Christian laborers are kidnapped and beheaded by Moro Islamists.
2007.04.19 Iraq Baghdad 26 4 Three Jihad attacks leave twenty-six bodies, nearly all civilians, including a teenage girl.
2007.04.19 Iraq Shirqat 4 0 Islamic terrorists set a car on fire, with four people inside.
2007.04.19 Iraq Baghdad 11 34 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives his truck into a fuel tanker at a gas station, killing eleven innocent people.
2007.04.19 Somalia Mogadishu 12 20 Islamic militias mortar a crowded market, killing a dozen civilians.
2007.04.19 Somalia Mogadishu 10 71 At least ten people, mostly civilians are killed when a Muslim suicide bomber detonates his truck near an Ethiopian army base.
2007.04.19 India Baramulla 1 0 The Mujahideen force their way into a home and then shoot a civilian resident to death.
2007.04.19 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist teenage girls are shot to death by Islamists.
2007.04.18 Somalia Mogadishu 3 6 Islamic militias rain down mortars over a residential area, killing three civilians.
2007.04.18 Iraq Baghdad 192 239 Sunnis slaughter nearly two-hundred Iraqi civilians, mostly Shia women and children in multiple bombing attacks. Some victims were burned alive in vehicles.
2007.04.18 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 44-year-old civilian is shot off of his motorcycle by Muslim radicals.
2007.04.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a 52-year-old civilian to death.
2007.04.18 Iraq Baghdad 22 0 Twenty-two bodies are found here and elsewhere, some of which were beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2007.04.18 Turkey Malatya 3 3 Three Christians working at a Bible distribution company are brutally tortured and murdered by local Islamists. All three had their throats cut.
2007.04.17 Sudan Sires Umm al-Qura 73 12 Government troops of the Islamic republic massacre over seventy African villagers in at least eleven separate attacks over three days.
2007.04.17 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist police officer is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2007.04.17 Iraq Ramadi 17 0 Seventeen people are kidnapped and brutally executed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.04.17 Iraq Abu Saida 2 5 Muslim gunmen attack a displaced family, killing two members.
2007.04.17 Iraq Hawija 3 4 Jihadis car-bomb a gas station, killing three patrons.
2007.04.17 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim radicals kill two Buddhist plantation workers with a shotgun, then cut the head off of one.
2007.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 15 16 A university professor is among fifteen people gunned down in at least three Jihad attacks.
2007.04.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 The Taliban bomb a UN vehicle, killing five occupants.
2007.04.17 Afghanistan Herat 4 3 Four children are killed by a bomb planted by religious extremists at their school.
2007.04.17 Nigeria Kano 13 0 A woman is among thirteen people torn apart by Muslim fundamentalists in a mob attack.
2007.04.16 India Pulwama 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants kill a guard near a railway track.
2007.04.16 India Doda 1 1 Two civilians are abducted by the Mujahideen, who kill one in captivity.
2007.04.16 Pakistan Kohat-Peshawar 1 2 A man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists in an attack on a highway.
2007.04.16 Iraq Baghdad 14 7 A female university student is among fourteen people murdered in separate Jihad attacks.
2007.04.16 Iraq Mosul 23 4 Two college professors and a 17-year-old boy are two dozen Iraqis murdered in four separate attacks
2007.04.16 Pakistan Badh Beer 3 4 Three children are killed, and four others injured when militants toss a grenade into a family home.
2007.04.16 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 32 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills ten Afghans and injures another thirty.
2007.04.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Ten Islamic militants open fire on a Thai army base, killing one soldier.
2007.04.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 A town mayor is gunned down in a Muslim terror attack outside his home.
2007.04.16 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists murder a civilian in a drive-by attack outside a tea shop.
2007.04.16 Iraq Diyala 1 1 Fundamentalists kill a barber in his shop.
2007.04.15 India Munawajji 2 1 Two civilians are murdered in a shooting attack on their vehicle by the Mujahideen.
2007.04.15 Iraq Baghdad 44 43 Several attacks by Jihadis, including three car bombings, leave over forty Iraqi civilians dead.
2007.04.15 Iraq Baghdad 15 50 A coordinated bomb attack on a market leave about fifteen patrons dead and another fifty in agony.
2007.04.15 Iraq Mosul 4 16 Four people are killed when suicidal Sunnis drive bomb-laden trucks into a building.
2007.04.15 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 4 1 A suicide bomber kills several Afghans in an attack on a highway.
2007.04.15 Algeria Ait Mahmoud 2 0 Two Berber civilians are shot to death by five Islamic militants.
2007.04.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot three times in the torso by Muslim radicals, who then set fire to his body.
2007.04.15 India Pulwama 1 0 A Christian church worker is kidnapped, brutally tortured and then beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2007.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 35 50 A suicide car bomber kills thirty-five Iraqi commuters on a downtown bridge.
2007.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 29 19 Twenty-nine people are murdered by sectarian Jihadis in at least three attacks around the country.
2007.04.14 Algeria Boumerdes 4 2 Four Algerian security are killed in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.04.14 Philippines Panamao 3 10 A child is among three killed when Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a military camp.
2007.04.14 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamic terrorists gun down two civilians riding a motorcycle.
2007.04.14 Iraq Karbala 47 224 Sixteen children are among 47 Shias slaughtered by a suicidal Sunni bomber at a bus station near a crowded market.
2007.04.14 Afghanistan Khost 8 6 Eight Afghan police are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.04.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 19-year-old boy is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.04.13 India Batmalu 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen opens fire on a policeman in a brutal attack that also injures a young girl.
2007.04.12 Iraq Baghdad 19 9 Sectarian violence claims the lives of nearly twenty people around the capital.
2007.04.12 Philippines Indanan 2 10 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill two Filipino soldiers.
2007.04.12 Pakistan Miranshah 1 3 One civilian is killed when militants fire a rocket into a house.
2007.04.12 Pakistan Chardiwar 5 6 Sunni gunmen raid a Shia village, killing five civilians.
2007.04.12 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two civilians are killed from stray bullets as Islamic militias ambush government troops.
2007.04.12 Iraq Baghdad 8 23 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates in a parliament building, killing eight fellow Iraqis.
2007.04.12 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Jihadis bomb a bridge, killing ten Iraqi commuters.
2007.04.12 Iraq Kirkuk 6 19 Holy warriors bomb a minibus, killing six passengers.
2007.04.12 Somalia Mogadishu 52 165 Islamic militias shoot rockets and mortars into populated areas in a running battle against the government.
2007.04.11 Sudan Abujogh Market 40 25 Arab militias massacre forty African villagers in an attack with heavy machine-guns.
2007.04.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A woman journalist and her husband are kidnapped and brutally murdered. Their bodies are set on fire.
2007.04.11 Iraq Baghdad 34 8 A teacher is among thirty-four people murdered by Islamic terrorists in at least five attacks around the country.
2007.04.11 Pakistan Sadda 27 30 Sectarian clashes between Sunni and Shia leave at least twenty-seven dead.
2007.04.11 Pakistan Kurram 3 11 Separate missile attacks on three villages by Islamic radicals kill at least three civilians.
2007.04.11 Bangladesh Jhalakathi 1 0 Jama'atul Mujahideen is suspected to be behind the assassination of a prosecutor.
2007.04.11 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three people riding a minibus are shot full of holes in an attack by Islamic gunmen.
2007.04.11 Algeria Algiers 33 222 Thirty-three people are killed by Islamic fundamentalists in three separate suicide bombings.
2007.04.11 Thailand Yala 2 0 A 19-year-old Buddhist man and his mother are gunned down by radical Muslims.
2007.04.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 50-year-old man is murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2007.04.11 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 26-year-old Buddhist woman is burned alive by the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 9 Nine civilians are wounded by a suicide bomber. Two Canadians are killed in a separate bombing.
2007.04.10 Iraq Muqdadiyah 21 33 A woman with explosives hidden beneath her abaya wades into a crowd of police recruits and slaughters sixteen. A second bombing kills five more.
2007.04.10 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 Six people are murdered when Sunni radicals set off a bomb near a university.
2007.04.10 Iraq Baghdad 1 17 One 6-year-old boy is killed and seventeen other children and teachers injured when Jihadis send a rocket into a basketball court.
2007.04.10 Iraq Hilla 2 4 Islamic terrorists plant a bomb in a home, netting six casualties from the same family.
2007.04.10 Iraq Fallujah 10 1 Five victims of sectarian violence are found here, and five others elsewhere.
2007.04.10 Pakistan Pir Qayyum 3 0 Three people lose their lives in sectarian violence.
2007.04.10 Pakistan Balishtkhel 3 0 Fighting between Sunnis and Shia leaves three people dead.
2007.04.10 Pakistan Ibrahimzai 1 0 A man is killed in fighting between sectarian factions.
2007.04.10 Pakistan Shingak 1 0 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims another life.
2007.04.10 Morocco Casablanca 1 1 A police officer is killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.04.10 India Srinagar 1 10 A shopkeeper is killed when Mujahideen terrorists toss a grenade into his store.
2007.04.09 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 The bodies of seventeen victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found.
2007.04.09 Afghanistan Zabul 4 19 Religious extremists ambush a military convoy, killing four Afghan soldiers.
2007.04.09 Afghanistan Khakraiz 1 0 A civilian is killed in a Taliban attack.
2007.04.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims gun down a Buddhist civilian in a drive-by.
2007.04.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 55-year-old truck driver's body is ripped in half by a Muslim bomb.
2007.04.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 34-year-old Buddhist man is killed in a drive-by shooting by Islamic radicals.
2007.04.09 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist ice cream vendor is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2007.04.08 Thailand Yala 1 0 A rubber plantation worker is shot to death by Islamists.
2007.04.08 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot and kill a civilian outside his home.
2007.04.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 0 Six Canadians are killed by Taliban extremists in a roadside blast.
2007.04.08 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 18 23 Freedom fighters bomb a hospital, killing eighteen Iraqis.
2007.04.08 Iraq Baghdad 24 21 A suicide car bomber is one of several Jihad attacks that leave two-dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Pewer 4 0 Four Shias are shot to death by radical Sunnis.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Chardiwar 2 0 Two Shias are gunned down by Sunni terrorists.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Mallikhel 2 0 Sunnis murder two Shias in a sectarian attack.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Karman 1 0 A Shia civilian is shot to death by Sunnis.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Boshera 5 0 Three women and two children are killed in sectarian violence.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Sadda 2 0 Two Sunnis are killed by radical Shia gunmen.
2007.04.08 Pakistan Wana 2 0 A tribal leader and his deputy are shot to death by al-Qaeda backed militants.
2007.04.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban beheads a kidnapped Afghan journalist.
2007.04.07 Pakistan Parachinar 10 83 Sunni gunmen open up on a crowd of Shias leaving a mosque. Ten people are killed in the ensuing firefight.
2007.04.07 Iraq Baghdad 15 5 Shootings and bombings leave at least fifteen dead.
2007.04.07 Iraq Baqubah 27 2 Twenty-seven victims of sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace are found around the city.
2007.04.07 Iraq Karbala 6 0 Six shepherds are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.04.07 Algeria Zaccar Forest 9 7 Nine Algerian soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.04.07 Afghanistan Farah 7 4 The Taliban murder seven Afghans trying to clear land mines.
2007.04.07 Philippines Parang 10 2 Ten people, including a civilian, are killed in an ambush by suspected Abu Sayyaf terrorists.
2007.04.07 India Baramulla 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen.
2007.04.06 Saudi Arabia Medina 1 2 A police officer is killed in an attack by an al-Qaeda suspect.
2007.04.06 Afghanistan Kabul 6 4 A suicide bomber takes out five civilians and the police officer who tried to stop him.
2007.04.06 Yemen Amran 0 30 Radicals rampage through a rival mosque, spraying gasoline and setting people on fire.
2007.04.06 Iraq Ramadi 25 30 Freedom fighters use a chlorine truck bomb to kill twenty-five Iraqis, mostly civilians.
2007.04.06 Iraq Tal Afar 19 5 A child is among nineteen people found dead here and in the capital following sectarian terror attacks.
2007.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A mother of three is kidnapped and shot to death by Sunni terrorists.
2007.04.05 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim radicals as they are traveling in a car.
2007.04.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A 51-year-old man is ambushed and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.04.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic extremists murder a 52-year-old man inside his home.
2007.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Gunmen kill thirteen civilians, including a child, in separate attacks.
2007.04.05 Iraq Diyala 22 0 At least two women are among twenty-two people kidnapped and either shot to death or beheaded by the Religion of Peace.
2007.04.05 Afghanistan Zabul 5 0 Religious extremists kill five Afghans guarding a road.
2007.04.05 Afghanistan Khost 1 3 Religious extremists shoot an Afghan interpreter to death.
2007.04.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 7 An Afghan police officer is killed when the Taliban bomb his vehicle.
2007.04.05 Thailand Yala 0 16 Radical Muslims bomb a rival mosque, injuring sixteen people.
2007.04.05 Iraq Basra 5 1 Iran is suspected to be behind the death of four British soldiers and a civilian in a bomb attack.
2007.04.04 Iraq Kirkuk 11 0 Freedom fighters murder eleven power plant workers.
2007.04.04 Iraq Hilla 3 0 Two people are beheaded and a prostitute is stabbed to death by religious fundamentalists.
2007.04.04 India Tral 1 0 A woman succumbs to injuries following a Mujahideen attack.
2007.04.04 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Islamic radicals open up with automatic weapons on two men leaving a tea shop.
2007.04.04 Algeria Biskra 3 7 An al-Qaeda attack leaves three Algerian soldiers dead and seven more injured.
2007.04.03 Iraq Baghdad 15 2 Sectarian attacks at a university and elsewhere leave fifteen Iraqis dead.
2007.04.03 Iraq Baqubah 17 0 Jihadis kill seventeen people in attacks in three different cities.
2007.04.03 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Muslim radicals ambush and kill three Thai policemen.
2007.04.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamists shoot at two men riding a motorcycle, killing one.
2007.04.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 2 Religious extremists attack a police checkpoint, killing three officers.
2007.04.02 Iraq Sab al-Bor 1 0 An 11-year-old boy has his throat slit by al-Qaeda.
2007.04.02 Pakistan Shin Warsak 2 0 Foreign militants storm a local residence, killing a man and a 15-year-old boy.
2007.04.02 Iraq Kirkuk 13 167 Radical Sunnis bomb a school, killing thirteen, including eight schoolgirls and a baby. Nearly two-hundred others are wounded.
2007.04.02 Iraq Baqubah 21 0 Twenty-one people are abducted and murdered by Jihadis.
2007.04.02 Iraq Khalis 3 20 A suicide bomber targets a restaurant, killing at least three patrons.
2007.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 20 15 At least three separate Jihad attacks leave twenty people dead.
2007.04.02 Pakistan Shalobar 2 9 Two people, including a student, are killed by gunfire during a sectarian clash.
2007.04.01 India Baramulla 1 0 Jihadis shoot a politician to death.
2007.04.01 Iraq Baghdad 37 22 Islamic terrorists rack up three-dozen dead Iraqis in various attacks around the country.
2007.04.01 Sudan Um Baru 5 0 Muslim gunmen shoot five AU peacekeepers to death in an unprovoked attack.
2007.04.01 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 34-year-old Buddhist is shot off his motorcycle by militant Muslims while riding to work.
2007.04.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A truck driver is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2007.04.01 Afghanistan Musa Qala 3 0 Three villagers are abducted and hanged by the Taliban.
2007.04.01 Afghanistan Mihtarlam 5 6 Three children are among five civilians blown up by a suicidal religious extremist.
2007.03.31 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 Islamists fire mortars at the presidential palace, killing at least one person.
2007.03.31 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 29-year-old man is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.03.31 Sudan Nyala 23 0 Twenty-three villagers are massacred by Arab militias.
2007.03.31 Sudan Bolbol Jazou 30 0 Thirty villagers are reported dead in the second town to be attacked by Janjaweed militia.
2007.03.31 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 4 Seven Afghan cops are killed in a brutal ambush by Taliban extremists.
2007.03.31 Iraq Baghdad 19 22 Freedom fighters car bomb a hospital, killing five Iraqis. Fourteen bodies are found elsewhere.
2007.03.31 Iraq Kirkuk 8 2 Four brothers are among eight civilian workers murdered by Jihadis in an ambush on their bus.
2007.03.31 Iraq Hilla 4 23 Four people are killed when Muslim terrorists detonate a car bomb along a city street.
2007.03.31 Chad Tiero and Marena 200 0 Janjaweed militias surround two African villages and fire into them, killing at least two-hundred Africans, including women and children.
2007.03.31 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A retired teacher is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.03.31 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 An elderly Buddhist couple is murdered in their store by Islamic gunmen posing as customers.
2007.03.30 Iraq Mosul 44 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian violence are found in Mosul, a dozen in Baghdad, and seven in Baqubah.
2007.03.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 1 Religious fundamentalists attack a government checkpoint, killing five Afghans.
2007.03.30 Pakistan Shen Warsak 2 0 Two children are killed when Uzbeki militants fire a rocket into their home.
2007.03.30 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A Buddhist policeman is killed in a Muslim bombing.
2007.03.30 Iraq Suwayra 9 0 Nine Iraqis are bound and executed by Islamic terrorists here and at Tal Afar.
2007.03.29 Somalia Mogadishu 2 12 Islamic militias mortar a mosque, killing two children.
2007.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 82 138 Suicide bombers strike a marketplace, massacring over eighty shoppers and leaving more than a hundred others in agony.
2007.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 41 46 At least three Jihad attacks leave more than forty civilians dead.
2007.03.29 Iraq Khalis 53 103 Sunni terrorists use multiple, coordinated car bombs to slaughter over fifty Iraqi Shias.
2007.03.29 Iraq Mahmudiya 5 20 An eye doctor is gunned down on his way to work, as Islamic terrorists also kill four other innocents with a car bomb.
2007.03.29 India Rajouri 5 4 Five Hindus working on a remote road are brutally murdered by Islamists.
2007.03.29 Pakistan Kharian 2 7 An elderly suicide bomber wanders into a group of soldiers, resting after training, and kills two.
2007.03.28 Iraq Tal Afar 50 70 Sectarian killings net over fifty Iraqis, mostly reprisals for the previous day's bombing.
2007.03.28 Iraq Baghdad 29 55 A chlorine bombing is among four Jihad attacks that leave two dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.03.28 Iraq Suwayra 5 0 Five people are kidnapped and killed, including one by beheading.
2007.03.28 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A 35-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamic gunmen in an attack that also injures his wife.
2007.03.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 Radical Muslims shoot an elderly Buddhist man twice in the chest. He dies on his way to the hospital.
2007.03.28 India Rajouri 1 0 A civilian is beheaded in his village by the Mujahideen.
2007.03.28 Pakistan Tank 2 4 Two people are killed in a militant attack.
2007.03.28 Afghanistan Kabul 4 12 A suicide bomber kills four people at a market.
2007.03.28 Algeria Kabylie 3 0 Three Algerian security forces are attacked and killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.03.27 Afghanistan Bajaur 5 0 Islamic terrorists kill four Pakistani intelligence agents on a remote highway.
2007.03.27 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 4 A religious extremist blows himself up in a police station, killing four people.
2007.03.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Islamic militants kill a Pakistani engineer and injure two Afghans in a shooting ambush.
2007.03.27 Iraq Tal Afar 152 347 Freedom fighters use twin truck bombs at two markets to massacre over one-hundred and fifty Iraqis. Afterwards, they attack ambulances carrying the wounded.
2007.03.27 Iraq Ramadi 17 32 A suicidal Sunni murders seventeen people in a restaurant.
2007.03.27 Iraq Baghdad 19 15 At least nineteen people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.03.27 Iraq Diwaniya 6 0 A half-dozen Iraqis are murdered in Jihad attacks.
2007.03.26 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Militant Muslims shoot two Buddhist electricians, killing one
2007.03.26 Pakistan Tank 2 13 Militants attack a police station, killing two security staff.
2007.03.26 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Two women and a 14-year-old boy are brutally murdered by Islamic insurgents.
2007.03.26 Iraq Baghdad 21 8 At least three separate Jihad attacks leave nearly two-dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.03.26 Yemen Saada 2 0 Two Western students (British and French) are killed by radical Shiites.
2007.03.26 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two elderly nuns, aged 79 and 85, are stabbed to death in their home.
2007.03.25 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 2 2 The Taliban attack a police station, killing two Afghan officers.
2007.03.25 India Tral 1 0 A police officer is kidnapped and strangled by the Mujahideen.
2007.03.25 Iraq Baqubah 7 0 A suicide bomber is one of at least two attacks that leaves seven Iraqis dead.
2007.03.25 Iraq Baghdad 27 33 At least twenty-seven people are killed by sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.03.24 Iraq Baghdad 9 0 Nine Iraqi children playing soccer are deliberately machine-gunned to death by Sunni terrorists.
2007.03.24 Sudan Sirba 3 15 Three African villagers are killed by Arab militias in a deadly raid.
2007.03.24 Chechnya Grozny 1 3 A Russian is killed in a Mujahideen roadside bomb attack.
2007.03.24 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two Buddhist policemen are shot to death at point-blank range at a market by Muslim radicals.
2007.03.24 Iraq Baghdad 36 26 A suicide truck bomber kills rival Muslims in a neighborhood, as sixteen bodies are found elsewhere.
2007.03.24 Iraq Haswa 11 45 Eleven people at a rival mosque are killed by a suicidal Muslim blasting his way to paradise.
2007.03.24 Iraq Tal Afar 10 3 A Fedayeen bomber blows himself up in a market, killing eight shoppers at a pastry shop.
2007.03.24 Iraq Fallujah 12 0 Sunni terrorists murder a dozen people.
2007.03.23 India Shopian 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is shot and killed by the Mujahideen.
2007.03.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 5 In three separate attacks, religious extremists ambush Afghan police, killing at least five.
2007.03.23 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 3 A 2-year-old child is killed in the crossfire when Fatah and Hamas open up on each other.
2007.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 11 0 Somali Islamists shoot down a cargo plane with a rocket, killing eleven Belarus civilians.
2007.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 2 8 Islamic insurgents attack Ethiopian troops. At least two people are killed.
2007.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 9 15 Nine people are killed during an assassination attempt on the country's vice president by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 19 Six people are killed in a Jihad car bombing at a used car lot.
2007.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 26 2 A mother and daughter are among two dozen people murdered by sectarian Jihadis.
2007.03.23 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two teenagers are among four people slain by Islamic radicals.
2007.03.23 Iraq al Bu Ajeel 4 0 An infant is among four members of a family murdered inside their home by Muslim gunmen.
2007.03.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 17 4 Taliban extremists ambush a supply convoy, killing two truck drivers and fifteen security guards.
2007.03.22 Somalia Kismayo 1 3 A woman is killed in a grenade attack.
2007.03.22 India Kupwara 1 0 A policeman dies of injuries suffered in a Mujahideen attack two days earlier.
2007.03.22 Iraq Kirkuk 3 7 Two Jihad attacks leave three civilians dead.
2007.03.22 Iraq Baghdad 28 5 Twenty-eight victims of sectarian violence are killed in various attacks.
2007.03.21 Iraq al-Madaen 8 18 Jihadis slam two mortars into a residential area, killing eight people.
2007.03.21 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.03.21 Nigeria Gombe 1 0 A female Christian teacher is attacked and killed by her students, who accused her of 'desecrating' the Qur'an.
2007.03.20 Iraq Mosul 12 40 A suicide bomber is one of two Sunni extremists who kill innocent people in separate attacks.
2007.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 43 36 Forty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace lose their lives in at least three separate attacks.
2007.03.20 Iraq al-Touz 2 0 Two brothers are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2007.03.20 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Islamic militias mortar a neighborhood.
2007.03.20 Somalia Mogadishu 6 36 Four Somali and two Ethiopian soldiers are killed by Islamists, who drag the bodies of several through the streets.
2007.03.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Muslim radicals murder a Thai soldier and injure two others in a shooting attack.
2007.03.20 Afghanistan Zabul 1 0 An Afghan driver's decapitated body is found a week after he was killed by the Taliban.
2007.03.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 A 15-year-old boy is killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.03.19 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 6 Two children are killed in crossfire between rival Islamist groups.
2007.03.19 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A policeman is shot to death by Taliban militants.
2007.03.19 Iraq Kirkuk 12 39 Jihadis massacre a dozen Iraqis with car bombs.
2007.03.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 25 Sunni radicals plant a bomb in a Shia mosque, killing four worshippers.
2007.03.19 Pakistan Jacobabad 1 0 A woman is killed by her brother for having 'illicit' relations outside of marriage.
2007.03.19 Thailand Pattani 3 3 Three Buddhist women are shot to death by militant Muslims while riding to work at a farm.
2007.03.18 Somalia Mogadishu 2 18 Two people are killed when Islamic militias bomb a restaurant.
2007.03.18 Iraq Baghdad 6 30 Sunni terrorists detonate a car bomb in a Shia neighborhood, killing six residents.
2007.03.18 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 Religious extremists gun down a watchman, then set fire to four music shops.
2007.03.18 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot off of his motorcycle by Muslim radicals.
2007.03.18 Thailand Songkhla 2 2 Two Buddhist factory workers, a mother and daughter, are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.18 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 Islamic insurgents assassinate a police chief.
2007.03.18 Iraq Ramadi 9 0 Nine Iraqi policemen are tortured and then decapitated by Sunni militants.
2007.03.18 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.18 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 A woman and her daughter are killed when Freedom Fighters lob a mortar into their home.
2007.03.17 Thailand Songkhla 3 7 Muslim terrorists attack a boarding school with bullets and bombs, killing three children and injuring at least seven more.
2007.03.17 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 2 Two children are murdered by a suicide bomber.
2007.03.17 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Two policemen are killed during an ambush on their convoy by religious extremists.
2007.03.17 Iraq Baghdad 19 0 Sunni-Shia sectarian violence leaves at least nineteen dead.
2007.03.17 Iraq Mahmudiya 2 0 Two people are tortured to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.16 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Terrorists slay two men and two women, but leave two infants alive beside the bodies.
2007.03.16 Iraq Baghdad 12 0 Twelve people are killed by sectarian Jihadis in at least two attacks.
2007.03.16 Iraq Fallujah 8 350 Freedom fighters unleash suicide chlorine bombers on a populace, killing at least eight and injuring hundreds.
2007.03.16 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban execute the captured Afghan driver of an Italian journalist.
2007.03.16 India Baramulla 1 7 The Mujahideen throw a bomb into a bus stop, killing one person.
2007.03.16 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A government official is killed by a Hamas gunmen.
2007.03.16 Somalia Mogadishu 7 1 Islamic militias bomb a house, killing seven people, including four children.
2007.03.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Muslim terrorist shoots an office worker three times in the back before fleeing.
2007.03.15 Iraq Baghdad 8 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eight Iraqis and injures two dozen more.
2007.03.15 Iraq Iskandariya 6 23 Jihadis kill six passengers in a car-bomb attack on a bus.
2007.03.15 Iraq Mosul 4 11 Two separate Jihad attacks leave four people dead.
2007.03.14 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Freedom fighters murder seventeen Iraqis.
2007.03.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A human rights activist is gunned down while drinking tea at a shop.
2007.03.14 Thailand Yala 1 11 Islamists bomb a moderate mosque, killing at least one person.
2007.03.14 Thailand Yala 2 11 Radicals throw a bomb into a coffee shop, killing two innocents.
2007.03.14 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Four decapitated heads are found.
2007.03.14 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 10 15 A suicide bomber yells, "Allah Akbar," then blasts the life out of ten people at a market.
2007.03.14 Iraq Mosul 2 4 Jihadis kill a man and his young child with mortars.
2007.03.14 Iraq Hillah 3 0 Three off-duty policemen are brutally gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.14 Thailand Yala 9 1 Islamists bomb a bus full of Buddhists, then shoot all of the victims at close range. Two teenage girls are among those massacred.
2007.03.14 Afghanistan Faryab 1 1 Taliban militants shoot a police officer off of a motorbike.
2007.03.14 Afghanistan Khost 5 38 A suicide bomber wearing a Muslim prayer cap strikes near a police patrol, killing five other people.
2007.03.13 Yemen Saada 12 0 Twelve Yemeni soldiers are killed in a clash with radicals Shias.
2007.03.13 Somalia Sheik Sufi 3 1 Islamic militias fire shells into a neighborhood, killing three civilians.
2007.03.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 The 12-year-old son of the president is killed in a mortar attack by Islamic militias.
2007.03.13 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 6 Three civilians are blown to bits by a suicide bomber, who detonates in a crowd of people.
2007.03.13 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 6 A suicide bomber murders at least one other person.
2007.03.13 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 1 Two people, including a teacher, are gunned down in separate sectarian attacks.
2007.03.13 Iraq Baghdad 30 7 At least thirty people are killed in six separate bombing and shooting attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.03.13 Iraq Mosul 18 4 Eighteen victims of sectarian violence are found over a 48-hour period.
2007.03.13 Pakistan Borianwala 2 0 A young woman and her lover are gunned down by her father and brothers in an honor killing.
2007.03.12 Pakistan Belod 3 0 Two men and a woman are shot and stoned to death for adultery by the Lashkar-Islam group.
2007.03.12 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shia rickshaw driver is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2007.03.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 At least one person is killed when an Islamist tosses a bomb into a restaurant.
2007.03.12 Iraq Iskandariya 2 2 Jihadis mortar a soccer field, killing two boys.
2007.03.12 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Islamic militias attack Ethiopian troops. A boy and a woman are killed in the crossfire.
2007.03.12 Afghanistan Bakwa 9 1 Religious extremists blow up an Afghan police convoy, killing nine officers.
2007.03.12 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found around the city.
2007.03.12 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Four firemen are killed by Islamic terrorists in a bombing.
2007.03.12 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 al-Qaeda militants kidnap and behead a civilian.
2007.03.12 Thailand Pattani 3 10 Islamists set off a bomb, injuring ten people, behead a migrant worker and shoot two more to death.
2007.03.11 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two Buddhists, a brother and sister, are murdered by radical Muslims as they are returning from their rubber plantation.
2007.03.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 60-year-old rubber tapper is shot to death by Islamists.
2007.03.11 Iraq Karbala 32 25 A suicidal Sunni targets a truck carrying Shia pilgrims, managing to murder over thirty.
2007.03.11 Iraq Baghdad 10 8 A suicide bomber kills ten fellow human beings.
2007.03.11 Iraq Mussayab 5 7 Jihadis kill five people in two separate attacks.
2007.03.11 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 Four policemen are killed in a terrorist bombing.
2007.03.11 Somalia Mogadisuh 4 0 Four civilians are gunned down in separate attacks.
2007.03.11 Iraq Baghdad 20 0 Twenty victims of sectarian hatred are found executed in various parts of the city.
2007.03.10 India Tral 2 0 Two civilians are killed when fleeing militants use them as human shields.
2007.03.10 India Srinagar 1 2 One member of a security patrol is killed when the Mujahideen hurl a grenade at them.
2007.03.10 Pakistan Dwatoi 1 0 A Pakistani soldier is killed by radical militants along the Afghan border.
2007.03.10 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist man and wife are brutally slain by Muslim gunmen as they are driving home from market.
2007.03.10 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 A government employee is killed by radical Sunnis while buying milk at a grocery.
2007.03.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A bomb kills one person at a pasta factory.
2007.03.10 Afghanistan Arghastan 8 2 Religious extremists cross over from Pakistan and kill eight Afghan border guards.
2007.03.10 Iraq Baghdad 27 37 Freedom fighters murder over two-dozen Iraqis in at least five separate attacks.
2007.03.10 Iraq Kirkuk 3 55 Jihadis rocket a bus station, killing at least three innocents.
2007.03.10 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A Pakistani solider is shot to death by Islamic militants at a checkpoint.
2007.03.09 Afghanistan Arghandab 2 6 Two civilians are killed and six wounded by a roadside bomb attack.
2007.03.09 Iraq Baghdad 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found murdered..
2007.03.09 India Melapalayam 1 0 A 35-year-old woman is pelted with stones and stabbed to death by members of al-Umma for having an affair.
2007.03.09 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 An Afghan refugee is executed by Taliban militants.
2007.03.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists enter a grocery store pretending to be customers, then shoot the owner to death.
2007.03.09 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shia businessman is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2007.03.08 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Jihadis kill two civilians with a bomb, and another in a shooting attack.
2007.03.08 Afghanistan Mirwais Mena 1 5 Three children are among five civilians injured by a suicide bomber. Elsewhere, a German aid worker is killed.
2007.03.08 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A Sunni activist is gunned down by radical Shias while sitting in a cafe.
2007.03.07 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist rubber tapper is beheaded by Muslim radicals, who then set his body on fire.
2007.03.07 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Islamic terrorists, who also injure his wife and a 7-year-old girl.
2007.03.07 Iraq Balad Ruz 30 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows himself up in a cafe, taking the lives of thirty innocent people.
2007.03.07 Iraq Diwaniya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill a police officer and his 10-year-old son.
2007.03.07 Pakistan Sui 1 12 Terrorists detonate a bomb, killing a pro-government tribal elder and wounding 12 others.
2007.03.07 Somalia Mogadishu 12 19 Islamic militias ambush a Ugandan convoy, killing a dozen civilians along a city street.
2007.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 22 49 Sunnis kill another twenty-two Shia pilgrims walking by the side of the road in four separate attacks.
2007.03.06 Pakistan South Waziristan 7 1 Uzbeki Mujahideen attack a local chieftain's home, killing his brothers. Four others are killed in the ensuing gunfight.
2007.03.06 Philippines Mindanao 1 2 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a government post, killing a solider.
2007.03.06 Pakistan Kandhkot 1 0 A woman is shot to death by her brother-in-law on suspicion of having an affair.
2007.03.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 35-year-old Buddhist is murdered by militant Muslims in a drive-by attack.
2007.03.06 Afghanistan Nangarhar 8 35 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves eight civilians dead and over thirty-five injured.
2007.03.06 Iraq Hilla 93 150 Sunnis suicide bombers attack Shia pilgrims walking in a procession, killing about one-hundred in a brutal attack.
2007.03.06 Iraq Baghdad 18 36 Three car bombs set by radical Sunnis target Shia pilgrims, killing at least eighteen.
2007.03.06 Iraq Mosul 5 18 Terrorists set off a car bomb, killing five civilians.
2007.03.06 Iraq Tikrit 14 76 Sunni gunmen shoot fourteen Shia pilgrims to death in at least four shooting attacks around the country.
2007.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred are found executed.
2007.03.05 Thailand Yala 1 3 Two married couples are targeted by Muslim gunmen, resulting in one death and three injuries.
2007.03.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 70-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2007.03.05 Iraq Sulaiman Bek 4 0 Four people are tortured and shot to death by Islamic militants.
2007.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 13 27 Children are among those killed when Sunnis attack Shia pilgrims in at least three separate bombing and shooting attacks.
2007.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 26 54 Over two dozen people are slaughtered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber along a city street.
2007.03.05 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 21-year-old Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslim insurgents while standing in a phone booth.
2007.03.05 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two men are gunned down by radical Muslims in a drive-by shooting.
2007.03.05 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist rice paddy workers are murdered by Muslim gunmen as they are working.
2007.03.05 Somalia Mogadishu 7 2 Islamic militias are suspected in three separate shooting attacks that leave seven people dead, including business leaders.
2007.03.05 Sudan Graida 2 0 Two African Union peacekeepers are murdered by suspected Arab militias.
2007.03.04 Pakistan Nawabshah 2 0 A Muslim man hacks his sister and her lover to death with a hatchet in an honor killing.
2007.03.04 Afghanistan Khost 2 10 The Taliban attack a forest ranger station, killing two innocent people.
2007.03.04 Algeria Beni Yeni 7 1 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police convoy, killing seven people.
2007.03.04 Iraq Mosul 21 0 Four brothers are among twenty-one people murdered by Islamic terrorists in at least three attacks.
2007.03.04 Iraq Baghdad 34 7 Thirty-four people are killed by Islamic bombers and gunmen over a 24-hour period.
2007.03.04 India Dharmari 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
2007.03.04 Afghanistan Nangarhar 16 25 The Hezb-e-Islami terrorist groups takes responsibility for a suicide attack that kills sixteen Afghan civilians.
2007.03.03 Iraq Ramadi 12 22 A child is among a dozen people blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.03.03 Iraq Yusufiya 6 0 Six members of one family are shot to death inside their home by Sunnis angry that they were seeking peace with Shias.
2007.03.03 Iraq Latifiya 3 0 Freedom fighters murder a mother and her two children with a roadside bomb.
2007.03.03 Iraq Tikrit 3 3 Three Iraqis are killed in a terrorist bombing.
2007.03.03 Algeria Ain Defla 4 5 Four oil workers are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists while traveling in a bus.
2007.03.03 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A civilian is shot and killed by Muslim militants.
2007.03.03 Afghanistan Herat 2 17 Two Afghan civilians are blown to bits by a bomb planted by religious extremists.
2007.03.03 Indonesia Ambon 0 13 At least a dozen people are injured in a nail bomb blast. Children are among the casualties.
2007.03.03 Afghanistan Sangin 2 0 Two British soldiers are killed when Taliban militants fire rockets into their camp.
2007.03.03 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two teenage girls are murdered by Islamists as they are on their way to take a school exam.
2007.03.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 A man is shot to death by Muslim radicals while on his way to work at a rubber plantation.
2007.03.02 Afghanistan Kunar 1 2 Taliban terrorists attack a police station, killing an officer.
2007.03.02 Iraq Iskandariya 4 10 Freedom fighters lob mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four people.
2007.03.02 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Terrorists shoot to death two members of a soccer team.
2007.03.02 Iraq Baghdad 16 17 Sunnis car bomb a used car lot, killing at least Shia patrons. Six bodies are found elsewhere.
2007.03.02 Iraq Diyala 18 0 Eighteen policemen are kidnapped by al-Qaeda and executed in captivity. A video shows the killers screaming, "Allah akbar," as they do their work.
2007.03.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot a man to death while he is sitting in his pickup truck.
2007.03.02 Chechnya Lada 2 1 A policeman and his wife are slaughtered in an ambush by Jihad warriors on their vehicle.
2007.03.02 Pakistan Multan 3 8 A bicycle bomb targets an anti-terror judge, killing at least three people.
2007.03.01 Iraq Fallujah 7 6 Seven people at a wedding party are murdered by a terrorist bombing.
2007.03.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamic insurgents kill the bodyguard of a government official.
2007.03.01 Afghanistan Farah 3 48 Taliban terrorists detonate a bomb by remote control, killing at least three civilians. Ten children are among the injured.
2007.03.01 Afghanistan Garmser 1 0 An Afghan doctor is kidnapped and murdered by extremists.
2007.03.01 Iraq Baghdad 16 4 At least two separate terror attacks leave sixteen people dead.
2007.03.01 Pakistan Punjab 1 0 A Muslim murders a heretic after shouting, 'You are an infidel.'
2007.03.01 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 23-year-old man strangles his 43-year-old aunt to death on the (erroneous) suspicion that she was not a virgin.
2007.03.01 India Kishtwar 2 0 A man and his father are killed inside their home by Harkat-ul-Jehad Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 48-year-old Buddhist is brutally shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 12 23 Two car bombs, one a suicide blast and the other at a vegetable market, leave at least a dozen people dead.
2007.02.28 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by sectarian terrorists.
2007.02.28 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim militants shoot a middle-aged rubber worker to death by the side of the road.
2007.02.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 59-year-old teacher is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 16 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are found murdered in the capital; six in Mosul. Two were beheaded
2007.02.28 Iraq Habaniya 4 14 Jihadis lob mortars into a residential area, killing four people.
2007.02.27 Algeria Ain Rich 3 1 Three security officers are killed in separate attacks by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.02.27 Iraq Baghdad 16 42 At least sixteen people are murdered in various attacks by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.27 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 Three prostitutes are gunned down in suspected honor killings by religious fundamentalists.
2007.02.27 Iraq Mosul 7 42 Seven people are murdered when a suicide truck bomber detonates along a city street.
2007.02.27 Afghanistan Bagram 23 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows apart two-dozen innocent lives.
2007.02.27 India Wagoora 1 0 A man who was shot by the Mujahideen a week earlier succumbs to his injuries.
2007.02.27 Pakistan Jandola 1 0 A teacher is abducted and beheaded by militant Muslims, who then dump his body in a sack.
2007.02.27 Iraq al-Baaj 4 6 A suicide bomber walks into the reception area of a cement company and kills four other people.
2007.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five people are murdered in sectarian attacks within the Religion of Peace.
2007.02.26 Saudi Arabia Medina 4 0 A 17-year-old boy is among four French nationals brutally gunned down by Islamic purists.
2007.02.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 1 A suicide bomber kills two civilians.
2007.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A Scottish man is among four killed by a roadside bomb.
2007.02.26 Iraq Baghdad 6 31 Six people are killed when Islamic terrorists bomb a public works factory.
2007.02.26 Afghanistan Khost 1 7 A policeman is killed when he tries to stop a suicide bomber from entering a station.
2007.02.25 Iraq Baghdad 42 55 Suicide bombers strike a university, slaughtering at least forty innocents in the reception area.
2007.02.25 Iraq Mosul 24 0 Sectarian factions go on a killing spree, taking down at least two dozen Iraqis.
2007.02.25 Iraq Baghdad 19 4 Nineteen people are murdered by Islamic terrorists in various attacks.
2007.02.25 Pakistan Kahan 3 0 A woman and two children are killed when Taliban-backed militants fire a rocket into a home.
2007.02.25 Israel Hebron 1 0 An Israeli settler is stabbed to death by Palestinian militants.
2007.02.25 Pakistan Larkana Tehsil 0 3 Three Hindu woman are gang-raped in their home at gunpoint by a Muslim gang.
2007.02.24 Iraq Baghdad 23 33 Multiple Jihad attacks leave about two dozen people dead.
2007.02.24 Iraq Habbaniyah 52 110 Over fifty innocent people are massacred by suicide bombers, who drive through the wall of a mosque on their way to paradise.
2007.02.24 India Habbaniyah 1 0 The Mujahideen gun down a cop.
2007.02.24 Thailand Pattani 1 4 A 28-year-old civilian is gunned down by Muslim militants in front of his home.
2007.02.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 A child is among six people killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 24-year-old man is murdered by Muslim radicals while sitting in a tea shop.
2007.02.23 Chechnya Gudermes 5 3 Five police officers are killed in a bombing by Jihad fighters.
2007.02.23 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 At least three separate attacks by Islamic militias leave nine civilians dead.
2007.02.23 Philippines Lamitan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf suspected in the murder of a man riding his bicycle.
2007.02.22 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A civilian is shot to death in a drive-by shooting by Muslim gunmen.
2007.02.22 Pakistan Allah Bux Brohi 2 0 Two girls are hacked to death by their families for premarital sex.
2007.02.22 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.02.22 India Damhal Khushipora 1 0 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death.
2007.02.22 India Wahipora 1 0 A man is abducted by the Mujahideen, who kill him in captivity.
2007.02.21 Iraq Baghdad 20 0 Twenty victims of sectarian hatred are found around the capital.
2007.02.21 Pakistan Tank 1 0 A tribal elder is killed in his home by al-Qaeda backed militants.
2007.02.21 Pakistan Badar 1 0 A civilian is gunned down in what appears to be a random terror attack.
2007.02.21 Iraq Baghdad 6 73 Six people are killed in a chlorine bomb attack by freedom fighters.
2007.02.21 Iraq Najaf 11 38 Sunni terrorists murder eleven people with a suicide bomb blast.
2007.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims shoot a teacher to death as he is riding to work.
2007.02.21 Sudan Umm Dhai 20 0 Arab militias backed by the Islamic Republic massacre another twenty villagers.
2007.02.21 Afghanistan Shindand 1 2 A female Spanish soldier is killed when Islamic radicals explode a mine under her truck.
2007.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 55-year-old Buddhist woman is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2007.02.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Islamic radicals fire on two brothers, killing one.
2007.02.21 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two men are gunned down by suspected Islamists in separate attacks.
2007.02.20 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A village chief is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2007.02.20 India Anantnag 2 0 Two guards are killed by the Al-Mansooran terrorist group.
2007.02.20 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 A suicidal Sunni attacks a Shia funeral procession, killing seven innocents.
2007.02.20 Iraq Baghad 10 31 Two Jihad bombings, one a gas station and the other at a vegetable market, kill ten innocent people.
2007.02.20 Iraq Taji 5 138 Islamic terrorists explode a truck near a restaurant, spreading chlorine gas over an area.
2007.02.20 Pakistan Gujranwala 1 0 A woman is shot to death by an Islamic extremist for not wearing a head scarf.
2007.02.20 Somalia Mogadishu 16 40 Islamic militias rain down mortars on areas of the city, killing at least sixteen residents.
2007.02.20 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in the capital and in Mosul.
2007.02.20 USA Nashville, TN 0 1 A Muslim cab driver runs over a Christian after arguing about religion. The young man's ankle and hip are broken by the vehicle.
2007.02.19 India Moghal Maidan 1 2 A security patrol is brutally ambushed by the Mujahideen.
2007.02.19 Iraq Tal Afar 4 5 A 12-year-old boy is among four people killed when terrorists booby-trap a house.
2007.02.19 Thailand Yala 1 1 Another bombing kills another Thai. This time a soldier leaving his home.
2007.02.19 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Islamists cut off a man's head, hands and feet. Dumping the body along with a note.
2007.02.19 Iraq Ramadi 11 4 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill eleven other people along a city street.
2007.02.19 Iraq Baghdad 30 40 Ten people are killed in twin roadside blasts and a minibus attack, and another twenty victims of sectarian violence are found elsewhere.
2007.02.19 Iraq Dhuluiya 5 10 A suicide bomber murders five other people.
2007.02.19 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are kidnapped and shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.02.18 Thailand Pattani 3 0 Three Chinese Buddhists are gunned down in a brutal assault by Islamic radicals.
2007.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 60 131 Sixty Iraqis shopping at a market are blown to bits by Islamic Freedom Fighters. Over a hundred others are injured.
2007.02.18 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 Seven people are murdered in at least two separate Jihad attacks.
2007.02.18 Iraq Balad 6 0 The bodies of six victims of sectarian hatred are found around the country.
2007.02.18 Pakistan Turab Gholato 2 0 Two children are killed by a landmine planted by Taliban-backed militants.
2007.02.18 Afghanistan Farah 4 2 Four policemen are killed in a suspected Taliban bomb attack.
2007.02.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Islamic gunmen attack a car carrying Somalis, killing at least one.
2007.02.18 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 A car explosion at a soccer stadium kills four people.
2007.02.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 22 Islamists stage a series of bombings against karaoke bars, killing at least one person.
2007.02.18 Thailand Yala 3 24 Three more people are killed in separate bombings.
2007.02.18 Iraq Fallujah 13 0 al-Qaeda lines up a family of thirteen, including an elderly woman and two boys, and shoots them to death.
2007.02.17 India Koti Nullah 1 0 The Mujahideen abduct a civilian from his home and kill him in captivity.
2007.02.17 Pakistan Quetta 16 30 Sixteen people are murdered when a suicide bomber blows himself up inside a packed courtroom.
2007.02.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A hunter and his dog are shot and hacked to death by Islamists, who then burn the bodies.
2007.02.17 Iraq Kirkuk 11 83 Sunnis murder at least eleven Kurdish shoppers with a double car-bombing along a crowded market area.
2007.02.17 Iraq Hilla 2 0 A woman and her young daughter are stabbed to death by Jihad militants.
2007.02.17 Iraq Karbala 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 1 12 Islamic militias lob a mortar into a displaced persons camp, killing a refugee.
2007.02.16 Iraq Baghdad 15 0 Fifteen victims of sectarian hatred are found in the capital and in Mosul.
2007.02.16 Pakistan Bajaur 1 3 Pro-Taliban militants kill a doctor with a roadside bomb
2007.02.15 Somalia Mogadishu 4 5 Children are among four killed by mortar fire from Islamic militias.
2007.02.15 Iraq Kirkuk 3 5 Jihadis set up a fake checkpoint and gun down three Iraqis.
2007.02.15 Iraq Baghdad 27 45 Two car bombings and a shooting attack on a bus full of women combine with twenty other bodies found victimized by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.15 Iraq Al Gasreen 8 14 Women and children are among eight civilians killed in a Jihad mortar attack on a civilian area.
2007.02.14 Iran Zahedan 18 0 A radical Sunni group takes credit for a bomb attack on a bus carrying Revolutionary Guards. Eighteen are killed.
2007.02.14 Thailand Yala 1 5 One person is killed in a bomb attack by radical Muslims.
2007.02.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A married couple is attacked by Muslim radicals. The wife dies from injuries.
2007.02.14 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist father and son, selling herbal medicines by the roadside are brutally gunned down by Islamic gunmen.
2007.02.14 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist man is shot to death by Muslims while riding his motorcycle.
2007.02.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 30-year-old rubber tapper is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2007.02.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A Shiite cleric is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2007.02.14 Yemen Saada 2 2 Two members of the military are killed in an ambush by radical Shiites.
2007.02.14 Iraq Ramadi 5 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
2007.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 6 30 Three Jihad car bombings leave six people dead.
2007.02.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Four Christians are killed in an Islamic car bombing of their hospital.
2007.02.13 Iraq Nahrawan 5 12 Jihadis lob mortars into a town, indiscriminately killing five people.
2007.02.13 Iraq Baghdad 22 44 Separate car bombings, including a suicide bomber near a college, leaves nearly two-dozen people dead.
2007.02.13 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and brutally tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.02.13 Lebanon Bikfaya 3 19 Following threats by Islamic groups, two coordinated bomb blasts rip through a Christian town, killing at least three persons.
2007.02.13 Algeria Algiers 6 30 Six people are killed in at least four deadly bombings by Islamic fundamentalists across the country.
2007.02.13 USA Salt Lake City, UT 5 4 A Muslim immigrant enters a gift shop and mows down five people buying Valentines Day cards, in a brutal hate crime.
2007.02.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A woman is killed when Somali Islamists lob a mortar into her home.
2007.02.12 Somalia Mogadishu 2 4 Islamists lob mortars into a home, killing a father and his 6-year-old son.
2007.02.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a public phone booth in front of his wife and son.
2007.02.12 Iraq Baghdad 79 165 Sunnis bomb a Shia market with three coordinated blasts, sending blood and body parts across several blocks.
2007.02.12 Iraq Baghdad 43 26 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace claims four dozen lives, including a market bombing.
2007.02.12 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A student is among three people kidnapped, tortured and killed by Islamic extremists.
2007.02.12 Afghanistan Zabul 2 1 Two policemen are killed when Taliban militants ambush their vehicle.
2007.02.11 Somalia Kismayu 4 20 Islamic extremists toss a grenade into a parade, killing four people.
2007.02.11 Thailand Yala 3 0 Three villagers are shot to death by Muslim militants. The victims included two women.
2007.02.11 Iraq Tikrit 11 15 Eleven people are killed by a suicidal Sunni in an explosives-laden car.
2007.02.11 India Kangan 1 0 A cop is gunned down by the Mujahideen.
2007.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 35 0 Thirty-five people are found dead in various locations from sectarian violence.
2007.02.10 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight young border guard recruits are brutally gunned down in a machine-gun assault by Muslim gunmen.
2007.02.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 10 Five people near a bakery are killed by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2007.02.10 Iraq Mussayab 3 2 Three members of a Shiite family are killed in their home by Islamic gunmen.
2007.02.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 A Jihad car bombing kills at least three people at an intersection.
2007.02.10 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 Two girls are among five killed in two rocket attacks after Islamic groups vow to step up the violence.
2007.02.10 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 Three people are killed when Islamists bomb a market.
2007.02.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 56-year-old truck driver is gunned down on the job by Islamic radicals.
2007.02.09 Iraq Hilla 2 8 Jihadis plant a bomb at a market, killing two people.
2007.02.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Islamists shoot a 20-year-old civilian to death at a tea shop.
2007.02.09 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 3 Four Afghan policemen are killed in a Taliban ambush.
2007.02.09 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Eleven people are found dead hours after being kidnapped by Muslim terrorists.
2007.02.08 Iraq Balad 10 0 Ten men are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2007.02.08 India Hajin 1 2 A pro-India political figure is gunned down in an attack that also injures his wife.
2007.02.08 UAE Dubai 1 0 A man kills his 22-year-old sister on suspicion that she was having an affair, based on a mobile phone picture.
2007.02.08 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 72-year-old Buddhist man is beheaded by Islamists.
2007.02.08 India Aragam 4 1 A brutal ambush by Islamic militants leaves four people dead, including a civilian.
2007.02.08 Iraq Rafiyaat 14 1 Gunmen storm a house and shoot fourteen men from the same family to death.
2007.02.08 Iraq Iskandariya 7 10 Jihadis use mortars to kill seven residents.
2007.02.08 Iraq Aziziya 17 27 Islamic terrorists bomb a vegetable market, netting seventeen dead Iraqis.
2007.02.08 Iraq Mosul 45 10 Forty-five people are killed in three locations in the country, as Islamists vow to keep killing.
2007.02.08 Iraq Haditha 7 3 A suicide bomber attacks a police station, killing seven people inside.
2007.02.08 India Baharabad 1 2 A man is gunned down in a Muslim shooting attack that leaves his wife and one other injured.
2007.02.07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 7 Two children are reported killed in a mortar attack by Islamic militias.
2007.02.07 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 6 Two Afghans are killed, and six wounded, by a Taliban bomb planted on a motorbike.
2007.02.07 Afghanistan Shindand 3 2 Three Afghan cops are killed by a remote-controlled device.
2007.02.07 Chechnya Vedeno 1 0 A local official bleeds to death after Jihadis blow off his foot with a bomb.
2007.02.07 Pakistan Darra Adam Khel 1 1 al-Qaeda militants gun down a Pakistani ISI agent in an attack on his vehicle.
2007.02.07 Iraq Suwayra 7 23 Three car bombs take the lives of seven innocent people.
2007.02.07 Pakistan Sindh 1 0 The remains of a Hindu man, kidnapped and murdered by Islamists, are found six months later.
2007.02.07 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his wife are killed in their home by Islamic militants.
2007.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 39 0 Thirty-nine people are killed in at least four separate Jihad attacks.
2007.02.06 Iraq Baghdad 27 19 Sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead.
2007.02.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is shot to death by Islamic gunmen.
2007.02.06 Pakistan Miran Shah 2 0 Islamic terrorists bind two men and then shoot them to death.
2007.02.06 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A man is shot to death while riding a motorbike with his wife and 3-year-old daughter.
2007.02.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslims hack a 37-year-old laborer to death with machetes.
2007.02.06 India Bandipora 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and killed by the Mujahideen.
2007.02.06 India Pukharni 1 0 Terrorists kill a boy with a landmine.
2007.02.06 Pakistan Islamabad 0 10 A suicide bomber blows himself up in a botched attack on the city's main airport.
2007.02.05 Iraq Haditha 6 0 Six people are found murdered by Jihadis.
2007.02.05 Iraq Baghdad 25 0 Twenty-five victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found tortured and executed.
2007.02.05 Iraq Baghdad 24 108 Three car bombs, one at a children's hospital, rack up about twenty dead civilians for Sunni Jihadis.
2007.02.05 Pakistan Bajaur 2 1 Pro-government tribal leaders are killed by al-Qaeda supported militants.
2007.02.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 68-year-old Buddhist man is shot off his motorbike by Islamic radicals.
2007.02.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist school official is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2007.02.04 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 Two more Palestinians die from a Hamas sniper attack. One is 17-years-old.
2007.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three bodies are found as sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace rages.
2007.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 A woman and her two children are killed when Jihadis mortar a house.
2007.02.04 Iraq Baghdad 31 76 A series of bombings by Islamic terrorists leave thirty-one innocent people dead.
2007.02.04 India Srinagar 1 0 A man is shot dead by the Mujahideen.
2007.02.03 Dagestan Makhachkala 3 0 Militants kill three policemen in two coordinated attacks.
2007.02.03 Pakistan Tank 2 6 Two Pakistani soldiers are killed when a suicide bomber rams into their convoy.
2007.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 135 359 A single Fedayeen suicide bomber racks up over one-hundred and thirty civilians at a market. Nearly four-hundred others suffer injury.
2007.02.03 India Pulwama 4 6 Mujahideen ambush a group of policemen, killing at least four.
2007.02.03 Iraq Falluja 5 0 Five people are kidnapped, executed and dumped by sectarian rivals.
2007.02.03 Iraq Mahmudiya 8 12 At least eight people are killed in a Jihad car bombing on a market.
2007.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 25 12 Over two-dozen people are killed in sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace.
2007.02.02 Pal. Auth. Gaza 15 90 Hamas sniper set up around a Palestinian training camp and fire into it. Some fifteen people are killed and nearly a hundred others injured.
2007.02.02 Iraq Yusufiyah 3 11 Two children are among three Iraqi civilians killed by Islamic terrorists.
2007.02.02 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 185 Seventeen people, including children, are killed in sectarian fighting between Muslim militias over a 24-hour period.
2007.02.01 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 A man is beheaded by Islamic militants, who then pin a note to the body.
2007.02.01 Pakistan Miran Shah 3 2 Three people, including an engineer and a road inspector are killed by al-Qaeda backed militants.
2007.02.01 Pakistan Peshawar 2 4 A man and his wife are killed, and their four children injured in a bomb blast.
2007.02.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslims shoot a Buddhist ice cream vendor to death, then chop off his head and leave the body sitting up in the vehicle.
2007.02.01 Somalia Mogadishu 3 1 Two children are among three civilians killed in separate rocket attacks by the Islamic militia.
2007.02.01 Yemen Saada 10 20 Shiite radicals kill ten Yemeni soldiers in an attack on a roadblock.
2007.02.01 Iraq Baghdad 46 71 Sectarian violence leaves about four dozen Iraqis dead.
2007.02.01 Iraq Hillah 73 150 Two Islamic suicide bombers take out dozens of innocent people in a coordinated attack on a packed market.
2007.02.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A college dean and two students are among four people murdered by Jihadis.
2007.02.01 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Another ice-cream vender is murdered by Islamists - this one while driving to work.
2007.02.01 Thailand Yala 1 1 Islamists gun down a civilian and seriously injure his wife in the attack.
2007.01.31 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Three university professors and a student, kidnapped by Islamic militants three days earlier, are found dead.
2007.01.31 Iraq Fallujah 7 0 Seven people, including a teenager, are gunned down by Jihadis.
2007.01.31 Iraq Baghdad 12 22 Sectarian violence around the city leaves at least a dozen dead, including a decapitation.
2007.01.31 Thailand Yala 1 6 A 59-year-old rubber tapper is murdered in drive-by shooting by Islamists.
2007.01.31 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 1 A policeman is killed in a bomb attack by suspected Islamic extremists.
2007.01.31 Pakistan Hangu 2 1 Two people inside a house are killed in a sectarian mortar attack.
2007.01.31 Thailand Pattani 1 3 Islamists kill a villager with a bomb.
2007.01.30 Iraq Adhamiya 17 72 Jihadis rain down mortars on a residential area, killing seventeen innocent Iraqis.
2007.01.30 Iraq Balad Ruz 23 57 A suicidal Sunni blows two-dozen Shia worshippers to Allah at a mosque.
2007.01.30 Iraq Khanaqin 13 39 A Shiite religious ceremony is the target of a deadly roadside bomb, as Sunnis rack up more dead Shia.
2007.01.30 Iraq Ramadi 16 0 A suicide truck bomber kills sixteen people.
2007.01.30 Iraq Baghdad 25 9 Sectarian violence within the Religion of Peace leaves over two dozen dead in various attacks.
2007.01.30 Pakistan Hangu 2 14 Two Afghan refugees are killed by Sunni extremists following a Shia religious festival.
2007.01.30 Afghanistan Herat 0 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber rams his truck into an Afghan convoy, injuring a dozen innocents.
2007.01.29 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim militants gun down a man driving his wife to work.
2007.01.29 Thailand Yala 1 0 A teenager dies after his throat is slashed and he is stabbed by radical Muslims.
2007.01.29 Thailand Yala 1 0 Islamists shoot a civilian off his motorcycle.
2007.01.29 Iraq Zaafaraniya 16 28 Jihadis stage a mortar attack on a residential area, killing sixteen innocents.
2007.01.29 Iraq Baghdad 4 5 Sunnis plant a bomb on a minibus, killing four passengers.
2007.01.29 India Gorakhpur 1 0 A Hindu man is killed by a mob of angry Muslims.
2007.01.29 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 7 A suicide bomber blows himself up at a park, killing two other people.
2007.01.29 Thailand Songkhla 3 1 Two Buddhist couples are brutally assaulted by Muslim radicals. Three people are killed.
2007.01.29 India Kishtwar 2 2 The Mujahideen attack Indian troops, killing two.
2007.01.29 Chechnya Gudermes 4 0 Four Russians are killed in a shooting and suicide attack by Islamic militants.
2007.01.29 Iraq Tuz Khurmato 5 0 Sunnis blast a Shiite mosque, killing five worshippers.
2007.01.29 Algeria Batna 5 0 Islamic fundamentalists open up on a checkpoint with automatic weapons, killing five Algerian security staff at point-blank range.
2007.01.29 Israel Eilat 3 3 Three Israelis are murdered by an al-Aqsa suicide bomber at a bakery.
2007.01.28 Iraq Baghdad 5 20 Five school girls are killed when freedom fighters mortar a school.
2007.01.28 Philippines Rangaban 1 1 Moro Islamic Front terrorists attack a village, killing one defender and injuring another.
2007.01.28 Iraq Ramadi 5 10 Two children are among five killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2007.01.28 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 33-year-old woman is shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is killed in a Muslim drive-by attack.
2007.01.28 Iraq Baghdad 29 0 Twenty-nine victims of sectarian hatred are found executed across the city.
2007.01.28 Iraq Kirkuk 16 34 Two separate suicide bombings, one at a market, leave sixteen innocents dead.
2007.01.28 Iraq Baghad 14 64 Four Jihad bombings leave fourteen people dead and over sixty injured.
2007.01.28 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 A couple in their 40's are tied to a tree and stoned to death for adultery.
2007.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 3 Sunnis storm a Shia home, killing five members of the same family.
2007.01.27 Pakistan Babar Kuch 2 3 A rocket attack by Taliban-backed militants on a civilian vehicle leaves two dead.
2007.01.27 Algeria Skikda 1 4 Islamic fundamentalists ambush a police station, killing one officer.
2007.01.27 Pakistan Peshawar 14 60 A suicide bomber targets a crowd leaving a mosque, killing at least fourteen.
2007.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Two women are among forty bodies found around the city as Sunnis and Shias go at it.
2007.01.27 Iraq Baghdad 13 43 Two suicidal Sunnis murdered at least thirteen Shias in an attack at a market.
2007.01.27 Yemen Saada 6 20 Radical Shiites ambush and kill six Yemeni soldiers.
2007.01.27 Afghanistan Kunar 1 3 Taliban terrorists kill an Afghan contractor during an ambush on a security base.
2007.01.26 Thailand Pattani 1 4 Islamists gun down a cop and injure four civilians with a bomb blast.
2007.01.26 Sudan Magwe 1 2 An Indian peacekeeper is gunned down by suspected Jihadis.
2007.01.26 Iraq Baghdad 29 14 Twenty-seven people are kidnapped and murdered by Jihadis. Two others are killed by a suicide bomber.
2007.01.26 India Tanur 1 5 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by Muslim gangs.
2007.01.26 Iraq Baghdad 15 55 Sunnis target innocent Iraqis at a pet fair, killing over a dozen with a shrapnel bomb.
2007.01.26 Pakistan Islamabad 1 6 A suicide bomber blows himself up outside the Marriott hotel, killing a guard.
2007.01.26 Pal. Auth. Khan Yunis 1 0 A 2-year-old girl is killed when Islamic factions clash in Gaza.
2007.01.26 Pal. Auth. Gaza 2 0 A man and a 16-year-old are killed in separate Hamas attacks.
2007.01.26 Pakistan Khan Yunis 1 1 al-Qaeda militants ambush a police patrol, killing an officer.
2007.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 42 17 Forty-two victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found over a 24-hour period.
2007.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 26 64 Over two-dozen people are blown to bits by Sunni bombers in a shopping district. Dozens more suffer injury.
2007.01.25 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 A boy and an elderly woman are murdered by Muslim bombers.
2007.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 7 30 Seven people are killed in separate marketplace bombings by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.25 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 57-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamic radicals on his way to work.
2007.01.25 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A young man is gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.25 Somalia Kismayo 1 1 An Ethiopian solider is shot to death by Muslim militants.
2007.01.25 Pakistan Hangu 2 4 Two passersby are killed in a car bombing.
2007.01.25 Philippines Midsayap 1 0 At least one person is killed when Moro terrorists attack a group of families.
2007.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A female bank employee and a professor are murdered by Jihadis in separate attacks.
2007.01.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 Two civilians are killed when Islamic militias fire mortars into an airport.
2007.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 33 0 Thirty-three victims of sectarian hatred are found murdered.
2007.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 A suicide bomber kills four Iraqis.
2007.01.23 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Seventeen victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
2007.01.23 Jordan Amman 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is shot four times in the head by her father, who thought she had had sex. An autopsy showed she was a virgin.
2007.01.23 Afghanistan Khost 10 14 A Taliban suicide bomber blows ten Afghan civilians to Allah.
2007.01.23 India Bandina 3 2 The Mujahideen blow up a passing security vehicle, killing three occupants.
2007.01.23 Afghanistan Uruzgan 9 0 Nine Afghan policemen are murdered in a Taliban ambush in a remote area.
2007.01.23 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Two men are gunned down in a drive-by shooting by Islamists.
2007.01.23 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists as he drove his 7-year-old son home from school.
2007.01.23 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three butchers are killed by Islamic fundamentalists.
2007.01.23 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 Two teachers are shot to death by radicals.
2007.01.23 Iraq Suwayra 6 9 Radical Sunnis wipe out five members of a Shia family and one other in a terror attack.
2007.01.23 Chechnya Kurchaloi 1 0 Jihadis shoot a police officer to death.
2007.01.22 Syria Damascus 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is stabbed five times in the back and neck by her brother, angry that she had been raped.
2007.01.22 Iraq Rutba 4 0 Four people are kidnapped, tortured and executed by sectarian rivals.
2007.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Thirty victims of sectarian violence are found bound and executed.
2007.01.22 Iraq Khalis 12 39 A dozen civilians are killed in an Islamic bombing attack.
2007.01.22 Pakistan Miran Shah 5 20 Four Pakistani soldiers and a female passerby are killed in a Fedayeen suicide attack on a checkpoint.
2007.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 88 190 Sunni extremists score big at a market, killing nearly ninety unsuspecting Shia shoppers with coordinated bombs.
2007.01.22 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Fundamentalists murder a female teacher on her way to work at a girl's school.
2007.01.21 Iraq Karrada 6 15 A half-dozen people are incinerated in a suspected suicide blast on a minibus.
2007.01.21 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A middle-aged Buddhist man is gunned down by militants as he is standing in front of his home talking with friends.
2007.01.21 Iraq Mosul 9 4 A woman is among nine people killed by Jihadis in shooting and bombing attacks.
2007.01.21 Algeria Jijel 1 8 The Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat, kills an Algerian soldier in a bomb attack.
2007.01.21 India Baramulla 1 12 A grenade attack by the Mujahideen eventually kills one of thirteen people injured.
2007.01.20 Philippines Parang 1 7 Abu Sayyaf terrorists kill a Filipino soldier in an ambush.
2007.01.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 A noodle vendor is shot to death in front of his 12-year-old daughter by Muslim militants.
2007.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 40 10 Religious violence claims the lives of at least forty people in various attacks.
2007.01.20 Iraq Iskandariya 4 4 Four people are murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.20 Iraq Mosul 7 2 Seven people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2007.01.20 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four civilians are killed in an Islamic attack.
2007.01.19 Iraq Hilla 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a butcher.
2007.01.19 Turkey Istanbul 1 0 An advocate for the victims of Armenian genocide is gunned down by a Muslim who says, 'I killed the infidel.'
2007.01.19 Iraq Karbala 4 0 Four American soldiers are abducted and brutally killed in captivity by Islamic militants.
2007.01.19 Iraq Yusufiya 4 0 Two very young children, ages 1 and 5, are among four killed in a bombing by Sunni militants.
2007.01.18 Iraq Baghdad 26 0 Twenty-six people are found shot and tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
2007.01.18 Iraq Baghdad 12 34 A series of terrorist bombings leave at least eleven people dead.
2007.01.18 Iraq Mosul 13 21 Thirteen people are killed in shootings, including one on a wedding party, and a Fedayeen suicide blast.
2007.01.18 Iraq Baghdad 10 30 Sunnis bomb a vegetable market, killing ten patrons.
2007.01.18 India Nayidgam 1 0 A mechanic is abducted and beheaded by the Mujahideen.
2007.01.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A Buddhist woman working as a health care volunteer is murdered by Islamic gunmen.
2007.01.18 Afghanistan Paktika 1 5 A suicide bomber kills an Afghan soldier.
2007.01.18 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gunmen kill a 68-year-old man and injure his son.
2007.01.17 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 42-year-old Buddhist scrap dealer is shot dead by Muslim terrorists in front of his home.
2007.01.17 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a Buddhist rubber-tapper.
2007.01.17 Iraq Baghdad 15 33 Sunnis car bomb a Shia market, killing fifteen patrons.
2007.01.17 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten victims of sectarian violence are delivered to the morgue.
2007.01.17 Iraq Baghdad 30 0 Police find thirty victims of sectarian violence in and around the city. Most were tortured and shot.
2007.01.17 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 An American woman working for an NGO is among three civilians murdered in a bomb attack.
2007.01.17 Iraq Kirkuk 10 42 A suicide truck bomber drives into an Iraqi police station, killing ten people.
2007.01.17 India Wagoora 1 0 Local Mujahideen shoot an electrical employee to death.
2007.01.16 Israel Juarish 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is shot to death in her own bed by relatives for violating the family's honor.
2007.01.16 Iraq Iskandariya 2 0 Freedom fighters kill an Iraqi woman and her son in a mortar attack.
2007.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 15 74 Sunnis target Shia civilians in a marketplace, killing at least fifteen with a suicide attack.
2007.01.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Islamic militants kill a village chief with a roadside bomb.
2007.01.16 Iraq Mosul 12 0 Twelve people, including at least one woman, are murdered by Muslim gunmen.
2007.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 16 11 Jihadis kill ten civilians in a drive-by shooting and another six with a car bomb.
2007.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 70 180 Islamic terrorists manage to slaughter at least seventy students, mostly female, at a university using a car bomb and then a suicide bomber on foot to catch the survivors!
2007.01.15 Iraq Mosul 5 28 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends five Kurds to Allah.
2007.01.15 Iraq Baghdad 7 5 Two separate bombings leave seven Iraqis dead.
2007.01.15 Iraq Baqubah 11 0 Eleven people are kidnapped by sectarian rivals, bound, gagged and executed.
2007.01.15 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A man is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2007.01.15 Thailand Yala 1 1 A 58-year-old Buddhist man is murdered by Islamists in an attack that also leaves his wife injured.
2007.01.15 India Sumbar 1 0 A civilian is abducted by the Mujahideen and shot to death in captivity.
2007.01.15 India Hajan 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot dead a man shopping at a market.
2007.01.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslims gun down another Buddhist civilian.
2007.01.14 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A married couple is murdered by Islamic radicals at the entrance to their business. The man is decapitated. A note pinned to the body says, 'We kill all Buddhists.'
2007.01.14 Iraq Mosul 14 8 Fourteen people are murdered in separate attacks by Muslim radicals.
2007.01.14 Iraq Baghdad 41 0 Forty-one victims of sectarian violence are found in various locations.
2007.01.14 Thailand Pattani 1 5 Islamic militants bomb a Thai military vehicle, killing one soldier.
2007.01.14 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 31-year-old man is shot off the back of a motorcycle by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.14 Pakistan Matta 3 0 Two girls and their mother are killed in a mine attack by local Taliban.
2007.01.14 Pakistan Butkhela 1 1 Pro-Taliban militants shoot an Uzbeki man to death.
2007.01.13 Iraq Iskandariya 3 1 Terrorists attack a private factory, killing three workers.
2007.01.13 Dagestan Aimaumakhi 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by suspected Islamic rebels.
2007.01.13 Iraq Kirkuk 2 3 Muslim terrorists shoot two engineers to death.
2007.01.13 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist firefighter is shot to death by radical Muslims in front of his office.
2007.01.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Islamists murder a Buddhist policeman on his way to work.
2007.01.12 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 62-year-old civilian is gunned down by Islamic terrorists as he is carrying his 2-year-old grandson on a motorbike.
2007.01.12 Iraq Ishaqi 3 0 Three civilians are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.12 Iraq Baghdad 11 0 Ten intact bodies and one severed head are discovered by police.
2007.01.12 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Militant Muslims gun down a village guard outside his home.
2007.01.12 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two Buddhist men are murdered by Religion of Peace gunmen in separate attacks.
2007.01.11 Indonesia Poso 1 0 A police officer at a funeral for a terrorist is beaten to death by an angry Muslim mob.
2007.01.11 Iraq Khadra 5 0 Five off-duty policemen are gunned down in cold blood by Sunni terrorists.
2007.01.10 Philippines Cotabato 1 0 Muslim militants kill a garbage collector with a bomb.
2007.01.10 Philippines General Santos 6 23 Six people, including two young children and two woman, are killed in a suspected Abu Sayyaf bomb attack on a lottery office and market.
2007.01.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Islamists fire a rocket into a home, killing a family member.
2007.01.10 Iraq Karbala 11 14 Sunni gunmen massacre Shia pilgrims returning home in a convoy of buses.
2007.01.10 Iraq Tal Afar 5 16 A child is among five people killed in separate suicide bombings.
2007.01.10 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight people are found dead from terror attacks.
2007.01.10 Iraq Baghdad 68 0 Sixty-eight victims of Sunni-Shia sectarian violence are found murdered in three cities over a 24-hour period.
2007.01.10 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A female teacher is shot to death by Islamic militants on her way to school.
2007.01.10 Israel Haifa 1 0 A teacher is murdered by her cousin in a suspected 'honor' attack.
2007.01.09 Iraq Baghdad 46 0 Forty-six victims of sectarian hatred between Sunnis and Shia are found around the country.
2007.01.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A janitor is murdered by Islamists shortly after dropping his daughter off at school.
2007.01.09 Pakistan Hangu 1 0 A newspaper journalist is beheaded by Islamic militants.
2007.01.09 Pakistan Jacobabad 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death in a coordinated terror attack concerning an issue of sexual impropriety.
2007.01.09 Pakistan Qamber 2 0 A man kills his sister and her lover in an 'honor' killing.
2007.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 32 16 At least four separate Jihad attacks leave nearly three dozen civilians dead.
2007.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Sunnis gun down six members of a Shiite family as they are moving their furniture.
2007.01.08 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five people are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2007.01.08 India Indergam 1 0 A 9th grade student is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2007.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 15 15 Fifteen cleaning contractors are brutally murdered in a Sunni assault on their bus.
2007.01.08 Thailand Songkhla 1 0 A Buddhist teacher, brutally beaten into a coma by a Muslim mob seven months earlier, finally expires.
2007.01.07 India Andergam 1 0 A 16-year-old student is gunned down in his home by Islamic radicals.
2007.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 23 7 Two dozen people lose their lives to sectarian violence in three attacks.
2007.01.07 Iraq Suwayra 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and executed, one by decapitation.
2007.01.07 Iraq Hilla 2 11 A Jihad car bombing kills two civilians.
2007.01.07 India Baramulla 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen. One has his throat slit.
2007.01.07 Afghanistan Khost 4 2 Two women and two children are blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2007.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 Islamic militants kill a young girl with automatic weapons fire.
2007.01.07 Pakistan Mansehra 1 0 A young woman is murdered by her brother for pursuing an education. The brother claims she 'met Allah's destiny.'
2007.01.06 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A security official is shot to death by religious extremists.
2007.01.06 India Dangiwacha 1 0 A civilian is gunned down on the job by the Mujahideen.
2007.01.06 India Shopian 3 23 Three people are killed in a Mujahideen grenade attack on a market.
2007.01.06 Iraq Baghdad 27 0 Police find twenty-seven victims of sectarian violence killed in gruesome fashion by Religion of Peace rivals.
2007.01.06 Iraq Baghdad 44 0 Forty-four additional victims of sectarian violence within Islam are found executed.
2007.01.06 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six people are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2007.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis drop bombs on a market, killing four shoppers.
2007.01.05 Pal. Auth. Mughazi 1 0 Hamas gunmen murder a critic at a refugee camp.
2007.01.05 Iraq Iskandariya 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and tortured to death by Islamic militants.
2007.01.05 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Another forty-seven victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found executed.
2007.01.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An Islamic militant tosses a grenade into the street, killing a civilian.
2007.01.05 Pakistan Tando Adam 1 0 A young man guns down his aunt on suspicion that she was engaged in adultery.
2007.01.05 Ethiopia Kofele 1 0 A Christian is beaten to death by Muslims with a metal bar.
2007.01.04 Iraq Baghdad 47 0 Islamic militants take care of forty-seven Iraqis in various attacks. Four are beheaded.
2007.01.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim gun down a Buddhist teenager.
2007.01.04 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Three Sunnis murder a Shia leader.
2007.01.04 Iraq Baghdad 13 22 Sunni terrorists detonate two car bombs, killing thirteen people in a residential district.
2007.01.04 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Four people are kidnapped and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2007.01.04 Pal. Auth. Jabalya 7 36 Hamas militants fire rockets into a Fatah leader's home, killing him and six others.
2007.01.03 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 3 0 Hamas ambush a car carrying Fatah members, killing three of them.
2007.01.03 Thailand Yala 2 0 A 70-year-old man is gunned down, along with his son-in-law, by Islamic militants.
2007.01.03 India Kandi 1 2 Islamic rebels ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2007.01.03 Somalia Jilib 2 2 An Islamist stages a Fedayeen attack, killing two unsuspecting Ethiopians.
2007.01.03 Iraq Baghdad 45 0 Forty-five victims of sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shia are found dead.
2007.01.03 Pal. Auth. Beit Lahiya 2 17 A woman and Fatah official are shot dead by Hamas terrorists in separate incidents. Seventeen others are injured.
2007.01.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 An anti-terror Muslim leader is gunned down by Islamists while leaving a cemetery.
2007.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 49 4 Forty-nine victims of sectarian strife between Sunnis and Shia are found dead. A mortar attack kills four other civilians.
2007.01.02 Iraq Nahrawan 5 0 Five civilians are kidnapped, tortured and executed by Jihadis.
2007.01.02 Pakistan Chak Saboo 2 0 A married couple is burnt alive in front of their children because the woman was kidnapped and raped.
2007.01.01 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three brothers are murdered by sectarian rivals.
2007.01.01 Iraq Baqubah 4 0 Radical Sunnis gun down a moderate and three aides.
2007.01.01 Iraq Baghdad 40 0 Forty victims of sectarian hatred within the Religion of Peace are found in several locations.
2007.01.01 Afghanistan Herat 2 1 Religious extremists murder two policemen with a bomb.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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