The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Christians Beheaded in Libya

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2912 Islamic attacks in 53 countries, in which 27723 people were killed and 26194 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2015.12.31 Egypt Rafah 5 1 A 5-year-old girl is among a family of five crushed in their home by an Islamist shell.
2015.12.30 Dagestan Derbent 1 10 ISIS claims an attack in which machine-gun fire was poured into a group of tourists, hitting eleven.
2015.12.30 Syria Qamishlo 17 30 Two suicide blasts outside eateries in a Christian neighborhood leave seventeen dead.
2015.12.30 Iraq Aski 120 0 The remains of over one-hundred victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.12.29 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two teachers are executed for refusing to teach the Islamic State agenda.
2015.12.29 Iraq Ramadi 40 0 Forty members of several families are kidnapped and executed by ISIS after being lured out by Iraqi army uniforms.
2015.12.29 Iraq Mosul 20 0 Twenty 'media activists' are executed by the caliphate.
2015.12.29 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A youth is among three people decapitated by the Islamic State.
2015.12.29 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'rebels' shoot an office worker three times in the head.
2015.12.29 Pakistan Mardan 26 50 Over two dozen souls are snuffed out by a violent Shahid suicide bombing. Children were among the dead.
2015.12.29 Syria al-Foua 1 0 At least one resident is killed when Sunnis shell a Shiite village.
2015.12.28 Iraq Houdi 20 0 Twenty civilians are pulled from their homes and executed by the caliphate to 'send a message'.
2015.12.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 1 An elderly polio volunteer is shot to death by fundamentalists in a attack that leaves her granddaughter injured.
2015.12.28 Syria Zahra 32 90 Thirty-two people are slaughtered when a car bombing is followed up by a suicide bomber detonating amid the survivors and rescuers.
2015.12.28 Iraq Dumez 9 5 Nine people lose their lives to a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.12.28 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are executed by Islamists using a cruel instrument known as a 'biter'.
2015.12.28 Nigeria Maiduguri 20 10 At least twenty are killed when suicide bombers target a rival mosque.
2015.12.28 Nigeria Madagali 28 41 Two suicide bombers strike a crowded fish market, obliterating over two dozen patrons.
2015.12.28 Nigeria Maiduguri 34 86 A series of suicide bombings leave over thirty dead.
2015.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 33 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person near a school - also injuring eighteen children.
2015.12.28 Philippines Talipao 2 1 An Abu Sayyaf attack leaves two dead.
2015.12.28 Georgia Tbilisi 1 0 A 22-year-old Shiite is stabbed to death by a Salafi over 'religious hatred'.
2015.12.28 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 The Islamic State attaches explosives to and detonates a 4-year-old child by means of execution.
2015.12.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 13 0 Ten children are among thirteen blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.12.27 Turkey Gaziantep 1 0 A journalist is assassinated by ISIS operatives.
2015.12.27 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 0 Four lives are claimed by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.12.27 Kenya El Wak 2 3 al-Shabaab ambush and kill two local security personnel.
2015.12.27 Syria Damascus 9 16 Sunni terrorists target a refugee camp with mortars, killing nine innocents.
2015.12.26 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight Sunni tribal leaders are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.12.26 Iraq Ghazlani 19 0 Nineteen civilians are shot dead in cold blood by ISIS for 'waging war on Allah'.
2015.12.26 Mali Kidal 11 0 Eleven people are murdered by Ansar Dine.
2015.12.26 Philippines Marawi 2 0 Two guards for a news crew are cut down in a hail of bullets from suspected ISIS sympathizers.
2015.12.26 DRC Malolu 5 0 At least five people are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2015.12.25 Mali Azawad 4 0 Four security personnel are ambushed and killed while on their way to an earlier Islamist massacre.
2015.12.25 Afghanistan Logar 1 0 A community elder is assassinated by religious fundamentalists.
2015.12.25 India Shantipur 1 0 A Hindu trader is murdered by a Muslim gang.
2015.12.25 Kenya Budhei 1 0 A father and husband is gunned down by al-Shabaab.
2015.12.25 Afghanistan Logar 3 0 The Islamic State releases a beheading video showing the execution of three Afghans.
2015.12.25 Nigeria Kimba 14 25 Islamists massacre fourteen villagers and abduct children while chanting 'Allah Akbar'.
2015.12.25 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 2 0 Two more people are murdered by Bangsamoro extremists.
2015.12.25 Syria al-Zahra 5 3 Five civilians are killed when Sunni terrorists shell a neighborhood.
2015.12.25 Bangladesh Bagmara 1 12 A suicide bomber targets a rival mosque, blowing up an Ahmadi worshipper.
2015.12.24 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 8 Terrorists set off bombs in a residential neighborhood, killing two passersby.
2015.12.24 Iraq Baghdad 5 6 Five Iraqis are pulled limb from limb by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.12.24 Philippines Mindanao 5 0 Bangsamoro Islamists capture and shoot five Christian farmers 'one-by-one' the day before Christmas.
2015.12.24 Egypt Sinai 1 2 Muslim fundamentalists kill a local cop with a bomb.
2015.12.24 Philippines Barangay Paitan 2 2 A farmer and his son are shot to death by Muslim extremists who also kidnap a woman and boy.
2015.12.24 Somalia Bariirey 2 0 Sharia activists execute two men in front of 200 people.
2015.12.24 Mali Talahandak 6 0 A half-dozen people are killed in a small town by an al-Qaeda linked group.
2015.12.24 DRC Mavivi 8 0 Eight civilians are killed in three separate attacks by the ADF.
2015.12.23 Cameroon Nguetchewe 2 0 A small girl is among two others murdered by a suicide bomber.
2015.12.23 Afghanistan Nimroz 2 0 Two civilians are blown off a motorcycle by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2015.12.23 Israel Jerusalem 2 1 Two Israelis are left dead after Palestinians stab pedestrians at random.
2015.12.23 Niger Abadam 5 0 Two attacks, one a triple suicide bombing, leaves five others dead.
2015.12.23 Pakistan Mohmand 3 2 Two children ages 8 and 10 are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2015.12.23 Yemen Dar Saad 1 0 A local official is assassinated by suspected al-Qaeda.
2015.12.23 Iraq Khalis 3 10 Jihadis set off a car bomb at a bus station in a Shiite town, killing three people.
2015.12.23 Iraq Khalis 4 8 A Sunni bomb outside an outdoor market leaves four dead.
2015.12.23 Syria Deir al-Zor 11 20 A triple-suicide attack claims eleven lives.
2015.12.23 Iraq Ramadi 4 0 A family of four is executed for trying to flee the Islamic State.
2015.12.23 Iraq Baghdad 5 18 Five souls are snuffed out by Jihadi bombers.
2015.12.23 Uganda Nansololo 1 0 A pastor is beheaded by militant Muslims.
2015.12.23 Mali Isseye 1 0 A local resident is abducted and beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2015.12.22 Iraq Mosul 17 0 Caliphate members execute seventeen citizens for Internet use.
2015.12.22 Syria Deir al-Zor 9 20 Nine girls are crushed to death in their own school by targeted ISIS shelling.
2015.12.22 Syria Damascus 3 20 Students are among the casualties of ISIS mortar attacks.
2015.12.22 Syria Homs 3 0 Three men are publicly executed to chants from the Quran.
2015.12.22 Iraq Albu Diab 14 17 Over a dozen Iraqis are wasted by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.12.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A local imam is executed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.12.21 Pakistan Baizai 2 0 Two people lose their lives when militants bomb a taxi.
2015.12.21 Pakistan Atam 1 3 A civilian is laid out by an Islamic bomb blast.
2015.12.21 Kenya Mandera 2 3 Two passengers are killed when Islamists board a bus and try to separate Christians for execution.
2015.12.21 Syria Barzah 1 9 A civilian is taken out by a Jaish al-Islam mortar blast.
2015.12.21 Syria Suqaylabiyah 2 33 At least one child is among the causalities when Sunnis bomb a Christian neighborhood.
2015.12.21 Syria Aleppo 3 2 Three teenaged sisters are disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2015.12.21 Afghanistan Bagram 6 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out six Americans at their base.
2015.12.21 Germany Michendorf 0 1 A man riding a bus is slashed in the face by a migrant yelling 'Allah'.
2015.12.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A Mullah shoot an American woman to death outside her apartment.
2015.12.20 Iraq Arola 28 4 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates in a small village, killing twenty-eight people around him.
2015.12.20 Iraq Hamdania 9 0 Three women and an elderly man are among nine members of a family exterminated in the home by Islamic State proponents.
2015.12.20 Nigeria Beneshiek 9 24 Nine people lose their lives when three child suicide bombers target a youth group.
2015.12.19 Saudi Arabia Najran 3 0 Shiite radicals fire a rocket at a museum, killing three civilians.
2015.12.19 Nigeria Guba Shango 6 0 Suspected Boko Haram stalk and murder six workers from a construction site.
2015.12.19 Afghanistan Andkhoy 1 0 Fundamentalists fire on an official returning from a housing project for the disabled, killing his companion.
2015.12.19 Syria Manbij 1 0 A man is beheaded for apostasy after declining to attend prayers.
2015.12.19 Syria Shaddadi 4 0 The Islamic State stone four people to death for sexual immorality.
2015.12.19 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 An al-Qaeda linked group sets off a car bomb along a crowded road and then opens fire, killing four civilians.
2015.12.18 Mali Timbuktu 3 0 Three broadcasters are brutally murdered outside a Christian radio station.
2015.12.18 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A secular political activist is kidnapped and murdered by suspected extremists.
2015.12.18 Afghanistan Kukoldash 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by the Taliban in front of a shop.
2015.12.18 Libya Ajdabiya 14 25 Children are among the dead when al-Qaeda attack civilians.
2015.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 16 Two ISIS bomb blasts leave three dead.
2015.12.17 Iraq Sinjar 10 12 Caliphate members send a rocket into a small town, killing ten people.
2015.12.17 Syria Jamla 3 0 Three men are doused with gas and set on fire by the Islamic State.
2015.12.17 Syria Idlib 1 0 A journalist is shot to death by terrorists.
2015.12.17 Mali Tougue Mourrari 1 0 Islamists murder a local council member in cold blood.
2015.12.16 Mali Karena 1 0 A local man is marched off and executed to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2015.12.16 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 1 An ISIS bomb levels six Iraqis.
2015.12.16 Kenya Mkunumbi 2 2 An al-Shabaab firing on a lorry leaves two dead.
2015.12.16 Iraq Bashiqa 7 4 An ISIS rocket claims seven lives.
2015.12.16 Nigeria Mafa 1 0 One other person is killed when Islamists send four child suicide bombers into a village.
2015.12.16 Iraq Kaske 6 7 Six Kurds are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.12.16 Iraq Sinjar 5 0 Five men are executed by the caliph for trading cigarettes.
2015.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadis set off a bomb amid a cluster of shops, killing two patrons.
2015.12.15 Iraq Ramadi 2 6 A wave of suicide car bombers manages to kill only two locals.
2015.12.15 Yemen Taez 7 15 Seven civilians are killed by Shiite militia armed with heavy weaponry.
2015.12.15 Yemen Mas 15 20 Fifteen Yemenis are reported killed by Shiite radicals.
2015.12.15 Libya Sirte 1 0 A Sharia court executes two, including a teenager who 'blasphemed'.
2015.12.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Terrorists set off a bomb near a restaurant that leaves two dead.
2015.12.14 Iraq Shandokhah 15 0 Fifteen people are dragged before an ISIS firing squad.
2015.12.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three mosque imams are beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.12.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The Islamic State executes a teacher for refusing to teach the caliph's curriculum.
2015.12.14 Libya Sirte 1 0 A woman is beheaded by caliphate members for 'witchcraft'.
2015.12.14 Israel Jerusalem 0 11 A baby and elderly woman are among the casualties when a Palestinian deliberately drives into a bus stop.
2015.12.14 Iraq Kirkuk 2 2 Terrorists gun down two oil company workers.
2015.12.14 DRC Oicha 4 3 Islamists attack a small village, killing four people before withdrawing.
2015.12.14 Syria Damascus 2 4 A young girl is among the casualties of Sunni rocket attack.
2015.12.14 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An aid worker and father of two is senselessly shot to death by suspected al-Shabaab.
2015.12.13 Iraq Aski Mosul 6 5 Six Kurds are laid out by ISIS car bombers.
2015.12.13 Pakistan Parachinar 25 62 Two dozen people at a busy clothing market are ripped to shreds by a Lashkar-e-Jhangvi bomb blast.
2015.12.13 Syria Damascus 1 3 A child is exterminated by a Sunni mortar round.
2015.12.13 Thailand Yala 1 1 Militants murder an off-duty cop by planting a bomb at his mother's grave.
2015.12.13 Nigeria Jos 16 0 Muslim militia storm a village and slaughter sixteen residents.
2015.12.12 Syria Homs 16 54 Sixteen 'infidels' are pulled limb from limb by two ISIS suicide blasts at a hospital.
2015.12.12 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 0 Islamic extremists assassinate a local governor.
2015.12.12 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Caliphate members string up an 'apostate' and execute him on video.
2015.12.12 Egypt Rafah 4 0 Four people are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2015.12.12 Pakistan Quetta 2 5 Two people are killed by Taliban fundamentalists.
2015.12.12 Iraq al-Nukhayb 8 10 Eight Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.12.12 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two patrons at a market are turned to paste by Mujahideen bombers.
2015.12.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban gun down a 52-year-old man.
2015.12.12 Syria Damascus 2 6 Sunnis kill two civilians with a mortar attack on their neighborhood.
2015.12.12 Nigeria Warwara 20 10 Twenty villagers are hacked to death by Islamists.
2015.12.12 Nigeria Bura-Shika 6 5 A half-dozen people are stabbed to death by Boko Haram.
2015.12.12 Nigeria Mangari 4 0 Four villagers are chopped up with machetes by Islamic extremists.
2015.12.11 Iraq Mosul 4 0 A judge is among four people executed by the Islamic State.
2015.12.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 4 0 Three children are among four innocents are murdered by a female suicide bomber.
2015.12.11 Afghanistan Kabul 7 7 Two Spanish guards are among seven killed when a Taliban suicide bomber detonates at their embassy.
2015.12.11 Cameroon Kolofata 11 22 Islamists strap a 13-year-old girl with explosives and send her into a house, killing at least eleven inside.
2015.12.11 Iraq Ramadi 27 0 Over two dozen Iraqis are reported dead following two Religion of Peace suicide blasts.
2015.12.10 Nigeria Kamuya 14 6 Religion of Peace activists bicycle into a village and massacre fourteen civilians, some by decapitation.
2015.12.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A man bleeds out after Islamists set off a bomb under his car.
2015.12.10 Syria Tal Tamr 60 80 Three suicide car bombers take out scores bystanders at a hospital and market square.
2015.12.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female teacher is dragged before a caliphate firing squad and executed.
2015.12.10 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a traffic cop to death.
2015.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 11 20 A holy warrior with a suicide vest detonates at a Shiite mosque, sending eleven worshippers straight to Allah.
2015.12.09 Syria Raqqa 5 0 Five Russian nationals are murdered by the Islamic State.
2015.12.08 Iraq Albu Farraj 7 12 An ISIS suicide bomber kills seven Iraqis.
2015.12.08 Iraq Baaj 3 0 Three doctors are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.12.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A rival imam is assassinated in front of his mosque by ISIS.
2015.12.08 Philippines Tulunan 3 0 Three villagers are shot dead by Moro Islamists.
2015.12.08 Egypt Sinai 4 4 Fundamentalists murder four security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2015.12.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 50 35 Thirty-eight civilians are slaughtered with a dozen others when Taliban fundamentalists in suicide vests pour machine-gun fire into a crowded market.
2015.12.08 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A journalist is tied between two vehicles and then pulled apart by caliphate members.
2015.12.07 Libya Tripoli 2 0 Sharia advocates behead two men for 'sorcery' at a public event.
2015.12.07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 22 Two civilians are blown up by the Taliban.
2015.12.07 Iraq Madain 2 6 Jihadis take out two Iraqis with a bomb planted near a hospital.
2015.12.07 Israel Hebron 1 0 A Palestinian stabs an Israeli outside a Jewish holy site who dies three weeks later.
2015.12.06 Iraq Ramadi 8 15 A Shahid suicide car bomber massacres eight Iraqis.
2015.12.06 Yemen Aden 7 3 A suicide car bomber turns seven 'apostates' into rubble.
2015.12.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 An ISIS bomb blast at a cafe leaves two dead.
2015.12.05 Iraq Mosul 29 0 Seventeen teenagers are among twenty-nine Iraqis laid out by ISIS executioners.
2015.12.05 Bangladesh Dinjapur 0 10 Suspected Islamists hurl three bombs at a Hindu temple.
2015.12.05 Chad Koulfoua 27 80 Three female suicide bombers massacre twenty-seven patrons at a local market.
2015.12.05 Iraq Nineveh 1 0 An accused witch is beheaded by caliphate members in front of a baying mob.
2015.12.05 England London 0 3 A Muslim with a machete slashes commuters at a subway station.
2015.12.04 Iraq Ramadi 25 23 Five suicide car bombers take out over two dozen Iraqis.
2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 6 0 An Islamic State execution video shows six Shiites blown up with a rocket launcher.
2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 6 0 An Islamic State execution video show six Shiites strapped to a boat and then blown up.
2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 4 0 An Islamic State execution video shows bombs hung from the necks of four Shiite prisoners.
2015.12.04 Yemen Sanaa 9 0 Nine Shiites are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.12.04 Nigeria Kimba 1 0 An elderly man is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.12.04 Nigeria Sabon Gari 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders three others.
2015.12.03 CAR Ngakobo 8 1 Eight civilians at a displaced persons camp are murdered by Muslim 'rebels'.
2015.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A female journalist is blown apart by an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2015.12.03 Iraq Mosul 3 0 A man and his wife are among three Kurds executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2015.12.03 Yemen Jaar 15 0 al-Qaeda elements sweep into a town and wipe out fifteen locals.
2015.12.02 Syria Ghouta 2 26 Two Assyrian women are disassembled by a Sunni mortar blast.
2015.12.02 Yemen Seiyun 2 0 Two tribesmen are kidnapped and executed by ISIS.
2015.12.02 Libya Sidi Faraj 1 0 A man is killed by an ISIS bomb at a farming community.
2015.12.02 Iraq Shingal 7 1 Seven Kurds are leveled by an ISIS bomb blast.
2015.12.02 USA San Bernardino, CA 14 17 A 'very religious' Muslim shoots up a Christmas party with his wife, leaving fourteen dead.
2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Russian hostage is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.12.02 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two gay men are thrown from a rooftop by a Sharia court.
2015.12.02 Cameroon Waza 6 0 Two female suicide bombers slaughter six people.
2015.12.02 Uganda Komodo 1 0 A father-of-five is hacked to death by a group of Islamists after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2015.12.01 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 A man is shot to death by terrorists in his car while sitting next to his wife.
2015.12.01 Iraq Shura 6 0 Six tribal elders are executed by the ISIS.
2015.12.01 Iraq Zammar 5 7 Five Kurds are eliminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.12.01 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 Two people are killed in separate Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2015.12.01 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 9 Islamic militia set of a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons.
2015.12.01 Jordan Irbid 2 0 Suspected Sunni militants open fire on a police car, killing two occupants.
2015.12.01 Dagestan Khasavyurt 1 0 An imam is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.11.30 Syria Palmyra 18 0 Eighteen captives are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 9 21 Nine Shiite pilgrims are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.11.30 Cameroon Gangse 2 0 Islamic extremists kill two local soldiers with a planted bomb.
2015.11.30 Pakistan Zaida 1 1 A physician specializing in immunization is shot to death by religious extremists.
2015.11.30 Niger Diffa 8 0 At least eight people are reported dead following a Boko Haram attack.
2015.11.29 Nigeria Bam 4 0 Boko Haram roll into a village, kill four adults and kidnap several teenager girls to rape.
2015.11.29 Iraq Sinjar 100 0 One-hundred more victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.11.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Two bombs, one set off in a shopping district, leave three dead.
2015.11.29 DRC Eringeti 7 0 Seven civilians at a hospital are hacked to death by Islamic extremists.
2015.11.29 DRC Beni 3 0 Three Congolese are laid out by the ADF.
2015.11.28 Niger Fougou Boukar 4 2 Sharia proponents pour machine-gun fire into a village, killing four occupants.
2015.11.28 Cameroon Dabanga 5 12 Two female suicide bombers detonate in a small two, sending five innocents to their deaths.
2015.11.28 Iraq Tuz Khormato 7 17 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at the entrance to a market, sending seven bystanders to their doom.
2015.11.28 Pakistan Ambar 2 0 Two peace volunteers are pulled into disparate parts by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.11.28 Pakistan Tursa 1 1 Islamic militants fire a rocket at a truck, killing the driver.
2015.11.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A suicide bomber takes out a passing driver.
2015.11.28 Egypt Saqqara 4 0 Four police at a security checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists on motorbikes.
2015.11.28 Iraq Sinjar 123 0 A mass grave is discovered containing one-hundred and twenty-three religious minorities executed by ISIS .
2015.11.28 Mali Kidal 3 20 Jihadis fire a rocket at a UN facility, killing three people.
2015.11.28 Syria Damascus 1 30 Sunnis send a rocket into a Christian neighborhood, killing one resident.
2015.11.28 Cameroon Goudouzou 5 0 Islamists burn down homes and kill five people.
2015.11.28 Iraq Madain 2 5 Muslim terrorists kill two people with a well-placed bomb at a fishing village.
2015.11.27 Nigeria Gajiganna 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Boko Haram Islamists.
2015.11.27 Nigeria Dakasoye 22 45 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a Shiite procession and slaughters twenty-two pilgrims, including women and children.
2015.11.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is forced to her knees and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.11.27 Iraq Jubba 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis are exterminated by a suicide truck bomber.
2015.11.26 Bangladesh Horipur 1 3 Five terrorists enter a Shiite mosque and open fire on worshippers, killing a 70-year-old man.
2015.11.26 Pakistan Akram Khan Durrani 2 5 Islamists bombers pick off two local cops.
2015.11.26 Pakistan Narmikhel 2 3 An Islamist roadside bomb claims two lives.
2015.11.26 Azerbaijan Baku 2 0 Two policeman are killed when members of the Movement for Muslim Unity open fire.
2015.11.25 Iraq Hardan 9 4 An ISIS bomb blows nine Kurds into pieces.
2015.11.25 Iraq Mosul 11 0 A woman is among eleven civilian employees executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.25 Niger Wogom 18 11 Boko Haram members wade into a village, hacking and shooting eighteen residents to death.
2015.11.25 Pakistan Sheikh Baba 1 2 Sunni fundamentalists murder a government official.
2015.11.25 India Tanghdar 1 1 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen storm a camp and kill a civilian.
2015.11.24 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A 19-year-old girl is publicly lashed to death by a cleric for disobeying her family.
2015.11.24 Mali Goundam 1 0 A civilian is killed by a bomb planted by Islamic extremists.
2015.11.24 Libya Mislattah 5 16 Islamist bombers kill five people at a checkpoint.
2015.11.24 Egypt al-Araish 7 17 Two bombings at a hotel, one a suicide attack, leave six others dead.
2015.11.24 Syria Turkman Mountains 1 0 A Russian hostage is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.24 Tunisia Tunis 15 16 Fifteen on a bus are reduced to pulp by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.11.24 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An Austrian teen bride is beaten to death for trying to leave the caliphate.
2015.11.24 Pakistan Angoor Adda 7 3 Seven Pakistanis are killed when Taliban militants fire shells from across the border.
2015.11.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb near shops leaves a bloody mess and two dead.
2015.11.23 Iraq Madain 2 8 Religion of Peace shrapnel liberates two souls from their bodies.
2015.11.23 Egypt Tamiyyah 1 0 A 26-year-old mother of two is murdered by her conservative uncle after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2015.11.23 Iraq Zab 10 0 Ten civilians are executed and hung from poles by caliphate members.
2015.11.23 Israel Beit Horon 1 1 An 18-year-old Israel is stabbed to death by Arabs.
2015.11.23 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two homosexuals are blindfolded and flung from a roof by a Sharia court.
2015.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Two patrons at a restaurant are cut down in mid-bite by Mujahideen bombers.
2015.11.22 Afghanistan Kohat 1 0 A TV journalist is murdered by suspected Taliban.
2015.11.22 Pakistan Warghara 5 0 Five policemen are blown to bits by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.11.22 Israel Etzion 1 0 A young Israeli woman is brutally stabbed to death by Palestinians.
2015.11.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 7 A female suicide bomber exterminates eight people at a displaced persons camp.
2015.11.21 Pakistan Karachi 4 5 Terrorists shoot four people to death.
2015.11.21 Cameroon Leymarie 5 15 Five civilians are laid out by three female suicide bombers outside their residence.
2015.11.21 Iraq Sinjar 9 0 Nine people are killed when an ISIS bomb detonates at a house.
2015.11.20 Iraq Makhmour 7 0 Seven Kurds are killed during an attack by the Islamic State.
2015.11.20 Pakistan Charssada 2 0 Two traffic cops are shot in the head by Islamic extremists.
2015.11.20 Yemen Shibam 19 24 An al-Qaeda suicide attack leaves at leaves nineteen others dead.
2015.11.20 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 Ten worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.11.20 Pakistan Ittehad 4 0 Hardline gunmen pick off four guards outside a rival mosque during Friday prayers.
2015.11.20 Mali Bamako 27 6 Gunmen yelling 'Allah Akbar' storm a hotel and kill or capture dozens of people who are unable to recite Quran verses.
2015.11.20 Iraq Yousifiya 2 9 Two worshippers are killed when radicals place a bomb outside a rival mosque.
2015.11.20 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A woman is shot to death for 'not having good character.'
2015.11.19 Israel Tel Aviv 2 3 Two worshippers at a synagogue are stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist.
2015.11.19 Israel Gush Etzion 3 4 An American teenager is among three people cut down by an Arab drive-by shooter.
2015.11.19 Afghanistan Arghandab 1 6 Islamic radicals stage a suicide attack on a police station.
2015.11.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 6 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons.
2015.11.18 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A Norwegian and a Chinese hostage are executed by the Islamic State after being captured.
2015.11.18 Nigeria Kano 15 123 Fifteen patrons at a mobile phone market are sent to the afterlife by two child suicide bombers, including an 11-year-old girl.
2015.11.18 Saudi Arabia al-Qatif 2 0 Two local cops are shot to death by Shiite extremists.
2015.11.18 France Marseille 0 1 A Jewish teacher is stabbed by 'radicalized' Muslims.
2015.11.18 Bangladesh Dinajpur 0 1 An Italian priest is stabbed by Islamists.
2015.11.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 The Taliban take out two brothers with a planted explosive.
2015.11.18 Bosnia Sarajevo 2 1 An 'ultra-conservative' Salafi fires an automatic weapon into a gambling shop, killing two guards.
2015.11.17 Iraq Taji 2 8 Mujahideen kill two people with a planted bomb.
2015.11.17 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Kurdish doctor on his way to work is ambushed and killed by Shiite radicals.
2015.11.17 Nigeria Yola 34 80 Islamists bomb a fruit and vegetable market, obliterating thirty-four patrons.
2015.11.17 Philippines Jolo 1 0 A businessman is beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2015.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Radicals set off a bomb outside a car parts shop, killing two passersby.
2015.11.16 Iraq Nineveh 45 0 Media figures are among forty-five civilians pulled from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.16 Yemen Mocha 44 0 Forty-four Yemenis near a port are killed during a brutal ambush by Shiite rebels.
2015.11.15 Iraq Tuz Khormato 1 0 Shiite militia murder a 14-year-old Kurd.
2015.11.15 Iraq Ameriyat al-Fallujah 3 5 Three Iraqis are dismantled by an ISIS rocket.
2015.11.15 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Seven people are killed by a series of Mujahideen bombings.
2015.11.15 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 2 0 Two Shia guards outside a minority religion complex are picked off in a targeted shooting by Sunnis.
2015.11.15 Turkey Gaziantep 0 5 An ISIS suicide bomber injures five policemen.
2015.11.15 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 12 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2015.11.15 Iraq Sinjar 70 0 Two more mass graves are unearthed with the bodies of seventy Yazidi minority victims of ISIS execution.
2015.11.15 Syria Jamleh 7 0 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes out seven members of a rival group.
2015.11.14 Iraq Tal Afar 20 0 Twenty Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.14 Somalia Kismayo 15 25 At least fifteen are left dead after a surprise attack by al-Shabaab.
2015.11.14 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two police officers are shot to death by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.11.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The head of a university physics department is executed by ISIS.
2015.11.14 Iraq Sinjar 78 0 A mass grave is unearthed, containing seventy-eight elderly female victims of ISIS execution.
2015.11.14 Yemen Mahwit 1 0 One other person is killed when a suicide bomber explodes prematurely outside a mosque.
2015.11.14 Iraq Mandali 1 1 A Shahid suicide car bomber kills a bystander.
2015.11.13 France Paris 19 9 Islamic terrorists pile up nineteen bodies at a restaurant (Belle Equipe).
2015.11.13 France Paris 0 3 Islamic terrorists stage a suicide bombing outside a cafe Comptoir Voltaire).
2015.11.13 France Paris 1 0 Islamic terrorists eliminate a passerby with two suicide blasts outside a soccer stadium (Stade de France) and a nearby McDonalds's.
2015.11.13 France Paris 15 10 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen innocents at two restaurants (Le Carillon and Le Petit Cambodge).
2015.11.13 France Paris 5 8 Islamic terrorists shoot up a bar and pizzeria, killing five patrons (La Bonne Biere, Casa Nostra).
2015.11.13 France Paris 90 322 Islamic terrorists open fire and throw bombs during a concert at a music hall, slaughtering nearly ninety innocents while shouting 'Allah Akbar' (Bataclan).
2015.11.13 Yemen Shibam 3 14 At least three people are left dead after terrorists bomb a rival mosque.
2015.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 21 46 A suicide bomber strikes a Shia funeral, laying out twenty-one mourners.
2015.11.13 Iraq Sadr City 5 15 Sunnis set off a bomb near a Shiite shrine, killing five passersby.
2015.11.13 Israel Otniel 2 5 A Jewish father and son are murdered by Palestinians as they are on their way to a wedding event.
2015.11.13 Tunisia Sawar Soultaniya 1 0 Islamists behead a 16-year-old shepherd and send the head back to his family.
2015.11.12 CAR Bandambou 6 0 Six hunters are shot to death by suspected Seleka militants.
2015.11.12 Syria al-Heisha 4 0 A boy, his grandfather and two farmers reduced to pulp by an ISIS missile.
2015.11.12 Italy Milan 0 1 A Haredi Jew is stabbed nine times by a masked Muslim.
2015.11.12 Thailand Pattani 4 4 Four Thais are exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2015.11.12 Lebanon Beirut 43 240 Two Sunni suicide bombers massacre over forty people in a Shiite residential neighborhood.
2015.11.12 Jordan Irbid 2 0 In the name of honor, a man beheads his sister and stabs her 15-year-old son.
2015.11.11 Iraq Tarmiya 2 4 Two people are killed when Jihadis bomb a market.
2015.11.11 Iraq Ekreshat 22 0 Twenty-two civil servants are marched out to a field and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.11 Iraq Baiji 13 0 Thirteen members of two families are crushed to death in their own homes by ISIS explosives.
2015.11.11 Niger Bossa 5 0 At least five civilians are killed when Boko Haram attack a village.
2015.11.11 Egypt Harhor 8 1 A child is among eight family members slaughtered in their home by fundamentalist militants.
2015.11.10 Afghanistan Khak-i-Afghan 2 0 At least two others are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.11.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A blast at an outdoor market leaves three dead.
2015.11.10 Iraq Hussainiyah 4 7 Terrorists set off a bomb in a residential neighborhood, killing four.
2015.11.10 Syria Latakia 23 65 Sunnis send rockets into an area near a university, sending sixty-five to the hospital and twenty-three to the morgue.
2015.11.10 Iraq Shaab 2 7 A Sunni bomb rips through a parking lot, killing two.
2015.11.10 Pakistan Guddu 2 0 Islamic terrorists sneak up on a police post and machine-gun two officers.
2015.11.10 Iraq Dora 2 0 Two merchants are shot to death by Islamists.
2015.11.10 India Madikeri 1 20 A farmer's skull is crushed from a rock thrown by angry Muslims during a an anti-Hindu riot.
2015.11.10 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 An American contractor dies in custody after being kidnapped by Shiite militia.
2015.11.10 Bangladesh Rangpur 1 0 Seven Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen militants hack a rival shrine worker to death.
2015.11.09 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three young people are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.11.09 Cameroon Fotokol 3 20 At least three others are killed when female suicide bombers attack a rival mosque.
2015.11.09 Israel Hilhul Junction 1 6 Six Israelis are stabbed or run over by Palestinians. A victim also dies of wounds suffered in an earlier attack.
2015.11.09 Jordan Amman 5 4 Two Americans and a South African are gunned down along with two locals by an Islamic extremist in uniform.
2015.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 3 One person is cut down by sectarian Jihadis.
2015.11.09 CAR Ndassima 10 8 Muslim militia cut the throats of ten Christian villagers.
2015.11.08 Syria Aleppo 4 3 A child is among four civilians cut down by a Sunni rocket.
2015.11.08 Yemen Sanaa 16 6 Shiite militants are thought responsible for a brutal bombing that killed sixteen government troops at their barracks.
2015.11.08 Iraq Sadr City 7 20 A double suicide bombing at a Shiite market lays out seven patrons.
2015.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 A bomb at a popular market produces a bloody mess and two dead bodies.
2015.11.08 Chad Ngouboua 3 12 Two female suicide bombers murder three refugees at a fishing village.
2015.11.08 Afghanistan Rasani 7 0 Two women and a child are among seven civilians kidnapped and beheaded by ISIS.
2015.11.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Hazara religious minorities are sprayed with bullets by Ahle Sunnat wal Jamaat members.
2015.11.07 Iraq Albu Haiyat 5 12 Roadside bombs take care of five Iraqis, with a dozen surviving.
2015.11.07 Iraq Tarmiya 6 0 A suicide bomber claims six other lives.
2015.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Two Jihad bombings leave three dead.
2015.11.06 Afghanistan Shamir 1 0 Religion of Peace activists kill a rival cleric with a car bomb.
2015.11.06 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 A Shiite is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2015.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 Bombers target a residential area, killing three unfortunates.
2015.11.06 Iraq Maidan 2 5 Two people at a meat market are butchered by ISIS bombers.
2015.11.06 Libya Ajdabiya 1 0 A Salafi cleric is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.11.06 Iraq Yusufiya 1 2 Jihadi bombers take out a woman and injure her two children.
2015.11.05 Lebanon Arsal 5 15 Five Muslim scholars are taken out by a suicide blast from a Religion of Peace rival.
2015.11.05 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A bomb placed on a bus kills two passengers.
2015.11.04 Iraq Tal Afar 2 0 Two men are forced to kneel and then shot in the back of the head by Islamic warriors.
2015.11.04 Syria Mayadeen 3 0 Three brothers are publicly and slowly tortured to death by the Islamic State.
2015.11.04 Bangladesh Ashulia 1 1 Islamists hack a police officer to death during a traffic stop.
2015.11.04 Egypt al-Arish 5 10 A suicide bomber plows into a police club, killing at least five others.
2015.11.04 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Two bombs claim the lives of three bystanders.
2015.11.04 Syria Hassakeh 2 0 Two people are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.11.04 Afghanistan Shah Joy 1 0 The Taliban murder a civil activist on his way to work.
2015.11.04 USA Merced, CA 0 4 A student vowing to behead and 'praise Allah' stabs four others on campus.
2015.11.03 Afghanistan Tank 1 0 A journalist and father of five is shot to death by Sunni fundamentalists.
2015.11.03 Pakistan Salarzai 1 2 Sharia activists set off a bomb that kills a tribal elder and injures his two sons.
2015.11.03 Syria Harasta 1 0 Shrapnel from a Sunni rocket kills a woman on her way to work.
2015.11.03 Iraq Dibis 4 15 Four people are murdered by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.11.02 Somalia Walaweyn 15 15 Fifteen Somalis are killed in a road ambush by al-Shabaab.
2015.11.02 Iraq Badush 3 0 Three female doctors are put against a wall and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.11.02 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 6 Terrorists set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two innocents.
2015.11.02 Syria Homs 3 0 Three men are executed by Quran-quoting Muslims.
2015.11.02 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is stoned to death for premarital sex.
2015.11.02 Israel Rishon Lezion 0 3 An 80-year-old woman is among three stabbed by a Palestinian terrorist outside a store.
2015.11.02 India Bharuch 2 0 Two Hindu leaders are assassinated by Muslim terrorists.
2015.11.01 Pakistan Rana Deray 1 0 Suspected Islamists fire on a car carrying a female judge, killing the driver.
2015.11.01 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are executed for refusing to join the caliphate.
2015.11.01 Syria Maheen 50 0 Two suicide car bombings followed by a sustained assault leave at least fifty other dead.
2015.11.01 Chad Bougouma 3 14 A suicide bombing and subsequent attack leave three dead.
2015.11.01 Somalia Mogadishu 12 10 a dozen people at a hotel are massacred by suicide bombers, followed by gunfire.
2015.10.31 Iraq Mosul 12 0 A dozen teenagers forced into a terror training camp are executed for attempting to flee.
2015.10.31 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A secular political activist is assassinated by suspected Islamists.
2015.10.31 Bangladesh Lalmatia 0 3 Three secular writers are slashed with knives by Islamists.
2015.10.31 Bangladesh Shahbagh 1 0 A publisher who sponsored a book critical of Islam is stabbed and beheaded at his office.
2015.10.31 Afghanistan Achin 6 4 Islamists fire rockets into a rival mosque, killing six worshippers.
2015.10.31 Egypt al-Arish 1 6 A 60-year-old man is blown apart by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2015.10.31 Yemen Aden 2 0 Two men are shot to death in separate al-Qaeda drive-bys.
2015.10.31 Nigeria Itu 2 0 Two people are killed when terrorists attack a fish market.
2015.10.31 Egypt Sinai 224 0 Suspected Wilayat Sinai terrorists bomb a Russian airplane carrying two-hundred and twenty-four civilians.
2015.10.30 Turkey Sanliurfa 2 0 Two anti-ISIS journalists are beheaded in Turkey for being 'apostates'.
2015.10.30 Iraq al-Furat 4 0 Four men are forced to kneel and then shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.10.29 Iraq Talsaqif 12 10 A dozen Iraqis are blown apart by an ISIS rocket attack on a power plant.
2015.10.29 Libya Ajdabiya 1 0 The Islamic State takes out a rival cleric with a car bomb.
2015.10.29 Iraq Baghdad 26 40 Militant Shiites send rockets into a Sunni refugee camp, killing over two dozen.
2015.10.28 Iraq Ghabat 30 0 Seven women are among thirty Iraqis beheaded by the Islamic State
2015.10.28 Iraq Abbasiya 10 0 At least ten Iraqis are killed by two ISIS suicide car bombers.
2015.10.28 Afghanistan Sayid Karam 4 0 Four local cops are slaughtered by the Taliban.
2015.10.28 Iraq al-Hadba 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis die under torture at a caliphate prison.
2015.10.28 Bangladesh Feni 1 0 A woman loses her baby following a Muslim attack on a Hindu celebration.
2015.10.28 Niger Ala 14 3 Fourteen villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2015.10.28 Afghanistan Darqand 4 0 Four defenders are killed when the Taliban attack a town.
2015.10.28 India Bhutoo 3 0 Three security personnel are murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2015.10.28 Iraq Qayara 3 0 Three tribal elders are burned alive by Islamic State diplomats.
2015.10.28 Libya Banghazi 3 0 Three locals are beheaded by ISIS.
2015.10.27 Iraq Thar Thar 2 10 Two people lose their lives to a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.10.27 Iraq Shirqat 10 0 Ten people are executed for 'failing to perform their duty to Allah.'
2015.10.27 Pakistan Angoor Adda 7 3 Terrorists open fire point-blank on a border check post, killing seven guards.
2015.10.27 Syria Deir-ez-Zor 2 0 Two gay men are thrown from a roof by caliphate members.
2015.10.26 Syria Palmyra 3 0 Three people are strapped to ancient columns and blown up by the caliphate.
2015.10.26 Iraq Madaen 2 9 Jihadis set off a bomb at a popular market, killing two patrons.
2015.10.26 Iraq Husseiniyah 2 0 A married couple is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2015.10.26 Israel Kiryat Arba 0 1 An Israeli teen is stabbed in the neck by a Palestinian terrorist.
2015.10.26 Turkey Diyarbakir 2 5 ISIS members open fire on police, killing two.
2015.10.26 Saudi Arabia Najran 2 25 An elderly man is among two worshippers murdered by a suicide bomber at a mosque.
2015.10.26 Yemen Aden 2 5 Two souls are sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2015.10.26 CAR Bangui 3 0 Three ordinary Christians are targeted, abducted and murdered by Muslim radicals.
2015.10.26 Iraq Baghdad 7 23 Seven Shiite pilgrims are slaughtered in their tent by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.10.26 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 6 The Taliban murder two local human rights workers with a remote-controlled bomb.
2015.10.26 DRC Jericho 11 3 ADF Islamists stage three coordinated attacks that claim eleven lives.
2015.10.25 Iraq Albu Eitha 15 27 Fifteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.10.25 Iraq Tarmiya 2 9 A Shahid suicide bomber claims the lives of two others.
2015.10.25 Syria Aleppo 3 3 Three women are pulled into pieces by a Shuhada Bader rocket.
2015.10.25 Syria Homs 1 0 The Islamic State execute a hostage by driving a tank over him.
2015.10.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A political candidate is gunned down by suspected Brotherhood supporters.
2015.10.25 Iraq Aziz 10 7 A suicide car bomber exterminates ten bystanders.
2015.10.25 Syria Asharah 2 0 A man and boy are thrown off a high building on charges of being homosexual.
2015.10.24 France Marseille 0 2 A man yelling 'Allah Akbar' attacks a rabbi in a synagogue and stabs another Jew trying to help.
2015.10.24 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a 65-year-old woman to death in her home.
2015.10.24 Iraq Jeraishi 5 12 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out the lives of five innocents.
2015.10.24 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 An imam is kidnapped and murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.10.24 Bangladesh Dhaka 2 87 The Islamic State sets off a bomb at a Shiite religious festival that kill a 12-year-old and one other.
2015.10.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 6 A female suicide bomber detonates in a quiet neighborhood, taking three residents with her.
2015.10.24 Egypt al-Arish 3 8 Fundamentalists kill three cops with a roadside bomb.
2015.10.24 Egypt Giza 0 4 Fundamentalists place a bomb near the pyramids.
2015.10.23 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A university professor is among two people executed by the Islamic State.
2015.10.23 Iraq Khalediya 1 6 A 6-year-old child is reduced to pulp by an ISIS mortar round.
2015.10.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 19 60 A suicide blast by men chanting praises to Allah leaves a bloody mess and nineteen bodies.
2015.10.23 Pakistan Jacobabad 22 40 Five children are among twenty-two worshippers at a Shiite mosque sent straight to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.10.23 Libya Benghazi 12 39 Suspected Islamists kill a dozen demonstrators with a rocket barrage.
2015.10.23 Pakistan Swabi 2 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban murder two guards at a marketplace.
2015.10.23 Nigeria Yola 33 56 Thirty-three worshippers at a rival mosque are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.10.22 Afghanistan Ghormach 13 0 Thirteen local cops are executed by the Taliban.
2015.10.22 Iraq Tuz Khormato 3 36 Sunni bombers take out three Shiite pilgrims on foot.
2015.10.22 Iraq Baghdad 6 17 A half dozen Iraqis lose their lives to three Mujahid bomb attacks.
2015.10.22 Afghanistan Jaghato 2 0 The Taliban murder two people, including a secular government official.
2015.10.22 Pakistan Bolan 12 21 Six children are among a dozen Hazara religious minorities slaughtered in a targeted suicide bombing.
2015.10.22 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four hostages are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.10.21 Iraq Hawija 4 0 Four people are abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.10.21 Cameroon Daoulo 8 9 Eight villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.10.21 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 3 Four Taliban suicide bombers manage to kill two other people.
2015.10.21 Nigeria Jingalta 20 0 Religion of Peace activists open fire on four civilians vehicles, killing all twenty passengers.
2015.10.21 Philippines Limbocandis 1 0 Abu Sayyaf gunmen murder a guard.
2015.10.21 Yemen Taiz 22 30 Twenty-two civilians are sectionalized by Shiite rockets.
2015.10.21 Niger Diffa 2 3 A double-suicide bombing takes out two other people.
2015.10.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Three children are disassembled by an Islamist mortar round.
2015.10.20 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 The body parts of a 54-year-old man are scattered by a Muslim truck bomb.
2015.10.20 Iraq Taji 3 7 ISIS bombers murder three bystanders outside a row of shops.
2015.10.20 Israel Hebron 1 0 A 54-year-old Israeli is pelted with rocks and then run over twice by a Palestinian driver.
2015.10.20 Iraq Hawija 18 0 Eighteen civilians are pulled from their homes and summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2015.10.19 Nigeria Mile 40 Village 5 1 Boko Haram machine-gun five civilians in a car.
2015.10.19 Uganda Kalampete 1 0 Muslims drag a mother of eight from her home and shoot her because her husband converted to Christianity.
2015.10.19 Thailand Pattani 2 5 An 'insurgent' bomb claims the lives of two people riding in a pickup.
2015.10.19 Nigeria Dar 11 34 Two female suicide bombers massacre eleven villagers.
2015.10.19 Syria Aleppo 2 1 An Armenian mother and son are taken out by a Sunni rocket.
2015.10.19 Syria Derna 2 0 ISIS execute one man by shooting him after making him dig his own grave, and another by dragging him behind a car.
2015.10.19 Libya Cyrenaica 1 0 An African Christian is beheaded by an Arab Muslim on video.
2015.10.19 Thailand Pattani 2 5 Two security staff bleed out following a Muslim roadside bombing outside a village.
2015.10.19 Iraq Ghazaliya 2 8 Terrorists kill two people with a bomb.
2015.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Three shoppers at a market are reduced to pulp by an Islamic bomb blast.
2015.10.18 Afghanistan Ghormach 20 25 A sustained Taliban assault leaves at least twenty others dead.
2015.10.18 Iraq Ramadi 1 0 Fundamentalists behead a man for 'insulting Allah'.
2015.10.18 Israel Be-er Sheva 1 10 One other person is killed when an Arab begins stabbing and shooting people at a bus station.
2015.10.18 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three women are dragged out of a house and killed for 'waging war against Allah'.
2015.10.18 Philippines Cotabato City 1 1 Bangsamoro Islamists open fire on a couple, killing the man.
2015.10.18 DRC Mapiki 1 2 A civilian succumbs to injury following an ADF attack.
2015.10.17 Philippines Marawi 1 0 Marawi Islamists assassinate a local police chief.
2015.10.17 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two lawyers are dragged from their homes and executed by a Sharia court.
2015.10.17 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are killed by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.10.17 Libya Ajdabiya 1 1 The relative of an 'apostate' is killed by a car bomb.
2015.10.16 Syria al-Basira 1 0 A Sufi imam is put to death by the Islamic State.
2015.10.16 Nigeria Umari 22 14 Four female suicide bombers take two dozen villagers with them.
2015.10.16 Yemen Hodaida 12 0 An al-Qaeda suicide bombing and machine-gun attack leave a dozen dead.
2015.10.16 Iraq Youssifiyah 3 9 Three people are dismantled by a Mujahid bomb blast in a commercial area.
2015.10.16 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 12 Jihadi bombers send shrapnel through an outdoor market, claiming the lives of four patrons.
2015.10.16 Iran Dezful 2 2 Two worshippers at a Shiite event are picked off by a Sunni drive-by.
2015.10.16 Nigeria Molai 7 17 Seven people at a rival mosque are sent straight to Allah by suicide bombers.
2015.10.16 Saudi Arabia Saihat 5 4 A terrorist opens fire on a Shiite meeting hall, killing five.
2015.10.15 Iraq Yusufiya 1 4 A woman is reduced to parts by a Religion of Peace blast.
2015.10.15 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Three artists are among five executed by fundamentalists.
2015.10.15 Nigeria Maiduguri 42 9 Two suicide bombers massacre forty-two worshippers at a rival mosque.
2015.10.14 Egypt al-Arish 2 6 Islamic bombers kill a civilian and cop with a roadside bomb.
2015.10.14 India Krishna Ghati 1 3 Muslim militants murder a border guard.
2015.10.14 Pakistan Dera Ghazi Khan 7 13 Seven people at an office building are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.10.14 Afghanistan Qalami Kariz 29 0 Twenty-two local cops lose their lives to a vicious Taliban attack, including eight taken hostage and murdered.
2015.10.14 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is beheaded for trying to help others escape the caliphate.
2015.10.14 Iraq Sadr City 2 9 Two people at a cafe are blown away in mid-bite by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.10.13 Iraq Mosul 25 0 Twenty-five Iraqis are pulled from their homes and shot by the Islamic State.
2015.10.13 Mali Gossi 6 0 Islamists fire on civilians, bringing down at least six.
2015.10.13 Indonesia Singkil 1 4 One person is killed when a Muslim bomb burns down a church.
2015.10.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 11 Four other people are wiped out by three Fedayeen suicide bombers in an otherwise peaceful neighborhood.
2015.10.13 Israel Jerusalem 2 8 A Palestinian rams into a group of pedestrians then hacks several with a meat cleaver, killing a 60-year-old rabbi and a 76-year-old American peace activist.
2015.10.13 Israel Jerusalem 3 15 Two Palestinians board a bus and begin hacking and shooting Jews, killing three.
2015.10.13 Iraq Tel Abyad 1 1 The Islamic State kill a rival cleric and injure his 10-year-old son.
2015.10.12 Tunisia Kasserine 3 4 al-Qaeda militants execute a shepherd and two policemen trying to his rescue.
2015.10.12 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A former political candidate is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.10.12 Iraq Mudheij 9 8 A Shahid suicide car bomber takes out nine Iraqis.
2015.10.12 DRC Mukoko 8 0 ADF Islamists hack eight people to death with machetes.
2015.10.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A UN doctor is shot to death on her way home.
2015.10.12 Iraq Hawija 10 0 Jihadis behead ten less radical Jihadis.
2015.10.12 Philippines Cayamcam 1 4 A town's mayor is assassinated by Moro Islamists.
2015.10.11 Kyrgyzstan Bishkek 3 0 Jaish al-Mahdi members stab three guards to death at a prison where they were being kept.
2015.10.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 12 Two bombs in separate neighborhoods leave four dead.
2015.10.11 Iraq Mahmudiya 3 20 Mujahid bombers eliminate three Iraqis.
2015.10.11 Cameroon Mora 11 29 Eleven people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.10.11 Israel Gan Shmuel 0 9 A Palestinian rams his car into a group of Israelis and then begins stabbing.
2015.10.10 Iraq Fallujah 3 12 ISIS hits a house with a rocket, killing three civilians.
2015.10.10 Turkey Ankara 97 246 Two suicide bombers massacre one-hundred demonstrators at a peace rally.
2015.10.10 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 Jihadis plant a bomb in a bus that kills three passengers.
2015.10.10 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Islamic purists bomb a marketplace, snuffing out the lives of two patrons.
2015.10.10 Chad Baga Sola 41 48 Two suicide bombings by female devotees leave forty dead at a busy market and refugee camp.
2015.10.10 Yemen Mayfaa 4 0 Four men are executed for witchcraft - in accordance with 'Allah's law'.
2015.10.10 Nigeria Chibok 4 20 Four people are killed when Islamist gunmen fire into homes.
2015.10.09 Pakistan Okara 1 2 A politician is murdered by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.10.09 Afghanistan Baraki Barak 3 4 Three civilians are killed during a Taliban ambush.
2015.10.09 Mali Dounapen 3 0 Jihadists machine-gun three civilians.
2015.10.09 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A civilian is killed when extremists bomb a rival religious center.
2015.10.09 Iraq Diyala 35 45 ISIS mortar attacks on three villages leave three dozen dead.
2015.10.09 Burkina Faso Samorogouan 3 0 Three Burkinese are killed in a cross-border attack by Jihadists.
2015.10.08 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 Two people are blown up by Mujahid bombers.
2015.10.08 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four accused homosexuals are thrown from a rooftop by Religion of Peace activists.
2015.10.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 2 Radical Sunnis murder a Shiite father in front of his two young daughters.
2015.10.08 Thailand Nong Chik 2 0 A Buddhist couple selling pork are murdered by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2015.10.08 Syria Aleppo 5 0 Five people are executed by the Islamic State, including two by beheading.
2015.10.08 Israel Tel Aviv 0 8 Eight Israelis are stabbed in multiple attacks by 'Allah Akbar' shouting Muslims.
2015.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 At least two Iraqis are picked off by Islamist bombers.
2015.10.07 Iraq Ridhwaniya 5 16 Five people are killed by Mujahid bombers.
2015.10.07 Afghanistan Bati Kot 1 0 Religious extremists murder a rival cleric outside his seminary.
2015.10.07 Nigeria Damaturu 7 5 A suicide bomber takes out seven people outside a shop.
2015.10.07 Nigeria Damaturu 9 5 An entire family is blown up by a Religion of Peace suicide bomber.
2015.10.07 Nigeria Damaturu 1 5 At least one other person outside a mosque is liquidated by a suicide bomber.
2015.10.07 India Bandipora 1 0 Lashkar-e-Taiba gunmen assassinate a police officer on the job.
2015.10.07 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Fundamentalists shoot a doctor and his companion to death.
2015.10.07 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is stoned to death in front of children for adultery.
2015.10.07 Nigeria Gubio 12 0 A dozen people are reported dead following a Boko Haram suicide blast at a rival mosque.
2015.10.06 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six contractors at government projects are lined up and shot by the Islamic State.
2015.10.06 Iraq Baghdad 2 4 Two people are taken out by Mujahid bombers.
2015.10.06 Thailand Kam Cham 1 1 Militant Muslims fire on a Buddhist man in a pickup truck, killing him and badly injuring his wife.
2015.10.06 Yemen Sanaa 7 0 An Islamic State suicide bomber slaughters seven at a rival mosque.
2015.10.06 Syria Aleppo 2 1 Two women are beheaded and another tortured by the Islamic State.
2015.10.06 Thailand Yala 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a rubber tapper to death on his way to work.
2015.10.06 Chad Kaiga Ngouboua 11 13 Eleven defenders are killed during a cross-border attack by Boko Haram.
2015.10.05 Yemen Aden 15 0 ISIS claims credit for a suicide bombing at a hotel that leaves fifteen dead.
2015.10.05 Pakistan Gulistan-i-Jauhar 1 0 A 36-year-old mechanic is shot to death on his way home by radical Sunnis.
2015.10.05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two accused homosexuals are thrown from a roof.
2015.10.05 Iraq al-Khales 35 58 At least thirty Shiites are torn to shreds by a Sunni car bomb in a commercial district.
2015.10.05 Iraq Basra 10 25 Militant Sunnis set off a bomb in a Shiite shopping area, killing at least ten.
2015.10.05 Iraq Baghdad 14 25 Over a dozen innocents lose their lives in their own neighborhood to a Religion of Peace car bomb blast.
2015.10.05 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 ISIS capture and behead local man.
2015.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 0 11 Three suicide bombers detonate outside a house and other targets.
2015.10.05 Bangladesh Pabna 0 1 Islamists stab a pastor at his home after feigning an interest in converting.
2015.10.05 Iraq Kbeibah 4 0 Three women and a man are machine-gunned in their tracks while trying to escape the caliphate.
2015.10.05 India Hadwara 4 0 Islamic militants open fire on a group of Indian soldiers, killing four.
2015.10.05 Philippines Banguingi 4 2 A father and three children are murdered in their home by suspected Abu Sayyaf.
2015.10.04 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two Egyptian police officers are shot point-blank by ISIS.
2015.10.04 Niger Diffa 6 4 Two suicide bombings leave six others dead.
2015.10.04 Pakistan Nala Tochi 1 1 Islamists set off a bomb as a father and son pass, killing the older man instantly.
2015.10.04 Afghanistan Maimana 7 0 Seven members of a single family are wiped out by Taliban terrorists.
2015.10.04 Iraq Tharthar 70 0 Seventy Iraqis are kidnapped from their homes and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.10.03 Bangladesh Kownia 1 0 A Japanese sponsor is gunned down by Muslim radicals while visiting a humanitarian project.
2015.10.03 Israel Jerusalem 2 2 Two men walking with their families are stabbed to death by an Islamic Jihad member, who also shoots a baby in the leg.
2015.10.03 Iraq Baghdad 24 61 Three suicide bombers attack a city square in a Shiite neighborhood, massacring two dozen people out enjoying the day.
2015.10.03 Thailand Yala 2 0 Muslim 'insurgents' fire into a pickup truck, killing two occupants.
2015.10.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 A father and grocer is gunned down in his shop by militant Muslims.
2015.10.03 Syria Yilda 5 0 The al-Islam army storms a courthouse and shoot five people to death.
2015.10.02 Germany Dessau 1 0 A young refugee is honor killed on the order of her family after being gang-raped in Syria.
2015.10.02 India Bareilly 1 0 A man described as 'fanatical' about his Muslim faith kills his 4-year-old daughter in a fit of rage for not covering her head.
2015.10.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 14 29 Boko Haram strap suicide vests on five girls and send them to a rival mosque. At least fourteen are killed during the carnage.
2015.10.02 Niger Barwa 2 4 Two border guards are shot to death by religious radicals.
2015.10.02 Libya Es Sider 1 2 A guard is left dead after Islamic extremists attack an oil port.
2015.10.02 Australia Sydney 1 0 A youth shoots an IT worker to death outside a police station after expressing anger of a 'war on Islam.'
2015.10.02 Nigeria Abuja 18 41 Two suicide bombings, one at a bus stop blow eighteen innocents to bits.
2015.10.02 Yemen Taiz 1 0 Extremists enter a home and shoot a young convert to Christianity to death.
2015.10.02 DRC Mbau-Kamango 2 1 Two civilians are abducted and executed by the ADF.
2015.10.01 Philippines Basilan 4 23 A suspected Abu Sayyaf blast produces four bodies.
2015.10.01 Nigeria Kirchinga 7 0 Religion of Peace proponents slit the throats of seven villagers in an early morning attack, including three women.
2015.10.01 Israel Beit Furik 2 0 Fatah gunmen shoot a Jewish couple to death inside their car in front of their four young children.
2015.10.01 Yemen Aden 1 0 ISIS releases video of a man beaten by a mob and then shot in the head.
2015.10.01 Pakistan Kanju 1 0 A member of a peace committee is assassinated by Islamists.
2015.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 1 6 Mujahid plant a bomb outside a soccer stadium that claims a passerby.
2015.09.30 Nigeria Adamawa 4 0 Boko Haram sneak up on two villages and murder four residents.
2015.09.30 Iraq Kirkuk 10 0 Ten Kurdish captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.09.30 Iraq Jeraishi 13 15 Thirteen people are dismantled by three suicide bombers.
2015.09.30 Pakistan Liaquatabad 1 0 A 55-year-old rickshaw driver is shot dead for being a member of the wrong Islamic sect.
2015.09.30 Egypt Obour 1 0 The Islamic State shoot a man to death outside his home.
2015.09.30 Thailand Tak Bai 2 0 Two guards are gunned down by militant Muslims outside a festival.
2015.09.29 Denmark Copenhagen 0 1 A Palestinian ISIS sympathizer stabs a policeman at a refugee center.
2015.09.29 Iraq Awenat 7 1 Seven members of one family are neatly disassembled by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.09.29 Pakistan Omar Kalay 3 4 Three police are shot to death by militant Muslims.
2015.09.29 Pakistan Piran 1 1 Islamist gunmen take out a secular schoolteacher.
2015.09.29 Syria Homs 30 0 At least thirty others are left dead after an al-Qaeda assault.
2015.09.29 Egypt Giza 1 2 A police recruit is gunned down by religious radicals on motorbikes.
2015.09.29 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three captives are forced to kneel and then shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.09.29 Thailand Bannang Sata 1 0 A 26-year-old man is shot in the face by Muslim terrorists outside his house.
2015.09.29 Iraq Tarmiyah 7 16 Seven people are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.09.29 DRC Matiba 3 0 Three farmers are hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2015.09.28 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 Two young women are shot to death for having 'bad character'.
2015.09.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 At least four are left dead after an ISIS car bomb goes off in a parking garage.
2015.09.28 Iraq Khalidiya 6 0 Religious militia murder six policemen.
2015.09.28 Iraq Garma 7 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes seven Iraqis with him.
2015.09.28 Iraq Fallujah 12 0 Shahid suicide bombers reportedly claim a dozen lives.
2015.09.28 Afghanistan Kunduz 30 200 A Taliban assault on a poorly-protected city leaves thirty others dead.
2015.09.28 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 The Islamic State claims the shooting of an Italian charity worker.
2015.09.27 Nigeria Mailari 20 24 Islamists attack a village and shoot twenty residents to death.
2015.09.27 Pakistan Khairkot 9 51 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a playground volleyball game, killing nine innocents.
2015.09.27 Afghanistan Chahar Burjak 2 4 A mother and son are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2015.09.27 Afghanistan Achin 3 8 Three local cops are riddled with bullets by Islamic State members.
2015.09.26 Nigeria Madagali 40 50 'Scores' are killed during a sustained Boko Haram assault on three villages.
2015.09.26 Egypt Sinai 2 16 Two local cops are taken out by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.09.26 Somalia Kismayo 4 3 Four people at a restaurant are bitten off by Mujahid bombers.
2015.09.26 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two lawyers are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.26 CAR Bangui 21 100 A mob of Muslims pour automatic weapons fire into a Christian neighborhood, killing at least twenty-one.
2015.09.25 Niger N'Gourtoua 15 4 Islamists slash the throats of fifteen villagers.
2015.09.25 Saudi Arabia al-Shamli 3 0 The Islamic State is suspected of gunning down three people in two attacks.
2015.09.25 Saudi Arabia Marib 2 0 Shiite radicals are suspected of disabling a vehicle with a bomb and then shooting the occupants.
2015.09.25 Nigeria Lokoja 1 7 A Boko Haram storm a government building, killing a guard.
2015.09.25 Mali Yogodogi 1 3 A local herder is murdered and three other people beaten by Islamic terrorists.
2015.09.24 Saudi Arabia Ha'il 1 0 A local cop is murdered by his ISIS-supporting cousins.
2015.09.24 Pakistan Hari Chand 2 0 Two brothers are shot in their home by Sharia activists.
2015.09.24 Yemen Sanaa 29 60 At least twenty-nine Shia worshippers are reduced to pulp by a dedicated Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.09.23 Syria Khacham 1 0 The Islamic State executes a young woman for using an Internet app to talk with men.
2015.09.23 Syria al-Raee 2 0 Two Turks are beheaded by Islamists.
2015.09.23 Pakistan Karachi 12 0 A TTP operative confesses to serial killing a dozen MQM political activists over the years.
2015.09.23 Afghanistan Nokundi 6 0 Six people are taken hostage and executed by the Taliban.
2015.09.23 Syria Damascus 1 3 Sunnis shell a neighborhood, killing one civilian.
2015.09.23 Syria Homs 1 12 A woman is murdered by Jihadi car bombers.
2015.09.23 Niger Allawa 35 25 Nearly three dozen people are hacked to death by Muslim terrorists.
2015.09.23 Syria Hasaka 3 0 Three Christian Assyrians taken captive by the caliphate are executed with shots to the head.
2015.09.23 Uganda Kalampete 1 0 A Christian evangelist is beaten to death by Islamists following a debate.
2015.09.22 Afghanistan Qush Tepa 10 0 Ten soldiers are murdered by a Taliban insider.
2015.09.22 Afghanistan Dalwat Abad 5 3 Five local cops are laid out by Sunni bombers.
2015.09.22 Iraq Qayara 5 0 Five police officers are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two Iraqis.
2015.09.21 Iraq Tarmiya 3 0 Three family members are shot to death by religious radicals.
2015.09.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A TV news cameraman is kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.21 Cameroon Gouzoudou 0 2 Two female suicide bombers blow themselves up on market day.
2015.09.21 Syria Sere Kaniye 8 25 Two ISIS car bombings take eight lives.
2015.09.21 Iraq Baghdad 11 40 A horrific blast at a vegetable market lays out eleven patrons.
2015.09.21 Somalia Mogadishu 5 12 A suicide car bomber takes out five souls.
2015.09.21 Philippines Sandah 1 0 A cleric is killed during an Abu Sayyaf attack.
2015.09.21 Syria Rastan 7 0 Seven men are shot by the Islamic State 'for being gay.'
2015.09.21 Syria Hreitan 3 0 Two men and a boy are executed on charges of being homosexual by the Islamic State.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Ngorongoro 6 0 Six villagers have their throats slit by Boko Haram.
2015.09.20 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two younger people are executed by the caliphate for taking pictures on their phones.
2015.09.20 Pakistan Swat 1 0 Religious extremists shoot a man to death on his way home.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Monguno 45 60 A Fedayeen suicide bomb blast rips through an outdoor market, claiming forty-five innocents.
2015.09.20 Cameroon Mora 3 29 Three others are killed when two female suicide bombers blow themselves up.
2015.09.20 Syria Aleppo 14 25 Seven children are among fourteen killed when Sunnis pour rockets into an Armenian neighborhood.
2015.09.20 Nigeria Maiduguri 85 90 Boko Haram bombers strike a rival mosque and several other buildings, killing at least eighty - including children.
2015.09.20 Pakistan Kandiwal 2 0 Two sisters are shot dead by their conservative uncle for marrying against the family's wishes.
2015.09.20 Syria Qaryatin 1 0 A Christian is executed by the Islamic State for refusing to pay jizya.
2015.09.19 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A police officer is shot to death on the street by Muslim extremists.
2015.09.19 Afghanistan Zarmat 5 24 A shooting attack and separate suicide bombings leave five dead and two dozen injured.
2015.09.19 Mali Bih 4 0 Macina Islamist gunmen on motorcycles take out four innocents in a drive-by.
2015.09.19 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A moderate imam is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.09.18 Somalia Yaqbariweyne 12 5 Islamists overrun a security base, killing a dozen defenders.
2015.09.18 Libya Tripoli 2 0 An ISIS attack on a prison leaves two others dead.
2015.09.18 Pakistan Peshawar 29 30 Sharia proponents machine-gun twenty-nine people at an air base mosque.
2015.09.18 Philippines Zamboanga 1 16 Abu Sayyaf bombers kill a woman with a bomb planted under a bus seat.
2015.09.18 Libya Tripoli 3 0 Three guards at an airport are gunned down by ISIS.
2015.09.18 Pakistan Sopore 1 1 Terrorists kill a man and injure his 3-year-old-son.
2015.09.18 Pakistan Korangi 2 4 Two people are killed when Religion of Peace gunmen attack a rival shrine.
2015.09.18 Afghanistan Kabul 4 7 Women and children are among several civilians 'liberated' by Taliban shrapnel.
2015.09.18 Iraq al-Fura 1 0 A gay man is thrown off a roof by caliphate members.
2015.09.18 Iraq Abu Saida 6 5 Terrorists open fire on a group of young people outside a house, killing six.
2015.09.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 A Shiite shop owner is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2015.09.18 Afghanistan Arghandab 8 0 All eight policemen manning a checkpoint are mowed down by religious extremists.
2015.09.18 Sudan Umray 4 3 Arab militia invade a village and murder four Africans.
2015.09.18 Syria Fua 12 0 A suicide car bomber kills at least a dozen others in a small village.
2015.09.18 Dagestan Khtun 5 0 Five local hunters are brutally slain by Muslim militants.
2015.09.18 China Aksu 50 0 Five guards are among some fifty people at a coal mine stabbed to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.09.17 Afghanistan Faizabad 1 0 Suspected Islamists toss a grenade into the house of a freelance journalist.
2015.09.17 Iraq Bab al-Sharji 12 45 A suicide bomber on foot takes out thirteen Iraqis.
2015.09.17 Iraq Baghdad 9 31 Nine people at a public square are incinerated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.09.17 Germany Berlin 0 1 An Islamic extremist stabs a policewoman in the neck.
2015.09.17 Thailand Narathiwat 3 10 Muslim 'rebels' kill three people with a series of planted bombs.
2015.09.17 Somalia Kismayo 3 7 An al-Shabaab bomb hidden in a tree claims three lives.
2015.09.16 Cameroon Aissa Harde 9 0 Boko Haram members burn 40 homes and kill nine villagers.
2015.09.16 Cameroon Ngoulma 2 0 Two guards are killed when Islamists fire into a village.
2015.09.16 Iraq Khalidiya 6 14 Two children are among a half-dozen city residents blown to bits by ISIS mortar rounds.
2015.09.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five Kurdish civilians are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.16 Afghanistan Kabul 4 41 A Shahid suicide car bomber murders four innocents and injures dozens more.
2015.09.16 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 22-year-old man is pulled into three pieces by a Muslim bomb.
2015.09.16 Nigeria Kadunung 18 150 Muslims attack a Christian community, killing eighteen innocents, including a man and his six children.
2015.09.15 Syria al-Jazira 3 0 Two homosexuals are flung from a rooftop by caliphate members, who also shoot another man in the back of the head.
2015.09.15 Libya Benghazi 1 0 A 39-year-old baker is forced to his knees and shot by fundamentalists.
2015.09.15 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three university professors are executed with shots to the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.09.15 Syria Hasakah 7 21 An Islamic State suicide bomber detonates in front of a water authority building and takes out seven souls.
2015.09.15 Syria Aleppo 38 150 At least fourteen children are among forty innocents turned to paste by Sunni rockets.
2015.09.15 Afghanistan Char Dewar 6 0 Six civilians are machine-gunned in their car at point-blank range by fundamentalists.
2015.09.15 Nigeria Sarkin Kudu 9 9 Nine Christians are murdered in their village by Muslim invaders.
2015.09.15 Dagestan Rubas 3 0 Fundamentalists attack the residence of a local fortune teller, killing three.
2015.09.14 England White Chapel 1 0 A faith healer is stabbed to death in a targeted attack by a religious Muslim.
2015.09.14 Pakistan Multan 11 59 A suicide blast produces eleven charred bodies.
2015.09.14 Iraq Saqlawiya 3 5 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis.
2015.09.14 Mali Mopti 2 0 Armed Islamists take out two local cops.
2015.09.14 Syria Mahata 10 40 Ten people are laid out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.09.14 Egypt Khareeza 12 4 Ansar Bait Al-Maqdis is strongly suspected of a shooting at a wedding in which a dozen guests were massacred.
2015.09.14 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 7 Four guards lose their lives when the Taliban stage a Fedayeen suicide attack on a prison.
2015.09.14 Syria Khashman 16 40 Two children are among sixteen slaughtered by an ISIS suicide car bombing.
2015.09.14 Israel Jerusalem 1 2 A 64-year-old man dies of injuries suffered during an Arab rock attack.
2015.09.14 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 20 17 Twenty Christians are massacred by Muslim militants.
2015.09.13 Somalia Raaso 2 0 Two brothers are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2015.09.13 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five rival prayer leaders are shot in the back of the head by the caliphate.
2015.09.13 Egypt Western Desert 1 0 An Egyptian is beheaded and crucified by ISIS.
2015.09.13 Iraq Ghazlani 32 0 Thirty-two captives are euthanized by Islamic State executioners.
2015.09.13 Pakistan Khaisoor 2 0 Two men are picked off by Taliban snipers while fetching water.
2015.09.13 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 7 0 Seven people are shot to death by suspected terrorists.
2015.09.13 Cameroon Kolofata 9 24 Three suicide bombers set themselves off at a packed market, killing at least nine.
2015.09.13 Kenya Kakamega 1 0 A 9-year-old girl is beaten to death at a mosque for being unable to recite the Quran.
2015.09.12 Iraq Baiji 3 8 An ISIS attack leaves three others dead.
2015.09.12 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The director of a radio station is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.12 Syria Damascus 11 30 Jaish al-Islam send rockets into a suburb, killing eleven residents.
2015.09.11 Yemen Marib 20 40 At least twenty civilians bleed out following a rocket attack by Shiite radicals on a marketplace.
2015.09.11 Egypt Sinai 4 0 Four local soldiers are blown to bits by Islamic extremists.
2015.09.11 Syria Damascus 1 12 A civilian loses his life to an ISIS mortar round.
2015.09.11 Nigeria Madgali 4 3 A female suicide bomber detonates at a market, taking four patrons with her.
2015.09.11 Nigeria Yola 7 20 Children are among the victims of a horrible Boko Haram bombing at a refugee camp that claims seven.
2015.09.11 Iraq Daquq 13 47 Thirteen Kurds are blown to bits by ISIS bombs.
2015.09.11 Pakistan Pandyali 2 0 Two members of a peace committee are sectionalized by Taliban bombers.
2015.09.11 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Fundamentalists take out a woman and child with a car bomb.
2015.09.11 DRC Mamove 9 0 An ADF attack leaves at least nine others dead.
2015.09.11 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A rival imam is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.09.10 CAR Bangui 2 20 Muslim terrorists are suspected of three grenade attacks on gathered crowds that leave two dead.
2015.09.10 Iraq Albu Souda 9 14 A Shahid suicide bomber snuffs out the lives of nine others.
2015.09.10 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 7 Two people are flattened by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.09.10 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 Terrorists take out a local official with a drive-by.
2015.09.10 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 0 Five police officers on patrol are destroyed by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.09.09 Iraq Anbar 13 13 Over a dozen Iraqis are laid out by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.09 Afghanistan Kalakhan 2 1 Two Afghan are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.09.09 Iraq Hit 2 0 The caliph executes two people by tying them to explosives.
2015.09.09 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten women are executed for refusing to have sex with Islamic extremists.
2015.09.09 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Shiite radicals are suspected of gunning down a shop owner and his assistant.
2015.09.09 Pakistan Shah Faisal 1 0 A 28-year-old man is shot to death by sectarian rival.
2015.09.09 Syria Abu al-Duhur 71 40 al-Qaeda members line up and execute fifty-six captives at an air base after killing fifteen others in the assault.
2015.09.09 Iraq Derik 35 0 Three dozen Kurds are reportedly killed by a an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2015.09.09 Dagestan Novy Kurush 1 0 A moderate imam is shot to death by radical co-religionists.
2015.09.09 Uganda Bukedea 0 1 A young Catholic woman is raped and left to die by three Muslims because her parents had left Islam.
2015.09.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female journalist is publicly executed by caliphate enforcers.
2015.09.08 Iraq Qarma 8 0 ISIS members sneak up and machine-gun eight people manning a checkpoint.
2015.09.08 Pakistan Khyber 6 0 Six members of a peace committee are abducted and slain by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2015.09.07 Egypt Taweel al-Amir 2 5 Islamic 'insurgents' kill two local security personnel with a roadside bomb.
2015.09.07 Libya Benghazi 7 0 Seven people lose their lives to an Islamist attack.
2015.09.07 Afghanistan Khurasan 1 0 A man is brutally beheaded the Uzbekistan Islamic Movement.
2015.09.07 Pakistan Qambarkhel 5 0 Lashkar-e-Islam gunmen ambush and kill five tribals.
2015.09.07 Yemen Taiz 1 0 A 40-year-old Christian convert is ambushed and shot 15 or 20 times for leaving Islam.
2015.09.06 Afghanistan Nimroz 7 3 Seven locals are taken out by the Taliban.
2015.09.06 Iraq Madain 2 2 Women and children are among the casualties of a Mujahid bomb attack.
2015.09.06 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 A secular-leaning politician is gunned down along with a family member.
2015.09.06 Pakistan Kotigram 1 0 A local official is sprayed with bullets by a Muslim terrorist group.
2015.09.06 DRC Beni 7 0 Seven civilians are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2015.09.05 Iraq Arab Jabour 4 0 A family of four, including two children, is exterminated in their home by Holy Warriors.
2015.09.05 Afghanistan Balkh 13 0 Thirteen Hazara religious minorities are machine-gunned on a minibus by Sunni radicals.
2015.09.05 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 3 The Taliban murder a local politician with a roadside bomb.
2015.09.04 Syria Sweida 31 24 Thirty-one people are taken out by two al-Nusra car bombs.
2015.09.04 Tajikistan Vahdat 8 2 Islamic militants launch pre-dawn attacks on local police that leave eight dead.
2015.09.04 Tajikistan Dushanbe 2 1 Two guards at an airport are picked off during an Islamist drive-by.
2015.09.04 Saudi Arabia Abqaiq 1 2 A terrorist opens fire on police with a machine-gun, killing one.
2015.09.04 Iraq Madain 3 6 Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district, killing three bystanders.
2015.09.04 Bangladesh Chittagong 2 0 Two Islamists cut the throats of two staff at a Sufi shrine.
2015.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Jihadi bombers take out three patrons at a market.
2015.09.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 Sunnis bomb two Shiite areas, killing four civilians.
2015.09.03 Iraq Tarmiya 3 8 A bomb blast at a Sunni vegetable market leaves three dead.
2015.09.03 Afghanistan Helmand 8 0 The Taliban drug eight police and then shoot them to death.
2015.09.03 Cameroon Kerawa 30 143 Two female suicide bombers slaughter thirty patrons at a market.
2015.09.02 Iraq Hashd Shaabi 11 16 Eleven Iraqis are disassembled by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.02 Iraq Haditha 3 6 Three people are killed when ISIS militants send mortars toward a dam.
2015.09.02 Iraq Khalis 4 18 Four people lose their lives to an Islamist car bomb.
2015.09.02 India Ladoora 1 2 A Lashkar-e-Islam member opens fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2015.09.02 Iraq Tel Saqif 8 2 Islamic State members kill eight Iraqis with a mortar barrage.
2015.09.02 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four civilians are executed at a market by the Islamic State.
2015.09.02 Nigeria Mainari 5 6 Muslim 'insurgents' murder five villagers.
2015.09.02 Yemen Sanaa 32 75 Over two dozen worshippers at a Shiite mosque are sent straight to Allah by two suicide bombers.
2015.09.02 Pakistan Urmar Payan 3 6 Three cops are liquidated by Islamic terrorists.
2015.09.02 Pakistan Latakia 10 25 Sunni extremists set off a car bomb in a town square that claims ten lives.
2015.09.01 Nigeria Kolori 18 0 Boko Haram ride into a town on horseback, shoot eighteen residents to death and steal their food.
2015.09.01 Nigeria Ba'na Iman 8 0 Eight villagers are murdered by Sharia proponents.
2015.09.01 Pakistan Jamrud 6 56 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least six others.
2015.09.01 Somalia Janaale 50 50 At least fifty AU peacekeepers are killed during an al-Shabaab attack on their base.
2015.09.01 Mali Timbuktu 2 1 Two local security personnel are murdered by Jihadists.
2015.09.01 Iraq Haditha 12 8 Three ISIS suicide bombers take out a dozen Iraqis.
2015.08.31 Iraq Anbar 4 0 Four Shiites are suspended with chains and then burned alive by Sunni extremists.
2015.08.31 Iraq Salahuddin 3 0 The caliphate hacks the heads off three people for the crime of helping families escape.
2015.08.31 Pakistan Khar 1 4 A civilian is killed by a roadside blast.
2015.08.31 Nigeria Fatawe 36 0 Several dozen villagers are rounded up and bound, then have their throats slit in front of their families by Boko Haram.
2015.08.30 Nigeria Hambagda 7 5 Sharia proponents shoot seven innocents to death.
2015.08.30 Iraq Haditha 4 2 Four people are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.08.30 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Tehreek-e-Taliban snipers.
2015.08.30 Libya Rakiyat 5 2 An Islamist attack on a village checkpoint leaves five dead.
2015.08.30 Yemen Mansura 1 0 al-Qaeda on motorbikes assassinate a security official.
2015.08.29 Nigeria Karnuwa 4 0 Four villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2015.08.29 Bahrain Karana 1 6 A security official is taken down by Shiite bombers.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 0 Six cops are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Taliban.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Oruzgan 3 0 Two tribal elders and their driver are exterminated by religious radicals.
2015.08.29 Afghanistan Chora 3 0 Three people lose their lives to a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.08.29 Iraq Fallujah 6 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber destroys six other lives.
2015.08.29 Iraq Trebil 8 6 Eight people are taken apart by Islamist bomb blasts at a border crossing.
2015.08.29 Syria Homs 4 19 IS terrorists detonate a car bomb in front of a pharmacy, killing four.
2015.08.29 Iraq Baghdad 5 19 Two Mujahid roadside blasts take out five Iraqis.
2015.08.29 Iraq Shirqat 12 0 A dozen people are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.28 Pakistan Charmarkand 1 0 A tribal elder is murdered by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.08.28 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Two Afghans are taken out by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.08.28 Iraq Baghdad 6 10 A half-dozen Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Mujahid car bomb.
2015.08.28 Iraq Kirkuk 3 8 Terrorists kill three people with a roadside bomb.
2015.08.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Sunnis gun down a Shia official.
2015.08.28 Nigeria Baanu 68 56 At least sixty civilians are massacred by Boko Haram during an indiscriminate attack on a village.
2015.08.28 Syria Aleppo 12 0 Twelve Christians are tortured and murdered by the Islamic State for refusing to embrace Islam, including a 12-year-old boy who had his fingers chopped off, three women who were raped and three others who were crucified.
2015.08.27 Nigeria Kafa 4 0 Islamists slit the throats of four fishermen.
2015.08.27 Niger Abadam 3 0 Three locals are killed during a raid by Sharia proponents.
2015.08.27 Iraq Ramadi 5 10 Two suicide bombers eliminate five Iraqis.
2015.08.27 Iraq Qayara 11 0 Eleven Iraqis are executed by the caliphate.
2015.08.27 Iraq Kirkuk 3 6 Three people are blown apart by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2015.08.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 13 Muslim terrorists take out three innocents with bombs in two neighborhoods.
2015.08.27 Pakistan Pir Mahal 4 0 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber kills three children and their mother.
2015.08.27 Iraq Anbar 50 30 A massive double-suicide blast leaves over fifty Iraqis dead.
2015.08.26 Iraq Tal Afar 7 0 Seven Kurds are killed by ISIS mortars.
2015.08.26 Somalia Garbaharey 11 0 Eleven people are ambushed and murdered by al-Shabaab.
2015.08.26 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Two local cops are riddled with bullets by ISIS gunmen on motorcycles.
2015.08.26 Iran Orumieh 1 0 A political activist is hanged for 'waging war on God'.
2015.08.25 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten people are executed in front of their families by the Islamic State.
2015.08.25 India Khanday Pora 1 0 A worker for a secular political party is shot to death by Islamists.
2015.08.25 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 1 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.08.25 Iraq Fallujah 3 0 Three civilians are dragged to the city square and executed by ISIS.
2015.08.25 Nigeria Damaturu 5 41 Two young female suicide bombers slaughter five people at a bus station.
2015.08.25 Pakistan Ladha 3 0 Three security personnel are ambushed and machine-gunned by pro-Sharia militants.
2015.08.25 Pakistan Gwadar 2 2 Muslims toss a hand grenade into a Hindu-owned shop, killing two people.
2015.08.25 Saudi Arabia Jizan 3 3 Shiite radicals cross the border and kill three Saudi guards.
2015.08.25 Nigeria Marfunudi 24 50 Two dozen innocent people are massacred by Boko Haram, many with their throats cut.
2015.08.25 Afghanistan Oruzgan 19 0 Nineteen individuals are murdered by the Taliban.
2015.08.25 Afghanistan Paktia 1 3 A pregnant woman loses her baby after a vicious beating by the Taliban.
2015.08.25 CAR Kidgigra 20 5 In a series of 'reprisal' attacks targeting Christians, militant Muslims hack and shoot some twenty people to death.
2015.08.24 Afghanistan Shebarghan 1 2 Terrorists set off a bomb at a market, but only manage to kill one.
2015.08.24 Libya Sirte 4 0 ISIS captures and executes four people.
2015.08.24 Egypt Beheira 3 23 Three security personnel are killed by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2015.08.24 Egypt Fayoum 1 0 A man dies from injuries suffered during a shooting by religious radicals.
2015.08.24 Syria Kweiris 51 0 Fifty-one personnel at an airbase are massacred by ISIS.
2015.08.24 Thailand Muang 1 0 A fruit vendor is brought down with a bullet to the neck by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2015.08.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is stoned to death for adultery.
2015.08.24 Tunisia Bouchebka 1 3 Religious radicals gun down a customs official at the border.
2015.08.24 Yemen Taiz 14 3 Seven women and four children are among fourteen civilians obliterated by a Shiite rocket attack.
2015.08.24 Iraq Ramadi 8 6 Eight Iraqis are taken out be a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.08.24 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Nine accused gays are rounded up by the Islamic State and thrown from a roof top.
2015.08.24 Iraq Baghdad 7 24 Three bomb attacks produce seven dead civilians.
2015.08.23 Iraq Jaramshah 23 0 Two dozen people are wiped out by a series of Islamic State suicide bombings.
2015.08.23 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Five Shiites are disintegrated by a Sunni bomb blast.
2015.08.23 Pakistan Dasht 4 0 The Taliban is suspected of abducting and brutally executing four laborers.
2015.08.23 Pakistan Tirah 5 0 A Jihadi rocket and shooting attack leaves five others dead.
2015.08.23 Pakistan Bajour 2 3 At least two people are killed in separate terror attacks.
2015.08.23 Syria Hasakah 13 50 Thirteen people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.08.23 Syria Damascus 10 53 Ten are killed when a Sunni radical group sends mortar shells into a prison.
2015.08.23 Egypt Marsa Matruh 1 0 A Coptic soldier is shot four times by fellow soldiers after a religious argument.
2015.08.23 Syria Damascus 9 50 Terrorists rain mortars down on two churches, killing nine people.
2015.08.22 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Three teachers and an engineer are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.22 Pakistan Arang 3 2 Three tribal elders are killed by an Islamist bomb.
2015.08.22 Somalia Kismayo 16 21 A Fedayeen suicide bombing at a university building leaves sixteen others dead.
2015.08.22 Somalia Mogadishu 5 7 Five civilians are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.08.22 Afghanistan Kabul 12 66 Women and children are among the casualties of a suicide bombing.
2015.08.22 Pakistan Utmankhel 3 0 A 5-year-old child is among three innocents murdered by Khelafat-e-Islamic bombers.
2015.08.22 Syria Koerse 9 0 An ISIS suicide car bomb takes out nine Syrians.
2015.08.22 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 The Taliban kidnap and execute the 9-year-old nephew of a former translator.
2015.08.21 Nigeria Dikwa 2 0 Two Nigerians are sectionalized by a Boko Haram bomb.
2015.08.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is stoned to death by a Sharia court.
2015.08.21 Iraq Anbar 50 0 Up to fifty Iraqis are reported killed by ISIS in two attacks.
2015.08.21 Afghanistan Khas Urozgan 8 6 Eight lives are shredded by Taliban bombers.
2015.08.21 Afghanistan Sar-e-Rawza 3 1 Three young children are taken out by a suspected Taliban rocket at their school.
2015.08.21 France Paris 0 3 A Muslim trained by ISIS opens fire with a Kalashnikov on a train before being subdued by unarmed American passengers.
2015.08.21 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 2 0 Two Christians are brutally stabbed to death by Fulani.
2015.08.21 Syria Marea 2 0 A baby is among two people who die from a mustard gas attack by ISIS.
2015.08.20 Philippines Nabalawag 1 0 A young man is gunned down by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2015.08.20 DRC Kamango 5 0 ADF Islamists stop a civilian vehicle and butcher all five occupants.
2015.08.20 Pakistan Hajiabad 1 3 Islamists set off a roadside bomb that kills one person.
2015.08.20 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two university professors are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.20 Iraq Hawija 12 0 A dozen young men are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.20 Iraq Qayara 1 0 An imam is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.08.20 Egypt Shubra 0 29 Islamists set off a car bomb in front of an office building.
2015.08.20 Yemen Aden 4 10 Sectarian Jihadis set off a bomb that kills four.
2015.08.20 Iraq Kirkuk 6 0 Six men are crucified by the Islamic State.
2015.08.20 Russia Pyatigorsk 1 0 A moderate imam is assassinated by more radical co-religionists.
2015.08.19 Iraq Albu Eitha 15 22 Fifteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.08.19 Iraq Tuz 5 0 A family of five is neatly disassembled by Mujahideen bombers, including three children.
2015.08.19 Pakistan Mingora 1 0 A teenager is gunned down by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.08.19 Pakistan Tunsa 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is murdered by Sunni haters.
2015.08.19 Syria Qamishli 13 40 A suicide blast rips through the middle of a town, claiming thirteen bystanders.
2015.08.19 Tunisia Sousse 1 0 A traffic cop is shot to death by the Okba Ibn Nafaa Brigade.
2015.08.18 Iraq Anbar 29 43 A series of ISIS bombings and shootings leave thirty dead.
2015.08.18 Iraq Ghazlani 5 0 Five women are stoned to death for not wearing the veil.
2015.08.18 India Sopore 1 0 Extremists stage a drive-by on a rival mosque, leaving one guard dead
2015.08.18 India Tujjar Sharief 2 0 Islamic militants gun down two people, including a 70-year-old man in a wheelchair.
2015.08.18 Syria Palmyra 1 0 Islamic purists behead an 82-year-old archaeologist and hang his body from a post.
2015.08.17 India Bamani Chowki 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is beheaded by her conservative brothers for having an affair.
2015.08.17 Iran Mashad 1 0 A former interpreter is captured and executed while trying to flee the Taliban.
2015.08.17 Tunisia Mount Mghila 2 0 Two security personnel are killed by a landmine planted by Islamists.
2015.08.17 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A prominent Sunni is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2015.08.17 Iraq Ramadi 25 33 Over two dozen people lose their lives to three ISIS suicide truck bombers.
2015.08.17 Iraq Rawa 2 0 Two men are crucified by the Islamic State.
2015.08.17 Nigeria Awonori 7 0 Islamists attack a fishing village and massacre seven residents.
2015.08.17 Thailand Bangkok 22 125 Twenty-two people outside a Hindu shrine in a Buddhist majority country are exterminated by Muslim bombers.
2015.08.16 Afghanistan Sar Gora 5 0 Five policemen are drugged and then butchered by a Sunni fundamentalist with a knife.
2015.08.16 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 1 Fundamentalists brutally beat a couple in their home, killing the wife in front of the husband.
2015.08.16 Afghanistan Khamaab 4 6 Four police officers are ambushed and killed by religious extremists.
2015.08.16 Saudi Arabia Jazan 2 0 Shiite radicals murder two border guards.
2015.08.16 Thailand Mayo 1 0 Suspected terrorists take out a villager with four shotgun blasts.
2015.08.16 Iraq Fallujah 17 15 Three caliphate suicide bombers kill seventeen Iraqis.
2015.08.16 Libya Sirte 4 0 Four Libyans are executed and hung for display by the Islamic State.
2015.08.16 Yemen Taiz 6 0 Six civilians are pulled limb from limb when Shiite radicals send rockets into their city.
2015.08.16 Syria Raqqa 4 0 Four Syrians are forced to their knees and shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.08.16 Pakistan Shadi Khan 18 25 Eighteen people are crushed to death when two suicide bombers bring down the roof of a meeting hall.
2015.08.16 Nigeria Kofar Gwari 2 12 Fulani terrorists attack a band of people preparing for church, killing two.
2015.08.16 DRC Bambusa Kisiki 4 3 Four locals are liquidated by the ADF.
2015.08.15 Iraq Habibiya 15 65 Fifteen people at a used car market in a Shiite area are sectionalized by a Mujahideen car bomb.
2015.08.15 Iraq Taji 2 7 Extremists set off a bomb at a car repair shop, killing two.
2015.08.15 Iraq Baghdad 5 37 Two suspected ISIS bombs kill five and injure nearly forty.
2015.08.15 Iraq Madaen 3 19 Three people lose their lives to a Religion of Peace bomb blast at a popular market.
2015.08.15 Libya Sirte 12 0 A dozen people are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.08.15 Nigeria Ramirgo 3 7 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three innocents at a market.
2015.08.15 Pakistan Sheikhan 1 0 A man is murdered by religious hardliners.
2015.08.15 Iraq Shingal 70 0 An ISIS mass grave contains the remains of seventy execution victims, including women and children.
2015.08.15 Iraq Ghazlani 15 0 Fifteen women are executed for refusing to marry ISIS militants.
2015.08.14 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down in a targeted attack by Sunni.
2015.08.14 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four politicians are forced to their knees and shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.08.14 Libya Sirte 22 0 Twenty-two injured people at a hospital are murdered in their beds by Islamic fanatics.
2015.08.14 Syria Homs 2 0 Two accused homosexuals are thrown from a rooftop and then stoned.
2015.08.14 Mali Barkerou 1 0 A moderate cleric is assassinated by radical co-religionists.
2015.08.14 Libya Benghazi 6 0 At least six others are killed during an Islamic State attack.
2015.08.14 Iraq Kirkuk 4 9 Terrorists set off a bomb on a bus carrying families, killing four members.
2015.08.14 Iraq Baiji 7 5 Seven Iraqis are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.08.13 Thailand Muang 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a man in the head in front of his wife.
2015.08.13 Iraq Sadr City 76 212 The Islamic State detonates a massive suicide truck bomb in a Shiite market, slaughtering eighty 'charlatans'.
2015.08.13 Syria Latakia 2 14 Two people are killed when Sunnis send rockets into a Shia area.
2015.08.13 Libya Sirte 18 0 ISIS murders a rival preacher, triggering a clash that leaves seventeen others dead.
2015.08.13 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Four people are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2015.08.13 Iraq Mosul 36 0 Thirteen women are among three dozen innocents executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2015.08.13 Iraq Khalis 4 18 A Jihadi car bomb claims four lives.
2015.08.13 Afghanistan Logar 0 20 A Taliban suicide bomber detonates along a city street.
2015.08.13 Nigeria Kukuwa-Gari 160 0 Boko Haram gunmen invade a village and drive fleeing residents into a river, where one-hundred and sixty are shot to death or drowned.
2015.08.12 Iraq Ramadi 14 10 ISIS roadside bombs produce fourteen dead Iraqis.
2015.08.12 Pakistan Korangi 5 0 Five people at a restaurant are machine-gunned at close range by Muslim terrorists.
2015.08.12 Mali Bamako 2 0 Two people are killed after Muslim extremists open fire in a bus station.
2015.08.12 Cameroon Blame 10 0 Islamists torch a village, leaving ten residents dead.
2015.08.12 Pakistan Tirah 3 2 Three members of a security patrol are murdered by Taliban bombers.
2015.08.12 Nigeria Bale Mamman 8 4 Eight villagers are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2015.08.12 Afghanistan Musa Qala 14 2 An insidious attack by Taliban in police uniforms leaves fourteen local cops dead.
2015.08.12 Syria Daraa 8 54 Eight civilians die from Sunni shrapnel.
2015.08.12 Syria Homs 1 24 A mortar attack kills one person in his car.
2015.08.12 Syria Ghouta 5 55 A mortar barrage by Sunni terrorists leaves five dead.
2015.08.12 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A Croatian surveyor is beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2015.08.12 Philippines Maimbung 1 0 An Abu Sayyaf kidnap victim is found bound in handcuffs and beheaded.
2015.08.12 Afghanistan Nawur 4 0 Four Hazara religious minorities are kidnapped and shot to death by Sunni extremists.
2015.08.11 Iraq Hawija 3 0 Three 'youth' are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.11 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two tribal elders are kidnapped and executed by ISIS.
2015.08.11 Syria Marea 25 0 Four ISIS suicide bombers slaughter twenty-five 'more moderate' rivals.
2015.08.11 Cameroon Achigachia 1 0 Religious radicals murder a border guard.
2015.08.11 Thailand Sai Buri 1 0 A 43-year-old man is gunned down by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.08.11 Nigeria Sabon Gari 47 52 A female suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, slaughtering fifty innocents.
2015.08.11 Afghanistan Mahipar 1 1 A truck driver is shot to death by religious radicals.
2015.08.10 Iraq Aski Mosul 18 5 Nine women and a child are among eighteen civilians aerated by caliphate rocket shrapnel.
2015.08.10 Iraq Hassan Shami 13 3 Terrorists lay out thirteen Kurds with two missiles fired into their town.
2015.08.10 Mali Diabozo 3 4 Three people are killed when their vehicle hits a Jihadi roadside bomb.
2015.08.10 Afghanistan Nangarhar 10 0 Ten prisoners are forced by their fundamentalist captors to kneel in a row and then blown up with an IED.
2015.08.10 Libya Derna 9 25 An ISIS car bomb claims the lives of nine innocents.
2015.08.10 Afghanistan Kabul 5 16 Five people outside an airport are taken apart by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.08.10 Syria Aleppo 6 14 Three children are among six civilians bleeding to death following a Sunni rocket attack on a Shia area.
2015.08.10 Iraq Huwaidar 51 80 Fifty people at a market are blown to bits by suicide bomb blast targeting Shia 'rejectionists'.
2015.08.10 Iraq Baqubah 7 25 A suicide blast on the outskirts of a town kills seven bystanders.
2015.08.10 Syria Kuweris 18 0 Three suicide bomber take out eighteen Syrians.
2015.08.10 Thailand Si Banphot 1 2 Muslim gunmen fire on a family, killing one member and injuring two others.
2015.08.09 Philippines Sulu 2 0 Two guards at a market are gunned down by Abu Sayyaf.
2015.08.09 Iraq Mosul 6 0 A clan leader and is family are put to death by the caliphate.
2015.08.09 Afghanistan Adam Khan 6 0 A Taliban in uniform shoots six local cops in the back.
2015.08.09 Egypt al-Arish 2 3 Two local cops are laid out by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2015.08.09 Syria Umm Housh 37 20 At least thirty-seven others are eliminated by a suicide bomber.
2015.08.09 Nigeria Nwajurko 4 3 Four people are killed when Boko Haram ambush a civilian vehicle.
2015.08.09 Iraq Mosul 300 0 Fifty women are among three hundred civil servants executed en masse by the Islamic State for 'promoting ideas that distort Islam'.
2015.08.09 Afghanistan Tir Giran 1 0 Fundamentalists take a woman from her home and throw her into a river.
2015.08.09 Iraq Ghazlani 50 0 University professors are among fifty people rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.08 Afghanistan Kunduz 29 19 A suicide bomber plows into a crowd of people, massacring over two dozen.
2015.08.08 Afghanistan Sarda 1 0 A woman is hanged for adultery by a Sharia court after being raped in front of her family.
2015.08.08 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 3 Two locals are taken out by a Taliban bomb.
2015.08.08 India Tangdar 1 2 A group of militants cross over from Pakistan and murder a border guard.
2015.08.08 Egypt Cairo 1 3 Militant Islamists open fire on a police vehicle, killing an officer.
2015.08.07 Syria Hama 1 14 Sunni terrorists kill a woman with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2015.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 9 10 A suicide attack on a military base leaves nine dead.
2015.08.07 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents hack a secular blogger to death for being an 'enemy of Allah.'
2015.08.07 Mali Sevare 13 8 A Fedayeen suicide assault on a hotel used by UN staff leaves thirteen others dead.
2015.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 20 240 A suicide bomber detonates in the city center, killing at least twenty civilians, including a teacher and six children.
2015.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 26 28 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blasts twenty-six innocents to bits.
2015.08.07 Nigeria Tadagara 9 0 At least nine people are killed when Islamists set fire to their homes.
2015.08.07 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A school administrator is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.08.07 Philippines Lagayas 2 0 Abu Sayyaf bombers claim two lives.
2015.08.06 Pakistan Nawabshah 1 1 The Tehreek-e-Taliban attack a remote police post, killing an officer.
2015.08.06 Afghanistan Pul-i-Alam 6 24 Doctors are among the casualties of a suicide truck bomb.
2015.08.06 Saudi Arabia Abha 15 25 Fifteen worshippers at a mosque are sent straight to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.08.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 A Muslim bomb claims one life.
2015.08.06 India Santgarh 2 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba gun down two local cops.
2015.08.06 Libya Misrata 1 0 A pro-Sharia group abducts a secular judge, tortures him for a month and then executes him.
2015.08.06 India Neelum Valley 1 1 Suspected Islamists kill a 13-year-old boy with a bomb resembling a toy.
2015.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 12 Sunni bombers target a Shia neighborhood, killing ten.
2015.08.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 ISIS car bombers kill four Shiites.
2015.08.05 Iraq Diyala 13 9 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out thirteen Iraqis.
2015.08.05 Iraq Makhmour 1 2 ISIS scores a direct hit on a 20-year-old woman standing outside her home.
2015.08.05 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Video is released showing two men being beheaded with knives by the Islamic State.
2015.08.05 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Fifteen Iraqis are lined up and mowed down by ISIS gunmen.
2015.08.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A government official is assassinated by Sharia proponents.
2015.08.05 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A kidnapped policeman is beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2015.08.05 Iraq Habbaniyah 5 9 An ISIS attack leaves five other dead.
2015.08.04 Iraq Baiji 3 2 A bomb left in a home by ISIS claims three lives.
2015.08.04 India Udhampur 2 8 Militant Muslims attack a police convoy and kill two members.
2015.08.04 Afghanistan Bagram 1 2 A conservative man shoots his sister for attending a wedding party without permission.
2015.08.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Caliphate members throw a homosexual to his death from a silo to a baying mob.
2015.08.04 Cameroon Tchakarmari 7 20 Militants fighting for an Islamic state slaughter seven villagers.
2015.08.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 Muslim 'separatists' gun down a civilian in a tea shop.
2015.08.04 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 5 9 Fundamentalists blow a family of five to bits, including three children, with a rocket attack on their home.
2015.08.04 Somalia Janale 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by al-Shabaab.
2015.08.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Syrian is executed by the caliph for 'crimes against Allah'.
2015.08.03 Iraq Hawija 8 0 Eight people trying to flee an ISIS occupation are captured and executed.
2015.08.03 Mali Timbuktu 11 1 An al-Qaeda attack on a security camp, leave eleven personnel dead.
2015.08.03 Afghanistan Khwar 4 0 The Taliban take out three women in a rickshaw along with their driver.
2015.08.03 Pakistan Saddar 1 0 A peace committee member is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2015.08.03 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six cab drivers are executed for trying to help families escape the Islamic State.
2015.08.03 Iraq Mosul 19 0 Nineteen sex slaves are reportedly executed by the Islamic State for refusing duties.
2015.08.03 Syria Hama 3 0 Three accused homosexuals are forced to their knees and then shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.08.03 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An oil company executive is assassinated by suspected Jihadis.
2015.08.03 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A child carries out an execution at the behest of the caliphate.
2015.08.02 Nigeria Madagali 5 0 Five people are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2015.08.02 Syria Raqqa 3 1 A woman and her three children are kidnapped by an ISIS member, who rapes the woman and poisons her kids.
2015.08.02 Nigeria Malari 13 27 Religion of Peace activists slay at least thirteen villagers while they burn down their homes.
2015.08.02 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist monk dies from injuries suffered by Muslim shrapnel.
2015.08.02 Iraq Rashidiyah 3 11 Islamists set off a bomb at an outdoor market, killing three patrons.
2015.08.02 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four journalism students are executed by the Islamic State for reporting on social media.
2015.08.02 Afghanistan Samangan 3 0 Three men headed to a mosque for prayers are gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.08.02 Philippines Tipo-Tipo 1 0 A sapper is disassembled by an Abu Sayyaf bomb blast.
2015.08.01 Syria Aleppo 10 0 Two 'adulterers' are among ten executed by an al-Qaeda Sharia court.
2015.08.01 Iraq Mosul 15 0 Fifteen police are rounded up and executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2015.08.01 Afghanistan Shor Shorak 2 3 Two people in a civilian vehicle are aerated by a Taliban IED.
2015.08.01 Mali Nampala 2 4 Two local soldiers are murdered in a suspected al-Qaeda ambush.
2015.07.31 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four moderate clerics are discovered and executed by caliphate members.
2015.07.31 Yemen Sir Valley 6 30 al-Qaeda suicide car bombers take out six local soldiers.
2015.07.31 Saudi Arabia Asir 3 7 Shiite terrorists fire over twenty rockets into a Saudi border post, killing three members.
2015.07.31 Syria Damascus 1 5 Sunni extremists lob mortars into a residential area, killing one.
2015.07.31 Libya Banghazi 7 20 Seven local soldiers are killed when ISIS militants attack a traffic checkpoint.
2015.07.31 Syria Raqqa 6 0 Video is released showing the execution of six men for leaving Islam.
2015.07.31 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A surgeon and his wife are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.31 Syria Azaz 11 9 An ISIS suicide bomber kills eleven.
2015.07.31 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 11 A suicide bomber detonates in a packed market, sending at least six others to Allah.
2015.07.30 Iraq al-Baghdadi 9 16 Sixteen souls are liberated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.07.30 Iraq Mazraa 5 9 Five Iraqis are laid out by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.07.30 Iraq Baghdad 6 22 Islamic State bombers take out six people with two blasts.
2015.07.30 Iraq Rashidiya 30 0 A mass grave containing thirty ISIS execution victims is discovered.
2015.07.30 Syria Homs 1 0 An elderly man is forced to his knees and beheaded for 'magic'.
2015.07.30 Pakistan Dayoba 2 0 Islamic militants pour heavy machine-gun fire into a police checkpoint, killing two officers.
2015.07.30 Syria Sarrin 10 0 At least ten others are killed when an ISIS suicide bomber detonates and others open fire on the survivors.
2015.07.30 Afghanistan Tapa Boom 3 1 Three children are disassembled by a Taliban landmine while collecting firewood.
2015.07.30 Pakistan Youhanabad 1 1 A Christian is shot to death for marrying a Muslim, while his wife is tortured.
2015.07.29 Yemen Dar Saad 6 0 al-Qaeda make six Shiites kneel and kiss their hands before machine-gunning them.
2015.07.29 Iraq Ramadi 17 25 Seventeen Iraqis are blown to bits by suicide bombers.
2015.07.29 Iraq Deraa Dijla 9 15 A Shahid suicide truck bomber takes the lives of nine others.
2015.07.29 Nigeria Kukuwa-Gari 10 0 Two women are among ten innocents viciously cut down by Boko Haram.
2015.07.29 Egypt Cairo 1 0 Islamist snipers pick off a security guard outside an embassy.
2015.07.29 Saudi Arabia al-Jash 1 2 Religious radicals fire on a group of police, killing one.
2015.07.29 Afghanistan Kundoz 2 11 A woman is among two civilians dismantled by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.07.29 Yemen Nuqum 3 7 The Islamic State sets off a bomb at an Ismaili mosque which kills three worshippers.
2015.07.28 Iraq Baiji 9 23 Three Shahid suicide bombers take out nine Iraqis.
2015.07.28 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six brothers from two families are pulled from the homes and executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2015.07.28 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded and then strung up, reportedly for leaving Islam.
2015.07.28 Libya Benghazi 3 11 Three other people are obliterated by a Holy Warrior with a suicide vest.
2015.07.28 Syria Deir ez-Zor 7 0 Caliphate members kill seven residents via beheading, crucifixion and shooting.
2015.07.28 Bahrain Sitra 2 6 Shiite radicals kill two local cops with a bomb.
2015.07.28 Nigeria Dille 29 0 Two dozen innocent people are slaughtered by strict Islamists in raids on three Christian villages.
2015.07.28 Iraq Golala 7 0 An ISIS bomb blast lays out seven Kurds.
2015.07.28 Yemen Aridah 1 2 An elderly woman is killed and two children injured by a Shiite rocket.
2015.07.28 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Kurd is tortured and shot in the back of the head by members of the caliphate.
2015.07.27 Nigeria Bundaram 4 0 Boko Haram slit the throats of four fishermen.
2015.07.27 Nigeria Fishdam 2 0 Boko Haram slit the throats of two fishermen in an attack on a second fishing community that day.
2015.07.27 Nigeria Kwatar Mali 4 0 Boko Haram slit the throats of four fishermen in the third village attacked that day.
2015.07.27 Iraq Abu Saida 4 10 Terrorists detonate a bomb at a soccer game by remote control, killing four participants.
2015.07.27 Iraq Sharqat 7 0 Seven civilians are pulled out of their homes and executed in the city square by caliphate members.
2015.07.27 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two women are shot down in their tracks for protesting the Islamic State.
2015.07.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Two bombs targeting Shiite markets kill five patrons.
2015.07.27 Syria Raaaq 1 0 A mother of two is executed for complaining about the Islamic State.
2015.07.27 Pakistan Sangni 3 0 A woman and her two children are shot to death by a family member in a suspected 'honor' attack.
2015.07.27 Syria Damascus 1 17 Jaish al-Islam kill a civilian by firing a rocket into a hotel.
2015.07.27 India Gurdaspur 7 8 Militants yelling 'Allah Akbar' spray a bus with automatic weapons fire, then assault a municipal building, killing seven.
2015.07.26 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A Shiite who worked for the US embassy is shot to death in his home.
2015.07.26 Nigeria Damaturu 19 47 A 10-year-old suicide bomber detonates at a packed market, scattering body parts and claiming nineteen souls.
2015.07.26 Yemen Sanaa 3 5 Terrorists put a bomb under a passenger bus that kills three riders.
2015.07.26 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A gay man is thrown from the top of a building on orders from a Sharia court.
2015.07.26 Somalia Mogadishu 15 20 A suicide car bomber plows into a hotel and massacres fifteen innocents.
2015.07.26 Chad Blarigi 3 30 Islamists slit three throats and kidnap thirty women and children.
2015.07.26 Cameroon Tchebe-Tchebe 3 0 Boko Haram behead three villagers and set fire to their church.
2015.07.26 Iraq Baiji 8 3 An ISIS bomb produces eight dead Iraqis.
2015.07.26 Iraq Hawija 2 0 Religionists behead two people on charges of sorcery.
2015.07.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite mosque official is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2015.07.25 Syria Aleppo 5 0 Five children are disassembled by a Sunni rocket.
2015.07.25 India Anantnag 1 6 A civilian dies from splinter injuries from a grenade tossed by a Muslim militant.
2015.07.25 Cameroon Maroua 19 62 A female suicide bomber massacres twenty people at a bar.
2015.07.25 Lebanon Ain al-Hilweh 2 1 A refugee official is among two gunned down by terrorists.
2015.07.25 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 13 Religious extremists attack a checkpoint and kill two policemen.
2015.07.25 Thailand Pattani 2 6 A Buddhist monk is among two killed by a Muslim bomb.
2015.07.25 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three people are picked off by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2015.07.25 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 4 Religious radicals gun down a local cop.
2015.07.25 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 12 45 A dozen people at a swimming pool are blown up by two suicide bombers.
2015.07.24 Nigeria Yafa 4 0 Four villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2015.07.24 Nigeria Maikadiri 21 0 Strict Islamists open fire on hapless villagers, slaughtering at least twenty-one.
2015.07.24 Iraq Iski 10 22 Ten residents are killed when ISIS send missiles into a small town.
2015.07.24 Iraq Therthar Lake 21 24 Twenty-one lives are wasted by Fedayeen suicide car bombers.
2015.07.24 Iraq Fallujah 41 0 Forty-one Iraqis are brutally executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.24 Turkey Kilis 1 2 ISIS snipers pick off a border guard.
2015.07.24 Syria Homs 2 0 Two gay men are thrown from a roof and then stoned.
2015.07.24 Nigeria Adamawa 25 0 Sharia proponents ride into three villages and spray residents with machine-gun fire, killing over two dozen.
2015.07.24 Pakistan Bhowana 1 0 A woman who married against the will of her conservative family is kidnapped and hanged by her brothers.
2015.07.24 Nigeria Dabar Wiya 9 0 Nine water melon growers are viciously murdered by Boko Haram.
2015.07.23 Libya Nufaliya 1 0 A 25-year-old Christian is kidnapped and executed by Muslim radicals.
2015.07.23 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Nine civilians are publicly beheaded by caliphate children.
2015.07.23 Syria Deir ez-Zor 6 0 Islamic State gunmen fire on civilians trying to access relief aid, killing six.
2015.07.23 DRC Mayi-Moya 3 0 ADF Islamists burn down ten homes and murder three women.
2015.07.23 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The caliphate beheads a rival imam.
2015.07.23 Egypt Rafah 4 0 Four security personnel are disintegrated in their vehicle by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.07.23 Philippines Zamboanga 1 10 Fundamentalists bomb a massage parlor, killing one inside.
2015.07.22 Nigeria Pompomari 9 13 A boy is among nine villagers shot to death by Boko Haram.
2015.07.22 Iraq Fallujah 22 24 A double suicide attack produces two dozen dead Iraqis.
2015.07.22 Nigeria Gombe 42 105 Over forty people are blown to bits by Boko Haram bomb blasts at two different bus stations.
2015.07.22 Afghanistan Khas Urozgan 1 0 A tribal elder is abducted and executed by the Taliban.
2015.07.22 Afghanistan Alamar 19 32 A Shahid suicide bomber self-detonates at a market, slaughtering nineteen bystanders.
2015.07.22 Cameroon Maroua 13 32 Two girls disguised as beggars blow themselves up in a crowded market. Thirteen innocents are killed in the suicide blasts.
2015.07.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 22 Sunnis bomb a Shiite neighborhood, killing eight.
2015.07.22 Syria Deir-ez-Zur 1 0 A 17-year-old boy is crucified on a cross by the caliphate.
2015.07.21 Iraq Fallujah 9 12 Women and children are among the victims of a suspected ISIS mortar attack.
2015.07.21 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four tailors are executed for refusing to sew clothes for the caliphate.
2015.07.21 Afghanistan Paghman 1 0 The Taliban gun down a member of a peace committee on his way home.
2015.07.21 Syria Idlib 7 100 At least seven residents are killed when al-Qaeda militants shell Shiite villages.
2015.07.21 Yemen Sanaa 4 8 Children are among the casualties when the Islamic State sets off a car bomb near a Shia mosque.
2015.07.21 Mali Gossi 2 0 Two civilians are killed during an attack on a convoy by suspected Islamists.
2015.07.21 Iraq Baghdad 19 43 A Fedayeen suicide bombing claims the lives of nineteen innocents at a busy clothing store.
2015.07.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 A Sunni with a suicide belt detonates in a Shiite area, taking two civilians with him.
2015.07.21 Iraq Tarmiya 4 20 Four Iraqis are laid out by a suicide car bomber.
2015.07.21 Iraq Mandali 8 16 Islamic State bombers murder eight patrons at an outdoor market.
2015.07.21 Nigeria Buratai 2 8 Strict Sharia advocates burn down homes and kill two residents.
2015.07.20 Iraq Tal Afar 40 0 Forty ISIS members are executed for trying to leave.
2015.07.20 Iraq Hudaid 10 16 Ten civilians are flattened by ISIS mortars.
2015.07.20 Philippines Sulu 1 0 Abu Sayyaf kill a child kidnapped for use as a human shield.
2015.07.20 Turkey Surac 32 97 A Shahid suicide bomber wipes out over thirty innocents, mostly university students on a humanitarian mission.
2015.07.20 Syria Kobane 2 0 At least two others are killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.07.20 Nigeria Damaturu 6 12 A half-dozen people are turned to pulp by two suicide bombers.
2015.07.20 Iraq Baqubah 11 24 Four children are among eleven people bleeding to death following a mortar barrage on a sports stadium.
2015.07.20 Yemen Sanaa 7 7 The Islamic State claims a car bombing in a neighborhood that leaves seven dead.
2015.07.20 Yemen Taiz 8 0 Eight residents are crushed to death when Shiite radicals send rockets into their neighborhood.
2015.07.19 Iraq Habbaniyah 2 3 Two Iraqis are taken out by a suicide bomber.
2015.07.19 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A defense volunteer is machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists while on his way home.
2015.07.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 7 A bomb blast on a commercial street leaves four dead.
2015.07.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Three people are killed by Mujahid bombers.
2015.07.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 0 A family of seven is exterminated in their own home by Islamic terrorists.
2015.07.19 Yemen Aden 99 220 A dozen children are among one-hundred civilians wiped out by a Shiite rocket barrage on a port city.
2015.07.19 Cameroon Kamouna 23 0 Twenty-three residents of a fishing village are massacred during a raid by Sharia advocates, including nine students burned to death.
2015.07.18 Pakistan Salim Khan 1 0 The Taliban shoot a man returning home from a house of worship.
2015.07.18 Egypt Sheikh Zueid 7 7 FundamAnsa Bayt al-Maqdis fundamentalists attack a group of local soldiers, killing seven.
2015.07.18 Mali Niangassadiou 6 0 Six residents at a peaceful village are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace extremists.
2015.07.17 Algeria Tifran 11 0 Eleven security personnel are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2015.07.17 Nigeria Damaturu 15 41 A 10-year-old girl and elderly woman are strapped with suicide vests and sent onto a rival prayer ground.
2015.07.17 Syria Homs 1 0 The caliphate has a 10-year-old boy behead a captive.
2015.07.17 Iraq Kahn Bani Saad 120 170 Children are among over one-hundred innocents cut down by Mujahid bombers while celebrating Ramadan.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Zazi Maidan 2 0 A suicide bomber takes out two people at a rival mosque.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Alisher 1 4 Taliban bombers target a family visiting the grave of a previous victim, killing a child.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Bukhari 1 0 An imam is pulled from his home and murdered after preaching against the Taliban.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Gozara 6 3 Religious hardliners murder six local cops with an IED.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Kangori 1 11 Fundamentalists bomb a rival mosque, killing one worshipper.
2015.07.17 Afghanistan Sholgar 3 14 Strict Islamic law activists set off a bomb outside a rival mosque that kills three worshippers, including two children.
2015.07.17 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A suicide bomber detonates at a women's university, killing a guard.
2015.07.16 Iraq Riqqa 5 9 IS militants bomb a home, killing five occupants.
2015.07.16 Iraq Moseliya 1 0 A TV cameraman and father of two is taken from his home and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.16 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 0 2 A suicide bomber attacks a rival mosque.
2015.07.16 Afghanistan Mihtarlam 8 0 Two children are among eight people massacred during a Taliban ambush on their van.
2015.07.16 USA Chattanooga 5 2 A 'devout Muslim' stages a suicide attack on a recruiting center at a strip mall and a naval center which leaves five dead.
2015.07.16 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 0 Four prisoners are brought to an ancient site and shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.07.16 Nigeria Gombe 49 71 Children are among the dozens of dead and maimed when a suicide bomber targets a market.
2015.07.16 Iran Isfahan 1 0 A 14-year-old boy is reportedly hung from a tree after a cleric accuses him of being gay.
2015.07.16 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 Muslim 'separatists' ambush and kill two security personnel, then set fire to the bodies.
2015.07.16 Libya Laith 9 30 At least nine civilians are killed during a clash with the Islamic State.
2015.07.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.16 Syria Raqqa 0 94 Five children are among nearly one-hundred citizens tortured and held in cages for violating Ramadan fasting rules.
2015.07.16 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A local soldier is murdered by his own ISIS-supporting nephew.
2015.07.15 Iraq Ramadi 8 17 Three Shahid suicide bombers murder eight Iraqis.
2015.07.15 Iraq Baiji 11 10 Eleven security personnel are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.07.15 Iraq Mosul 17 0 Seventeen fishermen are executed by ISIS for not catching their catch.
2015.07.15 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen dissidents are executed for not following Sharia rules.
2015.07.15 Nigeria Baga 8 0 Eight civilians are summarily shot in the back of the head by Sharia activists along a highway.
2015.07.15 Afghanistan Shah Joy 2 0 A civil rights activist is among two people gunned down by religious extremists.
2015.07.15 Afghanistan Nawbahar 5 0 Five innocents are shot to death by Taliban while setting up a shop.
2015.07.15 Nigeria Damasak 12 0 At least twelve villagers are slaughtered by Boko Haram shortly after security forces are recalled.
2015.07.15 Syria Deir Ezzor 8 0 Eight civilians are crucified by the caliph for breaking Ramadan fasting rules.
2015.07.15 Niger Bosso 16 4 Islamic radicals fire on a group of unarmed villagers, killing sixteen.
2015.07.15 Afghanistan Ahmad Wali Khan 4 4 At least four local cops lose their lives to a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.07.15 Afghanistan Miamana 0 19 Women comprise most of the casualties when a bomb detonates outside a bank.
2015.07.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A rival imam is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.14 Nigeria Borno 20 0 Twenty travelers returning for victims of an earlier massacre are forced out of their vehicles and executed by Boko Haram.
2015.07.14 Syria Salqin 7 0 A double suicide bombing leaves six dead.
2015.07.14 Iraq Khalis 5 11 ISIS car bombers take out five people outside a doctor's house.
2015.07.14 Chad Tetewa 6 0 Islamists reach an island community and massacre six children.
2015.07.14 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 1 0 A man is beheaded on video by the Islamic State.
2015.07.14 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 The church reports that two members were kidnapped and killed in the previous two weeks.
2015.07.13 Afghanistan Lababi 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.07.13 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 2 2 A father and son are aerated by Religion of Peace ball bearings.
2015.07.13 Iraq Shirqat 5 0 Five civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.07.13 Afghanistan Zabul 1 8 Fundamentalists target the employees of a demining company
2015.07.13 Kenya Lamu 3 8 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that leaves three dead.
2015.07.13 Afghanistan Pul-u-Khumri 0 29 Women and children are among the casualties when fundamentalists bomb a rival mosque during the iftar dinner.
2015.07.13 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 5 A Shahid suicide bomber hits a checkpoint screening civilians, killing four.
2015.07.13 Somalia Rage Celle 7 0 Seven others are killed during an al-Shabaab attack.
2015.07.13 Nigeria Mainok 40 0 Forty 'hapless' villagers are massacred by Islamic terrorists.
2015.07.12 Iraq Sharqat 1 0 Caliphate members booby-trap and set fire to a baby for demonstration purposes.
2015.07.12 Afghanistan Tatarkhil 10 4 Ten civilians are easily exterminated by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.07.12 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten Iraqis are lined up and mowed down by ISIS machine-guns.
2015.07.12 Cameroon Fotokol 11 17 Two suicide bombers murder eleven people breaking their Ramadan fast.
2015.07.12 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 6 Religious hardliners plant a bomb that claims the lives of two civilians.
2015.07.12 Libya Benghazi 19 80 Nineteen people are killed during an ISIS assault.
2015.07.12 Niger Diffa 1 2 One guard is left dead when Boko Haram attack a prison.
2015.07.12 Iraq Khazimiyah 8 23 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders eight people at a square outside a Shiite mosque.
2015.07.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Sunnis time a car bomb to explode just as Shias are breaking their Ramadan fast, killing four.
2015.07.12 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 An ISIS bomb at a commercial district leaves two dead.
2015.07.12 Afghanistan Khost 33 11 Over two dozen innocents are blown to bits by suicide car bombers.
2015.07.12 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A group of female Sharia police beat a woman to death for lifting her veil in a store to read a label.
2015.07.12 Libya Benghazi 5 17 Suspected Islamists fire a rocket into a residential district, killing five elderly men.
2015.07.12 Iraq Shaab 19 25 Nineteen lives are snuffed out when a suicide bomber drives into a crowded market and explodes.
2015.07.12 Iraq Bunouk 9 15 A car bomb in a commercial district leaves nine dead.
2015.07.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 4 3 A suicide bomber on a tricycle pedals to paradise, taking four civilians with him.
2015.07.11 Chad N'Djamena 15 80 Fifteen people at a market are blown to bits by a suicide bomber in a burqa.
2015.07.11 Yemen Dhalea 1 0 A Shiite shell claims the life of a child.
2015.07.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 6 Three children are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2015.07.11 Egypt Cairo 1 4 A bystander is killed when Islamic radicals set off a car bomb outside the Italian consulate.
2015.07.11 Thailand Narathiwat 3 8 Three lose their lives when Muslims set fire to a night-club district.
2015.07.11 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 35-year-old is shot to death by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.07.11 Nigeria Monguno 43 0 Islamists attack three small towns and shoot or slit the throats over forty people.
2015.07.11 Egypt Rafah 1 3 A civilian is killed by an Islamist mortar shell.
2015.07.11 Iraq Youssifiya 2 0 A Jihadi bomb blast brings down two patrons at a market.
2015.07.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 A roadside blast takes care of four Iraqis.
2015.07.11 Iraq Rashidiya 3 5 A fruit and vegetable market is the scene of much blood after Mujahid set off a bomb.
2015.07.10 Nigeria Sambisi 1 0 A man is shot and beheaded on video by militants chanting slogans to Allah.
2015.07.10 Afghanistan Mamand 3 0 Three tribal elders are assassinated by ISIS.
2015.07.10 Somalia Mogadishu 12 18 A dozen others are reported killed when Islamists attack a hotel, first with a suicide blast and then gunfire.
2015.07.10 Iraq Anbar 10 0 At least ten defenders are killed when ISIS attempt to take over a town.
2015.07.10 Thailand Songkhla 1 13 Two bombings by suspected 'insurgents' leave one woman dead outside a bank.
2015.07.10 Iraq Baghdad 6 22 An Islamic State car bomb sends six Iraqis to their death.
2015.07.10 Nigeria Gamboru 8 0 Three women are among eight civilians casually picked off by Boko Haram gunmen.
2015.07.10 Nigeria Ngamdu 11 0 Eleven villagers are cut down during a raid by Boko Haram.
2015.07.10 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Caliphate members execute eleven Iraqis by running over their prone bodies with a bulldozer.
2015.07.10 Philippines Sambulawan 1 1 One person is killed when Bangsamoro Islamists try to assassinate a village official.
2015.07.10 DRC Mbau Kamango 2 0 ADF snipers take down two Congolese.
2015.07.09 Iraq Haiyakil 7 9 A suicide bomber liberates seven souls with a massive truck blast.
2015.07.09 Iraq Madaen 2 11 Jihadis bomb a cafe, killing two patrons.
2015.07.09 Iraq Zafaraniya 7 18 Seven people are wiped out by a Religion of Peace car bomb blast along a row of restaurants.
2015.07.09 Iraq Baghdad 5 9 Two Islamic bomb blasts at markets leave five dead.
2015.07.09 Egypt al-Arish 0 20 Sharia proponents bomb a bus carrying off-duty policemen.
2015.07.09 Iraq Fallujah 10 0 Five mothers are burned alive with their children for refusing to join the caliphate.
2015.07.09 Niger Dagaya 5 0 Islamists slit the throats of five construction workers.
2015.07.09 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' gun down an off-duty policeman outside a mosque.
2015.07.09 Syria Midane 4 2 At least four civilians are pulverized by a Sunni rocket.
2015.07.09 DRC Virunga 9 0 Nine others are killed during an ADF attack.
2015.07.08 Iraq Fallujah 24 0 Video is released showing the bodies of 'dozens' crucified for eating during Ramadan.
2015.07.08 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six captives are lined up and shot by the Islamic State.
2015.07.08 Iraq Fallujah 11 38 ISIS sends mortars into a city, killing eleven residents.
2015.07.08 India Shopian 1 0 Islamic militants ambush and murder a local soldier.
2015.07.08 Libya Benghazi 1 3 One person is killed when militants rocket a hospital.
2015.07.07 Afghanistan Faryab 3 0 Three local cops are abducted and beheaded by religious fundamentalists.
2015.07.07 Iraq Baiji 10 30 A triple suicide blast takes out ten Iraqis.
2015.07.07 Iraq Tuz 4 10 Children comprise the bulk of casualties when Jihadis set off a bomb outside a school.
2015.07.07 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 A 'witch' is strapped to a generator and electrocuted by the Islamic State.
2015.07.07 Yemen Baida 10 0 An ISIS car bomb produces ten dead bodies.
2015.07.07 Thailand Yala 1 3 Militant Muslims open fire with automatic weapons on a passing car, killing one occupant.
2015.07.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A suicide bomber manages to kill one other person.
2015.07.07 Nigeria Sabon Gari 4 3 A female suicide bomber detonates at a traffic checkpoint, killing four bystanders.
2015.07.07 Yemen Sanaa 1 5 One worshipper is dead after a Sunni suicide bomber attacks a Shia mosque.
2015.07.07 Kenya Soko Mbuzi 14 10 Islamists attack a sleeping village, throwing grenades into homes and setting tents with laborers on fire.
2015.07.07 Philippines Sulu 0 13 Children are among the casualties when Abu Sayyaf toss a grenade into the street.
2015.07.07 Nigeria Zaria 26 32 Twenty-six people are torn limb from limb by a Fedayeen suicide bomber, including many woman and a 2-year-old child.
2015.07.06 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four children are killed when ISIS blow up a church.
2015.07.06 Iraq Haditha 7 0 Seven Iraqis are exterminated by an ISIS suicide bomber on an explosives-laden bulldozer.
2015.07.06 Syria Raqaa 2 0 Caliphate members tie two young media activists to trees and then shoot them.
2015.07.06 Pakistan Quetta 3 2 Sunnis fire on a group of Hazara minorities, killing two.
2015.07.06 Nigeria Jos 44 67 Islamic extremists set off one bomb at a restaurant and another at a rival mosque which leave over forty dead.
2015.07.06 Iraq Shirqat 1 0 An elderly teacher is executed by an ISIS child of about 10.
2015.07.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female journalist is dragged from her home and executed by the caliphate.
2015.07.06 Syria Aleppo 25 40 An al-Qaeda suicide car bombing leaves at lease twenty-five others dead.
2015.07.06 Iraq Hashd Shaabi 15 18 Fifteen Iraqis security personnel are reduced to ashes by four Islamic State suicide bombers.
2015.07.05 Syria Ras al-Ayn 50 0 ISIS sends a 14-year-old suicide bomber into an Kurdish checkpoint, reportedly killing over fifty people.
2015.07.05 Nigeria Borno 9 0 Islamists return to the scene of an earlier massacre and shoot nine survivors in addition to burning thirty-churches and three-hundred homes.
2015.07.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 13 A woman is among three locals taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber outside a Shiite mosque.
2015.07.05 Iraq Obeidi 4 14 A bomb blast at a Shiite cafe snuffs out four lives.
2015.07.05 Iraq Jisr Diyala 4 11 Four people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Mujahid murder four people at a bus stop with a well placed bomb.
2015.07.05 Iraq al-Sheeha 21 0 Two suicide car bombers send twenty-one souls to Allah.
2015.07.05 Chad Tiskra 13 0 A group of camel herders are waylaid and slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.07.05 Pakistan Raghzai 3 6 Three security personnel on patrol are reduced to pulp by an Islamist roadside bomb.
2015.07.05 Afghanistan Zabul 1 4 Fundamentalists open fire on a group of civilians, killing one.
2015.07.05 Nigeria Potiskum 6 43 A women, a priest and two children are among six killed when a suicide bomber detonates during a church service.
2015.07.05 Syria Damascus 2 18 A woman is among two civilians losing their lives to mortars fired by Sunni terrorists.
2015.07.05 Iraq Baiji 9 0 At least nine others are killed by two suicide bombers.
2015.07.05 Syria Hassakeh 20 0 Twenty people are reported dead after suicide bombers detonate at a power plant.
2015.07.05 Philippines Datu Hofer 1 0 A young guard at a market is shot to death by Bangsamoro freedom fighters.
2015.07.04 Philippines Bus-Bus 1 1 Abu Sayyaf gunmen open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2015.07.04 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 4 1 Four women and a child are killed when a suspected Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis rocket hits their house.
2015.07.04 Egypt Rafah 1 4 A 5-year-old child is pulled into pieces by an Islamist roadside bomb.
2015.07.04 Afghanistan Herat 0 3 Fundamentalists throw acid in the face of three young girls on their way to school.
2015.07.04 Pakistan Quetta 8 0 The targeted killing of eight police officers is blamed on the Taliban, who chanted Islamic slogans at the scene.
2015.07.04 Syria Palmyra 25 0 A video by the Islamic State show teens executing two dozen captives in an ancient Roman amphitheater.
2015.07.04 Iraq Doura 8 27 Sunnis plant a bomb at a parking garage in a Shiite area which lays out eight innocents.
2015.07.04 Iraq Balad Ruz 3 2 The Islamic State is thought responsible for a car bomb that leaves three dead.
2015.07.04 Iraq Baghdad 9 24 Jihadis set off bombs near a row of restaurants, killing nine bystanders.
2015.07.04 Chad Merom 13 0 Islamists attack a village and slit the throats of thirteen victims.
2015.07.04 Yemen Aden 12 12 A dozen refugees, including five children, are disassembled by a sectarian rocket attack on a kindergarten.
2015.07.03 Afghanistan Wardak 23 18 A second wave of Taliban attacks leaves two dozen police and village guards dead, some of whom are beheaded.
2015.07.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A rival imam is put to death by the caliph.
2015.07.03 India Baramulla 1 1 Islamic militants cross the border from Pakistan and shoot a guard to death.
2015.07.03 Nigeria Zabamari 55 100 Six female suicide bombers rush into a village crowded with panicked residents and detonate in their midst, killing at least fifty-five.
2015.07.03 Syria Damascus 1 0 A cleric is blown up by Religion of Peace rivals with a bomb hidden under his own pulpit.
2015.07.03 Iraq Madain 5 13 Two bombs near a row of shops, leave five dead.
2015.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Jihadis kill three people with a bomb, then finish off two survivors with shots to the head.
2015.07.03 Saudi Arabia Taif 3 7 Three police are murdered in their own station by assailants inspired by ISIS.
2015.07.03 Nigeria Malari 12 7 A teen female suicide bomber blows up fifteen people at a mosque.
2015.07.03 Syria Ariha 25 0 A bombing at a mosque kills twenty-five ISIS rivals.
2015.07.03 Libya Derna 6 10 A suicide bomber takes the lives of six other people.
2015.07.03 Nigeria Miringa 11 0 Boko Haram pull eleven people out of their homes and slit their throats.
2015.07.03 Nigeria Mussa 31 0 Pro-Sharia militants shoot six hapless villagers to death and then twenty-five others trying to flee.
2015.07.02 Iraq Fatha 7 10 A Holy Warrior with a suicide vest takes out seven Iraqis.
2015.07.02 Mali Goundam 6 5 al-Qaeda attack a UN convoy, killing six peacekeepers.
2015.07.02 Syria Aleppo 4 70 Four civilians are killed when Islamist groups attack their town.
2015.07.02 Syria al-Askari 4 0 Two men and a woman with her 9-year-old child are executed by an Islamic State firing squad.
2015.07.02 Yemen Aden 5 89 A child is among five civilians killed by Shiite rockets.
2015.07.01 Nigeria Kukawa 97 0 Ninety-seven residents of a fishing village are massacred by Boko Haram in their place of worship and homes, including women and twenty-two children.
2015.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Jihadis set off a bomb in a commercial district, killing three patrons.
2015.07.01 Iraq Baghdad 7 22 Seven residents in two neighborhoods are laid out by bomb blasts.
2015.07.01 India Wangam 1 0 A village headman is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2015.07.01 Kenya Mandera 9 6 Nine people are killed in an attack by an al-Shabaab linked group.
2015.07.01 Afghanistan Wardak 7 0 Nighttime raids by the Taliban claim the lives of seven local policemen.
2015.07.01 Egypt Sinai 68 54 Three suicide bombings and attacks on five checkpoints by religious extremists leaves dozens of soldiers and civilians dead.
2015.07.01 Philippines Datu Saudi 1 1 A local cop is shot to death by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2015.07.01 Yemen Aden 31 100 Women and children are among thirty horribly killed when Shiite radicals send rockets into a port city.
2015.07.01 Iraq Badush 22 0 Twenty-two tribesmen are executed in front of their families by Islamic State members.
2015.07.01 Pakistan Quetta 3 0 Sunnis fire into a Shia-owned welding shop, killing three workers.
2015.07.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 0 2 Suicide bombers target a leprosy hospital for the second week in a row.
2015.07.01 Saudi Arabia Najran 1 0 Radicals Shiites murder a border guard.
2015.06.30 Afghanistan Ghanikhil 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a local official on his way home.
2015.06.30 India Bhumma 1 0 Four Muslims murder a young Hindu.
2015.06.30 Iraq Samarrah 7 3 Seven Iraqis lose their lives to an ISIS roadside bomb.
2015.06.30 Uganda Kampala 1 0 An imam is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.06.30 Pakistan Lashkar Gah 0 40 Women and children are among the casualties of a suicide bomber.
2015.06.30 Syria Dair Ezzor 4 0 Two women are beheaded for 'sorcery' along with their husbands.
2015.06.30 Afghanistan Kabul 5 26 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills five civilians near a busy shopping district.
2015.06.30 Iraq Mahmudiyah 3 10 Jihadis set off a bomb in a small town, killing three residents.
2015.06.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Three innocents bleed out after terrorists bomb two neighborhoods.
2015.06.30 Iraq Madain 2 6 Two civilians are cut to ribbons by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.06.30 Afghanistan Helmand 2 51 A Fedayeen suicide bombing leaves two others dead.
2015.06.30 Nigeria Monguno 48 17 Over four dozen men and boys are rounded up and mowed down by armed Sharia proponents.
2015.06.30 Philippines Sitio Man-ol 1 1 Bangsamoro Islamists claim the murder of a young policeman.
2015.06.29 Syria al-Mayadin 5 0 The caliphate crucifies five people for not fasting during Ramadan.
2015.06.29 Israel Shvut Rachel 1 3 A targeted attack on Jewish motorists leaves a 25-year-old dead.
2015.06.29 Yemen Sanaa 28 35 Eight women are among twenty-eight mourners blown up at a Shiite funeral by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.06.29 Iraq Ramadi 4 8 Four people are pulverized when IS militants send rockets into a university.
2015.06.29 Afghanistan Karukh 11 8 Taliban gunmen ambush and massacre eleven local soldiers riding in pickup trucks.
2015.06.29 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 0 A Sunni drive-by leaves four dead.
2015.06.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 ISIS bombers pick off three Iraqis at an outdoor market.
2015.06.29 Egypt Cairo 1 7 An Islamist bomb blast claims the life of the country's top prosecutor.
2015.06.29 Chad N'Djamena 6 3 A Boko Haram suicide blast kills six security personnel.
2015.06.29 Syria Hasakeh 12 0 A dozen Syrians are taken out by ISIS car bombs.
2015.06.29 Iraq Fallujah 26 0 Twenty-six captives are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.06.29 Syria Kobane 27 48 Twenty-seven more civilian victims of ISIS executions and attacks are discovered in their homes.
2015.06.28 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 3 0 Three people are shot to death in separate attacks by terrorists.
2015.06.28 Iraq Fallujah 15 27 Fifteen people lose their lives when Islamic State shells hit a hospital.
2015.06.28 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a senior oil executive.
2015.06.28 Syria Damascus 4 13 Sunni militants send a mortar into a residential neighborhood, killing four civilians.
2015.06.28 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two men are shot and then crucified by the caliphate.
2015.06.28 Thailand Yala 1 1 Muslim militants ambush and kill a rubber tapper in front of his wife.
2015.06.28 Somalia Kismayo 9 0 Islamists capture and behead nine AU soldiers at their base.
2015.06.27 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 0 Four homosexuals are tossed one after the other to their deaths from a roof.
2015.06.27 Mali Nara 3 0 Bearded Jihadis attack a small town and kill three defenders.
2015.06.27 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 16 Two female suicide bombers murder three people at a leprosy hospital.
2015.06.27 Syria Daraa 9 24 At least nine civilians are killed during a two barrage of rockets into their neighborhood by Sunni extremists.
2015.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Jihadi bombers take out five people near an auto-parts shop.
2015.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A bomb blast at an outdoor market claims the lives of three innocents.
2015.06.27 Iraq Baiyaa 2 10 Two shoppers in a commercial district are exterminated by a well-hidden bomb.
2015.06.27 Syria Sheikh Hilal 40 0 At least forty are reported dead after three coordinated ISIS attacks.
2015.06.27 Syria Kobane 42 0 Forty-two more civilians are discovered butchered by the Islamic State.
2015.06.27 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Religion of Peace enthusiasts bomb a vegetable market, killing two.
2015.06.26 DRC May-Moya 8 20 Five villagers and three guards are killed by ADF Islamists.
2015.06.26 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A physician is dragged from his hospital and executed by religious radicals.
2015.06.26 Afghanistan Alishang 2 1 Two people bleed out following a Taliban bomb blast at a bazaar.
2015.06.26 Kuwait Kuwait City 27 227 Sunni radicals stage a suicide bombing at a Shiite mosque, calling it the 'temple of the rejectionists' and leave over two dozen dead.
2015.06.26 Syria Kobani 103 150 Over one-hundred more civilians are butchered when the Islamic State overrun a Kurdish town and go 'house to house'.
2015.06.26 Tunisia Sousse 38 36 Islamists massacre thirty-eight innocents with machine-guns at a beach resort popular with foreign tourists.
2015.06.26 France Lyon 1 2 A 'normal Muslim' attacks a factory, beheads one worker and raises the Islamist flag after hoisting the severed head on a fence.
2015.06.26 Syria Hassakeh 20 0 An ISIS suicide bomber takes out twenty people at a government building.
2015.06.26 Syria Ain al-Arab 18 0 Children are among eighteen more victims found after an Islamic State rampage.
2015.06.26 Afghanistan Want Waigal 12 25 A dozen local police and unknown number of civilians lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2015.06.26 Sudan Kadugli 2 0 Two traders are ambushed and shot dead by Janjiweed militia.
2015.06.26 Somalia Leego 50 20 Fifty people are reported dead following a Shahid suicide bombing on an African Union base followed by shooting and beheading.
2015.06.25 Pakistan Oarmagai 2 2 Religious militants bomb a water truck, killing two occupants.
2015.06.25 Iraq Baghdad 6 16 A half-dozen Iraqis are reduced to part by a Mujahideen car bomb blast at a commercial district.
2015.06.25 Iraq Mahmudiyah 2 6 An 8-year-old child is among two disassembled by a Jihadi bombing at a market.
2015.06.25 Syria Kobane 5 5 Five Iraqis are taken out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.06.25 Syria Kobane 15 70 Women and children are among fifteen Kurds killed by an ISIS car bomb.
2015.06.25 Syria Bakha Botan 23 0 Twenty-three civilians, including women and children, are rounded up and executed by caliphate members.
2015.06.25 Syria Raqqa 12 0 A dozen captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.06.25 Iraq Nadheem al-Taqseem 14 27 ISIS fighters kill fourteen Iraqis.
2015.06.25 Iraq Hit 9 13 Rocket fire targeting an irrigation facility also kills nine civilians.
2015.06.25 Pakistan Mubarkakpur 1 0 A young woman is beaten to death by her conservative father and brother over suspicion of an affair.
2015.06.24 Iraq Tal Afar 5 0 Five citizens are murdered by ISIS.
2015.06.24 Iraq Nukhaib 2 8 A suicide bomber takes care of two Iraqis.
2015.06.24 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 Three Somalis are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.06.24 Iraq Jub al-Jarah 3 6 An ISIS assault on an Alawite village leaves three defenders dead.
2015.06.24 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 1 A Taliban bomb claims the life of a regional official.
2015.06.24 Somalia Mogadishu 12 5 A dozen people are blown to bits by al-Shabaab car bombers.
2015.06.24 Iraq Mandli 14 21 Over a dozen civilians are wiped out by a car bomb outside their home.
2015.06.24 China Tahtakoruk 3 0 At least three defenders are killed when a Muslim mob descends on a police checkpoint with knives and bombs.
2015.06.24 Egypt Suez 1 0 A Christian is found shot twice in the chest after resisting pressure to convert to Islam.
2015.06.23 Philippines Sumisip 2 3 An Abu Sayyaf bomb kills two soldiers on patrol.
2015.06.23 Syria Hassakeh 10 16 Two Shahid suicide bombers claim ten other souls near a children's hospital.
2015.06.23 Iraq Balad Ruz 12 24 A dozen Iraqis at a tribal meeting are slaughtered by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2015.06.23 Syria al-Tall 13 0 Thirteen worshippers at a mosque are sent straight to Allah by rival car bombers.
2015.06.23 Nigeria Wagir 10 30 A '12-year-old' girl self-detonates in a crowded market. Shrapnel from the suicide vest lays out ten patrons.
2015.06.23 Syria Deir Ezzor 0 2 Two children are tortured for not fasting during Ramadan.
2015.06.23 Iraq Nineveh 4 0 Four men are executed by the Islamic State by being strapped into a car and then burned alive.
2015.06.23 Iraq Nineveh 5 0 The Islamic State puts five men in a cage, then slowly lowers it into a pool, drowning them.
2015.06.23 Iraq Nineveh 7 0 The caliphate straps explosives to the necks of seven men, then decapitate them by detonation.
2015.06.23 Yemen Aden 7 94 Seven civilians are killed when Shiite militia fire rockets into their neighborhood.
2015.06.23 Nigeria Borno 42 24 Boko Haram burn homes, shoot children and cut the throats of women in a night-long rampage across two villages that leaves forty dead.
2015.06.23 Niger Yebi 5 0 Boko Haram kill five villagers and set fire to their homes.
2015.06.23 Syria Aleppo 2 8 Two civilians are reduced to pulp by a Sunni rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2015.06.23 Israel Pedaya 1 0 A 70-year-old Jewish farmer is beaten to death in his field by Palestinian terrorists.
2015.06.22 Iraq Mosul 26 0 Over two dozen Iraqis are lined up and shot in front of a crowd by the Islamic State.
2015.06.22 Iraq Ramadi 2 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two and injures eight.
2015.06.22 Iraq Habariya 8 0 A suicide bombing is one of four Mujahid blasts that leave eight dead.
2015.06.22 Afghanistan Logharo Peerano 3 0 Three people are shot point-blank in their car by suspected Sunni radicals.
2015.06.22 Afghanistan Chakhansor 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.06.22 Afghanistan Kabul 2 31 A suicide assault on parliament claims the lives of a woman and 10-year-old girl.
2015.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 A Religion of Peace drive-by leaves two dead.
2015.06.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Jihadis set off a bomb at a crowded market, killing two.
2015.06.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 30 30 Two teenage girls blow themselves up at a mosque, laying out thirty rival worshippers.
2015.06.22 Philippines Shariff Aguak 2 0 Bangsamoro Islamists gun down two unarmed off-duty soldiers were helping to repair a school.
2015.06.22 Syria Izra 4 3 Four people are torn apart by a Sunni car bomb blast at the entrance to a Christian town.
2015.06.22 Libya Benghazi 4 20 An Islamist car bomb claims four souls.
2015.06.22 Iraq Tal Afar 70 0 A mass grave is discovered, containing the remains of seventy victims of ISIS executions.
2015.06.21 Austria Graz 3 34 A 4-year-old boy is among three slain in a shopping district by a 'mentally ill' Muslim with a stated interest in Jihad.
2015.06.21 Syria Qamishli 2 4 A suicide bomber takes out two security guards.
2015.06.21 India Kulgam 1 0 Police claim that a civilian was killed by a Lashkar-e-Toiba bullet.
2015.06.21 Iraq Mahmudiyah 3 9 Terrorists bomb an outdoor market, killing three civilians.
2015.06.20 Afghanistan Qara Bagh 6 2 A half-dozen police officers are massacred by religious radicals, who began with a suicide bombing.
2015.06.20 Iraq Julan 3 16 Three children bleed to death from shrapnel injuries caused by ISIS mortars.
2015.06.20 Iraq Garma 30 0 A mass grave containing thirty ISIS execution victims is discovered.
2015.06.20 Afghanistan Marjah 18 4 A family of eighteen is exterminated by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.06.20 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 The Islamic State kidnaps and beheads a rural rehabilitation worker.
2015.06.20 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 0 Fundamentalists are suspected of shooting a doctor to death in his home.
2015.06.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 At least one other person is killed by three al-Shabaab suicide bombers.
2015.06.20 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three former candidates for the Iraqi parliament are captured and executed by the caliphate.
2015.06.20 Pakistan Punjab 2 0 Two women are honor killed by their brother and nephew.
2015.06.20 Somalia Afgoi 8 0 Islamic hardliners shoot eight policemen to death and steal their vehicles.
2015.06.20 Yemen Sanaa 2 6 Two people at a mosque are taken out by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.06.20 Pakistan Sopore 1 4 Islamists attack a police vehicle, injuring four and killing a prisoner.
2015.06.20 Syria Aleppo 3 18 Three residents are killed when Sunni radicals fire rockets into their neighborhood.
2015.06.20 Philippines Datu Piang 1 2 A guard at a market is shot to death by Bangsamoro freedom fighters.
2015.06.19 Iraq Hit 3 0 Three Iraqis are forced to their knees and then shot in the head by caliphate members.
2015.06.19 Iraq Anbar 30 30 A 15-year-old suicide bomber wades into a funeral and sends thirty mourners to Allah.
2015.06.19 Pakistan Adda 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is 'honor' strangled by her father on suspicion of an affair.
2015.06.19 Israel Dolev 1 1 A 25-year-old Jewish man is shot in his car by a Palestinian terrorist who feigned needing help.
2015.06.19 Afghanistan Girishk 2 0 An attempted assassination by the Taliban leaves two bodyguards dead.
2015.06.19 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 0 The Islamic State shoots two men in the back of the head and beheads another.
2015.06.19 Yemen Shibam 1 0 al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate a rival imam.
2015.06.19 Libya Benghazi 5 0 An ISIS mortar claims the lives of five Libyans.
2015.06.18 Iraq Khurmatu 1 4 Shiite militia open fire on a civilian vehicle, killing a father of three.
2015.06.18 Niger Diffa 38 24 Boko Haram believers set fire to two small towns while shooting and burning about forty residents, including fourteen women and ten children.
2015.06.18 Iraq Mosul 25 0 Twenty-five more Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.06.18 Somalia Adado 1 0 A bystander loses his life to a suicide bomber.
2015.06.18 Syria Aleppo 12 21 A dozen people die from shrapnel caused by Sunni rocket attacks on two neighborhoods.
2015.06.18 Nigeria Wakama 2 0 Muslims shoot an Anglican pastor and a 9-year-old boy to death.
2015.06.18 Lebanon Ain al-Hilweh 1 1 A bystander is killed during a dispute between Jund al-Sham and Fatah.
2015.06.18 Somalia Gedweyne 4 6 al-Shabaab claims an attack that kills four Somalis.
2015.06.18 Iraq Fallujah 11 23 ISIS mortars take the lives of a dozen Iraqis.
2015.06.17 Afghanistan Musa Qala 11 0 Eleven security personnel at a government building are slain during a Taliban assault.
2015.06.17 Iraq Anbar 12 0 ISIS fanatics sneak onto a military base and massacre a dozen personnel in their barracks.
2015.06.17 Iraq Qara Taba 1 1 Islamic bombers target a car carrying two teachers, killing one and wounding the other.
2015.06.17 Iraq Anbar 2 0 Two Iraqis are forced to the ground and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.06.17 Yemen Mukalla 2 0 Two Saudi hostages are executed by an al-Qaeda firing squad.
2015.06.17 Nigeria Monguno 63 45 Boko Haram bombs claim the lives of over sixty innocents at a market.
2015.06.17 Egypt al-Arish 1 3 Religious radicals kill a local police officer with a planted bomb.
2015.06.17 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Caliphate members tie a man to a cross and cut off his hand and foot before beheading him.
2015.06.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 A Shahid suicide bomber blows seven innocents into disparate parts.
2015.06.17 Yemen Sanaa 31 60 Five Sunni suicide bombers massacre over thirty people at Shia mosques.
2015.06.17 Philippines Barangay Pamalian 4 0 Bangsamoro Islamic members fire into a civilian vehicle, killing all four occupants.
2015.06.17 Uganda Nabuli 1 0 A mother of eleven is poisoned by her own family after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2015.06.16 Syria Damascus 9 13 Terrorists shell a park packed with Ramadan shoppers, killing nine, including five women.
2015.06.16 Iraq Garma 4 0 Four Iraqis are disassembled by a suicide bomber.
2015.06.16 Iraq Amiriyat Al Falluja 5 6 ISIS fire rockets into a small town, killing five defenders.
2015.06.16 Iraq Baiji 4 6 Four people bleed out following a brutal attack by the Islamic State.
2015.06.16 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 2 Three people are shot to death by the Taliban.
2015.06.16 Nigeria Damboa 8 0 At least eight security personnel are killed by a Boko Haram roadside bomb.
2015.06.16 Philippines Sitio Bohepeyat 1 8 Muslim 'extremists' kill a local soldier on patrol with a pipe bomb.
2015.06.16 Iraq Diyala 4 6 Caliphate members slaughter four female students with a roadside bomb.
2015.06.16 Somalia Mogadishu 3 9 Three Somalis are ripped to shreds by an al-Shabaab roadside blast.
2015.06.16 India Bijbehara 1 0 Islamic radicals fire into a police station, killing an officer.
2015.06.16 Afghanistan Daykundi 3 16 Taliban bombers take out three civilians, including a child.
2015.06.16 Syria al-Mezzeh 1 7 One resident dies when Sunnis send a mortar into a rival neighborhood.
2015.06.16 Philippines Palian 2 0 Two are killed when Bangsamoro extremists open fire on civilians.
2015.06.15 Philippines Datu Piang 1 2 A local soldier is ambushed and killed by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2015.06.15 Afghanistan Sarak-e-Bala 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans are machine-gunned at a checkpoint by Sunni fundamentalists.
2015.06.15 Iraq Fallujah 13 23 ISIS militants kill thirteen Iraqis.
2015.06.15 Chad N'Djamena 33 101 A bloody suicide attack by Boko Haram leaves nearly three dozen others dead.
2015.06.15 Tunisia Sidi Bouzid 3 1 Three policemen are shot point blank by Islamists at a checkpoint.
2015.06.15 Pakistan Sopore 2 0 Two men are shot to death in separate attacks blamed on Lashkar-e-Islam.
2015.06.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local cop on a motorbike.
2015.06.15 Nigeria Potiskum 11 9 Two women are among eleven civilians taken out by two Shahid suicide bombers at a tea stand.
2015.06.14 Afghanistan Khalil Bagh 2 3 A woman is among two people whose lives are cut short by Taliban bombers.
2015.06.14 Iraq Baghdad 10 20 Ten patrons are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an outdoor market.
2015.06.14 Afghanistan Takhar 4 0 Taliban bombers murder four people with a roadside bomb.
2015.06.14 Syria Homs 0 32 Sunni terrorists set off a bomb outside a school, injuring over thirty.
2015.06.14 Nigeria Babbangida 4 0 Four people lose their lives to a shooting and burning spree by Sharia activists.
2015.06.14 Iraq Shalalat 1 0 A former female candidate is executed by the caliphate.
2015.06.14 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
2015.06.14 Iraq Mosul 25 0 Twenty-five Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.06.14 Iraq Riyahah 4 6 Four others are killed by ISIS gunmen.
2015.06.13 Nigeria Bale 3 5 A suicide bomber on a bicycle pedals to paradise, taking three innocents with him.
2015.06.13 Egypt North Sinai 3 0 Several Bedouin are reportedly beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2015.06.13 Afghanistan Helmand 20 10 Twenty local police officers are ambushed and killed by armed fundamentalists.
2015.06.13 Iraq Garma 18 25 A mass ISIS suicide attack leaves eighteen others dead.
2015.06.13 Iraq Hajjaj 13 29 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers kill thirteen Iraqis.
2015.06.13 Kenya Mangai 2 0 Islamists invade a village, preach at the mosque for hours, then murder two people.
2015.06.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 A captive is beaten and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.06.13 DRC Beni 8 10 Eight people are hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2015.06.12 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six hostages are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.06.12 Pakistan Torkham 2 4 Jihadis take out two civilians with a bomb hidden in a push cart full of quilts.
2015.06.12 Libya Derna 7 30 Seven protesters are quickly shot to death for protesting the Islamic State in Libya.
2015.06.12 Pakistan Sopore 1 0 A shopkeeper is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2015.06.12 Saudi Arabia Jizan 1 1 A civilian is killed by a Shiite rocket attack on a rival mosque.
2015.06.12 Egypt Sharqia 1 0 A teacher who opposed the Muslim Brotherhood is assassinated by three members.
2015.06.11 Egypt Sinai 1 0 ISIS in Egypt force a man to dig his own grave before shooting him in the head.
2015.06.11 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 6 The Taliban take credit for a Shahid suicide bombing that leaves two others dead.
2015.06.11 Cameroon Makari 2 23 Two Cameroon soldiers are killed by a Boko Haram rocket attack on their way to protect a village.
2015.06.10 Syria Qalb Loze 20 0 A child and several elderly people are among twenty Druze murdered in cold blood by al-Qaeda.
2015.06.10 Iraq Baghdad 9 22 Nine people are disassembled by a suicide bomb blast along a city street.
2015.06.10 Iraq Ghazlani 130 0 An ISIS mass execution produces one-hundred and thirty dead captives.
2015.06.10 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 7 Jihadis plant a bomb on a motorcycle that leaves three dead patrons in a commercial district.
2015.06.10 Egypt Luxor 0 4 Two suicide bombers attack a popular tourist site.
2015.06.10 Mali Misseni 1 0 Gunmen murder a cop while shouting praises to Allah.
2015.06.09 Afghanistan Faryab 5 2 A family of five is wiped out by a Taliban bomb blast at their home.
2015.06.09 Libya Sirte 3 0 Three guards at a power plant are killed by Islamic State militants.
2015.06.09 Pakistan Sopore 1 0 A pharmacist is shot to death by Lashkar-e-Islam.
2015.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 10 24 Three women are among ten restaurant patrons pulled into pieces by a Religion of Peace blast.
2015.06.09 Iraq Baghdad 6 21 Jihadis bomb a vegetable market, taking out a half-dozen shoppers.
2015.06.09 Iraq Youssifiyah 4 8 Four Iraqis are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2015.06.09 Pakistan Shah Latif 1 0 A Shiite official is gunned down by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.06.09 Afghanistan Bagram 1 1 A female American civilian is killed by a Taliban rocket.
2015.06.09 Iraq Fallujah 9 15 Two suicide bombers take out nine Iraqis.
2015.06.09 Nigeria Matangale 16 0 Boko Haram open fire on women gathered to do laundry, killing sixteen.
2015.06.09 Nigeria Borno 27 0 Over two dozen people lose their lives when Islamists open fire on residents of two villages (Buraltima and Dirmanti).
2015.06.09 Thailand Narathiwat 2 0 A 53-year-old man and his teenage son are shot to death in their truck by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.06.08 Nigeria Huyum 19 3 Islamists walk into a village and begin shooting indiscriminately, slaughtering nineteen innocents.
2015.06.08 Egypt Sheihk Zuweid 1 5 Velayat Sinai Islamists gun down a local soldier manning a checkpoint.
2015.06.08 Pakistan North Waziristan 7 14 Seven others are killed by a religious radical with a suicide vest.
2015.06.08 Saudi Arabia Dhahran Al-Janoub 2 0 Two border guards are killed by Shiite rockets.
2015.06.07 Iraq Qayara 2 0 Two Iraqi policemen are executed by ISIS.
2015.06.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 16 24 Boko Haram bombers turn an outdoor market into a mass of blood and body parts.
2015.06.07 Pakistan Quetta 5 0 Five people are shot to death in Sunni raids on two tea shops belonging to the Hazara religious minority.
2015.06.07 Nigeria Borno 2 4 Two people are reduced to parts by a female suicide bomber along a highway.
2015.06.07 Libya Misrata 4 2 Islamic State members capture four guards and slit their throats.
2015.06.07 Iraq Qara Tapa 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped and burned alive by caliphate members.
2015.06.06 Iraq Balad Ruz 15 37 A suicide car bomber lays out fifteen patrons at a restaurant district.
2015.06.06 Iraq Baghdad 10 28 A series of Islamic State bomb blasts produce ten dead Iraqis.
2015.06.06 Somalia Wajir 3 0 An Islamist opens fire on a group of people, killing three - including a woman.
2015.06.06 Philippines Maluso 1 0 A man is captured and beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2015.06.05 Saudi Arabia Jizan 4 0 Four Saudis are killed in a cross-border attack by Shiite militia.
2015.06.05 Iraq Baqubah 5 0 A brutal roadside blast takes out five civilians.
2015.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two more gay men are thrown from a rooftop by the Islamic State.
2015.06.04 Iraq Fallujah 17 8 A suicide assault on a security base produces seventeen dead Iraqis.
2015.06.04 Iraq al-Mazraa 4 9 Four people are left dead following an ISIS mortar barrage.
2015.06.04 Iraq Barwana 6 4 The Islamic State sends rockets into a small town, killing six.
2015.06.04 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two people bleed to death following an Islamist bomb blast at an industrial area.
2015.06.04 Iraq Tharthar Lake 2 6 A suicide bomber kills two other people.
2015.06.04 Nigeria Yola 45 40 Two suicide bombers detonate at a packed market, slaughtering over forty innocents.
2015.06.04 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 0 Eight Nigerians are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.06.04 Libya Derna 1 0 A local soldier is beheaded in front of a mosque by ISIS as kids look on.
2015.06.04 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 6 A suicide bomber takes out four Afghans.
2015.06.03 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Four people are killed when Jihadis set off a bomb near an auto parts shop.
2015.06.03 Iraq Baghdad 7 17 Terrorists set off three bombs that leave seven dead.
2015.06.03 Iraq Fallujah 4 7 Four people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.06.03 Iraq Nineveh 1 0 A gay man is hung by his feet and then dropped from a building by Allah praisers.
2015.06.03 Egypt Giza 2 0 Fundamentalists on motorcycles shoot two tourism guards to death near the pyramids.
2015.06.03 Thailand Yala 4 0 Off-duty soldiers riding in a civilian vehicle are machine-gunned point-blank by Muslim terrorists.
2015.06.03 Syria Hasaka 2 0 Two men are shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.06.03 Afghanistan Nangarhar 10 0 Ten captives are beheaded by ISIS.
2015.06.03 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 29 Six people are sectionalized by a Boko Haram blast at a mechanic's garage.
2015.06.03 Algeria Batna 5 2 Two attacks by al-Qaeda leave five others dead.
2015.06.03 Afghanistan Achin 1 0 A man is beheaded under Sharia for 'infidelity'.
2015.06.02 Iraq Baghdad 6 13 Mujahideen take out six patrons in mid-bite with a car bomb blast outside a restaurant.
2015.06.02 Iraq Baiji 28 36 Four Holy Warrior suicide bombers slaughter twenty-eight Iraqis.
2015.06.02 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A former translator for the U.S. is tortured and killed by Taliban fundamentalists.
2015.06.02 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A woman is stoned to death for adultery.
2015.06.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 8 A Muslim detonates a suicide vest at an abattoir, taking five bystanders with him.
2015.06.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 53 30 Islamists send a suicide bomber into a meat market to claim the lives of about fifty innocents.
2015.06.02 Syria Umm al-Qura 35 0 Thirty-five Syrians are beheaded or otherwise executed by ISIS "with help from Allah."
2015.06.01 Iraq Baghdad 10 27 Jihadis murder ten Iraqis in a series of attacks.
2015.06.01 Pakistan Angor Adda 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and shot to death by Sharia proponents.
2015.06.01 Syria Mayadin 1 0 A gay man is thrown off a rooftop by the Caliphate.
2015.06.01 Syria Mayadin 4 0 Four young people are executed for apostasy.
2015.06.01 Iraq Jadaa 80 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the victims of eighty Yazidi religious minorities butchered by the Islamic State, including thirty-three children and twenty women.
2015.06.01 Afghanistan Balkh 11 0 Nine aid workers and their two guards are shot to death in their compound by religious radicals.
2015.06.01 Pakistan Wana 3 0 An early morning blast claims the lives of three election workers.
2015.06.01 Pakistan Tank 7 8 At least seven people bleed out following a bombing at party by suspected Islamists.
2015.06.01 Afghanistan Surkh Abad 2 1 A father and son are blown to smithereens by a Taliban rocket.
2015.06.01 Afghanistan Helmand 1 4 A woman is disassembled in her own home by a Sunni rocket.
2015.06.01 Afghanistan Asmar 1 0 A secular school teacher is shot to death by pro-Sharia radicals.
2015.06.01 Iraq Ramadi 47 63 A coordinated attack by three ISIS suicide bombers leaves forty-seven Iraqi soldiers dead.
2015.06.01 Afghanistan Achin 1 1 The Islamic State gun down a fleeing child.
2015.05.31 Pakistan Kamoke 3 0 A man and his son are among three election workers machine-gunned by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.05.31 Thailand Pattani 1 11 Two bomb blasts by Muslim 'separatists' leave one dead.
2015.05.31 Afghanistan Logar 3 4 A teacher and two students are killed when Muslim extremists fire a rocket into a government school.
2015.05.31 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Video is released of a man being burned alive by the Shia militia group, Imam Ali.
2015.05.31 Libya Misrata 5 7 An Islamic State suicide car bomber takes the lives of five bystanders at a city entrance.
2015.05.31 Syria Aleppo 12 15 An al-Qaeda linked group sends rockets into a neighborhood, killing a dozen residents.
2015.05.30 Afghanistan Dara-e-Sof 5 1 Talibanis attack a security checkpoint and kill five officers.
2015.05.30 Iraq Balad 6 14 A half-dozen Shiites are sent to Allah by ISIS bombers.
2015.05.30 Philippines Jolo 0 15 Muslim bombers injure fifteen people at a rival mosque.
2015.05.30 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A secular teacher is assassinated by Sharia proponents.
2015.05.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 26 28 Over two dozen worshippers at a mosque are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.05.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 13 16 Boko Haram fire rockets into homes, killing thirteen, including women and five children.
2015.05.30 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two off-duty soldiers are shot off their motorbikes by militant Muslims.
2015.05.30 Nigeria Dala 7 0 A family of seven is wiped out by a Boko Haram RPG.
2015.05.29 Pakistan Lahore 1 6 A suicide bomber detonates at an international cricket match, killing a guard.
2015.05.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three passengers are killed when Jihadis set off a bomb on a bus.
2015.05.29 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A captive is forced to dig his own grave before being beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2015.05.29 Saudi Arabia Dammam 3 4 At least three others are killed by a suicide bomber outside a Shia mosque..
2015.05.29 Nigeria Tashan Alade 7 30 Seven people at a wedding are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.05.29 Libya Benghazi 8 8 Eight people lose their lives to an Islamist rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2015.05.29 Pakistan Malir 2 0 Two men sitting outside a music event are shot to death by terrorists.
2015.05.29 Chad Choua 4 4 A Boko Haram attack leaves four dead.
2015.05.28 Yemen Aden 1 1 A local governor is assassinated by Shiite radicals.
2015.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 10 27 ISIS sets off a bomb outside a hotel, killing ten innocents.
2015.05.28 Iraq Baghdad 4 15 A second blast outside a different hotel lays out five more.
2015.05.28 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.28 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 2 Religious extremists fire a rocket at a group of cops, killing two.
2015.05.28 Thailand Pattani 1 1 Muslim 'insurgents' fire on a married couple, killing the man and injuring his wife.
2015.05.28 Saudi Arabia Zahran 2 4 Two people are killed when Shia militia fire rockets across the border from Yemen.
2015.05.27 Iraq Fallujah 17 9 Seventeen Iraqis are taken out by Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2015.05.27 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A mosque's imam is kidnapped and abducted by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.05.27 Pakistan Gulberg 3 2 Three local cops are gunned down by suspected Islamists.
2015.05.27 Pakistan Quetta 2 1 Two Hazara religious minorities are gunned down outside their shop by Sunni radicals.
2015.05.27 Iraq Shingal 1 0 A sex slave who tried to escape ISIS is killed by having her legs cut off.
2015.05.27 Syria Palmyra 20 0 Twenty more people are executed by the Islamic State - this time in an ancient theater.
2015.05.26 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 2 3 Two Taliban suicide bombers kill two guards.
2015.05.26 Kenya Yumbis 25 0 Over two dozen police are murdered by al-Shabaab in a single attack.
2015.05.26 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A teacher is among two people riddled with bullets by militant Muslims.
2015.05.26 Iraq Nimrud 1 0 An 80-Year-Old Christian woman is burned alive for failing to comply with Sharia restrictions.
2015.05.25 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Shiite trader is shot to death on the street by Sunni extremists.
2015.05.25 Pakistan Quetta 2 9 A female doctor is among two Hazara religious minorities murdered in an attack outside a medical center.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Shaheedan 3 0 Taliban in uniform murder three policemen.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Naw Zad 26 3 Over two-dozen defenders lose their lives to a brutal suicide assault by armed fundamentalists on a police compound.
2015.05.25 Nigeria Gubio 43 50 Children are among dozens killed after Boko Haram briefly takes over a small village.
2015.05.25 India Sopore 1 2 Fundamentalists fire on a mobile shop, killing an employee.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Guzara 1 0 A tribal elder is ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Zabul 5 73 Two women are among five killed in a massive suicide truck bombing that leaves over seventy others wounded.
2015.05.25 India Kashmir 3 4 Lashkar-e-Islam fire on a patrol of soldiers, killing three.
2015.05.25 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 6 0 All six people in a civilian vehicle are blown to bits by a Sunni bomb blast.
2015.05.25 Tunisia Tunis 6 10 The Islamic State claims an attack at a barracks in which an alleged recruit shot six soldiers in the back.
2015.05.25 Somalia Diinsoor 4 0 Four men are executed by al-Shabaab.
2015.05.25 India Shyamnagar 1 0 A 19-year-old is 'honor' strangled by her brother after marrying without her conservative family's permission.
2015.05.24 Nigeria Benue 96 0 Ninety-six are confirmed dead following a church-burning spree by militant Muslims.
2015.05.24 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two men are shot in the back of the head by ISIS.
2015.05.24 Pakistan Bolochistan 3 15 The Taliban is suspected of a bomb attack that produces three bodies.
2015.05.24 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A 20-year-old captive is burned alive for refusing sex with Islamic State members.
2015.05.24 Syria Palmyra 400 0 Women and children comprise the bulk of 400 civilians executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2015.05.24 Afghanistan Sangin 13 24 A Taliban assault on police checkpoints leaves thirteen defenders dead.
2015.05.24 Afghanistan Jawzjan 2 0 An adulterous couple is shot to death by their families on orders of a religious council.
2015.05.23 Afghanistan Bala Boluk 4 1 Four local cops are shot to death by religious radicals.
2015.05.23 Pakistan Badrashi 2 2 Islamic militants are thought responsible for a shooting attack that leaves a mother and her son dead.
2015.05.23 Iraq Baiji 16 0 Caliphate members slit the throats of sixteen traders transporting food into a city.
2015.05.23 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 Two gentlemen are turned into pulp by Taliban bombers.
2015.05.23 Pakistan Datta Khel 3 3 Religious extremists are blamed for an ambush that leaves three security personnel dead.
2015.05.23 Egypt Sharqeya 1 8 Islamists detonate a bomb under a bridge, killing a passerby.
2015.05.23 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A member of parliament is gunned down by an Islamist group.
2015.05.23 Afghanistan Gilan 4 0 A family of four, including two children, is neatly disassembled by a well-placed Taliban bomb.
2015.05.22 Afghanistan Ankhoy 0 15 Fundamentalists throw a grenade into a wedding party over music.
2015.05.22 Saudi Arabia Tawal 1 3 A child is dismantled by a Shiite rocket.
2015.05.22 Somalia Mogadishu 3 1 Pro-Sharia activists block a transport carrying government workers and machine-gun three point-blank.
2015.05.22 Somalia Awdigle 7 17 At least seven others are killed when al-Shabaab members attack a small town.
2015.05.22 Afghanistan Faryab 2 0 A woman kills herself after the Taliban murder her husband with a roadside bomb.
2015.05.22 Syria Hasakah 2 0 Children watch as two captives are shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2015.05.22 Nigeria Jwamda-Kobla 10 0 Sharia proponents sneak into a village and slaughter ten residents with knives.
2015.05.22 Saudi Arabia Qadeeh 21 81 An ISIS suicide bomber detonates at a Shia mosque, slaying twenty-one worshippers.
2015.05.22 Syria Palmyra 200 0 Two-hundred more Syrians are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.22 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local soldier is abducted from an ambulance and executed in cold blood by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2015.05.22 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 2 Two are killed when Sunni radicals fire on a Shiite family.
2015.05.22 Yemen Sanaa 0 13 Children are among the casualties when ISIS set off bombs at rival mosques.
2015.05.21 Nigeria Ropp 9 0 Muslim 'mercenaries' set fire to a house and then surround it to prevent the family from leaving. Nine are burned alive.
2015.05.21 Iraq Diyala 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives when suspected ISIS burn five homes.
2015.05.21 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 A Sunni man and his two sons are murdered in a targeted sectarian attack.
2015.05.21 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 A man is paraded through the streets and then hung from a bridge by the Islamic State.
2015.05.21 Libya Misrata 2 2 Two people are killed by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.05.21 Syria Palmyra 100 0 ISIS releases pictures of some one-hundred beheading victims shortly after taking a small city.
2015.05.21 Saudi Arabia Dhahran 1 3 A civilian bleeds to death after Shia militia fire a rocket across the border.
2015.05.21 Uganda Kireka Cell 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.05.21 Yemen Dhamar 2 0 The bodies of two journalists are discovered after being kidnapped by Ansar Allah.
2015.05.20 Saudi Arabia Najran 18 0 Shiite militias reportedly kill eighteen Saudis with a cross-border rocket barrage.
2015.05.20 Syria Damascus 1 23 Sunnis lob a mortar into a school, killing a teacher and injuring twenty-three students.
2015.05.20 Libya Hawara 1 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2015.05.20 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents tie a man to a post and then blast him with a bazooka.
2015.05.20 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A man is gunned down in front of his daughter by Sharia activists, while taking her to school.
2015.05.19 Afghanistan Uruzgan 4 8 Taliban bombers take out four locals.
2015.05.19 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is executed for refusing to join the caliphate.
2015.05.19 Nigeria Garkida 8 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes the lives of eight patrons at a livestock market.
2015.05.19 Libya Qubbah 1 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2015.05.19 Syria Haqef 6 0 A woman is among those killed during an ISIS attack on a Druze village.
2015.05.19 Afghanistan Kabul 4 42 Four people, including a woman, bleed out following a suicide bombing in a parking lot.
2015.05.19 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 27 0 Fulani terrorists massacre twenty-seven residents in overnight attacks on two Christian villages.
2015.05.19 Philippines Maimbung 2 1 Two civilians are pumped full of holes by Abu Sayyaf gunmen.
2015.05.18 DRC Mavivi 5 0 Five civilians are brought down with axes and machetes by the ADF.
2015.05.18 Yemen Nassab 10 0 Ten Shiites are killed by al-Qaeda in a roadside attack.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Janikhil 4 2 Four Afghans are shot to death by Sunni militants.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates outside a hospital.
2015.05.18 Iraq Husaybah 10 0 Ten civilians are killed trying to defend their homes from ISIS.
2015.05.18 Iraq Rashid 5 2 Five civilians are reduced to parts by Mujahid bombers.
2015.05.18 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two brothers are kidnapped and tortured to death by sectarian rivals.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Uruzgan 12 0 A series of attacks on police checkpoints by armed fundamentalists leave a dozen dead.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Khas Uruzgan 7 0 Seven Afghans lose their lives when Sunni extremists attack a government building.
2015.05.18 Syria Palmyra 5 0 Two children are among five residents pulled apart when ISIS fire rockets into their neighborhood.
2015.05.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 The Taliban murder a police chief.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 500 0 Five hundred civilians and soldiers are butchered when the Islamic State overrun a city.
2015.05.17 Afghanistan Zankhan 2 3 Two policemen on patrol are laid out by a Taliban bomb.
2015.05.17 Afghanistan Kabul 4 18 Four innocents, including two women, are disintegrated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber near an airport.
2015.05.17 Syria Palmyra 6 0 Six more people are reported killed by ISIS, including three by beheading.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 10 15 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber slaughters ten Iraqis.
2015.05.17 Iraq Ramadi 5 12 Five people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.05.17 Israel Nes Ziona 1 0 A 68-year-old security guard is brutally stabbed to death by a Palestinian.
2015.05.17 Iraq Baiji 8 0 Eight refinery guards are blown up by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.05.17 Iraq Shura 3 0 Three civilians are buried alive by the Islamic State after being forced to dig their own graves.
2015.05.17 Yemen Shabwah 21 0 al-Qaeda claims to have killed twenty-one Shiites with heavy weapons.
2015.05.16 Nigeria Madagali 3 20 Boko Haram murder three men and kidnap seven women.
2015.05.16 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 9 Two Iraqis are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2015.05.16 Iraq Baghdad 5 0 Fundamentalists storm a brothel and murder three men and two women.
2015.05.16 Syria Palmyra 23 0 Twenty-three civilians, including nine children, are massacred by the Islamic State.
2015.05.16 Pakistan Pewar 1 0 A Shiite man is murdered by Sunnis while out collecting firewood.
2015.05.16 Afghanistan Karikote 1 5 Fundamentalists shoot a youth to death for celebrating a soccer win.
2015.05.16 Yemen Taez 15 100 Shiite radicals capture an artillery battery and turn it on a town, killing at least fifteen civilians.
2015.05.16 Nigeria Damaturu 7 31 Islamists strap a young girl into an explosives vest and send her into a bus station. At least seven others are massacred, not including the 'suicide' bomber.
2015.05.16 Egypt al-Arish 4 0 Three judges and their driver are machine-gunned by activists fighting for Islamic law.
2015.05.16 Syria Sukhna 1 0 An imam is beheaded by rivals.
2015.05.15 Syria Sukhna 25 0 Twenty-five civilians, including women and children, are executed by the Islamic State for siding with the government.
2015.05.15 Pakistan Hyderabad 1 1 A Shiite man is killed in front of his wife by Sunni gunmen.
2015.05.15 Thailand Narathiwat 1 3 Muslim terrorists ambush and kill security personnel riding past on motorbikes.
2015.05.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A policeman is shot to death by a Taliban on a motorbike.
2015.05.15 Iraq Najaf 1 0 A prominent cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.05.15 Somalia Shabelle 15 0 Islamists pour grenades and machine-gun fire into two towns, killing fifteen.
2015.05.15 Iraq Jamiya 27 0 Thirteen people are killed in an ISIS attack. Fourteen others are taken captive and executed.
2015.05.15 Kenya Garissa 2 0 Islamists ambush and kill two police officers at their station.
2015.05.15 Iraq Ramadi 10 7 Three suicide bombers murder ten Iraqis.
2015.05.14 Nigeria Kayamla 30 0 Thirty villagers are massacred by Sharia fanatics.
2015.05.14 DRC Mbau 23 0 Twenty-three more villagers are hacked to death with machetes and hatchets by ADF Islamists.
2015.05.14 Nigeria Maiduguri 12 12 At least twelve Nigerians lose their lives to three female suicide bombers.
2015.05.14 Afghanistan Kabul 14 7 Nine foreigners are among fourteen people massacred when the Taliban storm a guesthouse.
2015.05.14 Syria al-Sukhna 1 0 A man is riddled with bullets after identifying himself as Shia to Sunnis.
2015.05.14 Syria Palmyra 26 0 Twenty-six villagers are butchered by the Islamic State, including ten beheaded.
2015.05.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 32-year-old security guard loses his life to Muslim terrorists.
2015.05.14 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 27 ISIS car bombers take out three Iraqis.
2015.05.14 Iraq Badush 20 0 Twenty captives are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 17 Shiite militia burn four Sunnis to death in their homes.
2015.05.14 Thailand Yala 0 20 Militant Muslims set off twenty-eight bombs within a few hours.
2015.05.14 Libya Benghazi 8 11 Seven children are among eight killed when the Islamic State fires a rocket into an apartment building.
2015.05.14 Nigeria Kojiti 7 0 Boko Haram open fire on families preparing for bed, killing seven members.
2015.05.14 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Sharia proponents murder a prosecutor in his home.
2015.05.14 Iraq Mosul 39 0 Thirty-nine Indian hostages are reportedly executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.13 Nigeria Baale 29 0 Boko Haram murder twenty-nine people and torch their village.
2015.05.13 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three men are forced to kneel on the street and then beheaded by religious 'fanatics'.
2015.05.13 Pakistan Mashpangai 3 0 Three security personnel are machine-gunned at point-blank range by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2015.05.13 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 35-year-old man dies from injuries after being shot by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2015.05.13 Pakistan Karachi 47 24 Sunni extremists open fire point-blank on a bus carrying Ismaili minorities, slaughtering fifty.
2015.05.13 Egypt Rafah 3 0 Islamists kill three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2015.05.13 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 7 Seven people are killed when gunmen attack a rival mosque.
2015.05.13 Afghanistan Dukon 1 0 A government official is kidnapped from his home and beheaded by Sharia proponents.
2015.05.13 Syria al-Sukhna 30 0 Thirty others are killed during an ISIS attack on a small town.
2015.05.12 Thailand Pattani 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a village elder in his pickup truck.
2015.05.12 Pakistan Kot Sabzol 1 0 A teen bride is honor killed by her conservative family over alleged sexual impropriety.
2015.05.12 Bangladesh Bankalaparha 1 0 Four fundamentalists hack a secular blogger to death with knives on charges of being an atheist.
2015.05.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 7 An innocent Shiite is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2015.05.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 3 The Taliban are thought responsible for the bombing of a car that leave five family members dead.
2015.05.12 Syria Homs 4 17 Four bystanders are blown to bits when terrorists sit off two bombs in a Shiite district.
2015.05.12 Pakistan Sheikh Otar 4 0 Four people lose their lives when religious radicals fire at random into a construction site.
2015.05.12 Iraq Kazimiyah 10 25 The Islamic State bomb a roadside stand serving food to Shiite pilgrims, killing ten.
2015.05.12 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Two Shiite pilgrims are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2015.05.12 Iraq Bab al-Sham 4 12 Three Islamic State rockets end the lives of four Shiite pilgrims.
2015.05.12 Iraq Mashahidah 3 8 Three pilgrims are laid out by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2015.05.12 Libya Benghazi 4 0 Four children are exterminated by an Islamic State rocket.
2015.05.12 Kenya Garissa 1 0 A guard at a refugee camp is cut down by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2015.05.11 Iraq Muqdadiyah 8 0 A father and son are among eight victims of sectarian executions found tortured and shot.
2015.05.11 DRC Mavivi 5 7 Five people are hacked to death with machetes by Islamist 'rebels'.
2015.05.11 India Anantnag 2 0 Muslim terrorists murder two guards at a road construction project.
2015.05.11 Pakistan Rialto Chowk 3 6 Fundamentalists are suspected in a drive-by attack on transgenders that leaves three dead.
2015.05.11 Pakistan Barkamar 6 0 The lives of six tribesmen are brutally snuffed out by Taliban roadside bombers.
2015.05.11 Yemen Najran 1 4 One resident is killed when Shiite militia send a rocket into a neighborhood from across the border.
2015.05.10 Cameroon Zelevet 2 0 Boko Haram ambush and kill two local soldiers.
2015.05.10 Syria Jisr al-Shughur 32 0 Thirty-two others are killed during a massive al-Qaeda attack on a town that began with a suicide bombing.
2015.05.10 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two friends are gunned down by Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat.
2015.05.10 Afghanistan Kabul 3 18 A suicide bomber kills three riders on a bus.
2015.05.10 Macedonia Kumanovo 8 37 Muslim terrorists wage a running battle with police, killing at least eight.
2015.05.10 Iraq Tarmiyah 5 10 Five innocents are reduced to pulp by a suicide car bomber.
2015.05.10 Iraq Taji 3 8 Jihadis set off a bomb at an outdoor market, killing three patrons.
2015.05.10 Iraq Fallujah 6 11 A suicide bombing and several other blasts claim the lives of six people.
2015.05.10 Somalia Baidoa 2 0 Two Ethiopians are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2015.05.09 Pakistan Lakki Mechankhel 2 1 Mujahideen enter a home and shoot a man and his mother to death.
2015.05.09 Iraq al-Khalis 12 14 Terrorists kill a dozen guards at a prison.
2015.05.09 Iraq Baghdad 7 20 A bomb targeting Shiite pilgrims takes down seven of them.
2015.05.09 Pakistan Nazimabad 1 0 Sectarian Jihadis gun down a homeopathic doctor for being Shiite.
2015.05.09 Syria Aleppo 5 19 Women and children are heavily represented among the casualties of an al-Nusra rocket attack.
2015.05.09 Syria Raqqa 10 0 Ten hostages are forced to kneel, then executed with gunshots by the Islamic State.
2015.05.09 Iraq Nineveh 13 0 Thirteen Kurds are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.05.09 Afghanistan Paktia 2 5 Fundamentalists attack a cricket tournament and murder two people.
2015.05.08 Egypt al-Arish 2 0 Four guards are shot to death in separate attacks on a school and market.
2015.05.08 Somalia Galkayo 1 0 Religious extremists shoot an 'apostate' to death.
2015.05.08 Nigeria Potiskum 3 10 A suicide bomber detonates at a college.
2015.05.08 Syria Homs 2 0 Two men are hacked to death for 'insulting Allah'.
2015.05.08 Iraq Kanaan 4 18 A suicide car bomber plows into a crowd of Shiite worshippers, killing four.
2015.05.08 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 Terrorists gun down a local cop.
2015.05.08 Iraq Balad Ruz 18 41 A Sunni suicide bomber massacres eighteen worshippers as they are leaving a Shiite mosque.
2015.05.08 Syria Deir al-Zor 19 0 Nineteen others lose their lives to an ISIS suicide blast and subsequent assault on an airport.
2015.05.08 DRC Matembo 7 4 Islamists hack seven villagers to death with machetes, including two women.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 2 0 A father and son are picked off by Islamist snipers.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 4 0 Three children and a woman bleed to death when militant Sunnis send rockets into a neighborhood.
2015.05.07 Iraq Shajarat al-Dur 4 16 Four Iraqis are soundly eliminated by a suicide bomber.
2015.05.07 Iraq Allas 2 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes two victims with him.
2015.05.07 Syria Deir al-Zor 4 0 Four local soldiers are captured and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.05.07 Libya Benghazi 2 5 Two civilians are killed when Islamists mortar their neighborhood.
2015.05.07 Iraq Hamrin 22 34 Shahid suicide bombers take out twenty-two Iraqis
2015.05.07 Cameroon Mayo-Tsanaga 7 0 Seven people are brutally killed during a Boko Haram rampage through their village.
2015.05.07 Pakistan Alingar 1 0 A peace committee member is laid out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.05.07 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Religious extremists roll up on and gun down two guards.
2015.05.07 Syria Aleppo 2 0 Two men are paraded by the Islamic State, then shot in the back of the head.
2015.05.06 Niger Koukodou 5 0 Boko Haram members burn houses and murder five villagers.
2015.05.06 Afghanistan Sulaimanzai 2 4 Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.05.06 Syria Hassakeh 16 0 An ISIS suicide assault produces sixteen dead Kurds.
2015.05.06 Pakistan Lower Kurram 1 3 A botched suicide attack on a school kills one innocent.
2015.05.06 Yemen Tawahi 50 100 Women and children are heavily represented in the casualties of an hours long rocket barrage of a refugee camp by Shiite radicals.
2015.05.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A politician is assassinated by Sharia activists.
2015.05.06 Syria Hasaka 3 0 A suicide bombing by the Islamic State kills three people in a neighborhood.
2015.05.06 Iraq Khanaqin 3 0 ISIS members murder three oil tank drivers in cold blood along a highway.
2015.05.06 Saudi Arabia Najran 5 11 Shiite radicals shell a small town, killing five residents.
2015.05.06 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist couple is shot and then burned by Muslim terrorists.
2015.05.06 Nigeria Ngulde 8 8 An 80-year-old man is among eight villagers slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.05.05 Afghanistan Jalriz 1 1 A child is pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.05.05 Syria Sweida 2 23 Two civilians are killed during a series of mortar barrages by al-Nusra on a neighborhood.
2015.05.05 Iraq Baghdad 6 11 An ISIS car bomb in front of a hotel kills six civilians.
2015.05.05 Saudi Arabia Najran 2 5 Shiite militia in Yemen shell a town across the border, killing two residents.
2015.05.05 Yemen Aden 6 0 Shiite radicals kill one man with a mortar and then six of this rescuers.
2015.05.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 Hardliners shoot a scrap dealer to death then plant a bomb that injures responders.
2015.05.05 India Nadia 3 8 Three Hindu pilgrims are killed when a Muslim mob attack their procession.
2015.05.05 DRC Beni 2 13 ADF gunmen open fire on peacekeepers, bringing down two.
2015.05.04 Iraq Baiji 3 5 Three Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.05.04 Iraq Rashad 2 6 Jihadi bombers target a displaced family, killing two female members.
2015.05.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 15 One other person is killed when a Shahid suicide bomber attacks a civilian bus.
2015.05.04 Syria Damascus 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2015.05.04 Pakistan Deri Ghazi Khan 1 0 One person is killed when Islamic militants attack a school.
2015.05.04 Libya Derna 3 0 Three brothers are crucified by the Islamic State.
2015.05.04 Somalia Bosasso 1 2 A civilian is killed when al-Shabaab militants toss a grenade into the street.
2015.05.04 Somalia Yalho 3 0 Islamists storm a police station and murder three cops.
2015.05.04 Syria Homs 2 0 Two older gentlemen are tied up and shot in the back of the head by Islamic State members.
2015.05.04 Nigeria Zakupang 30 0 Thirty Christians are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2015.05.03 Iraq Baqubah 5 6 Five Iraqis are laid out by an ISIS bomb.
2015.05.03 Syria Aleppo 2 36 A woman and child bleed out following a rocket attack by Sunni militants.
2015.05.03 Afghanistan Badakhshan 17 20 Religious extremists pour machine-gun fire into a checkpoint, killing seventeen.
2015.05.03 USA Garland, TX 0 1 Two Muslims stage a suicide assault on a conference critical of Islam.
2015.05.03 Iraq Baghdad 6 9 Six Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.05.03 Thailand Yala 1 1 A man his killed and his wife wounded when Muslim 'insurgents' fire into his truck.
2015.05.03 Philippines Mamasapano 2 2 A Bangsamoro assault on a village takes the lives of two guards.
2015.05.03 Philippines Buldon 2 0 Two guards are killed when Bangsamoro Islamists open fire on a market.
2015.05.02 Iraq Karrada 9 20 Caliphate members set off a bomb blast in a shopping district, killing seven patrons.
2015.05.02 Iraq Karrada 10 31 A second bomb blast kills ten first responders at the site of an earlier blast.
2015.05.02 Iraq Diyala 7 0 Five women are among seven passengers torn to shreds by a Mujahid blast on a bus.
2015.05.02 Syria Aleppo 22 45 al-Nusra members send shells into residential neighborhoods, killing twenty-two.
2015.05.02 Iraq Garma 12 0 Suicide bombers at a train station take out a dozen Iraqis.
2015.05.02 Iraq Mosul 20 0 Twenty people associated with a travel agency are executed by the Islamic State for helping other people escape the city.
2015.05.02 Nigeria Foron 2 0 Militant Muslims gun down a pastor and a female member of his congregation.
2015.05.02 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 27 0 Twenty-seven Christians are slaughtered by Muslim raiders at a church.
2015.05.02 Nigeria Vat 17 0 Muslim terrorists shoot seventeen Christians to death.
2015.05.02 Nigeria Zakupang 13 0 Women and children comprise the bulk of thirteen Christians cut down by Muslim militants.
2015.05.01 Egypt Sohag 1 0 A Coptic man is abducted and murdered by Muslims.
2015.05.01 Nigeria Adamawa 10 0 Ten captured women are stoned to death by Boko Haram to keep them from being rescued.
2015.05.01 Iraq Tal Afar 300 0 At least 300 Yazidi captives are reportedly executed by the Islamic State, including former sex slaves.
2015.05.01 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A man is shot to death in his home by the Taliban.
2015.05.01 Iraq Baiji 16 10 Sixteen Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.05.01 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four locals are murdered by the Tehreek-e-Taliban drive-by.
2015.05.01 Pakistan Mangah 2 0 A father and son are pulled into pieces by a an Islamic bomb blast.
2015.05.01 Pakistan Nawagi Khas 1 0 The Tehreek-i-Taliban murder a peace committee member with a roadside bomb.
2015.05.01 Libya Benghazi 3 7 Three medics are exterminated by a suspected Ansar al-Sharia mortar round.
2015.05.01 Philippines Tuburan 1 0 A telecommunications worker is abducted and beheaded by Abu Sayyaf.
2015.04.30 Syria Derna 3 0 Three accused homosexuals are shot in the head by the caliphate following morning prayer.
2015.04.30 Iraq al-Jabour 3 0 Three tribal elders are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.30 Syria Aleppo 8 34 Eight civilians are dismantled by Sunni rockets.
2015.04.30 Iraq Talibiyah 2 10 Sunnis bomb a row of restaurants, killing two Shiites.
2015.04.30 Iraq Baghdad 7 18 Seven Iraqis are laid out in a series of bomb blasts in Shiite areas.
2015.04.30 Iraq Madain 3 11 Three people at a cafe are obliterated in mid-bite by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.04.30 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 2 A bomb placed at a mosque leaves four dead.
2015.04.30 Afghanistan Herat Darwaza 1 0 A government official is assassinated by religious radicals.
2015.04.30 Pakistan Sherpao 2 3 A suicide bomber takes down two cop guarding a former official.
2015.04.30 Yemen Shabwa 15 0 The Islamic State releases a video showing the beheading and shooting of fifteen captives.
2015.04.30 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is executed by ISIS by having his head crushed with a piece of concrete.
2015.04.30 Saudi Arabia Jizan 1 0 A Saudi border guard is killed by a Shiite mortar round.
2015.04.30 Iraq Mansour 5 12 A Mujahid bomb blast claims five souls.
2015.04.30 Iraq Hurriya 4 14 Jihadis bomb an ice cream shop, killing four.
2015.04.30 Saudi Arabia Yemen Border 3 0 Three border guards are killed during an incursion by Shiite militia.
2015.04.30 Afghanistan Zabul 3 2 Three passengers are pulled from their car and shot to death by the Taliban.
2015.04.30 Nigeria Barkin Ladi 2 0 Two Christians returning from a funeral are ambushed and killed by Muslim radicals.
2015.04.30 Egypt Ibrahmiya 1 0 A 48-year-old Coptic woman is stabbed to death.
2015.04.29 DRC Bango 47 0 Forty-seven victims of an Islamist massacre are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.04.29 Iraq Amiriyah 3 12 Three people standing in a commercial district are liquidated by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.04.29 Iraq Baghdad 3 20 Islamic bombers take out three patrons at a market.
2015.04.29 Mali Goundam 3 0 Islamic gunmen kill two soldiers and a child.
2015.04.29 Yemen Khor Maksar 12 0 A dozen civilians are killed when Shiite militia pour tank and sniper fire into a neighborhood.
2015.04.29 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten oil workers are forced to their knees and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.04.29 Libya Tripoli 2 0 Two journalists are murdered by Sharia activists.
2015.04.29 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Fundamentalists are suspected in the targeted killing of a secular university professor.
2015.04.28 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two men carrying food are ambushed and riddled with bullets by Sunni hardliners.
2015.04.28 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 3 Two Tehreek-i-Taliban bombs leave two dead.
2015.04.28 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Six members of a family are abducted and executed by sectarian rivals.
2015.04.27 Afghanistan Sarobi 2 0 Two people are shot to death by a family member for engaging in adultery.
2015.04.27 Nigeria Kogi 4 0 Four people are killed when fundamentalists bomb a radio station.
2015.04.27 Libya Benghazi 2 0 Two young brothers are taken out by a suspected Ansar al-Sharia mortar.
2015.04.27 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A bomb planted by Muslim terrorists kills one person and injures another.
2015.04.27 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A village chief is assassinated by Muslim 'separatists'.
2015.04.27 Pakistan Mekran 3 0 Three Shiites are shot to death by Sunnis while waiting for a bus.
2015.04.27 Nigeria Damasak 400 0 Officials announce the discovery of a mass grave containing four-hundred Boko Haram victims.
2015.04.27 Iraq Nineveh 2 0 Two are stoned to death for adultery as children look on.
2015.04.27 Iraq Kobani 10 0 Islamic State militants sneak into a town and execute ten Kurds.
2015.04.27 Nigeria Guma 13 0 Thirteen Christians are slaughtered in their homes by Muslim raiders.
2015.04.27 Bosnia Zvornik 1 2 A man yelling 'Allah Akbar' opens fire on a police station in the Serbian area, killing one person inside.
2015.04.27 Libya Bayda 6 0 Six journalists are found with their throats slit months after being taken by the Islamic State.
2015.04.27 Afghanistan Kunduz 8 2 A Taliban assault on a small town leaves eight defenders dead.
2015.04.27 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Jihadis murder seven people with a car bomb outside a real estate office.
2015.04.27 Iraq Baghdad 10 27 Children are among the casualties when a brutal bomb blast in a shopping district claims ten lives.
2015.04.27 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 6 10 A series of Mujahideen bombings leave six dead.
2015.04.26 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 9 Religion of Peace car bombers take down four innocents.
2015.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 7 25 A suicide bomber kills seven people outside a rival mosque.
2015.04.26 Iraq Baghdad 6 17 A car bomb near a two square claims six lives.
2015.04.26 Afghanistan Noor-ul-Huda 1 0 A cleric who opposed violent extremism is quickly dispatched by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.04.26 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 0 Religious radicals gun down a bank official.
2015.04.26 Kenya Mandera 1 0 Sharia activists kidnap a secular official, tie him to a tree and execute him.
2015.04.26 Iraq Nukhaib 7 2 Suicide bombers take out seven Iraqis.
2015.04.26 Syria Jisr al-Shughour 30 0 Thirty civilians - said to be mostly women and children - are rounded up and executed by al-Nusra, shortly after a group prayer.
2015.04.26 Syria Aleppo 3 1 A father and daughter are among three killed by an Islamist rocket.
2015.04.26 Afghanistan Shinkay 6 0 Two children and a woman are among a family of six disassembled by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.04.26 Nigeria Shonong 4 0 Boko Haram members sneak up on a village and machine-gun four residents.
2015.04.25 Iraq Manbij 6 0 Six Kurdish civilians are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.04.25 Iraq Bayaa 4 0 Four men are kidnapped from a house by the Islamic State and then shot in the head.
2015.04.25 Iraq Trebil 15 22 Three suicide bombers take out fifteen others at a border crossing.
2015.04.25 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three officials are assassinated by Sharia radicals.
2015.04.25 Iraq Tarmiyiah 4 8 Sectarian bombers claim four souls at an outdoor market.
2015.04.25 Afghanistan Tireen Kot 2 0 Two people are ambushed and shot to death by the Taliban.
2015.04.25 Niger Karamga 74 71 Islamists pull up on an island and begin burning homes and shooting those trying to flee, killing at least eighty.
2015.04.25 Nigeria Mafa 5 0 Five people are murdered by Sharia advocates in an early-morning attack.
2015.04.25 Iraq Anbar 4 12 ISIS suicide bombers kill four border guards.
2015.04.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Four people at an outdoor market are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.04.25 Nigeria Plateau 6 0 A half-dozen Christians are murdered by Muslim radicals in attacks on three villages.
2015.04.24 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 3 9 Three people outside a courthouse are laid out by Mujahid bombers.
2015.04.24 Thailand Narathiwat 0 4 Children are among the victims of a shrapnel-packed cylinder bomb.
2015.04.24 Tunisia Kasserine 3 7 al-Qaeda militants kill three local soldiers.
2015.04.24 DRC Kithevya 5 0 Five villagers are murdered by the ADF-NALU
2015.04.24 Somalia Jamame 1 0 A man is executed by an Islamist firing squad for 'insulting Allah'.
2015.04.24 Afghanistan Farah 3 0 Talibanis attack a wedding party, killing the groom along with his father and brother.
2015.04.24 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A captive is beheaded by the caliphate.
2015.04.24 Iraq Nadhem al-Taqseem 14 0 A suicide bomb attack leaves fourteen others dead.
2015.04.24 Afghanistan Alingar 5 11 Four women are among five family members wiped out by a Taliban rocket.
2015.04.24 Nigeria Bultaram 21 0 Twenty-one civilians carrying food are massacred by Boko Haram outside their village.
2015.04.24 Pakistan Peshawar 1 6 Islamic militants kill a local cop with an IED.
2015.04.24 Iraq Jalka 2 0 Two children, ages 12 and 16, are executed by the Caliphate.
2015.04.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A prominent female human rights activists is shot to death by fundamentalists for holding a Valentines Day rally.
2015.04.24 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 2 6 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahideen bombers.
2015.04.24 Israel Husan 1 7 A 65-year-old woman is killed in a suspected terror attack.
2015.04.23 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 19-year-old woman is strangled - honor killed - by her father on suspicion of a sexual affair.
2015.04.23 Iraq Kirkuk 34 0 Thirty-four young Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.23 Iraq Balad 8 16 Sunnis liquidate eight Shiite pilgrims with a car bomb.
2015.04.23 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two men are stoned to death on charges of homosexuality.
2015.04.23 Afghanistan Daikundi 6 0 Six more innocent Shiites are brutally beheaded by Sunni fundamentalists.
2015.04.22 Iraq Baghdad 7 16 Seven Iraqis lose their lives to a Mujahid bomb blast outside a car repair shop.
2015.04.22 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadi bombers send shrapnel through a commercial district, taking out three bystanders.
2015.04.22 Yemen Yarim 5 0 ISIS kills five Shiites with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.22 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 9 0 Nine border guards are massacred by the Taliban.
2015.04.22 Afghanistan Khashrod 6 1 Four children and their parents fall victim to Sunni fundamentalist bombers.
2015.04.22 Afghanistan Behsood 2 0 A local prosecutor and his driver are blown to bits by Sharia activists.
2015.04.22 Syria Ariha 70 0 al-Nusra claims to have killed at least seventy others with a series of suicide attacks.
2015.04.22 Iraq Erbil 1 0 A father of five is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.04.22 Libya Derna 6 0 Six members of a family are killed by Islamists, including three who are crucified.
2015.04.21 Syria Jisr al-Shughur 7 0 A couple and their four children are among seven exterminated by an al-Nusra shell.
2015.04.21 Iraq Kirkuk 3 19 A Jihadi bomb blast at a funeral yields three more bodies.
2015.04.21 Iraq Madain 3 4 Mujahideen bombers take out three Iraqis at a commercial district.
2015.04.21 Syria Hajar al-Aswad 2 0 Two 'apostates' are beheaded by Muslim radicals.
2015.04.21 Iraq Salaheddin 11 0 Eleven kneeling Iraqis are shot in the back of the head by Religion of Peace proponents.
2015.04.21 Somalia Mogadishu 10 15 A Shahid suicide bomber rams straight into a crowded restaurant, sending at least ten patrons to Allah.
2015.04.21 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 17 A planted Taliban bomb produces three dead Afghanis, including a woman.
2015.04.21 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 5 A civilian is taken out by a hardliner bomb blast.
2015.04.21 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two security officers are murdered by Sunni extremists.
2015.04.21 Bangladesh Ashulia 8 15 Members of the Bangladeshi Jihadi Group shoot eight people to death during a bank robbery.
2015.04.20 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 0 Three men are beheaded in the street by the caliphate.
2015.04.20 Nigeria Potiskum 0 3 A suicide bomber detonates outside a Shia mosque.
2015.04.20 Iraq Baiji 7 0 Caliphate activists execute seven tribal elders.
2015.04.20 Mali Gao 1 0 Islamists murder a driver for a UN convoy.
2015.04.20 Egypt Rafah 3 1 Three border guards are taken out by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2015.04.20 Somalia Garowe 9 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters nine UNICEF workers.
2015.04.20 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two boys are killed in their home by an Ansar Beit Al-Maqdis mortar round.
2015.04.19 Afghanistan Helmand 3 19 The Taliban shoot three local policemen to death.
2015.04.19 Nigeria Baga 2 7 A Boko Haram bomb blast claims two lives.
2015.04.19 France Villejuif 1 0 A 24-year-old woman is shot to death by an Islamic extremist who planned a shooting rampage.
2015.04.19 Libya Sirte 30 0 The Islamic State releases a video showing the brutal execution of thirty captured Ethiopian Christians, at least a dozen of whom are beheaded.
2015.04.19 Somalia Lower Shabelle 3 0 Three AU troops are killed by Islamic terrorists.
2015.04.19 Iraq Zab 24 0 ISIS executes two dozen 'infidels'.
2015.04.18 Iraq Diyala 13 38 Thirteen Iraqis are killed in a series of ISIS bombings.
2015.04.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 36 124 Thirty-six people waiting outside a bank are obliterated by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.04.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 Four locals are abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace enthusiasts.
2015.04.18 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A lawmaker is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2015.04.17 Iraq Habibya 15 26 Fifteen people at a car dealership are reduced to pulp by a Sunni bomb blast.
2015.04.17 Iraq Amil 13 24 ISIS bombers take out thirteen patrons at an outdoor market.
2015.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four people at a commercial district are murdered by Islamist bombers.
2015.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three shoppers are laid out by terrorists at a market.
2015.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Three Iraqis lose their lives to a bomb blast at a cafe.
2015.04.17 Nigeria Gwoza 12 0 Islamists slit the throats of a dozen people.
2015.04.17 Iraq Erbil 4 18 An ISIS suicide car bomb claims the lives of four Kurds.
2015.04.17 Pakistan Lahore 0 3 Extremists open fire on a Catholic school.
2015.04.17 Pakistan Muzaffargarh 1 0 A woman is set on fire by her husband and father-in-law for leaving the house without permission.
2015.04.17 Iraq Ramadi 8 5 Eight Iraqis are disassembled by an ISIS suicide bomber.
2015.04.17 Pakistan Karachi 0 1 A 55-year-old American woman serving as vice-principal at a medical school is shot by Muslim extremists.
2015.04.17 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 5 A local soldier bleeds out following an Islamist bomb attack.
2015.04.17 Syria al-Mayadin 6 0 Six people are beheaded in front of children by the caliphate.
2015.04.17 Cameroon Kolofata 10 0 An early morning raid by Boko Haram leads nineteen villagers dead. Most were beheaded.
2015.04.16 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Iraqis are publicly beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.04.16 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 3 Fundamentalists kill a local solider with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.16 Italy Sicily 12 0 A dozen Christians on a refugee boat are thrown to their deaths by Muslims.
2015.04.16 Iraq Ramadi 32 0 The Islamic State executes thirty-two civilians, beheading the men and shooting the women and children.
2015.04.15 Iraq Baiji 16 0 Sixteen refinery workers are reportedly killed by a suicide bomber.
2015.04.15 DRC Beni 19 0 A pregnant woman is among nineteen victims murdered by the ADF-NALU, nine of whom were beheaded.
2015.04.15 Yemen Sanaa 15 0 Fifteen captured Yemenis are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.04.15 Egypt Kafr al-Sheikh 2 10 Islamic bombers kill two people waiting for a bus.
2015.04.15 Mali Ansongo 3 16 A suicide bomber takes out three civilians.
2015.04.15 Iraq Albu Ghanem 9 0 Nine Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.15 Israel Jerusalem 1 1 The son of a rabbi dies after being intentionally run over by an Arab driver.
2015.04.15 Afghanistan Paktika 1 3 A child is killed when Sunni extremists fire a missile into a home.
2015.04.15 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A 14-year-old boy dies after being beaten and burned alive for telling two Muslims that he is Christian.
2015.04.15 Egypt al-Taweela 1 1 A woman is kidnapped and then shot two times in the chest by Islamic hardliners.
2015.04.14 Syria Hama 1 0 A man in handcuffs is beheaded for blasphemy.
2015.04.14 Somalia Mogadishu 18 16 A suicide assault on an education building leaves eighteen innocents dead.
2015.04.14 Egypt Shibeen al-Qanatar 1 1 Islamists murder a traffic cop.
2015.04.14 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 3 1 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2015.04.14 Iraq Mahmoudiyah 7 13 Sunnis blow up seven people waiting in line at a Shia bakery.
2015.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Terrorists set off a bomb outside a hospital, killing four.
2015.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Three people at a market are sectionalized by an Islamic State car bomb blast.
2015.04.14 Iraq al-Wihdi 6 13 Two ISIS car bombs at parking lots leave a half-dozen dead victims.
2015.04.14 Tunisia Kasserine 3 3 Islamic militants attack a checkpoint, killing three security personnel.
2015.04.14 Iraq Baghdad 8 21 Two women are among eight people disassembled by Sunni bombers.
2015.04.14 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 4 Jihadis kill a female university student with a well-placed bomb.
2015.04.14 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Two people are beheaded by Muslim radicals.
2015.04.13 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Safa 2 1 Two local cops are murdered by Islamic fundamentalists.
2015.04.13 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 52-year-old health inspector is shot to death by militant Muslims.
2015.04.13 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Shiite man is shot to death in front of his daughter by Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat.
2015.04.13 Iraq Baghdad 3 9 A Jihadi car bomb leaves three dead.
2015.04.13 Iraq Taji 2 7 Two patrons at a market are pulled into pieces by a Religion of Peace car bomb.
2015.04.13 Iraq Baghdad 10 25 An Islamic State car bomb kills ten patrons at an outdoor market.
2015.04.13 Yemen Aden 5 0 Three civilians are among five killed when Shiite radicals fire on a government building.
2015.04.13 Thailand Yala 2 0 Militant Muslims gun down a middle-aged couple as they are working their farm.
2015.04.12 Thailand Narathiwat 4 0 Four people are killed in their own home by Muslim terrorists.
2015.04.12 Afghanistan Ahmadkhil 2 5 Two civilians lose their lives when Taliban members attack a house.
2015.04.12 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 6 2 Religion of Peace extremists murder six local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.12 Egypt al-Arish 8 45 A suicide truck bomber decimates a neighborhood, killing at least eight residents.
2015.04.12 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 A Mujahideen bomb blast in a commercial district produces four dead Iraqis.
2015.04.12 Iraq Baghdad 8 21 Three Jihadis bombings at two markets leave eight dead.
2015.04.12 Mali Segou 2 3 Islamic militants kill two local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.12 Libya Tripoli 2 1 Islamic State gunmen kill two guards outside the South Korean embassy.
2015.04.12 Iraq Albu Faraj 5 37 Five civilians are sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.04.12 Iraq Ramadi 35 0 Video is released showing the execution of thirty-five Iraqis by the Islamic State.
2015.04.11 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 1 0 A government worker is shot to death by the Taliban on his way to the office.
2015.04.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Four people at an outdoor market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.04.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 2 Two people lose their lives to an Islamist bombing.
2015.04.11 Syria Huwayk 2 1 Sunni radicals set off a car bomb that kills two rivals.
2015.04.11 Syria Aleppo 20 24 Terrorists shell a Christian neighborhood, killing twenty residents.
2015.04.11 Cameroon Dabanga 3 0 A Boko Haram attack leaves three dead.
2015.04.11 Iraq Albu Farraj 18 0 Eighteen more civilian hostages are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.11 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Islamic extremists behead a civilian and execute a soldier on video.
2015.04.11 Philippines Mangal 2 0 Abu Sayyaf open fire on a couple, killing both members.
2015.04.10 Afghanistan Badakhshan 28 44 At least twenty-eight Afghans are killed - some by beheading - when Sunni extremists attack a check post.
2015.04.10 Yemen Najran 3 2 Radical Shiites fire an explosive at a Saudi border checkpoint, killing three guards.
2015.04.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 4 Three civilians outside an airport are obliterated by a suicide car bomber.
2015.04.10 Syria Homs 1 0 A man is stoned to death by the caliphate for sodomy.
2015.04.10 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar' by the Islamic State.
2015.04.10 Iraq Tikrit 47 0 A mass grave containing forty-seven victims of ISIS executions is discovered.
2015.04.10 Iraq Mishada 7 16 A suicide bomber sets off his explosives vest inside a small restaurant, killing seven patrons in mid-bite.
2015.04.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 12 Jihadi bombers murder five people in a commercial district.
2015.04.10 Afghanistan Ghazni 10 0 Fundamentalists take out a family of twelve with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.10 Yemen Bayhan 25 24 An al-Qaeda car bomb claims the lives of two dozen Shiites.
2015.04.10 Syria Homs 1 9 A 10-year-old child is disassembled by a Sunni car bomb.
2015.04.10 Iraq Albu Faraj 15 0 After capturing a town, ISIS rounds up and executes seven children, six women and two elderly men.
2015.04.09 Nigeria Buratai 2 0 Two residents of a fishing village are murdered by Boko Haram.
2015.04.09 Afghanistan Chanarto 5 0 Fundamentalists kidnap and shoot five 'Save the Children' aid workers in the head.
2015.04.09 Iraq Albu Faraj 25 0 Twenty-five people are killed defending a small town against an ISIS assault.
2015.04.09 Syria Homs 17 0 The Islamic State kills seventeen people, including three who are beheaded.
2015.04.09 Syria Salamiyeh 1 0 A civilian bleeds to death after being hit with a Sunni bomb blast.
2015.04.09 Afghanistan Zabul 2 0 Two religious minorities are kidnapped and executed by Muslim fundamentalists.
2015.04.09 Egypt al-Arish 11 6 Eleven women and children are blown apart when Ansar Beit al-Maqdis send mortar rounds into a neighborhood.
2015.04.09 Iran Mehrestan 2 0 Sunni extremists fire across the border and kill two signal officers.
2015.04.09 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 10 70 Ten others are killed when Sharia proponents storm a judicial office in a suicide assault.
2015.04.09 Nigeria Dile 20 10 Gunmen invade a village and "shoot anyone in sight" while chanting 'Allah Akbar'.
2015.04.08 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 A US soldier is shot in the back by a Taliban in uniform.
2015.04.08 Nigeria Kwara 7 0 At least seven innocents are killed by Muslim raiders in a series of attacks.
2015.04.08 Nigeria Gidan Maso 1 0 A pastor's daughter suffocates when Muslims torch a church over another Muslim's conversion.
2015.04.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Sunni radicals behead a Shiite man kidnapped from a bus.
2015.04.08 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 2 0 Two cops are gunned down by drive-by ISIS terrorists.
2015.04.08 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 10 0 Ten physicians are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.08 Syria al-Ghab 5 5 Terrorists take out five civilians at a parking garage.
2015.04.08 Iraq al-Qaim 248 0 Two-hundred and forty-eight more Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.07 Syria Hawar Kilas 23 30 The Islamic State takes out twenty-three rivals with a car bomb.
2015.04.07 Tunisia Sbitla 5 3 Islamic extremists attack a border checkpoint, killing five guards.
2015.04.07 Syria Marea 9 15 An ISIS car bomb claims nine lives.
2015.04.07 Yemen Aden 17 110 At least seventeen civilians are killed when Shiite militia attack a port city.
2015.04.07 Pakistan Negur 8 0 Eight border guards are killed by Jaish-ul Adl cadres.
2015.04.07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four men accused of theft are beheaded and crucified by the Islamic State.
2015.04.07 Afghanistan Kunar 3 3 Three civilians are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2015.04.07 Syria Yarmouk 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a 13-year-old girl at a refugee camp.
2015.04.06 Bangladesh Sreemongal 0 2 A pastor and parishioner are attacked and stabbed by a group of thirty-five Muslims.
2015.04.06 Nigeria Kaduna 14 20 Sharia activists massacre fourteen when they open fire on a group of market traders.
2015.04.06 India Baramulla 1 0 Muslim terrorists fire on a bus, killing one passenger.
2015.04.06 Pakistan Mamond 1 0 An official is taken out by Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers on his way to school.
2015.04.06 Iraq al-Qaim 52 0 Fifty-two Iraqis are lined up and mowed down by caliphate gunmen.
2015.04.06 India Ashipora 3 2 Three policemen on patrol are ambushed and murdered by Muslim extremists.
2015.04.06 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 4 Shiite radicals open fire on a police patrol, killing one member.
2015.04.06 Afghanistan Qarabagh 6 0 Fundamentalists take out six Afghans with a roadside bomb.
2015.04.06 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 2 Three people are torn to shreds by a Taliban bomb blast.
2015.04.05 Egypt Cairo 1 3 A group linked to the Muslim Brotherhood is blamed for a bomb blast on a bridge that leaves one dead.
2015.04.05 Libya Misrata 6 20 A woman and two children are among six innocents laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.04.05 Nigeria Kayamla 4 0 Islamists raid a local market, kill four traders and take their food for the cause of Allah.
2015.04.05 Mali Gao 1 3 A woman is killed when religious radicals fire a shell into her home.
2015.04.05 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumir 5 7 The lives of five civilians are obliterated by Sunni fundamentalists.
2015.04.05 Nigeria Kwajafa 24 30 Islamists roll up to a village, preach Islam to the people and then turn their guns on the crowd, mowing down two dozen.
2015.04.05 Iraq Mosul 8 0 Eight Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.05 Iraq Qadsiyah 1 1 Shia radicals beat a Sunni professor to death at his home in front of his family.
2015.04.05 Iraq Mandali 7 0 Terrorists enter a quarry and shoot seven workers to death.
2015.04.05 Egypt Alexandria 0 4 Ajnad Misr members open fire on a church bus.
2015.04.05 Somalia Bossaso 2 1 Two people are killed when Sharia proponents open fire on a checkpoint.
2015.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 10 Jihadis slay four patron at an outdoor market.
2015.04.05 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Two separate bombing and shooting attacks produce five dead Iraqis.
2015.04.05 Iraq Romana 25 0 Twenty-five civilians are executed by firing squad and then hung from poles by the caliphate.
2015.04.05 Afghanistan Jawzan 3 4 The Taliban ambush and kill three former members who had laid down their weapons for peace.
2015.04.04 Pakistan Nanno 2 0 The Tehreek-i-Taliban exterminate two local soldiers.
2015.04.04 Syria Yarmuk 8 0 Six civilians are killed in the crossfire between al-Nusra and ISIS. Two others are beheaded.
2015.04.04 Saudi Arabia Asir 2 0 Two border guards are taken out by Shiite snipers.
2015.04.04 Afghanistan Baghlan 4 5 Taliban bombers take out four civilians and leave five others with splinter injuries.
2015.04.04 Sudan Tunguli 9 0 Seven children are among nine villagers blown apart by an Islamic Republic airstrike.
2015.04.04 Mali Bamako 1 2 Islamists are suspected of a planted bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2015.04.03 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 0 An imam is executed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.04.03 India Saryam 3 2 Three civilians are reduced to ribbons by an Islamist landmine.
2015.04.03 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 Sunni extremists gun down two people outside a children's hospital.
2015.04.03 Egypt Sinai 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by a branch of the Islamic State.
2015.04.03 Yemen Aden 4 0 Two humanitarian workers are among four cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2015.04.03 Afghanistan Logar 7 0 Four children and two women are among a family of seven disassembled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.04.03 India Nalagonda 1 2 Students Islamic Movement of India members gun down a local cop.
2015.04.03 Iraq Baghdad 8 18 Women are among eight people pulled into pieces by a Jihad bomb blast at a market.
2015.04.03 Iraq Husseiniyah 3 8 Sunnis kill three patrons at a Shiite restaurant with a car bomb.
2015.04.03 Chad Maidogo 7 0 Seven innocents are murdered during an assault by Sharia radicals.
2015.04.03 Syria Hasakah 2 0 Two 'apostates' are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.04.02 Nigeria Gombe 20 15 Twenty people waiting for a bus are mowed down by Boko Haram gunmen.
2015.04.02 Pakistan Shamshikhel 1 0 A terrorist bomb claims the life of a young girl.
2015.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 5 17 A brutal sectarian bomb attack takes the lives of five Shiites.
2015.04.02 Iraq Samarrah 4 12 Four others are killed during an ISIS shooting.
2015.04.02 Iraq Zagarit 6 11 Six Iraqis lose their lives to Islamic State terrorists.
2015.04.02 Libya Misrata 7 0 An ISIS attack leaves seven dead.
2015.04.02 Nigeria Malam Fatori 9 16 Nine soldiers are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2015.04.02 Egypt Sheikh Zuweyid 15 19 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis gunmen open up on a group of local soldiers at a checkpoint, killing fifteen.
2015.04.02 Afghanistan Khost 20 62 Twenty civilians are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber with a nail-packed vest.
2015.04.02 Iraq Hamidiye 3 0 Three Iraqis are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2015.04.02 Kenya Garissa 148 79 A handful of devout Muslims storm a Christian college, separate out the non-Muslims and execute one-hundred and fifty in cold blood.
2015.04.01 Sudan al-Fashar 41 11 Janjiweed militants massacre forty-one villagers.
2015.04.01 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man is stoned to death for 'violating Allah's law'.
2015.04.01 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Fundamentalists gun down a secular educator.
2015.04.01 India Sultanpora 1 3 Mujahideen open fire on a group of police, killing one.
2015.04.01 Pakistan Narai Baba 2 3 Tehreek-e-Taliban murder two cops with a shrapnel bomb.
2015.04.01 Kenya Dadaab 1 3 Suspected al-Shabaab shoot and kill a teacher at a refugee camp.
2015.03.31 Yemen Aden 2 0 Two people, including a 14-year-old boy, bleed to death following an attack by Shiite radicals.
2015.03.31 Pakistan Tank 1 2 Lashkar-e-Islam members take out a member of a peace committee.
2015.03.31 Iraq Taji 6 11 A suicide bomber slaughters six Shiite pilgrims aboard a bus.
2015.03.31 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 ISIS bombers pick off a taxi driver.
2015.03.31 Nigeria Gaamber Tyev 30 0 Thirty villagers, including women and children, are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2015.03.31 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 A captive is beheaded by the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.
2015.03.31 Afghanistan Ghazni 7 0 Three children and three women are among seven family members cut to ribbons by a Religion of Peace roadside bomb.
2015.03.31 Syria Mabujeh 37 21 The Islamic State executes thirty-seven Shiites and Sunni 'apostate' civilians, including women and children.
2015.03.31 Philippines Pitogo 1 1 Abu Sayyaf gunmen kill a 2-year-old girl and abduct her teen sister.
2015.03.30 Iraq Fallujah 7 9 A Shahid suicide bomber blows seven other souls to bits.
2015.03.30 Iraq Tal Afar 6 0 A half-dozen teachers are reportedly executed for speaking out against ISIS.
2015.03.30 Afghanistan Khogyani 2 5 The lives of two Afghans are cut short by Taliban bombers.
2015.03.30 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 0 Another atheist blogger is found out by Islamists and hacked to death with meat cleavers.
2015.03.30 Iraq Baghdad 11 20 Sunni extremists blast the life out of eleven people at two Shiite commercial districts.
2015.03.30 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 A government official is assassinate by the Taliban.
2015.03.30 Syria Damascus 1 30 An al-Nusra allied group fires a rocket into a historical district, killing a shopper.
2015.03.30 Mali Gao 1 1 Mujao Jihadists fire an aid truck, killing a Red Cross worker.
2015.03.30 Libya Zawiya 1 5 Fajr Libya is suspected of killing a foreign oil worker with a rocket.
2015.03.30 Uganda Kampala 1 0 Sharia advocates shoot a top prosecutor to death.
2015.03.30 Uganda Kiwatule 1 0 Islamic extremists assassinate a prosecutor.
2015.03.29 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 The Taliban are suspected of gunning down an off-duty soldier.
2015.03.29 Iraq Dujail 6 14 A Fedayeen suicide assault leaves six others dead.
2015.03.29 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 At least seven Iraqis lose their lives to three Jihadi bombings.
2015.03.29 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman who previously ran for political office is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.03.29 Afghanistan Kabul 2 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two innocents.
2015.03.29 Syria Hama 8 0 Eight Shiites are beheaded by the Sunni co-religionists.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Birin Bolawa 1 0 Boko Haram gun down a voter at a polling station, claiming that it is Allah's will.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Birin Fulani 1 0 A shooting attack on a second polling station by Islamists yields another dead voter.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Dukku 3 2 Boko Haram roll up on a polling station and gun down three innocents.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Tilen 2 0 Two people are murdered by Sharia proponents.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Buratai 25 30 Twenty-five villagers are massacred by Islamists - all but two beheaded with chainsaws.
2015.03.28 Pakistan Jaffarabad 3 0 Conservative Muslims enter a vice den and murder three people.
2015.03.28 Egypt Cairo 0 8 Ajnad Misr set off a bomb at a university.
2015.03.28 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two Iraqis are picked off by Islamic State snipers.
2015.03.28 Nigeria Shole 7 0 Seven people are shot, stabbed or burned to death when religious extremists invade their village.
2015.03.27 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 A religious scholar is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.03.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 14 Muslim militants claim two lives with a motorcycle bomb.
2015.03.27 Somalia Kismayo 6 0 al-Shabaab releases a video showing the brutal execution of six young Christians.
2015.03.27 Somalia Mogadishu 18 28 Eighteen others lose their lives when Islamists set off a suicide blast at a hotel, then riddle guests with bullets.
2015.03.27 Egypt Minya 0 7 Young Muslim radicals firebomb a church built to memorialize Coptic victims of ISIS beheadings.
2015.03.26 India Kolkata 0 1 A school principal is beaten with iron rods by students after allegedly disparaging Islam.
2015.03.26 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Sectarian Jihadis gun down three family members in their home.
2015.03.26 Iraq Ishaki 7 0 Seven civilians are exterminated by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2015.03.26 Pakistan Loralai 6 4 Muslim terrorists machine-gun six police officers point-blank in their vehicles.
2015.03.26 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An Iraqi is beheaded by caliphate members.
2015.03.26 Afghanistan Mata Khan 2 1 The Taliban stop a vehicle with a landmine, then machine-gun the occupants.
2015.03.26 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 A local cop is shot to death by Islamists.
2015.03.26 Afghanistan Ali Shir 5 2 Five people are crushed to death when Taliban fundamentalists fire rockets into their homes.
2015.03.25 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three brothers are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.03.25 Libya Sirte 5 0 Five people near a power station are lit up by a suicide bomber.
2015.03.25 Nigeria Gwoza 75 0 Seventy-five people have their throats slit by Boko Haram.
2015.03.25 Egypt Fayum 1 0 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis is suspected of leaving a bomb that kills a 10-year-old girl.
2015.03.25 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 6 Three children, a farmer and a cow are all sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2015.03.25 Libya Sirte 5 0 Five volunteers are killed when an ISIS militant fires a rocket into their checkpoint.
2015.03.25 Afghanistan Kabul 8 31 Eight people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.03.25 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A couple is handcuffed and then stoned to death for adultery.
2015.03.24 Iraq al-Baghdadi 8 10 Caliphate terrorists send mortars into a neighborhood that take apart eight innocents, including three children and their mother.
2015.03.24 Egypt al-Kharouba 2 6 Islamists kill two locals soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2015.03.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 5 10 Five children at a playground are disassembled by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.03.24 Afghanistan Wardak 13 0 Thirteen bus passengers are singled out and shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2015.03.24 Libya Benghazi 7 12 Seven others are reduced to parts by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.03.24 Yemen Taiz 6 33 Shiite militia open fire on a group of unarmed demonstrators, killing six.
2015.03.24 Iraq Tel Thahab 11 0 The remains of eleven ISIS victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.03.24 Pakistan Lahore 0 2 Islamists on motorbikes open fire on a church.
2015.03.23 Iraq Qayyarah 5 0 Five hostages are executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2015.03.23 Iraq Fallujah 4 4 Four Iraqis are eliminated by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.03.23 Syria Alippo 13 30 Sunni militants fire mortars into a city during rush hour, killing thirteen.
2015.03.23 Yemen Taiz 1 4 On person is killed when Shiite radicals fire into a crowd.
2015.03.23 Iraq Mosul 1 0 The caliphate shoots a hostage in the back of the head.
2015.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 6 14 Sunni bombers murder six people at a vegetable market.
2015.03.23 Iraq Sadr City 9 22 Nine people registering at a mosque lose their lives to Religion of Peace rival bombers.
2015.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A family of four, including two children, are exterminated by Mujahideen.
2015.03.23 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A television journalist is executed for helping other journalists escape the Islamic State.
2015.03.22 India Hazipur 1 1 A Hindu man is fatally stabbed by a gang of Muslims for marrying a Muslim woman.
2015.03.22 CAR Kaga-Bandoro 11 0 An unprovoked sectarian attack on a village by Muslim terrorists leaves eleven dead.
2015.03.22 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two civilians are turned into paste by a Taliban bomb in front of a shop.
2015.03.22 Iraq Askari 1 0 Roadside bombers pick off a child.
2015.03.22 Iraq Samarrah 2 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders two people.
2015.03.22 Iraq al-Baghdadi 2 5 Two innocents are crushed to death when ISIS fires rockets into a residential area.
2015.03.21 Iraq Hamam al-Alil 5 0 Five Kurds are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2015.03.21 Thailand Yala 1 2 Islamic separatists shoot a rubber tapper to death in his home in front of his family.
2015.03.21 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 1 Fundamentalist bombers send shrapnel through a car and three occupants.
2015.03.21 Syria Hama 70 0 At least seventy others are killed when ISIS terrorists storm a small city.
2015.03.21 Somalia Afgoye 2 5 Islamists toss a grenade into a market, killing two bystanders.
2015.03.20 Yemen al-Houta 29 0 Twenty-nine local servicemen are taken hostage at a government building and then summarily executed by religious extremists.
2015.03.20 India Kathua 4 10 Radical Muslims storm a police station and murder four people.
2015.03.20 Iraq Baghdad 13 0 Thirteen Iraqis are shredded by an ISIS bomb blast.
2015.03.20 Yemen Sanaa 142 351 A large number of children are among one-hundred and forty innocents eliminated by Sunni suicide bombers as they worshipped at two Shiite mosques.
2015.03.20 Syria Hassakeh 49 177 Fifty Kurds celebrating their New Year are turned into paste by a suicide bomber.
2015.03.20 Pakistan Nazimabad 3 4 A woman is among three Pakistanis sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2015.03.20 Nigeria Damasak 100 0 One-hundred dumped bodies with slit throats are discovered after a town is recaptured from Boko Haram.
2015.03.20 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 3 6 Jihadis bomb an outdoor market, eliminating a mother and child along with one other.
2015.03.20 Pakistan Saddar 2 3 Sunnis place a bomb outside a Shia mosque that leaves two dead.
2015.03.20 Pakistan Gulshan 2 4 Two Shias are gunned down in cold blood by dedicated Sunnis.
2015.03.20 Somalia Galhareer 1 0 A young man is shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2015.03.20 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A Christian youth dies after being set on fire by his Muslim boss.
2015.03.19 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five residents are beheaded by the caliphate on charges of drug use and sorcery.
2015.03.19 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.03.19 Nigeria Gamboru 11 0 Eleven villagers are shot to death during an attack by Boko Haram.
2015.03.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 At least one other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2015.03.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A woman is burned alive by a crowd after being accused of burning a copy of the Quran.
2015.03.19 Egypt Giza 2 0 Two people go up in flames when suspected Ansar Beit Al Maqdis firebomb a youth center.
2015.03.19 Iraq Ismaelawa 3 0 A father of six is among three killed when moving a Quran booby-trapped by ISIS.
2015.03.19 Iraq Mosul 3 10 Three women are executed for refusing to have sex with caliphate members. Ten more succumb to rape.
2015.03.18 Nigeria Bama 24 0 Dozens of women are slaughtered by Boko Haram to keep them from marrying non-believers.
2015.03.18 Iraq Diyala 40 0 A mass grave is discovered containing the bodies of forty ISIS execution victims.
2015.03.18 Iraq Sawfan 5 7 Five civilians are burnt to a crisp when Jihadis set off explosives near a water plant.
2015.03.18 Iraq Shirqat 2 0 A man and his wife are executed by the caliphate for her not wearing a veil.
2015.03.18 Pakistan Yakutat 1 0 The Taliban gun down a secular-leaning politician.
2015.03.18 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A polio worker is gunned down in the field by Tehreek-i-Taliban.
2015.03.18 Tunisia Tunis 23 44 Twenty Western tourists are among twenty-three innocents shot to death at a museum by Islamic terrorists.
2015.03.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 A prominent Shia journalist is assassinated by al-Qaeda.
2015.03.18 Libya Nofaliya 10 4 Ten personnel guarding an oil facility are murdered by ISIS.
2015.03.18 Iraq Umm Qasr 3 5 Terrorists take out three civilians with a booby-trapped vehicle at a trailer park.
2015.03.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 20 A suicide car bomber sends seven innocents to the hereafter.
2015.03.17 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Radicals assassinate a lawyer working on behalf of the man who helped kill bin Laden.
2015.03.17 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 14 Four Iraqis are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.03.17 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Jihadis kill three shoppers with a well-placed bomb at a market.
2015.03.17 Iraq Youssifiyah 2 5 Two local cops are murdered by Islamic State bombers.
2015.03.17 Libya Ghiran 2 6 An Islamist bomb leaves two dead.
2015.03.17 Cameroon Golfo 1 2 Sharia advocates on motorbikes fire into a crowd, killing a civilian.
2015.03.17 Iraq Salahuddin 4 0 Four Iraqis are forced to their knees and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.03.17 Pakistan Swat 2 3 Two children are neatly dispatched by a Jihadi mortar.
2015.03.17 Pakistan Dana 3 0 Two women are gunned down along with their guard as they administer polio drops to children.
2015.03.17 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Two doctors are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.03.17 Kenya Wajir 3 3 Three are killed when Islamists throw a grenade into a shop, followed by machine-gun fire.
2015.03.17 Iraq Fallujah 9 0 The Islamic State executes nine tribesmen.
2015.03.16 Iraq Albu Ajeel 13 0 Thirteen beheaded corpses are recovered by security forces fighting ISIS.
2015.03.16 Afghanistan Oruzgan 1 0 A man is murdered in front of his wife and child by religious extremists.
2015.03.16 Afghanistan Gandir Area 2 5 Children are among the casualties when the Taliban bomb a family vehicle.
2015.03.16 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 4 5 A woman and child Fare among four people liquidated by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2015.03.15 Iraq Tikrit 16 0 A survivor reports that sixteen members of his family, including children, were butchered by the Islamic State.
2015.03.15 Iraq Bashir 50 0 At least fifty ISIS execution victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.03.15 Iraq Mosul 11 0 Eleven youth are executed by the Islamic State, five of whom are beheaded.
2015.03.15 Iraq Ramadi 23 43 A devastating caliphate car bomb claims two dozen lives.
2015.03.15 Iraq Samarrah 3 0 Three Iraqis are taken down by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.03.15 Pakistan Shaktai 13 0 Thirteen mutilated victims of the Tehreek-i-Taliban are discovered.
2015.03.15 Nigeria Egba 91 0 Fulani terrorists massacre nearly one hundred Christian villagers, mostly women and children.
2015.03.15 Iraq Mosul 9 0 Nine people are shot in the back of the head for 'betraying the religion of Allah'.
2015.03.15 Kenya Mandera 1 3 Islamists fire on a car carrying mechanics, killing one.
2015.03.15 Chad Djargagoroum 1 0 A villager is murdered by Boko Haram.
2015.03.15 Somalia Gedo 6 0 Six family members, including two children and two women, are slaughtered in their own home by al-Shabaab.
2015.03.15 Libya Misrata 1 1 At least one person is taken down by an ISIS car bomb.
2015.03.15 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two Shiite brothers are gunned down by radical Sunnis.
2015.03.15 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Jihadis bomb a Shiite neighborhood, killing three residents.
2015.03.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 12 Two people near a shopping center lose their lives to Mujahideen bombers.
2015.03.15 Pakistan Lahore 17 70 Targeted suicide bombings near two churches by Jamaat-ul-Ahrar leave fifteen dead worshippers.
2015.03.14 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 6 Three children are pulled into pieces by fundamentalist bombers.
2015.03.14 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A garbage collector and his donkey are killed by a planted bomb.
2015.03.14 Iraq Shamsa 19 0 Nineteen ISIS execution victims are found in a mass grave.
2015.03.14 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 Two Iraqis are taken out by a suicide bomber.
2015.03.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis bomb a busy market, killing four shoppers.
2015.03.13 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 An older woman is burned to death for not paying taxes to ISIS.
2015.03.13 Syria al-Kheir 1 0 A mentally-challenged man is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.03.13 Syria Raqqa 8 0 Eight prisoners are forced to their knees and then beheaded with meat cleavers by the Islamic State.
2015.03.13 Kenya Mandera 3 5 Islamists ambush a car and shoot three occupants to death.
2015.03.13 Afghanistan Deh Yak 7 3 Seven local cops are gunned down by Taliban fundamentalists.
2015.03.13 Iraq Saqlawiya 3 5 Three others lose their lives to suicide bombers.
2015.03.12 Iraq Tikrit 1 1 A suicide car bomber kills one other person.
2015.03.12 Pakistan Peshawar 2 8 Religious extremists pour machine-gun fire into a checkpoint, killing two officers.
2015.03.12 Iraq Tal Tamr 22 0 At least twenty-two Kurds lose their lives to an assault by ISIS terrorists.
2015.03.12 Afghanistan Takhar 8 0 Eight police officers, including four unarmed, are brutally murdered by the Taliban.
2015.03.12 Yemen Baida 1 7 Shiite militia open fire on a protest rally, killing one member.
2015.03.12 Somalia Baidoa 6 8 A Fedayeen assault at a government compound leaves six defenders dead.
2015.03.11 Iraq Ramadi 17 30 At least seventeen others are killed by a series of ISIS suicide car bombings.
2015.03.11 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An ISIS affiliate shoots a 26-year-old Egyptian to death.
2015.03.11 Somalia Wanlaweyn 2 0 al-Shabaab militants attack a small town and kill two people.
2015.03.11 Iraq Hurriya 9 30 A suicide car bomber eliminates nine people along a city street.
2015.03.11 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Jihadis set off a bomb at a parking lot which leaves two dead.
2015.03.11 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Two homosexuals and a 'blasphemer' are beheaded in the two square by religious fundamentalists.
2015.03.11 Syria Raqqa 1 0 The caliphate releases video of one of their children executing a Palestinian while praising Allah.
2015.03.10 Nigeria Maiduguri 8 15 Eight travelers are shot to death by Boko Haram terrorists.
2015.03.10 Egypt al-Arish 1 6 Islamists kill a local soldier with a roadside bomb.
2015.03.10 Nigeria Maiduguri 34 17 A female suicide bomber slaughters nearly three dozen people at a market.
2015.03.10 Egypt al-Arish 1 30 A civilian is killed when a Shahid suicide bomber rams a water tanker.
2015.03.10 Pakistan Karachi 4 0 Four young cops are ambushed and murdered by Islamic terrorists.
2015.03.10 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 7 28 Seven civilians are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.03.10 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 4 5 Two children are disassembled along with two others by Taliban bombers.
2015.03.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 1 15 One woman bleeds from shrapnel injuries following a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.03.10 Austria Liesing 1 0 A 'migrant' stabs an older man to death on the grounds that his music was against Islam.
2015.03.09 Libya Derna 2 0 Two hostages are executed in cold blood by Islamists.
2015.03.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite university student is shot to death in a suspected targeted attack by Sunnis.
2015.03.09 Egypt al-Kharouba 3 1 Islamists murder three local soldiers with a roadside bomb.
2015.03.09 Yemen Mahfad 2 0 Two others are killed during an al-Qaeda attack.
2015.03.09 Pakistan Chagharzai 2 0 Two women are honor killed over moral activity by family members with machine-guns.
2015.03.09 Iraq Kirkuk 5 35 Three ISIS car bombs leave five dead.
2015.03.09 Iraq Zoba 3 9 Three Iraqis are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast.
2015.03.08 Iraq Baghdad 5 4 Five Iraqis are taken out by two Jihadi bomb blasts.
2015.03.08 Iraq Hussainiya 3 0 A blast at a restaurant in a Shiite area leaves three dead.
2015.03.08 Iraq Mahmoudiya 3 17 A Sunni car bomb in a Shia area leaves three dead and seventeen others with splinter injuries.
2015.03.08 Iraq Madaen 2 0 Two passersby are obliterated by a Mujahid bomb blast targeting a city bus.
2015.03.08 Bangladesh Joypurhat 1 1 One passenger is killed when Islami Chatra Shibir bombers target a bus.
2015.03.08 Mali Kidal 3 8 Two children are among three killed when suspected al-Qaeda send rockets into a town.
2015.03.08 Afghanistan Jawzjani 2 15 Talibanis murder two prison guards and set another man on fire.
2015.03.08 Egypt Alexandria 1 9 One person is killed when Islamic militants set off a bomb outside a supermarket.
2015.03.08 Uganda Iganga 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is suspected to have been poisoned to death by relatives after being beaten for converting to Christianity.
2015.03.07 Afghanistan Greshk 1 3 A suicide bomber kills one other person.
2015.03.07 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 8 32 A suicide bomber murders eight people in a town center.
2015.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Jihadis send mortars into a neighborhood, killing four residents.
2015.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two people at a market are disassembled by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.03.07 Iraq Hawija 20 0 Twenty men are butchered by Religion of Peace activists and hung at the gate to a city.
2015.03.07 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Three people bleed to death following an Islamic bomb attack on a bus.
2015.03.07 Iraq Khan Bani Saad. 2 0 Two people at a sports venue are exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2015.03.07 Iraq Anbar 3 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends three souls to Allah.
2015.03.07 Mali Bamako 5 8 Islamists throw a grenade into a nightclub, then hack some of the survivors to death with machetes while praising Allah.
2015.03.07 Afghanistan Kabul 6 5 Sunni extremists attack a Sufi house of worship and slaughter eleven innocents.
2015.03.07 Nigeria Maiduguri 62 139 Sixty people lose their lives to three separate suicide attacks on civilian population centers.
2015.03.06 Somalia Beledweyne 3 0 A child is among three people murdered by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2015.03.06 Iraq Tikrit 4 28 Four Iraqis are taken out by a suicide truck bomber.
2015.03.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A secular judge is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.03.06 Libya al-Ghani 11 0 Eleven guards at an oilfield are murdered by Islamists, some by beheading.
2015.03.06 Israel Jerusalem 0 5 A Palestinian rams his car into a group of people, injuring five.
2015.03.06 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two men are shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2015.03.06 Egypt Mahalla 3 16 Terrorists detonate a bomb outside a bank, killing three bystanders.
2015.03.05 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 A bomb rips through an outdoor market, taking three souls.
2015.03.05 China Guangzhou 0 13 Thirteen people at a train station are slashed by a group of Muslim terrorists.
2015.03.05 Syria al-Qanafz 5 1 Two children are among five Shiite family members slaughtered by ISIS.
2015.03.05 Afghanistan Uruzgan 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by a Taliban insider.
2015.03.05 Nigeria Gwoza 6 0 A half-dozen elderly men are rounded up and executed by Boko Haram.
2015.03.05 Afghanistan Adam Khan 7 0 Seven police officers are poisoned and then shot by fundamentalists.
2015.03.04 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Shia lawyer is shot twice in the head by Sunni gunmen.
2015.03.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A prominent Sunni and his driver are murdered by sectarian gunmen.
2015.03.04 Pakistan Hub 1 0 A Shia doctor is abducted and brutally tortured to death by Sunnis.
2015.03.04 Philippines Jolo 3 6 Abu Sayyaf terrorists ambush and kill three local soldiers.
2015.03.04 Iraq al-Dour 5 0 Five Iraqis are cut down by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.03.04 Syria Aleppo 15 0 An al-Nusra bomb leaves fifteen dead.
2015.03.03 Niger Lake Chad 17 0 Seventeen people are reported drowned or burned to death during a Boko Haram attack on their village.
2015.03.03 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Three civilians are brought down by Jihadi bombers.
2015.03.03 Yemen al-Baida 5 15 Five others are killed by a double suicide bombing.
2015.03.03 Yemen al-Qatan 3 2 Three security personnel are exterminated by al-Qaeda bombers.
2015.03.03 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 10 A child and two women are killed when caliphate terrorists send mortars into a neighborhood.
2015.03.03 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A gay man is thrown from a rooftop by the Islamic State.
2015.03.03 Afghanistan Sangin 7 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber makes mincemeat out of seven Afghans.
2015.03.02 Pakistan Marriabad 3 3 Evidence strongly suggests a targeted rocket attack was responsible for a blast that killed a religious minority and her two children in their home.
2015.03.02 Afghanistan Nangarhar 6 2 Two children and two women are among a family cut down by Taliban roadside bombers.
2015.03.02 Iraq al-Dour 4 30 Four Iraqis are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast.
2015.03.02 Iraq al-Jalam 7 15 A truck bomb explodes, killing seven people nearby.
2015.03.02 Iraq Baghdad 3 15 Two Mujahid bombs, one at a soccer field and the other at a shop, leave three dead.
2015.03.02 Niger Bosso 2 0 Boko Haram members burn down a village and murder two fishermen.
2015.03.02 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 3 ISIS militants send shells into a home, killing a woman and two children.
2015.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 2 Two children are pulled into pieces by Holy Warrior bombers.
2015.03.02 Iraq Sinjar 77 0 More mass graves are discovered containing seventy-seven victims of ISIS killings - mostly minority women and children.
2015.03.02 Egypt Cairo 2 9 Two civilians standing outside a courtroom are obliterated by an Islamist bomb.
2015.03.02 Iraq Tikrit 4 0 Four tribesmen are shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.03.02 Nigeria Njaba 68 24 Over sixty are reported dead after Islamists circulate a village and fire randomly into houses. Children were targeted.
2015.03.02 Nigeria Baga 2 0 Two men are beheaded on video by radical Islamists.
2015.03.02 Libya Mechili 1 0 Islamists behead a Coptic man.
2015.03.01 Lebanon Kuweikhat 1 0 Sunnis assassinate a prominent Shia.
2015.03.01 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 3 Three children are exterminated by an ISIS mortar.
2015.03.01 Iraq al-Baghdadi 32 0 Nearly three dozen Iraqis are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.03.01 Iraq Anbar 2 2 Two people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.03.01 Libya Benghazi 2 30 Islamists are suspected of lobbing rockets into a government controlled area, killing two residents.
2015.03.01 Egypt Aswan 2 5 Islamists kill two people in a tourist town with a planted bomb.
2015.02.28 Nigeria Ngamdu 2 0 Two female suicide bombers murder two other people at a bus stop.
2015.02.28 Iraq Baghdad 7 8 Two Jihad bomb blasts produce seven dead Iraqis.
2015.02.28 Iraq al-Baghdadi 5 6 Five civilians bleed out after ISIS send mortars into a residential area.
2015.02.28 Iraq Balad Ruz 11 50 Jihadi bombers take out a dozen people at a market.
2015.02.28 Iraq Samarrah 16 31 Two suicide car bombings claim sixteen souls.
2015.02.28 Syria Aleppo 29 0 al-Nusra turns on a moderate rebel group, killing nearly thirty in a surprise attack.
2015.02.28 Syria Aleppo 2 17 A child is among two civilians who bleed out following an Islamist mortar attack.
2015.02.28 Iraq Singar 5 0 Five young teens are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.27 Iraq al-Baghdadi 1 0 ISIS reportedly executes a 5-year-old girl as punishment for her family fleeing.
2015.02.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites are picked off outside a hospital by Sunni gunmen.
2015.02.27 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Radical Sunnis gun down a prominent Shia businessman.
2015.02.27 Iraq Baghdad 6 16 A rocket attack and a car bombing leave six dead.
2015.02.27 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 13 Two children are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.27 Iraq Husseiniyah 6 0 A man and his five sons are executed in their home by a Shiite militia.
2015.02.27 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 A Shia man dies from injuries suffered at the hands of Sunni radicals.
2015.02.27 Nigeria Mainok 14 24 Islamist gunmen walk into a market and shoot fourteen traders to death.
2015.02.27 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four Iraqis are paraded before the camera and then shot in the head by observant Muslims.
2015.02.27 Yemen Houta 4 0 A local security patrol is sprayed with gunfire on a city street, cutting down all four members.
2015.02.27 Syria Dmeir 11 0 Eleven people near a mosque are killed by Sunni bombers.
2015.02.27 Pakistan Karachi 1 1 A Sunni cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.02.27 Russia Moscow 1 0 A political figure is assassinated for "making negative remarks about the Muslim community."
2015.02.26 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 8 Jihadis set off a bomb outside a courthouse, killing four bystanders.
2015.02.26 Iraq al-Baghdadi 26 0 Twenty-six more people are reported burned to death by order of a fatwa.
2015.02.26 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 A suicide car bomber takes out two other people.
2015.02.26 Egypt Cairo 1 1 A person bleeds to death outside a pizzeria following a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.02.26 Syria al-Masamier 15 0 Fifteen Christians taken hostage earlier in the week are executed, including a woman who is beheaded.
2015.02.26 Bangladesh Dhaka 1 1 An atheist blogger is hacked to death by Islamists, who also injure his wife.
2015.02.26 Nigeria Biu 19 17 Nineteen people, including several women, are reduced to pulp by a suicide bomber at a market.
2015.02.26 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 One person is killed during an al-Shabaab rocket attack.
2015.02.26 Niger Zaourararm 2 0 Two villagers on a horse-driven car are taken out by Boko Haram bombers.
2015.02.26 Nigeria Jos 17 14 A dozen students are among seventeen innocents shredded by Islamist bombers at a bus station.
2015.02.25 Yemen Sanaa 10 0 Shiite radicals send shells into an army camp, killing ten people.
2015.02.25 Nigeria Borno 100 0 Over one hundred villagers are massacred by Boko Haram in attacks on three villages.
2015.02.24 Nigeria Gonori 4 0 Four residents are murdered by activists fighting for Sharia.
2015.02.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A bombing at a restaurant leaves three dead.
2015.02.24 Iraq Mishada 4 12 A Jihadi car bomb claims four lives.
2015.02.24 Iraq Latifiyah 2 7 Mujahid bombers kill two civilians at an outdoor market.
2015.02.24 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni leader is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2015.02.24 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three lawyers are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.24 Iraq Diyala 7 12 Seven Iraqis are pulled into pieces during two ISIS car bomb attacks.
2015.02.24 Syria Ghibsh 2 0 Two civilians are executed by the Islamic State for 'dealing with Kurds'.
2015.02.24 Afghanistan Logar 20 8 Four Taliban suicide bombers slaughter twenty local police officers.
2015.02.24 Libya Tripoli 2 0 A female activist and her aunt are shot to death by suspected Islamists.
2015.02.24 Nigeria Potiskum 17 53 Seventeen bus passengers are torn to shreds by a teenaged suicide bomber.
2015.02.24 Nigeria Kano 12 30 Two teen boys self-detonate at a bus park, incinerating a dozen innocents.
2015.02.24 Iraq Jisr Diyala 25 50 A double bombing at a Shia neighborhood leaves over two dozen dead.
2015.02.24 Dagestan Sulevkent 1 0 Suspected Islamists open fire on a group of police, killing one.
2015.02.23 Syria al-Hasakah 6 60 Six people are murdered during an ISIS attack on a Christian village, including one woman reportedly raped and killed.
2015.02.23 Iraq Muqdadiyah 1 0 A civilian is executed by the caliphate.
2015.02.23 Syria Damascus 6 13 Twin suicide attacks on a Shia shrine claim the lives of six worshippers and guards.
2015.02.23 Syria Tel Goran 4 90 ISIS 'fighters' attack a series of Christian villages and kidnap ninety women and children.
2015.02.23 Pakistan Chaman 1 9 The Taliban is blamed for killing an 8-year-old boy with a motorcycle bomb outside a Hindu temple.
2015.02.23 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A Copt is murdered in his shop by Ansar Bait al-Maqdis.
2015.02.22 Iraq Youssfiyah 2 10 Jihadis bomb an outdoor market, killing two shoppers.
2015.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 2 6 A Mujahid car bomb blast in a commercial district leaves two dead.
2015.02.22 Iraq Baghdad 7 14 Muslim radicals set off a car bomb outside a row of car repair shops, killing seven innocents.
2015.02.22 Nigeria Potiskum 5 48 A child suicide bomber murders seven patrons at an outdoor market.
2015.02.22 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 An ultra-Orthodox Jew is stabbed by a Palestinian.
2015.02.22 Iraq Tikrit 8 15 A Fedayeen suicide truck bomber sends eight souls to Allah.
2015.02.21 Nigeria Gaya 23 0 Two dozen people are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.02.21 Syria Aleppo 6 10 A Sunni group sends mortars into a neighborhood, killing six residents.
2015.02.21 Syria Qardaha 4 0 At least four others are killed by a suicide bomber at a hospital.
2015.02.21 Iraq Shirqat 4 0 Three woman are among four executed by the Islamic State for 'moral crime'.
2015.02.21 Iraq al-Baghdadi 43 0 Forty-three moderate Sunnis are burned alive by the caliphate.
2015.02.21 Iraq Baiji 1 0 An elderly woman is shot to death by religious extremists.
2015.02.20 Niger Karamga 8 0 A surprise Boko Haram attack on an island community leaves eight others dead.
2015.02.20 Thailand Narathiwat 0 13 Muslim 'insurgents' set off a car bomb outside a karaoke bar.
2015.02.20 Libya al-Qubah 47 80 Fifty people are blown to bits by three Islamic State suicide car bombs.
2015.02.20 Iraq al-Ghazlani 5 0 Five tribal elders are kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the caliphate.
2015.02.20 Nigeria Gatamarwa 10 0 Women are among ten people killed when Islamists attack a village.
2015.02.20 Nigeria Ribadu 13 0 Boko Haram murder thirteen villagers and set their homes on fire.
2015.02.20 Somalia Mogadishu 25 40 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates twenty-five 'apostates' at a luxury hotel.
2015.02.20 CAR Bangui 16 0 Sixteen Christians are massacred by a Muslim mob. Some are decapitated.
2015.02.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 11 Three people at a cafe are taken out in mid-bite by Jihadi bombers.
2015.02.19 Niger Tourba Guida 3 3 Three people are murdered by a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2015.02.19 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 6 10 Three civilians are among a half dozen people killed during by a Taliban suicide attack.
2015.02.19 Syria Raqaa 3 0 Three prisoners are beaten to death by an angry mob of Islamists.
2015.02.19 Nigeria Chibok 30 0 At least thirty are left dead when Boko Haram gunmen open up randomly on villagers.
2015.02.19 India Karnataka 1 1 A Hindu man is hacked to death by members of an Islamist group.
2015.02.19 Iraq al-Baghdadi 100 0 One-hundred tribesmen are publicly executed by ISIS.
2015.02.19 Iraq Ghazaliyah 2 8 Two people in a commercial district are reduced to pulp by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.02.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A farmer and his wife die from splinter injuries after caliphate militants lob mortars into their home.
2015.02.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A young political worker is murdered by religious extremists.
2015.02.19 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A journalist is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 A prominent Shiite and his driver are murdered by sectarian rivals.
2015.02.18 Egypt Suez 1 1 One person is killed by Islamic radicals.
2015.02.18 Pakistan Islamabad 4 6 A Jundullah suicide bomber detonates outside a Shiite mosque, killing four innocents.
2015.02.18 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An elderly man is tied up and stoned to death after being accused of adultery.
2015.02.18 Iraq Samarrah 6 16 Six Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.18 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A bomb planted by religious extremists kills a street cleaner.
2015.02.17 Iraq Qaim 8 0 Eight citizens are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.17 Iraq Mashad 15 0 Fifteen civilians are executed by the Islamic State, three of whom are burned alive.
2015.02.17 Iraq Camp Speicher 4 18 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out four Iraqis.
2015.02.17 Pakistan Lahore 8 23 At least eight people are killed when a suicide bomber detonates outside a hotel.
2015.02.17 Tunisia Kasserine 4 0 al-Qaeda militants open fire on a police checkpoint, killing four officers.
2015.02.17 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four people are put to death for 'witchcraft'.
2015.02.17 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three physicians are executed by the caliphate.
2015.02.17 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 A bomb blast takes out all four members of a family.
2015.02.17 Iraq Fallujah 11 0 Eleven residents of the city are reportedly burned alive by ISIS.
2015.02.17 Iraq Baghdadi 27 0 Islamists capture and execute twenty-seven Iraqi policemen.
2015.02.17 Nigeria Yamarkumi 36 20 Children are heavily represented in the three dozen innocents blown to bits by suicide bombers.
2015.02.17 Iraq Baghdadi 45 0 Forty-five people are burned to death by the Islamic State.
2015.02.17 Nigeria Potiskum 4 11 A Shahid suicide bomber blows himself up in a restaurant, killing the manager, a waiter and two customers.
2015.02.17 Chad Dikwa 2 0 Two guards are killed during a cross-border raid by Boko Haram.
2015.02.17 Pakistan Zhob 4 0 Four members of a polio vaccination team are kidnapped and murdered by the Taliban.
2015.02.17 Afghanistan Logar 22 8 Two dozen local recruits are massacred by a suicide bomber at a dining hall.
2015.02.17 Nigeria Tamsu-Shehuri 12 0 A dozen people are gunned down by Sharia advocates.
2015.02.17 Nigeria Hong 27 0 Over two dozen people in two villages are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.02.16 Iraq Mansouriya 1 3 An electrical worker is dismantled by a roadside bomb.
2015.02.16 Iraq Saladin 12 0 A dozen Kurds are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.16 Syria Aleppo 9 20 Four children are among nine killed when Sunnis fire into a Shia-held neighborhood.
2015.02.16 Cameroon Waza 4 10 Islamists slay four local soldiers.
2015.02.16 Afghanistan Kandahar 13 0 Thirteen local cops lose their lives to an ambush by armed Taliban fundamentalists.
2015.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four airport workers are machine-gunned at point-blank range by al-Shabaab.
2015.02.15 Iraq Hawija 15 0 Fifteen Kurds are captured and executed by ISIS.
2015.02.15 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 0 Three policemen are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.15 Egypt Sheikh Zuweyid 0 2 Islamic militants stage two suicide car bombings on a police station.
2015.02.15 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 1 A Sunni activist is assassinated by sectarian rivals.
2015.02.15 Egypt Benha 1 3 A policeman is picked off in a Muslim drive-by.
2015.02.15 Nigeria Damaturu 16 30 A teenaged girl blows herself up at a crowded bus station, taking at least sixteen bystanders with her.
2015.02.15 Denmark Copenhagen 1 2 A 37-year-old Jewish man guarding a synagogue is gunned down by a Muslim radical.
2015.02.15 Iraq Udhaim 15 0 Fifteen defenders are killed during an ISIS attack on a dam.
2015.02.15 CAR Nana Grebizi 2 1 A pastor and his congregant are killed by Muslims, who also torture another.
2015.02.14 Libya Sirte 21 0 Twenty-one Christians are abducted by Islamists, forced to their knees and then beheaded.
2015.02.14 Denmark Copenhagen 1 3 A gunman praises Allah and fires into a cafe hosting a free speech event organized by a cartoonist critical of Islam, killing one participant.
2015.02.14 Iraq Sadr City 9 0 A Shiite militia ambushes and brutally executes a Sunni leader, his son and seven others.
2015.02.14 Pakistan Shar Sadardin 1 0 A young woman is shot to death by her conservative brother on suspicion of sexual activity.
2015.02.14 Syria al-Bab 3 0 The caliphate publicly executes two men and crucifies another to a cheering crowd.
2015.02.14 Pakistan Shalman 1 1 The driver for a polio vaccination team is murdered by fundamentalist gunmen.
2015.02.14 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A 32-year-old Shiite is gunned down by Sunni radicals outside his photo shop.
2015.02.14 Mali Mopti 2 3 Two local soldiers are left dead after a surprise attack by a suspected al-Qaeda linked group.
2015.02.14 Tanzania Tanga 1 5 A police officer is murdered by members of an al-Shabaab offshoot.
2015.02.14 USA Detroit, MI 0 2 Two men are stabbed by a Muslim who first verified that they were unbelievers.
2015.02.14 Iraq Nineveh 2 0 Two physicians are executed by Islamic radicals.
2015.02.13 Egypt al-Minya 1 0 A Coptic youth is reportedly burned alive by Muslim miscreants.
2015.02.13 Chad Ngouboua 10 0 Islamists row across a lake and murder ten villagers in a surprise attack.
2015.02.13 Iraq Qaim 9 0 Nine civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.13 Iraq Qadisiya 7 0 An ISIS crew executes seven policemen.
2015.02.13 Iraq Samarrah 6 0 Two children and a woman are among a family of six disassembled by a Mujahid bomb.
2015.02.13 Iraq Rutba 1 0 A boy is executed for criticizing the Islamic State on Facebook.
2015.02.13 Pakistan Peshawar 22 65 At least twenty worshippers are massacred by Jundallah gunmen with suicide vests at a Shiite mosque.
2015.02.13 Egypt Cairo 1 8 A policeman is killed in a roadside bombing by Islamic extremists.
2015.02.12 Yemen Lahij 1 0 A pilot is shot to death by al-Qaeda.
2015.02.12 Nigeria Akida 12 0 Twelve villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.02.12 Nigeria Mbuta 9 0 Nine villagers are massacred by Boko Haram.
2015.02.12 Yemen Baihan 8 0 Eight defenders are killed during an al-Qaeda attack which began with a suicide bombing.
2015.02.12 Nigeria Biu 11 20 A female suicide bomber slaughters eleven people at a packed market.
2015.02.12 Pakistan Maldilan 2 2 A bomb shaped like a toy kills two children, ages 6 and 13.
2015.02.12 Iraq Salamiya 30 0 Thirty people are rounded up and executed for refusing to fight for the Islamic State.
2015.02.11 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female politician is publicly executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.11 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An ISIS prisoner is executed with a shotgun blast to the head.
2015.02.11 Libya Benghazi 40 0 Forty severed heads are discovered at a training camp for Islamists.
2015.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 10 25 Ten civilians lose their lives when terrorists send mortar shells into two Shiite neighborhoods.
2015.02.11 Iraq Tikrit 12 37 Three ISIS suicide bombers kill a dozen Iraqis.
2015.02.11 Iraq Baghdad 9 25 Two Jihadi bombings leave nine dead.
2015.02.10 Iraq Samarrah 6 29 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out six other people.
2015.02.10 Egypt Arish 10 0 Ten people are beheaded on video by Ansar Bait al-Maqdis.
2015.02.10 Cameroon Koza 7 8 Boko Haram hijacks a bus with passengers, kills seven and kidnaps eight young girls.
2015.02.10 Nigeria Logo 22 20 Fulani terrorists massacre over twenty villagers.
2015.02.10 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 3 Five suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person.
2015.02.10 Iraq Baghdad 4 18 Two Mujahid bomb blasts produce a four dead Iraqis.
2015.02.10 Iraq Madain 2 7 Two civilians are taken out by an IED.
2015.02.10 Somalia Guri-El 12 30 A dozen people lose their lives when Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama'a attack a government building.
2015.02.10 Iraq Tarmia 3 10 Ten Shiites are laid out by a Sunni bomb.
2015.02.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 3 A massive suicide attack leaves two dead, including a female politician.
2015.02.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia museum official is taken down in a Sunni drive-by.
2015.02.09 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen murder a Shiite doctor.
2015.02.09 Iraq Husseiniyah 4 8 A Jihadi bomb blast rips through a commercial area, claiming four souls.
2015.02.09 Iraq Kadhimiyah 18 42 A Sunni suicide bomber takes out eighteen innocents near a Shia shrine.
2015.02.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 A member of parliament is assassinated by a group fighting for Islamic law. Two bodyguards are also killed.
2015.02.09 Iraq Mosul 0 15 Fifteen women are reportedly arrested and disfigured with acid by the caliphate for not wearing the niqab.
2015.02.09 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.02.09 Iraq Saniya 13 6 Over a dozen people at a popular gathering place are torn to pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.02.08 Pakistan Nari Baba 3 5 Lashkar-e-Islam kill ten members of a peace committee with an IED in a house.
2015.02.08 Niger Diffa 5 15 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a pepper market, killing five patrons.
2015.02.08 Somalia Puntland 2 5 Islamic activists roll up to a police checkpoint and throw in a grenade, killing two officers.
2015.02.08 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 1 Militants enter a rival mosque and gun down two people.
2015.02.08 Syria Aldbsa 1 0 An elderly man is publicly beheaded for 'witchcraft'.
2015.02.07 Iraq Jalawla 1 0 A Kurd is tortured and killed on video by Shiite militia.
2015.02.07 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2015.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 11 26 Two bombs at a market produce eleven bodies.
2015.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 22 45 A brutal suicide bombing at a packed restaurant snuffs out the lives of twenty-two innocents.
2015.02.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Five Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at a commercial district.
2015.02.06 Iraq Ramadi 6 9 Six Iraqis are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.02.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 A bomb blast at a market leaves three dead.
2015.02.06 Iraq Tikrit 7 4 A suicide car bomber murders seven Iraqis.
2015.02.06 Afghanistan Ghanikhil 2 0 Two policemen are shot to death by Sunni hardliners.
2015.02.06 Afghanistan Washir 2 3 Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2015.02.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 Two suicide bombings claim the life of one other person.
2015.02.06 Libya Benghazi 2 20 A suicide bomber kills a man and child.
2015.02.06 Iraq Zumar 16 0 Women and children are among sixteen Yazidi victims of an ISIS execution.
2015.02.06 Niger Bossa 4 13 At least four others are killed during a massive cross-border Boko Haram assault.
2015.02.06 Iraq Bardiyan 23 0 Twenty-three Yazidi victims of Islamic State execution are found in another mass grave.
2015.02.06 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A 26-year-old female American aid worker is reported dead by the Islamic State after being held for a year and a half.
2015.02.05 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A father and son are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.02.05 Iraq Tikrit 11 22 Eleven Iraqis are killed during a violent ISIS attack.
2015.02.05 Iraq Shirqat 2 0 A married couple is dragged into the public square and shot to death by pro-Sharia militants.
2015.02.05 Egypt Cairo 1 1 One person is killed when Islamic extremists firebomb and fire into a KFC restaurant.
2015.02.05 Syria Damascus 10 50 The Army of Islam sends rockets into mainly Christian neighborhoods, killing ten residents.
2015.02.05 Afghanistan Herat 2 0 Suspected Taliban gunmen pull up on a motorcycle and murder two traffic cops.
2015.02.04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two imams are executed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.02.04 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four people are beheaded by ISIS for condemning the burning of a pilot on Facebook.
2015.02.04 Iraq Mahmoudiyyah 3 6 A woman is among three civilians who bleed to death following a Mujahid bombing near a bus.
2015.02.04 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A guard for a polio team is shot dead by fundamentalist.
2015.02.04 DRC Beni 21 0 Seven women are among twenty-one villagers hacked to death by ADF-NALU.
2015.02.04 Cameroon Fotokol 110 500 Boko Haram overrun a small town and massacre over one-hundred innocents.
2015.02.04 Afghanistan Ganjgal 2 0 A 23-year-old woman is among two people shot to death by a Sharia court.
2015.02.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A priest is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.02.04 Yemen Bayda 5 3 A suicide car bomber takes out five security personnel.
2015.02.03 Libya Sidra 5 13 Five others are killed during an assault by Fajr Libya.
2015.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Jihadis set off a series of bombs at a popular square, killing five bystanders.
2015.02.03 Iraq Baghdad 8 25 Eight people are blown to bits in three separate Mujahid bomb blasts.
2015.02.03 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A civilian is taken out by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2015.02.03 Egypt Alexandria 1 2 A civilian is killed - and a child injured - by an Islamist bomb at a checkpoint.
2015.02.03 Pakistan Ormagi 4 0 Four people are disintegrated by a Tehreek-e-Taliban IED.
2015.02.03 Syria Raqqa 1 0 The caliphate releases a video showing a captured Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage.
2015.02.03 France Nice 0 3 Three French soldiers standing guard at a Jewish center are stabbed by a radical Muslim.
2015.02.03 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 A cleric is assassinated near his mosque by radicals.
2015.02.03 Thailand Yala 1 0 A 35-year-old man is murdered in his home by Muslim gunmen.
2015.02.03 Libya Mabrook 13 0 Islamists storm an oilfield and slit the throats of thirteen employees.
2015.02.02 Iraq Tikrit 7 28 Seven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.02.02 Pakistan Nari Baba 3 2 Religious radicals blow up three locals.
2015.02.02 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two Shiites are beheaded by Sunnis.
2015.02.02 Nigeria Gombe 5 8 Two suicide bombers kill five people at a market.
2015.02.02 Libya Tripoli 1 2 One person is taken out by suspected Fajr Libya bombers.
2015.02.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Another gay man is thrown from a building by Sharia activists.
2015.02.02 Bangladesh Gaibandha 0 3 A married couple and one other are beaten by a Muslim mob angry about their conversion to Christianity
2015.02.01 Iraq Sinuni 25 0 Twenty-five Yazidi victims of an ISIS execution are discovered, including women and children.
2015.02.01 Nigeria Dalwa 22 5 Nearly two dozen others lose their lives during a Boko Haram attack.
2015.02.01 Iraq Sensil 11 0 The remains of eleven ISIS execution victims are found in a mass grave.
2015.02.01 Iraq Karaghol 2 5 Jihadis blow up two civilians.
2015.02.01 Pakistan Karachi 4 1 Four Sunnis are gunned down in two sectarian attacks.
2015.02.01 Egypt Rafah 3 4 Two women and a child are crushed to death by two rocket attacks on their homes.
2015.02.01 Syria Aleppo 2 16 Army of Islam members target a neighborhood with rockets, killing two residents.
2015.02.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 12 37 A dozen people lose their lives when Boko Haram gunmen attack a small city.
2015.02.01 Nigeria Gombe 3 7 A bomb at a market leaves three dead.
2015.02.01 Nigeria Potsikum 9 24 A suicide bomber murders nine innocents at a political gathering.
2015.02.01 Pakistan Jhang 2 0 Two sisters are honor killed by their family for refusing to marry men picked out for them.
2015.02.01 Afghanistan Chasht 4 3 Fundamentalists pour automatic-weapons fire into a police post, killing four officers.
2015.02.01 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two Iraqi captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.02.01 Syria Damascus 6 20 Terrorists blow up a bus carrying Shiite pilgrims, killing six.
2015.01.31 Iraq Madain 4 11 Four people at a sheep market are sectionalized by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2015.01.31 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Mujahid bombers lay out three people near an auto repair shop.
2015.01.31 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Three civilians are killed when ISIS fire mortars into their neighborhood.
2015.01.31 Afghanistan Nuristan 4 0 Four border guards are taken out by Taliban bombers.
2015.01.31 Afghanistan Herat 2 2 A man and his son are reduced to parts by a bomb planted by religious hardliners
2015.01.31 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Japanese journalist who converted to Christianity is beheaded by caliphate members in the name of Allah.
2015.01.31 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 70-year-old Shiite is murdered by Sipah e-Sahaba.
2015.01.31 Iraq Harbaya 6 0 Six members of a family are exterminated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.31 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A 50-year-old Copt is shot to death in his home simply because of his religion.
2015.01.30 Iraq Baghdad 27 30 Over two dozen people are killed in back to back Jihad bombings.
2015.01.30 Iraq Jalawla 7 0 At least seven Kurds are killed by a suicide bomber.
2015.01.30 Iraq Samarrah 14 29 Fourteen Iraqis lose their lives to two Fedayeen suicide blasts.
2015.01.30 Iraq Nukhaib 6 0 A half-dozen people are incinerated when a suicide truck bomber rams a reception hall.
2015.01.30 Nigeria Nwonko 27 0 Women and children comprise the bulk of twenty-seven villagers massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2015.01.30 Pakistan Shikarpur 61 100 A Jundullah member sets off explosives inside a crowded Shia mosque, killing over sixty members including children.
2015.01.30 Syria Tal Abyad 1 0 A gay man is thrown from a roof and then beaten to death when he survives.
2015.01.30 Afghanistan Dara-e-Suf 0 7 Sunnis bomb a rival mosque during Friday prayers.
2015.01.30 Thailand Pattani 1 3 A Buddhist police officer is ambushed and killed by Muslim gunmen.
2015.01.30 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A man dies from head injuries suffered during a fundamentalist attack on a polio team.
2015.01.30 Cameroon Fotokol 3 12 Three defenders are killed during a cross-border raid by Boko Haram.
2015.01.30 Egypt al-Arish 1 0 A 50-year-old road worker is shot in the head by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2015.01.30 Iraq al-Dour 37 0 Forty-four people are abducted from their homes by the Islamic State - which subsequently executed thirty-seven.
2015.01.30 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two children die from gunshot injuries suffered during an attack by Islamic fundamentalists.
2015.01.30 Iraq Kirkuk 6 70 ISIS fighters fire rockets into a town, killing at least six.
2015.01.29 Iraq Latifiyah 1 2 A woman bleeds to death following a Mujahid bomb blast.
2015.01.29 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 0 Three people are kidnapped and beheaded by Ansar Beit Al Maqdis.
2015.01.29 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Three US contractors are shot in the back by a terrorist in uniform.
2015.01.29 Iraq Youssifiyah 4 12 Terrorists bomb an outdoor market, killing four patrons.
2015.01.29 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 10 A Jihadi bomb at a commercial center claims the lives of two bystanders.
2015.01.29 Yemen Marib 2 2 Two local soldiers are murdered by al-Qaeda.
2015.01.29 Iraq Mishahada 7 28 A double suicide bombing produces seven dead Iraqis including first responders.
2015.01.29 Iraq Tarmiya 3 11 Three people in a farming community are laid out by a Mujahideen blast.
2015.01.29 Egypt Rafah 1 6 Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis open fire on a police checkpoint, killing one member.
2015.01.29 Afghanistan Mesri Kala 4 0 Three civilians are among four killed by a Taliban landmine.
2015.01.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 A child is sectionalized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2015.01.29 Egypt al-Arish 26 58 Over two dozen civilians and soldiers are killed when Ansar Beit al-Maqdis attack a hotel and barracks with rockets.
2015.01.29 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 16 39 Sixteen mourners at a funeral are shredded by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.29 Ireland North Belfast 1 0 An immigrant from Somalia stabs a man to death on the street while yelling a 'Jihadi war cry'.
2015.01.28 Somalia Kismayu 13 0 At least thirteen others lose their lives to an al-Shabaab attack.
2015.01.28 Afghanistan Ghanzi 11 6 Eleven Afghans are shot to death by Sunni hardliners.
2015.01.28 Pakistan Sargodha 4 0 A man shoots his sister and three children to death over suspicion of unIslamic morals.
2015.01.28 Afghanistan Herat 1 2 A woman is taken out by a Taliban bomb.
2015.01.28 Lebanon Shebaa Farms 2 7 Two Israeli soldiers are killed by Hezbollah terrorists.
2015.01.28 Mali Tabankort 9 0 At least nine are killed by two suicide bombers.
2015.01.28 Yemen Radda 7 5 Seven Shiites are laid out during an al-Qaeda attack on a house.
2015.01.28 Nigeria Adamawa 10 0 Ten more victims are reported 'slaughtered like rams' from a seven town murderous rampage by Boko Haram.
2015.01.27 Iraq Saladin 10 0 Ten Kurds are lined up and shot in the head by devout Sunnis chanting praises to Allah.
2015.01.27 Iraq Maria 6 0 Six civilians are executed for arguing with caliphate members.
2015.01.27 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten more physicians are reported executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.27 Libya Tripoli 10 2 Five foreign guests and five guards are killed when Islamists storm a hotel after setting off a bomb.
2015.01.27 Egypt Alexandria 1 2 Fundamentalists set off a car bomb that leaves one dead.
2015.01.27 Afghanistan Kot 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by suspected Taliban.
2015.01.27 India Tral 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gunmen open fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2015.01.27 Iraq Tikrit 6 4 A half dozen Iraqis are blown to bits by Mujahideen bombers.
2015.01.26 Nigeria Michika 30 6 Thirty people are reported killed when Boko Haram attack two villages.
2015.01.26 Syria al-Shadadi 1 0 A young man is beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar.'
2015.01.26 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 8 Children are among six civilians disassembled by a Mujahideen blast targeting an humanitarian aid agency.
2015.01.26 Iraq Barwanah 72 0 Shiite militias pull seventy-two Sunnis from their homes and execute them.
2015.01.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former court official is assassinated by suspected Taliban.
2015.01.26 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Fundamentalist gunmen pick off a guard for a polio team.
2015.01.26 Yemen Abyan 5 0 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by al-Qaeda.
2015.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 7 11 A bomb placed outside a restaurant nets seven dead bodies.
2015.01.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 8 Four patrons are killed when Jihadis bomb a cafe.
2015.01.25 Philippines Barangay Tukanalipao 49 11 Moro Islamists open fire on police, killing nearly fifty.
2015.01.25 Iraq Arab Jabour 3 2 Three defense volunteers are pulled into pieces by an ISIS bomb.
2015.01.25 Syria Aleppo 3 11 Sunni terrorists kill three civilians with a rocket attack on their neighborhood.
2015.01.25 Iraq Tikrit 4 0 Four Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.25 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite dies from injuries suffered during a targeted attack by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2015.01.25 Iraq Mosul 7 0 Seven women are executed for refusing 'temporary marriage' with caliphate members.
2015.01.25 Syria Damascus 7 43 At least seven are killed when Jaysh al-Islam send dozens of rockets into a neighborhood.
2015.01.25 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A captive is beheaded on video by ISIS.
2015.01.24 Iraq Zafaraniyah 4 13 Jihadis bomb a Shiite restaurant, killing four patrons.
2015.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Terrorists kill three civilians with a car bomb.
2015.01.24 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 A bomb blast at a cafe leaves three dead.
2015.01.24 Iraq al-Amin 3 7 Sunnis take out three Shiites with a bomb planted near a produce stand.
2015.01.24 Pakistan Korangi 2 0 Two Shiite shopkeepers are murdered by Sunni radicals.
2015.01.23 Iraq Sinjar 50 0 Fifty people are summarily executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.23 Iraq Basra 5 0 Five imams are assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2015.01.23 Iraq Muqdadiyah 7 0 Two journalists are among seven people reportedly killed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.23 Nigeria Kambari 15 0 Fifteen villagers are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.01.23 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A Japanese hostage is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2015.01.23 Libya Tripoli 1 0 Islamists gun down a guard outside a UN office.
2015.01.23 Philippines Zamboanga 2 54 An Abu Sayyaf car bombing outside a bar leaves two dead and four dozen injured.
2015.01.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 11 A blast targeting soccer fans takes out two.
2015.01.23 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four university professors are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.23 Lebanon Ras Baalbak 3 7 Islamists stage a cross-border attack on Lebanese troops, killing three.
2015.01.23 Syria Damascus 1 6 A civilian bleeds out following an al-Nusra mortar attack on a neighborhood.
2015.01.23 Nigeria Bantaje 1 0 Muslim extremists butcher a pastor and father of two.
2015.01.22 Iraq Samarra 4 14 A booby-trapped house produces four dead bodies.
2015.01.22 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 16 A Shahid suicide bombing claims the lives of two locals.
2015.01.22 Iraq Taji 8 21 Eight Iraqis are liquidated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.22 Libya Sirte 2 0 Two men are shot to death by suspected Fajr Libya.
2015.01.22 Somalia Mogadishu 5 23 Five people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber at a hotel.
2015.01.21 Iraq Albu Ghanem 2 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders two Iraqis.
2015.01.21 Israel Tel Aviv 0 13 Thirteen bus passengers are stabbed by a Palestinian.
2015.01.21 Syria Homs 7 30 Terrorists set off a car bomb in a shopping district, killing seven patrons.
2015.01.21 Syria New Sabri 2 35 A Fedayeen suicide bombing takes out two Christians.
2015.01.20 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Five people outside a clinic are reduced to pulp by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.01.20 Iraq Diyala 26 0 The bodies of over two dozen ISIS execution victims are discovered in a mass grave.
2015.01.20 Iraq Sadr City 3 7 Sunnis blow up three Shiite bus passengers.
2015.01.20 Afghanistan Jaghuri 8 2 Women and children are among eight civilians ripped to shreds by a Sunni roadside bomb.
2015.01.20 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An elderly cleric is put to depth for refusing allegiance to the caliph.
2015.01.19 Syria Damascus 1 2 A child is killed when terrorists fire a mortar into a sports complex.
2015.01.19 Iraq Hajaj 7 12 Seven Iraqis are disassembled by a series of Mujahid bomb blasts.
2015.01.19 Iraq Mahmoudiya 2 9 Jihadi bombers take down two civilians outside a cafe.
2015.01.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A guard loses his life when Islamists attack a polio team.
2015.01.19 Afghanistan Khost 1 6 A Taliban bomb at a shop leaves one dead.
2015.01.19 Pakistan Karachi 4 1 Islamic militants are suspected in two shooting attacks that end the lives of four local cops.
2015.01.19 Afghanistan Laghman 2 1 Two people are killed by a Taliban landmine.
2015.01.18 Iraq Baiji 12 6 Twelve Iraqis lose their lives to an Islamic State attack.
2015.01.18 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death by Sunni radicals.
2015.01.18 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Two guards are shot to death by Sunni Jihadis for providing security at a Shiite mosque.
2015.01.18 India Bihar 1 0 A young Hindu man is murdered by Muslims for dating a Muslim girl. (This triggers a deadly riot).
2015.01.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 3 A child is among the victims of a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.18 Nigeria Potiskum 4 48 A female suicide bomber detonates at a bus station, claiming four kills.
2015.01.18 Cameroon Tourou 4 24 Boko Haram capture dozens of children from a village, killing at least four who resist.
2015.01.18 Afghanistan Helmand 4 10 Four Afghans are wiped out by a Shahid suicide bombing.
2015.01.18 Jordan Zarqa 1 0 A woman's throat is slit by her three uncles for meeting with a man without permission.
2015.01.18 Philippines Danag 1 0 A local official is murdered by Abu Sayyaf.
2015.01.17 Iraq Sadr City 9 25 Sunnis blow up nine Shiites waiting for cell phone service outside a shop.
2015.01.17 Iraq Samarra 22 0 Twenty-two people are reportedly killed by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2015.01.17 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five women in their thirties are summarily executed by Muslim fundamentalists.
2015.01.17 Somalia Baidoa 1 0 Islamists gun down a rival cleric.
2015.01.17 Pakistan Rawalpindi 3 0 A Shiite lawyer and his two nephews are sprayed with automatic weapons fire by dedicated Sunnis.
2015.01.17 Niger Zinder 1 0 An angry Muslim mob burns a church with one person inside.
2015.01.17 Mali Kidal 1 1 A peacekeeper is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.17 India Kulgam 1 1 Muslim radicals shoot a local cop to death.
2015.01.17 Iraq Iskandariyah 4 14 Jihadis set off a bomb at a vegetable market, killing four innocents.
2015.01.17 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 5 14 Five Shiites at a market are reduced to pulp by Sunni bombers.
2015.01.17 Syria Deir Ezzor 17 0 Seventeen people are crucified by the Islamic State over a two day period.
2015.01.17 Indonesia Tamadue 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder five Christians in two attacks.
2015.01.16 Niger Zinder 1 22 Muhammad cartoon protesters attack the police, killing one and injuring several.
2015.01.16 Nigeria Gombe 6 10 At least a half dozen patrons at an outdoor market are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.16 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 Terrorists fire mortars into a neighborhood, killing four residents.
2015.01.16 Iraq Zalaya 8 12 Hardcore Islamists booby-trap a house, managing to kill eight security personnel lured to help the occupants.
2015.01.16 Iraq Husseiniya 3 11 Sunni bombers strike a Shiite commercial district, killing three.
2015.01.16 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A child is taken out by a suicide bomber.
2015.01.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An engineer is executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.16 Mali Tenenkou 9 0 Nine people are murdered in a surprise attack by men shouting praises to Allah.
2015.01.16 Syria Deir Ezzor 16 0 Sixteen civilians are executed and 'mutilated' by the Islamic State.
2015.01.15 Iraq Qayara 3 0 Three captives are publicly hanged by the caliphate.
2015.01.15 Syria Mosul 2 0 Two men are thrown from the roof of a building by Islamists who cite Muhammad's rule for dealing with homosexuals.
2015.01.15 Afghanistan Almar 2 1 Two Afghans are opened wide by Taliban shrapnel.
2015.01.15 Algeria Kabylie 1 0 The body is found of a French tour guide, taken hostage by Jihadis and beheaded.
2015.01.15 Syria Mayadin 1 0 The caliphate beheads a captive.
2015.01.14 Iraq Jalawa 6 0 Six bodies are found in an ISIS mass grave.
2015.01.14 Iraq al-Karma 11 0 A child is among eleven Iraqis executed in front of their families by ISIS.
2015.01.14 Iraq Kobachi 16 0 Sixteen Islamic State victims are found shot in the back of the head.
2015.01.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Religious militants lob a grenade into a house, killing one person.
2015.01.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 3 3 Three policemen bleed to death after suspected Taliban fire a rocket at them.
2015.01.14 Somalia Puntland 2 3 Islamists murder two police officers at a remote post.
2015.01.14 Syria Idlib 1 0 A woman is shot to death by al-Nusra for adultery.
2015.01.14 Nigeria Gombe 2 14 A suicide bomber detonates outside a mosque, taking two others with him.
2015.01.13 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Talibanis kill two civilians with a bomb planted in a Toyota.
2015.01.13 Libya Ajdabiya 3 4 Three people are taken out by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2015.01.13 Syria Raqaa 2 0 An ISIS video show a child executing two prisoners.
2015.01.13 Iraq Samarrah 4 18 Sunni suicide bombers kill four Shiites.
2015.01.13 Pakistan Rizvia 2 0 Two members of a secular party are shot outside their home by suspected Taliban.
2015.01.13 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 Three civilians are pulled into pieces by a Taliban bomb.
2015.01.13 Iraq Diyala 3 0 At least three men are abducted and murdered by fundamentalists for the 'UnIslamic' practice of raising birds.
2015.01.13 Egypt Luxor 1 0 A Muslim radical shoots a 38-year-old Copt to death.
2015.01.12 Iraq Mosul 13 0 Thirteen teenage boys are rounded up and executed by the Islamic State for the crime of watching soccer on TV.
2015.01.12 Iraq Baqubah 2 8 Two civilians are killed by ISIS shelling.
2015.01.12 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A former pilot and his son are forced to kneel and then shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.12 Pakistan Mekhtar 7 1 Seven security personnel are ambushed and killed by Sunni hardliners.
2015.01.12 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 Taliban militants kill an educator on his way to work.
2015.01.12 Iraq Abasiyat 12 18 A dozen Shiites are sent to Allah by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2015.01.12 Cameroon Kolofata 1 6 At least one person is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2015.01.12 Egypt Rafah 1 0 Muslim radicals kidnap and murder a local cop.
2015.01.12 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five men are publicly executed by the caliphate because their wives did not wear a burqa.
2015.01.11 Iraq Dour 40 0 Forty Iraqis policemen are summarily executed for refusing allegiance to the caliph.
2015.01.11 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Terrorists kill a priest during a church service.
2015.01.11 Nigeria Potiskum 6 46 Six others are killed when two female suicide bombers detonate in succession at a popular market.
2015.01.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shiites, one a doctor, are gunned down in separate attacks.
2015.01.10 Nigeria Maiduguri 20 18 Islamists strap a suicide vest to a 10-year-old girl and send her into crowded market, killing over twenty.
2015.01.10 Lebanon Tripoli 8 36 Two caliphate suicide bombers at a Shiite cafe blows eight patrons to bits.
2015.01.10 Pakistan Baldia 1 0 A Sunni leader is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2015.01.10 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Five people at a wholesale market are reduced to parts by Jihadi bombers.
2015.01.10 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two people are beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.10 Pakistan Hayatabad 1 0 An older doctor is shot multiple times at his clinic for being a Shiite.
2015.01.10 Bangladesh Chittagong 1 0 A Hindu nurse is hacked to death on her way to work by suspected Jammat Islamists.
2015.01.10 Yemen Sanaa 2 0 al-Qaeda gunmen assassinate two Shiites.
2015.01.10 Nigeria Potiskum 1 2 A suicide bomber kills a guard.
2015.01.10 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A captive is beheaded on video by local ISIS.
2015.01.10 Iraq Madian 3 9 Three people in a commercial district are vaporized by Islamic bombers.
2015.01.10 Iraq Gwer 26 0 Over two dozen people are killed by a sustained IS attack on a town, including a father shot in front of his family.
2015.01.09 Iraq Fallujah 8 0 Eight Iraqis are publicly executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.09 Iraq Jazira 4 8 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murders four police at a checkpoint after pretending to need medical help.
2015.01.09 Pakistan Orakzai 4 2 Jihadis set off a roadside bomb that kills four members of a security patrol.
2015.01.09 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A woman is murdered by ISIS.
2015.01.09 France Paris 4 5 Four hostages are taken and killed by an Islamic gunman at a Jewish grocery.
2015.01.09 Pakistan Rawalpindi 8 20 Eight worshippers are blown to bits by a suicide bomber at a Shia mosque.
2015.01.09 Pakistan Orakzai 1 5 One person is killed when militants fire a rocket at a rival mosque.
2015.01.08 Iraq Fallujah 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis are rounded up and shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.08 Pakistan Nazimambad 2 0 Two policemen are shot to death by suspected Sunni extremists.
2015.01.08 Iraq Yusufiyah 7 21 A Shahid suicide bomber sends seven other souls to Allah.
2015.01.08 Iraq Samarrah 8 23 Eight Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.08 Iraq Baghdad 8 16 A Sunni suicide bomber wades into a Shiite mosque and slaughters at least eight worshippers.
2015.01.08 Libya Barqa 2 0 The Islamic State applies the "law of Allah" to two Tunisian journalists.
2015.01.08 Syria Abu Khuyut 1 0 An imam is beheaded by the caliphate for "insulting Allah" by denouncing beheadings.
2015.01.08 France Montrouge 1 1 A policewoman investigating a traffic accident is ambushed and killed by a Muslim extremist.
2015.01.07 Iraq Mosul 320 0 Five mass graves are discovered containing the bodies of three-hundred ISIS victims, including minority women and children.
2015.01.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 A Shiite and his friend are shot to death on a bridge by Sipah-e-Sahaba
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Nawzad 1 0 A local cop dies trying to stop a suicide bomber.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Zhari 2 11 Taliban bombers take out two children gathering firewood.
2015.01.07 France Paris 12 10 A dozen people are slaughtered by gunmen 'avenging' the prophet at a newspaper office which printed satirical cartoons critical of Islam.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Baghlan 0 3 Three suicide bombers attack an academy.
2015.01.07 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A magician is beheaded by the Islamic State on the grounds that illusions are an insult to Allah.
2015.01.07 Yemen Sanaa 37 67 A al-Qaeda suicide bus bomber scatters body parts and snuffs out thirty-seven lives at a college.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 A Jihadi bomb blast kills a judge and injures his two daughters.
2015.01.07 Afghanistan Baghlan 6 3 Six road workers are machine-gunned point-blank by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2015.01.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 Jihadis set off two bombs near a restaurant, killing four.
2015.01.07 Iraq Ghazlani 5 0 Five Iraqis are abducted from their homes and shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.07 Iraq Mosul 4 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims the lives of four others.
2015.01.07 Pakistan Qila Saifullah 1 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban kidnap, execute a man and then toss his body by the side of the road.
2015.01.07 Pakistan Kamra 1 0 A mentally-challenged man is accused of blasphemy and quickly shot to death in his home.
2015.01.07 Nigeria Baga 2000 500 More than 2000 villagers are feared dead following a massive killing spree by Boko Haram that spanned 16 villages.
2015.01.07 Nigeria Askira 26 0 Over two dozen residents of a small village are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2015.01.06 Turkey Sultanahmet 1 1 Police blame al-Qaeda after a pregnant Russian woman sets off a suicide blast at a station.
2015.01.06 Dagestan Khasavyurt 2 2 Suspected extremists ambush and kill two local cops.
2015.01.06 Pakistan Landhi 2 0 Two security personnel are slain by Islamist militants.
2015.01.06 Iraq Haditha 7 13 Seven Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.06 Egypt Cairo 1 3 An Ajnad Misr bomb hidden in a flower pot kills a policeman trying to defuse it.
2015.01.06 Iraq Mosul 23 0 Three female lawyers and twenty young men are executed in cold blood by caliphate members.
2015.01.06 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Radical Muslims murder a bride and groom for putting wedding decorations on their car.
2015.01.06 Pakistan Nazimabad 2 0 Two Shiite brothers are murdered in their shop by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2015.01.06 Afghanistan Shekhzo 3 2 Three family members are modularized when fundamentalists fire a rocket into their home.
2015.01.06 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two men guarding a church are shot to death by extremists.
2015.01.06 Iraq al-Jubba 23 21 A suicide attack on a mosque and the ensuing clash leave two dozen dead.
2015.01.06 Syria Deir al-Zor 1 0 A man is beheaded - allegedly for smoking.
2015.01.05 Nigeria Baga 31 0 At least ten women are among over thirty killed during an assault on a village by Boko Haram.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 Six civilians are affected by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Zabul 2 9 Two civilians at a market are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2015.01.05 Pakistan Kalya 5 11 Terrorists bomb a playground, claiming five lives.
2015.01.05 Saudi Arabia Arar 3 3 A suicide blast leaves three border guards dead.
2015.01.05 Afghanistan Zabul 3 11 A Taliban suicide bomber takes out three civilians.
2015.01.05 Iraq Salaheddin 8 0 Eight Iraqis are lined up and shot in the head by the Islamic State.
2015.01.05 Mali Nampala 7 0 An al-Qaeda-backed attack on a small border town leaves seven dead.
2015.01.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 A female doctor and her husband are murdered by fundamentalists.
2015.01.04 Tunisia Zaghouan 1 0 Religious extremists slit the throat of an off-duty policeman.
2015.01.04 Yemen Ansarullah 4 25 A journalist is among four people blown to bits by an al-Qaeda bomb.
2015.01.04 Nigeria Kantoma 2 10 Two people preparing for church are shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
2015.01.04 Somalia Mogadishu 4 1 Four civilians are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2015.01.04 Iraq Fallujah 4 5 Four are killed when ISIS sends shells into a town.
2015.01.04 Nigeria Lugda 1 4 One person dies from injuries suffered from a Boko Haram bombing.
2015.01.04 Somalia Baladweyne 1 0 A teenager is beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2015.01.03 Mali Gao 2 0 A man and son are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2015.01.03 Iraq Shirquat 7 0 A child and two women are among seven civilians disassembled by Religion of Peace bombers.
2015.01.03 Iraq Garma 15 0 Fifteen Iraqis are lined up and shot in the back of the head by caliphate members.
2015.01.03 Iraq Anbar 1 0 A local journalist is arrested and executed by the Islamic State for 'being an infidel'.
2015.01.03 Nigeria Baga 1 0 A woman in labor is killed by Boko Haram.
2015.01.03 Philippines Sumilalao 1 3 Bangsamoro Islamists attack a group of soldiers, killing one member.
2015.01.02 Libya Sukna 17 0 Jihadists slit the throats of fourteen soldiers and three civilians.
2015.01.02 Nigeria Ambe-Madaki 15 40 Fifteen villagers are massacred when Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village.
2015.01.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A security guard at a school is picked off by Muslim gunmen.
2015.01.02 Iraq Baghdad 23 0 Sectarian Jihadis execute two dozen people and throw their bodies into a river.
2015.01.02 Iraq Tuz 3 0 Three civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.02 Somalia Baidoa 7 3 A surprise attack by al-Shabaab leaves seven local soldiers dead.
2015.01.02 Afghanistan Lashkargah 4 0 Four bank employees are killed by a planted bomb.
2015.01.02 Somalia Galkayo 1 5 Teachers are among the casualties of a deadly car bomb attack outside a school.
2015.01.02 Libya Sabha 14 0 Fourteen local soldiers are captured and executed by Islamic State supporters.
2015.01.01 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 Sunni hardliners murder a border guard.
2015.01.01 Iraq Fallujah 15 0 Fifteen tribesmen are executed by the Islamic State.
2015.01.01 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Mujahideen murder three people in their own home.
2015.01.01 Iraq Samarrah 2 5 Two worshippers bleed to death when Sunnis mortar a Shiite shrine.
2015.01.01 Iraq Basra 3 2 Three Sunni preachers are shot to death by sectarian Jihadis.
2015.01.01 Syria Aleppo 13 18 Terrorists fire rockets into a neighborhood, killing over a dozen.
2015.01.01 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 3 One person is killed when Jihadis bomb a car.
2015.01.01 Nigeria Gombe 0 8 A suicide bomber detonates at the entrance of a church service.
2015.01.01 Cameroon Maroua 15 10 Islamists pour machine-gun fire into a bus, killing fifteen passengers.
2015.01.01 Iraq Yathrib 7 0 Seven Iraqis are killed in a house by caliphate members.
2015.01.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite doctor is assassinated outside his clinic by Sunni radicals.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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