The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Niger, January

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2284 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 11840 people were killed and 9604 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2021.12.31 Syria al-Hol 1 0 Islamic State loyalists gun down a refugee.
2021.12.31 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 2 0 A couple accused of 'moral corruption' are put down by religious police.
2021.12.31 Nigeria Irigwe 1 4 Muslim militants attack Christians returning from a prayer meeting, killing one and then burning his body.
2021.12.30 Egypt Abu Araj 1 3 Fundamentalists kill one with an IED.
2021.12.30 Pakistan Karkanra 4 0 The Tehrik-e Taliban claim the killing for four locals.
2021.12.30 Yemen Shabwa 10 17 A vicious Ansar Allah missile attack leaves ten dead.
2021.12.30 India Tarn Taran 1 0 A Sikh soldier dies after being shot in the neck by Muslim militants.
2021.12.30 Somalia Balad 7 0 Two women are among seven killed by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2021.12.29 Iraq Hamrin Lake 3 1 ISIS releases video of the beheading of three victims kidnapped from a fishing trip.
2021.12.29 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 Terrorists on motorcycles gun down a traffic cop.
2021.12.29 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Mujahid gunmen lay out a civilian outside his home.
2021.12.29 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 One person is left dead following an Islamist attack.
2021.12.29 Syria Izba 2 3 ISIS members blow up a passing vehicle, killing two.
2021.12.28 Syria Sweidan 2 0 Two "sorcerers" are pulled from their home and executed by Islamic activists.
2021.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Terrorists assassinated a Shiite with a car bomb.
2021.12.28 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 2 The Tehreek-e-Taliban are thought responsible for a pipe-bombing that kills one.
2021.12.28 Mali Nara 8 7 Jihadists ambush and kill eight local soldiers.
2021.12.28 CAR Bezere 2 7 A Muslim terror group kills two in a small village.
2021.12.27 Iraq Hamrin Lake 1 15 Two ISIS bomb blasts leave one dead.
2021.12.27 Afghanistan Charmgari 1 0 An intelligence official is assassinated by suspected ISIS.
2021.12.27 Uganda Bwetyaba 3 0 A woman and her two children are honor-killed by family for attending church.
2021.12.26 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A pro-government mosque leader is assassinated by radicals.
2021.12.26 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 An al-Shabaab roadside blast claims four lives.
2021.12.26 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 3 A Mujahid IED ends the life of a local soldier.
2021.12.26 Afghanistan Madatkhel 1 0 An 8-year-old boy is shot to death by terrorists.
2021.12.26 Nigeria Buni Yadi 10 0 Children are among ten killed during an attack by Jamā'at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da'wah wa'l-Jihād.
2021.12.25 Syria Baghouz 1 0 The Islamic State execute a captive.
2021.12.25 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2021.12.25 DRC Beni 8 13 A suicide bomber targets an establishment selling alcohol, killing eight.
2021.12.25 DRC Mambembe 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by the ADF.
2021.12.25 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 Mujahideen gun down a civilian.
2021.12.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A religious scholar is gunned down by rivals.
2021.12.24 Saudi Arabia Jazan 2 0 Two residents are killed by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2021.12.24 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 1 0 An educator and activist is assassinated by Religion of Peace advocates.
2021.12.24 Syria al-Hol 4 0 Four more refugees are murdered by ISIS in different attacks.
2021.12.23 Niger Makalondi 6 10 A dual Jihadist attack outside a border town kills a half dozen.
2021.12.23 Iraq al-Salam 1 1 Mujahid gunmen take down a farmer and injure his brother.
2021.12.23 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A teacher is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2021.12.23 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 6 Five are killed when Boko Haram lob mortars into a residential neighborhood.
2021.12.23 Myanmar Maungdaw 1 0 A Muslim teen slits the throat of a Buddhist merchant amid 'communal tension'.
2021.12.23 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 41 0 Forty-one traders are massacred in an Islamic extremist attack on their convoy.
2021.12.23 DRC Mambembe 9 0 Nine civilians are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.12.22 Iraq Hashd al-Shaabi 2 4 Two Shiites are killed by the Islamic State.
2021.12.22 India Bijbehara 1 0 An off-duty cop is taken down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.12.22 India Srinagar 1 0 A civilian succumbs to injuries at the hands of Islamic extremists.
2021.12.22 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 4 0 An Islamic State ambush leaves four dead.
2021.12.21 Afghanistan Pul-e Chahar 1 0 A civilian is stabbed to death by suspected terrorists.
2021.12.21 Nigeria Nasarawa 45 40 Forty-five farmers are murdered by Fulani terrorists across three villages.
2021.12.21 Egypt Rafah 2 0 ISIS claims an IED attack that leaves two dead.
2021.12.21 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 2 2 Islamists purge two.
2021.12.20 Mozambique Chai 1 0 A South African loses his life to an attack by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2021.12.20 Nigeria Sabon Tasha 1 0 A retired soldier is kidnapped from his home and killed.
2021.12.20 DRC Mabondo 1 0 ADF Islamists murder a civilian looking for food.
2021.12.20 Afghanistan Dehrawood 1 0 A former soldier is assassinated by radicals.
2021.12.19 CAR Mann 5 15 Five civilians are killed by Muslim 'rebels.'
2021.12.19 Pakistan Sur Kamar 2 4 A suicide bomber attacks a vehicle carrying a secular party leader, killing two.
2021.12.19 Nigeria Kilangar 25 7 Twenty-five people are reported dead following a Boko Haram raid on a village.
2021.12.18 Syria al-Hol 1 0 An ISIS opponent is shot to death.
2021.12.18 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A secular politician is brought down by gunmen on motorcycles.
2021.12.18 Iraq Abu Karma 1 0 Islamic State militants storm a healthcare facility and murder the director.
2021.12.18 Afghanistan Baraki 1 3 Terrorists set off a bomb blast that claims a civilian.
2021.12.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 At least one Shiite is killed in a targeted bombing.
2021.12.17 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 Fundamentalists murder a Talisman in his home.
2021.12.17 Nigeria Zaman Dabo 4 1 Fulani terrorists storm a village and murder four residents.
2021.12.17 Syria Raqqa 2 3 Two are left dead following an attack near the former ISIS caliphate.
2021.12.16 Afghanistan Shaga 4 1 Four family members are eliminated by radicals.
2021.12.16 Israel Homesh 1 2 Terrorists fire on three Israelis, killing a father-of-two.
2021.12.16 Iraq Khanaqin 3 2 An ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2021.12.16 Afghanistan Gaizab 2 8 An old Taliban landmine claims two children.
2021.12.16 Pakistan Hamzuni 1 3 A police constable is tragically cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.12.16 DRC Kidungo 1 0 A woman is taken down by Islamists with a bullet to the head.
2021.12.16 DRC Lukaya 4 0 ADF Islamists kill four civilians and burn their vehicle.
2021.12.16 Yemen Harad 14 0 Fourteen Sudanese are killed by an Ansar Allah attack.
2021.12.15 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A Syrian woman is shot dead at a refugee camp.
2021.12.15 Iraq Duraji 12 0 Twelve victims of the caliphate are discovered in a mass grave.
2021.12.15 Afghanistan Laghbad 1 0 The body of a university lecturer is discovered a month after his abduction by Taliban.
2021.12.15 Mozambique Nova Zambezia 1 0 Islamists abduct and decapitate a pastor, then order his wife to deliver the head to police.
2021.12.14 Afghanistan Tank Til Logar 1 2 Terrorists kill one person with an early morning blast.
2021.12.14 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman is murdered by ISIS and thrown into a sewer.
2021.12.14 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 One person is killed during an armed Islamist attack on a village.
2021.12.13 DRC Mangina 8 0 Attacks on two villages by ADF Islamists leave eight dead.
2021.12.13 Afghanistan Chardara 1 0 A former soldier is tracked down by the Taliban and executed.
2021.12.13 India Srinagar 2 14 Islamic terrorists fire on a bus carrying police, killing two.
2021.12.13 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 2 Suspected radicals fire on police at a mosque, killing one.
2021.12.12 Afghanistan Quwa-e-Markaz 1 0 Taliban gunmen take down a young man.
2021.12.12 Iraq Dhi Qar 1 0 A secular school teacher is gunned down in his car by radicals.
2021.12.12 Lebanon Tyre 4 6 Fatah is accused of opening fire at a rival funeral, killing four.
2021.12.11 Iraq Sultan Abdullah 1 1 An ISIS explosive takes out a 4-year-old.
2021.12.11 Pakistan Tank 2 0 The Tehrik-e-Taliban murder two guards for a polio team.
2021.12.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 A child is among two left dead after a terror attack on a family vehicle.
2021.12.11 Somalia Jowhar 1 5 An Islamist blast targeting lawmakers at a restaurant leaves one dead.
2021.12.11 Somalia Buurane 4 0 Four AU peacekeepers are killed by al-Shabaab.
2021.12.11 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A Shiite cleric is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.12.11 Syria al-Masrab 7 17 An attack by ISIS claims seven souls.
2021.12.11 Syria Baghouz 1 0 A man is abducted by ISIS and executed under torture.
2021.12.11 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 A man is tortured and executed over Facebook posts critical of the Taliban.
2021.12.10 Tanzania Border 4 0 Four are massacred in a targeted attack on non-Muslims.
2021.12.10 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 2 1 Terrorists throw a grenade into a motorcycle shop, killing two.
2021.12.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 3 A 10-year-old girl is shot dead by the Taliban.
2021.12.10 Syria al-Hol 2 0 Two Iraqi men are murdered at a refugee camp.
2021.12.10 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 A driver loses his life to Mujahideen gunmen.
2021.12.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two civilians are shot dead by the Taliban.
2021.12.10 Sudan Jafio 6 7 A half-dozen are killed during a raid by Arab militia.
2021.12.10 India Bandipora 2 0 Two police succumb to injuries from an Islamic drive-by.
2021.12.10 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 Bomb attacks on two bus stops in Hazera minority areas leave two dead.
2021.12.09 Burkina Faso Titao 14 0 Fourteen locals are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2021.12.09 Afghanistan Qala-e-Tapa 1 0 Terrorists gun down a merchant.
2021.12.08 Sudan El Geneina 7 0 Seven innocents on their way to a funeral are slain by Arab militia.
2021.12.08 DRC Mangina 16 4 ADF Islamists hack sixteen villagers to death with machetes.
2021.12.08 Sudan Jebel Moon 21 6 Arab militia shoot up a number of villages, killing twenty-one.
2021.12.08 Nigeria Kasuwan-Ladi 2 0 Fulani militants murder two farmers.
2021.12.08 Mali Bandiagara 7 3 Seven UN peacekeepers are sent to Allah by a Jihadist landmine.
2021.12.08 Kenya Nyakach 2 1 A suicide bomber blows up a young couple in front of their child.
2021.12.07 Egypt Rafah 1 1 A 50-year-old resident is killed by Wilayat fundamentalists.
2021.12.07 Sudan Um Zuhour 1 0 A farmer is shot dead by Arab militia.
2021.12.07 Iraq Basra 4 20 Sunni bombers scatter Shiite body parts up and down the street.
2021.12.07 Iraq Dibis 2 1 Hardcore Jihadists attack and kill two local security personnel.
2021.12.07 Pakistan Yousafabad 1 0 A 58-year-old police officer is shot to death in his car by Islamic radicals.
2021.12.07 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 The Taliban is suspected in the kidnapping and murder of a former opponent.
2021.12.06 Afghanistan Nuristan 1 0 A former police officer is pulled out of his car and killed.
2021.12.06 Afghanistan Barkandi 1 0 A government official is killed by ISIS gunmen.
2021.12.06 Philippines Zamboanga 2 1 Abu Sayyaf is thought to be behind the assassination of a local mayor.
2021.12.06 Iraq al-Baida 1 0 A shepherd is put out to pasture by an ISIS landmine.
2021.12.06 Afghanistan Andarab 1 0 Three Taliban make quick work of a former soldier outside his home.
2021.12.05 Sudan Krinding 24 35 Arab militia attack a refugee camp, killing two dozen unfortunates.
2021.12.05 Iraq Sheikh Bizeni 2 0 Islamic State loyalists kill two Kurds.
2021.12.05 Iraq Qara Salem 5 6 Five Kurds are reported killed by ISIS.
2021.12.04 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A refugee is murdered by ISIS at a refugee camp.
2021.12.04 Kenya Mandera 2 10 al-Shabaab gunmen murder two border guards.
2021.12.04 Iraq Karbala 1 0 A senior official is assassinated by ISIS.
2021.12.04 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 A Palestinian terrorist stabs a Jewish man on his way to prayer.
2021.12.04 Pal. Auth. Jenin 1 0 An Arab student is stabbed to death by Fatah.
2021.12.04 Niger Funio 12 8 A dozen in Niger are killed by al-Qaeda linked militants.
2021.12.03 Mali Bandiagara 31 17 Jihadists burn thirty-one people alive on a bus.
2021.12.03 Nigeria Rann 7 0 Islamic extremists roll into town with machine-guns, taking down seven defenders.
2021.12.03 Thailand Sakhon 1 0 A local resident is ambushed and killed by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2021.12.03 Pakistan Sialkot 1 0 A mob tortures a Sri Lankan man to death for allegedly disrespecting the Quran.
2021.12.03 Mali Mourem 1 1 A UN worker is killed by Muslim radicals.
2021.12.02 Iraq Makhmour 13 3 Three brothers are among thirteen shot to pieces by Islamic State members.
2021.12.02 Syria Kharata 10 1 Islamic terrorists massacre ten oil workers.
2021.12.02 Iraq Qazaniya 1 0 A young man guarding a poultry house loses his life to Muslim gunmen.
2021.12.02 Nigeria Maiduguri 7 1 A baby is among the casualties when ISWAP send mortars into a town.
2021.12.01 DRC Baraka 4 0 ADF Islamists are suspected in the murder of four aid workers.
2021.12.01 Benin Proga 2 3 Islamists attack a security patrol and kill two members.
2021.12.01 Nigeria Abuyab 1 0 Muslim militants kill a farmer.
2021.12.01 Sudan Jebel Moon 2 0 Arab militia fire into an agricultural project, killing two workers.
2021.12.01 Sudan Mershing 4 0 Janjaweed shoot four farmers to death.
2021.12.01 India Srinagar 1 0 ISIS members gun down a traffic cop at close range.
2021.11.30 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A bomb near a cement factory claims one life.
2021.11.30 Somalia Baidoa 2 3 al-Shabaab attack an airport, and successfully kill two.
2021.11.30 Afghanistan Khas Kunar 1 0 A former judge is assassinated by Jihadists.
2021.11.30 Burkina Faso Dablo 3 0 Three farmers are executed by a roving band of Islamists.
2021.11.29 Nigeria Borno 2 0 ISWAP members kill two locals.
2021.11.29 Iraq Kifri 2 2 An Islamic State shooting attack on Kurds leaves two dead.
2021.11.29 Afghanistan Gadikhel 1 1 A boy is torn apart by Mujahid shrapnel.
2021.11.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 ISIS member shoot a power company inspector to death.
2021.11.29 Afghanistan Nawa 1 0 A young man is abducted by the Taliban, executed and thrown into a river.
2021.11.29 Mozambique Chitolo 2 2 Muslim 'insurgents' attack a children's ceremony, killing two.
2021.11.28 Burkina Faso Loroum 4 0 Another four are cut down by al-Qaeda linked militia.
2021.11.28 CAR Kaita 32 0 Thirty civilians are massacred by a Muslim terror group.
2021.11.28 Iraq Badush Dam 1 0 A suspected victim of ISIS execution is discovered.
2021.11.27 Iraq Kolju 5 4 Five Kurds are taken down by ISIS bombers.
2021.11.27 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Terrorists attack a local checkpoint and kill two defenders.
2021.11.27 Syria Manbij 3 5 An ISIS cell sets off a car bomb that claims two woman and a child.
2021.11.27 Mozambique Naulala 1 0 At least one guard is killed when Islamists attack a medial facility.
2021.11.26 Sudan North Darfur 4 0 Four villagers are killed by Arab militia.
2021.11.26 Nigeria Ta’agbe 11 30 Terrorists shouting "Allah Akbar" slaughter eleven Christians, including women and children.
2021.11.26 Afghanistan Shahrak 1 0 A former police worker is found by the Taliban and executed.
2021.11.26 Afghanistan Kabul 4 1 Four children are exterminated by Mujahid bombers.
2021.11.26 Afghanistan Hofian Sharif 1 0 Terrorists gun down a civilian.
2021.11.26 Afghanistan Hazarnaw 1 0 A fundamentalist is killed by rivals.
2021.11.26 Afghanistan Zaranj 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2021.11.25 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 2 0 Two security personnel are riddled with bullets by terrorists.
2021.11.25 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A young doctor is murdered by the Taliban on the town square.
2021.11.25 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Terrorists kill a tea seller with an IED.
2021.11.25 Afghanistan Qasba 3 1 A bomb goes off in a rickshaw, killing three passersby.
2021.11.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 ISIS gunmen take down two people outside a mosque.
2021.11.25 Syria Raqqa 1 0 Former members of the caliphate murder a man inside his home.
2021.11.25 Egypt Rafah 1 3 An ISIS sniper kills one person and injures three others.
2021.11.25 Somalia Mogadishu 8 17 Children are among the victims when a Fedayeen suicide bomber goes off outside a school.
2021.11.24 Afghanistan Rig-e-Rawan 2 0 Two clerics are assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.11.24 Camreroon Fotokol 2 0 ISIS loyalists attack a local security base, killing two members.
2021.11.24 Afghanistan Kapisa 2 0 Terrorists kill two secular school teachers.
2021.11.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A former Afghan official is assassinated.
2021.11.24 Burkina Faso Thiou 3 14 Three local soldiers lose their lives to a Jihadist attack.
2021.11.24 Iraq Mutasim 1 0 ISIS snipers pick off a civilian.
2021.11.23 Nigeria Ancha 2 0 Muslim militants murder two farmers.
2021.11.23 Afghanistan Baladuri 1 0 A former cop is found and killed.
2021.11.23 Afghanistan Warsaj 3 0 An ISIS bomb blast sends three others to Allah.
2021.11.22 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Mujahideen gunmen take two people, including a refugee worker.
2021.11.22 Iraq Buhriz 1 3 An ISIS attack on a checkpoint leaves one dead.
2021.11.22 Afghanistan Ghorombi 1 0 A former police officer is shot to death by fundamentalists.
2021.11.22 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 0 A local man is assassinated by Jihadis on his way home.
2021.11.22 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A Shiite civilian is gunned down in cold blood by Sunni extremists.
2021.11.22 Mali Tessalit 1 0 An Egyptian peacekeeper later succumbs to injuries from a Jihadist attack.
2021.11.21 Burkina Faso Foube 19 1 At least nineteen are slaughtered by Jihadists near an aid facility.
2021.11.21 Israel Jerusalem 1 4 An Hamas member opens fire near the Temple Mount, killing a civilian.
2021.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A young man is shot dead by the Taliban for arguing with them.
2021.11.21 Egypt Rafah 3 0 An Islamic landmine claims three lives.
2021.11.21 DRC Kakuka 1 3 ADF Islamists target a local security base, killing one.
2021.11.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 Three people in a car are wasted by ISIS gunmen.
2021.11.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills a prominent journalist.
2021.11.20 Iraq Rashad 1 1 Terrorists spray a taxi with bullets, killing an official.
2021.11.19 Afghanistan Balkh 1 0 A prominent psychiatrist is abducted and tortured to death by 'extremists.'
2021.11.19 Somalia Bardale 7 11 al-Shabaab set off a bomb in a packed market, killing seven patrons.
2021.11.18 Iraq Zuhairat 1 0 An off-duty soldier is assassinated outside his house by Mujahideen.
2021.11.18 Iraq Hatra 1 0 Terrorists kill a civilian with light weapons.
2021.11.18 Iraq Jalawla 2 0 An ISIS sniper brings down two Iraqis.
2021.11.18 Afghanistan Angor Bagh 1 0 Muslim terrorists shoot a man to death in the street.
2021.11.18 Syria Deir ez-Zor 8 3 Eight are reportedly killed by ISIS terrorists.
2021.11.17 Syria Hasakah 1 0 Islamic State members kill a man in his own home.
2021.11.17 Afghanistan Kabul 2 5 A bomb hits a minibus in a Shiite area, killing two.
2021.11.17 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 Radicals bomb a second bus an hour after an earlier blast, killing four Shiites.
2021.11.17 Afghanistan Banda 1 0 A citizen is abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2021.11.17 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 3 Muslim radicals place an IED along a road, killing a passerby.
2021.11.16 Niger Bakorat 25 0 Another Islamic raid on a village leaves over two dozen dead.
2021.11.16 Uganda Kampala 3 6 Two separate suicide bombings leave three others dead.
2021.11.16 Mozambique Nambongali 3 0 Three villagers are abducted and executed by an Islamic group.
2021.11.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 3 The man is killed when a couple is fired on by the woman's family for marrying by choice.
2021.11.15 Egypt Sinai 2 1 Islamic hardliners fire a rocket at a nearby patrol, killing two members.
2021.11.15 Nigeria Goronyo 2 0 Two people lose their lives to Muslim terrorists.
2021.11.14 CAR Mann 12 15 Twelve civilians are killed in the crossfire when a Muslim terrorist group invades a market.
2021.11.14 Afghanistan Saparo 1 0 A villager is abducted and executed by a fundamentalist group.
2021.11.14 Afghanistan Surkh Rod 1 0 A man is beheaded by religious radicals.
2021.11.14 Mali Nara 4 14 Four soldiers are killed by Muslim terrorists in an attack on their post.
2021.11.14 Nigeria Illela 13 0 Thirteen villagers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.11.14 Iraq Sammaga 1 1 An Mujahid blast produces one dead Iraqi.
2021.11.14 Burkina Faso Inata 53 0 Islamic terrorists slaughter fifty-three near a mine.
2021.11.14 Afghanistan Khawja 2 0 Two former Afghan soldiers are assassinated by the Taliban.
2021.11.13 Mozambique Najama 2 0 Two individuals are abducted and beheaded by Islamic hardliners.
2021.11.13 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman dies from injuries suffered at the hands of ISIS.
2021.11.13 Syria al-Masrib 13 0 Thirteen Syrians are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State.
2021.11.13 Nigeria Askira Uba 4 0 Four Nigerians are brought low by ISWAP.
2021.11.13 Afghanistan Dasht-e Barchi 1 4 A journalist is killed when Sunni radicals attach a bomb to a minivan in order to target "Shiite apostates."
2021.11.13 Pakistan Hoshab 3 0 Islamic militants kill three local soldiers with a bombing and shooting.
2021.11.13 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 6 A young girl is among the casualties of a fundamentalist IED attack.
2021.11.13 Nigeria Logo 4 3 A brutal Fulani attack on a funeral leaves four dead.
2021.11.13 Iraq Waqf Basin 1 0 A policeman is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2021.11.13 Afghanistan Tokhram 1 0 A civilian is detained and tortured to death by the Taliban.
2021.11.13 Sudan Tordi 2 0 Arab militia murder two farmers.
2021.11.13 Mozambique Namatil 1 0 A taxi driver is murdered by Islamists.
2021.11.12 Afghanistan Gardez 2 0 Two women who served as police officers are discovered and murdered.
2021.11.12 Syria al-Hol 2 0 Two Iraqi refugees are shot dead by the Islamic State.
2021.11.12 Nigeria Yobe 3 0 ISWAP members ambush a local security patrol, killing three.
2021.11.12 Afghanistan Spin Ghar 3 15 Sunnis plant a bomb in a Shiite mosque that kills at least three during prayers.
2021.11.12 Burkina Faso Alkoma 7 5 Islamic extremists attack local police, killing seven.
2021.11.12 DRC Beni 38 2 Thirty-eight civilians are slaughtered by ADF Islamists during an attack on a medical clinic.
2021.11.12 Iraq Mahatta 1 0 A shepherd is disintegrated by an ISIS bomb blast.
2021.11.11 Sudan Shangil Tobaya 3 0 Arab militia attack a displaced persons camp, killing three.
2021.11.11 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 A Shahid suicide car bomber takes out two civilians.
2021.11.11 DRC Tinambo 3 0 An ADF IED takes out three residents.
2021.11.11 DRC Kissanga 5 0 Five residents are killed when ADF Islamists burn down a village.
2021.11.11 Mozambique Namatili 3 0 Three locals are beheaded by an ISIS-linked group.
2021.11.11 Mozambique Macomia 1 0 One person is killed by Islamic State gunmen.
2021.11.10 Afghanistan Urozgan 1 0 A former policeman is discovered and executed.
2021.11.10 Saudi Arabia Dhahran al-Janub 1 0 At least one person is killed by an Ansar Allah missile from across the border.
2021.11.10 Cameroon Tourou 4 0 Three men and a woman are shot to death by Boko Haram in their township.
2021.11.10 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 A local soldier manning a check-post is shot point-blank by Muslim extremists.
2021.11.10 Nigeria Shiliam 3 0 Three women are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.11.10 Nigeria Karim Lamido 15 0 Fifteen are reported killed by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.11.10 Iraq Amrli 3 0 Three locals are assassinated by ISIS while on a search for victims of an earlier attack.
2021.11.09 Nigeria Kaduna 2 3 Muslim militants open fire on kidnapped Christians, killing two.
2021.11.09 Yemen Aden 1 1 Ansar Allah kill a pregnant journalist child with a bomb attached to her car.
2021.11.09 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 2 3 Two people fishing are cut down by Islamic gunmen.
2021.11.09 Nigeria Batsari 11 0 Muslim militants are blamed for the death of eleven in neighboring villages.
2021.11.09 Iraq Hatra 1 0 A village guard is laid out by ISIS gunmen.
2021.11.09 Norway Oslo 0 1 A man trying to stab people while shouting praises to Allah is killed by police.
2021.11.09 India Srinagar 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen murder a shop salesman.
2021.11.09 Syria Abu Hamam 1 0 A Kurdish person is machine-gunned by ISIS.
2021.11.09 Syria Hajin 2 0 Islamic State members blow up a passing motorcycle, killing two riders.
2021.11.09 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A sticky bomb is used by ISIS to kill people in a car.
2021.11.09 CAR Ouham-Pende 3 0 An attack by Muslim terrorists leaves three dead.
2021.11.09 Afghanistan Zargaran 1 0 A teenager is killed by the Taliban for listening to music.
2021.11.09 Afghanistan Chahaab 2 0 Two former Afghan soldiers are captured and executed by the Taliban.
2021.11.08 Nigeria Atagjeh 3 0 Three locals are murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.11.08 Nigeria Kibori 5 3 Five innocents are chased and slaughtered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.11.08 Iraq Kirkuk 2 5 Mujahid set off a bomb that claims two Shiites.
2021.11.08 France Cannes 0 1 A police officer is stabbed by an Algerian terrorist.
2021.11.08 Armenia Shushi 1 0 Azerbaijani snipers take down an Armenian utility worker.
2021.11.08 Nigeria Magami 7 0 Seven policemen on patrol are gunned down by Muslim militants.
2021.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An intelligence officer is murdered by ISIS-K.
2021.11.07 India Batamallo 1 0 A traffic cop is picked off by Jihadi gunmen.
2021.11.07 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 4 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Islamic hardliners.
2021.11.07 India Srinagar 1 0 A 45-year-old civilian is cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2021.11.07 Afghanistan Daman 3 0 Three persons are shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2021.11.07 Mozambique Ntuleni 1 0 Islamists kill a civilian and burn homes.
2021.11.07 USA Albuquerque, NM 1 0 A Sunni radical shoots a Shiite café owner to death.
2021.11.06 Afghanistan Saraysang 1 0 After promising amnesty, the Taliban murder a former opponent.
2021.11.06 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 4 0 Four women, including a rights activist, are murdered by terrorists after being lured with safe passage.
2021.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists spray a civilian with bullets.
2021.11.06 Iraq Abd Wais 1 0 An Islamic State explosive device ends one life.
2021.11.06 Syria Palmyra 7 0 A child is among all seven vehicle passengers blown up in the former ISIS stronghold.
2021.11.06 Germany Munich 0 4 A Syrian refugee with 'Islamist motives' stabs four innocent train passengers.
2021.11.05 Niger Dagne 11 9 Heavily-armed terrorists attack local soldiers, killing eleven.
2021.11.05 Afghanistan Laghman Hada 2 0 Islamic State members kill two with handguns.
2021.11.05 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A young woman is shot in the face with an ISIS shotgun.
2021.11.04 Syria Diban 3 0 A vehicle carrying three Kurds is blown up by ISIS.
2021.11.04 Egypt al-Arish 2 2 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by fundamentalists.
2021.11.04 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a government engineer.
2021.11.04 DRC Rwenzori 3 0 ADF Islamists murder three people along a highway and set fire to their vehicles.
2021.11.03 Nigeria Malam-fatori 3 0 ISWAP members kill three security personnel in a drive-by.
2021.11.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 3 Two people bleed to death following an ISIS roadside blast.
2021.11.03 DRC Beni 3 0 ADF Islamists kill two women and a child.
2021.11.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 A civil society activist is among three civilians gunned down by religious radicals.
2021.11.02 Nigeria Donada 7 0 Seven innocents are 'sporadically' shot by Muslim militants.
2021.11.02 Niger Adab-Dab 69 9 Sixty-nine are left dead after a small town is overrun by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.11.02 Afghanistan Kabul 25 50 Holy Warriors stage a Fedayeen suicide bombing and shooting assault on a hospital, killing about twenty-five.
2021.11.01 Afghanistan Qalat 1 0 A man is killed outside his own home by radicals.
2021.11.01 Burkina Faso Markoye 10 5 Ten citizens are mowed down by Jihadi gunmen on their way to market.
2021.11.01 Kenya Kiunga 1 2 A conservancy rangers bleeds to death following an al-Shabaab IED blast.
2021.11.01 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 ISIS members fire on a passing vehicle, killing two passengers.
2021.10.31 Syria Idlib 4 0 Four Syrians are struck down by ISIS sniper fire over a three day period.
2021.10.31 Sudan Tawila 1 0 A villager is murdered on his farm by Arab gunmen.
2021.10.31 Burkina Faso Ouindigui 3 0 Islamists use a landmine to eliminate two woman and a baby.
2021.10.31 Burkina Faso Sourou 5 0 Jihadists attack a police station in the early morning and kill five inside.
2021.10.31 Yemen Marib 22 19 Twenty-two are killed when Ansar Allah send two missiles into a school and rival mosque.
2021.10.31 Nigeria Kakau Daji 2 0 Muslim militants attack worshippers at a Baptist church, killing two.
2021.10.30 Afghanistan Tank Dasht Barchi 1 0 A former police chief is assassinated by Islamic extremists.
2021.10.30 India Kalal 2 0 Two border guards are laid out by Muslim landmines.
2021.10.30 Sudan Dar el Salam 5 0 Five farmers are shot dead by Janjaweed terrorists.
2021.10.30 Yemen Aden 12 6 Children are among a dozen killed by Shahid car bombers outside an airport.
2021.10.30 Yemen Taez 3 3 Three children are obliterated by Ansar Allah shrapnel.
2021.10.30 Mali Mourdiah 2 3 Jihadists ambush a convoy, killing two members.
2021.10.30 Mali Segou 5 0 All five passengers in a passing vehicle are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2021.10.30 Afghanistan Nangarhar 3 10 Three people are killed when fundamentalists open fire to stop music at a wedding.
2021.10.30 Iraq Abbasi 3 2 Three civilians are shot dead by ISIS gunmen while collecting coal.
2021.10.30 Somalia Af-Urur 2 0 A coordinated al-Shabaab terror attack produces two dead.
2021.10.30 Iraq Altun Kupri 2 0 Two Kurdish guards are murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.10.29 Uganda Nakaseke 2 0 Islamists are suspected of a bomb blast that claims two children, one disabled.
2021.10.29 Nigeria Damboa 2 0 Two mobile workers are cut down by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.10.29 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 2 0 Two civilians are sent to Allah by fundamentalist bombers.
2021.10.29 Nigeria Borno 2 0 Boko Haram release a video showing a child executing two captured Nigerian soldiers.
2021.10.29 Afghanistan Shirzad 2 4 Two women are pulled into pieces by a Religion of Peace landmine.
2021.10.29 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A well-known soccer player is reportedly shot to death by extremists.
2021.10.29 Syria al-Hol 2 0 A pregnant refugee is injured by ISIS gunmen, who kill her husband and father-in-law.
2021.10.28 Yemen Aumd 13 16 Ansar Allah loyalists send a ballistic missile into a neighborhood, taking out thirteen, including a child.
2021.10.28 DRC Kokotama 3 3 At three locals are shot to death by ADF.
2021.10.28 Afghanistan Kaldar 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated by Islamic rivals.
2021.10.27 Iraq Nahr al-Imam 11 0 Eleven Sunnis are killed by Shiites to avenge a Sunni on Shia attack.
2021.10.27 Pakistan Kurram 2 0 Two young border guards lose their lives to Islamic militants.
2021.10.27 Iraq Barwana 2 0 ISIS members gun down two cops.
2021.10.27 Iraq Nahr al-Imam 5 3 Five villagers are machine-gunned by Holy Warriors.
2021.10.27 Pakistan Lahore 4 253 Islamic gunmen open fire on police at a rally, killing four.
2021.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 Islamists use an IED to kill two local soldiers.
2021.10.27 Afghanistan Qarabagh 5 0 The bodies of five Hazara minorities are discovered following their kidnapping and execution.
2021.10.26 Uganda Nangonde 1 0 A 58-year-old pastor is slain by Muslim radicals, who say he will "face the wrath of Allah' over his church building.
2021.10.26 Iraq Katoun 1 0 A construction worker is killed when terrorists set off a bomb under his house.
2021.10.26 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 4 0 Muslim terrorists fire into a police patrol, killing four members.
2021.10.26 Iraq al-Rashad 15 26 Fifteen locals are killed during an Islamic State attack on their village.
2021.10.26 India Bareilly 1 0 A man murders his wife for not wanting to convert.
2021.10.25 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 ISIS gunmen fire on village guards, killing one.
2021.10.25 Somalia Galmudug 16 45 Sixteen more are killed by Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a.
2021.10.25 Uganda Kampala 1 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sets off a bomb at a bus stop, killing a bystander.
2021.10.25 Nigeria Mazakuka 18 4 Muslim terrorists attack a rival mosque, killing eighteen.
2021.10.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A religious scholar is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.10.25 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A policeman is shot dead by Mujahideen.
2021.10.25 Burkina Faso Mangodara 3 7 Jihadists kill three guards along the border.
2021.10.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A former Taliban opponent is executed.
2021.10.25 Nigeria Jankasa 4 3 Muslim militants attack a Christian village and kill four residents.
2021.10.24 Nigeria Ungwan Taila 2 6 Two villagers are slain in a sectarian attack.
2021.10.24 Mozambique Chitama 3 0 Three cashew farmers are murdered by Islamists.
2021.10.24 Afghanistan Sayyaf Familo 2 0 Two persons are executed by Religion of Peace emissaries.
2021.10.24 Afghanistan Gardiz 1 0 A former chief of police is assassinated by Muslim gunmen.
2021.10.24 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A guard for a polio team is murdered by local Taliban on his way home.
2021.10.24 India Zainpora 1 0 An apple vendor is picked off by Islamic "separatists".
2021.10.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 4 A child is among two Afghans murdered by ISIS bombers.
2021.10.23 Somalia Galmudug 3 10 Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a members attack local soldiers, killing three.
2021.10.23 Uganda Kampala 1 3 A young waitress is killed when Islamists bomb a pork restaurant.
2021.10.23 DRC Gala 7 0 At least one woman is among seven massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.10.23 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A local man is pulled out of his car by Taliban and brutally executed.
2021.10.23 Pakistan Wazirabad 3 0 Tehreek-e-Labiak kill three more police.
2021.10.22 Afghanistan Ilyas Khan 2 0 An Islamic group kills a mother and daughter with a grenade.
2021.10.22 DRC Bulongo 4 0 Four civilians are killed by ADF Islamists.
2021.10.22 Iraq Kasr Mihrab 2 1 Two children are eliminated by ISIS explosives.
2021.10.22 Pakistan Miranshah 2 1 Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of local soldiers, killing two.
2021.10.22 Pakistan Lahore 3 0 Islamic hardliners kill three local cops during a demonstration.
2021.10.22 Bangladesh Balukhali 6 20 Six refugees are murdered by extremists for helping police.
2021.10.21 Nigeria Ugwujoro Nimbo 1 0 A woman is hacked to death by Fulani terrorists on her farm.
2021.10.21 Pakistan Mathra 1 0 A guard for a polio team is shot to death on his way home.
2021.10.21 Iraq Badush 1 0 Mujahid gunmen pick off a man outside his home.
2021.10.21 India Karnataka 1 0 A Hindu man is bludgeoned by a Muslim family for a relationship with their daughter.
2021.10.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Suspected ISIS blow up a vehicle, killing two riders.
2021.10.20 Iraq Khalis 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by Sunni extremists.
2021.10.20 Syria Damascus 14 3 At least fourteen are dead following a bus bombing.
2021.10.20 Pakistan Bajaur 6 0 Local Taliban bomb a police vehicle, killing a half-dozen passengers.
2021.10.20 Pakistan Thal 1 0 Islamic militants attack a check point, killing a 26-year-old.
2021.10.20 Niger Bankilare 11 6 Eleven local security personnel are killed by Jihadis in an attack on an official's convoy.
2021.10.20 India Gandarbal 7 5 A doctor and six laborers are killed when Muslim gunmen fire on a construction site.
2021.10.19 DRC Mayele 16 3 Four women are among sixteen innocents massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.10.19 Kenya Konton 1 0 A local man is murdered by al-Shabaab.
2021.10.18 Niger Tillaberi 3 7 Jihadists kill three local cops in an attack on their station.
2021.10.18 Pakistan Spinwam 1 0 One person is picked off by Muslim snipers.
2021.10.17 Iraq Daquq 1 0 The body of an elderly man is discovered a week after he was kidnapped by the Islamic State.
2021.10.17 Mali Acharane 1 0 Islamic hardliners attack a local army post and kill one defender.
2021.10.17 Pakistan Pir Jahanian 7 0 Four children, including a baby, are among a family of seven burned alive in an honor killing.
2021.10.17 India Mendhar 2 0 Two more security personnel are shot dead by terrorists.
2021.10.17 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An interpreter is hunted down and executed by the Taliban.
2021.10.17 Cameroon Wulgo 10 8 Ten soldiers are reported killed in an Islamic State attack.
2021.10.17 India Pulwama 2 1 Two civilian workers are taken down in a targeted attack on Hindus.
2021.10.17 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 The body of a policeman is found following his kidnapping and execution.
2021.10.16 Somalia Baledweyne 2 5 Islamists hit a restaurant with a homemade bomb, killing two.
2021.10.16 Pakistan Nowshera 1 0 A local cop is shot dead in a Muslim drive-by.
2021.10.16 India Srinagar 1 0 A street vendor is shot dead by Muslim 'separatists'.
2021.10.16 Bangladesh Noakhali 1 0 The body another Hindu victim of Muslim rioting is discovered.
2021.10.16 Iraq Al-Alil 1 0 A generator worker is decommissioned by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.10.16 India Pulwama 1 0 A Hindu carpenter is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2021.10.16 Afghanistan Khurasan 1 0 The Taliban tie a man up, then blast him with a rocket launcher.
2021.10.16 Mozambique Pundanhar 5 0 Five members of a soccer team are ambushed and killed by Islamic hardliners.
2021.10.15 England Essex 1 0 A Muslim terrorist with a migrant background stabs a conservative politician to death at a church.
2021.10.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 63 83 Suicide bombers target a rival mosque during prayers, killing at least sixty.
2021.10.15 Nigeria Nkiendonwro 3 1 Violent Muslims target a farming community and kill three residents.
2021.10.15 Bangladesh Begumganj Upazila 1 18 A Hindu temple executive is stabbed to death during Quran rioting.
2021.10.14 Bangladesh Cumilla 3 22 Three people are killed when a Muslim mob attacks a Hindu temple over a rumor of 'blasphemy'.
2021.10.14 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 11 Women and children are among the casualties when suspected ISIS set off a bomb at bridge.
2021.10.14 Afghanistan Ghor 2 0 Mujahideen assassinate a former senator and his companion.
2021.10.14 India Mendhar 2 1 Two security personnel are tragically cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.10.14 Iraq Khalis 1 0 A Mujahideen victim is found dead with gunshot wounds.
2021.10.14 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 6 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2021.10.14 Somalia Mogadishu 5 0 A vehicle carrying policemen is disintegrated by an al-Shabaab IED.
2021.10.14 Nigeria Monguno 10 7 An ISIS ambush leaves ten dead.
2021.10.14 Syria Rasafah 8 0 Eight Syrians are killed the Islamic State.
2021.10.13 DRC Rwenzori 2 3 Islamists fire on a local army post, killing two residents.
2021.10.13 Iraq Zummar 1 0 Muslim terrorists snuff out the life of a police officer.
2021.10.13 Pakistan Chamkani 1 0 A traffic cop is gunned down by drive-by terrorists on a motorcycle.
2021.10.13 Yemen al-Jumah 24 10 Dozens of civilians are reported killed during an Ansar Allah rocket attack on a gas station.
2021.10.13 Kenya Boni 0 6 al-Shabaab plant a landmine that catches a border patrol.
2021.10.13 Norway Kongsberg 5 3 A ceramic artist is among four women and a man murdered by an Islamic convert with bow and arrow.
2021.10.12 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A civil society activist is gunned down by religious radicals.
2021.10.12 Nigeria Ngamdu 4 0 Four more people are shot to death by ISWAP.
2021.10.12 Somalia Daynile 3 0 Three people are sent to Allah by al-Shabaab bombers.
2021.10.12 Yemen Hadhramaut 3 0 Terrorists kill three former officials with a bomb.
2021.10.12 Somalia Yaqshid 3 0 Three are left dead after a Fedayeen suicide bomber goes off in a restaurant.
2021.10.11 Burkina Faso Farakorosso 2 3 Jihadis use an IED to pick off two passersby on a motorcycle.
2021.10.11 Nigeria Lisuru Gida 2 0 A Baptist pastor is among two murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.10.11 Niger Abankor 10 0 Jihadists massacre ten members of a rival mosque.
2021.10.11 Iraq Nida 1 0 A farmer is blown to bits by a Mujahid bomb planted under his car.
2021.10.11 India Poonch 5 2 Five local security personnel are cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2021.10.11 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman dies from gunshot wounds inflicted by ISIS at a refugee camp.
2021.10.10 DRC Mambuo 12 0 ADF Islamists burn homes and kill a dozen residents.
2021.10.10 Iraq Rashad 1 1 An ISIS attack on an election center kills a guard.
2021.10.10 Yemen Tawahi 6 7 Islamic car bombers incinerate six souls.
2021.10.10 Pakistan Hoshab 2 1 Two children die from a bomb planted close to the Afghan border.
2021.10.10 Nigeria Ngamdu 6 0 Boko Haram gunmen dispatch a half-dozen Nigerians.
2021.10.09 Afghanistan Chaparhar 1 0 Islamists use a landmine to kill a rival.
2021.10.09 Azerbaijan Martakert 1 0 A Muslim sniper picks off a 55-year-old civilian.
2021.10.09 Afghanistan Rodat 1 0 An official is assassinated by ISIS bombers.
2021.10.09 DRC North Kivu 4 0 Four traders are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2021.10.09 Sudan Dalami 2 0 Two shepherds are machine-gunned by Muslim terrorists.
2021.10.09 Sudan Um Kharouba 2 5 An attack by Janjaweed gunmen leaves two dead.
2021.10.09 Sudan Misterei 2 0 Two brothers are shot dead by accused Arab militia.
2021.10.09 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 1 The Taliban kill one refugee and beat another.
2021.10.08 Afghanistan Angor Bagh 1 0 An elderly man is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2021.10.08 Cameroon Mozogo 1 1 A civilian loses his life to a Boko Haram attack.
2021.10.08 Afghanistan Kunduz 62 143 A Sunni suicide bomber goes off inside a packed Shiite mosque, killing about sixty.
2021.10.08 Saudi Arabia Jazan 0 10 Ansar Allah members send an explosive-laden drone into an airport.
2021.10.08 Pakistan Okara 2 0 A Muslim mob shoots two Christian brothers to death.
2021.10.08 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Two persons are abducted and executed by ISIS.
2021.10.08 Pakistan Renala 2 3 A Christian family is targeted by Muslim bigots, with two members killed.
2021.10.07 Pakistan Shiwa 1 2 One family members is killed in a bombing that injures two others.
2021.10.07 Iraq Baiji 1 5 A child is pulled into pieces by Islamic bombers.
2021.10.07 Nigeria Gwoza 4 2 Four farmers are slain on their land by Boko Haram.
2021.10.07 India Kashmir 2 0 Muslim radicals drag Hindu and Sikh teachers out of their school and execute them.
2021.10.06 Iraq Safra 1 1 An ISIS shooting attack claims one soul.
2021.10.06 Mali Bodio 16 17 Sixteen local soldiers are reported killed following an Islamic terror attack.
2021.10.05 Iraq Tahrir 1 0 Islamists on a motorcycle shoot a man to death outside his home.
2021.10.05 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 An Islamic scholar is picked off by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.10.05 Nigeria Bakoura Modou 87 0 The Islamic State of West African Province reportedly massacre eighty-seven rivals
2021.10.05 India Srinagar 1 0 Terrorists gun down a 70-year-old chemist and pharmacy owner.
2021.10.05 India Srinagar 1 0 A Hindu street food vendor is shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2021.10.05 India Bandpora 1 0 A local taxi driver is dispatched by Islamic gunmen.
2021.10.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Suspected ISIS open fire on a vegetable market, killing two guards.
2021.10.05 Nigeria Kogi 1 0 A 78-year-old man, kidnapped from a church, is killed during an attempted rescue.
2021.10.05 Afghanistan Kama 3 4 Three people are reportedly killed in an ISIS IED attack.
2021.10.04 Sudan Jabra 1 3 Islamic State militants fire on security forces, killing one.
2021.10.04 Nigeria Hukke 3 3 Three innocents are gunned down in cold blood by Muslim militants.
2021.10.04 Burkina Faso Markoye 5 0 Five civilians are killed by suspected Jihadists.
2021.10.04 Burkina Faso Sanmatenga 14 7 Fourteen local soldiers are ambushed and massacred by Islamic extremists.
2021.10.04 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Islamists kill a border guard at his check post.
2021.10.04 Iraq Buhriz 1 0 Terrorists kidnap and murder a fisherman.
2021.10.04 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 2 An ISIS sniper fires on a group of athletes, killing one.
2021.10.03 Afghanistan Kapisa 5 0 Five rangers are machine-gunned in their car by suspected ISIS-K.
2021.10.03 Afghanistan Kabul 10 32 Religion of Peace members bomb a rival mosque during a memorial service, killing ten.
2021.10.03 Yemen Marib 2 30 Ansar Allah members eliminate two children with a well-placed rocket.
2021.10.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 8 A suicide bombing is among two attacks that leave one other dead.
2021.10.03 Nigeria Plateau 3 0 Three people are killed during a Muslim attack on a Christian town.
2021.10.03 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0 ISIS members abduct and execute a local man.
2021.10.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A female volleyball player is beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2021.10.02 Syria Hama 5 11 Fundamentalists kill five Syrians.
2021.10.02 Nigeria Plateau 1 1 Muslim shoot two Christians, killing one.
2021.10.02 Afghanistan Ishkashim 1 0 A would-be refugee is picked off while trying to flee the Taliban.
2021.10.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 1 An ISIS IED claims two lives.
2021.10.02 DRC Komanda 8 0 ADF burn homes and slaughter at least eight people.
2021.10.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 2 A child is among two civilians killed by Jihadis.
2021.10.02 Mali Tessalit 1 4 A UN peacekeeper succumbs to injury following a Islamic IED attack.
2021.10.02 Pakistan Spin Wam 5 0 Five security personnel ambushed and shot to death in their vehicle by Muslim terrorists.
2021.10.02 India Karan Nagar 1 2 A civilian is brought down at close range by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.10.02 Burkina Faso Cascades 2 0 Islamic hardliners kill two border guards with homemade bomb.
2021.10.02 India Batamaloo Dar 1 0 The Resistance Front shoot a man to death outside his home.
2021.10.01 Afghanistan Deh Yak 6 0 Hardliners slaughter a family of six in their home, including a doctor.
2021.10.01 Somalia Baidoa 2 1 Two Somalis are cut down by al-Shabaab.
2021.10.01 Nigeria Gwoza 24 0 Two dozen rivals are reportedly massacred by Boko Haram.
2021.10.01 Nigeria Plateau 2 0 Two farmers are brought down by militant Muslim gunmen.
2021.09.30 Iraq Qasr al-Asheq 3 0 Three people are killed in their own home by Islamic State gunmen.
2021.09.30 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Sikh doctor is shot to death by Islamic hardliners.
2021.09.29 Bangladesh Cox's Bazaar 1 0 The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army is blamed for the cold-blooded assassination of a local leader.
2021.09.29 Burkina Faso Mentao 5 1 Jihadists kill five passersby with an IED.
2021.09.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 4 Three people are shredded by an ISIS IED.
2021.09.28 Afghanistan Chawaki 3 0 Three people are shot point-blank by suspected ISIS.
2021.09.28 Nigeria Damari 30 0 Thirty people are reported killed by Boko Haram.
2021.09.28 Afghanistan Charikar 1 0 The body of a former kidnap victim is discovered.
2021.09.28 Nigeria Bassa 2 1 Muslim militants shoot three men riding by on a motorcycle, killing two.
2021.09.28 Iraq Bastmali 1 0 A tragic attack by an Islamic group leaves one Iraqi dead.
2021.09.28 Iraq Baaj 1 0 A city guard is murdered by ISIS.
2021.09.28 Mali Sebabougou 5 4 Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin attack an Australian mining convoy, killing five.
2021.09.28 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 2 0 Two farmers are murdered by Muslim militants while working their fields.
2021.09.28 Nigeria Miango 4 0 A Catholic priest is among four ambushed and murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.09.28 Sudan Khartoum 6 1 Six "infidels" are gunned down by the Movement for Preaching and Combat.
2021.09.27 Thailand Chanae 2 4 Muslim terrorists kill two police with a roadside bomb.
2021.09.27 Yemen Marib 32 0 A massive Ansar Allah assault on a government position leaves nearly three dozen dead.
2021.09.27 Kenya Lamu 15 0 al-Shabaab claims to have killed fifteen Kenyans in a bombing and shooting attack.
2021.09.27 Nigeria Kacecere 8 6 Eight innocents lose their lives when Muslim militants burn their homes.
2021.09.27 Nigeria Ulever 4 0 Four innocents are slain by militant Muslims.
2021.09.27 Afghanistan Soki 3 2 Five people are machine-gunned by ISIS, three of whom expire.
2021.09.27 DRC Rwenzori 3 0 ADF Islamists ambush and kill three Congolese.
2021.09.26 Nigeria Kpachudu 4 0 Four people are killed, according to witnesses, "simply because they were Christian."
2021.09.26 Philippines Lanao del Sur 1 0 Islamists shoot a local man to death.
2021.09.26 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two lives are claimed by a Religion of Peace highway blast.
2021.09.26 Syria Homes 9 0 Nine Palestinians are killed by ISIS during two attacks.
2021.09.26 Afghanistan Parwan 4 0 All four passengers in a vehicle are eliminated by an ISIS ambush.
2021.09.26 Nigeria Sokoto 22 0 ISWAP gunmen attack a local security base, killing twenty-two.
2021.09.26 Nigeria Madamai 38 9 Fulani terrorists massacre nearly forty villagers with machetes and guns.
2021.09.26 Nigeria Kamacha 1 3 Sectarian motives are attributed to a deadly attack on a church.
2021.09.26 Iraq Abbara 5 4 Muslim terrorists stop a civilian vehicle with a bomb, then open fire on first responders, killing five.
2021.09.25 Yemen Midi 6 20 Ansar Allah rebels send a missile into a celebration, killing a half dozen.
2021.09.25 Somalia Mogadishu 8 7 A woman and two children are among eight exterminated by a suicide bomber.
2021.09.25 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 7 An Islamic State bomb blast claims one life.
2021.09.24 Afghanistan Border 1 0 The Taliban shoot and kill a man trying to flee the country with his family.
2021.09.24 Pakistan Mianwali 2 0 Two woman are honor-killed by their brother for marrying by choice.
2021.09.24 Nigeria Dikwa 8 9 A brutal roadside ambush by Jihadists kills eight local security personnel.
2021.09.24 Mali Niangasagou 1 0 An ISWAP sniper picks off a French soldier.
2021.09.24 Iraq Hamrin 1 1 A child is felled by Mujahideen shelling.
2021.09.24 Nigeria Gbajimba 1 0 A young farmer is murdered in his field by Fulani Jihadists.
2021.09.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by al-Shabaab loyalists.
2021.09.23 Philippines Maguindanao 5 0 Five soldiers are killed when Muslim terrorists fire on a patrol.
2021.09.23 Mozambique Lindi 2 2 Islamists kill two villagers and kidnap several women and girls.
2021.09.23 Mozambique Quissanga 1 0 Islamic militants fire on a passing bus, killing one occupant.
2021.09.23 Nigeria Massu 1 0 A pastor is lynched by a Muslim mob.
2021.09.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 0 Five souls are reportedly drained by an ISIS IED.
2021.09.23 Somalia Marka 2 2 An al-Shabaab bomb blast near a garage takes out two bystanders.
2021.09.23 Iraq Khalidiyah 1 0 Mujahid bombers send a shepherd to Allah.
2021.09.23 Iraq Ain Tamr 1 0 A woman is shredded by a well-place mine.
2021.09.23 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 ISIS member dispatch a Religion of Peace rival with pistols.
2021.09.23 DRC Komanda 11 0 ADF Islamists attack a shopping mall, killing eleven.
2021.09.22 India Mohammad Pora 1 0 The body of a victim killed in Islamic captivity is recovered.
2021.09.22 Thailand Ban Nam Bor 1 1 Muslim militants throw two grenades at a passing vehicle, killing an occupant.
2021.09.22 Afghanistan Jalalabad 4 5 An ISIS attack on a gas station leaves four dead, including a child.
2021.09.21 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 An ISIS bomb blast exterminates a child.
2021.09.21 Somalia Buloburde 1 5 An al-Shabaab attack on an airport leaves one dead.
2021.09.21 Syria Busayra 1 0 Suspected ISIS gun down a man in front of his family.
2021.09.21 Iraq Intisar 2 0 Militants stab a woman and her 11-year-old daughter to death.
2021.09.21 Iraq Garmyan 2 2 Two men are mortally wounded by ISIS gunmen.
2021.09.21 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A man is killed trying to resist an ISIS kidnapping.
2021.09.20 Egypt Rafah 1 0 Terrorists shoot a 55-year-old man dead on the street.
2021.09.20 Pakistan Momand 1 0 A local man is murdered by Muslim bombers.
2021.09.20 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Two more ISIS blasts leave at least two dead.
2021.09.20 Mali Mopti 4 0 Four local security personnel are leveled by an Islamist IED.
2021.09.20 Mozambique Quissanga 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered by Islamists, some by beheading.
2021.09.20 Afghanistan Cenar 4 0 Four men are shot to death in front of their family by ISIS after identifying themselves as Christians.
2021.09.19 Somalia Bul-Burte 1 5 al-Shabaab plant a bomb at an airport office, which kills one worker.
2021.09.19 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 10 A child is among five taken down hard by Islamic shrapnel.
2021.09.19 Pakistan Dhal Behzadi 1 0 Hardliners fire on a polio team, killing the guard.
2021.09.19 Chad Kadjigoroum 9 0 Jihadists massacre nine residents at a fishing village.
2021.09.19 Nigeria Okedayo-Kabba 1 1 Militant Muslims storm a church, kill one member while severely injuring another.
2021.09.18 Philippines Datu Piang 1 7 Islamists throw a bomb into a volleyball match featuring LGBT participants, killing one.
2021.09.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 20 An ISIS bomb blast kills three along the edge of a city.
2021.09.18 Nigeria Yelewata 2 1 An early morning attack by armed Muslims leaves a young man and woman dead.
2021.09.18 Pakistan Simauni 1 0 A young woman is beaten to death by her father in an Islamic honor killing.
2021.09.18 India Kulgam 1 0 Mujahideen gun down an off-duty cop.
2021.09.17 India Nehama 1 0 A day laborer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.09.17 Afghanistan Border 2 0 Two men are captured by the Taliban and executed for trying to flee the country.
2021.09.17 India Moradabad 1 0 An honor killing at a market leaves one dead.
2021.09.17 Spain Torre Pacheco 1 4 A Muslim radical plows his car into a restaurant, killing a 46-year-old patron.
2021.09.17 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 The body of an ISIS kidnapping is discovered.
2021.09.16 India Begumganj Upazila 1 0 The body of another Hindu man is found near a temple following a Muslim riot.
2021.09.16 Cameroon Moutchikar 3 20 Boko Haram fire into a village in the middle of the night, killing three.
2021.09.16 Afghanistan Panjshir 3 0 Three women are found shot to death by the Taliban.
2021.09.16 Nigeria Monguno 18 13 Two civilians and sixteen security personnel are slaughtered when their convoy is ambushed by Islamists.
2021.09.15 Sudan Nierteti 1 2 Janjaweed kill a woman and injure her daughter and mother.
2021.09.15 Pakistan Asman Manza 7 0 Seven local soldiers lose their lives to a Tehrik-e-Taliban terror attack.
2021.09.15 Iraq Jurf al-Nasr 1 0 Sunni extremists fire on and eliminate a civilian.
2021.09.15 Iraq Diyala 2 0 A shepherd is among two Iraqis murdered in separate ISIS attacks.
2021.09.15 DRC Beni 6 0 Armed Islamists massacre a half-dozen villagers, including a woman.
2021.09.15 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former military man is shot dead in front of his family by the Taliban.
2021.09.15 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Two local cops are shot and killed by fundamentalists.
2021.09.14 Afghanistan Panjshir 1 0 A farmer is pulled from his home and shot by the Taliban.
2021.09.14 Somalia Mogadishu 11 10 A suicide bomber goes off inside a tea shop, killing eleven innocents.
2021.09.14 Afghanistan Panjshir 1 0 Video is released showing the Taliban executing a captive.
2021.09.14 Iraq Jalawlaa 1 0 ISIS members pick off a passerby with an IED.
2021.09.14 Iraq Wajihiyah 2 0 Two truck drivers are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2021.09.14 Iraq Salahudin 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by the Islamic State.
2021.09.13 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 Jihadi gunmen pick off a civilian.
2021.09.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A 28-year-old father of 3 is gunned down by the Taliban along a city street.
2021.09.13 Iraq Tala'a 3 1 ISIS gunmen attack a security checkpoint outside a small village, killing three.
2021.09.13 Pakistan South Waziristan 1 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2021.09.13 DRC Ituri 1 0 A local soldier is kidnapped by ADF and executed.
2021.09.12 Burkina Faso Sakoani 6 7 A group linked to al-Qaeda is suspected in the shooting deaths of six members of a mining party.
2021.09.12 Mali Macina Circle 5 0 Jihadists ambush a security patrol and kill five members.
2021.09.12 Iraq al-Azim 3 2 Three Iraqis fail to survive an ISIS attack.
2021.09.12 Nigeria Apyizhime Jim 11 0 Eleven villagers are cut down by Fulani gunmen, including two pregnant women.
2021.09.12 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two boys, ages 9 and 10, are beheaded by Taliban fundamentalists.
2021.09.12 Nigeria Kabba 2 0 Boko Haram stage a prison break with the help of the Muslim chaplain, killing two guards.
2021.09.12 Iraq Daqouq 4 3 Islamic State members machine-gun four policemen point-blank.
2021.09.12 India Srinagar 1 0 A Muslim radical with a pistol assassinates a police officer along a city street.
2021.09.12 Iraq Makhmour 1 0 An ISIS roadside bomb claims one life.
2021.09.11 Somalia Sool 1 0 al-Shabaab is suspected in the murder of a local lawmaker.
2021.09.11 Afghanistan Desert 1 0 A former soldier is beheaded to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2021.09.11 Iraq Makmur 4 0 A town's mayor is among four murdered by Jihadists.
2021.09.11 Nigeria Kango-Kataf 1 0 Muslim militants are heavily suspected of hacking a pastor to death with machetes.
2021.09.11 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 2 0 Two young farm workers are cut down in their field by Muslim militants.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban torture a man by pulling out his nails, then kill him.
2021.09.10 DRC Beni 9 0 Nine villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.09.10 DRC Ituri 4 0 ADF Islamists fire into a local army base, killing four.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A woman is shot to death by the Taliban with a baby in her arms.
2021.09.10 Iraq Arab Barghash 2 0 Two agricultural workers are vaporized by Mujahid shrapnel.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Panjshir 3 0 A shopkeeper and his two sons are executed in cold blood by fundamentalists.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A man is reportedly beheaded in front of his wife and children.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Two Christian parents are reportedly killed by the Taliban, who then rape their daughters.
2021.09.10 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 0 Terrorists gun down two people outside their home.
2021.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 4 2 The UN reports four more protesters murdered by the Taliban.
2021.09.09 Afghanistan Panjshir 2 0 The brother of the former VP is tortured to death by the Taliban, along with his driver.
2021.09.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two men who reportedly helped Taliban opponents are executed.
2021.09.09 Niger Tillabéri 15 0 Fifteen locals are reportedly killed by an ISIS-linked group.
2021.09.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban pump three bullets into a man's head in an attack that also injures his brother.
2021.09.08 Syria Daraa 7 3 A bomb planted by Sunni terrorists leaves seven dead.
2021.09.08 Sudan Nyala 1 1 Suspected Janjiweed fire on and kill a bank employee.
2021.09.08 Yemen Marib 18 24 An assault by Ansar Allah leaves eighteen others dead.
2021.09.08 Iraq Baqubah 3 1 Mujahid gunmen smoke three civilians riding in their car.
2021.09.07 Pakistan Panjgur 2 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on two health workers, bringing down both.
2021.09.07 Pakistan Dosalli 2 0 Two young Pakistanis are taken out by an Islamist IED.
2021.09.07 Afghanistan Herat 2 4 The Taliban fire into a protest, killing at least four demonstrators.
2021.09.07 Afghanistan Parwan 1 0 A boy is killed by Taliban gunmen during a protest.
2021.09.07 Afghanistan Panjshir 20 0 A family reports more than a dozen innocents pulled from their homes and executed by the Taliban.
2021.09.07 Afghanistan Ormarz 12 0 Women and children are among at least a dozen executed by the Taliban.
2021.09.07 Philippines Basilan 2 0 Two locals are gunned down by an Abu Sayyaf splinter group.
2021.09.07 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A local cop is shot dead by Islamists.
2021.09.06 Nigeria Renwienku 3 0 Three farmers are shot dead by militant Muslims.
2021.09.05 Iraq Kirkuk 5 0 Five Iraqis are murdered by Islamic State loyalists.
2021.09.05 Iraq Qaraj 3 1 Radical Sunnis attack a checkpoint and kill three members.
2021.09.05 Iraq Rashad 13 0 At least thirteen local cops are killed in brutal attack by Jihadists.
2021.09.05 Pakistan Quetta 3 20 A suicide car bomber rams a checkpoint, killing three people.
2021.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 A religious scholar and his student are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.09.04 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An ISIS mine takes out a bystander in the former caliphate capital.
2021.09.04 Afghanistan Firozkoh 1 0 The Taliban murder a pregnant policewoman in front of her family, then mutilate her.
2021.09.04 Germany Berlin 0 1 A woman is stabbed in the neck and paralyzed by a migrant who preached Islam and did felt women should stay at home.
2021.09.04 Yemen Aden 1 2 Shiite militia are suspected of a bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2021.09.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 The government announces that a missing woman has been killed by al-Shabaab.
2021.09.04 DRC Ituri 30 0 Thirty civilians are massacred by ADF Jihadists with machetes.
2021.09.03 New Zealand Auckland 0 6 A migrant stabs six people at a supermarket while yelling 'Allah Akbar.'
2021.09.02 Iraq Shahali Kon 1 1 ISIS loyalists kill one person and kidnap another.
2021.09.01 Afghanistan Badghis 2 0 Two former police officers are executed by the Taliban.
2021.09.01 Armenia Nakhichevan 1 0 Another Armenian border guard is picked off by a sniper.
2021.09.01 Yemen Lawdar 2 4 Suspected al-Qaeda fire randomly at a checkpoint, killing two.
2021.09.01 DRC Ofaye 4 50 ADF Islamists ambush a convoy of civilians, killing four and kidnapping fifty.
2021.09.01 Iraq Qaim 1 0 A captured border guard is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2021.09.01 Nigeria Mirari 1 3 Boko Haram gunfire claims one life.
2021.08.31 Uganda Lake Lemwa 1 0 A teen is murdered by Muslim extremists after refusing to renounce Christianity.
2021.08.31 Afghanistan Kapisa 1 0 A female police officer is executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.31 Nigeria Renwienku 1 0 A 43-year-old farmer is ambushed and killed by Muslim gunmen.
2021.08.31 Philippines Basilan 1 1 Abu Sayyaf fire on a local army outpost, killing a soldier.
2021.08.31 Iraq Daquq 1 3 One is dead when bridge construction workers are targeted with an Islamic bomb.
2021.08.30 Iraq Qadisiyah 1 0 Mujahideen kidnap and kill a civilian.
2021.08.30 Nigeria Ajiri 6 0 Six villagers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2021.08.30 Iraq Duhok 2 3 A baby is among two children cut down by a bomb placed at their refugee camp.
2021.08.30 Nigeria Rann 11 0 An aid worker is among eleven innocents shot dead by Jihadists.
2021.08.30 Pakistan Asman Manza 1 0 A 25-year-old succumbs to injury following an IED attack.
2021.08.30 Iraq Anbar 1 0 ISIS members kill a border guard with an IED.
2021.08.30 Afghanistan Khidr 13 0 A 17-year-old girl is among a dozen Hazara ethnic minorities executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.29 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 ISIS members target a checkpoint with gunfire, killing an officer.
2021.08.29 USA Garland, TX 1 0 A 26-year-old female Lyft driver is shot dead by a Muslim terrorist who then used her vehicle in an attack on a police station.
2021.08.29 Nigeria Malam-Fatori 5 0 Five Nigerians are murdered in a Boko Haram ambush.
2021.08.29 Yemen Lahj 40 70 An Ansar Allah drone and missile attack on an airbase kills at least forty.
2021.08.29 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 A cross-border attack by Islamic radicals leaves two dead.
2021.08.29 Iraq Duloiya 2 7 Islamic State members murder two local cops.
2021.08.29 Syria Daraa 2 3 An ISIS mortar attack on a residential area claims two family members.
2021.08.28 DRC Beni 19 0 Nineteen villagers are butchered by Islamic extremists.
2021.08.28 Afghanistan Kandahar 12 0 A dozen former special forces members are executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.28 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 Three Afghans are dragged out of their homes and executed.
2021.08.27 Afghanistan Andarabi 1 0 A local folk singer is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2021.08.26 Nigeria Kankara 11 3 At least eleven innocents are mowed down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.26 Uganda Masaka 1 0 ADF members murder a 47-year-old man.
2021.08.26 Afghanistan Kabul 214 218 A suicide bombing and shooting attack at an airport leaves at least two-hundred dead and many more in agony.
2021.08.26 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 3 5 Militant Muslims raid a village and kill three residents.
2021.08.25 Syria al-Abrar 2 3 A bomb left near a Christian-run camp for refugees claims two young children.
2021.08.25 Iraq Tikrit 1 1 A civilian is taken apart by ISIS bombers.
2021.08.25 Iraq Dawajin 1 0 An 11-year-old shepherd is brought low by an ISIS bomb blast.
2021.08.25 Niger Baroua 16 9 Boko Haram stages a massive attack on a town, killing at least sixteen.
2021.08.25 Uganda Kasaali 1 0 A 35-year-old man is murdered by ADF.
2021.08.25 Uganda Bisanje 1 0 A 70-year-old woman is murdered by ADF.
2021.08.25 Nigeria Jos 7 0 Two elderly persons and several children are hacked and burned by Jihadists.
2021.08.24 Nigeria Yelwa Zangam 37 0 Militant Muslims massacre thirty-seven civilians.
2021.08.24 Nigeria Guma 8 2 Fulani mercenaries open fire on patrons at a market, killing eight.
2021.08.24 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 In separate attacks, four former Afghan army officers are killed in their homes by religious extremists.
2021.08.24 Cameroon Malika 2 0 Two people sleeping in their huts are murdered by Boko Haram.
2021.08.24 Somalia Amaara 10 14 An al-Shabaab suicide assault on a small town leaves ten others dead.
2021.08.24 Iraq Qayara 1 0 One person is laid out by shrapnel from an Islamic State bomb.
2021.08.24 Iraq Jdeidet 1 0 An 80-year-old orchard worker is stabbed to death.
2021.08.24 Tanzania Dar es Salaam 4 6 A man "devoted to Islam" shoots four to death outside the French embassy.
2021.08.24 Kenya Amaara 3 12 An al-Shabaab suicide bomber attacks a local base, killing several.
2021.08.23 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A local guard at the main airport is killed by Taliban.
2021.08.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two Afghans are executed by the Taliban for working with Americans.
2021.08.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A volunteer is shot off his motorcycle by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2021.08.23 Uganda Ssetaala 3 1 Three people are hacked to death in their home by suspected ADF.
2021.08.22 Uganda Kyaboggo 1 0 A 60-year-old church leader is bludgeoned to death by ADF.
2021.08.22 Iraq al-Tuz 1 1 Mujahid pick off a passing civilian with a roadside bomb.
2021.08.22 Egypt New Rafah 1 0 An Islamic State sniper picks off a local soldier.
2021.08.21 Syria Abu Shams 1 0 ISIS members shoot a Kurd to death in front of his family.
2021.08.21 Philippines Lindongan 3 3 Mujahideen claim the killing of three local soldiers.
2021.08.21 Pakistan Orakzai 2 1 An 8-year-old boy is among the casualties when Tehreek-i-Taliban fire on tribesmen.
2021.08.21 Afghanistan Kabul 15 0 Fifteen people are reportedly shot dead by the Taliban, including children.
2021.08.21 Nigeria Ungwan Dooh 9 1 Muslim terrorists are suspected of shooting nine villagers to death.
2021.08.21 Pakistan Sultan Masjid 2 0 A young couple in their 20s are honor killed for marrying by choice without family permission.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former translator is hanged by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Andarab 2 0 At least two children are reported killed by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Egypt Rafah 1 2 ISIS gunmen murder a border guard.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A police chief is captured by the Taliban and executed on video.
2021.08.20 Pakistan Gwadar 2 3 A suicide bomber targeting Chinese persons takes out two children.
2021.08.20 Syria Daraa 5 2 A Sunni landmine claims five lives.
2021.08.20 DRC Katanda 9 0 ADF Islamists massacre nine civilians and burn down their village.
2021.08.20 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three former soldiers are dragged out of their home and hanged by the Taliban.
2021.08.20 Iraq Tarmiya 6 4 Mujahid blow up a passing vehicle, killing a half-dozen locals.
2021.08.20 Pakistan Khwajawast 1 0 A Muslim sniper takes down a villager with a cross-border shot.
2021.08.20 Niger Theim 19 3 Nineteen villagers are machine-gunned by Jihadists.
2021.08.19 Nigeria Bassa 3 0 Three women are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.08.19 DRC Malaya 1 0 One guard is killed when ADF Jihadists attack a village.
2021.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban murder the relative of a journalist.
2021.08.19 Somalia Mogadishu 5 12 Five unfortunates at a tea shop are laid flat by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.08.19 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 3 59 Sunnis bomb a procession of Shiite Muslims, killing three.
2021.08.19 India Rajouri 1 0 A local soldier is shot to death by Islamic militants.
2021.08.19 Mali Mopti 11 10 Eleven are reported dead following a Jihadist bomb and shooting attack.
2021.08.19 Afghanistan Asadabad 2 0 Two are killed when the Taliban fire into a protest.
2021.08.19 India Devsar 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinated another political worker.
2021.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The husband of a pregnant woman is executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.18 Somalia Bosaso 1 0 A village head is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2021.08.18 Pakistan Kanniguram 1 0 A 42-year-old security employee is shot dead by Sunni radicals.
2021.08.18 Burkina Faso Arbinda 80 24 An attack by Islamic extremists leaves eighty dead.
2021.08.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 A child is killed by the Taliban outside an airport.
2021.08.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 13 The Taliban open fire on a rally for the Afghan flag, killing three innocents.
2021.08.18 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 An elderly man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.17 India Brazloo 1 0 Terrorists shoot a secular political worker to death outside his home.
2021.08.17 Nigeria Chando-Zrrcehi 6 0 Muslim terrorists take out a half-dozen innocents.
2021.08.17 Iraq Maqdadiyah 3 1 Islamic State gunmen attack a local security base, killing three members.
2021.08.17 Iraq Baqubah 2 4 Two tribesmen are blown up by ISIS bombers.
2021.08.17 DRC Ituri 1 0 ADF Islamists shoot into and set fire to two trucks, killing a passenger.
2021.08.16 Niger Darey-Daye 37 0 At least four women and thirteen children are among thirty-seven innocents massacred by Jihadists.
2021.08.16 Syria al-Hawl 2 0 Two refugees are executed by a Sharia council at a camp.
2021.08.16 Nigeria Dong 1 0 Fulani shoot a farmer in the back to shouts of 'Allah Akbar'.
2021.08.16 Afghanistan Pul-i-Charkhi 9 0 Nine are executed by the Taliban for not being "good Muslims."
2021.08.16 South Sudan Juba-Nimule Highway 2 0 Islamists are accused of shooting two Catholic nuns to death.
2021.08.16 Armenia Yeraskh 2 0 Two Armenian border guards are picked off by Muslim snipers.
2021.08.15 Nigeria Jos 1 0 A female university student is killed days after Boko Haram issues a threat to violence.
2021.08.15 Syria al-Hol 2 0 Female ISIS kill two more refugees at a camp.
2021.08.15 Nigeria Madamai 5 4 Radicalized Fulani assault a village, killing five and burning the church.
2021.08.15 Uganda Bupalama 1 0 A man beats and hangs his son for leaving Islam for Christianity.
2021.08.15 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A gay man is hunted, killed, then cut into pieces.
2021.08.14 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former government worker is killed, allegedly under torture.
2021.08.14 Yemen Dar Sad 2 6 Terrorists target passersby with a motorcycle-rigged bomb, killing two.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Bahawalnagar 0 0 Two boy are badly beaten by a cleric at a Madrassa, one of whom dies.
2021.08.14 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 A woman is shot dead for not wearing a burqa.
2021.08.14 Pakistan Karachi 13 7 Thirteen women and children returning from a wedding are callously murdered by terrorists.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Helmand 14 0 Video shows fourteen Afghans executed for fighting back against the Taliban.
2021.08.13 Iraq Maysan 1 1 A 10-year-old dies in the hospital following a Mujahid shooting.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Buruku 5 0 Five farmers are cut down by Muslim militants.
2021.08.13 Nigeria Udawa 3 0 Three innocents are shot to death along a highway by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.13 India Rajouri 1 6 A very young Sikh child dies from splinter injuries when Muslim terrorists toss a grenade into a home.
2021.08.13 Iraq Sharqat 1 0 A rival prayer caller is gunned down by ISIS.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two female police officers are abducted and executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.13 Afghanistan Bati Kot 1 0 ISIS claims a bomb attack that kills a local mukhtar.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four Afghans are executed outside their homes.
2021.08.12 Nigeria Ngala 5 0 A Boko Haram grenade claims the lives of five children.
2021.08.12 Egypt New Rafah 9 6 Islamic State members target a local patrol with an IED, killing nine members.
2021.08.12 Pakistan Sararogha 1 0 Terrorists kill a guard in an heinous attack on a border post.
2021.08.12 Iraq Jardaghli 1 0 An orchard worker is torn to shreds by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2021.08.12 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 1 0 A former judge is wrapped with barbed wire and dragged to his death.
2021.08.12 Russia Voronezh 2 26 Two women, one a chef and the other a bride to be, are killed in a bus bombing near an area plagued by Muslim terror.
2021.08.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 15 An attack on an airport leaves six dead.
2021.08.11 Iraq Mahana 1 0 An Islamic drive-by shooting leaves a dead civilian.
2021.08.11 Iraq Qayyarah 1 0 Terrorists use pistols to bring down a civilian.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 40 0 At least forty more civilians are executed by the Taliban, many by beheading.
2021.08.10 Afghanistan Kolohi Sabz 3 0 Three civilians are neatly disassembled by Taliban shelling.
2021.08.10 Sudan Tabit 1 0 Arab militia plunder a village and kill one person defending their property.
2021.08.10 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 3 0 Muslim terrorists storm a farming community, killing three women in their fields.
2021.08.10 Iraq Mamlji 3 0 A mayor and two employees are brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.09 Niger Banibangou 15 0 At least fifteen people are slaughtered in their fields by Islamic terrorists.
2021.08.09 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An IED planted by religious radicals targets a patrol, killing one member.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 Islamic extremists shoot a 'liberal' radio station manager to death.
2021.08.09 Cameroon Sagme 3 5 A Boko Haram attack leaves three dead.
2021.08.09 India Anantnag 2 0 A secular official is assassinated along with his wife.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 3 A civilian is killed and three more injured by the Taliban.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Bagrami 1 2 Taliban bombers lay out a civilian.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Abara 1 0 A local cop is brutally gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.08.09 Pakistan Kulachi 3 0 Three customs officials are assassinated by suspected Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2021.08.09 Iraq al-Zab 1 0 An agricultural worker is executed by the Islamic State.
2021.08.09 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 47 136 Fifty more civilians are reported dead in ongoing Taliban violence, including twenty-seven children.
2021.08.08 Nigeria Damboa 1 0 At least one person is killed when Boko Haram stage an assault on a small town.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Malistan 27 10 Women are among twenty-seven civilians slaughtered by the Taliban.
2021.08.08 Burkina Faso Toeni 12 7 A dozen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamists.
2021.08.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A female bodybuilder dies from injuries suffered from an earlier ISIS attack.
2021.08.08 Mali Karou 20 0 Twenty civilians are massacred by Jihadists.
2021.08.08 Mali Ouatagouna 14 0 Islamic extremists slaughter fourteen villagers.
2021.08.08 Mali Daoutegeft 17 0 Seventeen innocents are butchered by a pro-Sharia group.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Deh Zabz 2 1 Religious radicals attack and kill two employees at a prosecutor's office.
2021.08.08 Iraq Nibai 1 2 An ISIS attack claims one life.
2021.08.08 Afghanistan Sayed Karam 14 0 A family of fourteen is blown to bits by Taliban Jihadists.
2021.08.08 Uganda Kasasira 0 1 A conservative Muslim stabs his sister upon learning that she became Christian.
2021.08.07 Afghanistan Kunduz 11 64 At least eleven civilians lose their lives when the Taliban storm their city.
2021.08.07 Iraq Shirqat 1 1 The Islamic State kill one person at a gas station.
2021.08.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 5 The Taliban kill a pilot with a bomb attached to his car.
2021.08.07 Pakistan Ghariom 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a border post, killing a guard.
2021.08.07 India Pombai 1 2 Islamic gunmen kill a traffic cop.
2021.08.07 DRC Mapasana 5 0 Five villagers are brutally slain and their houses torched by Islamic militants.
2021.08.06 Syria Maaret al-Numan 6 0 A half-dozen Syrians are aerated by Jihadists.
2021.08.06 DRC Mbingi 10 4 Islamic 'rebels' hack ten to death, including five women.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The director of a media center is murdered by 'Holy Warriors' while sitting in his car.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Farah 5 0 The Taliban shoot five locals to death.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 5 0 The Taliban open fire on a minibus, killing five passengers.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Jowsjan 10 0 At least ten locals are killed by the Taliban.
2021.08.06 Iraq Dhabab 1 0 An orchard worker is murdered by ISIS.
2021.08.06 Nigeria Anshika 1 2 ISIS-linked gunmen kill one local.
2021.08.06 Afghanistan Herat 3 0 Three police officers are brutally eliminated by the Taliban.
2021.08.06 Syria Hantoutin 10 6 Hayat Tahrir al-Sham members kill ten Syrians.
2021.08.05 Israel Nazareth 1 0 A 46-year-old Muslim man strangles his mother for converting to Christianity.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 22 Civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Nimruz 30 0 Thirty Afghan security personnel are killed by the Taliban, including those who surrendered.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Sheberghan 5 0 Fundamentalists kill a woman and four others.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Chorai 1 0 A poet is abducted from his home and shot.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 6 The Taliban kill a civilian with a bicycle bomb.
2021.08.05 Sudan Habouba 7 16 Janjaweed militia attack a village and kill seven residents.
2021.08.05 Afghanistan Farah 10 0 Sunni hardliners open fire on local soldiers, killing ten.
2021.08.05 Pakistan Tirah 2 4 Terrorists shoot and kill two local soldiers.
2021.08.05 Syria Raqqa 2 1 Two locals are blown to bits by an ISIS IED.
2021.08.04 Philippines Datu Hoffer 1 7 Bangsamoro Islamists plant a bomb that kills a member of a patrol.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Zaranj 3 0 Three local soldiers are taken prisoner by the Taliban, which executes them and gouges out their eyes.
2021.08.04 Syria Damascus 9 10 The Guardians of Religion claim a bus bombing that leaves nine dead.
2021.08.04 DRC Mavivi 18 3 Islamist claim an attack that leaves eighteen dead.
2021.08.04 Syria Qudsaya 1 3 Sunni bombers take out a local bus driver.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 1 0 A district governor is assassinated by Sunni extremists.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Jabal-us-Siraj 1 0 Armed extremists kill a woman on her farm.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Guzara 6 4 A half-dozen locals are picked off by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.04 Afghanistan Baghlan 8 0 Eight Afghans are left dead following a series of fundamentalist attacks.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Khawja-Duborar 1 0 Another young woman is killed for traveling without a male escort.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 3 0 Three young men are summarily executed by the Taliban.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Chisht-i-Sharif 5 5 Five guards at a dam are murdered by Islamic hardliners.
2021.08.03 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 Islamic gunmen fire point-blank on a station house officer at a bazaar.
2021.08.03 Chad Tchoukou Telia 26 14 Jihadists massacre two dozen local troops, who were resting.
2021.08.03 Burkina Faso Markoye 30 15 Civilians are among thirty slaughtered by suspected Jihadists.
2021.08.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 A Muslim raid on a security base leaves one dead.
2021.08.03 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A sapper is killed by a Mujahid bomb.
2021.08.03 Sudan Kushna 1 4 A farmer is shot to death during a raid by Janjaweed
2021.08.03 Iraq Safra 2 2 Two local cops are tragically cut down by an Islamic gunman.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Kabul 8 20 Sharia radicals target the home of a secular official with a suicide bomb, killing eight.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Samar 1 0 A young woman is murdered for wearing tight clothing and not being accompanied by a male relative.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Charikar 5 0 Five policemen at their post are mowed down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Herat 3 10 A bus carrying civilians makes an easy target for Sunni bombers.
2021.08.03 Nigeria South Kadha 22 50 Muslim terrorists burn homes and kill twenty-two members of a farming community.
2021.08.03 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Six pilots are killed by fundamentalists in separate targeted assassinations.
2021.08.02 Egypt Abu al-Dahab 1 5 A repairman dies from injuries suffered from an Islamist IED.
2021.08.02 Nigeria Miago 68 147 Jihadists murder seventy innocents in an overnight rampage.
2021.08.02 DRC Idohu 16 0 An Islamist group knifes sixteen hostages to death after weeks of captivity.
2021.08.02 Iraq Hilla 1 1 A man on his way home from work is the victim of a sectarian attack.
2021.08.02 Pakistan Kolachi 1 0 Radicals fire on a polio team, killing one.
2021.08.02 Iraq Duloiya 2 5 Two brothers are killed in their own home by ISIS snipers.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A local official is assassinated by Muslim terrorists.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Herat 3 31 An attack near a hospital leaves three dead.
2021.08.02 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 18 Women and children are among the casualties of a Taliban attack that kills three.
2021.08.02 Nigeria Unguwan Magaji 2 0 A man loses his wife and only child to Fulani terrorists.
2021.08.02 Nigeria Maiyanga 5 1 Five family members are murdered by Fulani terrorists, including a young mother.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 6 0 Six police manning a checkpoint are mowed down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Deh Sabz 1 0 A scholar is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Jaghori 1 0 A well-placed rocket kills a farmer watering his field.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Civilian bystanders are killed when Taliban attack a police vehicle.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Isi-Uzo 8 0 An elderly woman is among eight murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.08.01 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 40 118 Forty civilians are reported dead following a week of Taliban assaults on a small city.
2021.08.01 Iraq al-Baaj 1 1 Jihadi bombers send a civilian to Allah.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Enugu 2 0 Muslim terrorists kill a pregnant woman and tear out her unborn baby.
2021.08.01 Yemen Zinjibar 2 2 An al-Qaeda ambush on a motorcade leaves two dead.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Tafigana 2 0 A Christian father and his 7-year-old son are beheaded by Muslim radicals.
2021.08.01 Pakistan Peshawar 1 3 A grenade attack on a polio team leaves one dead.
2021.08.01 Nigeria Jebu Miango 7 0 Seven bodies are discovered following an attack by Muslim militants on a sleepy village.
2021.08.01 Lebanon Khaldeh 5 0 Sunnis kill five Shiites in a funeral procession.
2021.08.01 Cameroon Zigi 7 5 At least seven locals are laid out by Boko Haram.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Guzara 7 11 Seven more Afghans are killed by the Taliban in an attack following an earlier one.
2021.07.31 Niger Torodi 15 13 Islamic terrorists target security personnel, killing fifteen.
2021.07.31 Pakistan Shawal 1 2 An Islamic attack on a group of border guards leaves one dead.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 6 Two women are among six disassembled by a Taliban mortar attack on their home.
2021.07.31 CAR Mann 6 12 A half-dozen innocents are slaughtered by 3R Muslims.
2021.07.31 Lebanon Jiyeh 1 1 A Shiite leaders is assassinated by a Sunni gunmen at a wedding.
2021.07.31 Kenya Kamor Bahaw 1 2 al-Shabaab members fire into a salon car, killing a passenger.
2021.07.31 Kenya Fino 2 0 A man and his son are brought down by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2021.07.31 Iraq Hit 3 0 Three family members are killed when ISIS fire into a home.
2021.07.31 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 5 6 Islamic State members attack a checkpoint, killing five local soldiers.
2021.07.31 Afghanistan Yaqubi 2 30 A Taliban attack on a ceremony leaves two dead civilians.
2021.07.31 Iraq Salahaddin 13 45 Thirteen mourners at a funeral are exterminated by Jihadists with machine-guns.
2021.07.30 Iraq Jalawlaa 1 6 Islamic State gunfire in a residential area claims one life.
2021.07.30 Somalia Kismayo 5 12 al-Shabaab hits a bus carrying a soccer team, killing five players.
2021.07.30 Yemen Qubaita 3 0 Three people riding a motorcycle are sent straight to Allah by a Shiite bomb blast.
2021.07.30 Oman Persian Gulf 2 0 Two crew members are killed when an Iranian drone attacks an Israeli-owned oil tanker.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 At least one person is killed during a Mujahid attack on a UN compound.
2021.07.30 Pakistan Karkhano Bazar 1 2 At least one person is killed by a grenade attack on a university route.
2021.07.30 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 A farming woman and her son are murdered by Islamists.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Firoz Nakhchir 8 0 All eight members of a security outpost are massacred by a Sunni group.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Jowzjan 4 0 Four locals are discovered killed and mutilated by the Taliban.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Injil 5 0 Five Afghan 'infidels' get their comeuppance from Holy Warriors.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A traffic cop is abducted from the street and executed.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 1 Lions of Allah hit a home with a mortar, killing two women and two others.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Jaghori 1 1 An 8-year-old is shot dead by courageous Taliban.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Guzara 5 21 A group fighting for Sharia kill five locals.
2021.07.30 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 An abducted policeman is forced to his knees and shot in the head by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.07.30 Sudan El Fasher 7 0 Seven Africans are killed by Arab militia.
2021.07.29 Afghanistan Gozara 6 22 A series of Mujahid attacks leaves a half dozen dead.
2021.07.29 Afghanistan Qalat 5 14 The Taliban send a mortar round into a house, clearing out three children and two parents.
2021.07.29 Iraq Amerli 5 0 Five Iraqis aboard a helicopter inspecting power lines are killed when it is shot down by terrorists.
2021.07.29 Iraq Hilla 1 0 Muslim snipers pick off a civilian in his car.
2021.07.29 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A man honor-kills his daughter by strangling after she was raped by a relative.
2021.07.28 Syria Deir Ezzor 7 5 Jihadists kill seven Syrians.
2021.07.28 DRC Bulongo 7 0 Four women and an unborn child are among seven slain by the ADF.
2021.07.28 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A civilian loses his life to an ISIS shooting attack.
2021.07.28 Niger Deye Koukou 19 3 Jihadists massacre nineteen civilians.
2021.07.28 DRC Kivu 2 0 An ISIS-linked group is suspected in the murder of two locals.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Farah 2 0 Fundamentalists dispatch two police officers with silencer-equipped pistols.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Mata Khan 4 0 Four civilians are splattered when the Taliban hit their vehicle with a roadside bomb.
2021.07.28 Afghanistan Dara-e-Suf Bala 4 0 Four Shiite minorities working a chicken farm are executed by Sunnis.
2021.07.28 Uganda Kitanga 1 0 A 47-year-old is stalked and then hacked to death by suspected ADF.
2021.07.27 India Srinagar 1 0 A local resident is shot dead by Mujahideen.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 Taliban bombers pick off a man on his way to a market.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Nijrab 4 2 Fundamentalists attack a security post and kill six, including two civilians.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Alingar 4 0 Four innocents are slain by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Doshi 4 6 Another four Afghans are shot to death by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 3 3 At least one woman is among three killed when the Taliban storm a family home.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 0 A young man is stoned to death in an area newly 'liberated' by the Taliban.
2021.07.27 Nigeria Miango 3 6 Three innocents are slain by militant Muslims.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Nijrab 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans are left dead following a Taliban attack.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Pul-i-Khumri 4 5 Shrapnel tears through the lives of four locals.
2021.07.27 Iraq Zuhairat 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by ISIS loyalists.
2021.07.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A popular comedian is captured and executed by fundamentalists.
2021.07.27 Iraq Mukhaisah 2 0 A man and wife are brought down in a hail of Sunni bullets.
2021.07.26 Cameroon Zigue 6 0 Another six people are killed in an attack by Boko Haram.
2021.07.26 Yemen Bayhan 8 0 Ansar Allah rockets claims at least eight lives.
2021.07.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 13 A terror attack by the Taliban claims four lives.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Firaz Koh 1 1 Islamic gunmen on motorcycles take down a bystander.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Kohistan 1 0 A woman is dragged out of her house by the Taliban and shot on the street.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 The Taliban hit a house with a rocket, crushing a teenager.
2021.07.25 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 Religion of Peace gunmen take down a rival Quran scholar.
2021.07.25 DRC Mavivi 6 3 Islamists fire on a local security patrol, killing six members.
2021.07.25 Niger Banibangou 14 0 A total of fourteen innocents in a farming community are brutally murdered by terrorists.
2021.07.25 Nigeria Uzo-Uwani 2 3 At least two farmers are hacked to death with machetes by Fulani terrorists.
2021.07.25 Yemen Taiz 3 0 Ansar Allah fire shells into a heavily-populated city, killing at least three.
2021.07.25 England London 0 1 A woman who converted to Christianity is stabbed for preaching at Speakers' Corner.
2021.07.24 Iraq Basra 1 0 The son of a women's rights activist is kidnapped and murdered by Shia militia.
2021.07.24 Yemen Mashjah 6 12 At least six local soldiers are killed during an attack by Shia militia.
2021.07.24 Cameroon Sagme 8 4 An Islamic group rolls up on a local security base and machine-guns at least eight.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Parwan 4 0 Four local cops are gunned down in quick order by Taliban loyalists.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Sheberghan 1 0 A religious scholar is shot to death by Islamic rivals.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Mirbazaar 1 0 A 17-year-old is pulled from a car by the Taliban and shot eleven times in front of his family.
2021.07.24 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 11 Five Afghans succumb to injuries from a Taliban attack.
2021.07.23 Pakistan Gulshan-e-Iqbal 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is honor killed by her family.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Kabul 5 0 Five citizens are stabbed and then shot in the head by religious radicals.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Naray 4 23 A vicious Taliban assault leaves four dead.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two members of a rival mosque are shot by extremists.
2021.07.23 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 1 Terrorists shoot a civilian to death outside a mosque.
2021.07.23 India Larugam 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a teacher at his residence.
2021.07.23 India Krishna Ghati 1 1 A border guard is shredded by Mujahid shrapnel.
2021.07.23 Afghanistan Haji Paik 5 0 A hospital employee is among five Afghans murdered by the Taliban.
2021.07.23 DRC Oicha 16 9 Six women and two children are among sixteen massacred by Islamists.
2021.07.23 Iraq Rutba 3 2 Three are killed when ISIS attacks a desert outpost.
2021.07.22 Nigeria Torkula 5 0 Muslim militants attack a funeral for previous victims, killing five more.
2021.07.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 14 Hamas explosives go off prematurely at a market, killing a bystander.
2021.07.21 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 100 0 The Taliban raid homes, killing over a hundred civilians and stealing their property.
2021.07.21 Nigeria Gidan Sule 5 0 Four women are among five murdered by militant Muslims.
2021.07.21 Iraq Arab Jibor 1 0 Shiite militia is thought responsible for the murder of a security officer.
2021.07.21 Nigeria Umenger 5 2 A 3-month-old baby is among five shot dead by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.07.21 India Verinag 0 2 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen shoot a mother and daughter in their home.
2021.07.21 Uganda Lwengo 2 0 Two men, including a father of 5, are murdered by suspected ADF.
2021.07.21 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A teen is honor-killed for refusing to marry her cousin.
2021.07.20 Iraq Mteibijah 2 3 A brutal attack by ISIS leaves two dead.
2021.07.20 Nigeria Udei 8 0 Eight people are massacred by Muslim terrorists.
2021.07.20 Afghanistan Mirwais 4 33 Four people lose their lives to a Taliban attack near a hospital.
2021.07.20 Afghanistan Malistan 19 0 The Taliban execute nineteen individuals taken captive a week earlier.
2021.07.19 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 0 Two civilians are abducted from their homes and killed in captivity.
2021.07.19 Afghanistan Malistan 9 0 A teacher is among nine killed in cold blood for refusing to help the Taliban.
2021.07.19 Syria Palmyra 4 0 Four people lose their lives to an ISIS attack.
2021.07.19 Iraq Sadr City 35 60 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a packed market in a Shiite area, killing over two-dozen, including eight women and seven children.
2021.07.19 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 0 A Taliban landmine blows five civilians to bits.
2021.07.18 Nigeria Guma 10 6 Two aid workers are among ten slain by Muslim militants.
2021.07.18 Iraq Heet 2 3 Two workers at a sand factory are murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.07.18 Afghanistan Sabz 2 0 Two Afghan security personnel are killed by the Taliban.
2021.07.18 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A young man is shot in the head by Holy Warriors.
2021.07.18 Sudan Jebel Marra 17 9 Five children and seven women are among seventeen displaced persons massacred by Janjiweed.
2021.07.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 26 Seven Afghans lose their lives to a shooting attack by the Taliban.
2021.07.18 Afghanistan Nijrab 1 0 The Taliban kill a man inside his home.
2021.07.18 Afghanistan Balkh 3 2 Three civilians are laid low by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2021.07.17 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A civilian is brought down in his car by ISIS snipers.
2021.07.17 Egypt Touma 2 2 A IED destroys two lives.
2021.07.17 Iraq Dhi Qar 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by suspected Mujahideen.
2021.07.17 Iraq Kirkuk 4 0 Islamic State members roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun four point-blank.
2021.07.17 Afghanistan Samangan 1 9 At least one person succumbs to injury following a Jihadist bomb blast at a park.
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Kabul 12 0 Released video clips show a dozen Afghan civil servants beheaded by the Taliban.
2021.07.16 Iraq Qarah Bak 1 2 ISIS members open fire on a passing civilian vehicle, killing one.
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Shiberghan 3 6 A largely unsuccessful attack on a town by the Taliban still manages to kill three defenders.
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Nijrab 1 0 Taliban snipers assassinate a local official.
2021.07.16 Nigeria Igangan 4 0 Muslim militants ram their way into a town and murder four residents.
2021.07.16 Sudan Dito 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill one person in a caravan on its way to market.
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Malistan 43 0 The Taliban loot property, burn homes and execute dozens of Afghans…
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 44 0 Forty-four men are executed by the Taliban after being promised save passage.
2021.07.16 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 9 Jihadis attach a bomb to a vehicle that explodes outward, killing a civilian.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Alingar 5 12 Five civilians are killed in their own home by a group fighting for Sharia.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Kandahar 6 9 Civilians and soldiers alike are laid out by the Taliban.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Firoz Koh 5 1 Another attack by the Taliban on a beleaguered post leaves five dead.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 1 0 A local prosecutor is shot to death by Sharia proponents.
2021.07.15 DRC Kalunguta 5 0 A woman is among five shot to death by ADF Islamists.
2021.07.15 DRC Irumu 4 0 Four innocents are murdered by the ADF.
2021.07.15 Sudan Habouba 2 2 Janjiweed murder two farmers.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Sarai Sang 2 0 Two civilians are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2021.07.15 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 0 An Indian journalist is among two killed by the Taliban.
2021.07.15 Iraq Dawra 1 0 A terrorist on a motorcycle shoots dead an Iraqi on foot.
2021.07.15 Iraq Anbar 1 0 Jihadists blow up a shepherd with a bomb.
2021.07.14 Iraq Qarraj 1 0 A farmer is laid out by ISIS gunmen.
2021.07.14 Pakistan Dasu 13 17 A suicide bomber sends a bus carrying Chinese workers into a ravine, killing thirteen.
2021.07.14 Somalia Kudha 8 10 An al-Shabaab ambush produces eight dead Somalis.
2021.07.14 Mozambique Macombi 4 0 Four Christians are slaughtered by Islamist gunmen.
2021.07.14 Afghanistan Malistan 29 Nine beheaded civilians are among thirty taken down by Holy Warriors.
2021.07.14 Afghanistan Kohistan 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated by Islamic rivals.
2021.07.14 Afghanistan Taliqan 11 20 Muslim extremists riddle eleven opponents with bullets.
2021.07.14 Uganda Kabula 1 0 A former Islamic teacher who converted to Christianity is murdered by relatives.
2021.07.13 Germany Berlin 1 0 A divorced woman is honor-killed by her Afghan family for not having a moral lifestyle.
2021.07.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 10 42 Four children are among ten killed during a Taliban attack.
2021.07.13 Afghanistan Firoz Koh 9 4 Nine locals are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2021.07.13 Nigeria Kum 2 0 Two non-Muslims are cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2021.07.13 Nigeria Magata 2 0 A father and son are murdered by militant Muslims.
2021.07.13 DRC Ituri 2 0 Two local soldiers lose their lives to an ADF ambush.
2021.07.13 Afghanistan Taluqan 6 7 A massive attack by the Taliban on a provincial capital leaves six dead.
2021.07.13 Pakistan Kurram 15 0 At least fifteen security personnel are killed during a Tehrik-e-Taliban attack.
2021.07.13 Afghanistan Kabul 5 5 A bomb planted in the heart of downtown claims five bystanders.
2021.07.13 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 15 156 A church-burning rampage by Muslims leaves fifteen dead.
2021.07.13 Nigeria Matyei 8 0 A baby is among eight killed when Muslims assault a village.
2021.07.13 Nigeria Atyap 10 0 Ten more villagers are cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.07.13 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 Two brothers are murdered by ISIS outside an orchard.
2021.07.12 Burkina Faso Nakhi Musa 8 11 al-Qaeda linked gunmen fire into a village, bringing down eight residents.
2021.07.12 Afghanistan Bolan 3 6 Taliban shrapnel rips through three lives.
2021.07.12 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A man loses his life to suspected ISIS gunmen.
2021.07.12 Mozambique Muidumbe 1 0 At least one person is killed by Islamists.
2021.07.12 Syria Sukhnah 3 0 An Islamic State attack reportedly leaves three dead.
2021.07.12 Afghanistan Gardiz 1 0 A bomb blast outside a police station claims one life.
2021.07.12 Afghanistan Arghandab 25 60 Over two dozen Afghans lose their lives to a series of Sunni attacks.
2021.07.12 Afghanistan Faryab 1 0 A mother-of-4 is beaten to death for not feeding Taliban 'fighters.'
2021.07.11 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 An aspiring model is honor-killed by strangulation.
2021.07.11 Afghanistan Zari 1 0 Mujahid murder an electrical employee.
2021.07.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 20 Two people are killed in their own home during a Taliban rocket attack.
2021.07.11 Nigeria Gora 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder five villagers.
2021.07.11 Niger Tchoma Bangou 9 0 An assault by terrorists on a small town leaves nine dead.
2021.07.11 Afghanistan Helmand 11 20 Nine Afghan lives are lost to the Taliban.
2021.07.11 Afghanistan Nawa 2 0 A vicious car bombing snares two bystanders.
2021.07.11 Nigeria Taraba 1 0 Suspected Fulani shoot a pastor to death in front of his family.
2021.07.10 Somalia Mogadishu 9 8 A Shahid suicide car bomber takes nine others with him.
2021.07.10 Afghanistan Ghra 2 3 Two villagers succumb to injuries following a Taliban bomb blast.
2021.07.10 Yemen Hadramout 2 0 Suspected al-Qaeda gun down two police officers.
2021.07.10 Afghanistan Tape-e-Karte 2 4 Terrorists bomb a business, killing two.
2021.07.10 Iraq Hashmiah 1 0 A man in his 40's is kidnapped, shot and dumped.
2021.07.10 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is tortured by ISIS and then executed.
2021.07.10 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 6 A child is killed by a stray bullet during a Taliban attack.
2021.07.10 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 2 3 Two children are reduced to pulp by a Taliban mortar round.
2021.07.09 Afghanistan Hyderabad 1 10 A Taliban mortar round obliterates a home and family.
2021.07.09 Afghanistan Maimana 1 6 A 3-year-old is disassembled by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.07.09 Afghanistan Taliqan 1 0 A man is dragged out of his home and shot on the street.
2021.07.09 Iraq Riyadh 2 0 Two brothers are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.07.09 Nigeria Warkan 9 5 Muslims raid a village in the middle of the night and kill nine.
2021.07.09 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Islamists lure a father of seven working as a real estate agent and shoot him in the head.
2021.07.08 Syria Homs 9 0 Nine Syrians are killed, including one in ISIS captivity.
2021.07.08 Afghanistan Sabari 3 1 Three children are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.07.08 Iraq Samarra 1 2 An ISIS attack on a family home leaves one dead.
2021.07.08 Afghanistan Mullah Khalil 2 0 Jihadists murder a father and son.
2021.07.08 Iraq Maryam Bek 1 2 Sunni extremists fire on a group of locals, killing one.
2021.07.08 India Dadal 2 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on a border patrol, killing two members.
2021.07.08 Afghanistan Gozarah 2 2 Two local cops are ambushed and killed by a Sunni group.
2021.07.08 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 7 18 The Taliban invade a small town, killing seven residents.
2021.07.07 Afghanistan Kohistan 2 0 Two patrons in a shopping district are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.07.07 Afghanistan Kohsan 3 2 Three local security personnel are shot to death by a pro-Sharia group.
2021.07.07 Burkina Faso Noogo 4 0 Four innocents are slain by Islamic hardliners on motorbikes.
2021.07.07 Nigeria Dabna 18 3 At least eighteen villagers are murdered by church-burning Islamic extremists.
2021.07.07 Afghanistan Nawar 2 6 A shepherd is among two murdered by the Taliban.
2021.07.07 Afghanistan Kohsan 3 2 Three Afghans traveling down a road are caught and killed.
2021.07.07 Nigeria Damia 3 0 Three Nigerians are murdered by an ISIS-linked group.
2021.07.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 0 Another three Shiite minorities are killed in brutal fashion by the Taliban.
2021.07.06 Nigeria Ban Langa 1 3 Muslim militants plant a fish bomb at a pond that claims one life.
2021.07.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 21 The Taliban set off a bomb that kills a policeman and injures two dozen civilians.
2021.07.06 Afghanistan Qala-e-Haidar 6 0 A shocking attack by the Taliban leaves a half-dozen dead cops.
2021.07.06 Afghanistan Badghis 65 14 Sixty-five Afghans are reported dead following a Jihadist attack.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three local cops are gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.07.05 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 1 Three border guards are picked off by Holy Warriors.
2021.07.05 Nigeria Kudi 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill three people, one by dismemberment.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three civil servants are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Chesht-e-Sharif 1 0 A civilian is gunned down by Mujahideen.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Moqor 1 0 A Taliban sniper picks off a police officer manning an outpost.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Taliqan 4 1 A group fighting for Sharia fires on Afghans, killing four.
2021.07.05 Afghanistan Injil 2 5 Two local cops are shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2021.07.04 Afghanistan Farsi 3 8 Three children are eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.07.04 Afghanistan Ghazni 6 0 Six Hazara minorities are tortured to death by the Taliban.
2021.07.04 Iraq Qara Tapa 5 0 Five civilians are trapped and killed by Islamist State loyalists.
2021.07.04 Yemen Abyan 2 20 An attack by Ansar Allah on a local security base kills two.
2021.07.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban assassinate a local official.
2021.07.04 Afghanistan Salma Dam 16 0 Sixteen guards at a dam are massacred by Sunni fundamentalists.
2021.07.04 Iraq Kanisa 1 0 A sapper is killed by an Islamic State bomb.
2021.07.04 Afghanistan Gardez 4 0 Four women and children are blown to bits by Religion of Peace bombers.
2021.07.04 Mali Lere 4 0 Islamic extremists ambush a vehicle and kill all four occupants.
2021.07.04 Germany Greven 1 1 A 'refugee' with a knife murders a 35-year-old while shouting 'Allah Akbar'…
2021.07.04 Pakistan Khairpur 2 0 Hardliners gun down a man and his son at a bazaar.
2021.07.03 Iraq Hadith 4 5 Four fishermen make easy pickings for Islamic State gunmen.
2021.07.03 Iraq Maysan 7 11 At least seven are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks on power grids.
2021.07.03 Syria Diban 2 0 Islamic State gunfire claims two lives.
2021.07.03 Afghanistan Pashto Zarghoon 4 0 Four Afghans succumb to injuries suffered during a Taliban attack.
2021.07.03 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 5 4 Five members of the National Directorate are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2021.07.03 Afghanistan Qala-e-New 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives when the Taliban hit their home with a mortar.
2021.07.02 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 Muslim terrorists on motorcycles gun down a cop.
2021.07.02 Uganda Kanku 1 1 ADF gunmen bring down a coffee dealer.
2021.07.02 Pakistan Sadiqabad 1 0 A man is hacked to death over 'blasphemy' after being cleared by a court.
2021.07.02 Somalia Mogadishu 12 22 A suicide bomber goes off in a café, killing at least a dozen.
2021.07.02 Afghanistan Badakhshan 21 25 Twenty-one Afghan lives are claimed by the Taliban.
2021.07.02 Afghanistan Ahmad Aba 7 0 Seven civilians are sent to Allah by Islamist roadside bombers.
2021.07.02 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 1 0 An Islamic scholar is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.07.02 Iraq Zanjali 1 4 A woman is killed when Mujahideen bomb a family vehicle.
2021.07.02 Pakistan Mehsud Keruna 3 0 Three young children are blown apart by terrorist shrapnel.
2021.07.01 Iraq Zummar 1 0 A man in his 50s is kidnapped and then shot in the head by Mujahideen.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Khost 3 0 An education official is among three civilians ambushed and killed by the Taliban.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Yaftal 10 0 A Taliban attack on local Afghan troops leaves ten dead.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Tapa-e-Nasiri 4 5 Four traffic cops are gunned down by Sunni fundamentalists.
2021.07.01 Iraq Maysan 1 0 The body of a young torture victim is discovered.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Takhar 8 0 Eight Afghan soldiers are murdered at their post by devout Muslims.
2021.07.01 DRC Ituri 2 0 An ADF Islamist ambush leaves two dead.
2021.07.01 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A teenager is brutally shot to death by her family and tribe for wanting to marry by choice.
2021.07.01 USA Boston, MA 0 1 A rabbi is stabbed eight times by an anti-Semitic migrant from Egypt.
2021.07.01 DRC Beu 10 0 ADF Islamists drive people out of their homes, then kill them with gunfire and knives.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 0 Three security personnel at a checkpoint to the city are slaughtered.
2021.07.01 Afghanistan Takhar 8 0 Eight Afghans are killed in a tenacious assault by the Taliban.
2021.06.30 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two border guards are purged by pro-Sharia extremists.
2021.06.30 CAR Alindao 7 0 Muslim terrorists kill seven in coordinated attacks on peacekeepers.
2021.06.30 Syria Raqqa 2 0 Two truck drivers are shot to death by ISIS.
2021.06.29 Niger Maine Soroa 4 8 Four civilians are pulled from a bus and executed by Boko Haram.
2021.06.29 Yemen Rawdha 3 13 A child is among three disintegrated by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2021.06.29 Afghanistan Arghandi 2 1 Two locals are aerated by Taliban bullets.
2021.06.29 Pakistan Godar 14 4 Women and children are among fourteen laid out by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2021.06.29 Syria Hasaka 1 0 An 18-year-old girl is honor-killed by firing squad for refusing to marry her cousin.
2021.06.28 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A peace brigade leader is quickly gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2021.06.28 Nigeria Bula Yobe 2 5 Boko Haram gun down two Nigerians.
2021.06.28 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 4 Terrorists target a charity group, killing one member.
2021.06.28 Somalia Afgoya 2 0 Two government tax collectors are murdered by al-Shabaab.
2021.06.27 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 3 A roadside bombing claims the life of one local.
2021.06.27 Nigeria Zanwra 3 2 A pregnant woman and her 7-year-old daughter are murdered along with an elderly man.
2021.06.27 Nigeria Riyom 1 0 A middle-aged man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists at a train station.
2021.06.27 DRC Ituri 14 3 Fourteen lives are lost when Islamists attack a small town.
2021.06.27 Syria Kisra 4 5 At least four people are killed in a series of ISIS attacks, including a home invasion.
2021.06.27 Iraq Riyadh 2 2 An ISIS attack on a checkpoint leaves two dead.
2021.06.27 Somalia Wisil 30 40 A massive al-Shabaab suicide attack takes out at least thirty Somalis.
2021.06.27 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 An Islamic State bomb blast kills a passerby.
2021.06.27 India Hariparigam 3 0 Jaish-e-Mohammad members open fire on a family in their home, killing the father, mother and daughter.
2021.06.27 DRC Beni 1 2 An attack on a church is followed up by a suicide bombing outside a bar.
2021.06.27 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two young police officers are tragically cut down by ISIS gunmen.
2021.06.27 Mali Douentza 6 13 Islamic extremists attack a public transportation vehicle, killing six.
2021.06.27 Uganda Nankodo 0 1 A man is attacked with a machete by a family member for converting to Christianity.
2021.06.26 India Srinagar 1 3 A grenade thrown by terrorists claims the life of a civilian.
2021.06.26 Afghanistan Sang-e-Sorakh 1 0 The Taliban fire on a passing civilian vehicle, killing the lone driver.
2021.06.26 Somalia Bari 1 3 One person is killed when religious extremists attempt to assassinate a local official.
2021.06.25 Iraq Daquq 5 0 Mujahid bombers vaporize all five souls in a passing vehicle.
2021.06.25 Afghanistan Parwan 5 5 Five village guards are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.06.25 Mali Tarkint 0 15 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber causes over a dozen casualties.
2021.06.25 Mali Boni 7 1 A half-dozen local soldiers are killed by a terror attack on their base.
2021.06.25 Germany Wurzburg 3 6 A Somali migrant yells 'Allah Akbar' and stabs three women to death at a department store.
2021.06.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 28 290 Women and children are among two dozen civilians killed over a two-day period by the Taliban.
2021.06.24 Niger Danga Zawne 19 0 Islamists massacre nineteen farmers in their fields.
2021.06.24 Syria Salamiyah 3 7 A well-place ISIS IED claims the lives of three truckers.
2021.06.24 Pakistan Haripur 1 3 Terrorists fire on a politician, killing him and injuring others.
2021.06.24 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 2 3 Mujahid fire on a group of five civilians, bringing down two.
2021.06.24 Pal. Auth. Ramallah 1 0 A human rights activist is beaten to death in Palestinian custody.
2021.06.23 Yemen Marib 28 24 At least twenty-eight security personnel are killed over a two-day assault by Ansar Allah.
2021.06.23 Nigeria Jauro Gantang 3 0 A father and two children make easy prey for Muslim terrorists.
2021.06.23 India Srinagar 1 0 Terrorists barge into a mobile shop and shoot the owner.
2021.06.23 Burkina Faso Yirgou 4 0 Four kidnapped police officers are killed in captivity.
2021.06.23 Kenya Mandera 1 2 al-Shabaab murder a guard at a construction site.
2021.06.23 Syria Palmyra 2 7 The Islamic State fires on guards at a heritage site, killing two.
2021.06.23 Syria Suweidan 1 0 A man is abducted and killed in captivity by caliphate loyalists.
2021.06.22 India Nowgam 1 0 A Lashker-e-Toiba off-shoot guns down a cop outside a mosque.
2021.06.22 Niger Fantio 2 0 Jihadists slaughter a school director and a retired education official.
2021.06.22 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 0 A father and son are kidnapped and then shot in the head by Islamic extremists.
2021.06.22 India Vijayapura 2 0 A Muslim family honor kills their daughter and her Hindu lover.
2021.06.22 Afghanistan Maiwand 5 18 A Taliban landmine claims five civilians on a passenger bus.
2021.06.21 Burkina Faso Nord 1 0 A civilian is laid out by Jihadi gunmen.
2021.06.21 Afghanistan Mahmud-i-Raqi 1 0 Religious radicals ambush and kill a local cop.
2021.06.21 Burkina Faso Yirgou 11 4 Jihadists murder eleven members of a relief mission.
2021.06.21 Pakistan Haji Lawang 1 3 Suspected Islamists assassinate a secular-leaning politician.
2021.06.21 Syria Wadi al-Abyad 12 4 A dozen Syrians are killed by the Islamic State.
2021.06.21 Kenya Mandera 2 0 Islamists murder a truck driver and his assistant.
2021.06.21 Afghanistan Zakhil 5 8 Women and children are among five obliterated by a Taliban mine.
2021.06.21 Afghanistan Ahmad Abad 5 4 Two children are among a family of five shot to death by the Taliban.
2021.06.21 Iraq al-Azim 3 4 An ISIS attack leaves three dead civilians.
2021.06.21 Mali Gossi 1 3 A civilian is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.06.20 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 A father and son are purged by Jihadi bombers.
2021.06.20 Afghanistan Namak Aab 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate a local police chief.
2021.06.20 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 A young man is gunned down in front of his father by the Tehreek-i-Taliban.
2021.06.20 Syria Sukhnah 5 0 Islamic State members attack a construction site, killing five.
2021.06.20 Egypt Jabal al-Halal 1 0 An Egyptian officer is killed when fundamentalists blow up his car.
2021.06.19 Syria Palmrya 12 0 A brutal attack by ISIS leaves a dozen dead.
2021.06.19 Syria Diban 1 0 A motorcyclist is kidnapped and executed by ISIS.
2021.06.19 Iraq Sadiyya 1 0 A young Iraqi is kidnapped and murdered by terrorists.
2021.06.19 Afghanistan Mardyan 16 14 The Taliban overrun a district, killing fourteen defenders.
2021.06.19 Nigeria Wukari 1 1 Muslim terrorists murder a local farmer and injure his wife.
2021.06.19 Germany Hesse 1 0 A devout Muslim executes his wife over her desire to live a 'modern' lifestyle.
2021.06.18 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 Mujahideen make quick work of an elderly Kurd.
2021.06.17 Afghanistan Koshkak 2 1 Two locals are machine-gunned by Islamic hardliners.
2021.06.17 Pakistan Turbat 1 0 A guard at an airport is machine-gunned by religious extremists.
2021.06.17 Afghanistan Dawlatabad 4 0 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out three civilians and one cop.
2021.06.17 Turkey Konak 1 0 A female political worker is assassinated by a Turkish nationalist.
2021.06.17 Nigeria Salka 1 0 A Christian doctor is killed in a targeted attack by Muslim militants.
2021.06.17 India Srinagar 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down by Muslim terrorists outside his home.
2021.06.16 Afghanistan Kahmard 5 1 Five Afghans are massacred by the Taliban.
2021.06.16 Afghanistan Dawlat Abad 22 0 The Taliban execute twenty-two surrendered troops to cries of 'Allah Akbar'.
2021.06.15 DRC Beni 2 0 Two people are killed by the ADF, one by beheading.
2021.06.15 Afghanistan Injil 3 11 Two women and a child are murdered by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.06.15 Iraq Muradiya Zahawi 4 1 Four Iraqis are laid out by an Islamist bombing and shooting attack.
2021.06.15 Somalia Mogadishu 15 10 A Fedayeen suicide bomber targets police recruits, lined up outside a camp, killing fifteen.
2021.06.15 Iraq Amara 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by Sharia proponents.
2021.06.15 Nigeria Kwamde 3 0 Islamists pour heavy-weapons fire into a local police base, killing three.
2021.06.15 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 4 Two drive-by attacks on polio vaccination teams leave five dead.
2021.06.14 Pakistan Banuu 1 0 A lawyer is assassinated by terrorists on motorcycles.
2021.06.14 Afghanistan Ibrahim Khalil 3 0 The Taliban place a landmine on a road that catches three unfortunates in a passing civilian vehicle.
2021.06.14 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A man is abducted by Mujahideen and tortured to death.
2021.06.14 Egypt Rafah 1 0 Islamic extremists murder a local soldier on patrol.
2021.06.14 Libya Fuqaha 2 0 Two locals are blown to bits by and Islamic State bomb.
2021.06.13 Nigeria Akwa Ibom 2 0 Two brothers are gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.06.13 Nigeria Zagun 2 0 Two innocents are picked off in a Muslim drive-by.
2021.06.13 Nigeria Kuro 10 5 Muslim militants slaughter ten people at a bar.
2021.06.13 Afghanistan Qalai Bast 8 0 A Taliban infiltrator, disguised as a policeman, murders eight unsuspecting.
2021.06.12 Afghanistan Kotali 5 1 A family of five is neatly disassembled by a Taliban mortar.
2021.06.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A bomb blast in front of a hospital in a Shiite area claims one life.
2021.06.12 Afghanistan Kabul 6 2 Sunnis plant a bomb on a bus carrying Shia minorities, killing six.
2021.06.12 India Sopore 5 4 Civilians are among five murdered by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2021.06.12 Afghanistan Tulk 19 20 Nineteen are reported dead following a Taliban attack.
2021.06.12 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Shari 1 5 A bomb blast outside a bank takes out a bystander.
2021.06.12 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a police officer.
2021.06.12 Mali Gao 2 8 Jihadists fire on a group of peacekeepers, killing two.
2021.06.12 Ivory Coast Border 3 4 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol, killing three members.
2021.06.12 Niger Niamy 1 0 An ISIS linked group attacks the home of a politician, killing a guard.
2021.06.11 Uganda Odapako 1 0 A 70-year-old pastor is murdered in front of his wife by Islam proponents who "pass the law of Allah" on him.
2021.06.11 Nigeria Tse-Jimin 6 0 Militant Muslim infiltrate a farming community and shoot six to death.
2021.06.11 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 1 0 The Taliban gun down a rival cleric at a funeral.
2021.06.11 Afghanistan Arghand-e-Payyan 5 0 Five members of a wedding party are kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.
2021.06.10 Nigeria Zongo-Akiki 5 5 Muslim terrorists sneak into a farming village and murder five innocents.
2021.06.10 Nigeria Zairia 1 10 Muslim militants are thought to be behind the killing of a religious minority.
2021.06.10 Syria Aleppo 1 3 An ISIS bomb claims one life.
2021.06.10 Afghanistan Bagh-e-Shamal 6 10 A Shahid suicide attack on a local security base leaves a half-dozen dead.
2021.06.10 Bangladesh Hatia 1 0 A Hindu politician is assassinated by Muslim rivals.
2021.06.10 Yemen Marib 8 27 A sustained rocket and drone attack by Ansar Allah kills at least eight.
2021.06.09 Kenya Qoqay 3 4 al-Shabaab members stop a Wildlife Service truck with a bomb, then shoot dead three survivors.
2021.06.09 Afghanistan Ishkamish 4 2 Four members of a security patrol are ambushed and killed by Sunni radicals.
2021.06.09 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a bystander.
2021.06.09 Pakistan Mardan 2 0 Two guards for a polio team are aerated by gunmen on motorcycles.
2021.06.09 Iraq Makhmour 1 2 A well-placed ISIS landmine takes out an 11-year-old.
2021.06.09 Iraq Riyadh 1 1 A man is killed by ISIS in an attack that also injures his son.
2021.06.09 Nigeria Mbatyula 6 0 A half-dozen villagers are massacred by Muslim militants.
2021.06.08 Mali Gao 5 0 Five Christian "infidels" are executed on video by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.06.08 Mali Menaka 1 0 A man is forced to his knees and shot in the back of the head by Jihadists.
2021.06.08 Iraq Sinjar 11 0 A mass grave is found with Yazidi victims of the caliphate.
2021.06.08 Ivory Coast Tougbo 1 0 A border guard is picked off by Jihadists.
2021.06.08 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 10 14 Ten mine-clearing workers for a charity are executed in cold blood by the Taliban.
2021.06.08 Nigeria Kwara 4 0 Four hunters are shot to death by Muslim militants.
2021.06.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A senior intel officer is assassinated by suspected Shia militia.
2021.06.07 Afghanistan Kajal 2 0 Two men are pulled out of their car and shot by the Taliban.
2021.06.07 Kenya Mandera 2 12 Two passengers are killed when al-Shabaab militants attack a bus.
2021.06.07 Nigeria Imeko-Afon 3 0 Three innocents are slain by Muslim militants.
2021.06.07 Nigeria Malam Fatori 5 0 Five security personnel are blown to bits by religious extremists.
2021.06.06 Libya Sebha 2 4 Two people are blown to bits by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2021.06.06 Nigeria Odugbeho 20 10 Militant Muslims attack a vulnerable town and slaughter twenty residents.
2021.06.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 A judge is assassinated by pro-Sharia radicals.
2021.06.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban take down a local cop with a roadside blast.
2021.06.06 Afghanistan Balkh 16 117 A suicide bomber sends sixteen souls to Allah.
2021.06.05 Afghanistan Sharak 10 4 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber kills ten local cops.
2021.06.05 Somalia Mogadishu 2 12 A Shahid suicide bomber hits a minibus, taking out two passengers.
2021.06.05 Yemen Marib 21 5 Twenty-one are left dead following an Ansar Allah rocket attack on a fuel station, including a 5-year-old.
2021.06.05 Afghanistan Jugla 10 8 Ten people are killed during a Taliban attack in the middle of the night.
2021.06.05 Syria Homs 3 2 An ISIS landmine kills three people traveling through the desert.
2021.06.05 Burkina Faso Solhan 161 40 Twenty children are among over one-hundred and sixty villagers massacred wholesale by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.06.05 Afghanistan Qaisar 14 37 A vicious attack on local police leave fourteen dead.
2021.06.05 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 11 0 Women and children are among the victims of a Taliban bomb blast that takes out eleven.
2021.06.05 Afghanistan Pul-e-Sokhta 1 0 A woman succumbs to injuries from an earlier Taliban attack.
2021.06.04 Burkina Faso Tadaryat 14 0 Fourteen innocents are purged by Jihadists.
2021.06.04 Egypt Sinai 1 0 An ISIS bomb blast kills a passerby.
2021.06.04 Afghanistan Baloch Kalacha 1 0 A woman is shot to death by gunmen on motorcycles.
2021.06.04 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two civilians are purged by the Taliban in separate attacks.
2021.06.04 Pakistan Hassan Abdal 1 28 Terrorists fire on a bus carrying women workers to a factory, killing one.
2021.06.03 Iraq Kadhimiya 3 14 Three "infidels" near a restaurant are obliterated by an ISIS bomb blast.
2021.06.03 Afghanistan Anjel 1 0 Radicals shoot a rival cleric to death.
2021.06.03 Afghanistan Chahar Kala 4 4 A child and woman are among the casualties of a Taliban IED blast.
2021.06.03 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 Two policemen are brazenly gunned down by Pakistani Taliban in the capital.
2021.06.03 Afghanistan Kabul 4 5 A Sunni bomb rips through a minivan carrying Shiite minorities, killing four - including a female journalist and her mother.
2021.06.03 Afghanistan Charikar 3 0 Three people bleed to death following a Taliban mine attack.
2021.06.03 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 2 An IED planted by fundamentalists claims one life.
2021.06.03 Afghanistan Farsi 4 7 Four locals lose their lives to a Taliban shooting.
2021.06.03 Iraq Amara 1 0 A young man is picked off by Mujahid snipers while leaving a soccer game.
2021.06.02 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is kidnapped and executed by ISIS in the former caliphate capital.
2021.06.02 India Tral 1 1 Islamic militants fire on a Hindu politician, killing him and injuring a female friend.
2021.06.02 Pakistan Kaniguram 1 0 A border guard succumbs to injury following an IED explosion.
2021.06.02 DRC Ituri 11 0 Eleven more villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.06.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 10 Two civilians are killed by a Taliban car bombing along a city street.
2021.06.01 Syria Humer 1 2 A child is among the casualties of an ISIS motorcycle bombing.
2021.06.01 Afghanistan Masjed-e-Halebid 6 7 A bomb blast targeting a bus stop near a Shiite mosque leaves six dead.
2021.06.01 Afghanistan Sar-e-Karez 7 14 Religious minorities riding a public transport are blown to bits.
2021.06.01 Pakistan Epi 2 3 Radicals open fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2021.06.01 DRC Mayimoya 5 5 Five villagers are brutally gunned down by ADF Islamists.
2021.06.01 Uganda Kampala 2 0 Islamists fire bullets into the car of a government minister, killing his driver and daughter.
2021.05.31 Afghanistan Baghlan 4 28 A suicide car bomb, followed by shooting, leaves four dead.
2021.05.31 Iraq Muqadiya 1 0 A civilian is shot dead near his home by Mujahideen.
2021.05.31 Afghanistan Charikar 4 4 The lives of four Afghans are cut short by Islamic radicals.
2021.05.31 Iraq Tina 1 0 A well-placed bomb takes out a Kurdish shepherd.
2021.05.31 Niger Diffa 2 3 At least two people are cut down by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.05.31 Nigeria Goska 4 1 Militant Muslims shoot four people to death at a farming community.
2021.05.31 DRC Bahema-Boga 31 25 An Anglican leader is among thirty-one butchered by ADF in an early morning attack.
2021.05.30 DRC Tchabi 26 7 Women and children are among two dozen innocents massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.30 Afghanistan Ghoryan 6 0 Six workers at a railway are disassembled by religious bombers.
2021.05.30 Afghanistan Shirzad 2 1 Two civilians are blown to bits by Sunni shrapnel.
2021.05.30 Nigeria Tegina 1 6 Boko Haram attack a school, kill one person and kidnap many others.
2021.05.30 Mali Bougouni 5 0 Jihadists kill civilians near a forest ranger outpost.
2021.05.30 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 Islamic State snipers kill a security officer.
2021.05.30 Iraq Qara Tapa 1 0 Islamic State members execute a handcuffed captive.
2021.05.30 Nigeria Benue 30 0 Over thirty Igbo are hacked and shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
2021.05.29 Afghanistan Sarkhab 18 2 Eighteen local cops are brutally machine-gunned by Sunni hardliners.
2021.05.29 DRC Rwenzori 2 0 Two local soldiers are kidnapped, tortured and executed by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.29 Nigeria Ekile 12 7 At least a dozen are left dead after a deadly Muslim rampage through a series of villages.
2021.05.29 Nigeria Abebe 1 0 Muslim gunmen make quick work of a pregnant woman.
2021.05.29 Afghanistan Kapisa 10 15 Ten are killed when extremists hit a home hosting a wedding party with mortars.
2021.05.29 DRC Kinyatsi 6 0 A woman is among a half dozen burned alive by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.29 Afghanistan Charikar 4 17 Hardliners target a bus carrying university students, killing four.
2021.05.29 India Bijbehara 2 0 Two innocents at a grocery are gunned down by Islamic terrorists.
2021.05.29 Canada Mississauga, ON 1 4 A young man is killed in his restaurant by a terrorist allied with the Islamic State.
2021.05.28 France Nantes 0 3 A policewoman and two others are stabbed by a "radicalized" Muslim.
2021.05.28 Pakistan Katling 2 2 Hardliners open fire on a group, killing two members including a girl.
2021.05.28 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 0 Five civilians are reduced to rubble by a Taliban rocket.
2021.05.28 Somalia Baidoa 3 7 Three souls at a market are claimed by al-Shabaab bombers.
2021.05.28 Afghanistan Kanchoga 3 0 Three others are killed when the Taliban attack a checkpoint.
2021.05.28 Nigeria Tinador 5 0 Five civilians are slain by Muslim gunmen, including a woman and child.
2021.05.28 Nigeria Makurdi 6 0 Fulani mercenaries ambush are murder a half-dozen commuters.
2021.05.28 Niger Diffa 8 0 Islamists kill eight other in an attack on a desert town.
2021.05.28 Pakistan Quetta 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.27 DRC Kasundi 2 0 A truck carrying Christians is fired on by Muslim extremists, with two killed.
2021.05.27 Syria Hajin 1 0 ISIS machine-gun fire claims the life of an infidel.
2021.05.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban gun down a government bodyguard.
2021.05.27 Nigeria Ijever 12 3 A dozen bodies are recovered following a Muslim attack.
2021.05.27 DRC Kasindi 3 0 ADF Islamists shoot the driver of a truck, then set it on fire, burning two others.
2021.05.27 DRC Beni 5 0 A family of five is burned alive in their home by Islamic militia.
2021.05.27 Nigeria Pangari 2 11 Fulani terrorists murder two villagers.
2021.05.27 Iraq Nasariya 1 3 Mujahideen pick off a civilian in a drive-by attack.
2021.05.27 Iraq Wadi al-Shay 1 0 A police officer bleeds to death following an Islamic State bombing.
2021.05.27 Nigeria Banki 4 0 Islamic State members pour heavy machine-gun fire into a local security base, killing four.
2021.05.26 Iraq Diyala 1 0 A young man is kidnapped and killed in captivity.
2021.05.26 Afghanistan Kokshib 1 0 Fundamentalists kidnap and kill a director at a youth center.
2021.05.26 Afghanistan Qaisar 4 6 Four civilians are leveled by well-placed Taliban mortars.
2021.05.26 Pakistan Panjgur 1 0 A Sunni scholar is assassinated by suspected rivals.
2021.05.26 Syria Raqqa 2 2 At least two people are laid out by ISIS shrapnel.
2021.05.25 DRC Kisima Fototolia 26 0 Thirteen villagers are tied up and beheaded by ADF Islamists. Thirteen more are killed elsewhere, including children.
2021.05.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 2 3 Islamic bombers send two souls to Allah.
2021.05.25 Afghanistan Anchoi 2 0 A man and his nephew are cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2021.05.24 Kenya Wajir 1 0 A child is killed during a home invasion by al-Shabaab.
2021.05.24 DRC Kanjabal 2 0 An attack by ADF Islamists leaves two dead.
2021.05.23 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0 Mujahideen shoot dead a civilian.
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Guzargah-e Noor 8 3 Eight Afghans are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2021.05.23 Nigeria Kwi 14 0 Muslim terrorists murder fourteen villagers, including a family of eight.
2021.05.23 Nigeria Dong 8 4 Fulani mercenaries shouting "Allah Akbar" shoot eight Christians to death.
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Sayedkhil 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated by rivals outside a school.
2021.05.23 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 2 0 Two security personnel are shot to death by fundamentalists.
2021.05.23 Pakistan Gojra 1 0 A 32-year-old Christian is beaten and then poisoned.
2021.05.22 Nigeria Tse Ancha 9 0 Another terror attack on a displaced persons camp leaves nine dead.
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 2 Two children are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.22 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 1 0 Jihadi snipers pick off a border guard.
2021.05.22 Pakistan Peshawar 3 0 Three persons are picked off like ducks in a gallery by Sunni gunmen.
2021.05.22 Niger Diffa 1 4 Boko Haram fire on a group of police officers, killing one.
2021.05.22 Afghanistan Khanabad 4 0 Four members of one family are murdered in their home by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.05.21 Nigeria Sokoto 1 1 Jihadists are accused of killing one priest and kidnapping another.
2021.05.21 Nigeria Niger 2 0 A pastor and his 3-year-old son are shot to death by Fulani terrorists.
2021.05.21 Syria Khirbat Ghazala 2 0 Two Shiites are executed for trying to convert others.
2021.05.21 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 0 An activist is gunned down by Islamic State members.
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Shas Metra 1 2 A child is killed and two women injured by a Taliban mortar round.
2021.05.21 Iraq Junainah 1 1 Suspected Shia militia open fire on civilians, killing one.
2021.05.21 Kenya Banisa 3 3 Islamic radicals target a passing police car with a roadside bomb, killing three.
2021.05.21 Somalia Garasbaley 3 0 Three locals are sent to Allah by al-Shabaab extremists.
2021.05.21 India Majuva 1 25 At least one person is killed when a Muslim mob attacks a Hindu village.
2021.05.21 Afghanistan Guzargah-e-Noor 8 6 Eight Afghan security personnel are murdered by Sunni fundamentalists.
2021.05.21 Nigeria Kpachudu 2 0 Two fathers are shot dead by militant Muslims.
2021.05.20 Nigeria Miango 2 0 A teenager and young mother are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.05.20 Nigeria Bassa 2 0 Muslim terrorists fire into a home, killing a woman and a teenager.
2021.05.20 Pakistan Tariqabad 1 0 A Christian is lynched by Muslim after defending his sister from assault.
2021.05.20 Mali Gao 16 6 Sixteen civilians are purged by Jihadists.
2021.05.20 Afghanistan Sheberghan 1 0 Radicals use a bomb to kill a prosecutor at a secular court.
2021.05.20 Afghanistan Western 3 0 Three Hazari minorities are ordered off a bus and executed by their Sunni brothers.
2021.05.19 Afghanistan Nad Ali 9 3 A family of nine is purged by Taliban bombers.
2021.05.19 Afghanistan Ghor 4 0 Jihadists obliterate four family members riding a motorcycle.
2021.05.19 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 1 0 Jihadists use a landmine to kill a passerby.
2021.05.19 Somalia Jowhar 4 3 An al-Shabaab landmine claims four lives.
2021.05.19 Kenya Baure 7 1 At least seven Kenyan border guards are ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2021.05.19 Syria Shahil 3 8 An ISIS IED claims three souls.
2021.05.19 Syria Diban 2 0 Two Syrians are laid out by an ISIS rocket.
2021.05.19 Syria Karameh 1 0 A lawyer is murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.05.18 Syria Daraa 2 0 Two Shiites succumb to Sunni gunfire.
2021.05.18 Afghanistan Torghondai 4 0 Four Afghans are picked off by Taliban gunmen.
2021.05.18 Afghanistan Mitun Darsh 4 2 A child is among four family members massacred in their own home.
2021.05.18 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 15 1 At least fifteen innocents at a church baptism party are slaughtered by Islamists.
2021.05.18 Israel Eshkol 2 8 A Hamas missile strike on a packaging plant kills two Thai workers.
2021.05.18 Nigeria Ungwan Gaida 8 0 Eight villagers are killed by gunmen who also burn down their church.
2021.05.18 DRC Beni 1 0 A moderate imam is assassinated by radicals while walking home.
2021.05.17 Yemen Maqbanah 2 3 A cardiologist and his brother are killed when a preacher opens fire on a group objecting to his sermon.
2021.05.16 Afghanistan Baraki Barak 3 1 A mortar strike on a home claims the lives of three children.
2021.05.16 Afghanistan Nangahar 2 1 A roadside bomb cuts two lives short.
2021.05.16 Burkina Faso Palsegue 8 0 Eight civilians are killed by Jihadi radicals.
2021.05.16 Yemen al-Durayhimi 1 5 An Ansar Allah drone targets a market, killing one.
2021.05.16 Nigeria Amudu 3 3 A teacher is murdered at a church along with two other members.
2021.05.16 Iran Ekbatan 1 0 A film director is honor killed by his family over his 'unmarried' status, then chopped up and dumped in a suitcase.
2021.05.16 Nigeria Bornon Kurkur 17 0 At least seventeen tribespeople are killed in a Muslim terror spree.
2021.05.16 South Sudan Dungob Alei 13 8 Islamic militia massacre thirteen worshippers at a church.
2021.05.16 Nigeria Tse Iber 2 0 A 28-year-old and 40-year-old are found murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2021.05.15 Nigeria Tse Shishim 1 0 A 35-year-old man is murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.05.15 Israel Ramat Gan 1 10 A man loses his life to an Hamas rocket attack.
2021.05.15 Nigeria Yelwata 4 0 Four teenagers working on a farm are cut down in cold blood by Muslim gunmen.
2021.05.15 Iraq Houd 1 0 A young man is found tortured and shot to death by extremists.
2021.05.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 14 Patrons in front of a shop are picked off by Mujahideen bombers.
2021.05.14 Afghanistan Kabul 12 15 A bomb blast rips through a Shiite mosque, taking down a dozen worshippers.
2021.05.13 Israel Sderot 1 7 A 5-year-old boy succumbs to injuries following an Hamas rocket attack.
2021.05.13 Israel Moshav Shtulim 1 0 An 87-year-old woman dies trying to escape an Hamas rocket attack.
2021.05.13 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahid fire on a married couple, killing the wife.
2021.05.13 Afghanistan Salahen 5 0 Five civilian commuters are obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.05.13 DRC Kinshasa 1 46 A police officer is beaten to death and set on fire by a mosque group.
2021.05.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 3 Seven civilians lose their lives to two Taliban landmines.
2021.05.13 Burkina Faso Wassakore 3 0 Jihadists murder three villagers and set fire to shops.
2021.05.12 Nigeria Utsua Daa 2 0 Two farmers are killed by militant Muslims.
2021.05.12 Nigeria Baafada 4 0 Muslim terrorists murder four innocents along a road.
2021.05.12 Iraq Safra 1 0 A 17-year-old is shot to death by the Islamic State.
2021.05.12 Niger Fantio 5 2 Five villagers are gunned down by terrorists marking Eid.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 1 A father and his teenage daughter are put down by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.12 Kenya Mandera 2 0 Two guards at a cell phone tower are picked off by al-Shabaab.
2021.05.12 Kenya Wajir 1 0 Islamic extremists use an RPG to kill a police reservist.
2021.05.12 Israel Lod 2 0 A 7-year-old girl and a woman are taken out by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.12 Iraq Balga 1 0 An Islamic State sniper shoots a 45-year-old Kurd.
2021.05.12 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A 32-year-old translator is behedead by fundamentalists.
2021.05.11 Indonesia Kalimago 4 0 Mujahideen behead one farmer and butcher three others at a Salvation Army post.
2021.05.11 Israel Ashkelon 2 5 Two women, ages 60 and 80, are killed when a Hamas rocket hits their home.
2021.05.11 Israel Tel Aviv 1 8 A 50-year-old woman is killed when her apartment building is hit by an Hamas rocket.
2021.05.11 Pal. Auth. Gaza 17 0 Seventeen Palestinians are killed by Hamas rockets falling short.
2021.05.11 Syria Kafraya 1 4 An Ansar Abu Bakr al-Siddiq Brigade claims a 30-year-old man.
2021.05.11 DRC Ngagka 2 0 Two civilians are forced to their knees and shot in the head by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.10 Syria Sukhnah 7 15 Seven Syrians succumb to ISIS shrapnel.
2021.05.10 Pal. Auth. Beit Hanoun 8 0 Eight family members are leveled by a Palestinian rocket falling short.
2021.05.10 DRC Kilia 6 0 Five villagers and a female peacekeeper are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.10 France Bordeaux 0 1 A policewoman is stabbed by another woman shouting praises to Allah.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down at a city square.
2021.05.10 Afghanistan Zabul 11 28 Eleven passengers on a bus, including women and children, are eliminated by fundamentalist bombers.
2021.05.09 Iraq Karbala 1 0 The life of a young activist is cut short by Shiite militia.
2021.05.09 Iraq Jalisiyah 2 2 Two Shiites are exterminated by the Islamic State.
2021.05.09 Afghanistan Kabul 2 9 Taliban shrapnel claims the lives of two people on a minibus.
2021.05.09 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a passing van, killing a passenger.
2021.05.09 Nigeria Mgbakwu 1 1 A woman is beaten to death by Fulani terrorists.
2021.05.09 Somalia Mogadishu 6 6 A Shahid suicide bomber sends six other souls to Allah.
2021.05.09 Syria Raqqa 2 2 ISIS members attack a passing vehicle, killing two passengers.
2021.05.09 Somalia Tage Elle 1 0 A man is hunted down by al-Shabaab and killed inside his home.
2021.05.08 Iraq Rutba 2 1 Two shepherds are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.08 Nigeria Awka 2 0 Two villagers are murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Tiran Kot 4 0 A Taliban disguised as a police officer opens fire on a checkpoint, killing four.
2021.05.08 Iraq Kofa 1 0 A man is pulled out of his car by holy warriors and executed in front of his family.
2021.05.08 Afghanistan Kabul 100 160 Bombs targeting a Shiite girls' school bring down over one-hundred students and staff.
2021.05.07 Mali Hombori 3 6 Three local soldiers in a supply convoy are put down by Islam activists.
2021.05.07 Nigeria Abuja 1 0 A police officer is stabbed to death by Shiite radicals.
2021.05.07 Pakistan Panga Khan 1 0 Extremists hack a woman to death in her home with an axe.
2021.05.07 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 20 20 Jihadists are suspected of machine-gunning some twenty villagers.
2021.05.06 Maldives Male 0 4 The Islamic State attempts to assassinate the former president with a car bomb.
2021.05.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A former Treasury Department employee is assassinated.
2021.05.06 Iraq al-Khalis 2 0 A teacher at a secular school is stabbed to death in his home along with his wife.
2021.05.05 Nigeria Shadadi 8 4 Muslim gunmen storm into a town and kill eight innocents.
2021.05.05 Iraq Dibis 1 2 One Iraqi is killed by the Islamic State.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khwaja Omari 6 0 Six locals are liquidated by the Taliban.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 5 4 Sunni radicals attack a minibus and nearby police station, killing five.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Kalakan 1 3 Islamists bomb a minibus carrying medical workers, killing one.
2021.05.05 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 An ISIS attack on an oil field claims the life of a guard.
2021.05.05 Somalia Khada 3 1 A woman is among the casualties of an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2021.05.05 Iraq Juwayda 2 1 Mujahideen kill two Iraqis with a cluster bomb.
2021.05.05 Afghanistan Khost 1 17 A mid-city bomb blast takes out a commuter.
2021.05.05 Pakistan Zhob 4 6 Islamic militants are suspected of crossing the border and killing four guards.
2021.05.05 Italy Novellara 1 0 An 18-year-old is honor-killed by her family for refusing an arranged marriage.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 The Taliban target and kill a health official with a roadside bomb.
2021.05.04 Afghanistan Paktika 1 0 A popular police officer is exterminated by Jihadis.
2021.05.04 Iraq Maysan 2 1 Two local police gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2021.05.04 Pakistan Tarkhoo 2 2 A routine security patrol is hit with a roadside blast that kills two members.
2021.05.04 Niger Tillabery 15 4 Islamic terrorists massacre fifteen border guards.
2021.05.04 Syria Jdaidet Kahit 2 0 Two passengers in a passing car are ripped to pieces with heavy weapons fire.
2021.05.04 Cameroon Tumshe 5 7 Jihadists plant a landmine that kills five civilians returning from a market.
2021.05.04 Iran Ahwaz 1 0 A 20-year-old man is beheaded by his cousins for being gay.
2021.05.04 DRC Mangina 1 3 ADF Islamists shoot one person dead during a raid.
2021.05.04 DRC Rwenzori 4 3 Mines planted by the ADF claim four lives.
2021.05.04 France Mérignac 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her strict husband, who shoots her in the street and then burns her alive.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three guards at a bazaar are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Ajiri 30 0 A second Boko Haram raid in as many days leaves thirty more dead.
2021.05.03 Kenya Ishakani 2 0 Two people are eliminated by an al-Shabaab landmine.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Farah 0 21 Young children are among the casualties of a Religion of Peace bombing at a school.
2021.05.03 Afghanistan Jar Khoshk 9 19 Nine Afghans lose their lives to an attack by Sunni extremists.
2021.05.03 Burkina Faso Hantoukoura 30 20 Children are among thirty villagers shot and burned alive by Islamic militia.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Gwer West 15 0 Fifteen villagers are massacred by Muslim militants in a pre-dawn attack.
2021.05.03 Nigeria Naka-Agagbe 2 0 Two commuters are murdered by Muslim terrorists along a road.
2021.05.03 Uganda Pallisa 1 0 A pastor who led Muslims to Christianity is beheaded and tongue removed.
2021.05.02 Israel Kfar Tapuah 1 2 Students waiting for a bus are shot in a drive-by.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Bala Buluk 22 4 Twenty-two Afghans are blown to bits by Sunni bombers.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Farsi 8 4 Two Taliban car bombs claim eight souls.
2021.05.02 Niger Tahoua 16 6 Sixteen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Jihadists.
2021.05.02 Afghanistan Rustaq 1 2 Hardliners assassinate a politician with a bomb.
2021.05.02 Nigeria Ajiri 13 9 A half-dozen civilians are among thirteen purged by Boko Haram.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A university lecturer is gunned down by extremists.
2021.05.01 Iraq al-Qaim 2 0 Two Iraqis are liquidated by ISIS shrapnel.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 The Taliban murder a man inside his home.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Qalat City 3 2 A Taliban attack leaves three dead and two wounded.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Warduj 8 6 Eight locals are purged by the Taliban.
2021.05.01 Afghanistan Lashkargah 1 0 A child loses her life during an attack by Sunni radicals.
2021.05.01 Iraq Alton Kubre 7 2 Seven Kurds are murdered by the Islamic State.
2021.05.01 Iraq Akashat 3 2 Two ISIS bomb blasts claim three lives.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 19 10 At least nineteen people are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2021.05.01 DRC Beni 1 0 An anti-extremist imam is assassinated by extremists.
2021.05.01 Syria Hasakah 1 0 A motorcycle rider is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2021.05.01 Egypt al-Amal 3 0 Three family members are brutally killed in their own home by the Islamic State.
2021.04.30 Nigeria Ta-Hoss 1 0 A 32-year-old Christian rights advocate is slain by Allah-praising gunmen.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Shirzad 4 0 Three women and a child are pulled into pieces by a Taliban mortar.
2021.04.30 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 27 60 A Religion of Peace suicide bombing at a guesthouse kills twenty-seven, including high school students.
2021.04.30 Iraq Tarmiya 4 2 An attack at an agricultural area leaves four dead.
2021.04.30 Iraq Daquq 3 2 Three local police officers loses their lives to an automatic weapons attack by ISIS.
2021.04.29 Nigeria Imandeakpu 5 4 A late-night attack on a village by Muslim militants results in five dead residents.
2021.04.29 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 The Islamic State claims two lives with a roadside bomb.
2021.04.29 DRC Kyaninga 6 0 Six villagers are purged by ADF Islamists.
2021.04.29 Iraq Hawija 2 1 Two Iraqis are sent to Allah by the Islamic State.
2021.04.29 Afghanistan Khinjan 7 0 Seven family members are purged by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.28 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 The relative of a journalist is gunned down by hardliners.
2021.04.28 Somalia Mogadishu 11 3 An early-morning blast outside a prison leaves eleven dead.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Qilla Abdullah 1 8 Tehreek-e-Taliban is suspected of a bomb blast that leaves one dead.
2021.04.28 Somalia Afgoye 3 7 Three people are blown sky high by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.28 Yemen Alrko 2 0 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates two children.
2021.04.28 Pakistan Nowshera 5 0 Three woman are among five honor killed by conservative relatives.
2021.04.28 Philippines Datu Saudi Ampatuan 2 6 Two women are killed when a Bangsamoro bomb goes off early.
2021.04.28 Syria al-Sour 2 2 An ISIS motorcycle bomb takes out two passersby.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Jebbu Miango 1 1 One person is killed when Muslim militants attack an orphanage.
2021.04.27 Nigeria Makurdi 10 9 Muslim militants murder ten innocents at a displaced persons camp, including a child.
2021.04.27 Iraq Rashad 4 5 Four sappers are aerated by a bomb left by Islamists.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Dehrawood 3 0 Three locals lose their lives to a pernicious attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by a group fighting for Sharia.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Lalpoor 5 0 Radical Sunnis shoot five people to death.
2021.04.26 Iraq Mosul 2 9 Separate Mujahid bombings leave two dead.
2021.04.26 Afghanistan Kunar 0 21 Sixteen children are among the casualties of a Taliban rocket attack.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Arly National Park 4 2 Two Spanish journalists and an Irish wildlife conservationist are among four captured and executed.
2021.04.26 Chad Lake Chad 12 6 Jihadists ambush and kill a dozen local soldiers.
2021.04.26 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Muslim kidnappers kill two more students.
2021.04.26 Burkina Faso Seytenga 18 1 Eighteen villagers are massacred by armed Jihadists.
2021.04.26 Syria Daraa 1 0 A truck driver is killed by ISIS gunfire.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Miango 1 1 A 21-year-old is killed in an attack that also injures his younger brother.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Jwanshak 1 0 A man is dragged from his home and executed by Muslim militants.
2021.04.25 Thailand Raman 1 1 Muslim terrorists kill a policeman with a pipe-bomb.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khali 1 1 Terrorists fire on a man and his son, killing the 3-year-old.
2021.04.25 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 A village head is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Mohammad Agha 7 3 The Taliban ambush vehicles along the highway and kill seven copper mine guards.
2021.04.25 Afghanistan Maiwand 5 4 A suicide car bomber takes out five Afghans.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Manini 1 4 Muslim gunmen attack a church, killing a doctor.
2021.04.25 Nigeria Mainok 31 43 At least thirty-one are killed when Sharia advocates fire rockets into town and storm a nearby base.
2021.04.24 Yemen Marib 26 0 A judge is among two dozen killed in a 2-day assault by Ansar Allah.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Extremists assassinated a university professor.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 3 Fundamentalists plant a bomb that claims three civilians.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Logar 3 0 Three Afghans are laid out by a Taliban nail-bomb.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Bangi 7 0 Seven locals are taken out by a Sunni drone.
2021.04.24 Thailand Sai Buri 3 0 Muslim 'insurgents' stage a barbaric attack on a family, killing three members.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A government maintenance worker is gunned down.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Guma 5 20 Muslim militants murder five residents in a series of attacks.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2021.04.24 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A tribal elder is picked off by Taliban snipers.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Yogbo-Mbayev 3 0 Three locals are cut down by militant Muslims.
2021.04.24 Nigeria Ajikama 9 0 Fulani terrorist murder nine villagers, including a pregnant woman and a 3-year-old.
2021.04.24 DRC Makundi 2 0 Two Congolese lose their lives to ADF Islamists.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Yobe 4 0 Two Christians are hunted down and killed, along with two other school teachers.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Geidam 11 0 Two homes are blown up by Jihadists, along with eleven residents.
2021.04.23 Nigeria Tse-Gborigyo 7 6 Seven villagers are massacred by Muslim 'militia'.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Engil 1 0 Radicals shoot a woman to death.
2021.04.23 Iraq Abbara 3 8 A pair of Mujahid attacks takes three lives.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Qabristan 4 3 Four civilians are eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.04.23 France Paris 1 0 A mother-of-2 is stabbed twice in the throat by an Allah-praising Tunisian migrant.
2021.04.23 Syria Golan 2 1 Two children are killed by a bomb being transported in a car.
2021.04.23 Afghanistan Riskhvor 1 0 A government employee is murdered on her way home from work.
2021.04.22 Somalia Banadir 4 4 A group fighting for Sharia sends mortars into a residential neighborhood, killing four.
2021.04.22 Burkina Faso Sahel 5 3 Five local soldiers are murdered by religious extremists.
2021.04.22 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 2 A young man is murdered in his home in front of his family.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Vom 6 2 A half-dozen innocents are killed by Fulani mercenaries.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Kwanan Bature 3 0 The bodies of two women are among three students found murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.22 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Three members are executed for 'betraying' an Islamic organization.
2021.04.22 Syria Markada 2 0 Two employees at a gas station are shot to death by ISIS.
2021.04.21 Syria Hazima 3 1 Three sappers are cut down by the Islamic State.
2021.04.21 Bangladesh Chittagong 0 25 A mob of 'religious fanatics' attack a Hindu village.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Khairkhan 2 0 A father and son are assassinated by Holy Warriors.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 2 2 A woman is among two blown up by Jihadists.
2021.04.21 Pakistan Quetta 5 12 The Taliban claims a suicide bombing at a luxury hotel that leaves five dead.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Balkh 8 6 Eight Afghan are laid out by gun-wielding Sunni radicals.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Guma 6 0 Six villager elders are slaughtered by Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.21 Nigeria Makurdi 2 0 Two residents are 'butchered' by Fulani.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Dawlatyar 4 0 Three students are among four Shiites murdered by fundamentalists.
2021.04.21 Iraq al-Dibs 1 0 A child is blown to bits by ISIS explosives.
2021.04.21 Afghanistan Parwan 1 2 A statistician is murdered in front of his family by the Taliban.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 9 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.04.20 Iraq Barawhili 1 0 Holy Warriors fell a 15-year-old shepherd with a bomb.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Ghorian 3 14 Three people are sent to Allah by a suicide car bomber.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 The Taliban kill a sports journalist by attaching a bomb to his car.
2021.04.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two people are shot to death during a terror attack on a vehicle.
2021.04.20 Somalia Darusalem 1 3 A local official is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2021.04.20 Iraq Mount Hamrin 2 0 Two Iraqis are brought low by an ISIS nail bomb.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Kaduna 1 20 Muslim terrorists infiltrate a university and kill a staffer.
2021.04.20 Iraq Abbasi 1 0 A farmer is 'executed' in his own home by Islamists.
2021.04.20 Nigeria Daffo 1 0 A Christian man is hacked to death with machetes on his own porch.
2021.04.20 Syria Idlib 1 0 A woman is brutally shot on the street by bearded fundamentalists.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Sarha-e-Mohammad Ja 8 2 Eight police officers are killed in two attacks by religious radicals.
2021.04.19 Iraq Kanaan 1 2 An Islamic State bomb blast claims one life.
2021.04.19 Iraq Mutassim 1 0 Islamists execute a man at his home in front of his family.
2021.04.19 Syria Hasakah 1 2 A truck driver is killed by ISIS.
2021.04.19 Nigeria Dikwa 12 0 Boko Haram claims to have killed a dozen locals in an attack on a town.
2021.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 35 0 Thirty-five more civilians are reported dead in attacks over the past week.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 1 0 A female athlete is murdered by extremists.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Fabrica Qand 2 6 A pernicious attack by the Taliban on a township leaves two dead.
2021.04.18 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Three local cops are killed in an 'insider' attack by the Taliban.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Taluqan 4 5 An early morning attack by fundamentalists leaves four dead.
2021.04.17 Nigeria Mbamondu 8 5 A family is among eight butchered by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.17 Pakistan Makeen 4 0 Four cops manning a checkpoint are wiped out by Islamists.
2021.04.17 Somalia Gololay 1 3 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that leaves one dead.
2021.04.17 Niger Gaigorou 19 6 Nineteen innocents are massacred by Islamic extremists.
2021.04.17 Afghanistan Layakht 2 1 Two civilians are leveled by a Taliban blast.
2021.04.17 Iraq Badoush 605 0 Over six-hundred bodies are discovered at a mass grave outside a former ISIS prison.
2021.04.16 Pakistan Lahore 4 280 Four more police are reported dead in violent rioting by hardliners.
2021.04.16 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captured tribesmen are executed by the Islamic State.
2021.04.16 Yemen Marib 6 0 At least a half-dozen others are killed in a series of Ansar Allah attacks.
2021.04.16 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two civilians are blown up by an ISIS landmine.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Ngomari 3 1 Boko Haram stage a sudden attack on a security base, killing three personnel.
2021.04.16 Nigeria Kamuya 5 4 The lives of five Nigerians are cut short by Boko Haram.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Zinda Jan 3 8 Three policemen are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.04.16 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is obliterated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.04.15 Pakistan Laghar 1 0 A man is shot dead by terrorists while walking home.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 4 0 A family of four is exterminated by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Mir Bacha Kot 2 1 Two men are killed by the Taliban, including one trying to negotiate peace.
2021.04.15 Afghanistan Garziwan 6 3 A half-dozen Afghans are disassembled by the Taliban.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Rafinkada 3 0 A woman is among three farmers killed by Fulani terrorists.
2021.04.15 Egypt Bir El-Abd 1 0 A 62-year-old Christian man is executed after being held by ISIS for three months.
2021.04.15 Nigeria Wereng 6 2 Militant Muslims ride into a village and blow away six residents.
2021.04.15 Iraq Sadr City 5 21 A car bomb goes off outside a furniture mart, killing five bystanders.
2021.04.15 Syria Nawa 2 2 An ISIS attack on a truck leaves two dead.
2021.04.15 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 A young woman is stabbed to death by her brother for showing her face on TikTok.
2021.04.14 Burkina Faso Gorgadji 8 0 At least eight people lose their lives to a Jihadi ambush.
2021.04.14 Cameroon Gouzoudou 3 0 Three villagers are laid out by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kocha-e-Bukhari 7 2 Seven locals are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.04.14 Nigeria Damasak 8 12 Another eight residents are killed in a fourth attack on the same town by Boko Haram.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Muqur 5 10 Five Afghan security are killed in two attacks on checkpoints.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Holand 10 0 Ten locals are reportedly killed in a Taliban shooting and bombing attack.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Taighe Taimur 1 0 A 12-year-old purged by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.14 Somalia Balad 17 4 Seventeen innocents on a minibus are delivered to Allah by al-Shabaab bombers.
2021.04.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 3 0 Three police are murdered in an insider attack by a religious extremist.
2021.04.14 Pakistan Lahore 2 520 Several days of rioting by hardliners, angered over Muhammad cartoons, leaves two dead policemen and hundreds injured.
2021.04.13 Nigeria Damasak 18 21 At least eighteen are killed when Islamists roll into a town and shoot sporadically.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Farah 3 24 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims a child and two others.
2021.04.13 Afghanistan Daha-e-Ghori 5 4 Religious radicals open fire on a police checkpoint, killing five.
2021.04.13 Iraq Zanjili 1 0 A young man is shot dead by suspected Islamic State.
2021.04.13 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A Shiite dies from injuries suffered during a targeted bombing for 'being a polytheist'.
2021.04.13 Philippines Cotabato 3 0 A family of three is exterminated by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2021.04.12 Nigeria Dugwaba 7 20 A Boko Haram attack on a displaced persons camp leaves seven dead.
2021.04.12 Afghanistan Balkh 2 0 A doctor and his driver succumb to injuries following a shooting attack.
2021.04.12 Somalia Afmadow 4 0 al-Shabaab claims an explosion that leaves four dead.
2021.04.12 Iraq Hemrin Lake 3 2 An ISIS bomb blast near a lake kills three.
2021.04.12 Afghanistan Arghandab 6 6 A half-dozen civilians are brought low by Jihadi bombers.
2021.04.12 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A policemen is killed by rioting Islamists.
2021.04.12 Afghanistan Zibak 3 0 Three off-duty soldiers are murdered by the Taliban while visiting families.
2021.04.12 Afghanistan Balkh 10 8 A pernicious attack on a local outpost leaves ten dead.
2021.04.12 Niger Shiroro 5 13 Five people at a local market are cut down by terrorists.
2021.04.11 India Magam 1 0 A retired police officer is shot to death by Mujahideen.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 A sustained Taliban attack on a checkpoint leaves two dead.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 An attempted assassination attempt kills a driver.
2021.04.11 India Budgam 1 0 A civilian is cut down by suspected Muslim terrorists.
2021.04.11 Nigeria Molai General 3 0 Three guards stationed at a roadway are gunned down by Boko Haram.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Torghundi 2 0 A Taliban blast at a market clips two lives.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Herat 3 0 Three locals are dismantled by a fundamentalist bomb blast.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Sozma Qala 3 0 Two children are among three Afghans pulled into pieces by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A prosecutor is murdered by Sunni extremists.
2021.04.11 Afghanistan Tarinkot 1 1 One person is killed and one wounded by a terrorist car bomb.
2021.04.10 Pakistan Batani Khel 1 0 A journalist is shot to death in an area controlled by hardliners.
2021.04.10 Nigeria Kuru 8 0 Five women are among eight miners murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.04.10 India Panjipara 1 0 A Hindu cop is beaten to death by a Muslim mob instigated by mosque speakers.
2021.04.10 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Mujahid kill one resident with a bomb.
2021.04.10 Nigeria Kwapre 9 34 Boko Haram kill nine residents, burn homes and abduct women.
2021.04.10 Thailand Khok Pho 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' open fire on a patrol, killing a bystander.
2021.04.10 Nigeria Damasak 8 0 Eight people are killed when Islamists attack a UN warehouse.
2021.04.10 Somalia Huriwa 1 1 al-Shabaab bombers kill one person in a targeted attack.
2021.04.10 Somalia Baidoa 6 7 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a restaurant, taking six others with him.
2021.04.09 DRC Oicha 7 0 Seven villagers are slain by the ADF.
2021.04.09 India Bijbehara 1 0 A lone local soldier is gunned down by terrorists.
2021.04.09 Iraq Shingal 3 0 A child is among a family of three burned alive in their home by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.04.09 Nigeria Benue 11 0 Jihadists are suspected of a deadly attack that leaves eleven victims.
2021.04.09 Nigeria Kuru 8 0 Muslim gunmen murder eight members of another religion.
2021.04.08 Chad Lake Chad 16 2 A Jihadist ambush of several boats leaves sixteen dead.
2021.04.08 Syria Shabaka 4 0 Four people are reduced to pulp by ISIS bombers.
2021.04.08 Somalia Mahaday 2 3 Two Somalis are blown apart by al-Shabaab shrapnel.
2021.04.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Terrorists hit a rickshaw with a roadside bomb, killing a civilian.
2021.04.08 Afghanistan Mousa-Abad 8 11 A shocking attack by the Taliban leaves eight dead.
2021.04.08 Afghanistan Herat 1 1 Mujahideen shoot dead a civilian.
2021.04.07 Afghanistan Pul-i-Khumri 4 3 Four locals are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.04.07 Afghanistan Hajda Kotal 5 4 Five Afghan security personnel are murdered by fundamentalists.
2021.04.07 Afghanistan Khwaja Band Kashan 5 8 Five police bleed to death following an attack by Sunni radicals.
2021.04.07 Syria Shuhayl 5 2 Five Syrians are eliminated by ISIS gunmen.
2021.04.07 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 18 Two civilians are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.04.07 Afghanistan Qala-e-Wazir 1 0 A government statistics employee is shot to death by religious radicals.
2021.04.07 Syria Hasakah 1 2 ISIS bombers hit a passing truck, killing the driver.
2021.04.06 Syria Hama 1 0 At least one civilian is killed during a mass kidnapping by ISIS.
2021.04.06 Afghanistan Ishkamish 6 0 A half-dozen Afghans are aerated by Taliban bullets.
2021.04.06 Nigeria Kaduna 4 4 Terrorists fire on a church bus, killing four.
2021.04.06 Afghanistan Maiwand 4 13 Four civilians on a bus are sent to Allah by Religion of Peace bombers.
2021.04.06 Afghanistan Waziromanda 10 12 A Taliban attack on a local base leaves ten dead.
2021.04.06 Burkina Faso Tanwalbougou 8 2 Eight locals are shot dead by Jihadists on motorbikes.
2021.04.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 At least one person in a pickup truck is killed by a Taliban bomb.
2021.04.05 Afghanistan Ghazi Baba 4 0 Four local cops are wasted by Taliban gunmen.
2021.04.05 Iraq Dhi Qar 1 0 A Shiite leader is taken out by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.04.05 Syria Diban 3 0 An ISIS drive-by shooting leaves three dead.
2021.04.05 Syria Raqqa 2 0 A man and his wife are abducted from their home and murdered by ISIS.
2021.04.05 Mozambique Palma 12 0 Twelve Westerners are found tied up and beheaded.
2021.04.05 Egypt al-Barth 1 0 A man is kidnapped and executed by Islamists with a shot to the head.
2021.04.04 Afghanistan Darzab 1 0 A 16-year-old girl is gang-raped and then shot by the Taliban.
2021.04.04 Pakistan Peshawar 4 2 A secular judge, serving in the former Sharia province is killed along with his wife and two children.
2021.04.04 Afghanistan Nahr-e-Saraj 20 14 A vicious Taliban attack on a local army post leaves 20 dead.
2021.04.04 Afghanistan Paghman 3 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills at least three bystanders.
2021.04.04 Uganda Mayuge 0 1 A woman is stabbed by her husband for leaving Islam.
2021.04.04 Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh 1 0 A captured Armenian is tortured with knives, then beheaded by Azeris.
2021.04.03 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 2 0 Two fishermen are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.04.03 Somalia Mogadishu 10 0 A suicide bomber detonates at a market populated by impoverished people, killing ten.
2021.04.03 Iraq Hamam al-Alil 2 0 Two civilians are purged by Mujahideen.
2021.04.03 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 2 An early-morning Taliban blast claims one civilian.
2021.04.03 Somalia Bariire 9 20 A suicide bomber leads an attack on a local security base that kills at least nine.
2021.04.03 Niger Nguigmi 4 0 Four local soldiers are killed in two separate attacks by Jihadists.
2021.04.03 Iraq Hawi Kenitra 1 1 A farmer and his elderly farmer are targets with an ISIS bomb blast.
2021.04.03 Egypt Minya 2 0 A Christian woman and her 6-year-old son are stabbed to death by a Muslim cab driver.
2021.04.02 Cameroon Lake Chad 5 3 Five border guards are shot dead by Boko Haram.
2021.04.02 Egypt Manjam 2 2 At least two people are killed when religious extremists attack a small village.
2021.04.02 Syria Karameh 10 0 Ten mourners are killed when Islamic bombers hit a funeral procession.
2021.04.02 Mali Diafarabe 2 0 Two local soldiers are shot to death by Muslim radicals.
2021.04.02 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 5 7 Five civilians traveling in a car are sent straight to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2021.04.02 Mali Aguelhok 4 19 Mujahideen murder four UN peacekeepers.
2021.04.02 Afghanistan Hussein Khil 1 2 Religious extremists kill one other person with small arms fire.
2021.04.01 Burkina Faso Dou 6 1 Six civilians are ruthlessly killed by Jihadists.
2021.04.01 India Nowgam 1 0 A guard at a private home succumbs to injury after being shot by terrorists.
2021.04.01 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A female police officer is picked off by Jihadists on her way to work.
2021.04.01 Afghanistan Kamar Kolagh 2 2 The Taliban kill two locals along a lonely stretch of road.
2021.04.01 Tunisia Mount Salloum 1 0 A suicide bomber kills her own baby.
2021.03.31 Afghanistan Shindand 4 0 Four souls are obliterated by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2021.03.31 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pul 2 2 A Taliban bomb blast claims two lives.
2021.03.31 Afghanistan Nahre Siraj 3 0 Three are killed when Islamists shoot down a police helicopter.
2021.03.31 Nigeria Askira 1 0 A non-Muslim is executed by Jihadists.
2021.03.31 Afghanistan Taleqan 1 3 A car carrying a rival cleric is targeted by Islamists, killing one.
2021.03.31 Afghanistan Balkh 3 16 A child is among three purged by fundamentalists bombers.
2021.03.30 DRC Beu Manyama-Moliso 29 0 Two dozen innocents are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2021.03.30 Nigeria Sade 1 0 Clerics order a mob to burn a man alive for insulting Muhammad.
2021.03.30 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 Three female polio workers are brutally gunned down.
2021.03.30 Afghanistan Paktia 3 0 A cook and driver are among three killed by the Taliban.
2021.03.30 Nigeria Katsina-Ala 7 0 A priest is among six killed when militant Muslims fire into a church.
2021.03.29 Afghanistan Greshk 4 4 Sunni fundamentalists murder four local security personnel.
2021.03.29 Ivory Coast Kafolo 2 0 A raid by Jihadists leaves two dead.
2021.03.29 Ivory Coast Tehini 1 0 A policeman responding to an earlier attack is shot to death.
2021.03.29 India Sopore 2 1 Islamic militants fire on a council meeting, killing one member and a guard.
2021.03.29 Somalia Daynile 4 3 al-Shabaab hit a civilian vehicle with a roadside blast, killing four.
2021.03.28 India Bulandshahr 1 0 A 50-year-old Hindu priest is found near his temple with his throat cut.
2021.03.28 Thailand Bacho 1 0 A village headsman is murdered by Muslim militants.
2021.03.28 Afghanistan Laghman 3 8 Three locals in a pickup truck are disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2021.03.28 Afghanistan Dahandara 2 1 Two guards at a dam are wasted by the Taliban.
2021.03.28 Cameroon Dabanga 4 0 Boko Haram members fire indiscriminately into a village, killing four.
2021.03.28 Indonesia Makassar 0 19 Two suicide bombers detonate at a church during Palm Sunday mass.
2021.03.28 Burkina Faso Tanwalbougou 3 0 Three villagers make easy prey for Jihadists.
2021.03.28 Nigeria Obeagu 16 0 Sixteen innocents are hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Kambo 5 0 At least five others are killed when the Taliban swarm a local security post.
2021.03.27 Mozambique Palma 48 13 Women and children are among four dozen 'Christians' killed, some by beheading, as Islamists besiege a town.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 2 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves three dead.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 4 Fundamentalists attack a group of police, killing three.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Gereshk 3 6 Islamists kill three people with a roadside bomb.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Gereshk 1 1 The Taliban kill a man and take his brother hostage.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Chaharbolak 1 0 A girl loses her life during an attack by Islamic hardliners.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Badghis 3 0 Two children and a woman are eliminated by a Taliban rocket.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Kohsan 5 0 Five Afghans are tragically cut down by the Taliban.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 1 A pregnant woman is purged by Islamic gunmen.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Paktia 1 0 A prosecutor is assassinated by fundamentalists on his way home.
2021.03.27 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is shot to death inside an ISIS holding camp.
2021.03.27 Afghanistan Bagh-e-Daud 1 0 An Afghan air force officer is permanently grounded by Muslim terrorists.
2021.03.26 Iraq Miqdadiyah 1 0 An off-duty policeman is murdered in his own home by suspected ISIS.
2021.03.26 Syria al-Hol 12 0 A dozen refugees are killed over the course of several days by ISIS elements.
2021.03.25 Mozambique Palma 7 0 Jihadists attack a gas exploration project and shoot seven workers fleeing a hotel.
2021.03.25 Afghanistan Ab Kamari 4 1 Sunni hardliners murder four security personnel along a lonely stretch of road.
2021.03.25 Afghanistan Muhajir 1 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills one other person.
2021.03.25 India Lawaypora 3 1 Two are left dead when Islamists spray a security patrol with weapons fire.
2021.03.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 Four civilians are pulled into pieces by al-Shabaab mortars.
2021.03.24 DRC Kasindi 5 0 Five civilians are cut down on the road by ADF Islamists.
2021.03.24 Niger Zibane-Koira Zeno 3 0 Jihadists gun down three innocents.
2021.03.24 Niger Tegui 1 0 A villager is shot to death by terrorists on motorcycles.
2021.03.24 Niger Gabado 7 1 Seven residents are killed when Islamic gunmen ride into their village and open fire.
2021.03.24 Iraq Abara 1 0 Suspected ISIS shoot a shop owner to death.
2021.03.24 Kenya Lafey 5 21 Five bus passengers are sent to Allah by Islamic extremists.
2021.03.24 Pakistan Basti Murad 1 0 A Shiite is hacked to death with an axe over accusations of blasphemy.
2021.03.23 DRC Beni-Mbau 15 10 Fifteen residents in three villages are knifed to death by ADF Islamists.
2021.03.23 Kenya Kiunga 1 1 al-Shabaab target a vehicle carrying water to a construction site, killing the driver.
2021.03.23 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 One person is killed by a bicycle bomb.
2021.03.23 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 A 15-year-old boy is kill by ISIS sympathizers.
2021.03.22 USA Boulder, CO 10 0 A migrant from Syria shoots dead ten patrons at a 'Jewish' supermarket after swearing allegiance to ISIS.
2021.03.22 Niger Tahoua 170 0 Over one-hundred Africans are massacred in Islamist attacks on three villages.
2021.03.22 Afghanistan Farsi 1 0 A government official is burned alive in front of his family.
2021.03.21 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 4 0 Militant Muslims behead a captive and shoot three others.
2021.03.21 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 A city worker is nailed by an Islamic nailbomb.
2021.03.21 Afghanistan Chahar Asiab 5 0 Five family members traveling in a car are leveled by a Taliban roadside blast.
2021.03.21 Afghanistan Kushk Rabat Sangi 6 0 Six border guards are eliminated by the Taliban.
2021.03.21 Cameroon Bla-Gossi Tourou 3 0 Three civilians are killed for resisting Boko Haram.
2021.03.21 Syria Idlib 6 3 Six civilians are reported killed following a Sunni rocket barrage.
2021.03.21 Syria al-Sukhnah 2 0 Two men are taken captive, tortured and then executed by the Islamic State.
2021.03.20 Burkina Faso Ourfare 2 0 Jihadists kill two civilians.
2021.03.20 Cameroon Wulgo 2 0 Boko Haram launch an attack near the border, killing two guards.
2021.03.20 Iraq Yasrib 1 2 ISIS bombers take out a civilian.
2021.03.19 Iraq Bawiya 1 0 A local cop is tragically cut down by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.03.19 Pakistan Sukkhur 1 0 A Hindu journalist is assassinated by a Muslim radical.
2021.03.18 Yemen Abyan 12 0 A dozen lose their lives to a barrage of al-Qaeda grenades and heavy weapons fire.
2021.03.18 Afghanistan Sar-e-Kotal 4 11 Another attack on a bus carrying telecom employees leaves four dead.
2021.03.18 Pakistan Datta Khel 1 0 A young man is killed in his own home by terrorists.
2021.03.18 Pakistan Khushal Tori Khel 1 0 A 19-year-old is kidnapped by radicals and killed in captivity.
2021.03.17 Afghanistan Paghman 2 0 Two police officers are tragically cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.03.17 Pakistan Kanju 2 0 Two civilians are killed in a hail of Islamic gunfire.
2021.03.17 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 5 Fundamentalists attack a security patrol and kill two members.
2021.03.16 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 A suspected ISIS IED claims two lives.
2021.03.16 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 2 6 Fundamentalists fire on a university bus, killing two.
2021.03.16 Niger Tillaberi 66 0 Jihadists are suspected of machine-gunning sixty-six villagers in cold blood.
2021.03.16 Afghanistan Pashdan 3 0 Three guards at a power dam are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.03.16 Mali Tessit 33 14 Jihadists on motorcycles ambush a local convoy, taking thirty-three lives.
2021.03.16 Yemen Marib 2 7 Ansar Allah send a missile into a market, killing two.
2021.03.16 Afghanistan Dojoi 1 3 A Sunni group kills a passing civilian with a roadside bomb.
2021.03.15 Afghanistan Dahan-e-Bagh 6 17 Five female telecom employees and a child are ripped through with Jihadist shrapnel.
2021.03.15 Nigeria Saki 1 0 A young farmer is tied to a tree and hacked to death by militant Muslims.
2021.03.15 Syria al-Hold 1 0 The third woman in a month is murdered by Sharia enforcers.
2021.03.14 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man refuses to "repent" and is shot to death by ISIS in his home.
2021.03.14 Syria Harak 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2021.03.14 Pakistan Aziz Khel 1 0 A woman is shot to death at her dinner table by Muslim terrorists.
2021.03.14 Afghanistan Surobi 5 0 Five are left dead following a Taliban attack on UN vehicles.
2021.03.14 Yemen Kadha 18 6 Three children are among eighteen killed when Ansar Allah fire a missile at a school.
2021.03.14 DRC Bulongo 15 0 Over a dozen villagers are brutally executed with pickaxes and machetes.
2021.03.14 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 An elderly woman and her son are murdered in their home by the Islamic State.
2021.03.14 Afghanistan Pul-e-Sokhta 1 0 A civilian driving a car is eliminated by Taliban bombers.
2021.03.14 Afghanistan Sar-e-Karez 4 12 A passenger bus is hit with a Taliban bomb, killing four riders.
2021.03.14 Afghanistan Qala-e-Qada 1 0 A court employee is the victim of a bomb attack by fundamentalists.
2021.03.13 Burkina Faso Batie 1 1 Jihadists shoot one local to death.
2021.03.13 Burkina Faso Kaya 2 1 Two civilian volunteers are killed in an attack by Islamic extremists.
2021.03.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 An al-Shabaab bomb blast lays out one unfortunate.
2021.03.13 Afghanistan Tarinkot 3 4 The lives of three civilians are cut short by Islamic bombers.
2021.03.13 Afghanistan Kunduz 11 6 Eleven Afghan security personnel are murdered by the Taliban.
2021.03.13 Afghanistan Norq 3 3 Three children are exterminated by the Taliban, who send mortars into their home.
2021.03.13 Afghanistan Dand 1 0 Fundamentalists send a civilian to Allah with a motorcycle bomb.
2021.03.12 Iraq Tikrit 6 0 Two women are among six killed when Islamic State members storm a home.
2021.03.12 Nigeria Monguno 33 1 Thirty-three local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2021.03.12 Syria Sour 1 0 A man is pulled out of his home and shot by ISIS.
2021.03.12 Afghanistan Herat 8 60 Women and children are among eight blown to bits by Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.03.12 Iraq Albu-Dour 2 0 A lawyer is among two shot to death by ISIS.
2021.03.12 Afghanistan Mahmud-Raqi 1 0 A local police chief is ambushed and killed by radicals while on his way home.
2021.03.12 Afghanistan Asheqan 1 0 Religion of Peace bombers take out a district governor.
2021.03.11 DRC Rwenzori 3 0 At least three others are killed during an attack by ADF Islamists.
2021.03.11 Nigeria Gudumbali 19 10 Nineteen Nigerians are purged in a brutal ambush by Boko Haram.
2021.03.11 Egypt Sinai 2 0 A man and his teenage son are abruptly taken down by ISIS gunmen.
2021.03.11 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 A young civilian is cut down in the prime of life by holy warriors.
2021.03.11 Iraq Diwaniyah 1 0 ISIS explosives dismantle a sapper.
2021.03.11 Afghanistan Shulgara 1 9 Taliban gunmen murder a child.
2021.03.11 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 A local prosecutor is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2021.03.11 Afghanistan Firuzkuh 2 0 A schoolteacher and his brother are purged by Taliban gunmen.
2021.03.11 Iraq Albu-Dour 8 0 A family of six are among eight innocents brutally gunned down by ISIS.
2021.03.10 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 One person is killed when a COVID response team is targeted with bomb.
2021.03.10 Iraq Amara 1 0 A Shiite militia is suspected of gunning down the father of a government protester.
2021.03.10 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A female doctor is beaten and 'honor-killed- by being thrown to her death by her neighbors for inviting a man to her apartment.
2021.03.09 Pakistan Darpa Khel 2 0 The bodies of two kidnap victims are discovered riddled with bullets.
2021.03.09 Nigeria Wulgo 30 7 Thirty local soldiers are killed when two suicide car bombers ram their convoy.
2021.03.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A prosecutor is assassinated by Jihadists.
2021.03.08 Iraq Kadhimiya 1 30 A Shiite woman on pilgrimage is taken out by Sunni rivals.
2021.03.08 Afghanistan Pato 4 2 Four Afghans die from injuries suffered during a Taliban attack.
2021.03.08 Syria al-Hol 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a female refugee.
2021.03.07 Afghanistan Kabum 1 1 A man is killed and his wife seriously injured by Islamic gunmen.
2021.03.07 Nigeria Jakana 3 0 Three people are left dead after a Boko Haram attack.
2021.03.07 Afghanistan Balkh 8 6 Eight local cops are brutally gunned down by Sunni hardliners.
2021.03.07 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 A Taliban bomb goes off at an intersection, killing a passerby.
2021.03.07 Iraq Salahaddin 20 0 At least twenty victims of Islamic State brutality are discovered in a mass grave.
2021.03.07 Afghanistan Ghoryan 3 0 Three family members are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace proponents.
2021.03.07 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 Terrorists shoot a police officer to death in front of his wife and children.
2021.03.07 Syria Salamiyah 18 3 Eighteen truffle farmers are cleared out by landmine attacks on two buses.
2021.03.07 Nigeria Kum 1 0 A Christian father of four is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2021.03.07 Yemen Sanaa 36 24 Dozens of Ethiopian migrants burn to death during a Houthi attack on their detention center.
2021.03.06 Syria Mayadeen 6 6 ISIS members kill six first responders to an earlier attack.
2021.03.06 Burkina Faso Gaskinde 6 1 Jihadists ambush and kill a half-dozen civilian volunteers.
2021.03.06 Somalia Waajid 2 4 Two locals are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.03.06 Afghanistan Lahkargah 2 8 A suicide car bomber plows into a vehicle carrying a local prosecutor, killing him and one other.
2021.03.06 Somalia Mogadishu 20 30 Twenty patrons at a restaurant are butchered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2021.03.06 Yemen Shamayteen 1 12 Shiite militia use a drone to kill a police officer.
2021.03.06 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 A 16-year-old is shot dead by ISIS.
2021.03.06 Pakistan Sahiwal 1 0 A Christian is poisoned following a debate with co-workers over religion.
2021.03.05 Nigeria Isaba-Ekiti 2 0 Muslim militants murder two farm workers.
2021.03.05 Somalia Bosaso 7 3 Islamists attack a prison and kill seven guards.
2021.03.05 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 5 0 Fundamentalists slit the throats of five Hindu family members, including three children.
2021.03.05 Yemen Taiz 3 10 Three children are killed and ten wounded when Shiite militia fire shells into their homes.
2021.03.05 Afghanistan Lab-e-Nahr 7 4 An attack by Sunni fundamentalists on a local security post leaves seven dead.
2021.03.05 Kenya Kisumu 2 6 An extremist fires randomly into a crowd, killing two.
2021.03.04 Pakistan Faisal 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a passing motorcycle, bringing down the rider.
2021.03.04 Libya Derna 4 0 The bodies of four Filipino oil workers are discovered six years after their capture by ISIS.
2021.03.04 Afghanistan Taloqa 9 0 Nine local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by Sunni hardliners.
2021.03.04 Yemen Aden 3 7 An Ansar Allah car bomb sends shrapnel through three lives.
2021.03.04 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 A female gynecologist is killed in a targeted bomb attack.
2021.03.03 Syria al-Hol 1 0 An Islamic State cell murders a teenager at a camp.
2021.03.03 Afghanistan Sorkhord 7 0 Seven workers at a brick factory are bound, then shot execution style.
2021.03.03 Iraq Metabijh 2 4 Two local law enforcement officers are tragically cut down by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.03.03 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 1 A man is ripped apart by Jihadi shrapnel.
2021.03.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A cleric is picked off by Religion of Peace rivals on his way to work.
2021.03.03 Iraq al-Asad 1 0 Ten rockets fired by Shiite militia claim the life of a civilian contractor.
2021.03.03 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Two government employees are assassinated by Islamic radicals.
2021.03.03 Sweden Vetlanda 0 7 A migrant attacks victims along a city street with an axe.
2021.03.03 Mozambique Litingina 3 0 Three soldiers are killed in an attack on their post by Islamists.
2021.03.03 Mozambique N'gangola 2 0 Two from the same family are executed by Islamic radicals.
2021.03.02 DRC Mambelenga 8 0 Eight patrons at a market are machine-gunned by ADF Islamists.
2021.03.02 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 Three young women are murdered on their way home from work.
2021.03.02 India Soura 1 0 A youth shot be terrorists three months earlier succumbs to injury.
2021.03.02 Burkina Faso Namissiguia 6 0 A child and pregnant woman are among six killed when Jihadis bomb an ambulance.
2021.03.02 Somalia North Galkayo 1 0 A journalist is assassinated by pro-Sharia activists.
2021.03.02 Somalia Jilib 5 0 Five civilians are rounded up by al-Shabaab and executed in front of their neighbors.
2021.03.01 Nigeria Dikwa 6 3 A Boko Haram attack on a refugee camp leaves at leaves six dead.
2021.03.01 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A young woman is found murdered by ISIS.
2021.03.01 Indonesia al-Naba 1 0 At least one police officer is killed in a firing by Muslim extremists.
2021.02.28 Nigeria Garin Guturu 2 0 Two local security personnel lose their lives to a Boko Haram ambush.
2021.02.28 DRC North Kivu 10 0 ADF Islamists slaughter ten villagers.
2021.02.28 Somalia Mogadishu 3 3 al-Shabaab claims a bomb blast that takes three lives.
2021.02.28 Iraq Ruwayshed 2 1 ISIS members kill two Iraqis and kidnap another.
2021.02.28 Iraq Hadisa 7 7 Sunni extremists murder seven with a bomb.
2021.02.28 Mali Gorey 4 0 Islamists machine-gun four civilians.
2021.02.28 Mali Djamnati 4 2 Four villagers are cut down by fundamentalist gunmen.
2021.02.28 Mali Simikanda 1 0 One local is killed during a raid by Islamists.
2021.02.28 Iraq Hadra 3 0 Three shepherds are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2021.02.28 Pakistan Islamabad 3 0 An imam, his son and another student are gunned down by militants.
2021.02.28 Yemen Hodeidah 5 0 A woman and child are among five killed by an Ansar Allah shell.
2021.02.28 India Srinagar 1 0 The son of a restaurant owner dies from injury a week after being shot by terrorists.
2021.02.27 DRC Boyo 6 0 Six villagers are murdered by the ADF.
2021.02.27 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A rickshaw driver is leveled by Islamic shrapnel.
2021.02.27 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 A civilian is purged by Jihadists.
2021.02.27 Egypt Abu Zamat 3 1 Three local security forces are machine-gunned at their post by fundamentalists.
2021.02.26 Afghanistan Arghandab 4 0 Islamic radicals blow four policemen to bits with a bomb.
2021.02.25 DRC Abombe 46 0 Women and children are among at least forty-six pygmies massacred by the ADF.
2021.02.25 Thailand Rangae 2 1 Militant Muslims ambush a security patrol, killing two members.
2021.02.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 0 Six more die in a Boko Haram rocket attack on their town.
2021.02.25 Afghanistan Ghor 3 5 Fundamentalists storm the home of a journalist and murder three family members, including a child.
2021.02.25 Mali Bandiagara 9 5 Religion of Peace activists storm a police post and shoot nine to death.
2021.02.25 India Nagaliya Aaqil 1 1 An imam's throat is slit at a mosque by a radical wanting assume prayer duties.
2021.02.25 Syria Sabha 1 0 A man accused of sorcery is dispatched with Islamic State bullets.
2021.02.24 Syria al-Hawl 1 0 A Doctors without Borders staff member is murdered by ISIS loyalists.
2021.02.24 Afghanistan Qudus Abad 6 4 An Islamic car bomb makes a mess of six locals.
2021.02.24 Nigeria Maiduguri 10 47 Children playing soccer are among ten innocents laid out by Boko Haram rockets.
2021.02.24 Pakistan Shalimar 1 1 A man honor-kills his daughter over a relationship.
2021.02.23 Afghanistan Nurgaram 1 1 A group of Sunni terrorists gun down a local cop.
2021.02.23 Afghanistan Baghlan-e-Markazi 1 0 The head of a surgery ward is murdered at his hospital by Sunni radicals.
2021.02.23 Mali Mopti 2 7 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol, killing two members.
2021.02.23 DRC Kisima 11 0 ADF Islamists burn homes and kill eleven residents.
2021.02.23 DRC Oicha 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by the ADF.
2021.02.23 Syria Tel Hamas 2 0 Two Syrians are captured and executed by ISIS.
2021.02.22 Afghanistan Hesarak 9 0 Nine locals are killed in a surprise attack by the Taliban.
2021.02.22 Afghanistan Herat 2 0 Jihadi gunmen murder a man and his driver.
2021.02.22 Pakistan Mirali 4 0 Four women who trained others in female empowerment are brutally gunned down.
2021.02.22 Nigeria Goniri 3 0 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims at least three lives.
2021.02.21 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 A border guard is taken out by an ISIS IED.
2021.02.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 5 A child is among two killed by Religion of Peace bombers.
2021.02.21 Niger Dargol 7 3 Islamic terrorists make quick work of seven poll workers.
2021.02.21 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 15 An bomb blast along a crowded road leaves one dead.
2021.02.21 Somalia Balad 2 4 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out two bystanders.
2021.02.21 Nigeria Damboa 6 0 Six displaced persons are picked off by Boko Haram gunmen.
2021.02.20 Yemen Taiz 1 4 A child loses to an Ansar Allah bombing.
2021.02.20 Iraq Muthanna 2 1 An ISIS landmine cuts short the lives of two children.
2021.02.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Islamists target a civilian vehicle with a magnetic bomb, killing the driver.
2021.02.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two women are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2021.02.20 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Islamic shrapnel claims the lives of two innocents.
2021.02.19 Iraq Anan 1 0 ISIS members on motorbikes open fire on a civilian, killing him instantly.
2021.02.19 India Srinagar 2 0 Two police officers die after being shot at close range in a tea stall.
2021.02.19 India Beerwah 1 0 Islamic militants kill a local cop.
2021.02.19 Burkina Faso Tokabangou 9 9 Nine people on their way to market are murdered by Boko Haram.
2021.02.19 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Radicals destroy a law professor and his companion.
2021.02.19 India Ghaziabad 1 0 An 'occultist' is stabbed to death with swords by suspected hardliners.
2021.02.19 Mozambique Quionga 4 0 Islamic 'insurgents' kill four villagers and burn their homes.
2021.02.18 Nigeria Damboa 6 0 Six loggers are beheaded by Boko Haram.
2021.02.18 Mali Bandiagara 9 3 Jihadists open fire on two villages, picking off nine residents.
2021.02.18 Iraq Khanaqin 3 5 Three Shiites are taken down by the Islamic State.
2021.02.18 Nigeria Marte 7 12 Seven people are gunned down by Boko Haram members.
2021.02.18 Pakistan Zawar 5 1 Five border guards are picked off by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2021.02.18 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Jihadis blow up a Toyota Corolla near a university, killing two.
2021.02.17 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 A father and son are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.02.17 Nigeria Kagara 1 40 Gunmen yelling "Allah Akbar" invade a science college, killing a student and abducting dozens of others.
2021.02.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 4 Two children are purged by Islamic radicals in a mortar strike.
2021.02.16 Afghanistan Jalalabad 5 4 Two rickshaw attacks by the Taliban leave five dead.
2021.02.16 Afghanistan Almar 7 0 A roadside bomb planted at a market claims seven lives.
2021.02.16 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A government worker is assassinated by religious extremists.
2021.02.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A top Shiite leader is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2021.02.16 Nigeria Bayamari 4 0 Four village guards are picked off by Boko Haram.
2021.02.16 Nigeria Kankara 1 3 Militant Muslims shoot dead a 65-year-old church elder.
2021.02.16 CAR Bambari 14 0 At least fourteen are left dead following a targeted attack on a Catholic site.
2021.02.16 Uganda Musasa 0 3 Three Christian teenage girls are raped on an Imam's order after his wife leaves Islam.
2021.02.15 Nigeria Marte 7 3 Seven are confirmed dead following a Boko Haram attack.
2021.02.15 DRC Kalembo 10 0 ADF Islamists hack and shoot ten villagers to death.
2021.02.15 Nigeria Niger 10 23 Islamists kill ten during attacks on two villages.
2021.02.15 Afghanistan Qalat 4 7 A fundamentalist disguises himself as a cop and is able to shoot four officers to death.
2021.02.15 Mali Dioura 2 2 Jihadists use a mine to kill two locals in a passing vehicle.
2021.02.15 Iraq Erbil 2 9 Two civilians are killed in a rocket attack by Shiite militia.
2021.02.15 Afghanistan Pul-e-Sangi 13 0 Thirteen police are murdered by two colleagues who found religion.
2021.02.14 Afghanistan Sahr-e-Safa 4 0 Four Afghans are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2021.02.14 Nigeria Agbon-Ojodu 4 0 Angry Muslims burn down homes, killing four residents.
2021.02.14 DRC Ndalya 16 0 Sixteen innocents are massacred by the ADF, including a 10-year-old girl.
2021.02.14 Somalia Daynile 3 0 Islamists gun down three women, two of whom were pregnant.
2021.02.14 Nigeria Kwall 4 0 Fulani Jihadists ambush and murder four innocents.
2021.02.13 Syria Shahil 1 0 A man captured by ISIS dies under torture.
2021.02.13 Afghanistan Qotar Blaq 2 0 Two children are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.02.13 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 A 10-year-old is among two brothers purged by Mujahid gunmen.
2021.02.13 Somalia Mogadishu 7 10 A Shahid suicide car bomber shreds seven lives.
2021.02.13 Afghanistan Chapa Dara 5 0 Islamists hit a passing police car with an IED, killing five.
2021.02.13 Pakistan Mandi Khel 1 0 The body of a 20-year-old is discovered a few days after his kidnapping by terrorists.
2021.02.13 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Islamic snipers pick off a driver and his 5-year-old child.
2021.02.13 Nigeria Owo 3 0 Three farmers are slaughtered by Muslim militants.
2021.02.13 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Muslim terrorists are suspected in the murder of a father and son.
2021.02.12 Nigeria Gur 4 0 Boko Haram members slay four innocents, steal food and burn homes.
2021.02.12 Iraq Wadi al-Shay 3 0 Three Iraqis lose their lives to an ISIS attack.
2021.02.12 Pakistan Makeen 4 0 Religious radicals attack a police checkpoint, killing four.
2021.02.12 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 2 At least two people are reported dead following a Jihadist bombing.
2021.02.11 Syria Jadid Akidat 1 0 ISIS member execute a captive.
2021.02.11 Afghanistan Kabul 5 0 Taliban members fire on a UN vehicle, killing all five passengers.
2021.02.11 Iraq Daquq 3 7 Islamic State member murder three local cops.
2021.02.11 Pakistan Inquilab 1 0 An Ahmadi doctor is gunned down in a targeted attack against a religious minority.
2021.02.11 Pakistan Bajur 1 7 A 5-year-old boy is pulled into pieces by a Taliban rocket.
2021.02.11 Nigeria Eggua 6 0 Muslim terrorists burn down homes, killing six residents, two of whom were hacked to death.
2021.02.10 Mali Karena 1 27 Jihadists fire on a UN base, killing a peacekeeper and injuring many
2021.02.10 Afghanistan Kabul 2 5 Two people are killed and five injured by Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2021.02.10 Afghanistan Kart-e-Parwan 3 0 Sunni extremists trigger a roadside blast that claims three lives.
2021.02.10 India Mangolapuri 1 0 A Hindu man is brutally stabbed to death in front of his parents by a Muslim mob.
2021.02.10 Pakistan Gujranwala 2 0 Terrorists on motorcycle gun down two transgender persons.
2021.02.10 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two civilians are killed in separate Mujahideen bomb blasts.
2021.02.09 Egypt Sinai 6 0 A half-dozen locals are reportedly ambushed and killed by fundamentalists.
2021.02.09 Afghanistan Khash Rod 9 5 Sunni extremists massacre nine local security personnel.
2021.02.09 Afghanistan Ghurian 4 2 Four guards are a railway station are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.02.09 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 Four rural development employees are gunned down by the Taliban.
2021.02.09 Afghanistan Zenda Jan 4 1 A Taliban landmine claims four passengers in a passing vehicle.
2021.02.09 Egypt Maghara 6 1 ISIS members set up a fake checkpoint and machine-gun six Bedouins.
2021.02.09 Nigeria Boko Haram 20 0 Boko Haram terrorists reportedly kill at least twenty Nigerians.
2021.02.08 Afghanistan Chaharkant 6 5 A half-dozen locals are killed when they try to stand up to sheep-stealing fundamentalists.
2021.02.08 DRC Beni 10 0 Ten more villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2021.02.08 Syria Badia 26 0 Seven Syrian soldiers are among twenty-six killed during an ISIS ambush.
2021.02.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A magnetic bomb placed by the Taliban claims one life.
2021.02.08 Syria Kabush 4 2 Islamic State members kill four Syrians in their former caliphate capital.
2021.02.07 Nigeria Yewa 1 0 A farmer is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2021.02.07 Nigeria Goniri-Gorigi 6 2 Boko Haram throw grenades and shoot into a security patrol, killing a half-dozen.
2021.02.07 Nigeria Kujeni 5 0 Five are killed when terrorists burn down a church and other buildings.
2021.02.07 Afghanistan Aab Kamari 6 0 A half-dozen local security personnel lose their lives to a Taliban attack.
2021.02.07 Iraq Babil 1 0 An activist is kidnapped and murdered by suspected Shia militia.
2021.02.07 Somalia Dhusamareb 13 0 An al-Shabaab blast kills all thirteen members of a local security patrol.
2021.02.06 DRC Mabule 12 0 ADF Islamists slit the throats of eight farmers and four women.
2021.02.06 Afghanistan Aliabad 3 0 Three locals are smoked point-blank by the Taliban.
2021.02.06 Nigeria Eruwa 1 0 A businessman is murdered by Muslim terrorists along a highway.
2021.02.06 Afghanistan Kabul 2 6 Two are killed when a Sikh store is targeted by Muslim bombers.
2021.02.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Islamists set off a bomb near an intersection, killing a bystander.
2021.02.06 Somalia Baidoa 1 2 Terrorists toss hand grenades at a house, killing a resident.
2021.02.06 India Bijnor 1 0 A young non-Muslim is shot dead at a market by four Muslims intent on 'inciting communal disorder'.
2021.02.06 Nigeria Kutemeshi 14 0 Militants aligned with Boko Haram kill fourteen villagers.
2021.02.06 Syria al-Taym 3 16 Three guards at an oil field are killed by ISIS.
2021.02.06 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is captured, tortured and then killed by ISIS.
2021.02.05 Syria al-Hol 1 0 Islamists shoot a 30-year-old refugee in the head.
2021.02.05 Iraq Daquq 1 2 An ISIS mortar round takes out an Iraqi.
2021.02.05 Iraq Daquq 1 2 An Islamic State shooting leaves one dead.
2021.02.05 Afghanistan Tap-e-Akhtar 16 2 A brutal and bloody attack by the Taliban leaves sixteen dead.
2021.02.05 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A girl is trapped in the bathroom and honor-killed by her brother who "dounted her behavior."
2021.02.04 Iraq Penjwen 2 0 Shiite militia kill a pair of Kurds.
2021.02.04 Sudan Rokouna 3 7 Three villagers are laid out by Arab militia.
2021.02.04 Lebanon Addoussieh 1 0 Hezbollah loyalists assassinate a critic with three bullets to the head.
2021.02.04 Afghanistan Takhar 2 0 A man and is son are slain by Taliban gunmen.
2021.02.04 Afghanistan Khwaja Sabz 5 0 Five Afghanis are purged by the Taliban.
2021.02.04 Iraq Jalawla 2 1 Two Iraqis are cut down by Islamic State loyalists.
2021.02.04 DRC Rwenzori 3 3 Local Islamists kill three local soldiers.
2021.02.04 Syria Aleppo 12 0 Twelve Syrians are reportedly burned alive by ISIS.
2021.02.03 Syria Der ez-Zor 10 6 ISIS is thought responsible for a car bomb that claims ten souls.
2021.02.03 Tunisia Chaambi 1 0 An accused spy is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2021.02.03 Nigeria Chabal 3 0 Boko Haram stop travelers along a highway, killing three and burning their vehicles.
2021.02.03 Iraq Abu Saida 1 1 Terrorists fire on two brothers, killing one.
2021.02.03 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two young lovers are shot to death in an honor killing.
2021.02.03 Mali Boni 10 5 Islamic militants ambush and kill ten local soldiers.
2021.02.03 Tunisia Moghila 4 0 Jihadists use a buried IED to kill four members of a local security patrol.
2021.02.03 Syria Hama 19 0 Nineteen Syrians are brought low by ISIS.
2021.02.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A secular judge is assassinated on his way to work.
2021.02.03 Afghanistan Chinarak 4 3 Taliban car bombers send four Afghan souls to Allah.
2021.02.02 Somalia Doonka 2 0 Two truck drivers are murdered by al-Shabaab.
2021.02.02 Afghanistan Gosfandi 10 11 Ten are reported killed when Taliban extremists stage a series of attacks.
2021.02.02 Iraq Barwana 1 1 ISIS shrapnel is responsible for the disassembly of a child.
2021.02.02 Iraq Naft Khana 5 0 ISIS members kill five Shiites.
2021.02.02 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A rival cleric is among two people cut down by Jihadist bombers.
2021.02.02 Nigeria Miango 2 0 Two innocents are slain by Muslim militants, presumably targeted for their Christian faith.
2021.02.01 Afghanistan Afshar 2 0 Two security guards at an election office are murdered by Sharia extremists.
2021.02.01 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 3 Four local cops are ambushed and killed by Sunni fundamentalists.
2021.02.01 Syria Raqqa 12 0 At least a dozen shepherds are murdered by ISIS members, who steal their sheep.
2021.01.31 Somalia Mogadishu 9 10 Nine are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber kicks off an assault on a hotel.
2021.01.31 Pakistan Peshawar 1 1 Terrorists open fire on guards outside a prison, killing one.
2021.01.31 Iraq Abud 1 1 A 13-year-old is killed when Mujahid bombers target shepherds.
2021.01.31 Syria Azaz 1 20 A 12-year-old girl bleeds to death following a violent terror attack.
2021.01.31 Afghanistan Almar 2 14 Two civilians are pulled into pieces by a well-placed Taliban mortar.
2021.01.31 Afghanistan Kandahar City 1 0 A religious scholar is assassinated in his home by rivals.
2021.01.31 Syria al-Hol 7 0 Another seven innocents are slaughtered by Jihadists at a refugee camp.
2021.01.30 Afghanistan Nangarhar 12 15 A dozen Afghans are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2021.01.30 Afghanistan Panjwayee 3 0 A child is among three locals blown to bits by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.01.30 Afghanistan Balkh 1 3 Islamic terrorists kill an official by planting a bomb on his motorcycle.
2021.01.30 Afghanistan Kabul 1 4 At least one bystander is killed by two Taliban bombs.
2021.01.30 Syria Raqqa 7 10 An ISIS bomb detonates under a bus, killing seven passengers.
2021.01.29 Iraq Khanaqin 1 3 A child is disassembled by ISIS explosives near a hospital.
2021.01.29 Nigeria Dikwa 2 2 Boko Haram gun down two police officers and abduct two women.
2021.01.28 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 An interpreter is slain in a targeted attack by fundamentalists.
2021.01.28 Afghanistan Farm Ada 2 0 Two government workers are shot execution-style by Sharia proponents.
2021.01.28 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 ISIS gunmen take a life.
2021.01.28 Somalia Balad 14 10 An Islamist roadside blast claims fourteen lives.
2021.01.27 Somalia Diinsoor 1 5 Religious extremists detonate a bomb, killing a bystander.
2021.01.27 India Anantnag 1 3 Islamic terrorists lob a grenade at a security patrol, killing one member.
2021.01.27 Afghanistan Kabul 2 5 A Sunni group uses sticky bombs to kill two policemen.
2021.01.27 Philippines Tulunan 2 6 Islamists plant a bomb at a bus station, killing two patrons.
2021.01.27 Somalia Afgoye 1 1 A pedestrian is leveled by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2021.01.27 Kenya Mandera 1 3 al-Shabaab bombers pick off a border guard.
2021.01.27 India Soura 1 0 A man succumbs to injury two months after being shot by Islamists.
2021.01.26 Egypt Tafaha 1 0 A water company truck is targeted by Jihadists, with the driver killed.
2021.01.26 Nigeria Gurmana 6 0 At least six villagers are killed in a series of attacks by Boko Haram.
2021.01.26 Pakistan Bajaur 1 0 One person is exterminated by Islamic State gunmen.
2021.01.26 Philippines South Upi 1 1 Bangsomoro Islamists plant a bomb that kills a motorist.
2021.01.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Suspected Taliban blow up a local.
2021.01.26 Somalia Garasbaley 3 0 al-Shabaab bombers reduce three passengers in a passing vehicle to mush.
2021.01.26 Iraq Muradia 2 0 Two brothers are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2021.01.26 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 A local official is aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2021.01.25 Somalia Weedow 2 3 Islamic bombers target a group of cops with a bomb, killing two.
2021.01.25 Afghanistan Laskar Gah 1 0 A professor is gunned down by religious radicals.
2021.01.24 Sudan Falouja 6 12 Suspected Janjaweed raid a village an shoot six to death.
2021.01.24 Syria Shola 3 10 Terrorists attack a bus carrying government personnel, killing three.
2021.01.24 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Islamic bombers blow up a vehicle carrying bank staff, killing one.
2021.01.24 Mali Boulkessy 4 18 Four local soldiers are killed by local Jihadists.
2021.01.24 Mali Mondoro 2 0 Two more locals are killed by Jihadists in a simultaneous attack.
2021.01.24 Somalia Hiran 1 0 A Djibouti peacekeeper is killed during an al-Shabaab raid.
2021.01.24 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A man is shot to death in his own home by ISIS.
2021.01.23 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A man is murdered by ISIS members at a refugee camp.
2021.01.23 Afghanistan Trenkot 2 0 Two civilians are disassembled by a Taliban rocket.
2021.01.23 Afghanistan Gizab 1 2 A child is purged by Sunni extremists.
2021.01.23 Iraq Tikrit 11 10 Eleven Shiites are ambushed and killed by ISIS.
2021.01.23 Syria Tal Rafat 3 7 Muslim terrorists send mortar rounds into a town, killing three residents.
2021.01.23 Somalia Mogadishu 5 4 Islamists plant a bomb that claim the lives of five passersby.
2021.01.22 Nigeria Tunkushe 1 0 Boko Haram storm a police checkpoint and make quick work of the lone officer.
2021.01.22 Syria Hasakah 2 0 Two women are kidnapped and beheaded by ISIS.
2021.01.21 Afghanistan Lahkar Gah 1 0 A journalist is beaten and stabbed to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2021.01.21 Burkina Faso Toumousseni 1 0 A priest is found dead after being kidnapped by Jihadists.
2021.01.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 3 Fundamentalists kill a bulldozer operator.
2021.01.21 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three civilians lose their lives to two Taliban bomb blasts.
2021.01.21 Mali Koro 3 5 A brutal roadside attack by Islamic extremists leaves three dead.
2021.01.21 Afghanistan Khashrod 3 3 Three local cops are gunned down in barbaric fashion by the Taliban.
2021.01.21 Afghanistan Gezab 1 1 A child is killed, and another wounded, by a well-placed Taliban mortar round.
2021.01.21 Afghanistan Baghlan 3 0 Taliban militants murder three local cops in cold blood.
2021.01.21 Iraq Baghdad 32 110 Twin suicide bombers slaughter thirty-two at a packed market.
2021.01.21 Mozambique Namiune 1 4 Islamists behead a village leader and abduct four boys.
2021.01.20 Afghanistan Khogyani 3 7 Two women are among three innocents killed by Jihadi bombers.
2021.01.20 Afghanistan Herat 3 4 Fundamentalists ambush and kill three local soldiers in an urban area.
2021.01.20 Afghanistan Sherzad 2 4 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2021.01.20 Afghanistan Khogyani 2 0 Taliban roadside bomber take out two passengers in a passing car.
2021.01.20 Afghanistan Orgu 2 0 Two guards are killed when the Taliban overrun their village.
2021.01.20 Syria Sukhnah 2 0 Two motorcycle riders are sent to Allah by ISIS bombers.
2021.01.19 Pakistan Gomal 2 1 Two police officers are gunned down by Muslim terrorists on motorcycles.
2021.01.19 Afghanistan Tiran Kot 1 4 A journalist is among the casualties of a deadly Taliban bomb blast.
2021.01.19 Saudi Arabia al-Kharj 1 0 A 26-year-old is murdered by her conservative family for having a public Snapchat account.
2021.01.19 Mozambique Pundanhar 3 0 Islamic terrorists murder three civilians and burn their car.
2021.01.18 Afghanistan Khwaja Ghar 3 2 Sunni hardliners attack a police headquarters, killing three.
2021.01.18 Syria al-Tayba 10 0 An Islamic State landmine claims ten Syrians.
2021.01.18 Niger Diffa 4 8 A Boko Haram landmine kills four border guards.
2021.01.18 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 9 24 Nine are killed when ISIS members attack the power grid.
2021.01.18 Iraq Sinjar 9 3 Nine bystanders are reported killed by an ISIS IED.
2021.01.18 Syria Hama 6 0 A half-dozen Syrians are machine-gunned point-blank by Islamic State members.
2021.01.17 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 At least two people are blown up by fundamentalists.
2021.01.17 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Gunmen assassinated two female judges in their car.
2021.01.17 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 8 2 A vicious attack by the Taliban on a security outpost leaves eight dead.
2021.01.17 Somalia Tehsile 6 8 Six Somalis are blown to bits by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2021.01.17 Pakistan Swabi 3 0 Mujahideen kill a former member, along with two bystanders.
2021.01.16 Afghanistan Panjpiran 1 0 Sunni fundamentalists kill an off-duty policeman inside his home.
2021.01.16 Sudan El-Geneina 48 97 Forty-eight innocents at a Displaced Persons camp are murdered by Janjaweed militia.
2021.01.16 Pakistan Miran Shah 1 0 A teacher at a physician's college is shot to death by terrorists.
2021.01.16 Nigeria Akure 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two people, including a church pastor.
2021.01.16 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A man is beheaded by ISIS loyalists.
2021.01.16 Syria al-Hol 12 0 Hardcore ISIS members murder a dozen over a two week period.
2021.01.16 Sudan Jabal 1 0 An innocent man is killed by Janjaweed while visiting his family.
2021.01.15 Nigeria Marte 7 0 Invading Islamists kill seven and drive dozens more from their homes.
2021.01.15 Kenya Banisa 1 1 A civilian is killed, and a woman is shot in the head during an al-Shabaab attack.
2021.01.15 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 7 12 Seven are killed when Sunni extremists attack a security checkpoint.
2021.01.15 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 7 A civilian is killed by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2021.01.15 Mali Tessalit 1 1 A UN peacekeeper is killed by Jihadists.
2021.01.15 Afghanistan Ghorian 13 0 An Islamist insider turns on policemen, shooting thirteen to death.
2021.01.15 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 The Taliban blow up a Toyota, killing two.
2021.01.15 Afghanistan Nahr-e-Siraj 2 0 A suicide car bomber sends two other souls to Allah.
2021.01.15 Iraq Jalawla 1 3 An ISIS attack leaves one dead.
2021.01.15 Iraq Jaloula 1 0 A local man is kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.01.14 Nigeria Chibok 5 15 Islamists plant a landmine that takes out five passing local soldiers.
2021.01.14 Iraq Jalawla 1 0 A meat seller is murdered in Islamic State captivity.
2021.01.14 Nigeria Garin Gada 2 0 Boko Haram invade a small village, loot shops and kill two residents.
2021.01.14 Afghanistan Chonai 1 0 A standing taxi makes an easy target for Taliban bombers.
2021.01.14 Algeria Telidjane 5 3 Five civilians traveling in a car are vaporaized by an Islamic IED.
2021.01.14 DRC Irumu 46 2 Forty-six innocents are slain in cold blood by Islamic extremists.
2021.01.14 Philippines Lanao del Norte 4 0 Bangsamoro Islamists are suspected of ambushing and killing four.
2021.01.13 Mali Timbuktu 4 5 Jihadis attack a UN convoy, killing four peacekeepers.
2021.01.13 Syria al-Mayadeen 1 0 A man is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2021.01.12 Armenia Nagorno-Karabakh 1 0 The body of a Christian woman is found mutilated and tortured following her abduction by Azerbaijan militia.
2021.01.12 Nigeria Talala 6 0 A Fedayeen sucide bomber takes out six local soldiers.
2021.01.12 DRC Beni 15 0 The ADF claims the killing of fifteen local soldiers.
2021.01.12 Pakistan Karak 1 0 Islamic extremists shoot dead the guard for a polio team.
2021.01.12 Somalia Hosingow 6 0 A half-dozen Kenyans are killed by al-Shabaab.
2021.01.12 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 2 3 Two women are killed when Taliban open fire on a vehicle.
2021.01.12 Afghanistan Haji Rafi 1 0 A bank employee is shot to death by terrorists near his home.
2021.01.12 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Shiite fundamentalists target a store selling liquor, killing one person with two bombs.
2021.01.12 Iraq Nawjul 1 0 A Kurdish shepherd is killed by Sunni bombers.
2021.01.12 Syria al-Hol 2 1 A man and his son are murdered by ISIS members at a refugee camp.
2021.01.11 Afghanistan Ariob 1 4 Brave Jihadi bombers eliminate a child.
2021.01.11 Egypt Tafaha 2 0 Two people are reported dead following an ISIS IED attack.
2021.01.11 Iraq Sharaban 1 0 A Shiite is picked off by Sunni snipers.
2021.01.11 Nigeria Gazagana 13 3 A Boko Haram attack on a local convoy leaves thirteen dead.
2021.01.11 Iraq Buhriz 4 0 Sunnis use an IED to kill four Shiites.
2021.01.11 Iraq Adhaim 1 0 A shepherd is found murdered by ISIS.
2021.01.10 Afghanistan Qargha 3 0 A tribal elder is among three smoked by Taliban bombers.
2021.01.10 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Extremists gun down a doctor and one other.
2021.01.10 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Taliban bombers vaporize three locals.
2021.01.10 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 2 Fundamentalists set off a bomb outside a shopping center, killing a patron.
2021.01.09 Yemen Taiz 1 4 Ansar Allah send a shell into a home, killing a 15-year-old.
2021.01.09 Syria al-Shola 7 0 An ISIS sleeper cell claims seven lives.
2021.01.09 DRC Beni 3 3 Three members of a security patrol are killed by the ADF.
2021.01.09 Syria al-Mayadeen 3 0 An ISIS IED claims three lives.
2021.01.08 Mali Gao 1 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates.
2021.01.08 Cameroon Mozogo 14 2 Eight children are among fourteen villagers killed when machete-wielding Islamists herd them into a suicide bomber.
2021.01.08 Iraq Basra 1 0 Terrorists stab a man to death in his home.
2021.01.08 Syria al-Hol 1 1 Islamists shoot a local official and his son.
2021.01.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A religious radical tortures and honor kills his wife.
2021.01.07 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0 Hardliners murder a human rights activist.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Chehel Kappa 13 0 Thirteen border guards are murdered by Sunni hardliners.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Tirin Kot 6 6 A suicide car bomber goes off, taking a half-dozen others with him.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Ghorian 4 0 Four are killed during a Taliban attack on a government building.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Mata Chena 1 2 An Islamist bomb kills a civilian.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Tarin Kot 5 5 The Taliban attack a remote outpost, killing five police.
2021.01.07 Afghanistan Kunduz 14 18 Two groups of security personnel are liquidated by the Taliban.
2021.01.07 Somalia Mogadishu 7 0 al-Shabaab bombers send seven Somalis to Allah.
2021.01.07 Iraq Qabak 1 3 A British NGO worker is dismantled by an ISIS explosive.
2021.01.06 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 Shiite militia shoot a young Kurdish soccer player.
2021.01.06 Pakistan Mohmand 1 0 Muslim terrorists open fire on a border guard.
2021.01.06 Nigeria Ngumari 3 0 Boko Haram members murder three villagers in the middle of the night.
2021.01.06 Nigeria Aligambori 2 0 At least two highway commuters are reported killed by Boko Haram.
2021.01.05 Iraq Qayara 1 0 A young man is tortured to death by Islamic State loyalists.
2021.01.05 Afghanistan Tawhid Abad 6 0 Six local soldiers are poisoned and then shot by a Taliban insider.
2021.01.05 Afghanistan Shirin Tagab 1 3 The Taliban hit a civilian vehicle with a rocket, killing a passenger.
2021.01.05 Afghanistan Kohistan 2 0 Terrorists on motorcycles gun down two locals.
2021.01.04 Cameroon Kolofata 1 0 Another civilian is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2021.01.04 Cameroon Kaliari 3 0 Three young men are shot to death by Boko Haram.
2021.01.04 DRC Mwenda 22 0 Twenty-two villagers are hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2021.01.04 Syria Wadi al-Azib 9 15 Nine civilians are reported killed by Islamic extremists.
2021.01.04 Burkina Faso Loumbila 6 3 A half-dozen are left dead following a Jihadi attack on a village.
2021.01.04 Afghanistan Sabzi 2 3 A Taliban IED attack outside a market leaves two dead.
2021.01.04 Syria Raqqa 3 1 ISIS members target a checkpoint with gunfire, killing three.
2021.01.03 Afghanistan Arghandab 9 0 An insider attack by a religious radical kills nine local cops.
2021.01.03 Philippines South Upi 1 0 Dawlah Islamiya attack a convoy of aid workers, killing a 23-year-old.
2021.01.03 Pakistan Mach 11 0 Eleven Shiite coal miners are kidnapped by the Islamic State, then forced to kneel as their throats are slit.
2021.01.03 Syria Badia 9 6 ISIS gunmen target a passing bus, killing nine, including a 13-year-old girl.
2021.01.03 Afghanistan Sayed 5 9 Five are left dead after Religion of Peace rivals attach a bomb to a cleric's car.
2021.01.03 Nigeria Kuda 6 8 A group fighting for Sharia attacks a local military base, killing six.
2021.01.03 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 A former radical is shot to death inside a mosque by Islam loyalists.
2021.01.03 Belgium Liege 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her brothers for being 'too Westernized'.
2021.01.02 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A civilian is blown away by ISIS explosives.
2021.01.02 Afghanistan Bati Kot 4 0 Four Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2021.01.02 Pakistan Haider Khel 1 0 Terrorists gun down a day laborer,
2021.01.02 Iraq Jalawla 1 8 ISIS members fire into a bridge, killing one person.
2021.01.02 Somalia Lafole 5 14 Five are killed when a suicide bomber plows into a construction site.
2021.01.02 Niger Tchombangou 72 75 Seventy villagers are purged by Religion of Peace activists.
2021.01.02 Niger Zaroumdareye 33 0 About thirty villagers are murdered by Islamic militants.
2021.01.02 Algeria Tipaza 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed by fundamentalists.
2021.01.02 Mali Menaka 2 0 A woman is among two claimed by a Jihadist landmine.
2021.01.01 Afghanistan Feroz Kah 1 0 Hardliners gun down a journalist and rights activist.
2021.01.01 DRC Tingwe 25 0 Dozens of farmers are massacred by ADF Islamists, some by beheading.
2021.01.01 Egypt Bir al-Abd 2 5 Jihadi bombers hit a security patrol, killing two members.
2021.01.01 Yemen Hodeida 5 7 Five women are taken out by a well-placed rocket into a wedding.
2021.01.01 Iraq Daquq 3 1 ISIS uses an IED to eliminate three Iraqis.
2021.01.01 Turkey Bayramozu 2 A young woman is honor-killed by her family along with her boyfriend.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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