The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Oslo, June 25

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2000 Islamic attacks in 51 countries, in which 9027 people were killed and 6815 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2022.12.31 Pakistan Jarra 1 0 Terrorists on motorbikes gun down a local constable.
2022.12.31 USA NYC 0 2 A convert to Islam travels to Times Square and attacks NYPD officers with a machete.
2022.12.31 France Paris 0 1 A migrant stabs a female jogger in the throat while yelling praises to Allah.
2022.12.31 Syria Sukhnah 6 0 ISIS operatives machine-gun a half-dozen people.
2022.12.31 Mozambique Namandi 1 0 A man is beheaded by Muslim hardliners in a targeted attack on Christians.
2022.12.30 Mozambique Nampanha 1 0 Muslim extremists fire on a village, killing a guard.
2022.12.30 Mozambique Namakiol 1 0 A Christian is abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.12.30 Syria Deir Es-Zor 10 4 Ten oil workers are massacred on their buses by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.12.30 Kenya Mlima Faru 1 0 Islamists hit a local patrol with a landmine, killing one member.
2022.12.30 Egypt Ismailia 4 12 Religious radicals attack a checkpoint, killing four bystanders.
2022.12.29 Pakistan Kurram 3 2 Three local soldiers are killed when Islamic militants open fire.
2022.12.29 Kenya Lamu 2 0 An Italian national is among two killed by al-Shabaab.
2022.12.29 Cameroon Ldaoussaf 1 1 Jihadists ambush two soldiers, killing one.
2022.12.29 Syria Palmyra 6 0 Six Syrian security personnel are attacked and killed by the Islamic State.
2022.12.29 Nigeria Kogi 3 0 At least three people lose their lives to an Islamic State car bomb blast.
2022.12.28 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 5 A Suicide car bomber goes off at a checkpoint.
2022.12.27 Philippines Sultan sa Barongis 3 0 Moro Islamic Liberation Front members kill three of their own.
2022.12.27 Yemen al-Sutour 1 0 A Ansar Allah bomb claims the life of a young man.
2022.12.27 Afghanistan Rig-e-Rawan 1 1 A government drive is shot dead by terrorists.
2022.12.26 Afghanistan Faizabad 3 4 A suicide car bombing snares three other people.
2022.12.26 Afghanistan Musa Qala 2 1 Two children are shredded by a mine blast.
2022.12.26 Kenya Taa 2 0 al-Shabaab members burn down a home and kill two innocent persons.
2022.12.26 Bangladesh Ukhia 1 0 A local leader is assassinated by AR Salvation members.
2022.12.26 Syria Raqqa 6 0 A half-dozen Kurds are killed during an Islamic State suicide attack.
2022.12.26 Mozambique Muambula 2 0 Two individuals are beheaded by Islamic radicals outside their sleepy village.
2022.12.25 Burkina Faso Fada N'Gourma 10 5 Ten bus passengers are blown up by al-Qaeda linked bombers.
2022.12.25 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A Yazidi is gunned down by Sunni radicals.
2022.12.25 Syria Rasafah 2 0 Two ISIS abductees are executed.
2022.12.24 Nigeria Airamne 17 0 Boko Haram Islamists murder seventeen herders and steal their cattle.
2022.12.24 Pakistan Sambaza 1 2 Tehrik-e-Taliban murder a border guard.
2022.12.24 Afghanistan Surkh Qala 2 0 Two 'girls' are raped and beheaded in front of their families by the Taliban on charge of sexual misconduct.
2022.12.23 Sudan Amuri 4 20 Arab militia stage a racist attack on a farming community, killing four.
2022.12.23 Nigeria Gambaru 3 0 Three security personnel lose their lives to an ISWAP attack.
2022.12.23 Pakistan Islamabad 1 4 A Shahid suicide bomber in a taxi kills one other person and injures four bystanders.
2022.12.22 Iraq Kobani 3 1 Three police officers are ambushed and killed by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.12.22 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A doctor dies in Taliban custody.
2022.12.22 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Terrorists murder a young man and dump his body at a secular college.
2022.12.22 Nigeria Andori 4 0 Islamists set fire to a car and kill four locals.
2022.12.22 Nigeria Musega 1 0 A targeted Muslim attack on a church leaves one dead.
2022.12.22 Somalia Jowhar 5 0 Five locals are blown to bits by al-Shabaab.
2022.12.21 Iraq al-Dibis 3 2 Three Iraqis are cut down by religious extremists.
2022.12.21 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Terrorists storm a counter-terror center and later kill one hostage.
2022.12.21 Iraq Sargaran 1 1 An Islamic State sniper picks off a local soldier.
2022.12.21 Kenya Garissa 3 0 Three occupants of a passing vehicle are eliminated by an al-Shabaab IED and RPG attack.
2022.12.21 Yemen al-Mahfid 4 3 An al-Qaeda IED ends four lives.
2022.12.21 Iraq Makhmour 2 3 An ISIS bombing and shooting attack claims two Iraqis.
2022.12.21 India Delhi 1 0 Islamic terrorists befriend a boy in order to kill him and chop him into pieces in preparation for attacking Hindus.
2022.12.20 Afghanistan Chobar 1 0 The Taliban murder a former opponent.
2022.12.20 Afghanistan Hawza-e-Sayedan 1 6 Mujahidin kill a child with a toy bomb.
2022.12.20 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Taliban members pull a civilian out of his car and beat him to death.
2022.12.20 Nigeria Kagoro 39 0 Elements of Boko Haram stage a brutal massacre of nearly forty villagers.
2022.12.20 Mozambique Chai 3 0 Three non-Muslims are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.12.19 Iraq Albu Bali 8 7 Eight civilians are murdered by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.12.19 Jordan Maan 3 0 Islamic extremists open fire on police officers, killing three.
2022.12.19 Pakistan Miran Shah 3 1 Three are left dead following a suicide bomb blast at a bridge.
2022.12.19 Iran Saravan 4 0 Sunni terrorists ambush and kill four security personnel.
2022.12.19 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Religious radicals gun down a local cop.
2022.12.19 Syria al-Mayadeen 6 0 A half-dozen opponents are pulled into pieces by ISIS bombers.
2022.12.18 Syria al-Mayadeen 1 4 ISIS members fire a rocket into a checkpoint, killing at least one.
2022.12.18 Pakistan Peshawar 8 20 A wave of Taliban cross-border attacks leaves eight dead.
2022.12.18 Nigeria Isi-Uzo 12 0 At least a dozen bodies are recovered following a Muslim attack on a village.
2022.12.18 Afghanistan Nawa 1 0 A soccer player is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2022.12.18 Afghanistan Gosfandi 1 0 A former opponent is murdered by the Taliban.
2022.12.18 Syria al-Mayadeen 2 0 Two Shiites are shot off their motorcycle by Sunni radicals.
2022.12.18 Iraq Safra 9 0 At least nine local cops lose their lives to an ISIS bombing and shooting attack.
2022.12.17 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 4 4 Holy Warriors pour rockets and grenades into a police station, killing four inside.
2022.12.17 Nigeria Adaka 3 0 Militant Muslims attack and kill three Christians with machetes.
2022.12.17 India Hyderabad 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is honor-strangled by her family over cell phone use.
2022.12.17 Iraq Sadr City 1 0 Shiite militia take out a rival.
2022.12.17 Burkina Faso Bouroum 2 5 A Jihadist IED claims two lives.
2022.12.17 Burkina Faso Kokode 6 0 Islamic radicals stop a bus, murder six passengers and rob the rest.
2022.12.16 Afghanistan Miankoh 1 0 An opponent of the Taliban is kidnapped and executed.
2022.12.16 Yemen Hays 3 3 Shiite militia take out three pedestrians with a landmine.
2022.12.16 Iraq Omar Qabji 2 3 Two children are exterminated by an ISIS explosive.
2022.12.16 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 A person is brutally beheaded on video by Majlis-e-Askari.
2022.12.16 Mali Timbuktu 2 4 Suspected Jihadists open fire on UN peacekeepers, killing two, including a female.
2022.12.15 Iraq Naseem 2 0 Mujahideen gun down a young couple.
2022.12.15 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A university lecturer is tortured to death by radicals.
2022.12.15 Lebanon al-Aqbiya 1 3 An Irish peacekeeper is killed in a shooting attack in a Hezbollah stronghold.
2022.12.15 Afghanistan Chaman 1 20 The Taliban shell a border town, killing one resident.
2022.12.15 Syria Hama 5 0 Five security personnel are ambushed and killed by the Islamic State.
2022.12.15 Yemen Marib 1 3 An Ansar Allah attack claims one life.
2022.12.15 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former soldier succumbs after 15 days of Taliban torture.
2022.12.14 Pakistan Miran Shah 3 5 A Shahid suicide bomber takes three pedestrians with him.
2022.12.14 Yemen al-Deir 1 2 A child dies from injuries following an Ansar Allah drone attack on a school.
2022.12.14 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Terrorists gun down a security guard at a toll booth.
2022.12.14 Iraq Tarmiyah 4 2 Four Iraqis are taken down by Jihadi bombers.
2022.12.14 Afghanistan Balkh 2 0 A man and his wife are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2022.12.14 Iraq Mosul 1 2 A bomb planted by ISIS kills a man and injures his two family members.
2022.12.14 Iraq Nimrud 1 0 The son of an anti-terror cleric is murdered by terrorists.
2022.12.13 Afghanistan Andarab 1 0 One person dies under torture after Taliban kidnap him from his home.
2022.12.13 Nigeria Zango Kataf 4 0 Muslim terrorists 'gruesomely' kill four locals.
2022.12.13 Nigeria Buratai 2 3 ISWAP gunmen fire into a local checkpoint, killing two members.
2022.12.13 India Mumbai 1 0 A 27-year-old Hindu woman is strangled for resisting marriage to a Muslim.
2022.12.12 Nigeria Kaura 3 0 Three innocents lose their lives to Muslim gunmen.
2022.12.12 Afghanistan Kabul 0 2 Two guests are injured when religious radicals storm a hotel.
2022.12.12 Uganda Ntoroko 4 0 At least four are left dead after ADF Islamists attack several villages.
2022.12.12 Iraq Duhok 1 0 A Fedayeen stages a suicide attack that leave a father-of-two dead.
2022.12.12 Syria al-Shula 6 6 At least a half-dozen are left dead following an ISIS shooting attack.
2022.12.12 Mozambique Nova Zambezia 1 0 Islamic radicals shoot one person to death.
2022.12.11 Iraq Dora 1 0 Mujahideen shoot a worker to death at an orchard.
2022.12.11 Somalia Hanshooley 2 3 A local airport manager succumbs to injury following an al-Shabaab bombing.
2022.12.11 Nigeria Jibia 4 1 Terrorists aligned with Boko Haram gun down four traders.
2022.12.11 Pakistan Chaman 6 17 Taliban forces stage a cross-border attack, opening fire on civilians and killing six.
2022.12.11 Kenya Mandera North 2 3 A father and son are murdered on the road by al-Shabaab.
2022.12.10 Iraq Dibs 1 0 Islamic State gunmen murder a local soldier.
2022.12.09 Yemen al-Abr 2 4 Muslim terrorists gun down two guards escorting a UN convoy.
2022.12.09 Sudan Sidir 2 9 Arab militia beat a farmer to death in his home, then shoot dead a neighbor coming to help.
2022.12.09 Somalia Baidoa 1 2 An al-Shabaab attack leaves one dead.
2022.12.08 Syria al-Suwar 1 0 ISIS snipers pick off a "spy."
2022.12.08 Nigeria Eboh Ishialu 16 6 Sixteen villagers are massacred by Muslim militants.
2022.12.08 Iran Khash 1 0 A Sunni cleric is kidnapped and quickly killed is captivity.
2022.12.08 Somalia Gedo 1 0 al-Shabaab claims responsibility for a bombing that kills an intelligence officer.
2022.12.08 Nigeria Bokkos 4 0 Four Christian children are murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.12.07 Burkina Faso Boala 12 0 A dozen civilian volunteers lose their lives to a Jihadist attack.
2022.12.07 Indonesia Bandung 1 10 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him to protest non-Sharia "law of the infidels."
2022.12.07 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2022.12.06 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 The Islamic State set off a bomb inside a store, killing the owner.
2022.12.06 Pakistan Mandan 1 0 Islamic extremists attack a police post, killing one person.
2022.12.06 Iraq Bahbahani 2 2 Two Iraqis succumb to injuries following an attack by Fedayee suicide bombers.
2022.12.06 Thailand Khlong Ngae 3 4 Three railway workers are blown up by Muslim 'insurgents.'
2022.12.06 Afghanistan Hairatan 7 6 Radicals bomb a bus carrying oil workers, killing seven.
2022.12.06 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A man in his 50's is shot dead by suspected ISIS.
2022.12.06 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 A man and his elderly father are murdered in their home by Islamic extremists.
2022.12.06 Pakistan Hairdarkhel 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by Sharia radicals.
2022.12.05 Syria Hariji 2 0 ISIS members fire into a village checkpoint, killing two guards.
2022.12.05 Afghanistan Panjshir 1 0 A schoolteacher is tortured to death by the Taliban.
2022.12.05 Nigeria Yar Bulutu 6 0 Islamist-aligned gunmen murder a half-dozen at a market.
2022.12.05 Kenya Hagadera 2 0 At least two border guards are brought down by a-Shabaab gunmen.
2022.12.05 Mozambique Naguida 1 0 Religious radicals target a village with gunfire, killing a guard.
2022.12.04 Iraq Samarra 1 0 A child is obliterated by an ISIS explosive.
2022.12.04 Burkina Faso Bittou 4 0 Jihadists are suspected to be behind the killing of four teachers.
2022.12.03 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 0 An imam opposed to the Taliban is executed.
2022.12.03 Nigeria Izzah 33 0 Thirty-three wives of a rival group are massacred by Boko Haram.
2022.12.03 Somalia Karan 1 3 al-Shabaab set off a bomb that kills a policeman.
2022.12.03 Pakistan Akora Khattak 3 0 Terrorists fire point-blank into a police van, killing three occupants.
2022.12.02 Yemen Wak Hajar 1 20 Ansar Allah set off a bomb at a rival mosque, taking out one worshipper.
2022.12.02 Nigeria Emohua 1 0 Muslim militants lure and murder a father of three.
2022.12.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Two suicide bombers manage to kill only one other person as they storm a political office.
2022.12.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A guard outside an embassy loses his life to a shooting attack.
2022.12.02 Mali Gao 24 0 Dozens of civilians are reported dead following a massive assault by Islamists.
2022.12.01 Pakistan Azam Warsak 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a girls' school, killing one.
2022.12.01 Somalia Nur Dugle 14 0 An al-Shabaab IED claims fourteen souls.
2022.12.01 Syria Palmyra 3 0 Three locals are picked off by ISIS gunmen.
2022.11.30 Afghanistan Kheshtpol 1 0 A former opponent of the Taliban is crushed with stones.
2022.11.30 Pakistan Quetta 5 28 Women are among those killed when a TTP suicide bomber targets a polio vaccination team.
2022.11.30 Afghanistan Aybak 19 24 Children are among nineteen killed when rivals bomb a Quran school.
2022.11.30 Afghanistan Balali 3 28 A suicide blast leaves three dead, including a woman.
2022.11.30 Iran Isfahan 2 0 A young protester is arrested the regime and then tortured to death.
2022.11.29 Syria Palmyra 2 0 ISIS gunfire at an oil pumping station claims two souls.
2022.11.29 Nigeria Ylewata 3 1 A family of three Christians is exterminated by Muslim militants, including a teen daughter.
2022.11.29 Egypt Sinai 1 0 Armed fundamentalists attack a security patrol, killing one member.
2022.11.29 Mozambique Nkonga 2 0 A Tanzanian is among two killed along the border by Islamist gunmen.
2022.11.28 Cameroon Maradi 1 1 An ISWAP attack on a Christian village leaves one dead.
2022.11.28 Mozambique Miangalewa 5 0 A security patrol is ambushed by Islamic extremists, with five members killed.
2022.11.28 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahideen knock off a civilian outside a row of shops.
2022.11.28 Syria Hilal 2 0 Two lives are taken by an ISIS IED at a market.
2022.11.27 Nigeria Dikwa 3 0 At least three are left dead following an ISWAP attack.
2022.11.27 Egypt al-Muthalath 5 0 At least five others are killed following a suicide bombing.
2022.11.27 Nigeria Umujiovu Eboh 1 0 A farmer is cut down by militant Muslims.
2022.11.27 Afghanistan Sarozah 1 0 A young man is shot dead for refusing at Taliban request to hand over his phone.
2022.11.27 Somalia Mogadishu 9 5 Nine civilians are killed when Islamic extremists storm a hotel.
2022.11.27 Mozambique Muidumbe 4 0 Four civilians burn to death when Islamic radicals set fire to two cars.
2022.11.26 Israel Jerusalem 1 0 Another Israeli dies from an earlier double bombing.
2022.11.26 Yemen Shabwa 5 5 Five people are blown away by an al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2022.11.26 Burkina Faso Djbo 4 1 Jihadi bombers target guards for an aid convoy, killing four.
2022.11.26 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 The Taliban arrest a former opponent and murder him in captivity.
2022.11.26 Pakistan Kotaki 2 0 A school principal and secularism advocate is gunned down along with his nephew.
2022.11.26 DRC Kanihonga 1 0 ADF Islamists murder a local soldier.
2022.11.26 Pakistan Mamund 1 0 Terrorists use an IED to kill a civilian.
2022.11.25 Nigeria Damboa 3 0 An IED and shooting assault on a security convoy claims three lives.
2022.11.25 Nigeria Rafin Sarki 11 0 Eleven innocents are laid out during assault on a village by Muslim 'bandits'.
2022.11.25 Pakistan Penjagena 1 1 A boy is killed in a bomb blast targeting a policewoman.
2022.11.25 Afghanistan Sayuk Sheebar 11 3 The Taliban seal off a Hazara village, then massacre eleven residents.
2022.11.25 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 2 2 Muslim terrorists ambush a security patrol and kill two members.
2022.11.25 Nigeria Umujiovu Eboh 2 0 Two locals are hacked to death by Muslims with machetes.
2022.11.24 Yemen Dhalea 3 6 An Ansar Allah drone attack leaves three dead.
2022.11.24 Mozambique Calugo 1 0 A driver is shot dead after angry Muslims surround his car.
2022.11.24 Pakistan Upper Waziristan 1 0 An Islamist sniper picks off a security guard.
2022.11.23 Mali Kadji Camp 11 0 Terrorists murder eleven souls at a displaced persons camp.
2022.11.23 Israel Jerusalem 1 22 A 15-year-old Canadian seminary student is murdered in a double bombing.
2022.11.23 Afghanistan Kabul 6 1 Five members of the same family are among six killed in a shooting by rivals at a mosque.
2022.11.23 Mozambique Nhanga 1 2 At least one person is left dead following a nighttime raid by Islamic terrorists.
2022.11.23 Nigeria Ser 9 20 A Muslim attack on a Christian village leaves nine dead.
2022.11.22 Nigeria Wumat 11 0 Muslim militants kill eleven non-Muslim villagers and burn dozens of homes.
2022.11.22 Yemen Alam 2 3 Two people are killed by an Ansar Allah drone.
2022.11.22 Mozambique Nairoto 5 0 Islamists capture and behead five tribesmen.
2022.11.22 Afghanistan Kunar 1 0 The Taliban murder an agricultural director.
2022.11.22 Burkina Faso Safi 8 0 Eight are left dead following a Jihadist attack on a village.
2022.11.22 Thailand Muang 1 31 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb at an apartment complex across from a school, killing one.
2022.11.22 Chad Ngouboua 35 25 Boko Haram members attack a local army position and kill dozens.
2022.11.22 Syria Azaz 5 5 Turkish-backed Islamists send a rocket into a residential area, killing a child and four others.
2022.11.21 Nigeria Agu-Amede 10 0 Women and children are among ten left dead following a rampage by militant Muslims.
2022.11.21 Somalia Sarira 3 0 Three Kenyan peacekeepers are murdered by al-Shabaab.
2022.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Terrorists kill two people with an explosives-packed Corolla.
2022.11.21 Burkina Faso Markoye 6 0 Six villagers are exterminated by Islamic extremists.
2022.11.21 Iraq Amarah 1 0 A civilian is brought down by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.11.21 DRC Bosio 2 0 An ADF Islamist ambush leaves two dead.
2022.11.21 Nigeria Malam Fatori 12 0 A dozen bodies of civilians are discovered following an Jihadist attack.
2022.11.21 Chechnya Grozny 1 0 A police officer is stabbed to death by an ISIS member.
2022.11.21 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is abducted by ISIS, tortured and executed.
2022.11.20 Mozambique Xitaxi 2 0 A man and his wife are slaughtered and then set on fire by Islam proponents.
2022.11.20 Syria Basira 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by the Islamic State.
2022.11.20 Syria Palmyra 4 0 Four security personnel are ambushed and killed by ISIS.
2022.11.20 Iraq Qarahanjir 4 0 Four Iraqi soldiers are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2022.11.19 Nigeria Malam Fatori 11 25 Jihadists kill at least eleven in a pre-dawn attack on a village.
2022.11.19 Mozambique Cabo Delgago 5 0 A woman and an aid worker are among five killed during a Jihadist attack on a family vehicle.
2022.11.19 Egypt al-Qantara 7 5 At least seven are killed when Islamic extremists barricade themselves in a school.
2022.11.19 Yemen Wadi Omran 4 0 Four locals are aerated by al-Qaeda shrapnel.
2022.11.18 Pakistan Chagmalai 2 1 Hardliners set off a bomb at a market that claims two passersby.
2022.11.18 Iraq Bibis 4 0 Islamic State members attack a local barracks, killing four occupants.
2022.11.17 Syria Tal al-Saman 2 0 An ISIS IED claims two lives outside a sleepy village.
2022.11.17 Mozambique Naguida 5 0 Muslim radicals murder five at a village.
2022.11.17 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 The Islamic State murder a rival cleric and his driver.
2022.11.17 Nigeria Maikatako 11 7 Eleven innocents are cut down by Muslim terrorists. The dead are mostly children.
2022.11.17 Nigeria Sabon Gaya 1 0 A Christian is kidnapped by Muslim gunmen and murdered in captivity.
2022.11.16 DRC Lumalisa 2 0 Islamists fire on a group of civilians, killing two.
2022.11.16 Iran Izeh 7 10 The Islamic State claims a shooting attack that leaves seven dead, including children
2022.11.16 Mozambique Mbau 2 0 Two fishermen are beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2022.11.16 Iran Khuzestan 6 15 A child is among a half-dozen laid out by gunmen at a market, in a suspected sectarian attack.
2022.11.16 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 A civilian is brought down outside his home by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.11.16 Pakistan Hilal Khel 2 1 Islamic extremists open fire on a passing security patrol, killing two members.
2022.11.15 Somalia Ras Kamboni 8 0 al-Shabaab claim to have killed eight Kenyans at a mission.
2022.11.15 Afghanistan Khas Kunar 1 0 A former police officer is tortured to death by the Taliban.
2022.11.15 Pakistan Dadiwala 6 0 Six cops guarding a fair are shot dead by Tehrik-e-Taliban on motorcycles.
2022.11.15 Israel Ariel 3 3 Three civilians are stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist at a gas station.
2022.11.15 India Soura 1 0 An innocent migrant worker is shot in the chest by Muslim militants.
2022.11.15 Mozambique Muambula 1 0 A villager is beheaded on video by Religion of Peace advocates.
2022.11.15 Mozambique Litandaqua 2 0 Two Christians are beheaded by Muslim activists.
2022.11.14 Syria Basira 3 0 ISIS snipers send three others to Allah.
2022.11.14 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 Muslim extremists gun down a young man.
2022.11.14 Mozambique Balama 2 0 Jihadists behead two villagers.
2022.11.14 Syria Hol 2 0 Two young girls are beheaded and thrown into the sewer at an ISIS camp.
2022.11.14 Nigeria Maikatako 12 0 A dozen are left dead following an attack by Muslim militants on a farming community.
2022.11.13 Pakistan Urmur 2 0 Two are killed when rival gunmen target a religious figure.
2022.11.13 Pakistan Chaman 1 2 Terrorists fire on border guards, killing one and injuring two others.
2022.11.13 Thailand Ban Ire Muesae 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' open fire on gleaners, killing a 63-year-old.
2022.11.13 Thailand Chanae 1 1 One is killed when terrorists ambush first responders to an earlier attack.
2022.11.13 Mozambique Litapata 2 0 Two people are killed by Sharia proponents.
2022.11.13 Syria Palmyra 2 0 Two lives are obliterated by an ISIS IED.
2022.11.13 Nigeria Tudun Mare 4 0 Four locals are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2022.11.13 Nigeria Chikun 7 0 Muslim gunmen slaughter seven villagers in two attacks.
2022.11.12 Mozambique Muripa 1 0 One non-Muslim agrarian is beheaded in the field by Islamic radicals.
2022.11.12 Iraq Khirnabat 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by Sunni Mujahideen.
2022.11.11 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A former opponent is assassinated by the Taliban on his way to mosque.
2022.11.10 Belgium Brussels 1 1 A police officer is stabbed to death by a man shouting praises to Allah.
2022.11.10 Mozambique Nanrapa 1 5 Islamists behead one person and abduct several women and girls.
2022.11.10 Nigeria Mandara Hills 20 0 Twenty women are executed by Boko Haram for witchcraft, many with their throats slit.
2022.11.10 Nigeria Katavila 3 3 Muslim extremists murder three passersby.
2022.11.10 Mozambique Naguida 3 0 Religious extremists set fire to homes and murder three trying to defend them.
2022.11.09 Cameroon Wulgo 3 0 Three locals are machine-gunned by ISWAP.
2022.11.09 Pakistan Raghzai 2 3 A late-night terror attack on a police station leaves two dead.
2022.11.09 DRC Kabasha 3 20 A mother and child are among three burned alive by ADF Islamists.
2022.11.09 Syria Jabal Abd Al-Aziz 2 3 Two are left dead following an Islamic State IED and shooting attack.
2022.11.08 Yemen Marib 1 0 Ansar Allah militia murder an opponent.
2022.11.08 Iran Sanandaj 2 0 A man is beaten to death for honking his horn in solidarity with hijab protesters.
2022.11.08 Nigeria Minjibir 2 1 Militant Muslims kill at least two villagers.
2022.11.08 India Jodhpur 1 0 A Hindu man is beaten to death after drawing water from a "Muslim" well…
2022.11.08 Niger Diffa 1 3 A Boko Haram kidnap victim dies from injuries.
2022.11.08 Nigeria Magumeri 2 0 ISWAP open fire on a checkpoint, killing two cops.
2022.11.07 Afghanistan Taner 1 0 The Taliban murder a man, then hack up his body with an axe.
2022.11.07 Somalia Dharkenley 1 0 Gunmen take out a university student in an area rife with al-Shabaab violence.
2022.11.07 Afghanistan Sholgara 1 0 A teenage girl is executed for refusing marriage to the Taliban's vice and virtue agent.
2022.11.07 Somalia Qayib 10 27 Islamic extremists attack a local military base starting with a suicide car bomber, killing ten.
2022.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists ambush an American aid worker in his car and shoot him to death.
2022.11.07 Egypt Jalbanah 4 0 Fundamentalists set off an IED that exterminates four souls.
2022.11.07 Pakistan Shakaas 2 0 A terrorist shooting leaves two dead.
2022.11.06 Nigeria Magumeri 1 0 A local cop is killed when ISWAP members storm a post.
2022.11.06 Egypt Gelbana 4 0 Armed fundamentalists attack a security patrol with an IED, killing four members.
2022.11.06 Iraq Abi Saida 1 0 A truck driver is murdered by Mujahideen.
2022.11.06 Afghanistan Takhar 1 0 A man dies after several days of Taliban torture.
2022.11.06 Philippines Tacurong 1 11 An Islamic group places a bomb on a bus that kills one passenger.
2022.11.05 Iraq Bani Saad 1 0 A security official is assassinated by terrorists.
2022.11.05 Nigeria Makurdi 2 0 Two more farmers are killed in cold blood by Muslim terrorists.
2022.11.05 Somalia Mogadishu 5 11 A Fedayeen suicide blows up in the capital, killing at least five others.
2022.11.05 Afghanistan Maknak 1 0 A religious student is executed in cold blood by the Taliban.
2022.11.05 Mozambique Pararene 2 0 Islamists loot a village and kill two defending their property.
2022.11.04 Afghanistan Andkhoi 3 0 The Islamic State is suspected shooting three to death at a salt mine.
2022.11.04 Yemen al-Mahfid 4 5 al-Qaeda use an IED to claim four lives.
2022.11.04 Philippines Maguindanao del Sur 1 2 Bangsamoro Islamists fire on guards at a bridge, killing one.
2022.11.04 Iran Khash 18 100 The Iranian regime opens fire on peaceful protesters, killing eighteen.
2022.11.03 Nigeria Modu Mairamti 3 0 Angry Muslims kill three farmers and burn their homes.
2022.11.03 Nigeria Tse Poovule 4 0 Four farmers are murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.11.03 Pakistan Wazirabad 1 13 An assassination attempt on a former politician leaves one supporter dead.
2022.11.03 Nigeria Ortese 1 0 A displaced person is killed at his camp by Muslim gunmen.
2022.11.03 Nigeria Ukohol 10 20 Children are among ten left dead after a militant Muslim attack on a market.
2022.11.03 Nigeria Nasarawa 8 0 Eight innocents are killed by Muslim gunmen in an attack on several villages.
2022.11.03 Somalia Mogadishu 3 11 Jihadists set off a bomb that claims three lives.
2022.11.03 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A young officer is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2022.11.02 Iran Sanandaj 1 0 An 18-year-old is gunned down for protesting the hijab.
2022.11.02 India Sararanpur 1 0 A young Hindu is beaten to death by the family of a Muslim with whom he is in a relationship.
2022.11.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former police chief is hanged by the Taliban after 49 days of torture.
2022.11.01 Egypt Eissa 1 0 A local is killed in captivity by the Islamic State.
2022.11.01 Iran Zahedan 1 0 Sunni radicals take out a Shiite cleric.
2022.11.01 Mozambique Meluco 2 2 Two people are reported killed following a Jihadist raid.
2022.10.31 Mozambique Litingina 1 2 Islamists kill a man and abduct two women.
2022.10.31 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local soldier is killed by armed fundamentalists.
2022.10.31 Yemen Dhalea 3 0 An Ansar Allah attack leaves three dead.
2022.10.30 Syria Tabqa 1 0 An ISIS attack on an airstrip leaves one dead.
2022.10.30 Nigeria Banki 4 0 Four members of a security patrol are ambushed and killed by ISWAP.
2022.10.30 Yemen Taiz 2 3 Ansar Allah send shells into a neighborhood, killing a man and his child.
2022.10.30 Iran Sistan 1 0 A middle school girl is beaten to death after being discovered with a torn-up photo of Khomeini.
2022.10.29 Nigeria Tse Ikyem 4 0 Muslim terrorists murder four civilians.
2022.10.29 Iran Tehran 1 0 A female surgeon is shot in the head for protesting the hijab.
2022.10.29 Israel Kiryat Arba 1 5 A 50-year-old Israeli is shot dead at his neighborhood by an Hamas gunmen.
2022.10.29 Pakistan Darazinda 2 4 Muslim terrorists open fire on a group of locals, killing two.
2022.10.29 Burkina Faso Gourma 15 11 Islamic militants ambush a supply convoy and kill fifteen.
2022.10.29 Mozambique Muaneia 1 0 One person is beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2022.10.29 Mozambique Namuno 2 2 A man and his wife are beheaded by religious radicals.
2022.10.28 Syria Daraa 1 0 A suicide bomber goes off in an apartment.
2022.10.28 Syria Daraa 4 2 A Fedayeen suicide bomber blows himself up at a residence, taking four others with him.
2022.10.28 Somalia Mogadishu 120 320 Mothers and children are among a hundred innocents leveled by two Islamic bomb blasts.
2022.10.28 Pakistan Akhorwal 3 1 Suspected terrorists attack a family vehicle, killing three inside.
2022.10.28 Afghanistan Herat 5 0 Five medical personnel are killed when their vehicle is fired on.
2022.10.27 Bangladesh Ukhiya 2 0 Two men are hacked to death at their homes by AR Salvation Army members.
2022.10.27 Afghanistan Herat 5 15 At least five are left dead following an ISIS roadside attack.
2022.10.27 Pakistan Ambar Ganji 1 0 Yet another guard for a polio vaccination team is murdered by extremists.
2022.10.27 India Sheeri 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen open fire on a group of soldiers, killing one.
2022.10.27 Syria Albukamal 1 0 A security guard loses his life to ISIS gunmen.
2022.10.27 Iran Mahabad 1 0 A female protester is shot and killed.
2022.10.26 Mozambique Chiure 1 0 One person is killed when Jihadists set fire to a church.
2022.10.26 Mozambique Bilibiza 1 0 A villager is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.10.26 Mozambique Liche 1 0 Islamists loot a village and murder a local resident found hiding in the bush.
2022.10.26 Iran Arak 1 0 A teen celebrity chef is beaten to death by the regime while in custody for protesting the hijab mandate.
2022.10.26 Iraq Daquq 1 1 Islamic State members kill one individual in a terror attack.
2022.10.26 Iraq Wadi al-Shay 2 0 An ISIS shooting attack leaves two dead.
2022.10.26 Nigeria Gbeji 34 0 Another thirty-four bodies are reported following a brutal Muslim assault on a non-Muslim village.
2022.10.26 Iran Shiraz 15 40 Sunni extremists kill fifteen worshippers at a Shiite shrine.
2022.10.25 Niger Tamou 2 0 Terrorists attack a police station and murder two officers.
2022.10.25 Pakistan Pishin 1 0 Hardliners attack a polio vaccination team, killing a guard.
2022.10.25 Syria Jazrat Albuhamid 1 0 A villager is abducted, tortured and executed by ISIS loyalists.
2022.10.24 Burkina Faso Djibo 10 50 Islamic extremists attack a local security base, killing at least ten.
2022.10.24 Afghanistan Behsud 1 11 The Taliban rampage through a neighborhood, burning homes and killing at least one.
2022.10.24 Pakistan Birmil 1 1 A bystander is killed in a targeted bombing attack on a peace committee.
2022.10.23 Iraq Bob al-Sham 1 3 Mujahid toss a grenade into a home, killing one inside.
2022.10.23 Somalia Kismayo 9 47 Students leaving a nearby school are among the casualties of a suicide attack on a hotel.
2022.10.23 Afghanistan Takhar 1 0 The body of a tribal elder murdered by al-Qaeda is recovered.
2022.10.23 Pakistan Hassan Khel 1 0 Terrorist sniper pick off a border guard.
2022.10.23 Nigeria Tse Igbur 2 0 Two young men on a motorcycle are shot dead by militant Muslims.
2022.10.23 Mozambique Napulubo 3 0 Three are reported dead following an attack by Muslim extremists.
2022.10.23 Nigeria Adamawa 1 7 An ISWAP shooting attack leaves one dead.
2022.10.23 Niger Tillabéri 5 0 Five security personnel at a checkpoint are massacred by Islamic radicals.
2022.10.22 Mozambique Katapua 2 0 Two family members are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2022.10.22 Nigeria Karinoa 3 0 Three civilian defense members are abducted by ISWAP, tortured and then shot dead.
2022.10.22 Niger Banibangou 15 0 Fifteen commuters are slaughtered by Jihadis.
2022.10.22 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two cops are gunned down in separate terror attacks.
2022.10.22 Afghanistan Zazi 2 2 Two children are aerated by Islamic shrapnel.
2022.10.22 Yemen Mahfid 5 0 al-Qaeda bombers target a passing ambulance, killing five onboard.
2022.10.22 Afghanistan Ishkemesh 5 0 A suspected ISIS bomb blast at a government office leaves five dead.
2022.10.21 Afghanistan Mayimi 10 0 The Taliban execute ten captives.
2022.10.21 Nigeria Gidan Ityotyev 2 1 Two farmers are cut down by militant Muslims, who also chop off a woman's breast.
2022.10.20 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 An al-Shabaab attack leaves one dead.
2022.10.20 DRC Maboya 7 1 ADF Islamists enter a Catholic hospital, kill six patients and a nun.
2022.10.20 Iraq Waqf Basin 1 2 ISIS kill one person and injure two more.
2022.10.20 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Islamic gunmen bring down a local constable.
2022.10.19 Iraq Garmiyan 1 2 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2022.10.19 Somalia Jalalaqsi 15 35 Fifteen innocents are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2022.10.19 Somalia Bulobarde 6 17 Fedayeen suicide bombers on a motorcycle blow up a half-dozen bystanders at a bridge.
2022.10.19 Pakistan Sulaimaniyah 2 7 Two Kurds are dismantled by ISIS bombers.
2022.10.19 Nigeria Gbeji 36 12 Militant Muslims hack dozens of villagers to death.
2022.10.19 Syria Azba 1 0 A Syrian is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2022.10.19 Syria Basira 2 0 Two people are shot to death in their car by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.10.19 Nigeria Niger 2 20 Two patients are killed when Boko Haram attack a medical clinic.
2022.10.18 Germany Ludwigshafen 2 1 A Somali migrant stabs two people to death while reportedly shouting 'Allah Akbar.'
2022.10.18 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a retired ambassador in his home.
2022.10.18 Mali Bandiagara 3 0 Three children are vaporized by a Jihadi IED.
2022.10.18 Bangladesh Ukhia 1 0 The AR Salvation Army is suspected in the murder of a 23-year-old.
2022.10.18 India Harmen 2 0 Two migrant laborers expire following a grenade attack by Lashkar-e-Toiba.
2022.10.17 Mali Tessalit 4 0 Jihadists kill four UN Peacekeepers with a planted bomb.
2022.10.17 Syria Hajna 1 0 A mosque imam is murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2022.10.17 Syria Tanahej 2 5 Two lives are tragically snuffed out by an ISIS IED.
2022.10.17 Mozambique Chiute 4 0 Religious radicals behead four innocents.
2022.10.17 Mozambique Nicuecha 7 0 Seven people are reported beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2022.10.17 Mozambique Maremano 15 0 Fifteen mutilated bodies are discovered following a Religion of Peace attack on a village.
2022.10.17 Tanzania Ntambaswala 2 0 At least two people are confirmed dead following a Muslim terror attack.
2022.10.16 Mozambique Ngalonga 2 1 Two others are killed during a looting spree by Islamic radicals.
2022.10.16 Nigeria Lokuga 5 0 Islamists set fire to a church and kill five innocents.
2022.10.16 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 0 The Taliban murder a former opponent.
2022.10.16 Pakistan Waziristan 3 0 The Tehrik-i-Taliban release a video of the killing of several people.
2022.10.16 Niger Bosso 2 1 Two women on a donkey are killed by a Jihadist bomb that also badly injures a child.
2022.10.15 Russia Soloti 22 16 Three Tajik gunmen open fire at a Russian base over religious differences, killing twenty-two.
2022.10.15 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Two people are killed in their home by Mujahideen.
2022.10.15 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A local man is abducted and then shot in the head.
2022.10.15 India Shopian 1 0 A Hindu scholar is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2022.10.15 Burkina Faso Bouroum 11 2 A Jihadist ambush leaves eleven dead, mostly civilians.
2022.10.15 Bangladesh Ukhiya 2 0 A dozen Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army members stab two refugee leaders to death.
2022.10.15 Thailand Bannang Sata 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate a local village head.
2022.10.15 India Shadipur 1 1 A Hindu dies from injuries suffered during an attack by a Muslim mob.
2022.10.15 Iran Ardabil 1 0 A schoolgirl dies from a beating inflicted for refusing to praise the supreme leader.
2022.10.15 Mozambique Nonia 1 0 Religion of Peace activists behead a local man.
2022.10.15 Libya Sirte 42 0 A mass grave is found, containing the bodies of forty-two ISIS victims.
2022.10.14 Nigeria Pulka 2 0 Two security personnel at a checkpoint are machine-gunned point-blank by ISWAP.
2022.10.14 Egypt Rafah 3 3 Armed fundamentalists attack a beach patrol and kill three members.
2022.10.14 Somalia Hawa Abdi 6 6 Children are among a half-dozen disassembled by an al-Shabaab IED.
2022.10.14 Egypt Rafah 3 0 Three people are killed by Islamic State fundamentalists.
2022.10.14 DRC Masome 12 0 A dozen men and women are brutally slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2022.10.14 Pakistan Wana 2 0 Two abductees are found riddled with bullets.
2022.10.14 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 The Taliban shoot a high-school student to death.
2022.10.14 Yemen Mahfid 2 5 al-Qaeda set off a roadside bomb that claims two lives in a passing vehicle.
2022.10.13 Pakistan Rustom Adda 2 0 Two traders are murdered in captivity by Islamic hardliners.
2022.10.13 Philippines Datu Salibo 1 1 Bangsamoro Islamists fire into an outpost, killing two.
2022.10.13 Somalia Saakow 6 0 Fundamentalists execute six captives in cold blood.
2022.10.13 Syria Damascus 18 27 Jihadists plant a bomb on a bus that takes eighteen lives.
2022.10.13 Mali Bandiagara 11 53 A woman and 5-year-old girl are among eleven innocents blown to bits by Macina Katiba.
2022.10.13 Mozambique Litandacua 3 0 Three are left dead following an Islamic extremist attack on a village.
2022.10.13 Syria Hasakah 1 0 An official is assassinated by the Islamic State while riding a motorcycle.
2022.10.13 Pakistan Kabu 1 0 A civilian is murdered at his workplace by Islamic extremists.
2022.10.13 India Shadipur 1 0 Three Muslim murder a 25-year-old Hindu in a targeted attack.
2022.10.12 Iran Hamedan 1 0 A female medical engineering student is beaten to death for protesting the hijab.
2022.10.12 Syria Deir Ez-Zor 12 0 Civilians are among a dozen killed during an Islamic State attack.
2022.10.12 Somalia Bulo Burde 3 0 At least three defenders are lost when al-Shabaab gunmen overrun a small town.
2022.10.11 Somalia Qoryooley 1 0 Islamists murder a local official with a bomb.
2022.10.11 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 23-year-old hijab protester is killed by Basijis.
2022.10.11 Israel Shavei Shomron 1 0 A 21-year-old guard at a settlement is killed in a Palestinian drive-by shooting.
2022.10.11 Iraq Sadr City 1 0 A suspected sectarian drive-by leaves one dead.
2022.10.11 Afghanistan Noorlam 2 0 An ISIS IED claims two lives.
2022.10.10 Iraq Zahra 1 0 Terrorist gunmen pick off a civilian.
2022.10.10 Pakistan Waliabad 1 0 A local peace committee member is shot dead by radicals.
2022.10.10 DRC Kainama 9 0 Nine more bodies are discovered at an ADF beheading site.
2022.10.10 India Kakapora 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on two railway workers, bringing down one.
2022.10.10 Yemen Mudiyah 6 2 A half-dozen locals are exterminated by AQAP bombers.
2022.10.10 Mozambique Ntoli 1 0 Islamists attack a medical clinic and kill a woman.
2022.10.10 Pakistan Char Bagh 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire on a school van, killing the driver and injuring a child.
2022.10.10 Nigeria Chara 3 0 Three members of a local defense force are ambushed and killed by ISWAP.
2022.10.10 Nigeria Korshiga 5 0 Five civilians are murdered by ISWAP.
2022.10.10 Syria Kassar 1 0 A local man is kidnapped by ISIS, interrogated and then executed.
2022.10.09 Iraq Abu Ghraib 2 0 Two former opponents are shot dead by religious extremists.
2022.10.09 Israel Shuafat 1 2 An 18-year-old female soldier dies of injuries from a checkpoint shooting.
2022.10.09 Yemen Wadi Amran 4 3 Religion of Peace proponents target a passing security patrol with a bomb, killing four members.
2022.10.08 Bangladesh Durgapur 1 0 A Catholic politician is beaten to death due to his status as a minority.
2022.10.08 Mozambique Litandacua 1 0 Islamists set homes on fire and kill one resident.
2022.10.08 Somalia Galgala 5 0 An al-Shabaab IED claims five lives.
2022.10.08 Iraq Hussainiya 1 2 Mujahideen kill a person inside their home.
2022.10.08 France Château-Thierry 0 6 A man holding a Quran and prayer mat goes on a stabbing spree.
2022.10.08 Nigeria Gidan Sule 15 10 Fifteen innocents are slaughtered by machine-gun firing Muslim militants.
2022.10.07 Yemen Lahj 4 12 Four locals lose their lives to an Ansar Allah attack.
2022.10.07 Yemen Had 4 7 Four local soldier are killed during a pernicious Ansar Allah attack.
2022.10.07 Yemen Taiz 2 6 Ansar Allah fire rockets into a city center, killing two.
2022.10.07 Nigeria Gidan Sule 2 0 Two more people lose their lives to Muslim gunmen.
2022.10.06 Nigeria Marte 8 0 Eight are killed when Islamist groups clash.
2022.10.06 Sweden Motala 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed in front of her children by her husband.
2022.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 4 25 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates in a rival mosque during prayers, killing four.
2022.10.05 India Haal 1 0 Muslim gunmen bring down a civilian with gunfire.
2022.10.05 Syria al-Mayadeen Desert 1 0 A Shiite is picked off by a Sunni sniper.
2022.10.05 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An Islamic State-linked attack at a beach leaves one dead.
2022.10.05 Pakistan Mamund 1 0 Islamic gunmen fire on a civilian, killing him on the spot.
2022.10.04 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 A 10-year-old girl is tragically cut down by ARSA bullets.
2022.10.04 DRC Vido 11 20 An Anglican pastor is among eleven massacred by Islamic militia.
2022.10.04 Israel Hebron 1 0 A gay Palestinian man is beheaded by a Muslim radical. The body is then paraded in the street.
2022.10.04 Iraq Sulaymaniyah 1 0 A women's activist is assassinated by hardliners.
2022.10.04 Nigeria Njiling 3 3 Three villagers are killed during a Boko Haram looting spree.
2022.10.04 Yemen Shbwa 3 5 al-Qaeda attack an oil convoy, killing three guards.
2022.10.03 Somalia Beledweyne 20 36 A triple bomb attack by Islamists on a regional capital leaves twenty dead.
2022.10.03 Pakistan Matani 2 5 Tehrik-e Taliban members fire on a security patrol, killing two members.
2022.10.03 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 3 Islamic State members ambush a security patrol, killing four.
2022.10.03 Syria Abu al-Naytal 1 0 A man is abducted outside his home by ISIS and later shot to death.
2022.10.03 DRC Butembo 1 9 A patron later dies from injuries suffered during an ADF bombing at a theater.
2022.10.02 Nigeria Borno 3 0 ISIS sympathists kill three others.
2022.10.02 Nigeria Azari 1 0 A man is shot to death inside his home by Muslim terrorists.
2022.10.02 DRC Mamove 19 0 Nineteen innocents are massacred by the ADF.
2022.10.02 India Pinglana 1 1 Members of a Lashkar-e-Taiba offshoot open fire on a police patrol, killing a member.
2022.10.02 Iraq Mandali 1 0 A livestock dealer is kidnapped by Mujahideen and then killed.
2022.10.02 India Damodarpura 1 0 A 16-year-old's throat is slit by her brother for being in a relationship with a Hindu.
2022.10.01 Iraq Hamza 1 0 Shia militia are suspected of assassinating a man outside his home.
2022.10.01 DRC Kyamata 14 2 Fourteen Christians are hacked to death by ADF Islamists.
2022.10.01 Yemen Ataq 2 2 Suspected al-Qaeda target a passing patrol with a bomb, killing two members.
2022.10.01 India Ghotki 1 0 A physically-disabled man is beaten to death after being accused of blasphemy.
2022.10.01 DRC Mayoano 1 0 A village guard is killed by the ADF.
2022.10.01 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former police officer, 8-months pregnant, is shot dead by the Taliban in front of her husband and children.
2022.09.30 Nigeria Kumshe 2 1 Islamic State members set vehicles on fire and kill two.
2022.09.30 Iran Zahedan 96 150 Shiite militia fire into a crowd at a Sunni mosque, killing nearly one-hundred.
2022.09.30 Somalia Balad 1 3 A popular police chief and a journalist are cut down by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2022.09.30 Afghanistan Kabul 52 110 A suicide bomber kills dozens of young women sitting for exams at their school in a Shiite area.
2022.09.29 Pakistan Kharlachi 1 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen pick off a border guard.
2022.09.29 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 A tribal elder loses his life to an al-Shabaab ambush.
2022.09.29 Nigeria Gajiram 2 0 Two souls are claimed by ISWAP.
2022.09.29 DRC Bellongo 1 0 One soldier loses his life following an ADF attack on a compound.
2022.09.29 Somalia Gariley 12 0 A dozen are left dead when al-Shabaab attack a team drilling a water well.
2022.09.29 Egypt Bir al-Abd 1 0 An Islamic State attack claims one life.
2022.09.28 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 A former soldier is arrested and executed by the Taliban.
2022.09.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 A Chinese national is murdered at his dental clinic.
2022.09.27 Yemen Hodeidah 3 10 Three local soldiers are killed by Ansar Allah.
2022.09.27 Pakistan Mir Ali 0 27 A suicide bomber injures dozens.
2022.09.27 Pakistan Shahbaz Ghari 1 0 Terrorists murder a local police officer.
2022.09.26 Nigeria Benisheikh 6 0 ISWAP members kill a half-dozen.
2022.09.26 India Mumbai 1 0 A Hindu wife's throat is slit by her Muslim husband after she refuses to wear a burqa.
2022.09.26 Burkina Faso Gaskinde 37 29 Three dozen people are reported dead after a Jihadist attack.
2022.09.26 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 At least two local soldiers are killed in an unprovoked attack by religious militants.
2022.09.26 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 A guard outside a politician's house is assassinated in a Muslim drive-by.
2022.09.25 Afghanistan Bamiyan 1 0 A young woman is shot to death outside a hotel by moral enforcers.
2022.09.25 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 An off-duty police officer is murdered at a mosque by radicals.
2022.09.25 India Parikshitgarh 1 0 A 20-year-old Hindu is beheaded by six Muslims over a love affair with a Muslim.
2022.09.25 Somalia Mogadishu 15 10 A suicide bomber at a military recruitment office kills fifteen.
2022.09.25 Afghanistan Faizabad 1 3 Terrorists kill one person with a planted bomb.
2022.09.25 Nigeria Bangai 1 0 A young man is murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.09.25 Nigeria Janneret 1 0 A non-Muslim is killed by Muslim radicals.
2022.09.25 Syria Hama 2 1 Two bus passengers are killed during an ISIS attack.
2022.09.25 Mozambique Natutoy 1 0 A Christian is abducted and executed by Islamic extremists.
2022.09.24 Syria Hariji 2 0 Two accused sorcerers are murdered by religious radicals.
2022.09.24 Pakistan Eesham 2 0 Islamists kill two local soldiers with an IED.
2022.09.24 Nigeria Benisheik 3 0 An ISWAP attack on a community leaves three dead.
2022.09.24 Burkina Faso Tapoa 6 0 Jihadists ambush a group of security volunteers, killing six.
2022.09.24 Nigeria Falouja 1 3 At least one person succumbs to injury following a Boko Haram highway ambush.
2022.09.24 Nigeria Sabongari 2 0 Two traders are murdered by "soldiers of the caliphate."
2022.09.23 Iran Isfahan 1 0 An 18-year-old woman is shot dead by security for protesting the hijab.
2022.09.23 Nigeria Buratai 2 0 Two security personnel at a checkpoint are wasted by ISWAP gunmen.
2022.09.23 Afghanistan Kabul 7 41 Children are among the casualties when a mosque is bombed by rivals during Friday prayers.
2022.09.23 Mozambique Umba 1 0 A villager is forced to his knees and executed by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.09.22 Syria Saan 3 0 Islamic State devotees kill three other people.
2022.09.22 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 0 The Taliban murder a former opponent.
2022.09.21 Iran Karaj 1 0 A young woman is shot 6 times by Iranian security for protesting the hijab
2022.09.21 Afghanistan Pich Dara 1 0 The Taliban shoot a polio vaccinator who criticized them for watching girls.
2022.09.21 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 The AR Salvation Army stab a man to death.
2022.09.21 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 A cop dies from splinter injuries after an al-Shabaab grenade attack.
2022.09.21 Iran Amol 1 0 A 21-year-old hijab protester is assassinated at close range after tearing down a poster.
2022.09.21 Bangladesh Balukhali 1 0 A volunteer guard is stabbed to death by the ARSA.
2022.09.21 Nigeria Logo 14 15 At least fourteen villagers are cut down by militant Muslims.
2022.09.21 Pakistan Khyber 1 1 A tribal elder is assassinated in a packed marketplace.
2022.09.20 Niger Toummour 11 0 Eleven farmers are killed execution-style by Boko Haram.
2022.09.20 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 Tehreek-e-Taliban on motorcycles kill a tribesman at a market
2022.09.20 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 An 84-year-old Israeli woman is bludgeoned to death by a young Palestinian.
2022.09.20 Thailand Mai Kaen 1 3 Muslim terrorists plant a bomb that kills a police officer.
2022.09.20 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 17-year-old woman, arrested for protesting the hijab, is beaten to death by the Islamic regime.
2022.09.20 Iran Amol 1 0 A young man is fatally shot for tearing down a poster of the top cleric.
2022.09.19 Nigeria Mere 1 0 An older worker is stabbed to death by militant Muslims on her farm.
2022.09.19 Egypt al-Tarabin 1 0 A man is blown up at his home ISIS.
2022.09.19 Nigeria Biljum 2 0 Islamists kill two Christians and set fire to a church.
2022.09.19 Iraq Baaj 1 0 A civilian is taken down by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.09.19 Pakistan Dwatoi 1 0 Muslim terrorists fire across the border, killing a guard.
2022.09.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 The Taliban murder two women inside their home.
2022.09.18 Nigeria Gaizuwa 2 0 Two rivals are executed in their homes by ISWAP.
2022.09.18 Afghanistan Nahr Aab 1 0 A shepherd is murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2022.09.18 Bangladesh Ukhiya 1 0 A man is shot to death by the AR Salvation Army.
2022.09.18 Nigeria Ngban 3 0 Three innocents are gunned down by militant Muslims.
2022.09.18 Pakistan Model 1 0 A Christian father of 5 is tortured to death by police.
2022.09.18 Somalia Wadi Amran 2 10 An al-Qaeda affiliate detonates an IED that claims two lives.
2022.09.18 Nigeria Jalingo 3 0 A woman and a girl are among three killed by an ISWAP bombing at a shop.
2022.09.18 Uganda Bugiri 1 0 The mother of a 3-year-old is poisoned by relatives after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2022.09.17 Egypt Sinai 7 0 Seven local soldiers are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.09.17 Syria Hariza 1 0 A civilian loses his life to ISIS gunmen.
2022.09.17 Cameroon Goumbouldi 2 0 Two civilians are shot off their motorcycles by Boko Haram.
2022.09.17 Armenia Jermuk 1 0 An Armenian woman is captured, raped and dismembered by Azerbaijanis.
2022.09.17 Afghanistan Shindand 1 0 Terrorists murder a young man.
2022.09.16 Iran Tehran 1 0 A 22-year-old woman dies after being beaten into a coma by morality police for not wearing an hijab.
2022.09.16 Somalia Buqda 4 3 Three tribal elders and a family member are assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2022.09.16 Nigeria Bama 29 0 Twenty-nine are killed when ISWAP ambush a group of rivals.
2022.09.16 Egypt Jalbanah 1 0 Armed fundamentalists kill one local.
2022.09.15 Afghanistan Giyawah 4 0 Four civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2022.09.15 Philippines al-Barka 3 0 Abu Sayyaf raid a local military base and kill three.
2022.09.14 Israel Jenin 1 0 Palestinian terrorists gun down an IDF officer at a security point.
2022.09.14 Pakistan Charbagh Tehsil 1 0 A former peace committee member is shot dead by the Tehrik-e-Taliban.
2022.09.14 Afghanistan Dara 1 0 A civilian is abducted and executed by the Taliban.
2022.09.14 DRC Beni 1 0 ADF members ambush an army vehicle and kill the driver.
2022.09.13 Mozambique Ishibawa 5 0 Five civilians are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2022.09.13 Syria Basira 1 0 ISIS members fire on a water tank, killing one.
2022.09.13 Burkina Faso Oursi 8 20 Eight local soldiers lose their lives to a Jihadist ambush.
2022.09.13 Afghanistan Dara 2 0 Two civilians are pulled from their homes by the Taliban and shot to death.
2022.09.13 Pakistan Azam Warsak 1 0 Terrorists kill a contractor with a car bomb.
2022.09.13 Pakistan Kharlachi 3 0 Muslim extremists open fire on border guards point-blank, killing three.
2022.09.13 Pakistan Bara Bandai 8 0 Eight people lose their lives when Tehreek-e-Taliban bombers target a peace committee.
2022.09.13 Kenya Abdalla Birole 1 0 At least one Kenyan is killed when al-Shabaab send mortars into an AU base.
2022.09.13 Kenya Afmadow 6 0 al-Shabaab claims to have killed a half-dozen with a roadside bomb.
2022.09.13 Ethiopia Ato 10 4 Islamists claim an attack that leaves ten dead.
2022.09.12 Yemen Mudia 3 6 Three local soldiers are ambushed and killed by al-Qaeda.
2022.09.12 Nigeria Bula 1 0 A local soldier is killed by militants linked to Boko Haram.
2022.09.12 Burkina Faso Oudalan 2 12 Jihadists attack a security patrol and kill two members.
2022.09.12 Afghanistan Dara 8 0 Eight POWs are executed by the Taliban.
2022.09.12 Afghanistan Pashtun Abad 1 0 The Taliban murder a woman after conning her into leaving her home under the pretense of aid.
2022.09.12 Somalia Afgoi 2 3 An al-Shabaab blast at a market leaves two dead.
2022.09.11 Mozambique Chibabid 1 0 A Christian is beheaded by Islamists.
2022.09.11 Mozambique Kolobola 4 0 Four Christians are beheaded.
2022.09.11 Syria Hasakeh 6 0 A half-dozen Syrians are interrogated and executed by ISIS.
2022.09.11 Afghanistan Durahi 1 0 A former opponent is murdered by the Taliban.
2022.09.11 Afghanistan Siah Gerd 1 0 A man is executed by the Taliban after being kidnapped a few days earlier.
2022.09.11 Nigeria Ganawuri 1 1 Militant Muslims kill a church guard and kidnap a pastor.
2022.09.11 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 0 A local rival is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2022.09.11 Somalia Milho 5 10 A Shahid suicide bomber sends five souls to Allah.
2022.09.11 Egypt Sinai 4 0 Four Egyptians are killed by ISIS gunmen.
2022.09.10 Nigeria Geidam 1 0 ISWAP members gun down a cop.
2022.09.10 Nigeria Ukohol 1 0 Muslim terrorists burn homes and kill one resident.
2022.09.10 DRC Butembo 2 1 Two security personnel are ambushed and killed by ADF.
2022.09.10 Afghanistan Kabul 0 16 Sunni radicals use a bicycle bomb against patrons at a Hazara market.
2022.09.09 Mozambique Natatwelo 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents kill a monk and set a church on fire.
2022.09.09 India Delhi 1 0 Three Muslims stab another to death for participating in a Hindu ceremony.
2022.09.09 Pakistan Pai 4 2 Four guards for an aid convoy are cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2022.09.09 Nigeria Yogbo 3 0 Two women are among three killed by Muslims behind a school.
2022.09.08 Philippines Barangay Gulong 3 0 A breakaway Muslim group is suspected in the shooting death of three family members, including a child.
2022.09.08 Germany Ansbach 0 2 A migrant shouting praise to Allah stabs two at random at a train station.
2022.09.08 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 2 0 Two Christians are murdered by Islamic radicals.
2022.09.08 Mozambique Nampula 4 0 Four more are killed during a church-burning spree by Muslim extremists.
2022.09.08 DRC Mamudioma 1 0 A civilian is killed when a non-Muslim village is targeted by ADF.
2022.09.08 Syria al-Hol 2 0 At least two are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.09.07 DRC Bulungo 5 0 ADF Islamists take five civilians hostage, then execute them.
2022.09.07 Mozambique Chipene 1 0 A 84-year-old nun is brought down by Jihadi gunmen.
2022.09.07 Iraq Huwaider 1 0 Terrorists gun down a farmer at his orchard.
2022.09.06 Mozambique Nampula 6 3 Six civilians are beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2022.09.06 Somalia Barawe 1 9 A guard at a bus station succumbs to injury following an al-Shabaab bombing.
2022.09.06 Yemen Ahwar 21 6 An early morning al-Qaeda attack leaves twenty-one others dead.
2022.09.06 Afghanistan Maimana 1 4 A Taliban grenade is tossed in the direction of a family, killing one member.
2022.09.06 Nigeria Katun Gida 2 13 Muslim terrorists kill two siblings and kidnap thirteen others.
2022.09.06 Nigeria Karinwa 2 0 Two Nigerians are abducted by Islamists and killed.
2022.09.06 Mali Talataye 45 0 Some forty-five people are left dead following an Islamic State attack on a town.
2022.09.05 Nigeria Baga 6 3 Islamists target a convoy with gunfire, killing a half-dozen.
2022.09.05 Nigeria Mbawa 3 0 Muslim militants storm a community and kill three.
2022.09.05 Pakistan Khanmai 1 0 Terrorists hurl a grenade at a police officer, killing him.
2022.09.05 India Narpora 1 0 A young man is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2022.09.05 Afghanistan Kabul 6 10 Two diplomats are among a half-dozen blown up by a suicide bomber.
2022.09.05 Burkina Faso Djibo 35 37 Three dozen souls are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers along a highway.
2022.09.04 Syria Ayn Eissa 3 2 ISIS gunmen kill three rivals.
2022.09.04 Iraq Hamrin 1 4 A suicide bombing is one of two blasts that leave one dead.
2022.09.04 Syria Tal Barak 4 4 At least four people in a passing vehicle are shot dead by ISIS.
2022.09.03 India Bareilly 1 0 A Hindu man is lynched by a Muslim family over a love affair.
2022.09.03 Iraq Qulai 1 0 A 12-year-old shepherd is shot in the head by terrorists.
2022.09.03 Nigeria Numgbera 3 3 Muslim militants shoot dead three villagers.
2022.09.03 Yemen Taiz 1 11 Ansar Allah loyalists kill one other person.
2022.09.03 Somalia Mahas 20 0 Islamists attack a food convoy, burning vehicles and slaughtering twenty aid workers.
2022.09.02 Iraq Rawa 1 3 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out an Iraqi.
2022.09.02 Afghanistan Herat 18 23 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a rival cleric and seventeen others.
2022.09.02 Pakistan Choudhwan 1 0 Muslim gunmen assassinate a policeman on his way to work.
2022.09.02 Syria Hantutin 3 1 An al-Nusra rocket claims three lives.
2022.09.02 Nigeria Ngulde 4 6 Boko Haram invade a village and murder four, including a rival imam.
2022.09.02 Afghanistan Kata Amba 2 0 Two captives are executed by the Taliban.
2022.09.01 Nigeria Umella 6 0 A half-dozen locals are shot and hacked to death by militant Muslims.
2022.09.01 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 Three people lose their lives when al-Shabaab fire mortars into populated areas.
2022.09.01 Iraq Basra 5 7 Five are killed when the supporters of rival Shiite clerics clash.
2022.09.01 Iraq Basra 4 0 Four are killed by a rival Shiite group.
2022.09.01 Syria Attal 1 0 A truck driver is brought down in a hail of ISIS bullets.
2022.09.01 Libya Sirte 15 0 A mass grave is found, containing the bodies of fifteen ISIS victims.
2022.08.31 India Ahmednagar 1 0 A young Hindu is murdered by seven for being in a relationship with a Muslim girl.
2022.08.31 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 A Religion of Peace car bomb claims two souls.
2022.08.31 Somalia El Adde 7 0 At least seven are killed during an al-Shabaab attack.
2022.08.31 Syria Tabqa 2 3 Two guards at an airfield are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.08.30 Philippines Ampatuan 2 0 Bangsamoro Islamists murder two local cops.
2022.08.30 Egypt Jalbanah 2 0 Two Coptic farmers, father and son, are brought down by Islamic fundamentalists.
2022.08.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A district official is assassinated by an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2022.08.30 DRC Ituri 14 0 A dozen more civilians are cut down by ADF Islamists.
2022.08.30 Pakistan Yousafabad 1 1 Terrorists target a passing security patrol with a bomb, killing one member.
2022.08.30 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 A senior judge on the supreme court is abducted and slain by Ansar Allah.
2022.08.30 Syria Hammar al-Ali 1 0 A court clerk is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2022.08.29 Iraq Panja Ali 1 0 A Kurdish man is kidnapped and beheaded by the Islamic State.
2022.08.29 Yemen Taiz 10 7 An Ansar Allah attack on a humanitarian route leaves ten dead.
2022.08.29 DRC Beu-Manyama 5 0 Two women are among five hacked to death by ADF.
2022.08.29 Niger Diffa 12 0 A dozen fisherman are rounded up and executed by Boko Haram.
2022.08.29 Egypt al-Arish 2 4 A couple of local soldiers are murdered by fundamentalists.
2022.08.28 Egypt Maghara 3 5 An ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2022.08.28 DRC Mutuweyi 12 0 A dozen innocents are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2022.08.28 India Basti 2 0 A Muslim family murders their daughter and the Hindu boy that she was dating.
2022.08.28 Iraq Laylan 1 2 A shepherd is killed by Islamic State gunmen.
2022.08.28 Afghanistan Abudullah Khel 1 0 A civilian is captured, brutally tortured and then executed by the Taliban.
2022.08.28 Somalia Barire 2 1 Islamists target a passing motorcycle, killing both riders.
2022.08.28 Syria Tabqa 2 0 Two guards at an airfield are murdered by ISIS.
2022.08.28 India Ranchi 1 0 A Hindu girl is burned alive by her stalker after refusing to convert to Islam.
2022.08.27 Mozambique Namoimba 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.08.27 DRC North Kivu 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2022.08.27 Nigeria Riyom 1 0 Muslim militants murder a woman on her way home from church.
2022.08.27 Iraq Badush 1 0 A cement worker is murdered by Mujahideen.
2022.08.26 Iraq Kan'an 1 1 One Iraqi is killed by the Islamic State.
2022.08.26 Philippines Pikit 4 2 Four motorists are machine-gunned point blank by suspected Moro Islamists.
2022.08.26 Iraq Jalawla 5 0 A well-placed ISIS rocket claims five lives.
2022.08.26 Iraq Bejat 1 2 ISIS shrapnel claims one life.
2022.08.26 Iraq Khanaqin 2 0 A man and his more are shot dead in their own home by terrorists.
2022.08.26 Mozambique Minhanha 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by holy warriors.
2022.08.26 Nigeria Adamawa 1 0 Five Muslims with machetes hack a local Christian to death in his living room.
2022.08.26 Iraq Yusufiya 1 1 Mujahideen gunmen pick off one civilian and injure another.
2022.08.25 Iraq Wadi al-Shay 1 0 Islamic State members kill a local soldier.
2022.08.25 Burkina Faso Boungou 6 2 A half-dozen employees at a mining company are easy pickings for Jihadists.
2022.08.25 Somalia Yaqshid 1 2 al-Shabaab claims two bomb blasts that claim one life.
2022.08.25 Iraq Tal Hama 1 0 Muslim bombers take out a local.
2022.08.25 DRC Babila-Bakaiko 26 0 Dozens of men, women and children are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2022.08.24 Afghanistan Tangi 1 0 A former policeman is discovered and shot by the Taliban.
2022.08.24 Iraq Shatawiya 1 0 Sunni radicals murder a young man.
2022.08.23 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two police officers are murdered by the Islamic State.
2022.08.23 Iraq Hawija 1 1 One Iraqi is killed by ISIS.
2022.08.23 Iraq Hajal 1 1 Islamic State gunmen fire on a man, killing him and injuring his son.
2022.08.23 Iraq Daquq 2 0 Two policemen at a checkpoint are shot point-blank by Mujahideen.
2022.08.23 Afghanistan Aab-Tarasht 1 0 A former opponent is executed by the Taliban.
2022.08.22 Thailand Chanae 1 1 Muslim bombers flip over a truck, killing the driver.
2022.08.22 Maldives Hulhumale 0 1 A Quran-quoting terrorist tries to assassinate a government minister with a knife.
2022.08.22 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 1 One Iraqi is laid out by terrorists.
2022.08.22 Iraq Battakha 1 2 A mayor is shot dead by ISIS in an attack that leaves two family members injured.
2022.08.22 Iraq Kifah 2 0 Two children are eliminated by the Islamic State.
2022.08.22 Iraq Riyadh 1 1 A local cop is taken down by ISIS gunmen.
2022.08.22 Iraq Hajl 1 1 ISIS members dispatch a village head.
2022.08.22 India Dumka 1 0 A young Hindu woman is burned alive after resisting advances and an attempt to convert her to Islam.
2022.08.22 Afghanistan Panjshir 1 0 An ISIS landmine attack leaves one dead.
2022.08.22 Cameroon Chika 5 0 Boko Haram carries out an attack on a non-Muslim village, killing five.
2022.08.21 India Rajouri 1 0 A victim succumbs to injury from an earlier Fedayeen suicide attack.
2022.08.21 Nigeria Udawa 2 0 Militant Muslims fire into a village, killing two residents.
2022.08.21 Egypt Wifaq 4 0 At least four locals are killed by ISIS-linked gunmen.
2022.08.21 Syria Saada 1 1 ISIS gunfire claims one passing motorcyclist and injures another.
2022.08.20 Bangladesh Dhumghat 1 0 A 65-year-old Hindu man is beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
2022.08.20 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Terrorists kill three people in separate attacks.
2022.08.20 France Longperrier 1 0 A Jewish man is killed with an axe in an anti-Semitic attack by a Muslim neighbor.
2022.08.19 Germany Bavaria 1 0 An asylum seeker stabs a man to death at a pizzaria for 'insulting Islam.'
2022.08.19 Pakistan Bajur 2 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban blow up two local cops.
2022.08.19 Somalia Mogadishu 21 33 A Fedayeen suicide attack on a hotel leaves twenty-dead.
2022.08.18 Iraq Najaf 1 0 Terrorists shoot one person to death outside an airport.
2022.08.18 Nigeria Gussau 1 0 A Christian lawyer is killed in a targeted assassination by Muslim extremists.
2022.08.18 Mozambique Mocimboa da Praia 1 0 At least one person is killed when Islamic extremists lob mortars into a village.
2022.08.17 Pakistan Swabi 1 1 An intelligence officer is killed by Islamic State operatives.
2022.08.17 Afghanistan Kabul 21 117 Twenty-one are killed when a suicide bomber strikes a rival mosque.
2022.08.17 Afghanistan Boonyad 1 0 A man trying to flee is executed by the Taliban.
2022.08.17 DRC Loloa 8 3 A half-dozen villagers are murdered by ADF.
2022.08.16 Somalia Beledweyne 2 1 Two are killed when al-Shabaab ambush a security vehicle.
2022.08.16 Ethiopia Washaaqo 2 5 al-Shabaab claims an IED attack that kills two.
2022.08.16 Pakistan Tank 3 0 Terrorists fire on an anti-polio team, killing two guards.
2022.08.16 India Shopian 1 1 A religious minority is shot dead by Muslim terrorists at an orchard.
2022.08.16 Thailand Narathiwat 1 10 One person is killed and another loses both legs to Muslim bombers at a 7-Eleven.
2022.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists gun down a young man.
2022.08.15 Afghanistan Abdullah Khel 1 0 Brave Talibani bring down a 16-year-old girl.
2022.08.15 Chad Bol 2 0 Two local soldiers are murdered by Boko Haram.
2022.08.14 India Nowhatta 1 0 A policeman succumbs to injury following a Lashkar-e-Toiba shooting.
2022.08.14 Israel Jerusalem 0 8 A Palestinian opens fire on a bus carrying Americans.
2022.08.14 Mali Bandiagara 4 0 al-Qaeda claims the killing of four Russians.
2022.08.14 Burkina Faso Kossi 22 0 Islamic militia kill twenty-two civilians.
2022.08.13 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Mujahid gunmen cut down a young man.
2022.08.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 4 Islamic State bombers kill three civilians in a residential area.
2022.08.13 India Kulgam 1 0 Terrorists throw a grenade into a passing patrol, killing one member.
2022.08.13 Yemen Taiz 4 25 Ansar Allah stage a wave of attacks that leave four dead.
2022.08.13 Afghanistan Dara-e-Rang 1 0 The Taliban murder a 65-year-old man.
2022.08.13 Pakistan Makakand 1 2 Religious extremists lay down a landmine that claims one life.
2022.08.13 Syria Daraa 1 2 A woman is killed and her children injured by a suspected ISIS bomb blast.
2022.08.13 Pakistan North Wazirstan 3 5 Terrorists set off a bomb hidden on a motorcycle that takes the lives of three passersby.
2022.08.12 DRC Butembo 5 0 Five police are reported dead after ADF fire on them at a protest.
2022.08.12 Afghanistan Batikot 1 0 A teenager is killed by the Taliban.
2022.08.12 USA Chautauqua, NY 0 1 Author Salman Rushdie is stabbed 15 times by a Shiite radical at an art festival.
2022.08.12 India Lakkhipura 1 0 A young woman is honor-beheaded by her father for rejecting an arranged marriage.
2022.08.12 Pakistan Rabwah 1 0 An Ahmadi religious minority is stabbed to death at a bus stand by a Sunni radical.
2022.08.12 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 1 4 At least one person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2022.08.11 India Pargal 4 3 A suicide attack on a security base kills four others.
2022.08.11 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An ISIS suicide bomber kills a cleric by hiding a bomb in a prosthetic limb.
2022.08.11 Egypt Gelbana 3 0 Three bystanders are shot dead during an attack by Islamic State affiliates.
2022.08.11 Nigeria Yobe 3 0 Muslims fire on a Christian village, killing three at random.
2022.08.11 Somalia Afgoi 1 0 A suicide bomber kills a government official.
2022.08.11 Iraq Khorsabad 1 0 The body of a torture victim is found near the former caliphate capital.
2022.08.11 India Bandipora 1 0 A migrant laborer is shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2022.08.10 Afghanistan Joy Shir 2 0 Two drug addicts are executed by the Taliban.
2022.08.10 Nigeria Auno 1 1 ISWAP gunmen take down a local cop.
2022.08.10 Somalia Jilib 6 0 Six civilians are executed by al-Shabaab.
2022.08.10 Uganda Lake Kyoga 5 1 Five Christians are thrown off a boat and drowned by Muslim extremists after refusing to renounce their faith.
2022.08.09 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 Rivals pick off an Islamic leader following a disagreement.
2022.08.09 Syria Sukhnah 3 4 Three lose their lives to an ISIS attack.
2022.08.09 Syria Adwan 2 0 Two others are killed when a suicide bomber self-detonates.
2022.08.09 DRC Kakwangura 3 0 ADF Islamists kill at least three others during a massive attack on a prison.
2022.08.09 Somalia Bula-Haji 4 11 Two women are among four who lose their lives to al-Shabaab landmines.
2022.08.09 Afghanistan Baghdis 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death along a city street.
2022.08.09 Bangladesh Ukhiya 2 0 Two community leaders are cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2022.08.09 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Shia militia is suspected in a mortar attack that kills a child.
2022.08.09 Burkina Faso Bam 15 20 Islamic bombers kill fifteen, including first responders.
2022.08.09 Cameroon Kolofato 1 1 A civilian is brought down by Boko Haram gunmen.
2022.08.09 Cameroon Kolofato 3 0 Three refugees working as farmers are shot in their fields by Boko Haram.
2022.08.08 Cameroon Sima 10 0 Ten locals are ambushed and shot dead by Jihadists.
2022.08.08 Cameroon Kolofato 1 1 A man riding a motorcycle is assassinated by Boko Haram snipers.
2022.08.08 Pakistan Mir Ali 4 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber murder four local soldiers.
2022.08.08 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Mujahideen kill a rival with a bomb placed under a car.
2022.08.08 Pal. Auth. Gaza 8 0 An additional eight deaths are counted from Palestinian rockets falling short.
2022.08.08 Pakistan Mastung 1 3 Muslims on motorcycles fire into a Catholic community, killing an elderly man.
2022.08.08 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A retired schoolteacher is gunned down in cold blood by religious radicals.
2022.08.07 Mali Tessit 42 31 Jihadists take down over forty during an attack on a border town.
2022.08.07 Nigeria Jouro Manu 3 6 Boko Haram kill three and kidnap six.
2022.08.07 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 Mujahideen open fire, killing a father and injuring his teenage son.
2022.08.07 Iraq Karaj 1 0 Suspected ISIS gun down a middle-aged man.
2022.08.07 Pal. Auth. Jabalya 2 0 Two Palestinians are killed by PIJ rockets.
2022.08.06 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local officer is killed during an ISIS attack.
2022.08.06 Pakistan Maidan Gul 4 1 Four people in a car are killed by suspected Tehreek-i-Taliban gunmen.
2022.08.06 Cameroon Tchika 1 0 Boko Haram attack a medical store and murder a nurse.
2022.08.06 Afghanistan Yahya Khil 1 2 A child is eliminated by a Jihadi bomb blast.
2022.08.06 Pal. Auth. Jabalya 5 15 Five children are killed by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket.
2022.08.06 DRC Bandiboli 1 0 A civilian loses his life to an ADF attack.
2022.08.06 Afghanistan Kabul 2 22 Another bomb at a Shiite mosque leaves two dead.
2022.08.06 USA Albuquerque, NM 1 0 A targeted Sunni on Shiite shooting leaves one dead.
2022.08.05 Afghanistan Momand Dara 1 0 Terrorists drag a tribal elder out of his house and execute him.
2022.08.05 Afghanistan Chaparhar 1 0 A man is shot dead at a mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2022.08.05 India Redwani 1 1 Terrorists open fire on a group of soldiers, but kill only a civilian.
2022.08.05 Nigeria Ajaokuta 5 0 Five are dead following an ISWAP attack on a ceramics company.
2022.08.05 Afghanistan Kabul 8 18 A bomb targeting a Shiite mosque kills eight.
2022.08.05 Somalia Hiran 2 3 Two local soldiers are killed at a checkpoint by a suicide bomber.
2022.08.05 DRC Kandoyi 19 0 ADF Islamists murder nineteen villagers.
2022.08.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban kidnap a gay man, shoot him eleven times, then send photos to his family.
2022.08.04 Sudan Jebel Marra 2 0 Two local police are gunned down by Janjaweed.
2022.08.04 Sudan Nyala 1 0 A young man is shot and then run over by Janjaweed elements.
2022.08.04 Syria Mahr 4 0 Four guards at a mobile phone tower are murdered by the Islamic State.
2022.08.04 Burkina Faso Bourzanga 3 0 Jihadis kill three local soldiers in an ambush.
2022.08.04 Burkina Faso Alga 9 4 Nine civilian volunteers are sent to Allah by Islamic militants.
2022.08.04 India Gadoora 1 2 Terrorists kill a migrant laborer with a grenade.
2022.08.04 Iraq Maftoul 1 2 A mine left by ISIS takes out a child.
2022.08.03 Afghanistan Daikundi 1 0 The Taliban torture a former Afghan soldier to death in prison.
2022.08.03 Syria Sabha 2 0 Two men on a passing motorcycle are picked off by ISIS gunmen.
2022.08.03 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is abducted, then killed in captivity by the Islamic State.
2022.08.03 Egypt Bir al-Abd 1 1 Fundamentalists use an IED to kill a security officer.
2022.08.03 Afghanistan Panjshir 2 0 Two 12-year-old boys are beheaded by the Taliban.
2022.08.02 Egypt Maghara 1 2 One Egyptian is killed and two wounded by Islamists.
2022.08.02 Philippines Mamasapano 3 0 A 5-year-old is among a family strafed in their home by suspected Bangsamoro.
2022.08.02 DRC Chani-Chani 1 0 ADF snipers pick off a truck driver.
2022.08.02 Bangladesh Modhurchara 1 0 Radicals assassinate a refugee.
2022.08.02 Yemen Shaqra 1 1 al-Qaeda is suspected in the assassination of a security officer.
2022.08.02 Sudan Tawila 3 0 Janjaweed murder three displaced persons.
2022.08.02 Syria Mahir 4 4 An Islamic State ambush leaves four local soldiers dead.
2022.08.02 Nigeria Manchok 1 2 An 86-year-old man is shot dead in his home by Muslim gunmen.
2022.08.02 Iraq Khanaqin 2 2 At least two Iraqis lose their lives to an Islamic State attack.
2022.08.01 Nigeria Manchok 1 1 Muslim terrorists kill one person and kidnap a woman.
2022.08.01 USA Albuquerque, NM 1 0 A Shiite community organizer is murdered outside his home by a Sunni radical.
2022.08.01 Pakistan Khumar Chowk 2 4 Sunni radicals fire on a group of Shia pilgrims, killing two.
2022.08.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A civilian is shot execution-style by al-Shabaab.
2022.08.01 DRC Sissa 1 0 A guard at a non-Muslim village is shot dead by ADF Islamists.
2022.08.01 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 5 0 Five Christian residents are killed by Religion of Peace proponents.
2022.08.01 Sudan Sergeila 1 2 Janjaweed elements murder a 60-year-old man.
2022.08.01 Greece Athens 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by a migrant who claims it was because she "spoke badly about the Quran" and wanted him to convert.
2022.07.31 Somalia Gedo 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by local Islamists.
2022.07.31 Chad Gaga 2 0 Two refugee farm workers, including a woman, are gunned down by Mujahideen.
2022.07.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former health official is assassinated in a parking lot.
2022.07.31 Iraq Jalawa 4 0 Four shepherds are sent to Allah by Mujahid bombers.
2022.07.31 Nigeria Danda Chugwi 8 2 Five children are among eight killed in an ambush by Muslim militants.
2022.07.30 Nigeria Ajaokuta 8 0 Jihadists are suspected in the killing of eight security personnel.
2022.07.30 Syria Dhiban 1 0 A local is abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2022.07.30 Mozambique Nova Zambezia 2 0 Religion of Peace proponents stop a minibus and behead two Christians.
2022.07.29 Bangladesh Bhervedi 1 1 A Hindu woman is raped and murdered in a Muslim attack that leaves her daughter injured.
2022.07.29 DRC Kasindi 1 0 A non-Muslim is pulled off his bike by ADF Islamists and shot dead.
2022.07.29 Kenya Adulte 1 0 A Christian evangelist is hacked to death in his home by Muslim radicals.
2022.07.29 Somalia Baidoa 10 0 A suicide bomber takes out ten worshippers at a rival mosque.
2022.07.29 Somalia Bakol 10 20 A horrific al-Shabaab attack on a border down leaves ten dead.
2022.07.29 Nigeria Kazaga 13 0 Ansuru members massacre thirteen villagers.
2022.07.29 Afghanistan Kabul 2 4 Terrorists throw a grenade into a cricket match, killing two spectators.
2022.07.29 Afghanistan Kunar 1 0 Religion of Peace rivals gun down a prayer leader.
2022.07.29 Nigeria Zuma Rock 2 1 A Boko Haram terror attack on a checkpoint leaves two dead.
2022.07.28 Iraq Hartha 1 0 Mujahideen pick off a government employee.
2022.07.28 DRC Oicha 12 0 A dozen locals are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.28 Afghanistan Laghman 1 0 A former police officer is discovered by the Taliban and executed.
2022.07.27 Pakistan Mattani 2 1 Terrorists kill two police officers and injure another.
2022.07.27 Mali Sonkolo 6 25 A Jihadist attack on a camp leaves six dead.
2022.07.27 Mali Kalumba 12 12 Civilians are among the dead when Islamic extremists attack a security base.
2022.07.27 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A young man is executed and displayed by the Taliban as punishment for his "deeds."
2022.07.27 Nigeria Monguno 4 0 Four guards are killed during an otherwise failed ISWAP assassination attempt.
2022.07.27 Somalia Marka 20 5 A suicide bomber takes twenty others with him outside a government office.
2022.07.27 Somalia Afgoye 6 18 A half-dozen innocents are blow to bits by Jihadi bombers at a market.
2022.07.27 Egypt Rafah 1 3 ISIS members kill a local army officer with an IED.
2022.07.26 Mozambique Shitonda 3 0 Three Christians are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2022.07.26 USA Albuquerque, NM 1 0 A Shiite man is gunned down in a parking lot by a Sunni radical.
2022.07.26 India Karnataka 1 0 A Hindu poultry manager is hacked to death by PFI radicals.
2022.07.26 DRC Makakwa 5 0 Five civilians are hacked to death with machetes by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.26 DRC Mutueyi 7 0 Women are among seven beheaded by the ADF.
2022.07.26 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Terrorists murder two Iraqis and then burn the bodies.
2022.07.25 Burkina Faso Soum 2 9 A Jihadist attack on a local military base results in two deaths.
2022.07.25 Nigeria Bama 13 3 A bomb targeting scrap metal collectors kills thirteen.
2022.07.25 DRC Kayera 8 0 Six women and two children are cut down by brave Mujahideen.
2022.07.25 Bangladesh Sherpur 1 0 A 15-year-old Hindu girl is kidnapped and murdered in a targeted attack.
2022.07.24 DRC Kyabohe 2 0 ADF Islamists kill two villagers.
2022.07.24 Nigeria Abuja 2 8 Terrorists opposed to Western education attack a law school, killing two.
2022.07.24 India Obaidullaganj 1 0 A college student is killed shortly after receiving a death threat for 'insulting the prophet'.
2022.07.24 Iraq Tarmiyah 2 0 Two civilians are shot dead by ISIS.
2022.07.24 Iraq Salam 1 11 Islamic State gunmen fire into a village, killing one resident.
2022.07.24 Iraq Samarra 2 3 A Sunni attack on Shiites leaves two dead.
2022.07.24 Afghanistan Khanaqa 1 0 A civilian is captured and executed by the Taliban.
2022.07.24 Yemen Taiz 1 10 A child succumbs to injury following an Ansar Allah mortar attack.
2022.07.24 Syria Suqaylabiyah 2 10 At least ten are killed when Turkish-backed militia fire a missile into a church group.
2022.07.24 Pakistan Draban 1 0 Terrorists fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2022.07.23 Pakistan Bara 1 0 A police officer is brought down in a hail of bullets on his way to work.
2022.07.23 Afghanistan Kohistan 1 0 Islamic terrorists murder a 15-year-old girl inside her home.
2022.07.23 Syria Raqqa 1 0 An opponent is abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2022.07.23 DRC Kabasungora 3 0 Islamists murder a pastor and two church elders.
2022.07.22 Syria Karamah 2 2 Two 'apostates' are dispatched by the Islamic State.
2022.07.22 Nigeria Bwari 5 3 Five Presidential guards are assassinated by Boko Haram.
2022.07.22 Yemen Khubzah 15 24 Ansar Allah militia shell a village that refused to pay the 'tax,' killing fifteen.
2022.07.22 Mali Kati 1 15 Two Katiba Macina suicide car bombers blow into a military camp, killing one other.
2022.07.21 Iraq Mansouriya 5 0 Two children, ages 5 and 7, are among five murdered by lions of Allah.
2022.07.21 Afghanistan Alingar 1 0 A former employee of the secular government is killed by fundamentalists.
2022.07.21 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 Mujahideen are suspected in the murder of a power plant owner.
2022.07.21 Mali Kolokani 2 0 Two security personnel are laid out by Jihadis.
2022.07.21 Syria Daraa 3 2 An ISIS attack leaves three dead and two wounded.
2022.07.21 Nigeria Gatigawa 8 13 Muslim terrorists take down eight in a shooting attack.
2022.07.21 Afghanistan Farkhar 1 0 A civilian's life is taken by the Taliban.
2022.07.20 DRC Bulambo 1 0 Islamic radicals stab a man to death inside his home.
2022.07.20 Iraq al-Jillam 6 7 Six local police are killed during an attack by the Islamic State.
2022.07.20 Ethiopia Bakool 17 20 al-Shabaab attack two villages and massacre seventeen.
2022.07.19 Afghanistan Bek Khail 1 0 A former police officer is murdered by the Taliban.
2022.07.19 Philippines Pikit 1 0 Bangsamoro Islamists are suspected in the assassination of a civil servant.
2022.07.19 Togo Tiwoli 2 0 Jihadists ambush a border patrol and kill two members.
2022.07.19 DRC Nialik 2 0 At least two lives are cut short by the ADF.
2022.07.19 Nigeria Lere 1 0 The body of a priest is found days after his abduction by militant Muslims.
2022.07.18 Afghanistan Arbabkhel 1 0 A former army officer is discovered by the Taliban and executed.
2022.07.18 Nigeria Gubio 5 0 ISWAP members ambush a civilian security patrol and kill five members.
2022.07.18 Nigeria Kujwean 2 1 Two people are slain, and another mutilated by Muslim extremists.
2022.07.18 USA Chicago, IL 1 0 A woman is honor-killed by her divorced husband after being shamed online about unIslamic activity and dress.
2022.07.17 Burkina Faso Guissingori 8 2 At least eight villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
2022.07.17 DRC Ndimo 8 0 ADF Islamists kill eight civilians, including one burnt alive.
2022.07.17 India Gangoo 1 0 Mujahideen fire on a group of police, killing one.
2022.07.17 Somalia Hirshabelle 5 14 A suicide car bomber plows into a hotel, taking five others with him.
2022.07.17 Yemen Aden 9 0 At least nine government personnel are killed in a series of Ansar Allah attacks.
2022.07.17 Iraq Mosul 1 1 Islamic State members fire on local security personnel, killing one.
2022.07.17 Afghanistan Khost 1 0 A university lecturer is tortured to death by fundamentalists.
2022.07.17 Mali Tabankort 1 0 A civilian is abducted and executed by ISIS.
2022.07.17 Mozambique Mahican 5 0 Five civilians are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.07.16 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An air force pilot is assassinated by ISIS.
2022.07.16 Afghanistan Pul-e-Mutak 1 0 A young man is cut down in the prime of life by the Taliban.
2022.07.16 Afghanistan Ubai Salah 1 0 A woman taking care of animals is purged by Taliban gunmen.
2022.07.16 Bangladesh Kusthia 1 0 A Hindu college student is beaten to death for being in a romantic relationship with a Muslim.
2022.07.16 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 1 0 Terrorists fire on a gas station, bringing down a clerk.
2022.07.16 Pakistan Bara 3 0 Muslim gunman attack a police checkpoint, killing three.
2022.07.16 DRC Otmaber 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.16 Cameroon Koza 4 4 Four civilians are set on and gunned down by Boko Haram.
2022.07.15 Cameroon Gouzoudou 2 0 Two civilians are left dead following a Boko Haram attack on their village.
2022.07.15 Togo Kpendjal 1 2 At least one official is blown away by a Religion of Peace IED.
2022.07.15 Togo Blamonga 4 0 At least four unfortunates are mowed down by Jihadi gunmen.
2022.07.14 Iraq Hillah 2 0 Terrorists pick off two girls at an orchard.
2022.07.14 Togo Sougtangou 10 0 Ten civilians are murdered by Jama’a Nusrat ul-Islam wa al-Muslimin.
2022.07.14 Togo Kpemboli 9 0 Nine more villagers are eliminated by al-Qaeda.
2022.07.14 Mali Zantiguila 6 2 Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin is suspected in the murder of six near the capital.
2022.07.14 Nigeria Yola 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a Christian lecturer in a targeted attack.
2022.07.14 Egypt Kharuba 1 3 A civilian is picked off by an ISIS IED.
2022.07.14 Syria Tabqa 5 3 Five guards on a city outskirts are shot dead by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.07.13 Mozambique Kitulo 1 3 Islamists kill one in a hail of bullets.
2022.07.13 Mozambique Muja 2 0 Two Christians are beheaded by Islamists.
2022.07.13 Yemen Sheikh Uthman 3 0 At least three are killed in a suspected Shiite attack.
2022.07.13 Togo Bombengou 1 0 A man is kidnapped by al-Qaeda and found the next day riddled with bullets.
2022.07.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Quran teacher is assassinated by radicals.
2022.07.13 Afghanistan Pul-e Alam 4 0 Terrorists shoot four people to death at a Shiite bakery.
2022.07.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An Islamic scholar is neatly dispatched by Religion of Peace rivals.
2022.07.12 Sudan Kota Arba 1 0 Janjaweed shoot a farmer in the head.
2022.07.12 DRC Paida 6 0 A half-dozen civilians are riddled with bullets by ADF, including a teen and an elderly woman.
2022.07.12 DRC Ituri 3 0 Three locals are exterminated by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.12 DRC Rwangoma 1 1 At least one person is killed by the ADF, and another kidnapped.
2022.07.12 Iraq Albu Shalal 1 0 Brave Jihadis take out a woman in her own home.
2022.07.12 India Lal Bazaar 1 2 Muslim terrorists gun down a local cop.
2022.07.12 Afghanistan Astana 2 0 Two captives are executed by the Taliban.
2022.07.12 Nigeria Anter 5 0 Women are among five purged by Muslim terrorists.
2022.07.12 Syria Hawaij 1 0 Islamic State members kill a less radical opponent.
2022.07.12 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 0 ISIS members kidnap and execute a Religion of Peace rival.
2022.07.12 Mozambique Cavinto 1 3 At least one person is killed in a shooting attack by Muslim radicals.
2022.07.12 Mozambique Nakoy 1 2 Islamists toss a grenade into a security patrol, killing one.
2022.07.11 Mozambique Nassimoco 1 0 Islamists attack a non-Muslim village and kill one.
2022.07.11 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A young man is shot dead by suspected Mujahid.
2022.07.11 DRC Ruwenzori 4 0 Four civilians are shot or hacked to death by the ADF.
2022.07.11 Pakistan Bannu 1 2 A local soldier is aerated by an Islamist IED.
2022.07.11 DRC Tehabi 6 11 Islamic 'rebels' murder six and kidnap eleven others.
2022.07.10 Burkina Faso Barsalogho 5 8 Muslim terrorists kill a child and four other civilians during a raid.
2022.07.10 Afghanistan Pozerig 1 0 A civilian is taken and executed by the Taliban.
2022.07.10 Chad Bur Kalam 6 6 At least a half-dozen are left dead following an ISWAP attack near a fishing village.
2022.07.10 Uganda Nyamiringa 1 0 Men yelling praises to Allah attack men carrying Bibles, killing one.
2022.07.09 DRC Busiyo 5 0 Four children are among five innocents eliminated by soldiers of Allah.
2022.07.09 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A young man is shot dead by ISIS.
2022.07.09 Mozambique Naqior 2 0 Two residents are killed and a school set on fire by Muslim radicals.
2022.07.09 Yemen Afar 1 1 A suicide bike bomber kills at least one other person.
2022.07.09 Niger Diffa 2 1 Two local soldiers are shot dead by ISWAP.
2022.07.08 Somalia Weydow 3 2 al-Shabaab claims an IED attack that takes three lives.
2022.07.08 India Tangdhar 1 0 Mujahideen kill a border guard.
2022.07.07 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Radicals kill a cleric and his son.
2022.07.07 DRC Lume 13 0 Babies are among thirteen massacred at a hospital by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.07 Cameroon Kinguerwa 3 0 Boko Haram murder a tribal leader along with his son and grandson.
2022.07.07 Burkina Faso Sebba-Dori 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Islamic radicals blow up a bridge.
2022.07.07 DRC Bahema Mitego 2 10 Two are killed by ADF Islamists.
2022.07.07 Pakistan Chamtar 1 4 Terrorists blow up a police station, killing one.
2022.07.06 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 al-Shabaab bombers successfully kill a police officer.
2022.07.06 Nigeria Njairi 2 2 Boko Haram is thought responsible for the cold-blooded killing of a pastor's two sons.
2022.07.06 Iraq Diyala 1 0 Terrorists eliminate a child with a landmine.
2022.07.05 Syria Raqqa 1 0 ISIS members shot one person to death in the former caliphate capital.
2022.07.05 Nigeria Zakka 3 0 Three police officers are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2022.07.05 Nigeria Dutsinma 3 3 Muslim militants attack a village and kill three residents.
2022.07.05 Pakistan Nasran 2 0 Two villager guards are shot dead in an Islamic drive-by.
2022.07.05 Nigeria Abuja 1 3 Ansaru fundamentalists attack a prison, killing a guard.
2022.07.05 Mali Tessalit 2 5 Two Egyptian peacekeepers are sent to Allah by Jihadi bombers.
2022.07.05 Pakistan Sabzi Mandi 2 0 Two traffic cops are taken down in a hail of bullets by terrorists on motorcycles.
2022.07.04 Niger Blabrine 6 14 Jihadists attack a local military post and murder six.
2022.07.04 Nigeria Muji 2 2 A toddler is among two successfully killed by militant Muslims.
2022.07.04 Yemen Dhalea 3 0 Ansar Allah launch a drone strike that kills three.
2022.07.04 Pakistan Miran Shah 0 8 A suicide bomber pedals his way to paradise
2022.07.04 Burkina Faso Kossi 22 12 At least twenty-two are killed when Islamic militia raid a village.
2022.07.04 Egypt Matlah 2 4 Islamic extremists use an IED to kill two locals.
2022.07.04 Nigeria Suleja 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by 'Soldiers of the Caliphate.'
2022.07.04 DRC Beni-Kasindi 1 0 A non-Muslim is shot dead in a targeted attack by Islamic militia.
2022.07.04 Afghanistan Herat 10 0 Two buses are attacked by ISIS terrorists, with about ten passengers killed.
2022.07.03 Uganda Molu 1 0 Three devotees of Islam slaughter a Christian with a sword for converting Muslims.
2022.07.03 DRC Bolongo 3 0 ADF Islamists burn homes and kill three unfortunates.
2022.07.03 Burkina Faso Bourasso 15 0 Jihadists roll into a community and open fire randomly, killing fifteen.
2022.07.03 Niger Garin Dogo 1 4 A Boko Haram attack on a border outpost leaves one dead.
2022.07.02 Egypt Maghara 6 0 At least a half-dozen are laid out by Sharia-motivated bombers.
2022.07.02 Pakistan Shakir Market 1 0 Sharia radicals are suspected in the targeted assassination of a journalist.
2022.07.02 Burkina Faso Namissiguima 12 0 A dozen villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
2022.07.02 Nigeria Gandi 4 0 Muslim terrorists attack a farming community and kill four.
2022.07.02 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Former caliphate members gun down a civilian.
2022.07.02 Afghanistan Kol Nawabad 1 0 Taliban discover a former opponent and quickly kill him.
2022.07.02 Somalia Marka 5 4 An al-Shabaab attack on AU peacekeepers leaves five dead.
2022.07.02 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 An ISIS bomb blast claims one soul.
2022.07.02 Iraq Tarmiyah 1 2 A civilian's life is ended by Islamic State shrapnel.
2022.07.02 Cameroon Mada 1 0 One person is killed when Boko Haram attack a hospital.
2022.07.02 Syria Khirbat Ghazale 1 0 A local cop is brutally gunned down by the Islamic State.
2022.07.01 DRC Beni-Kasini 1 0 Islamists shoot dead a truck driver and burn his vehicle.
2022.07.01 Burkina Faso Bourzanga 4 2 Religious radicals blow up a convoy of civilian vehicles, killing four.
2022.07.01 Iraq Abu Gharq 1 0 A university professor is kidnapped and murdered by radicals.
2022.07.01 Iraq Tal Abta 1 0 A shepherd is kidnapped by ISIS and executed in captivity.
2022.06.30 Nigeria Mgbuji 2 0 Muslim militants attack a farming community and kill two residents.
2022.06.30 Pakistan Azam Warsak 1 0 A police officer is brought low by Tehreek-e-Taliban gunmen.
2022.06.30 Syria al-Hol 7 0 Seven women are killed by ISIS at a detention camp in the past month.
2022.06.30 Pakistan Dagai 1 0 An off-duty policeman is picked off by Muslim terrorists on his way into the office.
2022.06.30 Nigeria Gazuwa 21 0 A clash between two rival Islamic groups leaves twenty-one dead.
2022.06.30 Philippines Pikit 1 2 Islamic terrorists shoot a villager to death.
2022.06.30 Pakistan Eidak 2 0 Local Taliban are thought responsible for the targeted assassination of two foes.
2022.06.30 Somalia Weydow 1 0 A local security person is gunned down by al-Shabaab.
2022.06.30 Nigeria Garin Malam 6 0 A half-dozen non-Muslim residents are slaughtered by Islamic radicals.
2022.06.29 Yemen Aden 7 8 al-Qaeda is thought responsible for a car bomb blast that claims a half-dozen.
2022.06.29 DRC Vyerere 3 0 A woman is among three locals murdered by ADF Islamists.
2022.06.29 Uganda Nansana 1 0 A young woman is stabbed to death by her father after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2022.06.28 France Saint-Nazaire 1 0 A teen girl is thrown off a bridge by her father, who was angered over her Western lifestyle.
2022.06.28 DRC Nziaka 9 0 ADF Islamists hack nine villagers to death with machetes.
2022.06.28 Afghanistan Iranian Border 3 0 Two civilians and a border guard are killed by suspected Taliban.
2022.06.28 India Udaipur 1 0 A tailor is beheaded in his shop over a social media post backing a woman accused of 'blasphemy.'
2022.06.28 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 0 A health worker and two guards are shot dead by radicals.
2022.06.28 Syria Sanamen 5 0 Women and children are among five killed by sectarian extremists.
2022.06.28 Egypt Rafah 1 2 A local is murdered by fundamentalists.
2022.06.27 Egypt Matlah 2 4 Terrorists use IEDs to kill two locals.
2022.06.27 Mozambique Mahican 1 0 Islamists attack a village and kill one resident.
2022.06.27 Somalia Qabno 4 2 An al-Shabaab assassination attempt on a governor leaves four others dead.
2022.06.27 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill three officers at a police station.
2022.06.27 Burkina Faso Sandiaga 8 0 Jihadists burst in on a baptism ceremony, killing eight participants.
2022.06.26 Burkina Faso Bam 6 2 Muslim terrorists use a landmine to kill six innocents pulling a work cart.
2022.06.26 Afghanistan Balkhab 9 0 Nine surrendered opponents are executed by the Taliban.
2022.06.26 DRC Bangole 5 0 Five civilians are summarily executed by ADF Islamists.
2022.06.26 Benin Dassari 2 1 Jihadists attack a police station and kill two members.
2022.06.26 Afghanistan Chaharbagh 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Taliban.
2022.06.26 Afghanistan Maidan Wardak 1 1 Terrorists kill a teenage girl with an IED.
2022.06.26 Mozambique Tandako 1 1 A villager is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.06.26 Syria Ali Aga 7 7 At least seven people are machine-gunned by ISIS on motorbikes.
2022.06.26 Nigeria Ikabigbo 3 0 Muslim terrorists kill two other church members in the process of kidnapping a Catholic priest before later killing him.
2022.06.26 Afghanistan Ghor 6 0 A family of six Hazara minorities, including children, is exterminated by the Taliban.
2022.06.25 England Bradford 1 0 A 20-year-old is honor-killed by her uncle for refusing an arranged marriage.
2022.06.25 DRC Mamove 9 2 Six woman are among nine lives claimed by ADF Islamists.
2022.06.25 DRC Kisma 5 0 Five villagers make easy pickings for armed Islamists.
2022.06.25 Norway Oslo 2 10 A Muslim extremist opens fire at a gay nightclub, killing two people.
2022.06.25 Nigeria Baga 5 0 An ISWAP IED claims five lives.
2022.06.25 DRC Rwenzori 1 0 ADF members assassinate a man passing by on a motorcycle.
2022.06.25 Afghanistan Chahar Asyab 3 0 The Taliban kill a former opponent inside his home, along with his wife and daughter.
2022.06.25 Nigeria Kujama 1 0 A Catholic priest is gunned down by terrorists near a college where he taught.
2022.06.24 Mozambique Nkoe 2 0 Islamic extremists kill two people and burn down a number of homes.
2022.06.24 Nigeria Jootar 3 0 Three friends enjoying a drink at a bar are shot dead in a Muslim drive-by.
2022.06.23 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 An off-duty soldier is abducted and beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2022.06.23 Yemen Abyan 2 0 Two captives are executed by al-Qaeda.
2022.06.23 Mozambique Mahecani 1 0 A villager is murdered by religious extremists.
2022.06.23 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A woman is murdered by ISIS.
2022.06.23 Egypt Rafah 2 3 Two soldiers are ambushed by religious extremists and killed.
2022.06.22 India Amravati 1 0 A chemist is murdered outside his pharmacy by four Muslims over alleged 'blasphemy'.
2022.06.22 Iraq Najaf 1 0 Sunni on Shia violence leaves one dead.
2022.06.22 Syria Raqqa 9 0 The Islamic State kills nine other people in the former caliphate capital.
2022.06.22 Afghanistan Kishim 1 0 A local police officer is murdered by Sunni extremists.
2022.06.22 Yemen Ateq 5 0 Five soldiers at a checkpoint are machine-gunned by al-Qaeda.
2022.06.22 Burkina Faso Bawku 2 0 Two people are killed along a road by Jihadists.
2022.06.21 Burkina Faso Dakola 1 0 One person is shot dead by Islamists.
2022.06.21 Syria Dumayr 4 0 An ISIS ambush near an airport leaves four dead.
2022.06.21 Pakistan Lower Chitral 1 3 Terrorists fire on a group of police, killing one.
2022.06.21 DRC Mabasele 4 5 Islamists attack a small town and kill four, including a baby.
2022.06.21 Yemen Ahwar 4 5 An al-Qaeda ambush of a local security patrol leaves four dead.
2022.06.21 Afghanistan Pawat 1 0 The Taliban arrest a civilian, then murder him.
2022.06.21 DRC Makisabo 10 0 Ten Christians are ambushed in their vehicles and killed point-blank by Islamic extremists.
2022.06.21 Syria Deir ez-Zor 3 4 Islamic State members gun down three opponents.
2022.06.20 Nigeria Udei 5 10 Five timber workers are shot dead by militant Muslims.
2022.06.20 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 2 0 A hospital director is among two killed in a targeted bomb blast.
2022.06.20 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 28 Two people at a market are sent to Allah by a Sunni bomb blast.
2022.06.20 Syria Jabal al-Bishri 13 3 Thirteen are left dead following an ISIS attack on a bus.
2022.06.20 Nigeria Kaduna 5 0 Five more victims are discovered from an earlier Muslim attack.
2022.06.20 Mali Mopti 132 0 Jihadists massacre more than one-hundred civilians over a three day run.
2022.06.20 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A Shiite civilian is taken down by Sunni radicals.
2022.06.20 Egypt Minya 0 1 A Coptic woman narrowly survives a beheading attempt in a targeted attack.
2022.06.19 Mozambique Makaya 2 0 Two Christians are beheaded by Islamists.
2022.06.19 Pakistan Jaffarabad 2 0 Local Taliban shoot two young policemen to death.
2022.06.19 Pakistan Haiderkhel 4 0 Terrorists on motorbikes open fire on a car carrying peace activists, killing four.
2022.06.19 Mali Kidal 1 0 Islamists use an explosive device to kill a UN peacekeeper.
2022.06.19 Nigeria Rubu 3 0 Muslim 'bandits' attack two churches and kill three Catholics.
2022.06.19 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Terrorists set off a car bomb that claims two bystanders.
2022.06.19 Mali Ebank 24 0 Two-dozen civilians lose their lives to religiously-motivated terrorists.
2022.06.18 Egypt Rafah 1 0 ISIS operatives shoot a local soldier in the head.
2022.06.18 Mozambique Nitwita 2 0 Two riot policemen are shot dead in their car by Islamists.
2022.06.18 Mozambique Nanoa 2 0 Islamists kill two civilians and burn homes.
2022.06.18 Mozambique Mangilio 5 0 Five civilians are killed by Islamists and their homes set on fire.
2022.06.18 Afghanistan Bamyan 2 0 Fundamentalists kill two young women in separate attacks.
2022.06.18 Nigeria Dikwa-Ngala 6 2 A half-dozen commuters are machine-gunned by ISWAP.
2022.06.18 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Two Sikhs are killed when Islamic State members storm their temple.
2022.06.18 Nigeria Goni Kurmi 13 0 Two women are among thirteen innocents massacred by Boko Haram.
2022.06.17 Nigeria Monguno 3 1 ISWAP gunmen murder three humanitarian workers.
2022.06.17 Mozambique Lurio 1 1 Islamists behead a villager.
2022.06.17 Iraq Mu'alimen 1 0 Terrorists shoot a young man to death outside his home.
2022.06.17 Somalia Bahdo 3 0 Two children and an adult lose their lives to an al-Shabaab raid.
2022.06.17 Afghanistan Imam Shahib 1 7 Radical bombers target a rival mosque during prayers, killing a worshipper.
2022.06.17 Afghanistan Panjshir 3 0 Three locals are killed by terrorists and thrown in a river.
2022.06.17 Syria Palmyra 5 0 Five Palestinians are killed by ISIS.
2022.06.17 India Samboora 1 0 Muslim radicals murder a policeman inside his home.
2022.06.17 Pakistan Sialkot 1 0 A Christian farm worker is brutally murdered by Muslims with bricks and scythes.
2022.06.16 Nigeria Bama 11 0 Eleven are killed when Boko Haram fire mortars into a displaced persons camp.
2022.06.16 Mozambique Metuge 2 0 Two civilians are killed by Islamic militants in separate attacks.
2022.06.16 Iraq Mukhaisah 1 0 An Iraqi is kidnapped by Mujahideen, executed and dumped.
2022.06.16 Iraq Hammam al-Alil 1 0 A shepherd is shot in the head by Mujahideen.
2022.06.16 Pakistan Dabarra 1 2 A traffic cop is shot dead by terrorists on motorbikes.
2022.06.15 Nigeria Rijiyan Daji 1 0 Muslim terrorists ambush a security convoy, killing one.
2022.06.15 Yemen Aden 1 0 Islamic terrorists assassinate a journalist with a car bomb.
2022.06.15 Syria Damascus 1 0 A Muslim terrorist fires on a checkpoint, bringing down an officer.
2022.06.15 India Darbhanga 1 2 A Hindu man is killed in a targeted attack by a Muslim mob.
2022.06.15 CAR Ndanga 7 3 Seven people are killed by a group supported by Muslim terrorists.
2022.06.14 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A young man is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2022.06.14 Niger Waraou 8 33 Terrorists on motorbikes attack a group of police, killing eight.
2022.06.14 Cameroon Ndrock 3 3 Boko Haram gunmen raid a village, loot homes and kill three innocents.
2022.06.14 Mozambique Makani 2 0 Islamic terrorists kill two villagers and set fire to a church.
2022.06.14 Afghanistan Kunar 2 2 A clash between two Islamic groups kills two bystanders.
2022.06.13 Mozambique Mankavabi 1 0 A village elder is abducted by religious extremists and beheaded.
2022.06.13 Somalia Ilbaq 2 0 al-Shabaab claims a shooting attack that leaves two dead.
2022.06.13 DRC Beni 3 0 ADF ambush a group of soldiers and kill three.
2022.06.13 Nigeria Enugu 3 0 Three farmers are murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.06.13 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a former opponent.
2022.06.13 India Ranchi 0 12 At least a dozen police are injured by a mob protesting 'insults to the prophet.'
2022.06.13 Pakistan Bakshshapur 1 0 A woman is killed in the name of honor by a family member suspected her character.
2022.06.12 Burkina Faso Seytenga 86 0 The bodies of eighty-six villagers are discovered following an Islamic extremist attack.
2022.06.12 Nigeria Okpokwu 37 0 Militant Muslims storm a village and destroy thirty-seven residents preparing for mass.
2022.06.12 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 6 Suspected ISIS set off a bomb that kills one person.
2022.06.12 Sudan Kulbus 125 100 Janjaweed militia murder one-hundred and twenty-five, including children.
2022.06.12 Mali Koutiala 7 0 Seven civilians are killed by terrorists at a checkpoint.
2022.06.12 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 2 6 Sunni extremists open fire on a car carrying airport staff, killing two.
2022.06.12 Nigeria Lagos 1 0 A sex worker is murdered by a client angered that she kept a Quran in her room.
2022.06.12 Mozambique Ritini 2 0 Religious radicals murder two villagers.
2022.06.12 Syria al-Basira 1 0 A man is shot and killed by ISIS.
2022.06.12 Mali Menaka 22 0 Twenty-two locals are murdered by Islamic militants.
2022.06.11 Mozambique Retene 2 0 Two Christians are killed in a targeted account by local Islamists.
2022.06.11 Mozambique Natobli 4 0 Four locals are beheaded by Muslim extremists.
2022.06.11 Somalia Dharkenley 2 0 At least two people at a tea shop are blown to bits by al-Shabaab.
2022.06.11 Egypt Rafah 5 0 Five corpses are produced by elements affiliated with ISIS.
2022.06.11 Afghanistan Kabul 4 7 Sectarian Jihadis bomb rivals riding a bus, killing four.
2022.06.11 Egypt Matalla 2 0 Two defenders are killed when Islamic extremists attack a small village.
2022.06.11 Syria Deir Adas 9 17 Terrorists kill nine peasants on their way to field work, including five women.
2022.06.11 Burkina Faso Alga 6 4 Jihadists eliminate a half-dozen innocents in a commercial district.
2022.06.10 Iraq Hinta 1 5 Jihadis plant a bomb near a tractor, killing a young man and injuring his family.
2022.06.10 Syria al-Basira 2 0 ISIS claims a shooting attack that leaves two dead.
2022.06.10 Nigeria Malam Fatori 5 6 A dual IED attack by ISWAP kills five.
2022.06.09 Bangladesh Balukhali 1 0 Radicals hack a refugee leader to death
2022.06.09 Mozambique Ntutupue 1 0 A well-digger is eliminated by Islamic gunmen.
2022.06.09 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 1 A civilian is killed by an old Taliban landmine.
2022.06.09 Burkina Faso Ouahigouya 2 5 Two people are killed near a gold mine by suspected Islamic extremists.
2022.06.09 Burkina Faso Seytenga 12 4 A dozen police officers are killed at their post by Jihadis.
2022.06.09 Mozambique Macomia 1 6 Islamic terrorists open fire on a local soldier.
2022.06.09 Somalia Gululei 15 0 al-Shabaab claims a bomb blast leaving fifteen dead.
2022.06.08 Mozambique Ancuabe 2 0 Islamists attack and kill two mine workers.
2022.06.08 Afghanistan Shotul 1 0 A farmer is shot dead by the Taliban.
2022.06.08 Burkina Faso Barani 4 0 Four police officers are cut down by Islamists.
2022.06.08 Nigeria Kikwa 25 0 Children are among over two dozen massacred by religious extremists.
2022.06.08 Mali Timbuktu 2 0 Two local soldiers are killed by Islamic extremists.
2022.06.07 Chad Kiga-Negubu 14 25 Fourteen local soldiers lose their lives to a brutal Islamist ambush.
2022.06.06 Nigeria Ayilamo 2 0 Two farmers are eliminated by Muslim militants.
2022.06.06 Somalia Balad 1 0 An AU peacekeeper is assassinated by a group fighting for Sharia.
2022.06.06 Kenya Sangaliu 5 0 Five members of a police patrol are taken down by Islamist bombers.
2022.06.06 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two civilians are dispatched by the Taliban.
2022.06.05 DRC Otomabere 18 0 Religion of Peace activists burn homes and massacre eighteen residents.
2022.06.05 Afghanistan Paryan 2 0 Two captives held by the Taliban are executed.
2022.06.05 Iraq Diyala 6 5 Three children are among six innocents exterminated by ISIS.
2022.06.05 Egypt Arab Mahdy 1 0 A Muslim extremists hacks a Christian to death with a meat cleaver.
2022.06.05 Nigeria Kajura 32 0 At least thirty-two people lose their lives to terrorists linked to Ansuru.
2022.06.05 Nigeria Ondo 40 80 Islamic terrorists attack a Catholic church during mass, slaughtering over forty, including babies.
2022.06.05 Mozambique Nanduli 1 0 At least one person is killed during an Islamic assault on a village.
2022.06.05 Egypt Rafah 2 2 Two defense volunteers are laid down by armed fundamentalists.
2022.06.04 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 20 An ISIS attack on a bus leaves four dead.
2022.06.04 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 Mujahideen gunmen pick off a civilian.
2022.06.04 Nigeria Abuja 1 0 Clerics "mobilize" a mob that burns alive a man who argued with them.
2022.06.03 Mali Douentza 2 2 Islamists target a UN humanitarian convoy, killing two peacekeepers.
2022.06.02 Nigeria Okengwe 1 9 One person dies and another loses his legs after ISWAP bomb a festival.
2022.06.02 Afghanistan Bazarak 1 0 A civilian dies from torture in Taliban captivity.
2022.06.02 Afghanistan Nahrin 12 0 A dozen civilians are brutally shot to death by the Taliban for attending a night party.
2022.06.02 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 al-Shabaab assassinate a Turkish embassy staffer.
2022.06.02 India Kulgam 1 0 A Hindu bank manager is murdered on the job by Islamic gunmen.
2022.06.02 Syria Deir el-Zour 3 21 Three passengers succumb to injury following an ISIS attack on their bus.
2022.06.02 India Chadoora 1 1 A migrant brick worker is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2022.06.02 Burkina Faso Dijbo 5 8 Five defense volunteers are killed by Islamic radicals.
2022.06.01 Burkina Faso Gomboro 1 0 A local security officer is killed by extremists fighting for Islamic rule.
2022.06.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 Religious extremists use an IED to kill one person.
2022.06.01 CAR Mberguiri 1 0 Terrorists from 3R kill at least one other person during an attack.
2022.06.01 Iraq Karbala 1 0 A sectarian attack on a shrine employee sends him to the morgue.
2022.06.01 Afghanistan Hazrati 1 0 A former police officer is tortured and killed by the Taliban.
2022.06.01 Mali Kayes 2 0 Two Red Cross aid workers are attacked in their car and killed.
2022.06.01 DRC Beu-Manyama 5 0 Three women are among five hacked to death in their homes by Islamists.
2022.06.01 Mali Timbuktu 1 2 Islamic extremists attack UN peacekeepers, killing one.
2022.06.01 Nigeria Gwoza 20 0 ISWAP ambushes and kills approximately twenty rivals.
2022.06.01 Pakistan Datta Khel 1 0 Radicals fire on a patrol, costing a 25-year-old soldier his life.
2022.06.01 DRC Rwenzori 2 0 At least two people are shot dead by ADF Islamists.
2022.05.31 Pakistan Wana 2 0 Two surrendered terrorists are killed by their former chums in a drive-by.
2022.05.31 Cameroon Hitaoua 3 4 Three local soldiers are killed by Boko Haram.
2022.05.31 Yemen Shabwa 2 4 al-Qaeda is suspected in a roadside blast that kills two.
2022.05.31 Afghanistan Rastaqabad 1 0 A man is murdered in front of his family by the Taliban.
2022.05.31 India Gopalpora 1 0 A female Hindu teacher is murdered by Islamic gunmen outside her school.
2022.05.31 Syria al-Hol 9 0 Nine women are killed by ISIS at a detention camp in the previous month.
2022.05.30 Pakistan Dosali 0 4 Children are among the casualties of a Fedayeen suicide blast.
2022.05.30 Afghanistan Farkhar 1 0 A shepherd is executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.29 Afghanistan Ghor 1 1 A civilian is gunned down by terrorists.
2022.05.29 DRC Bulongo 15 0 ADF storm another village and butcher fifteen innocents.
2022.05.29 Nigeria Walawa 9 9 Ansuru gunmen murder nine villagers.
2022.05.29 Somalia Mogadishu 5 2 Five local soldiers are blown to bits by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2022.05.28 DRC Beu Manyama 27 4 Twenty-seven civilians are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2022.05.27 DRC Irumu 17 0 Seventeen victims of the ADF are discovered beheaded and decomposing.
2022.05.26 Yemen Aden 4 25 A grenade tossed into a crowded market leaves four dead.
2022.05.26 Uganda Kiboga 1 0 A youth pastor is hacked to death by Islamic extremists.
2022.05.25 Philippines Bindatin 6 10 Islamic extremists ambush a security patrol, killing six members.
2022.05.25 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves two dead.
2022.05.25 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 al-Qaeda announces the execution of a captive.
2022.05.25 India Karnataka 1 0 Two Muslims stab a Hindu to death for having a relationship with their sister.
2022.05.25 India Budgam 1 1 Lashkar-e-Toiba gunmen murder an actress in a shooting that also injures her 10-year-old nephew.
2022.05.25 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 10 15 Bombs placed on three mini-buses leave ten dead.
2022.05.25 Afghanistan Kabul 6 22 Radicals bomb a rival mosque, killing six worshippers.
2022.05.25 Iraq Mansouriya 3 1 Three Shiites are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.05.25 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Terrorists take out an off-duty cop as he is driving his kids to school.
2022.05.25 Philippines Maguindanao 6 10 The ISEAP group claims the killing of six soldiers in a recent ambush.
2022.05.25 Burkina Faso Madjoari 50 0 Fifty civilians are "intercepted and executed" while trying to flee a Jihadist roadblock.
2022.05.24 Nigeria Sambisa Forset 6 0 Boko Haram eliminate six rivals.
2022.05.24 Iraq Diyala 2 2 Two locals are taken down by ISIS.
2022.05.24 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two people at a wedding are shot dead by the Taliban.
2022.05.24 India Soura 1 1 Terrorists shoot an off-duty policeman to death in front of his 7-year-old daughter.
2022.05.23 Iraq Jalawla 2 2 Two locals are slaughtered by the Islamic State.
2022.05.23 Pakistan Mir Ali 2 0 An attack by Islamic terrorists leaves two dead.
2022.05.23 Iraq Gulala 6 12 A half-dozen villagers are exterminated by Islamic extremists.
2022.05.23 Nigeria Borno 20 0 Twenty Christians are divided into groups and executed on video as a "warning to unbelievers."
2022.05.23 Iraq Taza Khurmatu 6 1 Three teenagers are among six Shiites shot dead by ISIS while trying to put out a crop fire.
2022.05.23 Nigeria Gakurdi 12 0 A dozen residents are massacred by local Jihadists.
2022.05.23 Egypt al-Faytat 1 3 An ISIS IED leaves one dead and several wounded.
2022.05.22 Chad Litri 3 0 Three Christians are abducted and executed by Muslim radicals.
2022.05.22 Afghanistan Istiqlal 1 1 At least one other person is killed by a suicide bomber at a hotel.
2022.05.22 Nigeria Goni Matari 3 4 Three security guards are machine-gunned by ISWAP.
2022.05.22 Nigeria Mudu 32 6 Thirty-two young scrap metal dealers are ambushed and murdered by Jihadists.
2022.05.22 Burkina Faso Seno 25 0 Twenty-five are left dead after Jihadist attacks on two villages.
2022.05.22 Iraq Habariyah 1 0 ISIS snipers pick off an Iraqi.
2022.05.22 Mozambique Chikumo 1 0 One civilian is killed during an Islamic attack on a non-Muslim town.
2022.05.22 Syria Deraa 1 2 A child is exterminated by radical bombers.
2022.05.21 Burkina Faso Bourzanga 5 10 Religious extremists stage an assault on a local military base, killing five.
2022.05.21 Somalia Middle Shabelle 7 0 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves seven dead.
2022.05.21 Somalia Afgoi 2 0 Two local soldiers are laid out by an al-Shabaab IED.
2022.05.21 DRC Rwenzori 3 0 Three local soldiers die at the hands of ADF Islamists.
2022.05.21 Nigeria Jakana-Mainok 7 0 ISWAP gunmen fire on a highway patrol, killing seven members.
2022.05.21 Mozambique Nakawi 4 0 Four people are reportedly killed by Muslim terrorists in an attack on a village.
2022.05.20 Syria Jabal al-Akrad 2 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates, taking two people with him.
2022.05.20 Mozambique Macomia 6 3 Islamists behead six villagers and kidnap women.
2022.05.20 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 An 80-year-old man is beheaded over alleged blasphemy.
2022.05.20 Pakistan Gujrat 2 0 Two sisters living in Spain are lured back to Pakistan and honor-killed for seeking divorce.
2022.05.20 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Radicals shoot two civilians to death.
2022.05.20 Nigeria Tse Alashi 5 0 Muslim terrorists murder three farmers and two brick-workers.
2022.05.20 Somalia Gololey 4 0 al-Shabaab gunmen roll up on a checkpoint and kill four soldiers.
2022.05.19 Pakistan Shapur 1 0 ISIS-K members assassinate a local policeman.
2022.05.19 Nigeria Unguwan Magaji 1 0 A man is killed by Fulani one year after losing his wife and daughter to the same terrorists.
2022.05.19 Pakistan Makeen 1 0 Radicals obliterate a local with an IED.
2022.05.19 Burkina Faso Kompienga 11 0 Jihadists ambush a local security convoy, killing eleven.
2022.05.19 Burkina Faso Seytenga 1 12 A bus is attacked by Muslim radicals, with one passenger killed.
2022.05.19 Syria Wadi al-Zakara 2 0 Islamic State members ambush a group of opponents, killing two.
2022.05.19 DRC Kazaruhu 12 0 A dozen civilians are reported killed by the ADF.
2022.05.19 Pakistan Peshawar 2 Muslim terrorists gun down two local cops.
2022.05.18 Nigeria Abia 1 0 Fulani terrorists murder a bus driver and kidnap passengers.
2022.05.18 DRC Balimali 1 0 Another civilian is killed by the ADF near the scene of an earlier attack.
2022.05.18 DRC Bandikavu 1 0 ADF Islamists murder a young man.
2022.05.18 Iraq Khalis 1 0 A civilian is picked off by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.05.17 DRC Bamande 1 0 A civilian is killed by the ADF.
2022.05.17 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 Suspected TTP shoot a civilian to death along a city street.
2022.05.17 France Lyon 1 0 An older Jewish man is pushed to his death from a window by a Muslim man who warned him to "remember you origins."
2022.05.17 Pakistan Okara 1 0 A Sunni fanatic stabs an Ahmadi minority to death over his religious faith.
2022.05.17 Afghanistan Hazar Bagh 3 0 Three former opponents are discovered and executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.17 Iraq Salahaddin 2 1 ISIS gunman dispatch two local soldiers.
2022.05.17 Pakistan Yakatoot 1 2 A man is killed and his brother and another companion injured by Muslim radicals.
2022.05.17 India Baramulla 1 3 Burqa-clad Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists throw a grenade into a wine shop, killing an employee.
2022.05.17 Pakistan Ghazni Khel 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2022.05.16 Iraq Udheim 3 0 Three farmers are murdered by ISIS gunmen.
2022.05.16 Iraq Abu Saida 1 3 An ISIS blast produces one body.
2022.05.16 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 Radicals abduct and murder a shepherd.
2022.05.16 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 A tribal leader is pulled from his home and executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.16 India Kharadar 1 12 A bomb at a market kills a female bystander.
2022.05.16 Syria Ghouta 2 2 Islamic State members plant an IED that claims two passersby.
2022.05.15 Egypt Muqata'a 2 3 At least two others lose their lives to an ISIS bomb blast.
2022.05.15 Afghanistan Rustaq 1 0 A former opponent is kidnapped by the Taliban and executed.
2022.05.15 India Shopian 1 0 A civilian is killed in the crossfire when Islamic separatists fire on a patrol.
2022.05.15 Pakistan Sarband 2 0 Two Sikh traders are brutally gunned down by Sunni extremists.
2022.05.15 Pakistan Miran Shah 6 0 Three children, ages 4 to 11, are among six slain by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2022.05.15 Iraq Hillah 1 0 Mujahid stab a police officer to death in his home.
2022.05.14 Afghanistan Andarab 3 0 Three civilians are shot dead by the Taliban.
2022.05.14 India Katra 4 24 Islamists torch a bus with Hindu pilgrims, killing four.
2022.05.14 Afghanistan Khairkhana 1 0 Fundamentalist gun down a local businessman.
2022.05.14 Afghanistan Aino Mina 1 0 Terrorists shoot dead a secular high school principal.
2022.05.14 Burkina Faso Kompienga 18 15 Fifteen fruit-pickers and three volunteers are machine-gunned by Jihadists.
2022.05.14 Burkina Faso Oudalan 26 0 Twenty-six people are killed in two separate attacks by Islamic radicals.
2022.05.14 Egypt Sinai 3 2 Three others are killed when ISIS members storm a clinic.
2022.05.14 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former Afghan soldier is arrested and executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.14 Yemen Ma-rib 1 0 A staff officer is assassinated by Ansar Allah.
2022.05.13 Egypt Muqata'a 2 3 Fundamentalists machine-gun two locals.
2022.05.13 Iraq Baaj 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by suspected radicals.
2022.05.13 Germany Herzogenrath 0 5 An Islamic terrorist from Iraq knifes five persons at random on a train.
2022.05.13 Somalia Dhusamareb 2 0 At least two people are killed by Ahlu Sunna Waljama gunmen.
2022.05.13 Syria Aleppo 10 9 Sunni extremists send a rocket into a bus, killing ten.
2022.05.12 Somalia Biyo-Cade 2 10 Two people succumb to injury following an al-Shabaab rocket attack.
2022.05.12 Afghanistan Kalfagani 1 0 The Taliban murder a former police officer.
2022.05.12 India Gudoora 1 0 An off-duty police officer is killed in his home by Muslim terrorists.
2022.05.12 Afghanistan Aimand 3 0 Three civilians are abducted and executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.12 Mali Djenne 4 1 Religious extremists set off a bomb that takes four lives.
2022.05.12 India Chadoora 1 0 Jaish-e-Mohammad gunmen fire into a government office, killing a young Hindu employee.
2022.05.12 Nigeria Sokoto 1 0 A young female student is beaten and burned to death by Muslim students for "insulting Muhammad" in a social media post.
2022.05.12 Nigeria Ayilamo 4 0 Fulani terrorists storm a farming community and murder four.
2022.05.12 Nigeria Suleja 3 0 An ISWAP cell ambushes a local police team and kills three.
2022.05.11 DRC Ituri 20 25 Twenty innocents are purged by ADF Islamists.
2022.05.11 Egypt Rafah 5 4 Another Islamic State attack leaves five dead.
2022.05.11 Somalia Mogadishu 6 11 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber claims a half-dozen souls.
2022.05.11 Togo Kpendjal 8 13 al-Qaeda gunmen stage a cross-border raid that kills eight.
2022.05.11 Iraq Omar Qabji 1 0 A teenager is beheaded by radicals.
2022.05.11 Nigeria Kaba 3 3 An alcohol establishment is the target of an ISWAP bombing that leaves three dead.
2022.05.11 France Marseille 1 0 A local doctor is randomly stabbed to death by a man acting "in the name of Allah."
2022.05.10 Afghanistan Andarab 2 0 Two seminary students are executed by the Taliban.
2022.05.10 Nigeria Tati 7 2 Suspected Islamists open fire on a security patrol, killing seven.
2022.05.10 Syria Aleppo 1 3 Jabhat al-Nusra radicals kill one person with a well-placed shell.
2022.05.10 Somalia Burane 1 1 An al-Shabaab landmine claims one life.
2022.05.10 Egypt Rafah 2 4 Separate IED attacks by ISIS affiliates leave two dead.
2022.05.10 Afghanistan Dara 1 0 A former opponent is murdered by the Taliban.
2022.05.09 India Gujarat 1 0 A young Hindu man is beaten to death by his Muslim girlfriend's family.
2022.05.09 Syria Badaya al-Mayadeen 3 2 ISIS members target a local security patrol and kill three members.
2022.05.09 Afghanistan Abdullah Khil 8 0 A man and his wife are among the victims of a multi-day Taliban killing spree.
2022.05.09 Afghanistan Samangan 1 0 A former opponent is discovered and assassinated by the Taliban.
2022.05.09 India Pandoshan 1 2 A civilian is killed as terrorists fire on local soldiers.
2022.05.09 Nigeria Tafawa Balewa 3 5 Three Christians are killed in a targeted attack by Muslim gunmen.
2022.05.08 Iraq Mosul 1 0 An older woman is shot in the head by extremists.
2022.05.08 Iraq Husayniya 1 0 A Shiite leader is assassinated by Sunni co-religionists.
2022.05.08 Mozambique Cabo Delago 3 0 Three soldiers lose their lives to an Islamist attack.
2022.05.07 Nigeria Gurbin Maganiya 3 3 Three locals are laid flat by Muslim gunmen.
2022.05.07 Burkina Faso Dor-Gorgadji 12 0 Islamic extremists attack a food convoy and massacre a dozen.
2022.05.07 Sudan Kalma 3 4 Janjaweed gunmen fire into a soccer match at a refugee camp, killing three young men.
2022.05.07 DRC Bolonjo-Cassindi 1 3 'Christian infidels' are targeted by ADF gunmen, with at least one killed.
2022.05.07 Egypt Qantara 11 5 Islamic militants ambush and kill eleven guards at a water pumping station.
2022.05.07 India Srinagar 1 0 Mujahideen gunmen pick off a policeman.
2022.05.06 Yemen Dhalea 3 3 At least three others are killed during a sustained al-Qaeda suicide attack.
2022.05.06 Iraq Thiyaba 3 0 Mujahideen assassinate three civilians near a river.
2022.05.06 DRC Kikinji 3 3 At least three people are brought down by ADF gunmen.
2022.05.06 Uganda Rwenzori 2 3 Islamists fire on a group of border guards, killing two members.
2022.05.05 Nigeria Kwall 8 2 Terrorists shout praises to Allah as they massacre eight in attacks on two Christian villages.
2022.05.05 Burkina Faso Solle 6 4 A half dozen security personnel are laid out by Jihadists.
2022.05.05 Burkina Faso Sanmatenga 5 9 Islamists murder five police officers.
2022.05.05 Pakistan Renala Khurd Okara 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her brother for pursuing a career in dance and modeling.
2022.05.05 Afghanistan Dehrawood 2 0 A father and son are murdered by fundamentalists.
2022.05.05 Israel Elad 3 7 Two Muslims attack victims in a park with an axe and gun, killing three.
2022.05.04 India Hyderabad 1 0 A Hindu man is publicly stabbed to death by a Muslim family for marrying their 23-year-old daughter.
2022.05.04 Afghanistan Baghlan 1 0 A utility employee is shot dead by suspected ISIS.
2022.05.04 Nigeria Damasak 1 0 A man is murdered in his own home by Jihadists.
2022.05.03 Somalia Shabelle 33 22 Three civilians die during an al-Shabaab attack, along with thirty AU peacekeepers.
2022.05.03 Nigeria Kautikeri 7 0 ISWAP members shoot and burn seven villagers to death.
2022.05.03 Nigeria Rikwechongu 5 0 A non-Muslim village is invaded by Muslim militia, with five dead.
2022.05.03 Nigeria Araromi 1 0 A farmer is ambushed and murdered by Muslim terrorists in the late afternoon.
2022.05.02 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A former soldier is discovered and murdered by the Taliban.
2022.05.01 Iraq Butraz 1 2 A member of a displaced family is killed by ISIS shortly after returning home.
2022.05.01 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 An Iraqi is cut down by ISIS snipers.
2022.05.01 Egypt al-Habraa 3 3 Fundamentalists ambush a local security patrol.
2022.04.30 Syria al-Hol 4 0 Four more refugees are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.04.30 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A woman on a bus is murdered by Islamic State bombers.
2022.04.30 Somalia Jowhar 10 10 Ten local soldiers are ambushed and killed by al-Shabaab.
2022.04.29 Somalia Janale 4 0 At least four locals are exterminated by al-Shabaab.
2022.04.29 Afghanistan Kabul 51 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends fifty-one worshippers at a rival mosque straight to Allah.
2022.04.29 Cameroon Tourou 1 0 A 40-year-old civilian is shot dead by Islamists, who then loot his property.
2022.04.29 Pakistan Charsada 1 0 Muslim terrorists toss two bombs into a police station, killing one on duty.
2022.04.29 Syria Tikihi 1 0 An official is gunned down by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.04.29 Israel Ariel 1 0 A security guard is shot and then stabbed to death by two Hamas terrorists.
2022.04.28 Nigeria Turan 3 0 A woman is among three farmers cut down by Muslim militants.
2022.04.28 Pakistan Wana 1 0 Terrorists shoot a local cop to death.
2022.04.28 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 11 17 Sunni extremists place bombs on two buses carrying Shiites, which leave eleven dead.
2022.04.28 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 1 A doctor is murdered by terrorists.
2022.04.28 Somalia Buurane 2 0 An al-Shabaab IED kills two AU peacekeepers.
2022.04.27 Syria Deir Az Zor 7 4 ISIS gunmen on motorcycles fire into a home, killing seven as they are eating.
2022.04.27 Nigeria Gudun Hausawa 3 0 Three more innocents are killed by Muslim gunmen at a funeral for victims of an earlier attack.
2022.04.27 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves four dead.
2022.04.26 Afghanistan Dara-e-Suf Bala 5 1 Five Hazera minorities are gunned down along a lonely stretch of road.
2022.04.26 DRC Mighende-Hululu 4 0 Two women are among four businesspersons murdered by ADF Islamists along a highway.
2022.04.26 Sudan El Geneina 32 0 Thirty more are reported killed by Janjaweed.
2022.04.26 Iraq Hit 2 1 ISIS gunmen attack a security point and kill two local soldiers.
2022.04.26 Iraq Tarmiya 2 3 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two Iraqis.
2022.04.26 Pakistan Karachi 4 2 An Majeed Brigade suicide bomber kill three Chinese tutors and their driver outside a university.
2022.04.26 Pakistan Sararogha 2 0 Islamic gunmen fire on a passing patrol, killing two members.
2022.04.26 Benin Monsey 1 3 Terrorists fighting for Islamic rule kill one police officer.
2022.04.26 Nigeria Kauru 21 0 Elderly are among those slaughtered when militant Muslims attack a Christian village.
2022.04.26 Somalia Dharkenley 2 0 Two local soldiers are assassinated by Islamists.
2022.04.25 Somalia Wadajir 7 1 Seven locals are disassembled by al-Shabaab bombers.
2022.04.25 Nigeria Gashua 1 7 Another bomb blast at a bar kills one patron.
2022.04.25 Iraq al-Hadar 1 0 A captured civilian is executed by the Islamic State.
2022.04.25 Sudan Kreinik 15 0 Fifteen refugees at a hospital are slaughtered by Janjaweed.
2022.04.25 Nigeria Gudam 2 0 Two young Christians are reportedly killed by Muslim terrorists at a wedding.
2022.04.25 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 1 Islamic State gunmen fire on an army patrol, killing two members.
2022.04.25 Nigeria Ungwar Rimi 12 0 A dozen are murdered in a sustained attack by Muslim terrorists.
2022.04.25 Nigeria Makera 1 0 An elderly man is hacked to death by Muslim radicals.
2022.04.24 Egypt Dabaa 1 0 A 33-year-old Copt beaten to death in a sectarian attack.
2022.04.24 Afghanistan Badakhshan 2 8 Two people are blown up by Muslim bombers.
2022.04.24 Sudan Kreinik 168 98 Janjaweed militia attack a farming community, killing over one-hundred.
2022.04.24 Syria Deir e-zor 2 10 Two government security personnel are left dead following an ISIS attack.
2022.04.24 Syria Mahaimida 1 0 A local man is captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2022.04.24 Niger Diffa 1 0 Islamists attack a local army camp, killing one member.
2022.04.24 Mali Sevare 6 15 Three Shahid suicide car bombers claim a half-dozen lives.
2022.04.24 Burkina Faso Gaskinde 9 15 Jihadists murder nine locals.
2022.04.24 Burkina Faso Pobe-Mengao 6 15 Six people are purged by Islamic terrorists.
2022.04.23 Nigeria Kogi 3 2 Islamic State members storm a police station and kill three.
2022.04.23 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 0 Three border guards are murdered by Mujahideen.
2022.04.23 Iran Zahedan 1 0 A bodyguard is killed during an assassination attempt by Sunni radicals.
2022.04.23 Somalia Mogadishu 6 30 Six patrons at a seafood restaurant are blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2022.04.23 Nigeria Katarko 1 0 A captive is executed by his Islamic abductors.
2022.04.23 Iraq Dhuluiya 2 2 An Islamic State bomb blast claims two lives.
2022.04.23 Nigeria Kwentwen 24 0 Angry Muslims storm a farming community and massacre two dozen.
2022.04.23 Afghanistan Mamli 4 0 Fundamentalists murder four villagers in cold blood.
2022.04.22 Philippines Sapa Bulak 1 0 Abu Sayyaf gunmen are suspected in the assassination of a local imam.
2022.04.22 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captured Bedouins are executed by fundamentalists.
2022.04.22 Egypt Sinai 6 0 Six Bedouins are killed ISIS.
2022.04.22 Syria Raqqa 2 0 An ISIS landmine claims two lives.
2022.04.22 Nigeria Bauchi 2 0 Muslims invade a Christian prayer event and shoot two to death.
2022.04.22 India Sunjwan 1 4 Fedayeen murder a security officer on a bus.
2022.04.22 Iraq Baquba 1 4 An Islamic State ambush on a local patrol leaves on dead.
2022.04.22 Iraq Rashad 1 0 A village guard is taken down by ISIS gunmen.
2022.04.22 Sudan Kreinik 8 16 Janjaweed attack a camp for displaced persons, killing eight.
2022.04.22 Afghanistan Imam Saheb 36 43 A Sufi mosque packed with worshippers is blown up by Religion of Peace rivals.
2022.04.21 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 10 32 Ten Shiites are killed in mid-prayer at their mosque by Sunni bombers.
2022.04.21 Afghanistan Kunduz 5 21 At least five people are leveled by a bomb planted on a bicycle.
2022.04.21 Nigeria Geidam 9 0 Two women are among nine murdered by Boko Haram at a brothel. Victims were tied up with their throats slit.
2022.04.21 Somalia Galkayo 1 3 Muslim terrorists attempt to assassinate an official, killing one of his guards.
2022.04.21 Syria al-Sarj 3 0 An ISIS attack near a cemetery leaves three dead.
2022.04.21 Syria Karamaeast 1 0 Suspected Islamic State murder a rival inside his home.
2022.04.21 Nigeria Ikyande 12 0 Militant Muslims massacre over a dozen.
2022.04.20 Somalia Afgoi 1 0 A captured soldier is publicly executed by Islamic radicals.
2022.04.20 Nigeria Kaduna 1 0 A kidnapped priest is killed by his Muslim captors.
2022.04.20 Nigeria Marte 5 0 An Islamic group claims an attack that leaves five dead.
2022.04.20 Pakistan Sarband 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2022.04.20 Afghanistan Quai Markaz 2 0 A suspected ISIS mine claims two lives.
2022.04.20 Pakistan Bara Ajab Talab 3 3 Muslim terrorists kill three.
2022.04.19 Afghanistan Kabul 6 20 Sunnis set off bombs at a Shiite high school, killing six.
2022.04.19 Nigeria Ardo-Kola 6 100 Islamic bombers hit a "gathering of infidel Christians" at a cattle market, killing a half-dozen.
2022.04.19 Iraq Qara-Tappa 2 10 A brutal ISIS attack on Shiites leaves two dead.
2022.04.19 Nigeria Sambisa Forest 32 0 Thirty-two are killed when Islamic groups clash over differences.
2022.04.19 Libya Oumm al-Aranib 1 3 An ISIS car bomb takes out a security guard.
2022.04.18 Nigeria Bijibiji 1 0 Islamists kill a man and set fire to a non-Muslim house of worship.
2022.04.18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 3 2 Three "enemies of Allah" are eliminated by ISIS.
2022.04.18 Nigeria Tarka 18 6 Eighteen villagers are massacred by militant Muslims. A young girl was shot in the vagina.
2022.04.18 Somalia Buale Gadud 6 0 Six are reported killed by al-Shabaab bombers.
2022.04.18 Nigeria Molai 3 4 Boko Haram attack a small town and murder three.
2022.04.18 India Kakapora 1 1 A railroad employee is gunned down by terrorists at a tea stand.
2022.04.17 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former government official is tortured and killed by the Taliban.
2022.04.17 Syria Sahl al-Ghab 1 4 An Ansar Allah suicide bomber kills a local soldier.
2022.04.17 Somalia Jowhar 2 0 Two souls are liberated by al-Shabaab shrapnel.
2022.04.17 Nigeria Yimur Mugza 1 6 ISWAP roll into a village, kill a teenager and kidnap six girls.
2022.04.17 Syria Busayrah 1 0 A young man is shot dead by ISIS.
2022.04.17 Egypt Sinai 1 0 One person purged by ISIS shrapnel.
2022.04.16 Nigeria Rikwechogu 2 0 A Catholic priest is among two killed by in a targeted Muslim attack.
2022.04.16 Nigeria Kpachudu 1 0 A protestant pastor is murdered by Muslim radicals.
2022.04.16 Nigeria Kagoro 1 1 Muslim terrorists fire into a peaceful village, killing one resident.
2022.04.16 Iraq Qara-Tappa 2 2 Two engineers are sent to Allah by an Islamic State bomb blast.
2022.04.16 India Kokenag 1 0 Terrorists open fire on an arresting officer, killing him on the spot.
2022.04.15 Iraq Baiji 1 1 A shepherd is felled by Sunni shrapnel.
2022.04.15 India Baramulla 1 0 Another migrant worker is shot dead by terrorists.
2022.04.15 Thailand Sai Buri 1 3 Muslim 'separatists' plant a bomb that takes out a 33-year-old bystander.
2022.04.15 Sweden Orebo 0 183 Pro-Quran activists attack police during a 'protest'.
2022.04.14 Iraq Wadi al-Shay 1 3 A roadside ISIS bomb claims one life.
2022.04.14 Iraq Tuz-Khurmato 1 7 One person is blown to bits by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2022.04.14 Sudan Amiet 27 26 A market is the site of a terror attack that leaves over two dozen dead.
2022.04.14 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A female refugee is murdered by ISIS.
2022.04.13 Somalia Kismayo 2 0 Two civilians are killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2022.04.13 Pakistan Mamond 1 0 A teacher is killed in a targeted bomb attack by radicals.
2022.04.13 India Kakran 1 0 Terrorists kill a civilian during a drive-by shooting.
2022.04.13 Pakistan North Wazrisitan 7 0 Terrorists hit a passing vehicle with an RPG, killing all seven aboard.
2022.04.13 Niger Petelkole 7 10 Islamic terrorists attack a police station, killing seven.
2022.04.13 Niger Djado 4 1 Four local cops are ambushed and murdered by ISIS.
2022.04.13 Sudan Leu 5 1 Arab militia raid and village and kill five.
2022.04.13 Sudan Noong 10 0 Ten locals are purged by Arab militia.
2022.04.13 Nigeria Isi-Uzo 3 0 Three farm laborers are killed in their field by militant Muslims.
2022.04.13 Iraq al-Eith 2 0 Two Shiites are attack and killed by the Islamic State.
2022.04.12 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 1 Islamists fire on a rival mosque, killing one.
2022.04.12 Nigeria Mbadwem 8 0 Eight innocents are brought down by militant Muslims.
2022.04.12 Nigeria Tiortyu 16 0 Angry Muslims murder sixteen villagers.
2022.04.12 Iraq Zummar 1 0 A shepherd is brought down by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.04.12 Syria al-Hol 3 0 Three female refugees are murdered by ISIS in separate attacks.
2022.04.12 Benin Pendjari 5 0 Five rangers at a national park are sent to Allah by Islamic extremists.
2022.04.12 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Local Taliban fire on a passing security patrol, killing two members.
2022.04.11 Syria Homs 4 2 An ISIS attack on Shiites leaves four dead.
2022.04.11 DRC Mangusu 17 0 Seventeen innocents are tied up by ADF Islamists, who then slash their throats.
2022.04.11 Sudan Sirba 1 0 Arab militia shoot a man to death in front of his father.
2022.04.11 DRC Ituri River 4 0 Islamic extremists catch four civilians crossing a bridge and execute them.
2022.04.11 Nigeria Tarka 15 0 Fifteen locals are massacred by militant Muslims.
2022.04.11 Nigeria Logo 10 0 Ten villagers are cut down in two separate attacks.
2022.04.11 India Gujarat 1 10 One person is killed when Muslim pelt a Hindu procession with stones.
2022.04.11 Pakistan Kulachi 5 1 The Tehrik-e Taliban fire a rocket into a police van, toasting all five occupants.
2022.04.11 Syria Sabha 1 0 A prison employee is burned alive by ISIS.
2022.04.10 Nigeria Kukawa 54 0 Fifty-four bodies are counted in a farming village after a Muslim raid.
2022.04.10 Nigeria Gyambau 34 0 Muslim militia swoop in on a village, killing over thirty and kidnapping women.
2022.04.10 DRC Shauri Moya 9 0 Nine villagers are cut down by ADF gunmen.
2022.04.10 Afghanistan Deh Mullah 1 0 A civilian is executed by Taliban gunmen.
2022.04.10 Sudan Sirba 12 10 Arab militia shoot dead a dozen villagers.
2022.04.10 Syria Rojava 1 0 ISIS members shoot a refugee to death.
2022.04.10 Thailand Nong Chik 1 0 A teacher is shot dead by suspected radicals.
2022.04.10 Ireland Sligo 2 1 An Iranian 'refugee' murders two gay men in a targeted stabbing attack.
2022.04.09 Iraq Sinjar 2 0 A young couple is honor-killed.
2022.04.09 Iraq Hit 2 0 An Islamic State attack leaves two dead.
2022.04.09 Iraq Rashad 2 4 Two Shiites are killed by Sunni extremists.
2022.04.09 Pakistan Bannu 2 0 Islamic gunmen are thought responsible for the murder of two local cops.
2022.04.09 Iraq Miqdadiyah 1 0 One person is slain by ISIS loyalists.
2022.04.08 DRC Otomobere 14 0 Fourteen villagers are slaughtered by ADF Islamists.
2022.04.08 Somalia Burhakaba 3 0 A civilian is among three killed in an Islamic mortar attack.
2022.04.08 Burkina Faso Sanmatenga 16 21 Jihadists attack a local security base, killing sixteen.
2022.04.07 Philippines Ampatuan 1 1 Bangsamoro Islamists are thought responsible for an assassination.
2022.04.07 Nigeria Odiguetue 5 3 Five in a peaceful farming community lose their lives to Muslim terrorists.
2022.04.07 Israel Tel Aviv 3 7 Three Israelis having a drink at a bar are cut down by a Palestinian gunman.
2022.04.07 Niger Lake Chad 10 0 Ten captives are executed by Jama’at Ahl as-Sunnah lid-Da’wah wa’l-Jihad.
2022.04.07 Nigeria Kaduna 2 0 Two hostages are executed by Boko Haram.
2022.04.07 DRC Ituri 6 3 An Islamist ambush leaves six dead.
2022.04.07 Egypt Alexandria 1 0 A priest dies after being stabbed in the neck by a Muslim radical.
2022.04.06 Syria Qal’at al-Hadi 1 0 A Kurdish elder is assassinated by the Islamic State.
2022.04.06 Nigeria Borno 1 0 A bomb-defusal expert is killed by Boko Haram while riding past an IED.
2022.04.06 Afghanistan Taloquan 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by terrorists.
2022.04.06 Nigeria Rantis 2 3 A tragic attack by Muslim militants on IDPs trying to rebuild their homes leaves two dead.
2022.04.06 Somalia Golweyn 4 0 al-Shabaab claim a bomb blast that leaves four dead.
2022.04.06 Yemen Waziyah 1 0 Ansar Allah attempt to assassinate a local director, but kill only his guard.
2022.04.05 Nigeria Baba Juli 3 0 Muslim militants kill three persons at a rival mosque.
2022.04.05 Nigeria Bassa 3 1 Muslim terrorists stage another attack on a small town, this time killing three.
2022.04.05 Iran Mashkad 2 1 Two Shiite clerics are stabbed to death by a radical.
2022.04.05 Pakistan Kulachi 3 0 Muslim extremists are suspect in a grenade attack on a local shop that leaves three dead.
2022.04.05 Syria Hajin 1 2 Jihadists on motorbikes fire into a group, killing one member.
2022.04.05 Syria Azba 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2022.04.04 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 Religious extremists gun down a local cop.
2022.04.04 Nigeria Miango 3 1 Muslim extremists murder three locals.
2022.04.04 Nigeria Birnin-Gwari 20 40 Ansaru members attack a local security base and kill twenty.
2022.04.04 India Srinagar 1 5 Muslim militants open fire on workers and guards at a business center, killing one.
2022.04.03 Iran Gonbad-e Kavus 2 1 Two Shiite clerics are murdered by a radical Sunni.
2022.04.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 59 One person is killed when a bomb is thrown into an exchange.
2022.04.03 India Gorakhpur 0 2 A man armed with a knife stabs two people outside a Hindu temple.
2022.04.03 DRC Masambo 32 0 Thirty-two villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2022.04.03 DRC Monda 1 0 One is killed when a local security patrol is fired on by ADF.
2022.04.03 Egypt Bir al-Abd 1 2 A civilian is picked off by ISIS snipers.
2022.04.03 Syria Sukhnah 2 8 An ISIS attack on Shiites leaves two dead.
2022.04.02 Syria Homs 9 3 Sunni extremists are suspected in an attack on an airfield that kills nine.
2022.04.02 DRC Idoho 6 0 A half-dozen innocents are purged by Islamists.
2022.04.02 Nigeria Chando Zerreci 10 19 Muslim militants attack a cultural festival, killing ten participants.
2022.04.02 Uganda Bigiri 0 1 A Christian is dragged into a mosque in a targeted attack, where he is beaten and burned.
2022.04.01 Burkina Faso Kougdiguin 22 20 Women and children are among twenty-two slaughtered by suspected Jihadists at a mine.
2022.04.01 Afghanistan Herat 2 8 Religious extremists set off a car bomb that leaves two dead.
2022.04.01 Afghanistan Herat 5 25 Five locals are leveled by two bomb blasts at a soccer field.
2022.04.01 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Fundamentalists kidnap and execute two civilians.
2022.03.31 Syria Daraa 2 2 Terrorists target a police patrol, killing two members.
2022.03.31 Nigeria Bassa 2 0 Muslim militia kill at least two residents in a sleepy village.
2022.03.31 Burkina Faso Centre-Nord 3 0 Three middle-aged women are summarily executed by Islamists.
2022.03.30 Pakistan Makin 2 0 Two Pakistanis are sent to Allah by radicals.
2022.03.30 Pakistan Tank 6 22 A half-dozen security personnel are killed during a Tehrik-e-Taliban attack on their headquarters.
2022.03.30 Thailand Yala 2 2 Muslim 'separatists' kill two police officers with a bomb.
2022.03.30 Nigeria Malum Fatori 3 0 Three locals are cut down by Boko Haram.
2022.03.30 Afghanistan Khak-e-Safid 2 0 At least two people are killed during an ISIS attack on a private home.
2022.03.30 Iraq Wasit 1 3 Mujahideen gun down a man in front of his wife and children.
2022.03.30 Afghanistan Fabrica 1 1 Terrorists kill one person with a bomb.
2022.03.29 Nigeria Tse Torkula 2 0 Two farmers are shot dead by Muslim militants.
2022.03.29 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local soldier is assassinated by fundamentalists.
2022.03.29 Somalia Wanlaweyn 1 0 One person is laid out by an al-Shabaab IED.
2022.03.29 Israel Tel Aviv 5 0 Five innocent people are mowed down along a city street by a Palestinian gunman.
2022.03.29 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A teenager honor-kills his mother with a knife for talking to 'men' on the phone.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Kabo 3 6 Muslim malcontents fire sporadically into a village, killing three.
2022.03.28 Syria al-Hawl 2 6 A woman and child are killed when ISIS members open fire at a camp.
2022.03.28 Yemen Aden 1 0 Terrorists on a motorcycle kill a man in a drive-by.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Zaman Dabo 6 10 Muslim militia murder six villagers.
2022.03.28 Somalia Heliwa 4 0 Four Somalis are reportedly killed by al-Shabaab.
2022.03.28 Pakistan Kulachi 1 0 Terrorists murder an off-duty cop outside his home.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Batsari 1 0 Terrorists in burqas gun down a local cop.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Zanari 1 9 At least one other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2022.03.28 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A former soldier is kidnapped and executed by the Taliban.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Kaduna 8 150 'Elements of Boko Haram' open fire on a train. They kill eight and kidnap 150.
2022.03.28 Nigeria Nzhwerenvi 5 0 Three women are among five cut down by Muslim terrorists.
2022.03.27 DRC Lusilusi 5 0 Five residents are ambushed by ADF Islamists and killed.
2022.03.27 USA Shoreline, WA 1 0 A man kills a woman "in the name of Allah" after reading the Quran.
2022.03.27 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 A civilian is brought down by Mujahid gunmen.
2022.03.27 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 Islamic extremists execute an abductee.
2022.03.27 Pakistan Anjumabad 1 0 A woman is butchered by three female seminary teachers for alleged blasphemy.
2022.03.27 Somalia Af-Urur 3 5 An al-Shabaab mortar attack on a local security base leaves three dead.
2022.03.27 Afghanistan Sarghar Siah 2 0 Two young women are shot dead by suspected fundamentalists.
2022.03.27 Afghanistan Malik 1 0 Sharia activists assassinate a former opponent.
2022.03.27 Israel Hadera 2 12 A man and woman are shot to death by Arab extremists.
2022.03.26 Nigeria Isi-Uzo 6 6 A sustained assault by militant Muslims over several hours leaves a half-dozen dead.
2022.03.26 Somalia Balibiri 10 0 At least ten Somalis are killed by Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a.
2022.03.26 India Chattabugh 2 0 Muslim 'separatists' pull two brothers out of their family home and murder them in cold blood.
2022.03.26 Iraq Hatra 4 0 The bodies of four shepherds are found mutilated after their kidnapping by ISIS.
2022.03.26 Afghanistan Helmand 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists kidnap a former soldier and torture him to death.
2022.03.26 Egypt Abu Lam'ah 2 0 Armed fundamentalists target and kill two locals.
2022.03.25 Afghanistan Ashrali 1 0 A civilian is taken down by armed fundamentalists.
2022.03.25 Nigeria Dillalai 15 0 At least fifteen residents are killed in a brazen attack by Muslim militia.
2022.03.25 Nigeria Kaduna 35 0 Fulani terrorists murder thirty-five villagers in a wave of attacks.
2022.03.24 Nigeria Enugu 6 0 A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen cut down by militant Muslims.
2022.03.24 Pakistan Azam Warzak 1 0 An Islamist is killed in a drive-by shooting by more radical members of his faith.
2022.03.24 Pakistan Hassan Khel 4 0 Taliban fire on Pakistani border guards, killing four.
2022.03.24 Niger Kolmane 6 1 Jihadists ambush and kill six local soldiers.
2022.03.24 Egypt Rafah 4 0 Four locals are exterminated by Islam extremists.
2022.03.23 DRC Camango-Nobili 1 0 ADF fire on a Christian village, killing one resident.
2022.03.23 Pakistan Draban Kalan 1 1 Terrorists fire into a police station, killing one inside.
2022.03.23 Somalia Singaleer 1 0 At least one person is killed during an al-Shabaab ambush.
2022.03.23 Somalia Mogadishu 8 11 Islamic extremists overrun a base, killing three AU members and five civilians.
2022.03.23 Mali Sahel 12 1 Another dozen local soldiers lose their lives to Jihadists.
2022.03.23 Somalia Beledweyne 48 108 A young female lawmaker is among fifty blown up by two Fedayeen suicide bombers.
2022.03.23 Yemen Aden 5 0 Ansar Allah is behind a bombing that leaves five dead.
2022.03.23 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A young progressive candidate for office is assassinated by hardliners.
2022.03.22 Pakistan South Waziristan 2 0 Two people are abducted and beheaded by radicals.
2022.03.22 CAR Nzakoungou 5 0 Two women and a boy are among five murdered by Muslim Militia.
2022.03.22 Israel Beersheba 4 2 A Palestinian terrorist stabs three shoppers to death at a mall, then runs down another with his car.
2022.03.22 India Srinagar 1 0 Muslim terrorists bring down a local cop with a bullet to the neck.
2022.03.22 Iraq Daquq 1 1 A local is killed in an ISIS shooting attack.
2022.03.22 Somalia Dinsor 3 4 al-Shabaab purge three Ethiopians with an IED.
2022.03.21 DRC Missingui 1 0 A local man is abducted and killed by the ADF.
2022.03.21 Egypt al-Ajraa 4 3 Four locals fall after being targeted by ISIS gunfire.
2022.03.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 1 Armed fundamentalists murder a defense volunteer.
2022.03.21 India Pulwama 1 0 A street vendor is gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2022.03.21 India Budgam 1 0 A man succumbs to injury after being shot in his own home by Muslim terrorists.
2022.03.21 Mali Boni 2 7 Two locals are taken down by Jihadists.
2022.03.21 Mali Tessit 2 10 Islamic extremists murder two people.
2022.03.21 Burkina Faso Gourma 13 8 Thirteen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2022.03.21 Pakistan Bajur 5 0 Civilians are among five purged by Islamic militants.
2022.03.21 Israel Jerusalem 1 0 An ISIS supporter stabs a migrant worker to death.
2022.03.20 Nigeria Agban Kagoro 32 24 At least thirty-two are left dead after a raid by militant Muslims on a Christian village.
2022.03.20 Burkina Faso Natiaboani 11 0 Eleven passengers in a vehicle are exterminated by a Jihadist landmine.
2022.03.20 Tanzania Mozambique Border 1 0 An Islamist attack kills at least one person.
2022.03.20 DRC Ituri 7 0 A family of seven Christians is brutally murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.03.20 DRC Luna 23 0 Two dozen unbelievers are massacred by the ADF.
2022.03.19 Pakistan Rohi 1 0 A Hindu teen girl is shot dead for resisting a targeted kidnapping.
2022.03.19 Syria Homs 2 2 Two security personnel are laid out by an ISIS IED.
2022.03.19 Somalia Bal'ad 6 3 Six bodies are counted following an al-Shabaab attack.
2022.03.18 Egypt Shibana 1 2 An officer is sent to Allah by ISIS gunmen.
2022.03.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 An Islamic radical stabs a civilian to death.
2022.03.18 Iraq Soran 1 0 A 15-year-old is shot 6 times by her father for going out with friends.
2022.03.18 Afghanistan Garda Serai 2 3 Two children are eliminated by a Mujahid rocket.
2022.03.18 Afghanistan Paktia 2 3 Two civilians are sent to Allah via Jihadi shrapnel.
2022.03.18 Burkina Faso Dori 1 0 A 50-year-old official is pulled from his car and executed by Jihadists.
2022.03.17 Somalia Gedo 10 5 al-Shabaab bombers kill ten Kenyans along the border.
2022.03.17 Nigeria Bama 1 0 An ISWAP attack leaves one dead.
2022.03.17 Afghanistan Nimruz 1 0 A shopkeeper is taken down on the job by radical gunmen.
2022.03.17 Niger Tillaberi 2 0 Islamists stop a truck and then machine-gun the occupants.
2022.03.17 Philippines Sitio Tenorio 1 0 A man is shot off his motorcycle by Moro Islamists.
2022.03.16 Philippines Datu Odin Sinsuat 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down by suspected Moro Islamists.
2022.03.16 Thailand Mayo 1 3 A Muslim bomb blast against a passing patrol kills one member.
2022.03.16 Nigeria Jigawa 1 0 A crop farmer is taken down by militant Muslims with a bow and arrow.
2022.03.16 France Nice 0 2 Two transgenders are stabbed "in the name of Allah".
2022.03.16 Niger Petel 19 0 Nineteen passengers on a bus are machine-gunned by Muslim radicals.
2022.03.15 Sudan Kutum 3 0 Arab militia pick off three former opponents.
2022.03.15 Pakistan Jermanak 1 1 Religious extremists fire at two border guards, killing one.
2022.03.15 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A civilian is picked off in a Sunni drive-by.
2022.03.15 Afghanistan Bassul 5 0 The Islamic State sets off a bomb that claims five lives.
2022.03.15 Somalia Bossaso 7 0 Seven locals are purged by al-Shabaab.
2022.03.15 Iraq al-Rashad 1 2 Mujahideen take out a passing police officer with a bomb.
2022.03.15 Yemen Zinjibar 4 8 A suicide bomber kills at least four others in a passing vehicle.
2022.03.15 Somalia Daynille 1 0 Islamists assassinate a secular school principal.
2022.03.14 Somalia Gherille 9 5 An al-Shabaab landmine claims nine lives.
2022.03.14 Nigeria Agatu 20 0 At least twenty lose their lives to a series of attacks by Muslim militants.
2022.03.14 DRC Apende 18 0 Islamists slaughter eighteen innocents.
2022.03.14 DRC Ndimo 15 0 Another fifteen villagers are massacred by the ADF.
2022.03.14 Burkina Faso Arbinda 8 0 Eight people collecting water are mercilessly cut down by religious radicals.
2022.03.14 Syria al-Sijan 4 0 Four workers at an oil field are laid out by ISIS gunfire.
2022.03.13 DRC Apakoluy 4 0 Four civilians are eliminated by Islamic militants.
2022.03.13 DRC Apamayaya 2 0 ADF Islamists shoot a young couple to death.
2022.03.13 DRC Kimautu 5 0 Five locals are purged by the ADF.
2022.03.13 DRC Carriere 8 0 Eight souls are lost to the ADF.
2022.03.13 Burkina Faso Taparko 13 8 Thirteen local gendarmes are ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.03.13 Burkina Faso Taparko 2 3 A Jihadist landmine claims two passengers on a bus.
2022.03.13 Iraq Makhmour 2 0 Two Iraqis succumb to injury following an ISIS attack.
2022.03.12 Afghanistan Matai 1 0 Taliban shoot a shopkeeper to death.
2022.03.12 Iraq Sinjar 1 0 Terrorists shoot an abductee in the head.
2022.03.12 DRC Mamove 5 0 ADF Islamists slaughter five more villagers.
2022.03.12 India Check Chotipora 1 0 An off-duty police officer is murdered by terrorists in his own home.
2022.03.12 Burkina Faso Baliata 11 0 At least eleven gold miners are killed by suspected Jihadists.
2022.03.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A prominent Shia leader is assassinated by sectarian Jihadis.
2022.03.12 Syria al-Zarr 2 0 Two rivals are killed by the Islamic State.
2022.03.11 Egypt Shibana 2 0 ISIS operatives take down two locals.
2022.03.11 Afghanistan Rukha 1 0 Video surfaces of a teacher executed in cold blood by the 'Islamic Emirate'…
2022.03.11 India Ahmad Mir 1 0 Muslim 'separatists' gun down a local outside his home.
2022.03.11 Kenya Lamu 5 4 Four construction workers and a passing motorcyclist are shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2022.03.11 DRC Mamove 27 0 Dozens of innocents are hacked to dead by ADF Islamists.
2022.03.11 Afghanistan Sokhta 1 0 A former soldier is abducted and murdered.
2022.03.10 Sudan Jebel Moon 17 24 Arab militia massacre seventeen villagers.
2022.03.09 India Udhampur 1 15 An Islamic group bombs a vegetable market, killing one.
2022.03.09 Nigeria Tor Damisa 7 10 Fulani terrorists kill a woman and six others.
2022.03.09 India Srinagar 1 0 A local official succumbs after being shot in the chest by 'separatists'.
2022.03.09 Philippines Inaldan 1 0 Muslim extremists murder a rival.
2022.03.08 Pakistan Sibi 6 22 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out six Pakistanis.
2022.03.08 Iraq Qara Tabbah 2 0 Two brothers are shot dead in their home by the Islamic State.
2022.03.08 Nigeria Tse-Ahentse 5 0 Muslim terrorists storm a sleeping community and massacre five residents.
2022.03.08 Mozambique Nova Zambézia 5 0 Four civilians are among five shot dead by Islamists.
2022.03.08 Mali Menaka 40 0 At least forty civilians are massacred by Jihadists.
2022.03.08 Uganda Intonko 0 3 A family of three is sprayed with acid after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2022.03.08 Nigeria Kudenda 2 1 Militant Muslim gun down two people, including a volunteer at a church.
2022.03.07 Somalia Dhusamareb 2 0 Ahlu Sunna wa al Jama’a murder two soldiers.
2022.03.07 Nigeria Sarkinpawa 3 8 Former Boko Haram kill three innocents in raids on two villages.
2022.03.07 Mozambique Nova Zambezia 1 0 Islamists target a Christian village, killing a guard and burning homes.
2022.03.07 Nigeria Tor-Damsa 26 0 Twenty members of a farming community are slaughtered by militant Muslims.
2022.03.07 Mali N-Tahaka 2 2 Islamic extremists target a local security base, killing two.
2022.03.07 Mali Mopti 2 4 A supply truck runs over a Jihadist landmine, killing two passengers.
2022.03.06 Afghanistan Anjil 5 0 Women are among give family members beheaded in their own home.
2022.03.06 South Sudan Abeyei 27 0 Twenty-seven Dinka farmers are massacred by Arab militia.
2022.03.06 Syria Palmyra 13 18 ISIS gunmen open fire on a government bus, killing over a dozen.
2022.03.06 India Srinagar 2 24 Muslim terrorists lob a grenade into a market, killing two, including a teen girl.
2022.03.06 Mozambique Nova Zambézia 1 0 A village defense volunteer is beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.03.06 Somalia Jowhar 1 0 A security guard near a palace is cut down by Islamist gunmen.
2022.03.06 Iraq Erbil 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her family after leaving Islam for Christianity.
2022.03.05 Sudan Jebel Moon 16 16 Suspected Arab militia murder two humanitarian workers and fourteen others.
2022.03.05 Somalia Beledweyne 1 0 al-Shabaab gun down a cop.
2022.03.05 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 2 0 Two young women lose their lives to a terror attack.
2022.03.05 Mali Mondoro 27 40 An attack by armed Islamists leaves over two dozen dead.
2022.03.05 USA Las Vegas, NV 0 1 An Iranian woman lures a man to a hotel room, then stabs him 'in revenge' for a US drone attack.
2022.03.04 Niger Torodi 5 3 Jihadists kill five local soldiers with an IED.
2022.03.04 Pakistan Peshawar 68 200 Over sixty innocents at a Shiite mosque are blown to bits by a Sunni suicide bomber.
2022.03.04 Afghanistan Nadali 2 0 Two people are killed in their home by Islamic extremists.
2022.03.04 Afghanistan Kharoti 3 20 Islamic radicals bomb a rival mosque, killing three.
2022.03.03 Nigeria Manini 5 7 Women are among five killed when Muslim terrorists open fire on highway commuters.
2022.03.03 Syria Sabkha Al-Malah 3 0 ISIS members kill all three passengers in a passing vehicle.
2022.03.03 Nigeria Zamfara 8 0 The owner of an Islamic school and mosque oversees the torture and murder of eight hostages.
2022.03.03 Somalia Yaqshid 1 0 A Somali soldier is assassinated by religious extremists.
2022.03.03 Afghanistan Shigal 1 1 A young boy is shot to death by the Taliban at a wedding.
2022.03.03 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 0 A man is kidnapped by the Taliban and tortured to death.
2022.03.02 Nigeria Logo 3 0 Three men are killed by militant Muslims.
2022.03.02 France Arles 1 0 A Jihadist Murders another inmate in prison over remarks about 'the prophet'.
2022.03.02 Yemen Midi 9 30 An Ansar Allah rocket claims nine lives.
2022.03.02 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A female polio worker is gunned down by militants.
2022.03.02 India Kolpora 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate a political candidate.
2022.03.01 Egypt Rafah 2 3 Fundamentalists take out a passing vehicle with an IED.
2022.03.01 Somalia Kismayo 12 17 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves a dozen dead.
2022.03.01 Egypt Ibshadat 3 0 Three Christian farmers are shot dead in their field by Muslims shouting praises to Allah.
2022.02.28 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local soldier is shot dead by Mujahidin.
2022.02.28 Syria Basira 2 0 ISIS snipers pick off two unfortunates.
2022.02.28 Somalia Afgooi 1 0 A local soldier succumbs to injury following a al-Shabaab terror attack.
2022.02.28 Somalia Kismayo 1 0 An al-Shabaab raid on a bridge leaves one guard dead.
2022.02.28 Pakistan Peshawar 3 4 Suspected radicals spray bullets into a funeral, killing three.
2022.02.28 Nigeria Gabara 1 0 Jama’tu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad gunmen pick off a rival.
2022.02.28 Uganda Kadungulu 1 0 A young pastor is beaten to death by Muslim radicals.
2022.02.28 Burkina Faso Ankouna 6 0 An elderly man is among six dragged out of their homes by Islamists and shot in the head.
2022.02.27 DRC Kikura 20 0 Islamists with machetes hack twenty innocents to death and burn their village.
2022.02.27 Syria Dhiban 3 1 Three people are left dead following an Islamic State ambush.
2022.02.27 Afghanistan Khanabad 2 0 Two children are purged by Mujahid bombers.
2022.02.27 Iraq Rahjan 5 0 Five people hunting mushrooms are blown to bits by ISIS bombers.
2022.02.27 Nigeria Agatu 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a villager.
2022.02.27 Egypt al-Tuffaha 1 0 At least one worker is killed when ISIS set off a bomb near a bulldozer.
2022.02.26 South Sudan Mading-Thon 5 1 Five innocents are slain by Arab militia.
2022.02.26 Philippines Pikit 2 0 Radicals gun down two locals.
2022.02.26 Egypt Shekh Zuweid 1 0 A 32-year-old resident is murdered by ISIS operatives.
2022.02.26 Nigeria Sabon-Gari 11 2 Eleven farming community members are massacred by ISWAP.
2022.02.26 Nigeria Kautikari 3 0 ISWAP kill three innocent people and burn down their church.
2022.02.26 Kenya Kiunga 2 0 Islamists ambush and kill at least two people.
2022.02.25 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A religious minority is shot to death.
2022.02.25 Nigeria Mandaragirau 13 0 Thirteen villagers are beheaded by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.02.25 India Amshipora 1 0 Two Lashkar-e-Taiba gunmen open fire, killing a civilian.
2022.02.25 Pakistan Quetta 2 1 The Tehreek-i-Taliban attack a group of police at a restaurant, killing two.
2022.02.25 Egypt Bal'ah 1 2 ISIS loyalists open fire on local village guards, killing one.
2022.02.25 Iraq Rutba 1 0 ISIS gunmen attack a gas station and torch an employee.
2022.02.25 Nigeria Guma 1 0 A lone Catholic is picked off during a Muslim raid.
2022.02.24 Nigeria Yelwa- Zangam 2 0 Two younger people are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
2022.02.24 Syria Mayadeen 3 3 An Islamic State attack leaves three dead.
2022.02.24 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 A member of a polio transit team is shot dead.
2022.02.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 0 Two attacks on polio vaccination teams leave four dead.
2022.02.24 Afghanistan Emamsaheb 3 0 Two vaccinators and a social mobilizer are brought down by fundamentalists.
2022.02.24 Cameroon Ziler 3 0 Boko Haram storm a town and kill two laborers and an elderly man.
2022.02.24 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two people are blown off a motorcycle by an al-Shabaab IED.
2022.02.23 Mozambique Kanat 1 0 Islamists kill a village guard with gunfire.
2022.02.23 Somalia Wajid 1 2 An Ethiopian peacekeeper is killed by an al-Shabaab bomb planted at a well.
2022.02.23 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot dead a defense volunteer and injure two people elsewhere with a bomb.
2022.02.23 Nigeria Katsina 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local businessman.
2022.02.22 Chad Kaiga Kindjiria 5 0 Islamic militants gun down five border guards at a lake.
2022.02.22 Afghanistan Choni 1 0 A former prosecutor is murdered by suspected terrorists.
2022.02.22 Somalia Kismayu 1 0 Rivals take out a cleric with a planted car bomb.
2022.02.21 Nigeria Galadiman Kogo 4 1 Boko Haram kill four first responders to an earlier attack.
2022.02.21 Somalia Bosaso 2 3 Jihadists purge two persons with a well-placed bomb.
2022.02.21 Iraq Kamaliya 1 0 A civilian is machine-gunned by Mujahideen while on his way to work.
2022.02.21 Syria Ithriya 5 0 Five locals are sent to Allah by ISIS bombers.
2022.02.21 Iraq Jadida 1 0 Sunni hardliners open fire at a market, killing a bystander.
2022.02.20 Niger Tillaberi 17 0 Seventeen people riding in a truck are massacred by Jihadists.
2022.02.20 Niger Tizigorou 1 0 At least one person is eliminated during a Jihadist attack on a village.
2022.02.20 Afghanistan Kakaran 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death at their home by militant Muslims.
2022.02.20 Nigeria Galadiman Kogo 6 0 A half-dozen residents are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2022.02.20 India Karnataka 1 0 A Hindu activist is brutally stabbed to death by several radicals following a fatwa for blasphemy.
2022.02.20 Pakistan Peshawar 2 2 At least two police officers are murdered by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2022.02.20 Syria Jabal Al-Omar 3 1 An ISIS landmine claims three lives.
2022.02.20 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 2 A Jihadists IED claims the life of a child.
2022.02.19 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two tribesman are taken out by an ISIS IED.
2022.02.19 Syria Hamouriyah 2 0 Two people succumb to injury following an Islamic State attack along a desert road.
2022.02.19 Somalia Fafi 4 0 Thirty al-Shabaab terrorists storm a town and kill four residents.
2022.02.19 Yemen Jardan 5 15 An Ansar Allah rocket attack on a rival mosque leaves five dead.
2022.02.19 Somalia Beledweyne 16 20 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out sixteen patrons at a packed restaurant.
2022.02.19 India Chermarg 2 0 A Lashkar-e-Taiba member opens fire on two Hindu cops, killing both.
2022.02.19 Somalia Bosaso 2 5 Islamists plant a bomb inside a tea shop, which kills two innocents.
2022.02.19 Iraq Nasiriyah 1 0 An oil engineer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2022.02.19 Afghanistan Chowk 1 1 Taliban gunmen open up on a rickshaw, killing a woman.
2022.02.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Taliban gunmen bring down a doctor at a checkpoint.
2022.02.18 Mali Archam 8 14 Eight least eight local soldiers are ambushed by Islamic radicals and killed.
2022.02.17 Nigeria Tse Udeghe 4 0 Muslim militants fire on a family of farmers, killing four.
2022.02.17 Nigeria Mbapka 1 0 One passenger is killed when Muslim terrorists fire on a bus.
2022.02.17 Niger Gotheye 5 2 Islamists dismantle five local soldiers with an IED.
2022.02.17 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A town resident is abducted and murdered by the Islamic State.
2022.02.16 Mali Tessit 40 0 Forty civilians are massacred by the Islamic State during attacks on three villages.
2022.02.16 Somalia Mogadishu 5 19 Two children are among five killed by Islamic hardliners in a series of attacks.
2022.02.16 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 2 0 The Tehrik-i-Taliban shoot two local cops to death.
2022.02.15 Iraq Hawi 1 0 A police officer is abducted and executed by Sunni extremists.
2022.02.15 Afghanistan Deh Salah 1 0 A physician is gunned down by Muslim terrorists.
2022.02.15 Nigeria Yelwa Zangam 4 2 Angry Muslims kill three commuters and one employee at a mining site.
2022.02.15 Nigeria Yelwa-Zangam 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two persons at a mining site.
2022.02.15 Pakistan Chakri 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is honor killed with a knife by her family for an 'illicit' affair.
2022.02.15 Cameroon Gaboua 2 0 Boko Haram murder a man and his son inside their home.
2022.02.15 Syria Damascus 1 11 Terrorists attach a bomb to a bus, killing one passenger.
2022.02.15 DRC Ben-Kasundi 5 0 Five people along a highway are murdered by Islamic extremists.
2022.02.14 Nigeria Wulgo 1 6 At least one person is succumbs to injury following an ISWAP mortar strike.
2022.02.14 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A young Christian is beaten to death by a group of Muslims.
2022.02.14 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A man in his 30's is picked off by sectarian militia.
2022.02.14 Afghanistan Nasi 2 0 A man and woman are stoned by a Sharia court for having 'illicit relations.'
2022.02.14 Somalia Hansholey 4 0 Four civilians are sent to Allah by al-Shabaab bombers.
2022.02.13 Iraq Hilla 4 0 Sunni extremists kill four near an orchard.
2022.02.13 Afghanistan Mehrabad 1 0 A child is killed by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2022.02.13 Iraq Rabia 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a shepherd.
2022.02.13 Mali Niafunke 2 0 Jihadists attack and kill two locals.
2022.02.13 Nigeria Badurim Sama 2 0 Muslim militants shoot a man and wife to death in their home.
2022.02.13 Cameroon Kamanga 3 4 Islamic extremists assault a border camp, killing three guards.
2022.02.13 Syria Basira 3 0 Three passengers on a passing vehicle are riddled with ISIS gunfire.
2022.02.13 Egypt Ajraa 1 3 At least one person is killed by fundamentalist gunmen.
2022.02.12 Pakistan Khanewal 1 0 An older man is yanked from a mosque and stoned to death for desecrating the Quran.
2022.02.12 Nigeria Enugu 4 4 Boko Haram is suspected in an attack on a checkpoint that leaves four dead.
2022.02.12 Philippines Tambunan 9 3 Moro Islamists kill a rival and eight members of his family.
2022.02.11 Yemen Marib 3 0 Three children are disassembled by an Ansar Allah shell.
2022.02.11 Afghanistan Qala-e-Naw 1 15 One person is killed when a mosque is bombed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2022.02.11 India Bandipora 1 3 Mujahideen throw a grenade at a group of police, killing one.
2022.02.11 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Boko Haram post video of child members executing hostages at a Quran school.
2022.02.10 Benin W National Park 2 0 Another Islamist attack outside a park leaves two dead.
2022.02.10 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A civilian is shot dead by terrorists.
2022.02.10 Somalia Mogadishu 6 12 A half-dozen bus passengers are aerated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2022.02.10 Kenya Sangailu 4 2 A family vehicle is blown up by Jihadists, along with four inside.
2022.02.10 Syria Deir Ballut 1 0 An unarmed widow is gunned down by ayat Tahrir al-Sham.
2022.02.10 DRC Beni 13 24 At least thirteen residents are left dead following an ADF attack on three villages.
2022.02.09 Syria Shahil 5 0 Five individuals are abducted and executed in captivity by a pro-Sharia group.
2022.02.09 Syria Ghuwayran 2 0 Two more souls are claimed by Islamic State gunmen.
2022.02.09 Egypt Abu al-Araj 1 0 Fundamentalists ambush and kill a local soldier.
2022.02.09 Somalia Boasasso 4 7 A suicide bomber strikes a shopping mall restaurant, taking out four patrons.
2022.02.09 Iraq Rutba 4 3 Off-duty soldiers and a civilian are killed by ISIS bombers.
2022.02.09 Iraq al-Waqf Basin 1 0 Extremists shoot a farmer to death at his orchard.
2022.02.09 Iraq Khansour 1 0 A young Yazidi minority is found executed by radicals.
2022.02.08 Bangladesh Chakaria Upazila 5 3 Five members of a family are run over and killed over their resolve to build a Hindu temple.
2022.02.08 Iraq Rawa 4 2 Hardliners kill four people in a vehicle with a planted bomb.
2022.02.08 Benin W National Park 6 10 Islamic militants ambush park rangers, killing six.
2022.02.08 Nigeria Zaman Dabo 1 0 One villager is burned alive by Muslim terrorists.
2022.02.08 Nigeria Chibob 3 0 Three people are killed by Fulani mercenaries.
2022.02.08 Nigeria Sabon Kaura 3 0 Another three villagers are purged by militant Muslims.
2022.02.07 Syria al-Hol 1 3 A child is killed during a violent kidnapping attempt by ISIS women.
2022.02.07 Mozambique Bengala 3 0 Three locals are executed by Islamists.
2022.02.06 Nigeria Chawai 1 1 Jihadists storm a Catholic church, killing an aide and abducting a priest.
2022.02.06 Israel Ashkelon 1 0 An elderly woman who survived the Holocaust dies from injuries suffered during a Palestinian rocket strike.
2022.02.06 Syria Sabha 2 0 Two individuals are shot full of holes by ISIS.
2022.02.06 Pakistan Kurram 5 4 The Tehrik-e-Taliban fire on a border post in Pakistan, killing all five guards.
2022.02.06 Iraq Abbara 1 3 A police officer is gunned down by Islamic State loyalists.
2022.02.05 Somalia Abdalla Birole 10 3 Ten innocents are laid out when their bus runs over an al-Shabaab landmine.
2022.02.05 Iran Ahvaz 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by beheading, with her family proudly parading her head afterwards.
2022.02.05 Nigeria Baris 1 0 One resident is killed when Islamists attack a non-Muslim village.
2022.02.05 Nigeria Shiroro 27 31 At least twenty-seven villagers are murdered by Boko Haram, including women and children.
2022.02.05 Nigeria Munya 17 0 A blind man is among seventeen innocents slain by Islamic terrorists.
2022.02.05 India Jharkhand 1 0 A Hindu teen is brutally murdered by a Muslim mob during a procession.
2022.02.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Mujahid gunmen pick off a civilian.
2022.02.04 Mozambique Mueda 2 0 Two civilians are beheaded by Muslim hardliners.
2022.02.03 Nigeria Maliya 2 5 Two people are leveled by a Boko Haram bomb blast.
2022.02.03 Pakistan Jalozai 2 1 Muslim terrorists fire point-blank on a police check-point, killing two members.
2022.02.03 Nigeria Kagoro 11 0 At least eleven people in front of a high school fall victim to militant Muslim gunmen.
2022.02.03 Syria Atimah 6 0 An ISIS leader detonates a suicide vest during a raid, killing six children.
2022.02.03 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A police officer is assassinated by suspected Shia militia.
2022.02.02 Kenya Wajir 4 0 Four innocents in a Toyota are blown to bits by an al-Shabaab IED.
2022.02.02 DRC Nobili 3 0 'Soldiers of the Caliphate' rampage through a town, killing three.
2022.02.01 India Shopian 1 0 An off-duty cop is cut down by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2022.01.31 Bangladesh Padrishibpur 1 0 A 91-year-old Catholic is poisoned by Muslim miscreants.
2022.01.31 Nigeria Okokolo 1 0 A farmer in his field is downed by Muslim snipers.
2022.01.31 Pakistan Ghotki 1 0 A Hindu businessman is shot dead by 'radicalized' Muslims.
2022.01.31 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 Two guards at a market are cut down by Mujahideen.
2022.01.31 Kenya Mandera 13 7 Women and children are among thirteen dead when al-Shabaab ambush a passenger bus.
2022.01.31 Mozambique Yolomabawa 1 0 A villager is captured and executed by local Islamists.
2022.01.31 Burkina Faso Nagraogo 2 0 Islamists march two civilians into the bush and execute them point-blank.
2022.01.30 Nigeria Kurmin Masara 11 0 An elderly woman burned alive is among a dozen Christian villagers murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.01.30 Pakistan Gulbahar 1 1 Terrorists fire on three Christian priests in a car, killing one.
2022.01.30 Iran Maragheh 2 0 Two accused homosexuals are executed after being held six years in prison.
2022.01.30 Iraq Riyadh 2 1 ISIS gunmen fire on police at a traffic circle, killing two.
2022.01.29 Nigeria Galadima Kogo 18 40 Eighteen villagers are massacred by ISWAP.
2022.01.29 Iraq Amarah 1 0 Terrorists bring down a woman in a drive-by shooting.
2022.01.29 India Anantnag 1 0 Muslim terrorists take out a cop near his home.
2022.01.29 Yemen Usaylan 5 11 An Ansar Allah rocket claims five lives.
2022.01.29 Somalia Qaran 1 0 An al-Shabaab IED claims one life.
2022.01.28 Mozambique Mahibi 1 0 Islamists attack a non-Muslim village and kill one resident.
2022.01.28 Somalia Muku Dhere 8 0 al-Shabaab machine-gun eight civilians.
2022.01.28 Afghanistan Darah Suf Payan 2 0 A 'misunderstanding' between Sharia police and civilians leaves two of the latter dead.
2022.01.28 Pakistan Bajaur 2 0 A secular politician and his cousin are shot dead by radicals.
2022.01.28 Nigeria Illela 12 0 Followers of the owner of an Islamic school and mosque butcher a dozen villagers.
2022.01.27 Syria Manbij 1 0 A 5-year-old girl is honor-killed by her parents and thrown in a dumpster after being raped.
2022.01.27 Afghanistan Charikarya 2 0 Two brothers are fired on and killed by Taliban terrorists.
2022.01.27 Syria Hasaka 29 0 An additional twenty-nine are killed in the days following an ISIS attack on a prison.
2022.01.27 Pakistan Hangu 1 1 Terrorists murder a guard at an oil company.
2022.01.26 Somalia Bosaso 1 2 al-Shabaab bombers hit a tea shop, taking out a patron.
2022.01.26 Yemen Marib 5 23 Children are among five lives claimed by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2022.01.26 Libya Sabha 3 0 ISIS members ambush a local vehicle and kill three passengers.
2022.01.26 Iraq Basra 1 0 The body of an activist is found shot in the head by Shia radicals.
2022.01.26 India Ahmedabad 1 0 A young Hindu is murdered after sharing an image of Muhammad on social media.
2022.01.26 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A captive is beheaded in the former caliphate capital.
2022.01.26 Nigeria Katafila 7 3 Seven local soldiers are killed when ISWAP target a foot patrol.
2022.01.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A former government work is assassinated by the Taliban.
2022.01.25 Syria al-Shafa 1 0 One person is killed when ISIS fire on a vehicle.
2022.01.25 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 A guard for a polio team is gunned down by fundamentalists.
2022.01.25 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A former policeman is killed in front of his home by fundamentalists.
2022.01.25 Philippines Patikul 1 2 An Abu Sayyaf attack leaves one dead and two injured.
2022.01.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 5 0 A Wilayat Sina landmine claims five souls, including an engineer.
2022.01.25 Uganda Namaato 1 0 A former mosque leader is beaten to death after converting to Christianity.
2022.01.24 Iraq Sharaban 2 0 Two village security guards are murdered by Islamic State gunmen.
2022.01.24 Iraq Kirkuk 3 1 The Islamic State claims a blast that lays out three Iraqis.
2022.01.24 Libya Sabha 2 0 Islamic State gunmen fire on a passing vehicle, killing two.
2022.01.24 Syria Jasemi 1 0 ISIS gunmen fire into a checkpoint, killing one.
2022.01.24 Afghanistan Takhtasha 2 1 ISIS gunmen fire on a passing vehicle, killing two passengers.
2022.01.23 Nigeria Dung 4 0 Four non-Muslims are machine-gunned by Muslim militants while returning from mining work.
2022.01.23 Nigeria Kwall 3 1 Three innocent car passengers are killed in cold blood by militant Muslims.
2022.01.23 Nigeria Kwalam 2 0 Islamists are suspected of killing two rescue party members responding to an earlier abduction.
2022.01.23 DRC Ituri 12 0 Islamists massacre a dozen villagers with bladed weapons.
2022.01.23 Nigeria Chibok 4 24 Four people are cut down by ISWAP gunmen, who also burn non-Muslims houses of worship.
2022.01.23 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 1 0 A former government employee is tortured to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2022.01.22 Sudan Turbo 2 0 Two men transporting coal are shot to death by Arab militia.
2022.01.22 Somalia Wadajir 1 0 A former governor is assassinated by al-Shabaab.
2022.01.22 Mali Gao 1 0 A Jihadist mortar on an camp claims the life of a French peacekeeper.
2022.01.22 Afghanistan Herat 7 9 Four women are among seven Shiite bus passengers laid out by Sunni bombers.
2022.01.22 Nigeria Plateau 18 10 Muslim militants massacre eighteen non-Muslims.
2022.01.22 Syria Jaqla Foqani 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by Ahrar al-Sharqiya.
2022.01.21 Iraq Baqubah 11 0 Islamic State militants stage a surprise attack on soldiers sleeping in their barracks, killing eleven.
2022.01.21 Nigeria Piyemi 2 20 ISWAP members storm a town, kill two residents and kidnap twenty children.
2022.01.21 Afghanistan Taloqan 1 0 Terrorists gun down an agricultural employee outside a university.
2022.01.21 Yemen Ar Rawdah 2 4 al-Qaeda shrapnel cuts two lives short.
2022.01.20 Syria Zuhour 28 0 At least twenty-eight others are killed in a massive ISIS attack on a prison and gas depot.
2022.01.19 Sudan Foul Abyad 5 7 Five displaced persons are killed by Arab militia.
2022.01.19 Sudan Zamzam 3 0 Three members of a rescue party are shot to death by terrorists while trying to assist victims of an earlier attack.
2022.01.19 Afghanistan Narang 4 10 Suspected ISIS fire on a passing car, killing four inside.
2022.01.19 Yemen Ain 5 6 An Ansar Allah rocket claims five lives at a petrol station.
2022.01.19 Yemen Hareib 3 0 A child is among three killed in a Shiite militia attack.
2022.01.19 Yemen Maqbana 1 3 An Ansar Allah drone strike on a school produces one dead student.
2022.01.19 Egypt Joura 1 12 At least one person is killed by armed fundamentalists.
2022.01.19 Nigeria Nasarawa 9 0 Nine local soldiers are killed by Boko Haram.
2022.01.18 Niger Diffa 4 0 Four locals are exterminated by Boko Haram bombers.
2022.01.18 Iraq Taji 2 0 Islamic militants open fire on Iraqis, felling two.
2022.01.18 Somalia Mogadishu 4 10 A suicide bomber at a restaurant takes out four patrons in mid-bite.
2022.01.18 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 A female civil rights activist is shot to death.
2022.01.18 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two policemen are killed in separate Tehrik-e-Taliban attacks.
2022.01.18 Nigeria Igama 2 0 Two members of a peaceful farming community are cut down by Muslim gunmen.
2022.01.18 Mozambique Limwalamwala 5 0 Islamists burn down homes and murder five residents.
2022.01.17 Syria al-Hol 1 0 A refugee is murdered by religious extremists.
2022.01.17 UAE Abu Dhabi 3 6 Ansar Allah stage a drone attack on fuel tankers that leaves three dead.
2022.01.17 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A shopkeeper is shot to death in a targeted attack on Afghan refugees.
2022.01.17 Pakistan Islamabad 1 0 A traffic cop is cut down in a rare Islamist attack in the capital.
2022.01.16 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A female doctor succumbs to injury suffered dies earlier in a terror bombing.
2022.01.16 Iraq Samarra 4 1 Four fishermen are brutally executed by the Islamic State.
2022.01.16 Afghanistan Bagrami 1 4 A child is blown to bits by an ISIS IED.
2022.01.16 Pakistan Faqirabad 1 0 Rivals assassinate a religious scholar.
2022.01.16 Mali Douentza 4 0 Four ethnic traders are shot in the head in cold blood by armed Islamists.
2022.01.15 Morocco Tiznit 1 1 A terrorist stabs an elderly French tourist to death.
2022.01.15 Mozambique Cabo Delgado 3 0 Islamic extremists kill three villagers and steal their property.
2022.01.15 Burkina Faso Namssiguian 9 0 Nine civilians lose their lives to a rampage through their town by Jihadists. The dead ranged from 10 to 75 years of age.
2022.01.15 Pakistan Karmukhel 1 0 A security guard is attacked and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2022.01.14 Afghanistan Khawja Palkhman 1 0 The Taliban gun down a former security officer.
2022.01.14 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Pakistan Taliban attack a local checkpoint and kill a soldier.
2022.01.14 Afghanistan Zainab 1 0 Taliban shoot a young Hazara woman to death on her way home from a wedding.
2022.01.14 Nigeria Chibok 3 0 Boko Haram murder three civilians and burn their homes.
2022.01.14 Syria Duweir 4 0 Four Shiites are abducted and executed by the Islamic State.
2022.01.13 Afghanistan Laghman 5 1 A family of five is exterminated by Muslim radicals.
2022.01.12 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A secular teacher is shot dead outside his home.
2022.01.12 DRC Luonoli 4 3 Four women and three men are slaughtered in their field by ADF Islamists.
2022.01.12 Nigeria Ncha 18 6 Eighteen villagers are slaughtered by militant Muslims shouting praises to Allah.
2022.01.12 Somalia Mogadishu 8 9 A suicide car bomb rips though a crowd outside an airport, killing eight.
2022.01.12 India Pariwan 1 5 Mujahideen open fire on police, killing one.
2022.01.11 Syria Deir ez-zor 11 2 Eleven Syrians are reportedly gunned down by the Islamic State.
2022.01.11 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 0 Islamists assassinated one of their own with an axe.
2022.01.11 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khurmi 1 0 Terrorists gun down a cement factory worker.
2022.01.11 Philippines Cotabato City 1 6 Daulah Islamiyah blow up a bus, killing a small boy.
2022.01.11 Afghanistan Hussain Khel 1 0 A civilian is purged by terrorists.
2022.01.11 Syria al-Hol 1 0 An aid worker at a refugee camp is murdered by ISIS.
2022.01.10 Nigeria Arimogija 5 5 Militant Muslims attack another community, killing five members.
2022.01.10 Afghanistan Boti Kot 1 0 Islamic State members assassinate a less radical rival.
2022.01.10 Nigeria Ishiagu 3 0 Three more farmers are gunned down by Muslim militants.
2022.01.10 Afghanistan Lal Pur 4 10 Terrorists send four students to Allah with a blast outside their school.
2022.01.10 Nigeria Ancha 1 1 Muslim militants murder a young farmer and severely injure his wife.
2022.01.10 Nigeria Buratai 2 0 Two staff at a research university are picked off by ISWAP.
2022.01.10 Syria Hajin 1 0 A local is abducted and executed by Islamic extremists.
2022.01.10 Nigeria Tyaana 3 2 Three Christians are hacked to death in a targeted attack by Muslim militants.
2022.01.09 Kenya Majembeni 2 0 Islamists scatter residents into the woods after killing two in cold blood.
2022.01.09 Iraq Shishan 1 0 A Shiite leader is assassinated by Sunni rivals.
2022.01.09 Syria Deir es-Zor 1 0 A trained surgeon is gunned down in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2022.01.08 Pakistan Sibi 3 3 Tehreek-e-Taliban are suspected in a shooting that leaves three dead.
2022.01.08 DRC Kalivuli 4 4 Four throats are cut by Islamic radicals.
2022.01.07 Iraq Kubba 1 0 Mujahideen gunmen bring down a farmer.
2022.01.07 DRC Kiskivi 4 0 A pastor is among four killed by ADF Islamists.
2022.01.07 Kenya Milihoi 4 0 Four local cops are killed by Islamic gunmen.
2022.01.07 Nigeria Nzhwerenvi 1 0 A non-Muslim is killed on his farm.
2022.01.07 Nigeria Zamfara 200 70 About two-hundred are horribly massacred by loyalists of Bello Turji.
2022.01.06 South Sudan Yith Pabol 28 0 Over two dozen are killed by Islamic extremists crossing the border to burn homes.
2022.01.06 Iraq Najaf 1 0 Terrorists shoot a security officer to death.
2022.01.06 Afghanistan Maimay 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Taliban.
2022.01.06 Yemen Saba 4 0 Four unfortunates at a fuel station lose their lives to an Ansar Allah missile.
2022.01.06 Nigeria Molege 3 0 Militant muslims kill three farmers and burn their homes.
2022.01.06 Benin Atakora 2 1 Jihadists plant a landmine that claims two lives.
2022.01.06 Burkina Faso Naoka 2 0 Two defense volunteers are cut down by Jihadists.
2022.01.06 Iraq Baghdad 5 1 A Shiite family of five are exterminated in their home by Sunni radicals.
2022.01.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Terrorists gun down a rickshaw driver.
2022.01.05 Nigeria Marte 10 0 Boko Haram claim a suicide car bombing that takes ten lives.
2022.01.05 Burkina Faso Ankouna 14 1 Jihadists attack a remote community and purge fourteen residents, including two children.
2022.01.04 Nigeria Mgbuji 5 0 Women and children are among five murdered by militant Muslims.
2022.01.04 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three locals are cut down by an al-Shabaab bomb blast.
2022.01.03 Iraq Rashad 1 1 One is killed when a desolate police post is attacked by the Islamic State.
2022.01.03 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 BRN terrorists attack a checkpoint with gunfire, killing a ranger.
2022.01.03 Iraq Badush 1 0 A civilian is executed point-blank by Mujahideen.
2022.01.03 Kenya Bobo-Hindi 1 0 Islamic hardliners burn a man to death inside his home.
2022.01.03 Mozambique Ilha Quirimba 4 0 Four civilians are reported killed by Islamic 'insurgents'.
2022.01.03 Syria Saffat az Zirr 5 20 Five Syrians are blown up by ISIS.
2022.01.02 Syria al-Hol 1 0 An ISIS gunman kills a rival in front of a mosque.
2022.01.02 Afghanistan Charikar 1 0 An individual is beheaded by religious extremists.
2022.01.02 Syria Badia 5 20 An ISIS rocket attack on a bus leaves five dead.
2022.01.02 Kenya Widhu 6 3 al-Shabaab radicals behead one villager and shoot or burn five others to death.
2022.01.02 DRC Nzenzeka 3 2 A woman is among three killed "in a gory manner" by ADF inside their homes.
2022.01.02 Mozambique Nofa Zambizia 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Holy Warriors.
2022.01.02 DRC Idohu 17 13 Five pygmies are among seventeen massacred by ADF Islamists.
2022.01.01 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 1 1 Taliban brutally kill a former police officer in his home.
2022.01.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 A suicide car bomb attack kills one other person.
2022.01.01 Kenya Kiunga 1 0 al-Shabaab use a roadside bomb to kill a rider on a passing motorcycle.
2022.01.01 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A guard at a vegetable market is shot dead by suspected Jihadists.
2022.01.01 Pakistan Hub 1 0 A Hindu trader is killed in a targeted attack.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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