The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Feb 01, 2025 -
Feb 07, 2025

Attacks 47
Killed 301
Injured 363
Suicide Blasts 0
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
January, 2025

Attacks 110
Killed 711
Injured 536
Suicide Blasts 4
Countries 21
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Peshawar School Massacre

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 3021 Islamic attacks in 55 countries, in which 32986 people were killed and 27561 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Bati Kot 2 5 Sunni hardliners fire bullets into a store, killing two people.
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Oruzgan 3 5 A Taliban in police uniform shoots eight local cops.
2014.12.31 Philippines Mlang 2 30 Muslim 'rebels' set off a bomb packed with nails at a market crowded with New Year's revelers, killing two.
2014.12.31 Yemen Ibb 49 70 A suicide bomber dressed as a woman slaughters nearly fifty innocents at a Shiite celebration, including women and children.
2014.12.31 Afghanistan Qush Tepa 5 9 The Taliban ambush and kill five militants trying to give up their arms.
2014.12.31 Nigeria Fika 6 6 A pro-Sharia suicide car bomber kills six people.
2014.12.31 Pakistan Swat 3 1 Sunni fundamentalists attack and kill three members of a security patrol.
2014.12.31 Iran Sarbaz 2 0 A Shiite teacher is among two people killed in a suspected sectarian attack.
2014.12.31 Nigeria Kantoma 3 0 Three members of a church are cut down in a vicious assault by Muslim terrorists.
2014.12.30 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 A young woman is among two people murdered by suspected al-Shabaab.
2014.12.30 Syria Aleppo 15 5 Jabha Shamiyeh claim a bombing that leaves fifteen dead.
2014.12.30 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Kurds are captured at Sinjar and beheaded by ISIS.
2014.12.30 Libya Tobruk 0 11 Eleven others are wounded when a suicide bomber detonates outside parliament.
2014.12.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia activist is lynched by devout Sunnis.
2014.12.30 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two physicians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.30 Syria Raqqa 13 0 Thirteen prisoners are pulled out of a truck and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.29 Afghanistan Helmand 4 3 Four Afghans are murdered by militants seeking a theocratic state.
2014.12.29 Syria Deir al-Zor 70 0 Seventy tribal victims of a mass Islamic State execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.29 Yemen Hadramawt 2 11 al-Qaeda take out two members of a security patrol.
2014.12.29 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Terrorists shoot a man to death at a market.
2014.12.29 Iraq Taji 17 35 A Shahid suicide bomber dismantles seventeen Shiite mourners at a funeral tent.
2014.12.29 Syria Homs 8 12 Two suicide bombers target separate natural gas facilities, killing at least eight others.
2014.12.29 Yemen Marib 1 2 al-Qaeda bombers kill a civilian.
2014.12.29 Nigeria Kautikari 15 0 Fifteen people are machine-gunned in the street by Boko Haram.
2014.12.29 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 13 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates inside a restaurant, killing four patrons.
2014.12.29 Iraq Baqubah 2 3 Terrorists riddle two civilians with bullets as they drive by.
2014.12.28 India Bangalore 1 3 Students Islamic Movement of India are suspected of a blast near a bar that leaves a woman dead
2014.12.28 Nigeria Potiskum 1 0 A bomb targeting soccer fans kills a food vendor.
2014.12.28 Iran Saravan 3 0 Jaish-ul Adl members are suspected of an attack that leaves three border guards dead.
2014.12.28 Egypt Alexandria 1 4 Suspected Islamists spray gunfire at a security checkpoint, killing one person.
2014.12.28 Yemen Aden 1 2 One person is taken out by an al-Qaeda blast.
2014.12.28 Afghanistan Lahgman 2 2 Two civilians are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2014.12.28 Syria Aleppo 6 10 Two children are among six souls sent to Allah by a caliphate car bomb.
2014.12.28 Uganda Kampala 1 0 A Muslim scholar is shot to death for refusing to cooperate with Islamic radicals.
2014.12.27 Indonesia Tamadue 1 2 Three Christian are abducted by Islamic terrorists, one of whom is executed in captivity.
2014.12.27 Nigeria Tattaura 10 0 Muslims slaughter ten Christians.
2014.12.27 Yemen Sanaa 12 0 A dozen people are left dead after Sunnis and Shia clash.
2014.12.27 Iraq Tuz Khurmatu 1 0 A Kurdish imam is shot to death by Shiite militia.
2014.12.27 Afghanistan Wardak 3 5 Fundamentalists send a rocket into a volleyball match, killing three participants.
2014.12.27 Cameroon Mozogo 30 3 Boko Haram burn down a village and slaughter at least thirty residents.
2014.12.27 Pakistan Bhiri Sha Rehman 1 0 An Ahmadi is shot in the head shortly after a TV preacher rails against the religious minority.
2014.12.27 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two guards at a bank are gunned down by suspected extremists.
2014.12.26 Pakistan Sarki Mela 1 2 A civilian is killed when militant Muslims open indiscriminate fire at a checkpoint.
2014.12.26 Afghanistan Nad-e-Ali 3 0 A woman and child are among three killed by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.12.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 4 0 Four Afghans are exterminated by Taliban bombers.
2014.12.26 DRC Ndume 11 0 Eleven civilians are hacked to death by suspected ADF.
2014.12.25 DRC Ndalya 10 12 ADF terrorists hack ten villagers to death in the middle of the night.
2014.12.25 Libya Benghazi 20 0 Six people are beheaded, and fourteen others shot by Islamists.
2014.12.25 Libya al-Sidra 22 0 Twenty-two local soldiers are killed during a surprise attack by Fajr Libya.
2014.12.25 Egypt al-Arish 1 1 Religious extremists kill one person with a planted landmine.
2014.12.25 Somalia Mogadishu 4 0 Four others are killed during an al-Shabaab small arms attack targeting Christians celebrating Christmas.
2014.12.25 Libya Sirte 1 0 A 13-year-old Coptic girl is murdered and dumped after being abducted by Islamists.
2014.12.25 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 Palestinians fire-bomb a family vehicle, severely injuring an 11-year-old girl.
2014.12.25 Afghanistan Faryab 2 1 A woman and daughter are murdered in their own home in a suspected honor killing.
2014.12.25 Iraq Jalawla 10 0 Ten victims of an ISIS ambush are found in a shallow grave.
2014.12.24 Somalia Garbahaarreey 2 0 Two brothers are captured and executed by al-Shabaab.
2014.12.24 Iraq Yusufiya 4 7 Four civilians at a market are pulled into pieces by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.12.24 Iraq al-Baghdadi 4 0 Four children are reported dead during a siege in which ISIS lobs chlorine canisters into a town.
2014.12.24 Iraq Madain 43 61 At least forty Iraqis are exterminated by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.12.23 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 20 0 Twenty victims of 'brutal' ISIS executions are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.23 Iraq Baghdad 2 7 Two people are disassembled by Mujahideen bombers.
2014.12.23 Egypt Sinai 2 0 Two captives are shot in the head by Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2014.12.23 Libya Sirte 2 1 Muslim radicals murder a Christian couple and abduct their daughter.
2014.12.23 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 6 A Taliban bomb explodes in front of a bank, killing one person.
2014.12.23 Yemen Sanaa 1 2 An al-Qaeda bomb produces one dead Shiite.
2014.12.23 Somalia Kismayo 1 2 Islamists gun down a local official.
2014.12.23 Yemen Sanaa 2 2 al-Qaeda is thought responsible for bombing and small arms attacks that kill two Shiites.
2014.12.23 Uganda Mayuge 1 0 A moderate Shia cleric is shot to death by ADF.
2014.12.22 Nigeria Bauchi 8 20 Religion of Peace bombers hit a market at closing time, killing at least eight innocents.
2014.12.22 Nigeria Gombe 20 21 Sharia proponents detonate a bomb at a bus station, sending shrapnel through dozens of bystanders.
2014.12.22 Pakistan Gulberg 1 2 A sectarian drive-by on three Shiites sitting outside motorcycle showroom leaves one dead.
2014.12.22 France Nantes 1 9 One person is left clinically dead when yet another man shouting Allah Akbar plunges his car into a Christmas market.
2014.12.21 Iraq Muqdadiya 2 4 A married couple lose their lives to an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.12.21 Iraq Mosul 5 0 The caliphate executes five Yazidi women.
2014.12.21 Yemen Arhab 42 0 Forty-two Shiites are killed in a revenge attack by Sunni radicals.
2014.12.21 Afghanistan Shor Darya 5 0 Five children are disassembled by a Taliban landmine.
2014.12.21 Yemen Arhab 4 26 An Ansarullah ambush leaves four dead.
2014.12.21 France Dijon 0 13 A convert to Islam praises Allah as he runs down pedestrians with his car 'for the children of Palestine'.
2014.12.20 Iraq Taji 3 12 Three Iraqis standing outside a shop are sectionalized by Mujahid bombers.
2014.12.20 Iraq Tikrit 17 0 Women and children are among seventeen Iraqis executed in their homes by caliphate members.
2014.12.20 Iraq Hardan 70 0 The remains of many Yazidi victims of ISIS execution are found in a mass grave, including women and children.
2014.12.20 Iraq Madain 4 9 Terrorists detonate a bomb in a commercial district that leaves four dead.
2014.12.20 France Joue-les-Tours 0 3 A foreign-born Muslim attacks French police officer with a knife while shouting praises to Allah.
2014.12.20 Afghanistan Jawzjan 7 4 Seven local cops are killed when Taliban ambush their check post.
2014.12.20 Afghanistan Kunar 7 3 Two young girls are among seven civilians disassembled by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.12.20 Nigeria Gwoza 50 0 Islamic extremists round up fifty - mostly elderly - innocents and massacre them at a high school.
2014.12.20 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is publicly beheaded by the caliphate.
2014.12.20 DRC Beni 1 1 The bodyguard for a prosecutor is cut down an ADF attack.
2014.12.19 Pakistan Muridke 2 0 A married couple are shot to death by the woman's conservative family for marrying without permission.
2014.12.19 Pakistan Daudzai 1 0 A traffic cop is machine-gunned in the road by Jihadis on a motorcycle.
2014.12.19 Yemen Seyun 3 5 An al-Qaeda bomb produces three dead locals.
2014.12.19 Afghanistan Laghman 1 6 A child is killed and six others injured from Taliban shrapnel.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 3 7 A bomb near an industrial area kills three.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Jihadis bomb a commercial district, killing two.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two people at a car repair shop are modularized by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four patrons at a market are cut to ribbons by Islamic bombers.
2014.12.18 Iraq Qasreej 7 0 Seven Iraqis are reportedly blown up by a suicide bomber.
2014.12.18 Iraq Mahmoudiya 4 0 A married couple and their two children are murdered in their own home by Mujahideen gunmen.
2014.12.18 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two sheikhs are kidnapped and killed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.18 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A Shahid suicide bomber kills one other person.
2014.12.18 Iraq Nahyat al-Alam 1 0 A rival cleric is beheaded by fundamentalists on charges of 'sorcery'.
2014.12.18 Iraq Baghdad 4 6 A bombing near a mosque leaves four dead.
2014.12.18 Yemen Hodeida 18 15 Hardline Sunni suicide bombers take out eighteen Shiites.
2014.12.18 Pakistan Damadola 3 0 Three members of a security patrol are blown to bits by religious extremists.
2014.12.18 USA Morganton, NC 1 0 A convert to Islam shoots an elderly man three times in the head after watching ISIS videos.
2014.12.17 DRC Isiro 6 0 ADF Islamists claim a half-dozen villagers.
2014.12.17 Nigeria Sabon Gida Shagogo 10 0 Fulani terrorists burn down a church and kill ten villagers, including the pastor.
2014.12.17 Nigeria Angwan Dauda 5 0 A 1-year-old boy and his mother are among five Christians slaughtered by Muslim raiders.
2014.12.17 Iraq Abu Ghraib 4 5 An 8-year-old boy and his mother are among five people dismantled by a Mujahid roadside blast.
2014.12.17 Iraq Anbar 150 0 Human rights groups report the execution of one-hundred and fifty women for refusing to be brides for caliphate Jihadis.
2014.12.17 Syria Deir al-Zor 230 0 The bodies of over two-hundred tribal victims of an ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.12.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 5 Two people are sectionalized by a Taliban bomb.
2014.12.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 10 14 A Fedayeen suicide assault on a bank leaves ten others dead.
2014.12.16 Yemen Radaa 31 12 Twenty schoolgirls are among thirty-one innocents pulled into pieces by two Sunni suicide bombers.
2014.12.16 Pakistan Peshawar 148 122 One-hundred and thirty-two children are among over one-hundred and forty murdered in cold blood by Taliban gunmen, who attacked their school shouting praises to Allah.
2014.12.16 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 2 0 Shiites kidnap two Sunnis and torture them to death.
2014.12.16 Syria Haresta 18 0 Eighteen civilians on a bus are machine-gunned by terrorists.
2014.12.16 CAR Mbres 1 0 Muslim terrorists kill a Christian with a grenade.
2014.12.16 Iraq Mosul 13 0 ISIS releases video of a mass beheading with thirteen victims kneeling in front of Shahada flags.
2014.12.15 Somalia Lower Shabelle 10 0 An al-Shabaab attack on a local security base leaves ten personnel dead.
2014.12.15 Syria Raqqa 1 0 A man is beheaded by Sunnis on video for belonging to the Alawite religious minority.
2014.12.15 Pakistan Tangy 1 0 A Shiite is abducted, tortured and strangled by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2014.12.15 Australia Sydney 2 5 Two others, including a woman, are killed when a radical cleric takes employees and patrons of a cafe hostage and proclaims his faith in Allah.
2014.12.15 Iraq Mosul 30 0 Thirty young men are reportedly executed for refusing to join the Islamic State.
2014.12.15 Iraq al-Alam 17 0 Caliphate militants execute seventeen captured tribesmen.
2014.12.15 Afghanistan Sabokhil 1 1 The Taliban take out a civilian with a roadside bomb.
2014.12.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 An older Shiite man is abducted and strangled by Sunni rivals.
2014.12.15 Nigeria Cross Kawa 10 2 Islamic extremists massacre ten travelers and abduct a woman and her 2-year-old baby.
2014.12.15 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 2 One person is killed when a suspected terrorist takes several people hostage.
2014.12.15 Syria Yarmouk 2 0 al-Nusra publicly executes two Palestinians for blasphemy.
2014.12.15 Syria Raqqa 100 0 One hundred former members if ISIS are beheaded for trying to escape.
2014.12.15 DRC Samboko 4 0 Four innocents lose their lives to an ADF attack.
2014.12.14 Belgium Brussels 1 0 A 76-year-old man is killed at random by two Islamic extremists.
2014.12.14 Saudi Arabia Awamiya 1 0 A cop is shot and killed by Shiite radicals.
2014.12.14 Nigeria Gumsuri 33 191 At least thirty-three villagers are slaughtered by pro-Sharia militants.
2014.12.14 Afghanistan Ghurband 4 4 Four local cops are gunned down by religious fanatics.
2014.12.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Christians die after being tortured by the Islamic State.
2014.12.14 Afghanistan Kunduz 1 2 A woman is killed and her two children injured when fundamentalists hit her house with a rocket.
2014.12.14 Egypt al-Arish 1 1 Religious fanatics open fire on two police officers, killing one.
2014.12.13 Iraq al-Wafa 19 0 ISIS storms a town and kills nineteen defenders.
2014.12.13 Iraq al-Baghdadi 21 0 Twenty-one Sunni tribesmen are captured and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.13 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 12 6 Twelve workers are machine-gunned by the Taliban while trying to clear an area of mines.
2014.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 7 18 Seven Afghans are torn to shreds by a Fedayeen suicide blast.
2014.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A Taliban court clerk is murdered by Taliban gunmen.
2014.12.13 Iraq Haditha 12 17 Two Shahid suicide bombings leave twelve dead.
2014.12.13 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two police officers are executed by caliphate members.
2014.12.13 Syria Homs 4 0 Four people are beheaded for 'blasphemy'.
2014.12.13 Somalia Bur Hakaba 2 0 Two local soldiers are abducted and beheaded by Islamic extremists.
2014.12.13 Somalia Qandho 1 0 A religious teacher is beheaded by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.12.12 Syria Manbij 2 0 A couple are stoned to death for adultery.
2014.12.12 Iraq Ramadi 14 10 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out fourteen Iraqis with the push of a button.
2014.12.12 Iraq Beiji 8 0 Eight tribesmen are ambushed and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.12 India Sopore 1 0 A village official is taken out to a field and shot in the head by religious extremists.
2014.12.12 Yemen Rada 6 0 At least six Shiites are killed by al-Qaeda.
2014.12.12 Iraq Muqdadiyah 8 21 Eight worshippers are killed when Sunnis lob mortar rounds into a Shiite mosque.
2014.12.12 Israel Gush Etzion 0 5 A Palestinian throws acid onto a family, including young children.
2014.12.12 Syria Aleppo 152 436 An additional one-hundred and fifty are reported dead from improvised mortar bombs fired by Sunni terrorists, including forty-two children and twenty-five women.
2014.12.12 Iraq Karbalah 1 7 A 3-year-old is reduced to pulp by a caliphate mortar round.
2014.12.12 Algeria Fercha 1 0 Islamists shoot and then slit the throat of a 56-year-old man.
2014.12.11 Iraq Ramadi 2 0 An Islamic State suicide bomber take out two people on a bridge.
2014.12.11 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 Suspected Sunni snipers pick off four civilians, including a woman.
2014.12.11 Afghanistan Kabul 6 11 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates next to a bus, killing six passengers.
2014.12.11 Afghanistan Kabul 2 16 A civilian is left dead following a suicide blast at a high school play. A cameraman dies from injuries on the 20th.
2014.12.11 Nigeria Jos 37 47 Islamic extremists bomb a crowded food stand, ending the lives of over three dozen innocents.
2014.12.11 Uganda Kaliro 1 1 An imam beats his 15-year-old daughter to death for converting to Christianity. Her 12-year-old sister barely survives the same beating.
2014.12.10 Iraq Tikrit 9 13 Nine people are pulled into disparate parts by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.12.10 Iraq Maqalaa 16 0 Sixteen victims of a mass ISIS execution are found in a grave.
2014.12.10 Iraq Baghdad 6 23 A half-dozen people lose their lives to Islamic State bombers.
2014.12.10 Thailand Songkhla 1 1 A Buddhist shop owner is shot to death by two Muslim terrorists.
2014.12.10 Somalia Tayeglow 2 0 Two women are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2014.12.10 Nigeria Kano 7 30 Two female suicide bombers hit a loading area at a textile market, scattering the remains of seven innocents.
2014.12.10 Nigeria Gajigana 13 0 Women and children are among a dozen villagers laid out by Boko Haram.
2014.12.10 Iraq Mkeshiefa 38 0 Over three dozen people are blown to bits by Mujahideen shrapnel.
2014.12.09 Pakistan Athara Hazari 6 1 A family of six is hacked to death for the woman leaving her conservative husband thirty years earlier.
2014.12.09 Syria Wilayet al-Furat 1 0 A gay man is thrown from a roof and then stoned after being sentenced by a Sharia court.
2014.12.09 Philippines Maramag 10 42 Bangsamoro Islamists are blamed for a bombing that kills ten people on a bus.
2014.12.09 Iraq Muqdadiyah 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2014.12.09 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 Militants fire on a bus carrying university students, killing a young woman.
2014.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A vicar reports that four Christian children were beheaded for 'refusing to follow Muhammad'.
2014.12.09 Afghanistan Haska Mina 4 0 Four civilians are captured and executed by the Taliban.
2014.12.09 Yemen Sayoun 7 8 Two al-Qaeda suicide bombings leave seven others dead.
2014.12.09 Bosnia Trnovi 0 1 An imam is stabbed shortly after condemning ISIS.
2014.12.09 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 'Soldiers of Allah' shoot a member of an polio vaccination team to death.
2014.12.08 Syria Sulouk 1 0 A man is beheaded in front of children for 'blasphemy'.
2014.12.08 Iraq Hawija 19 0 Nineteen Iraqis are executed for refusing to swear allegiance to the caliphate.
2014.12.08 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 7 Four civilians are among five killed during a Fedayeen suicide attack on a government office.
2014.12.08 Bahrain Damistan 1 0 A local cop is killed by Hezbollah-linked radicals.
2014.12.08 Pakistan Buner 2 0 Two guards for a polio team are assassinated by Muslim terrorists.
2014.12.08 Yemen Sanaa 15 36 Fifteen Shiites are killed in a targeted al-Qaeda suicide attack on two houses.
2014.12.08 DRC Musuku 13 7 Thirteen villagers are brutally killed by ADF Islamists.
2014.12.07 Saudi Arabia Ortawwiyah 1 1 One of two victims die after being shot by a mosque official for being late to prayer.
2014.12.07 Pakistan Taimuria 1 1 A Sunni activist is shot to death by sectarian rivals.
2014.12.07 Afghanistan Bashran 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is stabbed to death by her strict Muslim family after getting pregnant.
2014.12.07 Iraq Balad 12 10 A dozen Iraqis are captured and executed while defending their village from ISIS.
2014.12.07 Iraq Salman 9 11 A suicide blast at a police station leaves nine dead.
2014.12.07 Afghanistan Trikh Nawar 5 0 Five local cops are gunned down at a security post.
2014.12.07 Iraq Tarmiyah 9 11 Nine people are killed in a suspected ISIS attack.
2014.12.07 DRC Beni 36 4 Islamist rebels massacre over thirty villagers in overnight attacks.
2014.12.06 Iraq Mahmoudiya 5 12 Sunnis blow up a market in a Shiite part of town, killing five patrons.
2014.12.06 Iraq Husseiniya 3 8 Roadside bombers take out three Iraqis.
2014.12.06 Iraq Baghdad 3 8 Three Shiite pilgrims at a food stall are pulled into pieces by Sunni bombers.
2014.12.06 Yemen Wadi Abdan 2 0 An aid worker and American photographer are executed in cold blood by al-Qaeda.
2014.12.06 Iraq Hit 16 0 Sixteen Iraqis are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.06 Afghanistan Chamtal 4 20 Four people die from splinter injuries when a fundamentalist tosses a grenade into a wedding party playing music.
2014.12.06 Nigeria Ashaka 10 12 At least ten people lose their lives when Boko Haram attack a cement factory.
2014.12.06 Somalia Baledogle 2 0 Islamists spray a car with bullets near an airport, killing two occupants.
2014.12.05 CAR Bambari 12 13 A dozen Christian villagers are pulled out of their homes and stabbed or shot to death by 'young Muslims'.
2014.12.05 India Tral 2 5 Islamists toss a grenade into a bus, killing two passengers.
2014.12.05 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three tribal leaders are kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.05 Syria Deir al-Zor 19 0 Nineteen lives are snuffed out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.12.05 India Uri 13 0 Thirteen others are killed during a cross-border Fedayeen suicide assault.
2014.12.05 Somalia Baidoa 15 41 A suicide bomber detonates outside a tea shop, slaughtering fifteen passersby.
2014.12.05 Syria Wafideen 2 2 Terrorists send a mortar round into a refugee camp, killing a child and one other.
2014.12.05 Lebanon Bekaa Valley 1 0 al-Nusra shoot a captured Lebanese policeman in the head.
2014.12.04 Syria Deir al-Zor 11 0 Eleven men are beheaded on video by caliphate members.
2014.12.04 Iraq Tikrit 4 1 A woman is among four civilians machine-gunned in their car by the Islamic State.
2014.12.04 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three musicians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.12.04 Pakistan Nawagai 3 0 A man, wife and child are murdered by Taliban militants.
2014.12.04 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 52-year-old woman expires after being hit in the head and back by Muslim gunmen.
2014.12.04 Somalia Mogadishu 2 1 A former lawmaker is assassinated by al-Shabaab along with a bodyguard.
2014.12.04 Chechnya Grozny 14 28 Fourteen guards are killed in a brazen attack on a housing complex by Islamic militants.
2014.12.04 Iraq Sadr City 11 25 Sunni bombers target a row of restaurants in a Shiite part of town, killing eight patrons.
2014.12.04 Iraq Sadr City 7 21 Seven people at a market are aerated by Mujahid shrapnel.
2014.12.04 Iraq Shaab 3 12 Sunnis bomb a Shiite restaurant, killing three.
2014.12.04 Iraq Kirkuk 16 22 Sixteen innocents at a restaurant are murdered by Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2014.12.04 Pakistan Gwadar 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate the principal of a co-educational school.
2014.12.04 Nigeria Bajoga 24 0 Dozens are reportedly killed when thirty Boko Haram gunmen on motorcycles roll up on two unsuspecting villages.
2014.12.04 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 50-year-old man is brought down in a hail of bullets by Muslim 'insurgents' on his way to a tea shop.
2014.12.03 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two volunteers are ambushed and killed by Islamic separatists.
2014.12.03 Yemen Sanaa 1 6 A suicide bomber at an ambassador's residence takes out a guard.
2014.12.03 Pakistan Lower Kurrum 1 1 Sunni radicals kidnap, torture and execute a Shiite man.
2014.12.03 India Pohu 1 6 Islamic militants hurl a grenade at a group of police, killing one.
2014.12.03 Israel Mishor Adumim 0 2 Two Israelis in their 50's are stabbed at a supermarket.
2014.12.03 Lebanon Arsal 1 2 One person is killed by a bomb planted just outside of a Christian village.
2014.12.03 Iraq Arab Jubur 9 7 Three children are among nine civilians who bleed to death when terrorists lob mortars into their neighborhood.
2014.12.03 Syria Deir al-Zor 19 0 Nineteen others are reported dead after an ISIS suicide attack.
2014.12.03 Nigeria Lassa 11 20 At least eleven innocents lose their lives when Boko Haram go on a church-burning spree. Twenty girls are kidnapped for sex slavery.
2014.12.03 Somalia Mogadishu 4 9 Four are left dead after an al-Shabaab suicide bomber detonates near an airport.
2014.12.02 Iraq Baghdad 3 6 Three people die from a Jihadi bomb placed on a bus.
2014.12.02 Iraq Tuz Khormato 5 12 Five people lose their lives to a shrapnel bomb blast along a city street.
2014.12.02 Iraq Husseiniya 3 7 Mujahideen bomb a popular market, laying out three patrons.
2014.12.02 Lebanon Ras Baalbek 6 1 Islamic State militants ambush and kill six Lebanese soldiers.
2014.12.02 Kenya Korome 36 0 Islamists slaughter three dozen Christian quarry workers after separating them from Muslims. Several are beheaded.
2014.12.02 Afghanistan Bala Murghab 6 0 A half-dozen local soldiers are ambushed and murdered at their guard post by Sunni hardliners, including an 'insider'.
2014.12.02 Libya Benghazi 9 27 A child is among nine killed when Ansar al-Sharia fire a shell at a hospital.
2014.12.01 UAE Abu Dhabi 1 0 An American kindergarten teacher and mother of three is stabbed to death in a targeted attack at a mall.
2014.12.01 Israel Samaria 1 0 A 63-year-old Jewish man is deliberately struck and killed by three Arabs.
2014.12.01 DRC Eringite 3 3 Three villagers are cut down by ADF gunmen.
2014.12.01 Nigeria Damaturu 47 78 The bodies of forty-seven defenders, doctors and children are found after Boko Haram storm a small town.
2014.12.01 Nigeria Ekiti 1 0 One person is killed during by attackers chanting praises to Allah.
2014.12.01 Somalia Wajir 1 12 al-Shabaab hurl grenades into a bar, killing at least one patron.
2014.12.01 Nigeria Maiduguri 22 40 Nearly two dozen people are laid out at a market by young female suicide bombers.
2014.12.01 Iraq Balad 8 20 Eight residents are killed when ISIS send mortars into a Shiite neighborhood.
2014.12.01 Bangladesh Gournadi 0 13 A Muslim gang smashes idols and beats Hindus in their homes and near a temple.
2014.12.01 Afghanistan Burka 9 18 Nine mourners at a funeral are exterminated by a suicide bomber.
2014.12.01 Tunisia El Kef 1 0 A police officer is beheaded by radical Muslims.
2014.12.01 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Three border guards are machine-gunned by Taliban fundamentalists.
2014.12.01 Iraq al-Walid 16 4 Sixteen border guards are murdered by ISIS.
2014.11.30 Iraq Samarrah 6 4 Pro-Sharia car bombers kill six Iraqis.
2014.11.30 Iraq Nineveh 3 0 Three tribal elders are executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.30 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two members of a secular-leaning party are cut down by suspected Taliban.
2014.11.30 Pakistan Islamabad 2 0 A cleric is one of two Shiites picked off by Sunni gunmen.
2014.11.30 India Shopian 1 0 A man is killed in his home by religious radicals.
2014.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 Holy Warriors bomb a grocery, killing three patrons.
2014.11.30 Iraq Baghdad 4 9 Four people at a restaurant are taken out in mid-bite by Sunni bombers.
2014.11.30 Syria Aleppo 4 0 A woman and her three children are pulverized by an al-Nusra mortar.
2014.11.30 Iran Jahrom 0 6 Six 'improperly veiled' women are stabbed following a call for violence by a cleric.
2014.11.30 Nigeria Bama 55 0 At least fifty-five people are brutally machine-gunned on video as they lay on the floor of a dormitory by those who credit their 'religious duty'.
2014.11.29 India Hapur 2 0 A young married couple is hacked to death by Muslims over it being a Hindu man married to a Muslim woman.
2014.11.29 Nigeria Shani 40 0 Scores are reported killed when Islamists ride motorbikes into a Christian town and fire indiscriminately at fleeing residents.
2014.11.29 Syria Kobani 11 0 At least eleven others are killed in a series of ISIS suicide bombings.
2014.11.29 Iraq Mosul 10 0 Ten doctors are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.29 Yemen Hadramawt 3 0 al-Qaeda militants fire an RPG point-blank at a vehicle, killing three occupants.
2014.11.29 Pakistan Korangi 1 1 Radical Sunnis fire on two Shiites, killing one.
2014.11.29 Thailand Pattani 1 1 A Buddhist woman dies from injuries suffered during a shooting by Muslim 'insurgents' at her grocery.
2014.11.29 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three suicide bombers murder a charity worker and his two children at a foreign guesthouse.
2014.11.29 Pakistan Sukkur 1 0 A religious leader is gunned down in his own mosque by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.29 China Xinjiang 3 15 A Muslim bombing and stabbing attack leaves at least three others dead.
2014.11.28 Pakistan Kuchesar Chauplato 2 0 A Hindu and his Muslim bride are quickly hacked to death by her conservative family.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Khogyani 0 36 Radicals bomb a rival mosque during Friday prayers.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Nawzad 4 5 A suicide truck bomber takes out four Afghans.
2014.11.28 Egypt Cairo 2 0 Two police officers are murdered by suspected Islamists.
2014.11.28 Pakistan Hayatabad 2 1 A Taliban bomb kills two people.
2014.11.28 Afghanistan Camp Bastion 6 16 A massive suicide assault on a local army base leaves six defenders dead.
2014.11.28 Nigeria Kano 120 270 One-hundred and twenty members of a mosque are taken out by two suicide bombers shortly after their imam calls for peace.
2014.11.28 Iraq Husseiniyah 4 9 Four people at a market are blown to bits by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.28 Iraq Sabaa al-Bour 3 12 Mujahid bombers send shrapnel through a commercial district and claim three shoppers.
2014.11.27 Iraq Madaen 3 11 Women are among the casualties of a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2014.11.27 Nigeria Mubi 40 35 Islamists bomb a bus stop, killing over three dozen.
2014.11.27 Afghanistan Kabul 6 33 Three members of the same family are among six people blown apart by a suicide bomb blast.
2014.11.27 India Jammu 7 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists militants murder three Indian soldiers and four civilians in a suicide assault.
2014.11.26 Pakistan Parachinar 1 0 A prayer leader is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.26 Iraq Sadr City 7 15 Sunnis car bomb a Shiite commercial district, killing seven.
2014.11.26 Iraq Baghdad 5 8 Five shoppers at an outdoor market are reduced to pulp by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.26 Nigeria Mubi 5 7 A Boko Haram bomb leaves five dead.
2014.11.26 Pakistan Quetta 4 3 Three women are among four polio workers machine-gunned by fundamentalists.
2014.11.26 Iraq Badghis 2 7 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two people.
2014.11.26 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two former female candidates for parliament are captured and executed by a Sharia court.
2014.11.26 Yemen Shabwa 5 3 Five local soldiers are murdered at their base by al-Qaeda gunmen.
2014.11.26 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Three Egyptians are shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2014.11.26 Syria Irbin 1 0 al-Nusra shoot a man to death for 'insulting the prophet Muhammad'.
2014.11.25 Mali Bourem 2 4 Two people are killed by a bomb planted by suspected al-Qaeda.
2014.11.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 78 54 Two young female suicide bombers detonate in a packed market, killing nearly eighty, including those who rushed to help victims of the first blast.
2014.11.25 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two men are stoned to death by the caliphate after being declared homosexual.
2014.11.25 Iraq Trebil 5 9 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates five Iraqis.
2014.11.25 Iraq Baghdad 4 0 A man and three women are shot to death in their home by Mujahideen.
2014.11.25 Israel Jerusalem 0 2 Two Jewish seminary students are stabbed by Arab youth.
2014.11.25 Pakistan Korangi 1 5 Two women and a child are among the casualties of a motorcycle bomb.
2014.11.24 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Three women are among six executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.24 Afghanistan Kunduz 6 5 Two women are among six who bleed to death in the aftermath of a blast from a bomb planted on a motorcycle at a market.
2014.11.24 Iraq Shaab 12 32 A caliphate car bomb at a packed market in a majority-Shiite area claims a dozen lives.
2014.11.24 Nigeria Chibok 20 3 Twenty villagers are shot and burned by pro-Sharia militants.
2014.11.24 Nigeria Damasak 50 100 At least fifty people are thought to have been killed during a Boko Haram attack on a village.
2014.11.24 Syria Homs 1 0 A religious minority is beheaded by the caliphate for apostasy.
2014.11.24 Afghanistan Kabul 3 1 Three civilians are aerated by a bomb planted on a bicycle.
2014.11.24 Egypt Cairo 1 0 A man slashes the throat of his unmarried sister after discovering that she is pregnant.
2014.11.24 DRC Beni 45 0 Forty-five more victims of Islamist violence are found buried in a common grave.
2014.11.23 Iraq Diyala 7 18 A suicide bomber kills seven Iraqis.
2014.11.23 Iraq Badush 50 0 A mass grave containing the remains of fifty victims executed by the Islamic State is discovered.
2014.11.23 Afghanistan Paktika 61 66 Sixty people, including seventeen children, are torn to shreds by a suicide bomber at a volleyball match.
2014.11.23 Philippines M'lang 3 22 Bangsamoro Islamic bombers lay three civilians at a plaza out cold.
2014.11.23 Pakistan Orangi 1 0 A secular party leader is assassinated by religious radicals.
2014.11.23 Thailand Yala 2 0 A Buddhist couple on their way to sell vegetables are shot to death by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2014.11.23 Iraq Yusufiyah 7 16 Muslim terrorists bomb a busy market, killing seven.
2014.11.22 Iraq Balad 12 18 A dozen civilians are killed during a sustained ISIS assault on their town.
2014.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 8 21 Two Mujahid bombings leave eight dead.
2014.11.22 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two middle-aged women are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.22 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 2 At least one person is killed by a Taliban bomb targeting a family vehicle.
2014.11.22 Pakistan Orangi 1 36 One person is killed when the Taliban throw a grenade into a political rally.
2014.11.22 Afghanistan Ghazni 3 1 Two brothers are among three Afghans gunned down by Sunni extremists.
2014.11.22 Kenya Mandera 28 0 Religion of Peace proponents stop a bus, single out and slaughter twenty-eight non-Muslims (including nine women) after identifying them as Christians.
2014.11.22 Iraq al-Sajariya 25 0 Twenty-five locals are shot to death by Islamic State 'fighters'.
2014.11.22 Mali Aguelhoc 2 10 Islamists kidnap a dozen children and kill two for trying to escape.
2014.11.22 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 0 1 A Danish citizen is shot by ISIS members.
2014.11.21 Iraq Albu Farraj 5 10 Five people are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.21 Pakistan Mithra 2 0 Islamic militants kill two people with a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2014.11.21 Iraq Zab 2 0 ISIS beheads two people at a market after accusing them of apostasy.
2014.11.21 Iraq Raqqa 6 0 Six Sunnis are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.20 Iraq al-Zawiya 18 0 Eighteen children die when ISIS display their families and force them to march through the desert.
2014.11.20 Egypt al-Sharqiya 1 1 A policeman is gunned down by Religion of Peace radicals.
2014.11.20 DRC Beni 50 0 Fifty villagers are butchered by axe and machete-wielding Islamists.
2014.11.20 Afghanistan Asadabad 1 5 A young boy is taken out by a Taliban rocket.
2014.11.20 Nigeria Doron Baga 56 0 Fifty-six fish vendors are brutally butchered by Islamists, some by beheading and others by drowning.
2014.11.19 Egypt Negah Shabana 10 1 Three women and three children are among ten civilians killed when their houses are hit by Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis mortars.
2014.11.19 Iraq Erbil 6 29 A suicide bomber takes out five Kurdish 'apostates'.
2014.11.19 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia police officer is gunned down in a targeted sectarian attack.
2014.11.19 Iraq Tikrit 12 0 Twelve young ISIS execution victims are found bound and shot.
2014.11.19 Iraq Tikrit 15 50 Shiite militia attack a Sunni village and murder fifteen people.
2014.11.19 Nigeria Azaya Kura 45 0 Forty-five villagers are slaughtered by armed Islamists, who tied the victims and slit their throats.
2014.11.18 Israel Jerusalem 5 7 Three Americans are among four rabbis and a guard, who are hacked to death at a synagogue by two Palestinian terrorists with axes shouting praises to Allah.
2014.11.18 Pakistan Nasti Kot 2 5 An 11-year-old boy is among two killed when the Taliban bomb a school bus carrying Shia students.
2014.11.18 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Three suicide bombers manage to take out two security guards near a housing complex.
2014.11.18 Kenya Mombasa 3 0 Youth rampage through the streets and stab three people to death 'in revenge' for police raids on two mosques
2014.11.18 Yemen Taez 1 0 A prominent Sunni politician is assassinated by suspected Shia radicals.
2014.11.18 Pakistan Shabqadar 2 0 al-Qaeda member throw a grenade at two traffic cops, killing them both.
2014.11.18 Afghanistan Baghlan 0 20 Children are among the casualties when fundamentalists bomb a crowd gathered to watch a sporting event.
2014.11.17 Iraq Mosul 6 0 Six doctors are executed in cold blood by the caliphate.
2014.11.17 Pakistan Manghopir 1 0 A seminary administrator is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 8 22 Jihadis set off a car bomb in a commercial district that claims the lives of eight innocents.
2014.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 6 16 Six Iraqis are laid out by a Mujahid car bomb.
2014.11.17 Iraq Majjara 18 44 A sustained assault by the caliphate that included a suicide bomber leaves eighteen defenders dead.
2014.11.17 Iraq al-Baghdadi 3 8 Two bombings, one a suicide blast, leave three dead.
2014.11.17 Afghanistan Farah 2 1 A civilian and police officer succumb following at Taliban ambush.
2014.11.17 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A man is shot dead and his wife injured by Muslim militants.
2014.11.17 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 Three off-duty soldiers are machine-gunned in their pickup truck by Bangsamoro Islamic members.
2014.11.17 Iraq Tikrit 3 12 Three people are killed when the Islamic State blows up their homes.
2014.11.17 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A Somali-American engineer is shot by al-Shabaab while working on a sanitation project.
2014.11.16 Philippines North Cotabato 1 17 One person is killed when Islamists set off a bomb near an elementary school.
2014.11.16 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Three children and their parents are slaughtered by ISIS for refusing to allow a member to 'marry' their daughter.
2014.11.16 Thailand Pattani 2 0 Two women are shot to death by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2014.11.16 Bangladesh Rajshahi 1 0 A professor is hacked to death near his university for opposing full-face veils.
2014.11.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 14 Two bombings at an airport - one a suicide blast - leave three others dead.
2014.11.16 Iraq Beiji 9 15 A Religion of Peace car bomb sends nine souls to Allah.
2014.11.16 India Dogripora 1 0 A civilian is promptly eliminated after running afoul of Islamic extremists.
2014.11.16 Nigeria Azere 13 65 A female suicide bomber detonates at a mobile phone market, killing thirteen patrons.
2014.11.16 Pakistan Datta Khel 4 11 Religious hardliners fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing four security personnel.
2014.11.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A woman who ran for political office is arrested and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.16 Afghanistan Faryab 3 1 Two women are among three family members executed by a religious fundamentalist.
2014.11.16 Iraq Hillah 2 1 Terrorists take out two children with a roadside bomb.
2014.11.16 Syria Dabiq 1 0 The Islamic State beheads a humanitarian worker while crediting Allah.
2014.11.16 Syria Dabiq 18 0 Caliphate members line up and slit the throats of eighteen prisoners in a mass beheading.
2014.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 3 17 Three people are killed when a suicide bomber tries to assassinate a female lawmaker.
2014.11.15 Afghanistan Arandu 2 4 Two defenders are killed when the Taliban attack a border checkpoint.
2014.11.15 Philippines Pikit 2 3 Two civilians die when Bangsamoro Islamic terrorists send a mortar into their village.
2014.11.15 Thailand Yala 1 0 A Buddhist teacher is brought down by Muslim gunmen.
2014.11.15 Iraq Taji 4 21 Four people are murdered at a market by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.15 Iraq Anbar 4 0 Four truck drivers are kidnapped and executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.15 Iraq Jalawla 2 0 Two civilians are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.15 Nigeria Gombi 2 0 Two town residents are murdered by Boko Haram.
2014.11.15 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 A Christian father is murdered in front of his family b Religion of Peace extremists.
2014.11.14 DRC Banade 4 3 Four civilians lose their lives to ADF Islamists.
2014.11.14 Nigeria Chibok 12 0 A dozen are killed when Islamists invade a peaceful town and throw explosives into homes.
2014.11.14 Philippines Talipao 5 26 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Abu Sayyaf.
2014.11.14 Iraq Baghdad 10 36 Two car bombs produce ten dead Iraqis.
2014.11.14 Iraq Waziriya 9 34 Fundamentalists set off a car bomb near a theater, killing nine.
2014.11.14 Iraq Tikrit 15 5 Fifteen Iraqis are taken out by a suicide bomber near a university.
2014.11.14 Iraq Fallujah 2 7 A woman and child are disassembled by an ISIS rocket.
2014.11.14 Afghanistan Mehraban Kalay 1 0 A man is publicly beheaded by religious fundamentalists.
2014.11.14 Iraq Azamiyah 11 24 Eleven lose their lives when Jihadis bomb a street packed with shops and vendors.
2014.11.14 Nigeria Kano 6 5 A suicide bomber at a petrol station incinerates six other souls.
2014.11.13 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two tribal elders are dragged to a bridge and murdered by caliphate loyalists.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A moderate cleric is gunned down by co-religionists.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 1 One civilian is killed by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 4 0 The Taliban murder four local soldiers with IEDs.
2014.11.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 5 Children are among the casualties of a fundamentalist bombing.
2014.11.13 Thailand Yala 1 1 Militant Muslims gun down a cleric and injure his young son.
2014.11.13 Libya Derna 2 0 Two more secularists are beheaded by Islamic supremacists.
2014.11.13 Egypt Sinai 5 16 Five security personnel are murdered by Muslim extremists.
2014.11.13 Nigeria Gwoza 16 0 Boko Haram murder sixteen civilians looking for food.
2014.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 17 0 Seventeen victims of a suspected Shia militia execution are discovered, each shot in the head.
2014.11.13 Iraq Thar Thar 16 0 Two children are among sixteen victims of a brutal Islamic State execution.
2014.11.13 Iraq Baghdad 5 11 Five patrons at a restaurant are blown up in mid-bite by Mujahid bombers.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Qambar 1 0 A secular party leader is assassinated by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2014.11.12 Yemen Rada 16 0 An al-Qaeda suicide car bomber dispatches over a dozen Shiites.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Charsadda 1 2 The caretaker of a Shia shrine is picked off in a sectarian drive-by.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 The bullet-riddled body of a Shiite is found after being kidnapped by suspected Sunnis.
2014.11.12 Yemen Rada 26 0 Two dozen devout Shiites are sent to Allah by equally devout al-Qaeda bombers.
2014.11.12 Nigeria Kontagora 0 4 Four others are injured when a female suicide bomber detonates at a teachers college.
2014.11.12 Iraq Kobani 3 8 Three civilians are killed when ISIS shells a town.
2014.11.12 Libya Tobruk 9 20 At least nine people lose their lives to two Islamist car bombs.
2014.11.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hindu trader is shot in the head by Muslim gunmen.
2014.11.12 Iraq Baghdad 11 21 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out eleven people milling around a town square.
2014.11.12 Iraq Yusifiya 6 20 A half-dozen Iraqis are pulled into pieces by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.12 Iraq Diyala 6 0 Six are reported dead following a suicide car bombing.
2014.11.12 Syria Karnaz 7 9 Seven children are bleed out after Sunni terrorists fire a rocket into their school.
2014.11.12 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A man is shot to death in his car by al-Shabaab.
2014.11.12 Egypt Domyat 8 5 Eight Egyptian sailors are dead following a boat attack by Islamic militants.
2014.11.11 Iraq Baghdad 8 23 Eight people are eliminated by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.11 Iraq Tarmiya 3 16 Three Iraqis are taken out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Quetta 1 32 Islamists are suspected in a bombing that kills an 11-year-old boy.
2014.11.11 Iraq Baiji 8 15 Eight people are reduced to pulp by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Shirindara 2 6 Fifty Islamists attack a police checkpoint and kill two officers.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Bajaur 3 2 Three guards are killed when fundamentalist bombers target an anti-polio medical team.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Lahore 3 0 Three alleged prostitutes are 'honor' killed by family members.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Kyber 3 1 A student is among three people murdered by Taliban militants.
2014.11.11 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 3 A civilians is left dead after Sharia advocates send a mortar round into a neighborhood.
2014.11.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 Fundamentalists shoot a teacher to death on his way to school.
2014.11.11 Egypt al-Arish 0 10 Religious extremists set off a bomb at a fast food restaurant.
2014.11.11 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A local Shia leader is picked off in a grocery store by Sunni gunmen.
2014.11.11 Nigeria Rim 1 0 Muslim gunmen target church-goers, killing one.
2014.11.11 Somalia Mogadishu 1 4 One person is killed during two Islamist shooting attacks.
2014.11.10 Somalia Mogashishu 1 0 al-Shabaab gunmen pick off a government official.
2014.11.10 Yemen Sanaa 3 0 Radical Shiites attack an airport and kill three people.
2014.11.10 Pakistan Sadiqabad 2 2 Sunni gunmen kill two people at a Shiite worship hall.
2014.11.10 Syria Damascus 5 0 al-Nusra is blamed for the murder of five engineers.
2014.11.10 Afghanistan Puli Alam 9 3 Nine Afghans are sent to Allah by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 3 1 Three teachers are killed when fundamentalists bomb a school.
2014.11.10 Israel Alon Shvut 1 4 Palestinians stab an Israeli woman to death.
2014.11.10 Israel Tel Aviv 1 0 A soldier is stabbed by an Arab terrorist.
2014.11.10 Nigeria Potiskum 58 117 A horrific suicide blast at a school assembly claims the lives of sixty students and teachers.
2014.11.10 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A 22-year-old pregnant woman is shot to death by her father for marrying by choice.
2014.11.10 Iraq Baiji 5 11 Five Iraqis are cut to shreds by a Religion of Peace IED.
2014.11.10 Iraq Makhoul 15 0 Women and children are heavily represented among fifteen civilians killed by targeted bomb attacks on their homes.
2014.11.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 1 A Buddhist man is shot to death in a Muslims attack that leaves his wife seriously injured.
2014.11.09 Cameroon Kolofata 3 0 Three civilians are killed when Boko Haram stage attacks on their town.
2014.11.09 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni rickshaw driver is shot dead by sectarian rivals.
2014.11.09 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Two brother are among three shepherds shot to death by suspected ISIS.
2014.11.09 Iraq Hit 100 0 One hundred Iraqi tribesmen are lined up and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.08 Iraq Karrada 10 18 Sunnis bomb a street in a Shiite district, killing ten innocents.
2014.11.08 Iraq Sadr City 11 21 Radical Sunnis set of a bomb in a Shia commercial district that leaves at least eleven dead.
2014.11.08 Iraq Baghdad 10 34 Two Mujahid car bombs produce ten dead Iraqis.
2014.11.08 Iraq Baqubah 1 1 Religion of Peace bombers kill a 10-year-old boy.
2014.11.08 Iraq Ramadi 5 0 Five are reported dead following a Shahid martyrdom blast.
2014.11.08 Cameroon Kerawa 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Boko Haram.
2014.11.08 Nigeria Libyabo 33 0 Women are among thirty-three villagers massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2014.11.08 Iraq Yousifiya 8 17 Two bombings by Sunni hardliners leave eight dead, including two people at a fruit market.
2014.11.08 Pakistan Batala 2 0 A young couple is shot to death by the woman's conservative family for marrying by choice.
2014.11.08 Pakistan Tirah Vally 2 1 A Lashkar-e-Islam blast leaves two dead.
2014.11.08 Afghanistan Kabul 1 6 A suicide bomber kills a policeman.
2014.11.08 Yemen Rada 70 0 al-Qaeda claims a suicide attack that killed as many as seventy Shia.
2014.11.08 Somalia Kudhaa 60 0 Sixty locals are reported dead as al-Shabaab fighters invade a small town.
2014.11.08 Somalia Kudha 2 0 Two young women are beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2014.11.08 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three 'heretics' are executed by trampling after being sentenced by a caliphate court.
2014.11.08 Jordan Balqa 1 0 A pregnant woman's skull is smashed by her brothers in the name of honor.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A Shia cleric is shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Safi 7 2 TTP radicals hurl bombs into a group of peace volunteers, killing at least seven.
2014.11.07 Iraq Baiji 8 15 Eight Iraqis are dismantled by a Fedayeen suicide bomb blast 'for Allah'.
2014.11.07 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three female employees of a beauty shop are arrested and quickly executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.07 Iraq Jubba 3 3 Three fisherman are murdered by the Islamic State.
2014.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 5 24 Five people are killed in a series of Mujahideen attacks.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Ghallanai 4 2 A vicious roadside blast produces four dead civilians.
2014.11.07 Nigeria Azare 11 24 A suspected Boko Haram blast at a bank kills eleven bystanders.
2014.11.07 Pakistan Badhaber 1 1 One person is killed after an Islamist throws a grenade at a group of police.
2014.11.06 Egypt Menoufa 5 15 Hardliners set off a bomb at a train station, claiming five live.
2014.11.06 Afghanistan Jawzjan 2 0 Two locals are murdered in cold blood by the Taliban.
2014.11.06 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 2 Two religious scholars are shot by rivals.
2014.11.06 Iraq Kubaisa 17 0 Seventeen civilians are lined up and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.06 Iraq Fallujah 16 24 ISIS sends shells into a residential neighborhood, taking out over a dozen innocents, mostly women and children.
2014.11.06 Iraq Shiwaish 7 0 A woman and child are among seven members of a family shot in the back of the head by the Islamic State.
2014.11.06 Iraq al-Baghdadi 5 12 A Shahid suicide bomber sends five souls to the great beyond.
2014.11.06 Iraq Abu Ghraib 6 2 Mujahid bombers blow six locals into bits.
2014.11.06 Iraq Baghdad 6 8 A half-dozen civilians are disassembled by two Jihad bomb blasts.
2014.11.06 Iraq Mosul 5 0 Five local journalists are rounded up and executed by the caliphate.
2014.11.06 Libya Derna 2 0 Two teenaged rights activists are abducted and beheaded by a Sharia court.
2014.11.05 Nigeria Whitambaya 2 0 Two people are killed when Boko Haram invade a small town and burn churches.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A 6-year-old religious minority girl is raped and murdered in what is suspected to be a targeted sectarian attack.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Gujrat 1 0 A 50-year-old man is hacked to death with an axe by police after allegedly making derogatory remarks about Muhammad's companions.
2014.11.05 Afghanistan Paktia 11 0 Eleven civilians are executed by Sunni fundamentalists.
2014.11.05 Nigeria Malam Fatori 21 30 Twenty-one civilians are killed after pro-Sharia militants fire indiscriminately into a small farming community.
2014.11.05 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A young female Buddhist student dies after being shot in the head by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2014.11.05 Israel Jerusalem 3 13 A Palestinian slams his car into a group waiting for a train, killing three people, including a teenaged student.
2014.11.05 Tunisia Kef 4 11 Four local soldiers are ambushed and killed by armed Islamists.
2014.11.05 Iraq Ramadi 46 0 Forty-six more victims of Islamic State executions are discovered, including women and children.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baiji 4 7 Four Iraqis are disassembled by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baiji 10 4 Several woman and children are among those crushed to death by a suspected ISIS mortar attack.
2014.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 1 0 A cleric is gunned down by Religion of Peace rivals.
2014.11.05 Iraq Kut 3 15 Three Iraqis are taken out by Jihadi bombers.
2014.11.05 Pakistan Karachi 3 0 The Taliban is suspected in the shooting of three members of a secular party.
2014.11.04 Iraq Latifiya 2 12 Sunnis bomb a bus carrying Shiite pilgrims, killing two.
2014.11.04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two women are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.04 Pakistan Mirazai 3 28 Three Shiite mourners are blown to bits when Sunnis send shrapnel through their procession.
2014.11.04 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 A Muslim bomb burns a Christian man and his pregnant wife alive for alleged 'blasphemy'. The victims where tortured for two days prior to being shoved into an oven.
2014.11.04 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Radicals gun down a moderate cleric on his way home from mosque.
2014.11.04 Nigeria Nafada 10 0 Ten people are killed by militants shouting 'Allah akbar'.
2014.11.03 India Chattergam 2 2 Islamic militants open fire on a passing security vehicle, killing two occupants.
2014.11.03 Saudi Arabia al-Dalwah 8 12 al-Qaeda gunmen pick off eight sectarian rivals leaving a Shiite place of worship.
2014.11.03 Iraq Ramadi 36 0 Thirty-six more ordinary Iraqis are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.11.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 0 A doctor is murdered by suspected ISIS gunmen.
2014.11.03 Australia Greenacre 0 1 A Shiite caretaker is shot in the face outside his mosque by Sunni radicals.
2014.11.03 Nigeria Potiskum 32 119 A Sunni suicide bomber slaughters over thirty innocents at a Shiite religious festival.
2014.11.03 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 The Taliban shoot a student through the window of a classroom.
2014.11.03 Afghanistan Gardez 4 24 Four people at a bazaar are modularized by Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2014.11.02 Thailand Narathiwat 1 4 Muslim terrorists fire into a Buddhist home, killing an occupant.
2014.11.02 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 Islamic law proponents murder a judge on his way home.
2014.11.02 Mali Almoustrate 2 4 Islamists kill two local troops with an IED.
2014.11.02 Iraq Baghdad 5 17 Five people bleed out following a Mujahid car bombing.
2014.11.02 Iraq Baghdad 3 10 Jihadis bomb rivals at a funeral, killing another three.
2014.11.02 Iraq Sadr City 6 19 Sunnis bomb a tent serving Shiite pilgrims, sending a half dozen straight to Allah.
2014.11.02 Yemen Sanaa 1 0 The leader of a liberal party is shot to death on the street by religious extremists.
2014.11.02 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 One person is sent to Allah by Mujahideen car bombers.
2014.11.02 Iraq Baghdad 14 32 Sunni extremists blow up a tent full of Shiite pilgrims, killing at least fourteen.
2014.11.02 Iraq Ras al-Maa 50 0 Ten women and children are among dozens of Iraqis lined up and executed by caliphate members.
2014.11.02 Nigeria Sabon Gari 12 0 At least a dozen people heading to church are massacred by Islamists.
2014.11.02 Nigeria Kogi 1 0 One person is killed during a Boko Haram attack.
2014.11.02 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Twenty al-Shabaab youth armed with knives and machetes attack an army barracks, killing one person.
2014.11.02 DRC Beni 8 0 Eight villagers are butchered by ADF-NALU terrorists.
2014.11.02 Pakistan Orakzai 2 2 Hardliners fire a rocket into a government building, killing two officials.
2014.11.02 Philippines Sumisop 6 1 Six guards at a road construction project are riddled with bullets by Abu Sayyaf.
2014.11.02 Pakistan Wagah 61 120 Women and children are heavily represented among the victims of a vicious Jamaat-ul-Ahrar suicide blast at a border crossing with India.
2014.11.01 Iraq Baghdad 11 42 Jihadis set off a car bomb along a packed city street servicing Shiite pilgrims, killing at least eleven.
2014.11.01 Iraq Baghdad 24 52 Two dozen people are pulled into disparate parts by parts by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.11.01 Pakistan Karachi 2 4 Two Shiites are machine-gunned by Sunni radicals while sitting in their car.
2014.11.01 Afghanistan Logar 11 20 Eleven Afghans are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.11.01 Yemen Ibb 3 2 Shiite radicals target a political office, killing two guards and one bystander.
2014.11.01 Thailand Songkhla 2 4 Two people are shot to death by suspected Muslim 'separatists'.
2014.11.01 Pakistan Layyah 1 0 A young woman is gunned down by her conservative brother after 'refusing to mend her ways'.
2014.11.01 Pakistan Bajaur 1 1 A tax official is murdered by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2014.11.01 Pakistan Orakzai 8 3 Taliban militants attack a check post and kill eight defenders.
2014.11.01 Pal. Auth. Ramle 1 0 A mother of six is 'honor' killed by her family.
2014.11.01 Pakistan Badnikhel 1 0 Holy Warriors take out an 8-year-old girl with an IED.
2014.11.01 Yemen Jabal Ras 20 0 Twenty security personnel are reported dead following an al-Qaeda attack.
2014.11.01 Iraq Ras al-Maa 50 0 Fifty victims of an Islamic State execution are discovered in a well.
2014.11.01 Syria Albu Kamal 8 0 Eight men are crucified by the Islamic State.
2014.10.31 Iraq Anbar 24 0 Two dozen more victims of Islamic State executions are found buried, including children and the elderly.
2014.10.31 Iraq Baghdad 5 13 Five patrons are killed when terrorists bomb a sheep market.
2014.10.31 Iraq Baghdad 2 9 Mujahid bombers take out two Iraqis.
2014.10.31 Iraq Madain 4 11 ISIS bombs an outdoor market, killing four innocents.
2014.10.31 Iraq Youssifiyah 4 10 An IS bomb blast rips through a crowded commercial district, claiming four lives.
2014.10.31 Iraq Kubaisa 4 0 Four civilians are publicly executed by caliphate militants.
2014.10.31 Nigeria Gombe 8 41 Pro-Sharia activists set off three bombs near rush-hour traffic at a bus station, killing eight innocents.
2014.10.31 Afghanistan Bagram 1 25 Sunni fundamentalists fire a rocket into a prison, killing one detainee.
2014.10.31 Iraq Ras al-Maa 85 0 Eighty-five men and women are lined up and executed by the Islamic State.
2014.10.31 Thailand Pattani 1 2 A waitress is killed when terrorists bomb a restaurant.
2014.10.31 Iraq Mount Sinjar 3 6 An ISIS attack on Yazidi families leaves three dead.
2014.10.30 DRC Kampi ya Chui 14 0 Fourteen villagers are hacked to death by ADF-NALU.
2014.10.30 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite auto parts dealer is brutally killed by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2014.10.30 Iraq Ramadi 150 0 The Islamic State rounds up one-hundred and fifty Iraqi men from their villages, executes them and throws their bodies into a mass grave.
2014.10.30 Yemen Lahij 2 0 Two off-duty security personnel are ambushed and killed by al-Qaeda.
2014.10.30 Iraq Hit 70 0 Seventy more victims of ISIL executions are found in a mass grave.
2014.10.30 Iraq Tikrit 17 0 Seventeen Iraqis are murdered by the Islamic State.
2014.10.30 Iraq Tikrit 5 11 Five lives are snuffed out by two Shahid suicide bombers.
2014.10.30 Iraq Baiji 8 5 Eight Iraqis are killed by ISIS militants.
2014.10.30 Iraq Qayara 3 0 Three police officers are executed by the caliphate, including one by beheading.
2014.10.30 UAE Abu Dhabi 1 0 A woman is stabbed to death by a mosque worker for removing a sticker containing Quran verses.
2014.10.30 Niger Ouallam 12 0 Border guards and civilians are killed by al-Qaeda.
2014.10.29 Mali Kidal 1 0 A French soldier is shot to death by Islamists.
2014.10.29 Israel Jerusalem 0 1 A prominent Jewish activist is shot by an Islamic Jihad gunman.
2014.10.29 Iraq Hit 46 0 Forty-six Iraqis are bound and executed in cold blood by the Islamic State.
2014.10.29 Syria Homs 12 25 At least a dozen people are blown to bits by Jihadi car bombers.
2014.10.29 Pakistan Hangu 4 6 Religious extremists are suspected of placing a bomb at a relief camp that claims four lives.
2014.10.29 Iraq Baiji 6 14 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out a half-dozen Iraqis.
2014.10.29 Iraq Yusufiya 4 16 Four souls are laid out by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.29 Pakistan Amanullah Baghdar 2 0 A young man and woman are honor killed by her uncle.
2014.10.29 Nigeria Mubi 5 0 At least five people are reported dead after Boko Haram members roll into a small town.
2014.10.29 Syria Sheer 30 0 Thirty people are executed by ISIS.
2014.10.29 Morocco Kemisset 1 0 A 77-year-old man is strangled by his religious family for having sex out of wedlock.
2014.10.28 Nigeria Uba 24 0 A lecturer and his family are among dozens killed when Boko Haram overrun a small town.
2014.10.28 Pakistan Karachi 1 8 A 10-month-old girl bleeds to death after Sunnis lob a grenade into a Shia worship hall.
2014.10.28 Syria Aleppo 1 0 News surfaces that a Russian engineer, taken hostage by ISIS, was dragged from his cell and executed.
2014.10.28 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A 50-year-old man is shot to death by the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2014.10.28 Afghanistan Herat 2 4 Pro-Sharia radicals open fire on a police checkpoint, killing two officers.
2014.10.27 Pakistan Gujranwala 3 7 An Ahmadi woman and her two granddaughters are burned alive by a Sunni mob angered over an alleged 'blasphemous' Facebook post.
2014.10.27 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A university professor and his son are executed by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 Iraq Tuz 2 20 Two civilians are killed by a Mujahid bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2014.10.27 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 27 60 A Sunni suicide bomber targets a crowd of Shiites and snuffs out over two dozen lives.
2014.10.27 Afghanistan Kunduz 10 10 A suicide bomber and three Taliban gunmen storm a courthouse and murder ten others.
2014.10.27 Nigeria Kukawa 3 0 At least three villagers are shot to death during a Boko Haram raid.
2014.10.27 Syria Idlib 70 0 Seventy captives are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2014.10.27 Syria Kobani 1 0 A 28-year-old woman is captured and beheaded by ISIS.
2014.10.27 Afghanistan Wardoj 4 17 Four local police are murdered by Taliban terrorists.
2014.10.27 Syria Idlib 20 0 An al-Nusra Fedayeen suicide attack leaves twenty others dead.
2014.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 10 18 Mujahideen car bombers detonate a blast along a street lined with shops, killing ten innocents.
2014.10.27 CAR Nana Bakassa 2 0 Two church workers, including a pastor, are shot to death by Muslim rebels in separate attacks.
2014.10.26 Nigeria Borno 17 25 Boko Haram kill seventeen people and abduct several girls in attacks on a series of villages.
2014.10.26 Iraq Baiji 11 8 Eleven people at a refinery are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.26 Syria Aleppo 2 24 Militant Sunnis send a mortar round into a school, killing two children.
2014.10.26 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhar 15 0 Fifteen Sunnis are tied up and executed by Shiite militia.
2014.10.26 Syria Raqqa 3 0 Three men are beheaded for 'cursing Allah'.
2014.10.26 Yemen al-Manassah 33 0 Over thirty are left dead after an al-Qaeda suicide car bomber plows into a group of Shia.
2014.10.26 Syria Albu Kamal 4 0 Four people are publicly beheaded by the caliphate.
2014.10.26 Yemen al-Baydah 10 0 Ten civilians are killed when Shiite radicals send rocket fire into a town held by Sunnis.
2014.10.25 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An Islamist car bomb leaves one dead.
2014.10.25 Iraq Jurf al-Sakhr 8 0 Eight defenders are killed during an Islamic State assault on a town.
2014.10.25 Iraq Zumar 7 0 Seven Kurds lose their lives to an Islamic State car bomb.
2014.10.25 Iraq Taji 8 17 A Fedayeen suicide bomber sends eight Iraqis to Allah.
2014.10.25 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A woman is beheaded by Sharia activists.
2014.10.25 Iraq Anbar 3 7 Three children at a playground are pulled into pieces by an Islamic State mortar round.
2014.10.25 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three doctors are executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.24 Afghanistan Khogyani 5 2 Five civilians lose their lives when Sunni radicals suddenly open fire point-blank on their vehicle.
2014.10.24 Iraq Mosul 20 0 Caliphate members line up twenty people and shoot them in the back of the head.
2014.10.24 Iraq al-Ameriya 12 30 A dozen people lose their lives to various injuries suffered during an ISIS mortar attack.
2014.10.24 Egypt al-Kharouba 30 28 Thirty people are torn to shreds by an Ansar Bayt al-Maqsis suicide car bomber.
2014.10.24 Egypt al-Arish 3 0 Three security personnel are gunned down in cold blood by Islamic fanatics.
2014.10.23 Tunisia Tunis 1 1 Islamic extremists gun down a policeman.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 2 10 A sectarian car bomb blast kills two civilians.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 2 22 Two people are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 A Hazara minority is shot to death by Sunnis.
2014.10.23 USA NYC, NY 0 5 Four rookie cops and a female bystander are assaulted with an axe by a Muslim who says he is acting in the cause of Allah.
2014.10.23 Philippines Bagumbayan 1 0 Bangsamoro Islamic shoot a man to death.
2014.10.23 Nigeria Azare 5 12 A pro-Sharia group is suspected in a bomb blast at a bus stop that takes down five passengers.
2014.10.23 Pakistan Quetta 8 1 Suspected Lashkar-e-Jhangvi board a bus carrying Shiites and open fire, killing eight innocents.
2014.10.23 Nigeria Mafa 17 30 Boko Haram militants murder seventeen villagers and abduct thirty children.
2014.10.23 CAR Yamale 30 0 Thirty Christians are massacred by Islamic extremists.
2014.10.22 Philippines Maguindanao 2 0 Two guards at a hospital are murdered by a militant Muslim group.
2014.10.22 Afghanistan Helmand 3 0 Three children burn to death when their house is caught up in a Taliban attack.
2014.10.22 Egypt Cairo 0 11 Ajnad Misr members detonate a bomb outside a university.
2014.10.22 Iraq Baghdad 18 37 Fundamentalists bomb a theater, killing eighteen bystanders.
2014.10.22 Iraq Sadr City 9 37 Nine people at a hospital are sectionalists by Mujahid bombers.
2014.10.22 Israel Jerusalem 2 6 A Palestinian plows his car into a group of Israelis waiting at a rail station, killing a 3-month-old baby and a young woman.
2014.10.22 Libya Dariana 1 4 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.22 Canada Ottawa, ON 1 1 A reserve soldier is killed during attacks on a war memorial and parliament building by a Muslim extremist.
2014.10.22 Pakistan Mamund 0 3 Religious extremists target an anti polio-team.
2014.10.22 Yemen al-Bayda 5 0 al-Qaeda claims an attack that leaves five other dead.
2014.10.21 Pakistan Bajaur 1 2 Islamic militants kill a tribesman with a well-placed rocket.
2014.10.21 Iraq Baghdad 21 42 Nearly two dozen people lose their lives to a series of Mujahid bomb attacks on three restaurants.
2014.10.21 Iraq Fallujah 6 0 Six younger people from poor families are executed by the Islamic State, which then hangs their bodies.
2014.10.21 Iraq Hijaj 6 2 A half-dozen Iraqis bleed to death following an ISIS roadside blast.
2014.10.21 Afghanistan Kabul 4 12 A Taliban bomb produces four dead Afghans.
2014.10.21 Syria Hama 1 0 A woman is stoned for adultery by a group of ISIS volunteers and her own father.
2014.10.21 Syria Idlib 1 0 A man is stoned for adultery by al-Nusra.
2014.10.21 Syria Kobani 1 0 A man with Down's Syndrome is beheaded by caliphate militants on charges of atheism.
2014.10.21 Nigeria Pelachiroma 4 0 Four people are killed when Islamists burn down churches in a rural community.
2014.10.20 Canada Montreal, QB 1 1 A convert to Islam runs down two Canadian soldiers with his car 'in the name of Allah'.
2014.10.20 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A man and his son are shot to death in their home by the Islamic State.
2014.10.20 Pakistan Salarzai 2 2 Two security personnel are murdered by religious extremists in a roadside attack.
2014.10.20 Libya Benghazi 1 1 A woman is picked off by an Islamist bomb.
2014.10.20 Yemen Rada 20 0 An al-Qaeda car bombing and a series of shootings leave twenty others dead, including children.
2014.10.20 Iraq Qara Tappa 15 0 Caliphate member slip into a community and murder fifteen people.
2014.10.20 Iraq Karbala 26 55 Five caliphate car bombs target Shiite areas, leaving at least fifteen dead.
2014.10.20 Iraq Mosul Dam 15 25 Fifteen people are laid out by an Islamic State suicide bomb blast.
2014.10.20 Iraq Latifiyah 7 0 Seven executed Shiite pilgrims are discovered in a mass grave.
2014.10.20 Iraq Baghdad 17 28 A suicide bomber takes out seventeen innocent people outside a rival mosque.
2014.10.19 Afghanistan Logar 4 0 A Taliban assault on a police post leaves four defenders dead.
2014.10.19 Iraq Zaidan 7 28 Seven Iraqis are laid out by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.10.19 Iraq Baiji 4 7 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out four people.
2014.10.19 Iraq Amiriyat al-Falluja 3 0 Three people are disintegrated by an Islamic State suicide bomber.
2014.10.19 Pakistan Joharabad 1 0 A 56-year-old Shiite street vendor is gunned down by Sipah-e-Sahaba.
2014.10.19 Nigeria Gidin Waya 7 0 Seven villagers are murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.19 Nigeria Wukari 31 0 Over two dozen people, including two pastors, are massacred in church by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.19 Iraq Baghdad 22 25 A Shahid suicide bomber exterminates twenty-two mourners attending a funeral at a rival mosque.
2014.10.19 Egypt al-Arish 7 6 Ansar Beit al-Maqdis bombers murder another seven people.
2014.10.18 Iraq Madaen 4 14 Four patrons at a cafe are lifted permanently out of their seats by Jihadi bombers.
2014.10.18 Iraq Baghdad 3 12 Mujahideen blow up three civilians with a roadside bomb.
2014.10.18 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A suicide bomber manages to kill one other civilian.
2014.10.18 Yemen Yarim 4 0 Four innocents are killed when Shiite radicals attack the home of a Sunni politician.
2014.10.18 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 3 6 Three policemen are laid out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Maikadiri 8 0 Eight are killed when Boko Haram fire indiscriminately into homes.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Garta 3 0 Three people have their throats slit by Sharia activists.
2014.10.18 Nigeria Waga 2 40 Boko Haram invade a village, shoot two people to death and abduct forty women for sex slavery.
2014.10.17 DRC Eringeti 22 10 Ten women and eight children are among twenty-two hacked to death by ADF-NALU Islamists.
2014.10.17 Libya Benghazi 3 3 A suicide bomber sends three people to Allah.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 14 27 Islamic State bombers coordinate a blast at a cafe that leaves fourteen dead.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 13 Religious extremists murder seven people at a commercial district.
2014.10.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 12 A half-dozen people die when fundamentalists bomb a liquor store.
2014.10.17 Iraq Karrada 9 27 Caliphate members set off a car bomb near a theater, killing nine.
2014.10.17 Nigeria Abadam 1 0 An Islamist attack on a village leaves one dead.
2014.10.17 Nigeria Zhur 7 0 Boko Haram slaughter seven innocent people.
2014.10.17 Syria Kobani 1 0 Video captures the beheading of a very young Alevi girl at the hands of the caliphate because of her status as a religious minority.
2014.10.17 Lebanon Akkar 1 0 al-Nusra snipers are suspected of shooting a teenager riding a military bus.
2014.10.17 Syria al-Bab 1 0 The caliphate crucifies a 17-year-old boy for apostasy, quoting verse 5:33 of the Quran.
2014.10.17 India Maharashtra 1 0 A woman is assaulted and set on fire for defying a local fatwa.
2014.10.16 Nigeria Sabon-Gida 10 0 Muslim terrorists kill ten villagers and burn fifty homes.
2014.10.16 Syria al-Bukamal 2 0 Two people are publicly beheaded by the caliphate. One was 15-years-old.
2014.10.16 Egypt Tanta 0 11 Bombs at a festival wound eleven people.
2014.10.16 Afghanistan Bahglan 2 0 Two lawyers lose their lives to a Taliban bomb.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Attock 1 0 A 62-year-old religious minority is shot to death outside his home by radical Sunnis.
2014.10.16 Egypt al-Arish 3 11 Three police officers are killed when Ansar al-Maqdis fire a grenade into a bus.
2014.10.16 Iraq Baghdad 14 34 Two car bombs detonate in a Shia commercial district, claiming fourteen lives.
2014.10.16 Iraq Talibiyah 12 28 A dozen people are torn to shreds by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.16 Iraq Hurriyah 6 16 A half dozen civilians are laid out by an IS car bomb in a shopping district.
2014.10.16 Iraq Shula 6 18 The caliphate sends mortar rounds into a residential neighborhood, killing six.
2014.10.16 Iraq Mahmoudiya 7 12 A Sunni car bomb in a Shiite area leaves seven dead.
2014.10.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 4 The Islamic State sets off a bomb near shops, killing three bystanders.
2014.10.16 Yemen Udain 5 0 al-Qaeda militants overrun a small town, killing five defenders.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 0 A Shiite is tortured to death by Sunnis in an extra-judicial prison killing.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Rahim Yar Khan 1 1 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen fire at a Shia, killing him and injuring his boy.
2014.10.16 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shia grocery owner is sitting outside his shop when he is picked off in a Sunni drive-by.
2014.10.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female university professor is beheaded in front of her children by the caliphate.
2014.10.16 Iraq Tikrit 17 3 Women and children are among the members of two families blown up in the middle of the night while sleeping.
2014.10.16 Iraq Tikrit 11 0 Eleven victims of sectarian executioners are discovered.
2014.10.16 Afghanistan Farah 4 0 Four women are kidnapped by fundamentalists and shot to death for adultery.
2014.10.16 DRC Beni 26 50 Over two dozen people are hacked to death by an Islamist group.
2014.10.16 Sudan Heiban 9 17 Five children from the same family are among nine disassembled by a targeted Islamic Republic bombing of a Christian village.
2014.10.15 Pakistan Safi 1 1 Religious extremists fire on a group of villagers, killing one.
2014.10.15 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Two civilians are aerated by Religion of Peace shrapnel.
2014.10.15 Afghanistan Khost 8 5 Eight security personnel are laid out during a Fedayeen suicide assault.
2014.10.15 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two people are killed by an al-Shabaab car bomb.
2014.10.15 Somalia Mogadishu 5 8 Islamists bomb a restaurant, killing five patrons and bystanders.
2014.10.15 Pakistan Tirah 7 5 Two children are among seven torn to shreds by a Lashkar-e-Islam suicide bomber.
2014.10.15 Egypt Cairo 0 12 A child is among the casualties of a terrorist bombing.
2014.10.15 Libya Benghazi 4 8 At least four others are killed during an attack by Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.10.15 Syria Idlib 35 0 An Ahrar al-Sham bomb blast reported kills three dozen people.
2014.10.14 Iraq Baghdad 4 11 The lives of four people are cut tragically short by a Jihadi bomber.
2014.10.14 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Two women and a journalist are executed by the Islamic State with shots to the head.
2014.10.14 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two children are among a family of four exterminated by caliphate bombers.
2014.10.14 Iraq Babil 35 0 Thirty-five victims of Muslim terror are found in laying in an open field.
2014.10.14 Iraq Kadhimiyah 21 51 A horrific caliphate suicide attack leaves twenty-one dead.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Badi Sambor 0 1 A student is injured when fundamentalists bomb a girls' school.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Kunar 1 1 A woman is shot to death by Sharia extremists.
2014.10.14 Afghanistan Baraki 6 0 Six local cops are murdered by the Taliban.
2014.10.13 Iraq Baghdad 22 41 Twenty-two people are reduced to pulp by a Holy Warrior with a suicide vest.
2014.10.13 Iraq Baghdad 16 30 Jihadi bombers claim the lives of sixteen innocents.
2014.10.13 Iraq Sadr City 6 24 Six people at a market are laid out by a Mujahid bomb blast.
2014.10.13 Iraq Balad 13 0 Thirteen ISIS execution victims are discovered.
2014.10.13 Iraq Samarrah 4 5 Four Iraqis are gunned down by Islamic State militants.
2014.10.13 India Kupwara 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a local soldier.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 6 Two civilians are killed by a Religion of Peace suicide bomber.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A suicide car bomber kills one civilian.
2014.10.13 Pakistan Peshawar 2 0 Suspected Islamists fire at a man and woman in a car, killing them both.
2014.10.13 Afghanistan Laghman 22 15 Religious extremists attack a local security patrol and kill twenty-two members.
2014.10.13 Somalia Mogadishu 13 2 Thirteen people at a cafe are obliterated by pro-Sharia bombers.
2014.10.13 China Xinjiang 1 0 A pregnant police officer is stabbed to death by suspected Islamists.
2014.10.12 Iraq Baqubah 6 10 Sunni extremists set off two bombs at a market that produce a half-dozen dead shoppers.
2014.10.12 Iraq Diyala 2 1 Two children are disassembled by Islamic State mortars.
2014.10.12 Libya Kikla 23 43 Two dozen people are killed when rival Islamist groups work out differences.
2014.10.12 Syria Kobani 2 0 An English teacher and a child are beheaded by caliphate militants.
2014.10.12 Libya Benghazi 1 1 A suspected Ansar al-Sharia car bomb leaves one dead.
2014.10.12 Syria Kobani 1 0 A child is reportedly beheaded by ISIS for touching a Quran.
2014.10.12 Iraq Qara Tappah 58 107 Three caliphate suicide bombers massacre sixty Kurds.
2014.10.12 Somalia Mogadishu 6 3 A half dozen people are disassembled by an Islamist car bomb.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 2 18 Two police officers are picked off by Taliban gunmen who wore police uniforms to gain advantage.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Monogai 3 3 Religious extremists ambush and kill three Afghans.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Alishing 3 0 Three construction workers are murdered by a Taliban rocket attack.
2014.10.12 Afghanistan Wardak 6 8 A half dozen locals are cut to pieces by a suicide car bomber.
2014.10.12 China Maralbeshi 22 0 Four Muslim terrorists armed with knives hack twenty-two innocents to death at a farmer's market.
2014.10.11 Iraq Khazimiyah 13 28 A suicide bomber takes out over a dozen Iraqis.
2014.10.11 Iraq Shula 8 24 Sunnis detonate a powerful car bomb outside an ice cream shop in a Shiite area, exterminating eight patrons.
2014.10.11 Iraq Shula 18 41 A suicide bomber detonates near the site of an earlier bombing, killing eighteen, including first responders.
2014.10.11 Iraq Meshahda 14 27 Women and children are among the casualties of a barbaric Fedayeen suicide bombing.
2014.10.11 Iraq Tikrit 27 32 The caliphate is thought responsible for a double bombing that leaves over two dozen dead.
2014.10.11 Nigeria Shonong 6 0 A half-dozen businessmen are ambushed and murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.11 Syria Kobani 20 0 Twenty civilians are reported killed by the Islamic State, including seventeen execution victims.
2014.10.11 Yemen Shibam 3 3 Three local cops are exterminated by religious extremists.
2014.10.11 Iraq Tarmiyah 11 21 The lives of eleven are cruelly snuffed out by a Fedayeen suicide bomber at an outdoor market.
2014.10.11 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 5 Two local cops are blown to bits by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.11 Pakistan Khoshta 1 1 Sunnis bomb a vehicle carrying Shias, killing the driver.
2014.10.10 Nigeria Lwa 7 0 Fulani terrorists burn down a church and kill seven people, including a pregnant woman.
2014.10.10 Iraq Baiji 3 0 Three men are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2014.10.10 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A female lawyer is pulled from her home and murdered by the caliphate.
2014.10.10 Yemen Sanaa 14 0 An al-Qaeda video shows the brutal execution of fourteen 'apostates' by knife-waving Allah praisers.
2014.10.10 Iraq Hawija 6 0 Six people are publicly executed by the Islamic State.
2014.10.10 Iraq Samra 4 0 Two journalists are among four civilians publicly executed by the caliphate
2014.10.10 Pakistan Millat 2 0 A conservative family 'honor kills' a couple for marrying without permission.
2014.10.10 China Guma 6 0 Six people are stabbed to death by a Muslim duo in two separate attacks.
2014.10.10 DRC Oicha 9 0 Children are among nine people killed by an Islamist group.
2014.10.09 Bangladesh Nawdabash 1 4 Angry Muslims rampage a Hindu village, killing one person and burning houses.
2014.10.09 Kenya Mombasa 1 0 Sharia advocates shoot a guard at a casino several times at close range.
2014.10.09 Nigeria Bachi 27 0 Twenty-seven people are murdered in a series of Boko Haram attacks on defenseless villages.
2014.10.09 Iraq Sfiftah 9 13 Nine people are disintegrated by a suicide truck bomber.
2014.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 2 8 Jihadis bomb a market, killing two patrons.
2014.10.09 Yemen Sanaa 47 75 Fifty people are reduced to pulp by a Shahid suicide bomber targeting Shiites at a rally.
2014.10.09 Yemen Mukalla 20 15 An al-Qaeda suicide bomber takes twenty others with him.
2014.10.09 Iraq Baquba 10 11 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out ten Iraqis.
2014.10.09 Libya Benghazi 14 0 Fourteen defenders are killed when Islamists stage another assault on the airport.
2014.10.08 Iraq Sadr City 10 25 Sunnis set off a car bomb near a cafe in a Shiite neighborhood, ending the lives of ten innocents.
2014.10.08 Iraq Tal Afar 1 0 A female politician is murdered by the Islamic State and thrown down a well.
2014.10.08 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Two female doctors are executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.08 Philippines North Catabato 2 7 A nurse and teacher bleed to death after Islamists throw a hand grenade into a Church of Christ.
2014.10.08 Afghanistan Paktika 2 0 A prayer leading imam suffers premature detonation, blowing up both himself and his mother.
2014.10.08 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 5 19 At least five people lose their lives to a suicide car bomber in a residential neighborhood.
2014.10.08 Yemen Baida 10 9 An al-Qaeda suicide car bomber takes out ten local cops.
2014.10.08 Pakistan Safi 2 1 Fundamentalist bombers murder two polio workers.
2014.10.08 Libya al-Aziziya 8 3 Eight occupants are killed when an Islamist militia sends a rocket into a mosque.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Garhi Kapura 2 0 A young couple is killed by the girl's conservative brother on suspicion of sex.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 Islamists burn down two primary schools and kill a retired policeman.
2014.10.07 Iraq Abbasiya 17 13 A Shahid suicide car bomber rams into a house and snuffs out seventeen lives.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Sunnis are gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2014.10.07 Iraq Jalawla 5 0 Five people are killed by ISIS.
2014.10.07 Libya Derna 1 0 A politician denounces Islamists and is quickly gunned down.
2014.10.07 Mali Kidal 1 0 Terrorists fire a rocket a UN camp, killing a peacekeeper.
2014.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 13 31 Thirteen people are pulled into pieces by a Mujahid car bombing along a busy street.
2014.10.07 Iraq Baquba 12 0 A suicide bomber takes out a dozen Iraqis.
2014.10.07 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Four young men are shot in the back of the head by Islamic State executioners.
2014.10.07 Iraq Hit 3 3 Three people are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.07 Iraq Samarra 8 10 A Fedayeen suicide bombing claims the lives of eight innocents.
2014.10.07 Iraq Diyala 1 0 A woman is executed by ISIS for crimes against Islam.
2014.10.07 Iraq Alam 2 0 Two hostages are executed by their ISIS captors.
2014.10.07 Lebanon Shebaa 0 2 A Hezbollah bomb injures two Israelis.
2014.10.07 Pakistan Quetta 2 3 Attacks on two Hazara mosques leaves two dead.
2014.10.07 Nigeria Shonong 6 0 Six people are murdered by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.06 Libya Banghazi 5 0 A man and his son are among five gunned down by suspected Ansar al-Sharia.
2014.10.06 Nigeria Ngambi 7 0 Seven people are beheaded by Boko Haram Islamists.
2014.10.06 Cameroon Amchide 8 24 Pro-Sharia militants fire a rocket into a town, killing eight residents.
2014.10.06 Syria Hasakah 30 35 Thirty Kurds lose their lives to two Shahid suicide blasts.
2014.10.06 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A 13-year-old boy is vaporized by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2014.10.06 Somalia Jazeera 2 0 Two people are shot to death at the beach by al-Shabaab.
2014.10.05 DRC Beni 7 14 ADF-Nalu militants murder seven locals.
2014.10.05 Chechnya Grozny 5 12 Five people are sectionalized by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.05 Egypt Sinai 4 0 Four gentlemen are beheaded on video by the pro-Sharia group Ansar Beit al-Maqdis.
2014.10.05 Iraq Mosul 14 0 Fourteen civilians are shot to death for refusing to fight for the Islamic State.
2014.10.05 Iraq Anbar 6 0 Six Iraqis are publicly executed by the caliphate.
2014.10.05 Iraq Hit 6 0 Caliphate representatives line up six hostages and machine-gun them in turn.
2014.10.05 Nigeria Sharbutu 3 0 Fulani terrorists massacre three villagers.
2014.10.04 Libya Benghazi 4 5 Four security personnel are killed during an Ansar-al-Sharia assault on an airport.
2014.10.04 Iraq Mansouriya 4 14 Four Iraqis are killed by Mujahideen.
2014.10.04 Iraq Tarmiya 7 18 Jihad bombers claim seven lives.
2014.10.04 Iraq Baiji 12 24 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out a dozen innocents, including women and children.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Hafizabad 1 0 Sipah-e-Sahaba gunmen pick off a Shiite school teacher.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shia minorities are shot to death by Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jamaat.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Kohat 6 17 Religious extremists throw a bomb into a bus stop, killing six bystanders, including a child.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Quetta 5 30 Women and children are among the casualties when a suicide bomber targets a minority religious center.
2014.10.04 Pakistan Swat 2 0 Two men are shot to death by the Taliban.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Michika 70 0 A 99-year-old man is among 70 residents of three villages massacred by Boko Haram Islamists.
2014.10.03 Libya Benghazi 12 45 An Ansar al-Sharia attack leaves a dozen security personnel dead.
2014.10.03 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A British aid worker is beheaded by the Islamic State for being non-Muslim.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Yola 1 0 Boko Haram beheads a captured Nigerian pilot.
2014.10.03 Iraq Beiji 2 0 Two pilots are killed when Muslim terrorists shoot down an Iraqi helicopter.
2014.10.03 Mali Gao 9 0 Nine peacekeepers are burned to a crisp when Jihadists ambush their fuel truck - calling them "enemies of Islam."
2014.10.03 Nigeria Bachit 13 0 Thirteen villagers are massacred by Fulani terrorists.
2014.10.03 Iraq Kobani 1 0 Religion of Peace proponents cut off a woman's head.
2014.10.03 Nigeria Dum 2 0 Two people lose their lives to Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.02 Nigeria Fang 3 0 Three people are killed by Muslim terrorists.
2014.10.02 Afghanistan Kabul 3 7 A suicide attack on a bus leaves three dead.
2014.10.02 Pakistan Haramosh 3 10 Sunnis bomb a bus full of Shiites, killing three.
2014.10.02 Libya Benghazi 29 70 Two more suicide bombings take out thirty more security personnel at an airport.
2014.10.02 Pakistan Peshawar 7 6 Seven people incinerated by a Religion of Peace bomb blast in a minivan.
2014.10.02 Libya Banghazi 7 48 Seven security personnel are killed by a suicide bomber at an airport and a separate shooting.
2014.10.02 Iraq Hit 42 32 Over forty others lose their lives when a town is overrun by ISIS.
2014.10.02 Nigeria Kano 1 0 Radicals capture and stone a man to death for adultery.
2014.10.01 Syria Kobani 1 0 A civilian is captured and beheaded by caliphate terrorists.
2014.10.01 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Sunni is gunned down by sectarian rivals.
2014.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 15 40 Religious extremists target a pet and vegetable market with a car bomb, ending the lives of fifteen patrons.
2014.10.01 Iraq Baghdad 7 24 Seven Iraqis are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2014.10.01 Afghanistan Kabul 8 21 Eight people are pulled into pieces by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2014.10.01 Iraq Jubur 7 30 Seven villagers are killed during an ISIS assault on their town.
2014.10.01 Syria Homs 45 74 Over forty children are among dozens obliterated when a suicide bomber follows a car bombing near a Shiite school and hospital.
2014.10.01 Pakistan Shabqadar 1 2 A female teacher is killed and two students injured when fundamentalists throw a grenade into the school after warnings over the girl's dress code.
2014.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 20 35 Two Mujahideen car bombs a long a packed street leaves at least twenty dead civilians.
2014.09.30 Iraq Baghdad 5 15 Terrorists fire mortars into a neighborhood, killing five residents.
2014.09.30 Iraq Karbala 8