The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:
Last 30 Days

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 107 Islamic attacks in 18 countries, in which 476 people were killed and 697 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2024.10.21 Somalia Galgadud 3 0 al-Shabaab claims an attack that leaves at least three dead.
2024.10.20 Nigeria Ngoshe 4 0 A woman is among four villagers beheaded on video by Boko Haram.
2024.10.19 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A young civilian is shot dead by the Taliban.
2024.10.19 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Muslim militants shoot an off-duty policeman to death.
2024.10.18 India Shopian 1 0 A Hindu migrant worker is shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.17 Somalia Mogadishu 7 6 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out seven patrons at a café.
2024.10.16 Pakistan Gariyum 2 4 An IED planted by Islamists claims two lives.
2024.10.15 Syria al-Rai 1 0 One man dies from injuries following an ISIS shooting.
2024.10.15 Israel Ashdod 1 4 A Palestinian gunmen opens fire along a highway, killing an Israeli.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Tank 1 2 An off-duty police officer is gunned down while visiting family.
2024.10.14 Syria Deir-Ezzor 1 0 An ISIS shooting attack leaves one dead.
2024.10.14 Israel Binyamina 4 58 A Hezbollah drone claims four lives.
2024.10.14 Russia Ingushetia 3 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate three officials in a drive-by.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Bannu 4 0 The Tehreek-e-Taliban storm a police station in a suicide attack and kill three officers and a civilian.
2024.10.14 Pakistan Baka Khel 1 0 One person is shot dead by religious extremists.
2024.10.14 Nigeria Mafa 2 0 Boko Haram murder a man and his girlfriend.
2024.10.13 Israel Binyamina 0 67 Hezbollah sends a wave of rockets into Israel on Yom Kippur.
2024.10.13 India Bahraich 1 0 Muslims attack a Hindu procession, and brutally torture, then kill a participant.
2024.10.13 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A man dies from injuries suffered during an earlier ISIS attack.
2024.10.12 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 3 0 Three officials are gunned down by suspected ISIS-K.
2024.10.12 Pakistan Kurram 16 8 Zainabiyoun Brigade is involved in a sectarian clash that leaves sixteen dead, including women and children.
2024.10.12 Syria Kabajib Desert 4 0 Four Syrians are cut down by ISIS members.
2024.10.12 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A young army officer is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2024.10.12 Bangladesh Mymensingh 1 0 A Hindu journalist is hacked to death in front of his home.
2024.10.11 Pakistan North Waziristan 6 0 A half-dozen Pakistani soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamists.
2024.10.11 Pakistan Mamund 1 0 The Islamic State target a pair of brother, killing one.
2024.10.11 Nigeria Ikpelle 2 0 Muslim radicals kill two villagers.
2024.10.11 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a member of the previous government.
2024.10.11 Israel Kiryat Shamona 1 0 A Hezbollah rocket claims the life of a 27-year-old Thai laborer.
2024.10.10 Pakistan Pathankot 2 2 Radicals attack police vehicle and kill two occupants.
2024.10.10 Syria Aleppo 1 0 A man is executed in cold blood by ISIS outside an airport.
2024.10.09 Pakistan Orakzai 1 0 A Shia tribal elder is brought down by Sunni radicals.
2024.10.09 Pakistan Zhob 1 13 A Shahid suicide bomber takes one other soul with him.
2024.10.09 Nigeria Ayilamo 2 6 A student is among two non-Muslims slain by Muslim terrorists.
2024.10.09 Thailand Barahom 1 0 Muslim 'insurgents' shoot a local police officer in the head.
2024.10.09 Israel Kiryat Shmona 2 5 A couple in their 40's are eliminated in their home by a Hezbollah rocket.
2024.10.09 Israel Hadera 1 5 A 35-year-old man dies from injures following a Palestinian stabbing spree.
2024.10.08 Nigeria Gwoza 3 10 Three locals lose their lives to Boko Haram gunmen.
2024.10.08 Sudan Al-Dammokia 20 3 Children and the elderly are among twenty massacred by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.10.08 Iran Nikshahar 6 0 Six are killed in two attacks by suspected Jaish al-Adl.
2024.10.07 Nigeria Marte 5 5 A Boko Haram ambush leaves five dead, including a village leader.
2024.10.07 Iraq Erbil 4 6 The IRGC sends a ballistic missile into a home, killing five family members.
2024.10.07 Pakistan Karachi 2 10 A Majeed Brigade suicide bomber goes off at the airport, killing two Chinese engineers.
2024.10.07 Israel Haifa 0 9 A child is among the casualties of a Hezbollah rocket attack on a restaurant.
2024.10.06 Israel Be'er Sheva 1 13 A woman is killed when a Muslim terrorist opens fire at a bus station.
2024.10.06 Iraq Maqdadiyah 2 0 Two Shiites are picked off in their vehicle by ISIS.
2024.10.06 Burkina Faso Manni 10 50 Jihadists sweep through a local market, killing at least ten.
2024.10.06 DRC Bandolo 5 0 Five Christians are killed in a targeted attack by the ADF.
2024.10.06 DRC Medidi 3 0 Islamists murder three non-Muslims.
2024.10.06 DRC Ituri 1 0 The Islamic State in Central Africa Province groups executes a captured civilian.
2024.10.06 Nigeria Ngoshe 8 6 Eight farmers are brutally slain in their fields by Boko Haram.
2024.10.06 Burkina Faso Manni 150 0 Over one-hundred and fifty villagers are massacred by Islamic terrorists over a three-day period.
2024.10.05 Pakistan Spinwam 6 21 Tehreek-e-Taliban members attack a security convoy, killing a half-dozen.
2024.10.05 Israel Petah Tikva 1 0 Another Israeli civilian is found to have been killed a year earlier.
2024.10.05 Syria al-Shaddadi 1 12 Shia milita use a missile to kill a Sunni opponent.
2024.10.04 Pakistan Kurram 2 0 Two more people lose their lives to the Tehreek-e-Taliban.
2024.10.03 Syria Shiran 1 0 A civilian dies from injuries suffered during an Islamist attack.
2024.10.03 Nigeria Tse Wende 2 0 Muslim militia take out two innocent persons.
2024.10.02 Bangladesh Palongkhali Union 1 5 A youth is killed during an ARSA shooting attack.
2024.10.02 Burkina Faso Fanworgou 19 12 Nineteen security guards a civilians are killed by Jama'at Nusrat al-Islam.
2024.10.02 Pakistan Tank 1 1 A child is killed during a shooting attack by Islamic radicals.
2024.10.02 Iraq Kirkuk 4 3 Islamic State gunmen bring down four Iraqis.
2024.10.02 Pakistan Swat 1 0 A 25-year-old woman is honor-killed by her father and brothers for seeking a divorce.
2024.10.01 Nigeria Egwuma 7 15 Seven are left dead after Muslim militants attack a village.
2024.10.01 Israel Jaffa 8 7 Three women and a teen girl are among eight shot dead at point-blank range at a train station.
2024.10.01 Israel Nu’eima 1 4 A Palestinian laborer is killed by an Iranian rocket.
2024.10.01 Pakistan Mangiowala 1 0 A local official is assassintated by Muslim radicals.
2024.10.01 Syria Suwaydaa 2 0 Two young men are shot dead by Islamic radicals.
2024.09.30 Syria Jabab Hamad 8 0 Eight are reported dead following an ISIS bomb blast.
2024.09.30 Syria Homs 1 0 A civilian is murdered by Hezbollah for celebrating Nasrallah's death.
2024.09.30 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A young Christian is murdered and dismembered by a Muslim gang.
2024.09.30 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A widow is kidnapped, raped and murdered for rejecting marriage to an Islamic fundamentalist.
2024.09.30 Afghanistan Mazar-e-Sharif 1 0 The Taliban shoot a taxi driver to death.
2024.09.30 Iran Hirmand 1 2 Jaish al-Adl gunmen murder a border guard.
2024.09.29 Iran Khash 1 0 A Jaish al-Adl attack leaves one dead.
2024.09.29 Nigeria Gwashi 1 0 Terrorists open fire on a security patrol, killing member.
2024.09.29 Pakistan Tirah 4 9 Four are left dead after Islamic extremists attack a security post.
2024.09.29 Germany Essen 0 31 A Syrian migrant with a Palestinian flag goes on a stabbing and arson rampage.
2024.09.29 Pakistan Abdulkhel 1 0 Terrorists murder the son of a police officer.
2024.09.29 Nigeria Bakin Kogi 2 0 Two Christian brothers are shot to death by militant Muslims while checking on their crops.
2024.09.28 Syria Hatlah 1 2 A mine planted by ISIS claims the life of a civilian.
2024.09.28 Pakistan Kurram 7 37 Seven more are killed in a clash between Sunni and Shia.
2024.09.28 Iran Suran 1 0 A local cop is killed by Jaish al-Adl.
2024.09.28 India Kathua 1 1 Muslim terrorists open fire on police, killing one.
2024.09.28 Somalia Jowhar 1 3 Islamists plant a bomb at a livestock market that takes out a patron.
2024.09.28 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 An al-Shabaab car bomb ends five lives, including two women.
2024.09.27 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A female aid worker is murdered by Hamas gunmen.
2024.09.27 Sudan el-Fasher 18 95 Eighteen people are killed when Janjaweed/RSF send shells into a local market.
2024.09.27 Syria Shaddadi 3 0 A violent ISIS attack leaves three dead.
2024.09.27 Pakistan Kurram 6 22 Six Shiites are killed in a targeted attack by Sunni extremists.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Khar 1 2 Religious radicals gun down a cop.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Ladha 1 0 A targeted shooting attack claims the life of a local soldier.
2024.09.26 Afghanistan Aftabchi 1 0 A shopkeeper is tortured to death in Taliban custody.
2024.09.26 Nigeria Hwrra 1 0 A Christian farmer is hacked to death with machetes by Muslim extremists.
2024.09.26 Pakistan Swabi 2 23 Tehreek-e-Taliban claim an explosion in which two are killed, including a child.
2024.09.26 Mozambique Manguna 1 0 Islamists behead a local man.
2024.09.25 Pakistan Kurram 10 15 Ten more are killed during a clash between Sunni and Shia groups.
2024.09.25 Israel Eliat 0 2 An Islamic group in Iraq sends a drone into a warehouse port.
2024.09.24 Sudan Omdurman 15 61 Janjaweed send artillery shells into a packed market, killing fifteen.
2024.09.24 Pakistan Tank 1 0 Islamists murder the nephew of a police officer.
2024.09.24 Nigeria Nasarawa Eggon 1 0 A Catholic teacher is shot to death in his home by Muslim radicals.
2024.09.23 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A math teacher is murdered by the Taliban's education minister.
2024.09.23 India Ramban 1 0 The remains of a victim are found a month after being killed by terrorists.
2024.09.22 Syria al-Hawaiyj 2 0 Two locals are shot dead at point blank range by ISIS members.
2024.09.22 Syria Palmyra 1 0 A Syrian is killed by former caliphate members.
2024.09.22 Israel Haifa 1 7 A teenager is killed during the chaos of a Hezbollah rocket attack.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Jehanabad 1 3 Religious radicals fire on a diplomatic convoy, killing a guard.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Shahi Kot 1 0 A border guard is picked off by the TTP.
2024.09.22 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 Muslim terrorists assassinate a former government employee.
2024.09.22 Iran Rasht 2 0 Two people are honor-killed with a knife by a family member.
2024.09.22 Nigeria Hukke-Renwienku 1 0 A hunter is murdered by Muslim terrorists.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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