The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jan 04, 2025 -
Jan 10, 2025

Attacks 43
Killed 143
Injured 111
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 16

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
December, 2024

Attacks 102
Killed 746
Injured 709
Suicide Blasts 3
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Hospital at Mozdok, Russia

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 870 Islamic attacks in 33 countries, in which 3279 people were killed and 6706 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2003.12.31 Iraq Baghdad 8 35 A car bomb rips through a restaurant, killing eight people and injuring at least thirty-five.
2003.12.30 India Lawaypora 0 34 Thirty-four personnel are injured when Hizbul Mujahideen militants bomb a military patrol.
2003.12.30 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 One Iraqi is killed, and three others injured in a roadside bomb attack.
2003.12.29 India Jammu 0 10 Muslim terrorists injure ten people waiting for a bus with a grenade.
2003.12.29 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 5 3 Five Afghan soldiers are killed when their post is attacked by Taliban terrorists. Three are injured.
2003.12.29 India Bamkote 1 0 A man is pulled from his house and killed just outside his village.
2003.12.28 India Surigam 1 0 A man is lynched by Islamists.
2003.12.28 Iraq Baghdad 3 5 Two Iraqi children and one American are killed by a roadside bomb on a crowded street. Five others are injured.
2003.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 6 0 Six Afghan policemen are killed by two suicide bombers being transported for investigation.
2003.12.27 Iraq Karbala 12 37 Islamic Fedayeen terrorists kill twelve, including four Bulgarians, two Thai engineers and six civilians in three separate suicide attacks. At least thirty-seven others are injured.
2003.12.27 India Tral 1 8 An irrigation department employee is killed by the Mujahideen and eight others suffer injuries in a Shopian grenade attack.
2003.12.26 India Singhpora 1 11 A 13-year-old girl is killed, and eleven other people are injured when Muslim terrorists trigger a roadside bomb against a transport vehicle.
2003.12.25 Pakistan Rawalpindi 17 46 Assassination attempt on Pakistani President by Muslim extremists, involving several car bombs, leaves seventeen dead and at least forty injured.
2003.12.25 Israel Tel Aviv 4 18 Suicide bomber kills four Israeli civilians, including a teenage girl and injures at least eighteen more at a bus stop.
2003.12.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Civilian bus is bombed by Sunni terrorists. The driver is killed and two passengers are injured.
2003.12.24 Iraq Irbil 3 12 A suicide car bomber kills three other people and injures at least a dozen innocents.
2003.12.24 Sudan Darfur 24 25 Government-sponsored militias in this Islamic Republic, kill another two dozen villagers - adding to a toll of more than two million over 20 years.
2003.12.23 India Bandipore 0 10 Ten people are injured when Muslim militants lob a grenade at a security patrol near a hospital.
2003.12.22 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Roadside bomb in the Sunni Triangle kills two Americans and an Iraqi translator. Two others are wounded.
2003.12.22 Israel Kfar Darom 2 2 Two Israelis are killed when members of the al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade open up on a security patrol with grenades and automatic weapons.
2003.12.22 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Top level judge shot six times in the back by Fedayeen loyalists.
2003.12.21 India Kulgam 0 14 Fourteen people are injured in a grenade attack against a police station by militant Muslims.
2003.12.20 Afghanistan Khaima 5 2 Taliban terrorists attack a remote security post with machine guns and kill five Afghan soldiers as they are eating their evening meal.
2003.12.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Terrorist blast kills one woman working for the main Shiite party in their office building. At least five others are injured.
2003.12.18 India Rajouri 2 3 Fedayeen attack on a police station kills two officers and leaves three more injured.
2003.12.17 India Gagarsula 1 4 Terrorists shoot dead one civilian and abduct four others from a remote village.
2003.12.17 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 A Shiite leader is gunned down near his home by Sunni loyalists.
2003.12.16 Philippines Datu Piang 4 12 Government troops seeking refuge in a mosque are attacked by Moro Islamic Front terrorists. Four are killed and twelve are missing.
2003.12.16 Algeria Medea 2 0 Islamic extremists shoot and kill two policemen.
2003.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 8 10 Fedayeen suicide bomber drives car bomb to gates of a police station. Eight Iraqis are killed in the explosion and at least ten injured.
2003.12.15 Iraq Ameriyah 0 7 Another Fedayeen suicide bomber kills himself and injures seven Iraqi policemen.
2003.12.15 Dagestan Shauri & Mokok 9 0 At least nine border guards are murdered by Muslim rebels who crossed over from Chechnya to attack a hospital.
2003.12.14 Iraq Khaldiya 17 33 Seventeen city workers, policemen, and civilian bystanders are killed, and another thirty-three injured by Fedayeen suicide blast.
2003.12.14 Philippines North Cotabato 4 3 Ambushes by the Moro Islamic Front leave four villagers dead and two wounded.
2003.12.12 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Young boy is killed by a bomb while sifting through garbage outside a house owned by President Karzai of Afghanistan.
2003.12.12 Israel Nablus 0 7 Palestinian gunmen ambush a van carrying Israeli worshippers on their way home from a prayer service. Seven are injured.
2003.12.11 Iraq Ramadi 1 14 Three Fedayeen suicide bombers in a furniture truck blow themselves up at the gates of a military base. One guard is killed and fourteen others wounded.
2003.12.10 Iraq Mosul 2 4 Militant Sunnis kill two U.S. soldiers on guard duty at two gas stations in drive-by shootings. Four others are injured.
2003.12.10 India Poonch 3 15 Muslim terrorists lob a grenade into a bus station and then fire indiscriminately into the crowd, killing three and injuring at least fifteen.
2003.12.09 Russia Moscow 6 14 Female Fedayeen suicide bomber kills six people near the Kremlin and injures at least fourteen, including several college students.
2003.12.09 Iraq Baghdad 3 2 Bombers target a mosque, killing two and injuring three.
2003.12.09 Iraq Mosul 1 2 Drive-by shooting attack leaves one American hospital guard dead and two others injured.
2003.12.08 Afghanistan Muqur 2 0 Taliban ambush kills two Pakistani engineers working to restore country's infrastructure.
2003.12.08 Chechnya Itum Kale 4 1 Four Russian soldiers are killed while investigating an explosion at a school. Another is taken hostage.
2003.12.08 India Anantnag 0 10 Ten people, including civilians and policemen are injured in Mujahideen grenade and shooting attacks in Kashmir.
2003.12.06 Algeria Bouira 1 0 24-year old police officer is gunned down in a store by Islamic extremists.
2003.12.06 Afghanistan Kandahar 0 18 Eighteen Afghan civilians, including three children are injured by a bomb detonated from a parked bicycle. The Taliban takes credit for the attack.
2003.12.05 Iraq Baghdad 4 13 At least three Iraqis and one soldier are killed by a roadside bomb on a crowded street. Thirteen others, including eleven Iraqis are injured.
2003.12.05 Russia Stavropol 44 150 A Fedyeen suicide bomber detonates on a Russian commuter train carrying civilians to work. At forty-four people, including children eventually die and about one-hundred and fifty others are injured.
2003.12.04 Afghanistan Bukwakay 1 11 A UN worker was killed by a Taliban attack while conducting a census. Eleven others were injured.
2003.12.04 Yemen al-Baidah 1 1 Regional governor survives assassination attempt by Islamic extremists, with injuries. His brother is murdered.
2003.12.03 Philippines Muti 4 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists round up four villagers, line them up on a road and shoot them.
2003.12.02 India Srinagar 0 21 Nineteen policeman and two civilians are injured when militant Muslims attack their station with grenades.
2003.12.02 USA Chicago, IL 1 0 A Muslim doctor deliberately allows a Jewish patient to die from an easily treatable condition.
2003.11.30 Iraq Tikrit 2 2 Two South Korean engineers are killed, and two others seriously wounded by Fedayeen terrorists while traveling in their vehicle.
2003.11.30 India Jammu 4 8 At least four people are killed, and eight injured when Muslim militants defy a brokered cease-fire and hijack two civilian vehicles.
2003.11.30 Indonesia Poso 2 0 Two Hindu migrants are gunned down as they sat outside their house.
2003.11.29 Iraq Tikrit 3 0 Two Japanese diplomats, and their Iraqi driver are shot and killed by Fedayeen terrorists.
2003.11.29 India Wadna 1 4 Militant Muslims fire at a passenger vehicle, killing one and injuring four.
2003.11.29 Iraq Suwayrah 7 1 Fedayeen ambush kills seven Spanish intelligence agents, riding in two cars, with grenades and automatic weapons.
2003.11.28 Algeria Djelfa 9 3 Nine people, including a Saudi prince, are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists while on a hunting trip in the desert.
2003.11.28 India Shaashi 1 0 A man is gunned down inside his home by Islamic terrorists.
2003.11.27 India Srinagar 1 12 One person was killed, and twelve others injured when militants hurl a grenade into a busy intersection.
2003.11.27 Philippines Barira 5 4 Five people in the middle of planning a wedding were killed, and four others injured when Moro Islamic Front terrorists strafe their house with gunfire.
2003.11.25 India Anantnag 2 4 An assassination attempt on a Hindu politician by Muslim radicals leaves two people dead and four injured.
2003.11.25 Israel Nablus 1 0 Assassination attempt by Palestinian gunmen on Nablus mayor, said to be working with Jews, leaves his brother dead.
2003.11.23 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A Muslim mob throws a concrete block in the way of a military vehicle, causing it two crash. The mob then drags the two soldiers out, beats them and then slits their throats.
2003.11.23 India Mitrigam 1 0 A civilian is shot to death inside his home by the Mujahideen.
2003.11.22 Iraq Baghdad 4 20 Four people were killed when Islamists hurled a grenade into a market stall that was selling alcohol. One of the dead was an 11-year old boy. Some twenty others were injured.
2003.11.22 Iraq Khan Bani Saad 9 10 Fedayeen suicide bomber kills nine Iraqis and injures ten at a police station. A subsequent explosion in the same area injures at least two children.
2003.11.22 Iraq Baqubah 9 15 Six Iraqi policeman and three civilians are killed in a Fedayeen car bombing. More than fifteen others were injured.
2003.11.22 Israel Jerusalem 2 0 Two Israelis are shot dead while guarding a construction site.
2003.11.21 India Budgam 2 0 Two citizens are shot dead by Muslim militants. One in his house and the other as he was returning home from worship.
2003.11.20 Turkey Istanbul 31 400 Coordinated Fedayeen suicide truck bombings, one near a British bank and the other outside the British consulate, kill more than thirty and injure over four-hundred people. Al-Qaeda and another Islamic group claim responsibility for the killing.
2003.11.20 Iraq Kirkuk 4 6 At least four civilians are killed, and at least a half dozen injured, by bomb blast in Kurdish political headquarters.
2003.11.19 Afghanistan Khost 14 23 Sustained Taliban rocket attack on an airport kills fourteen Afghans and injures at least twenty-three.
2003.11.19 Algeria Henchir Toumeghni 2 3 Armed Islamists open fire in a cafe, killing a policeman and injuring several patrons. Elsewhere (El Aouana) a rural watchman dies in an ambush.
2003.11.19 Jordan Israeli Border 1 5 Jordanian truck driver fires rifle across the border into Israel, killing an Ecuadorian women and injuring four of her tourist companions.
2003.11.19 Iraq Ramadi 2 1 Saddam calls again for Holy War. A child and one other person are then killed by a car bomb aimed at a pro-American Sunni leader.
2003.11.19 France Paris 2 0 Two Jewish men are brutally murdered by Muslims in separate attacks in Paris. One has his throat slit and eyes gouged while a 53-year old mother is stabbed 27 times in the neck and chest.
2003.11.19 Bangladesh Chittagong 11 0 Eleven members of a Hindu family, including seven women and a newborn baby are burned alive by a Muslim mob that surrounded their home in the early morning hours.
2003.11.18 India Srinagar 1 5 At least one person is killed, and more than five others injured when Islamic terrorists attack a hotel with bombs and automatic weapons.
2003.11.18 Israel Gush Etzion Tunnel 2 0 Palestinian (al-Aqsa) gunman approaches checkpoint with an AK-47 concealed in a prayer mat, which he then uses to shoot two Israeli soldiers to death at point-blank range. He then flees.
2003.11.17 India Tatagaon 3 0 Three civilians are killed in separate incidents (Anantnag & Tatagaon) by militant Muslims, including a young girl who was tortured and then killed.
2003.11.16 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 Taliban terrorists shoot a female French aid worker to death in a motorbike attack.
2003.11.16 India Gole Chakri 3 4 Terrorists lob a grenade into a military jeep on a crowded street. One SF personnel is killed and four other people, including two civilians, sustain injuries. Another ambush in Briyali leaves two SF dead.
2003.11.16 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 A Christian man is dragged from his motorcycle and beaten to death by a Muslim mob.
2003.11.15 Indonesia Sulawesi 2 0 A church official and his nephew are shot to death by radical Muslims.
2003.11.15 India Hazratbal 2 6 Six worshippers are injured by bomb blast at one of India's holiest shrines. Elsewhere, in northern Kashmir, a man and his teen-age daughter are killed by militant Muslims.
2003.11.15 Turkey Istanbul 23 257 Islamics attack two synagogues with car bombs, killing at least twenty-three and injuring over two-hundred and fifty. The victims included children and at least one pregnant woman.
2003.11.14 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians, including a woman, are killed by Muslim terrorists in separate incidents (Gotapora, Srinigar, Pattan).
2003.11.14 Ingushetia Troitskaya 5 10 Terrorists detonate bomb as Russian soldiers are conducting a house search. Five are killed and ten injured, three critically.
2003.11.13 Iraq Balad 1 1 Sunni terrorists shoot a civilian contractor to death, and injure another in an attack on their vehicle.
2003.11.12 Afghanistan Kunar 4 3 Taliban car bombing kills four and injures at least three Afghans.
2003.11.12 Iraq Nasiriyah 31 80 Over thirty people are killed, and about eighty injured when Fedayeen suicide bombers crash their cars through the gates of an Italian compound and detonate the explosives.
2003.11.11 India Quil Muqam 2 0 Two civilians, including a woman, were killed by Islamic terrorists, who used them as human shields in a gun battle.
2003.11.11 Iraq Basra 6 9 Six Iraqi civilians are killed, and nine injured in a car bomb blast in the Shiite city of Basra. School children were among the injured.
2003.11.10 India Badgam 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two civilians in their homes. One was a photographer, the other a farmer.
2003.11.10 Philippines Basilan 1 3 Abu Sayyaf rebels ambush a routine patrol, killing one and injuring three.
2003.11.09 India Awantipora Chowk 5 0 Political activist gunned down by Islamic rebels - is the fifth political activist assassinated within the past week.
2003.11.08 Sudan Darfur 42 0 At least forty-two people are killed, and an unknown number wounded when Jihad militias attack 32 villages, burning houses and setting fire to crops.
2003.11.08 Algeria Bouira 0 4 Four people are injured by Islamic extremists in two separate attacks using small-arms fire and a landmine.
2003.11.08 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 17 122 Seventeen people, including five children are killed and one-hundred and twenty-two injured by al-Qaeda suicide bombing in a residential neighborhood.
2003.11.07 Iraq Baghdad 6 0 Six U.S. soldiers and judicial workers are killed when their helicopter is shot down during transport.
2003.11.06 India Baramulla 3 0 Three civilians, including a woman, are killed in a brutal attack by Islamic terrorists.
2003.11.05 India Srinagar 1 0 A wildlife officer is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2003.11.05 Iraq Mosul 3 9 Three Iraqis are killed, and at least nine other people are injured in two separate terrorist grenade attacks. The dead include a 10-year old boy.
2003.11.05 India Tangmarg 3 0 Militant Muslims invade three homes and kill three civilians, including a mother.
2003.11.04 Iraq Mosul 2 0 Christian judge is assassinated in shooting attack. This occurs a day after another judge is kidnapped and murdered in Najaf
2003.11.04 India Hari Budda 3 2 Militant Muslims bomb a security patrol, then use small arms fire to kill at three and injure two others.
2003.11.03 Iraq Karbala 2 4 Car bomb kills two Iraqis and injures four near a Shiite shrine.
2003.11.03 Saudi Arabia Mecca 2 1 At least two killed and one wounded in militant Islamic shooting attack in Mecca.
2003.11.02 Israel Nablus 1 5 Islamic Jihad bombing of a jeep, kills 1 Israeli soldier and leaves five others injured.
2003.11.02 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two civilian contractors are killed by bomb in their vehicle. Muslim mob celebrates.
2003.11.02 India Surankote 1 0 A civilian is abducted and murdered by radical Muslims.
2003.11.01 Bangladesh Jessore 1 3 The leader of a Ahmadiyya religious group is killed by radical Muslims in an attack that also injures several others.
2003.10.31 India Kashmir 3 16 Three civilians are killed in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2003.10.30 India Kashmir 2 1 Two civilians are abducted from their homes and killed by the Mujahideen (Shopian & Sopore).
2003.10.29 India Anantnag 0 20 Twenty people sustain injuries when a Muslim terrorist tosses a grenade into a crowd.
2003.10.29 Algeria Tipaza 3 0 Islamic extremists kill three civilians after stopping them on a road during Ramadan.
2003.10.29 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Three Iraqi civilians killed, and at least two others injured in RPG terrorist attack on police station.
2003.10.28 India Aknoor 2 8 Last surviving Muslim terrorist involved in the bridge bombing at Akhnoor opens indiscriminate fire on a family, killing two children and injuring eight.
2003.10.28 Algeria Adekar 2 0 Two Algerian soldiers are killed by a landmine planted by the country's Islamic fundamentalists during Ramadan.
2003.10.28 Iraq Mosul 1 0 Editor of a pro-democracy newspaper gunned down by Islamists.
2003.10.28 Philippines Cotabato 0 5 Five people are injured when suspected Jemaah Islamiah members bomb a Catholic church.
2003.10.28 Iraq Fallujah 3 6 Three people, including school children, are killed and an six injured by a Fedayeen car bombing.
2003.10.28 India Khilani 3 7 Three members of a security patrol are killed, and seven others injured in bombing and small arms ambush by militant Muslims.
2003.10.28 India Srinagar 3 32 Islamic rebels lob a grenade into a telegraph office, killing at least three civilians and injuring more than thirty.
2003.10.27 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 Christian farmer killed by Jemmah Islamiah terrorists while working his field.
2003.10.27 India Gaghwal 4 9 First day of Ramadan in Kashmir sees Islamic terrorists blow up a railroad bridge, narrowly missing a civilian passenger train. Subsequent small arms leaves two civilians and two soldiers dead.
2003.10.27 Philippines Tawi Tawi 5 0 Abu Sayyaf rebels abduct six foreign tourists from a Malaysian resort then use them as human shields in a gun battle. Five are killed.
2003.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 11 20 At least eleven people are killed, and more that twenty injured, when a Fedayeen bomber targets the International Red Cross, a humanitarian organization helping Iraqis meet basic needs.
2003.10.27 Iraq Baghdad 16 94 Fedayeen bombing attacks on the first day of Ramadan on three Iraqi police stations kills at least sixteen and leaves nearly one hundred injured.
2003.10.26 India Kishtwar 1 9 Muslim militant hurls grenade into a bus stop, killing one civilian and injuring nine others.
2003.10.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 15 Jihad rocket attack on a hotel injures 15 people and leaves a U.S. soldier on guard duty dead.
2003.10.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Baghdad's deputy mayor assassinated in a drive-by shooting.
2003.10.26 India Bijbehara 0 14 At least fourteen people are injured when Islamic militants hurl a grenade at a security patrol along a busy road.
2003.10.26 Thailand Narathiwat 3 0 Muslim separatists kill a policeman and two defense volunteers, two days before a larger attack was planned.
2003.10.25 Afghanistan Shkin 2 0 Two American contractors are killed in a Taliban ambush.
2003.10.25 Iraq Habbaniya 3 2 Three civilians are killed and two others injured by Sunni bombing and small arms attack on their vehicle in the Sunni triangle..
2003.10.24 Iraq Amarah 1 0 Police chief is gunned down by Muslim terrorists as he leaves a mosque.
2003.10.24 Iraq Mosul 2 4 Sunni grenade attack kills two children and injures four others.
2003.10.24 Israel Netzarim 3 2 Two Hamas (Islamic Resistance) terrorists infiltrate a Jewish settlement and then enter a barracks to go room from room shooting female soldiers as they slept.
2003.10.22 Israel Hebron 0 2 Two settlers are injured in a gun battle with Palestinian infiltrators.
2003.10.21 Somalia Sheikh 2 0 A British couple who dedicated their lives to teaching in Africa are murdered by Islamic terrorists while sitting in their home.
2003.10.21 India Kulgam 0 17 Militant Muslim throws a grenade into a bus stand, injuring seventeen civilians.
2003.10.20 India Srinagar 1 50 One person is killed and more than fifty injured when a Muslim throws a grenade into a crowded bus terminal.
2003.10.19 Israel Ein Yabrud 3 1 Fatah gunmen ambush an Israeli unit guarding a settlement. Three are killed and one is injured.
2003.10.19 Afghanistan Asadabad 4 5 A civilian pick-up truck is bombed by Taliban insurgents, killing the driver, his brother, and two children.
2003.10.18 Afghanistan Helmand 2 2 Two government troops are killed, and two wounded by a Taliban roadside bombing attack.
2003.10.17 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 A government official is killed after Muslim rebels place a bomb in his car.
2003.10.17 India Srinagar 3 11 Islamic militants attack the residence of a district prime minister, killing a civilian and two security personnel and injuring two civilians. Nine policemen are injured in the ensuing gun battle.
2003.10.16 Chechnya Achkoy-Martan 0 4 Four people are injured, one seriously, by terrorist bombing of a cafe.
2003.10.16 Iraq Karbala 5 7 Five policemen (including three Americans) were killed and seven wounded by terrorists in an RPG attack and gun battle.
2003.10.15 Algeria Barber 1 2 One municipal guard is killed, and two others injured by terrorist bomb set by fundamentalists.
2003.10.15 Israel Gaza 3 1 Three American security guards are killed by a terrorist bombing on their car in Gaza.
2003.10.15 India Choontimulla 1 5 The Mujahideen ambush a security patrol, killing one.
2003.10.14 India Jabri 1 1 Islamists kill a 75-year-old man in a shooting attack and leave his wife badly injured.
2003.10.14 Iraq Baghdad 1 3 Fedayeen car bomber kills a bystander and injures at least three others outside the Turkish embassy.
2003.10.13 India Chalas 2 2 Muslim separatists fire a rocket into a family home, killing a Hindu woman and her 4-year old child. Two other family members were injured.
2003.10.13 Iraq Baiji 1 1 One American is killed, and another injured, by landmine while on patrol at oil refinery.
2003.10.13 Chechnya Shatoi 9 0 Militant Muslim attacks on outposts and a convoy leave nine Russians dead and an unknown number injured.
2003.10.12 Afghanistan Zabul 8 2 80 Taliban fighters on motorbikes attack two government buildings, killing eight people and injuring at least two.
2003.10.12 Iraq Baghdad 6 32 Six people are killed by Fedayeen car-bombing of a hotel. At least thirty-two others are injured.
2003.10.12 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Two Iraqi Christians murdered by Holy Warriors.
2003.10.11 India Nagbal 1 0 A man is abducted from his home and killed in captivity by the Mujahideen.
2003.10.11 Indonesia Sulawesi 8 24 Muslim gunmen attack Christian villagers, killing eight, injuring dozens more and burning at least one church.
2003.10.10 Iraq Baiji 2 4 Roadside bombing against a bus kills two oil company employees and seriously injures four more.
2003.10.09 Algeria Batna 1 0 Algerian policeman has his throat slit by Islamic extremists at a roadblock.
2003.10.09 Indonesia Poso 2 0 Armed Muslims kill at least two Christian villagers and burn homes.
2003.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 8 32 Eight Iraqis are killed when two Fedayeen drive their car, packed with explosives, into a police station. More than thirty are injured.
2003.10.09 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Spanish diplomat assassinated by Muslim terrorists.
2003.10.09 Israel Tulkarm 1 2 One dead, two injured, by a 17-year old suicide bomber sent from the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade.
2003.10.08 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 One Iraqi policeman is killed, and another badly wounded, by a terrorist RPG attack on their checkpoint.
2003.10.07 India Ganeshphora 3 2 Explosive device planted by militant Muslims detonates on a bridge, killing two BSF and injuring three.
2003.10.07 Iraq Baghdad 4 3 Four people are killed in a terrorist ambush.
2003.10.07 Iraq Kirkuk 1 1 One Iraqi employee is killed, and another injured, by al-Qaeda mortar attack on a government building.
2003.10.07 Lebanon Israeli Border 1 0 A Lebanese boy is killed when Hezbollah missiles, intended for Israel, fall short.
2003.10.07 Philippines Manila 3 3 Jailed Abu Sayyaf terrorist kills three policemen who were attempting to negotiate the release of hostages.
2003.10.06 Israel Metulla 1 1 Hezbollah snipers fire from southern Lebanon and kill an Israeli soldier.
2003.10.05 Pakistan Islamabad 5 0 Five people riding in a government vehicle, including a Sunni leader, are assassinated by gunmen.
2003.10.05 Afghanistan Lashkargah 2 3 Taliban attack on an Afghan military post kills two and injures three.
2003.10.05 Algeria Beni Bouateb 1 0 Armed Islamic extremists kill a communal guard for a small village.
2003.10.05 Somalia Borama 1 0 60-year old Italian medical missionary, a woman honored by the U.N. for her work with refugees, is shot twice in the head while leaving a hospital.
2003.10.04 Israel Haifa 19 55 Nineteen people are killed and more than fifty wounded by a Islamic Jihad bomber in a restaurant. Three children were among the dead.
2003.10.04 India Rowshera 0 6 Six Hindus are injured when Muslim terrorists open fire on them as they were returning from temple.
2003.10.04 India Suidhar 2 1 Militant Muslims open fire on a group of civilians, killing two and injuring one.
2003.10.03 Pakistan Quetta 1 2 Rocket attack by fundamentalists on a train kills the engine driver and injures two other employees.
2003.10.03 Philippines Midsayap 4 20 At least four people are killed and over twenty injured when a Muslim separatist hurls a grenade into a Mosque hosting government officials.
2003.10.03 Pakistan Karachi 6 8 Motorcycle shooting attack by Sunnis on a bus carrying Shiites on their way to worship leaves at least six dead and eight injured.
2003.10.03 Iraq Tikrit 2 0 Two Iraqis are killed by a bomb placed in a traffic circle.
2003.10.03 Iraq Baghdad 0 5 Five Iraqis, including four teenagers, are injured by Sunni grenade attack.
2003.10.03 Afghanistan Kabul 2 3 Two Canadian peacekeepers are killed, and three injured, by Taliban landmines targeting the patrol.
2003.10.03 India Pulwama 3 0 Militant Muslims kill three civilians in separate incidents (Budhan, Kreeri Bazaar, Wudar Bala)
2003.10.02 Chechnya Shali 2 0 Muslim extremists open fire on a vehicle carrying a local mayor and his son. Both are killed in the attack.
2003.10.02 Somalia Borama 1 0 Islamic fundamentalists shoot an Italian aid worker to death on the grounds of the TB hospital she helped to found.
2003.10.02 India Budhan 1 0 Terrorists haul a man out of his house and shoot him to death.
2003.10.02 India Kreeri Bazaar 1 0 The Mujahideen kill a shopkeeper in his store.
2003.10.01 Indonesia Pandiri 1 0 A 44-year-old man murdered for leaving Islam and embracing Christianity.
2003.10.01 Iraq Tikrit 1 2 A female driver is killed and two U.S. soldiers are injured by a roadside bomb in the Sunni triangle.
2003.10.01 India Thuru 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists shoot and kill an unarmed youth, whose brother was also injured in the attack.
2003.09.30 Algeria Montgorno 8 3 Islamic fundamentalists ambush Algerian military convoy. Eight soldiers are killed and three injured.
2003.09.30 India Surankote 2 3 Lashker-e-Toiba Fedayeen attack on a police station kills two and injures three.
2003.09.30 Dagestan Unknown 5 0 Jihad attack on police vehicle leaves five dead.
2003.09.30 India Srinagar 0 19 Nineteen people are injured when militant Muslims throw a grenade into a bus stop.
2003.09.28 Kosovo Bresje 2 39 Albanian Muslims shoot grenades into a Serbian marketplace, killing two and injuring thirty-nine.
2003.09.27 Pakistan Karachi 0 10 Ten people are injured when a bomb goes off on a bus.
2003.09.27 Afghanistan Sangin 7 0 Taliban attack kills seven Afghan bodyguards of local governor.
2003.09.27 India Mahore 4 0 A 2-year-old child is among four members of a family slaughtered by the Mujahideen in a heinous attack.
2003.09.26 Israel Negahot 2 2 Palestinian gunman infiltrates a settlement, randomly picks a house, and then proceeds to shoot the residents, including an infant girl.
2003.09.26 Bangladesh Fatullah 1 10 One businessman is killed and ten others people are injured in an attack by militant fundamentalists (Hizbut Touheed).
2003.09.26 Iraq Baqubah 9 15 Mortar attack on a crowded marketplace kills nine and injures at least fifteen.
2003.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Female member of the Iraqi governing council dies five days after terrorists ambush her vehicle. Her two bodyguards were severely injured.
2003.09.25 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 One Somali is killed, and two other civilians injured, by a bomb placed at a hotel housing Western journalists.
2003.09.24 Afghanistan Helmand 2 1 The Taliban attack and kill two local humanitarian aid workers.
2003.09.24 Iraq Mosul 2 8 Grenade attack on a cinema kills two patrons and injures eight.
2003.09.24 Iraq Baghdad 1 18 Bus bombing kills one civilian and injures eighteen.
2003.09.23 India Chak Banola 2 0 Militant Muslims kill a man and his son in their home.
2003.09.22 Iraq Baghdad 1 16 Suicide bomber kills one other person and injures sixteen in an explosion outside UN headquarters.
2003.09.22 Israel Jerusalem 2 16 A female suicide bomber motions over two Israeli policemen and then kills them. Sixteen passersby are also injured.
2003.09.21 India Thanna Mandi 2 0 Muslim terrorists invade a home, dragging out the husband and wife inside, then hanging them.
2003.09.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 13 Terrorist mortar bombing of a prison kills two U.S. military policemen and injured thirteen others.
2003.09.21 India Rajouri 4 27 Bomb planted by Muslim terrorists in a video camera explodes in a marketplace, killing four and injuring twenty-seven.
2003.09.19 Algeria Boumerdes 1 0 Man who repented his Islamic beliefs killed by armed Islamists.
2003.09.19 India Kashmir 5 0 Five civilians are killed in separate attacks by Islamic radicals.
2003.09.18 India Kashmir 4 0 Four civilians are killed in separate Mujahideen attacks, including one who was beheaded.
2003.09.18 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 Taliban car bomb kills four in front of the home of a local police commander.
2003.09.17 India Laam 2 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists attack a security patrol with an IED. The device kills two and injures one other.
2003.09.17 India Chak Nutnusa 2 1 Terrorists invade a home and open fire on a family. A man and his son are killed, his daughter is injured.
2003.09.17 Algeria Oued Djemaa 9 0 Nine Algerian soldiers are killed in an ambush by Islamic fundamentalists.
2003.09.16 India Khanyar 1 7 One civilian is killed in a blast engineered by a Muslim terrorist group. Seven other people are injured.
2003.09.15 Philippines Campo Uno 2 0 Muslim rebels ambush a group of civilians, killing a teacher and his student.
2003.09.15 Russia Magas 3 25 Fedayeen truck bombing kills at least three people and injures more than twenty-five others.
2003.09.15 Iraq Khaldiya 1 2 Iraqi police chief killed in a Sunni ambush. Two others badly injured.
2003.09.15 Iraq Mosul 1 13 Militants hurl grenade at Albanian soldiers, one is killed and thirteen Iraqi bystanders are injured.
2003.09.14 India Sam Samad 2 0 Two government teachers are killed by militant Muslims, one of whom was abducted and beheaded.
2003.09.13 India Hajan 3 8 Three people, including a former member of parliament, are killed and eight wounded in a terrorist attack.
2003.09.13 India Neelidori 4 6 Four security force personnel are killed, and five more wounded, in a Fedayeen attack.
2003.09.13 India Bijbehara 2 14 Two civilians are killed, and another fourteen injured, by a IED explosion set by militant Muslims.
2003.09.11 India Srinagar 2 14 al-Umar Mujahideen hurl a grenade into a busy market, killing a woman and injuring at least fourteen other people. One of the injured later dies in hospital.
2003.09.11 England Bradford 1 0 A 17-year-old girl is strangled by her family for resisting an arranged marriage.
2003.09.09 India Sopat 1 1 Muslim terrorists attempt to assassinate a political figure. One bodyguard is killed and another injured.
2003.09.09 India Doda 1 7 One young girl is killed and seven other people injured in a grenade attack by militant Muslims on a market.
2003.09.09 Israel Tel Aviv 8 15 Eight people are killed and fifteen injured when a Hamas (Islamic Resistance) bomber dressed as an Israeli soldier detonates a suicide bomb at a bus stop.
2003.09.09 Israel Jerusalem 7 50 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) bomber detonates explosives outside a cafe. Seven patron are killed and at least fifty injured.
2003.09.09 Iraq Arbil 3 41 Three Iraqis, including a 12-year old boy, are killed and more than forty others injured by a suicide bomber.
2003.09.08 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 1 Taliban insurgents stop a Danish relief vehicle carrying aid workers for a refugee project. They tie up five of them and then execute four with AK-47s.
2003.09.08 Afghanistan Shah Wali Kot 5 5 Taliban attack on a pick-up truck kills five Afghan soldiers and leaves another five injured.
2003.09.08 India Sarmarg 1 0 A woman is shot to death by radical Muslims.
2003.09.06 India Udhampur 3 6 A Jihad attack on a remote police station leaves three people dead and six injured.
2003.09.06 India Srinagar 7 37 Muslim car-bombing in a fruit market kills at least seven and injures over thirty-seven.
2003.09.05 Algeria Mizrana Forest 2 3 Islamic fundamentalists kill two Algerian soldiers and injure three others in a bombing.
2003.09.05 Iraq Mosul 1 1 A dedicated humanitarian and father of three is killed in a Sunni terrorist ambush while working for a charity organization that was working to clear mines in civilian areas.
2003.09.05 Afghanistan Nangrahar 2 19 Two people are killed and another nineteen injured when terrorists throw grenades at a wedding party.
2003.09.05 Iraq al-Shab City 0 3 Three Sunnis are injured by Shia shooting attack on a mosque.
2003.09.04 India Poonch 1 2 An Indian woman is killed, and her two children injured, in a failed Fedayeen suicide attack on a military building.
2003.09.04 Israel Jenin 1 4 Palestinian gunmen kill an Israeli soldier and injure four more.
2003.09.04 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five people attending a funeral for two slain political activists are shot to death in a terrorist attack.
2003.09.03 Russia Kislovodsk 5 29 Mujahideen terrorist bombing of a commuter train leaves five civilians dead and about thirty injured.
2003.09.03 India Chamalwas 5 0 Militant Muslims break up a wedding party and kill five members of the same family including a child.
2003.09.03 Iraq Ramadi 1 2 Fedayeen suicide bombing kills an Iraqi interpreter and injures two U.S. soldiers.
2003.09.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 10 One Iraqi policeman was killed, and at least ten bystanders were injured when a car bomb exploded outside a police station.
2003.09.02 India Alla Kala 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists kill three members of the same family in a home invasion, including a mother and her 14-year old son.
2003.09.02 India Udhampur 4 0 Four civilians, including a father and his two sons, are shot to death by militant Muslim terrorists.
2003.09.02 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two political activists murdered in a shooting attack by Islamic radicals.
2003.09.02 India Awantipora 1 20 Terrorist bombing of a bus kills the driver and injures twenty passengers, including three women.
2003.09.01 Iraq Baghdad 2 1 Sunni roadside bomb kills two military policemen and injures one other.
2003.09.01 India Jawahar Tunnel 1 3 Bomb disposal specialist is killed, and three other people wounded, while attempting to defuse terrorist bomb.
2003.08.31 Kosovo Gnjilane 1 5 Terrorist grenade attack kills one Serbian, leaves five others injured.
2003.08.31 India Jugnu 1 0 A woman is murdered inside her home by the Mujahideen.
2003.08.31 India Handwara 4 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba a search team, killing four members.
2003.08.31 Sudan Habila 30 0 The Muslim Republic drops bombs on an African village earlier in the month, killing at least thirty civilians. (2003)
2003.08.30 India Kashmir 3 0 Two civilians are killed in Budgam by the Mujahideen, and another in his home in Kulgam.
2003.08.29 Iraq Najaf 85 142 At least eighty-five people are killed in a car bombing by radical Islamists for the purpose of assassinating a moderate Shi'ite cleric. At least one-hundred forty others are injured.
2003.08.29 Israel Ramallah 1 1 Israeli couple is attacked by Palestinian gunmen while driving. The husband is killed and his 24-year old pregnant wife badly injured.
2003.08.28 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 0 Three Afghan soldiers killed by a Taliban attack on a remote checkpoint.
2003.08.28 India Bijbehara 1 2 Militant Muslim lobs a grenade at a police vehicle, it misses, killing a bystander instead and injuring two others.
2003.08.28 India Srinagar 4 0 Three civilians were killed, along with a security officer, and an unknown number injured when Islamic terrorists attack a Hotel with grenades and firearms.
2003.08.27 Dagestan Makhachkala 1 1 Islamic extremists place bomb on the roof of a car carrying a Russian minister. The minister is killed and his driver badly injured.
2003.08.26 Chechnya Grozny 3 0 Three policemen were killed in a terrorist RPG attack.
2003.08.25 India Mumbai 51 156 Two terrorist bombs in civilian areas kill at least fifty-one people and injure more than one-hundred and fifty. Muslim student group behind the attack.
2003.08.25 Russia Krasnodar 3 17 Three people were killed in a series of bombings at a cafe and bus stop by Muslim terrorists.
2003.08.25 India Katarmal 3 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists force their way into a home and kill a man, his wife, and his daughter-in-law.
2003.08.24 Iraq Najaf 3 10 Terrorists bomb the house of a Shi'ite leader, targeted for his moderate views. The cleric survived, but three others are killed and ten injured.
2003.08.23 Afghanistan Dai Chupan 5 0 Taliban attack on a truck carrying government soldiers leaves at least five dead.
2003.08.23 Iraq Basra 3 1 Fedayeen gunmen ambush a British vehicle with a flatbed truck, kill three and wound one.
2003.08.22 Philippines Barangay Matarling 1 4 Abu Sayyaf gunmen attack the house of a 37-year old Christian woman. They kill her and injure four members of her family.
2003.08.22 Pakistan Hyderabad 0 5 Five people injured by a bomb placed under a restaurant.
2003.08.22 India Badikote 1 0 The body of a young woman is found two days after she is kidnapped by the Mujahideen.
2003.08.21 Chechnya Grozny 9 2 Muslim car bomb kills nine Russian soldiers and injures two more.
2003.08.20 Iraq Tikrit 1 2 An American interpreter is killed by a Sunni sniper and RPG attack, two others are injured.
2003.08.20 India Naristan 1 0 Islamic militants kidnap an 85-year-old man and kill him in captivity.
2003.08.19 Pakistan Rajouri 1 0 A doctor is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2003.08.19 India Baramulla 2 0 A fruit merchant is abducted and killed in one of two terror attacks.
2003.08.19 Iraq Baghdad 23 100 At least twenty-three people are killed, and more than one-hundred injured, by Fedayeen suicide bombing attack on a hotel.
2003.08.19 Israel Jerusalem 20 100 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) take credit for blowing up a civilian bus killing at least twenty, including five children and a mother of thirteen (along with her five-month old baby), and injuring more than one hundred, including about forty children.
2003.08.18 Afghanistan Kharwar 10 0 Ten Afghan policeman, returning from a funeral, were ambushed and killed by Taliban fundamentalists.
2003.08.18 India Kashmir 3 0 In separate incidents, Muslim terrorists kill three civilians, including the elderly father of a police constable. (Damhal Khushipora, Morha Handa, Bumlakhi).
2003.08.17 Afghanistan Barmal (Patika) 7 0 A large-scale attack on a police station in southeastern Afghanistan by Taliban insurgents leaves seven Afghans dead.
2003.08.17 India Rajouri 1 0 Muslims kidnap and cut off the head of a civilian.
2003.08.16 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are murdered in separate attacks by the Mujahideen.
2003.08.16 Iraq Baghdad 6 59 Six Iraqis are killed and nearly sixty injured by attempted terrorist attack on a U.S. position using mortar bombs.
2003.08.16 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two Shia, both career professionals, are gunned down by Sunni assassins. Interestingly, the Shiites retaliate against KFC.
2003.08.15 India Pakherpora 0 16 Sixteen civilians are injured when militant Muslims toss a grenade into the street.
2003.08.14 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are murdered in their homes by the Mujahideen (Thamlot & Kandi).
2003.08.14 India Bandipore 2 40 Muslim militants plant a bomb on a bicycle that goes off killing at least two and injuring more than forty.
2003.08.14 India Khudwani 1 7 Grenade lobbed by Muslim terrorists at a police station bounces into passersby, killing one and injuring another seven.
2003.08.14 Iraq Zubayr 1 2 Terrorist attack on a military ambulance kills one British soldier and leaves two others badly injured.
2003.08.14 Chechnya Samachki 2 10 Two Russian soldiers are killed and ten others wounded in attack by Fedayeen terrorists.
2003.08.13 Kosovo Gorazdevac 2 4 Kosovo Muslims waiting in the bushes with automatic weapons ambush Serbian boys (ages 10 to 20) who were returning from a swimming trip. Two are killed and four injured.
2003.08.13 Chechnya Vedeno 5 3 Five Russians are killed and three injured in IED attack.
2003.08.13 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Two Islamic university students are killed and another injured when a bomb that they were making for a terrorist attack explodes prematurely.
2003.08.13 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 3 2 al-Qaeda gunmen kill three security force personnel and injure two in a shootout.
2003.08.13 Afghanistan Lashkargah 15 5 Taliban bomb on a passenger bus kills fifteen, including six children.
2003.08.13 India Bandipore 3 48 Al-Mansoorain terrorists kill three people and injure nearly fifty others with an IED.
2003.08.13 India Poonch 2 0 Two civilians are killed in separate Jihad attacks, including one in a bombing at his shop.
2003.08.12 India Budhan 1 0 A civilian is abducted and killed by Islamic terrorists.
2003.08.12 Israel Tel Aviv 1 10 Fatah suicide bomber kills a 42 year-old father of two in a shopping mall. Several others are injured.
2003.08.12 Israel Ariel 1 2 Hamas suicide bomber kills one Israeli civilian and injures two others
2003.08.12 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 3 Two Red Crescent aid workers are killed and three others wounded when their ambulance (bearing the insignia of the Red Cross, however) is attacked by Taliban loyalists.
2003.08.11 Israel Shlomi 1 4 Hezbollah rocket attack on a village kills a 16 year-old and leaves four other civilians injured.
2003.08.11 India Kandi 1 0 A woman is killed inside her home by the Mujahideen.
2003.08.10 India Kupwara 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by Muslim terrorists. One is shot in his home (Drubgam), the other is abducted and later killed (Kandi Khas).
2003.08.10 Pakistan Lahore 5 0 Five women were murdered in their home by a man who 'doubted their modesty (Muslim 'honor' killing).
2003.08.09 Pakistan Karachi 5 0 Five brothers shot to death in an armed attack outside a mosque.
2003.08.09 India Kasblari 2 0 The Mujahideen force their way into a house and kill a young man and his father.
2003.08.07 Iraq Baghdad 16 43 At least sixteen people are confirmed dead and more than forty injured by a terrorist car bomb that exploded outside the Jordanian embassy.
2003.08.07 India Srinagar 2 5 Militant Islamic grenade attack on a military vehicle in a crowded marketplace kills two and injures at least five.
2003.08.07 Afghanistan Desho 7 0 Six Afghan soldiers and a driver are killed by a Taliban attack on a government building.
2003.08.07 Ingushetia Border 6 7 Jihad ambush on a vehicle kills six soldiers on routine patrol and injures another seven.
2003.08.07 India Tral & Dhok 3 0 Islamic militants abduct and kill two citizens from Tral. In Dhok, they kill another civilian in his house.
2003.08.06 India Sangrampora 2 0 A man and his son are pulled out of their home and beheaded by Jihadis.
2003.08.06 USA Houston, TX 1 0 After undergoing a religious revival, a Saudi college student slashes the throat of a Jewish student with a 4" butterfly knife, nearly decapitating the young man.
2003.08.05 Indonesia Jakarta 14 100 A successful Jemaah Islamiyah suicide attack on a Western hotel in Jakarta kills ten and injures over one hundred people.
2003.08.05 Iraq Tikrit 1 0 American oil worker killed by remote-controlled bomb.
2003.08.04 India Mahore 2 0 Terrorists kill two people, including a teacher attending a wedding.
2003.08.03 India Buntrchan 1 0 A man is killed in his home by the Mujahideen.
2003.08.03 Israel Jerusalem 0 4 Palestinian gunmen open up on a car carrying a mother and three children. All were wounded in the attack.
2003.08.03 Algeria Chlef 3 0 Islamic extremists stop a civilian vehicle, spray it with machine-gun fire, then slit the throats of the three occupants.
2003.08.02 Iraq Baghdad 3 3 Two soldiers and an interpreter are killed when Sunni terrorist detonate a landmine under their vehicle.
2003.08.01 India Khablan 1 1 The Mujahideen invade a home and beat a young girl to death. Her sister is severely injured as well.
2003.07.31 India Shopian 1 0 A man is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2003.07.31 Russia Mozdok 50 100 A Fedayeen suicide bomber drives into a hospital and kills at least fifty. More than one hundred are injured in the blast.
2003.07.31 Chechnya Pervomayskoy 4 0 Four federal investigators are killed by a terrorist attack in Chechnya.
2003.07.31 Algeria Jijel 3 3 Islamic fundamentalists attack a group of civilians. Three are killed and three injured.
2003.07.30 Afghanistan Paktika 1 2 A civilian was killed in his home by a Taliban bombing that also injured two policemen.
2003.07.30 India Kokernag 1 0 In a brutal attack, the Mujahideen kidnap and kill a civilian.
2003.07.29 Pal. Auth. West Bank 1 0 Muslim extremists abduct a Christian convert, butcher him and then return his body to his children in pieces.
2003.07.29 Philippines Patikul 3 0 Three civilians are gunned down by Abu Sayyaf terrorists in the Philippines.
2003.07.29 Afghanistan Spin Kotal 1 1 Taliban elements attack an international relief agency vehicle and kill the driver.
2003.07.29 Chechnya Ingushetia 5 0 Terrorist landmine kills five Russians.
2003.07.29 Algeria Sahara 1 0 German woman, one of fifteen hostages held by Islamic fundamentalists in the Sahara desert, dies of heat stroke.
2003.07.29 India Bandipore 1 1 Militant Muslims invade a civilian's home. They kill one of the resident's daughters and injure another.
2003.07.29 Afghanistan Nakhohni 1 0 Religious cleric assassinated by Taliban gunmen.
2003.07.28 India Mumbai 2 47 Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists plant a bomb on a passenger bus, killing two and injuring at least forty-seven.
2003.07.28 Pakistan Saidgai 3 4 Three people, including a woman, are killed in an Islamist bombing at a residence.
2003.07.28 India Surankote 1 1 A girl is killed in her home, in an attack that also injures her mother.
2003.07.27 India Thanna Mandi 1 12 A village headsmen is killed by the Mujahideen. Twelve civilians sustain injuries from an Anantnag grenade attack on a bus stop.
2003.07.27 Afghanistan Girishk 6 0 Six afghan policeman are killed in an al-Qaeda attack on their vehicle.
2003.07.27 Pakistan Miranshah 0 9 Islamic fundamentalists detonate a bomb under a vehicle at a crowded bazaar. Nine people are injured.
2003.07.26 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 Muslim militants attempt a political assassination, leaving one dead and one injured.
2003.07.26 Iraq Baqubah 3 4 Sunni terrorist throws grenade into crowd of soldiers guarding a children's hospital from looters. Three are killed and four badly injured.
2003.07.26 India Narkote 1 0 A civilian is abducted and brutally killed by the Mujahideen.
2003.07.25 India Morha Bachchai 2 4 Jihadis ambush a security patrol, killing two and injuring four.
2003.07.25 Sudan Shoba East 42 10 Government troops and Arab militias loot and destroy two African villages, killing at least forty-two civilians.
2003.07.25 India Kashmir 4 0 In separate incidents (Saliya, Khandaypora, Kathsoo, Barath) Muslim terrorists target and kill four civilians.
2003.07.25 Kosovo Kosovska Mitrovica 1 4 Grenade attack on police station kills one and injures four.
2003.07.22 India Aknoor 8 12 Fedayeen suicide attack on an Indian army camp kills eight and wounds at least a dozen.
2003.07.22 India Banganga 7 42 Brazen terrorist attack by Muslim militants on a crowd of Hindu villagers who had gathered to receive food kills at least seven and injures more than forty.
2003.07.22 Iraq Hilla 1 1 Shooting attack on a plainly marked Red Cross vehicle kills one staff member and injures the driver.
2003.07.21 Iraq Baghdad 2 3 Sunni attack kills a soldier and an interpreter. Three others are injured.
2003.07.21 Chechnya Assinovskya 1 4 Bus bombing kills one policeman and seriously injures four others.
2003.07.19 India Tral 0 19 Nineteen people are injured when Muslim militant hurls grenade into a crowded marketplace.
2003.07.19 India Nag Batra & Khour 2 1 In two separate attacks Islamic terrorists kill two villagers and injure a young girl.
2003.07.18 Iraq Fallujah 1 0 Homemade terrorist bomb kills U.S soldier.
2003.07.18 Afghanistan Khost 8 1 Eight Afghan soldiers are killed by Taliban militants in a mine explosion.
2003.07.18 India Shopian 2 0 Two people, including a young girl, are shot to death in their homes by the Mujahideen.
2003.07.17 Dagestan Unknown 3 0 Terrorist bombing near a police station kills at least three people, including a pregnant woman.
2003.07.17 Chechnya Khasavyurt 4 15 Two police personnel, a pregnant woman and a child were killed in a terrorist bombing by Muslim rebels. Fifteen others were injured.
2003.07.17 India Harong 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists drag three Hindu villagers, including a woman, out of their houses and execute them.
2003.07.17 Algeria Skikda 4 0 Four civilians killed by Islamic extremists at a roadblock.
2003.07.16 Iraq Haditha 2 0 Pro-American mayor is shot to death, along with his son, while sitting in his car.
2003.07.16 India Guzarbal Bonkoot 2 0 A woman is among two people kidnapped from their home by Islamic radicals and murdered in captivity.
2003.07.16 India Beerwah 1 1 A man is killed inside his home by the Mujahideen, who also injure his young son in the attack.
2003.07.16 Pakistan Hyderabad 0 11 Islamic fundamentalists thought to be behind a bombing at a hospital that injures eleven.
2003.07.15 Israel Tel Aviv 1 2 al-Aqsa Fatah terrorist stabs three civilians, including one woman. The Israeli killed used his body to successfully shield the woman from the Muslim's knife.
2003.07.15 India Bomthan 4 0 Islamic terrorists kill four civilians in four separate encounters (Bomthan, Zadoora, Tampora and SM Pura) on the same day.
2003.07.14 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 3 0 Islamic extremists ambush a truck and kill three bank employees riding inside.
2003.07.14 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 2 Taliban attack on a police station with automatic weapons kills five and injures at least two.
2003.07.14 India Hapat Nar 2 3 An ambush on a security patrol leaves two dead and three injured.
2003.07.13 India Surankote and Mendhar 3 0 Three civilians are killed in their homes by Muslim militants.
2003.07.13 India Machil 2 0 Militant Muslim attack on a security patrol leaves two SF personnel dead.
2003.07.12 Chechnya Shatoi 9 5 Fedayeen fighters ambush a patrol vehicle with a landmine then rush in with automatic weapons and grenades. Nine Russians are dead and five injured.
2003.07.12 Chechnya Benoi-Vedeno 3 3 Terrorist landmine kills three Russian servicemen and leaves another three injured.
2003.07.12 Chechnya Alkhan-Kala 3 2 Three sappers are killed in a terrorist bombing attack.
2003.07.12 India Chak Banola 1 3 A militant Muslim group attacks a police station, killing one of the officers and injuring three others.
2003.07.12 India Kashmir 1 8 The Mujahideen kill a civilian in Doda and injure eight others, including five women, in a Baramulla grenade attack on a bus.
2003.07.11 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two office workers are killed in Islamic bombing attack against a Crown Plaza building.
2003.07.10 Indonesia Kawua 0 5 A Christian-owned restaurant is bombed. Five people suffer injuries including a child.
2003.07.10 Indonesia Sulawesi 1 0 Muslims attack and shoot a Christian to death as he was working his farm.
2003.07.10 Philippines Koronadal 3 29 Three people, including two children, are killed and about two dozen others wounded by a Moro Islamic terrorist bombing in a marketplace.
2003.07.10 Russia Moscow 1 0 Security officer attempting to defuse a female Fedayeen bomb is killed.
2003.07.10 India Doda 2 0 Muslim militants kill a civilian and one of their own who was attempting to surrender.
2003.07.10 India Khara 1 0 The Hizb-ul-Mujahideen kill a civilian at his village.
2003.07.10 Iran Tehran 1 0 The Iranian government beats a Canadian journalist to death, who was imprisoned for taking pictures of student protesters.
2003.07.09 India Kulgam 1 0 Hizbul Mujahideen terrorists assassinate political activist.
2003.07.08 Israel Kfar Yavetz 1 3 Suicide bomber identified as Islamic Jihad kills a 65-year old grandmother of twenty watching TV in her house. Three of her grandchildren are injured.
2003.07.07 India Nowshera 5 1 Three Islamic gunmen open fire on a group of Hindu villagers, killing five, including two women, and critically injuring one.
2003.07.06 Chechnya Grozny 3 2 Bomb planted by Muslim rebels in a passenger car kills three policemen and injures two.
2003.07.06 Israel Ramallah 1 0 Palestinian terrorists shoot and kill a 35-year old man suspected of being an Israeli collaborator.
2003.07.06 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 U.S. soldier guarding Baghdad University is shot in the back and killed.
2003.07.06 India Baramulla 3 1 Three people, including two children, are killed in two separate incidents.
2003.07.05 India Doda 2 0 Two civilians are gunned down in separate Mujahideen attacks.
2003.07.05 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 3 0 Three government officials killed by Islamic fundamentalists at a roadblock
2003.07.05 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 24-year old British journalist shot in the back of the head by Fedayeen assassin outside a museum.
2003.07.05 Russia Moscow 14 24 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers, both female, kill fourteen young people and injure at least two dozen others attending a rock concert.
2003.07.05 Iraq Ramadi 7 40 Jihad terrorist bombing leaves seven Iraqi police recruits dead. More than forty are injured.
2003.07.05 Pakistan Ranala Kot 1 0 Catholic priest, who received death threats from fundamentalist Muslims, is shot and killed in his home.
2003.07.04 Pakistan Quetta 53 60 Sunni attack on a Shia Mosque, involving suicide bombers and automatic weapons, leaves fifty-three worshipers dead and at least sixty more injured.
2003.07.04 India Larnu 4 20 Islamic terrorists toss a grenade and open fire into a political meeting, killing two people and wounding twenty. Two others later die of injuries.
2003.07.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 U.S. soldier guarding the National Museum is gunned down by a sniper.
2003.07.02 India Shopian 2 0 The Jaish-e-Mohammed abducts and murders two police officers.
2003.07.02 India Handwara 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and executed by Muslim radicals.
2003.07.02 India Balas Dharam 1 1 A man is killed, and his wife injured in a Jihad attack on their home.
2003.07.01 India Doda 1 10 A civilian is gunned down by the Mujahideen, who injure ten civilians in a separate grenade attack.
2003.06.30 India Swara Chalil 1 0 Radical Muslims drag a 19-year-old girl out of her home and shoot her to death in the street.
2003.06.30 India Seri Chawana 2 1 Two civilians killed by Muslim terrorists, one other is injured.
2003.06.30 Israel Jenin 1 0 One day after agreeing to a cease-fire, Fatah gunmen open up on a truck carrying foreign construction workers. One Bulgarian is killed.
2003.06.30 Chechnya Starye Atagi 4 8 Terrorist attack on an administrative building leaves four dead and eight wounded.
2003.06.30 Iraq Fallujah 5 15 Explosives hidden in a Mosque for use against American explode prematurely killing at least five and injuring more than fifteen.
2003.06.29 India Kharoosa 1 0 A man is killed in his home by the Mujahideen.
2003.06.28 Algeria El Milia 1 0 Former Islamist, who renounced extremists views, is kidnapped by Islamists and is murdered by having his throat cut.
2003.06.28 India Chalpora Wadipora 1 0 Civilian kidnapped, tortured and killed by Muslim terrorists.
2003.06.28 India Jammu 12 8 Fedayeen suicide attack on a military barracks kills twelve men and injures seven. Most of the victims were sleeping when attacked.
2003.06.26 Israel Baqa al-Gharbiya 1 0 Israeli security guard is shot and killed by an Arab youth sent by al-Aqsa martyrs brigade.
2003.06.26 Iraq Baghdad 1 1 Explosive device near a truck carrying Iraqi electrical workers kills one and injures one.
2003.06.25 India Wagbal & Kishtwar 2 0 Two civilians are killed by Muslim terrorists in separate incidents. One involved a home invasion and the other was a shepherd who was abducted while grazing his cattle.
2003.06.25 Algeria Tablat 8 1 Islamic fundamentalists kill eight villagers, including six children. They also kidnap a 24-year old woman.
2003.06.25 India Kulgam 2 1 Muslim terrorist attack on a remote army camp kills two and injures one.
2003.06.25 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 1 Taliban ambush a military vehicle in route and kill two of the occupants with point-blank machine gun fire.
2003.06.24 Iraq Amarah 6 8 Six British military policemen are murdered by a Shiite mob. Eight others are wounded in the attack.
2003.06.23 India Lassipora 3 1 Terrorists invade the home of an 80-year old man and kill him along with his son and daughter-in-law.
2003.06.23 Israel Gaza 4 4 Four are killed, four others injured when a bomb carried by the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade explodes prematurely.
2003.06.23 India Pulwama 2 33 Muslim militants explode a bomb near a crowded bus, killing two civilians and injuring thirty-three others.
2003.06.23 India Sam Samad 1 0 A 20-year-old woman is abducted, sexually assaulted, and murdered by Mujahideen, who say that she was an informer.
2003.06.22 India Shopian 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Muslim radicals, including a 34-year-old woman who is tortured before being killed.
2003.06.21 Algeria Merjet el-Abed 5 0 Five members of the same family, including three children were slaughtered by Islamic fundamentalists in an attack on a village.
2003.06.20 India Dodi & Samot 2 0 In separate incidents, two women are abducted and killed by Muslim terrorists. One was shot to death and the other had poison injected into her.
2003.06.20 Algeria Theniet El-Abed 1 3 One killed and three others injured by a bomb set by Islamic fundamentalists.
2003.06.20 Israel Ofra 1 3 Israeli-American is killed by Hamas (Islamic Resistance) gunmen when driving through the West Bank with his elderly parents (also shot) and his wife.
2003.06.20 Chechnya Grozny 6 36 Suicide bombing by two Muslims kills six policeman and injures at least three dozen civilians.
2003.06.20 India Pulwama 0 27 Mujahideen grenade attack in a crowded marketplace injures twenty-seven.
2003.06.20 Pakistan Quetta 1 0 Shia leader gunned down by Sunni rivals.
2003.06.19 Israel Moshav Sde Terumot 1 0 Father of six working in his grocery is killed by an Islamic Jihad suicide bomber.
2003.06.19 Algeria El Ancer 4 0 Four people killed by armed Islamic extremists in an attack on a civilian vehicle.
2003.06.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 2 Fedayeen attack on an ambulance kills one American and injures two more.
2003.06.18 Chechnya Grozny 4 1 Shooting attack on a car by Muslim militants leaves four dead and one wounded.
2003.06.18 India Jameri 2 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen goes on a rampage in a village, setting homes on fire and killing two people, including a teenage boy.
2003.06.17 India Khiram & Shopian 3 3 In separate incidents, Muslim militants assassinate the son of a local politician in his home then kill two more people by setting a bomb in a market district.
2003.06.17 Israel Kibbutz Eyal 1 3 Palestinian gunmen open fire on a civilian car, killing a 7-year old girl and wounding her 3-year old sister along with her brother and grandfather.
2003.06.16 Algeria Tizi N'Tleta 4 1 Four policemen are killed, and another injured, by terrorist bombing.
2003.06.16 India Mangota 1 0 Terrorists invade a home and kill one of the women living there.
2003.06.14 Algeria El-Youssoufia 8 2 Attack by armed Islamic group leaves eight security force personnel dead and two wounded.
2003.06.13 India Kupwara 3 1 Mujahideen militants kill three civilians, including two women, after forcing their way into a home.
2003.06.12 India Kokernag 2 5 Terrorist blast kills two Indian soldiers and injures five more.
2003.06.12 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 In separate incidents a Sunni activist and a civil engineer are killed in sectarian violence.
2003.06.12 Algeria Batna 3 0 Islamic extremists slit the throats of three captured civilians.
2003.06.12 Algeria M'sila 2 0 Two people, including a deputy mayor are assassinated by armed Islamists.
2003.06.12 Afghanistan Terin Kot 9 6 Nine Sunni Muslims were killed and at least six others wounded in a religiously motivated attack by followers of the Shiite Muslim faith.
2003.06.12 India Pazalpora 3 0 Two civilians are abducted and slaughtered by the Mujahideen. Another civilian suffers the same fate in Angmattipora.
2003.06.11 Israel Jerusalem 16 112 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) bomber, disguised as an Orthodox Jew blows up a bus, killing sixteen and injuring at least one-hundred and twelve.
2003.06.10 India Kasbrari 1 0 A government official is assassinated by Islamists.
2003.06.09 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen in separate incidents (Karoos & Wanigam-Tragbal).
2003.06.09 Chechnya Dyshne-Vedeno 2 9 Mujahideen bomb attack kills two policeman and injures nine more.
2003.06.08 Afghanistan Kabul 5 11 Suicide bombing attack against a bus carrying international peacekeepers kills four Germans and injures at least a dozen more. One passerby was also killed.
2003.06.08 Israel Erez 5 4 Gunmen from three different Islamic terrorist groups, disguised as IDF soldiers, open fire on a checkpoint in Gaza, killing four soldiers and wounding four others. A fifth soldier is killed in Hebron.
2003.06.08 India Pasri Adda 1 0 Hizb-ul Mujahideen terrorists responsible for the murder of a government worker.
2003.06.08 Pakistan Quetta 12 9 Sunni terrorists on motorcycles pull along side a truck full of policemen from the minority Shiite faith and spray them with automatic weapons. Twelve are killed, nine injured.
2003.06.08 India Bhillwar 4 0 Muslim militants kidnap and brutally execute four Hindu villagers.
2003.06.08 India Machipora-Handwara 1 0 Radical Muslims force their way into the home of a widow and shoot her to death.
2003.06.08 Nigeria Numan 1 0 Female Christian pastor stabbed to death by a radical Muslim as she was returning home from work (2003).
2003.06.07 India Chrung 1 3 An AK-47 attack on a group of civilians by Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists leaves at least one civilian dead.
2003.06.07 Turkey Yaylim 1 0 A young woman finally dies after clinging to life for seven months in a coma following a stoning for becoming pregnant.
2003.06.07 India Samot 3 1 Muslim terrorists ambush a wedding party, killing three civilians and critically wounding a fourth.
2003.06.05 Chechnya North Border 17 12 Female Fedayeen suicide bomber blows up a bus containing civilians and military personnel. At least seventeen are killed and more than a dozen injured.
2003.06.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 9 0 Nine people are killed by a Taliban attack.
2003.06.04 Algeria Beni Douala 8 0 Islamic militants kill eight policeman in an ambush.
2003.06.04 Algeria Boumedefaa 12 2 Twelve people are murdered and two more injured by Islamic extremists on a remote highway.
2003.06.04 India Malat 1 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists shoot a civilian to death in captivity.
2003.06.03 India Kishtwar 2 0 A man is killed in his home by the Mujahideen, who had abducted and murdered a second person earlier.
2003.06.03 Kosovo Obilic 3 0 Three members of a Serb family, including an elderly couple, are beaten to death in their beds by Muslim attackers.
2003.06.02 Indonesia Kapompa 1 1 Muslim attack on a Christian village leaves one dead and at least one other injured.
2003.06.02 India Jammu 4 0 Four civilians are killed in separate attacks by Islamic terrorists, including one who is beheaded.
2003.06.01 India Bhatta Dhar 3 0 Militant Muslims abduct and kill three civilians. Two were brothers grazing their cattle at the time.
2003.05.31 Saudi Arabia Turba 2 2 Two al-Qaeda members throw a bomb at Saudi security personnel, killing two and injuring two.
2003.05.31 Pakistan Quetta 1 1 Sunni motorcyclists open fire on the car of a Shiite cleric, wounding him and killing his son.
2003.05.30 Chechnya Khankala 7 15 Muslim rebels explode a bomb under a bus, killing seven and injuring fifteen.
2003.05.30 India Hiltak & Kandi 3 0 Jihad terrorists kill three, including a father and son.
2003.05.30 India Karyot 2 0 Two school students are killed in a mine attack by militant Muslims.
2003.05.30 India Kashmir 4 3 Four civilians are killed in three separate Mujahideen attacks.
2003.05.29 Indonesia Marowo 1 1 Muslim terrorists gun down a man for traveling with his Christian brother-in-law.
2003.05.29 Philippines Cotabato 5 0 Moro Islamic fighters raid three Christian villages, killing five civilians.
2003.05.27 India Tararan Wali 1 2 A man is killed, and his wife and son seriously injured when Islamists open fire on their home.
2003.05.27 India Arin Dardpora 3 0 The Mujahideen invade a home and kill a man, his wife and elderly father.
2003.05.26 India Bandipore 3 0 Muslim rebels invade a home and kill three members of a family.
2003.05.26 Algeria Chlef 14 0 Islamics kill fourteen people, all from the same family. The victims, who include children aged 18-months to 17-years all had their throats slit.
2003.05.25 India Rajouri 5 0 Muslim rebels kill five members of a shepherd family, including a mother and three of her children.
2003.05.25 Algeria Boukaat El Maqam 8 0 Armed Islamic militants kill eight people in western Algeria.
2003.05.25 India Jul-Sheeri 2 0 Two people are killed inside their home after Muslim radicals force entry.
2003.05.24 Chechnya Grozny 14 0 The Mujahideen ambush a convoy and slaughter fourteen people.
2003.05.23 Israel Gaza 0 8 Hamas detonates pipe bomb under a bus. Eight passengers are hospitalized.
2003.05.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 8 A sectarian clash leaves a 15-year-old boy dead and eight others injured.
2003.05.22 Sudan Longochok 59 0 Islamic troops attack a Christian village, burning homes and killing at least fifty-nine villagers. They also take captive several women and children (some of whom are killed later).
2003.05.21 India Anantnag 1 1 Muslim grenade attack on a Christian convent kills one female teacher and injures another.
2003.05.21 India GoI Chakri 1 3 Terrorist attack on a Intelligence Bureau vehicle kills one and injures three.
2003.05.21 India Sangam & Chogal 2 0 In separate incidents Muslim separatists abduct and kill two civilians.
2003.05.20 Israel Afula 3 70 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) and Islamic Jihad vie for responsibility of a bombing in a shopping mall that kills three and injures over seventy.
2003.05.20 India Gujjarpati Aargam 2 0 Muslim radicals force their way into a home and slit the throats of a woman and her daughter.
2003.05.20 India Tral 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2003.05.19 India Chamror 3 0 Jihadis ambush a security patrol killing two members and a civilian.
2003.05.18 India Kupwara 2 0 Two civilians are murdered by the Mujahideen.
2003.05.18 India Mehratop 6 0 A shepherd family of five is attacked and killed in their home by Muslim militants. Victims include four children and two women. Most were beheaded.
2003.05.18 Israel Jerusalem 7 20 Muslim suicide bomber, dressed in Jewish religious garb as a disguise, boards a passenger bus and kills seven. About twenty others are hospitalized.
2003.05.17 Algeria Seraidi 3 4 Armed Islamic group ambushes a security patrol, killing three and wounding four.
2003.05.17 India Srinagar 2 0 Two policeman are killed in a terrorist attack by the Muslim Hamadania Brigade.
2003.05.17 Israel Hebron 2 0 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) suicide bomber positions himself near a young married couple on a romantic stroll and kills them both.
2003.05.17 India Bhadoon 1 1 Militant Muslims invade a home and abduct a husband and wife. The woman is later killed and the man badly injured.
2003.05.17 Pakistan Multan 1 0 A Sunni is killed in a sectarian attack.
2003.05.16 India Kashmir 4 3 Four terror attacks across the district leave four dead and at least three injured.
2003.05.16 Morocco Casablanca 41 65 Four coordinated suicide attacks by al-Qaeda against Western and Jewish targets leave at least forty-one dead and more than sixty-five injured.
2003.05.15 Pakistan Karachi 0 5 Bombs set at nineteen Shell gas stations in Pakistan injure at least five.
2003.05.15 India Kashmir 4 0 Three separate Mujahideen attacks leave four people dead.
2003.05.15 Pakistan Faisalabad 1 11 A sectarian attack on a religious procession leaves one dead and eleven injured.
2003.05.14 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are killed in separate attacks. One in his home in Nagrota. The other after being abducted from Khawas.
2003.05.14 Chechnya Iliskhan-Yurt 14 145 Female suicide bomber kills at least fourteen civilians at a festival and leaves nearly one-hundred and fifty injured.
2003.05.14 Yemen Jibla 0 4 Terrorist bomb thrown into a courthouse where al-Qaeda militant was sentenced to death for killing three U.S. missionaries.
2003.05.13 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are killed by the Mujahideen in separate attacks. One was beheaded. Another was a homeowner's daughter.
2003.05.12 India Bela 1 0 The Mujahideen kill an abducted civilian after keeping him hostage for ten days.
2003.05.12 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 39 194 Three groups of al Qaeda suicide bombers shoot their way into housing complexes. The blasts leave thirty-five dead and nearly two-hundred injured.
2003.05.12 Chechnya Znamenskoye 60 100 At least sixty people, including seven children, are killed and more than one hundred hospitalized when three suicide bombers detonates a truck bomb outside a government building in a residential area.
2003.05.11 India Kupwara 3 7 Fedayeen suicide squad attack on a bank leaves three dead and seven injured.
2003.05.11 Israel Ofra 1 0 Fatah gunmen kill a 53-year old father of six who was driving to work.
2003.05.11 India Khiram 1 1 A civilian is killed in his home, and his sister injured by Islamic radicals.
2003.05.11 India Roulka 1 6 A village police officer is killed and six other people injured in a grenade attack.
2003.05.10 Philippines Koronadal 13 40 Abu Sayyaf suicide bomber kills thirteen and injures more than forty people in a crowded marketplace.
2003.05.09 India Bijbehara 3 0 Hizbul Mujahideen militants kill three political activists of the ruling (PDP) party.
2003.05.09 Chechnya Grozny 1 2 Terrorist bomb kills a policeman and injures two other people.
2003.05.09 India Argi 1 0 The Mujahideen pull a civilian from his home and kill him after torture.
2003.05.07 India Baramulla 2 5 Al-Mansoorian terrorists ambush a search patrol, killing two and injuring five.
2003.05.07 Afghanistan Deh Rawood 1 0 Pro-Karzai cleric is gunned down by Taliban terrorists outside a mosque.
2003.05.07 Lebanon Tripoli 1 0 Bomb left at the front door of a Christian missionary couple explodes, killing one person.
2003.05.07 Chechnya Urus-Martan 4 0 Mujahideen rebels ambush a police vehicle, shooting to death all four people inside.
2003.05.06 India Pulwama 1 30 Terrorist lobs grenade at a police vehicle near a crowd of people. One civilian is killed and about thirty others injured.
2003.05.06 Algeria Keddara 6 0 Islamic fundamentalists lob a bomb into a security patrol, then proceed to stab and shoot the survivors. Six are killed.
2003.05.05 Israel Shilo 1 2 al-Aqsa members ambush a vehicle, killing a father and seriously injuring his 6-year old daughter. A soldier rushing to help was wounded as well.
2003.05.05 India Doda 1 17 Islamic hardliners detonate small bomb in a crowded bus station, killing one and injuring seventeen civilians.
2003.05.04 Philippines Siocon 27 23 Muslim separatists attack a Christian village, firing on houses and a hospital. At least twenty-seven are killed and about two dozen wounded. Fifteen residents are taken hostage.
2003.05.04 Algeria Medea 2 3 Ambush by Islamic extremists on two civilian vehicles leaves two dead and three injured.
2003.05.03 India Anantnag 0 15 Fifteen people are injured when a militant Muslim tosses a grenade at a bus stop.
2003.05.02 Philippines Pikit 3 0 Moro Islamic Front rebels ambush and kill two soldiers and one civilian riding on motorcycles.
2003.05.01 India Dangiwacha & Magraypora 2 0 Mujahideen fighters kill two Muslims suspected of being informants for an anti-terror unit.
2003.04.30 Philippines Crossing Salvo 2 6 Muslim rebels attack two houses and an army post. Two residents are killed, including a one-year old baby, and six others are injured.
2003.04.30 India Kala Wachi 0 5 Terrorist lobs grenade at children playing in a field, injuring five of them.
2003.04.30 India Shogababa 1 3 Islamic radicals attack a passenger bus, killing one and injuring three.
2003.04.30 India Dodi 1 4 A political activist is killed and four others injured in a Mujahideen attack.
2003.04.30 Sudan Molli 64 0 An attack by the Janjaweed on a village earlier in the month leaves at least sixty-four people dead and an unknown number injured. (2003)
2003.04.29 Israel Tel Aviv 3 55 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) suicide bomber blows up a night club, killing three Israelis and injuring at least fifty-five.
2003.04.29 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 3 2 Muslim fundamentalists attack a government building, killing three Afghan soldiers and wounding two.
2003.04.27 Indonesia Jakarta 0 11 Bomb set by the Jemaah Islamiyah terrorist group detonates at a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant in Indonesia's main airport, injuring eleven people.
2003.04.26 India Srinagar 3 7 Fedayeen suicide attack on a radio station kills three guards and leaves seven others injured.
2003.04.26 India Baramulla 0 11 Terrorist bomb injures eleven, including two children. The target of the bombing was a finance minister who opposed Muslim violence.
2003.04.25 India Srinagar 3 34 Bomb thrown by Muslim separatists next to a courthouse kills three and injures at least thirty-four.
2003.04.25 India Bandipore 6 6 Two separate attacks by Muslim suicide bombers in the same town kills six and injures six.
2003.04.24 Israel Kfar Saba 1 13 al-Aqsa member detonates a bomb at a railway station, killing a 23-year old guard and injuring more than a dozen bystanders.
2003.04.24 India Tral 1 3 Muslim bomb kills one policeman and injures three members of a bomb disposal unit.
2003.04.24 Philippines Lanao del Norte 12 0 Islamic rebels attack a passenger bus, killing at least twelve (including the driver) and taking several hostages.
2003.04.23 Chechnya Grozny 6 0 Mujahideen fighters abduct three young men out hunting and torture them to death. Also three government officials are shot to death while sitting in a car.
2003.04.23 India Gondoh 2 0 Terrorists abduct then kill two civilians out grazing their cattle.
2003.04.22 India Tral 6 12 Terrorist bombing attack by Muslim separatists kills six and injures more than a dozen.
2003.04.22 Afghanistan Khost 3 2 Taliban rocket attack on an airport kills three and leave two injured.
2003.04.22 Nigeria Kano 7 0 Muslims set fire to a house, killing a Christian pastor and six other members of his family, including his wife and three children.
2003.04.19 Philippines Alamada 6 3 Six civilians, including a 12-year old girl are killed in an ambush by Islamic rebels. Three others are badly injured.
2003.04.19 India Malpora 1 1 Two people are abducted by the Mujahideen. The survivor is released after his ears, nose and tongue are chopped off.
2003.04.18 India Hadipora 1 0 The bullet-riddled body of a fruit merchant is found two days after he was abducted.
2003.04.18 Eritrea Bisha 6 0 British geologist murdered by Eritrean Islamic Jihad. The same group also took credit for a landmine attack in February that killed five Eritrean soldiers on routine border patrol.
2003.04.18 Sri Lanka Kattaiparichchan 2 14 Muslim grenade attack against civilians at a protest rally leaves two dead and fourteen injured.
2003.04.17 India Magam 1 8 Muslim militants kill one and injure eight civilians in a bombing.
2003.04.17 India Udhampur 1 2 Muslim militants attack a police station, kill one and injure two.
2003.04.17 India Hassanwani 1 0 A man is yanked from his home and shot to death by Islamic radicals.
2003.04.16 Philippines Cotabato 0 3 Three women were injured by a Moro Islamic Liberation Front bomb placed on a passenger bus.
2003.04.15 Chechnya Grozny 17 0 Mujahideen warriors kill sixteen civilians in a filmed attack on two vehicles.
2003.04.15 Israel Karni Terminal 2 7 Hamas gunman enters a place of business and sprays fire from an automatic weapon. Two Israelis are killed and seven injured.
2003.04.15 India Topa 1 0 The Mujahideen assassinate a political figure.
2003.04.14 Philippines Kabacan 1 7 Two Islamic rebels kill a political official and injure seven others in a grenade attack on a restaurant.
2003.04.13 Afghanistan Matta Cheena 4 2 15-year old Muslim kills four soldiers and injures two others in a grenade attack on a vehicle.
2003.04.13 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 2 One person is killed and two injured by Taliban loyalists attempting a political assassination in a motorcycle attack.
2003.04.13 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 2 0 Two Afghan soldiers are shot to death in a terrorist attack by extremists.
2003.04.13 Afghanistan Khost 4 0 Car bomb detonates prematurely killing the four terrorists inside, who include a former Taliban intelligence officer.
2003.04.13 Chechnya Roshnichu 2 0 Terrorist bomb kills two security personnel riding in a truck.
2003.04.13 India Kasblari 1 1 Two Hizb-ul-Mujahideen members force their way into a civilian home and shoot a woman to death. Her husband is injured in the attack.
2003.04.11 India Qazigund 1 31 Three separate grenade attacks by Islamic militants kills a physician and injures another thirty-one people (Qazigund, Shopiyan & Anantnag).
2003.04.10 Israel Moshav Bekaot 2 9 Palestinian terrorists infiltrate an Israeli training camp and kill two, injure nine.
2003.04.10 Iraq Najaf 2 0 Mob attack inside a Mosque leaves two Shiite clerics dead.
2003.04.10 Philippines Maguindanao 13 1 Thirteen soldiers were killed in an ambush by members of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front.
2003.04.09 India Anantnag 1 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen assassinate a political activist.
2003.04.07 India Kamboli Dhok 2 0 Two boys killed by terrorist landmine.
2003.04.07 Chechnya Grozny 8 0 Landmine planted by Muslim rebels in the heart of Grozny kills five policemen riding in a car and three civilian bystanders.
2003.04.06 India Kharbatpora 1 0 In a horrible attack, the Mujahideen pull a man from his home and shoot him to death in a field.
2003.04.06 Iraq Haswa 5 2 Muslim terrorists kill five civilians in a drive-by attack.
2003.04.05 India Kehlil 1 5 A civilian is killed in an IED blast.
2003.04.05 Afghanistan Jalalabad 0 5 Five military personnel injured by Taliban terrorist bomb attack on a headquarters.
2003.04.05 Philippines Tacurong 2 2 Two people, including a town mayor, were killed and two more injured by a bomb which exploded in front of an electrical shop.
2003.04.05 Philippines Parang 0 11 Another bomb planted by Muslim separatists explodes at a bus terminal, injuring eleven.
2003.04.04 Chechnya Grozny 8 10 Bomb attack on a passenger bus by Muslim rebels kills at least eight and leaves ten others injured.
2003.04.04 Iraq Hadithah Dam 3 2 In a particularly heinous attack, two female car bombers drive up to a U.S. checkpoint, scream for help, then kill the three soldiers rushing to their assistance. Two others are injured.
2003.04.04 Nigeria Fobur 1 4 Armed Muslims attack a village, kill a woman and burn down the houses of Christians.
2003.04.04 Indonesia Wamena 15 0 Indonesian military raids Christian town, burning Bibles and churches, killing two Baptist pastors along with at least thirteen others. Other Christians were tortured.
2003.04.04 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A doctor is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2003.04.03 India Dolipora 3 0 Muslim terrorists invade a residence and kill a man, his wife and their 2-year-old daughter.
2003.04.03 Afghanistan Deh Rawood 2 0 Six Taliban gunmen assassinate a political figure in the Afghan government along with his nephew.
2003.04.03 Philippines Basilan 1 2 Abu Sayyaf rebels ambush a village convoy, kill one and injure two.
2003.04.02 India Anantnag 1 12 Islamic militant lobs a grenade at a crowd of people, kills one and injures twelve.
2003.04.02 Philippines Davao 16 44 Moro Islamic Front terrorist bomb kills sixteen people (including several children) at a wharf and injures at least forty-four
2003.04.02 India Shopian 1 19 Eighteen people are injured when militant Muslims toss a grenade into a bus stand. Elsewhere (Chewdara) a woman is killed and her daughter injured.
2003.04.01 India Kashmir 3 0 A 14-year-old girl is among three civilians murdered by the Mujahideen in separate attacks.
2003.04.01 Iran Tehran 1 0 Truck bomb against the British Embassy in Tehran leaves one dead.
2003.03.31 India Nowpora Jageer 1 0 Mujahideen rebels assassinate a member of the ruling political party.
2003.03.30 Israel Netanya 0 38 Islamic Jihad terrorist walks into a beachfront cafe and blows himself up, injuring more than thirty civilians.
2003.03.29 Philippines Malamawi 5 4 Muslim rebel throws dynamite into the house of a fisherman, killing his wife, two young children and two other relatives.
2003.03.29 Philippines Lambayong 4 0 Another Muslim rebel attack against a civilian home, this time of a farmer, who is shot to death along with his wife and two young children.
2003.03.29 Iraq Najaf 4 0 Four American soldiers are killed at a checkpoint by a suicide bomber.
2003.03.28 India Surankote 2 6 Islamic terrorists kill a man and his son after a home invasion. Later, in Pannad, six other civilians are captured and mutilated by having their noses cut off.
2003.03.28 Algeria Kfar Shatatiya 12 0 Armed fundamentalists kill twelve villagers in a late night attack.
2003.03.27 Algeria Chtathia 8 0 Islamic fundamentalists kill eight villagers.
2003.03.27 Algeria Chiffa 4 4 Islamic fundamentalists invade a family home, kill the parents and injure four children, then murder two youths who were outside the home at the time.
2003.03.27 India Banihal 1 0 A young girl is shot to death in her home by armed Muslims.
2003.03.27 India Vilgam 2 0 A man and his wife are dragged from their home by the Mujahideen and killed in the street.
2003.03.26 Algeria Mefta 9 0 Nine civilians are slaughtered by Muslim fundamentalists on an isolated road between two towns.
2003.03.26 Philippines M'lang 7 5 Muslims blast Christian village with RPGs, killing seven, including a six-year-old child and injuring five others.
2003.03.26 India Jammu 1 6 Militant bomb attack kills the driver of an oil tanker and injures six others.
2003.03.26 Chechnya Grozny 4 3 Rebel landmine planted in a city street kills four Russians and injures three.
2003.03.26 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Muslim rebels stop a car driven by the brother of a government minister and kill him along with his female passenger.
2003.03.26 India Ahmadabad 1 0 Hindu political leader assassinated by Muslim gunmen on a motorcycle.
2003.03.25 Philippines Carmen 2 0 Islamists stop a cargo truck, tie up the Christian driver and his helper then shoot them to death.
2003.03.25 India Chasana 1 3 A woman is killed inside her home by the Mujahideen.
2003.03.24 Afghanistan Latkoo 9 6 Taliban attack against a routine patrol leaves four dead and six injured. In a separate incident in Yewar, Taliban terrorists captured five allied troops, slaughtered them and amputated their limbs.
2003.03.23 India Nadimarg 24 0 Muslims militants cleanse a village of Hindus, ordering them out of their houses and opening up with machine guns. The twenty-four dead include eleven women and two children. Eight of the victims were over 60. An unknown number were wounded.
2003.03.23 Kuwait Camp Penn. 2 11 Muslim-American soldier throws three grenades into the tents of non-Muslim American soldiers. Two are killed and eleven others are wounded.
2003.03.22 Iraq Sayed Sadiq 5 8 Ansar al-Islam suicide bomber kills five, including and ABC journalist and wounds eight others at a Kurdish checkpoint.
2003.03.22 India Surankote 1 2 Lashkar-e-Toiba terrorists invade a police officer's home and kill a young woman, injure two more.
2003.03.22 India Lever 2 0 Two civilians are brutally abducted from their home and shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2003.03.21 India Kalalkas 2 4 Militant Muslims ambush a security patrol, killing two members and injuring four.
2003.03.20 India Srinagar 2 2 A grenade tossed into a street by a militant kills two civilians and injures two more.
2003.03.20 Lebanon Sidon 1 13 Bomb kills one and leaves thirteen others injured in southern Lebanon.
2003.03.20 Philippines Buldon 3 2 Moro Islamic Liberations Front attacks a post and kills three civilians, wounds two others.
2003.03.20 India Khanyar 1 4 Terrorists throw grenade into a group of security personnel, killing one and injuring four.
2003.03.19 Philippines Mindanao 9 4 Moro Islamic Liberation Front attacks a civilian minibus and kills nine, wounds four. They stopped and boarded the bus, then specifically targeted non-Muslim males only.
2003.03.19 Afghanistan Sherabik 3 0 Taliban attack a remote army post, capture Afghan soldiers and then stab them to death.
2003.03.19 India Kashmir 2 0 The Mujahideen gun down one man on a city street, and another inside his home in separate attacks.
2003.03.18 India Shopian 1 0 A man is abducted from his home and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2003.03.18 Philippines Baliki 1 2 Islamic boat attack kills one and leaves two injured.
2003.03.18 Philippines Cotabato 0 5 Rebel bomb attack on a Roman Catholic church during mass injures five worshippers.
2003.03.18 Nigeria Kadarko 22 44 Armed Muslims shouting "we are going to finish off the infidels" attack a Christian village and kill at least 22 villagers. More than forty-four others were injured or missing.
2003.03.17 India Pulwama 2 0 Two civilians lose their lives in brutal attacks by the Islamic militants.
2003.03.15 India Gool 13 5 Muslims attack a remote police station and kill thirteen, including two civilians. Two people were abducted and later found dead with slit throats. Five others are injured in the attack.
2003.03.14 India Poonch 7 15 Militant Islamics attack a hotel, take nine people hostage, spray fire and throw grenades at a crowded marketplace from an upper floor. Seven people are killed and fifteen injured.
2003.03.14 India Batmaloo 2 0 Two civilians are shot to death by the Mujahideen.
2003.03.13 India Bombay 10 55 Islamic hardliners responsible for blast on a commuter train that kills eight women, two men and leaves more than 55 injured on the tenth anniversary of another series of Islamic bombings that killed two-hundred-fifty-seven and injured more than 1000.
2003.03.13 India Poonch 2 5 Islamic militants open up on a civilian vehicle, killing two and wounding five others, including an 18-month-old baby.
2003.03.13 India Rajouri 4 33 Four people, including a 6-year-old boy, are killed and thirty more injured by a bomb planted on a bus in Kashmir by an Islamic group.
2003.03.12 India Kashmir 2 2 Separate Mujahideen attacks in Kashmir leave two policemen dead and two more injured.
2003.03.11 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 5 al-Qaeda car bomb kills three Afghani tribesmen and injures five more.
2003.03.11 Bangladesh Dhaka 2 2 Two policemen were killed and two more badly injured by terrorist bomb in the United Arab Emirates
2003.03.11 India City Chowk 2 9 The Mujahideen plant a bomb at a candy shop that kills two civilians and injures nine more.
2003.03.10 India Kashmir 3 0 Three civilians are killed in separate attacks by Muslim terrorists.
2003.03.10 Philippines Pikit 2 4 Muslim rebels stop a bus full of commuters, kill two, and then take dozens hostage.
2003.03.10 Israel Hebron 1 4 One Israeli is killed and four more injured after roadside attack by Palestinians.
2003.03.07 Israel Kiryat Arba 3 8 Palestinians dressed as Jewish seminary students infiltrate a settlement and kill a husband and wife sitting down to dinner, along with one guest. They also shoot eight other civilians.
2003.03.07 Philippines Mindanao 1 2 Two Moro Islamic Liberation Front bomb attacks kill one and injure two at a Catholic school.
2003.03.06 Philippines Buayan 4 0 Muslim rebels attack a remote village and kill four civilians.
2003.03.05 Chechnya Dyshne-Vedeno 2 4 A pro-Russian Chechen commander and one other are killed by a bomb hidden in a sofa. Four others in an adjacent house were injured.
2003.03.05 Israel Haifa 17 30 A Palestinian suicide bomber blows up a bus, killing seventeen and injuring fifty. A 14-year-old American girl is among the dead.
2003.03.04 Philippines Davao 21 150 Muslim rebels plant a bomb at a civilian airport. Twenty-one are killed in the blast and about 150 others are injured. Among the dead is an American missionary and several children.
2003.03.03 India Yaripora 1 1 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists invade a house and kill a woman. Another is injured.
2003.03.01 Lebanon Ein el-Hilweh 1 2 Terrorist bomb kills businessman and injures two bystanders.
2003.03.01 Bangladesh Bagerhat 1 3 Muslims invade the home of a Hindu farmer, chop him to death and then rape three members of his family.
2003.02.28 India Shindra Mohalla Kasian 1 0 Militant Muslims abduct a man from his house and take him to a forest, where he is shot to death.
2003.02.28 Pakistan Islamabad 2 6 Islamic extremists guns down two police officers guarding a U.S. embassy. Five other officers and a passer-by are also wounded.
2003.02.28 Philippines Bukidnon 1 0 Muslim rebels burn ten homes in a Christian village, killing at least one person.
2003.02.27 Chechnya Argun 3 0 Three Russian soldiers killed by Jihadi car-bomb in Chechnya.
2003.02.27 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Sunni terrorists kill two Shiites in a shooting attack at their coffee shop.
2003.02.27 Pakistan Joharabad 1 0 A man is gunned down in a sectarian attack.
2003.02.26 Iraq Zamaqi 3 0 Ansar al-Islam suicide bomber kills three Kurdish guards at a checkpoint.
2003.02.25 Philippines Zamboanga 2 2 Muslim rebels attack a logging company and kill two employees.
2003.02.25 East Timor Aidabaleten 1 2 Pro-Jakarta militiamen attack a minibus in East Timor, killing one person and injuring two pregnant women.
2003.02.25 Afghanistan Dilaram 1 1 Senior Afghan official gunned down in Taliban-sponsored attack. His bodyguard is also injured in the shooting.
2003.02.25 Algeria Hameur El Ain 12 7 Armed Islamists set up bogus roadblock and then stab or shoot to death twelve civilians. Seven others are injured in the attack.
2003.02.25 India Punzgam 1 0 A man is pulled brutally from his home and killed by a group of radical Muslims.
2003.02.24 Pakistan Ghulam Hussain 2 0 Muslim militants are suspected in the murder of two tribesmen on a road.
2003.02.24 India Rai Sehot 4 3 Four civilians are gunned down by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen in their village.
2003.02.23 India Gadyog 2 0 Two villagers are killed when Muslim terrorists break down the door to their home and spray the inside with bullets.
2003.02.23 Algeria Ouargla 4 0 Four local security guards are kidnapped by Muslim extremists, taken to the desert and then killed by having their throats slit.
2003.02.22 Algeria Draa El Mizan 2 1 Two policeman are killed and one civilian is injured in a Muslim terrorist attack.
2003.02.22 Pakistan Karachi 9 8 Nine Shi'ite worshippers are killed in a terrorist shooting attack outside a mosque. At least eight others are wounded.
2003.02.22 India Bandipore 1 0 The Mujahideen kill a young boy with a landmine.
2003.02.21 Pakistan Korangi 1 0 A policeman is killed by Islamists.
2003.02.21 India Srinagar 2 0 A photographer and a woman are murdered in separate attacks by Muslim extremists.
2003.02.20 Philippines Kabacan 1 10 A 17-year old is killed and about ten others injured by a terror bombing.
2003.02.20 Philippines Awang Airport 1 6 Abu Sayyaf car bomb explodes near the airport, killing one and injuring six other civilians.
2003.02.20 India Baramulla 6 3 Six Hindu civilians are blown apart by a road-mine planted by Muslim militants.
2003.02.20 Saudi Arabia Riyadh 1 0 British man shot to death by Islamists while waiting at a traffic light.
2003.02.19 Philippines Tubud 14 8 Muslims attack a Christian village, burning and murdering at least fourteen civilians.
2003.02.18 Philippines Matanog 7 11 Ambush by Muslim rebels on a convoy kills seven soldiers and leaves eleven more injured.
2003.02.17 Saudi Arabia Skaka 1 0 Vice Governor of a Saudi province is gunned down after angering the fundamentalist element by suggesting that Saudi royalty should take women's opinions into account.
2003.02.16 India Varmul 2 0 A man killed by radicals a few days after he lost his brother to the same group is one of two people killed in separate attacks.
2003.02.15 Israel Beit Lahia 4 0 Hamas terrorists use a roadside bomb to kill four Israeli soldiers who were in a passing tank.
2003.02.15 Algeria Kabylie 2 0 Two security force personnel are attacked and killed while on police patrol.
2003.02.13 India Bonkoot 3 2 Five civilians are abducted from their homes by Muslim terrorists. Three are beheaded in captivity.
2003.02.12 India Konibol 1 4 Militants blow-up police vehicle, killing one and injuring four.
2003.02.12 India Dharam 3 0 Hiz-ul-Mujahideen terrorists abduct and kill three civilians.
2003.02.11 Israel Bethlehem 1 0 Palestinian sniper guns down Israeli soldier in front of the Church of the Nativity.
2003.02.10 Afghanistan Naushki 7 12 Taliban attack on an Afghan vehicle checkpoint leaves seven dead and twelve wounded.
2003.02.10 Philippines Mindanao 3 8 Muslim guerillas kill three soldiers and injure eight more in an ambush. Soldiers were on a morning jog.
2003.02.09 Chechnya Grozny 3 0 Jihadists bomb a gas station, killing three policemen.
2003.02.09 Algeria Drra El Mizan 3 0 Two policeman were killed by Muslim extremists, who had erected a fake roadblock. A third policeman is shot to death in El Harrach.
2003.02.09 India Varmul 1 0 A civilian is kidnapped from his home and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2003.02.08 Iraq Sulaimaniyah 6 0 Muslim militants assassinate a top Kurdish politician and five others with automatic weapons and grenades.
2003.02.07 India Frisal 2 3 Two civilians are killed in a Mujahideen ambush.
2003.02.06 India Kalal Kas 1 1 Muslim terrorists force their way into a civilian's home, killing him and injuring his brother.
2003.02.06 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Two more Sunni scholars gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2003.02.06 Chechnya Dyshne-Vedeno 3 3 Muslim rebels ambush riot police, killing three and wounding three.
2003.02.06 Israel Nablus 2 0 al-Aqsa gunmen attack an army outpost in the West Bank and kill two soldiers.
2003.02.05 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Head of a Sunni school assassinated by radical Shiites.
2003.02.03 Pakistan Karachi 1 2 Motorcycle bomb in a commercial area kills one, injures two.
2003.02.03 Algeria Hassi-Khelifa 1 0 Device hidden in a stuffed toy explodes near a home's entrance, killing an 8-year-old girl.
2003.02.02 Chechnya Grozny 2 0 Two Russians killed by a car-bomb blast in Grozny.
2003.02.01 India Bemina 1 0 A Jaish-e-Mohammad member kills a police officer.
2003.01.31 Pakistan Faisalabad 2 2 A sectarian attack inside a mosque leaves two people dead and two injured.
2003.01.31 India Srinagar 1 0 The editor of a newspaper is assassinated by the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen.
2003.01.31 India Anantnag 1 15 A militant Muslim kills a civilian and injures fifteen more, including women and children, with a grenade.
2003.01.31 Afghanistan Kandahar 18 1 al-Qaeda landmine blows up a passenger bus, killing eighteen and injuring one.
2003.01.28 Israel Gaza 3 0 Three Palestinians die when a home-made bomb detonates prematurely.
2003.01.28 India Udhir 2 0 Two men are gunned down by Hizb-ul-Mujahideen terrorists for refusing to support them.
2003.01.27 India Kashmir 2 0 Two brutal attacks leaves two civilians dead (Dangiwacha & Mawar).
2003.01.27 Pal. Auth. Abu Qash 1 0 After being raped by her brothers, and refusing to commit suicide as her mother suggested, a teenage girl is stabbed and beaten to death by her father.
2003.01.27 India Mumbai 1 27 Group calling itself the Student Islamic Movement of India detonates bomb in a crowded area, killing a woman and injuring twenty-seven.
2003.01.26 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 1 Taliban gunmen attack a UNHCR convoy, killing two and wounding one.
2003.01.26 Lebanon Beirut 1 3 Car bomb explodes in Christian residential area killing one and injuring three.
2003.01.25 India Aeshmuqam 1 6 Mujahideen target a police vehicle killing one and wounding six.
2003.01.23 Israel Hebron 3 0 Hamas terrorists ambush and kill three Israeli soldiers protecting an intersection.
2003.01.23 Pakistan Swat 3 0 Religious extremists kill a writer who was critical of the Taliban, along with two patrons at a shop.
2003.01.23 India Shrai 2 0 Islamists halt a passenger bus, then drag off two civilians and shoot them to death by the side of the road.
2003.01.22 India Dhok 1 0 Mujahideen terrorists abduct and behead a villager.
2003.01.21 Kuwait Kuwait City 1 1 Gunmen fires from behind bushes at two American servicemen, waiting at a traffic light. Both suffer multiple gunshot wounds, one is killed.
2003.01.21 India Doda 3 1 Two men are abducted and murdered by the Mujahideen. The same group shoots another civilian to death on the same night.
2003.01.20 India Doda 2 0 Terrorists kill two men belonging to a civilian defense force (established to protect villagers from Muslim terrorists).
2003.01.20 India Rajouri 1 4 One killed and four injured when a terrorist rocket hits a residential house.
2003.01.20 India Baramulla 1 0 Bomb planted in a rickshaw near a college kills one Indian soldier.
2003.01.20 Bangladesh Begungram Astana 5 0 Five persons are murdered in Bangladesh by members of the Jamaatul Mujahideen extremists group.
2003.01.19 India Kulgam 0 21 Twenty-one people are injured by a Hizb-e-Islami grenade attack on a bus.
2003.01.19 India Bandipore 3 0 Hizb-ul-Mujahideen gunmen enter a house and kill a police officer, his 16-year-old son and another child.
2003.01.18 Israel Kiryat Arba 1 3 Hamas (Islamic Resistance) terrorists kill a father of five as he is eating dinner with his family. Three others, including a 5-year-old girl are wounded.
2003.01.18 Bangladesh Dariapur 8 15 Bomb blast at a carnival kills eight and injures fifteen. Islamic hardliners behind the attack.
2003.01.17 Israel Givat Harsina 1 3 Two Hamas gunmen open fire on a house, killing a father and injuring his four-year-old daughter along with two others.
2003.01.15 India Doda 1 3 Terrorists kill a village constable and injure three other civilians.
2003.01.15 India Patta Dhar 1 3 The Mujahideen kill a police officer in his home. Three family members are injured.
2003.01.14 India Seeldhar 3 1 Three civilians are abducted and murdered by militant Muslims.
2003.01.14 England Manchester 1 3 A police detective and father of three is stabbed to death by a Muslim terrorist.
2003.01.13 Israel Nitzana 1 1 Gaza gunmen opens fire on two Israeli soldiers near Egyptian border. One is killed, the other injured.
2003.01.13 Israel Moshav Gadish 1 5 Two Palestinian gunmen from Jenin penetrate a farming community and open fire on random vehicles. One civilian is killed, five are injured.
2003.01.13 India Panar 2 0 Two sons of a civilian suspected of providing information on terrorist activities are kidnapped from their home, tortured and then shot dead.
2003.01.13 Philippines Zamboanga 3 0 Muslim gunmen kill three Christians.
2003.01.11 England Birmingham 1 0 21-year-old woman stabbed to death by a Pakistani on her wedding day for rejecting an arranged Muslim marriage.
2003.01.11 India Hari Budha 2 0 The Mujahideen fire into the home of a civilian, killing his wife and son.
2003.01.10 India Kashmir 2 7 Three Jihad attacks leave two civilians dead and seven more injured. (Ghulam Qadir, Baramulla, Nihama).
2003.01.10 Chechnya Grozny 9 3 Nine Russians killed by Mujahideen rocket attack. Three others are wounded.
2003.01.09 Algeria Tizi Ouzou 8 0 Eight killed in an ambush on a security convoy.
2003.01.09 India Bandipore 2 0 A policeman is abducted and murdered by Islamists as the body of a civilian tortured to death by the same group surfaces.
2003.01.08 Algeria Douadiche 5 1 Five people killed, one badly wounded in attack on village by Islamic extremists. Victims include a 37-year-old woman, her two children, ages 2 and 5, and her two uncles.
2003.01.07 India Hapatanar 3 0 Mujahideen behead three villagers, including a father and son.
2003.01.07 India Srinagar 1 0 Prominent liquor dealer slain by Islamic fundamentalists while pumping gas.
2003.01.05 Algeria Blida 13 0 Thirteen members of two families are killed in an attack by Islamic extremists.
2003.01.05 Algeria Aures Mountains 49 19 Islamic "Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat" ambushes a security convoy and kills forty-nine, wounds nineteen.
2003.01.05 Israel Tel Aviv 23 100 Twenty-three people are killed and more than one-hundred injured by twin Palestinian suicide bombers.
2003.01.02 Israel Menahamiya 1 0 Badly burnt body of a 70-year old man (father of nine) found after being kidnapped by Fatah-al-Aqsa.
2003.01.02 Israel Jordan Vally 1 0 72-year old man stoned to death by al-Aksa Martyrs Brigade.
2003.01.02 India Kashmir 2 0 Two civilians are abducted and killed by the Mujahideen.
2003.01.01 India Gahend 1 0 Islamic terrorists shoot the daughter of a civilian to death after an unsuccessful attempt to abduct her from her family.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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