The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jan 04, 2025 -
Jan 10, 2025

Attacks 43
Killed 143
Injured 111
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 16

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
December, 2024

Attacks 102
Killed 746
Injured 709
Suicide Blasts 3
Countries 19
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different

The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Mozambique, November 8

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 2183 Islamic attacks in 54 countries, in which 10252 people were killed and 7749 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2020.12.31 Iraq Badush 1 0 A town mayor is assassinated by Mujahideen.
2020.12.31 India Sarai Bala 1 0 Muslim "separatists" shoot an elderly jeweler to death.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Lashkargah 2 0 The Taliban kill two people in separate attacks.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Bagh-e-Zanana 1 0 The brother of a journalist is killed by Islamists.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Fundamentalists use an IED against a passing car, killing a passenger.
2020.12.31 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A civil society activist is quickly gunned down by religious radicals.
2020.12.31 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two people on a motorcycle are wasted by ISIS gunmen.
2020.12.31 Niger Lake Chad 1 2 At least one person is picked off by Boko Haram.
2020.12.31 Syria al-Hol 3 0 Three separate assassinations are reported at an ISIS refugee camp over the last month.
2020.12.30 Egypt Rafah 1 3 One person is killed in a home, booby-trapped by Islamists.
2020.12.30 Syria Shula 37 12 Islamic State loyalists blow up a bus, killing thirty-seven.
2020.12.30 Yemen Aden 26 84 Ansar Allah send rockets into an airport, killing twenty-six.
2020.12.30 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A pilot is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.29 Nigeria Kayamla 7 9 Seven hunters are killed by Islamic terrorists.
2020.12.29 Iraq Diwaniya 1 0 A Shiite leader is assassinated by Sunnis.
2020.12.29 India Ganderbal 1 0 Another local dies from a Mujahideen grenade attack.
2020.12.29 Iraq Um Hunta 1 1 Islamic State snipers pick off a civilian.
2020.12.29 Nigeria Garkida 5 0 Islamists videotape the brutal execution of five captured men claiming to be Christian.
2020.12.29 DRC Beni 4 0 Four local soldiers are ambushed and killed by ADF Islamists.
2020.12.29 Mozambique Monjane 2 0 Two local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Muslm extremists.
2020.12.28 Mozambique Olumbe 4 0 Four people are murdered while defending their homes from Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.28 Somalia Waberi 4 0 Four plain-clothed police are assassinated by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2020.12.28 Kenya Mandera 1 1 al-Shabaab gunmen ambush and ambulance, killing a man and injuring his pregnant wife.
2020.12.28 Syria Albukamal 2 0 An ISIS bomb blast disintegrates a passing motorcycle and two riders.
2020.12.28 Syria Albukamal 1 0 A local is kidnapped and executed by the Islamic State.
2020.12.28 Somalia Taabto 9 0 A baby is among nine civilians blown to bits by al-Shabaab bombers.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Kabul 1 13 Taliban bombers target a statistics agency, killing an employee.
2020.12.28 Iraq Kanaan 1 1 Terrorists kill a fisherman.
2020.12.28 Nigeria Logomani 4 0 A landmine planted by Boko Haram claims four lives.
2020.12.28 Mali Mopti 3 0 Three French peacekeepers are eliminated by al-Qaeda.
2020.12.28 Chechnya Grozny 1 1 A police officer is stabbed to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Anardara 1 3 A suicide attack on a police station kills one other person.
2020.12.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 2 0 Two revenue employees are shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.12.27 Nigeria Azare 3 0 Three defenders are killed when Boko Haram overrun a town.
2020.12.27 Nigeria Shaffa 7 0 Family members are among seven innocents murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.12.27 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 Religion of Peace rivals break into the house of a prayer leader and execute him.
2020.12.27 Mozambique Saba Saba 5 3 At least five innocents are shot dead by Islamic radicals.
2020.12.26 Afghanistan Nawa 2 0 Two Afghans are sent to Allah by Sunni bombers.
2020.12.26 Iraq Diyala 1 1 ISIS members fire into a shop, killing the owner.
2020.12.26 Afghanistan Kabul 4 4 Two bombs leave four dead.
2020.12.26 Nigeria Garkida 1 7 An off-duty policeman is murdered by Boko Haram while visiting his family for Christmas.
2020.12.25 Niger Gamboru 3 0 Jihadists kill three people collecting firewood.
2020.12.25 Afghanistan Gizab 3 8 A group fighting for Sharia tunnels under a police headquarters to plant a bomb that kills three.
2020.12.25 Nigeria Iwajowa 3 0 Militant Muslims murder three farmers on their way to a baby christening.
2020.12.25 Afghanistan Balkh 2 2 Two Afghans are laid out by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.12.24 Yemen Ibb 1 0 Shiite militia beat a woman to death in front of her children.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Chawoni 1 1 Radicals are thought responsible for the assassination of a government official.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Kohistan 2 0 A women's rights activist is shot dead along with her brother.
2020.12.24 Afghanistan Ashkhamsh 4 3 A religious group plants a mine that takes out four passengers in a passing car.
2020.12.24 Syria Ash-Shola 10 5 ISIS members stop a bus with an IED, then fire into the survivors, killing ten.
2020.12.24 Egypt Bir al-Abd 1 0 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2020.12.24 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A 26-year-old is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.24 Nigeria Pemi 11 7 Islamists burn homes and a church - and kill eleven innocents.
2020.12.24 Nigeria Garkida 5 5 Five people are killed when Islamists attack a community on Christmas Eve.
2020.12.23 India Srinigar 1 5 One person succumbs to injury a day after a terrorist tosses a grenade into the street.
2020.12.23 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A Shiite is shot to death in a targeted attack by Sipah Sahaba.
2020.12.23 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 An election official is among two people murdered in separate attacks.
2020.12.23 Pakistan Mirali 1 7 Terrorists fire into a group of border guards, killing one.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Yaqubi 6 0 Six people traveling in a vehicle are sent to Allah by Islamic hardliners.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Doghabad 1 0 A civilian traveling in a car is neatly dispatched by an Islamic bomb.
2020.12.22 Afghanistan Kabul 5 2 A group of doctors are eliminated by Islamic State loyalists.
2020.12.21 Israel Reihan Forest 1 0 An Israeli mother-of-6 is violently dispatched by terrorists.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Mahleh 3 0 Three civilians are purged by Religion of Peace gunmen.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Ghazni City 1 0 The Islamic State is suspected in the assassination of a journalist.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Alamkhel 4 0 Four civilians traveling in a car are taken out by Taliban bombers.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Bolsan 1 0 A Shahid suicide bomber goes off at a funeral, killing a mourner.
2020.12.21 Niger Tillabéri 7 0 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol, killing seven members.
2020.12.21 Afghanistan Dawlatabad 3 10 Taliban bombers transform three civilians into a bloody mess.
2020.12.21 Iraq Shamiya 2 0 Two locals are kidnapped and murdered by Sunni radicals.
2020.12.21 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 An Islamic group called 'People for the Good' places a bomb at a liquor store that kills a clerk.
2020.12.21 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A Christian is kidnapped and later killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.21 Syria Diban 5 0 An ISIS attack at an office building leaves five dead.
2020.12.21 Nigeria Gwagwada 8 4 A pastor is abducted and eight others killed by Muslim militants.
2020.12.21 Uganda Kapyana 0 1 A female pastor is raped as punishment for converting Muslims.
2020.12.20 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A Shiite militia launches rockets into embassies, killing a civilian.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Gardez 3 0 A woman is among three slain in a suspected honor killing.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Parwan 1 4 One Afghan is dismantled by a Taliban highway bomb.
2020.12.20 Iraq Hawija 1 0 An ISIS attack leaves at least one dead.
2020.12.20 Tunisia Slatnia 1 0 A civilian is found murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.12.20 Afghanistan Kabul 10 20 The Islamic State claims a bombing that kills ten, including women and children.
2020.12.19 Nigeria Mafa 5 0 Islamists fire a rocket point-blank into a vehicle, killing five.
2020.12.19 Nigeria Konduga 3 2 A teenage girl blows herself up in a suicide attack on a crowd of people.
2020.12.19 Afghanistan Greshk 2 4 Two civilians are vaporized by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.12.19 Iraq Wajihya 1 0 A woman is tortured and shot to death by radicals.
2020.12.18 Iraq Hawalli 1 0 ISIS drop a young man with two bullets to the head.
2020.12.18 Nigeria Garin Kuturu 5 35 Islamists stop cars along a highway, then fire at fleeing passengers, killing a woman and four others.
2020.12.18 Afghanistan Gilan 15 20 Twelve children are among fifteen purged by Religion of Peace rivals at a Quran Recital…
2020.12.18 Somalia Galkayo 15 10 A suicide bomber detonates at a soccer stadium, taking fifteen others with him.
2020.12.18 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 A young man is shot to death by Islamic fundamentalists.
2020.12.18 Afghanistan Khawja Dobaradar 6 4 A half-dozen local security personnel are cut down by Taliban militants.
2020.12.18 Kenya Gumarey 1 0 A local leader is kidnapped and beheaded by al-Shabaab.
2020.12.18 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 5 0 The Islamic State attacks a local security patrol, killing five members.
2020.12.18 Nigeria Borno 2 0 Two residents are killed during a targeted attack on a Christian village.
2020.12.17 Nigeria Gora Gan 5 0 Muslim militants burn homes and kill five members of the same family.
2020.12.17 Australia Brisbane 2 0 A man shouting praises to Allah stabs a couple in their late-80s to death in their home.
2020.12.17 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 2 A terrorist in a rickshaw and shoots three security officers.
2020.12.17 Mali Gao 1 5 An Islamist bomb planted along the highway claims one life.
2020.12.16 Iraq Maysan 1 0 A secular university professor is assassinated by radicals.
2020.12.16 Nigeria Makurdi 3 0 A blind man and a married couple are murdered by Muslim militants.
2020.12.16 Afghanistan Wazirabad 13 3 Thirteen police officers are senselessly killed by the Taliban.
2020.12.16 Nigeria Zamfara 2 0 Two schoolchildren are liquidated by Boko Haram shortly after their abduction.
2020.12.16 Mozambique Litingina 10 0 Ten civilians are shot to death by Islamic terrorists.
2020.12.15 Nigeria Makurdi 3 0 Militant Muslims kill three locals.
2020.12.15 Philippines Pusao 1 0 A 35-year-old pregnant woman is taken down by Bangsamoro Islamic bombers.
2020.12.15 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Sectarian militias murder a demonstrator.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Botkhak 1 0 Sunni radicals gun down a local cop.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 A man and his secretary are blown to bits by an Islamist nail bomb.
2020.12.15 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 Religious radicals assassinate a district chief.
2020.12.15 Syria Basira 2 0 Two people are beheaded by the Islamic State.
2020.12.14 India Natipora 1 0 Terrorists open fire on an opposition politician, killing a guard.
2020.12.14 Afghanistan Kodakhel 4 0 Four civilians are purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.12.14 Iraq Alam 1 0 Jihadis pick off a farmer with a well-placed bomb.
2020.12.14 Myanmar Maungdaw 2 0 The Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army cuts the throats of two fishermen.
2020.12.14 Iraq Najaf 1 1 Mujahideen fire point-blank into a group of policemen, killing one.
2020.12.14 Pakistan Sheikhupura 1 0 A Muslim uses blasphemy as a justification for stabbing a Christian co-worker to death.
2020.12.13 Nigeria Askira-Uba 1 2 A Boko Haram assault leaves one dead.
2020.12.13 Pakistan Rawalpindi 0 25 Islamic extremists toss a grenade into the street.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 10 6 Ten security personnel lose their lives to an attack by armed fundamentalists.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 2 2 Radicals attach a bomb to a vehicle, killing two occupants.
2020.12.13 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A prosecutor is shot to death on his way to work.
2020.12.13 Iraq Dibis 1 2 An ISIS booby-trap kills an Iraqi.
2020.12.13 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2020.12.13 Syria Jazzar 3 3 Islamists rake a vehicle with gunfire at a market, killing three.
2020.12.13 Egypt Rabi'a 1 0 Fundamentalists execute a civilian.
2020.12.12 Nigeria Ibadan 1 0 A local is kidnapped and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.12 Niger Toumour 27 12 A targeted attack on a Christian village leaves dozens dead, some burned alive in the name of Allah.
2020.12.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 The Islamic State fires rockets at an airport, killing one civilian.
2020.12.12 DRC Beni 6 23 Six villagers are murdered by the ADF - and two dozen more kidnapped.
2020.12.12 Yemen Taiz 2 0 A prominent soccer player is killed along with his son by a well-placed Ansar Allah rocket.
2020.12.12 Iran Tehran 1 0 A journalist is executed for "spreading corruption in the land."
2020.12.12 Mozambique Nangade 14 0 Fourteen civilians are cut down by Muslim gunmen in a series of attacks.
2020.12.11 Armenia Hadrut 1 0 A young border guard is kidnapped and executed on video.
2020.12.11 Nigeria Dikwa 4 8 Islamic bombers use two car bombs to kill four people.
2020.12.11 Nigeria Igangan 1 0 A farmer is gunned down by militant Muslims.
2020.12.11 Russia Uchkeken 1 5 One person succumbs to injury following a suicide bombing.
2020.12.11 Egypt Sinai 1 0 A local security officer is gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.10 Egypt Alexandria 1 2 Islamic extremists attack a Coptic shop and stab the owner to death.
2020.12.10 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 A female reporter is murdered along with her driver by the Islamic State.
2020.12.10 Syria Jweif 9 0 An ISIS attack leaves nine dead.
2020.12.10 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A local cop is shot point-blank by a terrorist disguised as a woman.
2020.12.09 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young man is shot off his motorcycle by a suspected ISIS sniper.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 Three people are shot to death by the Taliban.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Taloqan 2 2 Fundamentalists assassinate a governor and his bodyguard.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Charbolak 7 0 Seven police officers are exterminated by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.09 Afghanistan Andar 2 3 Two locals are disintegrated by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.12.09 Somalia Galgadud 6 3 A brutal al-Shabaab roadside attack leaves six dead.
2020.12.09 Egypt Rafah 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a border guard.
2020.12.09 Iraq Hit 3 4 Islamic State members attack a local security post, killing three.
2020.12.08 Afghanistan Chahar Bolak 7 0 Seven local cops are shot dead point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.12.08 DRC Beni 3 3 An ADF Islamist attack claims at least three lives.
2020.12.08 Iraq Sinjar 2 2 An ISIS explosive takes the lives of two children.
2020.12.08 Nigeria Alagarno 10 1 Islamic extremists kill ten local security personnel outside a village.
2020.12.08 Iraq Miqdadiya 3 6 An Islamic State explosive device claims three lives.
2020.12.08 Mozambique Pundanhar 1 3 Islamists ambush a vehicle, killing one person and kidnapping two women.
2020.12.07 Mozambique Mute 1 3 Islamic 'insurgents' attack a village, killing one defender.
2020.12.07 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A police inspector is shot dead by BRN.
2020.12.07 Uganda Mayuge 1 0 A former imam is beaten to death by a mob after converting to Christianity.
2020.12.07 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 1 0 Terrorists murder a Christian journalist in his home.
2020.12.07 Afghanistan Khogyani 3 0 Civilians are among three purged by fundamentalists.
2020.12.07 Afghanistan Daman 0 35 Women and children are among the casualties of a car bombing.
2020.12.07 Yemen Lawder 6 4 Six Yemenis are ambushed and murdered by al-Qaeda.
2020.12.07 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is murdered in his home by the Islamic State.
2020.12.07 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A border guard is brought down by an ISIS sniper.
2020.12.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 5 3 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.12.06 Syria Mayadeen 2 2 An ISIS IED claims two lives.
2020.12.06 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 One person dies from splinter injuries following an al-Shabaab grenade attack.
2020.12.06 Afghanistan Dahindra Band 3 0 Three Afghans are taken down by the Taliban.
2020.12.05 Afghanistan Gurziwan 3 0 Fundamentalists kill two locals with a landmine and another with rifle fire.
2020.12.05 Iraq Khanaqin 1 2 One person is killed by the Islamic State at a guard post outside an orchard.
2020.12.05 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 7 Religious extremists target a police checkpoint with a bomb, killing three officers.
2020.12.05 Cameroon Assighassia 3 3 Three villagers are purged by Boko Haram members.
2020.12.04 Pakistan Mingora 2 2 Terrorists shoot two mourners to death at a funeral for a police officer.
2020.12.04 Yemen Hodeidah 8 13 Eight are killed when Ansar Allah rain down rockets on an industrial complex.
2020.12.04 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 8 A bomb left at a bus stop kills a commuter.
2020.12.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A prosecutor is assassinated by terrorists.
2020.12.04 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is slaughtered by ISIS.
2020.12.03 Iraq Harouniyah 1 5 Mujahid set off a bomb that sends shrapnel through a bystander.
2020.12.03 Pakistan Bannu 1 0 A guard at a polio clinic is picked off by armed radicals.
2020.12.03 Afghanistan Gardez 3 14 A bomb placed at a traffic circle claims three lives.
2020.12.03 Sweden Saltsjobaden 1 0 A migrant woman is honor-killed by her family with a shot to the head.
2020.12.02 Kenya Fafi 1 0 A border cop is shot to death by al-Shabaab.
2020.12.02 Algeria Jijel 1 0 A local soldier is killed by armed fundamentalists.
2020.12.02 Iraq Amara 1 0 Terrorists on motorbikes gun down a civilian.
2020.12.02 Afghanistan Daman 1 0 Fundamentalists kill a passing nomad with a roadside bomb.
2020.12.02 Pakistan Laiti 2 0 Two innocents are gunned down by Muslim militants.
2020.12.02 Afghanistan Qalay-i-Zal 1 0 A secular education official is assassinated by Sharia loyalists.
2020.12.02 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 A young artist is quickly shot to death after criticizing Shiite leadership.
2020.12.02 Egypt Bir al-Abid 2 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a local security member.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Mirali Bazaar 4 0 Four tribal elders are brutally murdered in their car by terrorists.
2020.12.01 Nigeria Gura-Pwana 3 0 A 70-year-old man is among three innocent Christians cut down by Muslim militants.
2020.12.01 Egypt Aqtiya 2 0 Religious radicals booby-trap a home, killing a young woman and her 9-month-old baby.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Miramshah 1 0 A tribal elder is put down by Islamic extremists.
2020.12.01 Pakistan Laittay Bando 1 1 Terrorists kill a shepherd with a well-placed mortar.
2020.11.30 Somalia Baladweyne 15 0 Fifteen others are reported dead following an al-Shabaab attack.
2020.11.30 Yemen Taiz 2 10 Two children are flattened by an Ansar Allah rocket.
2020.11.30 Afghanistan Obe 1 0 A beloved police chief is ambushed and murdered by Islamic extremists.
2020.11.30 Pakistan Rawalpindi 1 0 A 24-year-old Christian woman is murdered after refusing to marry a Muslim man.
2020.11.30 Nigeria Maiduguri 2 0 Islamista capture and kill two locals.
2020.11.30 Syria al-Hol 6 0 Six different people are assassinated in single attacks by ISIS over the course of a month at a refugee camp.
2020.11.29 Iran Sanadaj 1 0 A mother of two is stabbed to death by her brothers for adultery.
2020.11.29 Mozambique Muidumbe 25 0 Over two dozen local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic hardliners.
2020.11.29 Yemen Tadawin 8 3 Ansar Allah claims the killing of eight Saudis.
2020.11.29 Iraq Shoura 1 1 A barbaric bomb blast claims the life of a civilian.
2020.11.29 Afghanistan Haqbayat 3 23 Children are among the casualties of a suicide bombing.
2020.11.29 Yemen Hodeidah 8 7 Four children and four women are eliminated by an Ansar Allah rocket
2020.11.29 Nigeria Jema'a 7 4 Muslim militants dispatch seven unfortunates.
2020.11.29 Syria Jabal Bishri 3 0 Three people are killed by an Islamic State mine.
2020.11.29 Afghanistan Khair Khana 1 4 Fundamentalists aerate two passing cars with shrapnel, killing one passenger.
2020.11.28 Afghanistan Ghazni 31 24 A Fedayeen suicide bomber slaughters thirty-one at a security base.
2020.11.28 Nigeria Kwashebe Zamarmari 110 16 Over one-hundred farm workers are tied up and then murdered by having their throats slit.
2020.11.28 Iraq Ramadi 6 0 ISIS operatives murder six people in a home, including a Mukhtar.
2020.11.28 Iraq Shirqat 2 0 Two people are kidnapped off their farm and beheaded by Mujahideen.
2020.11.28 Iraq Rutba 1 4 Islamic militants kill one person during an attack on a village.
2020.11.27 Iraq Nasiriya 5 40 Supporters of a radical cleric fire into an opposition rally, killing five.
2020.11.27 Indonesia Lembantongoa 4 7 The East Indonesia Mujahideen group murder four Christian family members working for the Salvation Army. Two by beheading and burning.
2020.11.27 Somalia Mogadishu 7 10 A Shahid suicide bomber takes down seven patrons at a busy restaurant.
2020.11.27 DRC Beni 1 4 An Islamist group fires a rocket at a truck, killing at least one passenger.
2020.11.26 Mali Farabougou 6 2 Six rice farmers are killed in their fields by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.11.26 Pakistan Mirali 4 0 Terrorists shoot four construction workers to death.
2020.11.26 India Srinagar 2 0 Jaish-e-Muhammad gunmen fire from a passing car, killing two Indians.
2020.11.26 Cameroon Gabass 3 1 Boko Haram attack sleeping villagers, killing three.
2020.11.26 Pakistan Kahna 2 0 Two Christian sisters are abducted by Muslims, who then slit their throats.
2020.11.26 Nigeria Ikere-Ekite 1 0 A pastor is ambushed and murdered by Muslim militants.
2020.11.25 Somalia Eelasha Biyaha 5 3 A well-placed bomb obliterates five souls in a passing vehicle.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Tirinkot 2 0 Two local cops are ambushed and murdered by religious extremists.
2020.11.24 Burkina Faso Anra 5 0 Five guards at a gold mine are shot to death by Jihadists.
2020.11.24 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two Egyptians are laid out by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.11.24 Somalia Wajid 7 0 Four children and a pregnant woman are among a family of seven slaughtered in cold blood by an Islamist group.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Bamiyan 17 51 Two bombs, placed outside a row of shops, clear out seventeen patrons.
2020.11.24 Switzerland Lugano 0 2 A 'radicalized' woman stabs two others at a supermarket.
2020.11.24 Afghanistan Khenjan 2 2 A boy and his father are dispatched by a Taliban mortar shell.
2020.11.24 Chad Ngouboua 4 24 A bomb placed in a boat by Boko Haram claims four victims.
2020.11.23 Somalia Lego 6 11 Six Somalis are sent to Allah by radicals fighting for an Islamic state.
2020.11.23 DRC North Kivu 26 29 A brutal attack on several Christian villages by Islamic radicals leaves twenty-six dead.
2020.11.23 Uganda Kameme 1 0 The 6-year-old son of an apostate to Christianity is murdered by relatives.
2020.11.22 DRC Mayitike 4 0 A pastor loses four family members, as they are hacked to death for refusing to convert to Islam.
2020.11.22 Afghanistan Chakhansoor 3 6 Three Afghan lives are snuffed out by the Taliban.
2020.11.22 Afghanistan Baghlan 6 12 Six local security personnel are killed by the Taliban in two attacks.
2020.11.22 Iraq Salahuddin 6 5 Islamists open fire on first responders to an earlier bombing, bringing down six.
2020.11.22 Nigeria Dutsen Gari 5 18 Boko Haram elements are blamed for a brutal attack on a rival mosque that leaves five dead.
2020.11.22 Pakistan Spinwam 1 2 Local Taliban murder a border guard.
2020.11.22 Iraq Mosul 1 4 Islamic extremists murder one person with a roadside bomb.
2020.11.21 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A young agricultural worker is senselessly gunned down by Muslim radicals.
2020.11.21 Nigeria Ja'alta 9 0 At least nine people are killed when Islamists attack a convoy overseeing food distribution.
2020.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 Fundamentalists plant a mine along a rode that claims a driver.
2020.11.21 Iraq Zouiya 4 0 Four civilians are reduced to pulp by an ISIS roadside bomb.
2020.11.21 Nigeria Baga 7 3 Boko Haram ambush a local security patrol, killing seven members.
2020.11.21 Afghanistan Kabul 10 51 The Taliban send rockets into an area with embassies, killing ten.
2020.11.21 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 2 0 Two local security personnel are gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2020.11.21 Uganda Kisoro 2 0 A former Muslim turned pastor is beaten and stabbed along with his 12-year-old son after refusing to renounce his faith.
2020.11.20 DRC Beni 4 0 A brutal ambush by the ADF leaves four dead.
2020.11.20 DRC Beni 4 3 Four first responders to an earlier attack are killed by Islamists.
2020.11.20 Pakistan Sanghla Hill 1 3 An Ahmadi doctor is shot to death over his minority faith.
2020.11.19 Somalia Lafole 1 3 al-Shabaab claims a bombing that takes one life.
2020.11.19 Iraq Shoura 1 0 Mujahideen use a sticky bomb to kill a civilian.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Bajaur 2 1 Terrorists kill a woman and her 5-year-old son in their home.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Barfak 2 0 Two women are shot dead in front of other villagers by Islamic extremists.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Charsadda 1 0 One worker is killed when terrorists attack a government office.
2020.11.18 Pakistan Push Ziarat 2 0 Islamic radicals open fire on a border patrol, killing two members.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Qaramql 5 3 The Taliban aerate five locals.
2020.11.18 Afghanistan Taloka 7 6 Women and children are among seven purged by the Taliban.
2020.11.18 Syria Mayadeen 2 0 ISIS members dispatch two rivals with machine-gun fire.
2020.11.17 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 2 4 Religious radicals burn two people alive in their vehicle.
2020.11.17 Somalia Mogadishu 5 10 A Shahid suicide bomber at a restaurant takes out five patrons.
2020.11.17 DRC Kokola 6 0 A half-dozen civilians are obliterated by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.17 Pakistan Jamrud 1 0 A man is gunned down on his way home by Pakistani Taliban.
2020.11.17 Iraq Baghdad 1 5 Terrorists manage to kill a little girl with a rocket.
2020.11.17 Nigeria Zangon Kataf 2 0 A Christian father and son are killed by suspected Myetti Allah sympathists.
2020.11.17 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 A prayer leader is shot to death by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.11.16 DRC Virunga NP 29 0 Twenty-nine villagers are executed en masse by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Mahmud-e-Raqi 1 0 An off-duty cop is gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Kabul 2 1 Two security officers at a checkpoint are picked off by armed fundamentalists.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Badakhshan 12 10 A dozen Afghans are tragically killed by the Taliban.
2020.11.16 Afghanistan Nangarhar 2 0 Two civilians succumb to injury following a Taliban mine blast.
2020.11.15 Iraq Jurf Al-Nasr 1 1 A vicious Mujahid attack leaves one dead.
2020.11.15 Afghanistan Jurluq 0 5 A Taliban mine injures five children.
2020.11.15 Nigeria Albasu 11 5 Jihadist-linked gunmen take down eleven residents.
2020.11.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 An Islamic State roadside bomb claims three lives.
2020.11.14 Egypt Rafah 1 1 One person is machine-gunned by fundamentalists.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Khak-e-Jabar 2 0 Islamic bombers dismantle a pair of locals.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Khawaja Ghar 5 5 Five Afghans are left dead after Taliban radicals storm a police checkpoint.
2020.11.14 Afghanistan Arghandai 2 4 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out two victims.
2020.11.13 Iraq Kubba 1 2 Mujahideen plant a bomb on an agricultural road, killing one passerby.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Niyazbik 1 0 A young army officer is shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.11.13 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 A teacher at a secular school loses his life to terrorists.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 8 11 Islamic hardliners fire rockets into a checkpoint, killing eight.
2020.11.13 Afghanistan Kabul 3 4 A Shahid suicide car bomber claims three other lives.
2020.11.13 Iraq Naqshbandi 1 4 An ISIS attack leaves one dead and four injured.
2020.11.13 Egypt Rafah 1 0 Islamic State snipers pick off a local soldier.
2020.11.13 India Kashmir 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed by her family for immoral behavior.
2020.11.12 Iraq Khailana 1 1 Fundamentalists plant a bomb in a home, killing one person.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Bala Hisar 12 0 A dozen local security forces are gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Kunduz 2 0 Two first responders to an earlier attack are picked off by Taliban bombers.
2020.11.12 Somalia Kismayo 3 0 An al-Qaeda-linked group throws a bomb through a house window, killing three inside.
2020.11.12 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 1 3 Fundamentalist bombers kill a journalist and injure his child.
2020.11.11 Afghanistan Lab-e-Jar 2 1 A skillfully-placed bomb takes out two passersby.
2020.11.11 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 3 Radicals bomb a non-Muslim cemetery during a ceremony honoring WWI dead.
2020.11.11 Burkina Faso Tin-Akoff 14 3 Islamic State advocates ambush and kill fourteen travelers
2020.11.11 Nigeria Northeast 2 0 Two Nigerians are captured and quickly killed by Boko Haram.
2020.11.10 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A Syrian is captured, tortured and executed by ISIS.
2020.11.10 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 4 0 Four locals are machine-gunned by the Taliban.
2020.11.10 Somalia Dusamareb 2 8 An al-Shabaab bomb destroys a passing vehicle and two lives.
2020.11.10 Afghanistan Maidan Shar 1 9 A student is blown to bits by a Religion of Peace bomb blast at his university.
2020.11.10 Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh 11 0 Eleven Armenian captivies are executed.
2020.11.09 Iraq Balkana 2 7 Two oil company employees are thoroughly refined by a Mujahideen bomb blast.
2020.11.09 Pakistan Gujranwala 2 0 A Christian woman and her son are lynched in broad daylight by a Muslim mob angered over alleged "blasphemy".
2020.11.09 Nigeria Borno 5 3 Five Nigerians are killed by Boko Haram.
2020.11.08 Iraq Babel 10 6 Ten first responders to an earlier blast are cut down by ISIS bombers.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Badakhshan 1 0 A man on his way home after work is shot off his motorcycle by the Taliban.
2020.11.08 Mozambique Muatide 50 0 Islamists behead fifty villagers on a soccer pitch.
2020.11.08 DRC Oicha 6 0 A half-dozen more villagers are cut down by the ADF.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Naw Abad 8 7 Five children and three women are dispatched by a barrage of Taliban rockets on their homes.
2020.11.08 India Macchil 3 2 An attempt by Islamic terrorists to infiltrate the border leaves three guards dead.
2020.11.08 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An 82-year-old Ahmadi minority is shot to death.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Maiwand 4 40 Four others are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber self-detonates.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Pusht Rod 2 0 At least two people are killed during a Taliban attack.
2020.11.08 Afghanistan Baghlan 4 6 Islamic fundamentalists stage a series of attacks that leave four dead.
2020.11.08 Iraq Radhwaniya 11 8 The Islamic State kill eleven people in a sudden and brutal attack.
2020.11.07 DRC Kisima 7 0 Seven innocents are slain by ADF Islamists.
2020.11.07 Afghanistan Kabul 3 0 A TV presenter is among three civilians incinerated by Islamist bombers.
2020.11.07 Afghanistan Qalat 4 12 A Fedayeen suicide bomber claims four lives.
2020.11.07 Egypt Aqtia 2 0 A bomb planted by an ISIS-linked group kills two.
2020.11.07 Syria al-Bab 3 0 In a heinous attack, Islamists detonate a bomb remotely, killing the engineers trying to defuse it.
2020.11.06 Nigeria Dande 4 7 Muslim militants kill four villagers and abduct several women.
2020.11.06 Iraq Rutba 1 0 An engineer is reportedly slain in captivity by Mujahideen.
2020.11.06 Thailand Narathiwat 1 0 A 48-year-old farmer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.11.06 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 The Islamic State murder a man in his own home.
2020.11.06 Mozambique Nanjaba 2 3 Militants shout praised to Allah as they behead two villagers and abduct several women…
2020.11.06 Mozambique Napala 3 0 Three villagers are murdered by Islamic radicals, who then burn homes.
2020.11.05 Mozambique Nanjaba 2 6 Islamists kill two people and kidnap six women.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Koshan 1 0 A woman is gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Hardliners assassinate the father of a female politician.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Ali Abad 2 1 A father and son are brought down in a hail of Taliban bullets.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Shulgara 3 17 Back-to-back explosions claim three lives.
2020.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 3 3 Three people are killed in an ISIS remote-controlled bombing.
2020.11.05 Iraq Baqubah 1 2 An ISIS bomb kills a first responder to an earlier blast.
2020.11.05 Afghanistan Chahar Sadeh 1 0 An off-duty soldier on vacation is abducted and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.11.05 India Tral 1 1 Terrorists fire into a shop, killing the owner.
2020.11.04 Pakistan Khushab 1 0 A bank manager is shot to death by an employee over 'blasphemy'.
2020.11.04 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 3 Boko Haram machine-gun three police.
2020.11.04 Mozambique Muidumbe 3 0 Three men are paraded through a village, then beheaded.
2020.11.03 Egypt Rafah 2 0 Terrorists attack a local security patrol, killing two members.
2020.11.03 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists murder a retired man in his home.
2020.11.03 Mali Bandiagara 8 4 Children are among the casualties when Jihadists fire on a minibus.
2020.11.03 Pakistan Manzaikai 1 2 A Taliban sniper is suspected of picking off a border guard.
2020.11.02 Austria Vienna 4 22 An Islamic extremist rampages through a nightlife district with an automatic weapon, killing four.
2020.11.02 Mali N’Débougou 1 0 An imam is assassinated by suspected radicals.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Lashkargah 7 1 Taliban bombers claim seven civilians and injure a child.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Khwaja Sabz Posh 2 0 Two locals are purged by the Taliban.
2020.11.02 Afghanistan Kabul 35 22 Three Islamic State Fedayeen storm a university and massacre three-dozen students and teachers, claiming they had "rejected Islam."
2020.11.02 Iraq Safra 1 0 A prayer caller to death by rivals outside his home.
2020.11.02 Nigeria Malam Fatori 10 0 Ten passengers in a vehicle succumb to a Boko Haram IED.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Gozarah 1 0 A religious scholar is shot dead by rivals.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Bagrami 1 0 Taliban shrapnel claims a civilian.
2020.11.01 Iraq Maysan 1 0 Terrorists shoot dead a civilian.
2020.11.01 Nigeria Takulashi 12 9 Islamic extremists kill a dozen villagers and kidnap nine women.
2020.11.01 Afghanistan Herat 3 1 Religion of Peace activists kill three Afghans with a motorcycle bomb.
2020.11.01 Nigeria Takulashi 11 20 Islamists fire sporadically into a village, taking down eleven fleeing residents.
2020.10.31 Iraq Hamrin Lake 1 0 An ISIS sniper picks off a fisherman.
2020.10.31 Afghanistan Kunduz 4 8 Islamic Hardliners send a mortar round into a volleyball game, killing ten.
2020.10.31 Syria Sukhnah 2 0 Islamic State members fire machine-guns into a passing vehicle, killing two occupants.
2020.10.31 Mozambique Muidumbe 2 0 At least two local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Islamic radicals.
2020.10.30 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A local resident is murdered by religious hardliners.
2020.10.30 DRC Buliki 21 0 Fifteen women are among twenty-one villagers killed "without mercy" by an Islamic group.
2020.10.30 Iraq Muthanna 2 0 Two children are put down by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.30 Russia Kukmor 1 1 Jihadis 'radicalize' a teen into firebombing a police station and stabbing an officer.
2020.10.29 Bangladesh Burimari 1 0 A mentally-ill man is dragged from a mosque and lynched by a mob over rumor of Quran desecration.
2020.10.29 India Kulgam 3 0 Three politicians are assassinated by Pakistani-backed militants.
2020.10.29 France Nice 3 0 A 60-year-old woman is beheaded in a church, and two other Catholics are stabbed to death - including a mother of two - by a Quran-carrying migrant shouting praises to Allah.
2020.10.29 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 0 1 A man angered over cartoons, stabs a guard outside the French consulate.
2020.10.29 Nigeria Borno 6 3 Six local security personnel are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.10.29 Syria Palmyra 1 0 ISIS is suspected of killing a pilot on his way to work.
2020.10.28 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 al-Shabaab fire a rocket into a checkpoint, killing one person.
2020.10.28 Afghanistan Sholgara 6 1 A half-dozen family members are reduced to rubble by a Taliban rocket.
2020.10.28 DRC Baeti 19 0 ADF Islamists burn a church and slaughter nineteen innocents in an "atrocious way."
2020.10.28 Iraq Wajiha 1 0 An Iraqi is eliminated by Mujahid gunmen.
2020.10.28 Pakistan Jailor 1 0 A police officer is abducted and murdered by suspected Taliban.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Shenki 3 3 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Mujahideen.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Siory 4 3 Four civilians traveling in a car are blown to bits by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Kabul 3 10 Religious zealots attach a bomb to a car, killing three bystanders.
2020.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 3 13 A well-placed car bomb takes out three innocents.
2020.10.27 Somalia Mogadishu 2 0 Two aid workers are shot to death while trying to protect children from polio.
2020.10.27 Iraq Maqdadiyah 5 2 Enterprising Jihadis shoot dead a shepherd and then kill four other members of his family with two bombs.
2020.10.27 Morocco Rabat 1 3 An ISIS inmate beats a prison guard to death with a metal rod.
2020.10.27 Pakistan Peshawar 8 120 Hardliners send ball bearings and shrapnel through a rival Quran school, killing eight.
2020.10.27 Afghanistan Khost 5 34 A Taliban car bombing cuts short five lives.
2020.10.26 Afghanistan Shawli Kot 2 0 Two civilians are put down by the Taliban.
2020.10.26 Afghanistan Sharan Katwal 4 0 Four children are liquidated by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.26 Egypt Bir al-Abed 1 0 A landmine planted by fundamentalists kills a third-grade student.
2020.10.26 India Faridabad 1 0 A Hindu college student is shot to death for refusing to convert and marry a Muslim.
2020.10.26 Iraq Badush 30 0 Thirty victims of Islamic State execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2020.10.25 Nigeria Damboa 6 7 A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen purged by Boko Haram.
2020.10.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 4 3 Fundamentalists kill four women with a well-placed highway bomb.
2020.10.25 Nigeria Tarmuwa 1 0 A local cop is gunned down by Boko Haram.
2020.10.25 Egypt Bir al-Abd 14 10 Islamic terrorists booby-trap homes, killing over a dozen - including women and children.
2020.10.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A female cop is gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2020.10.25 Iraq Makhisa 1 1 An Islamic State attack leaves one dead.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Ghazni 9 3 Four women are among nine bus passengers purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Kabul 24 57 A Sunni suicide blast rips through a Shiite education center - and the lives of dozens, including children.
2020.10.24 Afghanistan Qala-e-Fata 6 2 Six security guards at a dam are picked off by Muslim fundamentalists.
2020.10.24 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 An al-Qaeda linked group guns down a local cop.
2020.10.24 Egypt Aqtia 1 0 An ISIS mine blast kills a woman.
2020.10.23 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Mujahideen open fire on a civilian, bringing him down quickly.
2020.10.23 Niger Samira 2 0 Islamists are suspected of a roadside bomb that claims two miners.
2020.10.22 Afghanistan Khaashrud 23 6 A middle-of-the-night attack by the Taliban leaves two-dozen dead.
2020.10.22 Afghanistan Sharin Tagab 4 14 Four civilians are killed in their homes by Taliban rockets.
2020.10.22 Syria Qudsaya 1 0 A mufti is assassinated by a car bomb planted by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.22 Egypt Aqtia 1 0 A child is reduced to pulp by ISIS bombers.
2020.10.22 Nigeria Maiduguri 6 2 A Boko Haram attack leaves six dead.
2020.10.21 Afghanistan Baharak 42 8 Forty-two local security personnel lose their lives to a brutal Taliban ambush.
2020.10.21 Iraq Halwan 3 0 Religious radicals spray a car with bullets, killing three civilians.
2020.10.21 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.10.20 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A boy is vaporized by ISIS explosives.
2020.10.20 Iraq Qaraj Plains 4 1 Four members of a Kurdish family are disintegrated by a Religion of Peace bomb blast.
2020.10.20 Chad Lake Chad 6 12 A half-dozen border guards are picked off by Boko Haram.
2020.10.20 Somalia Mogadishu 2 3 An al-Shabaab bomb blast claims the lives of two bystanders.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Jalrez 5 9 Five innocents are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2020.10.20 Syria Manbij 1 5 An ISIS car bomb near a pharmacy leaves one dead.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Kang 5 0 The Taliban kill five with a roadside bomb.
2020.10.20 Afghanistan Kang 7 0 The Taliban use a roadside bomb to kill seven first responders to an earlier blast.
2020.10.20 Philippines Barangay Langgong 2 0 Two people are left dead following an attack by Moro Islamists.
2020.10.20 Mozambique Ilha Matemo 1 0 A young man is killed for having a "non-Islamic" haircut.
2020.10.19 Nigeria Sabon Gari 2 0 Muslim 'antagonists' murder two Christian girls.
2020.10.19 Afghanistan Zazai Maidan 2 0 Fundamentalists assassinate a local governor.
2020.10.19 India Anantnag 1 0 Islamic terrorists murder a man outside his home.
2020.10.19 Afghanistan Masjid-i-Safid 25 0 Over two-dozen Afghans are reported killed in a terror attack by fundamentalists.
2020.10.18 DRC Ituri 10 1 ADF Islamists are suspected of hacking ten to death with machetes.
2020.10.18 Iraq Hamira 2 0 Two village guards are picked off by the Islamic State.
2020.10.18 Afghanistan Imam Sahib 8 0 Eight Afghan police are murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.18 Somalia Biyo Adde 4 0 Four Somalis are pasted by an al-Shabaab IED.
2020.10.18 Afghanistan Feroz Koh 16 151 Disabled persons and children are among sixteen civilians shredded by a Taliban car bomb.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 2 0 A religious radical shoots two police officers to death.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Surkh Rod 1 0 Rivals bomb a religious school, killing the director.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Deh Rawood 2 2 The Taliban kill two women with a well-placed rocket strike on their home.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Lalmah-e-Sabzak 3 5 Two Taliban bomb blasts leave three dead.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Bang 1 1 One farmer is killed and another maimed by Muslim militants.
2020.10.17 Afghanistan Shamar 2 0 A high school teacher is among two shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.10.17 Iraq Toolik 3 0 Three Kurds are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2020.10.17 Iraq Farahat 10 2 Shiites abduct a dozen Sunnis, then execute ten.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Dutse 1 0 A Christian is reportedly stabbed to death for her faith.
2020.10.17 Nigeria Apo 7 0 Seven civilians are murdered by a Muslim mob.
2020.10.17 Philippines Tuburan 2 0 Two men are shot and killed by Abus Sayyaf.
2020.10.16 France Paris 1 0 A teacher is beheaded by a Muslim migrant after showing the class cartoons of Muhammad.
2020.10.16 Afghanistan Ferozkoh 7 3 Two children and two women are among seven souls claimed by a Muslim bomb blast.
2020.10.16 Cameroon Oudal 3 5 Three farmers are killed by a group fighting for the law of Allah.
2020.10.15 Iraq Kanaan 1 0 Fundamentalists assassinate an Internet café operator.
2020.10.15 Iraq Abara 1 0 A bomb blast at an orchard claims a farm worker.
2020.10.15 Mali Anefis 1 1 A UN peacekeeper is dismantled by Islamic shrapnel.
2020.10.15 Somalia Mahadday 2 3 Two people in a rickshaw are laid out by a Muslim bomb blast.
2020.10.15 Afghanistan Najrab 1 0 A local mullah is assassinated by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.15 Somalia Afgoya 13 0 An attack by al-Shabaab on a group of farm guards leaves thirteen dead.
2020.10.15 Pakistan Razmak 6 0 Muslim terrorists set off a bomb that kills a half-dozen.
2020.10.15 India Jhalawar 1 0 A Hindu man is beaten to death by a gang of six Muslims.
2020.10.14 Mozambique Ndique 2 0 Two innocents are shot dead by Islamic terrorists.
2020.10.14 Mozambique Ncate 1 0 A girl dies after Muslim radicals set fire to her home.
2020.10.14 Burkina Faso Seno 24 0 Two dozen villagers are massacred by hardcore Islamists.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Asmar 5 0 The Taliban use a remote controlled bomb against a bus, killing five passengers.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Gozargah-e-Noor 16 10 Sixteen Afghan security personnel are murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.14 Pakistan North Waziristan 7 0 Fundamentalists kills seven Pakistanis in two attacks.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Kushki Kuhna 5 13 Five children are eliminated by the Taliban.
2020.10.14 Yemen Salh 1 2 An Ansar Allah bombing lays out a young man.
2020.10.14 Afghanistan Mehtarlam 3 15 A bomb planted by an Islamic fundamentalist group claims three civilians.
2020.10.14 Tanzania Kitaya 20 0 Twenty villagers are beheaded by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.10.14 Nigeria Plateau 1 2 A young Christian is hacked to death by Muslim militants.
2020.10.14 Egypt Marih 1 4 Religious radicals aerate a border guard with shrapnel.
2020.10.14 Egypt Marih 1 2 A resident is blown to bits by Islamic bombers.
2020.10.14 DRC Beni 1 1 At least one person is put down by the ADF.
2020.10.13 Mali Western Border 3 0 Three first responders to an earlier attack are picked off by Jihadists.
2020.10.13 Mali Bandiagara 13 0 A brutal shooting attack on traders leaves thirteen dead, including two women and a baby.
2020.10.13 Afghanistan Teri Ada 1 3 An early morning Taliban bombing leaves one dead.
2020.10.12 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A physician is assassinated by religious radicals.
2020.10.12 Nigeria Ngwom 14 1 Boko Haram slash the throats of fourteen farmers.
2020.10.12 Mali Sokoura 9 0 Nine local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.10.11 Iraq al-Riyadh 50 0 Fifty young victims of ISIS execution are discovered in a mass grave.
2020.10.11 Egypt Janain 2 0 A woman and her daughter are laid out by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.10.11 Egypt Aqtia 4 2 A 2-year-old child and three women are exterminated by Jihadis.
2020.10.11 Syria Aqirbat 5 0 Five Syrians are killed by the Islamic State.
2020.10.11 Mali Farabougou 6 15 A half-dozen villagers are massacred by Jihadists.
2020.10.11 Mozambique Mucojo 2 0 Islamists kill two civilians and steal their food.
2020.10.11 Mozambique Nambo 2 3 Two people near a market are gunned down by Islamic extremists.
2020.10.10 Somalia Lower Shabelle 0 3 Three children survive an al-Shabaab bombing of their home.
2020.10.10 Pakistan Mana Mandra 2 4 Militants fighting for Sharia kill two government soldiers.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 9 Five passengers on a bus are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Zawul 2 10 The Taliban plant a bomb by the road that kills two commuters.
2020.10.10 Pakistan Karachi 2 0 Suspected rivals murder a religious scholar and his driver.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Dagari 7 4 The Taliban murder seven police officers.
2020.10.10 India Khojri 2 0 A young couple is honor-killed by their family for marrying without permission.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Baghawi 13 3 Fundamentalists plant a mine that claims the lives of thirteen passengers and bystanders.
2020.10.10 Afghanistan Gereshk 5 9 The Taliban hit a civilian bus with a roadside blast, claiming five passengers.
2020.10.10 Egypt Qatia 2 1 Two women cleaning a house are aerated by an ISIS booby-trap.
2020.10.09 Syria Albukamal 1 0 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2020.10.09 Iraq Abu Fasheka 1 2 Jihadis kill a young girl with a bomb that also injures her parents.
2020.10.09 Thailand Sai Buri 1 5 Islamic radicals kill a defense volunteer with a bomb.
2020.10.09 Mali Bamako 1 0 A female Christian missionary from Switzerland is murdered in captivity by Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam Muslimeen.
2020.10.09 Iraq Deir 1 0 Islamists murder the son of a rival Mukhtar.
2020.10.09 Afghanistan Qaisar 4 0 Four Afghan security personnel are killed by the Taliban at their checkpoint.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Ali Abad 8 0 Eight locals are cut down by the Taliban.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Nahri Saraj 3 0 Three local security personnel are pumped full of bullets by religious radicals.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Dolat Shah 3 0 A local governor is assassinated by Islamic extremists, along with two bodyguards.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Pul-e-Khumri 4 0 Four Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2020.10.08 Afghanistan Imam Sabib 6 21 A brutal attack by the Taliban leaves a half-dozen dead.
2020.10.08 Nigeria Borno 2 0 Two Christians are killed by the Islamic State.
2020.10.07 Syria Shahil 1 0 A local council member is murdered by ISIS.
2020.10.07 Somalia Bal'ad 6 4 An al-Shabaab landmine claims six souls.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Nahr-e-Aab 2 0 A civilian is among two individuals gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Ibrahim Manda 3 4 Three local cops are machine-gunned point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.10.07 Afghanistan Anda Kori 3 0 A district governor is assassinated by fundamentalists, along with two guards.
2020.10.07 Sudan Nyala 2 0 Arab militia kill two innocents riding donkeys.
2020.10.07 India Adarsh Nagar 1 0 A Hindu teen is beaten to death for dating a Muslim girl.
2020.10.07 Mozambique Ilha Makalowe 2 0 Two villagers die during an Islamic attack.
2020.10.06 Pakistan Badin 1 0 A Hindu father is killed while trying to defend his daughter from targeted rape by a Muslim gang.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Ghazni 1 0 A prison official is abducted and murdered by the Taliban.
2020.10.06 Kenya Mandera 0 7 Islamists fire on a bus in an effort to kill Christians.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Khost City 1 0 A female employee at a secular court is killed outside her house by Sharia hardliners.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Shahr-e-Safa 6 0 An unprovoked attack by the Taliban leaves six dead.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Khisha Chena 3 0 A woman is among three pulled into pieces by Taliban explosives.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Nahrsaraj 4 0 The Taliban set off a bomb outside a police station, killing four unfortunates.
2020.10.06 Nigeria Wereng 6 3 An attack by Muslims on unarmed villagers leaves six dead.
2020.10.06 Iraq Nakar 4 3 A group fighting for an Islamic state fire into a police checkpoint, killing four members.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Dor Baba 3 0 Three passengers in a car are exterminated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.10.06 Afghanistan Yakhchal 5 3 A Shahid suicide car bomber sends five Afghans to Allah.
2020.10.06 Mali Birga-Peul 3 0 Three local security personnel are ambushed and delivered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.05 Philippines Barangay Igasan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf fire on a group of locals harvesting food, killing one.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 2 0 Two locals are shot to death by Islamists.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 The Taliban target a vehicle with a bomb, killing the driver.
2020.10.05 India Srinagar 2 3 Lashkar-e-Toiba open fire on a group of Indian soldiers, killing two.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Laghman 8 28 A suicide bomber rams his car into a governor's convoy, killing eight others.
2020.10.05 DRC Mamove 6 2 ADF members infiltrate a village and hack six residents to death.
2020.10.05 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 An Ahmadi professor is assassinated by a Sunni professor following an argument on religion.
2020.10.05 Iraq Nakar 2 2 Two police officers are ambushed and killed by Mujahideen.
2020.10.05 Afghanistan Baba Yadegar 1 0 A chauffeur is driven to an early grave by the Taliban.
2020.10.05 Iraq Arbajiya 1 0 A local man in his 50's is shot several times by Muslim terrorists.
2020.10.05 Sudan Nierteti 2 0 Two farmers are murdered by Arab militia.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Isakhail 4 0 Four civilians are murdered in their own car by the Taliban.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Tank Chakri 2 0 Two local officials are machine-gunned by Religion of Peace advocates.
2020.10.04 Burkina Faso Pissila 25 3 Two dozen displaced persons are singled out and slaughtered by Jihadists.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Gardiz 1 0 A tribal elder is assassinated by Islamic fundamentalists.
2020.10.04 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Qala 1 0 A Quran scholar is kidnapped and killed by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.10.04 Germany Dresden 1 1 A Syrian "refugee" and ISIS supporter stabs two middle-aged tourists at random, killing one.
2020.10.03 Afghanistan Nadi 2 0 Two children are vaporized by Taliban explosives.
2020.10.03 Afghanistan Togh 2 2 Religious radicals shoot two cops to death.
2020.10.03 Mozambique Muituro 6 0 Six civilians are slain by Islamic radicals in at least two attacks.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Habashkhel 1 0 A court employee is shot to death on his way home.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Pul-e-Alam 3 0 Terrorists open fire on civilians, killing three.
2020.10.02 Syria Rasafah 10 6 An ISIS attack on a checkpoint leaves a half-dozen dead.
2020.10.02 Afghanistan Ghani Khel 15 40 Four children are among fifteen innocents slain by a Shahid suicide car bomber.
2020.10.01 Somalia Howl-Wadag 1 0 A female suicide bomber kills a man outside a row of shops.
2020.10.01 Iraq Kubaiba 1 0 A 17-year-old farm worker is plowed under by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.10.01 Thailand Thepa 1 6 A BRN bomb blast claims one life.
2020.10.01 Afghanistan Pashtoon Kot 1 0 The pregnant wife of a soldier is assassinated while dropping her kids off at school.
2020.09.30 Iraq Saladin 1 0 ISIS shrapnel claims one life.
2020.09.30 Somalia Mogadishu 1 2 Fundamentalists hit a night spot with a bomb blast, killing one.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Khost 1 6 A suicide bomber claims one life.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Nahr Saraj 9 4 A Shahid suicide bomber takes out nine bystanders, including two women.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Dawlat Yar 2 0 A husband and wife are aerated by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Ghor 2 0 Taliban bombers pick off a man and woman on their way to a funeral.
2020.09.30 Afghanistan Dolina 1 0 A child is disassembled by a well-placed Taliban mine.
2020.09.30 Mozambique Rueia 3 0 Three civilians are murdered by Muslim 'insurgents'.
2020.09.30 Mozambique Mucojo 10 0 A surprised attack by Islamic terrorists on a barracks leaves ten dead.
2020.09.29 Mozambique Malamba 1 0 A local man loses his life to Jihadists.
2020.09.29 Nigeria Marte 10 8 Islamic extremists open fire on a passing security patrol, killing ten members.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Qoltak 3 3 A woman and two children are exterminated by a Taliban mortar shell.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Ghor 1 0 A civilian driver is leveled by a fundamentalist IED.
2020.09.29 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Sulaiman 14 3 Seven women and five children are among fourteen innocents lost when the Taliban bomb a bus.
2020.09.29 Syria Fasida 9 0 Islamic State advocates storm a village and slaughter nine civilians.
2020.09.29 Pakistan Mardan 4 3 Four bystanders are blown to bits by a bomb planted on a motorcycle.
2020.09.28 Philippines Patikul 1 0 A fisherman held hostage by Abu Sayyaf dies during a rescue attempt.
2020.09.28 Iraq Khalis 1 1 A man is killed in front of his son by holy warriors.
2020.09.28 India Nildoora 1 0 A rural development employee is picked off by Islamic terrorists.
2020.09.28 India Sirhama 1 3 A young person dies from injuries suffered during a Mujahid bombing.
2020.09.28 Cameroon Zeleved 2 1 Islamists attack a local security post, killing two.
2020.09.28 Nigeria Baga 5 0 Five captives are slaughtered by Boko Haram.
2020.09.28 Somalia Hiran 1 0 al-Shabaab execute a 44-year-old man by firing squad.
2020.09.28 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 ISIS operatives kill a man inside his home.
2020.09.28 Afghanistan Ali Abad 4 12 A Taliban attack produces four bodies.
2020.09.28 Iraq Baghdad 7 0 Terrorists turn two women and five children into pulp with a rocket.
2020.09.28 Yemen Lahj 2 0 An Ansar Allah attack leaves two dead.
2020.09.28 Philippines Guindulungan 1 0 A town councilor is assassinated by suspected Abu Sayyaf.
2020.09.28 Syria Idlib 4 0 An Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham missile claims four lives.
2020.09.28 Mozambique Nycia 1 0 A border guard is murdered by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.27 DRC Mamove 19 0 ADF Islamists massacre nineteen villagers.
2020.09.27 Lebanon Minieh 2 0 A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills two Lebanese soldiers.
2020.09.27 Syria Idlib 4 0 An Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham rocket attack leaves four dead.
2020.09.26 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 A prison interpreter is murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A man is killed in his own home by religious fundamentalists.
2020.09.26 Nigeria Borno 3 0 Islamists kidnap and kill three Africans.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Bala Block 20 11 A Taliban attack along a highway leaves twenty dead.
2020.09.26 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An agriculture department employee is kidnapped and murdered.
2020.09.26 Iraq Qahtaniyah 1 0 One person is killed when Mujahideen fire on a school.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Ali Abad 3 4 Three locals are blown to bits by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.09.26 Afghanistan Shibar 4 2 Fundamentalists ambush and kill four members of a special police force.
2020.09.26 Mozambique Macomia 6 0 Six members of a family are reportedly beheaded by Religion of Peac proponents.
2020.09.26 Mozambique Bilibiza 8 0 Islamists kill at least eight villagers and abduct children.
2020.09.25 Pakistan Buner 2 0 A couple that married of their own free will is quickly honor killed by family members.
2020.09.25 France Paris 0 2 A Muslim radical stabs two people at random with a meat cleaver.
2020.09.25 Iraq Mansuriya 1 2 ISIS militants plant an IED that shreds a farm worker.
2020.09.25 Iraq Bajwan 1 0 One person is murdered in his home by five Islamic State members.
2020.09.25 England Croydon 1 0 A 54-year-old cop is shot to death by a migrant with 'Islamist views'.
2020.09.25 Nigeria Baga 15 7 A brutal assassination attempt by Boko Haram leaves fifteen dead.
2020.09.25 Burkina Faso Touldeni 6 3 An attack by Jihadists leaves six dead civilians.
2020.09.25 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 3 One person is killed in an unprovoked attack by Boko Haram.
2020.09.25 Syria Deir ez-Zor 2 0 Two lives are cut short by ISIS shrapnel.
2020.09.24 Philippines Mindanao 3 0 Three security forces die after being ambushed by Muslim radicals.
2020.09.24 Afghanistan Patawak 5 0 Brave Jihadis wipe out a family of five, including children.
2020.09.24 India Kaisermulla 1 0 A local cop succumbs to injury after an Islamist shooting.
2020.09.24 India Srinagar 1 0 A lawyer is shot to death by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.24 Afghanistan Takht-e-Pul 7 4 Seven police manning a checkpoint, are machine-gunned point-blank by fundamentalists.
2020.09.24 Mozambique Naliendele 2 3 At least two people are killed by Muslim extremists.
2020.09.24 Mozambique Awasse 1 0 An electrical worker is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.23 Philippines Tonggol 1 0 A man is murdered by Bangsamoro Islamists.
2020.09.23 Yemen Saada 8 28 Eight lives are lost to an Ansar Allah missile.
2020.09.23 Mali Boulkessy 3 4 A vicious attack on a local security patrol leaves three dead.
2020.09.23 DRC Mutuanga 11 0 Eleven villagers are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.09.23 Nigeria Mandaragraw 3 7 Boko Haram open fire on citizens in their homes, killing three.
2020.09.23 Nigeria Jol 9 2 Nine miners are killed in cold blood by militant Muslims.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Uruzgan 28 0 Twenty-eight Afghan police are executed by the Taliban, allegedly after surrendering.
2020.09.23 Iraq Abbara 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by ISIS near his home.
2020.09.23 Somalia Afgoye 1 0 al-Shabaab throw a grenade into a livestock market, killing a participant.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Zaray 1 0 A man is shot to death in his own garden by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.23 Egypt Tora 3 0 Jailed Islamic militants murder three prison guards in an escape attempt.
2020.09.23 Afghanistan Trenkot 3 0 Three security personnel are cut down in a residential neighborhood by the Taliban.
2020.09.23 India Budgam 1 0 Lashkar-e-Taiba assassinate a non-Muslim political advocate.
2020.09.22 Iraq Nimrod 2 0 A married couple is murdered in their home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Kampani 2 1 A Kung Fu trainer and a 15-year-old student are gunned down by suspected Taliban.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Hewad 5 0 Five local security personnel are murdered during an attack by fundamentalists on their post.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Gezaab 14 0 Fourteen men lose their lives trying to defend a small town from the Taliban.
2020.09.22 Afghanistan Shibar 2 0 Two local cops are gunned down by religious radicals.
2020.09.22 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 An al-Shabaab grenade thrown at a group of police kills one.
2020.09.22 Pakistan Sargodha 1 0 A 30-year-old woman is honor-killed by her 9-year-old nephew for marrying by choice.
2020.09.22 Mozambique Cagembe 2 2 Islamic 'insurgents' beat two civilians to death.
2020.09.21 India Sonbhadra 1 0 A 23-year-old Hindu woman is beheaded by her husband after refusing to embrace Islam.
2020.09.21 Pakistan Bajur 1 0 A border guard is picked off by an Islamic sniper.
2020.09.21 Iraq Mosul 1 2 ISIS members fire into a home, killing a family man.
2020.09.21 DRC Linzo 1 0 A civilian is caught and killed by the ADF.
2020.09.21 Nigeria Damboa 1 0 A Nigerian man is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.21 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 0 A female polio worker is assassinated in broad daylight.
2020.09.21 Afghanistan Kabul 1 3 A child is pulled into pieces by a landmine planted by hardliners.
2020.09.20 Iraq Dawasa 1 2 A man and his two sons are shot inside their home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.20 Iraq Sheiki 1 1 Radicals set off a bomb along an agricultural road that leaves one dead.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Naw Abad 9 0 Nine local security personnel are tragically cut down by the Taliban.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Tagab 8 0 Eight Afghans are killed by the Taliban.
2020.09.20 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Seven local soldiers are killed in a heinous insider attack by religious extremists.
2020.09.20 DRC Kitoho 13 0 A dozen civilians, including eight women, are massacred by ADF Islamists.
2020.09.20 Nigeria Tse-Aspera 5 8 Five villagers are murdered by Muslim militants, including one beheading.
2020.09.20 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 3 At least one person is killed during a firing by religious extremists.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Golaee Khasa 1 8 A suicide bomber takes one other person with him.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Gardez 1 0 A former university student is gunned down by Sharia proponents.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Mazar-i-Sharif 1 5 A woman is disintegrated by a well-placed Taliban IED that also injures her children.
2020.09.19 Iraq Muqdadiya 1 0 Jihadis fell a woman with an explosive device.
2020.09.19 Iraq Om Hunta 2 0 Two are killed when ISIS members snipe at villagers.
2020.09.19 Pakistan Spalga 2 0 Tehreek-e-Taliban ambush a security patrol, killing two members.
2020.09.19 Afghanistan Aks Dawood 3 0 A highway attack by the Taliban leaves three dead.
2020.09.18 Philippines Datu Hofer 1 4 Dawlah Islamiya members use a mobile phone to set off a bomb that kills a passerby.
2020.09.18 Nigeria Gereri 2 0 Two residents are murdered in their own village by Boko Haram.
2020.09.18 Nigeria Kuwani 1 0 A villager is shot to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.18 Cameroon Kassa 2 3 Boko Haram shoot fleeing civilians, bringing down a man and woman.
2020.09.18 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A captive is executed by the Islamic State.
2020.09.18 Cameroon Parkwa 1 0 A Bible translator is shot to death in his own home by Boko Haram.
2020.09.17 DRC Beni 1 0 A local soldier is shot to death by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.17 Somalia Mogadishu 3 0 Three policemen die from splinter injuries after an Islamist tosses a grenade into their post.
2020.09.17 Chad Lake Chad 10 7 Ten local security personnel are dispatched by Boko Haram.
2020.09.17 Nigeria Malul 1 0 A Christian man is shot dead on his motorcycle by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.17 India Batamaloo 1 0 A woman is killed during a Hib-ul-Mujahideen firing
2020.09.17 Nigeria Tangaza 2 0 Two cops make easy picking for about 100 armed Boko Haram members.
2020.09.17 Afghanistan Hesarak 11 0 Eleven security personnel are killed in an attack by the Taliban.
2020.09.17 Afghanistan Khogyani 8 0 Eight Afghans are purged by the Taliban.
2020.09.17 Iraq Bashir 4 3 Four Iraqis are killed in two attacks by the Islamic State.
2020.09.17 Mozambique Kiwiya 2 0 Two men cutting wood are decapitated by Sharia proponents.
2020.09.16 Afghanistan Charah Sahat 1 0 A traffic cop is gunned down in cold blood.
2020.09.16 Iraq Baghdad 3 0 Shiite militias slaughter a women's rights activist in her home, along with her parents.
2020.09.16 Iraq Mosul 1 0 ISIS is suspected in the torture-death of a young woman.
2020.09.16 Syria Deir ez-Zor 4 0 Four are killed when ISIS gunmen open fire on a checkpoint.
2020.09.15 Syria Basira 1 0 A man is shot to death inside his home by the Islamic State.
2020.09.15 Somalia Mogadishu 6 2 A group fighting for Sharia kills six civilians with a roadside bomb.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Tebrian 2 0 Fundamentalists kill two local cops with a bomb hidden on a motorcycle.
2020.09.15 Pakistan Tando Allahyar 1 0 Radicals slit the throat of a Hindu doctor.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Khogiani 1 0 A literature professor is assassinated on his way home by fundamentalists.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Barakai 2 2 Two Afghan villagers are shot point-blank by the Taliban.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Nangarhar 1 3 A terrorist bombing along a city street leaves one dead.
2020.09.15 Afghanistan Kalafgan 2 12 Two are killed when a school is targeted by a car bomb.
2020.09.15 Nigeria Auno 3 0 Three innocents are slain by Boko Haram gunmen.
2020.09.15 Nigeria Wasaram 8 20 Islamists open fire on villagers, bringing down eight.
2020.09.15 Mozambique Marijirane 2 0 Two fishermen are beheaded by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.14 Afghanistan Badghis 6 0 Six villagers are gunned down by the Taliban.
2020.09.14 Afghanistan Baraki Barak 2 0 Islam activists break into a home and murder two occupants.
2020.09.14 Syria al-Rai 1 1 A Red Crescent worker is shot to death in his car by suspected ISIS.
2020.09.14 Egypt Rafah 1 0 A border guard is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.13 Syria Mayadeen 2 1 Islamists target a passing vehicle, killing two passengers.
2020.09.13 Syria al-Hol 2 0 ISIS members fire machine-guns at a checkpoint, killing two.
2020.09.13 Afghanistan Abkamari 5 0 A Taliban roadside bomb claims five lives.
2020.09.13 Iraq Girgachali 1 5 Terrorists open fire on guards at an oilfield, killing one.
2020.09.13 Iraq Balad Ruz 1 0 Mujahid gunmen bring down a civilian at a market.
2020.09.13 Somalia Hiraan 1 0 A man is shot to death in his house by al-Shabaab.
2020.09.13 Nigeria Miango 2 0 A married couple heading home are intercepted and eliminated by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.13 Switzerland Morges 1 0 A migrant with a Quran stabs a man to death to "avenge the prophet."
2020.09.12 Iraq al-Shoura 1 1 Jihadi bombers target two pick-up trucks, getting one.
2020.09.12 Pakistan North Waziristan 1 0 Terrorists kill a local soldier on routine duty with a remote-controlled bomb.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Tagab 5 7 An attack by Islamic fundamentalists on a police post leaves five dead.
2020.09.12 Mozambique Palma 2 0 Islamic extremists attack trucks ferrying people, killing two passengers.
2020.09.12 Pakistan Swabi 1 0 A transgender person is honor killed by her family.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Shinwari 5 0 Five policemen are gunned down by Muslim extremists.
2020.09.12 Afghanistan Maiwand 1 3 One other person is killed by a Fedayeen suicide bomber.
2020.09.11 Cameroon Zeleved 6 10 A Shahid suicide bomber sends a half-dozen civilians to Allah.
2020.09.11 Mali Boura 6 0 A pregnant woman and a 2-year-old are purged by Jihadists.
2020.09.11 Mali Sikasso 2 0 Two environmental workers are kidnapped and murdered by Muslim terrorists.
2020.09.11 Afghanistan Slorina 4 12 Four people are blown up at a wedding.
2020.09.11 Somalia Kismayo 6 20 A rival mosque is the target of a Shahid suicide bomber, who sends six worshippers straight to Allah.
2020.09.11 Afghanistan Chaharkent 3 0 Three Afghans are machine-gunned by religious hardliners.
2020.09.10 Mali Alatona 4 0 Jihadists ambush a local security patrol and shoot four members to death.
2020.09.10 Afghanistan Arghandab 3 7 A Fedayeen sucide bomber in a Mazda takes out three local cops.
2020.09.10 Afghanistan Gandumak 16 20 An unprovoked Taliban attack leaves sixteen dead.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Kohistan 2 0 A married couple is honor-killed in front of their children for marrying without consent.
2020.09.09 Iraq Abu Saida 1 0 Religious radicals shoot a man to death outside his home.
2020.09.09 Mali Ogoboro 8 0 Suspected Jihadists burn homes and kill eight residents.
2020.09.09 Afghanistan Kabul 10 15 Ten civilians are reduced to pulp by Taliban roadside bombers.
2020.09.09 Somalia Mogadishu 3 7 A suicide bomber walks into a restaurant and takes out three patrons in mid-bite.
2020.09.09 Afghanistan Nawa 2 2 Islamic gunmen cut down two Afghans.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Tank 3 0 Terrorists fire on a passing vehicle, killing three civilians.
2020.09.09 Pakistan Islamabad 1 1 A transgender activist is brought down in a hail of bullets.
2020.09.09 Egypt Qatia 4 0 Fundamentalists kill four members of a security patrol.
2020.09.09 DRC Tshabi 35 10 Thirty-five villagers are hacked, stabbed and shot to death by Islamists.
2020.09.09 Mozambique Pamuto 1 0 A displaced person is murdered by Isalmists.
2020.09.08 Mozambique Nambo 2 0 Islamists behead a young man and burn a home with a woman in it.
2020.09.08 Nigeria Atakmawei 3 0 Muslim militants hack to death three sugar cane farmers.
2020.09.08 DRC Tshabi 23 7 Two-dozen villagers are massacred by the ADF.
2020.09.08 Somalia Balad 1 6 An attack by al-Shabaab leaves one dead.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Dasht-e-Archi 3 2 Three policemen are killed during a barbaric ambush by the Taliban.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Daraband 2 0 Two civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban bombers.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Daikundi 2 0 Two policemen are purged by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.08 Afghanistan Nishgam 3 3 Three Afghans are aerated by Islamist shrapnel.
2020.09.08 Yemen Haiys 2 0 Two children are killed when Ansar Allah pepper their neighborhood with mortars.
2020.09.07 Iraq New Baghdad 5 0 A family of five is exterminated in their own home by Mujahideen.
2020.09.07 Afghanistan Urozgan 1 1 A vehicle trying to get to a hospital is hit with a Taliban landmine.
2020.09.07 Somalia Jana Cabdalle 5 1 At least five others are sent to Allah by a Shahid suicide bomber.
2020.09.07 Afghanistan Kandahar City 3 0 Three people at a market are wasted by terrorist gunmen.
2020.09.06 Iraq Qala 2 1 An ISIS attack leaves two village guards dead.
2020.09.06 Iraq Qasaba Bashir 1 0 Jihadis send a mortar into a soccer stadium, killing a bystander.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Kajuru 3 7 Muslim militants stage an unprovoked attack on a village, killing three.
2020.09.06 Tunisia Sousse 1 1 Three Jihadis ram a security check point at a resort, then stab a guard to death.
2020.09.06 Pakistan Kohat 1 0 A Shiite is gunned down in his own shop by dedicated Sunnis.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Kurmari 4 0 Four villagers are woken from their sleep and hacked to death by Islamists.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 3 0 Three innocents are burned alive by a group fighting for Sharia.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Maiduguri 1 0 A farmer is stabbed to death by Boko Haram.
2020.09.06 Egypt Qalyubiya 1 0 A 19-year-old taxi driver is stabbed to death with scissors after interrupting a Quran recital with music.
2020.09.06 Nigeria Badu 3 7 A pastor and two other fathers are among three shot to death by militant Muslims.
2020.09.06 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A Syrian is picked off by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.05 Afghanistan Sayed Khail 2 0 Taliban on motorbikes assassinate two locals.
2020.09.05 Mali Tessalit 2 1 Two French peacekeepers are killed by Jihadists.
2020.09.05 Pakistan Mir Ali 1 3 Islamic extremists fire on a security patrol, killing one member.
2020.09.05 Pakistan Turbat 1 0 A female journalist and women's rights activist is assassinated by detractors.
2020.09.05 Afghanistan Band-e-Ali 3 0 Three civilians are vaporized by a Taliban landmine.
2020.09.05 Chad Lake Chad 3 8 A landmine planted by Boko Haram claims three lives.
2020.09.04 Iraq Salah ad Din 1 0 A journalist bleeds to death after a Muslim bomb shears off his leg.
2020.09.04 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 Terrorists gun down an airport security guard.
2020.09.04 Afghanistan Laghman 1 3 A local police officer is shot to death by the Taliban.
2020.09.04 Somalia Baadweyne 14 0 Fourteen villagers are reportedly killed by al-Shabaab.
2020.09.04 Chad Kouri 3 2 Boko Haram open fire on a group of border guards, killing three members.
2020.09.04 Syria Hasakah 1 2 Islamic State operatives target a passing vehicle with an IED, killing one passenger.
2020.09.04 Egypt Sheikh Zuweid 1 0 A local soldier is taken down by an ISIS sniper.
2020.09.03 Pakistan North Waziristan 3 4 A Tehrik-e-Taliban claims three lives.
2020.09.03 Mali Nara 10 0 Ten local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Islamic extremists.
2020.09.03 Iraq Anbar 2 2 Two border guards are shot to death by Mujahideen.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Pachiragam 3 0 A father and son are among three innocents disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Jalalabad 1 0 Religious extresmists gun down a gender equality activist.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Qalamwal Mina 6 1 Taliban fundamentalists murder a half dozen local cops.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Nozi Khwla 2 0 Two scholars are kidnapped and murdered by Religion of Peace rivals.
2020.09.03 Afghanistan Dargay 3 1 Three civilians are sent to Allah by Taliban roadside bombers.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Andar 1 1 Islamic hardliner kidnap and kill an off-duty Afghan cop.
2020.09.02 Australia Sydney 0 3 Three officers are slashed with a knife by a migrant shouting praises to Allah.
2020.09.02 Nigeria Garin 10 0 A 'notorious Jihadist' leads an attack on a village that kills ten.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Sancharak 6 2 Six children are blown up by a bomb being built by their religious father.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Marawara 2 2 Two border guards are cut down by Taliban gunmen.
2020.09.02 Nigeria Yobe 3 0 A Boko Haram bomb blast claims three souls.
2020.09.02 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A professor is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2020.09.01 Nigeria Magumeri 10 5 Armed Islamists overrun a local security base and purge ten on site.
2020.09.01 Afghanistan Gardez 3 5 A suicide bomb blast targeting police kills three.
2020.09.01 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 A woman is taken out by a Fedayeen suicide car bomber.
2020.09.01 Cameroon Goldavi 7 14 A suicide bomber blows himself up in a camp for displaced persons, killing seven.
2020.09.01 Afghanistan Gultapa 1 0 A policewoman is assassinated by religious hardliners.
2020.08.31 India Ramanathapuram 1 1 A Hindu activist is hacked to death by Religion of Peace proponents.
2020.08.31 Cameroon Kouyape 4 3 Islamists raid a camp for displaced persons, killing four.
2020.08.31 Cameroon Talakachi 1 3 One person is killed in their own home by Boko Haram.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Koshenda 4 1 A city center is the target of a Taliban terror attack that leaves four dead.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Kahmiri Kala 4 0 Four locals are tragically killed by a Taliban roadside bomb.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Selmanji 3 0 Three children, ages 10, 13 and 15 are abducted and murdered by the Taliban.
2020.08.31 Iraq Hitawin 2 3 Two residents are cut down in their own village by Jihadists.
2020.08.31 Afghanistan Nad-e-Ali 2 0 Two civilians are brought low by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.31 Syria Mayadeen 2 0 Two are left dead following an ISIS shooting attack.
2020.08.30 Iraq Baqubah 3 2 ISIS snipers pick off three Iraqis.
2020.08.30 Syria Darbasiyyah 1 0 A young woman who wanted to live independently is shot to death by her family for "bringing shame and dishonor."
2020.08.30 Yemen Aden 1 0 Terrorists assassinated a politician.
2020.08.30 Afghanistan Noorzo 2 0 Two shopkeepers are reduced to pulp by fundamentalist bombers.
2020.08.30 Afghanistan Qala-e-Wazir 1 0 A pro-peace politician is gunned down.
2020.08.30 Iraq Hawi 1 0 ISIS is suspected in the stabbing death of a doctor.
2020.08.30 India Panthachowk 1 0 Muslim terrorists gun down a cop at a check point.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Kabul 1 1 A mine planted in a home kills one resident and maims another.
2020.08.29 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 4 Islamic terrorists fire on a search party, killing three members.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Jalalabad 2 0 Two commuters are aerated by Taliban shrapnel.
2020.08.29 Somalia Bar Sanguni 1 2 al-Shabaab loyalists attack a local security base, killing a defender.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Sari Pul 2 0 A 12-year-old boy and his father are purged by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.29 Afghanistan Shahjoy 5 4 Roadside bombers pick off five in passing cars.
2020.08.29 Philippines Barangay Kabbon Takas 1 2 Abu Sayyaf gunmen ambush a security patrol, killing one member.
2020.08.29 Syria Tuwaymin 5 0 Five people are killed by an ISIS 'sleeper cell.'
2020.08.29 Egypt Aqtia 1 1 At least one other person is killed by a suicide bomber.
2020.08.29 DRC Beni 5 0 At least five locals are cut down in a hail of ADF gunfire.
2020.08.28 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 A man is machine-gunned in his own home by the Islamic State.
2020.08.28 Syria Hasakeh 5 0 Five individuals are obliterated by the Islamic State.
2020.08.28 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Two Shiites are laid out by an Islamic State shooting attack on their bus.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Alau 2 2 Two farmers are hacked to death by Religion of Peace activists.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 13 0 Thirteen civilians are blown into pieces by a Religion of Peace landmine, including three children.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 3 Children are among the casualties of a bomb targeting a passing vehicle.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Mussine 2 15 Two civilians are killed during an attack by Boko Haram.
2020.08.28 DRC Mbau 5 6 Three women are among five innocents slain by Islamic terrorists.
2020.08.28 Nigeria Juji 2 0 Militant Muslims kill two villagers and abduct a 14-year-old girl.
2020.08.28 Afghanistan Yangi Qala 3 0 Three children are killed when used as shields by Jihad warriors.
2020.08.28 Syria Dashisha 4 0 An Islamic State attack claims four lives.
2020.08.27 Iraq Khanaqin 4 0 Four Kurdish civilians are murdered in ISIS captivity.
2020.08.27 DRC North Kivu 3 0 Islamists are suspected of killing a teacher and two students.
2020.08.27 Mali Mopti 4 12 A group fighting for Sharia ambush and kill members of an anti-poaching unit.
2020.08.27 Afghanistan Parwan 4 1 The Taliban fire on fleeing civilians, killing four.
2020.08.27 Lebanon Beirut 2 3 A clash between Hezbollah and Sunnis produces two dead citizens.
2020.08.27 Nigeria Maraban Kajuru 1 2 Fulani terrorists kill one family member and abduct two others.
2020.08.27 Syria Mayadeen 3 3 A Shiite village is attack by the Islamic State.
2020.08.26 Chad Zouar 7 0 Jihadists use a landmine to kill seven local soldiers.
2020.08.26 Afghanistan Baghlan Markazi 20 0 The Taliban are reported to have killed twenty Afghans in a single attack.
2020.08.26 Nigeria Gwoza 75 0 Seventy-five elderly are slaughtered within a matter of hours by Boko Haram.
2020.08.26 DRC Sayuni 1 0 At least one person is reported dead following an ADF attack.
2020.08.26 Israel Petah Tikva 1 0 A 39-year-old rabbi is stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist.
2020.08.26 Iraq Salahudin 2 1 Jihadist kill two brothers with a car bomb.
2020.08.26 Iraq Kanaqin 1 2 Islamic State members kill a villager and kidnap two others.
2020.08.25 DRC Mapansa 9 0 Nine villagers are cut down by ADF Islamists.
2020.08.25 Iraq Obeidi 3 2 Three Iraqi border guards are ambushed and murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Balkh 3 41 A suicide truck bomber takes out three bystanders near a vet clinic.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Shahrak 8 5 A senseless attack by armed fundamentalists leaves eight local soldiers dead.
2020.08.25 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Bombing and shooting attacks target a female film director.
2020.08.25 DRC Mbau 4 0 Four innocents are cut down by an Islamic group.
2020.08.24 Nigeria Chikun 1 6 Muslim terrorists burn a church, kill a school teacher and kidnap several children.
2020.08.24 Iraq Daquq 4 7 Islamists attack a police station, killing four officers.
2020.08.24 Afghanistan Jowzjan 3 0 Three natural gas employees are murdered by Taliban extremists.
2020.08.24 DRC Mayikiti 11 0 ADF Islamists murder eleven villagers.
2020.08.24 Philippines Jolo 11 73 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates inside a grocery, killing eleven, including children.
2020.08.24 Philippines Jolo 2 5 A female suicide bomber targets first responders to an earlier blast, killing two.
2020.08.23 Afghanistan Deh Yak 3 6 A Fedayeen suicide car bomber takes three others with him.
2020.08.23 Somalia Abdiaziz 1 2 Muslim bombers take out a rickshaw driver.
2020.08.23 Afghanistan Jaghatu 7 0 Three women and two children are among seven disassembled by Taliban bombers.
2020.08.23 Somalia Adde 4 0 Four people are lined up and shot to death by religious radicals.
2020.08.23 Iraq Kirkuk 1 3 Sunni bombers target Shiite pilgrims.
2020.08.22 Syria Deir ez-Zor 1 0 An Islamic State sniper claims one life.
2020.08.22 Syria Mayadeen 1 0 The head of a commune is murdered by the Islamic State.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Takhar 9 1 A brutal Taliban attack on a police check point leaves nine dead.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Badakhshan 4 0 Four Afghans are laid out by religious radicals.
2020.08.22 Mali Koro 4 1 Jihadists plant a bomb that kills four passengers in a passing car.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Shah Joy 2 0 Two civilians are cut to shreds by Islamic shrapnel.
2020.08.22 Afghanistan Kabul 1 2 Bombs placed in cars claim one life.
2020.08.21 DRC Oicha 12 0 Islamic militants tie up thirteen villagers, then slaughter them.
2020.08.21 Iraq Ramadi 3 0 Three children are eliminated by an Islamic State explosive.
2020.08.21 Afghanistan Alasai 1 3 Terrorists hit a house with a mortar, killing one resident.
2020.08.21 Lebanon Kaftoun 3 0 Three people are killed during an ISIS drive-by attack.
2020.08.20 Syria Mayadeen 1 1 ISIS machine-gun fire claims one life.
2020.08.20 Afghanistan Badgah 6 0 A pregnant woman is among a half-dozen civilians destroyed by a Taliban bomb.
2020.08.20 DRC Wikeno 1 0 One villager is hacked to death by ADF.
2020.08.20 Nigeria Kukawa 3 2 Three guards ferrying displaced persons are ambushed and killed by Boko Haram.
2020.08.19 Pakistan Kamalpur 1 0 A woman is beaten to death with sticks over suspicion of immoral activity.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Khwaja Bahauddin 14 6 A massive Taliban attack leaves fourteen dead.
2020.08.19 Afghanistan Kabul 2 19 Taliban bombers target government workers with sticky bombs, killing two.