The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Oct 12, 2024 -
Oct 18, 2024

Attacks 19
Killed 55
Injured 149
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 9

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
September, 2024

Attacks 141
Killed 618
Injured 1015
Suicide Blasts 2
Countries 22
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

      This Day in History      

On This Day...
Oct 22, 2016: Mosul, Iraq
The caliphate executes Iraqi civilians for 'apostasy': 284 Killed


Really? US Security Agency Gives Award to Hamas-Linked CAIR…
Ex-Pakistan PM Calls for Global Islamic 'Army' to Attack Israel…
Islamists Massacre 150 Villagers over 3 Days…
"For Allah": Libyan Islamic Body Praises Brutal Hamas Leader…
Mother Facing Death Penalty for Son's Crime…
Sinwar Kept Millions in Cash…
Pakistan Appeals for Release of al-Qaeda Terrorist Held by US…
UK Policewoman Apologizes for Posts about "Unbelievers", Jews…
Christian Convert Attacked Again by Muslim Relatives…
Masked Men Put Hijab on Female Statue in Dhaka…
Anti-Mass Migration Protester Dies in British Prison…
Father of Teen Murdered by 'Migrant' Confronts German PM…
Ten Baha'i Women Given Total of 90 Years in Prison…
Sudan Continues to Hold Church Members…
Women Among Africans Beheaded by Religion of Peace Proponents…
Los Angeles Sermon Blames Jews for World's Ills…
Going Backwards: Taliban Convert TV Stations to Radio Stations…
UNIFIL Rented Out Positions and Cameras to Hezbollah…
Dearborn Imam Urges Support for Hezbollah: "True Believers"…
Knife Attacker in France May Be Convert to Islam…
Arabs Loot and Destroy Ancient Jewish Sites…
Controversial Preacher Schooled After Praising Taliban…
100 Public Floggings in 'Rule of Islam' Afghanistan…
BBC Livestreams Speech by Iran's Supreme Leader…
Harvard Coddling of "Pro-Palestinian" Anti-Semites Costs Millions
Baha'i Sentenced to Prison for Practicing Faith…
UK Taxpayer Send Record Amount to Mosques for 'Security'…
"British" Journalist: Jewish Refugees Should Be Executed…
London Islamic Festival Welcomes "Stoning Jewish Demons" Singer
'Moderate' Malaysia Premier Mourns Loss of Hamas's Sinwar…
Announcement from Mosques: "Kill Anyone You Find"…
London Muslims Promote Hezbollah
Sinwar's Wife Caught Carrying $32000 Purse…
Leeds University Lecturer Failed Student for Criticizing Hamas…
Berlin Police Stop Muslim Migrant Attack on Israeli Embassy…
VP Harris on Anti-Israel Heckler: "What He's Talking About is Real"
Hezbollah's New Leader Flees to Tehran…
Taliban Warn Uzbek Border Town to Kill the Music…
Iraqis Ransack TV Station Calling Hamas, Hezbollah 'Terrorists'
Germany: Islam Brings Religious Bullying in Schools…
Hezbollah Drone Hits Netanyahu's House: No Casualties…
Cleric Calls Sinwar a "Symbol of Islamic Values"…
Former ISIS Slave: Ordered to Eat Babies…
Sign at "Pro-Palestinian" Rally: "Jews to the Gas Chambers"…
French Woman Converts to Islam: Slits Daughter's Throat…
Taliban Praise Sinwar: Share 'Common Goals' with Hamas…
Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood Sends Terrorists into Israel…
Singapore Teen Planned Attack on Non-Muslims…
Denmark Told to Integrate More Muslims in Education, Police…
Man Apologizes for Posting Rape Threats to Hindu Women…
British Convert 'Prays' for 'Heroic' Death Like Sinwar's…
UK's Muslim Labour Councillors Flex Muscle, Demand Israel Embargo
Nigerian State Moves Closer to Capture by Muslim Extremists…
al-Fayed Groped Female Athlete…
al-Qaeda Blows Up 7 Café Patrons in Mid-Bite…
Saudi Arabia Loses Bid for UN Human Rights Council…
Detail Released of Sinwar's Last Scurry…
Sinwar's Bodyguard Worked as UN Employee…
Northwestern Professor: "May Allah Be Satisfied with Hamas"…
Palestinian Plotted to Kill Families of Hostages at Rally…
Drone Footage Shows Defeated Sinwar's Last Moments…
Iran Sentences Female Journalists to 5-Years in Prison…
Quran Teacher Strangles Girl to Death…
Met Policewoman Embraces Islam: Reaches Out to Jihadi…
Police Attack Protesters of Extra-Judicial Murder of 'Blasphemer'
Iran Hails "Role Model" Sinwar…
Turkey Kills Radio Station that Mentions Genocide of Armenians
Iran Grooms Teens to Attack Israeli Interests Abroad…
Victims: Attack on Hindus Initiated by Mosque Worshippers…
PA Pushed Blatent Misinformation Following October 7…
EU Impressed by Meloni's Offshore Migration Centers…
(Swedish) Police Take 'Quran with Bacon' into Custody…
Sinwar, Mastermind of October 7, is Dead…
Islamists Celebrate Deadly Attack at German 'Diversity' Festival…
Hamas Promises Flood of Suicide Bombings: "Path of Allah"…
CBS Arabic: "Are Jews Human Like Us?"…
Convert Tries to Slit Father's Throat over Veil…
Iranian Border Guards Slaughter Hundreds of Afghan Refugees…
Former British Soldier Helped Supply Taliban…
NYT Publishes Doctored X-Rays in Anti-Israel Piece…
Iranian Forces Present in Central America…
UK: Radical Salafist Preacher Free to Find 'Young Men to Instruct'…
Taliban Ban Male and Females from Visiting Hospitals Together…
Rejected 'Asylum Seeker' Stays Around to Rape Homeless Women…
US, Canada Finally Sanction "Charity" that Raises Funds for Terrorists
Some Experts Condemn Hamas Sexual Violence…
Denmark: Non-Western 'Migrants' Commit 30% of Violent Crime…
Woman Tears Down Greek Flags - Thinking They are Israeli…
Canadian Teens Salute Terrorists, Pledge to Khamenei…
Taliban Reject "Anti-Sharia" Demand for Women's Education…
Child's Hijab Used to Hide Her Abuse…
Accused Homosexuals Flogged under 'Rule of Islam'…
Shiite Scholar: No Significance in Islam to Jerusalem…
Pakistan Islamists Dressed as Women to Kill Local Police…
Professor: Iran Kills More Arabs than Israel…
Philadelphia Hamas Supporters Vandalize Hero Cop's Mural…
2185 Lost Siblings on October 7
Jewish Boy Attacked in Migrant-Heavy Paris…
"Allah Akbar, I Will Come Back and Carry Out an Assassination"…
Hindu Man Brutally Tortured and Killed by Islamic Radicals…
Boston: Non-Profit Legitimizes Violence and Suicide at Rally…
Muslims Disrupt Moment of Silence for French Victims of Terror…
Domestic Abuse Victim Honor-Killed by Father and Brothers…
Dearborn Cleric Lauds Hezbollah and Iranian Mullahs…
Dutch Deputy PM Accused of Felony for Noting Muslim Jew-Hate
Terrorist Jailed for Setting Brush Fires in Australia…
Former Islamist Stronghold Sees 229 Honor Killings in 7 Years…
Man Who Killed 10-Year-Old Daughter: "Legally Punished Her"
Elderly Baha'i Woman Deprived of Medical Care in Prison…
Harvard Fundraising Takes Hit in Wake of Campus 'Activism'…
Hamas Refusing to Let Civilians Evacuate Combat Areas…
Taliban Brag of Destroying 20,000 Music Instruments in One Year…
Hamburg Islamists Flex Muscle in Open Call for Sharia…
Court Recommends Amputation for Convicted Thieves…
Malaysia Rules Husbands Have Right to Block Wives from Events
Tlaib Calls Netanyahu "Genocidal Maniac" Who "Burns Babies"…
Bangladeshi Impregnates 10-Year-Old While Awaiting "Asylum"…
France Arrests Muslim Migrant Ahead of Planned Attack…
"Pro-Palestinians" Deface Picasso
Senior Amazon Exec. Wears "River to the Sea" Necklace…
Hindu Journalist Hacked to Death in Bangladesh…
Front for Iran has Foothold in Manhattan…
UK Flag Burners Prais Allah: "This is Our Country Now, Kafirs!"…
Quran School Students Desecrate Hindu Idol…
Cleric Forbids Working at Aldi…
Under Taliban Religious Education Surges, Secular Education Suffers
Staged 'Pallywood' Clip Uses Children as Props…
Taliban Threaten Female Ex-Police Officers…
Palestinian Café in California Honors Hamas Leader Sinwar…
Muslim Comedian Mocks Oct. 7 Victims…
Documents Show Iran, Hezbollah Knew of Oct 7 in Advance…
Hindu Community Bombed in Bangladesh…
VP Harris Mingled with Iranian 'Operative' at Event…
Malay Tribe Tries to Leave Islam Following Forced Conversion…
BBC's Iran 'Expert' Proud of IRGC Service…
Masked NYC Woman Brags About Ripping Down Hostage Posters
Germany: Iranian Goes on Arson Rampage Near Theater…
Iranian Journalist Stabbed in UK: "I Feel Safer in Israel"…
UK: One-Third of Jews Have to Withdraw from Normal Activities…
Islamic Film Festival Seeks Works 'Without Living Beings'…
Sadiq Khan's 'Approved' Cleric: Gays are "Worse than Animals"
US: Afghan Terrorist Passed Multiple Screenings…
US Intel: Iranian Effort to Kill Former Trump Officials is Serious…
Guardian Review Criticized the "Demonization" of Hamas…
'Rule of Islam' Policies Fuel Mental Health Issues…
CBS Instructs Journalists Not to Acknowledge Israeli Jerusalem…
Pregnant Swedish Woman Killed for 'Being Too White'…
Farmer Stabbed by 'Migrants': Spain is "Overwhelmed"…
Iranian Official: "Hitler was Right in His Approach to the Jews"…
London's Mayor Allows Ads for Hate Preacher, but Not Cake…
Slave Freed from Gaza: "I Tried Suicide Many Times"…
Demonstrators Claim Chicago "for Hamas"…
UK Police Jail Elderly Christian for Commenting on Islam…
13-Year-Old Captive Kept in Pen, Beaten by Palestinian Civilians…
Afghan Plotting Attack in the U.S. Once Worked for the CIA…
Taliban Prevent Women from Delivering Polio Vaccines…
Sweden Puts Believing Woman on Trial for Genocide…
Islamist TikTok Star Arrested in Germany on Fraud Charges…
Islamic Clerics Tell Americans to Vote for Harris…
Philippines President Expands Sharia Courts…
CAIR Sermon: "If Enough Americans Become Muslim…"
Anti-Semites Storm Jewish Professor's Office in Melbourne…
Taliban Shoot Unarmed Taxi Driver to Death…
Bangladesh Arrests Man over Facebook Post 'Insulting' to Islam
Hindu 'Girl' Stands Up to Molesters
Enrichment Update: Afghan 'Migrant' Goes on Rape Spree…
Scholar: Highest Priority is to Preserve Religion, Not Human Life
Poll: Tiny Minority of Palestinians Disagree with Oct. 7 Massacre…
Taliban Member Rapes and Murders Woman for Rejecting Marriage…
BBC Stands by "Kill the Jews" Doctor…
Young Couple Killed in Their Home by Hezbollah…
Hamburg Schools Nix Moment of Silence for Israel…
Hate Preacher Fumes at Airline Counter: "Even a Hindu…"

Religion of Peace
Atrocity of the Week

Atrocity of the Week
Israel: Couple Killed
by Hezbollah Rocket

Other Recent "Misunderstandings
 of Islam"

2024.10.20 (Nigeria)
A woman is among four villagers beheaded on video by Boko Haram.

2024.10.18 (India)
A Hindu migrant worker is shot to death by Islamic radicals.

2024.10.17 (Somalia)
A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out seven patrons at a café.

2024.10.14 (Pakistan)
The Tehreek-e-Taliban storm a police station in a suicide attack and kill three officers and a civilian.

2024.10.13 (India)
Muslims attack a Hindu procession, and brutally torture, then kill a participant.

2024.10.13 (Israel)
Hezbollah sends a wave of rockets into Israel on Yom Kippur.

(Note: Data for each attack is sometimes pulled from multiple  sources.  The provided link may not be in complete agreement with the updated detail for the incident).

Islamic Propaganda

Myths of Muhammad

Myths of Muhammad

Games Muslims Play

Discover the Truth?

Myths of Islam

Myths of Islam

Snopes and Muhammad

of the Month
Sam Mena Jr.
October, 2024

António Guterres
September, 2024

Pope Francis
August, 2024

Sybille Zeisel
July, 2024

Keir Starmer
June, 2024

Robert Malley
May, 2024

Queers for Palestine
April, 2024

Legacy West Midlands
March, 2024

Infidel from Hell
Kinneret Gat
October, 2024

Darya Safai
September, 2024

Silvia Orriols
August, 2024

Lord Pearson
July, 2024

Michael Sturzenberger
June, 2024

Feyza Altun
May, 2024

Michelle Froome
April, 2024

Feyza Altun
March, 2024

About CAIR

CAIR's Me Too Problem

CAIR's Propaganda Guide for Journalists

CAIR's Agenda: Islamization, Not Civil Rights

CAIR's 9/11 Spin

CAIR is Hamas

CAIR: The Investigative Project Report

Questions CAIR Refuses to Answer

Anti-CAIR Site

"Copy that."

Put the Numbers
in Perspective

Islamic Terrorists...

...killed more people in one month (5000+ in November, 2014) than were killed in 350 years of Inquisition (3000-5000).

...murder more people every day than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).

...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).

...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in 44 years from 1976 and 2019 (1511).

...killed more Americans on American soil than did the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.

...slaughter almost twice as many people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (20).

In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest
 holidays overlapped for 10 days.
 Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies
 in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries
 during this time... while Jews
worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.

Western Political Elites Mourn the Death of a Terrorist Group

Affirming the "Genocide" Smear Fuels Anti-Semitism…

The Dignity They So Rightly Deserve? Stop with the Moral Equivalency Trope

Middle East Forum
MPAC's Islamist Tentacles Reach Hollywood

Melanie Phillips
Sinwar is Dead by the Evil Lives On

The Killing of Sinwar and the White House's "Red Line"

Times of Israel
While Palestinians Paid Price of War He Started , Sinwar Hid Safe Underground with Family

Raymond Ibrahim
'Pure Genocide': Christians Slaughtered in Nigeria and the Great Press Cover-Up

Israel Fights Alone, Carrying a Catatonically Suicidal West

FrontPage Magazine
Pakistani Grooming Gangs in the UK: Ah Islamic Problem

FrontPage Magazine
The IDF Takes Out the Chief Architect of October 7

Israel Hayom
How UNIFIL Became Hezbollah's Human Shield

Israel Hayom
Sinwar: "I Strangled Them With My Own Hands"

NY Post
Sinwar: May His Nihilistic Fanaticism Die with Him

Robert Spencer
U.S. Soldier Plotted to Ambush His Fellow Soldiers… Can You Guess Why?

Daniel Greenfield
Why We’re Losing to Islamic Terrorism

Islamic Militias in the Central African Republic

"Dear [Fellow] Muslims" (Video)

Robert Spencer
Islamic Scholar Lets Slip the Truth: ‘If Preserving Life Had Priority, There Would Be No Jihad’

Sister of Beheaded French Teacher, Samuel Paty, Speaks Out about the Rising Islamic Threat

Western Islamism
Whose Side are They On? Shiites in Michigan Promote Hezbollah

Giulio Meotti
Rifle and Koran: The New Western Woke Anti-Semite

Douglas Murray
What was the Point of UN Peacekeepers in Lebanon?

The Coming Disaster in 'Rule of Islam' Afghanistan

NY Post
The 'Cult of the Keffiyeh" Turns Pro-Hamas College Kids into Vicarious Victims

"There's Something Wrong about the 'Pro-Palestinian' Protests" (Video)

The Taliban Open Diplomatic Doors for al-Qaeda

Undercover at a "Pro-Palestinian" Rally (Video)

Silenced for Truth: How Globalist Forces and the OSCE Are Crushing Free Speech in the West

"Best of"
Articles Archive

A Word to Fellow Muslims: Look in the Mirror

Rape, Islam and the Deafening Silence

Why Islam Will Likely Win Its Forever War Against the West

Hamas Doesn't Represent Palestinians?

Now We Can Stop Pretending This is About Israel

Its Islam, Stupid

Saudis Massacre Hundreds of African Refugees

A Word to Rioting Muslims (in Europe)

Islamic Subversion in America

Wokeness and Fear of Criticizing Islam Threaten Muslim Progress

When Western Intellectuals Praised the Ayatollah

Sweden and the Suicide of a Nation

Why is One Mosque Massacre So Much Worse than Countless Church Massacres?

A Month in Southern France

Finding Pretexts to Terrorize Religious Minorities

Islamophobia and Islamoignorance

What Will a Global Caliphate Look Like?

On 'Palestinian Privilege'

Ilhan Omar and Ethnic Cleansing in Africa

Islam's Crisis of Apostasy

Islamists are Gaslighting Us

Rape and Devastation: When Islam Came to Constantinople

The Muslim Genocide of 2.5 Million Christians

Jews Should Demand Compensation for Centuries of Abuse under Islam

ISIS: What Crime? We're Just Applying Allah's Sharia

Migration from the Islamist Perspective

The Multculturalism Umbrella: Made in Islam Wool

The Privileged Palestinian "Refugees"

Terrorism is Motivated by Religion - Not Retribution

'Allah Akbar' is the Motive for Islamic Terror

Do Muslim Terrorists Really Get 450% More Coverage?

The Shia vs. Sunni Schism

The Ugly Truth about Muslim 'Grievances'

Critiquing Islam Makes You an "Anti-Muslim Bigot?"

Islamic Terrorists Not Motivated by Hate

How Islamists are Slowly Desensitizing Europe and America

Political Correctness Kills

Four Stages of Islamic Conquest

Islam's Protestant Reformation

The Islamic Scam

Right-Wing Terror vs. Islamic Terror

A Word to Offended Muslims (Video)

Islam and the Rule of Numbers

Is the Quran a Literary Miracle?

Upset about the Iraq War? Blame Iraqis

Why 'Moderate Islam' is an Oxymoron

Why I Left Islam

Pat Condell: Appeasing Islam

The Muslim Case for Killing Non-Muslims

Violence in the Bible - Same as the Quran?

Fundamentalist Fashion Show

A Picture of Life in Gaza


CAIR: Islamists Fooling the Establishment

6th Column: The Religion Barrier

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