The Religion of Peace


TROP is a non-political, fact-based site which examines the ideological threat that Islam poses to human dignity and freedom

Jihad Report
Jul 13, 2024 -
Jul 19, 2024

Attacks 31
Killed 155
Injured 227
Suicide Blasts 1
Countries 16

The Religion of Peace

Jihad Report
June, 2024

Attacks 134
Killed 847
Injured 863
Suicide Blasts 5
Countries 24
List of Attacks

It's much easier to act as if critics of Islam have a problem with Muslims as people than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that Islam is different


The Quran


List of Attacks

Last 30 Days
2001 (Post 9/11)

What can we learn about
Islam from this woman?

List of Islamic Terror Attacks

List of Killings in
the Name of Islam:
Last 30 Days

This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by  Most of these incidents are terror attacks.  A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.

During this time period, there were 124 Islamic attacks in 24 countries, in which 631 people were killed and 457 injured.

(TROP does not catch all attacks. Not all attacks are immediately posted).

Date Country City Killed Injured Description
2024.07.26 Nigeria Yobe 0 1 A child is the only casualty of a suspected Boko Haram blast at a marketplace.
2024.07.25 DRC North Kivu 17 0 Seventeen farmers working their fields are beheaded by ADF Islamists.
2024.07.25 Pal. Auth. Khan Younis 2 4 A Hamas rocket falls into a humanitarian zone, killing two civilians.
2024.07.25 Israel Nir Tzvi 1 0 A 24-year-old man succumbs to injuries from a Palestinian car ramming.
2024.07.24 India Lolab 1 0 A local soldier dies from injuries inflicted by terrorists.
2024.07.24 Pakistan Ghiljo 1 0 Islamic militants fire on a checkpoint, killing a cop.
2024.07.24 Pal. Auth. Gaza 5 0 The bodies of five kidnapped by Hamas are recovered.
2024.07.23 Israel Nir Oz 1 0 The IDF recover the body of a 56-year-old mother of four who was killed in Hamas captivity.
2024.07.23 India Battal 1 0 A border guard is cut down by Muslim extremists.
2024.07.23 Syria Idlib 2 6 An Ansar al-Tauhid mortar attack leaves two dead.
2024.07.22 Niger Foneyko 15 19 Islamic radicals ambush a security patrol, killing fifteen members.
2024.07.22 Syria Malajah 2 6 Two lives are claimed by an Ansar Al-Tawheid mortar attack.
2024.07.22 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 76-year-old hostage taken by Hamas is confirmed killed.
2024.07.21 Mali Dembo 26 0 Jihadists murder over two dozen farmers in their fields.
2024.07.21 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 35-year-old hostage is confirmed killed in Hamas captivity.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Machan Khel 1 0 A teacher is kidnapped and murdered by Islamic radicals.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Ziga Kalay 1 0 A retiree is shot dead by terrorists.
2024.07.21 Pakistan Umar 1 0 Muslim snipers take out a traffic cop.
2024.07.21 Togo Kpékankandi 12 0 JNIM members ambush and murder a dozen local soldiers.
2024.07.20 Syria al-Mayadeen 1 0 A warehouse worker is executed in front of his family by the Islamic State.
2024.07.20 Afghanistan Herat 1 0 A civilian is tortured to death by the Taliban.
2024.07.20 Philippines Maguindanao 1 0 Dawlah Islamiya gunmen riddle a local soldier with bullets.
2024.07.19 Afghanistan Sar-e-Pol 0 7 A grenade is thrown into a Shia minority ceremony.
2024.07.19 Israel Tel Aviv 1 10 A Houthi drone explodes over an urban center, sending down shrapnel that kills one resident.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Mardan 1 2 Terrorists open fire on a security post near a heritage site, killing one.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 Hardliners assassinate a police officer outside his home.
2024.07.19 Pakistan Wana 4 12 A bomb placed outside a hospital obliterates four souls.
2024.07.19 Nigeria Mbacher 18 0 Eighteen sleeping villagers are machine-gunned by Muslim extremists.
2024.07.18 Iran Saqqez 2 0 Two worshippers are cut down in a sectarian attack on a Sufi mosque.
2024.07.18 Nigeria Jebbu-Bassa 1 0 Muslim radicals assassinate a man providing security for non-Muslims.
2024.07.18 Syria Hajnah 1 0 An oil contractor is machine-gunned by ISIS.
2024.07.17 Niger Dosso Kouregou 7 0 Muslim extremists murder seven villagers and steal their cattle.
2024.07.16 Cameroon Sandawadjiri 4 4 Boko Haram open fire on sleeping villagers, killing four.
2024.07.16 Oman Wadi al-Kabir 6 30 Sunnis open fire on a Shiite mosque, bringing down six worshippers.
2024.07.16 Pakistan Dera Ismail Khan 7 10 Two women and two children are shot dead when terrorists attack a rural health clinic.
2024.07.16 Syria Deir Ezzor 1 3 An ISIS IED claims one life.
2024.07.16 France Le Mans 0 1 A 'radicalized' man tries to slash a cab driver's throat.
2024.07.16 DRC Mamove 3 0 ADF Islamists raid a Christian village, killing three and kidnapping others.
2024.07.15 India Doda 4 1 Islamic 'separatists' open fire on Indian troops, killing four.
2024.07.15 Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 2 0 Two children are disassembled by a Religion of Peace landmine.
2024.07.15 Afghanistan Spin Boldak 1 0 An official from the previous government is shot dead by fundamentalists.
2024.07.15 Mali Tillaberi 14 35 Jihadists ambush and kill fourteen local soldiers.
2024.07.15 Pakistan Bannu 8 54 Two Fedayeen suicide bombers lead a Hafiz Gul Bahadur attack that leaves eight others dead.
2024.07.15 Somalia Mogadishu 9 20 Islamic bombers target fans watching soccer at a packed café, killing nine.
2024.07.15 Afghanistan Maimana 1 0 Taliban murder a former opponent.
2024.07.14 Pakistan Akbarpura 1 0 Radicals assassinate a local journalist in a market.
2024.07.14 Nigeria Egwuma 12 5 Militant Muslims hack a dozen villagers to death.
2024.07.14 Nigeria Gwer West 1 5 At least one person is killed when Muslim terrorists attack a group of farmers.
2024.07.14 Somalia Mogadishu 8 21 Eight people lose their lives during a prison uprising by Islamic hardliners.
2024.07.14 Syria Raqqa 3 0 An ISIS IED eliminates three souls in the former caliphate capital.
2024.07.13 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two are left dead following an Islamic State attack.
2024.07.13 Iraq Diyala 4 3 ISIS members open fire on Iraqi police, killing four.
2024.07.13 Sudan Fanquqa 23 0 About two dozen innocent people are massacred point-blank by RSF/Janjaweed gunmen.
2024.07.13 Pakistan Hathala 1 0 Another security person on leave is gunned down by Islamic radicals.
2024.07.13 Nigeria Gidan Dawa 4 4 Children are among those left dead after terrorists storm a small village.
2024.07.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 3 0 Two women are among three victims of a suspected honor-killing.
2024.07.12 Kenya Mandera 4 8 Four Kenyan border guards are laid out by al-Shabaab gunmen.
2024.07.12 Pakistan Rustam 2 0 Radicals shoot two people to death in a drive-by.
2024.07.12 Pakistan Sararogha 1 0 The body of a man is discovered months after his kidnapping by terrorists.
2024.07.12 Syria al-Masrab Desert 2 0 An ISIS attack targeting a checkpoint leaves two dead.
2024.07.11 Syria al-Sanmin 1 0 Fundamentalists hang a woman for 'sorcery.'
2024.07.11 Israel Kabri 1 0 One person is killed when Hebollah send an explosive-laden drone into a kibbutz.
2024.07.11 Afghanistan Jabrael 1 0 A young Shiite man is murdered by the Taliban.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Janikhel 2 0 Two off-duty cops on vacation are mowed down by Jihadi gunmen.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Bara 1 0 The Islamic State assassinate an off-duty cop outside his home.
2024.07.11 Pakistan Krri Haider 2 0 The bodies of two terror victims are discovered in a field.
2024.07.10 Israel Golan Heights 2 0 A married couple are fatally injured by a Hezbollah rocket strike on their car.
2024.07.10 Nigeria Agatu 13 0 Attacks by militant Muslims on two villages leave thirteen dead.
2024.07.10 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Catholic man who objected to the harassment of Christians is murdered in front of his wife and children.
2024.07.09 Pakistan Khamrang 3 5 Hardliners open fire on a security patrol, killing three members.
2024.07.09 Syria Deir Ezzor 2 0 Two are left dead following an ISIS attack.
2024.07.09 Pakistan Lakki Marwat 3 1 Terrorists ambush a vehicle, killing a man and two children.
2024.07.08 India Kathua 5 6 Five local soldiers are ambushed and killed by Muslim 'separatists.'
2024.07.08 Iraq Zarga Lake 2 0 A father and son fishermen are murdered by ISIS gunmen.
2024.07.08 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 0 A refugee is brought down by ARSA terrorists.
2024.07.08 Israel Givon Hahadasha 1 0 A dog handler is murdered in his own home by a Hamas terrorist.
2024.07.07 Nigeria Maiyanga 3 0 Three Christians are murdered by Muslim militants.
2024.07.07 Somalia Lower Shabelle 1 6 An al-Shabaab bombing leaves one dead.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Salarzai 1 3 TTP militants bomb a vehicle, killing at least one inside.
2024.07.07 Bangladesh Cox's Bazar 1 2 A well-placed ARSA mortar shell takes out a fisherman.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Arifwala 1 0 A young woman is honor-killed with an axe by her uncle for getting divorced.
2024.07.07 Pakistan Karimabad 1 0 The Taliban assassinate a government employee.
2024.07.06 Nigeria Ikpele 3 0 An elderly couple are among three picked off by Muslim terrorists.
2024.07.06 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Muslim extremists gun down a cop.
2024.07.06 Pakistan Tank 1 1 A security person loses their life to terrorists in the former Islamist stronghold.
2024.07.06 India Mudargam 1 0 A soldier dies from injuries suffered after Mujahideen open fire.
2024.07.06 Syria Tel Sheheb 1 0 A man is killed in the countryside by ISIS.
2024.07.06 India Kulgam 1 0 One person is killed by Muslim terrorists.
2024.07.06 Mozambique Nguri 1 0 The Islamic State use an IED to blow up a passerby.
2024.07.06 Iran Bojnord 1 0 A woman is honor-killed for seeking a divorce.
2024.07.05 Pal. Auth. Rafah 3 0 At least three civilians are tortured and executed by Hamas.
2024.07.05 Pakistan Mardan 3 8 Jihadis set off a bomb at a bridge, killing three civilians in a passing rickshaw.
2024.07.05 Syria Bohemid 1 0 Islamic State members shoot a rival to death.
2024.07.04 Syria Raqqah 8 0 Six members of a search party and two kidnapped shepherds are murdered by ISIS.
2024.07.04 Israel Golan Heights 1 0 A Hezbollah rocket takes out a father of three small children.
2024.07.03 Pakistan Kashmore 2 2 Radicals assassinate two local cops.
2024.07.03 Bangladesh Ukhiya Upazila 1 0 A teacher is stabbed to death by suspected RSO extremists.
2024.07.03 Afghanistan Kabul 1 0 A civilian is shot to death by the Taliban.
2024.07.03 Israel Karmiel 1 2 A Palestinian stabs three Israelis at a shopping mall, killing a 19-year-old.
2024.07.03 Pakistan Damadola 5 0 At least five people riding in a car are blown to bits by Mujahid bombers.
2024.07.02 Sudan Jebel Moya 40 0 Some forty people are massacred by Janjaweed/RSF.
2024.07.02 Sudan El-Fahar 15 32 Janjaweed/RSF send artillery shells into a market, killing fifteen civilians.
2024.07.02 Iraq Tal Afar 139 0 A mass grave is discovered, containing the remains of over one-hundred Islamic State victims - men and women.
2024.07.01 Mali Djiguibombo 21 0 Jihadists attack a wedding celebration and slit the throats of at least twenty-one.
2024.07.01 Nigeria Gwoza 14 0 Fourteen more die from a series of suicide bombings.
2024.07.01 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 Muslim terrorists murder a traffic cop at random.
2024.07.01 Sudan El-Fashar 9 1 Nine children are left dead following a Janjaweed/RSF strike on their neighborhood.
2024.07.01 Israel Nur Shams 1 1 An Israeli is killed by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad IED.
2024.06.30 Somalia Beledweyne 4 29 A Fedayeen suicide bomber takes out four bystanders.
2024.06.30 Syria Tel Shihab 4 0 An Islamic State attack leaves four dead.
2024.06.30 Israel Golan Heights 0 18 Hebollah strikes Israelis with a drone.
2024.06.30 Pakistan Takhta Baig 2 0 Terrorists roll up on a checkpoint and machine-gun two personnel.
2024.06.30 Pakistan Eidik 1 0 The TTP murder a government employee.
2024.06.30 Pakistan Tank 1 0 Islamists shoot dead the son of a former opponent.
2024.06.30 Thailand Yala 1 21 Muslim 'insurgents' detonate a car bomb that burns a female schoolteacher beyond recognition.
2024.06.30 Somalia Hiiran 4 0 At least four people are sent to Allah by a suicide bomber.
2024.06.30 Mozambique Palma 1 0 A food truck driver is murdered by Islamic extremists.
2024.06.30 Nigeria Loh 3 0 Muslim terrorists murder an elderly woman and her two grandchildren, ages 15 and 6.
2024.06.29 Mozambique Pundanhar 1 0 A man is beheaded by the Islamic State.
2024.06.29 Syria Baseiyrah 1 0 A municipal employee is taken out by ISIS.
2024.06.29 Serbia Belgrade 0 1 A convert to Islam shoots a guard outside the Israeli embassy with a crossbow.
2024.06.29 Nigeria Marrarraban 7 16 Six people returning from a wedding are murdered by a female suicide bomber.
2024.06.29 Nigeria Gwoza 1 0 A Shahid suicide bomber detonates at a burial service for victims of an earlier attack, killing at least one mourner.
2024.06.29 Pakistan Jamrud 1 1 Radicals shoot a man to death.
2024.06.29 Nigeria Gwoza 10 30 A Fedayeen suicide bomber detonates at a hospital, killing ten.
2024.06.28 Pakistan Kalu Khan 1 0 Terrorists murder a philanthropist near his home.
2024.06.27 Mozambique Quelimane 1 0 A villagers is shot dead by the Islamic State.
2024.06.27 Bangladesh Ukhiya Upazila 1 0 A local man is stabbed to death by suspected Ansar al-Islam.
For information about our methodology, see About the List.

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